Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Constant feeling of fatigue. Why you always want to sleep: causes of drowsiness. What is drowsiness

A constant feeling of tiredness, fatigue, and drowsiness in women can be considered a kind of sleep disorder. These sensations accompany the whole day, do not allow you to fully work, think, and interfere with making decisions. Maybe this is how a person pays for modern look life, forcing us to constantly keep our finger on the pulse. However, constant fatigue and drowsiness in women occurs not only as a result of overwork at work or at home, it can also be the result of health problems.

The causes of increased sleepiness from a medical point of view are varied.

When we are young, we are cheerful and full of energy, we manage to do everything, solve any problems with ease and do not leave ourselves enough time to sleep. With age, a lot changes: work, family, children, everyday difficulties, lack of rest. falls on the shoulders of the modern woman more problems and the tasks it must successfully cope with. Fatigue accumulates, and with it daily constant drowsiness and fatigue appear in women, but what are its causes?

Causes of drowsiness in women

There are a huge number of reasons that cause feelings of fatigue and hypersomnia. Perhaps every somatic or mental pathology of a woman is the cause of severe weakness and drowsiness. Let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

Taking medications

Very often, women's experiences, doubts, fears and anxiety do not provide any opportunity to relax and fall asleep, so many women are forced to take sedatives or sleeping pills at night. Light sedatives (Persen, lemon balm) do not leave a trace in the morning and do not in any way affect awakening, performance, or muscle tone. The situation is different with tranquilizers and strong sleeping pills (Phenazepam, Donormil). Many of them have side effects in the form of severe weakness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, headache, loss of strength, which haunt a woman all day and cause hypersomnia.

There are several groups of drugs that cause increased drowsiness as a side effect.

Some hormonal drugs, hypoglycemic drugs (against diabetes), muscle relaxants (Sirdalud) also cause muscle hypotension and a desire to sleep. This is one of the reasons for constant weakness and drowsiness in women.

Lack of daylight

We've probably all noticed how easy it is to get up in the morning when it's spring or summer outside the window. The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing, the mood is excellent, and productivity is off the charts. This is directly related to low levels of the sleep hormone melatonin. The situation is the opposite, when in winter at 7 am it is still quite dark and cold. No one wants to crawl out from under the blanket, much less get ready for work. Melatonin is elevated, and the body is confused about why it needs to wake up if there is no light outside. In schools and offices, this problem can be solved by using fluorescent lamps.


The most common cause of fatigue and drowsiness in women can rightfully be considered iron deficiency in the body. This important trace element is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which, in turn, carries oxygen to the tissues. Lack of iron leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, a violation of oxidative processes and hypoxia occurs. The main symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

  • drowsiness, weakness, fatigue;

Anemia may be one of the causes of fatigue in women

  • dizziness, decreased blood pressure;
  • heartbeat;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • constipation, nausea.

Diagnosing this pathology is quite easy; you just need to take a general blood test. A hemoglobin level below 115 g/L will indicate anemia. It will be much more difficult to establish its cause. In the fair sex, factors leading to anemia are: heavy menstruation, premenopause, anorexia, vegetarianism, gastritis or stomach ulcers. The treatment of iron deficiency in the body is carried out by a therapist or hematologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary additional examinations, and then a course of iron supplements.

Lower blood pressure

What are the causes of nausea, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness in women? Hypotension is not uncommon in thin people young girls. It is most often caused by a genetically determined decreased vascular tone, due to which the pressure drops below normal (less than 110/70 millimeters mercury). Hypotension is especially pronounced when standing up suddenly. This condition is called orthostatic hypotension, when when moving from a sitting (or lying) position to a vertical position, the pressure drops sharply. The extreme manifestation of this pathology is fainting (collapse).

Hypotonic patients often complain of weakness and drowsiness

Hypotension in women may well be a temporary phenomenon associated with pregnancy, menstruation, severe physical or mental fatigue, stress, and neuroses. You can increase vascular tone by correcting your lifestyle: maintaining a work-rest regime, contrast showers, adaptogens (eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass), taking vitamins, fresh air, playing sports.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Snoring affects not only men, but also women. When the airways collapse during sleep, breathing may completely stop for a few seconds - apnea. It is worth saying that there can be up to 400 such episodes! If snoring, accompanied by the appearance of apnea, bothers a woman every night, then the cause of daytime lethargy and drowsiness does not need to be looked for long, it is obvious.

The body suffers from chronic hypoxia, that is, it experiences a constant lack of oxygen, which is extremely harmful and dangerous for brain cells. All this leads to weakness, fatigue and the desire to rest during the day.

Thyroid diseases

Decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Drowsiness, severe muscle weakness, apathy, physical and emotional fatigue.
  • Dry skin, swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Irregular menstruation in women.
  • Chills, chilliness, tendency to constipation.

Diabetes mellitus

Severe weakness in diabetes mellitus occurs with hypoglycemia

This is a common endocrine pathology in women, which manifests itself in impaired absorption of glucose by cells and tissues as a result of a lack of insulin (or decreased sensitivity to it). Controlled diabetes itself does not cause drowsiness, but when blood sugar levels begin to drop, a life-threatening state of hypoglycemia occurs.

Severe increasing drowsiness and nausea in a patient with diabetes mellitus can be a sign of a serious complication - hypoglycemic coma!

When taking antidiabetic drugs, a woman needs to closely monitor her blood glucose levels, regularly visit an endocrinologist, and undergo recommended examinations on time.


A rare condition of sudden falling asleep in unusual place. It can occur against a background of vigor, as well as complete well-being. It is characterized by the fact that a woman suddenly falls into a short-term sleep for a few minutes, and then just as quickly wakes up. This can happen anywhere: in the workplace, in the office, in transport, on the street. Sometimes this pathology is preceded by catalepsy - paralysis of the limbs with severe weakness. The disease is very dangerous in terms of unforeseen injuries, but can be successfully treated with psychotherapeutic drugs.

