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City of Novy Urengoy (Russia). Novy Urengoy: wiki: Facts about Russia

One of the young cities of Russia - New Urengoy- today shows stable growth and economic well-being. The gas capital of the country is distinguished by the specific characteristics of its population, this is due to the history, climate and characteristics of activities in the region.

Geography and climate

Novy Urengoy is located in the Yamal-Nenets district of the city is 221 square meters. km. The gas capital is located 2350 km from Moscow and 450 km from Salekhard. The city is located just 60 km from the Arctic Circle and lies on the left bank at its confluence with the Evo-Yakha River. The settlement is spread out on a flat shore. The rivers Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha flow through its territory, which divide the city into northern and southern parts. The lands around Urengoy are heavily swamped, and the expansion of the city's borders is difficult, but it still continues to gradually win back pieces of land from nature.

The population lives in places with a harsh climate. Here converge two climatic zones: moderate and subarctic. The average annual temperature in the city is minus 4.7 degrees. The long, 9-month-old winter is very severe. The thermometer can drop to minus 45. In winter, there are often storms and snowstorms. The average winter temperature is around minus 20 degrees. Summer lasts only 35 days, while the air warms up to an average of +15 degrees. The city is located in the permafrost zone, in summer the soil thaws only to a depth of 1.5-2 meters. The shortest daylight hours in Novy Urengoy last just over an hour.


Novy Urengoy, whose population lives in such difficult climatic conditions, appeared on the map in 1973. But before that, there was the village of Urengoy, not far from which a gas field was discovered in 1966. The settlement existed since 1949, the builders of the railway from Salekhard to Igarka lived in it. However, with the death of Stalin, this project stalled, and for some time the houses stood uninhabited. Then geologists settled in dilapidated barracks. And only with the beginning of the development of the field, the population begins to increase.

The first inhabitants of the new city were its builders, who set up a camp 100 km from the village of Urengoy and called it "New Urengoy". First of all, the workers gas heating, and then began to build the first multi-story houses. Then a power plant, a bakery appeared, an airport was built in a year, and a railway line reached from Surgut two years later. In 1978, commercial gas production began. Large volumes of extraction of "blue fuel" ensured the rapid development of Novy Urengoy.

Already in 1980, the settlement received the official status of the city. In 1981, the city was awarded the title of the All-Union Komsomol construction site, many young people from all over the country came here. In 1983, the Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod gas pipeline was launched, which opened the way for Russian gas to Western Europe. In the 90s, private capital began to invest in the region, and this had a positive effect on the development of the city. In 2004, the city "swallowed" the villages of Korotchaevo and Limbyakha. Since that time, Novy Urengoy has become the longest city in the world - its length is more than 80 km.

Administrative-territorial division

The official division of the city was carried out according to a simple geographical principle, the city includes such areas as the Northern Residential, Northern Industrial Zone, Southern Residential, Western Industrial Zone and Eastern Industrial Zone. The population of Novy Urengoy conditionally divides the city into two parts: "south" and "north". In the districts, such constituent components as Student, Optimist, Creators, Star, Olympic, Rainbow, Nadezhda, Druzhba, Yagelny microdistricts are distinguished. In total, today there are 32 microdistricts in the city, as well as 5 settlements.

City infrastructure

The city of Novy Urengoy was built according to modern standards, there are wide avenues, good roads. The population of Novy Urengoy is fully provided with service enterprises and cultural institutions necessary for life. There are 7 branches of higher educational institutions, 23 secondary educational institutions. The cultural needs of the population are satisfied by an art museum and several cinemas. Transport links are well developed here, this is a city in which there are almost no traffic jams. Airport, railway and river transport provide good communication region with other parts of the country. The population of Novy Urengoy is fully provided with medical care; 11 medical institutions operate in the city with good level physician qualifications. Sports and physical education are highly valued by the residents of the city, 17 sports facilities allow 25 thousand people to regularly engage in different types physical activity.

Population dynamics

Systematic observations of the number of inhabitants in the city have been conducted since 1979. In general, Novy Urengoy, whose population is almost always growing, shows good development. For the entire observation period, three points of decline in numbers were noted. This is the time from 1996 to 2000, when the negative dynamics of the population was recorded throughout the country. The second noticeable decline occurred in 2010, when the number of city residents decreased by 14 thousand people. The third period with negative dynamics is observed today, it began in 2014, and so far the authorities have not been able to change the situation. At the beginning of 2016, the number of inhabitants of Novy Urengoy was 111,163 people. Due to the large extent of the urban area, the population density indicator here is quite low - 470 people per 1 sq. km. km.

