Encyclopedia of fire safety

Distance from the foundation to the high pressure gas pipeline. At what distance from the gas pipe can the cable be laid in the cable duct? Who is obliged to paint gas pipes on the facade of the house

At what distance from the fence and other buildings, high voltage line power transmission and other communications, it is possible to build a dwelling - an issue that requires a priority solution. Failure to comply with regulations leads to legal conflicts with neighbors. To avoid such problems, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of laws regarding the placement of residential buildings in advance.

The wall of the house may coincide with the line of the external fence

Fundamentals of legal regulation of the placement of buildings

No one normative act does not precisely regulate the issue of distance between buildings. The norms for the position of architectural structures on the site are determined by the local administration. To avoid paying a fine and demolishing a building, you need to contact the architecture committee to familiarize yourself with the accepted standards for the placement of buildings in this locality.

The issue of building planning is regulated by the following standards:

  1. SP 30-102-99. Establishes norms of distances between IZHS objects and other outbuildings. Thus, a residential building should be located at a distance of at least 6 m from dwellings, garages and ancillary buildings on an adjacent site.
  2. SP 4.13130.2009. The main document establishing the measures counter fire safety. Compliance with security distances between buildings is designed to protect buildings from fire and prevent the spread of fire due to their proximity.
  3. SNiP 30-02-97. Regulates the placement of buildings in horticultural associations. In some cases, by decision of the local administration, the standard applies to the objects of individual housing construction, private household plots and summer cottages.
  4. SNiP 2.07.01-89. Regulates the area related to the general development of the settlement. Unlike previous standards, this regulation regulates the placement of buildings on the site from the point of view of the local authority, and not the owner.

Permissible distances between houses on neighboring plots

The distances between dwellings in neighboring plots differ in different regions. Consider the location of the site (in the city or countryside). Distance is calculated based on position extreme points buildings - balconies, terraces and porches. If the dwelling is connected to a garage close to the neighboring plot, the distance is determined relative to its edge.

Table of minimum distances according to fire safety standards between houses from different materials

The amount of indentation depends on the type of cladding. For wall cladding, the following groups of coatings are used:

  1. Non-combustible materials - stone and reinforced concrete. Most safe species cladding, characterized by a low tendency to ignite. Stone buildings can be located at a distance of at least 6 m from each other. They are the best choice for building small areas, allowing you to build dwellings near fences.
  2. Combustible materials - lumber. To prevent a large fire, the distance between wooden buildings must be at least 15 m.

Separately, the issue of the placement of houses, the construction of which used several materials, is being addressed. Dwellings with stone walls, but wooden floors should be placed at a distance of at least 8 m from each other. The same distance is maintained if the structures in neighboring areas are built from different groups of materials.

Limiting the distance from the wall of the house to the fence and neighboring buildings

By general rules the distance from the dwelling to the fence according to SNiP must be at least 3 m, and between neighboring houses - at least 6 m. A small, less than a meter, indentation of the dwelling from the border of the site is a violation. If a neighbor built his house a meter from the fence, you can safely go to court, even when the standard indent between the dwellings is observed.

Minimum distances of objects and buildings to the neighbor's fence

When planning the future use of the site, it is recommended to draw a diagram of it. The land should be divided into zones, in one of which a residential building will be erected, and in others - a garage and other necessary extensions. According to GOST, buildings should be removed from the fence and the house at the following intervals (m):

  • at least 1 - outbuildings for storing inventory;
  • 6 - from the windows of a neighbor's house;
  • at least 12 - premises for livestock accommodation;
  • 6 - summer shower;
  • 8 - toilet and compost pit.

Particular attention is paid to the location of the bath. Smoke from a sauna chimney located close to a neighbor's house causes quarrels with neighbors, which can legal grounds demand that the building be demolished.

To avoid trouble during the construction of the bath, the following distances are adhered to:

  • at least 12 m from neighboring structures - for smoky steam rooms;
  • more than 6 m from the fence and the house, at least 4 m from the buildings located on the site - for the sauna;
  • at least 12 m from the neighboring bathhouse and other wooden buildings.

