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Homemade forging machine. Device for cold forging do-it-yourself video. Assembly of different types of equipment

Homemade machine for cold forging it can come in handy if you like crafting and you are not averse to making something beautiful for a country estate with your own hands, home interior, for gifts to relatives and friends or just for the soul.

The majestic appearance of products made by the forging method beckons with graceful lines and captivates the eye. Since ancient times, in all best houses, one could certainly see such decorations as metal tracery curls. And even today, when a huge number of various materials and technologies have been developed, forged products have not lost their relevance.

Products made by forging are used in design along with glass, plastic and other decorative elements. Forging of metal occurs in a cold or hot way. For hot forging process many special conditions must be met Therefore, it is very difficult for her to study at home. More accessible way is artistic cold forging. It is much easier to learn it, and if you wish, you can make home-made cold forging machines with your own hands.

cold forging process

With cold forging, two main processes are required:

  • press;
  • bending.

To carry out these activities, you do not need to tell the metal some temperature. But a certain heat treatment still must occur between the stages of work.

It is not necessary to have full-fledged artistic forging machines at your disposal; amateurs often make tools with their own hands. Via homemade equipment you can give the blanks all sorts of bizarre shapes. You just need to acquire certain skills to work. Therefore, get ready for the fact that in order to bend the required figure, drawings and considerable effort will be needed. Work can only be carried out using raw materials of the required thickness.

Products that are obtained using a homemade cold forging machine are much stronger than those that are made or cast using stamping. This is due to the fact that the metal rods that pass through the tooling are pressed together to give them the desired shape. With this forging method, you need make no mistakes because they are practically uncorrectable. With the acquisition of skills, you will be able to create attractive and wonderful products with your own hands.

Using a homemade cold forging machine, you can make products such as:

  • elements like balcony canopies, handrails for stairs;
  • bars on the windows;
  • fences and fences;
  • home furniture - tables, chairs, beds;
  • elements that are used in the design of the house: crates of fireplaces, tripods for flowers.

During hot forging, the master needs not only a separate room, but also equipment for blacksmithing, as well as special conditions. With the cold method, there is no need to preheat the workpiece, and the process itself is much more economical.

When processing a large batch of the same type of products with your own hands, everything can be done using stencils and a drawing. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce labor costs and reduce production time. Sometimes parts need to be heated, heating is done at the joints so that there is no curvature. For beginners it is recommended to carefully consider the manufacturing plan before performing work, it would be useful to have a video lesson and complete a drawing of the future product.

Tools and equipment

A manual cold forging machine includes a number of elements. Required accessories that will be needed for work:

  • twister;
  • snail;
  • gnutik;
  • wave;
  • globe;
  • flashlight.

Many names will seem funny, but these are quite convenient for homemade use fixtures.

The main tool for work will be a bender, which is used to change the shape of the metal. Its function is to bend the part under required angle or bending arcs with different radii.

The snail is used, as a rule, for twisting steel rods into a spiral. This is a tool for bending bars, strips, tubes, squares and profiles to a spiral shape, products with various shapes and radii. While using this tool you can not limit the radius of the created spiral and make it the size you want.

The flashlight tool is necessary for bending metal parts. With it, metal bars are processed, the cross section of which is less than 30 mm, or square profiles with a cross section of less than 16 mm.

With the help of a device such as a wave, wave-shaped curved elements are made. Apply it and for pipe processing, which have a hexagonal or round cross section.

Twister is similar to a flashlight. With these two tools, you can unscrew the rods around the axis.

With the help of a globe you can make a large arc from a profile rod up to 12 mm thick. Moreover, the ends of the workpiece are also smoothly bent.

This tool for cold forging is absolutely not complicated, so you can often see homemade ones. It is almost in no way inferior to the factory one.

Forging machines

Often, when working, it seems much more expedient to make machines for cold forging with your own hands. Since not every element can be fully processed using only manual equipment for forging. Yes and the price of this equipment is quite high, even when it comes to the simplest snail machine.

If a home craftsman makes some product on a self-made conductor, then the thing will be unique, although in some respects it will be inferior to the one made in the factory. If you plan to make a large number of parts using cold forging, then it is best to make a jig with an electric motor. This will make your workflow easier.

It will be useful to provide for the manufacture of the main types of work on the machine - drawing, bending and twisting. These devices can be combined while creating a do-it-yourself conductor.

During the drawing, the product is given a certain shape. Why should it be passed through rollers or a press, and the cross section of the feedstock will decrease.

