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Are there houses 3. The third house of the horoscope (natal chart)

The third house of the horoscope describes the sphere of communication, it is through this field natal chart a person gets information. From the point of view of Astrology, the third house is the ears and eyes of a person, these are the means and methods of communication.

The entire Zodiac is filled with information, but the conditions under which and with the use of which we interact with this information are answered by the 3rd house.

The third house of the natal chart is our personal radio room or communication center, the place where we receive and give information, here we make contact with the outside world.

In Astrology, the third field of the horoscope classically refers to our immediate environment, as one of the sources of information, brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances, including parents and spouses, when they play the role of an informer or intermediary. Brothers and sisters most correspond to the 3rd house, since, as a rule, they are on the same social and age level with us, and also have a similar upbringing to ours, i.e. most correspond to our own perception of the world and the ways of interacting with it. Usually close relatives or very close friends-acquaintances communicate in the same language, in a single conceptual framework.

The third house tells about the quantity and quality of family and other ties.

It is very important to understand how the third and ninth natal fields differ. The third house is the telephone or television, and is the information transmitted through these devices. 3rd is the means of communication, 9th is the information itself.

When we receive any news, we receive it here, using one means or another. News can be bad or good, the third house has absolutely no effect on this, but only shows how well or distorted the information will be transmitted.

Learning in the third house is learning to establish interaction, the study of symbols and ways of communication, roughly speaking, here we learn how to use the phone.

In addition to the transmission of information, classically the 3rd house of the horoscope is also responsible for small trips. However, expanding the understanding of this expression, we can add that this is not so much "small trips" as a way of making a trip. What exactly and how do we use in our daily life to travel? How do we make physical contact with the world? How do we move our own body in space? How do we get information about the movement of other objects?

Once again I emphasize that it is very important to catch this fine line between the way information is transmitted and the information itself. For example, Mars in the 3rd house does not mean that a person will transmit aggressive information, but that he can transmit information aggressively, and these are different things.

The symbolic ruler of the 3rd natal house is , the planet is absolutely neutral, genderless and colorless. Mercury is a true mediator, he does not care what he conveys, his business is to convey.

A strongly pronounced third field of the horoscope makes the sphere of contacts important, a person can consider it almost his duty to spread the information that has come to him as quickly and widely as possible, but the quality of the information may not interest him at all. This approach to information is usually used by commentators, correspondents, their task is to convey.

Problems with the third house can create difficulties in receiving and transmitting information, it can be difficult for a person to contact, people around him may not understand what he wants to convey, the person himself may also have difficulty understanding external information.

The sign of the Zodiac, located on the cusp, will tell you what qualities our personal means of communication have. For example, the 3rd house in Aquarius gives us technically modern ways, but also not always understandable to other people.

The position of the ruler of the 3rd field will tell about through what / whom we establish contact with the outside world, for example, if the ruler of the 3rd is in the 11th, then friends can be such sources, in the 12th - higher powers or secret sources .

The task of the 3rd house of the horoscope is to create the most reliable and high-quality communication network that will help us keep abreast of everything that happens in the outside world.

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The third house is the house of brothers (bhratri-bhava), as well as friends and comrades. It shows the behavior of a person as a member of a group consisting of people equal to him in position. It refers to people with whom we enjoy working together, and the alliances that we enter into in order to achieve certain specific goals.

In Vedic astrology, the third house is the house of martial prowess and prowess, symbolized by weapons. It characterizes the foundations of our life energy - the impulses and intentions that guide us, our desires and aspirations. The third house represents the passion that drives us, as well as our courage and courage, which can take the form of recklessness and impulsiveness.

The third house is an indicator of our motivation and our main interests - both physically and intellectually. From it you can find out what we really like to do. The sphere of this scrap includes our hobbies and hobbies, favorite games. Well-placed planets in the third house indicate a deep interest in the essence of things, a capacity for serious research, and a scientific mindset. In addition, they endow a person with artistic talents, including the ability to fine arts.

In Western astrology, the third house is interpreted differently: first of all, it is associated with the ability to assimilate information, the rational mind and logic. However, all these qualities are included in the concept of curiosity, which is considered one of the distinguishing features of the third house in the Vedic system.

The material of the book Astrology of the seers. David Frawley

THIRD HOUSE: Sahaja bhava - the house of brothers

The 3rd house corresponds to the sign of air and is therefore called the house of kama (desire).

Brothers and sisters, courage, adventure, self-effort, life, energy, enthusiasm, initiative, enterprise, all kinds of desires, voice, art of music, dance and drama, actors, dancers, singers, directors, producers, organizers, hearing, mental stability, personal fortitude, neighbors, letters, communications, writings, servants, travel (short trips), arms, palms, shoulders, right ear, chest, vitality.

In addition to ruling siblings, the 3rd house is the main indicator that governs desire, courage, adventure, and self-effort. He talks about whether the desires of a person will be fulfilled and what efforts this will require. If the three houses of desires (3rd, 7th, 11th) are very strong, then the person will get everything he wants, even if certain astrological indicators say the opposite. For example, if the 4th house is strongly afflicted in the horoscope (the ruler is weak and the planets in it are malefic), a person can still have his own house if he sincerely desires it and the houses of desire are very strong. That is why it is necessary to analyze the 3rd, 7th, 11th houses before giving any final conclusion.

The 3rd house as an indicator of adventure is also very important. He talks about how active, mobile and filled with adventure life will be. Since the 3rd house governs courage, when severely afflicted it indicates a fearful disposition. As an indicator of brothers and sisters, the affected 3rd house, as it is said in Indian scriptures, "does not give happiness from brothers." On this basis, one can conclude that either there will be no brothers and sisters at all, or relations with them will be hostile, or they will suffer or die early. It is often impossible to specify exactly which of these effects will take place.

The lord of the 3rd house is considered bad in regards to his rule, so he will not strengthen the house he is in. Basically, without causing much harm, it gives neutral-positive effects.

The karaka or indicator of the 3rd house is Mars.

The lord of the 3rd house is

In the 1st house. Talent and possibly a career in music, dance or drama. Man lives and earns by his own efforts. This position is generally unfavorable for health and other indications of the 1st house, however the person will be very brave.

In the 2nd house. Constant effort in raising funds, a person will not get wealth without hard work, little difficulty in family life. This position is unfavorable for relations with brothers (sisters), although they can somehow help in earning money.

