Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Libra, which zodiac signs suit them. Oscillating scales. What is the zodiac sign of Libra in relationships?

Libra is the second sign of the element Air, which gives people a developed intellect and the need for communication, and the patron planet gives them a love for the beautiful and sublime. That is why the Libra woman, for all her femininity, tenderness and charm, is endowed with a sharp mind and logic, which is in no way inferior to a man’s.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, whose zodiac is Libra, are beautiful, gentle, sophisticated creatures who have a dislike for everything ugly and ugly.

If there is a person who can admire beauty in all its forms, it is the Libra woman. Music, literature, fashion, even people - representatives of this sign know a lot about everything that relates to beauty.

Delicate taste and sophistication in everything allow such a lady to always look elegant, emphasizing her presence with a subtle aroma of memorable perfume and a sensual gaze. She always wears clothes that are appropriate and reflective of her inner world, complemented by statement jewelry and accessories.

From the outside it may seem that the Libra girl treats herself very scrupulously, one might say, like the image on the screen. And this is true to some extent, because she really likes how she will look in public, what they will think of her. The Libra woman does not pass by mirrors, she always lingers in front of them. Such demands on herself make the lady self-critical. And that’s what the expression will be about

“The strictest judge of yourself is yourself!”

If something is wrong, then she will improve herself and do everything in order to get closer to her ideal. People around them often call such ladies the embodiment of charm and femininity.

The Libra woman is constantly torn between career and family; she wants to achieve success in both fields at the same time. If she is late at work, she feels guilty towards her family. If she is forced to spend some time at home, she will definitely worry about how the office is coping without her.

The Libra woman is productive, but her performance varies throughout the week. She does not know how to work according to a plan and do “from now to now”, evenly distributing the load: one day she is bursting with ideas, on another she dreams of a vacation in the morning, on the third she is able to make a weekly plan.

In work, the Libra woman is very inconsistent, although she is efficient. One day it can work hard, another day it can be at rest. Planning the workload evenly is not for her, and Libra is unlikely to succeed.

And if you take into account the fact that she always wants to combine career and home, and having achieved success in both areas, it becomes clear how worried she will be about failures and the fact that she pays less attention to something. So, staying late at work, she will blame herself for not paying attention to the children, and while at home, she will make work plans.

Girls of this sign have a very specific relationship and compatibility with money.

On the one hand, they believe that money exists in order to spend it, on the other hand, it is very difficult to admit this to themselves and others. The bills themselves do not give them pleasure, which cannot be said about the opportunity to buy something.

She always has a very difficult relationship with money - deep down, this woman is sure that money is created in order to spend it, although she is not always ready to admit this out loud.

Crispy banknotes by themselves are unlikely to bring a Libra woman into a state of wild delight; they mean for her the opportunity to acquire something beautiful.

Beautiful and charming representatives of the fair half, whose zodiac is Libra, are very popular with men. Seductive, skilled in the science of love, they can leave a strong mark on a man’s heart.

Among all the fans, such a lady will choose the one who will envelop her with care and attention and will respect her desires and preferences. In addition, she cannot live without sincere interest in her partner, so in order to win her over, you need to do something that would awaken her interest.

A relationship that does not give pleasure, even if the compatibility is quite high, she will break off without regret.

After the breakup, he won’t worry too much and reproach himself. However, not everything is so simple here: before ending with an unsuitable lover, she will think for a long time, think, weigh all the pros and cons. And only after being convinced of the futility or having listened to advice loved one, she will take a responsible step.

The Libra woman is one of those ladies who are in no particular hurry to tie the knot. This is due to the fact that many of their attachments are superficial, especially under the age of 25. And this means that the relationship is short-lived. Another factor will be their desire to defeat men, luring them into their networks and seducing them, often for sport.

For a serious relationship, a Libra girl will choose a reliable man who will become a support in everything. In addition, such a person must be able to solve everyday problems, guide his beloved and help her make correct and informed decisions. She will listen to the opinion of such a man and respect his decisions.

After marriage, the husband becomes the main figure in the life of such a woman. Parents and even children fade into the background. Naturally, a man must appreciate such behavior. Then he will become the happy husband of a patient, delicate and friendly woman, who will be both a wife, a mistress, and a friend.

The husband, in turn, will have to earn good money and be the main breadwinner of the family. No, the wife will not completely shift all material responsibilities onto his shoulders, but the main income should come from the man so that the wife can feel weak and feminine.

Sexual compatibility for representatives of the fair half of humanity, whose zodiac is Libra, plays a very important role. They love to have fun and cannot deny themselves it.

The peculiarity of Libra will be that they receive more physical pleasure from making love rather than spiritual things. And they are 100% satisfied with this state of affairs.

If we compare the lovers of the Libra sign with women of other zodiac signs, then after intimacy they often pretend that nothing happened. They tend to act dispassionate and very calm. However, at the moment of intercourse they love to both receive pleasure and give, taking care of their partner.

In sexual play for such ladies, scenery plays an important role. It could be silk sheets, dim candlelight, a glass of delicious wine - all this will excite them and set them in the right mood. No, they are not at all averse to trying something unusual, but again the aesthetic component plays an important role.

She makes very high demands on men, since her companion must not only be suitable for her character, but also attractive, worthy and someone who would raise the girl’s self-esteem. Agree, it is quite difficult to be such a man, but if a woman has chosen a man, it means that he suits her in everything.

Everyone knows that opposites attract! And confirmation of this rule will be the union of Libra and Aries, which perfectly complement each other and motivate self-improvement.

Libra will also have high compatibility with Leo. Leo will be proud and adore his partner, and the partner, in turn, will be crazy about her lover. And harmony will be not only external, but also internal.

The union of two Libras is the harmony and balance that they lack individually.

Libra will have a fast-paced and vibrant romance with Sagittarius, which may end in a wedding in just a few months.

There will be a long and tender relationship with Aquarius. Moreover, the meaning of such a relationship will be known only to two lovers.

Average compatibility will be with Taurus. In bed they will be able to understand each other perfectly, but life outside the home for a Taurus man can become real torture due to the activity of his beloved.

A Gemini man is not the best partner for a Libra woman. Compatibility in this pair will be quite low, since the characters of these two zodiac signs are too different.

The relationship between a Libra woman and a Cancer man will most likely resemble a long and difficult work. It can take a lot of time to find common ground and learn to hear and understand each other. Sometimes there is too much, so both of them run out of patience faster.

