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I dreamed that I caught a fish with a fishing rod. Dreaming of fishing, what the dream book will say. Fish - a symbol of life trials

Films Fishing Rod - Going fishing with a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality you hope to do what is called a little blood in order to achieve what you want. It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear; will your hopes come true or not. If you fish with a line and you can envy your catch, then in reality you will be able, with a minimum of effort, to make a big profit. However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up - success must be consolidated, but at the same time, you should not skimp, as this can lead to the loss of everything. In general, be careful and wise. If you give a fishing rod to someone from your friends or acquaintances, then you will reveal the secret of your success to someone from your environment. If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly, then in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably. If the fishing rod is snatched from your hands, then you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big "run over". To give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle - it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed. In a dream, to provide worthy resistance to the kidnappers of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in their hands - no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not hurt you is to strengthen your security - little will come to mind for dishonest competitors.

Dream Interpretation Fishing rod - For men, a fishing rod dreamed that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be determined to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you should make several intimate relationships at the same time and embody your cherished desires in life. For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous fans. You are tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

What the Fishing Rod Dreams about - A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, what conversations are going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed the sidelong glances turned in your direction. Expect these views to spill over into something meaningful. In a dream, fishing with a rod is a problem that took you a lot of time and effort; it will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction about this.

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, what conversations are going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed the sidelong glances turned in your direction. Expect these views to spill over into something meaningful. In a dream, fishing with a rod is a problem that took you a lot of time and effort; it will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction about this.

Freud believed that a very small fish, seen in a dream, identifies the masculine principle. Large individuals symbolize children. That is why, according to Freud's dream book, fishing with a fishing rod in a dream leads to a quick pregnancy in real life... But, when interpreting such a plot, there are several extremely important subtleties. It is important that the water in your sleep is clean. The sex of the unborn child can be predicted by the catch: perches and crucians - a boy will be born, a trout or pike - a girl.

The esoteric dream book says that fishing with a fishing rod means deception and empty promises. If you are the one fishing, then in reality you will definitely deceive someone. If the fishing rod is very clearly visible under water, then the deception concerns the sphere of monetary relations. Films warns that in some cases, very serious problems and troubles associated with money scams are possible.

The modern dream book also explains why one dreams of fishing with a fishing rod in a dream. In this case, the result of the interpretation has nothing to do with the future replenishment of the family. According to the modern interpretation similar dream promises a difficult life period. You will need maximum savings in everything. This is the only way to survive this difficult time with the least losses.

A universal dream book predicts the dreamer, who saw how he catches a fish with a fishing rod in a dream, success and special luck in real life. Pull fish after fish out of the water without special efforts to the fulfillment of desires. Moreover, you do not need to make special efforts to this. All benefits will "float" into your hands by themselves. You will only have to rejoice at your well-being.

The content of the lower layers of the unconscious. One of the most ancient ancestors in evolution, relating us to the distant past and emerging from the depths. Phallic symbol and symbol of intercourse. The area of ​​the sacred. Deep life symbol. Wooden fish to another. Desire for sexual intercourse with an individual. If the fish has some spiritual qualities, for example, can speak. Self, but also, perhaps, coldness, impotence, since the fish has a phallic form, but there are cold-blooded. The fish swims in the opposite direction. The personal unconscious comes into conflict with the collective unconscious. This conflict can only be resolved by adapting personal desires into archetypal patterns. Dead (sick) fish. Loss of energy and vitality... Regression. Fish eyes. Eternal attention as they never close. Fishing. The personal conscious draws strength from the collective unconscious, an appeal to the experience of ancestors. Positive image phallic sexuality and success. Ichthis fish is an archaic symbol of Christ. To eat fish. Rebirth, because fish is a miraculous food. Eaten fish is associated with new properties of consciousness, new knowledge. Be eaten by a fish. To be consumed by the unconscious. Be washed ashore again be eradicated by fish. Take conscious control again. Jellyfish. Associated with the sea - the unconscious female sphere. The image of awkwardness and dependence. Octopus. Terrible Mother with the features of the owner. Oysters and mussels. Female genitals. An oyster without a shell. Fears I'm in a collision with reality. Crab, cancer. Rebirth as crustaceans renew their shell. An ambivalent symbol of loss, since in astrology Cancer is the lunar house and during its period the summer solstice begins, when the days become shorter. Lobster. Male genitals. Whale. Unconscious or mother. The realm of femininity. Be swallowed up by a whale. The story of a loser and a dark period in life, during which the individual is replenished with the reserves of the unconscious in order to give birth ...

If you dreamed about how you were fishing, then in real life you can hardly disconnect from the thoughts of current affairs during lovemaking. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a sexually flawed person in the shortest possible time, since, not being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body. Treating a man to a fish in a dream - a dream indicates that in an intimate life you are acting on the principle of the Moor has done his job ... You do not in the least care about what your partner feels and how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is to satisfy your own instincts. Catching fish in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid of being disgraced in bed. It is possible that these fears must be blamed on an unsuccessful first attempt at a sexual experience. Treat what happened when philosophically - it was and has passed, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

According to the dream book, why does Fish (fish) dream - positive symbols in relation to a person. Symbols of free instincts in all forms, symbols of vitality, fun, health, healthy nutrition. For its shape, the fish is a phallic symbol, a symbol of sexual intercourse. If a person gives fish to a friend, this is a desire for sexual intercourse with him. If a person eats fish, this is an increase in strength and power. If a person sees that he is fishing, this indicates a desire for rest, avoiding problems in this current situation. If sick or dead fish are seen, this is an image that indicates a loss of vitality of the organism and a certain degree of regression.In the image of a rotting fish, the unconscious indicates aversion towards opposite sex... If a woman sees that she takes a man's fish and cleans it, this is a symbol of a hidden desire to deprive him of his penis, to reduce his masculinity.

