Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Security business: how to open a private security company. How to open your own chop

The list of security services is determined by the law “On private detective and security activities in Russian Federation" It is allowed to protect the life and health of citizens, protect the property of owners (including during its transportation), design, install and maintain equipment security and fire alarm system, advise clients on protection issues, ensure order in places where public events are held.

Security business: Registration

The specificity of the security business is strict control by government agencies. Licenses for private security activities are issued by the department for licensing and permitting and control over private detective and security activities of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate; operational control over the work of private security companies is carried out by divisions of district police departments.

A package of documents for obtaining a license (they are reviewed within 60 days): application, explanatory note(with a description of all services, indicating the territory of operation of the private security company, the estimated number of personnel, intention to use technical and other special means, weapons), constituent documents and information about the founders, a certificate of registration with the tax office, a receipt for payment of the license fee (for consideration of the application - 300 rubles, for granting a license - 1 thousand rubles). Minimum value authorized capital for private security companies - 10 thousand rubles.

The head of the private security company must have higher education and a private security guard ID. At least three full-time employees should receive the same certificates. These documents are issued by the licensing department to those who have passed special training or those whose work experience in the police department or security agencies is at least three years. The certificate of a private security guard itself costs 1.5 thousand rubles. and valid for five years.

Security business: Weapons permit

Not all security companies work with weapons. Weapons may be needed, for example, when protecting significant material assets, in industrial warehouses, and gas pipelines. And to protect the dormitories, trading floors grocery stores, educational institutions no weapons needed.

Four guards are allowed to have no more than one unit firearms. A special room must be equipped for storing weapons. Equipment of the weapons room in accordance with all security requirements will cost 70-100 thousand rubles. It will need to be coordinated with the licensing and permitting department, private security, SES, firefighters, and placed on the control panel in the public education institution (from 10 to 30 thousand rubles per month).

To use special equipment (taser guns, gas canisters, handcuffs, rubber sticks), you also need to obtain a certificate from the licensing department and register them with specific security guards. Rubber sticks (from 150 to 320 rubles per piece) and handcuffs (200-300 rubles per set) are purchased for each of the guards.

Security business: Office rental

A security company needs an office mainly for meetings with clients and security guard candidates. The office also houses a weapons room and a rapid response team, if available. To equip a weapons room you will need 8-10 square meters. m area. The rapid response group is usually located near the main protected facilities, in places that are as convenient as possible for quick departure. For this purpose, two rooms are rented ( total area from 15-20 sq. m) for the duty officer and other guards.

In principle, it is enough for a beginning private security company to rent a small premises not in the central area with an area of ​​no more than 10 square meters. m (if a weapons room is not provided). This area is enough to arrange one workplace(desk, computer and telephone). Average cost rent 5-7 thousand rubles. per month.

Security business: Equipment

The main equipment of security companies is telephones and walkie-talkies. To communicate with management and the operational duty officer in normal mode, they usually use city and mobile phones, for communication between posts of one object and operational communication with the duty officer - walkie-talkies. On mobile communications an enterprise with 20 security guards spends approximately 2 thousand rubles. per month. The simplest walkie-talkie, which can be used within one object and does not require allocation of frequencies, costs 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

Security guards must be equipped with uniforms. For closed premises, each security guard is bought trousers and a jacket with the symbols of the enterprise (700-800 rubles per set). For outdoor posts you will need shoes and outerwear. The simplest short boots (high boots) cost about 1.3 thousand rubles, a winter sweater - 800 rubles, a jacket, warm pants, a hat - 2-2.5 thousand rubles. The uniform is changed every two years.

Security business: Personnel

By law, a security agency employee is required to have a security guard ID. As a rule, future security guards undergo training at their own expense or at the expense of their salary. The company can pay for the candidate’s training, but there is a high risk that he will change jobs.