Not the most successful compatibility will be with Scorpio and Pisces, although there is always a chance of a successful course life together.
The lowest compatibility is with the Virgo man and the Capricorn man, with whom Libra women will have constant disagreements, leading to serious gaps.

What Libra women love

Women born in the constellation Libra adore various jewelry, so they are not able to calmly pass by jewelry store. In their arsenal there will always be various little things for any occasion, be it a trip to the store or a social event. Libra women are the only representatives of the zodiac circle who wear jewelry with a special charm that is unique to them.

In addition, Libra is a famous fashionista; their wardrobe contains a variety of beautiful outfits, always emphasizing their elegance. Women of this sign are partial to perfumes and buy them in large quantities and used depending on the chosen image. They always carefully monitor their body, regularly visit the cosmetology office, and can correct their figure through surgery.

For women of this sign, the home environment is important. Furniture, clothes, things - everything should please the eye and be pleasant to the touch. Fresh and light aromas should be in the air. They like delicious and gourmet food, they love art, classical music, luxurious and expensive things.

For such a life, they need a lot of money, which they are able to earn on their own, without counting on the stronger sex. After all, if something in Libra’s environment is unattractive and ugly, then they will suffer greatly from this.

The zodiac has endowed Libra with indecisiveness. When making any decision (be it another purchase of shoes or a proposal from a man), the Libra woman will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, think for a long time and hesitate.

It may often happen that in order to accept final decision, she will need help. And such doubts and thoughts are not at all a sign of lack of intelligence, they are distinguishing feature, which everyone around must come to terms with.

Libras are endowed with overly developed logic and an analytical mind. Perhaps if they were less logical, life would be simpler, and all decisions would be made with ease. As for other people's opinions and advice, the Libra woman always takes into account those around her and, of course, what her loved one says.

By nature, a representative of the fair sex, whose zodiac is Libra, is a chatterbox who will always find a suitable topic for conversation. It is among people born in this constellation that there are a lot of extroverts who do not like loneliness and do everything possible not to be alone with themselves.

Among Libra women, there are a lot of those who are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. And one of the obvious disadvantages will be their constant lateness. Such a lady can start getting ready very early, spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and, accordingly, be late. You will have to come to terms with this feature.

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign is suitable for Libra women for marriage - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Zodiac sign Libra compatibility: what zodiac sign is Libra in relationships, what zodiac sign suits Libra, problem solving

What is the zodiac sign of Libra in relationships?

Libras are very cautious and try not to commit irreparable mistakes or actions. That’s why people are rarely catastrophically unhappy in love. However, Libra's prudence often develops into indecision; they waste time where a simple solution is required.

Libras have the ability to love, but they think about their every action for too long, analyze every word of their partner, finding subtexts where there are none.

This tendency in relationships can have ambiguous interpretation. Of course, it allows you not to regret actions committed in the heat of the moment and not to offend your loved one over trifles. On the other hand, long deliberation makes it impossible to timely correct the direction of events and show activity. Libra may be faced with an uncomfortable choice: either approve of the actions of the chosen one, whom they do not have time to stop, or break up only because he makes decisions faster.

Libra should learn to take a leading role more often, not forgetting to take part of the responsibility for relationships that are dear to both of them. And you shouldn’t be too demanding: by expecting complete unconditional happiness and finding reasons to be disappointed, you can miss truly wonderful moments. The most difficult in this sense can be the first years of marriage.

Libras usually have a lot of friends, and in the formation love relationship they adhere to the principle of friendly communication, preferring intellectual partnership. Libra chooses meticulously. Charming, they easily conquer others, but they themselves are difficult to get carried away.

What is the zodiac sign of Libra in erotic life. Libras enjoy everything they give sexual relations, however, they do not give in to passion recklessly. They may well have several novels at the same time in order to choose the best partner.

Even if feelings have faded, Libra will not give up a sexual relationship, finding a lot of arguments proving that it is too early to break up. Libra simply does not want to hurt even those whom they have long ceased to love. Libra knows how not to take romantic disappointments seriously.

Which zodiac sign suits Libra?

It is very difficult, even pointless, to convince Libra who has treated you unfavorably; it is better to forget: they are guided through life by a rigid system of values. This dignity is the result of the influence of the energies of Chiron, Venus, Saturn. The absence of the influences of Mars, Pluto, and the Sun deprives Libra of perseverance in achieving goals. Failures make Libra angry, rude, and aggressive.

This unstable character needs a companion who stabilizes his life. These are the Fire representatives: Aries, a lion And Sagittarius. The best missionary in this sense is Aries, who has in abundance the energies of Mars, Pluto, and the Sun that Libra lacks.

Which zodiac sign is less suitable for Libra?

The union of two Libras cannot be said to be bad, but it is quite unlikely: both will doubt for too long before someone decides to take the first step.

The union with Gemini is unsuccessful: the changeability of one and the fluctuations of the other do not contribute to heart harmony.

Which zodiac sign suits Libra?

Unions with representatives of the elements of Water and Earth are, in principle, futile for Libra: Air actually does not interact with these elements in any way. Unless it can scatter the potential of earth signs around the world. Water humidifies the Air, making it heavy. "It's difficult to breathe".

But Libra may be able to balance the energy of Scorpio, and in special cases, decorate the lonely, secluded life of Cancer.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the real compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, and more. There is an opinion that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the ideal companion.

Zodiac sign Libra compatibility: solving problems

Libra has a great desire to find “their soul mate”; they cannot stand and do not know how to be alone.

Many Libras, imagining the beginning of a relationship in theory, in practice patiently wait for “favorable circumstances” without doing anything to bring the desired situation closer. Having become interested in someone, Libra will find a lot of reasons not to take initiative. In fact, the beginning and development of a relationship becomes real only if a person attractive to Libra takes the initiative himself.

Libra needs to be more decisive, remember that the world will not fall apart, even if they suddenly receive a refusal.

Libra takes relationships too seriously: before inviting you on a date, Libra will think about whether they can get along with this person, whether their views on financial problems what marriage will be like.

Libras don’t necessarily need to look that far ahead. Having a wonderful time with a nice person does not impose an obligation to marry or live together. Libra needs to trust fate, let events take their course, and rely on intuition.

Libras cannot stand loneliness, so they can be involved in unpromising, painful relationships. Afraid to take the initiative to get closer to those they like, Libra falls into the traps of those who know how and love to command. At first, Libra may even enjoy company strong man capable of leading them. But then disappointment sets in. However, Libra is still in no hurry to break up, preferring tolerate. If the situation becomes unbearable, Libra will take a decisive step, but will suffer again - this time from loneliness.

