Encyclopedia of fire safety

How much does a standard size slate sheet weigh? Slate weight - dimensions for accurate calculations Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets weight m2

The parameters of the roof and its quality are determined by the properties of the components: the system of rafters or trusses, the base, thermal and waterproofing and roofing material.

And in order for the structure to function properly, all its components must have not absolute, but corresponding characteristics.

This applies even to such a utilitarian parameter as mass.

Why "weigh" the roof

From a mechanical point of view, the mass of a structure is determined by the weight of its parts.

However, in most cases, it is also an indication of strength.

Slate with a larger sheet thickness really has higher strength characteristics and seems to be a more profitable solution.

  1. Big weight roofing material will require strengthening the structure of the rafters: the choice of a thicker timber, structures additional elements, installation of more frequent crates from more massive slats.

    Eventually total weight roof increases significantly, which, in turn, will be an additional load on the walls of the structure and the foundation.

  2. The mass of the roof depends not only on the weight of the slate sheet itself, but also on the method of installation. Slate is laid with vertical and horizontal overlap.

    This value varies depending on the angle of inclination and wind load.

  3. Another aspect is economy. Slate is one of the most affordable roofing materials.

    However, with a general strengthening of the structure, the cost of the roof can be so high that the use of more expensive and reliable, but lightweight roofing materials will be more profitable.

All about asbestos-cement wave slate

Slate material is made from a mixture of asbestos, water and Portland cement in a ratio of 85:11:4.

Instead of ordinary asbestos, chrysotile can be used, as it is supposed to be safer.

WHO does not confirm this information.

Release forms

Slate is produced in two main modifications - wavy and flat.

The first is used for roofing roofs with a slope above 12 degrees, the second option is allowed to be laid on a roof with an angle of at least 25.

Wavy slate has the following subspecies:
  • IN - standard material, the sheet is characterized by a regular rectangular shape;
  • VU - reinforced profile, used in the construction of industrial facilities;
  • UV is a material of a unified profile, the sheets are of medium size, therefore they are most popular in private construction.

Wavy slate has a characteristic wavy surface and is produced in the form of sheets with a different number of ridges.

From a consumer point of view, this classification is more convenient, as it allows you to quickly calculate material consumption:

  • 5-wave - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product is equal to 8-wave, but the sheet differs in profile parameters;
  • 6-wave - characterized by a large sheet thickness, used in conditions of high wind load;
  • sheet with 7 waves - the most popular due to its good size;
  • 8-wave - has the largest dimensions.

In addition, the crest height and wave pitch can also differ:

  • profile 40/150 - wave height is 4 cm, and the distance between them is 15 cm;
  • profile 54/200 - the height and step between the ridges, respectively, will be 5.4 cm and 20 cm. The product is produced with a thickness of 6 mm and 7.5 mm.

Technical specifications

On practice quality characteristics all kinds of products are very close.

The difference is mechanical strength products, since in most cases it is determined by mass: the greater the thickness of the slate, the higher the strength.

The most important indicators include:

  • bending strength - or resistance to the applied load. For 7- and 8-wave slate is 16 MPa;
  • density - determines the mechanical strength of the product and is equal to 1.6 g / cu. cm;
  • impact strength - indicates the ability of the material to absorb the energy released upon impact, thereby compensating for its own deformation, equal to 1.5 kJ / kV. m;
  • frost resistance - wave slate withstands from 25 cycles of complete freezing and thawing.

Consumer characteristics

  1. Cost - the most available in the market of roofing materials.
  2. Fire safety - the material is non-combustible, does not support combustion and does not deform under the influence of temperature.
  3. Wide user temperature range - from -50 to +80 C. Slate is used in any climatic zone.
  4. Low thermal conductivity - the roof in the sun practically does not heat up.
  5. Good sound insulation performance - the coating absorbs the sound of rain.
  6. Maintainability - damaged sheets are replaced with new ones individually and do not require disassembly of the entire roof.
  7. Durability - up to 20-30 years, but is largely determined by operating conditions.
  8. wave slate little affected by moisture, but is able to accumulate and retain some of it, especially if the site is in the shade. As a result, mosses and lichens may appear on the surface.
  9. Sheets are not resistant to point impacts; slate can be easily split with a hammer blow.
  10. With an increase in the service life, the product loses its strength characteristics. Therefore, if an adult can walk on a newly laid roof without fear, then after 10 years of coating service, the risk increases much.