The garden plot is also subject to zoning. It is necessary to plan the land in such a way that it would be possible to build a residential building and the necessary outbuildings on it. Architectural structures located on the SNT site are erected at a distance from its borders by (m):

  • 4 - greenhouse, paddock for birds and livestock;
  • 1 - buildings for storing inventory;
  • 8 - bath, toilet and shower.

A small distance between the house and the neighbor's fence is better to discuss with the neighbors

If you want to build a septic tank on the site, it is recommended to obtain the consent of the neighbors. Although the construction of a treatment system requires permission only from the local sanitary and epidemiological service, prior discussion and written consent to construction will protect the owners from false complaints about “flooding of the soil and bad smell from unscrupulous neighbors.

Coordination of the design of the treatment system allows you to avoid situations when a septic tank is mistakenly built close, literally a meter from a well for drinking water.

The cleaner is placed at a distance of at least 5 m from the dwelling and 3 m from the boundaries of the site. The system should not be located far from a residential building, as this often leads to blockages.

The distance from the house to the object outside the fence

When deciding on the placement of a house on a site, they also take into account the distance of the future building to power lines, gas pipelines, railway and cemeteries. This will protect households from traffic noise and fumes from burial sites, avoid flooding and subsidence of a private building located on excessively wet soil.

To power lines

To protect the population from damage electric shock due to accidental deformation of the wires, security zones are installed on both sides of the power line. Within these areas, housing construction, the construction of summer cottages and gardening associations are prohibited. If a house is still within the power line, it is not demolished, but a ban is imposed on reconstruction and capital construction.

The minimum distance from the house to the power line depends on its voltage

Compliance with the security zones of power lines also ensures the safety of the site electrical network from vibrations that arise during the construction of the house. Safe distance from the fence to power lines is determined based on the voltage level, and is:

  • 35 kV - 15 m;
  • 110 kV - 20 m;
  • 220 kV - 25 m;
  • 500 kV - 30 m;
  • 750 kV - 40 m;
  • 1150 kV - 55 m.

To the reservoir

Dreaming of a house near a river or a pond, you need to determine whether the purchased site is included in the water protection zone - the land adjacent to water body with special legal protection. The establishment of a special regime is aimed at preventing pollution, silting and salinization of the soil, preserving the wealth of waters and maintaining the natural biocenosis.

The minimum distance from the house to the river depends on the type of reservoir

The construction of a house near a reservoir also carries the risk of its destruction due to placement on softened soil. When laying the foundation, the width of the water protection zone of the river or sea is taken into account. This area is determined by the length of the reservoir and is:

  • 10 km - 50 m;
  • up to 50 km - 100 m;
  • over 50 km - 200 m;
  • for the sea - more than 500 m.

To the gas pipe

If an external gas pipeline is located on the site, the distance between it and the house must be at least 2 m. The security distance for underground pipes is determined based on the pressure of the gas supply. Within settlements, as a rule, the pressure in the gas pipeline does not exceed 0.005 MPa. In this case, the foundation is laid at a distance not closer than 2 m from the gas pipe.

In the village to the gas pipe low pressure a distance of 2 m is enough

Up the road

In different settlements the distance between the fence and the road varies. In small towns, as a rule, this figure should be at least 3 m. If the local administration allowed to deviate from the standards, it is still better to build a fence away from the passage. This will not only protect residents, but also facilitate access to the site.

Better to stay away from the dust and smells of the road: at least five meters from the fence

Speaking about the distance between the fence and the road, the concepts of "road" and "carriageway" are separated. The first is called the canvas with a pedestrian zone and a roadside, optimal distance up to which it is about 3 m. Under the second, a site for movement is considered Vehicle. If a land plot located near highways, the distance to the fence should be at least 5 m.

The standard distance from a cemetery with an area of ​​more than 20 hectares to a residential building is at least 500 m. If the site is located in a village near a small cemetery, the dwelling should be located at a distance of at least 300 m from it. the distance to the dwelling is 50 m.

