Encyclopedia of fire safety

Make a semicircular sofa with your own hands. Folding sofa with your own hands. The process of making sofa beds

A sofa is a piece of furniture without which it is impossible to imagine any home. In any apartment, even the smallest there is a place for him. It is not difficult to choose it in the store, the range of products offered by furniture manufacturers can satisfy the needs of everyone. But how to make a sofa with your own hands? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and the result will be excellent if you follow certain rules.

You can make such a piece of furniture based on information available on the Internet, for example, a master class with video instructions, for beginners this will be a great help. A homemade sofa will always be creative and original. After all, you can make it yourself from improvised materials, and at the same time create a unique thing. But first you need to decide which type of sofa is more convenient for a particular room, what sofas are made of, what is needed for its manufacture.

Sofas can be divided according to the following parameters:

  1. By design
  2. By type of transformation
  3. By appointment
  • Design features

By design, sofas are straight, corner and island.

Straight options are suitable for all rooms - this is a classic. Angular are practical. Corner sofa does not take up much space, it can easily fit in a small apartment. The island sofa has rounded shapes, it is installed in large rooms, where it will occupy a central place. Such mini sofas look especially advantageous near the windowsill, where they look like small islands of light and meditation.

  • Types of transformation

Book. This is the most popular mechanism. The sofa bed is usually used as bed as well as for daily recreation. To turn it into a bed for sleeping, you need to raise the seat until it clicks and lower it.

Eurobook. It is very easy to lay out this type of sofa. It is necessary to push the seat towards you, and lower the back into the resulting empty space. Most often, the box under the sofa is used for bedding, which is important in small apartments.

Click-clack. This is a relatively new, improved type of sofa-book transformation. It allows you to choose different positions of the backrest, setting it at a certain degree. In some models, the side parts can also be modified and turned into headrests and armrests.

Accordion. One of the most simple options unfolding. It is enough to push the seat forward, after which the other two parts will fall, forming a flat surface. Sofa accordion will fit perfectly into small apartment, because it does not require a lot of space.

Dolphin. This view unfolds simply - you need to push the block under the seat, then move it up and push its second part towards you. This type of sofa is versatile, it is suitable for both tight and spacious rooms.

Telescope. This method of transformation is also called roll-out. It was named so because when unfolded, all its parts slide out one from the other, forming a comfortable sleeping place.

Puma. The principle of this mechanism is simple: the front part is pushed forward and mounted on a support, and the second part of the sofa rises to the free space. This type is very compact, saves space.

Cot. To unfold this type of sofa, you just need to pull on a special loop, it will unfold like a scroll.

Lit. The lit mechanism is most often used for children's sofas. It turns into an ordinary bed with a slight movement. Its back remains in one position, and the seat is a berth. The armrests are transformed at different angles.

  • Appointment of sofas

Sofas can be used in a variety of rooms and conditions, so they are grouped according to their purpose as follows:

  1. Office - can be installed in the reception room, manager's office, rest room
  2. For the living room - place against the wall, in the middle of the room or near the windowsill, so that natural light falls when reading a book
  3. For cafes and restaurants
  4. For a children's room (for rest, for sleeping)
  5. kitchen
  6. For the hallway (compact, low)

Why such distinctions? In order to optimally select the mechanism and upholstery material. The children's room needs a practical, non-staining material and a simple way of transformation. For furniture that will play the role of a window sill, a back is not required. The office can be equipped inexpensive furniture with durable upholstery. To emphasize the status of the room, custom-made sofas are made of solid wood (the so-called Stalinist sofa), with carved trim. Properly selected for its intended purpose, this piece of furniture will last an order of magnitude longer and support the overall style of the room.


Before you start making a sofa with your own hands, you need to know its components. What the sofa consists of is easy to guess:

  • wooden frame
  • foam rubber of various thicknesses
  • springs (optional)
  • special upholstery fabric
  • fittings (legs, fasteners, mechanisms)

What the sofa will be made of during self-assembly, you can decide based on your budget. Valuable wood and carvings are not affordable for everyone, so you should pay attention to more affordable options. For example, on the remains of various building materials, from which you can build a new piece of furniture and get rid of the old sofa.

We do it ourselves

Having decided on the purpose of future furniture and its mechanisms, you can begin to manufacture it. To assemble a sofa with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following plan:

Stage 1. Preparing tools. For work you will need:

  • electric jigsaw or wood saw
  • screwdriver
  • furniture stapler
  • grinder or planer
  • hammer
  • sharp scissors and knife
  • sewing machine
  • roulette

In addition, you should stock up on basic materials:

  • bars
  • plywood, chipboard
  • boards
  • furniture foam
  • synthetic winterizer or batting
  • upholstery fabric
  • wood glue
  • self-tapping screws
  • pencil

Stage 2. Frame assembly. The manufacture of any furniture begins with its frame. The sofa frame can be of various shapes and sizes, but for home production, you should not choose too complex configurations.

Let's consider an example of how to make a sofa for a country house like an eurobook, the simplest do-it-yourself sofa. A sofa scheme of this kind will not cause difficulties even for beginners in carpentry.

The frame is based on boards that will provide the necessary strength to the product. The rigidity of the structure will be given by thick plywood or chipboard sheets with which it is sheathed. Inside the frame remains hollow, which facilitates the construction.

You can make a frame using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, which should first be smeared with carpentry glue for greater strength. If there are remnants of material from construction, you can make a sofa from a bar. That is, as load-bearing structure beam will be used. more original and strong frame- from profile pipes, but additional tools and skills are needed to work with this material.

View all 11 sofa manufacturing series on our website

First, we make the bottom drawer from the boards. To do this, you will need two boards (1.9 m and 0.8 m), 2.5 cm thick and 20 cm wide, and 4 bars 20 cm long. .

The frame of the seat and backrest - rectangles of bars with a section of 40 * 60. Lamellas are attached to the finished parts, which will be the support for the mattress.

The armrests for the sofa can be made at your discretion, or you can refuse them altogether. They are also made of bars and sheathed with plywood. Their form depends only on the ability to handle the material and tools.

Stage 3. Assembly. When all the main frame elements are ready, you can start assembling them. Eurobooks require special mechanisms that are sold in stores. furniture fittings. They need to be fastened so that there is a gap of 1 cm between the seat and the backrest in the unfolded position. The sharp corners of the structure are polished.

Stage 4. Foam padding. At this stage, the structure must be laid out and the foam rubber cut to size, cutting out small corners on both sides at the junction of the backrest with the seat. Foam rubber is glued to the frame elements. To increase the level of comfort, you can use the foam layer can consist of several parts different thickness and density. Too soft sofa is not very comfortable for sleeping, this should also be taken into account.

Stage 5. Upholstery. She should choose durable material, it is sold in a wide variety of fabric stores. The side seams need to be stitched, and the edges bent, attached to the frame with a furniture stapler. For complex structures you can order a cover for furniture production.

Not always store options for sofas may be suitable for a particular interior, in this case, making it yourself is a simple and affordable option. Thanks to him family budget will be saved, and the original design will surprise, please friends and relatives. On a solid and spacious sofa, precious moments of relaxation will become even more pleasant.

