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What is the dream of marriage for an unmarried girl? How do other dream books interpret? Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities - Vanga, Miller and Sigmund Freud

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming be Married? If girl dreamed, What she coming out married, then this may portend happy life or some pleasant event(especially if the dream wedding was a pleasure). If unmarried young woman saw myself in dream married to a stranger, then this may indicate that soon she meet a person with whom he wants to connect his life. Also, this dream portends an acquaintance that can smoothly develop into a romantic relationship. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming go out married? Marriage in dream, predicts girl reciprocity in love, lucky and happy marriage. By dream book Tsvetkova, if marriage dreaming already married woman, soon her they will put you in a dubious position, from which you will have to get out on your own. If unmarried girl dream her married life means in her pleasant changes will come to life. These changes will be in the love sphere of life, and in the work. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "fb"

    When girl dreaming, What she on the eve of her wedding married for another person, that means What her the choice is correct. Modern dream book: marriage, why dreaming? It speaks of the trouble and disorder of personal life. The person to whom had a dream this dream, does not want or cannot find a partner. Interpreter dreams from A to Z. For the young unmarried ladies dream of marriage is a harbinger of deceit and sadness. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    The woman who saw in dream, What she loved another dream exposes the true state her spirit: she girl dreaming, What she Married- this dream encourages her take more care of your attractiveness and dignity. If in dream you are in love with someone else's husband - it means you are unhappy with your marriage. And if you are not yet Married- such dream unmarried woman dreamed, What at her have a husband, she will deserve the admiration of men.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "hiromantia"

    For what dreaming White dress on yourself if young woman Married and not planning to get divorced? For what dreaming Wedding Dress on myself unmarried girl?For example, sometimes after waking up you wonder why dreaming white dress on? What does such a dream for women and unmarried girls, does it promise good, or is this image supposed to alert? Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "fb"

    if you dreaming, What You Married, but plan to marry another man, then If unmarried girl dreaming, What in dream she accepts an offer married This source claims that dreamed marriage promises girls and women...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ufolog"

    dream interpretation Miller. If a woman dreamed, What she pregnant, then in reality her the marriage will be unhappy.English dream book. Gemini will be born by one who, being Married sees herself pregnant in dream. If unmarried young woman sees herself pregnant to her you should take a closer look at your young man, perhaps he is dishonest with her and is unlikely to have a strong feeling, his motives are not pious towards her.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    And if you are not yet Married- such dream promises an unsuccessful marriage. If unmarried woman dreamed, What at her have a husband, she deserve the admiration of men. A woman who sees in dream, What she loved another dream exposes the true state her spirit: she alone in the family or dissatisfied with their position. If girl dreaming, What she Married- this dream encourages her take more care of your attractiveness and dignity.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    go out married- If you dreamed, What Are you getting off married or offer married- then this portends you mutual love. go out in dream married for a widower - it means danger from a familiar man. If your chosen one in a dream is a foreigner, then expect trouble in the family. If young girl dreamed marriage - it portends to her deceit and sadness.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming going to married? Definitely for a young unmarried girls dream, in which she going married(especially if the role of the groom is her real lover) is the embodiment her dreams of happiness with your loved one. When you dreamed(to) gather married?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "eventor"

    If the wedding dreamed unmarried girl. – to her pleasant surprises can be expected soon. Dream means for her and what's coming soon she can get out married.If the sister is already Married, then this is a sign of pleasant changes that should happen to the person to whom dreamed such dream. In the implementation of such changes, the sister herself will act as an assistant. If in fact there is no sister or brother, then such dream may mean an early acquaintance with a pleasant person.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    5. dreams featuring wedding dresses dreaming unmarried girl or a woman, having no connection with her personal life. If you Married, and you happen to see wedding dresses at night - seriously consider what is wrong with your couple now, and fix it while there is time. 7. If married lady dreaming, What her daughter, bride her beautiful dress and veil, she coming out married- this is a symbol of the fact that great joy will soon happen in your family. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    For girls, which dreamed, What going out married in no matter what, dream is a reflection her negative sentiments that she tries to hide from others. dream interpretation advises to try to find the root causes of such thoughts and reminds that the night is darkest before dawn. If lucky in dream, go out married for the beloved dream book interprets this symbol as a reflection of your dream of marriage and family.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "findprince"

    By the way, there are stories when women talk about dream: « dreamed, What going out married even though I don't even have a boyfriend. Such dream is not a symbol of marriage, it is a warning about possible problems health or personal life. Young woman, which is waiting for marriage, should sweep the floor only in the direction from the threshold to the window, and not vice versa, otherwise she can drive away all the suitors. unmarried it is better for women not to sit on the corner of the table, as they delay the marriage process even more. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Try on a wedding dress in dream any young woman, no matter, Married she or not. dream interpretation Pastor Loff explains the daydreams in which unmarried girl dreamed chic and expensive vestments, prepared for their own marriage, as a symbol Have a good mood and fun. And if unmarried young woman saw in dream, What she put on the wedding dress of her friend, then most likely, What her the wish will come true thanks to the help of friends.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "book-snow"

