Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Standard operating instructions for a hot water boiler. Operating instructions for type de boilers. Operating manual for hot water boilers

Manufacturing instructions- the main document according to which boiler room personnel must act. It stipulates general rules and specific actions of personnel in a given situation.

The following instructions are an example standard instructions boiler room operators. The instructions are given to each operator personally, against signature.

The main points of the production instructions for the operator of a gasified boiler house:

I. General provisions.

· Procedure for admitting an operator to work

· Rights and obligations of the boiler room operator

· Admission of unauthorized persons into the boiler room is permitted only if accompanied by the head of the boiler room with permission from the administration.

· It is prohibited to engage in extraneous activities while on duty.

II. Preparing to ignite (kindle) the boiler.

· Ignition of the boiler is carried out only with a written order from the head of the boiler room.

Preparing to ignite the steam boiler

· It is necessary to make sure that there are no people or foreign objects in the boiler furnace and flue ducts.

· Check the serviceability of the boiler lining and chimneys.

· Check the condition of the explosion safety valves.

· Check the serviceability of the safety valves (by blasting).

· Test the air damper drives of smoke exhausters and fans.

· Check for natural draft in the firebox.

· Check the serviceability of the smoke exhauster and fans.

· Check the condition of the boiler fittings.

· Check serviceability shut-off valves on the boiler pipelines (feed, purge).

· Check the serviceability and operation of the water indicator glasses.

· Check the functionality of the control automation.

· Make sure the backup feed pump is working.

· Open the air vents on the upper drum of the steam boiler.

· Close the valve on the continuous blowdown line.

· Make sure there is water in the deaerator.

· Fill the econamizer with water.

· Open the tap on the supply line.

· Fill the boiler with feed water. (For a steam boiler, the water level should be between the lower permissible level and the upper permissible level, slightly above the average value.

· Make sure that the water level in the boiler does not decrease.

· Close the tap on the supply line.

Preparing to ignite the hot water boiler

· Check the condition of the boiler fittings.

· Check the serviceability of the pipelines connected to the boiler. Make sure there are no plugs on the pipelines.

· Check the serviceability of instrumentation.

· Check the serviceability of the safety automation.

· Check the serviceability of the network pumps.

· Close the valves on the drain lines.

· Open the valve on the boiler inlet line.

· Open the valve on the boiler outlet line.

· Open the vents. Wait until water comes out of the vents steadily and close them.

· Make sure there is water circulation through the boiler. The water pressure at the inlet must be higher than at the outlet.

· Make sure there is no water leakage from the boiler.

· Fill the system with water using the make-up pump.

· After creating pressure in the system, about 2.5 kgf/cm2, turn on circulation pump.

· Make a journal entry about preparing the boiler for ignition.

III. Ignition (kindling) of the boiler.

· Ignition of the boiler is carried out by written order of the head of the boiler room.

Steam boiler ignition:

· Make sure the boiler is full of water.

· Check the tightness of the shut-off valves. Record the test results in the shift log.

· The steam shut-off valve on the boiler must be closed.

· The valve on the continuous blowdown line must be closed.

· The tap on the boiler feed line must be closed.

· Open the tap on the discharge line.

· The vents on the steam boiler must be open.

· Check the serviceability of the water indicator glasses.

· Check the serviceability of safety valves (by blasting method)

· The boiler is fired at minimum load.

· Close the vents after steam comes out steadily.

· At a steam pressure of 3 kgf/cm2, once again check the serviceability of the water indicator glasses, check the safety valves by blasting.

· Perform periodic purging of the boiler.

Ignition of hot water:

· When lighting the hot water boiler, monitor the pressure and temperature at the inlet and outlet.

· Monitor the water flow through the boiler. (by flow meter)

· Record the ignition result in the shift log.

IV. Putting the boiler into operation.

V. Boiler operation and maintenance.

· During the operation of the boiler, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the boiler, the serviceability of the safety automation, and control and measuring instruments.