Sofa, corner, and even more so folding - the design is much more complex than the bed. The fact is that it combines the features of frame and upholstered furniture. In addition, a sofa, unlike the same bed, is not a utilitarian item. It is designed for a comfortable pleasant pastime and, moreover, should decorate the interior. And these features - additional convenience and elegance, require much more skill.

A sofa of any shape is a complex project. Its production begins with the development of a drawing. And the estimated size is far from the only factor that will have to be taken into account. The smallest list includes the following:

  • dimensions of the sofa - common and all its parts;
  • back angle;
  • transformation mechanism, if a folding sofa is supposed;
  • drawer pull-out mechanism or storage compartment arrangement;
  • thickness and rigidity - seat, backs, armrests, pillows;
  • leg height.

In addition, it is necessary to at least approximately calculate the total load on the sofa - its own weight, the weight of all users and the dynamic load, and, accordingly, strengthen the frame elements properly.

The drawing includes projections of all the working units of the sofa, so without the ability to draw or knowledge of the relevant computer programs cannot be dispensed with.

You can use the ready-made scheme on the pages of sites. The working drawing should take into account all the above factors and include three projections of each module. At the same time, it is not recommended to change the dimensions of the sofa or its parts: the design is designed for a certain load, if the dimensions are changed without taking into account the redistribution of the load, it will lose both strength and reliability.

The only change that can be introduced here is the color and texture of the upholstery. Even using a different material for filling is not always desirable, as the design is developed for the seat and cushions with a certain stiffness.

If there is no experience in creating furniture, but there are skills in working with wood and soft materials, then it is recommended to order a drawing according to individual sizes and carry out the project on your own. It is much easier to assemble working units and parts according to a ready-made scheme.

Below you will find drawings and diagrams with dimensions that will tell you how to do it yourself, for example, for the kitchen or living room.

Drawings and diagrams of corner sofas

East style
with armrests

with shelves
With an American cot

Materials and tools

After the drawing has been developed, and the determination to make furniture with your own hands has not faded away, you can proceed to the selection of material.

Coniferous wooden beam - 30 * 50 or 50 * 50, depending on the size of the structure;

  • Chipboard - always laminated, plywood - birch is best, fiberboard for the bottom of the boxes;
  • legs for a sofa - at least 9 pieces;
  • transformation or lifting mechanism - purchased in a store, taking into account the load calculated according to the project. If drawers are supposed, roller mechanisms will also be needed;
  • foam rubber, foam rubber, holofiber, synthetic winterizer or some other soft filler. It is recommended to add non-woven material to the list, like agrotextile, which is used to lay foam rubber: in this way, abrasion of the material is prevented;
  • threads, upholstery fabric:
  • fastening - screws, nails, self-tapping screws and so on;
  • various adhesives for different materials you will need different adhesives.

Wooden beams are treated with antiseptics before use. Plywood and chipboard do not need preparation.

Details can be cut out independently from sheet material, or you can order cutting. Most hardware stores offer this service. In this case, the sheets will not only be cut faster and better, since professional tool the default is more powerful, but will also process the edge.

The list of tools includes both mechanical and electrical mechanisms for making "from scratch" or do-it-yourself corner sofa upholstery:

  • electric drill and screwdriver;
  • hand saw or wood saw, miter box, clamp;
  • sewing machine for and processing the edges of the fabric;
  • upholstery stapler.

Often we have old sofas, which are a pity to throw away, but it is unpleasant to look at them. Then knowledge on how to sheathe a corner sofa with your own hands will help you. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this, and the sofa turns out as good as new.

The following video will tell you how to drag a corner sofa with your own hands:

How to make a corner sofa with your own hands

The general assembly scheme is as follows:

  • assembled from fiberboard timber and foam rubber, if it is supposed soft upholstery. The parts mirror each other, they are not the same;
  • mount the frame of the left side;
  • assemble the frame of the right side. The corner module, depending on the model, is part of one of the parts;
  • upholstered sofa with selected fabric.

Making furniture with your own hands always takes much more time than in a workshop or workshop. This is due to the manufacture of parts of non-standard sizes, and with the conditions of fastening. Each of the knots, assembled with glue, requires drying under pressure - in a clamp, and this takes at least a day. However, it is this feature that provides greater strength of such products.

You can also use the following video when you decide to make a corner sofa with your own hands. it contains 3 options for a homemade frame:


The transformation of a frame product into a soft one is carried out at the very last stage. The first step is to make armrests, otherwise, the sidewalls of the model. Typical dimensions for them: height - 55 cm, length - 90 cm, width - 20 cm. The height is given without legs, that is, only the sidewall itself. Dimensions may be different, but it is important that they exactly match the parameters indicated in the drawing.

  1. From the chipboard, the base is cut out according to the dimensions of the sidewall, top and bottom - along the length, fastened with screws wooden bars in increments of 20 cm. A hole for fasteners is drilled with a diameter of 3 mm, a screw or self-tapping screw is screwed in the direction from the chipboard to the bar.
  2. The top and bottom of the armrest are also cut out of chipboard in size and fixed to wooden slats. Then vertical support bars are installed and fixed - 3 pcs, in the upper and lower parts of the sidewall. Fastening to the end of the beam with two self-tapping screws. Get the likeness of a box with one sidewall, top, bottom and open front wall with vertical elements.
  3. The remaining parts of the “box” are cut out of fiberboard and fixed with nails in increments of 10–15 cm. Fasteners can be duplicated with glue.
  4. On the inside of the sidewall, where the seat will be located, a chipboard overlay is fixed.
  5. All sides, except for the back and the part where the overlay is placed, are pasted over with foam rubber 2 cm thick.

The second armrest is also made, taking into account the fact that it is a mirror image.

For the production of the main part of the sofa - the left in this case, more effort will be needed.

  1. The side part of the seat and back frame is cut out of the chipboard. The latter has a complex shape, as it takes into account the angle of the backrest. Both elements are fastened with a piece of plywood, but in such a way that the back of the seam between them remains uncovered.
  2. Two of the same parts are cut out in mirror image for the second part of the frame and fastened in the same way. You can cut the entire sidewall, but in this case, material consumption increases significantly.
  3. A vertical bar is screwed to both sides with screws - it covers that part of the seam that was left free. Then, to each sidewall at the end - always with 2 screws, three transverse beams are fixed on the back of the future product.
  4. The front bar connecting the upper corners of the "seat" is temporarily screwed on with one screw and without glue.
  5. The rear wall is reinforced with two vertical support bars. Vertical elements and a beam connecting the inclined parts of the two sidewalls are pulled together with slats.
  6. Assemble the frame for the inclined part of the back - the support frame and 2 vertical slats. The fragment is inserted at an angle, and therefore, in order for it to closely adjoin the parts of the already assembled structure, the shape of the longitudinal bars is corrected.
  7. The vertical bars of the inclined part and the bars of the rear straight part are pulled together with slats.
  8. Assemble the seat frame. On 2, longer elements, the lining is fixed - the fastening screws are at different heights, and then the frame is assembled and reinforced with 3, at least, transverse bars.
  9. The frame should fit snugly into the already assembled frame. To do this, loosen the temporary fastening on the front beam, insert the frame, and then tighten the screws.
  10. The seat is made and tried on from plywood 8 mm thick. If the upholstery fabric is dense - synthetic leather, for example, then ventilation holes are made in plywood every 30 cm. The seat is installed only after pasting with foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and upholstery with fabric.
  11. An appropriate fiberboard fragment is fixed to the side of the backrest. Then the entire “seat” and “back” are pasted over with foam rubber in 2 layers: first with a thickness of 4 cm, and then with 2 cm.
  12. For the lower part of the seat, a drawer is assembled - a part made of chipboard, reinforced with bars. It is installed later, after upholstery.
  13. The frame of the back of the back is reinforced with angular slopes. If the sofa will be placed in the center of the room, then the back part is covered with chipboard.

