Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What vitamins should you take during pregnancy? What vitamins are best for pregnant women to take? Expert opinion. Vitamin complexes for pregnant women - brief description

Updated: 12/05/2019

A properly selected complex of vitamins for pregnant women is the key to good health, full development of the baby and a successful birth. Unfortunately, the composition of food products today leaves much to be desired.

And even if the expectant mother monitors her diet, includes fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products and grains in the menu, it will still be difficult to get enough for two - and now there are two of you - the amount of necessary substances.

You cannot do without additional supplementation with good vitamins for pregnant women. But which ones are better to take, what doctors recommend in the first trimester, and what vitamins to take during pregnancy? later? The range of such supplements in pharmacies is extensive, so it’s worth understanding their features and differences, studying the ratings and choosing the best option.

A lack of vitamins, as well as their excess, leads to various health complications in the mother and developmental pathologies in the fetus. Therefore, it is important to know exactly when, to whom and what vitamins to take - then the supplements will benefit both the expectant mother and the baby, and will not harm.

Vitamins to take in the first trimester of pregnancy

Which prenatal vitamins to choose depends directly on your gestational age. On different stages When carrying a child, the needs of the female body for certain substances are not the same. The 1st trimester is extremely important; during this period, the baby’s main organs are formed, the embryo’s spine and nerve cells are formed.

In order for this process to go smoothly, gynecologists and obstetricians recommend starting to take multivitamins even before conceiving a child - of course, if the pregnancy is planned. But immediately after conception, as soon as it is confirmed, it is not too late to start taking multivitamins for pregnant women.


  • They contain folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, should be supplied in a volume of at least 0.4 mg per day. It is advisable to start taking it several months before the expected conception and continue taking it throughout the 1st trimester. Folic acid protects against miscarriages in the first weeks and the remaining pregnancy, participates in the formation of the placenta, is responsible for the transmission of correct genetic information, prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia, stimulates intensive cell division and plays a leading role in the formation of the fetal neural tube. The dosage and duration of taking B9 is determined by the doctor depending on the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.
  • The presence of vitamin E, also known as tocopheron, is necessary for the successful creation of the placenta and the prevention of miscarriage in the first weeks after conception. It is also better to start taking it even before fertilization, as it affects the production of sex hormones and promotes successful conception.
  • The presence of vitamin A. It is drunk in the first and last trimester; in the second, these vitamins are not needed additionally for pregnant women, provided there are no pathologies. The maximum daily dose of this substance is 2500 IU. If the dosage is exceeded, the baby may develop heart defects while still in the womb. But vitamin A deficiency also leads to problems with vision, bones, and the nervous system. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the use of this substance.


  • Some vitamin complexes are quite expensive.
  • With long-term use, certain elements can be addictive.
  • Not all women believe that they need to take any supplements at all during pregnancy.
  • Not all complexes can be taken throughout pregnancy.

Even with a balanced and nutritious diet, a pregnant woman receives only half of the daily dose of necessary substances from foods - but even this amount is not completely absorbed. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to additionally take such multivitamins for pregnant women.

Rating of vitamin preparations for the first trimester

Vitamin and mineral complex for those planning pregnancy, pregnant and lactating women.

  • Designed specifically for Russian women taking into account nutritional characteristics, water quality, climate and lifestyle.
  • High content of folic acid (1 mg).
  • Increased content of calcium (250 mg) and zinc (25 mg).
  • Unique composition of microelements: iodine, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, copper.
  • Without vitamin A in the composition, to reduce the risk of hypervitaminosis
  • European quality of components and safe composition
  • For pregnancy planning, all stages of pregnancy and period breastfeeding
  • There are contraindications
  • Not sold in all regions yet


This is pure vitamin E without any additives, it is indicated for a lack of this substance, as well as for multiple pregnancies. You can continue to take it while breastfeeding your baby.

The drug is available and is included in the list of free vitamins for Russian women expecting a child.

  • Available in different forms– capsules, chewable lozenges, solution for injection.
  • Well tolerated by pregnant women, lactating women and newborns.
  • Effectively solves problems with vitamin E deficiency.
  • May cause allergic reactions.
  • As a mono-drug it does not compensate for the deficiency of other elements.

An affordable, domestically produced drug without any additives, it contains only vitamin B9. A few tablets a day will be enough to completely replenish the pregnant woman’s need for this element, which is necessary for the production of essential amino acids, purines, enzymes, as well as nerve cells, from which the spinal cord and brain of the fetus will then form.

  • Low price - from 40 rubles for 60 capsules.
  • Prevents the development of anemia.
  • Reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.
  • Helps get rid of the remnants of contraceptives in the body.
  • Often provokes allergic reactions - itching, skin rash, swelling.
  • With prolonged use in large dosages, addiction to the drug develops, that is, its effectiveness decreases.

These vitamins during pregnancy prevent deficiency essential elements, in particular, iodine, phosphorus and iron. They contain nine vitamins, including B9, tocopherol and ascorbic acid.

  • One tablet covers the daily dose of essential substances.
  • Folic acid is presented in the form of metafolin, a substance that is successfully absorbed in the digestive tract even in those patients who suffer from malabsorption.
  • High price– from 450 rubles for 30 capsules.
  • It is effective only in the first trimester, so you should select other vitamin supplements; your doctor will tell you which is best.