It is possible to hire security guards without a certificate, but they work as trainees paired with an experienced security guard. Trainee security guards without certificates receive from 600 rubles. for a daily shift, those with certificates - on average 800-1,000 rubles, operational duty officer - 1,200-1,500 rubles. Employees of rapid response teams are paid 900-1,200 rubles. By law, the life and health of security guards while on duty must be insured at the expense of the enterprise.

The usual work schedule at physical security posts is every other day (i.e., at least three full-time employees per post).

Capital security companies often hire their employees in the provinces using a rotation method - those who have worked for a month leave, and others come to replace them. Such guards will have to find cheap housing (for example, you can work as a hostel through barter).

On the advice of experts, when there are more than five protected objects, the director of the private security company should hire a deputy who will negotiate with potential clients, maintain contacts with existing customers, quickly resolve issues arising at the objects, and interact with licensing and permitting authorities. His salary will be about 20 thousand rubles.

When the number of security guards exceeds 30-50, a personnel manager will be required. As for the position of an accountant, he can be hired part-time for 3-5 thousand rubles, since private security companies submit reports according to a simplified scheme (allowed to enterprises with up to 100 employees).

Security business: Clients

The security company should find its first clients in advance, even before opening. Most often, they become acquaintances, friends, etc. To find new customers, they often use direct sales - they go around kindergartens, shops, bathhouses, office centers, etc., offering services. Private security companies advertise mainly in city information services, like “What? Where? How much?" (12.8 thousand rubles per year). If you supplement the advertising campaign with placement in local newspapers and newspapers, the monthly advertising budget of the enterprise can amount to 1.5 thousand rubles.

The private security company enters into an agreement with the client, according to which it bears financial responsibility for the protected values. An object passport and instructions describing the actions of security guards in different situations, and security requirements are prescribed. Such requirements may include monitoring compliance with the regime of access to the site by personnel and visitors, protection against the removal of material assets, compliance with rules internal regulations etc. A private security company can insure its liability to clients. The average tariff is 1%.

Budgetary organizations and large corporations enter into security contracts based on the results of open competitions. You can find out about tenders from newspapers or on the organizers' websites. The price of services based on the results of a competition is usually set below the market price, but these are large orders and are worth fighting for.

Security business: Payback

The minimum number of objects a private security company needs to start working is three or four; in order to stand confidently on its feet, it is at least 15-20. It’s good if there are one or two large objects for several posts ( trading network or a large office center) and a number of small ones. The average client brings the private security company 50-100 thousand rubles. per month. The income of a start-up security company that has managed to find three or four customers can reach 200-300 thousand rubles. per month.

According to market participants, the profitability of a private security company is about 30%, and the payback period for a new business can start from six months.

Security business: Directions for further development

Usually, having found their feet and accumulated a pool of regular orders, private security companies introduce a remote security service, recruit a rapid response team, and create a weapons room. The initial costs are high - you need to buy a car, control equipment, and rent premises for the task force. However, the service allows you to significantly expand your list of clients and brings a stable profit. You can get a license for detective work.

Security business: Calculations

  • One-time opening costs:
  • Obtaining a license - 1300
  • Phone-6000
  • Uniforms - 10500
  • Rubber batons, handcuffs - 6000
  • Walkie-talkies - 6000
  • Total - 29800
  • Income - 252000

Fixed expenses:

Total - 10500

Variable expenses:

  • Salary of security guards - 150,000
  • Mobile communications - 1500
  • Life insurance – 1250
  • Liability insurance private security company -834
  • Agreement with the task force - 12500
  • Unforeseen expenses -8829

Total – 174913

Profit – 66,587

Profitability – 40%

Entry threshold - 215213

Based on an article by Maria Stepanova for Business Quarter magazine

There are probably few today who would not think about opening own business. Some only dream, others act. They open their own hairdressing salons, car services, ateliers, and wedding salons. There are many opportunities to realize yourself. But we would like to talk about a somewhat specific type of business - security. And therefore we will tell you about how to open a private security company. What is it? This abbreviation hides a structure whose employees are in very, very high demand in our turbulent times. But first things first.