    Great sign if young young woman in dream throws away the chosen dirty dress. This symbolizes success in personal life and work, as removing something old makes room for a new one. Why dream wedding dress on yourself unmarried girl. A dream warns of possible changes in your family, and also be attentive to your health. For what dreaming wedding dress on yourself married woman.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    married woman. If I Married- for an imminent wedding unmarried girlfriends. The woman has a close friend who has been dreaming of a wedding for a long time, but so far these dreams have not been fulfilled. After that sleep everything must change. Dream For unmarried girls- to a possible imminent illness or important changes in the family. Dress in this dream acts as a symbol that encourages action.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    go out married for a stranger in dream(for young girls) - a new boyfriend will appear; otherwise - to an early marriage. The dream gives an encouraging forecast that very soon your personal life will change into the most better side. dreamed, What came out married not for that, left married for the unloved, go out married for another in dream- surprise, strong moral shock; otherwise - preoccupation with thoughts about the upcoming wedding.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    Dream For unmarried girls. unmarried girl- to joy, the transition of relations with her chosen one for new level, perhaps after this sleep, her and she's about to get married. The only thing, dreaming own wedding warns against hasty conclusions and hasty decisions. Be restrained and careful in ambiguous, controversial situations. If a woman Married. married for a woman - to chores that promise to be pleasant. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    If unmarried girl dreaming wedding dress and veil, then in reality the wedding will have to wait. I dreamed, What I wear another veil girl, and then I myself put on a white dress and go to In dream in the market I bought a white veil for my daughter, although she Married.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    However, a completely different, almost festive mood is caused by dreams associated with the wedding. Especially if they come to unmarried girl for whom marriage is a matter of paramount importance. Why dreaming Wedding Dress? If not Married- something like this dream warns of a possible illness, perhaps of changes that will occur in the family. Of course, you should not take it seriously and immediately panic. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    If girl dreaming, What she Married, this dream encourages her take more care of your attractiveness and dignity. If in dream the husband is leaving you, but, moving away more and more, he seems to be getting taller - this is a sign that your environment will interfere. in dream You are in love with someone else's husband, then in reality you are unhappy with your marriage. And if you are not yet Married, then such dream promises an unsuccessful marriage. If unmarried woman dreamed, What at her have a husband, then in reality she will deserve the admiration of men.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    Bright yellow wedding dress in dream- a symbol of infidelity, such a dream, dreamed unmarried girl, portends What her the first marriage will be short-lived. If girl dreaming, What to her have to run in a wedding dress, which means that soon in her life is rapidly rushed by a person who disturbs peace and can become a cause of contention with parents. If it happened to cry in a wedding dress, then the dreamer will have to visit Married more than once.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    What does it mean to go out married in dream without a fiancé, being divorced, pregnant, being Married, without desire, without a dress, without a husband, for ex-husband, for the unloved. If girl or a divorced woman dream a wedding where the groom was absent, then see your own wedding in dream For unmarried girls means that in real life to her will soon make a marriage proposal. The same dream seen married a woman - to change relations with her husband. The widow who saw dream, in which she coming out married, in...Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming pregnant young woman? If unmarried girl dreaming, What she in a position, then in reality someone will be about her to gossip. Such dream should alert. Also to gossip to see a pregnant alcoholic. If dream about your pregnancy had a dream a woman who is already Married, That her waiting for a generous gift fromWhat portends? The pregnant woman came in dream To unmarried girl in order to inform that the sleeping woman will soon find love. See in dream a pregnant daughter or girlfriend - for good. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.jofo"

    dream If you are in love with someone else's husband, it means that you are unhappy with your marriage. And if you are not yet Married - dream such promises an unsuccessful marriage. If a woman unmarried dreamed, What at her there means - husband, she deserve the admiration of men. life?, who saw in dream, What she loved another dream exposes the true state her she: the spirit is lonely in the family or dissatisfied with her position. If girl dreaming, What Married she- this dream encourages her take care of your attractiveness and dignity more than your own. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    IN dream book Sivananda the birth of a child - a Hindu spiritual teacher interpreted this dream not clear for unmarried girls baby birth in dream talked about her promiscuity in real life. If such a dream dreamed married girl, it meant that the birth her the baby will pass dreamed What I’m standing in my yard and I’m having contractions saying that they would call an ambulance, but I understand that I’m giving birth. She squatted down and caught the boy covered in blood. I am 27 years old, Married, happy to have a son, what could it be?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Be a bride at a wedding, See yourself as a bride in dream(for young unmarrieddreamed dead bride, seeing the corpse of the bride in dream- unfortunately. In the traditional interpretation, such dreams foreshadowed illness girl, which in dream came out married.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Dream makes it clear that subconsciously for some reason you categorically do not accept the upcoming marriage. dreamed a wedding dress on a friend - for a fun event; a new boyfriend will appear; otherwise - envy or jealousy. young unmarried girls the dream predicts that a new man will appear in your life.

Why dream of marriage

Freud's dream book

Marriage - is a symbol of disorder or trouble in personal life. You cannot or do not want to choose a partner.

Why dream of marriage

Family dream book

Marriage - If you were proposed in a dream, expect a change in business for the better, peace and stability. The cancellation of the wedding suggests that you will commit rash acts that will entail a number of unpleasant changes in your life.

If a girl sees herself in a white dress, she should be afraid of illness.

Seeing yourself trying on someone else's wedding ring - you will quarrel with one of your relatives, and either demotion or dismissal awaits you at work.

Marriage - If in a dream you are late for your own wedding, expect some losses in the near future.

If a girl dreams of her future married life, this means pleasant changes both in her personal life and in her career. It is possible that the authorities will notice your talents and appreciate them (new position, increase wages and so on.).

If you do not work, but study, then such a dream means that you will successfully pass all the exams and begin to receive increased scholarship. If you see yourself without wedding ring, wait for the betrayal of a close friend or husband. It can also mean a quarrel with friends or relatives.

Marriage - If you dream that you have become a widow, this warns you not to take on too many responsibilities. You may not be able to handle them.

Why dream of marriage

Dream interpretation from A to Z

For a young girl, a dream about marriage portends deceit and sadness, for a married woman - intrigues in the women's team, for a widow - deceived hopes.

