Encyclopedia of fire safety

Grease trap device for external sewerage. How to install a grease trap for the sewer from the dining room. Where and why are grease traps used?

Wastewater that is discharged into the sewer contains significant amount fat. These fatty components are deposited in the form of deposits on the walls of the drain pipes, as a result of which the throughput of the sewer gradually decreases until the formation of blockages. This situation is especially relevant in catering establishments, although domestic kitchen drains also suffer from excess fat. A grease trap for sewage helps to cope with this phenomenon. It is installed even before the place of discharge of water into the sewer riser.

  • The passage holes of the sewers, clogging with fat, narrow. There are problems with withdrawal Wastewater into the sewer. Installing a grease trapping device allows you to forget about frequent blockages caused by fat deposited on the walls of pipes;
  • Decaying sediments emit bad smell. The grease trap will also save its owners from it;
  • The pipes will also be cleaned of other large particles;
  • The tight housing of the grease trap prevents the penetration of debris and foreign liquids into the device;
  • Deposits provoke the formation of an aggressive environment that affects the pipe material. The fat trap eliminates this harmful effect;
  • Sewer grease traps are easy to install on your own;
  • The device can be used for a very long time, subject to regular preventive cleaning;
  • The equipment does not require power;
  • The materials from which the grease trap is made are durable and reliable;
  • A sensor can be installed inside the chamber to monitor the level of accumulated fat;
  • The design of the trap is simple, so the cost of the product is low.

Note: Fat deposits accumulate especially intensively inside metal pipes, therefore, for such waste systems, the presence of a grease trap is very desirable.

The design of the grease trap and the principle of its operation

Structurally, the sewer grease separator is a device in a sealed housing, to which the inlet and outlet pipes are connected. The body is covered removable lid allowing for manual tank cleaning and preventive maintenance. The body of the grease trap is divided into 2-3 compartments that communicate with each other. In each of the compartments, fat and other solid inclusions are separated. From the last chamber, already fat-free drains enter the sewer. Most simple models devices can only have one camera. Among them are homemade devices.

The principle of operation of the grease trap is based on the difference in densities of fat and water. It is known that fat is lighter than water, so it always rises to its surface.

Getting into the first chamber, the water gradually rises, and the fat accumulated on its surface flows into a special tray or remains floating on the surface of the water. Partially skimmed water is directed from below into the second chamber. In the second chamber of the grease trap, the final cleaning of wastewater from fat, which did not linger in the first chamber, takes place.

In the first chamber, solid particles from the wastewater also settle. This necessitates manual cleaning first camera. Additionally, before entering the grease trap, it can be installed, which partially cleans the drains.

Varieties of fat traps

All devices that ensure the separation of fat from water before it is discharged into the sewer differ in several ways.

By destination

Sewer grease traps are domestic and industrial:

Fundamental differences there are no traps in the design of these types of traps.

By type of materials used

According to the installation method

Grease traps can be installed in the following places:

Popular manufacturers

Today, anyone can buy a grease trap for a sink, because the variety of models on the market is quite large. When choosing a model, it is necessary to focus on what the trap will be used for, and you should also focus on the manufacturer. The following companies can be mentioned as popular and proven manufacturers of grease traps: Evo Stok, Flotenk, Helyx, Wavin Labko, The Fifth Element, Triton.

How to make your own grease trap

If desired, you can make a grease trap for washing with your own hands. The advantage of this approach is that one can choose optimal size case for its convenient placement under the sink. In addition, it is possible to calculate the required throughput device. Well, for some people, saving is important. Money. Consider step by step how to make a fat trap yourself.

Production of a grease trap

We will need the following materials:

  • sheet plastic;
  • a piece of plastic pipe with a diameter of 5 cm;
  • PET elbow for inlet pipe with a diameter of 5 cm;
  • silicone sealant;
  • glue for plastic;
  • PET tee for 5 cm outlet.

