Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Chlorophytum withers what to do. Why do chlorophytum leaf tips turn black - causes and methods of control. Prevention of healthy leaves

Chlorophytum is considered unpretentious plant, adapts well to home conditions, has decorative green mass, actively produces oxygen and purifies the air. The reasons why chlorophytum leaves turn yellow are different. To help an indoor flower, you need to understand the source of the disease.

Why leaves turn yellow and how to deal with it

Problems with growing crops arise when agrotechnical recommendations are violated. The cause may be a natural process in which the leaf blades turn yellow and then dry out. This happens with old leaves. Chlorophytum is able to withstand adverse effects for a long time, but with a decrease in immunity, signs of ill health appear. At the same time, proper care at home quickly restores the condition of an indoor flower.

The main reasons for yellowing of chlorophytum leaves:

  • deficit nutrients;
  • lack of moisture in the soil and environment;
  • sunburn;
  • bad light;
  • drafts;
  • illness;
  • pests

Lack of nutrition

Growing chlorophytum in soil poor in nutritional components, lack regular feeding causes the leaves to lighten and lose their elasticity. Later, the leaf blade turns yellow, dries out and falls off. Especially often, the cause of blanching of leaf blades is a deficiency of nitrogen-containing substances. In this case, during the active growing season it is necessary to apply a fertilizer solution every 15-20 days. In this case, you should follow the instructions for the drug, since excess nutrition leads to diseases.

Insufficient watering

The culture is moisture-loving, therefore it needs regular spraying of green mass and systematic watering. For the procedure, you should use soft, settled tap water at room temperature.. Hard contains a large number of salts that negatively affect the condition of the flower.

What to do if the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum dry out:

  1. Analyze the microclimate and recent care provided.
  2. If the flower did not have enough moisture, water it generously.
  3. Spray the green mass with a fine spray.
  4. Adjust the soil and air moisture regime in accordance with the time of year.


Chlorophytum requires good lighting, but during lunch hours it is necessary to shade it from the sun. If this is not done, the leaves will become covered yellow spots which will gradually turn brown and dry out. It is recommended to remove severely damaged leaf plates; the indoor flower will grow new ones over time. The damaged areas will not recover anyway.

Root rot - causes of blackening of leaves

The rhizome of chlorophytum may suffer due to excess moisture and heavy soil. The plant often suffers winter period under the influence of cold air and dampness. A decrease in ambient temperature implies a decrease in humidity.

The appearance of root rot is invisible at first, but later the symptoms affect the above-ground part. The leaves first turn yellow, become covered with spots, and may completely turn black and rot. Measures should be taken immediately, since the condition is dangerous for indoor plants. A bush infected with diseases can quickly die. For this reason, yellowing in winter requires urgent treatment.

Improper plant conditions

In addition to changes in the color of the aerial parts of chlorophytum, other symptoms are often observed. For example, a flower grows poorly due to growing in a small pot and a deficiency of basic nutrients. The tips of the leaves darken with insufficient watering, keeping in a room with dry air, or lack of spraying. In some cases, spots can cover the entire surface of the leaf, which often occurs due to diseases or damage to the root system.

When pests settle, only some shoots of chlorophytum wither and turn yellow. Treatment of diseases and the fight against insects must begin immediately, otherwise the bush will die.

Under what environmental conditions do chlorophytum leaf blades turn yellow:

  • lack or excess of water in the ground and air;
  • violations temperature regime;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • lack of light;
  • nutritional deficiency;
  • drafts;
  • absence fresh air;
  • infections and insects.

How to save chlorophytum from rotting

If you notice signs of damage to the root system, you must immediately take action. Treatment with chemicals will not have the desired effect if the roots are damaged. For this reason it is necessary to transplant into fresh disinfected soil substrate. Usually the procedure for chlorophytum is done by transshipment, but in this case it is necessary to free the rhizome from the ground and cut off all damaged areas, capturing some healthy tissue.

If the root system is completely rotten, it will not be possible to save the bush. For such plants, cuttings are recommended. In Chlorophytum curly, you can use the children formed on the sides. They take root quickly, so you don’t have to put them in water, but immediately plant them in individual cups. If the rhizome has healthy tissue left, then after pruning, treat with a solution chemical preparation, sprinkle the damaged areas with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal. Plant the chlorophytum in a new pot, after removing the blackened leaves.

Pest attacks and control

Most insects settle when agricultural cultivation techniques are not followed. Dry air and lack of spraying are favorable conditions for them. By sucking out the juices, pests weaken the immunity of chlorophytum and bring pathogens inside. As a result of their vital activity, fungal infections often develop. The above-ground part begins to rot, the rhizome is damaged.