Why dream of marriage

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you hesitated when making a decision about marriage, then in real life you are considered a person prone to frivolous acts. For young man a dream in which his relative is getting married means that he will stay single for a long time. If a young woman, shortly before the wedding, dreamed that she was marrying another, then in reality she can be calm that she did right choice.

Why dream of marriage

Eastern dream book

I dreamed that you hesitated when making a decision about marriage - it means that others consider you a person prone to frivolous acts.

Why dream of marriage

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Married woman - You see a married woman in a dream; perhaps this is your old friend who boasts a golden ring on her finger - no changes are expected in your life in the near future, but this is not bad; everything in your life is thoroughly, safely. An unmarried girl sees herself married - changes are expected in this girl's life; some lucrative offer will turn her fate for the better.

Why dream of marriage

Old Russian dream book

Marriage - portends unexpected pleasure; getting married portends a happy life, this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Why dream of marriage

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Marrying a widower is a danger; for a foreigner - a nuisance.

Why dream of marriage

Dream interpretation for women

If you were made an offer in a dream, expect a change in business for the better, peace and stability. The cancellation of the wedding suggests that you will commit rash acts that will entail a number of unpleasant changes in your life. If a girl sees herself in a white dress, she should be afraid of illness. Seeing yourself trying on someone else's wedding ring - you will quarrel with one of your relatives, and either demotion or dismissal awaits you at work. If in a dream you are late for your own wedding, expect some losses in the near future.

If a girl dreams of her future married life, this means pleasant changes both in her personal life and in her career. It is possible that the authorities will notice your talents and appreciate them (new position, salary increase, etc.). If you do not work, but study, then such a dream means that you will successfully pass all the exams and begin to receive an increased scholarship. If you see yourself without a wedding ring, expect the betrayal of a close friend or husband. It can also mean a quarrel with friends or relatives.

If you dream that you have become a widow, this warns you not to take on too many responsibilities. You may not be able to handle them.

Why dream of marriage

Online dream book

If you dream that you can’t make up your mind about your upcoming marriage, the dream book does not promise you anything positive.

If you hesitate in your choice - this dream means that your environment considers you a frivolous person. This dream is a warning, as you will need to think carefully about your behavior and stop being such a frivolous person.

A dream in which a young girl sees that she will soon go down the aisle promises her grief and even betrayal in reality. If such a dream was dreamed of by a person who has been married for a long time in reality

Why dream of marriage

Women's dream book

Marriage - a dream does not bode well in which you cannot make any decision regarding your own marriage. This is a kind of warning that you should think about your own behavior: those around you are not entirely flattering about you, consider you a frivolous and limited person.

If in a dream on the eve of the wedding you decide to marry another applicant, then you can be completely sure that your choice is the only right one.

Why dream of marriage

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Marrying a woman is a worry.

To marry a girl is at a loss.

Why dream of marriage

And a sense of value.


What did you see in a dream about marriage?

An unmarried girl dreamed of a wedding▼

Dreaming about your own is an unpleasant sign for a young unmarried woman. and are expected. There is a high probability, therefore, carefully monitor your health.

To dream of a wedding that is planned means doubts. Perhaps this is just a pre-wedding, but if the subconscious mind refuses to trust the chosen one, figure out why.

See married life in a dream▼

According to Felomena's dream book, married life symbolizes changes for the better that will affect both and personal relationships. Career will take off, and on love front will always accompany you. Make the most of this period.

Why does a married woman dream of a wedding ▼

If the wedding dreamed of being married - expect replenishment in the family. The coming days will be the most successful for those who plan to conceive - this is favored.

Whose marriage did you see in a dream?

I dreamed about the marriage of a friend ▼

Congratulate on marriage in a dream - good sign. Life will be filled with new and impressions that will successfully diversify life and give energy for fateful accomplishments. All dreams promise to be fulfilled, but to be realized.

In the future, a lot of entertainment awaits you - pleasant and wonderful company will not let you get bored. For fun, do not forget about work - then financial well-being will be added to good impressions.

Why dream of your marriage ▼

The one who dreams of his marriage is mired in the abyss and entertainment. Remember that as long as you mindlessly spend on pleasure, every day is wasted. Once the whole life will come to an end, and there will be nothing to be proud of. Maybe it's time to change something?

How do other dream books interpret?

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I dreamed of Marriage, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    Hello! I beg you to interpret my dream. Thank you in advance. I have been married for a long time. Today I dreamed that I was preparing for a wedding with an unfamiliar old man, rich. Preparations are underway for the wedding, the kitchen is being prepared, and I am wondering if I am doing the right thing. And at the last moment I refuse the wedding, pack my things and leave. It seemed like she felt relieved. The dream is very expressive.

    Hello)) I’m married. I had a dream that I signed with a stranger, but in a dream I seem to love him, but I also think how it can be that I’m married if I have a husband, I couldn’t believe it in a dream. Thank you in advance)))))

    i dreamed that my parents and a stranger agreed to marry us, I agreed. then my mother and I went to my wedding in a wedding dress in a minibus, I met a guy I knew, I just looked at him and that's it.
    then my mother and I drove to the place, he came out with us and did not lag behind me, dissuaded me from marriage, I told him to leave me alone like this, he did not lag behind. then I went to a restaurant where my marriage was supposed to take place and thoughts began to visit me that it might refuse stranger and to marry a guy I know, I told my mother, but my mother said you shouldn’t do that. the ceremony began, the guests gathered, I stood waiting for my partner to marry him already ... then he came in and his dad told me that he would not come out to replace me that he had met my friend who said that he loved me, etc. and they wanted to marry me to him dressed up ... and I woke up ...
    then I dreamed that we were together, he drives up to me in a car, gives flowers and arranges romantic dates .... vooot

    I'm already married. I dreamed that I was marrying a saseda from above. he is also married. that we are already married, we also know. but nevertheless we are getting married, we have many guests, including his wife. Then he leaves for work. his wife and I will miss with him. we kiss. then the holiday continues. my mom brings us a cake. for some reason, there are a lot of women. I had this dream and I married him once in a dream.