Narcolepsy manifests itself as unexpected sleep attacks

Klein-Levin syndrome

An even rarer disease than narcolepsy. It mainly occurs in adolescent boys under 19 years of age, but it is also possible in women. It is characterized by falling into deep sleep for up to several days without any warning signs. After waking up, a person feels cheerful, very hungry, and excited. The cause of the disease has not yet been established, so there is no adequate treatment.

Brain injuries

They occur in women of any age after car accidents, falls, blows, or accidents at home. Depending on the severity of the injury, the duration of the acute period and treatment, permanent daytime sleepiness, feeling very tired after short work, emotional fatigue.

Mental illness

In psychiatric practice there is a whole arsenal of health deviations related to emotional sphere women. These include: depression, psychosis, neurotic disorders, manic syndrome, neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and more. Almost all of them are accompanied by changes in behavior, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and lethargy. Treatment is carried out by a psychotherapist, possibly with a neurologist.

Diagnosis of increased sleepiness in women

Finding the cause of such a common condition as severe weakness and drowsiness is quite difficult. They usually start by contacting a therapist or neurologist. The doctor prescribes standard examinations to identify somatic pathologies: a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, an electrocardiogram. If you suspect the presence of endocrine or neurological pathology, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In very rare cases, polysomnography is performed - a study of a woman’s sleep indicators in a specialized center. If the sleep structure is changed, then treatment is carried out by a somnologist.

Methods to combat drowsiness

If no deviations in health status are found, the woman has neither somatic nor mental illness, then the following measures to eliminate the causes of drowsiness and weakness can come to the rescue.

  • It is necessary to adhere to the correct daily routine: go to bed and get up at the same time, do not stay up late at night at the computer or TV.
  • Maintain a work-rest schedule (take breaks during work to avoid extreme fatigue).
  • Morning or evening jogging (walking) fresh air contribute to increased strength and energy.

A morning jog provides the body with a boost of energy

  • Drinking caffeinated drinks in the morning may be fine for some women, but don't get too carried away with them.
  • Eliminate alcohol, nicotine, carbohydrates.

You also need a course of vitamins for women, which help a lot with fatigue and drowsiness. Adaptogens (schisandra, ginseng) do an excellent job with low vascular tone.

There are a lot of conditions that lead to drowsiness. Listen to your body, pay attention to how you feel more often, do not ignore important signals, consult a doctor on time, then weakness and drowsiness will not become your constant companions.

Weakness in the body can be caused by a wide range of factors - from fatigue to the presence of a tumor process. In order for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient undergoes laboratory, hardware and instrumental examination. The therapeutic intervention plan is formed taking into account the patient’s gender, age, weight, type and stage of pathology, general state of health, and drug tolerance.


Many believe that weakness in the form of ARVI causes weakness, and not another reason. But after the examination, hidden diseases or other disorders not related to the cold are revealed. The factors that provoke the development of body weakness in an adult and a child are practically no different.

Brain tumor

Compressing the structures of the organ, the tumor causes sudden nausea and weakness. When repeated regularly, this leads to poor health, including fluctuations in blood pressure. Associated symptoms:

  1. Loss of consciousness.
  2. Severe headache.
  3. Nosebleed.
  4. Visual impairment.
  5. Nausea, vomiting.

If a brain tumor is present, the patient does not experience an increase in body temperature, including fever. The state of health returns to normal only after the tumor is eliminated. In 90% of cases, surgery is required. The patient feels a noticeable improvement in his condition already during rehabilitation.

Hypertensive crisis

The causes of weakness throughout the body are fluctuations in blood pressure levels. A hypertensive crisis can be a consequence of stress, exposure to medications, alcohol, poor nutrition, or problems with the cardiovascular system.

A sudden attack of high blood pressure is accompanied by:

  1. Headache.
  2. Nausea, vomiting.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Difficulties with coordination of movements.
  5. Feeling of flies flashing before the eyes.

Against the background of a hypertensive crisis, the body temperature may not rise, but increased tearing of the eyes, hearing impairment, and unsteadiness on the legs occur.

If the blood pressure level is not normalized in a timely manner, the condition can lead to a hemorrhagic stroke.

The goal of treatment is not only to eliminate the symptom, but also to prevent the subsequent effects of adverse factors on the blood vessels.


Poor health, which causes severe weakness, is the dominant sign of intoxication. It does not matter what factor provoked the poisoning - food, chemicals, drugs - the following occurs:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Severe headache.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Aches all over the body due to negative impact toxins on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Decreased blood pressure (at the same time there is a feeling that the legs are becoming weak).
  • Diarrhea.

Against the background of the listed symptoms, apathy, difficulty concentrating, disorientation, and loss of consciousness occur.

If you suspect the presence of poisoning, you need to fight the spread of toxins through the blood from the first minutes of deterioration in health - this will prevent the development of complications.

Psycho-emotional or physical fatigue

Fatigue and loss of strength are manifested, first of all, by a feeling of weakness in the body. Additionally, appetite and libido decrease, and sleep is disturbed.

To restore the body’s condition, it is necessary to reconsider the daily routine - from the quality and frequency of food to working and living conditions, and the duration of sleep.

Alcohol abuse

A feeling of weakness in the body is a consequence of intoxication of the body with ethanol, which causes a sharp rise in blood pressure.

To normalize well-being, you need to remove alcohol from the blood through intravenous infusions of medicinal solutions. Glucose and ascorbic acid have the ability to rid the body of ethanol content. The specialist decides how many times to give an IV - he takes into account the general condition of the patient and other factors.

Diabetes mellitus

Common causes of malaise and weakness are endocrine disorders, when the activity of the endocrine glands is impaired due to various reasons. One of the explanations for the appearance of trembling, body weakness, chills, dizziness and dry skin is the presence of diabetes. Primary manifestations of the condition are muscle discomfort (mainly in the evening), weight loss, increased thirst, and increased daily diuresis.