Assembly of the left side, including corner module, more difficult. As a rule, it is equipped with a linen box and, in addition, it can have a very different shape depending on the type of sofa. The left side is assembled according to the same scheme: first, the sidewalls are cut out - the lower and upper parts are made of chipboard, fastened with plywood and wooden beams. All blanks are mounted on a frame made of timber, reinforced with vertical bars according to the drawing - it is necessary in the corners. If the design provides for an external corner, here the parts are assembled on metal corners.

If the left side is lifting, or a storage box is assembled under it, then in this part of the sofa there is also a chipboard bottom. It is recommended to cover all internal parts of a box or storage box with wear-resistant fabric.

The order of assembly is different: here, first, the lower part is assembled, and then the frame is made under the back. The lifting mechanism, if provided, is mounted according to the instructions, depending on its type. Assembled frame pasted over with foam rubber - first with a sheet 4 cm thick, it can be in fragments, and then with a whole piece of foam rubber 2 cm thick.

The next step is to cut the fabric and upholstery of the sofa with fabric.

  1. Measure the parameters of all parts that will be covered with matter. When cutting, allowances for seams and an allowance for softness and splendor of the seat are taken into account - about 1 cm.
  2. Before upholstery, each element of the sofa is wrapped with synthetic winterizer. When fabric and foam rubber come into contact, the latter wears out noticeably faster. The synthetic winterizer will prevent wear of the foam rubber and add splendor to the seats and back.
  1. On the armrests, instead of synthetic winterizer, foam rubber is covered with agrotextile, spunbond and others nonwovens. Agrotextile is stretched over foam rubber and lined with staples. Then a cover is put on the part, straightened and fixed with staples.
  2. In the same way, they upholster backs, seats, tsarga, and so on, taking into account that there is a larger layer of foam rubber, and a layer of synthetic winterizer is also placed.
  3. For the back of the sofa, 3 or more pillows are made. The inner cover is sewn from a non-woven fabric - the same spunbond, foam rubber crumb with a layer of synthetic winterizer, holofiber and more are used as a filler. The outer cover is made from upholstery fabric.

For kitchen

The corner sofa for the kitchen has its own characteristics. In most cases, it is not folding, although there are such options. The space under the seat is almost always used as a storage compartment with a hinged lid. The corner kitchen sofa always stands on its legs, since dirt appears on the floor much faster in the kitchen and it should not be allowed to accumulate under the furniture.

  1. The main bearing parts are the sidewalls. They require at least 7, or even more, and each is cut from whole sheet plywood with a thickness of at least 8–10 mm. You need two sidewalls for the right and left sides of the sofa and at least three for the side module.
  2. According to the drawing, the frame is assembled for each part separately. In fact, the sidewalls are fastened with a beam with a section of 40 * 40 mm, forming a frame for the seat, a lower support and an upper one, at the front corner of the back.
  3. Then the details of the storage sections are fixed. They are cut from chipboard and reinforced at the corners with bars. The bottom is also cut out of chipboard or plywood, since not light objects will be stored here.
  4. The corner module is assembled from three sidewalls, taking into account its shape - rectangular or rounded.
  5. You can do otherwise: assemble a seat with a right angle and a smoothly curved back and the same backrest from three chipboard fragments on a frame made of timber. Details, except for the back, are cut out of plywood. All such a structure, pasted over with foam rubber and upholstered in fabric, is fixed to the sidewalls of the left and right parts.
  6. Another specific detail is folding seats. They are cut to size from plywood no less than 10 mm thick, mounted on a frame made of timber with a section of 25 * 25 mm, pasted over with foam rubber and upholstered with fabric. To the seats of the sofa, the parts are fixed to the piano hinges.
  7. The kitchen sofa is quite hard, so they use one layer of foam rubber on the seat and backrest with a thickness of 40-50 mm. Before upholstery, the foam rubber is covered with non-woven material.
  8. For finishing, choose well-washable materials that do not absorb dirt and grease - furniture upholstery, synthetic leather. Covers for backs and seats are cut out with an allowance for seams and seat softness - no more than 1 cm. The fabric is pulled over the part and fixed with staples, first in the corners, and then along the entire length on the back of the product.

Below you will find a video that will help you make a simple but comfortable sofa for the kitchen:

from pallets

Pallet or pallets - a wooden box of decent dimensions 1 * 1.2 m and a very small height - 12 cm. As a rule, the distance between the bottom boards reaches the width of the board itself or so. Less common are options with a solid bottom.

Making a sofa from pallets comes down to assembly structural elements- a pallet, into a single whole of the required shape, and its decoration.

  1. Part of the design work is done before assembly. Even if you want to keep an authentic look, the boards need to be sanded - with a grinder or just sandpaper, and then open the product with a transparent matte varnish.

In addition, pallets can be painted, stained, “aged” or varnished with colored varnishes.

  1. The seat of the sofa consists of several pallets stacked on top of each other. The backrest is made from a vertically standing pallet. The corner is formed by the simplest L-shaped docking. Fastening - self-tapping screws, screws.
  2. The top of the seat is sewn up with a sheet of plywood or chipboard. You can do otherwise: cut out a part from plywood, paste over with foam rubber and cover it with padding polyester and fabric. Thus, a soft removable seat is obtained. You can use the most ordinary mattress and pillows in covers made of dense, well-washed fabric.
  3. Solid sheets of chipboard can be placed between pallets and shelves can be formed.

This option looks great in summer cottages and open verandas, but it will be useful in modern urban interiors, decorated in loft, industry, avant-garde styles.

Photo of a corner sofa made of pallets with your own hands

To make such a piece of furniture is not an easy task, especially when it comes to homemade furniture. corner sofa on a metal frame made by hand. But if the home master has already mastered such a design, now he can do any furniture for the apartment.

In contact with

The sofa is one of the most visible pieces of furniture in any home. It is able to help you relax after every difficult, tiring day at work. But since it is not always possible to buy a sofa that is suitable for the device and price, it is possible to build it yourself. This article can help you with this.

Manufacturing options

There is a huge variety various kinds sofas from materials for every taste. Everyone will be able to find the one that suits him perfectly: a product made of pallets, wood, timber, plywood or other types of materials. Below are more detailed descriptions of each type.

From pallets (pallets)

Today, furniture that is made from improvised materials and waste released after construction is very popular. Of course, different factories offer a variety of interesting views and furniture designs, but original sofas, for example, from pallets (pallets), will become unusual decoration any interior.