The minimum distance to the cemetery is determined by its size

To the railroad

The roar and smell from the railway will not please anyone: we are building a house no closer than 100 m

To protect site owners from train noise, the distance from the private sector to the railway should exceed 100 m. but no closer than 50 m.

At present, it is difficult to imagine the life of large and small cities, as well as industrial enterprises without an established piping system. They supply liquids and gases, allow people to heat their homes, and enterprises to operate successfully. However, while benefiting from the existence of gas pipelines, one must remember that gas communications are quite dangerous, and damage to them is fraught with a serious accident.

From the history of gas pipelines

The first gas pipelines were used in Ancient China. Bamboo was used as pipes, but there were no pipes and gas was supplied by gravity. Connections of bamboo pipes were packed with tow, such structures allowed the Chinese to heat and light their homes, to evaporate salt.

The first European gas pipelines appeared in the second half of the 19th century. Then gas was used to create street lighting. The first street lamps were oil lamps, and in 1799 the Frenchman Lebon proposed thermal lamps capable of illuminating and heating rooms. The idea was not supported by the government, and he equipped his house with thousands, which remained a Parisian landmark until the engineer's death. Only in 1813 did Le Bon's students manage to start lighting cities in this way, but this was already in England. It arrived in Paris six years later, in 1819. Artificial coal gas was used as fuel.

St. Petersburg began to heat the premises by transmitting gas through a gas pipeline in 1835, and Moscow in 1865.

Types of gas pipelines depending on the gas pressure inside them and the method of laying

A gas pipeline is a structure made up of pipes, supports and auxiliary equipment designed to deliver gas to the desired location. The movement of gas is always carried out under pressure, on which the characteristics of each section depend.

Gas pipelines are main or distribution. The former transport gas over long distances from one gas distribution station to another. The latter are designed to deliver gas from a distribution station to a place of consumption or storage. The composition of the pipeline can include both one and several lines interconnected by a single technological chain.

Main gas pipelines are of two categories depending on the gas pressure in them.

  • The first category of main gas pipelines operates under pressure up to 10 MPa.
  • The second category of main gas pipelines is designed to work with gas, the pressure of which is up to 2.5 MPa.

Distribution gas pipelines are divided into three groups depending on the gas pressure in them.

  • Low pressure. Gas is transferred to them at 0.005 MPa.
  • Medium pressure. Gas is transferred in such pipelines under pressure from 0.005 to 0.3 MPa.
  • High pressure. They work under pressure from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa.

Another classification allows you to divide all gas pipelines, depending on the method of their laying, into underground, underwater and land.

What is a gas pipeline security zone and why is it needed

This is a piece of land symmetrical about the axis of the gas pipeline, the width of which depends on the type of gas pipeline and is established by special documents. The establishment of gas pipeline security zones makes it possible to prohibit or restrict construction in the area where the gas pipeline passes. The purpose of its creation is to create normal conditions for the operation of the gas pipeline, its regular maintenance, maintaining integrity, as well as minimizing the consequences of possible accidents.

There are rules for the protection main pipelines”, regulating the establishment of buffer zones for various pipelines, which include gas pipelines transporting natural or other gases.

Agricultural work is allowed on the territory of the protected zone, but construction is prohibited. Work on the reconstruction of existing and networks must be agreed with the organization that maintains and operates the gas pipeline. Among the works that are prohibited to be carried out in the protected zone, there is also the arrangement of basements, the implementation welding work, installation of fences that prevent free access to pipes, the creation of dumps and storage facilities, the installation of ladders based on the gas pipeline, as well as the installation of unauthorized connections.

Features of the security zone of high pressure gas pipelines

The security zone of the gas pipeline of the 1st and 2nd categories is equipped in the same way. Their function is to supply gas to distribution networks of low and medium pressure.

