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Proper planting and growing beets in open ground in spring and autumn: video on caring for seedlings. Planting beets in the spring: sowing dates, as well as tips for choosing root seeds. What is the best way to plant beets with seeds

For getting good harvest and the opportunity to enjoy beets all year round, should be selected the right varieties, which have different ripening periods. To get high-quality beets, you must care for them properly. Due to its properties, beets are a plant that does not require much attention. During the first year it produces good root crops, and in the second year, with proper care, it produces seeds that can be sown the following year.

Soil types and optimal acidity level for beets

Planting beets in the ground should be carried out in compliance with simple rules:

  • Good growth will be ensured by a lighted place or an area with slight shading;
  • The soil should be light and loamy, not prone to receiving large amounts of moisture, organically rich and neutral.

Obtaining a juicy, sugary root crop will only be possible on soil that has been previously fertilized. At the same time, beets should not be planted in the same place where they were already grown last season, since during the entire period of their growth, pests - beet nematode - accumulate in the soil. For a good harvest, it is better to choose those areas where other crops previously grew. It is preferable to plant beets in areas where potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, as well as various legumes. It is not recommended to plant beets in areas where carrots previously grew, since these two crops have almost the same planting conditions, as well as pests.

Important! Heavy clay soil creates a risk of obtaining a poor-quality harvest. Acid-rich soil will make the beets small and tough, and the tops will turn out unsightly. appearance and takes on a bright red color.

To neutralize acid in the soil, periodic watering should be done with a special solution with the addition of limestone. Watering should be done throughout the beet growth.

Beet planting dates

For a good harvest, you need to know what temperature will be optimal. Beet seeds germinate differently in different temperature conditions:

  1. At a temperature of +5, seed germination occurs within three weeks;
  2. A temperature of +10 will make it possible to germinate even earlier, no more than 10 days;
  3. At a temperature of +15, beets will be able to produce the first shoots already on the sixth day;
  4. The most favorable temperature for the rapid appearance of the first shoots is +20; during this period, the seeds hatch within three days.

Correct knowledge of favorable temperature conditions will make it possible to plant beets in the best period, as well as quickly determine at what time it is best to plant different varieties of beets.

The most favorable time for planting beets is May, but only if weather conditions completely allow planting to begin. If this is not possible, then you can begin planting work at a later date. late date, but you need to prepare the seeds in advance.

If the planting date is later, then the area for sowing must be thoroughly cleared of all weeds in order to obtain the first shoots more quickly.

By observing these simple rules, you can get a good harvest, regardless of planting time. Unfortunately, if the seeds are already planted and there are very often unplanned cold days in the spring, the beets will end up with a lot of floweriness.

Autumn sowing

Planting beets in open ground is very often done by gardeners in the autumn. Moreover, the temperature usually drops to -4 at this time, but this will not be an obstacle. The only difference from spring planting will be the formation of beds. In the fall, you should make the beet bed higher. This is necessary in order to spring time was not washed away by melt water and the seeds were not damaged. The groove should also be made deep, at least 4 cm.

Advice! During fall sowing, you do not need to water the bed and you should not keep the seeds soaked. The seeds should not be wet; the soil for sowing remains dry.

Choosing a beet variety for planting

Beet varieties are divided into three types:

  • dining room;
  • stern;
  • sugar

The choice of planting depends entirely on how exactly it will be used in the future. For those who use beets mainly for food purposes only, the most the best option will be planting a table variety. The most important criterion for caring for this variety is large quantities light on the site. There should not be any large vegetation in this area, especially trees that provide shade, which negatively affects the harvest.

Planting and caring for sugar beets is a very complex and time-consuming process, which is why it is not so popular. This variety needs to be constantly fertilized, the condition of the soil must be monitored more often, and it must also be cared for more carefully.

Choice different varieties beets for modern market huge, will depend on how fast the beets grow, and how long it takes to wound. The table variety is different bright color and rich taste. Experienced gardeners They try to choose based on their personal preferences. Different variety has different sizes, color scheme, taste qualities.

Different ways to plant beets

Correct fit beets will completely decide its further growth and obtaining a high-quality harvest.