Pallets are wooden platforms, they are available in every building store. The reason why they are very often used in do-it-yourself furniture construction for houses is that they are cheap. To create such furniture, you do not need special skills, the most important thing is to come up with the design of the structure.


To create a sofa from pallets with your own hands, you need, of course, square or rectangular pallets, a saw, a hacksaw, cloves, screws, a hammer.


from wood

Such sofas are distinguished by their strength and reliability, as well as their attractive appearance and special atmosphere. Their only disadvantage is their high, for many unaffordable, cost. Although the creation of such furniture is not an easy task, it is worth it.

Firstly, a wooden sofa made by yourself will fit into any interior, as it will be created based on the design of the room. Secondly, it can be given any shape, even the most unusual.


Wood is a flexible material. Everyone is quite capable of making a sofa out of wood on their own.

From a bar

The most optimal timber for the manufacture of any furniture is a solid, chamber drying. You can pick up any type of bar. It can be pine, ash, larch or, for example, oak.

The assembly technology of such a sofa is not particularly complicated. From this material, many can create real masterpieces.

From plywood

Plywood is another very economical, cheap material. From it you can create functional, comfortable, truly unique furniture. The simplest plywood sofa project is a sofa made from plywood upholstered boxes. It is very lightweight yet functional.

From a profile pipe

After installation and repair work there are always unnecessary materials that we very often just throw away. But there is no need to rush to do this, because they can come in handy if you want to build a sofa in your living room or bedroom yourself.

Sofa from profile pipe- a rather unusual thing. Many guests will envy such unique and stylish furniture. In addition to the original appearance, this sofa is very durable and can last for several decades.

Having collected a sufficient amount of a profile pipe, you can build a high-quality sofa. It is enough to get acquainted with a not very complicated algorithm for working with a pipe and work a little.


This option is perfect for giving or for the garden. Metal can be easily found in any construction market, store. Metal furniture is easy to assemble if tubular elements are bent. If you practice working with metal, you can easily make a great addition to the interior.

From a metal profile

To make a homemade sofa more reliable and durable, you must, of course, use the appropriate materials. If you use metal and metallic profile, a sofa created independently, in terms of strength, will not differ at all from what was purchased in a furniture store.

Frame leather models

The cost of leather products on the market is now extremely high, and the purchase of such a sofa can seriously hit the wallet. Having made the frame, upholstered the body with several layers of foam rubber and upholstered the products with leather, you can get a wonderful sofa of no less poor quality than in many furniture stores.

Leather sofas always look luxurious and very stylish. Such furniture can make the interior of any house or apartment beautiful and elegant.

From leatherette

Artificial materials can be no worse than real, natural ones. In the event that finances do not allow purchasing leather for the upholstery of a homemade sofa, it is possible to create a leatherette sofa. In appearance, most likely, it will not differ much from its natural counterpart, but it will save your budget a lot.

From chipboard or laminated board

These types of sofas are far from the most reliable of all, but they are the cheapest. They have a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Easy to wet clean.

It should be borne in mind that, as a rule, furniture made of chipboard and chipboard is heavier. Also, this material is quite brittle, and you should be careful with it.

From MDF

fibreboard medium density, or MDF (from the English "Medium Density Fibreboard") - the material is more high cost than chipboard, while having, in comparison with the latter, a number of advantages. Firstly, it does not emit substances harmful to human health. Secondly, it is twice as strong. Its main advantage is that a wide variety of furniture can be made from it, because MDF can imitate wood, metal, and even glass.

MDF board very easy to work, it lends itself to many various ways processing. From this material you can make sofas of various designs and types, while being very wear-resistant and harmless to the health of family members.

We create new from the old

Sooner or later, with any furniture, time takes its toll: it ceases to look as beautiful, fashionable and new as before. The same happens with sofas. What remains to be done if the old one has already outlived its usefulness, but you don’t really want to spend money on buying a new one, or finances don’t allow? There is a way out: remaking the old sofa into a new one.

Most often it happens that it is not the frame of the sofa that deteriorates, but its upholstery. Replacing it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It will take only some materials, such as foam rubber, silicate glue and others, and a little effort.

First you need a complete dismantling of the coating or upholstery. In this case, the armrests are removed first, then the transformation mechanism, sidewalls, backrest and seats. Next, you need to prepare and cut the fabric for the upholstery. After preparing the fabric and cutting out the foam lining, you can proceed directly to the sofa upholstery stage.

From chairs

Human imagination is limitless, and you can see this by watching video tutorials on YouTube or reading articles on the Internet from people who create furniture from a wide variety of items. There are several options to consider. For example, if two or even three unnecessary chairs are crammed into the house, you can make this useless furniture useful, and also new. For example, you can make a full-fledged sofa!

To realize such interesting idea to life, you need to follow the following simple instructions. After removing the seats, wrap your chairs together with tape. Then put the seats back. Rewind to them plastic bottles(as an option, you can use any other materials) to add volume.

The most important thing remains: sheathe the resulting structure with a padding polyester, put on a pre-sewn cover (a huge plus: you can choose its design yourself). Voila! The real sofa of chairs is ready.

From tires

Very often we all see a variety of things made from tires in the dachas. These are flower beds in the form of flowers and, for example, swans. But not only these things can be made from this material. One of the most unusual options is a sofa made of tires.

The seats on the sofa intended for the garden would be better made removable. Then you can bring them into the room whenever you want. For stretching, it is worth using ropes made of nylon, as well as a rope. They will be very handy, as they do not rot. An interesting idea would be to make a stretch on the sofa seats in the form of a "dream catcher".

As you can see, the options for do-it-yourself sofas are endless. To make it, you only need a diagram, the necessary materials such as fabric, synthetic winterizer or foam rubber, and a little more imagination and creativity. Functional, comfortable, stylish and unusual furniture can be made from a wide variety of improvised materials. A sofa created independently on its own can have any style, size (long, large, small), in a word, be whatever you want, exclusive.

How to do at home?

The main advantage of homemade sofas (in addition to the cheap cost), due to which they are relatively popular, is that their owner is able to choose all its components: the right backs, seats, armrests. You can choose the design, frame that is suitable for a particular house (for example, biarritz).

Below is a detailed instruction, a step-by-step master class on making sofas of various types at home.

Let's start with the fact that frame sofas are also divided into several types. They include:

  • rectangular;

  • sliding;

  • U-shaped;

  • folding;

  • with concave sidewalls;

  • dastarkhan;

  • baby;

  • built-in (for example, in a closet);

  • carved.

Instructions for creating a frame product

The instructions show the manufacturing scheme for the lightest and most typical sofa - a rectangular frame.

Required tools: jigsaw or wood saw, furniture or mechanical stapler, grinder, screwdriver, sharp screwdriver, scissors, sewing machine, tape measure, sharp knife.

Materials: bars (40-50 mm), plywood or other sheet material, foam rubber (thickness - 50 mm), synthetic winterizer, furniture fabric, wood glue, thread, self-tapping screws, markers.

  • First you need to do the basics - carcass. Its foundation is made up of wooden bars, the cross section of which is 40-50 mm. The frame is assembled with a screwdriver and a self-tapping screw. For connection wooden parts special construction adhesive is used. Average length sofa is 3 m, but you can use any to your taste.
  • Followed by make a sofa frame from planks. For convenience, you can also twist the entire frame structure with special furniture straps.

