Encyclopedia of fire safety

Do-it-yourself water well: effective drilling methods. Water well drilling technology and its varieties Water well drilling methods

Water wells have existed since time immemorial, and in different areas and in different times they drilled in their own way. The methods of drilling wells for water are very different, and at the same time they bring excellent results, but all are justified to one degree or another.

The simplest options

There were far from always heavy machines capable of quickly and efficiently making a well in the ground, so people did it with their own hands.

Shock-rope drilling of wells is the simplest in theory of all, because. does not require any technical expertise. It takes a few physical strong man, supporting structure, 1-2 blocks for convenience, rope, guide and work tube. Such a simple device can be built at home quite quickly, and besides, it can be slightly improved so that the cable is not pulled by hand, but wound on a reel.

The task of the masters is to first make a pit into which the guide pipe is installed large diameter(usually 1-1.5 inches wider than the working one), after which it is carefully fixed. The following steps are fairly similar:

  1. The working tube rises to the maximum permitted height.
  2. The cable is loosened to a state of free fall so that the pipe enters the ground as deeply as possible.
  3. The procedure is repeated 2-4 more times.
  4. The pipe is pulled out and, using an ordinary hammer, is tapped from all sides to extract the collected soil.
  5. Everything starts again.

This method is quite slow, noisy and laborious, but it allows you to get to a depth of 25-30 m, even with fairly strong points of resistance. The convenience of this method is that it does not require the use of water or clay mortar, due to which there is no pollution of the arteries.

Auger drilling of wells (rotary method) is carried out manually and without noise, although much more effort will have to be applied. Type-setting drills with 2 blades or a spiral along the entire length are usually used. If there are only 2 blades, then drilling will be carried out at a shallow depth, because there is no auger column, along which the soil rises to the outside.

Working with a stacked screw column is much more difficult due to the fact that a fairly massive installation has to be rotated manually. Even 1 person can handle work up to 10 m, but then you will have to use support. The work process usually ends at 30-35m, although sometimes you can see 40m.

Not much equipment is needed here, and with skillful handling and pliable soil, you can move up to 20 m in a working day, although you usually have to be content with 10-12 m. .

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Complicated ways

Both described options are adapted for use by means of modern trucks, and it is these methods of drilling water wells that are used in most cases.

Most of the methods are based on the rotational principle, since this allows you to achieve greater results with less loss. The only negative is the need for massive high installations that cannot be driven everywhere.

The jet-turbine method differs from the auger one in that the bit is set in motion under the pressure of the flushing fluid, but instead of 1 turbodrill, you need to use 2 at once. This method is quite expensive, but allows you to work several times faster, because. Boers not only do not extinguish each other, but also complement each other, mutually increasing the efficiency.

Drilling with forward and reverse flushing. Used here pure water or clay particles that allow you to carry the cut soil up. Both of these options are used quite often, because. they allow you to increase the speed of work in relation to the conventional screw method. Very handy is the fact that the consumption of casing pipes is significantly reduced.

The decision to build our own water intake device on the site was justified by several reasons, including:

  • lack of centralized water supply;
  • the desire to have a source of water with increased quality without treatment with chlorinating compounds;
  • a great need for water for watering the garden - at current prices for life-giving moisture from water supply network, household farming becomes an expensive pleasure, sometimes simply unprofitable.

Regardless of whether the work will be carried out by a third party organization or independently, the technology of drilling water wells should be as familiar as possible. This will help to avoid cheating by performers and extra costs for the implementation of the intention.

The choice of method depends on several factors:

  1. Availability of water in the area. As a first approximation, this can be determined by observing environment, there are a number of signs indicating its presence or absence. You can also make some experiments with various items to get an answer to this question.
  2. A characteristic of the soil composition characteristic of a given area, on which the choice of drilling method depends. Such data can be obtained from the local hydrogeological organization, where you also need to clarify your own forecast estimates for the presence of water at the site.
  3. Depth of occurrence of high-water (sandy) layers and assessment of the depth of occurrence of artesian (limestone) aquifers.

With the availability of such data, it can be concluded that it is preferable to use one or another drilling technology.

