Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to properly paint a ceiling with water-based paint video. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint by hand and with a spray gun Painting the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint will quickly renew the coating. No pungent odor, no harmful chemical ingredients, resistance to high temperatures, moisture - this is what makes the material one of the best for working in residential areas. However, in order to get a positive result in the form of perfectly painted surfaces, you need to strictly follow the technology for applying the composition.

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    Types of water-based compositions

    There are several types of paints that differ in composition and application features.


    It is considered the most common option. The main component is acrylic resins. Some manufacturers additionally use latex, which makes the material resistant to moisture. If necessary, the painted coating can be easily washed - the paint will remain in perfect condition.

    A double layer will hide cracks on the surface with a thickness of about 0.5-1 mm. The composition fits perfectly on surfaces made of concrete, glass, plaster, metal (the latter material must be carefully primed).


    Such compositions contain silicone resins. Suitable for painting cracks up to 0.2 cm in size. They belong to the class of vapor-permeable coating, so they can be used on surfaces that are susceptible to moisture. With this paint you can forget about the danger of fungus for a long time.


    It is a mixture of pigments of various colors, liquid glass and aqueous solution. Such compositions are characterized by breathability and high resistance to atmospheric changes. The service life, subject to dyeing technology, is at least 2 years.

    Silicate water-based paint is a mixture of an aqueous solution, liquid glass and colored pigments.


    The composition contains components such as cement and lime. Can be used for painting walls and ceilings, but their main purpose is to work with brick and concrete coverings. The only negative is the short service life.

    To choose the right composition that will help refresh the appearance of the ceiling, study the label, which will contain important information.

    This includes:

    • for what type of work;
    • approximate paint consumption per square meter;
    • degree of concealment (the ability of the composition to cover the darker background of the base);
    • abrasion resistance.

    Features of preparatory activities

    Painting the ceiling is a fairly simple process. But in order for the result to please you, it is very important to carry out all the necessary work as efficiently and completely as possible. preparatory work.

    Removing old coating

    Before proceeding with the main activities, the surface should be thoroughly prepared. To remove whitewash (chalk, lime), you need to generously moisten the ceiling with a paint roller. After this, scrape off the material. All that remains is to wipe with a damp sponge to remove any remaining finish.

    But if the ceilings have already been painted water-based paint, you will have to spend more time. This is due to the fact that these compounds are practically insoluble in water, so they cannot be completely scraped off. Using a spatula you can remove a small layer of paint. To make the process easier, it’s worth remembering a number of tricks:

    1. 1. It is necessary to moisten the old coating with water. Both a roller and a sprayer are suitable for this. The procedure is repeated a second time after 20-30 minutes.
    2. 2. Create a draft in the room by opening windows and doors.
    3. 3. Under the influence of moisture and air, the composition will begin to swell.

    Remove with a spatula old layer paints. You need to act as quickly as possible so that the surface does not dry out.

    Then, if there are traces of rust or smudges on the ceiling, they need to be treated with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

    Leveling process

    After completely cleaning the ceiling, it should be leveled. It is best to use a thin layer putty. This composition attracts with its excellent adhesion characteristics and high plasticity. This is what allows him to create a perfectly flat surface. The mixture is applied using a spatula.

    Some novice builders use a special putty-whitewash made on an oil-based adhesive. You just need to spread it evenly over the surface with a roller or thick brush.

    Having completed the work, all that remains is to seal any cracks and crevices by filling them with putty.


    The next step is priming the ceiling. You can use the selected water-based paint by applying the composition in a very thin layer. Work is carried out only after the putty has completely dried.

    Nuances and rules

    To do all the work efficiently, you need a certain set of tools.

    These include:

    • a paint brush, which is used to paint corners and seam joints;
    • narrow brush for correction;
    • fur roller;
    • bath for mixing the composition;
    • ribbed surface, which is required to distribute paint over the roller.

    Many people do not know how to accurately carry out painting work, what to take into account, for example, the direction of light, and other nuances. As a result, the surface turns out to be uneven, covered with strange dark or light spots, and transitions from the roller are visible.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to know important rules staining. Work begins from the corners, the junction between the ceiling and the wall. Take a wide one paint brush, soak halfway in paint, squeeze to remove excess liquid. Make a “passage” up to 5 cm wide along the entire perimeter of the room - due to this, when painting with a roller, the areas between the walls and the ceiling will not be damaged.

    It is important to remember that each new layer of paint should be applied only after the old one has completely dried.