Libra needs to understand desires, emotional needs, find out yourself and love, learn to respect. There is no need to grab the first relationship you meet, because Libras themselves have enough stamina and energy, they strive for harmony and love. It is necessary to resist the temptation to enter into relationships just to get rid of loneliness. Libra has developed both male logic and female intuition (in both sexes), and they should be used to advantage.

Even in sincere love, Libra is concerned about the need for responsibility in relationships, where it is necessary decisions, the results of which cannot be predicted.

Young Libras do not need to rush into a romantic whirlpool until they are sure that they are independent and independent in making decisions.

Mature Libras are able to fight negative tendencies and situations that bring mental discomfort.

It's important not to become too self-absorbed deep, do not search for the origins of all problems, thereby isolating yourself from your partner. Otherwise, the feeling of lack of happiness will be replaced by real wall separating lovers.

The condition for the indispensable happiness of the couple will be the internal harmony of each, which can be achieved together. If Libra has no reason to doubt the chosen one and think that he is a manipulator, you need to openly talk about what worries you, without stopping working on yourself. And to feel happiness, you need to try to embody your desires, dreams, realize your plans and ideas.

Misunderstanding in relationships

Libras trust their partner, openly talk about mental problems and admit their desires. Resentment may arise due to the impression that Libra’s intelligible, understandable words do not have the expected effect; it seems that the partner does not listen to them, turning a deaf ear.

It's all about the impression Libra makes of cold-blooded, calculating people. A story about feelings may sound a little dry to them, like a scientific report; emotionally charged speech is not particularly characteristic of Libra. The partner takes this as a sign of Libra’s disinterest in the topic of conversation or unwillingness to discuss it.

Libras need to learn not to be afraid of discussions and arguments! This is a way to show that there are flawed moments in a relationship. Libra's peacemaking is theirs strong point, but because of it, the sacrifice of this sign is increased. Libra endlessly yields to their partner, waiting for equivalent steps, but the latter does not even suspect how expensive agreement and peace have been achieved.

Libras are quite stable emotionally and strong mentally, but not when it comes to love. Libras are sensitive, smart, avoid confrontations, and therefore become a desired trophy for manipulators of various suits.

If it seems that you have to act only as your partner wants, you should not immediately suspect him of mortal sins: perhaps he is only concerned about the common good, as he himself understands it.

This problem requires a lot of time to solve: using logic and intuition, you need to analyze the situation, evaluate your partner without unnecessary emotions, but not forgetting about criticism. You need to try to find the reasons for your partner’s behavior and decide whether an open discussion of the situation is necessary. If this seems difficult, it’s worth starting with the little things when defending your interests: don’t be afraid of disputes, be persistent, purposeful. No need to follow retaliatory tactics manipulation: This will confuse an already difficult situation.

Falling in love and getting married quickly, Libras think little about the consequences. The decision to break up is difficult for Libra, especially if there is nothing to reproach the partner for.

Libra must remember: relationships require making decisions and following them. When a break is needed, Libra's peacefulness can become a dead end. Everyone has their own right to happiness; you shouldn’t always listen to others and submit to your own feelings of guilt.

Going with the flow will not resolve the situation; action is required. Tact is necessary, you should not offend a once loved person, but you should not blame yourself too much.

It is necessary to try not to make old mistakes in new relationships, to become more confident in future happiness.

It happens that Libra, even when entering into a marriage, is subconsciously sure that it will not last long, and they wait for the appearance of the one for whom they will part with their present partner. Serious relationship for Libra it means security and calmness, and not necessarily for a long time.

It’s not easy for Libra to start a romantic relationship, and even harder for a romance that has grown from a passing hobby into something more serious. The worries of everyday life are not the best environment for Libra; they are more interested in bright, impressive moments.

Libras need to learn how to overcome troubles and be practical, otherwise with any partner they will feel that they can be happier with another. This tactic is futile; there is a high risk of getting confused in relationships, each of which will not be harmonious and happy.

It's just General characteristics Libra, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual

Which zodiac sign suits Libra women?

Compatibility of Libra woman with air signs

With a man of her sign, a Libra woman can truly build harmonious relationships, based on spiritual kinship, but their life together is rarely calm. Since both the Libra woman and the Libra man are very emotional, conflicts often break out between them, which, however, usually do not lead to a breakup. At the same time, partners find peace of mind in their union, and the balance that is so necessary for both.

The Libra woman is associated with Gemini by common character traits - inconstancy, frequent mood swings and inconsistency. Due to this similarity, such a union is filled with mutual understanding and may well end in marriage. However, for this, both the woman and the man will have to seriously work on the relationship.

The relationship between a Libra woman and Aquarius does not often end in marriage, but this union is almost always very passionate and romantic, and the partners allow each other to maintain inner freedom. An obstacle to long-term and strong relationships is usually the lack of reliability of Aquarius.

Compatibility of Libra woman with fire signs

The Libra woman has excellent love compatibility with everyone fire signs Zodiac. But a long and strong connection is most likely with a Sagittarius man. The woman in this union will calmly relate to the inconstancy of Sagittarius, and in gratitude he will give her ease in relationships and will not put pressure on her.

Libra can also have a harmonious relationship with a Leo man. But both are too independent and emotional, so in their life together they will face stormy showdowns. However, if at least one of the partners is ready to compromise, their union can be very strong and long-lasting.

Compatibility of Libra woman with earth signs

The best “earthly” partners for a Libra woman are Capricorn and Taurus. The Capricorn man appreciates her grace and femininity, and she, in turn, admires his determination and perseverance. Together they are able to overcome any difficulties and build truly strong relationships.

The Libra woman and Taurus are united by a love of comfort and pleasure. Both partners know how to enjoy life, and this gives them the opportunity to create a strong and lasting union. At the same time, the woman in this couple is more sociable and needs constant contact with other people, while Taurus does not require such close interaction with society to be happy. This can become a reason for misunderstanding between partners.

Compatibility of Libra woman with water signs

The Libra woman has pretty good compatibility with Scorpio. But such unions are rare. A relationship with a man of this zodiac sign can easily break down at the very beginning, since Scorpio often scares away sensitive Libra with its harshness and aggressiveness. But if he manages to restrain such manifestations, the Libra woman will discern in him those qualities that she values ​​most in men - responsibility, honesty and reliability, and then their union will have every chance of success.