Possible pests:

Most insects must first be removed mechanically. To do this, wipe the sheet plates with a cotton swab moistened with a soap or alcohol solution. Another way is to wash it off with a shower.

In both cases, it is necessary to first cover the soil with film. Next, spray the above-ground part with an insecticide or acaricide suitable for the home; re-treatment may be required after 1-2 weeks.

How to create ideal living conditions

Despite the sufficient unpretentiousness and vitality of chlorophytum, ensuring optimal environment has a beneficial effect on the appearance and immunity of the plant. The culture is thermophilic and develops well with sufficient lighting without direct sunlight. Indoor flower needs systematic watering and moistening of the green mass.

Sudden changes in day and night temperatures and drafts should not be allowed. Regular ventilation of the room is recommended. If chlorophytum does not grow, there may be a lack of nutritional components, flower pot too small or large for a rhizome. It is important to consider the time of year and growing season. Thanks to proper care, you can not only achieve preservation of the color of the sheet plates, but also a rare room conditions flowering.

When cultivated in an unfavorable environment, the leaves lose the color characteristic of the variety, become stained, rot or dry out at the ends. In most cases, damaged leaf blades will not recover, but eliminating the influence of unfavorable factors and proper care will lead to the chlorophytum growing new green mass.

Which is very popular among amateur flower growers. It has gained such popularity due to its ease of care and beautiful appearance. However, flower growers often cannot understand why the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum dry out. Let's look into this issue.

In order for the flower to always remain fresh and healthy, it is necessary to provide it minimum conditions for growth. Special attention deserve lighting and air humidity.

  • Illumination. Chlorophytum is a light-loving plant, and will feel quite comfortable in a room with sufficient lighting. However, it is worth considering that it is recommended to provide diffused light for it, otherwise direct Sun rays, affecting chlorophytum, will lead to sunburn, as a result of which the leaves will begin to dry at the edges. The problem can be eliminated quite easily - you need to place the plant in a place where it will not be exposed to sunlight.

Important! Insufficient lighting levels can also cause the flower to turn yellow. If you do not have the opportunity to place it in a room with natural light, arrange artificial light sources for the chlorophytum.

  • Humidity. This indicator has a strong influence on the appearance. Chlorophytum does not tolerate extreme heat, so an environment with low humidity is not suitable for it. If the air in the apartment is dry, the tips of the plant also begin to dry out. To prevent this, the flower is regularly sprayed. If the leaves have already dried out, spraying water will help restore their former beauty.
If you want to understand why the tips of chlorophytum leaves dry out and what to do about it, you need to study the rules for caring for it before purchasing a plant.

Improper watering

When caring for flowers, it is extremely important to pay attention to the intensity of watering. Many gardeners believe that it is better to water plants more often than to leave them without water. However, it is not. Some plants like more moisture, some less. Improper watering is often the answer to the question of why the tips of leaves dry out. indoor plants.

Did you know?- an excellent filter and air purifier. One flowerpot can neutralize 70 80% of harmful impurities, and two flowers will cope with all pathogenic microflora in the kitchen or room.

Chlorophytum has large fleshy roots that perfectly retain moisture for a long time. But if you don’t water the flower for a long time, it will start to dry quickly, starting from the tips, and over time it will completely die.

In spring and summer, it is necessary to water chlorophytum as often as possible, and in winter, watering should be reduced. At high temperature air, it is necessary to regularly spray the leaves with warm, settled water.

Soil composition

Chlorophytum prefers loose soil made from turf, leaf soil, sand and In a situation where chlorophytum dries out, you need to decide what to do as soon as possible. Quite often, too much sodium content in the soil leads to the fact that the leaves begin to dry out and become colored. Brown color. If the reason is hidden in sodium, it is necessary to stop using the flower with this component. After some time, the flower will regain its previous appearance.

Important! Excess moisture in the soil can cause roots to rot and leaves to turn yellow.

Often the tips of the leaves dry out and turn black due to overdrying in the summer and when low humidity. To ensure that the flower grows intensively and remains healthy and beautiful, you can consult a specialized store about what soil is best suited for this plant.

Chlorophytums are in demand among gardeners. And this is not surprising, because plants look attractive even with minimal care. There are many varieties of this culture. And later in the article you will be given reviews about Chlorophytum orange.

Home care, diseases and pests, growing problems - you will learn about all this later in the article.