Seven-wave: features


  • length (mm) - 1750;
  • product width (mm) - 980;
  • thickness (mm) - 5.8 mm;
  • the total area of ​​the sheet is calculated as the product of the parameters - 1.72 sq. m, of which useful is calculated taking into account the overlap - 1.34 sq. m. The recommended overlap is 16 mm, but in practice the value may fluctuate.

The weight of a 7-wave with a thickness of 5.2 mm is 18.5 kg, with a thickness of 5.8 mm - 23.2 kg.

Eight-wave: features

The product differs from the 7-wave sheet in width:

  • length (mm) - 1750;
  • width (mm) - 1130;
  • sheet thickness (mm) - 5.8 at a ratio of 40/150 and 6, 0 and 7.5 at 54/200;
  • total sheet area - 1.9775, useful (at 16 cm overlap) - 1.5717.

The minimum weight of the product will be 26.1 kg, with a thickness of 7.5 mm - 35.2 kg.

Wave slate parameters and possible deviations are standardized by GOST 30340-95.

How much does a square meter weigh

During installation, the weight of one sheet matters, since it is precisely

it is a unit of coverage.

However, when calculating the load that the roof produces, it is more convenient to use another indicator - a mass of 1 square. m. products.

The value is indicated based on total area products, not useful.

When calculating the mass, this should be taken into account.

Qualities of flat slate

The material is made from a mixture of the same substances, but using a different technology, which gives it slightly different properties: higher strength, moisture and frost resistance.


Flat slate is produced in two ways - under pressure and without it.

Specifications of pressed sheets above:

  • bending strength - not less than 23 MPa for a pressed product, and 18 - for an unpressed one;
  • density - 1.8 g / cu. cm, and 1.6 g / cc, respectively;
  • impact strength - for the pressed version reaches 2.5 kJ / sq. m,
    unpressed - 2.0 kJ / sq. m, which is much higher than corrugated slate;
  • frost resistance - products obtained under pressure are able to withstand 50 freeze / thaw cycles without damage. The unpressed index is the same as that of corrugated sheet - 25.

Custom qualities

All the attractive properties of wavy slate are present in the flat modification.

However, there are also differences:

  • higher mechanical strength, due to which the product is used in the construction of fences, and for wall cladding;
  • higher moisture resistance and resistance to chemically aggressive substances - flat slate contacts soil without consequences and does not overgrow with moss.

How much does a flat slate sheet weigh

The mass of the product, in addition to dimensions, is determined by the method of manufacture: a pressed sheet (PL-P) weighs much more than an unpressed sheet (PL-NP).

brandSize, mm*mmThickness, mmWeight, kg
LP-NP 3000*1500 12 105
10 87
8 73,5
3000*1200 10 93,6
8 70
2000*1500 10 58
8 49
1750*970 10 31,5
8 24
1500*1000 10 29
8 24,5
LP-P (monolith) 3000*1200 40 348,1
30 252
25 210
20 168
16 126
3000*1500 20 180
3000*1500 16 144
LP-P 3000*1500 12 106
10 96
8 80
3000*1200 12 94
10 84
8 63
6 47
2000*1500 10 63
8 51
1500*1000 10 32
8 24,5
6 20

The choice of material is determined by the degree of reliability and functionality that is required to provide.

  1. The most reliable option is laying flat slate with a half-sheet shift. However, especially when using pressed material, the weight of the roof is very significant.
  2. Slate is one of the most affordable materials, but with an increase in the mass of the roof, it will be necessary to strengthen the rafter system, which increases costs.
  3. Overlapping reduces the waterproofing properties. From this point of view, corrugated slate is a more profitable option, since its surface allows you to form a tight joint between sheets.
Video about installation, laying and painting slate.

One of the oldest roofing materials is slate. Despite the fact that today the market is oversaturated with modern roofing materials, slate continues to be used to cover garages and other technical structures, not least due to its low price.

Characteristics of slate

Roofing slate is asbestos-cement sheets. Their main advantages, besides the price, are variety. overall dimensions, allowing you to perform a roof with a minimum of waste, incombustibility, water resistance. Service life - 40 years, with good care longer.

Today's technologies make it possible to produce not only nondescript gray sheets, but also colored: blue, green, brown, red. The main disadvantage is a lot of weight. The technology of laying the roof is simple, but the severity of the sheets complicates the process.

