Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Organizational and legal basis for the activities of private security units. Activities of the private security department

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Responsibilities and rights of private security officers to prevent and suppress offenses at protected sites



Relevance of the research topic. The current Russian legislation has established the diversity of forms of ownership existing in Russia. Constitution Russian Federation established that in the Russian Federation the state protects property in its various forms ah on an equal footing.

Private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the institutions for fulfilling the task of creating a favorable business climate in the country, as the basis for the economic stability of the state, including by ensuring reliable protection all types of property. The activities of this service, in terms of the volume and reliability of security measures carried out, occupy a leading place in the system of nationwide measures to prevent and suppress criminal attacks on the property rights and interests of citizens, as well as their personal safety.

By 2013, private security services in Russia as a whole covered over 514.7 thousand objects of various forms of ownership and more than 1.7 million apartments and other places where citizens’ property is stored. Wide range technical means of security, combined with the prompt response of police groups to signals, ensure the effective detention of criminals who have entered protected facilities or attempted to enter. The service's employees directly identified more than 24.1 thousand criminal attacks on protected property.

Private security, solving the tasks assigned to it, contributes to the realization of the rights of citizens, strengthening the rule of law, law and order, ensuring property security and personal safety in our state.

In accordance with the Regulations on private security under the internal affairs bodies, a contractual form of relations between the owner of the property and private security units is established. Therefore, the existence of a particular unit of the private security service is directly dependent on the actual presence or absence of activities carried out on a contractual basis to protect objects and the financial resources received from these activities. Thus, private security has actually become one of the subjects of the security services market. Its monopoly position in this area is a thing of the past. Under these conditions, the role of organizing the management of private security services and units in ensuring its effectiveness, and therefore the competitiveness of private security, inevitably increases.

The object of the study is the organization of private security activities at the internal affairs department.

The subject of the study is the legal, organizational, methodological, technical, functional and financial aspects of improving the organization of private security activities at the internal affairs department.

The purpose of the work is to consider the activities of private security at the Department of Internal Affairs.

The objectives of the study follow from its purpose and are specified by the structure of the work. The main ones are:

Describe the legal regulation, tasks, functions of private security in the internal affairs department ;

determine the structure and features of the official activities of private security for property protection owners;

Analyze the responsibilities and rights of private security officers to prevent and suppress crime at protected sites.

1.Legal status, tasks, functions and organizational structure of the private security service. Types of private security units

In their activities, combat units of private security police are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Police”, other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The tasks of private security are as follows:

a) protection of property owners on the basis of contracts;

b) participation in the development and implementation of government measures to streamline and improve the protection of material assets;

c) implementation on the territory of Russia of a unified technical policy in the field of creating funds burglar alarm, their industrial development, quality control, tactics of their application, implementation and operational maintenance.

In accordance with these tasks, private security performs a number of functions.

Direct protection of property of enterprises, institutions, organizations. It is a system of measures for continuous monitoring of the object on which material assets are located (regardless of the form of ownership), in order to prevent and suppress their theft and the entry of unauthorized persons into the object.

As a result of the approval of new forms of management, granting owners independence in ensuring the safety of property, legislative admission to the market of security services of non-state security companies and associations, private security lost its monopoly on the implementation of security functions. Currently, only a number of objects, an exhaustive list of which is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 587 “Issues of private detective and security activities,” are subject exclusively to state protection. These include buildings of representative and executive authorities, courts; diplomatic and consular missions; cash desks of state enterprises, institutions and organizations; museums, libraries, archives, nature reserves, television and radio companies of state and regional significance;

hydraulic structures; subways; objects of a number of ministries, departments and some others. But even the inclusion of an object in the said list does not mean its mandatory protection by private security units at the internal affairs department. State security is also provided internal troops The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, divisions of the “power” ministries, etc. The heads of all other enterprises, institutions and organizations have the right to independently choose the subject of security: it can be private security at the Department of Internal Affairs, a private security company or own service security.

Had in last years The trend towards the abandonment of private security services, accompanied by a noticeable increase in the number of thefts from unguarded and departmentally guarded facilities, has now been suspended. The number of objects protected by private security has increased to 320 thousand. The reason is the reliability of the work of private security, confirmed by practice, in comparison with other security subjects. On average across the country, out of a hundred robbery attacks, only 9 occur on objects protected by private security. At the same time, per 1000 such objects per year, no more than one theft is allowed.

Now there is an expansion not only of the volume, but also of the list of services for the direct protection of property of enterprises provided by private security at the Department of Internal Affairs. We are talking, in particular, about the protection of transported goods and funds.

Direct protection of citizens' personal property. Such protection is carried out using devices connected to centralized surveillance consoles, after the citizen has concluded an agreement for the protection of property located in the apartment. Mostly apartments with telephones are accepted for protection. Currently, private security services have systems that allow them to protect apartments that are not equipped with telephones, however, due to some technical difficulties and relatively high cost, they have not yet become widespread. Work on equipping an apartment with alarm systems is carried out by private security at the expense of its owner. The cost of security depends on the amount the owner of the apartment valued the protected property.

When concluding an agreement, private security undertakes to accept the apartment under protection at any time of the day, for any period of time; during the period of protection, ensure complete safety of property; carry out repairs and maintenance of alarm systems; compensate for damage resulting from theft within the amount of the contract if entry into the apartment occurs through blocked areas and is not stopped. About 620 thousand apartments are currently protected using this method. At the same time, over 70% of citizens enter into an agreement for long time, and only 30% - during vacations and business trips.

In cases where a citizen does not want or does not have the opportunity to hand over property under centralized security, he can enter into an agreement with a private security unit for the installation of an alarm system. Security without the participation of private security can be joint or autonomous. With joint security, if unauthorized persons enter one of the blocked apartments, an alarm signal is sent to the neighbor’s apartment. With autonomous security, light and sound alarm notifies about penetration into the apartment, garden house, country house, garage, etc. places around. In both cases, private security does not undertake obligations to ensure the safety of property, but only at the request of citizens and at their expense blocks the premises with alarm systems.

Implementing the function under consideration, private security, under an agreement with citizens, equips their apartments (as well as, for example, street kiosks, control stations gas stations and other objects) by means of emergency calling the police ( panic buttons). They are installed close to the entrance doors or in places where the owners of the apartment may be isolated (in the bathroom, toilet, pantry, etc.).

Combat units of the private security police (hereinafter referred to as SPP) under the internal affairs bodies are created in order to ensure the protection of the property of owners and objects on a contractual basis, more effective use personnel in the fight against crime, maintaining public order, improving the management of police squads, increasing the level educational work and professional training of employees.