Chlorophytum orange, also known as winged, star orchid orchidastrum, is a prominent representative family Asparagus. It has a wide spreading crown, reaching 40 cm in height. The flower is distinguished by wide lacent leaves of an emerald hue, strongly tapering towards the base. They are located on long petioles and grow from the center basal rosette. The leaves reach 6-10 cm in length.

But main feature The variety lies in the unusual color of the petioles. They are painted in soft pink and bright orange tones. This is how the species got its name.

The plant produces short flower stalks. The buds in them are arranged in a spiral pattern and exude a pleasant aroma. Afterwards, seeds are formed, and the peduncle takes on the appearance of a corncob.

There are many varieties of this flower. But the most popular are Fire Flash and Green Orange. Reproduction of this species of chlorophytum is carried out by seeds, aerial daughter rosettes or by dividing the bush.

Benefits of the flower

Chlorophytum orange - very useful plant. Its wide leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air in large quantities, making the atmosphere in the room where the flower pot stands much cleaner. In addition, the plant secretes phytoncides that destroy pathogens. Moreover, an adult specimen is capable of killing up to 85% of bacteria located next to peas. Therefore, growing chlorophytum helps improve the indoor microclimate. And if you pour ground charcoal into a pot with a flower, the cleansing qualities of the flower will double.


Providing proper care for Chlorophytum orange (winged) at home is not so difficult. After all, the plant only needs the following:

The soil

Chlorophytum orange (winged) prefers nutritious and loose soil with a neutral reaction. A purchased mixture will do, but if you want to create the substrate yourself, then mix the following components:

  • part of humus soil;
  • two parts of sheet soil;
  • two parts of turf;
  • one part sand.

Before planting, be sure to disinfect the substrate. To do this, heat the mixture in the oven or steam it.


Chlorophytum orange is a light-loving plant. And its beauty is most pronounced near the eastern or western window. The culture also takes root in the north in the shade, but over time, due to lack of light, the bright color of the trunk and leaves is lost, and the flower loses its decorative value.

If your windows face south, you can place the pot on this side as well. But at the same time, shade the flower at noon. And make sure that direct sunlight hits the leaves for no longer than 2-3 hours.


Chlorophytum orange calmly tolerates heat, temperature changes, drafts and other vicissitudes of home weather. Therefore, growing a plant is a pleasure. In the summer, be sure to take the crop out into the garden. Thanks to this, the flower will receive a lot of fresh air, which will have a positive effect on its condition. But do not forget to protect chlorophytum from strong gusts of wind or rain.

In winter, the plant tolerates temperature changes and is not capricious if it is located close to heating devices or batteries. The main thing is not to let the temperature drop to +11 °C in the apartment. Chlorophytum orange freezes in such cold weather, gets sick and even dies.

Watering and humidity

Regular and abundant watering of the flower is the basic rule of care at home. Orange chlorophytum Irrigate 2-3 times a week. And do this from spring to autumn. But in winter, reduce moisture, otherwise the roots of the crop will rot. But do not allow the soil to dry out, as the decorative appearance of the leaves will noticeably suffer from this. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature.

The plant loves wet air. Therefore, he needs daily spraying warm water from a spray bottle. In the heat of summer, carry out such procedures 3-4 times a day. Once every 1-2 weeks, arrange a flower warm shower. It is also advisable to install containers of water near the crop or place the pot in a tray with damp moss.

Top dressing

Chlorophytum orange responds very gratefully to fertilizing. To achieve a lush crown and excellent growth, fertilize your pet during the growing season 2 times a month. For this purpose, use liquid organic and mineral fertilizers intended for decorative deciduous crops. It is advisable to alternate different types fertilizers among themselves.

In addition, it is useful to water the flower with water in which activated carbon, chalk or starch are diluted.


At proper care Chlorophytum orange, or winged, grows quickly, and it becomes crowded in an old pot. Therefore, replant annually in a new container. For adult specimens, carry out this event once every 3-4 years. Start the procedure at the end of February - beginning of March, before active growth culture. Choose a clay pot for the plant, with a volume 10% larger than the previous one.

How to replant a crop:

  1. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the container. For these purposes, use small pebbles, broken brick or expanded clay.
  2. Cover the drainage with a layer of substrate.
  3. Carefully remove the flower from the old pot and place it in a new container along with a lump of earth. To make the plant easier to remove, moisten the soil well the day before replanting.
  4. Fill the voids with substrate, compact it slightly and water well.

Repotting causes stress on the plant. To facilitate its adaptation, keep the culture for 3-4 days in a shaded place and only then return it to bright light.

Growing from seeds

This method of propagating Chlorophytum orange is not so simple and is suitable for experienced flower growers. The fact is that the germination rate of the crop's seeds is low - about 20-40%. And in order to get sprouts from them, you will need to create comfortable conditions for the grains.