Diabetes mellitus does not only develop in old age; this endocrine disorder is no less common in young people.

Gestation period

Due to hormonal changes aimed at bearing a child, a woman experiences toxicosis. She begins to feel nauseous (mostly in the morning), dizziness and headache occur. This condition usually resolves on its own within 1-2 months. But there are a number of alarming symptoms that indicate a violation of the development of pregnancy:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Bloody vaginal discharge.
  3. Feeling of cramping in the lower abdomen, pain and aches in the sacral region of the back.
  4. Severe chills - the woman begins to shake for no apparent reason.
  5. Nausea and vomiting.

The pregnant woman also complains of a headache, and tonometry often reveals an increase or decrease in blood pressure. The cause of these symptoms is the presence of inflammation in the body, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, anemia.

Menstruation period

The causes of weakness in women are related to the state of the menstrual cycle - with massive blood loss, the state of health noticeably worsens. Often, heavy periods cause the development of anemia.

Symptoms accompanying weakness:

  • Dizziness, headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Decreased blood pressure levels.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen moving to the lower back.
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Factors that cause menstrual irregularities are the presence of a tumor in the genital organs, instability of intimate life, previous abortions. To get rid of weakness during menstrual periods, a woman should improve the quality of her diet, relieve pain with analgesics, and drink coffee.


Anemia occurs due to hereditary predisposition, poor nutrition, massive blood loss, tumor or inflammatory process in the body. Pathology may be a consequence of taking antibiotics or cytostatic drugs.

Signs of anemia:

  • Dry and pale skin.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Hair loss.
  • The appearance of cracks and wounds near the mouth.
  • Feeling of constant coldness in the hands and feet, decreased sensitivity in the extremities.

A person suffers from dizziness and notices that he begins to feel sleepy more and more often. Weakness in the body reaches a level at which even minor physical activity is difficult.

Which specialist should I contact?

Which doctor to make an appointment with depends on the cause of weakness in the body:

  1. If your health is a consequence of diabetes, you will need to consult an endocrinologist.
  2. When a person begins to feel unwell due to hypertension, the help of a cardiologist is required.
  3. If weakness develops due to depression and other emotional disorders, you should visit a psychologist.
  4. If your health worsens due to poisoning, you should immediately call ambulance. After emergency treatment is provided, the patient is sent to the infectious diseases or intensive care unit.
  5. If weakness develops and lethargy appears due to a tumor in the brain, a visit to a neurosurgeon and oncologist is indicated.

If anemia develops, you should visit a hematologist or therapist. If weakness in the body occurs in pregnant women, they will be treated by an observing gynecologist, with the assistance of highly specialized doctors.


The purpose of the examination is to find out what causes weakness in a particular patient, so the following tests are prescribed:

  • Laboratory blood tests (including determination of hemoglobin level, blood glucose concentration, presence of tumor markers), urine.
  • brain.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with an emphasis on the condition of the uterus.
  • X-ray examination.
  • Tonometry.

In case of discomfort associated with the female reproductive system, the patient is examined in a gynecological chair.

Based on the results of these types of studies, the doctor draws up the optimal amount of treatment - it is divided into conservative and surgical types.

Apathy and fatigue are now integral companions of life. modern man. Being very busy and often worrying about certain life circumstances create conditions for the formation of an unsightly picture. Stress creates emotional tension and causes a person to have muscle weakness. Often, there is constant irritation, short temper, apathy, and drowsiness. The general condition is such that you don’t want anything, you feel tired. Sometimes you don't have the strength to do anything at all. Constant fatigue creates a feeling of irritation. The causes of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy can be completely different.

Dissatisfaction with life

This is the most main reason, which causes apathy and drowsiness to develop. A person should at least intuitively feel why he lives. The efforts made must necessarily be conditioned by something. Symptoms and signs of dissatisfaction with life are known to everyone; they cannot be confused with anything else. Gradually, emotional lethargy appears, you don’t want to do anything, you just don’t have the strength. Muscle weakness and irritability are caused by an internal state. Dissatisfaction with life appears when a person is unable to realize his or her potential. Everyone can be happy only when they understand that their life can truly be considered meaningful and useful.

Emotional turmoil

Anything can happen in life. It is only important not to lose your presence of mind, not to become limp and not to aggravate your situation. Emotional shocks include the death of loved ones, loss of animals, divorce or breakup. You never know what kind of troubles can happen in life! You definitely can’t protect yourself from everything. But it may take additional time to experience certain events. During this difficult period, you must definitely try to look for some meaning. Otherwise, depression may develop. Any emotional shock should simply be experienced without trying to get rid of it. Mental pain will definitely dull, it cannot last forever.

Lack of help

Every person needs support at one time or another in their life. But for one reason or another, not everyone receives it precisely when they urgently need it most in the world. It is not always easy for loved ones to understand what feelings their loved one is experiencing. The lack of psychological support at a time when it is most needed can cause significant damage to the psyche. Such a person not only begins to worry a lot and get nervous. He is completely immersed in his own thoughts and therefore cannot make the right decision for a long time. This is how depressive disorder, apathy, and indifference to life are formed. Increased fatigue occurs, there is no strength to do anything, lethargy and laziness are observed. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating muscle weakness and reducing feelings of anxiety, suspiciousness, and general nervousness. You should also remember that symptoms of constant fatigue can occur at different periods of life. In this case, it won’t hurt to take a course of vitamins to support yourself from the inside.

Weakness of character

This characteristic of a person often causes sudden drowsiness. Apathy may also be present. With a weak character, a person, as a rule, avoids taking responsibility. She wants some kind of support from others, to feel the help of loved ones. They like to rely on the experience of others and want to feel almost round-the-clock attention towards themselves. The more such a person fixates on failures, the more they haunt him. Weakness of character is not a pathology, but a personality trait. If you want and work hard enough, you can change the situation. But you will have to overcome the difficulties for more than one day. Efficient work above yourself will help you cope with almost any situation.