    Ceiling painting technology

    There are several ways to paint the ceiling. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


    To achieve the highest quality results, you must adhere to special technology.

    Painting instructions are as follows:

    1. 1. Fill the tray with paint, moisten the roller, run it along the ribbed surface 3-4 times - due to this, the liquid will be distributed over the tool.
    2. 2. The first pass must be made on the ceiling, starting work from the corner located opposite the window. The roller moves from left to right, after which the direction needs to be changed. The master must ensure that the composition lies evenly on the surface so that there are no serious transitions. You can also do W-shaped movements.
    3. 3. To remove excess applied composition, you can use a simple technique. When there is no more paint on the tool, you need to walk across the ceiling to be painted again - the roller will absorb the remaining material.
    4. 4. When the painted water-based emulsion has dried, apply a second layer. The master must move along the directions of the sun's rays. This will eliminate all unpainted areas on the ceiling.
    5. 5. In total, about 2-3 layers of paint are required. During the last painting, you can replace the roller with a new one, which will allow you to obtain the most uniform surface.

    Drafts must be avoided, and fresh composition on the ceilings must be protected from sunlight. This can reduce the risk of light spots appearing. If after work small bumps appear on the surface, they are carefully removed with sandpaper.

  • 2. After the spraying of the composition becomes uniform, you can begin painting. There should be at least 30 cm between the ceiling and the tool. Move the nozzle at a certain speed: approximately 5-6 seconds per square meter, directing the jet perpendicular to the ceiling being processed.
  • 3. To simplify the process, mentally divide the surface into equal squares - paint them one by one. First make movements across, then along. You should not stay in one place for a long time, as this may cause the paint layer to thicken. You need to keep a steady pace. Also, by doing ceiling work, you need to try to be at a slight angle, which will allow you to see any imperfections.
  • Using the same tool you can whiten surfaces covered with plaster.

    If the technology is violated and paint is applied in an uneven layer, streaks may form on the ceiling. If such a situation arises, then there is no need to try to fix the problem when the paint has not dried - these actions will make it even worse. Only after complete drying is it necessary to apply a new layer to hide imperfections. If such actions do not help, the layer is removed using sandpaper, and the surface is painted again.

The problem of how to paint a ceiling with water-based paint, commonly called water-based paint, remains relevant today, despite the emergence of many newer and modern finishing materials.

Water emulsion - what kind is it?

For many decades in a row, water-based paint has been the most popular finishing option for ceiling surfaces. Everyone liked its versatility and high environmental friendliness, as well as the opportunity to choose the desired shade for interior design.

Ceilings painted with water-based emulsion retain their appearance for a long time. aesthetic appearance, and caring for them is as simple as possible. At the same time, the cost of such paint is low, which reduces the cost of repair work.

A water emulsion is a suspension consisting of pigment elements and polymer particles that dissolve in certain proportions with prepared water. After such a composition is applied to the surface to be painted, active evaporation of the liquid contained in the paint begins. At the same time, the polymer particles are reliably bonded to the ceiling and form a coating that is highly resistant to high humidity.

To achieve the highest quality result of painting the ceiling with your own hands, you should choose the right water-based composition. Such paints include a variety of additives that can radically change the properties of the water-based emulsion. The following types of water-based compositions can be used for ceilings:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. The cheapest paints. Surfaces treated with them must not be washed. May only be used in dry rooms. Cannot be used in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Acrylic. This is perhaps the most popular type of water-based paint, which perfectly protects the ceiling from moisture. Acrylic compositions are used in any room. Ceilings painted with them can be washed repeatedly and thoroughly.
  • Latex. Paints that can level ceiling surfaces. There is only one drawback of such compositions - they are expensive.

To paint ceiling surfaces, experts advise choosing semi-matte and semi-gloss water-based emulsions. The former are able to “disguise” minor flaws in the ceilings, while the latter do not hide existing defects, but are easy to care for.

How to prepare a ceiling for painting with water-based emulsion?

Without preliminary preparation You cannot paint the surface with a water-based composition. It is imperative to remove old paint or whitewash from the ceiling. Limestone and chalk whitewash are removed with a paint roller, which is moistened with water, and a metal spatula (used to scrape off the “ingrained” coating). After this treatment of the ceiling, it will need to be thoroughly washed with a sponge.