According to most women and doctors, these are the best vitamins during pregnancy. One capsule contains 10 main vitamins and 3 microelements, which completely covers the daily dose necessary elements.

At the same time, the price is quite reasonable - from 350 rubles for 30 tablets.

  • Versatility - can be taken before conception, from the first days of pregnancy until childbirth.
  • An optimally balanced complex that does not cause unwanted side effects.
  • Efficiency – you don’t have to worry about the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  • If a severe deficiency of a particular element occurs, other supplements may be necessary.

Not the cheapest product - a bottle containing 100 capsules will cost at least 1,350 rubles. But the costs are completely worth it.

There is everything a woman and baby needs here, from the first days of pregnancy to childbirth, and even during breastfeeding. Vitamin deficiency, anemia, pathologies and defects in the baby and metabolic disorders in the mother - all this will not bother you if you regularly take Elevit according to the instructions.

  • Does not contain iodine.
  • High price.
  • It is not recommended for urolithiasis and excess calcium salts in urine, as it contains high concentrations of calcium and phosphorus.

Vitamin preparations for the second trimester

The most necessary microelements now are iodine, calcium and iron. Iodine, in the absence of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, will require at least 250 mg per day - this is necessary for the mental development of the unborn child and the proper formation of the skeleton.

Calcium for the formation of bones and the formation of organs of the endocrine system will require 1500 mg per day, but no more. Excess of this trace element will accumulate in the placenta and urine, and this is not a very good symptom. Iron needs from 30 to 60 mg, and if a woman suffered from anemia before conceiving a child, then up to 100 mg per day.

Iron deficiency leads to insufficient oxygen supply along with blood to the placenta, which means intrauterine fetal hypoxia. The tone of the uterus may increase.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, if a woman does not receive the necessary microelements in the required amount, the child will still take as much as he needs from the mother’s body reserves. But the pregnant woman herself will suffer from metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiencies.

This can lead to significant weight gain, late toxicosis, pathologies of the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Therefore, it is better to take vitamin complexes.


  • Provide the body of the mother and unborn child with iodine, calcium and iron.
  • Prevention of fetal hypoxia.
  • Promotes normal mental development of the child and the formation of the skeleton.
  • Absolutely safe.
  • Eat big choice drugs for every taste.


  • Often such vitamins need to be taken over time, and this is not very convenient.
  • There is a possibility of allergic reactions.
  • Some vitamin complexes are too expensive, but they don’t last long.

Remember that coffee and soda interfere with the good absorption of calcium and iron supplements, so vitamin supplements should only be taken with clean water or weak herbal tea.

Rating of vitamins for the second trimester

American broad-spectrum vitamins for the well-being of pregnant and lactating women.

  • Provides the optimal amount of iodine.
  • Improves mood, relieves irritability.
  • Maintain good condition of nails, hair, skin.
  • Does not contain calcium.
  • It's quite expensive.
  • May cause allergies.

A gift to all expectant mothers from the Russian manufacturer Argo. These multivitamins are rich in composition, affordable price and good tolerability.

  • The tablets have a pleasant size and taste.
  • To ensure that the components are better absorbed, “morning” and “evening” tablets are provided.
  • Individual complexes contain iodine, iron or calcium.
  • You have to take up to 6 tablets a day.
  • The package lasts for 14 days.
  • High price.

American-made multivitamins, designed specifically to cover the needs of pregnant women for all necessary micro-, macroelements and vitamins.

  • Contains iodine.
  • Provides all necessary elements.
  • Can be taken throughout pregnancy.
  • You need to take four tablets a day to get the desired effect.
  • The capsules are large and difficult to swallow.
  • High price.

An effective multivitamin complex for women expecting a child, developed by pharmacists in Canada and Germany. Can be taken from the day of conception, especially useful in the second and third trimesters.

  • Competent and balanced composition.
  • Presence of iodine.
  • High price.
  • May cause an allergic reaction, like any multicomponent product.

A very popular and affordable vitamin complex for pregnant women from a domestic manufacturer. Contains iodine and other important trace elements that completely solve all problems with a deficiency of any of them.

  • Capsules are colored different colour depending on the composition. That is, a woman herself can choose what she should take, focusing on the characteristics of her body.
  • If you are allergic to any component, you can easily exclude it by simply sorting the tablets of the desired color.
  • Affordable price for a large package - it is enough for the entire pregnancy.
  • You should take three different capsules a day at intervals of 3-4 hours - this is inconvenient for forgetful women.
  • The capsules are quite large and may be difficult to swallow.

Vitamins to take during the third trimester of pregnancy

Only a doctor can determine which vitamins are best to take during this period. The fruit is already fully formed, and now continues to improve and grow. Many women in the third trimester refuse multivitamin complexes altogether.

This is acceptable if the pregnancy proceeded and continues without complications, and even in the summer months, when everything you need is easy to obtain from fresh vegetables and fruits.

In all other cases, the emphasis should be on getting enough vitamins A, C and D; you still need to monitor hemoglobin levels and, if necessary, supplement vitamin complexes with iron supplements.


  • Provide full complex vitamins necessary for mother and fetus.
  • Wide selection of different complexes. You can choose at an affordable price.
  • In most cases, well tolerated.


  • Some complexes do not contain all the necessary elements, so you have to take additional supplements.

Rating of vitamins for the third trimester

Universal vitamins for pregnant and lactating women contain antioxidants, amino acids and other microelements essential for the expectant mother and baby.