Physical fatigue

Physical exhaustion is not surprising. Human resources, unfortunately, are not infinite. If a person spends the world around us there are a lot of emotions, he works 12-15 hours a day, it is not surprising that physical fatigue occurs. How to get rid of it? To overcome excessive fatigue, it is necessary to resort to some kind of treatment. Lethargy, as well as other symptoms of fatigue, indicate that the body is at the limit of its capabilities. Man in mandatory needs rest. You cannot try to ignore the manifestations of apathy, as it is fraught with its own unpredictable consequences.

Physical ailments

Prolonged illness can lead to depression. This is a reason that truly deserves attention and cannot be ignored. Not everyone knows how to get rid of apathy. In the case of an incurable disease, it often turns out that it consumes all a person’s internal resources and undermines his moral strength. Weakness, excessive fatigue, lethargy appear, and there is no strength to perform usual actions. Naturally, every person’s daily routine is disrupted and priorities change. He begins to focus only on his own experiences and often does not notice the good things that happen around him. You need to try to switch your attention, concentrate on something interesting that truly brings joy and great satisfaction. It would be absolutely useful to take a course of special vitamins. Vitamins will help you recover, find peace of mind and begin treatment.

Taking medications

The use of certain drugs can lead to a state of weakened muscle tone. In some cases, people are completely at a loss as to how to deal with apathy. Fatigue can be so severe that it interferes not only with making informed decisions, but also with thinking and reflecting. If treatment is really necessary, then care must be taken to select another drug. For advice, you should only contact specialists. Here you can hardly get by with vitamins alone. Apathy, fatigue and depression are constant companions of those who do not know how to properly organize their lives. People sometimes place too much hope in others and too little hope in others. own strength. This should not be allowed. You should always try to take responsibility for everything that happens. After all, it is impossible in life to be ready for everything at once, but you can adapt to almost any situation.

Lack of sleep

Many people are forced to wake up early in the morning and rush to work. Otherwise, they risk being reprimanded or fired. Unfortunately, in this case, lack of sleep is simply guaranteed. And from lack of sleep, it is quite natural for fatigue and apathy to appear. Sometimes there is even a loss of interest in everything that is happening. Of course, this state of affairs cannot be ignored. You need to give your body the opportunity to regain its strength. It is best to take a weekend or a day off to fully relax. You can't sacrifice annual leave. In order to fully recover, it can sometimes take quite a long period of time.

Chronic stress

Currently rare person does not experience the destructive effects of stress. Numerous experiences, unforeseen circumstances, shocks greatly deplete the nervous system, forcing the individual to constantly be in fears, anxieties and doubts. Chronic stress is dangerous because it has an adverse effect on health in general and psychological state in particular. People who want to restore their peace of mind need to start paying attention to their feelings. There is no shame in allowing yourself to cry whenever you want. This means that this is necessary to throw out mental pain. People in most cases do not want to reveal their suffering to others, especially strangers. They believe that this way they will definitely consider them weak and indecisive. Actually this is not true. And every person has the moral right to express everything that he really feels.

Lack of goals in life

Every person must strive for something in order to feel satisfied. Self-sufficiency as a personal characteristic is a consequence of productive work on oneself; it does not appear overnight. The lack of goals in life creates an energy vacuum. A person ceases to understand the meaning of his stay on earth; he does not feel that he can somehow be useful to others. It turns out that energy is wasted in vain, because a person does nothing useful either for himself or for those around him.

Thus, the causes of apathy, depression and fatigue can be completely different, but in any case they relate to a person’s life activity and affect his personality. Everyone is free to decide for themselves how to work on themselves, what efforts to make.

Constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness can significantly affect a person’s lifestyle and performance. Such symptoms may indicate both serious diseases, which result in a malfunction of the body, and external factors that are indirectly related to the problem.

Therefore, if even after a long sleep you still feel tired, and during the day you really want to sleep, then you should analyze the situation and, if necessary, seek help from a specialist.

Main causes of chronic fatigue

Causes of fatigue and drowsiness How to get rid of the problem
Lack of oxygen Get out into the fresh air or open a window to increase the flow of oxygen.
Lack of vitamins It is necessary to normalize nutrition so that the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients from food. If necessary, you should start taking vitamin complexes or dietary supplements.
Poor nutrition You need to reconsider your diet, remove fast food from it, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Vegetovascular dystonia Worth practicing breathing exercises, yoga, use hardening methods.
Weather You need to drink a cup of coffee or green tea and do work that will lift your spirits.
Iron deficiency anemia It is necessary to eat foods rich in iron. If necessary, take iron-containing medications: Hemofer, Aktiferrin, Ferrum-Lek.
Bad habits It is worth stopping drinking alcohol or reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression In order to get rid of the problem, you need to change your lifestyle and take tranquilizers prescribed by your doctor.
Endocrine disruption To get rid of it, you need to take hormonal drugs.
Diabetes mellitus It is necessary to take medications or insulin injections.

External factors and lifestyle

Often the reason constant drowsiness in women there may be external factors that affect the body. These may be natural or non-natural phenomena. correct image life.


Very often drowsiness overcomes in enclosed spaces with large crowds of people. The reason for this is very simple - lack of oxygen. The less oxygen enters the body, the less it is transported to the internal organs. Brain tissue is very sensitive to this factor and immediately reacts with headache, feeling tired and yawning.

It is yawning that signals that the body is trying to obtain additional oxygen. from the air, but since there is not too much of it in the air, the body may fail. In order to get rid of drowsiness, you should open a window, a window, or just go outside.