The fish flies over the water. - Whether all cases will be resolved. There is fish in the well. - We'll have to go to another duty station. Weigh for fishing. - Great happiness, benefit. The man is fishing. - It portends food and also indicates good luck. You hit the fish, you grab the fish. - portends a slight malaise. You catch fish with a line in the water. - Great happiness and good luck, benefit. You fish or hunt while in the forest. - It's not going to work out. A school of fish is floating in the water. - portends wealth, profit. Carp. - Wife's pregnancy. Great happiness. The big fish beats, jumps. - Portends popularity, fame. Small fish lay eggs. - Great happiness, benefit. Dry fish is submerged in water. - There will be luck again. The shrimp turns into fish. - Foreshadows the loss of wealth wealth. You sit on the fish. - The disease will go.

Dream Interpretation Fishing Rod - Going fishing with a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality you hope to do what is called a little blood in order to achieve what you want. It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear; will your hopes come true or not. If you fish with a rod and you can envy your catch, then in reality you will be able, with a minimum of effort, to make a big profit. However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up - success must be consolidated, but at the same time, you should not skimp, as this can lead to the loss of everything. In general, be careful and wise. If you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances, then you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment. If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly, then in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably. If the fishing rod is snatched from your hands, then you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big "run over". To give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle - it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed. In a dream, to provide worthy resistance to the kidnappers of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in their hands - no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not hurt you is to strengthen your security - little will come to mind for dishonest competitors.

Fishing rod - For men, a fishing rod dreamed that in reality they lack sex. In the near future, you will be determined to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you should make several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true. For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous fans. You are tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Fishing rod - A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, what conversations are going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed the sidelong glances turned in your direction. Expect these views to spill over into something meaningful. In a dream, fishing with a rod is a problem that took you a lot of time and effort; it will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction about this, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Fishing rod - Seeing a fishing rod in a dream or holding it in your hands is a warning: whose deception can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you. Seeing spinning means stepped on for you good times and you may well realize all your plans and ideas. If your fishing rod or spinning rod has tangled in the fishing line, then such a dream may be a foreshadowing of minor troubles or confusion in business.

In most cases, if you dream of fishing, this means upcoming changes, including a dream for pregnancy. The article suggests truthful interpretations sleep, including why the fish are headless, in the aquarium, dead and with eggs.

Catch a big fish in a dream with a fishing rod

Sleep fishing in clean (transparent, muddy, dirty) water, in a river, in the sea, in an ice-hole

If the fish in a dream does not swim in dirty water, you can count on success, otherwise there will be obstacles to completing the work you have begun. If you dream of a dead fish, the bitterness of loss awaits you ahead. If you catch and catch for a long time, you can count on difficulties in life that you will be able to cope with, but subject to self-confidence and self-confidence.

Seeing fishing tackle and a net means that unexpected income or inheritance awaits you, and if it breaks, then expect disappointment. If you dream of fishhooks that you hold, then you can control your destiny, and everything will work out for you.

For a woman, no matter what water is fishing in, catching fish is a sign of a rich husband and a happy marriage.

In a dream, fish with a husband, a harpoon, for a man, a woman

If you are fishing with your husband, then each of you will face failures at work and major troubles. Catching fish in a dream with the hands of a man and a woman portends new enemies. If you are fishing with a line, you can count on family well-being and finding a new partner with whom you will have a good time.

A dream in which there is a harpoon speaks of an interest in your person with the opposite sex. Catching fish with a harpoon in a dream promises pleasant adventures on love front... Men dream of this, like memories of fishing, and women, according to Freud, should prepare for pregnancy.

What does it mean to fish in a dream to let go, not to catch, eat it

If the caught fish was released, you will lose the chance for prosperity or the opportunity that you have long dreamed of. There may be problems with conceiving offspring.

Catch a large, beautiful and big fish this means that a woman already knows which choice to make of the guys and vice versa. There is fish in a dream, this is the need to properly rest in order to cope with problems.

In a dream, fish with a dead person, on a net (nets, net), spinning, on a worm, on a pike fishing rod (in winter), with your hands, under water

If a dead man appeared in a dream, this is not good. Sometimes the deceased or the corpse is on a fishing trip to the fact that you should go to church. Tackle or nets dream of cunning plans that may come true. Fishing alone is always a success in any business.

Fishing with a spinning rod and a large catch, speak of the successful completion of any business, including the most hopeless one. Catching fish for a worm in a dream symbolizes good health and financial well-being. Catching with hands, a net or a fishing rod is an unambiguous symbol of earning income or for a new child.

Why is it in a dream to fish with a net, from the ice

Fishing on ice is always a disease, and the use of a net suggests that you should expect a reward for the work done.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, the egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

A dog, both in real life and in a dream, is a symbol of friendship and loyalty. But to see a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, as ...

Each person has his own way of relating to dreams. Someone believes in them and attaches great importance to them, while there are those who do not take into account any element of sleep, explaining this by the fact that these are just manifestations of a person's fantasy and flight of thoughts. So why dream of fishing? If you approach a fish as a spiritual being, then a dream with a fish portends only pleasant and good events... Dreams with fish will delight women more than men, since in general they promise joy, a surge of energy, love, the birth of new feelings and romantic relationships, and in some cases, the creation of a family and marriage. If a young woman dreamed in a dream that she was standing in shallow, clear and transparent water (in a river or in a lake) and she managed to catch a fish, it means that soon she would find out the good news about her pregnancy. If a young girl had such a dream, this will delight her doubly, since she will have an unexpected acquaintance with a young and pleasant person, with whom she will be connected not only with love, trembling feelings, but also with romantic relationships, which, in turn, will smoothly turn into a new one. and the desired channel is marriage.

It is important to know that in ancient times people mistook dreams for evil and impure forces. Therefore, in order to sleep peacefully at night and not see dreams, they either hung various amulets from the evil eye over the headboard, or put scissors under the pillow. These things, in their opinion, drove away evil spirits.