The main tasks of the SPP personnel are:

protection of objects and property of owners, provision of other security services on the basis of contracts;

organization of patrol duty for the protection of various forms of property on the basis of contracts from criminal and other unlawful attacks, management of squads and the procedure for interaction of the SPP with other services of the internal affairs bodies.

Along with performing their main tasks, SPP personnel are obliged to ensure the protection of public order and the fight against crime in the area of ​​their posts and patrol routes. When performing these tasks, their rights, responsibilities and tactics of action are determined by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 80 “Issues of organizing the activities of combat units of the police patrol service” dated January 29, 2008.

SPP (regiments, battalions, companies, platoons and squads) are created in the structure of the Directorates (divisions, divisions) of private security under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, city regional internal affairs agencies and are part of the police.

The structure and staffing of private security guards are determined in accordance with the requirements and standards in force in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, based on funds received as payment for security services based on contracts.

Combat units of private security police include:

management and command staff;

police groups of detention centers of centralized observation points (GZ PSO);

police officers serving at posts and patrol routes of the PPN;

police officers who provide security for certain particularly important objects and are maintained at the expense of funds received for their protection;

police officers escorting cargo;

other police officers involved in organizing the security of objects (senior inspector (inspector, policeman) - duty officer, senior inspector (inspector, policeman) - dog handler, junior security inspector).

SPP are directly subordinate to the head of the department (department, branch) of private security under the internal affairs bodies, who is entrusted with the responsibilities of determining their number, creation, reorganization and liquidation, and material and financial support. The head of the police department is responsible for organizing the service, training and education of police personnel, conducting contractual and legal work and carrying out the official and economic activities of the SPP.

The competence of the heads of internal affairs bodies for the operational management of the SPP is determined by the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Financing and logistics of the SPP are carried out at the expense of funds received on the basis of agreements from owners for the protection of objects and property, as well as the provision of additional services on a contractual basis.

Standards for the provision of weapons, ammunition, protective equipment and engineering weapons, special means for security guards are determined by the leadership of the Internal Affairs Directorate under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs, depending on the tasks performed by them, the characteristics of the protected facility, the operational situation and are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the republic, the head of the department (main department) of internal affairs of the territory, region, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, autonomous region, autonomous district.

Fulfillment of contractual obligations by the SPP is ensured by:

prompt response of police squads to the activation of security and fire alarm systems connected to centralized monitoring consoles;

patrolling protected objects or posting posts on them;

implementation of access (in-site) regimes at protected sites and their territories;

escort of cargo and material assets.

Thus, private security at the Department of Internal Affairs is a state organization specializing in the protection of property of all forms of ownership. Private security forces and means are included in operational plans internal affairs bodies, including in response to emergencies. Employees constantly participate in various operational and preventive activities and operations. Combat police units of private security are created in order to ensure the protection of property of owners and objects on a contractual basis, more effective use of personnel in the fight against crime, protection of public order, improvement of the management of police squads, increasing the level of educational work and professional training of employees. What types of combat units exist will be discussed further.

To carry out tasks to protect objects, the following types of squads of combat units of private security police at the police department can be used:

detention groups of a centralized security point (GZ PSP) - a police squad that promptly responds to alarm signals from protected objects;

auto patrol (AP) - a special police squad serving in a car (motorcycle) in places of the greatest concentration of protected objects that are not connected to centralized surveillance panels, in order to periodically inspect them, take measures to strengthen security and suppress attempts to penetrate them;

patrol group (PG) or patrol (P) - a mobile foot police squad that performs the tasks of a motor patrol, but in a smaller area;

object security post (POS) - a single or paired police squad that provides protection to an object or part of it by performing duty duties and conducting constant surveillance within established boundaries;

checkpoint (checkpoint) - a single or double police squad posted to ensure access control on the territory of a protected facility;

guard (Kr) - an armed police unit assigned to protect and defend a particularly important or criminally complex facility, as well as to ensure order and security on its territory;

police squad (PS) to escort material assets;

Thus, for the normal functioning of the private security service, the following types of combat units are necessary (depending on the population, protected objects and the situation in the locality): detention groups of a centralized security point, auto patrol, object security post, checkpoint, police squad cargo escort, guard and reserve.

.Organization of activities of private security units

The management of the SPP squads during duty is carried out by the corresponding duty stations of the centralized security or the duty units of the SPP. In departments (departments) of private security where there is no staffing level duty stations and the duty unit of the SPP; control of the SPP squads is carried out by the duty officer of the city regional internal affairs agency.

The locations of patrol routes, sectors (sections) of the State Security Monitoring Center, police posts are developed by departments (departments, departments) of private security, taking into account the location of protected objects, their equipment with security alarms, connections to centralized surveillance consoles, the time of arrival to them on alarm signals and are included in the plan for the integrated use of police forces and resources in protecting public order of the city regional internal affairs agency.

The SPP carries out the tasks assigned to them in close cooperation with other interested divisions and services of the internal affairs bodies.

The main forms of interaction are:

participation of the Civil Defense PCO and PPN in search work, prosecution and detention of persons who committed crimes, and protection of the crime scene;

mutual exchange of information about the operational situation, orientation of squads about committed offenses;

participation of employees of other services of internal affairs bodies in conducting briefings and classes with SPP personnel to teach them techniques and methods of preventing, identifying and suppressing crimes and administrative offenses, detention of the persons who committed them;

prevention and suppression of violations of traffic rules;

tactics and methods of protecting the scene of an incident;

direct participation of private security police officers in the work of solving thefts from protected facilities in cooperation with criminal investigation units and investigative teams;

use in necessary cases at the scene of the incident, a police dog handler of private security with a service-search dog to detect and preserve traces and objects that can be used to search for the criminal;

participation, within the competence of the SPP, in the implementation of other measures to combat crime;

conducting joint training sessions, command post and operational-tactical exercises with city regional authorities to suppress possible encroachments on protected objects and property of owners, search and detain persons attempting to commit them or those who have committed these encroachments;

jointly with the criminal investigation services, local police commissioners, the licensing system, and the state fire service (SPS), conducting preventive inspections of places where funds are stored, precious metals and stones, weapons and ammunition, narcotic substances and other particularly important objects protected by private security units.

In order to increase the efficiency of the work of police squads to protect objects and ensure public order, service dogs can be used.

Thus, the management of SPP squads during duty is carried out by the corresponding duty stations of the centralized security or duty units of the SPP. For efficient work The SPP requires coordinated interaction with other ATS services, compliance with the deployment - developed by the UVO, as well as the use of dogs. How the service is organized (preparation, entry, service) by private security police squads will be disclosed in the next structural element of the work.