Many people notice that before the rain they feel drowsy and tired. This is explained quite simply. Before weather conditions worsen atmospheric pressure decreases, to which the body responds by lowering blood pressure and slowing the heartbeat, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the body decreases.

Also, the cause of fatigue and drowsiness during bad weather can be a psychological factor. The monotonous sound of rain and the lack of sunlight are depressing. But most often the problem worries weather-dependent people.

Magnetic storms

Until recently, magnetic storms were considered an invention of astrologers. But after modern equipment appeared, science can observe the state of the sun and report that a new flare has occurred on it.

These flashes are sources of colossal energy that hits our planet and affects all living things. Sensitive people at such moments experience drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue and weakness. Increased or decreased blood pressure or increased heart rate may also occur.

In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to spend more time in the fresh air and take medications prescribed by your doctor to normalize your blood pressure.

Hardening will help prevent hypersensitivity to magnetic storms.

Place of residence

The human body reacts very sensitively to climate change. If a person finds himself in the north, where the amount of oxygen is less than in the area of ​​his usual residence, he may experience a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. After the body adapts, the problem will go away on its own.

This is also a problem for residents of megacities, where air pollution is normal. The reduced amount of oxygen in this case causes unwanted side effects.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Constant fatigue and drowsiness in women may be due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamins are responsible for transporting and obtaining oxygen. To replenish their levels, you need to eat right or take additional vitamin complexes.

Vitamins and microelements, the lack of which causes a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness:

Poor or unhealthy diet

Women on strict mono-diets often complain of poor health, fatigue and drowsiness. This is all due to a lack of vitamins and microelements, which must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.

The body is not able to produce some of them on its own and must receive them from the outside. Therefore, people who want to lose weight need to take this fact into account and give preference to diets in which the diet is varied.

Drowsiness can also be caused by poor diet, eating fast food or fatty foods.

To process unhealthy food, the body spends additional energy. This creates an additional load on the digestive system, which negatively affects the functioning of all organs and can subsequently cause a negative reaction in the form of constant fatigue and drowsiness.

Another reason for fatigue and drowsiness in women: overeating, in which the body finds it difficult to cope with the excess amount of food entering the body.

Bad habits

One of the most bad habits, which can cause poor health and drowsiness is smoking. When nicotine and accompanying harmful substances enter the body, vasoconstriction occurs, as a result of which blood begins to flow more slowly to the brain. And since it transports oxygen, the brain begins to experience hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

In turn, alcohol negatively affects the liver, as a result of which a person’s condition worsens, a constant feeling of fatigue and a desire to lie down arises. Drugs can also disrupt liver function.

Drugs that cause drowsiness

In some cases, increased sleepiness in women may occur as a result of side effect after taking medications of various pharmacological groups:

Diseases and condition of the body

In some cases, the cause of drowsiness and constant fatigue can be various disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Hormonal disorders

Women are very dependent on hormonal levels. In addition to drowsiness and poor health, symptoms such as unmotivated aggression, tearfulness, and insomnia may occur. Women experience sleep disturbances, body weight changes and loss of interest in sex. Also, increased hair loss or frequent headaches may indicate hormonal imbalances.

There are various reasons for hormonal changes, which include:

  • Puberty, during which reproductive function is formed;
  • Menopause associated with the decline of reproductive function;
  • Premenstrual period (PMS);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Postpartum period;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • Frequent stressful situations;
  • Violation of lifestyle and bad habits;
  • Strict diet;
  • Obesity;
  • Abortion or gynecological diseases;
  • Physical activity.

Treatment of hormonal disorders depends on the causes of their occurrence. In some cases, it is enough to change your lifestyle or get rid of bad habits.

Hormonal drugs may be prescribed as drug treatment. But if they themselves cause drowsiness, then it is possible that the medications were chosen incorrectly and the dose of hormones in them exceeds the necessary one.

Also, to get rid of hormonal problems, you may need to normalize your weight., for which a woman should start eating right and making sure that her diet contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

Nervous exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion has a huge number of symptoms, so recognizing it is not so easy. It can manifest itself in the form of intellectual impairment, depression, pain in the heart, tachycardia, surges in blood pressure, numbness of the limbs and a sharp change in body weight.

Nervous exhaustion is almost always accompanied by a feeling of constant weakness and drowsiness in women. With this disease, women experience memory problems and are unable to assimilate the most basic information, which negatively affects the quality of life and work process.

The cause of nervous exhaustion is most often overwork. With this disease, the body spends much more energy than it can accumulate. Nervous exhaustion occurs as a result of mental and emotional stress, prolonged lack of sleep and bad habits.

You should not ignore the signs of the disease, since treatment started on time will help avoid many problems in the future.

In order to get rid of nervous exhaustion, it is first necessary to reduce both emotional and physical stress on the body. It is worth normalizing your diet, changing your occupation and special attention devote time to sleep.

From medications nootropics can be prescribed: Nootropil, Pramistar and tranquilizers: Gidazepam, Nozepam. Sedatives in the form of valerian or Persen will also be useful.


Often the cause of drowsiness is depression, which is classified as a number of mental disorders. In this case, a person develops a depressed and depressed state. He does not experience joy and is unable to perceive positive emotions.

A person with depression feels tired. Such people have low self-esteem, they lose interest in life and work, and also limit physical activity.

The combination of all these symptoms leads to the fact that in the future such people begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, or even commit suicide.

In order to get rid of depression, you need the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist who may prescribe tranquilizers or sedatives. Also, the support of loved ones and relatives plays a big role in this case.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a fairly common diagnosis. At the same time, some doctors consider it not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other problems in the body. In this case, disturbances occur in the autonomic nervous system, which is fraught with dizziness, a feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness, poor health, fluctuations in blood and intracranial pressure.