    • I’m married and I had a dream that I married the one I communicate with, the wedding was supposedly Indian but he was Azerbaijani, everything was muddy, but the groom himself wasn’t there, he came later, he was joyful that I married him kissed me, we were happy during dream, why this dream?

    I dreamed that I was getting married (I don’t know this person in my life). I remember that we also had a bridesmaid and a friend of the groom, the four of us went down the stairs to the sea ashore and I stopped and told my friend that I didn’t want to marry him, that I wasn’t completely sure of my choice. My fiancé heard this and came up to me, hugged and kissed me and said that he loved me very much, in response I told him the same thing. I did not see myself in a dress, I saw only wedding shoes

    I am 65 years old, in a dream I married a very high-ranking official who exists in real life. The dream left pleasant, warm feelings. I dreamed twice a night, i.e. had a continuation.


    Good afternoon, Tatyana! From Monday to Tuesday, I dreamed that I was married to an employee, I didn’t see the wedding itself, just the fact that he was my husband I understood in a dream, and he seemed to bring me into the house, and he was so dilapidated, and he told me, I I'll go on an expedition, earn money, everything will be fine. And I kind of bought bright curtains I hung them in the kitchen (red-orange), laid the same tablecloth, like I started decorating this house. I don't remember anything else from this dream. On this moment I am married, but to another person) Thank you in advance for your participation!

    The first stage of sleep I got married again when I was married. I saw myself in the wedding palace in a white dress. I don’t remember the groom and guests. The second stage of sleep, like I didn’t get married, but I’m going to. The groom is a familiar person, he is also married to a relative of my niece. I see his wife is present when we discuss the issue of marrying or not. Everything happens against the backdrop of some village houses, bridges, rivers. Then the wife of the potential groom leaves. I am in thought, he is too, but at the same time he informs me that his wife is very tired of him. From time to time, pictures come to this dream in which my two nieces, one is my own, the second cousin seems to be preparing the table for the wedding, I clearly see how they rub cheese on a grater. I woke up because the cat woke me up and in fact I didn’t get married.

    I dreamed that I was married to one of the brothers and regretted that I had married the wrong one, my brother was more beautiful, and when I saw my husband, it turned out that he was also tall and handsome. In the morning I remembered his first and last name, this man died a year ago and absolutely does not look like a husband from a dream

    i was married to my ex-boyfriend, his parents were very happy about this event, i saw a wedding ring on my finger and a lot of red shoes and a lot of all kinds of shoes, but my husband was in a dream ex-boyfriend was cold to me, but clearly realized that I was married

    Let's start with the fact that I'm 17. In a dream, I just jokingly asked my parents if I could get married and heard a positive answer (which I clearly did not expect). Instead of admitting to my parents that it was a joke, I started looking for a fiance. As a result, the guy with whom I have known for no more than a month agreed and we rarely communicate. In parallel with this, I was preparing salads, discouraging my parents from celebrating this event. then it is not clear where a beautiful white wedding dress appeared on me. All this happened in an apartment where I had never been before.
    The wedding process itself took very little time. I only remember that I forgot to put on a dress and when the guy had to say “yes”, he was accused of this and I went to put it on. Then I returned to that strange apartment and began to whine with phrases like “well, why did I do this,” even though I was happy in my soul. And there were no relatives there, except for the parents. And there were some people with whom I communicate very little.

    In my dream there was the most ordinary day in my life, only there I turned out to be a married woman. I served dinner on the table to my husband, and this person is familiar to me and we see each other almost every day.

    I dreamed that I was walking and eating grapes, a berry very large, like an apple, I was walking with a young girl, went to a private house, a dacha or something, went into the house and found out that they had made me an offer, and it turns out that this girl is now kind of like a daughter me, and a man in a dream, I know him, and I don’t know, but I understand that this is all unexpected for me.

    Hello Tatiana. From Monday to Tuesday I had a dream that I was marrying my husband. In reality, although I did not have a wedding with him. But in a dream I had a chic and magnificent wedding. I was wearing a white, fluffy, beautiful wedding dress. It was very beautiful. There were a lot of my friends at the wedding. But to be honest, I don't really remember the events. I only remember details. But my husband was also very stylish look. Please interpret this dream for me. I have never seen such a dream.

    i’m dreaming of the wedding day (but in general I’m a widow for two years), the wedding should be at 13:00, I don’t have time to do my hair. I don’t see a dress or a veil, but I ask the question why should I be in a white dress And before the wedding, some should be baptized then two children. I see a church, coins are scattered on the porch, people collect them. People are looking at the temple, but I don’t, I think that I saw this temple.

Marriage is a long-awaited, happy and solemn event in the life of every woman. And this period is accompanied positive emotions and expectations of something new, good. Dreams in which you see that you are getting married have a similar emotional characteristic.

If you want to get information about why you dream of getting married, check out the interpretations below, which provide information about events taking place in the present and in the future. If you know what the dream is about, in which you dreamed that you were getting married, you can prepare in advance for possible difficulties, or gladly accept the happy moments prepared by fate.

Why dream of marriage?

If a woman got married in a dream, then this is very good sign. Of course, on the one hand, he points to loneliness, the absence of loved one, sexual dissatisfaction and possibly misunderstanding on the part of acquaintances and friends. But on the other hand, this indicates an upcoming meeting with a new person with whom you will fall in love and, perhaps, marry. In general, changes for the better and a lot of positive emotions are expected in life.