Love horoscope of the Libra woman, or “The She-Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” Libra woman in love. Who is suitable for a Libra woman?

She is a "cocotte" of the Renaissance, a courtesan from the time of Alexandre Dumas, and simply an amateur male attention Nowadays. Women born under the sign of Libra have driven men crazy throughout human history, skillfully juggling the carrot of intimacy and the stick of contempt, forcing their gentlemen to commit rash acts in order to once again experience their feminine attractiveness.

Libra girls begin to flirt and defiantly pout even at the age of kindergarten, under their leadership, male toddlers commit hooliganism and suffer punishment while the “gray cardinal” reaps the fruits of an attack against the teacher.

During their school years, fans shower Libra girls with flowers and tender poems, and are extremely happy when it is their turn to carry a briefcase or pay for a movie. So, from an early age, the Libra lady learns to control hordes of men. The thing is that in Libra, despite their airiness, passion and spirituality are constantly tugging at the blanket. And the Libra lady, in trying to satisfy both of these needs, is inclined to believe that one person is simply not able to fully accommodate both.

Therefore, the Libra lady always keeps in mind a poet for the soul, a banker for beautiful life, “Casanova” for sex, and “vest” for solving psychological problems. Without intersecting in their sphere of interests, all these knights may even know about each other, however, not feel jealousy or desire to arrange a “division of property.”

Compatibility in love

Problems begin after the Libra lady decides to get married. Most often, she marries not the best, but the one who has managed to right time, in the right place, and in the right state of mind, offer your heart and hand. However, in marriage, the Libra lady very quickly becomes “lonely”, and she again goes to gather a retinue.

Moreover, not everyone is suitable for the role of a Calf; ideally, he should be at least 10 years older than his beloved, wise with experience and philosophical about life. In this case, the stable financial situation and lifestyle of Taurus will be for the Libra lady a kind of piece of solid ground, to which she will be happy to return from air travel. Taurus, who is not inclined to be jealous in vain, will pretend that he does not notice some of the flaws of his other half.

Relationships with Sagittarius and Aquarius are completely different. Freedom and the right to the left reign here. These guys are big fans of short novels on the side, so they won’t become hysterical and try to change the loving Libra girl.

A romance with a Scorpio man promises to be quite interesting. However, the stars advise only very cunning and far-sighted Libra ladies to decide on it. Scorpio, despite his strong passion and bright character, will only indulge the desires of his soul mate at first. Very soon, intimate conversations after sex will turn into a series of moralizing lessons, to which only very smart Libra will be able not to react or seek their own advantage.

A dubious alliance awaits Libra ladies with representatives of the signs of Aries and Leo. Despite the fact that Libra is tolerant of both, women of air who are tender and vulnerable by nature have a very hard time under the wing of the Fiery machos. If Leo is still at least somehow capable of compromise, then one should not expect leniency from Aries. An idyll in bed will not be able to maintain this relationship for a long time, since the soul of the Libra lady in such tandems will quietly become moldy, not being understood and accepted.

Love with a Gemini man is possible only if the condition is met that the Libra young lady is already firmly on her feet and does not have to worry about the financial side of things. Then the chaotic Gemini may well ensure both the merging of souls and the merging of bodies. However, most often these relationships fall apart due to the “fault” of the Libra lady, who cannot build harmony with both Gemini subpersonalities and is so offended by one of them that she does not want to see the second one either.

The Libra woman can build the most dysfunctional alliances with Cancer and Pisces men. Both of them initially court beautifully, gently touching Libra’s soul with their sensitivity and romanticism, however, after contact is established, both Cancers and Pisces want to continue delving into high spiritual matters, while Libra does not need such thoroughness. Their sensuality is secular in nature, and craves manifestation, not discussion.

Love with a representative of their zodiac house, as well as with a Virgo man, usually does not even begin for Libra women. Virgos are too stingy with sex and emotions, Libra men are used to shining on their own, they demand self-worship, which the Libra lady looks at with a malicious grin.

Who is suitable for Libra?

Libras are people of the air element who cannot imagine their lives without something beautiful and elegant. Venus (the planet) rewarded people of this sign with a love of everything beautiful, they are sociable and love to be the center of attention. These people are ideal advisers who can calm down any nonsense. People of this sign are attracted to bright and individual personalities, endowed with eloquence and strong emotional energy.

Which zodiac sign suits Libra?

Libras are unique people, flexible, can easily get out of any situation. life situation. Libra weighs every word they say and thinks about their actions. Therefore, it is often difficult for them to build relationships, but if they find a soul mate, then it is forever. Let's consider which sign suits Libra.

Which sign suits a Libra woman?

Libra women are born with the desire to create comfort, warmth and harmony. In marriage, Libra opens up to her partner, she gives him love and care.

Libra-Leo union. Such a marriage is guaranteed a long and happy life. In a relationship, a man will be able to show all his leadership qualities; the Libra woman in this couple becomes tender, fragile and feminine, supporting her husband in all matters.

Libra-Gemini. The marriage will be successful for both partners. In this couple, the man will never lose interest in his chosen one; he will always be interested in unraveling her inner world. Stability in relationships will depend on how partners can maintain emotional and spiritual balance.

It is often noted that a Libra woman can build strong, happy and long relationship with Aries and Virgo.

Which sign suits a Libra man?

A Libra man can create the happiest, most successful and strongest marriage only with an Aries woman. The woman in her partner develops the male core and strength without limiting his space.

Libra-Leo. Romantic relationship, which can lead to marriage, will certainly please the partners. The Leo woman will be able to meekly, gently and imperceptibly push a man to action.

Libra-Aquarius union. IN family relationships the spouses will feel inexhaustible love for each other, respect and warmth, the union will be distinguished by the fact that the partners realize themselves not only in marriage, but also in their careers.

Who is Libra's zodiac sign?

Libras are the lucky owners of very easy character. They know how to adapt to their partner and respect other people’s opinions. However, figuring out who is right for Libra is not as easy as it seems. There are signs with whom relationships are quite complicated and tense. There are not as many common points of contact with these people as with others. Let's try to identify the zodiac signs that are suitable for Libra, characterizing each one a little.