People with vegetative-vascular dystonia need to harden themselves, strengthen blood vessels and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Simply put, the brain, for some reason, often does not established reasons, unable to properly manage organs. It is almost impossible to get rid of such a problem with the help of medications. But at the same time, there is a way out. Good results give breathing techniques, massages, swimming, limited physical activity.

Iron deficiency anemia

Hemoglobin is a component of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen. This is a complex iron-containing protein that is capable of reversibly binding to oxygen and transporting it into tissue cells.

When there is a lack of iron, a disease called iron deficiency anemia occurs.

In this case, the hemoglobin level is below normal, the person experiences a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, and dizziness. This condition often occurs in pregnant women.

For that To replenish iron levels in the body, you need to eat right, eat red meat, offal, buckwheat porridge and vegetables. It is also necessary to pay special attention to food preparation and not to overcook dishes.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels resulting from insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas.

Diabetes is accompanied by symptoms such as drowsiness, feeling constantly tired, dry mouth, constant hunger, muscle weakness and severe itching skin. At the same time, the disease is fraught with a host of additional complications, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and visual organs.

High blood sugar levels can be detected by performing a blood test. To do this, you need to take blood from your finger on an empty stomach and quickly determine the amount of sugar using a test strip and glucometer.

Endocrine disruptions

Thyroid dysfunction is often the cause of these symptoms. According to statistics, 4% of the population of our planet suffers from autoimmune thyroiditis. In this case, the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland.

If you are worried about a constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, but there are no chronic diseases, and the rest is long enough, then you should first contact an endocrinologist.

Various tumors of the thyroid gland can also occur, which interfere with its normal functioning. If a malfunction of the thyroid gland is suspected, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination and hormone analysis.

In the future, the functioning of the thyroid gland is corrected by taking hormonal drugs , such as L-thyroxine. If the cause of poor health is an inflammatory process, then corticosteroids in the form of Prednisolone can be prescribed.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms and treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a relatively new disease that mainly affects residents of megacities. It can be triggered by chronic illnesses, heavy emotional and mental stress, which leaves virtually no time for exercise and walking, viral diseases or prolonged depression. Regular stressful situations can also cause the development of this syndrome.

A person with chronic fatigue syndrome, in addition to constant drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue, may experience attacks of aggression that occur without specific motives, sleep disturbances, and memory problems. A person wakes up in the morning unrested and immediately feels overwhelmed and tired.

In this case, you should consult a doctor and determine the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. If the cause is chronic diseases, then it is necessary to immediately begin their treatment.

In other situations, they will help cope with chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Right way of life. Normalization of sleep plays a special role in this case. Healthy sleep should last at least 7 hours, and you need to go to bed no later than 22-00;
  • Physical activity. It is necessary to remember that people who spend a long time at the computer need to go to the gym or walk in the fresh air for a long time. Well, for those who have to spend a long time on their feet, massage or swimming will help;
  • Normalization of nutrition. In order for a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements to enter the body, it is necessary to eat properly, introduce vegetable and fruit salads, cereals, and soups into the diet. It is worth giving up fast food, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.

How to get rid of drowsiness

In order to get rid of drowsiness and a constant feeling of fatigue, first of all you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor your weight and nutrition. People who have dedicated their entire lives to work need to periodically change their environment and try to spend their weekends active and fun.

You need to pay special attention to your health, If you identify symptoms of any disease, consult a doctor and begin treatment to avoid the disease becoming chronic.

To get rid of drowsiness You can drink a small amount of natural coffee or strong tea. In this case, tinctures of lemongrass or ginseng can also be useful. They have excellent tonic properties and help you quickly cheer up. But it must be remembered that people with high blood pressure are not recommended to use them.

In the winter-spring period, when food becomes poor in vitamins, it is worth thinking about taking vitamin complexes that will help compensate for the lack of these substances in the body. These products include: Supradin, Duovit, Vitrum, Revit. A doctor or pharmacist will help you choose the right drug.

Constant lethargy and drowsiness in a person during an active working day is a widespread problem of modern civilization and developed society. Most often, residents of large cities suffer from such symptoms.

In the vast majority of cases, the provoking factors of regular drowsiness are external factors (or a combination of them). Only after they have been excluded can we talk about a possible pathology or disease that requires complex diagnosis and appropriate treatment from a specialized specialist.

External factors and lifestyle

Typical provoking causes of weakness and drowsiness in this category include the following events and phenomena:


A regular lack of the main element of air, required for human breathing, can lead to a wide variety of negative manifestations, the first of which is drowsiness.

Most often, this problem manifests itself in enclosed spaces with large crowds of people. Typical risk areas are home and office work.

The brain is the first to react to a lack of oxygen, causing a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, yawning and headaches throughout the day. In the medium term, transportation and metabolic processes involving this element are disrupted. internal organs, which can lead to more serious pathologies.

How to get rid of this negative factor? Spend more time in the fresh air, regularly ventilate the rooms where you are constantly, in extreme cases, use an ozonizer, pay attention to the presence of a basic ventilation system and try to spend less time in completely isolated areas. supply air zones


In countries and areas with unstable and frequently changing weather, people are more likely to suffer from constant severe sleepiness. This is due to a sharp systemic change in atmospheric conditions, which constantly makes you want to sleep and feels lethargic throughout the body.

So, when pressure decreases, its arterial component decreases in parallel in men and women, which provokes a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen and other substances to the main organs and systems.

Another facet of the problem is the formation of a negative psychological background in a person. Constant rains, a minimum of light and warmth, dirt, slush on the street and other lingering atmospheric phenomena have a depressing effect, especially if a person is susceptible to depression and stress. As a result, he will be plagued by attacks of weakness in the body and drowsiness during the day, from which in simple ways quite difficult to get rid of.

Magnetic storms

Geomagnetic storms are directly related to solar activity - if a century ago this negative factor was in the “obvious-incredible” section, now it is a scientifically proven fact.