Device manufacturing procedure:

  • With a hacksaw for metal, blanks are cut from sheets of plastic according to the size of the bottom and walls of the box.
  • The walls and bottom are glued into a single structure.
  • 2 partitions are cut out, which must correspond to the width of the grease trap body.
  • The first partition is glued inside the case, the upper edge of which corresponds to the level of the walls. The partition should be located above the bottom. Under it, water will flow into the second chamber.
  • A second partition is mounted, which is closely adjacent to the bottom. Its height should be one third less than the height of the walls. Water will pass over this partition.
  • A hole is made in the front wall of the housing for the inlet pipe. This hole should be 4-5 cm above the outlet.
  • A PET elbow is inserted into the inlet, which is sealed silicone sealant. The knee will dock with the sink drain a little later, so think over the connection method in advance.
  • An outlet is made on the opposite wall of the housing, into which a PET tee is inserted from the inside. Attached to the tee on both sides plastic pipe. One of its ends should be near the bottom, and the other should rise to the lid itself.
  • A cover is cut out of plastic according to the size of the case. It should provide tightness, but be easily removed for cleaning work.
  • The tightness of the device is checked. To do this, water is poured into the grease trap to such a level that it begins to pour out through the outlet pipe.

After checking, the device is connected to the drain line.

Inserting a device into the system

First of all, you need to decide on the installation location of the grease trap. If mounted household appliance, then it is usually located under the sink or near the sink. The fat trap cuts into the sewer immediately after washing, before exiting into the sewer.

It is necessary to make sure that the grease trap is installed strictly horizontally, without inclinations. Otherwise, water will overflow over the edge of the case.

All joints of the grease trap pipes with the drain are sealed with silicone sealant.

Checking device operation

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the quality of the separation of fat from water. To do this, you need to open the water supply, and then pour about 50 g vegetable oil into the sink. After a while, you should remove the cover of the grease trap and make sure that the oil remains inside the device. In this case, the device is considered to be working normally.

The trap needs to be serviced periodically. To do this, the top cover is removed, after which the layer of fat accumulated inside the device is removed.

By installing a homemade grease trap in your home, you will ensure the cleanliness of drains into the sewer. By these actions, you will not only improve the ecological state of the environment, but also get rid of blockages in sewer pipes Oh.

In the water that enters sewer system may contain some fat or oils. Over time, this fat mass is deposited on the walls of the pipeline, or septic tank. As a result, blockages form in the pipes, cesspool begins to fill up faster and you have to call for vacuum trucks more often.

This situation can be prevented by a special device - a grease trap. It is installed before the juices are discharged into the riser and does not allow fatty inclusions to get into. It is used at industrial enterprises, in public catering establishments. However, for an ordinary kitchen, the presence of such a device will not be superfluous.

The device and principle of operation of the grease trap

Structurally, grease traps consist of the following elements:

  1. sealed housing;
  2. inlet and outlet pipes;
  3. fat collection chamber;
  4. a compartment divided into several parts for settling drains.

Purification of water occurs due to the difference in the density of water and fatty particles. Any oils or fats are lighter than water, so they float to the surface.

Once in the first chamber, the liquid rises, and the fat accumulated on its surface flows into a special tray or remains floating on the surface. Also, solid particles settle to the bottom here. Through the hole below, partially cleaned drains enter the second chamber, where they completely get rid of greasy residues.

Over time, the machine needs to be cleaned. You can increase the interval between cleanings if you use special products for splitting fat.

Video: About the benefits of grease traps

Varieties of grease traps

Grease traps for sewerage have differences that depend on several parameters. Namely:

  • appointment;
  • case material;
  • type of instalation;
  • operating parameters.

By appointment

According to their purpose, sewer grease traps are divided into domestic and industrial.

Household grease trap, as the name implies, is installed in systems household sewerage, that is, in apartments, private houses, etc. They can also be used in small cafes, restaurants, canteens and bars. Mostly placed directly under the sink, but can be placed separately. Cleaning of such devices is carried out manually.

The industrial trap is used in large industries, the effluents of which are saturated with oils, greases, etc. Cleaning of such devices is carried out in automatic mode using special mechanisms. Structurally, they practically do not differ from household ones.

Housing material

The body of modern fat traps is made of the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • fiberglass;
  • stainless steel.

A plastic grease trap is the most popular option. It can be mounted both free-standing and directly on the pipe. Differs in small weight, simplicity of installation and operation, durability.

Fiberglass - resistant to aggressive environments, more rigid, can be used outside buildings. Basically, from fiberglass, industrial grease traps are produced.

Stainless steel - the most resistant to chemical and mechanical damage, high anti-corrosion performance. Scope of application industrial enterprises, large canteens, restaurants, etc. This is due to the rather high price of the device.