A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy has a significant impact on the development of the child in the womb and on his future. It is important to rest well, limit yourself physical activity and, of course, watch your diet. It is from food that a woman and her child receive microelements important for life. But sometimes there simply aren’t enough of them, so doctors prescribe multivitamins for pregnant women. It is impossible to say which is better because the choice must be based on the individual characteristics of the body. You should definitely consult your family doctor to choose suitable option just for yourself.

Do pregnant women have to take multivitamins?

It is important to know that any vitamins that are intended for pregnant women contain synthetic substances that compensate for their deficiency in the body. But there is not always a need to purchase such drugs.

Who should take multivitamins:

  • Pregnant women who are constantly at work and eat poorly.
  • For those who previously had diseases associated specifically with a lack of vital vitamins in the body.
  • Women who have previously had a miscarriage or a child born with developmental abnormalities.
  • Pregnant women over 30 years of age.

As you can see, not all pregnant women need to take multivitamins. They put a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver, and this is also bad for the child’s intrauterine development. Try to eat right, eat fruits and vegetables, then there will be no need for other microelements. You should not choose those multivitamins for pregnant women that your friends gave you reviews about. An individual complex is selected for each woman, which can only be done by the attending physician.

When should you start taking multivitamins?

Multivitamins for pregnant women contain much more substances than regular vitamin complexes. They should be taken only if the body really needs it. It would not be advisable to start taking supplements when you are planning a pregnancy. If you want to prepare yourself for conceiving a child, then the best option will take simple vitamins, they do not overload the body.

When should you start taking multivitamins for pregnant women? 2nd trimester is the optimal time. During this period, the threat of miscarriage is minimized, the fetus begins to grow and develop, and the woman may lack nutrients in the body. However, when choosing a drug, you need to take into account individual characteristics, so it is better to entrust it to a doctor who monitors the pregnancy.

Don’t ask your friends what multivitamins they took and which ones were better. Reviews for pregnant women about medications very often play an important role, but remember: each body is special, and if your friend lacked iodine, then you may have a lack of vitamin E. You need to choose the composition of the drug for yourself.

What to look for when choosing a multivitamin?

Before purchasing this or that drug, be sure to thoroughly study its composition. It’s better to pick up several bottles and compare the percentage of microelements in each of them. Choose best multivitamins for pregnant women it is almost impossible because some may lack iodine, others may have calcium, and others may have too much vitamin A. It is for this reason that it is important to listen to the opinion of your doctor so that he explains the advantages and disadvantages of each drug.

Almost all vitamin complexes cannot boast of a huge amount of calcium in their composition. This is completely normal, because we get this element from food. Excess calcium is much more dangerous than its deficiency. If it so happens that during the period of bearing a child you were diagnosed with a deficiency of this element in the blood, then you can correct the situation by taking it separately.

The same situation can be observed with iodine. But it’s also not a problem to compensate for its deficiency by eating foods such as seaweed or shrimp.

Only your obstetrician-gynecologist can help you choose the right multivitamins. You need to take into account both your individual characteristics and the trimester, time of year and other factors.

Multivitamins for pregnant women: 1st trimester

On early stages While carrying a child, multivitamins are not contraindicated, but at this time it is better to limit yourself to proper nutrition and taking certain medications if your body lacks any specific substances.

Let's start with vitamin E. It is best to get it from food. This microelement is contained in large quantities in vegetable oils, meat, peas, spinach. It is undesirable to take an additional vitamin in the preparation because its excess can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother and her child.

In the first trimester of pregnancy Special attention You need to pay attention to folic acid, but you need to take it not in combination, but separately. It is vitamin B9 that promotes the proper formation of the placenta, protects against miscarriage and normalizes hemoglobin. With its deficiency, anemia may occur, which is not in the best possible way affects the fetus. The dosage of folic acid is prescribed by your family doctor.

Additionally, vitamin B9 can be obtained from foods such as carrots, spinach, peaches, and celery.

Second trimester of pregnancy

Multivitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester should contain:

  • Calcium.
  • Iron.

Iodine is very important for the formation of the correct skeleton of a child; its deficiency can lead to metabolic disorders in a woman and, as a result, to weight gain. excess weight. And being overweight makes it much more difficult to prepare for childbirth.

Calcium promotes the proper development and formation of the kidneys and endocrine system. You can find it in large quantities in dairy products. As you know, calcium is not absorbed by the body in the best way; it is for this reason that expectant mothers are recommended to use it in combination with other vitamins.

Iron is an important trace element for the prevention of anemia. Participates in protein synthesis and muscle tissue formation. Iron can be found in foods such as meat (especially pork and beef) and plant foods.

Multivitamins for pregnant women (2nd trimester) should be taken in combination because at this time the fetal organs begin to form. It is very important that the body has enough necessary substances for this.

Third trimester of pregnancy

Multivitamins for pregnant women (3rd trimester) should contain the following components:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Iron.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D

Taking vitamin C in the third trimester is very important because it has a strong effect on the immune system. But you need to be careful with the dosage, because when there is an excess in a woman’s blood, the placenta begins to perceive it as a hostile element and filter it out. Therefore, the more it is consumed future mom, the less the child gets. It is for this reason that during this period of bearing a child you need to take a multivitamin complex. It contains the optimal amount of all microelements.

As you know, vitamin C is contained in citrus fruits, which are not recommended to be eaten in large quantities; they provoke the development of allergies. And if you haven’t felt it yourself, the effect can affect the child.