In the 3rd house. Planet in svakshetra (one's own house). Happiness from brothers and sisters, successful relatives, good hearing, many adventures, wishes come true with minimal effort. Talent in music, dance or drama. Good voice, communication skills, literary talent, a career in the media is possible.

Courage, valor, firm and persistent personality. Vitality, mobility and initiative. Lots of little rides.

In the 4th house. Efforts and events may refer to real estate, land, or farms. Brothers and sisters may be close to their mother, or they may inherit ancestral wealth. Relatives may be related to real estate or farming.

In the 5th house. Happiness from relatives, rich relatives, can be involved in speculation, they have a good character, they are characterized by high morality, good deeds, etc. Courage, wishes come true; talent in music, drama, dance or literature.

In the 6th house. The activity is related to health (profession in medicine), work in the service sector is possible, desires are fulfilled slowly and only after persistent and persistent efforts. This position gives wealth if the person works hard. Problems with relatives, relations with them may improve over time. Problems with the right eye. Relatives are connected with medicine.

In the 7th house. The owner of the house of kama in another house of kama fulfills all desires. Strong desire nature, successful efforts, benefits from relatives, relatives may live abroad; adventures associated with the opposite sex, strong sexual passions. This position is generally unfavorable for married life.

In the 8th house. Misfortune from brothers and sisters, bad relations with relatives, younger relatives will die early or their life will be filled with difficulties, lack of courage, constant fears, no adventures, desires are not fulfilled; a person spends great efforts, and their effect is insignificant; right ear disease, poor communication skills, no ability in the fine arts, interest in occult or secret matters, brother may be involved in the occult.

In the 9th house. Adventures on long journeys, benefits from relatives. Talent in music, dance or drama. Vocal talent, efforts reach the goal, a variety of exciting adventures, brothers (sisters) may be close to the father or inherit father's property, may be religious. The lord of the 3rd house does not favor the indicators of the 9th house (luck, father, etc.), but the 3rd house benefits doubly, since the 9th house is good house, and the lord of the 3rd house in the 9th is aspecting his own house.

In the 10th house. Hard work in a career, successful career of relatives, good earnings; a career in music, dance, drama or literature. Travel with a professional purpose, courage and adventurism.

In the 11th house. The owner of a wishing house in another wishing house is very auspicious. Desires are fulfilled, efforts are successful, relatives can help in obtaining wealth, income from investments or from work in the field of literature or fine arts, courage, adventure.

In the 12th house. Misfortune from relatives, relatives suffer or die early, bad relations with relatives, problems with the right ear, desires are fulfilled with difficulty; a person spends great efforts, and their effect is insignificant; little adventure, lack of courage, constant fears, poor voice, no talent for music, dance or drama. There will be travel to "uncharted places" (remote lands like India or Africa). Relatives may practice meditation, asceticism, or have a penchant for the spiritual life. Relatives may be imprisoned in a prison or in a monastery, a person suffers from relatives (for example, taking bad advice).

3rd house is the house of kama, corresponds to desires.

Own efforts, enterprise, younger brothers and sisters, all kinds of desires, Vital energy, excitability, enthusiasm, initiative, motivation, courage, courage, fear, voice, singing, fine arts, music, dance, drama, theater directors and producers, managers, organizers, detailed work, hearing, right ear, hands, palms, shoulders, means of communication, short trips, letters, writings, magazines, literary works, personal fortitude, firmness, mental stability, musicians, artists, actors, dancers, singers.

Book material Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Bracha


3rd lord in 1st house

It can be a thin, tall person; earning money through his own efforts, serving others; temperament - irritable: prone to violence. They love to show their strength, to play with it.

3rd lord in 2nd house

The ancient texts describing this combination speak of lazy people, coveting someone else's wealth, engaged in harmful work for the sake of money. They can also earn money by writing correspondence or working in telephone services.

3rd lord in 3rd house

Satisfied person; satisfied with his achievements, enjoys being surrounded by his family. Can speak and act boldly. Can earn money by publishing.

3rd lord in 4th house

Enough can be expected happy life, but with some worries related to the behavior of his wife. This person can be very smart; there is a possibility of property loss.

3rd lord in 5th house

The opportunity to give birth to children with significant strength, a romantic, unusual life. There may be ability to handle money. Government subsidies available.

3rd lord in 6th house

One can foresee hostility in relations with relatives, promiscuity in sexual relations, gaining wealth through not very useful activities.

3rd lord in 7th house

Restless childhood, thieving tendencies, disagreements in marital affairs. You can expect anxiety from people in positions of power.

3rd lord in 8th house

Most texts use strong words to characterize the negative consequences of such an arrangement, such as involvement in crime, marital problems, illness and death of relatives, low professional status, etc. Beware of this location!

3rd lord in 9th house

The father may be engaged in harmful activities. The brother will be religious or lucky. Earnings can be related to the travel industry; progress in life is more successful with the help of the other sex or after marriage.

3rd lord in 10th house

The man has a famous brother, and makes a career at the same time through publishing and skillful handicraft. This person may be known for their bravery and/or physical strength. This location indicates a good mind, as well as the dubious nature of the marriage partner.

3rd lord in 11th house

The qualities are similar to those indicated for the case "the owner of the 3rd house in the 1st house". The character is energetic, money can be earned through the family business or in cooperation with brothers and sisters.

3rd lord in 12th house

Lack of courage, love of a solitary, isolated life. Losses and loss of time associated with attachment to family members. Maybe a brother interested in the spiritual life. Sudden changes in family relationships.

book material Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Third house in Vedic astrology

Symbolizes the sign of the Zodiac Gemini, the natural ruler is Mercury.

The meaning of the third house: communication and study of the world around

The third house of the horoscope (natal chart) is associated with those stages of life when there is a desire to explore the environment. It turns on when the child begins to crawl and walk, trying to defend his independence. This house also symbolizes the development of speech and the ability to establish a relationship between individual phenomena, to enjoy everything that is connected with research and knowledge.

Characteristics of the third house of the natal chart

Traditionally, the third house is associated in astrology with the "concrete mind", while the opposite ninth house is with the "abstract mind", this reflects the fact that the left and right hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different types activities. Thus, the third house is associated with the activities of the left hemisphere, focusing on rational and logical thinking and symbolizes the analytical mind, collecting facts and putting them together.