  • Gas pipelines high pressure 1st category work with gas under pressure from 0.6 MPa to 1.2 MPa, if they move natural gas or gas-air mixtures. For hydrocarbon gases transported in liquefied form, this pressure should not exceed 1.6 MPa. Their protection zone is 10 m on both sides of the gas pipeline axis in the case of gas distribution pipelines and 50 meters for high-pressure gas pipelines, through which natural gas is transported. If liquefied gas is being transported, the security zone is 100 m.
  • High-pressure gas pipelines of the 2nd category transport natural gas, gas-air mixtures and liquefied gas under pressure from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa. Their security zone is 7 m, and if the gas pipeline is main - 50 m for natural gas and 100 for liquefied.

Organization of a high-pressure gas pipeline security zone

The security zone of the high-pressure gas pipeline is organized by the organization operating it on the basis of the project, clarifying the survey, carried out after the completion of construction and the issued permits. To maintain it, the following activities are carried out.

  • Every six months, an organization operating high-pressure gas pipelines is obliged to remind individuals and organizations that operate land in protected areas about the features of land use in these areas.
  • Every year the route must be updated and, if necessary, corrected all the documentation issued on it. The security zone of the high-pressure gas pipeline is specified accordingly.
  • The security zone of the high-pressure gas pipeline is marked on its linear sections with the help of columns located at a distance of no more than 1000 m (Ukraine) and no more than 500 m (Russia), all corners of the pipe must also be indicated with a column.
  • The places of intersection of the gas pipeline with transport highways and other communications are necessarily marked with special signs notifying that there is a high-pressure gas pipeline exclusion zone. Stopping vehicles within the designated security zone is prohibited.
  • Each column is supplied with two posters with information about the depth of the route, as well as its direction. The first plate is installed vertically, and the other with mileage marks - at an angle of 30 degrees for the possibility of visual control from the air.

Features of the buffer zone of medium pressure gas pipelines

The security zone of the medium pressure gas pipeline, according to regulatory documents, is 4 meters. As for high pressure lines, it is established on the basis of technical documentation provided by design organizations. The basis for creating a security zone and drawing it on general plan is an act issued by local governments or executive authorities.

The security zone of a medium pressure gas pipeline assumes the presence of restrictions similar to those indicated for high pressure pipelines. To perform any earthworks in the protected zone, it is required to obtain permission from the organization serving this section of the gas pipeline.

The marking of protection zones for medium pressure is carried out in a similar way. On the columns there should be plates with information about the name of the gas pipeline, the linkage of the route, the distance from the plate to the axis of the pipeline, the size of the security zone, telephone numbers for contacting the organization serving this section of the gas pipeline. Shields are allowed to be placed on communication networks and control and measuring columns.

Features of the security zone of low pressure gas pipelines

The main function of low pressure gas pipelines is to provide gas supply to residential buildings and structures, which can be either built-in or freestanding. Transportation with them a large number gas is unprofitable, so large utility consumers do not use such networks.

The security zone of the low pressure gas pipeline is 2 m on both sides of the pipe laying axis. Such gas pipelines are the least dangerous, so the security zone around them is minimal. Restrictions on its operation are similar to those introduced for security zones of other types of gas pipeline.

The security zone of the low-pressure gas pipeline is marked out similarly to the previous two. If the plates located on the bindings have yellow, then the laid pipeline is made of polyethylene. If it is green, then the material of the pipe is steel. The plate does not have a red edging on top, which is typical for high-pressure pipelines.

Security zone of the external gas pipeline

An external gas pipeline is a gas pipeline located outside buildings to a diaphragm or other shut-off device, or to a case, with the help of which it is entered into the building in the underground version. It can be located underground, above ground or above ground.

For external gas pipelines, there are following rules definitions of protected zones:

  • The security zone of the external gas pipeline along the routes is 2 m on each side of the axis.

  • If the gas pipeline is underground and is constructed from polyethylene pipes, and to designate the route is used copper wire, then the security zone of the underground gas pipeline in this case is 3 m on the side where the wire is located, and on the other side - 2 m.
  • If the gas pipeline is designed for that, regardless of the pipe material, its security zone is 10 m on both sides of the pipe axis.
  • If the gas pipeline is inter-settlement and crosses a wooded area or areas overgrown with shrubs, its buffer zone is 3 meters on both sides of the axis. They are arranged in the form of clearings, the width of which is 6 meters.
  • The security zone of gas pipelines located among tall trees, is equal to their maximum height, so that the fall of a tree could not cause a violation of the integrity of the gas pipeline.
  • The protective zone of an external gas pipeline passing under water through rivers, reservoirs or lakes is 100 m. It can be visually represented as the distance between two parallel planes passing through conditional border lines.