· It is necessary to observe the boiler operating mode in accordance with the operating schedule and temperature schedule.

· Monitor the operation of burners. Combustion must be complete and stable.

· It is necessary to control the operation of pumps, smoke exhausters and fans.

· Periodically monitor the temperature and composition of exhaust gases.

Steam boiler operation:

· It is necessary to maintain a normal water level in the steam boiler and ensure uniform water supply to the boiler.
The water level should be at the horizontal axis of the upper drum.

· Carry out periodic purging once per shift.

· It is necessary to monitor the operation of the economizer. Monitor the pressure and temperature of water at the inlet and outlet of the economizer. Make an entry in the shift log at least once per shift.

Hot water boiler operation:

· During boiler operation, it is necessary to monitor the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the hot water boiler. The water in the boiler should not boil

· Monitor the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the hot water boiler.

· It is prohibited to leave boiler equipment unattended until the fuel stops burning and the boiler cools down.

VI. Scheduled boiler shutdown.

· Must be carried out by written order of the head of the boiler room.

· Planned shutdown of the boiler is carried out with a gradual reduction in the load on the burners.

· Disable continuous blowing.

· Shut off the gas supply at minimum load.

· With a steady increase in steam pressure in the boiler, open slightly safety valves.

· If the water temperature in the economizer increases, open the discharge line.

· Ventilate the firebox and flues - 10 - 20 minutes.

· After ventilation is completed, turn off the exhaust fan and fan; the guides must be closed.

· On a hot water boiler, you can turn off the water circulation when the water temperature at the inlet and outlet is the same.

· The boiler must be kept under supervision until it cools down completely.

· Record information about the planned shutdown of the boiler in the shift log.

Draining water from the boiler:

· Draining of water from the boiler is carried out by written order of the head of the boiler room.

· Open the vents and shut-off device on the drain line and drain water from the boiler.

VII. Emergency stop of the boiler.

· Emergency stop occurs immediately, without gradual load reduction
and without written permission from the head of the boiler room.

Emergency stop of a steam boiler:

· In case of failure of the safety valve.

· The flame on the burner goes out.

· Failure of all steam boiler feed pumps.

Raising the pressure in the boiler drum higher permissible level by 10% with continued increase.

· Decrease in the water level in the upper drum below the lower permissible level.

· Increase in water level in the upper drum above the upper permissible level.

· Failure to operate all water level indicators.

· Turn off fans.

· Shutdown of smoke exhausters.

Emergency stop of the hot water boiler:

· Increase in water pressure at the outlet of the hot water boiler above the permissible level.

· Reduction of water pressure at the outlet of the hot water boiler below the permissible level.

· Increasing the temperature of the water at the outlet of the hot water boiler to a value 20 0C below the boiling point (in accordance with the operating pressure of the water).

· Malfunction of automatic safety system.

· Power outage.

· Fire in the boiler room. In case of fire, personnel must act in accordance with these instructions and the emergency response and localization plan.

· Make an entry in the shift log about the time and reason for the emergency shutdown of the boiler.

· Report to the boiler room manager.

VIII. Receiving and handing over shifts.

· Inspect all equipment that is in operation, as well as in reserve and under repair.

· View all log entries since last duty

· Find out the current situation in the boiler room orally.

· Make a journal entry about accepting the shift.

IX. Final provisions.

· Boiler house maintenance personnel are responsible for violating the requirements of production instructions in accordance with the requirements of internal labor regulations - material, administrative and in accordance with the law.

For heating and constant water supply high temperature A variety of efficient equipment is used. Special attention deserve quality ones, which are presented in a large assortment.

The operating instructions for hot water boilers are quite simple and understandable. The consumer is offered the most different models such equipment, therefore it is possible to select exactly the one that will be most effective according to its parameters in each specific case of the heating system.