Preparation, briefing of SPP squads and summing up the results of their official activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Police squads are briefed before entering service by the heads of departments (divisions, divisions) of private security, their deputies, heads of centralized security points, command staff of the SPP, as well as members of the management staff of city regional authorities. The inspection staff of private security units takes part in instructing squads on their lines of work.

In order to ensure proper protection of particularly important facilities under the protection of the security guard, to improve the professional skills of personnel, to improve the interaction of departments and services of internal affairs bodies and employees of protected facilities, the heads of city and regional authorities are obliged to organize the development of plans for their defense and protection from criminal attacks and at least one once a quarter, conduct operational-tactical exercises on them to repel attacks and detain offenders.

SPP are subject to comprehensive inspection in in the prescribed manner commissions of the higher education institution with the participation of representatives of interested departments and services.

Control over the performance of service by police units is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PPSP Charter.

In addition to the persons specified in the PPSP Charter, control over the performance of service is carried out by the management and inspector staff of the departments (divisions, divisions) of private security, the command staff of the SPP, the heads and duty officers of the centralized security points (the duty units of the SPP).

The main method of control is to check the presence of police squads on routes and posts. In addition, in the service area for each police unit, at least two or three special devices control points connected to centralized monitoring consoles.

The SPP commander summarizes and analyzes the readings of these instruments at least once a month and takes measures to improve the organization of the service.

Covert inspections of the performance of service by police units are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PPSP Charter.

Service checks establish:

the presence of police officers on the patrol route (post), their appearance, compliance with the rules of wearing uniforms, provision of special equipment, including personal armor protection;

the state of professional training of personnel and their knowledge of their responsibilities for protecting facilities, the operational situation in the city, district, post area, patrol route;

timely arrival of the police squad to the protected object upon an alarm signal;

correct actions when inspecting the object and the surrounding area, knowledge of the vulnerable spots of the object;

participation and activity of squads in preventing and suppressing thefts from protected facilities, violations of public order, detaining offenders in the area of ​​their posts, patrol routes;

the procedure for interaction with other units of the city regional authority, paramilitary and security guards;

compliance by police officers with the law, requirements for polite and attentive treatment of citizens;

compliance with the deployment of police personnel engaged in guarding facilities, the deployment of posts and routes, the correct use of vehicles, communications and technical control;

regular participation of the management and inspector staff of the educational institution, the command staff of the SPP, centralized security points, as well as the management and operational-commanding staff of internal affairs bodies in monitoring the performance of service by police detachments.

When carrying out inspections of the performance of service by police squads for the protection of especially important objects in mandatory password is applied.

.Structure and organization of activities of centralized security points and operational control centers

Centralized security points are private security units that provide private protection of objects from theft and fire using centralized surveillance consoles concentrated in one room.

The structure of the monitoring center includes the chief, the duty monitoring station, detention groups, as well as monitoring stations on duty and technical group employees - engineers, electricians. The duty control center is operationally subordinate to the duty unit of the internal affairs body.

The tasks of the monitoring center include direct security of objects, operational management and control over the performance of service by all private security units, as well as control over the timely elimination of alarm malfunctions installed at protected objects.

The operating principle of the monitoring station is as follows: the alarm system installed at the facilities via the telephone lines of these facilities or radio channels is connected through the automatic telephone exchange to the monitoring station. If unauthorized persons enter protected facilities, the locking system is violated and sound and light signals (“alarm”) are sent to the monitoring station. Upon receiving such a signal, the duty control center immediately dispatches a police squad to the site.

Operational control centers are created within the structure of private security under city and regional authorities on the basis of existing centralized security points and combat police units of at least 50 people.

The main tasks of the TsOU are: protection of the property of owners on the basis of contracts, participation in the protection of public order and ensuring security, prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses in the area of ​​posts and patrol routes. The head of the center reports to the head of the private security department and at the same time is his deputy. The commander of the combat unit and the head of the duty unit are subordinate to him.

The duty shift of the central control center includes the shift supervisor, engineer on duty, assistant engineer on duty, duty officer of the control panel, detention group, police dog handler, and electrician.

If it is impossible to create a central control center in the private security department and there is a combat unit in it with a total number of at least 50 people, a duty unit is organized.

.The procedure for accepting protection and organizing the protection of objects by the private security service under the internal affairs bodies

The basis for organizing the protection of property of legal and individuals is an agreement concluded between private security services under the internal affairs bodies and the enterprise, institution, organization in charge of this property, as well as citizens. The conclusion of such agreements is carried out on the terms of the Model Agreement on the protection of objects by private security units under the internal affairs bodies.

Under the agreement on the protection of objects, private security undertakes to organize and ensure the protection of the owner’s property, implement the access control established at the objects and carry out other measures in order to preserve material assets, and the owner undertakes to create appropriate conditions to ensure the safety of these values, to carry out measures specified in the agreement to equip the objects technical means security, assist security in performing their tasks and pay for security at established rates.

When the owner applies to the relevant private security unit with a request to accept the object under protection, an interdepartmental commission is created consisting of representatives of the security, the owner, the state fire service, and, if necessary, also the local police commissioner and other officials. This commission conducts an inspection of the object in order to determine the state of its protection and clarify, based on possible ways penetration of criminals into the facility (its “vulnerable” places), volume and type additional work on equipping the facility with technical security and fire extinguishing means. Such an inspection of the object, as well as bringing it into proper technical condition, are mandatory conditions for concluding a contract.

The results of the inspection are documented in an act that indicates proposals to the owner to eliminate identified deficiencies in the technical strength of the facility and recommendations for equipping it with alarm systems, indicating the timing of these works. The basic requirements that objects accepted for protection and already protected must meet have been determined Sample agreement and relate to the condition and availability of lighting, fences, communications, alarms, locks, constipations, turnstiles, mechanized gates, observation platforms, inspection rooms, lockers for storing personal belongings of workers and employees, etc.

Acceptance of an object under protection is formalized by concluding an agreement between the management, department or department of private security and the owner. The conclusion of an agreement on the protection of an object is carried out only after the shortcomings identified during the inspection have been eliminated, the object has been fully equipped with technical means of protection and has been brought into a condition that meets the established requirements. The object is considered accepted for protection after both parties sign a protection agreement.

The inspection staff of private security at least twice a year inspects the technical condition of the protected object, the results of which are also recorded in a report. Failure by the owner to comply with the requirements for the technical strengthening of the object during the period of validity of the contract is the basis for releasing the guard from liability for the theft of inventory items, if this served as a condition for its commission.

Security of objects is carried out on the days and hours specified in the list of objects attached to the contract. The facility security system and the location of posts are determined by security. The access and intra-facility regime at a guarded facility is established by the management of the facility, and is carried out by security.