Planets located in the third house can tell whether a person thinks slowly or quickly, whether he uses intuition or logic. The planets and signs in the third house of the horoscope, the elements of the astrological chart associated with Mercury and Gemini, symbolize the attitude towards knowledge. For example, Jupiter in Leo in the third house will confidently communicate with people, convinced of the correctness of their views. Mercury in Capricorn in the 3rd house can be more careful in expressing their opinions. An excess of planets here may reflect inconstancy of opinion.

The location of the signs and planets in the house indicates the area of ​​​​life in which a person has to interact with others the most, as well as the tendency to adhere to any particular views. The world becomes an alluring place if Venus is present in the third house, and if Pluto is present in it, then the world can seem intimidating. Signs and planets here help to understand how subconscious motives affect the perception of reality. Relations with brothers, sisters, neighbors is another area associated in astrology with the third house. Planets in this house can tell about the attitude towards brothers and sisters and interaction with them.

The third house of the natal chart also symbolizes school experience. At school, children have to absorb a huge amount of information, it largely determines their views and ideas in the future. What you had to face in your school years will certainly be reflected in the third house.

Third house of the natal chart

Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

third house

Symbolic Rulers: Gemini, Mercury, imprisoned Jupiter.

If, symbolically speaking, only the person himself appears in the first house, and in the second house the external world appears additionally, perceived as a habitat, then in the 3rd house in this environment a person distinguishes his own kind. Thus, the 3rd house is the human environment; the emphasis, as in all night houses, is on the person's own "I", but now he considers himself to be in a cloud of human relations, so far without specifying the types of interaction. The programs of the subconscious, controlled by the 3rd house, regulate the attitude of a person towards people and his interaction with him “in general”, until the situation has taken shape more specifically and one of the following houses has turned on. In this sense, in traditional astrology, the 3rd house governs acquaintances (but not friends who go through the 11th house) and neighbors, i.e. people with whom a person enters into social contacts, implying the manifestation of a minimum of intimacy of individuality on both sides. Thus, the general ethics of human relations goes along the 3rd house, i.e. principles (conscious and subconscious), according to which a person builds his behavior in relation to people in general, regardless of their social status and attitude towards him personally, as well as how he generally perceives the world and people and a priori relates to them.

The transitions of situations controlled by neighboring houses are often imperceptible. You walk down the street, deep in thought, not noticing anything around - this is included 1 house. Suddenly, a ray of light reflected in the window hits your eyes, and you realize that there is an outside world around, and for some time you walk, realizing it, around you - this is the 2nd house turned on. Here a passer-by calls you and asks how to get to Westminster Abbey. If you, without looking at it, indicate the necessary direction and move on, then switching 2 houses does not occur. If you stop, turn your gaze to the stranger and give explanations taking into account his gender, age and other obvious social characteristics, then your 3rd house turns on; and when the person turns and walks away, becoming part of the landscape, the 3rd house switches back to the 2nd.

The second important aspect of the 3rd house is learning, more precisely, socialized learning that occurs through human factor, i.e. with the help of a teacher or an equivalent figure. Education in the 3rd house follows the path of expanding knowledge about the world and developing skills to interact with it, in contrast to spiritual apprenticeship in the 9th house, where religious and general ideals are formed, and the role of a spiritual teacher is completely different, namely, the opening of higher energy channels. A 3rd house teacher (practical teacher) in Russian is different from a 9th house teacher (spiritual teacher) plural(teachers for the 3rd house and teachers for the 9th), as well as the fact that he helps his students work through certain channels (maybe quite high ones); with a good practical teacher, the channels of students naturally expand and differentiate, sometimes new ones open up, but the latter is side effect and not the goal of learning. However, the distinct inclusion of any house is always accompanied by the background presence of the opposite, and in the opposition of 3-9 houses this is especially clear: a good practical teacher (3rd house) necessarily plays the role of a spiritual one at times, and vice versa. As usual, the 3rd house stands (or at least must stand for meditation to go on, i.e. the situation is stable and does not fall apart) simultaneously over the teacher and the student in the process of practical training. If the student wants to have fun, he slowly turns on the 5th house and begins to look at the teacher as an actor (most often, a comedian and a jester); if the teacher does not notice this, the rapport (contact) instantly disappears, and the 3rd house of the teacher simply begins to pump his energy into nowhere, and he gets very tired and feels his pedagogical impotence, i.e. inability to turn on the 3rd house of the student by forcible-hypnotic means. Good teacher, tired himself or seeing the fatigue of the students, on the contrary, for a minute he turns on the 5th house in himself and in theirs, emphatically depicting something that gives everyone a break, and then again (as if by a switch, but in fact by a change in facial expression or back ) includes the 3rd house.

Of course, for the situation of the 3rd house, the actual presence of a teacher or a student is not necessary. When a teacher checks student notebooks at home, images of his students naturally pass in front of him, and that is enough; in such a situation, the 3rd house stands, perhaps even stronger than in the lesson, which at times turns into pure torment, since other houses will no longer help: in front of a dirty notebook in which God knows what nonsense is written, squatting (5th house) does not you will set off and you will not lean on her pity (12th house); the only thing left is to look at her as an open enemy (7th house) and kill her with a dagger in the heart, putting a fat red two, at the same time to the student and herself. Similarly, a student who teaches lessons at home on the instructions of a teacher is under the 3rd house. If the teacher is loved by the students, then the 3rd house helps them a lot, if they are afraid of him, then the lessons are learned out of fear, but still under the 3rd house. If the teacher is inexpressive, then the child learns lessons under the 12th house, which can be much harder or easier, depending on the individual map and the level of elaboration of the 12th house, which, however, is rarely at least somewhat worked out before the age of 40, except for very difficult fates.

It is necessary to distinguish learning in the 3rd house from the abstract transmission of information and situations with intense mental flows (Gemini-Aquarius); only in our time is learning so strongly linked to mental exercises and, in general, to the expansion of the mental picture of the world. This was not always the case (learning a craft in the Middle Ages), and this effect is associated with the disharmonious accentuation of Gemini (in particular, to the detriment of Sagittarius, but not only to him) in modern civilization at all. Gemini gives a strong mental undertone to all houses, but the 3rd is naturally the most so as it is symbolically ruled. Thus, if in the order of self-education I consistently read encyclopedic Dictionary, then Gemini is standing above me, and if I read that specific article of his, which the practical teacher pointed out to me, then the 3rd house stands above me. In the first case, of course, some house is also worth it (for example, the 6th or 10th, depending on how many pages I have already managed to advance), but this situation is incomparably more severe than the second; The 3rd house gives a tangible concern for the person from the teacher.