How a security zone is established for a particular gas pipeline

The protected zone of the gas pipeline is one of the territories with a special land use regime. At the same time, there is a sanitary protection zone for these facilities, the rules for the arrangement of which are established by SanPiN 2.2.1 /

According to Appendix 1 to these rules, the sanitary zone of a high-pressure gas pipeline depends on the pressure in the pipe, its diameter, as well as the type of buildings and structures in relation to which the distance is calculated.

The smallest from rivers and other water bodies, as well as water intakes and irrigation facilities is 25 m for main gas pipelines of any diameter and type.

The largest protective zone of a high-pressure gas pipeline is necessary when it comes to a class 1 main gas pipeline with a diameter of 1200 mm in cities, summer cottages and other crowded places. In this case, the length of the sanitary zone reaches 250 m.

More detailed data on the sanitary protection zones of natural and liquefied gas main gas pipelines can be found in the relevant tables of this document. For highways transporting liquefied gas, sanitary zones have been significantly increased.

Violation of the gas pipeline security zone. Legal and environmental implications

Violation of the gas pipeline security zone can cause a serious man-made accident, fire or explosion. They can be caused by unauthorized earthworks in protected areas without the consent of the gas pipeline service organization, falling trees, and damage by cars.

In the best case, insulation failure will occur, in the worst case, cracks and other defects will appear on the pipe, which over time will cause gas leakage. Such defects may not appear immediately and only eventually cause an emergency condition.

Damage to gas pipelines due to violation of security zones is punishable by a large administrative fine, which depends on the degree of damage. Demolition of buildings and structures built on the territory of protected zones is carried out by decision of the administrative court.

Conducting unauthorized earthworks, unauthorized planting of trees and shrubs, organizing sports competitions, placing fire sources, constructing buildings, developing sand pits, as well as fishing, deepening or cleaning the bottom, and arranging a watering hole in the places where the underwater section of the gas pipeline passes, is punishable by fines from 5 thousand rubles.

Security zones in the design of gas pipelines: land acquisition and development

The Rules for the Protection of Gas Distribution Networks will help determine which gas pipeline security zone should be applied in each specific case. Typically, this documentation, along with other permissions, is provided by the designers. The question of who will coordinate the project with the services that operate the networks, as well as with local authorities, is determined by the work contract. The organization carrying out the project must have a license for these types of work.

The first step in creating a security zone is to perform a control survey. Its main purpose is to check the correctness of the bindings and their compliance with the design documentation.

The result of this survey is the specified coordinates of the characteristic points of the finished route, the location, number and geometry of the elements and parts of the gas pipeline, as well as the established regulatory points, measuring instruments, hydraulic fracturing and GRU, supports and other structures.

Security zones for gas distribution networks are determined by the Rules approved on November 20, 2000 by Government Decree No. 878.

The security zones of gas pipelines are regulated by the Rules approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy on 04/29/1992 and Gostekhnadzor (No. 9) on 04/22/1992.

The result of these works is a map or plan for a given land management facility, which is subject to agreement with the owners or users of land plots through which the gas pipeline passes. One copy of the land management file for this site is transferred to the state bodies of the land registry.

Bought a plot to build a house. Neighboring gas pipelines were laid from the fence at a distance of 30 cm, parallel to the fence, to our site. These pipes are not main. The main pipe is on the other side. The neighbors connected their pipe to it and led it through our site. At what distance from this pipe can we now build a house. We want at a distance of 70 cm from the pipe (the project of the house is already ready). Is it possible to do so?

Specialists of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pyatigorsk LLC answer

If the project of the house is already ready, then you need to coordinate it with the local gas distribution organization and determine the place of connection of the household. It is impossible to unequivocally answer your question, since there are no data on the type of gas pipeline laying and its pressure in circulation.