Vitamin D is important for a baby because bones are actively developing in the third trimester. It is contained in small quantities in food, which is why it is recommended to take a multivitamin complex.

Vitamin complex "Elevit"

This complex is one of the most popular among expectant mothers. It contains a large number of magnesium, it is for this reason that doctors recommend using it for those women who are at risk of miscarriage. Magnesium has a positive effect on the uterus, relaxes it, and improves blood flow. This complex also contains a sufficient amount of folic acid, which is very important for expectant mothers.

However, it should be noted that if you have previously been diagnosed with iodine deficiency, then you need to choose multivitamins with iodine for pregnant women because Elevit does not contain this element.

Vitamin complex "Materna"

You can take this complex only on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that it contains too much vitamin A and B. These are strong allergens, which, if taken in excess, can cause harmful influence not only on the health of the woman, but also on the fetus.

But the Materna complex boasts an ideal dose of folic acid and iodine. It is for this reason that opinions on this drug are divided. Under no circumstances make a decision to take it on your own, only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist!

Vitamin complex "Vitrum Prenatal"

This drug is considered the most optimal in terms of quality and cost. The composition contains iodine, which gives it a clear advantage over other complexes. There is also iron, the use of which is necessary for expectant mothers to prevent and correct anemia. The dose of vitamin A is small but sufficient. There is magnesium and folic acid in the required quantities in order to limit yourself to taking only this complex of vitamins.

Vitrum multivitamins for pregnant women are an excellent option for any woman. The drug contains the entire complex of necessary microelements for the normal development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the expectant mother.

Complex "AlfaVit Mom's Health"

This drug differs from others in that the daily dose of required vitamins is divided into three tablets. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, supplying it with the necessary substances for the normal development of the fetus.

However, there is one drawback - it is a low content of folic acid, so you will have to take it additionally. Among the advantages is the presence of iodine. If the expectant mother is allergic to vitamin B or A, then you simply don’t have to take the pill that contains them.

If you are looking for prenatal multivitamins that are right for you, you can check the names with your doctor. It is believed that “Alphabet Mom’s Health” is the optimal drug to take at any stage of pregnancy.

Vitamin complex "Pregnakea"

The drug appeared on the market not so long ago, but has already gained great confidence among pregnant women. It contains all the necessary microelements, including the correct dose of folic acid, iron and iodine. The cost of the drug is quite affordable, so many doctors now recommend taking it. However, do not forget that any multivitamins for pregnant women can be taken only after consultation with your obstetrician-gynecologist. This is necessary in order to study the individual characteristics of your body.

  • Start eating right, don't overeat. But if you suddenly want something tasty, you shouldn’t deny yourself pleasure because the body will begin to experience stress, and this is bad. You can eat everything, but in reasonable quantities. Denying yourself a piece of chocolate because you are afraid of gaining extra pounds is simply stupid.
  • Monitor the condition of your teeth; if your gums begin to bleed, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Train yourself to do pregnancy exercises every morning. This will not only improve your health, but also help you prepare for childbirth.
  • Take a walk - fresh air is very beneficial during pregnancy.
  • If there is a lack of vitamins in your body, start taking them additionally, first consult your doctor.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and other addictions will affect the health and development of your child.
  • Rest, try to get enough sleep - your body simply needs it.

Features of taking a vitamin complex

If you decide to start taking a prenatal multivitamin, first make sure you really need it. If you live in a region where it is difficult to get fresh fruits and vegetables, additional nutrition for the body is, of course, necessary.

If your pregnancy occurred during the warm season, then you can get most of the vitamins and microelements without medications. In order to protect yourself, you can take the complex for several weeks, then take a break from it for a while. This will relieve your body of unnecessary stress.

The lifestyle of a pregnant woman also plays a very important role. If you are constantly at work, then you need to be extremely careful, because there is a risk of contracting ARVI. In this situation, multivitamins for pregnant women are simply necessary. It is also recommended to take additional vitamin C.

Some women may be at risk of premature birth in the third trimester of pregnancy. To avoid this, in addition to taking a multivitamin complex, take additional magnesium. Be sure to consult your doctor about dosage.

Carrying a child is a huge responsibility. If you make the wrong decision, it can have a detrimental effect on your condition or the health of your unborn child. Is it worth taking multivitamins for pregnant women, which ones are best for you - all these questions are discussed with your obstetrician-gynecologist. Remember that vitamins are not a panacea, and you should take them in combination only if you really need it.

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman’s body - metabolism changes greatly, fluctuates hormonal background, the composition of the blood changes. The growing fetus receives nutrients from the mother’s body, so a woman’s need for vitamins and microelements increases by one and a half to two times. IN Lately The issue of vitamin deficiency in expectant mothers is quite acute, so doctors make every effort to ensure that preparation for pregnancy and taking the necessary medications begin at the planning stage.

Vitamin deficiency and consequences

Vitamins are needed not only for proper development fetus, but also to preserve the health of the mother. Thus, a deficiency of any substance can lead to health problems in both the child and the pregnant woman. In the human body, vitamins play the role of enzymes, accelerating biochemical reactions. In addition, they take part in humoral regulation, performing the functions of certain hormones. Despite popular belief, vitamins do not serve as a source of energy and are not structural components of tissues. These compounds are important only for ensuring proper metabolism, on which the work of all depends. internal organs and systems.