  • Next, you need make the back of a sofa, sheathe it with plywood or other sheet material. It is best and easiest to use the most uncomplicated shape of the back - a rectangle.
  • As well as the back, they are made of plywood side backs. Their most common shape is still the same rectangle.

  • The next stage is pasting with foam rubber. Here you will need foam mats. matami right size it is required to paste over the back (top and front), as well as the sides. Next, you need to strengthen it all with glue. Glue is usually used either as a brush or as an aerosol. When the application of the glue is completed, you need to leave it for a while.
  • The next material that will be required to make a sofa is a synthetic winterizer. It is needed in order to hide all uneven places and add extra volume. The synthetic winterizer will make the sofa more comfortable and soft. First you need to do the grinding of sharp corners on the frame. Then you can start sofa upholstery with padding polyester.
  • The next one is sofa upholstery in fabric or leather(optional). On the Internet, you can find the necessary patterns for the cover and make it yourself or contact the studio. Next, you need to put a cover on the sofa, using a furniture stapler if necessary.

  • Sofa assembly- final stage. At the end of everything, you need to collect all the seats and the rest together. Ready! You can build such a sofa in about 3-4 days. This is an easy and economical way.

Step by step guide to creating a frameless model

Required materials and tools: furniture fabric desired type, 2 foam sheets, 7 pieces of zippers, reinforced threads, glue, sewing machine, centimeter, chalk, sharp scissors; 8 foam blanks, 2 pieces each - a square (80 by 80 cm), a rectangle (60 by 80 cm; 20 by 80 cm; 30 by 80 cm).

  • At the very beginning, it is necessary to make four out of eight foam rubber blanks. To do this, each pair must be glued together with PVA glue.
  • Making the first piece. On the Internet, you need to find patterns for a sofa without a frame. We mark 3 strips of fabric, size - 20 by 160 cm. Two parts need to be sewn in half, attaching zippers to them. Next, we sew the opposite two sides.
  • Next, you need to sew squares and stripes on the principle of a suitcase. We process the edges from the inside of the products using an overlock.

The method of manufacturing the rest of the parts is the same. Therefore, further we will consider only their sizes and some other nuances.

  1. Mark 2 rectangles (60 by 80 cm) on our fabric, then cut out. Next, you need to cut out a strip for them (20 by 120 cm). Next - two strips 20 by 160 cm. We sew a cover out of them.
  2. Next, you need to cut out rectangles with a size of 86 by 60 cm and four squares with a side of 20 cm. We attach zippers to the opposite edges of the larger element.
  3. On next step we have to cut out four parts: these are 2 blanks 20 by 30 cm, 2 blanks 20 by 80 cm and a blank 80 by 78 cm. We need to fold 2 strips of the bottom and sew a lock along the fold line. Next, stitch all the products from the wrong side.
  4. Finally, we come to the last, most important stage - the assembly of all four parts of the sofa. Think from the very beginning how all the pieces of furniture will be connected to each other. There are two connection methods. The first is stitching the blanks inside out. The second, and more simple, is to sew a double strip over the connection. Thus, one of the chairs will be ready. To complete the manufacture of the sofa, you need to do a similar operation with the rest.

rocking chair

Tools and materials: pine bars, boards, hacksaw, hammer, tape measure, drill, nails, concrete mortar.

  1. First of all, we will install side supports in pre-created pits (recommended depth is at least 1 m), fill them with concrete solution.
  2. We install horizontal crossbars, fix them with metal corners. This will make the structure stronger.
  3. You should also install fixing plywood pads in the place where the bars converge.
  4. In the gap between the side posts, we install the crossbar. Secure it with large nails. We screw in very strong screws.
  5. We attach chains to these screws.
  6. The last step is to attach the rocking seat of the size you need.
  7. With strict observance of these instructions, your household will be able to enjoy swinging on these beautiful swings at least every day. home garden or at the cottage.

sofa chest

Country life is unthinkable without a veranda. In the mornings they have breakfast here, and during lunch they relax with a book in their hands. This corner always wants to be made as comfortable as possible. The following instructions show how to make a stylish and comfortable sofa chest for a summer residence.

Materials: 2 sheets of plywood (1500 by 1500 by 15 mm), 2 pine beams (910 by 50 by 60 mm), pine panels, timber (3000 by 5 by 25 mm), lifting mechanism, 1150 mm rod, 2 liters of white paint, self-tapping screws , putty on wood, 6 pieces of furniture supports, plugs for self-tapping screws (diameters - 12 mm, 17 pieces), hinges in the amount of 3 pieces, a handle for a drawer.

Tools: drill, drill, milling cutter, screwdriver, roller, hacksaw or saw, tape measure, sandpaper, liquid nails, square.

  • First you need to make the details of the sofa, guided by the diagrams from the Internet or by making them at your discretion. Next, you should drill holes in them that are necessary for the subsequent installation of a metal bar.

  • Next, we drill holes that will be needed in the future for attaching the backs and seats. We also drill holes for self-tapping screws.
  • We collect the back of the sofa. We install a metal bar in the holes made earlier.
  • The next step is to fix the bars for the bottom of the sofa. We attach a plywood bottom to the inverted furniture frame. We fasten the plywood wall with self-tapping screws.
  • Glue liquid nails plywood planks.
  • The next step is to assemble the drawer, then the roller mechanism should be fixed.

  • We connect the seat and back of the sofa with long screws.
  • The next step is to mount the bottom of the box. We fix the structure with self-tapping screws. We fix the plank.
  • We mark and twist the loops to the installed bar.
  • The most important and most responsible step. It is necessary to carefully sand the entire structure, paint the desired color with paint and allow to dry. After that, the sofa is assembled completely.

  • The last thing to do is to make a set of pillows and seats for the sofa. You will need patterns and diagrams, synthetic winterizer, fabric of the desired style and color. By analogy with the previous instructions, you need to create a new set of pillows, as well as a mattress. Set it all up on the couch.

Now you have a wonderful sofa chest that fits perfectly into the interior of any cottage, very functional and comfortable.

Bench or bench

Unusual, but at the same time simple and easy to perform option for your patio.

  • To begin with, we make two lattice three-section panels. In the future, they will serve as the back and seat of the sofa. With the help of rails, we connect parts of the panels using carpentry glue and screws.
  • The main difference between this sofa and the rest is that they do not have front support legs. Therefore, the seat must be secured with three cantilever supports. We strengthen the supports with steel plates. Screws will also help, the length of which should be from 70 to 80 mm.

  • The next step is the installation of the seats and curly back. This will give the furniture a finished, solid look.
  • The next step is the polishing of the product. It is made with sandpaper. Next, the bench needs to be covered with a special varnish, which can be purchased at any hardware store. You can also use, for example, enamel.
  • And finally, we make our sofa comfortable and soft. This is followed by a foam mattress, dressed in a sewn cover made of any fabric.

We make from the bath

If suddenly the idea came to mind to change the old bathtub for a new one, do not rush to throw it in the trash. As they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Same with the bathroom. Making a new sofa out of an old unwanted bath is a great design idea that will save money and make the interior of an apartment, cottage or private house even more original.