The main reason for the popularity of boilers of this type is that their service life is longer than that of conventional simple boilers; moreover, the quality of the supplied hot water much better.

Nowadays, water heating devices are produced that are able to operate on such types of fuel as:

In addition, there are high-quality ones that are able to operate on different fuels; they are characterized by the ability to switch modes.

Operating rules for hot water boilers

Wall-mounted and floor-mounted boilers are used to install heating systems.

The latter are able to operate on any type of fuel. Before operating the device, it is necessary to perform it strictly on the floor surface; it is better if a separate room is allocated for this. The operating instructions for hot water boilers must also be followed.

The equipment is equipped with all the required automation, so the operation process is simple. When operating the device, human presence may be required only to make certain temperature changes, as well as if it is necessary to turn off the equipment in the event of an emergency.

Modern wall-mounted devices are mounted on the wall surface. Such equipment has compact dimensions, is easy to use, and does not require a separate room.

All without exception hot water boilers, purchased from a trusted manufacturer, have a fairly long service life, are relatively simple and lightweight, are economical and can be installed very quickly.

Features of use and service life of a hot water boiler

Gas hot water boilers are very popular. They are characterized for a long time operation, high quality work, and relatively simple maintenance. Wall mounted gas boilers can be made in several modifications.

As a rule, for heating an ordinary residential building, special double-circuit modifications are used, which are intended not only for efficient heating, as well as for supplying hot water.

Single-circuit devices are used a little less frequently. They are used exclusively for space heating. Directly depending on how air is supplied to a given heating device, boilers equipped with special closed chambers can be used. It is important to note that during the installation of this device, you will need to install an air duct.

The service life of a hot water boiler, if all requirements are met, is quite long, on average from 10 to 20 years, depending on the type of equipment. The duration of operation before the first cleaning from internal contamination is at least 3000 hours. Service life between major repairs– at least 3 years.

Full service life of boilers (with an average boiler operating time per year - 3000 hours): with a productivity of no more than 4.65 MW - 10 years; with a capacity of up to 35 MW – 15 years; with a capacity of more than 35 MW – 20 years.

Application of heating boilers with an open chamber

The process of operating boilers that have an open combustion chamber in mandatory involves the use of air that is in the room where the equipment is installed.

Similar wall-mounted water heating units have some design features, which determines the peculiarities of their operation. This is the presence of such elements as:

The combustion chamber.
Expansion tank.
A system that is designed to remove the main combustion products.
Automation and security system.

Operating manual for hot water boilers

Immediately after implementation installation work, the water heating boiler is connected to the network, as well as to the water supply system. The device is connected to the network, and the process of heating water to a preset temperature begins.

As soon as the set rate is reached, the device automatically turns off. All this greatly simplifies the operation process; there is no need to constantly monitor the temperature conditions.

To ensure high-quality thermal protection, this device is equipped with a special relay.

During the installation process, you must strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

In essence, this is a manual for the operation of hot water boilers. As a rule, all the main elements are supplied with the device, but it is recommended to first check the presence of all components.

Additionally, you may need some parts and arrangement of related elements of the heating system:

Fittings for quality connections.
Water pipes.
Ventilation and exhaust system.
Electrical accessories.
Set of tools.

The basic principles of operation of this equipment are that when the fuel used is burned in a special chamber, it produces required quantity heat. After this, the water entering the system is heated. There are several varieties of such boilers, as a rule, these are wall-mounted and floor-mounted structures, as well as gas, electric and condenser. The choice of a specific device is made taking into account the features and specifics of the structure.

I affirm:

Chief Engineer




Manufacturing instructions

for boiler room maintenance personnel

gas hot water boilerVitoplex 100

    General provisions

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical commission, and have a certificate for the right to service boilers are allowed to service a hot water boiler.


Re-inspection of boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.


The boiler operator must: Receive repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months; Pass a knowledge test according to the rules of the device and

safe operation

steam and hot water boilers, steam and hot water pipelines.