It is more labor-intensive to remove old water-based emulsion with your own hands. As mentioned, water-based paint adheres very tightly to the ceiling. Therefore, it is unrealistic to remove it by wetting it with a roller. You will have to work hard to remove peeling sections of the old coating from the surface. This procedure is best performed with a paint spatula.

You can simplify the process as follows:

  • moisten the old coating generously with water twice (with a foam roller or from a spray bottle);
  • create a draft in the room;
  • remove swollen pieces old paint.

Use the described technique to greatly facilitate the process of removing the old coating with your own hands.

After cleaning the ceiling, it needs to be leveled. Typically, thin-layer plastic putty is used for these purposes. It adheres perfectly to the ceiling surface and makes it truly smooth. You can additionally sand the putty layer using fine-grain sandpaper.

It can also be done in another way, using a special oil-based whitewash-putty. It needs to be distributed with a brush or roller (as evenly as possible) over the surface on which all existing gaps and cracks have been previously sealed. Then it is correct to prime the ceiling with a thin layer of water-based paint that you plan to use.

Now the surface is completely ready and we will describe in detail how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint.

Using water-based paint requires knowledge of the rules for its application. If you do not study them, as a result of painting work you will get a ceiling with pronounced dark and light spots, stripes from the passage of a roller or brush, and conspicuous unevenness in the painting. The recommendations below will help you avoid this.

Always start painting at the joints and corners between the ceiling and wall surfaces. The corner that is located at the maximum distance from the entrance to the room should be treated first. These problem areas are painted with a wide paint brush. It needs to be half-moistened in water-based emulsion and squeezed out a little, making a 3-5 cm pass around the entire perimeter of the room. Thanks to this technique, when you use a paint roller, the corners and junctions of walls and ceilings will be similar in shade and uniformity of application to the rest of the surface.

The main work on painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion is carried out with a roller. With its help, you need to perform three passes. The first pass of the water-based emulsion is carried out parallel to the sun's rays entering the room through the window, the second - perpendicular to the window, the third - in the direction of the window opening.

After each painting, you should wait at least 8 hours (optimally 12) and only then apply the next layer of paint.

Follow these tips, and you will absolutely be able to paint the ceiling with your own hands correctly and without difficulty. The technology for painting the surface with water-based emulsion is quite simple:

  1. Fill a wide container (for example, a small tray) with paint.
  2. Moisten the roller in water-based emulsion and evenly distribute the composition over it (just run it over a rough surface a couple of times with a painting tool).
  3. Make the first pass (lead the roller from left to right) from the corner in the room farthest from the entrance, then pass again, but now from right to left.
  4. Remove excess water-based emulsion from the ceiling with a dry roller - run it over the painted surface and it will collect all the unnecessary paint.

Note! It is recommended to do the final painting with a new roller. Then the ceiling will be truly evenly painted and without the slightest flaws.

While the surface painted with water-based emulsion is drying, it is necessary to protect the room from the penetration of sun rays and drafts. Do not use heaters or other electrical appliances to dry applied paint.

No one can do without painting the ceiling. redecorating. For this purpose they use water-based compositions based on polymers. From correct use paint quality depends appearance ceiling. Beginning painters often face the problem of divorce. They appear due to improper painting technique.

This article will be useful to those who want to learn how to avoid such problems. It describes in detail the rules and techniques of painting, observing which you will be able to prevent the occurrence of stains. But before you start painting the ceiling, you need to choose the right paint composition.

Choosing water-based paint

The consumer market has a rich assortment of water-based paints of different compositions and purposes. To avoid mistakes, carefully read the label on the jar. It indicates the type of composition and method of application. There are four types of water-based paints:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • latex.

In ordinary rooms, paints containing latex and acrylic are used. They dry quickly, do not emit pungent odors, and are resistant to wet cleaning using chemicals.

In rooms where the humidity level is high, paints based on silicone and silicate are used. For example, in the kitchen and bathroom. Due to its composition, they create a vapor-permeable layer on the surface that absorbs moisture and then slowly evaporates it.

Before applying water-based paint, carefully prepare the ceiling. To do this, remove the old layer of whitewash. If the ceiling has damaged areas, repair the defects with putty. Level the entire surface and prime it at the end.