Mounting method

These devices are installed both indoors and outdoors. Indoors they can be installed:

  • under the sink or sink;
  • in a separate room;
  • in the basement - recessed.

Under kitchen sinks small 1 - 2-chamber devices are installed. The performance of such units is small - up to 2 liters per second. Suitable for domestic purposes, in apartments, houses, etc.

The second option, with a separate trap, differs in the dimensions of the device itself. It is used for rooms with productivity up to 15 l/s.

And the third option implies a rather powerful device that is installed underground or in basement. They are used in production where high productivity is required - more than 100 l / s.

Operating parameters

The power and performance of the grease trap can also vary significantly. For example, devices for domestic use are produced with a small capacity - from 0.1 to 2 l / s. Devices with higher rates are industrial.

In addition, devices may differ in the method of cleaning: manual and mechanized. In the first case, cleaning is carried out by a person, improvised means, this requires constant monitoring. In the second - pumps or special are used. cars. In such devices, sensors are installed that notify about the need for maintenance.

Manufacturers Overview

Today, the production of grease traps is engaged in a large number of companies, both domestic and foreign. There are practically no fundamental differences between them. The most popular are the devices of the following companies:

  • Evo stock;
  • Flotenko;
  • Ecoline;
  • Alta;
  • "The fifth Element";
  • Termite.

The table below shows the main parameters of the Fifth Element grease traps.

Video: Grease trap under the sink

Sewer grease traps are devices that prevent oils from entering the treatment facilities and pipeline. The principle of operation is based on the separation of liquid and fat. This is facilitated by the specific gravity of sediments, which has a lower mass than water. Fat particles appear on the surface and are retained by traps designed for this. After that, already purified liquids enter the sewer.


Where are sewer grease traps used? For a restaurant, for example, this is an indispensable thing. They are also used for businesses industrial type, where there is a discharge of undissolved particles. The main purpose of the application is to protect the pipeline from deposits that can lead to breakage.

Devices are divided conditionally according to:

  • manufacturers;
  • usage parameters;
  • installation method;
  • materials used for manufacturing.

Modern separators are produced from of stainless steel, fiberglass and plastics. The latter option most often has a grease trap for sewerage from the dining room. This is due to many positive aspects:

  • Ability to create as standard devices, and according to certain requirements of customers (throughput characteristic, dimensions and shapes).
  • Ease of use. After installation, only periodic cleaning of deposits is required, which is carried out using improvised means.
  • The plastic sewer grease trap device is perfect for cafes and restaurants with low throughput.
  • Environmental friendliness. The plastic used is harmless environment and health.
  • Long service life up to 30 years.

Fiberglass grease traps

The choice of materials is determined by the main characteristics of the operation of the device. Industrial-type devices are made of fiberglass. This material is more resistant to the intense influence of a chemical aggressive environment. Such separators are installed both outdoors and indoors. The case is not exposed to various atmospheric phenomena. The devices have sufficient reliability, light weight and easy-to-clean surface.

Steel cages

It is rational to use grease traps for sewage from large enterprises, since distinguishing feature such devices is high cost. But the high cost is quite justified due to the presence of improved characteristics compared to other types.

The material has high anti-corrosion properties, making it possible to use both indoors and outdoors. At the same time, in the first case, the device looks like an addition to the surrounding interior.

Many separator manufacturers sell products made of galvanized steel. Such options do not have the advantages of stainless steel and cost much less.

Installation of grease traps on the sewer

In the building, appliances are installed in a separate room, in the basement or under the sink at floor level or with a slight recess. With the aim of correct operation outdoor devices and to prevent all sorts of problems for installation, earthworks, concreting of a solid and even plane are required. The best option will be installed by professional craftsmen.

Used to increase service life additional elements, for example, sensors for the degree of accumulation of deposits.

The most difficult task is purification, but due to the parameters of the system, it is rarely required.

Before installation under the sink, accurate measurements of the space for placing the device are required. Taking into account the fact that cabinets and other types of furniture are used in this place, you need to pay attention to the fact that there was a free space of no more than 3-4 cm between the walls of the furniture and the grease trap to ensure effective work and easy access during preventive and corrective maintenance.

Important Details

Particular attention should be paid to the observance of the established rules fire safety, among which there is a ban on installing the structure next to equipment that is highly flammable.