Undergo a medical examination;

Perform only the work that is part of his duties;


The operator must know:

Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and

hot water boilers;

Installation of internal and external gas pipelines of the boiler room, auxiliary equipment, alarm systems and automatic control systems;

The effect on humans of dangerous and harmful factors that arise during work;

Requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;

Internal labor regulations;

Requirements of this instruction;

Prescription of personal protective equipment;

Be able to provide first aid in case of an accident.


During work, the operator may be exposed to the following hazardous production factors:

High pressure and temperature of heating surfaces;

High voltage in the electrical network;

Increased noise and vibration levels;


The boiler room operator must use the following PPE:

Suit “Mechanizer-L” or Overalls for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences;

Yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;

Polymer coated gloves;

Closed safety glasses;

Anti-noise headphones or earplugs;

1.10. Unauthorized persons are allowed access to the boiler room by the manager.

1.11. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.


Doors exiting the boiler room should open outward easily.

    1.14. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the liquidation of an accident is not permitted.

      Gas preparation and start-up

      Check that the boiler is filled with water to an operating pressure of 2.5 bar. Check the condition of the shut-off valves on the supply and return pipelines; they must be in.

      open position Check functionality №2

      network pump

      Check the presence of gas in the ShRP at the outlet; the readings on pressure gauge 9 should correspond to 21 kPa

      Slowly open the ball valve on the gas pipeline after the ShRP (at the entrance to the boiler room).

      Open ball valve No. 4 at the lower end and after counter No. 7

      Blow out the gas pipeline (ball valve No. 10 must be in the open position) for 10 minutes.

      Close the purge plug (ball valve No. 10).

      Make sure there are no gas leaks from gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings by washing them.

      If there are no leaks, open ball valve No. 12 (in front of the burner). When leaks are detected close valves No. 7 and No. 4, open the purge plug (ball valve No. 10) and

    make a phone call:

89217100582 – chief engineer (responsible for the gas facilities of the DGS) Efimov A.G.

2. 89210084628 – boiler room foreman (responsible for the operation of the boiler room) Ananyev A.A.;

3. 96-00-24, 96-14-31 96-14-81 – repair service of LPM-Service LLC (internal gas pipeline and hot water boiler) 4. 09/21/41 or 04 - emergency service

      OJSC "Kaliningradgazification" (SRP, external gas pipeline) The boiler burner is started in.

      automatic mode

      Switch on the power switch on the Vitotronic 100 and 333

    The boiler operates in automatic mode, configured during commissioning

Boiler operation 3.1. While on duty, boiler room personnel must monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment. Record the temperature and pressure readings at the boiler, as well as the pressure and temperature at the supply and return of the heating network in a shift log. Malfunctions detected during equipment operation must be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take measures to eliminate the malfunction. If the problem is corrected

4. Emergency shutdown of the boiler

4.1. At emergency stop boiler you need:


Switch off boiler power switch E on the Vitotronic 100 controller

4.1.2. Switch off boiler power switch G on Vitotronic 333

4.1.3. Turn off the burner on toggle switch No. 1

4.1.4. Shut off the gas supply to the boiler room, open the purge plug (Close the valves on the burners and gas pipeline)

    4.1.5. Report the accident to the boiler room master by phone 89062305265 or 47333

Boiler shutdown


The gas boiler is stopped by the boiler room master.

Final provisions:

7.1. The enterprise administration should not give personnel instructions that contradict the instructions and could lead to an accident or accident.