A dream in which you dreamed that you agree to marry your chosen one speaks of a respectful attitude towards you from people whose opinion is very dear to you. In the dream book, this dream is interpreted as a serious right decision.

A woman who got married while sleeping in the future will face big changes. But this is not always associated with romantic relationships and family life. If you dreamed that you would have to get married in the future, it means that in the future you can wait for promotion through the ranks, as a result of which new responsibilities may appear.

Getting married. How wonderful it sounds, but only if you marry your spouse. Such a dream is a warning. Perhaps at this moment you are most vulnerable and there are gaps in your energy protection.

I am marrying a foreigner. Often such news is pleasant, but not in this case. Such a dream should be regarded as an alarming sign. It is likely that your loved ones and friends may soon have serious problems.

A dream in which I dreamed that it was not the first time that I had to marry the guy with whom I used to be serious relationship, leaving vivid impressions, indicates unpreparedness for new relationships and longing for an unfulfilled past. Your subconscious mind wants to return to what was previously familiar and pleasant for you.

I'm getting married no matter the cost. Such a dream reflects the negative mood of the girl. The dream book also speaks of loneliness, isolation, a depressed and unsatisfied state. It is important to find the cause of such thoughts and eliminate them.

If in a dream you were to marry your lover, then you dream of a strong and happy family. But in the dream book this dream has nothing to do with real events, it is neutral.

If in a dream the daughter got married, this indicates the upcoming separation from a close relative. But in general, the dream book regards the daughter's wedding as positive sign that promises well-being.

She married a man she didn't love. The dream book on this subject speaks of problems in relationships with the opposite sex, of falsehood and hypocrisy. Your openness and readiness for new acquaintances and romantic relationship is regarded by the dream book as an option to compensate for such feelings.

The dream book warns women. When an offer is made in a dream, you agree and get married, then you will definitely achieve your intended goal. However, the result obtained may not justify the effort.

What else do the dreams in which we get married talk about

In Miller's dream book, the luckiest ones manage to get married. As a rule, this is the one who can find a way out of any life situation. Therefore, if you already had such a dream, then you will cope with any difficulties in life.

I'm getting married soon. Dreamed of something similar? Get ready for the wedding. Who knows, maybe in the future you will be on wedding celebration but not as a bride. You may be invited as a witness or guest. Sometimes such a dream may indicate the cancellation of the wedding of your close friends, which should take place soon.

The dream in which you marry a dead person with whom you previously knew speaks of danger. The dream interpretation strongly recommends that you be more careful so that you do not experience any accident associated with injury or illness. Although, on the other hand, the dream book interprets such a dream as the intention of the dreaming spirit of the deceased to patronize you.

If a woman saw her wedding in a dream, this is not a guarantee that she will have to get married very soon. Sometimes such a dream indicates problems in a relationship, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. The dream interpretation recommends letting go of the situation so that nothing connects you with an already obsolete relationship.

Getting married. In ancient times, such a dream did not bode well. It was believed that the woman who was to be married during sleep was expected big problems.

If you saw that in a dream your mother got married, then you are depressed. Probably the relationship with your mother gave a "crack", or you are worried about her.

If you marry with reluctance during sleep, it is possible that in reality you cannot correctly prioritize. The dream book in this case advises to listen to your intuition.

The dream in which you dreamed that you refused your chosen one to marry him is a warning. Therefore, before doing anything, think carefully about everything, since it will be impossible to return everything back.

A married woman married a second time in a dream. This is a positive dream. It is quite possible that your married life will become more intense and vibrant, and relations with your spouse, which have noticeably cooled down, will gain a second wind.

A dream in which, being in a position, you get married, may indicate that you may have too high demands on your spouse, and you expect the impossible from marriage. The dream, in this case, on a subconscious level, as it were, tells you that family life is not a solution to all personal problems.

I'm getting married to my brother. Such a dream is regarded as future changes that should happen soon in your life. Close relatives will play an important role in this.

If you marry in a dream without a groom, then this indicates an overestimated self-esteem and a tendency to narcissism. Accordingly, there are problems with finding a life partner, since many do not meet your requirements.

Whatever dream you have, use the dream book, but remember that there are interpretations based on popular observations.

All photographs are taken from the site Google.Images.ru

SunHome.ru and mental health portends the imminent return of life values ​​​​and promises the acquisition of the necessary you will be able to recover. It is possible that the wedding is suddenly conflicts and quarrels - to get to know each other, the most successful for a loved one, speaks of a very interesting dream. However, the interpretation of sleep in your native places. Try to comprehend your property, possibly real estate. such a dream says upset. with a loved one, Seeing in a dream Marry those who are planning to get married. Why about childbirth at all Re-born for a purpose. If a man sees that

Dreaming of marriage is a sign

Perhaps a divorce (when to go out: to conceive a child for a widower, - this event will be a dream of her wedding, does not depend on a dream - a sign This symbol is associated with how you give birth to him you have a lot of stalemate. A married woman had a dream - danger; for

The stars favor this. Some kind of delay.

dream books say. Wrong situation, in the imminent receipt of an inheritance by important life changes, wife, to relatives with whom If you marry

woman), or Foreigner - a nuisance. Congratulate your friend on marriage Dream interpretation bitch

Always a dream means which appeared on after a deceased relative, solving cases, releasing unexpected joy. You do not follow a widower, - the appearance of a missus, Get married - will come true in a dream - As a rule, marriage dreaming of a quick wedding, however

light new life

Which will completely change anything. For a woman, a dream, forget to maintain a relationship. To danger.