Astrologers are sure that best couple can't be found. Relationships are especially favorable if the man is protected by the constellation Libra. Lady Aries lights him up with her spontaneity and activity. He follows her with pleasure, not forgetting to lay straws where she might fall. That is, the man gets the opportunity to show his knightly qualities, which he simply needs. In the opposite couple, the relationship is not so rosy. The Libra woman does not like to be jealous, and her boyfriend will constantly give reasons for this. At some point, they will have to endure a serious conflict caused by his popularity with the opposite sex. If they are able to find a consensus, they will be happy until they turn gray. For those who are interested in what kind of woman is suitable for Libra, astrologers confidently recommend Aries. This couple will be able to create an ideal family.

It is impossible to ignore the representatives of this sign when you are looking for who is suitable for Libra. The fact is that these wonderful people sometimes lack perseverance. They are focused on getting to the core of phenomena and accept all sides of them. This feature leads to the inability to firmly defend personal positions. Libra has to learn this from those around them. The ideal teacher is a person ruled by the constellation Taurus. He sometimes surprises his partner with his impenetrable stubbornness, but perfectly demonstrates the need to be able to stand up for one’s own interests. This couple has a hard time, especially in a Taurus-woman and Libra-man pair, but breaking up is even more difficult. It won't be so interesting with other partners. Therefore, if you are looking for which signs are suitable for Libra, be sure to take a closer look at Taurus.

In this pair, compatibility depends on the gender of the partner, ruled by Libra. If this is a man, then the relationship is built relatively easily and harmoniously. The lioness immediately takes her partner into her retinue. She is at ease with him, because he is not trying to take her pedestal. The man fully corresponds to her idea of ​​a beautiful knight. And Libra really needs a companion who knows how to present herself in society. That is, harmony is possible if the Lioness does not become jealous of her beloved, tormenting him with unfounded claims. The opposite pair does not have such bright prospects. Therefore, it is necessary to separately analyze who is suitable for Libra: men and women. A lady ruled by this constellation will become bored with Leo after just a few dates. He is too immersed in narcissism.

Astrologers view the relationships of couples ruled by the same sign with doubt. But this does not apply to Libra. These people have similar interests, they understand and accept the goals and principles of their partner. That is, such a couple will not encounter any particular contradictions. Love will shine like a beautiful star between them until it encounters the first everyday problems. When looking for a sign suitable for Libra, you should take into account a tiny nuance. These people do not like responsibility, therefore they are often indecisive and slightly fearful. From the outside it seems that they think everything over a thousand times before making a decision. But the fact is that it’s scary to lean towards some option - you’ll have to answer later. A Libra couple will fight about only one thing: who should take command in serious situations. Everyone will begin to push responsibility onto their partner. Otherwise, their relationship is almost cloudless.

This is who really suits Libra! These people have the same level of intelligence, similar interests, a desire to develop, and constantly try new things. But what connects them in strong family, so this is the love of travel. Have you met couples who are constantly planning vacations? Moreover, they implement their plans as soon as time and money appear. Surely these people were born under the signs of Libra and Sagittarius. The whole world is not interesting to them when it lights up new dream. This partnership is doomed to success if they manage to improve their life, too much different attitude to this question. Libra doesn't pay attention to clutter, which irritates Sagittarius. Such different ideas about the state of a cozy family nest are especially evident when a woman does not want to clean up. That is, a lady ruled by Libra will have to constantly listen to her husband’s claims. If he can treat them with humor, he will be happy until he turns gray.

Libra is intuitively drawn to representatives of this sign. And this has every reason. With Aquarius, Libra has almost perfect compatibility. These people live in unison, they are happy and comfortable. Love and mutual understanding reign in this couple. Both are able to feel when their partner needs support, and in what cases it is worth holding off on giving advice. In addition, the partnership is based on excellent physical harmony; they feel warm and good. While the whole world is looking for an ideal, these two enjoy love, mutual respect and affection. They create their own space, filled with images and feelings that are incomprehensible to others. In addition, both love communication, which brings them even closer together.

Astrologers consider partnership difficult, but very strong. It is quite difficult for Libras to get used to the idea that life can be planned out decades in advance. But Capricorns will not understand how their partner manages to understand the worldview of anyone they meet and justify his senseless actions. But in bed, these people do not have any disputes or disagreements. However, physical intimacy does not become the basis of their difficult partnership. They begin to respect and accept each other when faced with the first decision common task. Here their partnership becomes almost perfect. Capricorn is a strategist, Libra is a tactician and part-time performer. A couple has every chance of a golden wedding if they go into business together.

When analyzing which zodiac suits Libra, we missed Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo and Cancer. The stars do not give such couples many chances for harmony. Of course, in life there are quite often exceptions. However, to create a marriage in which love reigns, these combinations require a lot of strength and energy. But they can and should be spent on happiness, and not on fighting contradictions. With Cancers, for example, Libra will constantly sort things out. The first are infuriated by their partner’s indecision, the second are infuriated by the floridness of their thoughts and actions. Scorpios are too cocky for the soft representatives of the sign being studied. In addition, they are capable of committing acts that shock the latter. It is difficult for Libra to find a common language with Virgo. Such a partnership is unfavorable not only for marriage, but also for business. People argue about little things, finding fault with one another, but the main thing escapes their attention. Geminis are to some extent similar in character to Libra, which alienates them more than brings them closer. Everyone is in their own world, and, unfortunately, they have few points of contact. It should be noted that all of the above is not a postulate. Life is given to man so that he can build it according to his own understanding. And the stars only give hints, don’t they?

(September 23 – October 22) By temperament they are most often phlegmatic or sanguine. They belong to the element of air and are under the protection of Venus. Their talismans are a book or a heart. The most favorable colors include varieties of blue and green, while the use of yellow and red is best limited. Auspicious stones include diamonds, sapphires and rock crystal. The metal is bronze, and the most successful numbers are 6-15-24-33. It is best for them to count on success on Friday or a day later.

Libra characteristics

People born during this period are characterized by modesty, friendliness towards others and charm. They do not belong to the category of touchy people, they strive not to upset loved ones and, due to their natural intuition, can guess their mood and wishes. We can say that no one is better than Libra at guessing the future so accurately, and without any embellishment or gloomy descriptions. Cheerful and sociable, the owners of this air sign are ready to transform into monsters for their opponents when their mood changes.

Libra's personality is made up of two halves. The light part is very attractive and interesting, but the dark half is distinguished by its capricious character and anger towards people. If it manifests itself very often, then there is every chance of losing friends.

Representatives of the air element do not have constancy in life. They can be active and active, but the very next moment apathy can completely take over them, depriving them of interest in any activities. The only exception to this series is books. They are ready to spend a long time reading, and they read not only fiction, but also scientific and journalistic literature, getting no less pleasure from this than from reading a novel.