Newspapers, thin magazines, brochures, popular and popular science literature, designed for the general public who want to be enlightened, but still not sufficiently enlightened, go through the 3rd house. There are a number of specific literary devices, the purpose of which is precisely the inclusion of the 3rd house, i.e. creating a more comfortable environment for the reader to perceive the text and learn, for example, direct appeal to him: “And now, if the reader is not tired, we will move on past the blooming swamp of diminutive suffixes in the direction of the ridge of the rules for writing double consonants.” It is understood that at this point the reader emerges from the aforementioned swamp and, refreshed by the mud adhering to him, joyfully turns the next page. Thick magazines and serious monographs, in theory, go through the 9th house, but also, depending on how a person writes or reads them, in fact, it is possible for the 3rd, 5th and even 7th, breaking off in conclusion in shreds.

In life, learning is associated with travel and travel; accordingly, short trips go under the 3rd house, long trips (excluding the road) - under the 9th. At the same time, the house that actually stands above a person is largely determined by his attitude to what is happening. If you go to visit or, let's say, to the dacha, and are there as, respectively, visiting or at the dacha, your 3rd house is turned on (perhaps others too). But if you spend a day, two, three, a week there, and get used to this place as your home, then the 3rd house imperceptibly passes into the 4th, which is desirable to understand, since other planets are included and zodiac signs and you will soon feel it. Or maybe vice versa, when, having arrived in another city or even another country, you will see everything so similar and familiar that not the 9th, but the 3rd house will turn on for you, and you will think: why did you have to go so far to find out so few?

In the 3rd house go siblings, as well as all sorts of distant relatives, when communicating with whom one feels not a degree, but only the very fact of kinship. "Poor" and "rich" relatives, with a strong accentuation (for a person) of their 2 houses, go to his 4 house, like the accustomers.

At the first level of working out the third house the general ethics of human relations goes under the motto "man is an enemy to man." The basic principle of relations is distrust, which is never completely overcome, even in relation to the closest relatives with whom a person lives for decades and who, in fact, go through his 3rd house, but still, since they are people, they cannot be trusted. This distrust is based on two circumstances. Firstly, a person feels badly about other people, their motives are ultimately unknown to him, and he identifies them with his own, so he has something to fear. Secondly, his worldview is atomically incoherent, i.e. he perceives people as a set of individuals who are in no way connected with each other, each of which pursues its own goals, often contradicting the goals of the others. Accordingly, social ethics is perceived as a set of restrictions that do not allow people to kill each other, and collectives turn into complete robbery and chaos. A person does not feel any internal social restrictions (this does not mean that they do not exist in his subconscious) and is inclined to exaggerate the role of legislation in the life of society. At this level, the general social ethics is rigidly programmed by the egregor of the corresponding social stratum, and a person will not lend a helping hand to another in a situation unforeseen by his society, even if his conscience will greatly torment him.

At this level of study of the 3rd house, a person’s attitude to learning is very tough, and the leading role is given to cramming, whether it is memorizing the conjugations of Latin verbs or mastering the fuete. The teacher is perceived as an imperative figure, setting an exact, definite task and steadily demanding its rigorous and repeated execution, "so that it bounces off the teeth." Any deviation from this norm is perceived as a teacher's weakness and inability to subordinate the student to the process of education, which is conceived as the work of an asphalt paving machine that turns an amorphous heap of hot, loose asphalt into a neat tape of a smooth highway. Here, the ideal of training is class training, the development of stable conditioned reflexes, subconscious programs that strictly work according to the established algorithms in any conditions.

At the second level of study 3 houses the attitude of people towards people becomes more tolerant and friendly; in any case, a person does not expect direct aggression or selfish deceit from a casual acquaintance and begins to understand that his personal goals do not always contradict the goals of those around him, since everyone eats his own piece of the pie, which, however, is baked together. In any case, the need for cooperation, not regulated by the criminal code, is already felt, although its forms are random, and a person considers friendship an exceptional rather than a normal type of relationship. Here, general social ethics goes under the slogan “live, but let others live too,” and a person tries not to do outright harm to others, although he does not particularly delve into their problems, considering it unethical for himself, like peeping into keyhole; his credo: "they will sort it out themselves." At the same time, in the mind of a person there is already a much larger set of clichés or types of relationships with other people than at the first level, and his behavior is more differentiated, for example, with the director of the school where his son studies, he will talk in one way, with a police officer - another, and with the Prime Minister - a third. All these clichés are sanctioned by the social subconscious, but a person can already use them at his own choice, and besides, under strong pressure from external or internal circumstances, he is sometimes able to violate, for example, rush into a burning house and take a child out of there (the social cliché suggests waiting for firefighters, gasping in horror and admiring the flames).

In the guise of a teacher, this person is looking for a figure who has the appropriate knowledge and skills and, if possible, a training plan, the absence of which a person feels as a big disadvantage, since the teacher must discipline him: not like at the first level of study, with a stick and a shout, but rather tense homework and exactingness in the classroom, i.e. in personal communication. At this level, the individual approach and the ability to contact students are little valued in the teacher, qualification and professionalism play a much greater role, i.e. channel ownership. The teacher with the second level of study of the 3rd house looks at himself in the same way, limiting his efforts to a purely professional area and selecting students with the appropriate abilities and developing them. A person still perceives learning very narrowly, as the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, focused on very specific situations.

At the third level of study 3 houses a person tries to focus on a higher principle in the people around him, considering evil as a lower and, most importantly, in each specific case, a temporary step of good. He sees to what extent those around him are programmed by his attitude towards them: his aggression and ill-will evoke similar reactions, as well as humility and a general benevolent attitude. Here, a person’s social ethics is separated from the generally accepted one in his layer, and he is subjected to constant attacks, in particular, from his best friends and well-wishers: “Well, how can you give the keys to your apartment completely strangers when my wallet with my salary was stolen from me just two years ago in the market!?” From this it is concluded that people cannot be trusted in general, which is evidenced, in particular, by the cunning shown by Hitler in 39 and 41 in relation to his allies and neutral countries, against which it is difficult to object. At this level, the question “why should people be trusted?” does not yet have a sufficiently convincing answer for a person, but in practice he lives just like that and rarely makes mistakes, and when he makes a mistake, he is not particularly upset. He is loved by the vast majority of his acquaintances, and he has much fewer ill-wishers than one might expect, which is to blame for his general social disinterestedness, i.e. he tries never to look at other people as a means to achieve his goals.