  1. Cleaning the ceiling. To delete lime whitewash, wet the surface well. This is done with a water spray or a regular roller. For achievement maximum effect do this procedure twice with an interval of twenty minutes. Lime will absorb water well, this will help to easily remove it from the surface. To scrape off the whitewash, use a metal spatula. After cleaning, wash the ceiling with a sponge.
  2. Elimination of defects. Expand any cracks or chips that appear and fill them with finishing putty. Do this in small portions, trying to rub in deeply. After allowing time to dry, sand the putty with sandpaper.
  3. Leveling the surface. While repairing cracks and chips, you may have noticed that the ceiling has uneven areas. To fix this, use a thin layer of putty. It has plasticity and adheres well to the surface. To apply putty, use a wide spatula. In areas with large depressions, apply several layers. Achieve Perfectly flat surface over the entire ceiling area.
  4. Ceiling primer. After leveling the ceiling, it must be primed. The primer fills micropores, makes the putty surface smooth, and improves the adhesion of water-based paint. Apply the primer in two layers at intervals of 15–20 minutes.

Required Tools

To apply water-based paint to the surface without streaks, choose the right tool. Pay attention to this stage Special attention. For painting you will need the following tools:

  1. Roller is main tool in the painting business. It has a foam and fur surface. To paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion, it is better to use rollers with a coat that has average length pile. Foam rubber creates small air bubbles when rolled - this should not be allowed! And the fur coat leaves behind a relief mark that masks minor scratches well.
  2. Brush – Used to paint areas that a roller cannot reach. Ideal for spot work in areas close to the wall. To make this process convenient, it is better to use brushes with a medium head size.
  3. A tray is a plastic tray with a small recess that is filled with paint. It is convenient to use for dipping a roller.
  4. Construction mixer – used for thinning paint.
  5. Polyethylene and masking tape will help protect walls and furniture from getting paint solution on them.
  6. Means of protection: work clothes, glasses, hat and gloves.

If you plan to paint the ceiling in two or three shades, then for each color you need to use a new brush, roller and tray. Using the same tool for the entire job will blend the shades. The result will be a different look than was intended.

Rules for painting the ceiling

When painting a ceiling with water-based paint, many people make mistakes. There are nuances that are important to know about. For example, it is necessary to take into account the rays of light or the order in which areas are painted. By following the rules, you will be able to make the ceiling surface streak-free.

  • Always start painting from the corners, and then the rest of the area.
  • Apply several layers of water-based paint at intervals.
  • Allow twelve hours for each layer to dry.
  • When finished, cover the windows with a cloth to prevent light from shining onto the surface. The sun's rays can leave dark spots on the ceiling.
  • Do not allow a draft to appear in the room until the water-based coating dries.
  • Do not dry the ceiling with electrical devices.

There are several technologies for applying water-based paint. The choice of method depends on the conditions in which it will be used and the type of coating. In our case, it is necessary to make the surface streak-free. To make your paint look pleasing for a long time, use the following tips regarding painting technology:

  1. Start painting from the corners and borders where the wall and ceiling meet. Determine the furthest from front door corner. Dip the brush into the paint and brush it around the perimeter of the ceiling. The width of the line can be 5–10 cm. This is done so that when working with a roller, you do not touch the walls.
  2. Having finished working with the perimeter, start painting the main area of ​​the ceiling. Fill the patch with water emulsion and dip the roller in it. Then roll it well on white paper so that the paint evenly saturates the pile and begin painting the ceiling.
  3. Hold the roller at a 45-degree angle, making sure it is not over your head.
  4. Apply the first layer parallel to the rays of light falling on the ceiling. Make the second pass perpendicular. The third layer should be applied in the same way as the first.
  5. Do parallel movements with an overlap of 5 cm. Make sure that the layer is applied evenly. Do not roll over one place many times - an influx will form.
  6. To remove excess water-based emulsion from the ceiling, walk over the area with a dry roller without paint - its coat will absorb the excess.
  7. Use a bright, focused beam of light, such as a flashlight, to determine the quality of the surface.
  8. Apply the final coat with a new roller, this will help achieve uniform distribution coloring composition and prevent the appearance of streaks.

Water-based paint is an affordable way to create beautiful ceiling. In order for the quality of work to be at its best, you need practice and adherence to simple techniques. The result will be a surface that will delight you with its uniformity.

Video: how to paint a ceiling with high quality

Finishing the ceiling, including painting it, is perhaps the most time-consuming part of the renovation. Modern technologies greatly facilitate this process. Water-based paints have been especially popular lately - high-quality materials that are quite easy to use. But painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion also has its own secrets and features that must be taken into account when working.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you need to choose the right paint. According to its composition, water emulsion is:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • latex.