Because out of everyone, on at the moment existing species business, this one can be called the most attractive. Competition in the service market in this regard is minimal, and opening a business requires a paltry amount by today’s standards. Protecting property today is not just a matter of security. Having your own security is also a certain criterion of well-being.

In principle, it is understandable. It has always been this way. It is enough to recall at least the notorious dashing nineties. Healthy “jocks” in tracksuits, following like a shadow behind their boss, are, in fact, the “wild” ancestors of today’s civilized security guards dressed in expensive suits. And now that Russian business has ceased - or almost ceased - to be shadowy, it also requires protection corresponding to its status. And the private security company is able to provide it.


And there will always be an object that needs to be protected, and there is practically no competition in the market. And the type of business itself is considered one of the most highly profitable. Thus, its profitability varies from 20 (in the case of protecting small objects such as shops and schools) to 100% (life protection, escorting especially valuable cargo). In other words, the prosperity of a security agency directly depends on the range of services provided. And, naturally, his reputation, which needs to be earned. But for this to happen, you first need to open a private security company. How to do this? Now we'll tell you.


So, what does it take to open a private security company? Like any type of business, this one also requires registration with the relevant authorities. But at the same time it has its own specific features. So, first you need to register as either an individual entrepreneur (stands for individual entrepreneur), or legal entity(it is expected to open an LLC).

The first option is, of course, simpler, but less preferable, because here you will have to work alone, which does not imply good income. Therefore, it is better to immediately take the second path. Why? Because a full-fledged private security company has the right to exist only if it has the appropriate license. And to get it, you need to have several specially trained - and this is important - employees on your staff. Even better – those with experience in law enforcement. Therefore, it is best to immediately register the creation of your own company. And go get a license.


It is issued at the local police department at the place of registration of the “applicant”. The validity period is five years; if things go well, it can be extended. You should go to your local police department with the following package of documents:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a notarized copy of the existing charter;
  • a copy of the constituent agreement and TIN (also notarized);
  • a copy of the diploma of higher education from the head of the private security company (also signed by a notary);
  • a copy of the manager’s passport;
  • work book of the head of the private security company;
  • a notarized copy of the identity cards of all future security guards.

One important condition– at least three employees must have a private security identification card. To obtain the main permit, you will need to pay one and a half thousand rubles. The maximum waiting period is two months. If the authorities do not have any questions, we can assume that the private security company is officially open. Now all that remains is to resolve organizational issues.


Naturally, the issue of personnel selection is also very important. According to the law, each security guard must have an appropriate ID. Ideally, it is best to invite people to your place of work former employees law enforcement and security structures. It doesn't always work out that way. Therefore, if a person is hired without such a document, then he can be registered as an intern and put to work in tandem with an already experienced specialist, at the same time sending him to undergo training in special courses.


What else is needed to open a private security company? Naturally, a room, that is, as it is called now, an office. It is needed for meetings with potential clients; it must have a weapons room, as well as places for employees. Based on this, you need to select the appropriate room.

By by and large, a “young” private security company does not need a large office. After all, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that you will need to pay a certain amount as rent every month. If the scale of the undertaking at the initial stages does not imply the carrying of weapons by security guards (that is, it is planned to ensure the security of objects that do not require their presence: schools, kindergartens and similar institutions), then at first a room with an area of ​​ten to twelve square meters is sufficient.

The main thing is that it can be fully equipped with at least one workplace with a desk, computer and telephone. In those cases where it is planned to take things on a grand scale, it is necessary to provide for such an aspect as equipping weapons rooms. Each of them requires - according to the standards - a room with an area of ​​at least ten square meters. In addition, the installation of an alarm system is considered a prerequisite.