When communicating with a teacher, a person at this level seeks, first of all, personal contact and informal guidance, which makes it possible to penetrate deeper and more creatively into the subject of study. A person is not satisfied with knowledge “from now to now”, he wants to navigate in the big picture; accordingly, he seeks to develop flexible skills and programs of the subconscious, i.e. to learn in such a way that learning does not end with the end of classes, but continues further, adapting to new conditions. At this level, the rigidity of the teacher is seen more as a negative quality that interferes with learning; students often seek to identify with the teacher, fall in love with him, or at least establish an informal personal relationship, which, generally speaking, threatens to switch the 3rd house, as a result of which the training ends.

In turn, the teacher at this level strives for an individual approach to his students; he takes into account and uses the specific features of their personality and character, striving first of all to ensure that they love their subject, and improve their technique without sacrificing their enthusiasm. At this level, teaching is already a completely creative process that brings great satisfaction to a person.

At the fourth level of study 3 houses a person treats people as cells of a single organism, the natural relationship between which, with the correct understanding and development of events, is a symbiosis. At this level, any contact with another is perceived by a person as an event in the spiritual life - his and his own, and, in addition, as an opportunity to untie a somewhat larger karmic knot, i.e. concerning some other people and events. This person sees karma quite well and is largely prepared in advance for any meeting and conversation, and sometimes gives the impression of a clairvoyant (which, in fact, he is, and to a much greater extent than others think). At this level, a person usually sees the aura well and, to a large extent, the human soul, and it is very difficult to deceive him imperceptibly, and besides, you usually really don’t want to; on the contrary, in his presence people experience desire open your soul and confess your sins. His social ethics is very different from the generally accepted one, but this is not at all obvious to others; at any rate, it is often much more detailed and specific than that of the average person, and makes many situations neutral for the latter ethically tense for the former. This does not mean, however, that a person at the 4th level of working out the 3rd house does more, he rather sees more and looks more carefully, and the main work is done by his leading egregor.

At this level, a person is learning all the time, and practically all his contacts with people are educational for him; for them, however, too, if they are attentive enough and prone to learning.

Each business or occupation that any person indulges in can be done routinely, or with diligence, or maybe with the desire to improve his level, and a person of high spiritual development, as a rule, chooses the third option. He learns from his practical teachers, perceives the most essential that they broadcast, i.e. characteristic vibrations, trying not to profane them, but, on the contrary, to rise to them and even higher, helping the teacher to rise as well. Outwardly, this may look rather unusual, an advanced student pays attention to those details that are missed not only by other students, but, perhaps, by the master himself (for example, the gesture by which breaded fish is placed on a frying pan), and then it turns out that it is they who are the most important, but in any case, at the fourth level of working through the 3rd house, a person learns, constantly coordinating his new knowledge and skills with his general picture of the world and the karmic program, thereby balancing his 3rd and 9th houses.

Situation 3 houses- this is any situation of non-specific human communication in which there is an exchange of opinions and information, and an element of sociality is felt, but without a clear identification of one of the personalities in communication, which usually includes the 1st or 5th house. For all situations of night houses, a person's emphasis on himself is characteristic, as opposed to the outside world and society, which are perceived as a background. Gossip, idle talk, especially on the phone, chatter about nothing, just to spend time together - all this, as a rule, goes under the 3rd house. In general, in order to better navigate the astrological houses, it should be borne in mind that the house is rarely active alone; as a rule, the background to it necessarily arises the opposite. So, when the 3rd house is activated, even in its lower octave, say, in a discussion of the frivolous behavior of the neighbor Ninka, the generalization “all youth is no good now” or the prophecy “I don’t know where we are heading ...” will surely slip through the shadow of the 9th house.

On the 3rd house, you can scandal and conflict if a person sees in the opponent not a personality, but some collective social image: “Here, he didn’t get dusty, always drunk, like all your friends!” Similarly, as a rule, under the 3rd house there are conflicts (and other social interactions) on the street, in lines and public meetings.

The 3rd house includes learning situations (lecture, school lesson, training, rehearsal) and situations of socially colored choice, when ethics that regulates interaction is turned on. this person with people in general. When can you tell people lies and to what extent is it reprehensible? What can be afforded to the detriment of others, and what compensation should not be offered after that? Situations in which these and other problems acquire a concrete embodiment go through the 3rd house and actualize the general social and ethical programs of the human subconscious, also going through the 3rd house.

3 house stands over a large family gathering, where guests are invited on the basis of kinship, and egregor triumphs big family; this looks especially impressive when the subject of discussion is the need to return to the path of the true “black sheep”, the family freak, striving to slip away from the family bed into another abyss of fall. And of course, if a brother comes to you and starts talking about himself (or about you), then the 3rd house will definitely turn on in the background.

Strong 3rd house gives a person with a large social circle, or, in any case, with a penchant for intensive communication with people; if this association is not enough, he suffers greatly. The 3rd house implies superficial social meditations, so this person may have difficulty with like-minded people (2nd house) and intimate friends (8th house), but the whole world will be his friends, unless there is a strong defeat of the 3rd house. This person will have to face the need to solve a wide variety of ethical issues of behavior in the human environment, and he needs to develop his own ethical principles, since he will lack generally accepted ones, the range of types of his relationships and social situations in which he falls is too large. With a weak 9th house, it will be difficult for him to do this, because in order to develop the correct social ethics, he needs to find some ideals and general principles controlled by the 9th house, and the constant temptation will be the thought “Oh, how will it manage, is my life experience not enough to decide is this a problem?" Not enough, at least there will be a moment when it will definitely not be enough, and you will have to forcibly balance the 3rd house with the 9th, coordinating your own and group social ethics.

A person with a strong 3rd house will learn a lot, which does not necessarily mean that he will learn a lot. He may have an abundance of practical teachers, although they may be few, but contacts with them will be long and varied. If the 9th house is weak, the person will prioritize practical learning over spiritual and will regret this over the course of his life, as he is likely to have difficulty with general inspiration, even if there are many private ones. At a low level, this can give grasping (knowledge and skills) and, at the same time, a lack of self-realization. In general, the 3rd house is quite difficult in itself, since it is more difficult to study than to work, and if it is not entirely harmonious, then a strong 3rd house means a difficult life, especially during school years and in adolescence, when it is necessarily active. When worked out, great teaching abilities in areas that will show aspects of the 3rd house.