But even the composition is not the most important thing you need to pay attention to. A more important indicator is the hiding power of the paint. It is very easy to find out: the greater the quantity square meters, for which 1 liter of paint is enough, the better.

Wide color palette- far from the only advantage of water-based paints

If you are going to treat ceilings in rooms with high humidity(for example, in the kitchen or bathroom), buy water-based paint for wet areas. Do not forget about the presence of anti-mold components in its composition. In addition, the paint for such rooms must be washable. In dry rooms, you can use regular water-based emulsion.

Carefully reading the label on the jar will help you make your choice. Certain inscriptions require explanation.

  1. "Paint has high durability to dry abrasion” - the painted surface must not be exposed to moisture. Cleaning only with a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth.
  2. “The paint can be used in dry rooms with reduced operational load” - for painting the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom, where there is high humidity and a large number of greasy fumes, this product is not suitable.
  3. “Indelible paint, with high abrasion resistance” - ceilings painted with this paint can be easily and painlessly exposed to wet cleaning without the use of special detergents.
  4. “The paint has high resistance to abrasion during intensive washing and dirt-repellent properties” - best coverage for the ceiling. You can easily wash the surface even with detergents.

The choice between glossy and matte water-based paint depends only on your taste. But keep in mind that a matte finish will visually increase the height of the room, mask small defects, but will be difficult to clean. Gloss paint looks more impressive, is easier to clean and does not wear out for a long time, maintaining its quality characteristics. But it will easily reveal all the minor flaws on the ceiling. It is believed that the best choice- semi-matte or semi-gloss paint.

Note! If you buy several cans of water-based paint, ask that they all come from the same batch. Otherwise, the paint may be different shades. It is also important that a store selling such paint have an insulated warehouse: low temperatures lead to disruption of the structure of the water emulsion and loss of its quality.

Also, be sure to purchase a primer - it must be used when painting. If you need to repair the ceiling, then buy another solution for washing off the old paint and putty.

A can of water-based paint, a brush, a roller and a tray - everything you need for the job

Now let's move on to the tools necessary for the job. You will need:

  • putty knife;
  • paint bath;
  • a roller about 20 cm wide with medium pile (velor and foam coats are absolutely not suitable);
  • fine-grain sandpaper;
  • a thin brush 5–8 cm wide for painting corners and edges.

You probably noticed the remark about the lint roller. The fact is that a foam roller will leave bubbles on the surface, and velor does not absorb enough paint, and you will have to dip the tool into the bath very often. Please take this into account when purchasing.

The telescopic handle for the roller will help you do without a stepladder

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use a stepladder when painting the ceiling, a telescopic handle for a roller will help you.

Preliminary preparation and treatment of the ceiling

Before you start painting with water-based emulsion, the ceiling needs to be prepared for subsequent work.

To get a positive result, do not paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion over the old layer. It must be removed with a spatula using alkaline detergent and then wash the ceiling clean water and let dry.

To simplify the task, use this simple technique:

  1. Wet the ceiling with plenty of water (you can use a spray bottle or foam roller for this).
  2. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. The old coating will be thoroughly saturated with moisture.
  3. The next step is to create a draft in the room. Open all windows and doors, and bulges form on the surface of the ceiling. You can easily remove such a soaked layer of old coating with a spatula.

After such pre-treatment, errors may become noticeable on the ceiling surface. They are quite easy to eliminate: open all the cracks and treat them with finishing putty. After it dries, the surface should be rubbed with sandpaper, and the dust should be wiped off with a damp cloth or vacuumed.

When preparing the ceiling for painting, it may be necessary to eliminate minor errors

Now start priming the ceiling. Use a primer for this deep penetration. When it dries, paint can be applied to the surface.

An overly uneven surface with potholes and multi-level tile joints indicates the need for major repairs.

The process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

It’s good that progress does not stand still, and to perform the same work you can use not only several methods, but also different auxiliary devices. For example, you can paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion manually or using a spray gun.

Painting with a roller

  1. Carefully remove the lid from the jar and stir the contents thoroughly. In some cases, water-based paint needs to be diluted to the desired thickness with water (information about this is usually contained in the instructions). Typically this requires no more than 10% water of the total volume of paint.

    Open the can, stir the paint and, if necessary, dilute it with water

  2. First of all, paint the corners and edges of the ceiling along the walls with a brush. This will help you avoid staining the walls during subsequent work.