Varieties of ways of passing wellbores

Rotary drilling

Fig.3. Rotary Well Drilling Tool

Usually used in oil exploration drilling. Recently, with an increase in demand for wells, it is also used in the construction of water intakes.

A feature of the method is its high energy consumption and its applicability on heavy or especially heavy soils with the inclusion of rock formations, as well as on solid limestones.

During rotation, the rotor destroys the rock, which is brought to the surface by the washing solution. It also contains cement. As a result, part of the site will be hopelessly damaged. In addition, at the end of the work, such a well needs long-term flushing. clean water to remove cement from the pores of the rock, which is part of the solution.

For a small suburban area, this technology seems undesirable.

Hydraulic drilling

This is the easiest water well drilling technology. In the course of the work, the soil is washed out inside the casing pipe, which is lowered under its own weight. Only at the beginning of the process, when the casing is still light, do you have to resort to turning it with a special key.

Fig.4. Drilling with soil erosion with water under pressure

To implement this method, you will need:

  • two pumps, one of them capable of supplying liquid under a pressure of at least 6 atm, the second - for pumping out the waste water back into the tank, of the corresponding capacity;
  • tank; capacity depends on the planned size and depth of the well and is calculated from the ratio:

V = Robs 2 (cm) x 3.14x H(cm), where

V is the volume of the tank,

R is the inner radius of the casing,

3.14 - the number of PI.

So, for a well with a diameter of 273 mm (the maximum possible diameter of the wellbore with this method of penetration), the inner diameter of the casing will be 260 mm (radius 13 cm), the estimated depth of the well is 15 meters (15,000 cm), the required tank volume will be:

13 2 x 3.14 x 1500 \u003d 756000 (cm 3) \u003d 756 (liters).

Considering that it is impossible to work in the absence of water in the tank, we accept the required tank capacity of 2 cubic meters. This expense will not become a burden, since the correct use of the site involves the use of an intermediate heating tank in the garden irrigation system.

  • hydromonitor - hose with metal pipe at the end. The outlet of which should be about 20 mm.

The process is executed as follows:

  1. Drilling - is carried out with a garden drill, the diameter of which larger diameter casing pipe by 30 - 40 mm. Depth pre-hole about 1.5 meters.
  2. Installation of the first section of the casing in the drilled hole.
  3. The hydraulic monitor is inserted into the casing pipe, water is supplied under pressure. In this case, the casing pipe must be rotated around its axis, contributing to its subsidence as the soil is washed out.
  4. As the hole deepens, flushing is periodically suspended in order to install the next casing section.
  5. Water is pumped out as it accumulates, diverting the liquid back to the tank.

The disadvantage of this method is its applicability only on sandy and sandy soils, and there is also a limitation on the depth of the well. As a rule, they are no deeper than 12 - 15 meters, in rare cases they reach 20.

impact method

The technology of drilling water wells by the impact method is one of the most ancient methods used in ancient China. It consists of the following:

  1. A pit is torn off with a depth of about 1.5 meters and dimensions of 1.5 - 1.5 meters.
  2. Drilling is carried out to install the first section of the casing pipe with a depth of up to 2 meters.
  3. A drilling rig is installed - a tripod with a height of at least 3 meters. The height of the rig depends on the length of the casing sections, their maximum size is 6 meters.

Rice. 5. Homemade percussive drilling rig

The shock part, suspended on a cable from the winch, is inserted into the hole in the casing pipe and released into free fall. When it hits the ground, it actively destroys it and it, in a crushed form, gets inside the shock part (made from a pipe). At the end of the drummer, teeth are cut and set apart like on a saw.

A valve is installed inside the drummer, allowing loose soil to pass inward, but preventing it from spilling out during the next rise. When passing clayey wet layers, a striker is used without accessories(glass), wet clay keeps well in it due to sticking to the walls. After passing a distance of about a meter, the drummer must be removed from the barrel and its cavity cleaned.