1. If the gas pipeline is underground: According to SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems updated version of SP 62.13330.2011 Appendix B, the distance from the gas pipelines to the foundations of buildings and structures with a nominal diameter of up to 300 mm: - up to 0.005 MPa - 2 meters; - St. 0.005 to 0.3 MPa - 4 meters; - St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa - 7 meters. over 300 mm: - up to 0.005 MPa - 2 meters; - St. 0.005 to 0.3 MPa - 4 meters; - St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa - 7 meters. Also, in accordance with the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 20, 2000 N 878 for gas distribution networks, a security zone is established along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters from each side of the gas pipeline.

2. If the gas pipeline is above ground: The distance to household buildings is not standardized. It is only necessary to comply with the conditions for crossing the gas pipeline with window and doorways- 0.5 m and below the roof - 0.2 m.

The distance from the house to the gas pipe (gas pipeline) is the distance necessary for the safety of the structure, which is selected, depending on several components, according to the norms. The laying method, the level of safety of the gas pipeline, the delivery system and the pressure under which liquid fuel is supplied play a role. The determination of the required distance from the residential building on the site to the gas pipe is provided for in SNiP 42-01-2002 in relation to the pressure value of the supplied raw materials: low, medium or high. The regulatory document entitled "Gas distribution systems" provides the necessary conditions oriented to different situations.

Near the city

To determine the required distance from the gas pipe, after the development of a residential building project, citizens of the Russian Federation apply for the appropriate permit (approval) to the local gas distribution organization. For a definite answer, you need to know the type of gas pipeline and what pressure is applied when it is supplied. If data on the type of gasket and on the pressure in the pipes are not available, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer.

gas distribution station

SNiP 42-01-2002 - one of the logical results of action federal law RF "On technical regulation" No. 184, adopted in December 2002. In November 2008, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 858 was adopted, according to which the current sets of rules were developed and approved. This joint venture was approved at the legislative level in an updated version and was named joint venture 62.13330.2011.

Registration by Rosstandart made it a source of norms that are followed when laying and bringing to the building gas pipes.

The most democratic type of fuel in terms of cost has become widespread and has become a public energy resource. Its ubiquitous application has led to pressing need development normative documents, where you can find the allowed distances.

Compressor station

Starting from 2010, SNiP registered by Rosstandart:

  • are legislative documents, the observance of which is mandatory;
  • is checked by supervising organizations designed to ensure the safety of such structures;
  • may be the basis for a decision on a lawsuit;
  • recognized as a weighty reason for imposing an administrative penalty on the fact of violation.

Read also: At what distance from the fence can you build a bath: the norm of SNiP 2018-2019 in SNT and IZHS

SP 62.13330.2011 regulates the distances that must be observed depending on the type of laying main gas pipeline or its branches and liquid fuel pressure in pipes.

Near residential building

If the gas is supplied in cylinders, only the prescribed fire safety regulations must be observed. More economical and volumetric transportation in pipes provides for differentiated requirements for different types supplies and the level of pressure in their implementation.

Wiring diagram

Types and levels

The population is supplied with high-calorific gas, the most best option for domestic use. The level of safety of fuel transported through main pipes is considered higher than its movement and use in cylinders. Laying pipes for this purpose depends on the characteristics of the relief and the required operation and is divided into 3 types:

  1. Overhead communications are the least problematic type of installation, used, among other things, on summer cottages due to the absence of the need for costly work both during the assembly process and, if necessary, repairs. It is made only of steel (as regulated in SNiP), but no special strictness is prescribed in the distance to construction. The only requirement is a two-sided security zone around the pipe of at least 2 m.
  2. Underground pipelines recognized by the most in a safe way laying, with a minimum likelihood of damage from external causes. They can be made of polymer or steel pipes, but here the distance is normalized depending on several components.
  3. Internal networks are located inside the building, they must be left in the public domain, and the assembly should be made only from steel and copper. For internal networks there are also standards - they are determined by the object of consumption and its installation, while taking into account everything that may pose a potential threat of fire or explosion, up to the chimney.