    Start by painting the corners and edges with a brush.

  3. Pour a small amount of paint into the paint tray. Dip a roller into it and roll it over the corrugated surface so that the paint is evenly distributed and any excess is removed.

    Load paint onto a roller and wipe off excess onto tray

  4. Start painting from the window across the direction of the sun's rays, gradually moving deeper into the room.
  5. When the first coat of paint has dried, you need to apply a second one. This should also be done from the window, but along the direction of the sun's rays. This way you will eliminate all the unpainted areas that escaped your gaze, but would definitely appear over time.

    This diagram will tell you how to properly apply layers of paint to the ceiling.

  6. Carefully remove small bumps and bubbles found after the surface has dried with fine-grained sandpaper.

    Minor blemishes that arise during the process can be rubbed off with sandpaper and, if necessary, painted over with a brush.

The whole process, taking into account the drying of the layers, may take you several days. It is recommended to carry out painting work morning and early evening: during this period Sun rays fall onto the surface optimally, this will help you correctly assess how evenly the paint has applied.

Video about how to properly paint a ceiling with water-based emulsion using a roller

Using a spray gun

This type of work will bring you pleasure: it is quick and easy compared to using a roller. The most important thing in the process is to achieve a thin, as uniform layer as possible.

1. Before you start painting the ceiling, move the device nozzle away from the surface to be painted, since the spray gun throws out a lot of paint in the first seconds.

Before starting work, remove a small amount of paint from the device.

2. When the spray becomes uniform, begin painting the ceiling. The distance between the spray gun and the ceiling surface should be from 30 to 50 cm. Move the nozzle at a speed of about 5 seconds per 1 linear meter. In this case, direct the jet strictly perpendicular to the ceiling surface to be painted.

Hold the spray gun at the required distance from the surface

3. To simplify the process, mentally divide the surface into squares. Paint them one by one, first moving across, then along. At the same time, do not linger for a long time in one area, otherwise the layer will turn out thick and the paint will flow down. Maintain a steady pace while painting.

You need to work with a spray gun according to the already known scheme: one layer - across the direction of light, the second - along

How to paint a ceiling using a spray gun - video

Secrets and features of work: how to avoid mistakes and correct shortcomings on the go

If during the painting process you violated the technology and applied the water-based paint unevenly, areas with different shades may form (the light from them is reflected in different degrees of intensity), to avoid this, follow the direction of painting.

Do not try to correct such inhomogeneities until the surface is dry - this will aggravate the problem. Wait until it dries completely and apply another layer to hide the imperfections. If this does not help, remove the layer with sandpaper and apply again.

When painting a plasterboard ceiling, do not use paint that is too diluted with water. It can soak the paper layer finishing material so much so that the surface becomes covered with bubbles and begins to peel. And since the ceiling is not your walls, heartless gravity will do its job to the point where the surface will have to be completely repaired. We don't pursue such goals, right?

It is better to paint a plastered ceiling with a water-based emulsion using a spray gun. This device will distribute the paint on the ceiling much more evenly than a roller. But don't forget to apply primer first.

If the ceiling was previously whitewashed, it is better to wash off the old layer. Water-based paint applied to lime or whitewash will not only lie unevenly, but will also begin to peel. The same applies to old paint: if it has slight damage, remove the layer.

Small mistakes and errors in painting the ceiling can be easily corrected with a roller and brush

To avoid streaks on the ceiling during painting, first apply a layer of diluted water-based paint with a wide roller. After drying, you can easily see all the flaws. When you carry out the main painting, pay special attention to these areas and treat them more thoroughly.

Be sure to follow the direction of the layers: the penultimate layer should be perpendicular to the window, and the last one should be parallel. Don't rush - wait until the layers are completely dry.

Excess applied paint can be removed in the following way: walk a roller with no paint left on it over the surface, and its pile will absorb all the excess.

Errors when working with a spray gun

If you do not move the spray gun nozzle quickly enough when working, the water-based emulsion will collect in small drops on the ceiling. Squeeze off the excess with a sponge and, after waiting for it to dry, apply another coat of paint.

A layer that is too thick will cause the paint to peel. Places where peeling has appeared should be puttied, sanded and primed, and after drying, repaint. It is advisable to apply another coat of paint.

If there are some shortcomings in painting with a spray gun, you may need additional putty and primer

After painting, did small bumps and grains appear on the ceiling? Surely the paint used was dirty to begin with. To get rid of such defects, go over the entire surface of the ceiling with sandpaper and paint again, only first strain the paint through gauze.