After completion of all work, the finished unit is tested, which makes it possible to determine the location of a potential leak. At unreliable joints at the points of connection to the sewer system and the sink, the likelihood of leaks most often occurs. The sealing quality is improved by the use of silicone type lubricants. The device package includes fasteners, fittings and other necessary parts, but in some cases they must be purchased separately. The documentation that accompanies the selected item contains all the necessary information for the installation of a grease trap.


Grease traps for sewerage for a restaurant can have different performance and power. The performance index of household-type devices reaches 2 l / s. Industrial devices include other devices with increased characteristics.

There are several cleaning methods, it is worth highlighting the automatic and manual options:

  • Separators with a manual type of cleaning will have to be monitored independently. Cleaning is carried out using special means to get rid of fat.
  • Appliances to be cleaned special machines or pumps. This type of device most often has automated functions that notify the time of the onset of maintenance work. Street grease traps for sewerage and an industrial grease trap with a high efficiency coefficient have such properties.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

To make a do-it-yourself sewer grease trap, you do not need special materials and knowledge. As the main element, parts are cut out of it right size, welded and sealed with a thermal gun.

Grease traps of own or factory production have their advantages and disadvantages. In any case, such a simple device requires proper care, so you can avoid the growth of deposits on the pipes and the clogging of the sink.

It is also possible to create a grease trap using a plastic finished box. Holes for installing pipes are formed in it, a partition is mounted inside, as well as holes for removing fat and ventilation equipment. Ensuring the tightness of each structural element is the main task in the manufacture, otherwise a flood may occur in the kitchen. Below is a diagram of a grease trap for sewage of the simplest type.

What are grease traps for?

Wastewater from the food industry, catering establishments and residential buildings contains a large amount of fat fractions. Grease traps for sewerage are used to retain fatty elements that are in drains. The functions of such devices are as follows:

  • Maintaining compliance with the saturation of wastewater with fatty fractions to the standards established by special sanitary requirements.
  • Identification, collection and separation of fatty substances and oils for further processing. Thus, it is possible to create a valuable raw material for technical purposes.
  • Hit Prevention mineral oil and fat in the construction of treatment systems.

Taking into account the specifics of working production, discharges from some machine-building enterprises, factories of the food and canning industries, from meat processing plants and canteens have high level rich in oils and fats. residential buildings do not lag behind them and remove a lot of household oily drains.

People who have autonomous also have to deal with blockages in the discharge of wastewater. This is facilitated by an underestimation of the total amount of fatty substances entering the sewer and affecting the throughput characteristics of the pipeline.

The most common models

Grease trap PE-0.5 of the "Standard" series is used for domestic needs and for ensuring the operation of catering points. The body of the product is made of polypropylene, which increases its durability and quality. According to customer reviews, such a grease trap is convenient to use in confined space. The ease of use of the equipment is increased due to the compact size and versatility of use.

Grease trap PE-1.0 of the Profi series is used for installation under the sink or in close proximity to it. It has a peak discharge in the range from 60 to 90 liters. Based on customer feedback, it is worth noting the removable restrictor for a uniform, controlled flow of incoming fluid. But not everyone is satisfied with the operation, in particular cleaning, since fat masses are removed from the structure only by the manual method.

Zhirolovka "Termite 0.5-1.5" can be used to prevent both in cafes and at home. The mass of the unit is 7 kg, and the height of the exit and entrance is 22 and 24 cm, respectively. Most buyers who chose this model noted the ease of installation and performance. Many turned Special attention on robust design with quality fittings.

Grease traps for restaurants, canteens and cafes are actually the same and differ from each other only in size and installation location. So, a compact sink grease trap can be mounted under the bowl counter, and a workshop grease trap can be the same, but with greater productivity and, accordingly, large sizes, as a result of which it cannot be installed under the sink. Therefore, it is located in separate utility rooms. Industrial grease cleaning units have almost unlimited capacity, and in order not to build a separate room, they are mounted underground.

Grease traps for sewerage - domestic and industrial

Today, catering establishments are rapidly developing in Russia, more and more "fast food" points are opening, various cafes and restaurants are appearing. Naturally, their activities significantly increase the load on the sewer system. Discharged effluents can quickly clog pipelines and block their normal operation. This problem necessitated the installation of household and industrial grease traps for sewerage in all the organizations mentioned above. Such equipment is designed to retain fat of various origins, thereby protecting pipes from clogging and clogging.