Start the event in early spring. For the substrate, mix peat and sand in equal quantities. Be sure to bake this mixture in the oven or hold it over steam to kill harmful microorganisms. The day before planting, soak the seeds wrapped in a napkin in warm water. And then change the fluid every 4 hours.

Sow the grains on a moistened substrate and lightly press them into the soil. Cover the planting with glass or polyethylene and place the greenhouse in a room with a temperature of 22-25 °C. Try to ensure that the seeds receive enough light without being exposed to direct sunlight.

The grains will germinate in 1-1.5 months. During this time, regularly ventilate the greenhouse and wipe off condensation from the glass. Do not allow the soil to dry out and spray the soil with warm water from a spray bottle. When the seedlings appear, gradually accustom them to open air. To do this, remove the glass first for 10 minutes, then for 20, and so on. When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, transplant them into separate pots with a substrate suitable for adult plants.

Reproduction by lateral shoots

As the plant develops, it produces lateral aerial shoots with daughter rosettes, which can be used for propagation. To do this, separate young plant with sharp scissors and transplant into the prepared substrate. You can grow chlorophytum with orange petioles from aerial shoots at any time of the year.

If the daughter sockets are small, then place them in water. Over time, they will take root and can be planted in the substrate without fear. For this propagation method, use only settled and filtered water. Moreover, change it every 2-3 days.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This propagation method is quite simple and is suitable for specimens aged 3-4 years. Carry out the event during the transfer. To do this, prepare several containers, fill them with drainage and some substrate. Remove the plant from the pot. To make this easier, water the soil well a few hours before the event. Next, cut the bush into several parts, making sure that each of them contains at least 3-4 leaves.

Before planting, inspect the roots and remove rotten or damaged shoots. Sprinkle the cut areas with wood ash. Plant plants in moist soil. The first time after planting, provide the flowers with gentle care. To do this, keep them in the shade and do not allow the soil to dry out. Carry out the first subcortex three weeks after planting.


This event is not mandatory in caring for winged chlorophytum. However, if you want the plant to have a more luxuriant crown, then immediately remove the tendrils with daughter rosettes. After all, they extract from the crop the juice and strength necessary to increase the green mass.

Healthy flower leaves do not need to be trimmed. But remove dried or damaged ones immediately. Over time, microorganisms develop in them, disease-causing culture.


  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • nematodes.

Growing problems

For the most part, the described culture does not cause problems for flower growers. But if you do not follow the rules of care, then troubles will happen to the plant:

  • The leaves of Chlorophytum orange turn black if you do not water the flower enough in hot weather. To correct the situation, increase irrigation and remember to spray the plant foliage daily.
  • If the tips of the leaves of the crop dry out, then perhaps a lot of sodium has accumulated in the soil. Stop applying fertilizers that contain this substance, and over time the flower will restore its decorative appearance.
  • If the leaves of a flower turn yellow, then first move it closer to the window or arrange additional artificial lighting. If this does not help, then increase the feeding. After all, a lack of nutrition or light leads to yellowing of foliage.
  • Lower leaves Chlorophytum plants turn yellow due to rotting of the roots caused by regular waterlogging of the soil. Replant the flower in new soil while removing all damaged and diseased shoots. In the future, provide the plant with proper irrigation.
  • If brown spots appear on the leaves, it means that you are keeping the plant in a cold room and at the same time moistening it heavily. To correct the situation, place the pot in a warm place or reduce watering.
  • Leaves turn brown and wrinkle at the edges due to chronic drought. Moisturize the plant more often, and the problem will solve itself.
  • If the plant is already quite mature, but no children are formed on it, it means that you are keeping the flower in a pot that is too small or the crop does not have enough light. Transplant your pet into a spacious container and place it closer to the window. And after a while you will be able to propagate chlorophytum.
  • And finally, if in winter the leaves turn pale and begin to fall off, it means the plant is hot and lacks light. To correct this situation, move the pot to a cool windowsill.

Chlorophytum is the most common flower among gardeners because it is easy to care for, does not require special conditions and grows quickly. Also, the plant not only attracts with its aesthetic appearance, but also perfectly purifies the air. But quite often it happens that the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum dry out. What to do in this case?