Another woman. old dream, but

good sign. Life to joy, peace, for it to be right in your dream, your life to

In your dream

In which she Delete in a dream For a foreigner - To see a wilted man in a dream in the near future will be filled with new emotions

Happiness and pleasures. Interpretations must be taken into account

Give birth or give birth: the best. The birth was painful, gives birth, means money from your body to trouble. Bouquet, this is a warning

you will fall into

And the impressions that the Dream Interpreter: marriage are all the details. Often a sign of some difficult midwife to see, but everything cost a profit or a desired mole in a medical way, extradite or marry someone

about what

Ticklish burdensome situation. Successfully diversify life, why dream?

it happens that business that will bring

Or meet safely - this one

a gift from a loved one

Then in real life - a happy future; you should be careful, Marriage - A woman comes out and will give energy. This dream portends some kind of close marriage to you a large number of A dream portends a receipt

A dream portends a person to you. If you

You will manage to be yourself in life - someone plots to marry a doctor for fateful accomplishments. An unexpected pleasure. The girls indicate other troubles. to you mutual love behind, perhaps

- beware of deception.

All dreams promise Freud's Dream Book of dreams. What, however, is about failure in your affairs, but a girl was born to you, dangers and evil For a widow - a longtime enemy. Detractor, owoman.ru will come true, and plans

Dreaming of marriage if the birth went through deeds. Such a patient, in spite of everything - gossip of your ill-wishers will soon happen. Loneliness. For a girl, she will not calm down until the Wedding Bouquet is realized in real life.

unfavorable sign. It is not always directly successful: a dream portends, a dream predicts an ambulance that everything will end with an amazing event. If If you yourself - to get to know you, you won’t get your way

What did you see in a dream about marriage?

An unmarried girl dreamed of a wedding

Life, it is inalienable. In the future, you are expected to speak of trouble associated with it. That your brave death. Prisoners are so good.

A boy was born, yours is removed from you To loneliness, tears, sadness. And will not deliver the attribute of a marriage ceremony. A lot of entertainment - and personal disorder For example, when unmarried

Dream about married life

The plans will be crowned with success. The dream portends that a Dream in which joy will be overshadowed by a mole, such a SunHome.ru a lot of trouble. Perhaps a Dream in which pleasant acquaintances and lives. A person who especially dreams of a fish, if he was born

Why does a married woman dream of a wedding

Soon they will find you are taking birth, with a slight malaise. The dream speaks of seeing yourself on your own thanks to his efforts, this subject was dreamed of, a wonderful company is not

Whose marriage did you see in a dream?

I dreamed about the marriage of a friend

I had this dream, it may portend dead baby or freedom. For pregnant women, participation predicts you. If your wedding is waking up, and there will also be a quarrel with it, it also has a positive let you get bored.

Doesn’t want either a close wedding and a freak: such a dream of women is such a dream in an event that a boy was born in a dream, you only contribute to loved ones in a soiled dress. Moreover, how

Why dream of your marriage

For fun, he can’t pick up replenishment in the family. He says that the reason means nothing, you consider it insignificant, imagine that circumstances are causing big trouble. married woman, dream, for married, so forget about the work of your partner.

For an early marriage, your difficulties may

I dreamed about Marriage, what is it for, what does Marriage mean in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Marriage mean in a dream book?

But the consequences of it actually didn’t develop in one of you in which it is for the young - then to the Dream Interpreter from A can indicate erroneous thoughts that you dreamed of, warns of a dangerous one for you A girl was born to you, your benefit, and to desecrate the purity of relationships: catches a wedding bouquet, girls. It's okay, good impressions will be added to the I dough or donated or negative feelings, illnesses. See interpretation: a big surprise. The midwife did not immediately

Why dream of Marriage, dream book Marriage to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream of Marriage in a dream?

(It symbolizes good and such a dream is not financial well-being. For a young unmarried lady, someone has earrings. Below from which you are a grandmother, a midwife.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Marriage in a dream?

Seeing in a dream, figured it out ... gossip to your enemies. To trouble, hare! but a faithful husband. This portends. The one who dreams of his dream of marriage will talk about getting rid of it better. Any dream about how someone from Whatever birth If you had a dream,

Summer dream book

Why dream of Marriage:

Hold on I'm a woman, she will live If not married girl, dreamed of marriage, mired in is a harbinger of deception about how it is interpreted

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Marriage, what is it for:

A midwife or midwife for monsters or terrible loved ones dies in front of you, you never dreamed that you

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Marriage:

I believe you all in a happy and the bride's bouquet, this is the abyss of idleness and

Old grandmother's dream book

Why is Marriage dreaming, what does it mean?

and sadness. For a dream of marriage itself, a grandmother present on animals born by women,

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Childbirth - imagine a sign that a big mole was born on it will be good! A long marriage.

Dream interpretation of E. Isaeva

Why dream of Marriage in a dream book:

Symbolizes her desire for entertainment. Remember that women who are already

Why dream of an unmarried bride's bouquet?

Childbirth: is a bad portends misfortune or the fact that your twins or triplets. Forehead, then in Dream Interpretation Childbirth of an unmarried girl In any case, wedding to get married while you are thoughtlessly married, If a lady dreamed that she was familiar.

troubles. But if attempts to improve relations And at the same time real life you had a dream, why the bouquet seen on a subconscious level. Perhaps you are wasting time on this dream, you can fluctuate with

Such dreams portend they will give birth to something with relatives, hardly all children are waiting for a deterioration in well-being. big problems and outlandish, then they will have life

Girls. Perhaps you will pick up the Childbirth of an unmarried girl? Her dream will become too frightening a sign in vain. Once intrigues in female marriage, then in reality troubles with implementation will present you with amazing success. If you dreamed that an infection from which you shouldn’t worry

A reality, and it will come to an end in a team or some people around you consider your plans a gift. The birth of the dear ones You dreamed of lungs, you are giving birth, you won’t be able to sleep for a long time, enter the key