There is flat and profile slate. The profile is subdivided according to the number of waves. The GOST standards describe the range standard sizes asbestos cement sheets:

Dimensions of flat slate: length from two and a half to three and a half meters, width 1.2 or 1.5 with a thickness of 8-20 millimeters;

Five-wave. Slate dimensions: 5.8 mm thick, 1.98 meters long, wave pitch 26.3 cm. With such dimensions, the sheet covers only 1.6 squares, so the material has not found wide application;

Six-wave. Width 112 centimeters, size 54/200 with a thickness of 0.6 and 0.75. The heaviest type, used mainly to cover the roofs of industrial facilities;

Seven-wave is popular in private development. Standard slate dimensions are 1.78 meters by 98 cm, slate thickness is 5.8 mm;

Eight waves. 5.2 and 5.8, 1.75 by 1.13 meters.

How much does a slate sheet of popular brands weigh:

Seven-wave, depending on the size and thickness, the weight of a slate sheet is 18.5-23 kilograms, 9.5-12 - a square meter;

Eight-wave - 21-35 kg, weight of 1 m2 of slate 10.5-18 square.


The cost of a slate sheet depends on the brand of material, thickness, color. The least popular color is gray, it costs less: about 400 rubles for an eight-wave sheet, from 350 - seven waves.
Colored (green, red, etc.) sheets cost from 500 rubles for both seven and eight waves.

Slate is produced from Portland cement, asbestos and water, mixing these components in proportions determined by the technological standard. To form a reinforcing mesh, asbestos fibers are evenly distributed in a cement solution, thereby increasing its viscosity characteristics, which makes it possible to significantly increase the resistance of the final product to stretching and impact.

AT special occasions to further increase the strength of the sheet, thin metal plates are placed in it during manufacture, which greatly increase its strength and resistance to any external influence.

Depending on the chosen production technology, flat slate is produced in two types: non-pressed and pressed. They differ from each other, first of all, in the density characteristics, which, thanks to the pressing technology, of course, are better in the second option, due to which it is much stronger under physical impact, more resistant to climatic factors, and therefore more durable than its non-pressed counterpart.

In accordance with the norms of the state standard, flat slabs are marked with an alphanumeric code:

  • LP-P stands for flat pressed sheet.
  • LP-NP - non-pressed flat sheet slate;

After letter designation a specific type of material, there are digital data on the size of the sheet, including not only its length and width, but also its thickness.

GOST is always indicated at the end of the marking. For example, marking data on a sheet: "LP-P-3.5x1.5x7 GOST 18124-952" stands for a sheet of flat pressed asbestos-cement slate 3.5 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 4 mm thick, produced in accordance with the relevant GOST.

As a rule, such plates are made in the form of a rectangle, with standard sizes that have several values, for example, its length can be 3.6 m and exactly 3 m and even 2.5 m. The width, in most cases, has two values: 1.5 and 1.2 meters. The thickness of unpressed asbestos-cement sheets varies from 6 to 12 mm, but pressed plates can have a thickness of 6 to 40 mm.

Different types of sheets have different characteristics:

  • the strength of the pressed sheet is at least 23 MPa, while for its counterpart it barely reaches 18 MPa;
  • the density of asbestos fibers in a material made under pressure is not less than 1.8 g/cm3, while plain sheets slate this value is 1.6 g / cm cubic;
  • the impact strength index, measured in kJ / m square, is also higher for the material produced under pressure, and is 2.5 versus 2 usual;
  • exposure tolerance low temperatures the first has 50 seasons, and the second has 25 cycles;
  • residual strength after all frosts in press-slate is less than 40%, while in analogue it is 90%.

Also, pressing technology allows smaller errors and violations from the given dimensions.

So for her tolerance from normal parameters is within 4 mm, while the second type of slate can easily have a deviation of up to 8 mm, and this will not be considered a marriage.


Today, asbestos-cement slate slabs are sold at different prices depending on the specific manufacturer, but there are two natural trends in their cost:

  1. Firstly, the price for them, as, indeed, for any other, is primarily determined by the thickness of the slate sheet, as well as its length and width;
  2. Secondly, due to the best performance and longer production times, pressed boards are always slightly more expensive than non-pressed boards. For example, a plate with dimensions of 3000x1500x12 mm in LPP version costs 1318 rubles, and a similar LPN type costs 1186 rubles.