Private security is provided financial liability for damage caused to the owner by improper fulfillment of the obligations assumed by it under the contract. Private security is released from liability only in cases where it proves the absence of its guilt.

For each case of theft from protected facilities, an internal inspection is carried out, based on the results of which a decision is made to bring the relevant private security officers to disciplinary and financial liability.

The organization of security by sentry and paramilitary security units, depending on the location of the objects and their equipment with alarm systems, is ensured by:

a) establishing stationary, bypass posts (length - from 150 to 1500 m);

b) patrolling on bicycles, mopeds, cars in combination with the use of technical equipment and service dogs.

Security posts are placed at checkpoints, directly next to the protected facility, in particularly important areas of the enterprise, and along the perimeter of the fence of the facility.

5. Responsibilities and rights of private security officers to prevent and suppress offenses at protected sites

The squad commander (senior squad) organizes the service of subordinate police in accordance with the requirements of the PPSP Charter, Manual, established rules for access and intra-object regimes, Instructions and is obliged to:

know the security features of the Object, the border, the surveillance sector, the area of ​​responsibility of each post, the general and special duties of all guards, the rules of access and intra-facility regimes, the procedure for action according to the security (defense) plan and in the event of emergency circumstances;

change (replace) guards, monitor the performance of duty and compliance with the rules for handling weapons, fire and personal safety;

monitor the serviceability of communications equipment, ITSO, the availability of property and service documentation for guards (according to the inventory) necessary for them to perform their duty;

report to the duty control center (TsOU), SPP or Department of Internal Affairs and the head of the Object about your arrival, the state of security, the change of police squad and any deficiencies identified. Inform them about violations of access control and intra-facility regimes. Malfunctions of ITSO, communications equipment, as well as other shortcomings in the technical strength of the Facility and take measures to eliminate them;

provide assistance, along with the police, in ensuring public order, access control and intra-facility regimes at the Facility.

Duties of a guard.

When performing duty, the guard is strictly guided by general and special duties in accordance with the post report card, the provisions of the PPSP Charter, the Manual, established rules access and intra-facility modes and Instructions.

The special duties of the guard of each specific post are developed by the commander of the SPP, OVO, agreed with the head of the Object and approved by the head of the OVO. In this case, all the features of serving in this institution are taken into account.

The post report card indicates the general and special duties of the guards.

General responsibilities include description:

post and its characteristics;

directly objects of protection (buildings, structures, premises, number of doors to be sealed, numbers of seals, territory of the institution, buildings for service and economic purposes in the fenced area and other structures transferred under protection);

boundaries of the post, area of ​​responsibility;

place of duty, observation sector or route of movement and its boundaries;

tasks during service;

procedure for accepting and handing over a post.

Specific responsibilities include description:

features of service at this post, objects requiring special attention;

the procedure for admitting institution employees to secured premises, including during non-working hours;

the procedure and frequency of checking the integrity of seals on the doors of storerooms of valuables after receiving them under protection;

participants maintaining eye contact and operational communication conditions;

the procedure for communication with the senior police squad and guards of neighboring posts, the duty control center (TsOU, SPP) or the police department;

the procedure (frequency) of the report to the senior police detachment for the protection of the institution, the duty center of the central control center (TsOU, SPP) or the internal affairs department on the situation and the results of the service;

procedures for using video television devices and access control systems in the security of an institution;

the procedure for accepting under protection and releasing from under protection the security premises of the institution connected to the reception and control devices installed in the police room or at the post;

procedure for action in the event of emergency circumstances.

Main duties of the outfit:

An employee of a combat police unit (SPP), while on duty, is required to know:

Legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia regulating the issues of protecting the property of individuals and legal entities, maintaining public order and fighting crime;

The operational situation in the post area, features of protected objects, possible places of entry into them, hidden approaches and entrances, characteristics of light (sound) detectors, main and additional security alarm lines;

Special duties while serving at the post;

The location of the nearest units of the internal affairs bodies, police squads, representatives of public formations for the protection of law and order and the communication system with them, the location of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and medical institutions;

The procedure and tactics of action in the event of emergencies and other emergency situations.

Prevent and suppress crimes and administrative offenses at protected sites.

Ensure the security of the facility by promptly responding to the activation of technical security means, implementing access and intra-facility regimes at guarded posts.

Identify and detain persons attempting to enter a protected facility or who are on its territory in violation of the established rules for passage and stay at the protected facility, as well as those attempting to bring (take out) material assets or objects into the protected facility in violation of established requirements.

Take measures to ensure the defense of the facility and the protection of property, as well as the safety of citizens in the event of emergencies and other emergency situations.

Monitor the operation and serviceability of the technical equipment installed at the guarded post.

When receiving information about crimes being prepared, being committed or committed, take measures to establish the location of the crime, information about the applicants, by whom and against whom it was committed or is being prepared, and other information relevant to solving the crime; take measures to immediately report to the duty officer of the internal affairs department, private security department, SPP or immediate superior.

Within the limits of their competence, provide assistance to citizens located at a protected facility and victims of crimes, administrative offenses and accidents, as well as those in a condition dangerous to their health and life.

Take measures to evacuate people from the danger zone, provide first aid to victims when an unlawful act is committed at a guarded post.

Provide assistance to police units serving under the plan for the integrated use of forces and assets in the serviced territory, employees of other services and divisions of internal affairs bodies, as well as representatives of other law enforcement agencies in the performance of their official duties.

Take part in the protection of protected objects in places of accidents, disasters, fires, natural Disasters and other emergency situations.

Be cultured and polite in dealing with citizens, strictly observe personal safety measures, legality and official discipline.

Upon arrival at the post, the IPS officer needs to receive from the employee he is replacing information (in part concerning) about the operational situation, incidents that have taken place, as well as other information directly related to the performance of duty. When entering the post, the employee checks the serviceability of the technical equipment, special equipment, and communications equipment, and provides a visual assessment of the engineering and technical condition of the post. He reports the acceptance of the post and identified shortcomings to the unit’s duty department, and also makes an appropriate entry in the post’s documentation.

At the end of the service, report to the duty officer of the unit about the results of the work.

It is prohibited: to arbitrarily change the order of service, unless this is caused by official necessity.


private security operational management

To organize security, technical means are widely used (volume and acoustic detectors, optical-electronic sensors, etc.), information from which is collected through existing communication channels, for example, through the city telephone network. Information from technical security equipment is sent to the Central Security Station (Central Security Point) and processed by the duty officer.

Setting the security of an object and its subsequent disarming is carried out either by calling the control center operator, or using a code device or an electronic key.