7.2. Workers are responsible for violating instructions related to the work they perform in the manner established by the internal labor regulations and in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The instructions were compiled by: __________ boiler room master

Agreed by: O.T. Engineer __________
Production instructions for the operator of a gasified boiler house

Document type:

Sample documents and reporting forms

Receiving Authority: None
Status: None
Document type:

  • Validity start date: None
    • Published:
    • Refers to On approval of the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems (not applicable from July 28, 2014 on the basis of Rostechnadzor Order No. 542 dated November 15, 2013)
    • On approval of the Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers
    • Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia Labor Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on June 28, 2014) Code of the Russian Federation
    • On traffic rules (as amended as of July 30, 2014) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • On approval of the “General Provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers in the National Economy of the USSR”; section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy"... (as amended as of September 20, 2011)
  • Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR

    Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR

    It is referred to
    set bookmark


    production instructions

    1.1. The operator of a gasified boiler room is a worker and reports directly to the foreman (manager structural unit).

    1.2. The operator of a gasified boiler house must fulfill his duties in accordance with the requirements of these Instructions.

    1.3. A person with secondary vocational education is appointed to the position of operator of a gasified boiler house.

    1.4. The operator of a gasified boiler house must know:

    device, rules technical operation, specifications boiler room equipment;

    heat generation process, electrical and technological systems boiler room;

    device, purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation;

    rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation; basic information on heating engineering;

    causes of malfunctions in the operation of the boiler installation and measures to prevent them;

    legislation on labor and labor protection, rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    1.5. The operator of a gasified boiler house is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training, tested knowledge of occupational safety requirements in the prescribed manner and have received permission to work independently are allowed to work as an operator of a gasified boiler house.

    1.7. The operator of a gasified boiler house is provided with special clothing and safety shoes in accordance with current standards.

    1.8. The operator of a gasified boiler house must know and strictly comply with labor safety requirements, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

    1.9. The operator of a gasified boiler house must:

    comply with internal labor regulations and the established work and rest schedule;

    perform work that is part of his duties or assigned by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules safe execution this work;

    apply safe work practices;

    be able to provide first aid to victims.


    Before starting work, the operator of a gasified boiler house must:

    2.1. Check yours workplace: the presence of uniform lighting, absence of clutter with foreign objects.

    2.2. Prepare serviceable individual means protection, inspect equipment, lifting equipment and tools. Boilers, all equipment, tools and accessories necessary for servicing boilers must be in good condition.

    2.3. Hand tool and devices must meet safety requirements.

    2.4. To carry the tool to the place of work, you must use a special box or bag.

    2.5. Check the power tool: the power tool must have a complete hose cord with plug, the wire insulation must not be damaged, the wire connection terminals must be securely closed. Check the power tool for short circuits to the housing.

    2.6. During operation, the operator of a gasified boiler house is obliged to:

    2.6.1. The burner should be ignited using personal protective equipment (goggles, etc.).

    2.6.2. If the flame goes out before ignition, you must immediately stop the gas supply to the burner, ventilate the firebox and flues for 10-15 minutes. Only after this can you begin to re-ignite the burner.

    2.6.3. When lighting, it is necessary to control the movement of boiler elements during thermal expansion according to movement indicators (benchmarks).

    2.6.4. Before putting the boiler into operation, check:

    serviceability of safety valves, water indicating devices, pressure gauge and feeding devices;

    water level readings using direct indicators;

    turning on automatic safety systems, alarms and automatic boiler control equipment.

    2.6.5. Monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment, strictly observe the established operating mode of the boiler, check the serviceability of the pressure gauge, water indicating devices, safety valves, feed pumps (injectors).

    2.6.6. Monitor the water gauge glasses and prevent the water level in them from falling below the established limit.

    2.6.7. Maintain boiler automatic control and safety devices and devices in good condition and check them regularly.

    2.6.8. Periodic purging of the boiler should be carried out in the presence of a responsible person.

    2.6.9. Before starting any work inside a boiler connected to other operating boilers by common pipelines (steam line, feed, drain, drain lines, etc.), as well as before inspecting or repairing elements operating under pressure, the boiler must be separated from all pipelines plugs.