Ethnic composition and language

Novy Urengoy is a multinational city. Due to the fact that the settlement was formed at the expense of visitors from different parts of the country, a somewhat different ethnic situation has developed here than in many regions of Russia. Thus, the population of Novy Urengoy, who consider themselves Russians, is 64%. Almost 11% identified themselves as Ukrainians during the census. 5% of the total number of inhabitants are Tatars, 2.6% - Nogais, 2% - Kumyks and Azerbaijanis, 1.7% - Bashkirs. Rest ethnic groups account for less than 1% each. Despite such ethnic diversity, the main, if not the only, language of communication in the region is Russian.

Sex and age characteristics of the population

In Russia, on average, everywhere the number of men is inferior to the number of women. Novy Urengoy, whose population has specific characteristics, fits into this trend, but the average preponderance is about 1.02 (49.3% of men and 50.7% of women), while the national proportion of women and men is 1.2 -1.4.

In terms of age characteristics, the region also differs from the general Russian situation. This is a city with a large number of minors, 23% of the population are children under 15 years old. 19% of the population are residents older than working age. Thus, the dependency ratio for each able-bodied resident of the city is 1.4, which is lower than in many regions of the country.

Demographics of Novy Urengoy

Birth and death rates are the most important demographic indicators of the socio-economic development of the region. In Novy Urengoy, the birth rate is 15.4 per thousand people. And the mortality rate today rests on the indicator of 3.8 for every thousand people. Average age resident of the city - 36 years. Thus, the population of the city of Novy Urengoy demonstrates a natural increase, and this allows us to attribute it to a growing, rejuvenating type of settlements, while in the country, for the most part, mortality overtakes the birth rate. However, in terms of life expectancy, the region is not prosperous; on average, residents of Novy Urengoy live less than other Russians by 2-3 years.

Socio-economic development of Novy Urengoy

The region is different high level development, this is facilitated by stable work on extracting gas from the bowels of the Earth. The main occupations of the population of Novy Urengoy are work in the gas production and gas transportation industries. The region accounts for about 75% of all gas produced in the country. About a thousand different enterprises operate in the fuel and energy industry of Novy Urengoy.

Also, the city's economy is developing steadily due to the service sector. Novy Urengoy has its own enterprises for the production of dairy, confectionery and meat products. Service companies also make up a well-growing segment of the local market. The greatest profit and high employment of the population gives retail. Novy Urengoy is well endowed with socially significant enterprises and has fairly high average wages. All this makes the city an attractive place to live and have children.


The unemployment situation is monitored by the Employment Center of Novy Urengoy. The organization has recorded an extremely low unemployment rate for many years in a row, it is 0.5-0.6%, while the national average is 4.5%. The Employment Center (Novy Urengoy) notes that the need for workers in the city is never fully satisfied, there are always at least 15,000 vacancies. It is difficult to find a job for people with rare specialties, such as winemakers, and women over 35 with one or two higher educations experience some difficulty in finding a job in their specialty.

Probably, it is not worth saying that Novy Urengoy has a difficult, specific history and unique photos. After all, all of Russia is famous for its complicated history, and Urenga is no exception. But he really is special. An experienced look of a hardened traveler will immediately catch the resemblance to Alaska, which was once also a Russian territory.

Here you will feel the set of primordial traditions of the Yamal peoples and the Nenets, in which Russian customs and way of life are woven. Where else can you admire modern mirrored buildings reminiscent of the skyscrapers of New York and at the same time hear the cheerful bells of harnessed reindeer? For a person who came here for the first time, information about the city may seem like something fantastic, so our advice is that when you step on the gangway of an airplane or the steps of a train, tune in to the fact that you will be greeted by a fabulous picture of the life of Novy Urengoy, which you will remember forever. airport year gulag river korotchaevo population year year

Yes exactly. By order of the ruling structures, or rather, by order of the well-known Joseph Stalin, the rapid development of this wild land, which is located only 60 kilometers from the Antarctic Circle, began. At first, a transpolar railway was built here along the Salekhard - Igrak route.

And then a turning point occurred - hitherto unknown gas fields were discovered. Working people rushed here from all over the Soviet Union, settlements began to appear: Korotchaevo, Limbyakha and others. By the way, now they are all included in the city itself, which made it one of the longest cities in the world - it stretches for more than 80 kilometers!