Weak 3rd house means that a person is not interested in general social contacts, and he, most likely, gets tired of abundance telephone conversations. At a low level, of course, he will gossip, chat in vain, read newspapers and watch news on TV, but somehow boring, without soul and true animation. He will have few superficial acquaintances, he will prefer other types of communication (which ones, the horoscope as a whole will show); it may be difficult for him to ask directions in an unfamiliar area, to get acquainted in in public places, keep talking about anything, with the aim of having a good time. 3rd house is very relevant in modern society, and a person will try to replace it with some other one (usually one that is stronger and more harmonious in the map), which leads to significant distortions in the perception of behavior: if the 3rd house is replaced, for example, by the 11th, then casual acquaintances are perceived as bad friends, and if the 7th, then as opponents or enemies, and if the 10th, then as bosses (the life position of a beggar).

A weak 3rd house gives few situations that force a person to learn, but, on the other hand, there are no special obstacles to learning (except for the fact that it is generally difficult). This is the position of a volunteer in training, but elaboration is necessary here, since training is an essential part of any karmic program; in any case, the symbolic (Mercury) and actual rulers of the 3rd house are in certain houses, which will show the necessary and possible directions for practical training. Ignoring the need for practical training leads to severe karmic consequences, but warning signs of a lag in working through the 3rd house may refer to other manifestations of it: for example, the general background of social communication deteriorates sharply and relations with a sister deteriorate.

Harmonious 3rd house gives a person who in a social environment feels like a fish in water. It will not be difficult for him to charm a random acquaintance and within 5 minutes to enter into full confidence in him. He is loved by all his acquaintances, with whom he is not in closer relations, and most likely, he does not find it difficult to find a good hairdresser or dentist: they have been waiting for him for so long. This is a person whose balance in social relations is positive, i.e. people from communicating with him receive, as a rule, more benefit and pleasure than he from them; at least that's how it should be. However, human egoism always tries to pull the blanket over itself, therefore, without elaboration, a harmonious 3rd house eventually becomes a social vampire, i.e. a person begins to look at all social contacts with selfish eyes (the type of self-interest will indicate the sign at the top of the 3rd house: earthly - material, water - emotional, etc.), as a result of which his general luck on good and interesting people depletes over time.

A harmonious 3rd house gives great learning abilities, but still not in any style, but in one that is determined by the sign on the cusp of the 3rd house: if this is Virgo, then everything must be explained to the subtleties right away, if Sagittarius, then, on the contrary, resting on first of all on the general idea, if Pisces - use the immersion method, etc. At the same time, the ease of learning (and happiness with teachers) create a certain spoiledness for a person: it is very difficult for him to study for a long time and hard and usually, by fate (seemingly) is not required. This, of course, is not entirely true, it’s just that in modern society there is no idea of ​​working out harmonious aspects, and for this purpose a person needs to overcome public opinion and the difficulties that he (seems to others) creates for himself every time. But at any level of study of the 3rd house, this person will quickly and clearly explain how to get to the nearest post office.

Struck 3rd house gives a person who, in relation to the idea of ​​social contacts, will have an ambivalent attitude (with a strong defeat, his positive part may be completely repressed). On the one hand, he will be drawn to people, and the first acquaintance, especially if there is no Saturn with an aspect to the 3rd house or in himself, is often pleasant and promising. However, further troubles or obstacles of various kinds arise, depending on the position of the house in the chart and the type of defeat. (For example, Neptune in the 3rd house - false social situations, poor mutual understanding, opposition to the 9th house - false spiritual teaching, Pisces at the top of the 3rd house - problems of incorrect emotional relationships, false pity, energy vampirism.) Sometimes a person sharply limits the circle of communication, striving to deal only with people going to other houses, i.e. quickly transferring acquaintances into friends (2nd house), lovers (5th house), obvious enemies (7th house) and hidden ones (12th house), etc., and parting with those with whom this does not work out; sometimes he forms a general aggressive-nihilistic position in relation to people in general (“all bastards and bastards”), but neither one nor the other way is constructive. Elaboration follows the path of understanding other people and knowledge of the laws of society, which are so vividly imprinted on the skin of a person that it is a sin not to learn how to read them. The ethics of human relations must be developed very carefully, and not the same for yourself as for others.

The affected 3rd house gives, as a rule, difficult adolescence and youth, great interest and difficulty in learning. It is necessary (and very difficult) for a person to learn how to learn, which takes years of fruitless attempts and seas of sweat and tears, and here the help of an astrologer can be invaluable. Man has no luck with practical teachers; there may be many of them, and at first everything may go well, but then (after different reasons) suddenly breaks; or it may be that just all the time you come across exceptionally mediocre specimens, whom you yourself really want to teach and craft, which sometimes gives a new impetus to learning. This is a difficult version of fate, and you need to get used to not grumbling and learning in unbearable conditions, so that later you become a master yourself and teach the most difficult and hopeless. A. Underwater

Third house. Ruler Mercury, in exile Jupiter. Fast, ubiquitous, curious. material level.

The first human contacts, the first information about the world, about people. These are relatives with whom you maintain relationships, neighbors, employees, brothers, sisters, peers, people with whom you are connected on a territorial basis.

Air Mercury shows the level of communication skills of a person, his attitude to correspondence, compilation and perception of documents, information, new knowledge. According to the 3rd house, we can determine a person's ability to learn, write, non-verbal communication. Flexibility of mind, attitude to intellectual knowledge, oratorical skills, propensity for journalism and writing - strengths young aerial mobile Mercury.

The one who endlessly interferes and spins under your feet, appears inopportunely and interferes in your affairs - who is this, if not relatives and neighbors?

The expulsion of Jupiter emphasizes close distances and travel for personal, commercial interests (as the distance increases, the contact is destroyed). This is also the first superficial education and attitude towards school.

The house of the first (material) level shows the innate intellectual abilities of a person, the direction of his practical mind, commercial opportunities, the nature of metabolic processes in the body, the quality of connections with the nearest world.

The relationship of Venus, Uranus and Saturn suggests that the relationship of the 3rd house can be pleasant, unexpected and influence the choice of goal. The authority of adults (Saturn), the influence of original people or friends (Uranus) and self-interest (Venus) are inseparable in determining the motivation of the 3rd house. N.Markina

3rd house - Fratres.

Behavior in everyday life - Communication with the immediate environment, brothers and sisters, close relatives - Neighbors - Compositions - Movements - Practical mind, the public.

Astrologically, this cadent house denotes the part of the Zodiac that has just passed Nadir, that is, midnight, or the Bottom of Heaven.