From which it follows that preferring more cheap material the second will not be able to seriously save, due to the low difference between them, which can only matter when purchasing large lots with low performance requirements.

By standard sizes, asbestos-cement slabs have approximately the following prices:

  • 3000x1500x12 mm: LPN - 1185 rubles, BOB -1315 rubles;
  • 3000x1200x12 mm: LPN - 973 rubles, BOB -1108 rubles;
  • 2000x1500x10 mm: LPN - 590 rubles, BOB - 810 rubles;
  • 1500x1000x6 mm: LPN - 202 rubles, BOB -260 rubles;
  • 1750x1070x6 mm: LPN - 260 rubles.

Pros and cons of flat slate

The main advantages of flat slate include its following features:

  1. Relatively low price. The components included in its composition provide it with the cheapest cost compared to other sheet analogues.
  2. Long service life confirmed by time on the example of old buildings with slate roofs.
  3. incombustibility, even under the influence of an open source of flame. In case of fire, such a coating does not burn by itself, although under the influence of high temperature bursts, emitting loud sounds type of shots.
  4. High levels of hardness and strength, allowing it not to break even under the weight of a person standing on it.
  5. Does not create additional noise when precipitation occurs in the form of rain or hail.
  6. Slate itself is a dielectric, which means it not only does not conduct current, but also does not susceptible to corrosive processes like metal coatings.
  7. Ease of installation and handling. Sheets of it are easily cut hand saw not to mention Bulgarian.
  8. It is also an important feature for conservation comfortable temperature inside the building especially in the hot summer period is that due to its properties and light color does not attract sun rays, and therefore does not heat up in the heat. By the way, this is the secret of its durability, because what less material heated, the less it is subject to thermal expansion, which leads to deformation of the structure of most materials.

Originally conceived as a roof covering, such slate has a minimum of negative properties:

  1. This type of slate is produced using asbestos, which adversely affects human health by releasing toxic dust into the surrounding space.
  2. Relatively large sheet weight, compared to modern materials for roofing works, and thus increased load on bearing structures buildings. For example, only one ordinary plate 1750x1120x8 mm creates a load of 31 kg.
  3. Not very good water resistance which over the years leads to the growth of moss right on the slate slabs, get rid of which, however, is easy using special solutions.

Application area

  1. When sheathing the frame of ventilation shafts.
  2. For the manufacture of window lintels and window sills.
  3. As a material for the walls of booths, partitions and even fences.
  4. In production, it plays the role of flooring.
  5. At power plants, it is used as a cooling tower fill.
  6. They are sheathed different types buildings both outside and inside, including for covering ventilated facades and when assembling sandwich panels.
  7. In private areas, they are sheathed with any outbuildings, including toilets, aviaries, summer showers and gazebos.

Features of application and installation

What can be painted

Flat slate sheets in without fail are stained, which significantly increases their performance characteristics, after all, asbestos-cement sheets protected by paint are more resistant not only to fracture, but also to water and low temperatures.

Painted slate does not emit toxic asbestos particles into the surrounding space and moss or lichen cannot grow on it, which, as a rule, is the “decoration” of a conventional wave roof covering.

For painting flat boards, special acrylic or silicone paints are mainly used., as well as liquid plastic, which after application form protective film which increases their service life by at least 2 times.

Mounting Features

Fixing flat slabs to any flat surface does not present any additional difficulties. But, as with any specific materials, during this operation it is necessary to take into account the installation features:

  1. Firstly, since such sheets are mainly intended for roofing work, due to their significant weight, increased requirements are placed on reliability truss system roof, which must withstand the weight of the flooring itself and the increased ice and snow load in winter.
  2. Secondly, the method of laying flat slabs involves their displacement, to avoid the formation of long seams, which, as a rule, are weak point roofs and are more susceptible to water intrusion. Just as in the case of other roofing materials, the laying of such sheets is carried out only with an overlap. Thus, even when a longitudinal row of boards is mounted end to end, boards from adjacent rows are offset and overlapped by half the length of the underlying row, so that all joints are completely covered.
  3. Thirdly, it without fail requires the organization of roof waterproofing with special films, serving as a hydro-barrier.

How to fix sheets

Unlike ordinary wave material, which can be fixed on the roof with standard nails driven through it into the rafters, its flat counterpart for installation requires high-quality wood screws with a special press washer that has a rubber gasket that prevents water from entering the gap between it and the fasteners .