Preparing and planting beets with seeds

To check the quality of seeds before planting, you should germinate them. It's quite easy to do this:

  • You need to take a flat saucer or plate;
  • Lay out a damp felt or canvas rag, always with a double layer;
  • Place 50 or 100 beet seeds on top;
  • Cover with the same damp cloth.

After some time, the seeds begin to germinate. It is necessary to calculate how many seeds have sprouted from those planted. Thus, it is much easier to calculate how much harvest the purchased batch will produce.

Watch the video!Pre-sowing preparation of beet seeds and planting them in open ground

Important! You need to understand that in this way you can only check a batch of seeds that has been pre-sorted.

Beet seeds have practically no differences, so you can sort out the spoiled ones quite easily. Beets last a long time, and it has been practically proven that more than 80% of the seeds have good chances sprout. The shelf life of beets in the seed state can vary from 3 to 5 years.

Any good gardener has an idea of ​​how to speed up the process of crop growth. In the case of beets, you can use already proven methods. The most common and easy way- This is soaking beet seeds in water without additives. The water needs to be changed every 2 – 3 hours.

Advice! The water temperature must be carefully monitored, only warm water can create good conditions for seed germination.

Planting germinated seeds in the ground

Planting seeds after germination does not require special knowledge and skills; the most important thing for all novice gardeners is to observe the depth at which the beets will be planted. This crop should not be sown too deep, as the germination process will be more difficult. In addition, at great depths there will be insufficient oxygen for the seeds, which creates the risk of losing part of the crop.

You need to find the optimal depth, since you can’t plant a crop completely on the surface; the seeds will be exposed to the wind and scattered throughout the garden.

The distance between rows must be maintained. The minimum distance is 20 cm, and you should take into account what type of beet is being planted. But in any case, you will have to thin out the vegetable, since it is usually sown more densely than other types of crops. Fertilizing the beds before directly planting the seeds is also welcome, but only in small quantities.

Planting beets for seedlings

For lovers of year-round harvesting of beets, there is the possibility of getting the harvest earlier than usual. To enjoy this culture already in May, you can create vegetable crop suitable conditions for growth. A greenhouse or insulated ridge will become one of the most good options. The most important thing is to care for seedlings more actively in cold weather.

Proper care of seedlings

Thinning stages

In order for beets to produce a good harvest, they are initially sown more densely. This must be done so that winds and other bad weather conditions do not destroy the entire crop at the very beginning of development. It is necessary to thin out the seedlings, otherwise the vegetable will grow small. Planting fodder beets is carried out in the same way as table beets and their care is identical.

Thinning is divided into 3 stages:

  • At the first stage, those shoots that look painful and have defects are removed; 3 cm should be left between shoots;
  • The second stage of thinning is carried out only when the seedlings have grown and already have at least six leaves. After the procedure is completed, ideally there should be at least 4 cm between shoots;
  • The third stage of thinning is carried out at the end of summer, but no later than August 15. Here you need to leave a gap of 6 cm.

Advice! Thinning is considered one of the most important procedures in the development and growth of beets. If you neglect this important stage in caring for root crops, the yield will be significantly reduced and will not give good results.

Weeds and methods of getting rid of them

Beetroot is much more susceptible to other crops negative influence various noxious weeds. Therefore, you should carefully weed the beds, this will enable the crop to grow in more favorable conditions.

You can make a special solution of nitrate (2-3 g per liter of water per 1 sq. m.) and spray the seedlings. The remaining weeds will have to be weeded by hand.

Timely loosening of the soil and spraying (kerosene is suitable for this) can create protection for the crop and in this place weeds usually stop growing throughout the season. In this way, you can completely solve the problems of constantly weeding beds manually.

Proper watering and fertilization

Proper watering of crops is also considered one of the most important moments in care. The amount of watering will depend on how often it rains during the season.


Fertilize with potassium salt and ammonium nitrate. The crop itself is not demanding and a minimal amount of fertilizer will give good results.

Beetroot is a good crop that does not require much effort in its cultivation. If you follow these recommendations, you can end up with an excellent harvest.

A video on the stages of caring for this crop is presented below. It will help you decide on the choice of variety to grow in your summer cottage.