The bending process consists in the fact that the part is bent at the required angle. You can perform this operation using templates. They are made in this way: a drawing of the product is prepared, according to which a template is then made. Weld a curl onto a steel plate, after which this sheet is mounted on a machine in a holder. The end of the workpiece is installed in the slot, the second end is fixed. With the help of a lever, one end of the product is affected, which must be dragged along all the bends of the plate used as a template.

When making a template, the welding seam must be carried out with outside, otherwise it will interfere with the further operation of the product.

Often craftsmen assemble simple devices, with which you can make quite original products. It all depends on the experience of the master. Let's consider one of these homemade models to understand the principle itself.

Do-it-yourself forging machine "Snail"

With the help of this machine, home craftsmen make all kinds of rings and spirals, curls, waves. To make this kind of machine, you need to act according to drawings and technology which includes a number of steps.

Before making any fixtures, hand tools or art forging machines, it is required to perform graphic images, templates, sketches, drawings of the future device.

To make the markup more accurate, it is best to use graph paper. Draw a spiral on it, in which the radius of the turns gradually increases. The same pitch must be observed between the turns. It must be said that this condition must be observed only in cases where the symmetry of the patterns is needed, as a rule, no more than 4 pieces are made.

Also consider what kind of blanks you need to work with. The distance between the turns must be made so that it slightly exceeds the diameter of the metal rods, otherwise it will be difficult to get the finished product out of the machine.

For the working surface, sheet metal will be needed. A thickness of four millimeters is enough. Sizing is based on the dimensions of the required parts. To make a form, you need sheet metal in the form of strips 3 mm thick. This material can be worked with hand tools. It is simply bent according to the pattern into a spiral with the help of pliers.

To create a full-fledged work process, it is necessary to make a secure fixation of one end of the product. Here you need a piece of rod, which is equal to the width of the strips. A workbench is required to fix the work platform. Often a piece of thick-walled pipe is used as a rack. The main thing - ensure maximum grip, since during cold forging, the forces applied are quite large.

Machine assembly

To make any cold forging machine, there are many options. It can be made collapsible, monolithic or solid. At monolithic construction the entire device or parts of the "Snail" are welded to the site.

Along the length of the structure you can weld small pieces of rods with a distance of 5-6 cm, special holes must be made for them in the working area. Do not forget to carefully fasten the ends of the products that you will bend.

Cold forging is especially popular among beginners in blacksmithing. For the manufacture of products in this way, neither a well-equipped workshop is needed (you can get by with a garage or a barn), nor extensive experience, no special knowledge about the behavior of metals is needed. As far as fixtures are concerned, all the necessary machines and tools can be made by hand at home.

Metal curls made by cold forging are used to decorate exterior elements.

Products are popular with owners country cottages and utilities engaged in the architectural arrangement of common areas.

You can also use these elements in the manufacture of individual devices -, outdoor furniture and even dishes.

Such decor, and especially finished products, is very expensive. Even standard kits, put on stream and sold in stores, have a prohibitive price. What can we say about products made to order.

Therefore, many home craftsmen try to create such creations on their own. Moreover, “cold forging with your own hands” does not imply classical forging technology. The processing of the workpiece material is carried out without the use of heat and work with a blacksmith's hammer. This means that it can be done at home.

However, for such work, a special tool is required - a bend for cold forging. The equipment is offered in stores, or made in workshops on an individual order. A set for universal metal processing is a whole complex various devices.

Firstly, this is a truly unique tool that allows you to create highly artistic products, without a hammer, forge and anvil.

Secondly, such devices are not made of simple metal, otherwise the machine will fail at the first load. Therefore, high-quality and durable steel increases the price.

Consider various homemade cold forging fixtures

Let's start with the principle of the tool:
The workpiece (metal circle, square or strip) is installed in the machine between the guides. With the help of a lever manual or geared electric drive, the geometric shape changes.

There are several standard fixtures that are templates for cold forging.

Device "gnut".

This is an improved analogue. With its help, the workpiece is bent at a programmed angle. It can be both single and form geometric figures. Decorative element it can be flat or voluminous, and all this is done by one tool. With the help of a bender, you can make an arc from a straight workpiece.

Twister fixture.

With its help, the workpiece is twisted with a screw. It works on the principle of a lathe spindle or a drill chuck. Part of the workpiece is firmly clamped in a fixed vice, and the other is twisted using a wrench or an electric drive.

The design feature is that the fixed vice must be able to move longitudinally.