By the way, for drilling holes for self-tapping screws, hard alloy soldered drills are used. And when drilling, always observe an indent from the edge of the sheet of at least 70 mm, so as not to cause a crack in the slab.

  1. All other things being equal, it is always recommended to use pressed type sheets, except in conditions where the main concern is economy, and everything else is not important.
  2. The main condition quality painting is not the choice of some special type of dye, but the fact that, regardless of its basis, it should be intended specifically for coloring slate.
  3. Choosing it as roofing it is necessary to use reinforced rafters with boards with a thickness of 150 to 200 mm, installed at intervals of no more than a meter.

Initially, slate was called a material made from cement mortar reinforced with asbestos fiber. The original combination of components made the thin sheet strong and resistant to cracking.

To strengthen the flat slate, manufacturers corrugate its surface on molding machines, applying from 6 to 8 waves. In addition to increasing rigidity, the waves improve the contact of the sheets with each other, cover the joints and facilitate the installation of the coating.

Today, the construction market is represented not only by flat and wave slate, but also by other materials that fall under this term.

Consider the main properties of the "progenitor" of the line of modern slate coatings - asbestos-cement sheet.

Types, sizes, weight and average cost

GOST initially prescribed three basic sizes of slate with a wave sheet configuration.

  • 6-wave slate has dimensions of 175x112.5 cm and a thickness of 6.0-7.5 mm. Weight respectively - 26 and 35 kg. Wave step (distance between adjacent peaks) - 20 centimeters. This is the most durable type of corrugated slate and is commonly used for roofing. industrial buildings. The average price for such material is from 200 to 240 rubles per 1 sheet.
  • The size of the 7-wave slate is 175x98 centimeters. The average sheet weight is 23.2 kg with a thickness of 5.8 mm. Prices for it start from 230 rubles for an unpainted sheet and from 270 rubles for one colored sheet.
  • Overall dimensions of a slate sheet, which has 8 waves - 175x113 cm. Its thickness can be 5.2 - 5.8 mm (weight 23-26 kg). This type slate is widely used in housing construction. The average price for such material is 240 rubles (gray) and 290 rubles for 1 color sheet.

The main dimensions of the wavy asbestos-cement slate:

  • L - sheet length
  • S is the distance between the tops of the waves
  • B - width
  • h - ordinary wave height
  • h1 is the height of the overlying wave
  • h2 is the wave height of the overlapped

GOST has established a standard marking for corrugated slate sheets in the form of a fractional number. The numerator indicates the height, and the denominator indicates the wave step: 40/150 and 54/200.

Based on the standard sizes, we can conclude that the joint use of 7 and 8 wave slates of the same thickness is possible. But it will not work to combine a 6-wave sheet with any other in one roof - the step and height of the waves are different for them.

Flat asbestos cement non-pressed slate is available in several size standards.

The most common size is 300x150x0.8 cm (sheet weight 70 kg), the average price is 960 rubles. for 1 sheet. The second standard size demanded by developers is 200x150x1.0 cm (weight 58 kg), the average market price is 630 rubles per 1 sheet.

Flat slate is rarely used for roofing because it does not have a joint overlapping system. This complicates the protection of the roof from leakage. Therefore, this material is mainly used for fencing, dry screeds and wall cladding of frame buildings.

We list the main advantages of wave and flat asbestos-cement slate:

  • affordable price;
  • high strength;
  • simple cutting and installation;
  • resistance to aggression of the external environment;
  • low noise coverage.

This material also has disadvantages:

  • brittleness under point impact load;
  • moisture absorption and the risk of fracture during temperature changes;
  • the large weight of the slate sheet compared to the metal tile;
  • weathering and decrease in strength (average service life 30 years);
  • fouling with moss and lichens;
  • environmental problems (asbestos is a carcinogenic material).

Customer complaints about poor aesthetics slate roofs left in the past, because today manufacturers offer a fairly wide selection of sheet colors.

The carcinogenic properties of slate are also somewhat exaggerated. The danger is pure asbestos fiber, which is in bound form with cement. If gray slate is periodically (once every 3 years) covered with drying oil or painted, then even with prolonged use, asbestos dust will not appear in the air.

New varieties of slate

With the advent polymer materials in the roofing industry, new types of slate entered the scene. Most often, bitumen slate (ondulin) and plastic (acrylic, polycarbonate or pvc) are used for roofs.