Surely, many are interested in the very unusual name of the city. And it means in translation Ure - an old woman and Ngo - an island. The settlement arose on the site of an old river mouth. Some people tend to translate the name as a bald hill, there are several versions.

Today, two majestic rivers divide the city into Southern and Northern parts and their names are Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha. The names of the places given by the indigenous aborigines who lived here before the arrival of Russian settlers are beautiful, and this is also a national treasure, a part of history that is tremblingly preserved by descendants.

When visiting this region, you will definitely come into contact with the legends and mysteries of Nur - this is how the locals affectionately call the city. The Nenets living here conjure a blizzard and call for the long-awaited warmth, driving the winter away. In their legends lives the mysterious Khad-Khada - the Old Woman-Purga, Tu-Khada - the Old Woman-Fire, the Old Man Kyza and other characters who remind us that the land here is special, alive, sensitive, singing in unison with the human soul ... The history of the city is happening today, people still flock here in search of luck, to earn money, and someone just wants to test themselves or escape from the worldly bustle.

Living conditions ecology People often ask Novy Urengoy what region, Answer, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. No, you should not frighten guests who have not been here yet with severe frosts and lack of sun, the local climate is quite suitable for life! For the most part, these are just legends of those who perceive this region too cautiously. The coldest months, as in all of Russia, are winter months: December, January and February.

However, the average temperature in winter period rarely reaches -30. On average, -20 degrees, which, you see, is quite tolerable, given that the whole of Russia is a country with a harsh climate. True, unlike other Russian regions, nature here is especially generous with surprises. In winter, the temperature can drop sharply down and reach as far as -40, or even -45 degrees! But on the other hand, something truly special awaits you here - when there are no white nights in Novy Urengoy, but the sun shines and lasts almost half a year. You will see this only in Northern Venice - the city of Petra.

Polar Northern Lights in Novy Urengoy

No one can remain indifferent - like a fan of nature, the northern lights in Novy Urengoy demonstrate their greatness and become. You can admire the radiance for hours, of course, if you wrap yourself up well. It is especially beautiful not through window glass office or at home, but what you see with your own eyes.

If you get acquainted with the ecological situation of the place of stay before the trip, then do not be afraid of the fact of the developed gas industry in the region. Everybody industrial enterprises located not within the city, but far beyond its borders in the so-called industrial zone. The city itself is unusually clean, neat, tidy. Perhaps, it can even be called a model of grooming and care on the part of local residents and city authorities. Come and see for yourself!

The number of people permanently residing here, the population has confidently crossed the mark of 100,000 people. Moreover, for the northern cities, this is a very significant figure. There is no city with the same living conditions and close location to the Arctic Circle, the population of which would be so large. And even more. As you know, the administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is Salekhard. But even the capital is inferior in scale to Novy Urengoy, which is in its subordination! This is a completely atypical case in an administrative device. Russian Federation.

Youth of Novy Urengoy

Another feature is a large number of youth per 100,000 people, it exceeds the average figures in other cities of our country. Therefore, Urengoy is called the city of youth. More than a quarter, that is, more than 25% of the total population, are young people under 20 years old. This cannot but bring its own flavor to Nur's life. That is why there is also a branch of the Russian New University, and the Tyumen State University, as well as the Yamal Oil and Gas Institute, Tomsk State University management systems and numerous colleges.

And in total, according to statistics, you can meet representatives of more than 40 nationalities here. As you can see, the youth city is open to everyone if you come here with good intentions and an open soul. Urengoy can be compared with Moscow. Remember the poet's cherished lines: "Moscow did not believe in tears, but believed in deeds"? Oddly enough, but it is especially clear here! If you are a man of action, having a goal, then the city will submit to you!

New Urengoy

Don't be confused by all the grandeur of the gas capital and the rich history of this wonderful place. Remember that Nurga keeps up with modernity. You will definitely not be bored here, as the infrastructure is well developed here ...

So, by the will of fate, or perhaps on your own initiative, you set foot on this northern land. In this case, use our tips-tips on how to have a great time and take a break from routine matters.

Connoisseurs of beauty can be advised to visit the Novo Urengoy Art Museum with a large collection of paintings, the Gazo Miner Theater, which, despite its somewhat pretentious name, is not too in tune with art, is a real temple of acting and creativity. In addition, be sure to take a walk along the main street, where in 2006 the authorities installed a magnificent Parus Fountain. Hiding from the summer heat (yes, in summer the temperature can reach + 30 degrees!), walk through the city park and Leninsky Prospekt and feel the atmosphere of the Temple of Seraphim of Sarov.