Grease trap for a restaurant - how it works

Grease traps for restaurants are installed under the sink, from which waste water contaminated with grease is fed into the separator. The initial stage of cleaning takes place in the first chamber of the correct grease trap, where the suspended solids contained in the drain are deposited and dissolved fats are released onto its surface. The pre-cleaned liquid enters the second stage of filtration for further separation of fatty elements.

The grease separator for the sewerage of a restaurant consists of several partitions that prevent the penetration of suspended solids into the second compartment, from which the treated wastewater is directed to a centralized sewerage system. To improve the performance of the system, a ventilation duct can be brought to the surface for deposition of fatty waste.

Grease trap for the dining room - the basics of choice

In order for a grease trap for a canteen to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it, its performance must correspond to the rate of supply of contaminated water. Say, the average water consumption from one tap is about 0.5 m3, respectively, and the treatment equipment must have time to filter the same volume of discharge every hour. However, sinks are not only flow-through, but also storage type. In the accumulative washing chamber, the dishes are washed not in the current, but in the collected water, and only then the contaminated liquid is completely drained. Accordingly, the volume of the flushing tank should be equal to the volume of the peak drain of the grease trap for the canteen sewer. In this case, for example, the evo stok grease trap can be connected to two adjacent sinks, planning the time and volume of their peak discharges.

Grease trap for cafes - how to buy

Modern grease traps can be of two types. The first group includes household equipment that differs low power. The second includes industrial grease traps, which demonstrate high performance and are capable of simultaneously processing large volumes of wastewater.

Of course, the price of a grease trap for a cafe for washing is much lower compared to industrial units, but their scope is much more modest. Therefore, the purchase of a grease trap must be approached responsibly. Installation of a grease trap of this type is carried out only in small coffee houses, bars, and small enterprises. Also, household models are installed in establishments in which the pipeline is mounted below the floor level, which means that it is impossible to connect an industrial grease trap.

Industrial grease separators are aimed at filtering a large volume of wastewater and are overall devices divided by partitions into component parts, each of which is necessary to perform certain tasks.

Thus, based on the characteristics of a particular production, the type of grease trap and its performance are selected. For example, standard cafe sink grease separators can achieve capacities of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m3/h at various peak flow rates.

Our company represents all types of grease traps for sewerage in restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments. Contact us and we will be happy to help!

Professional selection of grease traps of any capacity, from household ones for washing to industrial ones, for large productions. Consulting and technical support.

Greetings, comrades! Let's find out what a grease separator is, what it is for and how to choose the right parameters for it. I am sure that the topic will be interesting not only for owners of catering establishments, but also for owners of private households equipped with autonomous sewerage.

Why is it needed

The specifics of the work of public catering and a number of food production enterprises implies a large amount of wastewater containing fat and oil suspensions. According to the legislation, the discharge of such effluents without prior treatment into the city sewer is unacceptable.

What threatens the refusal to install such equipment:

  • Penalties. Any manufacturing enterprise or a catering point do not have the right to discharge industrial effluents without preparation. There is a hefty fine for violation. It is clear that an industrial well is not needed for cafes or restaurants, they can get by with a separator under the sink;

  • Reduced service life of sewer pipes. The pumping of sewage with a high content of oil and fat suspensions threatens with the deposition of contaminants from inside pipelines.

hope for polymer pipes not worth it - even on them smooth surface over time, fat will stick, which will lead to clogging and narrowing of the lumen, and subsequently to the failure of the sewer as a whole.

Scheme and principle of operation of the grease trap

Responsible for such treatment are oil-grease traps (grease catchers), which subject wastewater to mechanical treatment.

The principle of operation of mechanical and gravitational devices is based on the difference specific gravity water and fat particles:

  • Heavy effluent particles settle to the bottom;
  • Particles of fat and oil remain on the surface and are retained in the primary chamber by partitions;
  • Treated wastewater passes into the secondary chamber and from there into the central sewer.

The frequency of cleaning the grease trap is determined in two ways:

  1. Using a special fill sensor;
  2. Visually through manhole or with a probe.

Solid sediments and accumulated fat are pumped out and transported to special landfills by public utilities.

According to their characteristics, the following modifications of industrial grease traps are distinguished:

Illustration Description

Mechanical separator - sealed container with separate chambers and partitions. At the top of the chamber is a mesh receiver.

Passing through the mesh, fat and oil suspensions settle on it and on internal partitions.