The idea to create bituminous slate arose after the industry learned to add reinforcing fibers from polypropylene to petroleum resins. They give the composition rigidity and protect the bitumen from cracking during temperature changes.

Bituminous colored slate- the closest "relative" of euroroofing material, which was given a wavy shape with the help of a press. It is light, chemically resistant, but not rigid enough and fire hazardous. Its cost is almost 50% higher than the price of asbestos-cement slate.

For installation, ondulin requires a hard and even coating, and work should be carried out carefully and with knowledge of the technology. Otherwise, the roof will quickly warp, lose appearance and tightness.

A standard sheet of bituminous slate (euro slate) has a length of 2 meters, a width of 95 centimeters and a weight of 6 kg. The average price for this material is 400 rubles per sheet.

The service life of 40 years, declared by the manufacturer, can hardly be called objective. Any bituminous material, even reinforced, under the influence of the sun, heat and frost, will stand on the roof for no more than half of this period.

In addition to bituminous, there is a transparent plastic slate on sale.optimal material for the device of translucent roofs and canopies. Its basis is acrylic, polycarbonate or polyvinyl chloride polymers, colorless or mass-dyed. For increased durability, the material is worn protective covering protecting it from destruction by solar ultraviolet radiation.

Transparent slate is produced in two versions: flat and wave. flat roof you can’t cover it - there are no docking nodes. Therefore, they are used in the construction of fences. Corrugated plastic (semicircular or trapezoidal profile) goes to the roof.

To the pluses this material light weight, moisture resistance, low thermal conductivity, good soundproofing qualities and ease of processing can be attributed.

The term of use of this material on a roof does not exceed 15 years.

Transparent slate reinforced with fiberglass lasts 5-7 years longer. It is more resistant to cracks that occur as the plastic ages and as a result of point hail impacts.

A standard sheet of transparent slate is produced in the size of 200 by 90 centimeters with a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm. The average weight is 2.5 kg. The cost depends on the manufacturer, the polymer used, the presence of color and starts from 230 rubles per sheet.

A convenient option for installation can be called rolled transparent slate. This corrugated plastic is produced in widths from 3 to 1.5 meters in rolls of 10.15 and 20 meters. Its use not only speeds up the installation process, but also eliminates unnecessary cutting and waste.

A roll of such material with a thickness of 0.7 mm, a width of 1.5 meters and a length of 20 meters costs an average of 10 thousand rubles, which, in terms of 1 m2, is 330 rubles.

Experts note that the functionality of the roofing will depend on such factors as the characteristics of the base, the structure of the roof structure, the presence of heat and vapor barrier, and the type of roofing material. All described parts must comply with the technical specifications. When designing a rafter system, the coating of which is made of asbestos-cement sheets, one should take into account such an important parameter as the weight of the slate. It is the mass of this wave roofing product that our article will be devoted to.

Why you need to know the mass of slate roof

The coating is considered one of the main ones in the creation of roofs for household buildings, therefore, its choice must be approached with special responsibility. With the same overall dimensions, the weight of 1 sheet of the material in question will not be the same. This is especially important when designing a truss structure. But there's one thing here important rule The thicker the asbestos-cement products are, the stronger they are. Consequently, with an increase in thickness, the weight of the 7 wave slate also increases.

When choosing such materials, it is possible to make a roof with a particularly durable coating, but similar option will put a significant load on the frame. In this regard, when designing truss structures, the following indicators must be taken into account:

1. How much does a slate sheet weigh.

2. Maximum loads from the effects of wind and snow lying on the surface.

3. Loads during roof operation. Weight is taken into account here. building structures and people who carry out installation work.

When using a thickened wavy version for the manufacture of a truss structure, a thick wooden beam, as well as thick boards, the step of the crate is reduced. In such a case, the cost of installing the roof increases, and its weight also increases. In this regard, at the design stage, it is necessary to calculate the foundation so that it can withstand all the loads. One of the main values ​​​​that are taken into account is the mass of slate 8 wave or other materials for mounting the coating.

At the design stage of the roof, you need to decide on the method of laying asbestos-cement products. The amount of horizontal and vertical overlaps of sheets will depend on the slope of the roof, wind and snow load. To gentle roof structures increased requirements for strength. Sheets should be laid with increased overlaps on a reinforced crate. During the calculations, the weight of 1 m2 of slate is determined, and then the mass of the entire coating.