Walking along the streets and streets, you will be surprised to find that traffic jams are almost never found here. At the same time, the number of cars is large. And all because the authorities prudently erected many bridges and detours, so you will not be annoyed by the Babylonian pandemonium either in the center or on the outskirts.

If you came here in winter, then skiing with a breeze along the Tamchara-Yakha River will be a great pastime. And in the summer, feel free to rent a sailboat and cut through the waves of the mighty Evo-Yakhe. This place is beautiful not only in the rays of the sun, but also in the glow of evening lights. Quivering play of neon and long shadows of buildings, Fresh air and the amazing color of the sunset, which can only be in the north - all this is worth seeing with your own eyes!

Well, if you are a fan of night parties, then trendy clubs will also appeal to you. Remember about the number of young people, which means that it will definitely not be boring! Yes, and you can always choose the right apartment for privacy or overnight on the page of our Novy Urengoy My Dom hotel.

Novy Urengoy has its own character. Yes, this is not the brightest and most daring city in Russia, just as it is far from the largest, but it has its own spirit, unique atmosphere and a mystery that everyone solves in their own way. For one, you can leave your feedback. Come here with the whole family, with friends or alone, on a business trip or just on an excursion, in any case, you will remember the charm of colorful Nur!

Just a few kilometers south of the Arctic Circle is one of the most amazing and young cities in Russia - Novy Urengoy. It is located in the Yamal-Nenets district, in the Tyumen region. He is quite a few years old. Even exact date its founding Known - September 22, 1973. It was on this day that the first peg was driven in on the site of the future city.

On the Urengoy land, where a new city grew up in the seventies of the twentieth century, only the Nenets roamed for thousands of years. Moreover, long before the years when a peg with the inscription "New Urengoy" appeared here, people from all over the Soviet country worked on this land. It was shortly after the war, in 1949. They were prisoners of the Gulag. They were building a transpolar railway - Salekhard-Igarka. But the former trading post of Urengoy did not give shelter to these builders for long. Immediately after Stalin's death, work was suspended, and the road soon turned out to be unnecessary and even served as the name "dead". These construction sites, 501st and 503rd, were not remembered for a long time. Still, the work of the builders was not in vain.

In the seventies, seismic prospectors and drillers came to these places, who discovered the richest gas field here. The former barracks of the prisoners of the 501st and 503rd construction sites became a temporary residence for construction teams and subsoil explorers. January 1966 was a turning point for this land. It was in such a frosty month that a detachment of seismic surveyors headed by V. Tsebenko arrived here, who began to work on exploration of the bowels.

And already in June 1966, the first gas well was drilled by workers from the team of master Polupanov. It was discovered by accident, as they were drilling an ordinary exploratory well, and stumbled upon the richest, most unique deposit, the only one in the world in terms of volume. So the Urengoy gas field appeared on the map of the country.

In December 1973, the first construction convoys from Pangody arrived on the banks of the Evo Yah, a tributary of the Pur River, to start building the new city. The first well was put into operation in the summer of 1975. The settlement of gas workers was rapidly developing, because the volume of gas production was growing rapidly. New workers were needed. People came here with their families, infrastructure was developed for them, social facilities were built. In the summer of 1974, in new wooden houses the first settlers moved in. The very first street of Novy Urengoy was given the name Optimists, the second was named Pioneers. And before the new year 1975, on December 29, he entered the local boiler room internal pipeline the first Urengoy gas. In 1975, it already had its own airport, and its own bakery, shop, library and power station. In 1976, the first school opened its doors for young Urengoi residents, and in 1977, the first railway from Surgut was built.

And now, seven years later, on June 16, 1980, the village of Novy Urengoy became a city of district significance. Novy Urengoy in 1981 was declared an all-Union construction site. Railway builders rushed here in order to put into operation the Novy Urengoy-Yamburg and Korotchaevo-Novy Urengoy sections in the near future. But in the difficult 90s, the construction of railways was suspended, and then completely stopped. It was only in 2003 that they resumed construction works in these areas.

And then, in 1983, the construction of the well-known Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline was successfully completed, through which, since 1984, gas from the Urengoy field began to flow to Europe. So Novy Urengoy became the unofficial capital of the country's gas industry. This city surpasses the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug, to which it belongs, both in terms of industrial potential and in terms of population. Three quarters of Russian gas comes from the Urengoy field.