A man who has caught more than one fish is waiting for material profit, career growth, success both in work and in personal affairs, understanding and support from colleagues and senior management. As for the family, everything will go well here too. Family relations will improve and it may be possible to go on a pleasant journey with the members. For young man such a dream portends that his work will improve. And, besides, a pleasant meeting with a young and beautiful stranger awaits him. It is possible that innocent romantic relationships and infatuation will develop into more serious feelings. For a married woman, such a dream is proof that she is loved by her husband and children, is happily married and respected by society. Moreover, in the near future, the husband's affairs will improve, which will have a beneficial effect on the whole family as a whole. Therefore, she should not worry and worry about anything. If someone dreamed in a dream that he caught a fish, but it slipped away from him and swam away, this means that in real life the luck and success that he was waiting for and looking for will slip out of his hands. We'll have to accept this unpleasant fact.

What portends a dream in which you had to fish? According to Miller's dream book, catching a fish in a dream means that in reality you will have to face a number of unexpected problems that you can manage with dignity and are easy to accept and solve. Therefore, there should be no cause for concern. If someone tries to catch a fish in a dream, but he still fails to do so, it means that in real life he will have a chance to succeed in any business, but luck will leave him. According to Miller's dream book, the fact which fish was caught in a dream plays a special role. If, for example, a trout was caught, it means that this is to wealth and prosperity. If an eel was caught, for women such a dream promises love and marriage. Thus, we can say that the fish seen and caught in a dream portends only favorable circumstances and good news for both men and women. An important role is played by the fact that a person himself can influence the course of events. if he saw a fish in a dream, then all his thoughts should be directed to the expectation of joyful events and surprises soon. As paradoxical as it may sound, it works.

It is important to know that if a young girl or woman dreamed in a dream that she caught a fish, she should not tell others, friends and even her family about it. There will always be “well-wishers” who will envy and wish something bad.

Thus, the article presented and revealed the basic concepts of sleep in which someone has to fish. As it turned out, in general, such a dream promises only pleasant and joyful news and events, especially for the fair sex.>

Why dream that I am fishing with a line?

Fishing with a rod is a good omen, a person can hope for cash receipts and good luck in business. But if she is off the hook, then the dreamer will miss a good opportunity and be left without the profit he so hoped for.

If a person in a dream waited a long time for a fish to bite on his hook, then in reality he should be more patient and not rush things, his affairs will get off the ground anyway, you just need to be able to wait and not be nervous. For a single woman, such a dream promises a meeting with her future spouse, it is better for her not to be cold, but to learn to show her feelings, then she will soon get married and be very happy in marriage. Catching fish late at night - in reality, a threat will hang over the dreamer, but he will be able to overcome everything. He should not sit idly by, it is better to take the initiative and do everything on his own, then he will be able to extricate himself from problems quickly and without much loss. Not catching anything on a fishing trip is a meaningless pastime.

If a person is caught by a goldfish, then he can safely count on the favor of fate. He may unexpectedly get large sum money, or he will be able to conclude several successful deals, thanks to which he will become a rich man.

If a person is engaged in underwater fishing, then in reality the person will be able to carry out his plans, but only he will need to make maximum efforts. The fact that he will mess around, his well-being will not improve, so he needs to roll up his sleeves and rush into battle. Catching a huge fish with a bait is a great success in business for a man, and a quick marriage for a woman. If such a dream was dreamed of by a person who does not have a job, then he will have it soon. If a friend tells the dreamer: "I fish with a rod, and after a few seconds I find myself in her belly," then in reality he should abandon risky projects for a while, since they will bring nothing but losses. And if the case is still illegal, then the person may have a deadline.

Asking the question of why I dream that I am fishing with a line, it would be a good idea to look through several dream books, perhaps somewhere it will be possible to find an optimal interpretation. After such a dream, Nostradamus advises to invest in the first project that comes across, so you can become a rich man for a very short term... Hasse portends good luck in business and happy family life... Miller's dream book promises the sleeper money receipts, especially if he managed to catch a lot of small fish. Freud is of the opinion that a person needs to work harder, the only way he can achieve success and become a respected member of society. A modern dream book portends good luck in all projects that the dreamer will undertake in the near future.

If a person dreamed in a dream that he was fishing with a fishing rod and noticed that a whole school of small fish swam past him in the water, then in the future such a dream promises him profitable business, so he should not be lazy, but rather work harder.

Fishing with a rod in a dream is considered good sign, therefore, you should not tell his story to anyone, even close people. Having done so, one can hope that this dream will bring good luck and wealth to the dreamer's life, which he dreamed of for so long.>

Fishing in a dream book

If in a dream you were fishing and were left with a catch, it means that in reality you have to go through a series of severe life trials, so gather all your will into a fist and boldly go towards fate. If you dreamed that you were trying to catch fish with nonsense, it means that in reality, thanks to your energy and resourcefulness, you will earn yourself well-being.

As explains modern dream book, catching fish in a dream for women predicts early pregnancy. A dream in which one of your acquaintances is fishing also predicts the replenishment of the person who saw you in the family.

If in a dream you caught a fish with your own hands, it means that in reality you will make sworn enemies, caught on a bait - you will find happiness. A fishing net in a dream is a sign of acquisitions, if it turns out to be torn - to frustration and resentment.

If you dreamed that you were holding fishing hooks, it means that in reality you make your own decisions and stand your fate.

Why dream of fishing in other dream books

In Freud's dream book, fishing in a dream means that your head is full of thoughts about business and current problems, so even during sex you cannot fully relax and be distracted.

Try to forget about the troubles at least for a while and get rid of all unnecessary things from your head, otherwise it can adversely affect your health and the functioning of your body as a whole.

A dream in which you failed to catch anything speaks of a subconscious fear of failing in sexual contact, often the cause of this fear is the first sexual experience.

Catching fish in the dream book of Nostradamus - such a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will try to find a way out of it. In the interpretation of Nostradamus, a fish represents a duality, inconstancy, any difficulties, therefore such a dream is often a warning of some unexpected event in life.

V English dream book fishing - if in a dream you were fishing, it means that in reality troubles and problems will literally fall on your head. You probably want to put pressure on a person or in some way to influence him and in end result find yourself on the wrong path.

Why dream of fishing in Tsvetkov's interpretation - catching in a dream live fish promises serious achievements and success in real life. For a woman, such a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the near future she will marry a very wealthy man. If in a dream you did not catch a fish, but someone else - to the birth of a baby.