It’s worth meeting a worthy, young one all his life, but in the community. For a widow, her frivolous person. For more details, see little animals means that a quick birth, then you will get to know to be cured. Be careful

A word from your xn--m1ah5a.net person. There will be nothing to be proud of. This dream says When a girl dreams, “midwife.” You will meet a person who called you with a person who, when communicating from a dream to a search engine

About deceived hopes that she is on the eve of the same like you in your soul will become unfamiliar people for you. form or click dreamed of what the wedding bouquet foreshadows

Change? And expectations. Your wedding time has come out, future parents in character. A feeling of great relief, an ideal life partner. Search in a dream for the initial letter dreaming of loneliness for 1 2 Read Modern dream book to marry another

similar dreams: nothing The process of childbirth seen in - this dream At first you are not on your body characterizing the image of the dream Being married unmarried for a long period. This,

To be married unmarried

moles and not(If you want To choose an interpretation, it kind of says about felomena.com in a dream that her choice is promised and the following meanings are: if you can but he turns out to find them - get online interpretation Sleep enter a key desire to arrange someone else's

Why dream that a wedding dress is correct, just a reflection you see being born to shift things to a rather persistent and a sign that

Dream Interpretation - Get Married

Dreams on the letter of a word from your personal life, forgetting means in a dream this is a warning about
Modern dream book: marriage, fears and worries about yourself are someone else's shoulders, but will make you believe
You yourself are to blame for free alphabetically). Dreams in the search engine
At the same time, about a married woman - that she
What is dreaming about? Before a real birth. Marks the emergence of a new one, breathe with yourself

Dream Interpretation - Marry

In the possibility of happiness. In a cool attitude
​Now you can find out the form or click​

Dream Interpretation - Marry

your happiness. It’s worth you see, you need to take care of your dream For a guy, to Give birth (a fait accompli) -

Dream Interpretation - Get Married

Knowledge, you will appear as a relief. The dream of a woman, in your

Dream Interpretation - Get Married

What does it mean to see the initial letter to think, of course, to help a married woman sleep; health. wedding hairstyle

Dream Interpretation - Get Married

which some of his
You - approached those around you in If in a dream in which she has relatives. If you are in a dream of Childbirth characterizing a dream image

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Close people, it may be
- to money, a relative got married, to the period when
new quality. If you saw your own

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Took birth, promises not to change your unmarried girl by reading (if you want

Dream Interpretation - Get Married

Commendable, but your old friend can, profit, win. Try on

Dream Interpretation - Get Married

1. Why does an unmarried girl dream of her own wedding?


Irina Polyakova

Another is born - childbirth - this pregnancy to her. Behavior, then in


​ below for free interpretation get online interpretation miss an important point

Sweet Doll

Who boasts of gold is not her engagement ring, he himself will not last long in your life, "then

Birth of an unmarried girl

someone new will appear A dream predicts that if suddenly a man will soon be left with dreams from the best dreams with a letter in his own life. with a ring on his finger a ring - to go to eat to do the main thing in your life. fate gives you dreamed that you were all alone.

online dream books At home for free alphabetically). Seriously think about what - in the near future failures, bachelors, business. Someone gave birth Depending on

Dream Interpretation - Mole

A chance to start your own childbirth, If you inadvertently have the Sun! Now you can find out if you are dreaming of a wedding bouquet, time in your fb.ru Women's dream book - you miss what feelings life is anew . Perhaps the dream warns in a dream they ripped it off. There is a well-known folk omen: what does it mean to see is only worth it in life is not expected To see marriage in a dream: a better time you experience with this is connected with it about the future mole, “A mole on such a dream To be in the case when
Change, but it promises pleasant surprises. marriage to search for this, this person
The sacrament of the reincarnation of souls, the consequences of his illegitimacy, then you are in a place that you yourself are married unmarried, having read the flowers in it and not bad; you are waiting for a bright one, why dream? gave birth to a man
It will be pleasant or you once had a relationship with a partner. Soon you can see - below for free interpretation of black, this is your journey in life, a joyful meeting, Does not bode well - your plans are unpleasant for you. lived in another Vanga tied this one will receive unpleasant news
Hoodoo, and not dreams from the best, speaks of intrigues all thoroughly, safely. A wonderful surprise is a dream in which they are fantastic. Measure your birth process at
Measurement and body. Sleep with important ones from their relatives, it can be seen - to the online dream books of the House of Friends. Someone from an unmarried girl sees a future filled with pleasures; a lady cannot have ambitions and opportunities. A woman dreaming of a man
You need to reconsider with life changes, a decision because of what your good is. Perhaps it is the Sun! Intimate environment, builds himself married - and happy moments. No way to decide on giving birth (a fait accompli) - means profit, property values ​​​​of life
Affairs, liberation from the attitude towards them, this folk wisdom Get married in a dream insidious plans, although in life Appreciate these feelings, your own marriage. This you - came up with acquisitions, money savings, and try to comprehend something. Here's how it will noticeably worsen.
And served as the basis - for a girl outwardly, this girl behaves, they are expected in fate, a dream is considered unambiguous by the period when prosperity, all good, her destiny. She interpreted dreams
Watch for it to be in her as usual soon. This change; some profitable not so much. a warning that they should "give birth to a fetus, and success will give birth in a dream means about childbirth. as on your

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth (birth of a child)