As you can see, it is enough to follow the recommendations and simple rules so that painting the ceiling with water-based paint does not become too problematic and time-consuming for you. Both a roller and a spray gun are excellent assistants in this matter, and our tips will certainly make the task easier for you. Share with us in the comments your experience of painting the ceiling with water-based paint or ask questions on the topic. Good luck to you and comfort to your home!

Exist various options ceiling finishing. Today, stores offer a huge range of materials for this. Water-based acrylic paint is considered one of the most popular and relatively inexpensive. For the ceiling this is a completely acceptable option. Many people believe that this type of finishing is the least labor-intensive of all. existing options. In this article we will find out if this is true.

Advantages of the material: consumer opinion

Why do many owners choose water-based paint? As consumers themselves say, this material has many undeniable advantages. First of all, home craftsmen note that this coating dries very quickly. In some cases, just a couple of hours is enough for this. Many people choose coloring compositions of this type because they are safe not only for humans, but also for pets. The composition does not have any caustic or unpleasant odor. So after application there is no need to urgently leave the room. The composition can be given different color. For this purpose, special colors are used water based. If you follow the recommendations, the dyeing process does not cause many problems. Consumers consider one of the undoubted advantages of the compositions to be that tools can be easily cleaned after application.

Possible difficulties

Whitewashing ceilings with water-based paint should be done very efficiently. Otherwise, glare and streaks will be visible on the surface. It must be said that painting the ceiling with water-based paint may not work the first time. It is especially difficult to achieve an ideal surface for those who have never done this before. At the same time, re-painting the ceiling with water-based paint will not hide, but on the contrary, will increase the visibility of defects. There are several nuances that are usually not taken into account.

Why do stains appear on the surface?

The occurrence of defects can be due to several reasons. First of all, before whitening the ceiling with water-based paint, you should take into account the lighting features in the room. Stains can also appear when using a low-quality composition. The choice of tool with which to paint the ceiling with water-based paint should be approached with the utmost care. An incorrectly selected or poor-quality roller can cause uneven distribution of the composition. How to purchase suitable tool? Experts do not recommend choosing a velor or foam roller. As the owners of the premises in which the ceilings were whitewashed with water-based paint say, the best tool is one with long pile or threads. It should also be remembered that after drying, the composition forms a smooth and fairly durable film. It can give off glare in daylight. If the technology for painting the ceiling with water-based paint is not followed, the work is done in a hurry, and optical effects are not taken into account, then the surface will be simply terrible.


Before whitening the ceiling with water-based paint, it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of the light distribution in the room. As a rule, it is necessary to take into account the type of flooring. If it is shiny and smooth (for example, parquet, ceramic tile or laminate), then the lighting on the ceiling will be much brighter than with a pile covering. Taking into account the optical effect that is obtained when light is reflected from the floor, the surface is covered with the first layer in the direction from the window to the opposite wall. The next one, on the contrary, is parallel to the source of natural light entering the room. With a chaotic distribution of strokes, a rather unpredictable “reflection” effect can result.

Coating composition

Both layers require the same brand of paint. The ideal option is for the mixtures to be from the same batch. If the composition has frozen to such a state that ice has formed in it, then it should not be used. In any case, as the masters note, in such a noticeable area as the ceiling. Separation of pigment components may have occurred in the mixture. Before doing this, it must be thoroughly stirred. There should not be a single lump in the mixture.


A roller is the most optimal device for applying water-based paint for the ceiling. Reviews from residential owners indicate that applying the mixture with a brush is a very labor-intensive task. In addition, in the latter case there is a greater likelihood of streaks and glare. The roller is bright yellow and suitable for use.

Surface preparation

This stage, according to experienced craftsmen, is decisive in the process of painting the ceiling. The surface must be dry and perfectly clean. To soak the old coating, you can use scouring brushes or a water spray in a vacuum cleaner. Next, the whitewash must be cleaned with a spatula until concrete base. After this, the surface is washed again. The ceiling must be allowed to dry. If the surface has been covered with wallpaper, all remnants should be removed. adhesive composition. As experienced craftsmen note, the old coating layer is usually removed in whole layers. The surface must be thoroughly cleaned, otherwise the new coating will lie unevenly, with defects, and will not adhere well.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint: nuances

In the process of work, as experienced craftsmen assure, there is not a single moment that would not affect the result. At the very beginning, before stirring the paint, you need to read the information on the packaging. Some manufacturers do not recommend further diluting the composition with water. This paint should be thoroughly mixed directly in the factory container. Otherwise, there is a risk of leaving the pigment components in the jar. Experienced apartment owners involved in self-repair, adapted to mix the composition using a drill and a special attachment - a mixer. If the mixture needs to be further diluted, this should be done by adding small portions of water. In this case, you need to continuously mix the composition. When adding water, the main thing is not to pour too much of it, since it will not “thicken” the paint back.