Particularly strong phenomena on a cosmic scale can not only affect people’s well-being, but even interfere with the operation of radio electronics around the world. In recent decades, a branch of biophysics has been developing that studies the influence of geomagnetic storms on terrestrial organisms - heliobiology.

Among basic negative symptoms of the influence of magnetic storms on humans, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, surges in blood pressure, severe depression and fatigue are especially noticeable.

This atmospheric-physical factor only indirectly affects hardened people who do not have health problems; accordingly, to neutralize the manifestations, pay maximum attention to the general prevention of the body and receive timely treatment for any diseases.

Place of residence

A significant external factor is the place of residence of the person suffering from drowsiness. Climate and terrain play a huge role here - for example, in lowlands, special continental zones with increased aridity, and on mountain ranges, certain negative symptoms may occur, especially in people who do not permanently live in these groups of territories.

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Residents of large cities also feel drowsiness more oftenreverse side medals of global urbanization with its accelerated pace of life and high risks of stress, especially in places compact living hundreds of thousands of citizens predetermines the occurrence of characteristic chronic fatigue.

In this case, a person needs regular good rest with vacation, in some cases, a change of place of residence with the choice of an area where the terrain and climate are individually optimal.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Another reason for increased fatigue and drowsiness is a lack of vitamins. Hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis is the cause of the formation of a wide group of very diverse pathologies, while provoking serious syndromes and even diseases.

Drowsiness and headaches are most often provoked by a lack of vitamins B and P.

In addition, lethargy, severe fatigue and, as a consequence, the above-mentioned negative state, occurs against the background of a lack of a number of minerals, in particular iodine and iron.

The solution to this problem is as trivial as possible- this is a correction of the diet, including in the diet foods rich in rutin, iron, iodine and pantothenic acids, as well as taking vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in the autumn-winter period, when most fresh vegetables and fruits are simply unavailable.

Poor or unhealthy diet

Regular consumption of food and liquids daily supplies the human body with all the necessary substances, most of which are not synthesized by its own systems and organs.

Insufficient, too much or improper nutrition can significantly worsen well-being, lead to the formation of pathologies and the formation of diseases.

Several major risks:

  • Lack of vitamins in food and mineral may cause drowsiness;
  • Direct regular calorie deficiency weakens the body as a whole - constant fasting causes a number of borderline states, one of which is drowsiness;
  • Too much and extremely fatty food forces the stomach to work at maximum load, which impairs the functioning of related systems and can lead to fatigue, drowsiness and other symptoms.

Bad habits

The two most common bad habits are smoking and drinking alcohol.

In the first case Nicotine causes a constriction of peripheral blood vessels that transport oxygen to the brain, which can cause drowsiness.

In the second, systemic action alcoholic drinks on the body not only hits the liver and, by analogy with tobacco smoking, constricts blood vessels, but also creates the preconditions for intoxication, which in turn have their own set of negative symptoms, from headaches to drowsiness.

Such problems can only be solved by gradually abandoning the above-mentioned bad habits - doing this on your own is not always easy, so if necessary, contact specialized specialists for qualified help.

Drugs that cause drowsiness

A large number of medications on the list side effects have a section on the effect of the active substance on the central nervous system, where drowsiness is a typical negative manifestation. The most famous groups of such medications:

  • Antihistamines. Antiallergic drugs of the first generations (for example, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil) have many side effects and a pronounced drowsiness effect;
  • Sedatives. Any sedative, regardless of its composition, slows down the functioning of the central nervous system and creates the preconditions for drowsiness. Typical representatives are Persen, motherwort tincture, Fitosed;
  • Neuroleptics. They have a direct systemic inhibitory effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, which causes strong characteristic symptoms. Typical representatives are Haloperidol, Eglonil.;
  • Sleeping pills. Like sedatives, they cause drowsiness even after the end of the direct action - their half-life from the body can reach a day. Typical representatives are Sonmil, Donomil;
  • Tranquilizers. The principle of operation of these drugs is the suppression of fear, anxiety, emotionality by relaxing smooth muscles and nervous system. Typical representatives are Relanium, Phenazepam;
  • Anti-cold medications. Most modern combination remedies against cold symptoms include vasoconstrictor components, which cause a decrease in oxygen supply and drowsiness. Typical representatives are Flukold, Coldrex, Teraflu.

Diseases and condition of the body

Not only external factors can cause drowsiness, but also diseases, pathologies and various syndromes; often daytime drowsiness warns of a serious illness.

Hormonal disorders

Most often seen in women due to the physiological characteristics of the body, although sometimes they also appear in men (most often with pathologies of the thyroid gland). Typical factors leading to hormonal imbalances include:

  1. Intense unbalanced physical activity;
  2. Abortion, gynecological problems, pregnancy;
  3. Extremely strict diet or obesity;
  4. Puberty with the formation of reproductive function;
  5. Other factors.

The process of treating hormonal imbalances and disorders depends on the specific pathology that caused the problem and is developed individually by a specialized specialist.

Nervous exhaustion

By nervous exhaustion, experts mean a symptomatic complex that forms a nonspecific syndrome. Typically, this condition manifests itself as both psycho-emotional disorders and intellectual disorders of the cognitive spectrum.

In addition, typical physical pathologies can be diagnosed - from arrhythmia and changes in blood pressure to muscle spasms, neuralgia and pain syndrome with peripheral vision impairment.

The first signs of nervous exhaustion include constant weakness with drowsiness.

The process of treating nervous exhaustion depends on the cause of the syndrome. If its etiology is unclear or the person is elderly, nootropics and sedatives are prescribed.


Depression is a well-known mental disorder characterized by motor retardation, drowsiness, deterioration of mood, anhedonia against the background of critical-pessimistic thinking.

As world statistics show, it is depression is the most common affective and mental disorder in the world.

The overall prevalence in developed countries reaches 15-20 percent of the total working population.