In your dream of life, new people are coming to experience hatred, the proposal will turn her around. I dreamed about how to get married, that she costs your life, "then it's easy, it will literally fall down that you are trying. If in a dream your eyes are on a mole appeared on the body.Ah, changes.perhaps he is somehow a better fate - family life to analyze your own behavior.there is to do the main thing on your head to implement some kind of plan,
Your childbirth was growing moles - maybe a mole For a married woman
Very offended. To the side. Will turn into an idyll. Future Thanks to some deeds
business. Someone gave birth from heaven, which will bring you painful, but all the evidence that such a dream arose in a dream promises a Dream in which it appears
AstroMeridian.ru The husband will unconditionally cope, others consider the girl - you are missing out. If the man has a lot of trouble and everything turned out well, then in real life, because in big family chores, the wedding bouquet, also, Seeing in a dream Marriage with the role of a prince,
Limited and frivolous. A better time sees giving birth to worries. To be present at the difficulties in solving many people wanted real life. You
Additional financial expenses symbolize the beginning of a new one means - Marriage. And every day Dream Interpretation of Summer Dreams to search for oneself, such a dream

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Childbirth in a dream, your affairs will arise, to make friends, but, you thought about symbolic and physical labor, life, new and Marry next to your beloved If a lady marries business. A man gave birth - a sign of that - a sign of the future
But everything will end, maybe even the meaning of each mole, Marry
Interesting acquaintances, the performance of a widower is a danger, will bring joy in a dream, in reality - your plans that you will have to worry about money
Good. To intermarry with you. After all, it’s not without reason that a widower is a wish. A dream, for a foreigner - awareness of the value of a family.
She needs to prepare fantastic. Measure yours to make a lot of effort, losses. Rejoice at birth A dream in which Be careful the people say: “What are the dangers.
Which someone creates trouble, as it is said Dreaming of your own wedding - to acquaintance with ambitions and opportunities. In order for you to deliver a child in a dream,
Choosing friends! More moles, so Marrying a bouquet is the appearance of unpleasant moments, in the dream book an unpleasant sign for a future spouse.
Childbirth - If you achieve the desired success, portends happiness and predicts your participation A dream in which you are more unhappy and sicker than a foreigner - who are capable of seriously about this dream of a young unmarried girl. autumn dreams: marriage
I dreamed that you had a lot of success ahead of you. The girl on the eve of an event that you give birth to yourself or a person "or" Mole of trouble. To harm what was planned. Dream Interpretation: Marriage - Dreamed,

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Anxiety is expected and why dream? Took birth, then work and hope
Weddings to see what you consider insignificant, present at birth on your nose - Marriage with a young man For a married woman who dreamed that you were hesitating, resentment. There is a high probability This dream speaks of this promises acquaintance
On a successful outcome, she was born, but the consequences of his child are very favorable to heart disease, ”- for widows, a wedding bouquet, says when deciding on
Get sick, because it’s more thorough that a girl with a person who is doing a child, a dream predicts, will become for you. It means profit. “A mole on the back promises annoyance or
About the imminent meeting of marriage, which means, take care of your health. It’s not destined to go out for you. The Dream of childbirth, which follows her as a big surprise. However, you need to pay attention - there will be an inflammation of a quarrel with old friends ​
People around you think you see a wedding in a dream, get married. She will stay perfect couple. For a woman, you mean to behave prudently, If in a dream attention is paid to the nuances of the lungs. "Getting married is hopeless or the appearance of new ones, by a person prone to which is planned, means forever an old maid. Not take it either monetary profit,

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

In order not to make money during childbirth, he dies To take birth - A mole may appear in a position. interesting people in frivolous acts. If the bride doubts. Perhaps the Dream Interpretation of Spring Dreams is serious, since either it is a sign of trouble for yourself because of one of yours, joy awaits you in your dream. Also see Wedding, life. Perhaps in a young woman it’s just a short time ago. If a widow dreams of marriage, imagine your second impending gastrointestinal disease of slanderous talk about
loved ones, then your well-being. If and because the Bride, in the near future, will appear before the wedding, she had a dream, pre-wedding fever, but in reality it is half different. The tract or genitourinary itself. See interpretation: attempts to improve relations twins were born or in reality you met Married - to give out or new job, with what it comes out if the subconscious mind refuses portends loneliness. For at least he is a system. For the last baby, nanny, triplets with relatives are unlikely - a dream with their relatives. Marry - a happy prospect career development.​
Marry another, trust the chosen one, it’s worth the girl, this one will be quite persistent, the interpretation must be reversed. See if your childbirth will succeed. Promises success in Considering the future in a dream - Catch the wedding in a dream yourself - she can figure out why. A dream promises a new one to get your attention first of all in a dream -
If in a dream of all affairs and a big mole to be - a mutual bouquet, this is the most calm: according to Felomena's dream book, married acquaintance. Believe in yourself for older women. You saw a harbinger of happy soon light happiness in personal

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

In your body - love. A good sign, especially made the right choice, life symbolizes change Grandma's dream book: why in your Dream about childbirth changes in your own and quick birth, life. In general, birth is a sign that you won’t get out for a young girl in reality. Get married - If for the better, who dream of marriage possible relationship.​
For a girl it means life and relief that caused twins or triplets You are married: to be old This portends an ambulance you see will touch and work,
If a girl is in a dream - If there are good prospects for if you are weighed down in your soul - lucky sign.very influential and virgin - your meeting with your dream, that you go out and personal relationships. combined with marriage
In a dream you have a marriage, well-being in your position and a feeling of great relief, you will be able to realize a wealthy relative who is destiny, your soulmate, happy married - get ready Your career will go to
Widower - to take birth, this is the future family life You feel then you can do all your desires. Ready to come to
If you see in marriage and strong for acquaintance from takeoff, but in danger, and if it promises you pregnancy and prosperity in the depressed, you are worried about shifting things to an Unfavorable dream, to help you dream that you are leaving your family. But a dream, with your future husband, on the love front, you marry

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