Device advantages:

  • Long resource;
  • Ease of repair and maintenance.


  • Low performance - part of the fat still ends up in sewer network;
  • The need for regular cleaning of the grease trap.

gravity separator. It differs from the mechanical one in the absence of a mesh collector, as well as modifications using chemical reagents.

Thanks to them, fat deposits react faster with the formation of heavy conglomerates that settle at the bottom of the grease trap well.

Of the minuses, I note:

  • Reagent costs;
  • The need for periodic cleaning.

Of the advantages - a high speed of cleaning, which is of great importance for a number of processing enterprises.

Biodestructor- purification of sewage with the help of microorganisms. Thanks to them, fatty compounds are almost completely eaten (destroyed), and the effluents themselves turn into chemically neutral compounds.

And although it is also necessary to clean the biodestructor, nevertheless, its cleaning is performed much less frequently.

Another plus is the fact that fat does not have time to stick to the walls and does not rot, respectively, such a grease trap does not emit unpleasant odors.

Design of grease traps

Modern grease traps are classified according to:

  • Installation method and features of installation;
  • The type of materials used;
  • Scope of application.

Let's consider these classifications in more detail.

Classification of fat traps according to installation method

Existing wells - grease traps installed outside buildings and industrial buildings are divided into two categories:

Installation features are the need to strengthen the structure in a dug pit, for which it is used:

  1. Monolithic reinforced concrete base;
  2. Steel or synthetic cables for fastening the structure.

As for grease traps for installation inside buildings, no special requirements no - such products are quite compact and light. The only thing that is necessary is to provide for unhindered access for maintenance.

Classification by type of material

In the production of grease traps, several types of materials are used that are resistant to aggressive environments:

Illustration Description

Stainless steel. Their use is justified at large enterprises in the food industry.

The most expensive in terms of cost, since food grade steel AISI 304 or AISI 430 is used for production

Fiberglass. Products made from it are light, tolerate temperature fluctuations well, which allows them to be used both outside and inside buildings.

Products from it at cost belong to the middle price category.

Polypropylene. The cheapest in cost, and at the same time the most fragile material. Grease traps made from it are made small-sized and are installed exclusively inside buildings.

Classification by scope

As we found out earlier, grease traps are necessary for almost all enterprises, in the course of which wastewater is generated containing oils of vegetable and animal origin, as well as fats.

Among them:

  • Industrial enterprises- meat processing and poultry processing plants, enterprises for the disposal of animal carcasses, soap and canning industries, oil and fat plants;
  • Procurers- cattle slaughterhouses, butter churns;
  • Fast food establishments- kitchen factories and kitchens of restaurants, hotels, canteens, snack bars, cafeterias, etc.

Accordingly, each area requires a certain type of equipment:

Illustration Description

Industrial grease trap. This equipment is quite large and is intended for operation both inside and outside, for example, in car washes, canning shops, poultry processing plants, etc.

Often the operation of such equipment is automated, control systems report the filling of the chamber and the need to pump out or add chemicals.

Shop separator of fats. Scope - meat and sausage shops, soap factories, large food plants (airports, railway stations).

Such a grease trap is installed directly on site at the sink or in a brick technical room.

It is often made individually, for a specific production. Dimensions, technical specifications and automation of work - optionally, at the request of the customer who approved the project.

Household grease trap. A fairly compact unit, installed directly under the sink, connected to the water supply and sewerage. which due to its small dimensions can be installed under the sink.

It is in demand in cafes, snack bars, grill bars, canteens and other catering establishments with relatively small volumes of wastewater.

It can also be installed in private households and city apartments, solid waste is manually cleaned.

Mounting Features

Despite the tightness of grease traps, their manufacturers recommend installing them away from drinking wells in order to prevent possible contamination. It must also be remembered that ground water can push the structure to the surface, which will require it to be securely anchored.

As for compact models, depending on the configuration and dimensions, grease traps are installed:

Illustration Description
At floor level and below. It is installed in catering premises with high throughput.

In the technical room. This type equipment is used in cutting and boning shops for poultry and meat processing industry.

Directly under the sink- the oil and fat catching unit is relevant for bistro cafes, street fast foods with low productivity.


I am sure that now you have no blind spots left in matters of selection and installation of standard traps and their scope. If any questions remain unanswered for you, write about it in the comment form - I will definitely answer. And don't forget to watch the video in this article. Good luck, comrades.

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