Private security units operate in one and a half thousand cities and towns in 82 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the following are under the protection of private security units:

5 million apartments for citizens;

7 thousand other places for storing personal property of citizens;

5 thousand objects of various forms of ownership, including 45.4 thousand subject to state protection (buildings of government and administrative bodies, institutions of the credit and financial system; international airports; hydraulic structures; objects of television and radio broadcasting and press, cultural heritage of Russia; storage places weapons and ammunition, narcotic substances, mining and processing of precious metals and stones; mobilization reserve warehouses, explosives and materials and other objects of special importance, increased danger and life support)

From January 1, 2012, private security units received the status of government agencies. According to the Law “On Budget Execution for 2012,” in 2012, 89 billion rubles were spent on ensuring the activities of private security; budget revenues for services provided by private security amounted to 48.4 billion rubles.

The structure of private security includes:

combat police units (CPP) - staffed by certified police officers;

specialized combat police units (SSPP) - carry out measures to protect property of all forms of ownership during its transportation (cargo escort), both on the property owner’s transport and on their own;

centralized security points (CSP) - are created to protect objects for various purposes dispersed in the area;

Operational control centers (OCC) - are created by merging SPP and OCC.

List of used literature

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M.: Publishing house "Omega-L", 2014. - 45 p.

Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ [ed. from 06/08/2012, as amended. from 06/14/2013] (with amendments and additions coming into force from 07/02/2013) [Electronic resource] - access mode - #"justify">. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ [adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 24, 1996] (current edition) // SPS Consultant Plus [Electronic resource] - access mode - #"justify">. Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2001 No. 174-FZ (as amended on March 1, 2012) (as amended and additionally entered into force on March 13, 2013) // SPS Consultant Plus [Electronic resource] - mode access - #"justify">. Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police” (as amended on 12/06/2013) // SPS Consultant Plus [Electronic resource] - access mode - #"justify">. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2012 N 160 Moscow “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 29, 2008 N 80 “Issues of organizing the activities of combat units of the police patrol service public safety» // Russian newspaper. - 2012. - №5767.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2008 No. 80 “Issues of organizing the activities of combat units of the public security police patrol service” // Information and legal portal Garant [Electronic resource] access mode - #"justify">. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2010. - 384 p.

Vorobyov A.I. Organization and legal basis activities of private security units under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to ensure the protection of property of individuals. Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. legal Sci. Specialty 12.00.11 - judicial power, prosecutorial supervision, organization law enforcement/A. I. Vorobyov. - Pskov, 2011. - 27 p.

Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies in questions and answers: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. - 352 p.

Kirichenko N.F. Directory of police officers of private security units [Electronic resource] access mode - #"justify">. Onishchenko O.N. Legal regime of income of private security units under internal affairs bodies / Monograph. VSI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Irkutsk: East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2010.

In accordance with the Law “On the Police,” the protection of property on the basis of contracts is the responsibility of the police. The main role in performing this function is assigned to the private security service under the internal affairs bodies.

Private security is part of the system of internal affairs bodies, is created on the principles of self-sufficiency and self-financing to organize the protection of property owners, provide other security services on a contractual basis, functions as part of the public security police as an independent structural link, reports to the heads of the internal affairs body and a higher unit of the private security service. security

Tasks and functions of private security services under the internal affairs bodies. The Regulations on private security under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 1992 No. 589 established the following among the main tasks of private security:

a) protection of property owners on the basis of contracts;

b) participation in the development and implementation of government measures to streamline and improve the protection of material assets;

c) implementation on the territory of Russia of a unified technical policy in the field of creating security alarm systems, their industrial development, quality control, tactics of their use, implementation and operational maintenance.

In accordance with these tasks, private security performs a number of functions.

Direct protection of property of enterprises, institutions, organizations. It is a system of measures for continuous monitoring of the object on which material assets are located (regardless of the form of ownership),

in order to prevent and suppress their theft and entry of unauthorized persons into the facility.

As a result of the approval of new forms of management, granting owners independence in ensuring the safety of property, legislative admission to the market of security services of non-state security companies and associations, private security lost its monopoly on the implementation of security functions. Currently, only a number of objects, an exhaustive list of which is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 587 “Issues of private detective and security activities,” are subject exclusively to state protection. These include buildings of representative and executive authorities, courts; diplomatic and consular missions; cash desks of state enterprises, institutions and organizations; museums, libraries, archives, nature reserves, television and radio companies of state and regional significance;

hydraulic structures; subways; objects of a number of ministries, departments and some others. But even the inclusion of an object in the said list does not mean its mandatory protection by private security units at the internal affairs department. State security is also provided by the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, divisions of the “power” ministries, etc. The heads of all other enterprises, institutions and organizations have the right to independently choose the subject of security: it can be private security at the Department of Internal Affairs, a private security company or their own security service .

The trend in recent years towards the abandonment of private security services, accompanied by a noticeable increase in the number of thefts from unguarded and departmentally guarded facilities, has now been suspended. The number of objects protected by private security has increased to 320 thousand. The reason is the reliability of the work of private security, confirmed by practice, in comparison with other security subjects. On average across the country, out of a hundred robbery attacks, only 9 occur on objects protected by private security. At the same time, per 1000 such objects per year, no more than one theft is allowed.

Now there is an expansion not only of the volume, but also of the list of services for the direct protection of property of enterprises provided by private security at the Department of Internal Affairs. It's about

in particular, on the protection of transported goods and funds, the organization of paid parking lots.

Direct protection of citizens' personal property. Such protection is carried out using devices connected to centralized surveillance consoles, after the citizen has concluded an agreement for the protection of property located in the apartment. Mostly apartments with telephones are accepted for protection. Currently, private security services have systems that allow them to protect apartments that are not equipped with telephones, however, due to some technical difficulties and relatively high cost, they have not yet become widespread. Work on equipping an apartment with alarm systems is carried out by private security at the expense of its owner. The cost of security depends on the amount the owner of the apartment valued the protected property.

When concluding an agreement, private security undertakes to accept the apartment under protection at any time of the day, for any period of time; during the period of protection, ensure complete safety of property; carry out repairs and maintenance of alarm systems; compensate for damage resulting from theft within the amount of the contract if entry into the apartment occurs through blocked areas and is not stopped. About 620 thousand apartments are currently protected using this method. At the same time, over 70% of citizens enter into a contract for a long time, and only 30% - during vacations and business trips.