A few words about weapons

Not every similar enterprise requires weapons equipment. As mentioned above, ensuring the safety of stores and shopping centers, hospitals, children's educational institutions carried out by using slightly more simple methods and protective equipment. The need for it appears only in cases where we are talking about the protection of especially valuable cargo, important production facilities, gas pipelines. Since a beginning private security company is unlikely to receive an invitation to carry out such important missions, its “discoverer” at the initial stage can still be limited to a small room.

IN lately budding entrepreneurs are increasingly thinking about how to open a security agency.

This type of activity is becoming increasingly popular. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for security services is only increasing and starting capital for opening a private security company requires little. With a properly drawn up business plan and subsequent competent management, this business will bring its owner a good income.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a security agency

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Preparation of all necessary documents for opening an agency

First of all, you will need to register the agency with the tax office. Since it is necessary to obtain a license to carry out security activities in our country, it is better to register a private security company as an LLC. To do this, you will need to provide the following set of documents to the tax office:

    application on form 11001 about state registration OOO;

    LLC charter;

    if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;

    paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);

    notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;

    if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1.

The period for consideration of the application by the tax authority is a week.

If the response to the application is positive tax office issues the following documents:

    certificate of state registration of LLC;

    registered LLC charter;

    certificate in form 1-3-Accounting for registration;

    extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    notification of registration in Pension Fund Russia (PF);

    certificate of registration in the TFOMS;

    certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes on average three days. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

The OKVED code is 74.60, which stands for “Conducting investigations and ensuring security.”

The cost of registering a private security company will be 8 thousand rubles.

After registration legal form The organization will need to obtain a license for private security activities. Gives her away special department at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

To obtain a license you will need to provide the following set of documents:

    certified copies of the organization’s charter, TIN and OGRN;

    photocopy of the establishment agreement;

    decision (protocol) on the creation of an organization;

    OKVED codes;

    the head of the private security company must have completed higher education, so you will need to make a copy of the diploma and its insert and have it all certified by a notary;

    a copy of the passports of the head of the private security company and all founders, certified by a notary;

    photocopy work book head of the organization;

    the head of the security agency must pass a qualification exam, after successful completion he will be given a certificate, a copy of which will also be required;

    a copy of the private security guard's ID (new sample).

The application is considered for 2 months. The license is valid for five years. After the expiration date, it can be extended. The cost of obtaining a license will be 13 thousand rubles. The law that regulates the activities of a security agency is called “Law on private security and detective activities in the Russian Federation” No. 379-FZ of December 27, 2009.

A private security company can provide both simple facility security and remote control, physical security, cargo escorting, etc.

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Renting premises for a company office

Security agency offices are a little different from ordinary ones. In addition to the usual offices where interviews will take place with candidates for the position of private security company employee, and rooms where negotiations will be held with clients, there is a specially equipped weapons room and a room for rapid response teams. Equipping a weapons room will cost 85 thousand rubles. It will be necessary to obtain the consent of the licensing department, SES, private security, fire organization and put her on remote control. This will cost another 20 thousand rubles.

For offices, 10-15 square meters will be enough. m., for a weapons room 10 sq. m., for the room of the rapid response group 20 sq.m. In addition, you will need space for the shift attendant and all remaining employees of the enterprise. How much rented space will be needed for this will depend on the number of people working in the private security company.

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Enterprise employees

Typically, private security company employees work on a schedule every other day or every other day. Therefore, one post will require from 3 to 6 guards. The law requires that every employee security organization there was a license. Of course, you can train security guards at the company's expense. But in this business there is quite a lot of staff turnover. Therefore, it would be advisable if the candidate receives a certificate at his own expense or at the expense of his future wages. Of course, there is an option to accept applicants without a certificate. They can be assigned as trainees to guard the facility, paired with an employee who has a certificate. The law does not prohibit such actions. The companies also employ operational duty officers. Their job is to check how the objects are doing.

The salary of an unlicensed trainee starts from 1 thousand rubles per shift. Security guards with a certificate start at 1,300 rubles. For an operational duty officer from 1800 rubles. Employees of rapid response teams receive 1,500 rubles. The law requires that the life and health of security guards be insured at the expense of the company. This will cost approximately 1 thousand rubles per year per person.