Causes of black leaves of chlorophytum

Darkening of the leaf blade indicates improper care. Although chlorophytum is unpretentious, it requires comfortable conditions for full development. The main factors that affect leaf health are:

Air humidity. In summer the problem rarely occurs. From open windows air comes in. Outdoor air humidity is much higher than room humidity. Dry ends occur more often in winter. Heating devices dry out the already dry air in the room;

Hard water. With long-term watering tap water the tips of the leaves begin to darken. Chlorine, which is added to disinfect water, accumulates in the soil and adversely affects the health of the leaves;

Dust. Pollution disrupts the life processes of green mass;

Direct sunlight. Rays hitting the leaves through window glass, very hot. They can deform a leaf plate in just a day;

Incorrect feeding. If you choose the wrong fertilizer, the leaves will darken. The same reaction will occur if the dose and timing of application are incorrectly calculated;

Insecticides in concentrated doses. The chemical will destroy pests along with the foliage. The reaction from the plant appears a few days after treatment;

Insufficient watering. The soil in the pot should not dry out or become compacted;

Natural aging process. Over time, the foliage turns yellow, regardless of the quality of the flower. The dying parts just need to be cut off.

Blackened tips and leaves with mechanical damage are cut off with sharp scissors or pruners. It is necessary to form a point so that the plant has a neat appearance.

Pests and diseases. Some pests suck juices from plant tissues and initially leave yellowish spots, which may darken over time (spider mites, thrips, whitefly larvae). On honeydew left by pests (scale insects, mealybugs, aphids), sooty fungus often appears and the leaf blade becomes covered with a black coating.

And another fungal disease - powdery mildew- first appears on the leaves in the form of a grayish coating, and then black spore-bearing spots appear. Fungal disease Anthracnose on some species manifests itself in the form of brown spots that gradually turn black. Fusarium causes the appearance of weeping brownish spots on the leaves, and then dark spore-bearing spots. Late blight (late blight) first appears as purple-brownish spots, which then turn black. When a flower is affected by gray rot, first a fluffy grayish coating appears on the leaves, under which the spots eventually become brown or black.

How to prevent browning of chlorophytum leaves

Despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, if you water it too much, you can damage the root system. A sign of this will be just such a symptom. Why do the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum dry out? The reasons must be sought in the roots, so do not delay the inspection. Decaying roots and dry shoots must be removed, and the flower itself must be transplanted into another container with a sufficiently thick drainage layer at the bottom. If the roots are very damaged, it is worth treating the ends with crushed activated carbon or wood ash. This will protect them from further rotting, acting as an antiseptic.

Proper care of chlorophytum

Lighting and temperature for chlorophytum

Chlorophytum feels great in any light. It is important to remember that direct light dries out the soil and leads to pale leaves, but if you place the plant in the shade, this will lead to fading of the leaves. Because of poor lighting The leaves of Chlorophytum begin to break.

It is best to place the plant in the sun for 3-4 hours a day, and then put it in the shade. When choosing a temperature, the main thing is to avoid overcooling the plant. The temperature should not be below 10°C. Constant heat will also have a bad effect on the condition of chlorophytum. The optimal temperature for this plant is + 18°C.

Watering for chlorophytum

Chlorophytum loves water very much, so it belongs to the category of indoor plants that should be watered three times a week. For irrigation, it is advisable to use ordinary, settled water; under no circumstances use chlorinated or boiled water. If brown spots appear on the leaves, it means the water is not suitable for irrigation. You will have to replant the flower in new soil and get some rainwater, which will correct the situation. If there is a lack of moisture, the flower begins to independently store it in the roots. This will not affect the leaves and flowering in any way, but it will reduce the space in the pot. You will have to replant the flower often.

Chlorophytum transplant

At home, caring for chlorophytum is not burdensome, but spring transplants are an integral part of caring activities. A loose and fertile substrate is required, consisting of leaf and turf soil, humus and sand (2*2*1*1).

Each time the plant is transplanted into a container a little bigger size, since it blooms more luxuriously in tight (but not critically tight!) containers. The best material for the pot under chlorophytum is ceramic. The transplant is carried out in February-March, preceding the start of the active period.

Before transplanting, chlorophytum is watered abundantly, and then transferred with a lump of earth into a new container, filled to a quarter of the height with drainage. Then fresh soil is added, compacted, and the plant is watered again. The container is placed in the shade for several days, and then the flower is placed in a permanent place.

Fertilizers and fertilizing for chlorophytum

Chlorophytum grows intensively from March to September; its dormant period is pronounced and occurs in winter time when the plant goes dormant. Therefore, it is better to start watering with fertilizers with the arrival of spring, adding mineral or organic fertilizers to the water. All about organic fertilizers. By the way, when it reaches adulthood, it blooms, producing stems with small white flowers at the ends! Therefore, during flowering, you can use fertilizer for flowering crops.

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