Table of the distance of buildings from the gas pipeline in accordance with the norms of SNiP

Underground gas pipeline

For underground structures, the distance at which a residential building can be placed during planning and development is dictated by the diameter of the pipe and the pressure under which gas is supplied.

It is believed that the pressure level of liquid fuel and its supply under high pressure are directly proportional.

The higher the transport pressure, the greater the potential hazard to residential buildings. That is why the distance from the gas pipe to the house must be strictly observed.

Table of distances from the gas pipeline to buildings

To obtain a permit, calculations are made by types of communications:

  • low is considered to be up to 0.05 kgf / cm2 - served for residential, specialized and public buildings;
  • a gas pipeline with medium pressure (from 0.05 kgf / cm2 to 3.0 kgf / cm2) is needed in urban boiler houses or in the main if the city is large;
  • high pressure can be used in industrial facilities or in a separate project, used quite rarely.

Hello dear readers. If there is a gas pipe in the kitchen, there are special standards for it. These are the distances from surfaces, and from household appliances. Competent installation of gas pipes throughout the apartment is also important.

Housing standards

The gas pipeline is installed in the apartment according to a previously developed plan. But even before that, it is necessary to determine the operating conditions of the gas pipeline. So, if gas pmi 2013 units function in the kitchen, it will become for them obligatory element. Its presence in the boiler room is a guarantee of heat throughout the house.

According to the positions of the gas pipe in the kitchen and apartment, the norms are as follows:

  1. No installation in residential premises and ventilation shafts.
  2. Intersection with an opening for windows and doors is unacceptable.
  3. Laying in hard-to-reach areas is prohibited. For example, for designer finish on the wall. Gas appliances must be easily and quickly accessible in case of malfunctions.
  4. The minimum distance of the gas pipe from the floor is 2 m.
  5. When using a pipe with thin walls, the length of the flexible communication components should not exceed 3 m. Great importance has the density of connections of network elements.
  6. Installation is only permitted in rooms where minimum height ceilings is 220 cm. And these rooms should be well ventilated.
  7. The kitchen should not be provided with ventilation affecting the living quarters.
  8. Wall and ceiling surfaces close to gas appliances must have a special coating of non-combustible plaster. If there is no such coating on the wall, it must be isolated from gas appliances using a metal sheet. Its suitable density is 3 mm.

Private house question

To lay in a private house, you also need to know the rules. To begin with, gasification here begins with the notification of the local gas organization and the planned work. It provides a technological condition that determines the algorithm for constructing a gas pipeline. A technical issue is being resolved. A personal development is being created for the gasification of a certain area. Also, a warrant for the installation of a gas pipeline is issued by the traffic police.

If the neighboring houses are already provided with gas, it is only necessary to connect the pipes in a particular area to the main network. The working pressure factor is also important here. Its parameter in the main pipes determines the choice of pipes for passing into the house.

The preferred gas source determines the gas supply technology: centralized or autonomous.

Also, gas pipelines can follow to private houses underground or above it.

And the norms for conducting pipes to the kitchen in a private house identical to the points in the housing issue.

Installation standards

The rules and regulations for installing a gas pipe in the kitchen are as follows:

  1. Before work, the main valve is closed.
  2. The gas pipeline is blown if the pipe is transferred.
  3. Provided pipe fasteners to the wall. These are special clamps and staples.

The type of fastener is determined by the length and diameter of the pipes.