Uniforms are required for security guards. Usually these are trousers and a jacket with the symbols of the enterprise. Cost from 1500 rubles per set. If the post is located on outdoors, then an insulated uniform will cost 7 thousand rubles. The uniform is changed every two years.

Not all employees of an enterprise need weapons. It is usually used to protect material assets, in warehouses, etc. It is believed that security guards should be armed only as a last resort. In case of any unforeseen situations, it is better to call the operational group. By law, four security guards are allowed to have one firearm. When staff numbers are reduced, excess weapons are surrendered.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, in the best possible way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

Opening a security agency

One evening I was walking after training and saw three thugs beating up a young guy. I stood up for him, they fell behind, but promised to find me.

They kept their promise, and from then on some kind of hell began in my life. They set fire to a rug near my door, up to 5 people could easily have been waiting for me in a dark passage, they broke my window with a brick, and I lived, by the way, on the 4th floor.

I contacted the police, then still a valiant police force, but they told me not to bother them about such “nonsense.” I understood that we couldn’t continue like this, because in addition to me, they also threatened my girlfriend, who lived with me.

I decided to contact a security agency. However, either I was unlucky or there was no really normal security in my city, but after ripping me off my 4-month salary, they managed to stupidly do nothing. Having contacted another agency, I encountered exactly the same disgrace.

I dealt with the thugs over time, but this story is firmly embedded in my memory. When people have problems, they don’t want to help them even for money.

This thought gnawed at me so much that a year later I seriously decided to open my own security agency, in which people would really be helped, and not charge five-figure sums for it.

The process, as they say, has begun. The only problem was that I had absolutely no idea how to open a business and what was needed for it.

I read on some forum that any new enterprise must have a business plan with all the calculations, calculations and budgets.

I started looking for a business plan for a security agency, downloaded a few, opened it, and... closed it back. Because with the complete absence of even a hint of economic education, I realized that this was just nonsense, and not a business plan. I decided to order ready-made. I want to say that my determination evaporated after the price tag of 40 thousand rubles.

Security company business plan example solution

For a long time I thought about what to do. I decided to consult with a friend who opened his own store a couple of years ago. And he advised me just a great solution!

I downloaded a ready-made template for a business plan for only 350 rubles, using this template I remade everything for myself and I almost got ready plan, which lacked only digital calculations.

A consulting company helped me with this, charging me about 7 thousand rubles. But this is not 40, right?

I saved a whole lot of money, and learned to develop business plans for 350 rubles, and I believe that there has never been a more profitable investment in my life.

Selection of personnel for a security company

Some useful information and a brief presentation of a business plan for a security company:

Business plan for a private security company

This project implies the creation of a private security agency with a cash turnover of two years, which is, in fact, the idea of ​​this project.

The project has several tasks:

  • Creation of a sustainable market for private security services, security of organizations and enterprises;
  • Agency education with high profitability;
  • Getting a stable profit.

The project is financed by obtaining a loan in the amount of 4,050,000 rubles at 17.5% per annum, which will allow investors or the bank to receive a profit from interest in the amount of 275,940 rubles. While the expected profit from the enterprise is 23387107.5 rubles.

Typically, a security agency provides the following services:

1. Providing personal security
2. Escort of collection vehicles
3. Cargo escort
4. Technical means security
5. Legal services
6. Educational services
7. Remote security
8. Information and technical services

To create a private security agency, you need to follow a number of steps.

In particular:

1. Rent office space from 50 to 500 sq.m.
2. Obtain state permission to conduct security activities. When you apply for a permit, you will receive a license.
3. Have a minimum authorized capital of 500 thousand rubles.
4. Find and hire appropriate personnel. We recommend that you carefully select personnel for your security company, because there are situations when the safety and life of your client depends on your employees.
5. Purchase everything necessary equipment, including weapons.