Why dream of fishing in an esoteric dream book - such a dream predicts that your heirs are looking at your well-being, just as such a sign may portend that in the near future you yourself may become someone's heir.

If in a dream you ate your catch, it means that in reality you will most likely become the heir of a very good fortune.

In general, the image of a living fish in a dream speaks of healthy human instincts, and the image of a dead or sick fish predicts a loss of vitality.

A dream in which you caught a fish, and then it slipped out of your hands, means the loss of social status, perhaps friends or even your lover.>

Dream interpretation to fish with a rod

Why dream of fishing with a rod in a dream

Dreams in which you fish with a rod, the dream book interprets as great luck and happiness.

If in your dream you stand on the shore and fish, then achieving the desired result will not require special efforts from you. But in those cases when you are fishing, standing in the water, the dream hints to you - happiness and benefit are possible, but this will take a lot of effort.

If, while fishing, you notice a whole school of small fish, then this portends you profitable business in the future.

All interpretations of dreams in which you fish with a line are positive. The only exception is fishing in the forest. The dream book warns you - most likely the case, the details of which you have been scrolling through your head for the last few days, will be a failure and will not bring anything but disappointment.>

Why dream of fishing with your hands?

In the legends that have survived to this day, the fish is the personification of the water element. She is endowed with wisdom and symbolizes the birth of a new life. But this is real. And what sign does a dream give a person, into which a fish has swum, why dream of catching fish with his hands?

Using the interpretation of this dream by many dream books, it is not so difficult to answer this question. The word "fish" is a symbol of Christianity and is closely intertwined with the name of Jesus. Shrouded in mystery, the name of the messiah translated from the ancient Greek language means "fish". Just like water, it washes away all the dirt from the body by cleansing, so a fish swimming in the depths of the sea portends a woman the birth of a new life. For men, dream books interpret such a dream a little differently. If you dream of fishing, it may be the result of a recent fishing trip. In this case, pleasant memories simply do not want to be consigned to oblivion and subconsciously fall asleep. Or, the body's defensive reaction to overvoltage is triggered, which, using sleep as an intermediary, insists on urgent rest. In this case, fishing was chosen as the best option.

Of course, for a man who received a sign in a dream, it is very important to take into account this proposal, next weekend, urgently leave the city with fishing rods and fishing gear. Otherwise, delay is like death. Well, death is not death, and rest after a busy week has not yet been canceled.

Yet important point- the way of catching fish. When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember what the fishing was done: with a net, a fishing rod or with your hands. If the network, then solid financial receipts, prosperity of business relations are expected. If a fishing rod, then successful deals are expected soon. Well, catching with your hands portends unnecessary worries and troubles to the sleeping person, and vain sacrifices will only add anxiety and disappointment in life. Well, what about women? For them, the dream of catching fish with their hands has prepared small surprises, for some pleasant and long-awaited, and for others tragic. For example, if in a dream a girl catches fish, which is apparently invisible, and with all this, she certainly catches with her bare hands, then the conception of a new life is already glimmering in the body future mother... In this case, it is worth doing a pregnancy test. Live fish is always happiness, a joyful event that gives life a completely different flavor in warm colors.

Among the variety of predictions regarding sleep, in which the sleeper catches fish with his hands, there are, for example, a rich marriage (for a woman), good luck in business, and the speedy fulfillment of hopes and aspirations. Catching fish in a dream also portends a life exam in the form of serious tests that the sleeper will adequately overcome. In addition to positive predictions, dream books also give negative predictions. For example, in the dream book of Miss Hasse, who lived in pre-revolutionary Russia and became famous for her ability to read other people's thoughts, to fish with her hands - to the acquisition of enemies. It also bodes well for disappointment and deception. After waking up, the dreamer should remember what kind of fish he dreamed of. If it is carp or bream, you should pay special attention to your health, since given view fish is a sure sign of any disease.

But even with such predictions that take away optimism, one should not succumb to the blues and take these interpretations as a standard. We should also not forget that minor signs can change life for the better. So it's easier to take note of the interpretation of the dream and, where necessary, make your own adjustments.

There would be no dreams, human life would not be so interesting. Dreams provide physical relaxation of the whole organism, the opportunity to experience hitherto unknown feelings, the feeling of flight, extraordinary strength and energy. Dreams are a world of dreams, sometimes pleasant and delightful, but sometimes insidious and terrifying. They are given to man from above, and they must be taken for granted.>

Today in a dream I was fishing with a rod and caught it !!! First one, and then 2, so beautiful !!!


☜ ♡ ☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

Fish in a dream symbolizes good luck. It is not for nothing that in Russian fairy tales, the innermost desires are fulfilled by goldfish.
A fishing rod in a dream symbolizes cunning and dexterity. with which you will catch your luck….

Consider the meaning of dreams by day of the week.

So, dreams from Sunday to Monday are often associated with everyday life, household chores, family. They usually don't come true.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday are also not very serious, they talk about the individual desires of a person, his aspirations.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are usually light and varied, often forgotten. If they do come true, then not soon, and relate to minor changes in life.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are very serious and often come true, they are associated with work, business, career growth, social life.

From Thursday to Friday dream prophetic dreams, which most of all reflect the inner world of a person, his feelings, emotions, experiences.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday talk about upcoming events in the near future, about the fate of a person and his loved ones, such dreams are the most serious.

Finally, from Saturday to Sunday, dreams come true very quickly, they concern the closest people: relatives, a loved one, friends.

As for the time of day when the dream had a dream, daytime dreams rarely come true, they should not be given of great importance... Dreams seen after three o'clock in the morning are also unrealizable. But dreams seen from midnight to three in the morning come true, as a rule, within three months.

yna bondarenko

Fish for pregnancy


fish dreams of pregnancy

Fishing with a line

Dream interpretation Catching fish dreamed of why in a dream Catching a fish with a rod? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a fish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Fish, catch fish

As Freud believed, a small fish symbolizes a male seed, a medium-sized fish (which is quite logical) for him personified CHILDREN, but fishing rods, according to his theory, embodied the image of a phallus.