In human terms, this is the phase when the child begins to move his arms and legs, vaguely distinguish the family environment.

Home defines the means we have to get in touch with our environment and adjust to the present moment. The liveliness or slowness of our understanding depends on it, it describes our mental and physical reflexes that contribute to adaptation to the world around us and changes in it.

He is responsible for the relationships that we establish with others. It determines our ability to communicate with the social environment, our level of courtesy and nobility in relation to it, as well as the image of our personality, as it appears in the eyes of others.

Often this house determines the rhythm of our life, our communication capabilities, allowing us to directly participate in the life of the cultural environment, the degree of our eloquence, ease of writing and overall appearance.

It is responsible for the ability to assimilate and master the rules of behavior, for our adaptive abilities, mental flexibility and dexterity.

D. Redyar writes: “In the third house, we learn how to better use our capabilities. To do this, we must manifest them in the outside world, for this is the only way to know how much our momentum will be stopped by the resistance of the outside world ... Humanity is currently moving towards tragedy, for the West refuses to recognize the existence of limits to its possible activity in environment. We must know the real scope of our physical and mental activities, as well as the real value of what we have - our technology and our abundance. Alas, perhaps the only way to know will be the spectacle end result using what we have. The idea of ​​the omnipotence of man, who believes that he can manifest himself with the help of huge power wrested from nature, risks causing an extremely powerful reaction in our planetary and cosmic environment ... If this idea does not change radically, collapse is inevitable. Perhaps it is not too late to prevent it." L. Winkler

3 house. Male, spiritual, subject to Mercury, general thinking, brothers and sisters, relatives, neighbors, attitude to the outside world, personal life, small trips, news, news, visits.

The third house tells us about the nature of thinking, as well as the mindset and behavior of the native.

With the help of all forms of thinking, a person comprehends the world around him and includes it in his personal sphere of life. The more he thinks, the more his spiritual faculties develop, the wider his surroundings become.

How the above is expressed and how relations with the outside world develop is determined by the third house and its position of the planets. In Latin, innate thinking is called "Mens", and the third house corresponds to this ability of the mind.

That a person, at the beginning of his relationship with the outside world, first of all comes into contact with his brothers and sisters, is logical. They belong to the closest circle of the outer world, from the very beginning a lot depends on them. For this reason, the third house determines the relationship to brothers and sisters.

Many of the planets in this house are extremely layered. Here are letters, all kinds of communication, and private business trips, but still, we must give the main importance to the sphere of brothers and sisters, relatives and neighbors. The type of thinking and spiritual development are determined with the help of the corresponding signs of the Zodiac at the top of the 3rd house or in the house itself. Esoterics. T. II

3 house. Dea, Thea, Goddess, Bona Dea, Fratres.

Meaning. The falling house symbolizes siblings, short trips at home, neighbors, reason, nerves, circumstances of friendship and love, hospitality, visits, studies, writing, reports, contracts, exchange of letters.

Meaning in an individual horoscope

1st third. Siblings, environment, intelligence, first sibling, trips taken before age 25, travel-related income. Friends of children, enemies of the father, children of friends.

2nd third. Travel-dependent profession, handwriting, speech, literature, trips taken before age 50, short trips in general, writing. Income from speech, writing, literature, contracts. The employment of servants, their business.

3rd third. Mental faculties in the last third of life, a hostile influence on thinking, on home, property, reputation. Hostile influence on the property of the father's house. Reputation and dreams.

Significance in the mundane horoscope. Transport, railways, telephone, mail, books, newspapers, literature, public opinion, employees, sects. Illness of the head of state.

Significance in the horoscope horary. As in an individual horoscope: reputation, message, visit, exchange of letters, dreams, messenger.

A Few Rules

  1. means that siblings will significantly influence the fate of the born.
  2. Damage to the 3rd house gives reason to talk about pulmonary diseases and nervous disorders.
  3. In the mundane horoscope, a damaged 3rd house warns of a traffic accident, agitation among transport employees, and a breakdown in transport. J.Kefer

3rd house, Gemini, Mercury.

The motto is "I think". Through accurate perceptions of experience, a person must choose a method to handle the accumulated in the 2nd house, determine for what purpose he needs funds. And for this you need clarity of thought, this is the sphere of the 3rd house. This is a thinking consciousness, it evaluates and decides where to direct attention and spiritual energy. We are constantly aware of ourselves in the image to which our thoughts are directed. Emotional reactions and actions automatically follow the basic pattern laid down by the architecture of thinking, strengthening it at the same time. People themselves build their own destiny thanks to the main pattern, they build heaven or hell for themselves.

Mercury has a discerning factor to give thoughts and actions a positive direction. The 3rd house deals with the processing and transmission of information. This is the house of the practical mind, expresses contacts with brothers and relatives, neighbors, i.e. with the people with whom you exchange thoughts daily.

3rd house, its owner, the planets in it, aspects to them speak of a person's ability to think and express his thoughts, about his spiritual reaction to the environment. The position and aspects of Mercury are also important.

The 3rd house includes newspapers, magazines, books, letters, telephone, television, radio, conversations - everything related to communication and information exchange. This also includes small trips, arrivals, departures, contacts of people who are influenced by our thoughts. The 3rd house shows what kind of mind a person has brought into this world. But the immature mind is meant: everyone is able to learn, relying on the highest intuition, which connects him with the world consciousness, and can step over his Self - this ability of intuition is connected with the consciousness of the entire social system and is expressed by Jupiter, Sagittarius, 9th house. This intuition reaches its peak in Pisces, in the 12th house, where Neptune gives a particularly high intuition. The spirit receives the highest development and is ready for the influence of higher wisdom by smart, purposeful work, expressed by Virgo and the 6th house, in which Mercury is also the master.

The 3rd house is only the beginning of the development of the spirit, these are just pragmatic everyday thoughts, but this does not reduce the significance of this house. Without a clear logic of perception and communication, intuitive abilities will wither, and delusions will grow, so you need to develop logic, judgments, as necessary conditions.

F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

In the third house for the first time, other creatures appear with whom you have to reckon with and establish interaction. Thus, the house is responsible for communication skills, a specific situational mind, the ability to find and process information.

The third house describes the very first experience of communication with other people and these people themselves - close relatives; those who live nearby; those who meet on a regular basis.