Watch the video! Sowing beets without errors

The benefits of vegetables are undeniable. Everyone knows that they should be included in our diet without fail and preferably daily.
And grown in the garden, with your own hands, they are many times healthier and tastier.
Vegetables are an integral part of most dishes.
Having country cottage area, small quantities can be grown different types these useful plants.
We will devote today's article to growing beets and caring for them.
Fresh young tops, sweet juicy root vegetables rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements are worth spending your time caring for the plant.
Characteristics, popular varieties
Beetroot is a biennial plant, which is represented by a rosette of succulent leaves. different sizes, and also has a fleshy, juicy root vegetable, the color, shape and size of which are determined by the variety.
It gained popularity for its simple agricultural cultivation techniques, valuable properties, and the possibility of long-term storage. Contains sugar, fiber, organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins C, B, B2, P, PP. It is also high in calories compared to other vegetables.
Contains many alkalis with a small amount of acids. Beetroot juice is used to cleanse the blood, is good for the digestive system, and is used to treat colds and viral diseases.
Table beets are quite demanding in terms of heat, so temperature regime very important when growing it.
The best varieties are the result of foreign and domestic selection. In the first case, these are such as the Polish Chervona Kulya, Regala, Bikores, Bolivar, in the second - Bordeaux 237, Diy, Bagryannaya, Smena, Delikatesnaya.
For consumption in the autumn-winter period, the Egyptian Flat variety is recommended, for canning and storage - Cylinder, Detroit.
How to plant beets?
The key to a bountiful harvest is a sunny, well-lit place. You can also plant where cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, and tomatoes used to grow. Moreover, next year the place must be changed, but it can be returned only after 3-4 years. Acidic, swampy soils are not suitable for beets, but they will take root well in organic-rich, loamy soils.
In addition, the land must be well cultivated and cleared of weeds. Before planting, dig up the bed and apply fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride, humus or compost, and lime if necessary.
There are two ways to grow beets:
sowing seeds directly into the beds;
In the first case, the sowing pattern is mainly single-line (45 cm between rows) or two-line - 25 cm between lines and 50 cm between tapes. Plant to a depth of 3-4 cm and mulch the rows.
The seedling method involves sowing seeds in a greenhouse in nests of 3-4 seeds, and the seedlings are subsequently thinned out. On permanent place The seedlings are planted when they reach a height of no more than 8 cm, and they should not be deeply buried. The width between rows is 30 cm, between plants - 15-20.
When to plant beets?
You can sow beets both in spring and before winter (late October - early November). In spring, the ground should warm up well (8-10˚C to a depth of 10 cm).
The advantage of autumn sowing is an earlier harvest at the end of June. In order for the seeds to germinate better and faster, they are pre-soaked in water several days before sowing.
The timing of planting beets to obtain seedlings is 10 days earlier than in the garden in open ground.
Vegetable care
It is important not only to plant beets correctly, but also to carry out proper care measures: fertilizing, watering, thinning, weeding and others.
Fertilizing is carried out immediately after rooting of seedlings, and after 4 weeks - a second one. Potassium and nitrogen should predominate in the fertilizer.
Water for the first time when young, well-developed shoots appear. The last one is 15-20 days before harvest. Moreover, it is necessary to water so that the water reaches a depth of 20 cm. Then the soil is loosened.
Beetroot is characterized by dense seedlings, since each seed is a cluster of several seeds. Therefore, it is very important to carry out thinning to avoid stretching of plants and deformation of root crops. It needs to be done as early as possible.
The first is carried out in the phase of two true leaves, leaving 2-3 cm between plants, the second - beets have 4-5 leaves, the distance is 6-7 cm.
It is also important to carry out weeding and loosening, and this work should not be delayed.
Before frost sets in, beets are harvested, carefully digging them up, cleared of soil, the tops are cut off, leaving a petiole of no more than 1 cm. For storage, it is better to choose specimens measuring 7-10 cm in diameter.
First, the root crops are sorted, dried and placed in boxes, sprinkled with bulk material (sand, dry peat, sawdust). It is better to store in a cellar, a cool place with good ventilation.

From this article you will learn a lot useful tips on planting beets in the spring, namely: sowing seeds in the ground, beet seedlings from seeds, as in open ground, etc.

Beetroot is a root vegetable that grows in the ground and has a fleshy root. Sometimes it peeks out slightly from the soil. It is of great benefit to humans, as it contains organic acids, especially fiber. Diabetics, hypertensive patients, people with kidney stones and other abnormalities also add beets to their menu. Freshly squeezed beet juice is especially beneficial.