When twisting, the part decreases in length, and may pop out of the mount.
If, instead of one rod, a bundle of wire is inserted into the machine, you can get a three-dimensional steel figure, the so-called basket. Its manufacture requires special skill.

The most popular device is the snail.

The most common template for cold working metal. With its help, curls of any shape and with a different number of turns are created. Its design is simple and complex at the same time. It is not enough to simply create a template for the desired form.

This type of work with metals is more popular among "home" craftsmen, if only because it does not provide for their heat treatment and, consequently, the installation of a hearth. And this case is both more complicated and troublesome. And the technology for manufacturing various patterned parts is much simpler, since there is no such thing as “overheated” or “underheated” material.

In principle, cold forging can also be done with a hand tool - special equipment is not always necessary. All you need is an anvil and a hammer. So you can work with almost any workpiece - sheet iron, metal strip, bar or pipe. It all depends on the complexity of the part and the skills of the master. By the way, as an option - the usual one, with which you can do a lot of things.

But in most cases, especially for enthusiastic people, or if the case is put on stream, it is advisable to use a cold forging machine, albeit home-made, since not every sample can be processed with a hand tool. And the range of possibilities is expanding significantly. There are many relevant devices on sale, but the prices for them “bite”.

For example, the cost of the cheapest universal block (forging and bending) is about 120,000 rubles. And this is without taking into account the devices, which, depending on the configuration, will cost another 7-10 thousand. Even the simplest machine for the "snail" for less than 65,000 can not be found.

On your own, you can assemble simple mechanisms, which, nevertheless, allow you to get the most intricate patterns. It's all about the skills of the one who will work. Consider one of the models, and without specifying the material used, dimensions and other subtleties. The main thing is to understand the principle of the device, and everything else House master pick it up himself. Moreover, a person who does not have inclinations to engage in such “designing” will not be interested in this.

Machine "snail"

With it, you can make rings, spirals, "waves" and various "curls". The manufacturing process of the machine includes several stages.


To obtain greater marking accuracy, it is advisable to use graph paper. A spiral is drawn on it, and with a gradual increase in the radius of the turns. Condition - the distance between them (step) must be the same. But this is if the symmetry of the pattern is required (although each person has his own concept of the “artistic value” of the work). The same applies to the number of turns (as a rule, there are no more than 4 of them).

It is necessary to take into account, and with what blanks you will have to work. "Step" should be a little larger diameter bar (strip iron), otherwise it is unlikely that it will be possible to pull the finished part out of the machine without damaging the “mould” after the operation is completed.

Working surface

A piece of sheet metal is used. Its sufficient thickness is 4 mm. Linear dimensions are determined based on the estimated dimensions of the manufactured parts.


For it, you can take, for example, strip metal 3 mm thick. This will allow you to work with it with a hand tool. It bends into a spiral according to the markup of the template. This is easy to do using a pair of pliers.

Additional elements

To ensure the workflow, you will need to fix one end of the workpiece. Therefore, you will need a piece of bar (equal to the width of the strip). In addition, the work platform will need to be fixed on something (for example, on a workbench). As such a rack, you can prepare a 10-centimeter piece of pipe (of course, thick-walled). Although there are many options here, since the design installed in this way can interfere with other types of work.

For example, to provide for fixing the entire assembly in a "powerful" vise. Therefore, instead of a pipe, you can take a hexagon (a nut large diameter or something similar). The main thing is the reliability of fixation, given that during cold forging significant efforts will have to be made.

Machine assembly

There are also many options here. It can be made both “monolithic” and disassembled into its component parts. In the first case, the "snail" (or its individual parts) from the strip is simply welded to the site. For example, in this position:

It is possible to “weld” pieces of a bar along the entire length (1 cm each) with an interval of 4–5 cm, and drill mounting holes under them in the working platform.

The main thing is not to forget about the reliable fastening of the end of the bent part.

We considered only one of the simplest options. To have a more complete picture of all the possibilities of devices for the manufacture of "snails" and similar products, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the relevant industrial equipment. And how to do desired device independently, from improvised material, a savvy person will always figure it out. An interesting option shown in video:

In practice, it is often necessary to bend blanks into a “snake”, but doing this manually is quite difficult. Such machines are called "torsion". In addition to the fact that significant efforts will be required, it is necessary to maintain uniformity of rotation. This means that such devices for cold forging will have to be equipped with an electric drive. You can see a complete list of equipment for cold forging.