Necessary tools and materials: actually cast iron bath, sander, primer, paint of any color to choose from, sanding paper, mattress.

  • Get an old cast iron tub. It is necessary to remove the old legs and polish it.

  • Outline the contour lines of the future sofa. This should be treated with extreme caution. As the saying goes, measure twice, cut once. With help grinder cut.
  • Smoothen the edges of the tub with the same machine.
  • Using a primer, you need to level the surface of the bath and its legs.
  • Paint the bathtub and legs in colors of your choice. The bath can also be made multi-colored, or left white - it all depends on your desire.

  • Sand the tub.
  • Place the prepared mattress on the seat.

Luxurious, stylish, modern sofa is ready!


Sometimes it happens that the old sofa is no longer beautiful, comfortable and fresh looking, as before. In this case, many go to the store for new furniture, but this is always disadvantageous. It would be easier and wiser to restore an old sofa. Then he, perhaps, will become even more interesting than before, and will transform the interior of the house. Below are some of the most basic ways to restore an old sofa, as well as detailed instructions for each of them.

How to replace springs/spring block?

Replacing and altering springs may be necessary when:

  • the sofa has been serving for a very long time and its spring block has weakened and brings visible discomfort when sitting;
  • the spring block has malfunctioned since the moment of purchase;
  • the level of spring stiffness does not suit the owners from the very beginning and brings certain inconveniences.

Tools: tape measure, wrench, screwdriver, pliers, sharp clerical knife, furniture stapler.


  • First you need to disassemble the sofa, separate the parts using wrench. You will need pliers to remove the cover. Next, you need to pull out the mattress, carefully examine the springs, find the problem. If necessary, you can replace part of the springs. To do longer term operation of the spring block, it is necessary to cover it with a foam pad.
  • If there are a lot of broken or damaged springs, you can purchase a new set of springs at any hardware store. Then the sofa will become even better and last even longer.

Foam rubber replacement

This is another way to restore an old sofa. We will need: new good quality foam rubber, any dense fabric, canvas fabric.

Brief instruction:

  • We remove the old foam rubber along with the brackets of the sofa.
  • We make a pattern with an allowance of 7-8 cm.
  • For safety, a dense fabric is laid on the spring block, which is best further strengthened with threads. On the seats we lay foam rubber in two layers.
  • We tighten it with a sail new fabric.

Foam rubber is a very cheap material, so find it in good quality and at the same time affordable price won't be a problem. It's still better than buying a new sofa if its filling has become unusable. This method alteration is very simple and easy to perform.

We change the upholstery

It happens that the appearance of the sofa becomes completely unusable and ugly. He starts to look old, ugly. Upholstery is usually the culprit. This master class will help you to replace the upholstery yourself without much effort.

Tools: wrench, screwdriver, pliers, side cutter, furniture stapler, large sharp scissors, remnant of soap, sewing machine and thread.


  • Disassemble the entire sofa. For convenience, put all the small fasteners in the box: they can easily be lost during operation.
  • With great care, remove the old fabric. Do not tear it, strictly follow the seams. The slightest mistake can lead to a terrible unsatisfactory result.
  • Inspect the mechanism and all the components of your sofa.

  • Next, work begins with the upholstery material. Be sure to iron it with an iron, smoothing out all the seams. Do not forget that the sofa remains beautiful, every smallest piece of fabric is important!
  • The next stage is the patterns of fabric parts of the sofa. We simply circle all the pieces of the old upholstery on the new fabric. Then cut along the contour. With the help of a machine, we sew the seams on each part.
  • The final step in the replacement is stretching the finished upholstery onto the furniture. In this case, a specialized stapler will be an excellent assistant - it is easy for them to sew up the fabric. When everything is ready, it remains only to collect all the seats for the sofa and its pillows together.

How to change the height?

Sometimes the size that the manufacturer intended is not suitable for us for reasons of height or simple convenience. Sometimes you just want something new in the interior. And since the sofa is the most noticeable thing in any room, the changes should first of all concern it. Next instruction will help to increase the height of the sofa without much effort.

In order to raise the sofa above the floor, you will need metal stands. They can be made from aluminum or steel. First you need to drill holes in the legs of the sofa and connect them. Bolts and nuts will help here.

How to increase the length?

Sometimes it is also required to make this piece of furniture longer. There is no universal way, but here are some very easy lifehacks that can help:

  • In the place where the pillows should be, you can substitute cardboard boxes.
  • You can remove one side of the sofa and put several ottomans next to it (choose the quantity as you wish).

  • original advice- put a stack of unnecessary books next to it. They must be covered with a blanket and laid on top of soft pillows.
  • The armrest of the sofa can be converted into a part that extends it. To do this, you need foam rubber.

Decoration and decor

The sofas offered on the furniture market are not always distinguished by their special beauty, style and originality. If among the many boring models you cannot find the right one, there is a way a little more difficult than just buying, but very worthwhile - decorating the sofa. There are many ways to do this. It all depends on the imagination of its owner.

But if you are looking for the most practical, original ways decorating and improving the sofa, here are some tips:

Armrest decoration. Many people ask themselves: how to decorate standard, unremarkable armrests? It all depends on your imagination and originality.

You can paint them in bright, non-standard colors. Moreover, it is not necessary to make them the same: combinations of such colors as, for example, green and pale yellow will look very advantageous. Armrests painted in gold and silver will look luxurious.

You can glue the armrests with various stickers, or, for example, shells brought from the sea - you just need to apply glue to them and attach them. This option is ideal for interiors in a marine style.

If the armrests are made of fabric, here's a great and easy option: a patch. They can be purchased at any fabric store. It is necessary to remove the cover from the sofa, sew on the desired application in place of the armrests, and then put it on again.

Pockets for remotes- a great option for any home, because almost all of us like to watch our favorite shows or movies in the evening. This is a very simple decoration. First you need to choose a fabric to match the upholstery of the sofa and cut out a pocket on it. With help sewing machine we sew two parts of it. We attach it to the back or side of the sofa - a stylish addition to the furniture is ready.

In the same way, you can make various organizers for other things: magazines, books, various accessories, your favorite board game.

Carriage screed or capitonné will give any sofa an original, luxurious look. Such sofas are sold as separate models, but you can also make a carriage tie yourself using buttons on upholstery such as jacquard, chenille, flock, velor, leather.

Over time, the upholstery of the sofa becomes dull, older, it fades or spoils. Also, the fabric on the sofa becomes boring and begins to irritate the eye. If all this happens with your furniture, you can pick up a variety of capes and bedspreads. There are many of them in stores: from different fabrics, colors, styles, ranging from the simplest and most nondescript, ending with genuine leather capes for luxurious interiors. The cape will perfectly complement the appearance of the room, make it more original and interesting.

Any interested person can make a sofa with their own hands or other practical furniture at home. Regardless of the type of product, the cost of making a eurobook, a corner model or a sofa bed is several times lower than buying a ready-made version.

Before you start work, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology, stock up on tools, buy the necessary materials.