    2.6.10. Before starting work, ventilate the firebox and flues.

    2.6.11. All work inside the boiler and flues should be carried out by two workers.

    2.7. During work, the operator of a gasified boiler house is prohibited from:

    leave boilers unattended until combustion in the furnace completely stops, residual fuel is removed from it and the pressure is reduced to zero;

    commissioning of boilers with faulty fittings, feeding devices, automatic safety systems, emergency protection and alarm systems;

    ignite extinguished gas in the firebox without prior ventilation of the firebox and flues;

    light a gas torch from a nearby burner;

    raise the steam pressure in the boiler above that allowed by the Gosgortekhnadzor inspection;

    jam the safety valves or put additional load on them;

    carry out purging when the purge valves are faulty, open and close the valves with blows of a hammer or other objects;

    while the boiler is operating, tap the rivet seams, weld the boiler elements, etc.;

    lubricate the bearings and tighten the seals while the pumps are operating;

    use boxes and other temporary fixtures and devices instead of ladders and platforms;

    lengthen wrenches (put pipes on them, etc.), and also hit wrench to avoid bolt breakage and thread damage;

    allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room.

    2.8. At the end of the working day, the operator of a gasified boiler house is obliged to:

    tidy up the workplace;

    remove tools, equipment, other materials and personal protective equipment to their designated places;

    put workwear and safety shoes in a personal closet for workwear.


    The operator of a gasified boiler house is responsible for:

    3.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of assigned duties.

    3.2. Organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from management, regulations on their activities.

    3.3. Compliance with the rules internal regulations, fire safety and Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

    3.4. Maintaining documentation required by current regulations.

    3.5. Promptly taking measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

    3.6. For offenses committed in the course of its activities, within the limits established by current legislation.

    3.7. For violation labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the operator of a gasified boiler house may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    4. RIGHTS

    The operator of a gasified boiler house has the right:

    4.1. Require the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for execution job responsibilities and provision necessary equipment and inventory.

    4.2. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.3. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

    4.4. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.

    4.5. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in its functional responsibilities.

    4.6. Use everyone labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


    5.1. An employee is familiarized with this instruction upon acceptance (transfer) to work in the profession for which the instruction has been developed.

    5.2. The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with these instructions is confirmed by a signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of the instructions kept by the employer.

    Developed by:

    Head of structural unit:

    (last name, initials) (signature)
    "___"________ ____ G.

    Head (specialist) of the labor protection service:

    "___"________ ___ G.

    Head (legal consultant) legal service:
    (initials, surname) (signature)
    "___"________ ___ G.

    I have read the instructions:
    (initials, surname) (signature)
    "___"________ ____ G.

    The boiler operating instructions are a set of rules and requirements that are attached in printed form to each model. Despite the variety of gas heating equipment, the principles of use and safety are the same for all models.

    Operating principle of the boiler

    Gas heaters can vary in design and technical parameters, but the principle of creating heat in the house is the same - heating the coolant (water/antifreeze) with combustion gas (natural/liquefied). Supplying gaseous fuel to a residential area is not the easiest or safest thing to do, but consumers are attracted to gas, its comparative cheapness and versatility.

    Blue fuel can be used not only for heating, but also for heating domestic water using columns or dual-circuit heater models. Modern equipment is equipped with effective safety systems that prevent all possible emergency situations. Nevertheless, there are operating rules that must be followed and are a guarantee of safe operation.

    Precautionary measures

    Despite the manufacturers' commitment to safety gas apparatus, they can still become a source of danger. The Ministry of Emergency Situations regularly reminds owners of any gas-powered equipment about the following precautions:

    1. You need to buy gas-powered appliances from organizations that have the appropriate sales license.
    2. Installation should only be carried out by specialists from the relevant services.
    3. The kit should include an instruction manual.
    4. It is prohibited to change the design of the device in any way.
    5. A technical inspection must be carried out annually.
    6. It is prohibited to reduce ventilation openings in windows and walls.
    7. If there are sealed windows, it is necessary to organize air flow.
    8. Materials that can quickly ignite should not be stored in the boiler room.
    9. It is prohibited to increase the coolant temperature above 90°C.