Novy Urengoy is the unofficial gas capital of Russia, a place where beautiful white nights reign. In this regard, throughout the summer at night in this city it is light as day. This is due to the location of the city - in the north Western Siberia. Also, two small rivers pass through Novy Urengoy - Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha, which divide the city into the Northern and Southern regions. As it became known, its name comes from the Khanty and Nenets languages: the words “Ure” and “Ngo” symbolize “an old woman” and “an island in the place of the old riverbed.” However, the inhabitants of the city simply call it “Beloved Nur”.

Some experts translate the word "Urengoy" as "bald hill". Earlier, in the 1950s, Gulag prisoners called this territory a "dead place", because it was here that many years ago, prisoners on Stalin's orders built a railway.

It should be noted that today Novy Urengoy is a prosperous city in terms of economic indicators and industrial potential. About 550 billion cubic meters are produced here annually natural gas, where the main role belongs to the enterprises of Novy Urengoy.

Regarding the climate, it is worth noting that the winters here are quite long and cold. Most low temperatures are noted in January and February and are -21.7 and -20.1°C. Specialists noted cases when the temperature reached the level of -45 ° C.

Summer in Novy Urengoy is quite short - 35 days, the hottest month is July with temperatures around +25..+30°C. There is little precipitation, but there are strong winds.

The ecological situation in the city is quite enviable, despite the developed gas industry here. The main industrial enterprises are located outside the city, household waste is regularly taken out, and any landfills in the city are punished with fines.

It is also worth noting that Novy Urengoy is also doing well in terms of population. According to statistics, as of 2012, 106 thousand people live here. However, for the conditions of the Far North, this is practically a record, given the fact that at the end of the 20th century the number of Urengoi people was not even ten thousand.

Another feature of the city is its multinationality. On this moment more than 40 nationalities live here, most of which are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chechens and many others. The main religions are Islam and Christianity.

Territorially, Novy Urengoy is divided into 4 districts: northern and southern, which are called by the local population as “north” and “south”, as well as Limbyakha and Korotchaevo districts. The northern and southern regions are separated by tundra and two streams, but represent the city itself. In turn, Limbyakha and Korotchaevo are far from the center and were previously autonomous territorial objects. However, in 2004 they became part of Novy Urengoy. Thus, Novy Urengoy became one of the longest cities with a length of more than 80 km.

It is worth noting that transport links are quite developed in the city: there are all types of means of transportation, while air transport remains the most popular. Also, the railway communication and the local river port, which is a transport artery between the northern cities, are no less developed here.

The social infrastructure is also highly developed in Novy Urengoy, which is represented by a large number of educational institutions both for pupils and students.

Novy Urengoy was built literally from scratch, in the tundra, from scratch. Moreover, it even appeared quite by accident: half a century ago, geologists “stuck” in these places by coincidence drilled a well and discovered one of the world's largest natural gas fields! A little later, a settlement began to be built for gas workers, over time it turned into a fairly large city. According to one version, "Urengoy" means "dead place". Living conditions here are really not resort. But it's worth it: more than 70% of all Russian gas is produced in the Novy Urengoy region.

1. The city of Novy Urengoy is located in the permafrost zone in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, surrounded by tundra, swamps and hundreds of tiny lakes.

2. The local rivers Tomcharu-Yakha and Sede-Yakha, as well as the railway and motorways divide the city into Northern and Southern residential parts - these are their official names. The northern one is larger in size; The southern one is older, it contains the historical center - if, of course, such a concept is applicable to a city that is a little over 40 years old.

3. Cultural and sports complex "Gazodobytchik". The organization of leisure in harsh regions is a task of paramount importance.

Concerts are held in the Gazodobytchik (there are several halls at once different sizes), recover and keep themselves in good shape in the fitness center, gyms and sports sections. For the eye and soul - a winter garden.

4. Leningrad Avenue.

5. Novy Urengoy was built from scratch, so it is distinguished by the rigor and linearity of the layout. Today, about 113 thousand people live here. For Russia, this is an infrequent occurrence when a "non-capital" city of the region surpasses the administrative center in all respects. For comparison: the population of the formally main city of the Yamalo-Nenets district of Salekhard does not even reach 50 thousand people.

9. Shopping centers "White Nights" and "Prospect". There are quite a lot of large modern shopping and entertainment complexes in Novy Urengoy.