Do not forget that all your personnel are required to undergo a full medical examination upon hiring. Including a thorough examination by a psychiatrist.

Every more or less large enterprise uses the services of a security agency. It is you who guarantee the safety of your clients’ lives.

Table No. 1. Consumer potential of security companies in Russia


Particular attention should be paid to equipment in a security agency.

You must have:

  • Medical kits;
  • Your agency's security uniform. It would be nice if the emblem of your company was sewn on it;
  • A car, or better yet several cars, for the quick movement of your employees;
  • Special equipment for conducting covert video surveillance;
  • Non-specialized means of protection and defense;
  • Telephones for office equipment.

Table No. 2. Growth of market participants in security companies in Russia

The arsenal of an enterprise of this kind must necessarily include body armor, handcuffs, gas canisters and traumatic weapons.

It is also recommended to periodically send employees to advanced training courses, and have a person on staff who specializes in all modern news related to photo-video equipment, weapons, tracking absolutely all new items.

Such an employee will help you keep abreast of the latest innovations, with him you will be able to keep up with the times and update your equipment in a timely manner. This will have a positive impact on the work of each employee, and therefore the entire agency as a whole.

In this material:

An amount of several thousand dollars is all that is needed to open a private security company, according to experts. And at the same time private security is rightfully considered a very popular business. According to statistics, the number of private security guards in Russia is estimated at 700-800 thousand people, and the volume of the security services market is 100-150 billion rubles per year. Security services are in greatest demand in large cities.

Stages of opening a security company

The easiest way is to open a private security company that does not provide armed security services.

Therefore, entrepreneurs who do not have much starting capital, at first they are limited to this option.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the person who will hold the post of director of the private security company. By law, the director of a security company must have a higher legal education. If the business initiator does not have such an education, he will have to hire someone from outside.

At the same stage, it is necessary to decide on renting office space, purchasing the necessary office equipment for the office, sewing uniforms for employees, purchasing special equipment (rubber batons, gas canisters, stun guns, handcuffs, etc.).

After registering an enterprise, you need to obtain a license to carry out security activities. The following documents are required for this:

  • an extract from the register on the opening of a legal entity;
  • work record book, copy of passport and diploma of higher legal education of the manager;
  • a copy of the charter, constituent agreement and TIN of the enterprise;
  • copies of certificates of private security guards hired.

All copies in mandatory must be notarized.

The license is issued at the permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration of the legal entity. The state fee for issuing this license is 1,300 rubles. The registration period is 2 months, subject to timely submission of all documents. The license validity period is 5 years. After its expiration date, it will have to be renewed.

Private security company employees

For the full functioning of a private security company, it is necessary to hire security guards. If you plan to hire several dozen or even hundreds of employees, security chiefs, accountants, personnel officers, etc. are additionally needed.

Key employees - private security guards - must have an individual license to carry out security activities (private security guard certificate) and a document confirming the completion of mandatory periodic inspections.

It is assumed that a citizen applying for a job as a private security guard is obliged to take care of obtaining these documents in advance. But in practice this does not happen often. Therefore, many security companies provide assistance to their employees in obtaining the necessary certificates.

Assistance can be both advisory and financial, when companies pay for the preparatory courses required to obtain an individual license. In return, they provide for the condition that a security guard who has passed the licensing procedure at the expense of the company is required to work in this company for 6 to 12 months. This technique allows you to combat staff turnover, which is more than typical for many private security companies.

Search for objects

It is believed that creating and registering a private security company is not as difficult as finding clients for it. If a director of an enterprise is involved third party with a legal education, he may have acquaintances from previous places of work who may need security services.

Also, in order to find clients, a young security company needs to visit specialized exhibitions more often, as well as join the Security Industry Association, which provides assistance to new security agencies.

You can quickly find clients among institutions such as kindergartens, schools, car parks, shops, pharmacies, etc.