Representatives of this zodiac symbol are aware of their own inconstancy and try to approach any problem as balanced as possible. At the same time, sometimes they themselves do not notice how they begin to accept someone else’s opinion as their own, committing actions that are primarily beneficial to others, and not to themselves. Such people have developed intuition, but are in no hurry to trust it. If they manage to cross this threshold, then excellent prospects open up before them.

Libra women are charming, but at the same time they have a number of traits that are more characteristic of the male half of humanity. Light and charming, they have a real “steel core” inside. But they are in no hurry to demonstrate their strength in front of others, so they seem to everyone to be very easy to communicate with.

Libra men are distinguished by their generosity, and this concerns not only Money, but also advice. In their reasoning, they rely primarily on logic, so human psychology is practically not taken into account. A significant part of the advice from Libra is expressed in a very critical form, sometimes demonstrating real callousness.

Libra character

Despite their activity, representatives of this sign are not capable of open struggle, therefore, they tend to retreat in confrontations. Despite the abundance of energy to solve any problem, they waste a significant part of their energy thinking about all possible solutions, wasting time that could be used usefully for practical solution the problem that has arisen. Even if you convince a person of the need to act as quickly as possible, he will try to completely shift the responsibility from his shoulders.

In cases where there is a finally formed action plan, they strictly adhere to it and follow the set goal, one by one completing all the points according to their importance and significance. No temptations can cause deviations in the chosen route, which is undoubtedly important advantage before competitors.

During a dispute, Libra is not interested in the final result, but in the process itself. The more active and engaging the discussion, the more fun they have. In some cases, representatives of this zodiac sign deliberately enter into an argument in order to take part in an intellectual duel and test their own abilities to effectively defend themselves against attacks from their opponents.

At moments when energy leaves the body, Libra very quickly becomes depressed, loses activity and becomes withdrawn into itself. It seems that they set themselves the task of accumulating a sufficient reserve of strength for further full-fledged activities.

  • Positive features: Having a sense of tact, the ability to communicate with people, the presence of self-criticism and the desire for justice. These people are sure that conscience is above all and should not be abandoned.
  • Negative features: Lazy, indecisive and not always reliable, they are often limited to a superficial attitude to the issue. Due to uncertainty about the correctness of their actions, they are able to completely refuse any action.

Career and profession of Libra

Physical work is not about them. For those born this month worthy of attention only intellectual work, while working with hands is considered something contraindicated. The presence of loads does not help strengthen their body, but has a significantly greater chance of harming it.

Good prospects open up for Libra in entrepreneurship, but due to the lack of business acumen and the cult of money, they are not able to turn into successful businessmen. In addition, they are not characterized by quick decision-making, which is impossible to do without in commerce.

First of all, they are reasonable, so good prospects open up for them in lawmaking, jurisprudence, and in various public positions. The ability for analytics and careful planning allows them to grow into excellent designers, engineers, and, in the literary field, science fiction writers.

Features of intellectual development make it preferable to choose a certain direction of activity without scattering own strength in many directions. Libras, who have a penchant for medical work, can turn into excellent specialists who are ready to devote their entire lives to their favorite work.

Their working career generally proceeds in waves, but does not have significant differences and is distinguished by smooth lines. Despite certain creative inclinations, those born this month rarely realize their potential. The fear of remaining poor and unknown forces Libra to choose more practical areas of activity that can provide a sufficient level of material well-being. At the same time, due to the ability to learn and absorb all useful knowledge, success is almost guaranteed.

Libra Health

The Libra zodiac sign is very strong in terms of health, both physical and mental, and, if possible, they try not to burden the body unnecessarily. At the same time, at the very difficult moments those born under this symbol are prone to solitude, which can provoke depression, which negatively affects the condition of the liver and kidneys.

Those who are forced to work physically are prone to back problems, and the pain can be very, very severe. Such people are also characterized by headaches, which are practically incurable, but at the same time disappear on their own for long periods.

The average “specimens” are distinguished by significant weight, a tendency to drink alcohol and a cool attitude towards sports.

Culinary preferences of Libra

Delicious food is one of the main weaknesses of this sign. These are real gourmets and connoisseurs, especially with a weakness for all kinds of sweets and expensive wines. Healthy food is not for them. Where with great pleasure Libra eats cakes, smoked meats, fried meats with a variety of spicy sauces. While cereal bread, soups and herbs remain outside the diet.

Among the products that should be present on the table of people of this sign are seafood, herbs and cherry juice. You should also eat meat, but if possible, stewed or boiled.

Famous Libra

Rulers and politicians:

  • Dmitry Donskoy, Vladimir Putin
  • Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher

Artists and composers:

  • Nicholas Roerich, Giuseppe Verdi

Poets and writers:

  • Marina Tsvetaeva, Ivan Bunin, Mikhail Lermontov and Sergei Yesenin

Singers and musicians:

  • Luciano Pavarotti
  • Nikolay Baskov, Ilya Lagutenko

Theater and film actors:

  • Savely Kramarov, Sergey Bezrukov
  • Jean-Claude van Damme, Kate Winslet

He is a man of great flight. He has hundreds and thousands of priceless ideas in his head on how to make our world a better place. The main motive of life is the desire for harmony. Everywhere, always and in everything. Yes, all this is he - a Libra man. Aristocratic, well-mannered, easy-going and very sociable. And what kind of girl he needs, and what you need to know about his character - the stars will tell you about this.

Libra (Latin: “Libra”) is the seventh sign of the zodiac. He is adjacent to Virgo on the left and Scorpio on the right. Perhaps the number 7, which represents harmony, is by no means accidental. After all, this man really strives for balance in everything: from the color of his tie to his behavior and life views. Symbol of the sign - scales, which can lean one way or the other.

Libra element - air. Open, sociable people with a keen intellect. They tend to think for a long time, calculate risks and rely only on specific, and not fictitious, life circumstances. At the same time, scales are a source of legends, beautiful stories about times past and future. Yes, this guy loves to talk. For girls who love to listen, he is the best partner.

I wonder what lucky colors for scales are grouped by shade, and by softness, mutedness. Great for Libras pastel shades– delicate green, pinkish, coral. They are also patronized by interesting shades of blue - dark blue (when the sky is just beginning to greet a new day), color sea ​​wave and emerald green.

Libra talisman stones– , malachite, quartz, lapis lazuli, diamond, opal, sapphire. Patronizes this zodiac sign is sentimental Venus, sympathetic to romantics, poets, musicians and other people of art who are able to capture the subtlest shades of the human soul and reflect them in their masterpieces.