In contact with

Purpose and functions

Anyone can make a sofa, armed with the necessary tools, materials and instructions for making. A homemade sofa will cost much less than a purchased one and will decorate the interior of any home.

Handmade furniture fits well into the room in style, size, shape, as well as ideal for a specific family in terms of functionality.

Before moving on to the question of what the sofa consists of, its main purpose should be identified, the main design features. - This is a large-sized upholstered furniture designed for daytime pastime, primarily for sitting.

You can sleep on it, but this is more of a guest option: the pillow filling used on the orthopedic side is not always suitable for a good rest. There are three main elements in the design of any sofa: a rigid frame, soft seats and backs, folding mechanisms.


A huge number of types of sofas is explained by the desire of furniture designers to create products that organically fit into any interior. They are placed in different rooms, regardless of size and purpose: small bedrooms, children's rooms, hallways or spacious living rooms, halls, halls. Today the most popular folding, retractable and composite transformer models: they allow you to quickly get an extra bed.

When the need for bulky structures disappears, the sofa is easy to fold, and extra pillows are removed in a special niche, drawer or container. The most common types of sofas are as follows:

  • angular;
  • sofa bed;
  • eurobook sofa;
  • children's models.

Advice: If the owners decide to make a sofa with their own hands, but there is no experience, then it is recommended to start with simple models in a minimalist style. You can practice by making a bench, ottoman or pouffe.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of the frame, the following types of rigid materials are most often used:

  • tree;
  • (chipboard);
  • plywood;
  • metal.

To make a sofa with your own hands at home, the master will need boards and / or chipboard. Wood is a suitable material for the manufacture of durable furniture that will last for decades.

Chipboard - a budget option: it is cheap, does not have great strength and moisture resistance. The frame can also be assembled from metal, but this requires specific skills, equipment, or seeking welding services from specialists.

The soft back, the seat is filled with polyurethane foam or made of spring blocks. For a homemade sofa as a filler soft pillows, you can use a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber of varying degrees of density.


In order to make a sofa made of wood or other easily processed material with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

cutting tools: hacksaw, jigsaw or grinder, carpenter's knife, scissors;

  • drilling fixtures: drill with a set of drills;
  • to fix the fasteners you will need a hammer, stapler, screwdriver;
  • measuring instruments: ruler, tape measure, square;
  • markers and pencils for marking;
  • glue;
  • sheathing tools: awl, needles, thread.

How to make furniture at home

They always start with an idea - choosing a model, drawing up a project, sketches, drawings, patterns. You should study the technology in more detail, find step-by-step instructions, get acquainted with the intricacies of work and expert advice.

Then they purchase the necessary materials, tools, when everything is ready, they begin to implement the plan.

The job will require a wide range of skills.: carpentry skills, the ability to complete the sheathing of the frame, to produce uniform stuffing of pillows with soft material. A minimum of training is enough - you can master these skills in the process of manufacturing the product.

Sofa bed: 2-in-1

Making a sofa bed with your own hands will solve the problem of rational use of space in small apartments, small houses, studio apartments. A beautiful sofa, equipped with a special mechanism, decorates the interior during the day, and in the evening it easily transforms into. Traditionally, all types of sofas designed to sleep on are called a sofa bed. They can be laid out in different ways:

  • on the principle of a conventional folding bed;
  • move forward - roll-out;
  • according to the principle of "books" or "eurobooks";
  • with a mattress that rises to the level of a sunbed, called the "dolphin" or "kangaroo", since the action of the moving mechanism resembles the jump of animals.

Sofa bed design. The general structure of all modifications of sofa beds is the same:

  • rigid frame;
  • soft foam upholstery with fabric lining;
  • compound separate parts carried out with the help of durable moving mechanisms that ensure the transformation of the entire structure and increase the usable area of ​​the product.

Depending on the principle of operation of the mechanism - roll-out, sliding, folding - the sofa gets its name. Some models are equipped with rollers for ease of movement and movement of structural elements.

corner option

Do-it-yourself home craftsmen make a corner sofa quite often: this option is appropriate in small apartments, in summer cottages. Usually suitable corner models are not available for sale: it is difficult for buyers to find a sample that fits perfectly in size into a small room.

In addition, with individual production, you can orient the product as you wish: make it right-handed, left-handed or with the ability to rearrange a small side ottoman in any direction.

Corner sofa like others homemade product for their own use, most often made from environmentally friendly materials: pine timber, plywood. Soft pillows are stuffed with foam rubber or holofiber. Experts recommend using reliable fittings and practical upholstery.

The corner structure can be made with a roll-out drawer, equipping it with an inexpensive dolphin mechanism, which has proven itself on the market as strong and durable. The unfolding of the sofa according to the “dolphin” principle is based on the sunbed emerging from the roll-out box and aligning it with the level of the seat - effective area at the same time it becomes equal to 1.5 or 2-bed.

The corner seat can be equipped with lifting mechanism, adapting it under the linen cabinet. It is convenient to fold laundry in it, it is easy to open by simply lifting up the edge.

You may be interested in information about why you need a partition in the room.


Eurobook has a simple and elegant design: seat, backrest and just one sidewall. Make a popular eurobook sofa with your own hands according to drawings and diagrams , found on the Internet are lighter than other models.

If the folding of two parts of an ordinary "book" was provided by the action of a steel mechanism, then the "eurobook" works according to a different principle: the seat rolls forward, moving along the guides. The backrest is placed in the resulting empty box, turning 90 ° . Formed Smooth surface on which you can lie comfortably.

The step-by-step process of making a Eurobook sofa is as follows:

  • The frame is made according to the drawings from wooden planks and a bar. The bottom consists of 2 separate drawers covered with thin sheets of fiberboard. The top one will move forward.
  • The lower empty box is placed on legs or strong rollers, guides are installed along its side edges.
  • The top drawer is mounted in such a way as to move along the guides, it is closed by fiberboard from above, forming a seat.
  • A back is made - a frame made of timber is covered with fiberboard.
  • Glued to the seat and back soft material: polyurethane foam, soft holofiber or foam rubber - depending on the preferences of the master.
  • Then the back and seat are upholstered with the selected fabric.
  • The back is fastened with conventional non-separable hinges in such a way that it can lean back into the bottom drawer with the soft side up.

Children's sofa: model specifics

A do-it-yourself children's sofa is made using the same technologies as models for adults. The differences will be in the size and style of design - for kids it is customary to use brighter colors of upholstery fabrics, practical materials. A number of other requirements for children's furniture should be noted:

  1. It is permissible to use only environmentally friendly materials that do not emit harmful formaldehyde fumes - therefore, it is not recommended to take low-grade chipboard boards for work.
  2. The strength of the frame must withstand intense mechanical stress - children will jump, run, fight on it.
  3. The possibility of child injury should be foreseen and excluded: use reliable folding mechanisms, there should be no sharp corners in the design, reinforced upholstery is made with soft foam rubber.
  4. In children's models, the presence of a large number of attached back cushions is welcome.

Features of wood products

A do-it-yourself sofa made of wood at home is one of the most durable structures, along with the less common metal ones. In addition to standard models, drawings and diagrams of which can be found in large quantities on the Internet, wood is often used to make exclusive author's works.