Forging machines are good tool for art and creative people who have a desire to create something beautiful and individual in their home to emphasize the interior, or can do good gift with your own hands for important people. There are two methods for forging metal. In order to forge something using the hot forging method, it is necessary to make a lot of preparations and actions, therefore, at home, hand forging is most easily done using the cold forging method. The training period for such a process does not take much time, moreover, there is real opportunity build your own machine.

The beginning of cold forging with homemade machines.

Do-it-yourself cold forging requires two mandatory action- press and bend. To perform all these actions, it is not necessary to give a certain temperature to the metal, but it is still necessary to carry out heat treatment.

To design something with your own hands, it is no longer necessary to have special machines for artistic forging, now you can create metal forging machines at home. But without experience with such tools, you still can’t cope. For all the work to be successful, you need to use metals of a certain thickness.

A homemade cold forging machine can easily be used to create structures that are much stronger than those that were made by stamping. Forged Products with your own hands to turn out to be of high quality, when everything is done correctly and without errors, because it is very difficult to fix them. After a few works, thanks to the experience gained, you can begin to make excellent designs using homemade machines and cold forging fixtures.

In the manufacture a large number identical metal structures It is best to use the drawings prepared in advance. Do-it-yourself drawings for cold forging machines are prepared in advance. In some cases, it will be better to warm up the part in order to get rid of defects in the future. Those who not so long ago began to use home-made cold forging machines should first consider a work plan, as well as acquire the necessary skills. The help of various video lessons on the Internet, as well as special courses, will not be superfluous here.

Machine components and necessary tools.

A do-it-yourself forging machine consists of certain devices. Among which must be:

  1. gnutik;
  2. snail;
  3. wave;
  4. globe;
  5. twister;
  6. flashlight;

These devices are the best to use. A do-it-yourself snail for cold forging is needed for weaving steel bars. You can see the photo to better see the design and an example of the details. Forging equipment for cold forging of metal plays an important role in the work. The main tool during the work will be the gnutik. This is a very simple element.

To process pipes with hexagonal and round section use wave. Metal rods are bent with a “flashlight”, and the twister is somewhat similar to it, a very convenient device. The globe makes a large arc of profile rods.

Cold forging machines are most profitable to do yourself, because not everything can be processed hand tools, and the price for the artistic forging machine is very high. When the master, using his skills and equipment, creates a design, it will be unique and special, even if in some ways it will not be as high quality as the factory one. When manufacturing a large number of parts, it will be correct to create an encoder on an electric motor. This makes the work process easier.
A do-it-yourself cold forging machine must be adapted for such types of work as bending, twisting and drawing.

In the process of drawing, the structure takes on a certain shape. Therefore, it must pass through the press, after which the cross section of the primary material will become smaller. Flexible means creating a bent at the desired angle. This will require templates. A photo of drawings of forged products with your own hands is prepared in advance from which a template will be made. A curl is attached to the steel plate, and the sheet itself is fixed in the machine holder. A slot is placed at the end of the workpiece, while the other end is fixed in place. Using a lever, there is an influence on the end of the structure, which must be carried out along each bend of the plate, which is used as a template.

Video of a homemade machine for bending balusters.

Many experienced manufacturers personally assemble simple mechanisms that allow you to create unique designs. This is influenced by work experience. Drawings for do-it-yourself cold forging machines can be found in sufficient quantities on the Internet, as well as photos of cold forging products that can be obtained as a result. A photograph of such equipment allows the master to complete a drawing from scratch, if he has experience.

You can consider the machine "Snail". Using it, you can create various spirals or waves. To create such a machine, you need to have drawings for a do-it-yourself cold forging machine of this type, as well as do everything in accordance with the technology. Working surface must be sheet metal. 4 mm thickness will be enough. Dimensions are set based on the size of the part. For shaping, sheet metal 3 mm thick and in the form of strips is required. It is bent according to the pattern with pliers and a spiral is obtained.

To create a normal work process, you need to fix one of the ends of the part well. A rod equal to the width of the strips will help with this. To fix the work platform, you will need to use a workbench. The main goal of everything is to give the part maximum immobility, because during cold forging you need to make a lot of effort.

Before starting to manufacture any cold forging machine, tools for self made we need templates, sketches and various drawings, including a drawing for do-it-yourself cold forging equipment.

To give better accuracy to the markup, you can use graph paper. You need to draw a spiral on it, where the turns in the radius will increase. An equal distance must be properly maintained between them. Such a condition will be mandatory only to create symmetrical patterns.