The third house describes ways of "manipulating" others, ways of transmitting information and the ability to extract information from external signals. Therefore, speech, facial expressions and gestures, writing, reading (which means elementary education), the ability to handle the telephone, computer and other devices designed for communication and signal transmission. This also includes regular trips, the transport used for these trips. The 3rd house also includes the area around the permanent home, the routes of daily movements.

The New Civilization makes extremely high demands on the third house. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the adaptation of a person in modern society is built mainly on the foundation of the 3rd house. B.Israel

The most frequent questions in the office of an astrologer are asked mainly on the topic of finance and love. After all, these are the most important and exciting areas for every person. But there are also equally important tasks.

For example, what is the best way for my child to learn, how to absorb information, should I drive a car, and why do I have tensions with my neighbors. Astrologers have already guessed that the 3rd house in astrology can answer all these questions, which we will analyze in detail in this article.

At what level does it appear?

Symbolically, the 3rd house in astrology is ruled by Mercury and Gemini. From this follow the main meanings of the third sector of the map.

Information, training, school;
- News, gossip, rumors;
- I am in communication;
- Transport, roads and short journeys, trips;
- Communication, communication, telephone;
- Acquaintances and I am in acquaintance;
- Relatives, brothers and sisters;
- Trade;
- Theft.

There can often be confusion in the interpretation between Mercury and the 3rd house in astrology. For example, Mercury is in Leo, and the cusp of the third is in Capricorn. Mercury in Leo - I speak brightly, charismatically, with notes of pride, confidently.

But with unfamiliar people, at the first communication (when the third sector of the map is included in the game), I behave with restraint, coolness. I don't want to communicate. Although I have a talent to light words, the skill of a speaker. This is a fine line that is rarely spoken about.

What is the best way to study?

In astrology, the 3rd house is also closely associated with the assimilation of information. This is especially an important moment for children when you need to choose the most effective method learning. After all, the archetype of the 3rd house in the birth chart is the school.

For example, Saturn in the third - learning alone or at home, it takes a little more time than others to assimilate information. All material must be sorted out and no rush.
And Pluto in the third is opposite than more material, the more courses, information that you need to study in a short time, the better the result will be.
An important point of the 3rd house in astrology - is it possible to drive a car, how safe is it for me? As part of this article, I will give the most important contraindications for driving a vehicle:

Ruler VIII has a relationship with III;
- Lord XII has a connection with III;
- Tense Neptune in aspect to the ruler III or is in III;
- Disharmonious and evil Mars or Pluto in III.

Now let's take a closer look cusp 3 houses in astrology and its meanings.

in Aries
The best training mode is intensive, fast. There could be a tendency in the school to be the best, an excellent student, or a leader. With neighbors at a low level, conflicts, disputes and skirmishes can arise. When meeting a person takes the initiative. On the roads, the native can drive recklessly or drive sharply.

in Taurus
Information perception requires comfort and regularity. A fast pace will only create difficulties and chaos in the head. There are either no relations with neighbors, or they are warm and harmonious. Careful driving, but if he gets angry, he can drive. Does not show initiative in communication.

in Gemini
Easily absorbs knowledge, but can also just throw it out of your head. Sociable, sociable. On the road, agile and fast. Not inclined to create strong ties, knows how to find a common language with everyone.

in Cancer
Intuition plays an important role in learning, as well as methods of presenting knowledge. In communication, he is soft, receptive, always ready to help, but he himself is not willing to make contact. With neighbors and relatives can be family relationships. The car drives gently and carefully, often even afraid to drive.

In Leo
Acquires knowledge through play, not assiduous. Praise stimulates academic achievement. Uses communication as a way to show off, be proud of your connections, communication skills. If there are brothers and sisters, then the native will strive to dominate among them, taking all the attention of his parents. On the road, he behaves calmly and measuredly, but he will be very offended if someone starts criticizing his driving style.

In Virgo
Easy to learn, loves instructions and diagrams. Remembers only what can be useful in life. If the native is convinced of the usefulness of the subject, he will study it down to the smallest detail. In conversation, he is very picky about words, with notes of cynicism. The native likes to criticize sisters and brothers. The most disciplined driver on the road - knows all the rules, always fastened and never exceeds the speed limit.

In Libra
In a conversation, a very soft and intelligent person, does not speak rudeness, knows how to quickly endear himself through compliments. With neighbors emphasized polite relations, does not like conflicts. He tries to maintain peace and harmony between relatives, reconciles everyone and establishes communication. Drives very confidently, gently, without sharp jerks and turns.

In Scorpio
It is necessary to study with overload (school + electives + tutors), in a calm, measured atmosphere, knowledge will not be assimilated. In communication, he can be caustic and cynical, in conversation he tries to suppress the interlocutor. With relatives, or a very close relationship in the style of the Don Corleone clan, or complete rejection and a desire to permanently break off all interactions. Aggressive driving with disregard for traffic rules.

In Sagittarius
An elite education is needed, for example, a gymnasium school with a foreign bias. The child needs circles, electives that will distinguish him from the crowd. Belonging to the elite, being better than others is the main motive for getting an education. In a conversation, he is perceived as a very intelligent and educated person, he knows how to conduct a secular conversation. With neighbors, the native is peaceful and generous with advice and guidance. Among brothers and sisters, he plays the role of an educator and mentor, helps with his studies. He loves trips, drives with pleasure, respects the rules.

in Capricorn
Gaining knowledge can be hard, but if you put in the effort, knowledge and skills will last a lifetime. Perfect option for such a situation - to choose a profession for the child before entering school in order to immediately focus on necessary items. In communication, a person is cold, sometimes rude. With relatives, he observes subordination, respects and listens to his elders. Drives slowly and unhurriedly, obeys the rules.

In Aquarius
Learn quickly, ideal group learning. Knows a lot, erudite in various areas. He communicates easily and pleasantly, he likes big companies and parties where you can talk with everyone at once. He behaves sociable with neighbors, likes to participate in various house committees. He is friends with relatives, communicates a lot, arranges meetings. On the road, he feels free and at ease, likes to catch fellow travelers to make it more fun to ride.

In Pisces
The best way to perceive information is through pictures and images. Learning will go easier if the child has the opportunity to fantasize and compose. Memorizes complex information through rhymes and songs. Communication is based on the first impression, if you don’t like a person, you won’t talk at all. He likes to help neighbors: he shares salt, goes to the store for his grandmother. Very close bond with siblings, maintains fellowship throughout life. An inattentive, distracted driver often gets into minor accidents, behaves indecisively on the road.

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