In general, dreams about fish can be the result of a search for means of satisfying vital needs, a desire to find something that is reliably hidden from view, or the result of primitive fears - if, of course, you are an ardent adherent of the theory of Darwinism.

It should also be noted that fish can dream of trips or travels. And, in the end, the fish symbolizes the ability (or inability) to earn their daily bread.

Dream Interpretation - Catching fish (fishing, fishing, fisherman).

Seeing in a dream how you fish while sitting on the banks of the river, and the water is so clean and transparent that you can see a swimming fish in it, is to get pregnant for a woman; for a man - to commercial profit.

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod

Going fishing with a rod: it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

Now it is still difficult to predict, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you fish with a rod and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the fishing rod is snatched from your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big "run over".

To give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

Provide worthy resistance to the kidnappers of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in their hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not hurt you is to strengthen your security.

Dream interpretation - Catching fish, fishing

Have you ever caught a fish in a dream?) I often dream of fishing, but in the morning I'm not happy if, of course, there is a catch.

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod

Fishing rod - to see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Fishing with a rod is a waste of work.

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - intrigues are taking place behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The fishing rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge walleye (see Zander).

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that a promise is impracticable. If the fishing rod is clearly visible, the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed the sidelong glances turned in your direction. Expect these views to spill over into something meaningful.

In a dream, fishing with a rod is a problem that took you a lot of time and effort; it will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction in this regard.

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod

For men, a dreaming rod means that in reality they lack sex. In the near future, you will be determined to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you have to make several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous fans. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream interpretation - Fishing rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. You may have guessed that there is gossip behind your back. Be prepared for these sidelong glances from ill-wishers to spill over into something serious.

We were fishing with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took a lot of time and effort from you will finally be solved. You will be deeply satisfied with this.>

Comments (1)


I was with my husband and his friends on a winter fishing trip. I caught a huge pike and then a carp. Several times it fell through the ice, but didn’t go headlong under it.


I heard that I was in the village with my grandmother and on the pond I was fishing with a fishing rod, I caught two small fish in turn


I did not fish in the river, as if in the well but the walls of the well were made of iron. The dream was without paint. In black and brown tones. I looked into this well and saw a lot of fish there, took a fishing rod and began to fish. And I immediately came across a very large fish I pulled it out. I put it down (I didn't touch it with my hands), I look at her, and her scales are so wet, shiny, silver shimmery. I don't remember if I pulled it out or not


I dreamed that my husband caught two fish while fishing and stroked them with his hands


I was fishing from the shore, caught a large crucian carp, then I saw how another man pulled out a large fish in a net, then a fish pecked on my fishing rod and dragged it hard


I see in a dream a huge fishing rod and on it a huge orange half, as soon as I threw it from the shore, I immediately began to bite and took a huge pink salmon


There is a lot of water in the river and fish are splashing. Plenty of fish. They gave me a fishing rod, I didn’t see who and I threw it even without bait and caught it right away, one then the other. Then I moved away somewhere, I return less water and there are a lot of people splashing in the water, bathing.


I caught a fish with a fishing rod in a river (before that I had a dream in which I caught a river fish with my hands and also had a dream of how large fish swam and jumped out of the pool)


I caught a small fish on a line in the river, the other two did not catch next to my mother-in-law and my child.


Tatiana, hello! Now I dreamed that at the end of the yard I caught a fish, toothy, with a fishing rod. The water was transparent. Cooking fish was postponed until tomorrow ... then the LATE wife of my godfather came and began kissing me many times on the lips - sending greetings from everyone. From the words, I only remembered her words that her friend Lilya called ... (she is alive and well!) And then I woke up ... I very rarely remember dreams, or rarely dream ...


the whole family went fishing. my husband sent me with the children to another place. and he himself went to teach how to fish for his mistress. I took one fish with a bait and sent it to my husband in the hope that he does not cheat there. came and they have a lot of fish there


came to her beloved in another city, where he lives in reality, it took a long time to get there, on the way in a small muddy reservoir, casting a fishing rod, caught a very big fish, and I was not even surprised, I was just in a very hurry to see her beloved. it was very cloudy around, like autumn


I was fishing with a line. I felt that the peck began to pull. The fish resisted very strongly, but I was able to pull it out and it turned out that I had caught two fish: one smaller and the other larger. I did not take them in my hands. and carried it hanging on hooks.


Some kind of pond, bright green nature, bright saturated colors. My husband's sister caught a big fish (it looks like a bream) with a fishing rod, and I look at it like that, I am glad that this fish was caught. But I don't remember whether I took it in my hands or not.

According to dream books, fish is considered an auspicious symbol that promises fame and fortune. The fish symbol is used in Christianity as a type of purity and righteousness. In any case, the fish dreams of important changes in life path dreamer. Why dream of a woman fishing with a fishing rod?

General interpretation

Fishing for a woman is a symbol of her energy, luck and enterprise. In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account the events accompanying the plot:

  • what size the fish was;
  • live, dead or rotten fish;
  • what emotions the dreamer experienced.

See fish splashing in a pond- to receive recognition of merits and honors. What you dreamed about will come true. Trying to catch this fish with your hands - you will have to try to get the merits recognized. Catching a fish while standing in a pond: you will find success thanks to your talents.

Hold the caught fish in your hands- to successfully overcome the intrigues of enemies. Whatever they do, you will find success in your affairs and projects. If you have caught a fish, but have not been able to catch it, it is not yet time to harvest after the expended efforts. Wait a little.

Going fishing- to a new beginning. An important event awaits you, the outcome of which will decide your future fate. This applies to any area of ​​vital interests - finance, personal life or work. The interpretation will depend on the number of fish caught: the larger the catch, the more successful the outcome of the event.

Watch the fishing- to a meeting with a good man who will become a reliable friend and advisor. This person will inspire you to further fight for your happiness, you will receive a surge of new strength for important achievements.