Sergei Yesenin - a brilliant poet

It is no coincidence that famous men born under the sign of Libra are directly related to social life and have excellent manners, even if their profession does not require the manifestation of such qualities. These are Will Smith and Michael Douglas, Dmitry Shostakovich and Sergei Yesenin, Leonid Kuravlev and Oleg Basilashvili. Finally, our president is also a Libra. Remember his demeanor in public - and everything will become clear.

Libra man: what is better to know about his character

The character of an air zodiac sign is always quite complex. And in the case of scales, the task of description becomes even more global, because our hero is very multifaceted. Friends and relatives of Libra know that his nature is like thousands of beautiful fragments in a kaleidoscope, which give an endless number of unique combinations.

A born diplomat

Diplomacy, as you know, is the same acting talent, only directed in a different direction. Yes, Libras quite easily manage to avoid rough edges, smooth out contradictions and find the right words even in situations when it seems that everything is lost.

Friends know and even use this quality. This is the kind of person you need to take with you in cases where you need to establish first contact or improve a deteriorating relationship. Yes, the talent of diplomacy is always in demand. And no artificial intelligence can replace humans in this sense.

Philosophical outlook on life

Libras do not like logical schemes, precise calculations, compulsion to certain regulations, when every minute is scheduled. This guy is not particularly punctual, because he lives largely by his inner world.

He approaches life somewhat detachedly. Libras deliberately distance themselves from conflicts, unnecessary emotions, and outright disagreements. And if they become an unwitting participant in this unpleasant action, they would rather simply laugh it off than declare war. Yes, there is something of a philosopher about this man. And this is his strength.

Oscillating scales

Yes, our hero takes fateful decisions for quite a long time. And all because he wants to calculate the situation as much as possible and get out of it with minimal losses. To many ladies, this may seem like indecision, but in most cases, Libras are simply in painful thought. And the best thing you can do is not to interfere with their mental activity.

You can't stop living beautifully

If it’s a birthday, then in the best restaurant. If a car, then a limousine. If it's a watch, then it's Swiss. Yes, Libras love luxury. And such a quality can have 2 opposite consequences. On the one hand, it is the craving for a beautiful life that stimulates this man to come up with a well-functioning financial scheme for enrichment. On the other hand, he can gradually turn into a gigolo who takes care of rich ladies and receives bonuses in return. Well, if a girl is satisfied with such a situation, then why not.

Michael Douglas, actor (with wife Catherine Zeta Jones)

Attitude to work and money

Libras love money and everything related to material comfort. They may well make significant concessions just to receive a financial bonus. It’s just that this man is a modern Ostap Bender, who can profit almost out of thin air.

On the other hand, Libras love not only to receive, but also to spend their capital. Yes, a financial manager will not hurt this person. It’s just that our hero has a weakness for luxurious, status things, regardless of whether they bring practical benefit or not. Libra is not a magpie that grabs everything shiny. He knows the value of any item in his collection. And he loves to replenish it with new copies. It seems that this allows him to get a well-deserved dose of pleasure and be inspired for new exploits.

As for work, the Libra man does not take well to the regime and clear regulations. Freelancing is perfect for him, since he hates bosses, formal hierarchy and other relics of the past (from his point of view). Besides, Libras love creative professions, in which they can express their ideas about beauty.

How to please a Libra man

It would seem that this guy is so accessible, so sociable that getting to know him would not be difficult. It's right. Any lady can start a relationship with a Libra; he certainly won’t refuse, because he really adores female company and new experiences.

On the other hand, contact is, of course, not everything. Although it’s already half the battle. And in order to bring the game to victory, you should know about some secrets of the Libra man, which the stars are happy to reveal:

  1. Delicacy, tact, good manners, graceful manners. Call it what you want, but know: it is a sense of proportion, a sincere desire to be an example that meets a certain standard, that is the right path to the heart of our hero. Libras, by definition, do not like straightforward, somewhat rude women. For him, a representative of the fair sex should be like a bouquet of flowers, because it is a bouquet, and not single flower- a symbol of harmony. In a lady he wants to see the royal charm of a rose, the modesty of a chamomile, the charm of a mimosa and, of course, decorative effect green twigs.
  2. Romance is a very feminine quality, and every Libra man is convinced that a lady’s nature should be incredibly refined, soft and delicate.
  3. At the same time, the girl must also have an independent position. Libras are used to dealing with equal partners. They are not inclined to take care of anyone and they themselves cannot stand it if someone starts to take care of them like a mother. Therefore, female romanticism must sometimes give way to practical qualities.
  4. Intelligence – and it cannot be otherwise. Don't forget that our hero represents the element of air. Therefore, ladies who are very far from small talk, are not too sociable and generally prefer to talk exclusively about mundane things, are unlikely to win his heart.

How can you offend Libra?

It would seem that there is little that could offend such a balanced, reserved and at the same time charming person. But, as you know, in all cases there are exceptions. Therefore, the stars strongly recommend that potential Libra lovers pay attention to several nuances:

  1. First of all, don't try to influence the scale by making a scene. Hysterics, breaking dishes and outright threats are a losing path. Our hero does not need to get his adrenaline in this way. Libra prefers dialogue, hints, and diplomatic tricks. You can say that if you defeat him intellectually, it will make a very strong impression on him, and he will yield. Keep this in mind.
  2. Do not limit the freedom of Libra, do not reproach him that he is often late or outright forgets about his words. Again, it’s better to hint about this carefully and even gain strength to treat the situation with humor. Remember: Libras understand the language of hints very well, and not straightforward statements. Paradoxical but true.
  3. Finally, don't laugh at Libra's looks. Like any representative of the air element, this man is incredibly sensitive to his beliefs. If you allow yourself to make constant jokes or openly criticize his internal ideas about good and evil, it cannot be said that this will particularly offend our hero. But it definitely won’t strengthen your relationship.

Who is suitable for a Libra man, and who is not so good

In this life, the Libra man is looking for his like-minded woman - a woman who will not modestly stand at the stove and immerse herself in worries about the house, but a real associate. The chosen one of Libra should proceed from the fact that at some moments she will need to take the initiative in own hands. After all, all air signs of the zodiac, including Libra, can hesitate for a long time when solving some important issue.