Machine design.

To create any machine, you can use several options to choose from - collapsible, monolithic or solid. It is recommended to weld small bars along the entire length of the future machine. On the working site, it is worth drilling special holes for this. It is required to well fix the ends of the parts that will bend.
This forging method is very popular with blacksmith beginners.

Using a machine for cold forging metal made by hand, an inexperienced craftsman will be able to make forged balcony canopies, handrails for stairs, various window grilles, fences, numerous home furniture, fences, various forged accessories and decor items that complement the interior of the premises, on like grills for fireplaces. This a good option for beginners.

Collection of drawings of machines for cold forging.

Drawing for a snail with a plowshare.

The drawing shows a device for a bending snail with a plowshare and the rules for working with it.

Detail drawing snail machine.

Drawing device for bending "Clamp".

Drawing fixture Gnutik.

Video of cold forging equipment for small businesses.

The private sector of any city is characterized by a lot of elegant metal products. These are metal patterned gates, beautiful benches, unusual railings and others. decorative ornaments. Forged products give some aesthetics appearance plot and house. Many people think that the use of metal forged fixtures is very expensive. But this is not always the case.

Such products are made by cold forging. If you buy them in a store, then, of course, you can lay out a rather large amount. That's why experienced craftsmen make a cold forging machine with your own hands. Moreover, if a person likes to do something on his own, then this device will come in handy on the farm.

And also, being engaged in artistic forging, you get a good income. After all, production waste and the cost of initial arrangement are small. Therefore, the affairs of a blacksmith engaged in cold forging can quickly go uphill. The implementation of forging, possibly in a garage or shed. Accordingly, no rent is required.

The concept of cold forging

The cold forging procedure differs from the hot forging process, namely in the simplicity and safety of the process. The metal is not exposed high temperature. When compared with stamping, this process implies the almost complete elimination of metal flow. If we consider cold forging, from the point of view of the forging process itself, then this is the process of riveting elements using impact force.

As a result, the strength of the outer layer increases, and inner part imparts overall toughness and fracture strength. Of course, the forging procedure itself is very lengthy. Therefore, it is worth talking in more detail about a certain branch of cold forging called artistic forging.

It is also, in essence, cold forging, and the term "cold forging" will be used in the future. It consists in a variety of bending of metal sources. Structure metal base does not change. Physical and mechanical properties also do not change.

Cold forging involves the formation of a variety of twisted elements and bends. Such patterned elements are performed on a specific installation. Moreover, the drive of these installations is divided into manual and electric. With a large amount of work, it is preferable to use machines with electric drive to increase execution speed.

Manual installations can be used for the production of the following decorative items:

  1. Window structures.
  2. Components for the manufacture of railings.
  3. Chairs, benches.
  4. Legs for furniture.
  5. Decor items for gates, gates.
  6. Details for fireplaces.

With regard to the raw material used for forging, it is used different types: aluminum, copper. And you can also use alloys - duralumin, steel, brass, magnesium alloy, nickel alloy.

Advantages of the method

When compared with other methods of producing metal products, cold forging has a number of advantages. These include:

  • Heating of the metal is not needed, which makes it possible to simplify the manufacturing process due to the absence of a furnace, maintenance certain temperature.
  • Process safety.
  • Ease of fabrication of cold forging plants.
  • The ability to correct the product made due to mechanical properties.
  • Ability to manufacture equipment for the manufacture of identical products with standard steps.
  • Saving time and money when doing work.

The presence of these advantages makes cold forging technology widespread.

Equipment types

There are many types of cold forging machines. The following categories have been established:

  1. Gnutik - contributes to the production of metal arcs that bend under the exact angle.
  2. Snail - a device that allows you to form a spiral of rods.
  3. Twister - allows you to get a more complicated spiral formation along the axis.
  4. Ring - a bending mechanism for the manufacture of ring and oval shapes.
  5. Wave - the installation is intended for bending rods into a wave.
  6. Press - allows you to carry out the process of flattening the object.
  7. Hammer and anvil are tools to help correct mistakes.

Making a cold forging machine for each of the listed categories with your own hands is quite easy. Only some tools and metal material are required. Especially Money almost never needed.

Making a mechanism for cold forging

Universal machine for cold forging is almost impossible to do with your own hands. It is necessary to make a separate form of the mechanism for the release of items.

During the manufacture of the installation, it is required to select the following materials:

  • metal sheet (preferred thickness 4-5 mm);
  • reinforcing bars, profile pipes;
  • frame for the stability of the device for cold forging;
  • electric motor and gearbox in the case of a powered machine.