Which beets to choose for planting

The beet variety should be selected depending on its further use. So, for example, fodder beets are planted for domestic animals, if any. Fodder beet seeds are initially treated and then added to soil enriched with fertilizers. It is important to understand that these beets grow large sizes, so it is planted at a distance of 25 cm from each other, and up to half a meter between rows.

Table beets are used for human consumption. All varieties need good lighting. The Bordeaux 237 variety, approved for cultivation throughout Russia since 1943, has been adopted as the standard in domestic selection for this crop.
But sugar beets are much more finicky than others; soil with the correct structure, constantly enriched with fertilizers, is suitable for it.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Before planting seeds in the ground, you need to stimulate their germination by first soaking them in cold water for 24 hours, or pour warm water no more than 40 degrees for just half an hour. After this procedure, you can now proceed to planting seeds. In spring, beets are planted in late April - early May.

Seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of no more than 3 cm, and a distance of 8 cm is maintained between rows for small fruits; large root crops will need a distance between rows of up to 35 cm. Despite the cold resistance of this crop, spring sowing should begin no earlier than the air temperature warms up to 8 ºC, and its further development will only occur at temperatures above 15 ºC.

Due to the fact that beet seeds are connected into several fruit clusters, timely thinning is required. This should be done as soon as the first leaves grow. After this event, the distance between the seedlings should be approximately equal to the length of a matchbox.

Thinned sprouts can be planted in another row. After thinning, weed and sprinkle the soil organic fertilizers. The second time the rows are thinned out when the diameter of the fruit reaches 2 cm, after which an interval of up to 10 cm is left from each other. This procedure is best done after watering.

Beet seedlings from seeds

Almost all varieties of beets can be grown using seedlings. Seedling boxes are best suited for this; they can be installed both at home and in greenhouses.

They contain a high content of vitamin C and carotene, and many other bioactive substances. Early beets are on a par with early vegetables such as lettuce, for example. First, you need to soak the seeds for three days to hatch, then place them in boxes on prepared moist soil, sprinkle soil on top and keep them in greenhouses.

Seedlings germinate three weeks after sowing in open ground. For a good harvest and optimal size of beets, seedlings should be planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other, and row spacing should be up to 27 cm. When the transplanting is completed, you can water it with a humate solution.

When caring for seedlings, you need to maintain soil moisture and periodically ventilate. For early date When beets ripen, areas under the film are sown, usually at the end of April.

1. Before sowing beets in open ground, you need to select a suitable area and loosen the soil.

2. The soil should be warmed to 10 ºC.

4. It is good to plant beets in the place where tomatoes, cucumbers, and all legumes previously grew. Places where beets or cabbage grew before are not suitable, as they take everything nutrients from the soil.

5. To reduce acidity, you can enrich the soil with wood ash. The site needs to be prepared and fertilized in the fall.

6. The size of the final fruit depends on the planting density. Large root vegetables require space. But you need to take into account that fruits that are too huge are impractical to use and are not so sweet.

Decide on the variety you want to plant, do not forget about the importance of properly prepared soil. Plant beets with both seeds and seedlings, depending on your region of residence, following the growing recommendations. Then the beets will delight you with good, tasty harvests.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly plant beets in the spring:

seed beets has such a structure that when planting it in open ground thinning can't be avoided. It is a bag in which several more micro-seeds are enclosed. A sprout will emerge from each one and a young plant will develop. And then the “kids” will feel cramped in one “nest.” For active growth and they need to be planted for a rich harvest. When and how It’s better to do this - we’ll figure it out.

Photo: from one beet seed 2-4 shoots grew, which it was time to thin out.

When is the best time to thin beets?

First thinning. Upon landing beets seeds in open ground, the first time to thin out the seedlings is when one true leaf appears. Optimal conditions for thinning: moist soil (after rain or watering) and, preferably, a cloudy day. The seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 3-4 or 7-8 cm between them.

Second thinning. 2-3 weeks after the first thinning, the second is carried out. On at this stage plants should have 4-6 true leaves. The distance between plants is at least 20 cm. It is worth noting that if you delay thinning too much, the harvest will be worse.