As for the financial costs of roofing, asbestos-cement products are considered one of the cheapest. When building a reinforced roof, the cost of roof structure exceed the cost of coverage. In some cases, it is necessary to know the weight of flat slate, and especially if such material is used for lining the ceiling in garages, sheds or other auxiliary structures.

What are they made from

The material in question is made from such raw materials as Portland cement, non-combustible substance asbestos and water. The proportion of these components is 4 to 84 to 11. In general composition mixtures of asbestos-cement fibers perform the function of reinforcement. This feature makes the sheets resistant to tensile forces and other mechanical loads. On this moment Not every manufacturer adheres to the requirements state standards, therefore, the strength indicators of a particular product will depend not only on the thickness, but also on the size of the asbestos fibers, the fraction of cement particles.

flat slate

Asbestos-cement products are supplied to the construction market in the form of flat and wavy, and the latter can have from 5 to 8 ridges. The thickness of materials with a flat surface can range from 5 to 40 millimeters, but the most common options are sheets with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm, as well as 10 mm.

Each of the described options has its own scope of use:

1. Asbestos-cement sheets with a thickness of 6 millimeters are designed for subfloor installation and installation interior partitions, they are also used for finishing the house from the side of the facade. Experts recommend painting the surface of flat slate. A layer of paint will give the product a waterproofing effect.

2. Moisture-proof and fire-resistant asbestos-cement sheets of 8 mm thickness are used for exterior finish facades of brick buildings, frame houses and panel buildings. The main property of the described products is considered to be an increased service life.

3. Flat slate sheets with a thickness of 10 millimeters are used for finishing facades of buildings, roofing country houses and installation of fences. In addition, similar material can be used for interior partitions.

As you know, the weight of a flat slate will depend on its overall dimensions. Let's take a closer look at this option:

  • flat unpressed, with dimensions 3 * 1.2 * 0.012m weighs 83 kilograms;
  • weight of a slate sheet with dimensions 3 * 1.5 * 0.01m - 87 kilograms;
  • unpressed - with dimensions of 3 * 1.2 * 0.01 m have a mass of 78 kilograms;
  • products 3 * 1.2 * 0.035 meters have a mass of 293 kilograms;
  • a similar version with dimensions of 3 * 1.5 * 0.025 m has a mass of 250 kilograms;
  • flat pressed 3 * 1.5 * 0.02 m - 180 kilograms.

Wavy slate

The materials under consideration can be divided into three types:

  • VO - sheets with dimensions of 1.12 * 0.68 meters.
  • VU - reinforced for industrial construction has dimensions of 2.8 * 1 meter.
  • UV - unified wavy for civil engineering with dimensions of 1.75 * 1.13 meters.

For roofing country houses and master buildings are used mainly by 7 and 8 wave. Such products have the same size, they are distinguished only by the distance between the tops of the ridges. In the 7th wave sheet, the crest has a height of 54 millimeters, the distance between adjacent waves is 200 millimeters. In wave 8, the height of the crest is 40 millimeters, the distance between the tops of the waves is 150 millimeters. And now let's take a look at how much slate 7 wave weighs. The length of such a product is 1.75 meters, the width can have parameters of 0.98 or 1.13 meters, the thickness of the material is 5.2 or 5.8 mm. Consider specific examples:

  • The weight of slate 7 wave with dimensions of 1.75 * 0.98 * 0.0052 meters is 18 kilograms;
  • The same version with a thickness of 0.0058 meters weighs 21.8 kilograms;
  • The weight of slate 1 of seven waves with dimensions of 1.75 * 1.13 * 0.0052 meters is 18.7 kilograms;
  • A similar one - 0.0058 meters thick - weighs 23.2 kilograms.

How much does slate 8 wave weigh? The mass of the described products also depends on the overall dimensions:

  • The weight of slate 8 waves 1.75 * 1.13 * 0.0052 meters is 20.6 kilograms;
  • Similar - 0.0058 meters thick - 26.1 kilograms;
  • The same ones with a thickness of 75 millimeters weigh 35 kilograms.

The weight of a particular product must be taken into account, and especially if the transportation of materials to the roof is carried out manually. One person can handle products weighing between 18-20 kilograms, but if the weight exceeds 25 kilograms, an assistant must be involved in the moving work.

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