It is almost impossible to solve the problem of depression on your own and effectively get out of it.. The psychiatrist will prescribe the appropriate drug treatment, which includes tranquilizers and sedatives, and will also recommend a course of psychotherapy.

Endocrine disruptions

A significant part of all problematic cases of constant drowsiness in women are caused by physiological endocrine disruptions - this is regular premenstrual syndrome, as well as menopause.

PMS is a symptom complex in the fair sex 2-8 days before the onset of menstruation, expressed in a number of temporary conditionally pathological disorders - from drowsiness and psycho-emotional decline to aggressiveness, swelling, cephalgia and even systemic crisis.

Menopause, as a permanent phenomenon, occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55 and is associated with involution of ovarian function, the disappearance of regular menstruation and a fundamental change in hormonal levels.

Solving the problem in both cases– hormone replacement therapy, as well as general recommendations for improving the health of the body and maintaining the tone of all systems/organs of a woman.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD)

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in the modern understanding is a complex syndrome with extensive symptoms, resulting from the combined effects of several diseases and pathologies of a chronic nature.

Typical manifestations at the level of the autonomic nervous system include drowsiness, chronic fatigue, and pressure fluctuations - both arterial and intracranial. In this case, the patient/patient feels unwell, complains of frequent moderate pain, respiratory disorders, etc.

Complex therapy of the problem usually includes strengthening of blood vessels, limited physical exercise, breathing exercises, massages, healthy image life. When the cause of the syndrome is found, if it is expressed by a specific disease, conservative drug treatment is prescribed.

Iron deficiency anemia

Acute iron deficiency in the human body can cause corresponding anemia. It is expressed in a number of specific symptoms. Thus, a lack of hemoglobin (iron-containing protein) disrupts the binding of red blood cells to oxygen, as a result of which it is less well delivered to the cells of all major organs and systems of the body, causing fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness and other manifestations of this spectrum.

Solving the problem– taking vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as correcting the diet with the inclusion of buckwheat porridge, red meat, vegetables, fish, individual fruits and other products rich in iron in the daily diet.

Diabetes mellitus

The most famous and widespread endocrine spectrum disease in the world is diabetes mellitus, which is associated with impaired glucose absorption.

This problem is complex in nature and can cause a huge number of pathologies and modern realities cannot be completely cured - all the efforts of modern medicine in this aspect are aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body and reducing the risks of developing possible complications.

Known manifestations of diabetes of any type usually include a feeling of hunger, headache, periodic drowsiness, itching of the skin, muscle weakness, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart and eyes.

Chronic fatigue syndrome - symptoms and treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome - this complex of symptoms, combined into one concept, appeared in the everyday speech of doctors relatively recently; which can cause chronic fatigue and drowsiness. It is most common in developed countries and is expressed in long-term, persistent fatigue that cannot be eliminated even after a good long rest.

It is noteworthy that almost all groups of the adult population living in the area of ​​potential risk of identifying the syndrome are major cities and megacities.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are not specific and may belong to a whole group of other pathologies and diseases. However, even if a comprehensive examination does not reveal any serious health problems, then CFS can be diagnosed if the following manifestations are present::

  • Profound systemic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • Multiple sleep disorders, including pathological ones;
  • Problems with short-term and long-term memory, reaction speed, memorization;
  • Attacks of apathy or aggression;
  • Feeling exhausted throughout the active day, immediately after waking up and before resting at night.

Effective treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is impossible without a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism. In a significant proportion of cases, manifestations of CFS are caused by chronic diseases in an erased form, disturbances in the transport of oxygen to tissues, mitochondrial dysfunction, problems with cellular metabolism, infections and viruses in an indirect form, etc.

This requires therapy based on an individual regimen prescribed by the attending physician. In the absence of obvious reasons as additional measures recommended:

  1. Fasting diet;
  2. Normalization of circadian rhythms;
  3. Massage, hydrotherapy, exercise therapy;
  4. Autogenic training, psychotherapy sessions;
  5. Certain symptomatic drugs - antihistamines, enterosorbents, tranquilizers, etc.

How to get rid of drowsiness?

  • Treat all types of diseases, especially chronic ones, in a timely manner;
  • Go regularly preventive examinations and basic comprehensive diagnostics in this aspect;
  • Organize your daily and weekly rhythms. Allocate your time so that you get at least 8 hours of full rest at night. During the day, it is also advisable to take breaks not only for lunch, but also for general relaxation. 2 full days a week – weekends, without work stress;
  • Healthy lifestyle- trivial and effective. Giving up bad habits, regular moderate physical activity, jogging and swimming, and other classic activities known and promoted by doctors since Soviet times significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Eat right. Eat less fried, salted and marinated foods, reduce the consumption of foods with large amounts of simple carbohydrates (for example, muffins). Introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet, do not forget about hot soups, red meat and fish. Eat fractionally, dividing the daily dose into 5-6 meals, without overeating in the evenings and before bed.
  • Massage, relaxation, aromatherapy and other similar aspects - as a pleasant, useful and really working addition.

Vitamins for fatigue, weakness and drowsiness

Vitamins are not medicines in the direct sense; they do not act immediately, showing a quick or even immediate therapeutic effect. However this does not mean that they are not needed - when eliminating hypovitaminosis, with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes, you can significantly reduce the risks of the formation and development of constant drowsiness in the medium term.

As part of the selected complex drug, the following elements must be in sufficient quantities:

  • Vitamin A. Improves the body's fight against infections of any type, protects mucous membranes, supports the production of red blood cells responsible for metabolic processes with iron.
  • Group of vitamins B. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12– this large list of substances is responsible for a huge number of processes and systems and is required to be taken in case of constant drowsiness, fatigue, stress, depression.
  • Vitamins D, P and C. Immunity and healthy cell growth are a reliable barrier to any syndromes, pathologies, or diseases.

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