Pregnant women have been found to be deficient in at least three vitamins. This can lead to improper formation of internal organs in the fetus or health problems in the mother due to excessive withdrawal of substances from her body. The most common deficiencies are B vitamins, carotenoids and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins enter the human body with food, but it is believed that food cannot fully provide the required daily requirement. This is especially true for women during pregnancy. This leads to the need to take additional vitamins, particularly in the form of medications.

Particularly dangerous during pregnancy are conditions in which there is a deficiency of vitamin D, B6, folic acid, as they can lead to irreversible consequences of the formation nervous system or bone skeleton child.

Vitamin deficiency in the first trimester is dangerous due to disturbances in the formation of the nervous system, as well as the development of fetal defects and even intrauterine death. It is during this period that the formation of all organs and tissues occurs, as well as important cell differentiation. In the second and third trimester, vitamin deficiency is less dangerous, but can lead to problems in the cardiovascular, endocrine or digestive systems.

The role of vitamins in fetal formation

  • Pyridoxine (B6). Together with other vitamins that belong to group B, pyridoxine takes part in the conduction of nerve impulses. This vitamin is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the harmonious development of the child’s brain. In addition, amino acids are produced from pyridoxine and proteins are synthesized - the main structural component of the human body.
  • Folic acid (B9). Necessary for cell renewal processes, as well as for the proper formation of the fetal nervous system. With a lack of folic acid, neural tube defects, pathologies of placental tissue can occur, and the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy also increases.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Necessary for the proper development of a fertilized egg. Vitamin deficiency can lead to miscarriage. Cyanocobalamin is also a coenzyme in many biochemical reactions, in particular the oxidation of proteins and fats, as well as the synthesis of amino acids.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). One of the most important vitamins for the fetus, pregnant woman, as well as ordinary person. Participates in the processes of tissue respiration, protects tissues from free radicals, strengthens the placenta. Necessary to prevent miscarriage and normal development of the fertilized egg. Prescribed to all women during pregnancy planning, as well as in the first trimester. Vitamin E deficiency can also lead to vision problems and hemolytic anemia. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) provides antioxidant protection and is structural component cell membranes. Its deficiency leads to abnormal development of the fetus, as well as problems with the baby’s vision after birth.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers, which are part of the structure of bones, cartilage and blood vessels. Vitamin C is known for its immunostimulating properties, as well as its ability to neutralize toxins. With a lack of vitamin, the likelihood of contracting viral infections and negative consequences for the baby increases.

The role of vitamins for a pregnant woman

  • Pyridoxine. The vitamin participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and provides correct work nervous system. Its deficiency leads to anemia, convulsive syndrome, development early toxicosis, irritability, insomnia.
  • Folic acid. Necessary for stable functioning of the nervous system. If there is a deficiency, a woman may experience loss of appetite, increased fatigue and irritability.
  • Vitamin B 12. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and various biochemical reactions. Lack of vitamin leads to the development of special types of anemia, which negatively affect the condition of the bone marrow and nervous system.
  • Vitamin E. Takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, acts as an antioxidant. With a deficiency, muscle pain, weakness, and spontaneous abortion are possible.
  • Vitamin A. It is recommended to take the vitamin's precursor, beta-carotene, to minimize the likelihood of overdose. Vitamin A itself takes part in many biochemical processes in the body, and with its deficiency, vision problems develop, immune defense decreases, and the condition of the epithelium worsens.
  • Vitamin C. Reduces the fragility of blood vessels, prevents varicose veins, which often occurs in pregnant women. Improves resistance to infections, accelerates tissue repair due to participation in collagen synthesis. With a lack of ascorbic acid, bruising, stretch marks, and frequent colds occur.

To prevent deficiency of most of the most important vitamins, it is recommended to take complex vitamin preparations during pregnancy. They adjusted not only the qualitative, but also the quantitative composition, taking into account the special position of women.

Vitamin-rich foods

You can maintain the health of a pregnant woman and the harmonious intrauterine development of the fetus with the help of proper nutrition. It should be varied and include the main food groups (meat, cereals, vegetables, dairy, etc.) so that the woman receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Foods that are sources of vitamins are listed in the table below:

Vitamins according to pregnancy

The need for different vitamins varies depending on the duration of pregnancy and the processes that occur in the body.

In the first trimester, the main emphasis should be on the consumption of folic acid, vitamin E and ascorbic acid. During this period, the formation of the nervous system and the formation of internal organs occur, and the woman’s immunity decreases due to hormonal changes. These vitamins will ensure the full development of the embryo and prevent pathologies of the brain, vision and hearing. It is recommended to supplement vitamins during this period with microelements - iodine and zinc.

In the second trimester, there is a greater need for substances that will give the mother energy and the baby structural material for growth. It is recommended to take vitamins A, C, E, as well as vitamin D. Additionally, the need for vital microelements - iron, zinc, iodine - increases.

While waiting for a baby, the female body changes greatly: at the level of metabolism, the functioning of the hormonal system, blood composition and, accordingly, the need for different useful substances Oh. A certain amount of micronutrients are required by both the developing baby and the growing placenta. So expectant mothers really have a need for an additional portion of vitamins and microelements.

“The situation is aggravated by the fact that most women enter pregnancy already deficient in vitamins,” says Valery Sergeev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Russian Scientific Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, nutritionist-gastroenterologist. — About 70% of Russians suffer from their shortage. And regardless of age, income level and social status.”