Besides perfect girl for a Libra, she shouldn’t be too emotional. Hysterics, attacks of jealousy and other attempts to limit the freedom of this free guy are a pretty successful strategy on the way to losing him. As for compatibility with representatives of different zodiac signs, here the stars paint the following picture:

  1. As in everyone classic versions, the most suitable party for our hero are representatives of his own air element. will give Libra what he has been looking for for a long time - deep mutual understanding and complete freedom of action. And they will provide his life with ease and fill his sails with wind. This man is attracted to airy ladies precisely by free-thinking and almost complete coincidence of views. And for compatibility this is quite a lot. As for relationships with a representative of his own sign, a pleasant surprise awaits the Libra man: deep psychological contact, good communication and warmth are guaranteed. But to what extent the partners will be able to improve their everyday and material lives is still a question.
  2. Libras establish good contact with fiery girls - Aries and Sagittarius. True, the idyll here can be overshadowed by frequent conflicts. A lioness, for example, can create one scene of jealousy after another. with his assertiveness he will somewhat frighten Libra. But with her thirst for adventure and powerless character, this guy will be very interested. The Sagittarius will always come to the rescue, she does not demand to be looked after - in a word, this type is very close to Libra.
  3. It is quite difficult for Libra to get along with representatives of the water signs of the zodiac. Pisces needs strong hand, a commander with a kind heart. They are unlikely to share the views of our hero, and this girl’s emotional swings will not benefit the union. will be able to give Libra a real family atmosphere, but this lady will not like Libra’s frequent absence from home, associated with his love of social events. As for Scorpio, the union looks quite successful. But the partners will adapt to each other for a very long time, because they are not used to making significant concessions. We can only hope that her heart will melt before the charm of Libra.
  4. Finally, earth signs zodiac (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) - this is the least good option for the air element in general and for scales in particular. These people simply have too different energies and divergent life values. The earth is drawn to stability, and the air is drawn to change. This alone is enough to admit: the compatibility of partners leaves much to be desired.

Libra in bed

At night, a Libra man strives to receive not only physical but aesthetic pleasure. Making love in cramped, absurd circumstances, and even more so in conditions far from home comfort, it won't work with him. Therefore, preparation for nightly fun should be quite serious - Libra incredibly values ​​material comfort, beautiful surroundings and luxurious, status items decorating the bedroom.

And the lady also needs to be prepared for the fact that the Libra man does not really like to reveal his true feelings. Yes, a whole ocean of passions can live in him. But he won’t show you all his trump cards right away. Therefore, true intimacy is possible only with the lady he trusts. And if the gentleman literally conquered you with his ardor, this is a sure signal that he has already perceived you as his own.

The Libra man is an incorrigible idealist, a romantic, and in many ways a storyteller. If you want a truly beautiful relationship in classic style- to your address.

She is a “cocotte” of the Renaissance, a courtesan from the time of Alexandre Dumas, and simply a lover of male attention today. Women born under the sign of Libra have driven men crazy throughout human history, skillfully juggling the carrot of intimacy and the stick of contempt, forcing their gentlemen to commit rash acts in order to once again experience their feminine attractiveness.

Libra girls begin to flirt and defiantly pout their lips in kindergarten; under their leadership, male toddlers engage in hooliganism and suffer punishment while the “gray eminence” reaps the fruits of an attack against the teacher.

During their school years, fans shower Libra girls with flowers and tender poems, and are extremely happy when it is their turn to carry a briefcase or pay for a movie. So, from an early age, the Libra lady learns to control hordes of men. The thing is that in Libra, despite their airiness, passion and spirituality are constantly tugging at the blanket. And the Libra lady, in trying to satisfy both of these needs, is inclined to believe that one person is simply not able to fully accommodate both.

Therefore, the Libra lady always keeps in mind a poet for the soul, a banker for a beautiful life, a “Casanova” for sex, and a “vest” for solving psychological problems. Without intersecting in their sphere of interests, all these knights may even know about each other, however, not feel jealousy or desire to arrange a “division of property.”

Compatibility in love

Problems begin after the Libra lady decides to get married. Most often, she marries not the best one, but the one who managed to offer his heart and hand at the right time, in the right place, and in the right state of mind. However, in marriage, the Libra lady very quickly becomes “lonely”, and she again goes to gather a retinue.

Moreover, not everyone is suitable for the role of a Calf; ideally, he should be at least 10 years older than his beloved, wise with experience and philosophical about life. In this case, the stable financial situation and lifestyle of Taurus will be for the Libra lady a kind of piece of solid ground, to which she will be happy to return from air travel. Taurus, who is not inclined to be jealous in vain, will pretend that he does not notice some of the flaws of his other half.

Relationships with Sagittarius and Aquarius are completely different. Freedom and the right to the left reign here. These guys are big fans of short novels on the side, so they won’t become hysterical and try to change the loving Libra girl.

A romance with a Scorpio man promises to be quite interesting. However, the stars advise only very cunning and far-sighted Libra ladies to decide on it. Scorpio, despite his strong passion and bright character, will only indulge the desires of his soul mate at first. Very soon, intimate conversations after sex will turn into a series of moralizing lessons, to which only very smart Libra will be able not to react or seek their own advantage.

A dubious alliance awaits Libra ladies with representatives of the signs of Aries and Leo. Despite the fact that Libra is tolerant of both, women of air who are tender and vulnerable by nature have a very hard time under the wing of the Fiery machos. If Leo is still at least somehow capable of compromise, then one should not expect leniency from Aries. An idyll in bed will not be able to maintain this relationship for a long time, since the soul of the Libra lady in such tandems will quietly become moldy, not being understood and accepted.

Love with a Gemini man is possible only if the condition is met that the Libra young lady is already firmly on her feet and does not have to worry about the financial side of things. Then the chaotic Gemini may well ensure both the merging of souls and the merging of bodies. However, most often these relationships fall apart due to the “fault” of the Libra lady, who cannot build harmony with both Gemini subpersonalities and is so offended by one of them that she does not want to see the second one either.

The Libra woman can build the most dysfunctional alliances with Cancer and Pisces men. Both of them initially court beautifully, gently touching Libra’s soul with their sensitivity and romanticism, however, after contact is established, both Cancers and Pisces want to continue delving into high spiritual matters, while Libra does not need such thoroughness. Their sensuality is secular in nature, and craves manifestation, not discussion.

Love with a representative of their zodiac house, as well as with a Virgo man, usually does not even begin for Libra women. Virgos are too stingy with sex and emotions, Libra men are used to shining on their own, they demand self-worship, which the Libra lady looks at with a malicious grin.

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