7. Railway station station Novy Urengoy.

By railway You can get to Novy Urengoy only through Tyumen (further Tobolsk, Surgut, Noyabrsk from the south-west direction). To the west from Novy Urengoy, they began to pull a branch to Salekhard, but brought it only to Nadym. The station in Novy Urengoy is compact, there are two dozen tracks at the station, and there are only two platforms.

8. The street of the 26th Congress of the CPSU is the only one in the world with such a name (although in Chelyabinsk Kopeysk there is also street 26 of the Party Congress).

9. Most residential apartment buildings in Novy Urengoy was built in the Soviet years according to standard projects. The natural environment here is also quite dull for most of the year. The city, like many others in the North, is "rescued" by the multi-colored coloring of buildings.

10. Shopping center"Yamal".

11. Molodyozhnoye Lake within the boundaries of Novy Urengoy - holidays of national sports are held here, summer snowmobile races on the water are arranged, and fishing enthusiasts sit on the banks with a fishing rod - for the sake of relaxation. A small lake was formed in the same way as most similar ones in these places: the depression left by the glacier was filled with its own water. Moreover, the bottom of such lakes is usually not melted permafrost.

12. Sports center on Geologists Street. Owned by OOO Gazprom dobycha Yamburg.

13. They say that Novy Urengoy appeared almost by accident - thanks to seismic geologists and ... drought. In the mid-60s, geologists got stuck with their barges near these places because of the dry river Pur. In order not to waste time in vain, they decided to explore the local territory. And in June 1966, the world's third largest "supergiant" Urengoy gas field was discovered. The settlement of gas workers was first called Yagelnoye, and in 1975 it was registered under the name Novy Urengoy. It received city status in June 1980 - locality grew along with the rate of gas production.

14. Central office of OOO Gazprom dobycha Urengoy.

It is a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom. One of the two (along with OOO Gazprom dobycha Yamburg) city-forming enterprises of Novy Urengoy.

Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy is developing the Urengoyskoye oil and gas condensate field. In 2008, the company crossed the threshold of 6 trillion cubic meters of gas: no company in the world has received so much fuel from one field. The record was recorded in the Russian Book of Records.

15. The infrastructure of the world's largest Urengoy gas production department today includes 16 gas and gas condensate fields, more than 2 thousand kilometers of pipeline networks.

The enterprises of Novy Urengoy account for 74% of the gas produced in Russia.

16. The viaduct - an automobile overpass over the railway in the center of Novy Urengoy was built for about 10 years. It was designed in the form of a crescent, because it was impossible to make a direct bridge due to the existing development.

17. Northern part of the city.

18. Memory Square.

One of the main attractions of Novy Urengoy - the Three Wars Memorial - was opened in September 2005 for the 30th anniversary of the city. The three-part stele symbolizes the feat of three generations of warriors who fought in the Great Patriotic war, in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus. The eternal flame was lit from a torch at one of the gas fields near Novy Urengoy.

19. Street of Friendship of Peoples.

It has the unofficial name "Armenian Avenue": during the construction of Novy Urengoy, tufa houses were erected here by builders from the Armenian SSR. They worked on a rotational basis, but many of them then remained to live in the north of Russia.

20. In Novy Urengoy, they sometimes joke that there is no summer here: spring and autumn occur in June, July and August, and the rest of the time it is winter. Of course, this is an exaggeration. In summer it is also hot here (over +30 degrees). But still, the climate, of course, is harsh - Cold winter lasts more than 280 days a year.

21. Student microdistrict in the northern part of the city.

22. Valery Zakharenkov Street - named after the pioneer gas producer, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

23. Hotel and business center "Stroitel".

24. Administration of the city of Novy Urengoy.

25. Sports and recreation complex "Star".

26. Microdistrict "Tundrovy". Residential complex with new buildings in the city center.

27. Neighborhood of Optimists in the southern part of Novy Urengoy. On one side of the residential area is a mosque, on the other - the Orthodox Cathedral of the Epiphany.

28. SEC "Solnechny"

Length of the shortest year daylight hours in Novy Urengoy - 1 hour 7 minutes on the winter solstice.

29. The Evo-Yakha River, a tributary of the Pur, flows through Novy Urengoy. The shores are swampy.

30. Cottages near the polar circle! DNT "Friendship".

31. The Polar Circle stele of Gazprom is installed on highway"Novy Urengoy - Yamburg" at the point of intersection with the 66th parallel, the conditional line of the Arctic Circle. The commemorative sign was erected in 2013 in honor of the 35th anniversary of Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy.

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