Due to these circumstances, the expectant mother should not expect to gain her norm of nutrients only from food. But you shouldn’t rely completely on vitamin-mineral complexes. It is very important to take into account your condition, as well as the trimester of pregnancy.

Together or separately?

If for one reason or another a woman cannot eat a varied diet, taking vitamins during pregnancy is extremely important. And even with an ideal diet, there are those vitamins and microelements that you cannot get from food alone.

“The body requires these beneficial substances in very small quantities, thousandths and even millionths of a gram,” says Natalya Timofeeva, obstetrician-gynecologist of perinatal medical center group of companies "Mother and Child". “But food often cannot provide even this. During pregnancy, a deficiency of vitamin D, folic acid, iron, calcium, iodine and zinc is especially dangerous.”

And yet, doctors today do not prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes to all expectant mothers in a row. “Many doctors refuse vitamin therapy because it provokes excess growth of the fetus,” explains Ekaterina Krivtsova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor at Moscow State Medical University, Vice-President of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Society for the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. “Larger children are born who have a higher risk of developing a number of diseases: metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes.”

Doctors are increasingly saying that vitamins and minerals should be taken based on the trimesters of pregnancy, and separately. “Different micronutrients need to be drunk at different times of the day,” explains Natalya Timofeeva. — Vitamins are taken in the first half of the day, microelements in the second. Moreover, the latter are better absorbed between meals.”

How to take vitamins by trimester

On different dates During pregnancy, both mother and baby require a different set of vitamins and microelements.

First trimester

* Folic acid

Ideally, you should start taking it three months before the expected conception, and end in the third month of pregnancy. It is most needed at 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, when the neural tube is formed (from which the brain will subsequently develop).

How much do you need? The doctor selects the dosage individually; depending on your condition, it can range from 0.4-0.8 mg per day.

Why take it? All women planning pregnancy need folic acid. After all, it helps the birth of a new life:

Supports cell division;

Ensures the correct transmission of genetic information by participating in the synthesis of DNA bases and RNA molecules;

Promotes the full formation of the placenta, reducing the risk of miscarriages and frozen pregnancies.

* Vitamin A

It is prescribed 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy and at the very beginning, at 1.5-2 months. Then you should take a break and take another course 2-3 months before giving birth.

How much do you need? During pregnancy, about 2500 IU of vitamin A is needed.

Why take it? Vitamin A is necessary for cell division and differentiation according to different tissues. That is why it is prescribed before pregnancy and in the early stages. In later stages, it supports the normal development of the skeleton, visual apparatus and nervous system.

* Vitamin E

It is prescribed several months before the expected conception, and continues in the first trimester.

How much do you need? The daily dose is about 15 mg.

Why take it? In a non-pregnant woman, vitamin E normalizes the production of female sex hormones and the menstrual cycle, promoting conception. Then it protects against early forms of toxicosis and short-term miscarriages.

Taken in courses during the first two trimesters.

How much do you need? The daily dose is 1500 mg.

Why take it? At the beginning and middle of pregnancy, calcium is necessary for the normal formation of the skeleton, kidneys and endocrine system. But in the last trimester, an excess of this microelement is fraught with ossification of the baby’s skull and, accordingly, difficult childbirth.

Get required quantity Calcium in food is problematic for expectant mothers, so they are prescribed special medications that vary greatly in their effectiveness. “First generation drugs - calcium salts, for example, gluconate or phosphate - are very poorly absorbed in the intestines and, accordingly, are poorly absorbed,” says Valery Sergeev. - Second generation drugs - calcium salts plus vitamin D - are quite effective. Third generation drugs are even more effective due to the set of microelements. Therefore, they are often prescribed. These products contain calcium, vitamin D, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, magnesium and other trace elements.”

* Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid should be taken in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. And if a woman smokes, it must be done before conception. In this case, the doctor may prescribe 80-90 mg 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy.

How much do you need? The daily dose of vitamin C for a pregnant woman is 90-100 mg.

Why take it? Vitamin C is necessary for the normal formation of all membranes ovum and proper development of the placenta.

II trimester

It is necessary to compensate for iodine deficiency in the early stages of pregnancy in order to prevent congenital anomalies of fetal development and endemic cretinism.

How much do you need? The expectant mother needs 250 mg of iodine per day.

Why take it? Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which ensure the normal formation of the baby’s skeleton and intellectual development. It has been proven that in areas where the soil is poor in iodine, children are born whose IQ is 10-15% lower than that of children from areas rich in this microelement.

“The expectant mother’s metabolism slows down due to insufficient thyroid function,” says Valery Sergeev . “Therefore, the woman begins to rapidly gain weight, and against the background of decreased appetite. She often complains of lethargy and lethargy, weakness and chilliness. The skin becomes dry, nails become thin, and hair becomes brittle. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.”

Iron supplements are prescribed to all pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimesters.

How much do you need? On average - 30-60 mg per day. And sometimes more, for example, if the expectant mother regularly engages in fitness.

Much depends on what the level of iron was in the woman’s body at the time of pregnancy. “The expectant mother should measure this level, because if there is not enough iron in the body, the dosage of drugs increases,” explains Valery Sergeev. — For these purposes, an analysis of ferritin levels is best suited: it reveals a decrease in microelement reserves in the body earlier than others. This condition is called latent iron deficiency. Some experts argue that it is even more dangerous than anemia.”