    Posting rules

    1. The area of ​​the room in which the heater is installed is at least 7.5 m².
    2. Ceilings - from 2.2 m.
    3. There must be a window providing access to air from the street.
    4. The door should open in the direction of movement of the person leaving the room.
    5. It is prohibited to install switches in the boiler room. If they are already installed, you will have to take them outside the premises.
    6. Need to equip supply and exhaust ventilation. For every m³ of fuel consumed - 15 m² of air.
    7. The distance from the heater to elements capable of burning is 25 cm or more. To non-combustible elements - 5 cm. From the chimney to combustible parts - 40 cm, to non-combustible parts - 15 cm.
    8. The device is mounted on a perfectly flat plane, without slopes.

    Chimney requirements

    1. Chimney material - steel. It is recommended to use stainless steel.
    2. Cleaning hatches and condensate drainage are required. There should be a pocket at the bottom of the chimney where deposits accumulate.
    3. The chimney is equipped with external thermal insulation, which is protected from moisture (condensation, precipitation).
    4. The height of the chimney is from 5 m and at least 2 cm above the outlet pipe.
    5. The smoke exhaust is installed on the receiving plate of the vapor trap.
    6. The expansion tank is installed in the very high point systems.
    7. A safety group and a thermometer are installed on the supply pipeline.
    8. It is not advisable to place the device in openings, niches and other hard-to-reach places.

    How to use

    IN modern models heaters, human participation is reduced to a minimum. Before the device is started, it is connected to:

    • gas pipeline - gas service workers;
    • heating pipes;
    • water supply - representatives of organizations servicing heating systems.

    The first start-up is also carried out by service workers. If the instructions are violated during connection and maintenance, the warranty will be void. The equipment must be used only for the purposes intended by the manufacturer.

    During installation, maintenance and repair, original spare parts must be used. If a breakdown or incorrect operation is detected, the user must immediately turn off the gas valve and call the service or gas service. Produce renovation work independently is strictly prohibited.

    When performing any work on or near an air duct or chimney, turning off the gas is mandatory. Having completed the work, they check the functionality of the chimney and air duct and only then proceed to start up the device.

    How to turn off the boiler correctly

    If the device will not be used for a long time, perform the following actions:

    1. Close the gas valve.
    2. If the equipment is volatile, you need to disconnect the automation and water pump from the power supply.
    3. Turn off the water supply and heating valves.
    4. If the temperature is expected to drop below zero, you will have to drain the water.
    5. Call a specialist to completely turn off the equipment.

    The heater is also turned off for cleaning. Clean it with a damp cloth and soft detergent and soap. The use of aggressive substances is prohibited.

    Safety system

    Gas-powered appliances require serious monitoring. It is provided either by a person or an automation system. The latter is capable of providing multi-stage protection that prevents dangerous situations and increases equipment safety. The main task of the protection system is to turn off the device in time by stopping the fuel supply.

    Let's look at the stages of protection using the example of the floor-standing boiler "Wolf KSO". These modern devices have multi-stage protection. One of the stages is an ionization sensor that controls the flame. If the fire goes out, a signal will be sent to the control unit, it will shut off the fuel supply and prevent an accident.

    The combustion chamber has a temperature sensor that monitors the heating of the coolant and prevents the firebox from quickly burning out. “Wolves” are equipped with a KTD system - chimney draft control. It prevents the accumulation of carbon monoxide. If there is no draft, combustion products begin to accumulate in the chimney, and the thermostat heats up. When the temperature limit is reached, the thermostat contacts open and the flow of fuel stops.

    Automatic protection

    Modern heater models are equipped with electronic control and measuring instruments that generate signals for the control unit. Automation, receiving signals from sensors, coordinates the work of all nodes. Elements that prevent various kinds malfunctions and problems are safety valves, expansion tanks, air valves, smoke detectors and other devices.