In cases where a citizen does not want or does not have the opportunity to hand over property under centralized security, he can enter into an agreement with a private security unit for the installation of an alarm system. Security without the participation of private security can be joint or autonomous. With joint security, if unauthorized persons enter one of the blocked apartments, an alarm signal is sent to the neighbor’s apartment. With autonomous security, light and sound alarms notify of intrusion into an apartment, garden house, country house, garage, etc. places around. In both cases, private security does not undertake obligations to ensure the safety of property, but only at the request of citizens and at their expense blocks the premises with alarm systems.

Implementing the function under consideration, private security, under an agreement with citizens, equips their apartments (as well as, for example, street kiosks, control rooms of gas stations and other objects) with means of emergency calling the police (panic buttons). They are installed close to the entrance doors or in places where the owners of the apartment may be isolated (in the bathroom, toilet, pantry, etc.).

IN Lately private security began to provide such a service as the organization of special technically reinforced and equipped with alarm facilities, where everyone can deposit documents, valuables, personal collections, and other expensive things. A number of private security units have begun active work to install and organize maintenance services on a contractual basis for intercoms and videophones, as well as the installation of additional wooden, metal, sliding, lattice entrance doors, window grilles, and high-strength and security locks.

Introduction of modern technical means into security. Consistent implementation of this function makes it possible to largely make security technology “unmanned”, which in turn saves huge amounts of money currently spent on security and ensures minimal interference in the sphere of rights and legitimate interests of citizens. When protecting objects of various forms of ownership, private security currently uses more than 4.5 million ultrasonic, optical-electronic, radio wave, capacitive and other detectors and alarm devices.

Particularly important facilities, which include large bases and warehouses, pawn shops, jewelry stores and workshops, workshops, areas and laboratories of enterprises and organizations that use precious metals, cash desks of institutions, enterprises, organizations, banking and communications institutions, shooting ranges, weapons rooms, pharmacies and other premises where narcotic drugs are stored, museums, art galleries, exhibitions , library depositories and some others are equipped with three lines of protection. On the centralized monitoring console, each line is assigned a separate number. The first line controls the perimeter of the object (windows, doors, etc.), the second - the internal volume of the protected premises (an alarm signal is received when

placing any item indoors), the third boundary is the direct storage location (safe, rack, etc.).

Currently, the country has established the production of several dozen types of modern sensors and devices for security, fire and fire alarm systems, as well as centralized monitoring consoles. For the convenience of the owners and to eliminate errors and false alarms, a special lock has been designed, which is installed on front door and instead of dialing a code, it allows you to rent and rent an apartment from security by simply turning the key. Security equipment based on microprocessor technologies is being developed, which will allow us to reach a fundamentally new, highly reliable level of security. Computer technology makes it possible to automate the workplaces of personnel at centralized security points, exclude them from the processes of accepting (disarming) objects under protection, reduce the number of personnel and occupied space, and therefore reduce the cost of security while increasing its reliability.

The priority areas for introducing modern technical means into security are the installation of detectors with combined method detection, which allows you to eliminate the influence of random interference and eliminate false alarms; equipping facilities with industrial television installations with output to centralized monitoring consoles; the use of radio security systems, which make it possible to refuse the use of low-quality telephone lines.

It should be emphasized that carrying out installation work for equipment with alarm systems is the responsibility of private security represented by its installation teams only in relation to premises with personal property of citizens. Installation work is carried out on the basis of a contract. Alarm systems at objects accepted for protection are also installed by specialized installation and commissioning organizations or third-party organizations, including non-governmental ones. Private security carries out technical supervision at protected sites over the implementation of design and installation work on equipment with security alarm systems, the use of devices and security systems in accordance with technical documentation, their acceptance into operation, maintenance and repair. In servicing consumers of security services, non-departmental

Military security increasingly provides a “proprietary approach” that includes full cycle works - design and installation of alarm systems individual requirements customer, comprehensive supply of technical equipment, commissioning, warranty and post-warranty service and equipment repair.

Inspection of departmental security and organization of inspections of the state of preservation of material assets at unguarded objects (their technical expertise). This function is implemented by the private security service in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for inspecting departmental security of enterprises, institutions and organizations by private security units under the internal affairs bodies, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of August 5, 1993 No. 371, on a contractual basis. Periodic inspections of departmental security that enterprises, institutions and organizations of a number of ministries and departments have, as well as inspections of unguarded objects are aimed at increasing the reliability of security, eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to theft, identifying and accepting new objects under the protection of internal affairs bodies. Private security inspectors take part in inspections and checks. At the same time, the organization of security of objects, technical and other means of strengthening security, issues of service, service training of departmental security personnel, the state of storage of weapons and ammunition and other issues are checked. An act is drawn up on the results of the inspection, in which a conclusion is drawn about the compliance or non-compliance of the protection with the tasks of ensuring the safety of inventory items1.

The result of the inspection may also be the conclusion by private security of contracts for the training of departmental security personnel, and the exercise of control over the performance of their service. Based on the results of inspections, contracts for the design, installation and operational maintenance of security alarms are concluded with the managers of unguarded facilities.

In accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in a number of regions, the owners of trading enterprises are obliged to ensure their inspection by private security forces with the issuance of a document on proper

technical strengthening of the enterprise and equipping it with a security alarm.

Close to the function under consideration is the following the new kind services provided by private security, such as the provision of assistance to non-state security companies and associations in establishing their work, recruiting and training personnel.

Ensuring public order in areas where protected objects are located. This function is performed primarily by private security police units. The police units of this service are charged with ensuring the protection of public order and the fight against crime in the area of ​​their posts and patrol routes.

When performing these tasks, their rights, responsibilities and tactics of action are determined by the Charter of the patrol service of the public security police. Despite the fact that the function under consideration for private security is, as it were, the organization of the patrol and guard service of police security units at a single location with other police forces significantly increases the density of police squads and expands the capabilities of internal affairs bodies in maintaining public order and fighting crime.

Employees of sentry and paramilitary private security units also play a certain role in maintaining public order.

The system and types of private security units under the internal affairs bodies. The private security system is headed by the Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. There are private security departments (departments) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and Internal Affairs Directorate. They include personnel and organizational work units; police service; paramilitary and security guards; on the implementation and operation of technical security means; logistics and economic support; information-analytical and contractual-legal work; financial, economic and other divisions. Directly subordinate to the directorates (departments) of private security under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate are combat police units, repair shops, and installation organizations.

tions, independent motor vehicle fleets, service dog breeding kennels.

Under the city and regional internal affairs bodies there are departments (departments) of private security, which are directly subordinate to police, paramilitary and security units. They are organized if there is a total number of security workers of more than 50 units, taking into account the possibility of developing centralized security with an involved capacity of over 120 numbers per console with at least 20 units of personnel.

The private security includes patrol security units, paramilitary security units, combat police units, centralized security points (CSC) and operational control centers (OCC).