Why take it? To prevent anemia from developing, due to which the fetus will suffer from a lack of oxygen. In addition, iron is involved in the synthesis of a special protein necessary for muscle contraction. That is why its deficiency, even latent, is accompanied by muscle weakness, including that of the uterus; it will not be able to contract normally during childbirth.

III trimester

*Vitamin D

In the last trimester, it is prescribed to almost all expectant mothers for prenatal prevention of rickets.

How much do you need? The daily dose is 400 IU.

Why take it? Vitamin D maintains normal concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and thus participates in the formation of the skeleton of the unborn baby. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for the normal development of the fetal cardiovascular system.

When is it better to choose complex drugs?

There are special situations when taking individual vitamins and minerals is not enough - you need to drink complex preparations. Here are some typical cases.

* Multiple pregnancy. In this case, vitamins and minerals for growth and development are required not by one, but by several babies at once. And mom gains weight much faster, and her body requires more nutrients.

* Vegetarianism. In this case, the main sources of protein, calcium, vitamin B 12 - meat and dairy products - are excluded from the diet. Their shortage needs to be compensated.

* Toxicosis. In this case, it is simply not possible to eat your portion of vitamins and microelements!

* Active sports (more than four times a week). In principle, such women should take additional vitamins both before and during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a joy for a woman and a burden for her body. After all, now not only the expectant mother needs good nutrition, but also the little miracle growing inside her. Even a balanced diet no longer meets the needs for nutrients. For example, ladies who are in interesting position, you need one and a half times more calcium, folic acid and iron. A lack of these elements can lead to abnormalities in fetal development.

Today in pharmacies you can find numerous drugs designed to support women’s health for the important nine months. Do right choice The TOP 10 best vitamins for pregnant and lactating women in 2017-2018 will help. When compiling the rating, feedback from the female audience and the opinion of gynecologists were taken into account.

Summary table: Rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women

Name Release form User reviews Price
10. Multi-tabs Perinatal 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 525 rub.
9. Complimentary “Mom” 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 230 rub.
8. Prenatal Nutrients, Solgar 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 1,200 rub.
7. AlfaVit “Mom’s Health” 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 350 rub.
6. Just Once, Prenatal Multivitamin, Rainbow Light 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.7 out of 5 1,800 rub.
5. Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 💊 tablets/capsules ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 1,100 rub.
4. Vitrum Prenatal Forte 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 640-1,650 rub.
3. Elevit Pronatal 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 650-2,000 rub.
2. Vitamin Code, Raw Prenatal by Garden of Life 💊 capsules ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 RUR 2,740
1. Orthomol Natal 💊 Powder/capsules, tablets/capsules ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 4,800-42,000 rub.

Multi-tabs Perinatal

Complex vitamins from the Danish manufacturer Ferrosan A/S are developed taking into account the needs of the expectant mother’s body and contain all the necessary elements.

Multi-tabs Perinatal does not contain fatty acids (Omega-3) - doctors advise taking them additionally. The complex is also recommended during the feeding period. You should stop taking the drug if you have kidney problems or signs of hypervitaminosis.

Indications for taking the drug are:

  • preparation for conception;
  • decreased immunity;
  • replenishment of nutritional deficiencies;
  • environmentally unfavorable area of ​​residence.

✅ Benefits:

  • compound;
  • efficiency;
  • price.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • there is a possibility of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Complivit "Mama"

Inexpensive but effective vitamins Russian production. In each trimester of pregnancy, the body requires different substances. In the first weeks, it is recommended to take folic acid, iodine and vitamins E, A and D. Next, you should supplement your diet with calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. In recent months, vitamins C, K and B are needed.

The product contains no synthetic additives or dyes. You should think about taking Trimester 1 at the stage of pregnancy planning, especially if a woman has low hemoglobin.

Based on this, the manufacturer produces three compositions of the complex:

  • 1st trimester - Trimester 1;
  • 2nd trimester - Trimester 2;
  • 3rd trimester - Trimester 3.

✅ Benefits:

  • price;
  • tablet size;
  • compound;
  • availability in pharmacies.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • lack of iodine;
  • possible allergic reactions.

Prenatal Nutrients, Solgar

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing vitamins for pregnant women is the composition. The Solgar complex has been produced since 1947 and contains chelated forms of minerals that are perfectly absorbed by the body. Second important factor: Vitamin A here comes from natural beta keratin, not synthetic retinol.

Those whose pregnancy has caused problems with hair and facial skin should pay attention to the drug. Prenatal Nutrients contains 100% daily norm vitamin E, biotin and zinc. These substances improve the nutrition of hair follicles. They moisturize the epidermis, making the skin elastic. Among the components there is L-cysteine, an amino acid that is part of the skin protein.

✅ Benefits:

  • efficiency;
  • gluten free;
  • chelated forms of minerals;
  • compound;
  • economical packaging (240 tablets).

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price;

AlfaVit "Mom's Health"

The complex, popular in Russia, contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. The advantage of the drug is safe dosages that exclude hypervitaminosis. Taking AlfaVit "Mom's Health" will help stabilize emotional condition, increase immunity and improve a woman’s well-being throughout three trimesters.

The manufacturer took into account the rules of compatibility of the components included in the drug. Thus, vitamin D should be taken with calcium, and vitamin B2 enhances the effect of vitamin B6. The daily dose of the complex consists of three tablets. Each contains only elements that suit each other.