Of course, the manufacture of fixtures will not do without tools. It is advisable to have an angle grinder or a metal file, a welding machine, an emery stone or paper, a vice and pliers, as well as a pencil, tape measure and paper.

It is easiest for a novice master to make homemade machine for cold forging of the snail shape. Thanks to her, various forms metal rods for gates and fences. And the torsion type of installation is also popular. Other forms of machine tools can be made after gaining experience with simple settings.

Let us examine in detail the manufacture of the "snail". This device contributes to obtaining a variety of configurations of spirals, curls, rings. Simple design this equipment contributes convenient work and easy access to the workpiece. The course of the process is feasible if:

  1. Metal rods.
  2. steel leaves and stripes.
  3. profile pipes.
  4. Welding machine.
  5. Angle grinder and pliers.

To make home-made machines used in the course of cold forging, it is advisable to draw a diagram or sketch of a future fixture. Initially, millimetric paper is selected for drawing the drawing.

Next steps works:

  • An image of a spiral with three turns is applied to a paper sheet. The dimensions must correspond to the diameter of the reinforced rod, provided that it fits into the thread. It is best to use a size of 10 mm. And also the lines should be drawn based on the thickness of the steel, and the distance inside the spiral should be 12-13 mm.
  • Next, with a steel grinder, you need to make a circle of the required diameter. If you want to use removable wheels, you should take a non-thin source material (4-5 mm thick) for an easier change.
  • Dressing of a strong bed which is steady on a floor surface. You can, in general, concrete the legs for more solid construction. An important condition is that the circumference of the bed should be more sizes working circle.
  • A metal bar is welded to the frame, on which a bearing device is mounted. Manual control involves welding the circle to the frame. In this situation, metal bending is much easier than during the rotation process.
  • We fix the snail on the circle. The snail is divided into three parts. The tail piece has a height of 1 cm based on the thickness of the rods. 1 cm is added to the next part of the spiral. This means that the second turn will be 2 cm, and the third - 3 cm. Upon receipt more turns should increase the details of the spiral.
  • If it is necessary to make replaceable circles, then replaceable parts are welded to the circle according to the sketch.
  • If there is a replaceable snail, you need to measure the position of each type and weld the studs to each element. In this case, a gap is made in the circle for a certain detail.
  • To get a forged product, you must start with a central coil. It is necessary to firmly fix the rod with a vise or other tool.
  • At the end you need to make a lever of two profile pipes(diameter 15-20 mm). They are welded with jumpers, the length of which is the distance from the center of the bearing to the upper point of the circle plus 5 cm. Further, it is welded to the bearing part. To the lower part of the lever, which is the cut round part, a rod is welded with a length corresponding to the length of the highest part of the cochlea. A bending barrel is welded perpendicular to the area of ​​the circle.

Thus, the homemade machine is ready. You can start production necessary elements. To do this, the rod is fixed, and then the barrel rests on it, and the bending process begins.

Video: do-it-yourself cold forging machine.

Torsion machine

Another popular device like a do-it-yourself cold forging machine is a torsion bar. It is used for forging snake-shaped spirals. To make the installation you will need:

  1. Steel sheet.
  2. Double beam.
  3. Vice.
  4. Details for fasteners.
  5. Angle grinder.
  6. Welding.
  7. Gearbox and electric motor.

To make your own this installation you need to go through certain steps:

  • To begin with, a beam is required, a sheet of steel is welded to one part of it.
  • Next, a vice is welded to the steel, which then still needs to be fixed with bolts and nuts.
  • Plates are attached to the vise to reduce the risk of the object popping out when pulled.
  • On the other side of the beam, rollers are installed to secure the platform. Moreover, the device with rollers should be at the same height as the vise design.
  • A vise with movable parts is placed on the installation.
  • A steel handle is attached to perform the rotation. As a result, the workpiece will be bent.
  • Next, the electric motor is connected, and the entire system is covered with a steel casing.

Thus, the design made is a machine with a movable and fixed block. This method of manufacturing the machine is quite simple, but requires some effort in the work.

Before many people who are interested in metal decor items, the question arises - how to make a cold forging machine with your own hands. Having studied this issue in detail, you can, without experience and a workshop, engage in obtaining various metal products for landscape purposes.

The machine is quite simply made using tools and materials that almost everyone has. Moreover, your equipment can be adapted to any type of product.

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