The most expensive and durable sofa furniture are made of valuable species of wood - beech, oak, mahogany. For less expensive samples, pine is used, but in this case, the craftsmen recommend adding beech inserts: it is much stronger, does not sag under the weight of structures resting on the frame.

Individual wooden elements can be used as decorative design finished product. Home-made furniture is often decorated with carved wooden sofa handrails, original framing of the back.

Useful video: do-it-yourself sofa

Furniture made at home or in your own workshop is much cheaper than store samples, and is not inferior to them in terms of aesthetic appearance and functionality. Information on how to make a sofa with your own hands will be useful primarily to people who are not used to spending several monthly salaries on buying expensive and not always practical furniture.

It is difficult to imagine a house or apartment without a sofa. Most homes have this cozy and soft structure that you can sit or lie on. If you purchase or make a folding sofa with your own hands, then the design can also be used as a bed. Such a device can be used as a place for a short rest during the day, and at night it can be used as a bed.

Folding sofa- the bed can be used as a place for a short rest during the day, and as a bed at night.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of design you want to make.

One of the most common types of sofas is a sofa bed. In such a design, a place to sleep can slide out or roll out of the bottom. To push this place, you need to pull the loops. Cushions can be placed on the retractable part of the sofa, which can be used as a backrest while the structure is folded.

To date, the most common design is the flash model sofa. In it, the back is a single soft base. When the sofa unfolds, the back or seat fits on the retractable part.

A roll-out corner structure is called a “dolphin”. This design is complex, as it consists of three components. In this case, the mechanism will work as follows: corner seat, which is constituent element a sofa of this type is completely removed, as a result of which the sofa turns into a bed.

Any type of sofa has its advantages and disadvantages, the retractable mechanism is no exception. The main advantage of such structures is a large sleeping area. It should be noted that when folded, the design has small dimensions. The disadvantage is that when unfolded, the sofa is very bulky. From this we can conclude that such designs are not suitable for small rooms.

Materials and tools

In this case, an example of the manufacture of a structure will be considered, the sleeping place of which has dimensions of 1880x1300 cm.

Tools needed for work: circular saw, tape measure, pencil, corner, drills, Phillips screwdrivers.

Making a folding sofa with your own hands is quite simple if you have minimal skills in making furniture. For the manufacture of such a design, the following elements will be needed:

  1. Boards 5 cm thick and at least 15 cm high.
  2. Bars.
  3. corners.
  4. The material to be used for the sheathing of the base.
  5. Springs.
  6. Thick foam.
  7. Semi-gloss lacquer.
  8. Hinges for doors.
  9. Furniture panels that are made of pine.
  10. Electric jigsaw.

After all the elements are prepared, you can get to work.

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Folding sofa design: A - assembled; B - disassembled; 1 - hinge; 2 - rollers of the retractable frame; 3.4 - lower and upper seat; 5.6 - lower seat rollers; 7 - frame; 8 - sofa back; 9 - retractable frame; 10 - spring; 11 - rear shield.

  1. To make the back of the sofa, you will need to use a furniture board. On this design, you will first need to mark the upper curly edge using a pre-prepared template or pattern.
  2. Next, you should cut out a diamond-shaped opening and the upper edge of the backrest according to the markup. This can be done by using electric jigsaw. In order to be able to cut a diamond-shaped opening, it will be necessary to pre-drill holes in the shield for the saw of an electric jigsaw.
  3. Next, you need to drill a few holes near the blunt corners of the rhombus. In sharp corners, it is not allowed to turn the saw of an electric jigsaw.
  4. After cutting is done, you will need to remove saw cut marks from the edges.
  5. Next, the pattern of the remaining elements of the furniture board is made. After completing the pattern, the parts will need to be carefully sanded. In the process of performing such an operation, it will be necessary to carefully fasten each element that is to be processed. To do this, the surface to be treated will need to be pressed against the workbench board.
  6. Using a milling machine, it will be necessary to round the front edges of all the details of the sofa. To do this, use the required profile cutter. If you wish, the finished elements can be toned. The color of the impregnation is best chosen based on the overall decorative design. After that, all elements are covered with wear-resistant transparent varnish.
  7. A support bar made of wood is fixed to the wall. Required dimensions folding design and mounting height are determined based on the convenience of using the sofa. In accordance with the selected height, the height of the side supports of the seats, which will be folded, will be determined. First of all, the bar must be fixed in the middle so that it can be easily set horizontally.
  8. At this level, the bar is installed horizontally, while you need to slowly turn the fixture around the central screw. After that, the bar is strengthened along the edges.
  9. On the support bar you will need to place wooden lath, then fasten the hinged seats on it, which will fold. After that, the rail is screwed at the bottom to the bar using self-tapping screws. Holes for self-tapping screws will need to be drilled in advance.
  10. Next, the layout of the loops for the side supports of the seats, which fold inward, is marked. According to this marking, holes for dowels are made, after which the loops are fixed with screws. After all the hinges are installed, the side seat supports will need to be fixed to them.

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Another manufacturing option

The design is assembled from three wooden elements, which are interconnected by loops. Such fasteners allow the bases to change their relative placement. Two elements will be identical, and the third must be double-sided. All elements are lattice structures that are assembled from wooden planks or bars.

Folding sofa assembly scheme: 1 - sidewall; 2 - additional pillow; 3 - pillow-back; 4 - retractable mattress; 5 - support bar; 6 - stool-stand; 7 - base box.

Each element has a frame, which consists of two longitudinal and transverse bars. The transverse strips will connect the longitudinal ones. Between the connecting elements you will need to install wooden planks, which will form the lattice of the lounger. At one of the bases, the grate will also be installed from below, between the support bars.

This platform is a turnaround. Its double-sidedness is justified in the process of folding the platforms in the sofa position: the lower part of the shifter will be the seat. The structure is formed as follows: the shifter is raised and installed on the middle base, and the third base is installed vertically.

In order to fix it, you can use enough a large number of various fixtures. A design is shown where a tightening cord is used as a fastener. This element is threaded into the support bars of two bases.

The docking nodes of all elements are also shown, where 1 is the frame support bar, 2 is the supporting bar, 3 is the connecting element, 4 and 7 are the slats, 5 is the loop, 6 is fastener, A - lifting base-back, B - middle base, C - lifting base-seat.

A cord can provide a reliable screed, since in the “back” position, the base will be supported by a soft mattress, which is in the folded state. The mattress can be purchased ready-made or sewn with your own hands. In the latter case, it will be necessary to use foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

Cords are provided at the bottom of the mattress, thanks to which, when folded, it stretches to a vertical base, playing the role of a back and a seat.

The next step is to install the back of the structure. It can be attached using double-sided self-adhesive tape, as it will not carry any power load. This can be done quite simply. If everything is done correctly, then eventually with outside there will be no traces of fastening elements. The backrest can be supplemented with a soft element made of foam rubber of small thickness, which will be in the cover. Thus, the sofa can be given a complete aesthetic look. In addition, sitting on such a design is much more comfortable.

The dimensions of the mattress must be chosen so that in the “bed” position the mattress can cover the entire structure.

You can see the design of the mattress, where 1 is a cover, 2 is foam rubber, 3 is fixing elements.

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