Fish - a symbol of happiness

  • Contemplation of beautiful fish in a dream- to pleasant experiences in life, you will experience many happy moments. Flocks of elegant aquarium fish promise pleasant household chores. Despite the triviality of the situation, you will feel the rush. vital energy and happiness.
  • For a young girl the image of a fish promises happiness in life. If in this moment the dreamer is preoccupied with the troubles that surrounded her from all sides, then the clouds will soon disperse, and the sun of life will give the girl its warmth.
  • Eat in a dream delicious fish - to a successful acquisition, addition to the family and signs of attention from the partner.

Fish - a symbol of financial luck

  • To fish- to money. Fate favors the dreamer, and soon she will receive a rich cash catch. Seeing fish in the market and buying it means unexpected pleasant events or news. A dream with a living fish promises prosperity, happiness, well-being and good luck.
  • Catch and eat fish- to obstacles. However, if the dreamer liked the taste of the dish, all obstacles will be easily surmountable. Feeling the unpleasant taste of the dish - you will have to seek help from friends in resolving a difficult situation.
  • The plot of a dream in which the dreamer is going fishing and preparing the tackle, portends a major acquisition. You will be lucky to make a good purchase, which you have dreamed of for a long time.

Fish - a symbol of mutual love

  • If a woman dreamed of a fish soon awaits her successful marriage... For single women, this plot predicts a quick meeting with their fate - you will meet a reliable person who will become your life companion. The marriage will be successful and strong.
  • If the fish in a dream was beautiful and large, your groom will be an enviable handsome and smart person... A bad prediction is a dream in which the dreamer cleans a live fish - this is to tears, separation and disappointment in love.
  • A bad omen is a dream in which an unfamiliar woman eats a fish... You have a rival who is plotting and trying to break your happy union. Take steps to save your relationship with your loved one.
  • If a familiar person ate the dish, which means that your close people are intrigues. For some reason, close people do not like your union, they are trying to destroy it.

Fish - a symbol of life trials

In what case does a dream portend trouble in the dreamer's life?

  • Some dream books interpret the image of a fish as a symbol of trials and life's struggle, especially if the dreamer fails to catch the fish out of the water... However, problems and trials on the path of life will be surmountable. The dreamer will have to make every effort to achieve her goals.
  • It is considered a bad omen catching sick or dead fish... This promises illness, various experiences and hassle. Losses and losses will accompany a woman, no matter what she does.
  • See a fishing net- get lost in life's troubles. However, solving problems successfully promises great profits and joy. Roll up your sleeves and get to work - success awaits you. If the network was torn, alas, disappointment cannot be avoided, and it will be incredibly difficult to achieve the goal.

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If in a dream you were fishing with a fishing rod, then in reality an unusually favorable life period awaits you. Almost every dream book interprets such a plot positively. There are many variations of why such a dream is dreamed. This article provides an interpretation of the most popular sources.

A universal dream book predicts success and special luck in real life to the dreamer, who sees how he catches fish with a fishing rod in a dream. Pulling fish after fish out of the water without much difficulty to fulfill your desires. Moreover, there will be no need to make special efforts to this. All benefits will "float" into your hands by themselves. All that remains is to rejoice at your well-being.

Catching fish with a rod while standing in the water is a success, which will still need to be earned. You can achieve what you want, but for this you have to work hard. Otherwise, you will have to forget about all the benefits.

The universal dream book also explains why one dreams of seeing a shoal of small fish while fishing in the sea, lake or river. Such a dream promises financial profit. It will only be possible to get it by taking part in large and profitable business projects. It is recommended not to refuse great offers!

Only a dream is negatively interpreted in which you are fishing in the forest in a dream. Having seen such a plot, prepare yourself to be seriously disappointed. Most likely, the business in which you are currently taking part will not bring the desired return. Even losses are possible.

Why else dream of fishing with a fishing rod

Freud believed that a very small fish, seen in a dream, identifies the masculine principle. Large individuals symbolize children. That is why, according to Freud's dream book, to fish with a fishing rod in a dream means an imminent pregnancy in real life. But, when interpreting such a plot, there are several extremely important subtleties. It is important that the water in your sleep is clean. The sex of the future baby can be predicted by the catch: perches and crucians - a boy will be born, a trout or pike - a girl.

If in a dream you simultaneously caught not one, but three fish at once on a fishing rod, then soon in reality you will be very happy. Pull the already rotten fish out of the water to the dirty gossip that will go around your person. These slander will have a very negative impact on your relationships with loved ones. The dream book advises not to succumb to provocations and to behave with dignity even in a critical situation.

The modern dream book also explains why one dreams of fishing with a fishing rod in a dream. In this case, the result of the interpretation has nothing to do with the upcoming replenishment of the family. By modern interpreter such a dream promises a difficult life period. You will need maximum savings in everything. This is the only way to survive this difficult time with the least losses.

The esoteric dream book says that fishing with a fishing rod means deception and empty promises. If you are the one fishing, then in reality you will definitely deceive someone. If the fishing rod is very clearly visible under water, then the deception will concern the sphere of monetary relationships. The dream book warns that in some cases, very serious problems and troubles associated with money scams are possible.

Our ancestors also knew that to see fish in a dream married woman- to an imminent pregnancy. But why dream of catching a fish with a bait? It is worth understanding.

Why does a woman dream of a fish - the main interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a fish? She appears in a dream as a harbinger of the opportunity to continue her family. But what if such a dream is already dreamed by a pregnant woman? Isn't such a dream dangerous for her? For a pregnant woman to see fish in a dream - to a favorable childbirth, to the good health of her and her family.

If a woman is cleaning a fish in a dream- she learns the truth, which should have been revealed long ago. If a pregnant woman dreams of a dead fish, such a dream promises her pregnancy problems, so a woman should be especially careful with her health, avoid stress.

If a dead fish just floods her sleep- then she will not be able to avoid trouble. It's time to make decisions, and boldly move forward to meet new relationships and events, if a fish speaks to a woman in a dream. Such a dream will mean that she will get the opportunity to change herself and her future thanks to the fact that she is prompted correct solution... It is worth carefully listening to the advice of the fish, which she will give to the girl in a dream. There is a lot of truth in them. They will allow you to open endless horizons for a person, will allow you to open those opportunities that were hidden by other people.