Thinning. Replanting beets during thinning

People often ask on forums: Is it possible to replant beets after thinning? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Why throw away plants that can also produce a harvest. Beets transplanted after thinning take root well. If there is no separate bed, you can plant beets on the sides of beds of other vegetables.

How to thin out beets: mini-instructions

  • Plantings are watered or thinned after rain (during wet soil seedlings are better separated from each other).
  • In each “nest” the largest and most powerful plant is found (it is left).
  • The remaining shoots are separated and set aside.
  • If necessary, add soil to the place where the pulled out shoots used to sit. !There is no need to hill up the plants themselves!
  • It is not necessary to throw away the extra seedlings - they can be planted along the beds with carrots, onions or potatoes (see below).

How to replant beets after thinning: mini-instructions

  • We take the plants remaining after thinning and move them to the planting site.
  • The soil in the garden bed should be moist, so it should be watered first.
  • Use a stick or finger to make a hole in the ground and plant the plant in it.
  • After planting, water again.

It is not necessary to occupy a separate bed for replanting the beets remaining after thinning. You can plant it along the edge of onion or carrot beds, along a potato strip (as we do). Baba Tanya claims that the transplanted beets turn out to be even larger than the seedlings left in the main bed. It’s probably easier for her to grow away from her fellow vegetables, in the company of other vegetables :)

Thinned plantings(first thinning - distance 3-4 cm):

Transplanted beets(it’s still lying dormant, but very soon it will come to life, begin to grow and give a rich harvest:

Question: How to plant beets so as not to thin them later?

Painstaking thinning can be avoided if:

  • plant beets with seedlings (this was discussed in one of the previous articles) or
  • choose a single-germ variety.

In any other case, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to plant beets without thinning them later. Here, again, you need to remember what a beet seed is (see the beginning of the article).

How to thin out beets: video

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a video about thinning beets. We’ll try to make the video ourselves, but next season. In the meantime, we suggest watching a video on how to plant beets. This video will be of interest to those who are planning to replant beets after thinning:

Beets cannot be considered a capricious plant, and yet some gardeners often fail. A lot has been said about growing beets, but today we invite you to consider the most common mistakes and questions that arise when growing beets - about planting beets, proper watering and feeding beets, thinning and soil for beets.

Soil for beets: sour - yes, heavy - not

Soil acidity for beets varies between 6.2...7 pH - neutral or slightly acidic. What happens to beets planted in too acidic soil? Micro- and macroelements are poorly absorbed, and gas-retaining soil bacteria also die, which is why beets begin to suffer from nitrogen deficiency. Therefore, the acidity of the soil for beets must be controlled - either with litmus paper (sold in garden stores) or with improvised means. If the acidity turns out to be too high, be sure to deoxidize the soil with lime, chalk, ash, dolomite flour. Otherwise, don't be surprised why beets grow poorly: An acidic environment interferes with the absorption of minerals.

The second important indicator is how light the soil is. In dense soils, it is difficult for root vegetables to develop: carrots grow clumsy, beets grow small. Therefore, either sand is added to it, but better - compost or rotted sawdust. Thanks to this, the soil becomes air and moisture permeable.

Owners of dense soils can go another way: plant beet varieties that protrude greatly above the surface of the earth. Beets are not potatoes, the sun does not harm them. On the contrary, varieties with only the tail hidden in the ground are usually sweeter. As a rule, manufacturers note this varietal feature on seed packaging.

The ideal soil for beets is loam, fertilized with organic matter and humus. In addition, the soil in the beet bed is regularly loosened so that a crust does not form on the ground, which impedes gas exchange. And to make your work easier, you can cover the soil with mulch - grass, sawdust, pine needles and any other available materials.

When to plant beets? Better - later

Although beets and carrots are considered the main root vegetables in the garden, they cannot be called sisters. Carrots are more cold-resistant: they can be planted before winter, and in the spring before planting potatoes. Beets, with the exception of specialized winter varieties, are not planted in the fall, and in early spring Same. You need to wait until the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees (immediately after planting potatoes, or when the leaves on the birch tree are as big as marigolds). That is, not earlier than the beginning of May, but for the northern regions and the beginning of June.