The following list of services provided by private security companies can include:

  • security services using rapid response teams;
  • personal security services (bodyguards);
  • cargo escort, collection;
  • design, installation and maintenance of security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems and access control systems;
  • conducting consultations on issues of lawful protection from unlawful attacks.

It is possible to ensure public order in mass events, holidays, rallies, processions.

The nuances of opening a private security company

First of all, we should not forget that in addition to the above-mentioned expenses for obtaining documents on registration of a legal entity and licensing, for the purchase of equipment, special equipment and office rental, funds are needed for compulsory insurance employees, as well as to pay them wages. Clients, for the most part, pay for security services much later than the end of the reporting month, and employees are not ready to tolerate delays in salaries for a month or more.

Secondly, you can take into account the fact that there are many companies that provide assistance in registering private security companies and even take on all the hassle. Thanks to them, the time frame for opening a security company can be significantly reduced. Or buy an already registered private security agency that has completed the registration procedure. However, the cost of their services is quite high and the cost of opening a security company can increase several times.

If you plan to provide armed security services, you must calculate in advance the funds for the purchase of weapons and equipment for the weapons room. The IZH-71 pistol, approved for use by security forces, costs about 5,000 rubles. Long-barreled carbine "Saiga" - about 8,000 rubles. The cost of equipping a room for storing weapons can also cost a fairly impressive amount.

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Investments: Investments 250,000 - 500,000 ₽

"YaCourier" is a multifunctional platform that allows you to effectively solve the problems of external and internal logistics. On the one hand, this is a cloud solution for organizations with their own fleet of vehicles or staff of couriers. On the other hand, this is an automated courier service, thanks to which you can quickly find a contractor for the delivery of any cargo: from a document to 20 tons. You can place a request for delivery of any…

Investments: Investments 350,000 - 700,000 ₽

Porta prima is a leading manufacturer of doors and door designs on Russian market. For more than a quarter of a century, Porta prima has been helping people realize their dreams of arranging their home, office, working efficiently and having a pleasant rest. The company's primary goal is to provide the buyer with the best service at every stage of cooperation. How major manufacturer having many years of experience work, the company timely introduces optimal innovative...

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.

The GruzovichkoF company has earned a reputation as a reliable partner, because for more than 10 years we have been providing the highest level of service. We apply the principles of European business organization, therefore we are one of the largest companies engaged in transportation in Russia. Our company has a large fleet of vehicles, and we constantly monitor the technical condition of all vehicles, so each of our clients can be confident that…

Investments: Investments 400,000 - 1,200,000 rubles.

Questroom.rf is one of the largest Russian networks of reality quests in terms of the number of rooms worldwide. Under the franchise, the company opened 79 rooms in 32 cities in 9 countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Finland, Cyprus, Canada. Another 8 quest rooms belong to the head office, which is located in St. Petersburg. The company's first quests were opened in the spring of 2014.…

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

The Harakiri brand was founded in 2003 by Novosibirsk entrepreneurs and was focused exclusively on the production and delivery of Japanese and Chinese dishes. For several years, Harakiri was the only Novosibirsk sushi delivery service. In order to increase the speed of delivery, while maintaining the quality and freshness of dishes, the brand actively…

Investments: Investments from 250,000 rubles.

The Mozart House group of companies has its representative offices in Austria, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and the USA. In Russia, the famous brand is represented by several full-scale projects in the beauty industry: the Austrian Academy of Style “Mozart Art House”, Beauty Studios “Deluxe Mozart House”, a network of professional stores “Mozart House” and specialized centers “Service Profi”, created to support specialists beauty industry. Austrian Academy…

Investments: Investments 700,000 - 900,000 rubles.

Network of Study Centers foreign languages ABC School was born in 2009 with the first school in the Moscow region "Krylatskoye". Fresh methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and high level The services provided quickly gained popularity among the population of the area. The company focuses on teaching schoolchildren and preschool age English language as a foreign language, but adult students, as well as those studying other foreign languages...

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