1. Private security guard units. The personnel of the guard guard are:

To guard areas. Section security chiefs (employees) are appointed to manage them. Depending on the nature of the objects, their location, technical strength and other features, guard areas can be created with a strength of 15 to 40 people. Each guard site is assigned a certain part of the city (district center, village), on the territory of which its personnel guard objects;

In security units of individual objects. They are organized to protect enterprises, warehouses, bases and other large facilities, when the number of guards at them is, as a rule, 10 or more guards. For the direct management of these groups, facility security chiefs (employees) are appointed. In some regions of the country, the management of guard units is carried out by junior security inspectors (junior commanding officers of the police).

Security guards are usually armed with smooth-bore guns or serve without weapons.

2 Paramilitary private security units. The list of objects guarded by paramilitary units is not defined by law. In accordance with the Manual on the organization of service of paramilitary and guard units of private security, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 22, 1993 No. 121, type and number of guards, deployment and number of posts, relationships

with the owners are determined by agreements of the parties and are enshrined in security agreements. When formalizing contractual relations, paramilitary security as a type of private security units is given preference to commercial banks, pawn shops, life support facilities, large industrial enterprises, warehouses, cultural institutions, foreign companies, etc.

Paramilitary units, depending on the number of personnel, consist of detachments, teams, and groups. VOKhR personnel, depending on their positions, are divided into senior, middle, junior commanding and rank and file and, when performing official duties, must wear the established uniform and insignia.

Paramilitary units are armed with rifled weapons. Currently, it is practiced to arm military personnel shooters and guards with gas weapons. Paramilitary and guard security units are recruited from among citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 and meet the requirements for security service. The VOKhR is staffed primarily by citizens who are in the reserves of the Armed Forces. Guard and paramilitary security workers are subject to labor legislation and state social insurance.

If there are both sentry and paramilitary guards at the guarded facility, the first in matters of organizing the service is subordinate to the corresponding head of the paramilitary unit.

In accordance with agreements with owners, guard and paramilitary units may be entrusted with protecting special products during their transportation and escorting cashiers with in cash, as well as other duties.

The number of private security guards is established based on one round-the-clock post (with a seven-hour working day): 6 units in paramilitary units and 4.53 units in guard security units, excluding employees of the administrative and management apparatus, the pass office and service dog breeding, engineering and technical workers employed in the operation of technical security equipment, and for paramilitary units, in addition, without taking into account commanding officers and maintenance personnel.

3. Combat units of private security police at the Department of Internal Affairs are created in order to ensure the protection of the property of owners and objects on a contractual basis, more effective use of police personnel in the fight against crime, maintaining public order, improving the management of police units, increasing the level of educational work and professional training of employees . They are part of the public security police and are subordinate to the heads of departments, divisions, private security units under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and city and regional internal affairs agencies. Combat police units of private security (regiments, battalions, companies, platoons) are sometimes called “night” police, since, unlike patrol service units, they work mainly at night. Combat units of private security police include management and command personnel; police officers of detention groups of centralized security points; police officers serving at posts and patrol routes; police officers who provide security for certain particularly important objects and are maintained at the expense of funds received for their protection (the so-called object or departmental police); police officers escorting cargo and other police officers.

The combat units of private security police ensure the fulfillment of contractual obligations by:

Prompt response of police units to the activation of security and fire alarm systems connected to central monitoring panels;

Patrolling protected objects or posting posts on them;

Implementation of access (in-site) regimes at protected sites and their territories;

Escort of cargo and material assets.

4. Central security points (CSP) are private security units that provide direct protection of objects from theft and fire using central monitoring panels (CMS), concentrated in one room. Centralized security is not only the most reliable, but also the most cost-effective type of security. Currently, the active capacity of the ARC is more than 1 million numbers.

This type of security was first introduced in Leningrad. Its principle is as follows: the alarm system installed at the facilities via the telephone lines of these facilities or radio channels is connected through the automatic telephone exchange to the monitoring station. If unauthorized persons enter protected objects, the locking system is violated and sound and light signals (“alarm”) are sent to the monitoring station. Upon receipt of such a signal, the duty control center immediately dispatches a police squad to the site.

In addition to direct security of objects, the tasks of the monitoring center include operational management and control over the performance of service by all private security units, as well as control over the timely elimination of alarm malfunctions installed at protected objects.

The structure of the monitoring center includes: the chief, the duty monitoring center, detention groups (all are police officers), as well as monitoring station duty officers and technical group employees - engineers, electricians (all civilians). The personnel of the detention groups are included in the combat units of the private security police. The duty control center is operationally subordinate to the duty unit of the internal affairs body.

A promising form of centralized security are on-site monitoring centers (now there are about 500 of them), created at large enterprises (factory monitoring stations) and in residential areas (microdistrict monitoring stations).

5. Operational control centers (OCC) are created in the structure of private security under city and regional authorities in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 28, 1995 No. 164 “On introducing changes and additions to regulations Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" on the basis of existing centralized security points and combat police units of at least 50 people.

The main tasks of the TsOU are: protection of the property of owners on the basis of contracts, participation in the protection of public order and ensuring public safety, prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses in the area of ​​posts and patrol routes. The head of the center reports to the head of the private security department and at the same time is his deputy. The commander of the combat unit and the head of the duty unit are subordinate to him. The responsibilities of the head of the center include diverse tasks, which in departments without a central control center are assigned to different deputy heads of the department, for example, the development of measures to increase

sustainability of the operation of security forces, development of the deployment of police posts and motor patrol routes of the department, etc.

The duty shift of the central control center includes the shift supervisor, the inspector on duty, the assistant inspector on duty, the duty officer of the control panel, the detention group, the police dog handler, and the electrician. The head of the duty unit occupies a position close to the deputy commander of a combat police unit; he reports to the commander of the specified unit and is the direct commander of all his personnel.

If it is impossible to create a central control center in the private security department and there is a combat unit in it with a total number of at least 50 people, a duty unit is organized in it. It is tasked with organizing the operational management of squads and ensuring reliable protection of property owners on a contractual basis, the effective use of personnel in the fight against crime, maintaining public order, and interaction with other squads of internal affairs bodies in solving crimes “without delay”.