Device for convenience

After the paint is mixed, it must be poured into a container with a wide bottom. A plastic cuvette is ideal for these purposes. It is usually used when developing photographs. If there is no such device in the house, then it is quite possible to replace it wooden box for fruits. You will first need to cover the bottom with polyethylene.

How to paint a ceiling with water-based paint?

The paint roller should be dipped into a container (special paint bath) with the composition and rolled over the surface on it until completely and evenly distributed. For convenience, a long handle is attached to the tool. Applying the layer can be called the most crucial moment. As professionals say, movements should be straight, fast and confident. At the same time, one should not forget about the direction. The first layer is applied from the window to the wall. As soon as the paint becomes scarce, the roller is dipped into the container again.


Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is not an easy job. One nuance needs to be taken into account when applying a layer. The area covered with the composition should not be looked at directly from bottom to top, but at an angle (approximately 30-40 degrees). In this case, all defects and errors in the layer will be visible. It would be better, of course, if there is an assistant who can tell you where there are unpainted areas. While the paint layer has not dried, errors can be eliminated. But once it dries, it can only make things worse. As experienced craftsmen say, it is highly not recommended to be distracted from the process. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is done without lunch breaks or smoke breaks. Applying a second coat can either correct errors or make them worse. It should be remembered that re-painting is carried out after the surface has dried. If the defects cannot be corrected with the second layer, it is not advisable to apply the composition a third time. In this case, only removing the entire coating and repeating the process from the very beginning will help.

Reducing work time

Any painting work using a brush or roller is considered quite labor-intensive. The process often takes quite a long time. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun will significantly speed up the process. This option for applying the composition has a number of features. Let's consider them further.


The paint, as when applying it with a roller, is thoroughly mixed beforehand. In this case, it is necessary to absolutely eliminate the presence of lumps in the mixture. If they remain, they can clog the spray gun and the mixture will go unevenly. If it is intended to give the composition any shade, color is added during mixing. You need to pour it in small portions. It is unacceptable to leave pigment stains in the paint. The composition must be homogeneous. Experienced craftsmen It is advised to prepare the paint with a reserve, because if it runs out and the surface is not completely covered, then it may not be possible to choose a perfectly accurate tone.

Important Details

It should be remembered that when applying the mixture with a spray gun, a fairly large volume of the sprayed composition hangs in the air. It will settle not only on the surface being treated, but also on all others that are in the room, not excluding furniture. In addition, it is necessary to protect the face and especially the eyes from spray paint. Therefore, work must be carried out in a respirator and goggles. It is better to remove all furniture from the room. If this is not possible, then the items must be carefully covered with polyethylene, securing it with tape.


Using a spray gun allows you to get an ideal surface without defects. When applying, it is very important that the layer is thin and even. Immediately before application, move the spray gun nozzle slightly to the side and press it briefly several times. Once the spray is uniform, you can begin applying to the surface. The spray gun should be kept at a distance of approximately 30-50 cm from the ceiling. The paint jet is directed directly perpendicular to the surface.

How to make the process easier

You should mentally divide the surface into squares. The width of each should be approximately equal to the length of your arm. The areas should be painted one at a time. The layers are applied first transversely and then longitudinally. When using a spray gun, under no circumstances should you stop or linger in one place. In this case, the layer will be too thick or the paint may bleed. Work should be carried out at the same pace.

How to apply the composition

The recommended number of layers is three. Each new one is applied only after the previous one has dried. Do not paint over a fresh coat of paint or primer. Otherwise, the mixture will lie poorly and may peel off quite quickly. This will lead to a complete redesign. To create the first and third layers, the optimal time is considered to be morning and evening hours, when there is good daylight in the room and direct rays of the sun do not dazzle. Although this recommendation does not have to be followed exactly. The most important thing here is that all errors in the application of the composition are visible, and the angle at which the light falls is as close as possible to constant for the room being repaired.

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