If a fish in a dream promises a woman love- so it will be. But if the speech of a fish in a dream is unpleasant for a girl, she will have a rather unpleasant conversation in reality. If a girl dreams of a sea fish, which she will buy in a dream, she herself initially began to slow down the development of her love relationship and now she is reaping the rewards of her neglect. If a girl dreams of a fish on the shore, which breathes very heavily, she will be overtaken by a chronic disease, from which she will not be able to get rid of for a long time.

Smoked fish in a dream for a girl- This is a very unfavorable sign, which suggests that her enemies are preparing a conspiracy, the purpose of which will be to deprive her of the ground under her feet and make her lose faith in her own strength. We can say that if a girl eats smoked fish in a dream, the plans of her enemies will come true. In order to destroy these plans, the girl will have to work for a long time and try to change herself in the first place.

Also, smoked fish in a girl's dream may mean that she herself confused her life plans when she entered into a dubious relationship. She should have been more attentive and vigilant about her health, her desires and priorities, not embarking on adventures.

Dried fish in a woman's dream only means that she will have a wonderful and fun time in pleasant company friends. Even the arrival of friends from afar is possible. If she eats dried fish and cannot eat enough, then there will be a lot of funny and joyful meetings, she should not be discouraged if she does not succeed in everything planned in the near future, friends will come to the rescue and help change the situation for the better.

To a woman in a dream to buy dried fish- to have happiness and prosperity in the family, but if she also chose a fish for a long time and still could not stop at one option - such a dream suggests that she can expect boredom and monotony in life with a partner. Then she should reconsider her relationship and try to embellish them, bring in them a share of optimism and healthy humor.

A woman can dream of fresh fish as a symbol of upcoming pleasant changes and surprises. If a woman serves fresh fish on the table in a dream, such a dream means that it is on it that they keep family relationships, she makes the most important decisions. But you need to know when to stop and not overdo it in your desire to manage the situation and household members, sometimes you need to rest and be a really woman, caring and affectionate.

If a woman dreams about fresh sea fish- a joyful feast and fun awaits her, good luck in all endeavors and incredible success. It is worth being especially careful with those who have long wanted to get a woman's heart; after such a dream, pleasant meetings and long trips for the purpose of joint relaxation are very likely. But dream books indicate that such trips will not lead to strong relationships.

A woman can dream of a fish head as a symbol of a favorable romantic relationship. This relationship will be long lasting. If a woman eats a red fish in a dream, she will marry a rich and worthy man. Why dream of a woman catching a fish with a rod? Such a dream promises her a favorable and long-term relationship with a worthy partner, whom she has been waiting for for a long time.

Why dream of a fish on a fishing rod according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a fishing rod means a masculine principle in a dream, symbolizes a strong and self-confident man. Why dream of a fish on a fishing rod - the dream book interprets such a dream as a man's desire to take possession of a woman and his successful realization. At the same time, the woman played with the man for a long time before falling for the bait of his courtship.

Why dream of fishing with a rod? If a man dreams that he is busy fishing - such a dream means that in reality he is really busy looking for a worthy passion. But is he looking in that place? If fishing in a dream goes well enough and the fish really bite, then in reality there will be no end to the brides for the man. But does he need such a huge number of options, or is it enough for him to have a single one, which he cannot find in the huge variety of choice of partners.

What can a dream mean in which a man puts a fish on a fishing rod? He wants to get the location of a particular woman and cannot find an approach to her in any way. A woman, on the other hand, to see herself engaged in fishing - to the desire to play with a man in a relationship, but this game can cost her a long and strong relationship with another.

If married couple dream about how they went fishing together - such a dream may indicate that despite the temptations of fate, the partners will still remain faithful to each other, nothing can break their union, on the contrary, someone else's influence will only strengthen it.

Why dream of fishing with a rod according to an esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that fishing in a dream is an opportunity to open new horizons in life. But if this fish is dead, you can, thanks to ill-wishers, lose everything that you had before.

If you fish in a dream and suddenly it disappears in some unthinkable way, you can also lose your loved one. The reason for this will be your predictability and the monotony of the relationship that you built together. You sit too long on the shore alone, while your partner seeks love and affection from you. It is worth stopping to look deep into yourself and it is worth starting to reckon with the needs of your partner in the first place.

Fishing a married woman with a bait is to succumb to the tricks of a cunning boyfriend who will not have real intentions, but will be able to quite quickly influence the woman's existing relationship. In order to save her family, she will have to listen to the prompts of the dream book and not succumb to temptations.

Why dream of fishing with a bait using other dream books

In the oriental dream book it is said that if a person catches a fish in a dream with a line, in reality he can become quite successful, and will conclude many lucrative contracts. If the fish jumps off his rod at the last moment, his agreements will be thwarted in the same way.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that a fish on a fishing rod is often dreamed of when a person needs to correctly convey information to another person. This means that he is subconsciously in reality looking for opportunities and options to influence the decisions of another person. To see in a dream how several fish just jump out of the water and fall on the bait - have a huge number of options and hard choice between them.

It is worth noting that not all dreams need to be taken literally, some dreams should be viewed from the point of view of a complex interpretation, when every detail of the dream is important and even the time when the dream is dreamed. When it is important to remember who else was present in your dream and what the role of a person was in it. What emotions did you experience during sleep. In any case, dreams are human helpers, they suggest how best to act in a given situation, how to protect yourself from evil.

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Fishing for a woman often portends an early pregnancy in a dream, as well as profit, luck, a profitable business proposal, new romance... However, sometimes the dream book warns of the futility of adventurous undertakings and the dangers of arrogance. The details will clarify what the plot is about.

Avoid gambles and deception

A dreaming fishing can warn the fairer sex that you should not rely too much on luck.

A young lady to see in a dream how she catches fish promises ventures with adventures counting on luck. But the tricks and tricks will be revealed, and the dreamer will lose the trust of the person who used to show favor.

Why dream of fishing without result? The dream interpretation points out: there is no need to build far-reaching plans, the basis of which is deception. It is better to behave naturally and not consider others more stupid.