✅ Benefits:

  • price;
  • dragee size;
  • separation of vitamins and minerals;
  • compound.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • synthetic dye;
  • individual intolerance.

Just Once, Prenatal Multivitamin, Rainbow Light

The advantage of the Just Once multivitamin complex from the American manufacturer Rainbow Light is that minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, molybdenum and manganese) are presented in citrate and chelate forms, which are best absorbed by the body. Contains no lactose, gluten, yeast or gluten. This means that the drug does not cause allergies.

One tablet a day will provide the body with the substances necessary during the nine months of pregnancy. Doctors recommend taking this drug in the early stages, or even better, six months before the planned conception.

✅ Benefits:

  • compliance with standards for taking vitamins and minerals;
  • lactobacilli and enzymes in the composition;
  • economical packaging;
  • ratio of quality and price.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • lack of fatty acids;
  • tablet size.

Femibion ​​Natalcare 2

The second trimester of pregnancy is the time when toxicosis decreases, constant fatigue goes away, and the expectant mother feels better. At the same time, the weight of the fetus increases, reaching 14-20 g. The little man grows and requires more nutrients. During this period, doctors recommend that women take vitamins, even if they have not done so before.

When developing the drug Fembion 2, the manufacturer took into account the rules of compatibility of taking vitamins and minerals. Do not be surprised that the composition does not contain iron and calcium. The body does not absorb these two substances taken together with other components of the complex. They must be consumed separately.

Release form of the drug: tablets containing folic acid, 9 vitamins and iodine, as well as capsules with fatty acids and vitamin E.

✅ Benefits:

  • safety;
  • compound;
  • no side effects;
  • convenient form.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

A good drug with a balanced composition that replenishes the mother’s and unborn child’s body’s need for essential vitamins and minerals. The complex contains 23 components, the task of which is to increase immunity, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, accelerate metabolism and eliminate toxins.

One tablet of Vitrum Prenatal Forte contains 60 mg of ferrous fumarate, which eliminates the occurrence of anemia in pregnant and lactating women. Bonus - improved emotional background and a surge of vitality.

✅ Benefits:

  • balanced composition;
  • no side effects;
  • ease of use (1 tablet per day).

❌ Disadvantages:

  • tablet size;
  • individual intolerance;
  • dye included.

Vitamin Code, Raw Prenatal, Garden of Life

The list of vitamins would be incomplete without the complex of the American brand Garden of Life. The manufacturer abandoned the use of GMOs, artificial and animal ingredients in favor of natural ingredients. In addition, you will not find gluten in the company's products.

The uniqueness of the complex for pregnant women is that its components are obtained from raw products. This means that no synthetic substances or heat treatment were used in their production process. The composition is vegetable, which has a beneficial effect on the absorption of vitamins by the body. Important components of the complex are probiotics, iron and folic acid. Raw Prenatal contains vitamin D3, which helps improve the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as ginger, which reduces nausea.

Attention! The product is natural and may cause allergies. Release form: capsules made from vegetable cellulose.

✅ Benefits:

  • efficiency;
  • compound;
  • suitable for vegetarians;
  • no gluten.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price.

For healthy intrafetal development of a child conceived in autumn and winter months, vitamin D is required (the preferred form is cholecalciferol). At times of the year when the sun is inactive, the expectant mother should take 800-1,000 IU of the drug per day. The maximum dose is 2,000 IU. In summer, a pregnant woman needs to reduce its consumption to 500 IU.

Elevit Pronatal

You should start taking Elevit 3-6 months before the expected conception. This is especially true for women planning pregnancy in autumn time when the season for fresh vegetables and fruits has already passed. During breastfeeding, the drug will also not be superfluous - at this time, the body of the mother and child requires double doses of calcium.

The complex contains 12 vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 microelements. With it, the first trimester will be much easier - the pills do not cause nausea and constipation. Women taking Elevit note improved hair condition and a decrease in emotional instability.

✅ Benefits:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use (1 tablet per day);
  • no side effects.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • lack of iodine;
  • small dose of vitamin D;
  • tablet size;
  • price.

Orthomol Natal

According to experts, Orthomol Natal is the best multivitamin today. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. It is suitable not only for pregnant and lactating women, but also for those planning a happy event. The drug will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. The ingredients include fatty acids, antioxidants, iodine, magnesium and calcium, which, among other things, will solve the problem of hair fragility and loss. The composition includes probiotics, so Orthomol Natal will cause an increase in immunity.

Vitamins are available in two forms: capsules/powder and capsules/tablets. Packages are designed for 90 and 270 days of use.

Important! The company Orthomol Pharmazeutische Vertriebs Gmb has developed a complex for men, Orthomol Fertil Plus. It contains zinc, selenium, Omega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid, L-carnitine and N-acetylcysteine. These substances can improve the quality of seminal fluid, which affects the health and motility of sperm.

✅ Benefits:

  • compatibility with any diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • balanced composition;
  • visible result;
  • separate intake of vitamins, minerals and fats.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price.

Opinion of obstetricians-gynecologists

Doctors agree that you need to start taking vitamin complexes while planning your pregnancy. To avoid hypervitaminosis, doctors recommend that women undergo examination, including donating blood for biochemical analysis. When purchasing medications, you should pay attention to the doses of vitamins and minerals indicated by the manufacturer - they should not exceed the norms recommended by gynecologists. At the slightest sign allergic reaction it is necessary to seek medical help.

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