Rights of private security officers under internal affairs bodies. The regulations on private security under the internal affairs bodies provided its employees with the following rights to perform their duties:

Require workers and employees of protected facilities and other persons to comply with the access control regime established by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organization;

Detain persons attempting to illegally remove (remove) material assets from a protected facility;

Deliver to security premises or to the police persons suspected of committing offenses related to encroachment on protected property;

Carry out an inspection of things in accordance with the procedure established by law on the basis of the terms of contracts, and in exceptional cases - a personal search at checkpoints, as well as Vehicle and checking the compliance of transported goods with accompanying documents upon entry (exit) from the territory of the protected facility;

Use technical means that do not cause harm to the life, health of citizens and the environment to detect and seize illegally exported (removed) property, as well as to record illegal actions;

Apply in cases and in the manner prescribed by law, firearms;

Require officials to fulfill obligations under the contract aimed at ensuring the safety of material assets and the creation safe conditions labor for security workers.

The specified powers are available to employees of all private security units - sentry, paramilitary and police. Private security police officers, in addition, use the rights granted to the police to perform their duties.

Thus, to date, private security has been formed as a specialized engineering and technical service under the internal affairs bodies operating on the principles of self-sufficiency and self-financing, providing on a contractual basis the protection of the property of legal entities and individuals and contributing to the decision common tasks police to protect public order and fight crime.

private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Non-departmental security under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation was created to protect the property of owners on a contractual basis and is organized in cities, regional centers and urban-type settlements.

Private security units under the internal affairs bodies (hereinafter referred to as VO units) belong to the police units, i.e. to state executive authorities.

The Regulations on the Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, signed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 677 of June 16, 2011, established the status of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs, its functions, tasks, powers, rights, structure, order and main areas of activity.

The main tasks of the GUVO are:

1. Organization and participation in the formation of the main directions of state policy in the field of protection of property and facilities.

2. Ensuring the improvement of legal regulation in the field of protection of property and facilities.

3. Determination of priority areas in the field of protection of property and facilities.

4. Participation in monitoring law enforcement in the field of protection of property and facilities.

5. Organization and implementation, within its competence, of a unified technical policy in the field of protection of property and facilities using innovative technologies.

6. Organizational and methodological support for the activities of Centers and private security units.

The Main Directorate performs the functions of the head unit of the Ministry in the field of organizing the protection of property and facilities on a contractual basis. From January 1, 2012, private security units received the status of government agencies.

The GUVO is headed by a chief who has a first deputy and deputies who are appointed to the position and dismissed from office in the prescribed manner.

The structure and staffing of HE departments are approved in the following order:

Main Military Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

UVO (OVO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GU MVD, U MVD) for the constituent entities of the federation - by the heads of the relevant ministries, departments of internal affairs;

OVO - by the heads of the UVO (OVO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GU MVD, U MIA), under whose direct subordination they are. The number of these units is established based on the funds received as payment for security services.

The advisory body, whose decisions are of a recommendatory nature, is the Security Council of the Main Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The work of the Council is led by the head of the Main Directorate for Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Chairman of the Council), who determines the candidacy of his deputy. The composition of the Council is discussed at the All-Russian meeting of heads of departments (departments) under the Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and approved by the head of the Main Directorate of Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The Council carries out its activities in accordance with a work plan (usually twice a year).

Military units have features, determined by the specifics of the tasks they perform tasks and functions:

1. Independently (within the limits of their competence) resolve issues of contractual and foreign economic activity.

2. Not only organize, but also practically carry out the protection of property, as well as the provision of other services provided for in agreements with the owners using their own resources and means. At the same time, the security guarantees compensation for damage from thefts caused by its fault, taking on the functions of an “insurance company.”

3. They are the only “service” service in the state that is responsible for timely response to alarm signals during attempts to commit thefts, i.e. carries out a full closed cycle of work to suppress property crimes.

4. They have a large volume of administrative and supervisory functions related to maintaining public order in the areas of posts and patrol routes, not supported by any allocations from the state budget.

5. Military personnel (especially police personnel) are representatives of the authorities, bearers of authority. While on duty, they can (in accordance with the procedure established by law) demand compliance with the established access control regime at protected facilities, detain citizens, search their belongings, use special equipment and firearms, etc.

6. Their activities take place in specific forms that are not typical for police officers of other units.

7. The presence of such features of public service as special training, special labor discipline and etc.

VO divisions solve problems of increasing the security of the property interests of citizens and legal entities, strengthening the anti-terrorist stability of protected facilities and the residential sector, preventing property crimes and combating street crime.

For these purposes, private security ensures the protection of the property of citizens and organizations by police posts and technical security means, responds to alarm signals by sending detention groups to the installation site of alarm equipment, and also ensures the protection of property during its transportation.

The activities of private police security units have the status of a public service. Payment for services is still credited in full to the federal budget in accordance with Art. 47 Federal Law"About the police."


The service units currently protect more than 424 thousand objects of various forms of ownership and more than 1 million 256 thousand apartments. Since the beginning of this year alone, 1,171 alarm signals have been received at the centralized monitoring consoles of private security units, and 14,226 persons have been detained for committing (on suspicion of committing) crimes by employees of private security units. More than 6 billion rubles were transferred to the federal budget revenue.

Work continues on the development and implementation of navigation and monitoring systems in private security units: in 444 populated areas 625 dispatch centers have been deployed in 80 regions. Terminal navigation devices are installed on more than 9 thousand units of official vehicles of the private security service.

Over the past three years, a radical technical re-equipment of the service has been underway, which involves, among other things, optimization of the resources used. The main efforts are aimed at implementing programs for technical re-equipment and consolidation of centralized security points.

One of the main tasks, as before, is to ensure anti-criminal protection of categories of objects important for ensuring the life of the state. Thus, personnel ensure the safety and anti-criminal protection of 35 thousand objects subject to mandatory police protection, almost 30 thousand of them are of particular importance and increased danger.

By the end of 2014 the number automated systems transmission of notifications increased to 97% of total number private security units operating at the ARC and increase the share of objects, apartments and MHIG with automated take/disarm tactics to 85-90% of the total number protected with the help of the ARC.

The approximate organizational and staffing structure of military units, as well as the conditions for the introduction of individual positions of police officers and workers, are determined by the instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 29, 2012 No. 650 “Issues of organizational and staffing work in private police security units.”

Along with their main responsibilities, private security units ensure the protection of public order and security. The streets of the country are patrolled by more than 4 thousand crews of detention groups and patrols. The reliability of the protection of property entrusted to the owners is at high level and is 99.96%.

The organizational foundations of the private security service were laid more than 60 years ago, but even today they remain unique in their composition and combination. There is no identical security structure not only in our country, but also abroad.

Questions for independent work:

1. What are the main features of law enforcement?

2. Name and briefly describe the main directions (functions) of law enforcement activities.

3. What structures should be classified as law enforcement agencies?

4. List the law enforcement agencies that perform these law enforcement functions.

5. Name the main unit in the structure of the created Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

6. What is the official date of formation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, what main functions were assigned to it?

7. When was the private security service formed and what functions were assigned to it?

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