  1. If there are electrical cables near the pipes, then the minimum distance here should reach 25 cm. And the gas equipment is 50 cm away from the electrical panel.
  2. The location near the cooling equipment is unacceptable. In this matter, the owners often make mistakes. Is it possible to put a refrigerator near a gas pipe? It is forbidden. So the refrigerator radiator can quickly overheat, and the device itself will become faulty.
  3. The minimum distance from the gas pipe to the stove is formed as follows: a branch to it goes only on the line of the connecting fitting. The shut-off valve is placed 150 cm from the floor and 20 cm from the side of the stove. The installation of the cash advance businesses slab takes place using a heat-resistant flexible sleeve.
  4. Work should be carried out in a room with stable ventilation and natural light.
  5. The minimum ceiling height is 220 cm.
  6. The slab and the opposite wall must be separated by at least 100 cm.
  7. Surfaces near pipes and slabs are covered with fire-resistant material - plaster.
  8. The pipes are bred so that the plate is 7-8 cm from the walls.
  9. The stove is operated only in the kitchen, which has a fence from the corridor: a wall or partition and a door.
  10. The height of the gas pipe from the floor is at least 2 m.

one more important aspect is maximum length certified gas hoses. In Russia, it has no restrictions. In Europe it is 2 m. We can have products from 2 to payday loans gallatin tn 10 m and more. It all depends on the tasks of the owners and working conditions.

Transfer aspects

When a gas pipe interferes in the kitchen, it can be moved or disguised. In the first case, it is necessary to strictly observe regulatory requirements transfer gas pipe in the kitchen.

Here the same installation criteria are met:

The maximum length of flexible elements is 3 m.

The norms of the gas pipe in the kitchen in height from the floor are 2 m (minimum).

Connection sections must be rigid.

The pipeline itself should be painted.

Sections of the intersection of the system with the walls are “packed” - a special case is used.

When working with a network that transfers gas, block the gas before working.

You need to define your tasks. It is better to designate them schematically and show them to specialists.

And the decision to cut or move the pipe in the kitchen is the prerogative of special services. The owner can only indicate his intention. And the masters can approve or prohibit it. They will tell you what the price of such an update is, where it is better to start with financial assistance grants and who to contact.

The algorithm of actions in solving these problems is as follows:

  1. Contacting gas company by registration area. Create a statement of desired changes.
  2. On the basis of the application, the masters arrive. Review the conditions, check and necessary calculations so as not to violate the norms for the location of the gas pipe in the kitchen.
  3. Create a budget. When ready plan is in the hands of the customer, other formalities are settled, the customer pays for the service. If necessary, the plan is revised.

If the customer's scenario is not safe, or the estimate is not good for him, he can disguise the pipe. For example, purchase a special elegant box

If there are no dilemmas with the estimate, then within 5 days sow its approval, the masters arrive at the customer. Prior to their visit, the client can:

  1. Contact them and find out if they need any consumables and resolve the issue immediately.
  2. Free up the area for dismantling and old products and installing new ones. Workers should not have problems accessing the network.
  3. Protect all valuables, kitchen appliances and surfaces. A tarpaulin or similar material is used for protection. After all, the work ahead is very dusty.
  4. The valve is blocked. Gas should not go to the pipes during this period. Attaching components is easier with a siphon connection.

The work itself goes like this:

  1. Pipes are purged to remove residual gas and debris (after blocking the gas).
  2. The unnecessary component of the system is removed.
  3. The resulting hole is plugged.
  4. A hole is made at the installation site of the new element.
  5. It is welded here new design and other elements, if they are in the project.
  6. The crane is installed. The connecting sections are sealed with tow.
  7. The stove is connected. The norm is observed at what distance from the gas pipe you can put the stove. This aspect has already been considered here (the valve is at the level of the connecting fitting, the minimum distance from the side of the plate is 20 cm). With the upper variation of the fixed annuity interest rate wiring, the shut-off valve is placed on the descent to gas apparatus. Distance from the floor: 150-160 cm. The gas riser is at least 20 cm away from the tap.
  8. An act of completed works is formed and signed.

A question of disguise

Is it possible to hide a gas pipe when there is no way to transfer it? It is possible and necessary. Special boxes are available for sale.

You can come up with your own plan on how to hide the gas pipe, and at the same time the counter in the kitchen.

If you have absolutely no idea how to do this effectively and harmoniously, look at the photo “How to hide gas pipes in the kitchen?”


It is necessary to install gas pipes in the apartment and in particular in the kitchen in accordance with current regulations. This is both legality and a guarantee of your safety.

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