Pregnancy will be easy

Catching fish for a woman in a dream means: soon the sleeping woman will become pregnant. If a pregnant woman dreamed of a vision, fishing with a male name foreshadows the birth of a boy, and with a female one - a girl.

If the pregnant woman was on a fishing trip, the waiting period for the baby will be hassle-free, everything will go well.

Miller's dream book: Fortune's smile

Why does a woman dream of fishing and a good bite? The dream promises: Fortune will smile at her. It is important to use the presented chance correctly.

You will succeed

Had a dream about catching her with a fishing rod? The dream book explains: you will achieve success thanks to your own efforts.

If you are going to catch a fish in a dream with a fishing rod while standing in the water, it means that you have many talents, as well as dedication, so you can successfully complete all your projects.

Have you used a rod and caught a lot of fish? With not too much effort, you can make a significant profit. But do not relax - you need to work hard.

Successful progress of affairs

Catching fish for a woman and seeing that there is already a lot of catch promises an imminent improvement in the financial situation, a financial rise.

Catching a lot of fish portends to the fair sex a profitable business proposal, thanks to which the sleeping woman will show her best qualities and will earn credibility - says the dream book.

Also, the plot can predict the emergence of an influential rich fan.

New romance, goal achievement

To see and catch a big fish in a dream means: an unmarried dreamer will start a new romance, which can lead to a wedding. For a married person, a vision promises an addition to the family.

Why does a woman dream of catching her with a butterfly net? The dream interpretation indicates: soon she will achieve the goal that she set for herself, and the results obtained will arouse the respect of others.

How was she caught?

For the correct interpretation of sleep, remember how you caught a fish:

  • on the bait - there is a period of hard but fruitful work ahead;
  • a net - an easy acquisition is ahead;
  • hands - pregnancy, easy childbirth, if they managed to catch it;
  • network - you will be appreciated by those who have not taken it seriously before.

Avoid messy relationships, do not rush to decisions

Catching fish with a woman's hands means: she will have a promiscuous sex life. But it is better to refrain from this in order to avoid gossip or showdown between your gentlemen.

One of the most significant and informative dreams. The dream interpretation gives different meanings a vision in which the dreamer or someone from his environment begins to fish. To young children, such a dream speaks of the danger of bedwetting, and if there is no such problem, then the expansion of the inner peace and knowledge of what is happening around.

In general, the dream book writes that any fish means deep subconscious processes, many of which are associated with such natural events as pregnancy, sex life, childbirth and passion.

It is important to look at the names of waterfowl and their color, as well as whether it is edible in a dream, poisonous, or just beautiful and suitable for an aquarium. This is what the dream book writes about what fishing means.

Most frequent plots

Why is a man dreaming that he is fishing or is it his friends or business partners doing it? Most likely, this environment will be carried away by one flirty and very attractive lady. Pay attention to who and what was able to catch the bait. If it was a small fish, it means that the fan will receive nothing but kind words. Guppies or bright, beautiful aquarium fish mean sympathy, bright flirting, but the relationship will not even reach bed. Chances are, dreams will never come true. If someone caught a lot of fish with a fishing rod or caught a large individual, a dream means that the woman will reciprocate one of them. Especially if it turned out to be large and bright.

Catching a huge and tasty fish, then to arrange a feast for the whole world - to profit. Chances are, you will get a good jackpot from your bosses for the work you do, or you will be able to cunningly turn a deal to make good money. Such a dream is favorable for businessmen, entrepreneurs and everyone whose success depends on chance and circumstances.

If you cast your rod and did not catch anything, nothing will work out in life. This dream is bad for the unemployed, as it means that the place they were counting on will go to someone else.

If a man wanted to catch a bright and beautiful fish with a bait and he succeeded, he will be able to achieve the location of a pleasant and beautiful person. When a man wants to catch a big fish and she falls for his bait - he achieves a selfish goal or profit. Therefore, if a girl or woman dreams that her husband or loved one is indifferent to beautiful and bright fish and wants to catch a sturgeon, then this means that he needs love to achieve his selfish goal.

Why dream of throwing a bait to a man in a dream - to try to achieve what you want. Such a dream often means that he does not sit idly by and strives to become more successful or has not resigned himself to the refusal of love and is trying to achieve his goal again. Pay attention to whether he managed to catch something or not, in order to understand what result awaits him.

In female and girlish dreams

Why does a girl dream of throwing a fishing rod in clean water? The dream book writes that she dreams of fabulous love and wants to achieve the sincere disposition of her chosen one. If the water was muddy, dirty, then the relationship will be the same, since the young lady strives for wealth, even if obtained dishonestly, or for a non-binding relationship.

Why dream of catching fish in a pond or shallow river in a dream? Or in a puddle or a stinking river? The dream book writes that the girl is not going to find a chosen one there and, most likely, nothing will come of this venture, since she does not see the opportunities that would be worth grabbing. Such dreams are often dreamed of by village women, where there are few men, not like knights on a white horse. But fishing in a puddle and catching large fish is a great success not only in a dream, but also in life. Most likely, she will have a rare chance to find a groom, even in a big backwater.

Why dream of catching a fish in a river, long, beautiful and winding? The dream book writes that the girl will look for a husband for herself in her environment. Pay attention to whether she caught the fish with the line or not. This means a chance to win or a new acquaintance that she dreamed of. Most likely, she is intelligent enough not to build castles in the air and will try to find a man in her environment, for example, in a provincial city or capital, but not above her position.

Why dream of casting a rod into the sea and catching fish there? The dream interpretation writes that a young lady will have a chance to find a groom in a higher class than she is.

For a rural woman or a girl from the province, such a dream means that she will try her luck in a big city and try to arrange her personal life there. Look at the result, whether she succeeds or not.

Why dream of fishing in the ocean in a dream? The most great opportunities will be open to you in the international space. It looks like the husband will be a foreigner or a resident of another city. The ocean means a lot of living space and opportunities.

Catching a fish in the pool is a dream of useless labor or attempts to make an acquaintance. But, if a girl threw a fishing rod into someone else's pond or river, she will find a husband for herself in someone else's family and destroy it.

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