What happens if beets are planted very early? ? Firstly, it can easily go into bloom without setting a root crop. Secondly, being exposed to frost, and even just low temperatures(+4 degrees and below), beets are threatened by root beetle. This is not a pest, as the name might suggest, but a disease comparable to “black leg” in seedlings. Seedlings weakened by cold are immediately attacked by the fungus. As a result, the sprout darkens, rots and dies. Even if a root crop that has suffered from a root beetle manages to survive, it lags behind in development and will not please you with the harvest. Therefore, with planting beets in open ground There's no need to rush.

But residents of the northern regions can start planting beet seeds for seedlings in early May. Compared to carrots, beets tolerate transplantation well. Seeds are sown either in a greenhouse, covered with lutrasil, or in boxes, wrapped with the same lutrasil in several layers. The box is placed on a stool (it’s warmer) and placed either on the veranda, balcony, or on open air(for example, under the southern wall of the house).

How thick should I plant beets? If through seedlings, then according to the 15x15 cm pattern. And if you like small beet heads (for one borscht), then it is better to reduce the feeding area and plant according to the 10x10 cm pattern, or plant two plants in one hole at once.

If carried out sowing beets in open ground, then it is better to initially sow thicker than necessary to be on the safe side: then remove the excess seedlings, but you will not be left with a “bald” bed. But they remove excess sprouts not in one go, but in two or three. As soon as the cotyledons unfold, carry out the first thinning, leaving 1-2 cm between plants. Do this on damp soil so that the seedlings are easier to remove from the ground. And if your garden bed is small, you can cut off excess seedlings with scissors so as not to accidentally pull out strong neighbors. Since beets tolerate replanting well, thickening plants can be transplanted to another bed in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. The second or third thinning is carried out when the plants reach a maximum of 8-10 cm. 10-15 cm are left between the beets - if the soils are good, fertile, and 20-25 cm - if the soils are heavy, poor.

Fertilizing and feeding beets: you don’t need a lot of nitrogen and sodium

Traditionally beet bed prepared in the fall: add compost, humus or other organic matter, as well as a tablespoon complex fertilizer on linear meter beds. In principle, you can do without introducing mineral fertilizers, but you need to understand: the same compost, in addition to organic matter, contains quite a lot of macro- and microelements, but not all of them necessary for the development of the plant. Especially Beetroot suffers from a lack of boron and sodium.

That's why, fertilizing the beet bed Beginning in the fall with compost, in the phase of four to five true leaves, when the root crop begins to set, the beets are fed with a solution of table salt (sodium chloride) and boric acid. To do this, dissolve a glass of salt in 10 liters of water, and add the salt dissolved in hot water boric acid(per glass – 2 g). Beets love to be irrigated by sprinkling, so the fertilizer is poured directly over the leaves at the rate of 1 liter per 1 linear meter. You don’t have to worry about the chlorine contained in salt - beets are resistant to it in such concentrations.

From organic fertilizers for beets herbal infusion, mullein or ammonia. But such fertilizing for beets is applied exclusively before the plant begins to “work for the turnip,” that is, until July. This is an excellent impetus for the formation of good leaf apparatus, which will henceforth collect food for the root crop. But organic matter is rich in nitrogen, and beets are prone to the accumulation of nitrogen in the form of nitrates when they enter the soil in excess. This will be indicated by light concentric rings on the beet cut. Naturally, there will be little benefit from such a vegetable. Therefore, on good soils, a single application of nitrogen-containing organic fertilizers in the phase of 4-6 leaves is sufficient, and on poor soils - twice, two weeks after the first fertilizing (per linear meter - 1-1.5 liters of solution).

How often should you water beets?

Beets need to be watered only during the first period of growth - before it begins to set roots. In the future (unnecessarily), the beets are not watered. The fact is that the central sucking root of the root crop is capable of penetrating several meters into the ground, independently obtaining moisture for itself.

Young plants, immediately after emergence, are watered at the rate of 10 liters of water per “square” of bed; grown ones - at the rate of 15-20 liters of water per “square” of bed. Soil moisture is controlled at a depth of about 10 cm: when the soil is squeezed in a fist, it remains in a lump - which means you don’t have to water it. It happens that beets need to be watered twice a week, and in humid weather you can do without watering - that is, act adequately to the circumstances. Beets are watered during filling only during drought, and a couple of weeks before harvesting root crops, watering is stopped. And don’t forget about mulching the soil - this simple agricultural technique will preserve valuable moisture in the soil, and therefore save your strength.

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