    What to do if problems occur

    Let's look at breakdown situations using the example of Italian boilers. Italian wall and floor heaters are an example of quality and efficiency. But even with proper use, malfunctions may arise that require prompt correction.

    The following problems may appear in Baksi models:

    • the burner does not light;
    • during operation, popping noises are heard in the firebox;
    • the boiler overheated;
    • the device is very noisy;
    • The sensor has failed.

    The probable causes of breakdowns are associated both with violations of operating rules and with reasons beyond the control of the user:

    • moisture has entered the device;
    • low quality coolant;
    • the pressure in the gas pipeline has decreased;
    • voltage drop in the electrical network;
    • errors were made during installation.

    Violation of at least one rule or norm leads to breakdowns, incorrect operation and unnecessary costs.

    Frost protection

    One of important rules operation of heating systems - ensuring the minimum permissible coolant temperature. If the system is filled with water, then when low temperatures freezing occurs, pipes and radiators become unusable. In modern models, this problem is solved - the user is relieved of the need to monitor the coolant.

    For example, boilers from a South Korean manufacturer provide reliable protection from freezing. Navien is cheaper than its European counterparts, but these boilers have all the necessary protection functions, which greatly simplifies their use.

    When the coolant temperature drops below 10°C, the circulation pump starts automatically. If the coolant cools down to 6°C, the burner automatically turns on, warming the coolant to 21°C.

    Ignition instructions

    Heaters differ in the type of ignition, so when starting different modifications there are some nuances. Before turning on the device, you need to read the ignition instructions to ensure everything is done correctly. Let's look at ignition using the example of the Italian boiler "". Before turning it on, it is important to check the system for leaks. For this purpose, the thermostat is turned on to maximum so that the switching occurs automatically. Ariston ignition process:

    • the device is connected to the power supply, and the heating regulator is set to the desired temperature value;
    • When the pump is turned on, a slight noise is heard;
    • when all air pockets in the pipes are eliminated, the noise will disappear;
    • the electric ignition is triggered - the boiler turns on independently.


    The process of operating heaters is simplified if they have a self-diagnosis function. Almost all European manufacturers have equipped their products with it.

    For example, German “” heaters, displaying error codes on the display, allow the user to quickly understand the cause of the problem and take measures to eliminate it. If code A7 appears on the screen, it is clear that the hot water temperature sensor is faulty.

    If A8 is displayed, the connection to the BUS bus is broken. This feature makes it much easier to use gas equipment, makes it easier and more comfortable.

    Dangerous situations

    The greatest danger is a malfunction associated with the operation of the burners. If the flame goes out, gas may accumulate in the room, which will subsequently cause an explosion. Reasons for the fire going out:

    • gas pressure has dropped below the permissible norm;
    • no draft in the chimney;
    • the supply voltage has disappeared;
    • The pilot light went out.

    IN emergency situation it is necessary to immediately shut off the fuel supply to the burners - automatically or manually. Modern versions are equipped with automation devices necessary for prompt shutdown of equipment. The operation of such devices is not only convenient, but also safe.

    How to prevent gas accumulation indoors

    Modern safety standards provide for the installation of gas analyzers in boiler rooms; they are necessary for signaling when gas appears in the room. A special electronic valve reacts to their signals, automatically stopping the flow of fuel to the burners.

    What other safety regulations are there?

    • Do not disassemble or dismantle gas devices on one's own.
    • Handle the power cord carefully.
    • Do not place foreign objects on the device.
    • Don't stand on the boiler. Do not stand on chairs, tables or other unstable objects to clean the wall-mounted boiler.
    • Monitor the coolant and add it to the system on time.
    • Be careful - in some modifications the use of antifreeze is prohibited.
    • If you smell gas, immediately turn off the gas and open windows and doors. Leave the boiler room and call the gas service.

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