In the arsenal of professional drillers, the number of modifications of impactors reaches 10 types or more. Various designs used for passing soils with different properties. Thus, a wide choice of tools allows you to pass almost any soil, except for rocks. The quality of the wells remains the highest. Therefore, not being productive, impact punching technology remains the most popular.

Auger drilling

This technology of drilling a well under water is becoming more and more popular due to its high productivity and ease of execution.

In fact, this is drilling with a rotating tool, while the cutting part destroys the soil in the direction of movement, and the spiral auger takes it out. About 40 - 50% of the soil is brought to the surface, the rest goes to seal the walls. Thus, it is possible to drill without simultaneous wall casing. The casing string is lowered into the hole after drilling is completed.

Fig.6. Auger drill

This method has certain disadvantages that do not allow it to be used on sandy and other loose soils, as well as a limitation on the depth of tables up to 50 meters. Further deepening is carried out with periodic removal of the working tool for cleaning.

Drilling is carried out using a very diverse equipment, and often by hand, for wells on top water. Thus, the industry has mastered and produced various miniature drilling rigs, with the help of which wells are drilled to a depth of 50 meters in light and medium-weight soils, excluding sandy ones.

Such equipment is actively used for arranging water intakes on suburban areas, often there is no need to purchase it, but you can rent it.

At the same time, powerful artesian wells with a large debit are performed using equally powerful drilling rigs.

Fig.7. Drilling rig for industrial drilling

Perforating drilling

It is produced by driving a "spear" with a headstock or a barbell. It is used, as a rule, for the equipment of Abyssinian wells with a hand pump for pumping water. The limited diameter of the well allows the work to be done independently and in a short period of time.

In addition to the methods described, which are the most popular in practice, many techniques are used that combine the features of various methods.

The well, through which water is obtained, is a rather complicated hydraulic structure. The choice of well design and correct execution works directly affect the quality of the received water, the performance of the structure and the service life.

Choosing a location for a well

Before starting drilling work, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right place where the well will be located, decide where the drilling rig will stand and where it is convenient to place auxiliary machines. It is also required to calculate working area, a site intended for draining technical water, and determine the place where it is better to store the necessary equipment.

The technology of drilling wells for water requires a flat area of ​​about 4x12 m. It should also be possible to drive the installation for drilling and water transport without difficulty. It is desirable that the gate at the entrance to the site be at least 3 m wide. Above the place where drilling will be carried out, there should not be electrical wires at a distance of 2 m.

The place for drilling a well under water is selected taking into account economic characteristics - the closer the well is drilled to the entry point, the less trenches will need to be dug and less pipes will have to be used.

Well drilling technology requires a construction device no closer than 3 m from the building, and it is necessary to provide for the possibility of free access. In addition, no buildings can be erected above an artesian well.

Drilling of the wells

There are many different ways to drill wells, but three main operations are required:

  • rock grinding;
  • removing it from the well;
  • subsequent fixation of the walls.

Rock crushing

Usually produced using rock cutting machines. In addition, other technologies are also used: explosive, electrical and thermal, but these methods are rarely used when constructing wells.

Rock removal

Methods for extracting crushed rock:

  1. Hydraulic - with the help of a technical fluid (clay mortar or plain water), the rock is lifted to the surface.
  2. Mechanical - with the help of special equipment (special drills, bailer or auger).
  3. Pneumatic (rock is removed by compressed air).
  4. Combined.

The walls are usually fastened with metal casing pipes. Ferrous metal pipes are more often used - seamless or electric-welded on welded or threaded joints.

It is not desirable to use pipes made of galvanized metal for drinking needs, and the use of stainless steel unprofitable.

Now, when constructing most wells, the double casing method is used. The well string is insulated with a plastic liner. When using this method, the service life is significantly increased, the operational and consumer characteristics of the structure are increased.

In our country, “drilling with flushing” is most often used. This method consists in the fact that the clay solution or water is fed into the drilled well, raising the pressure of the liquid along the rods with the help of a pump, and after that it comes to the surface along with the crushed rock. Here it enters a special sump, after sedimentation of the rock by the pump, it is used again. By controlling the composition of the extracted rock, drillers determine the geological section of the site.

When drilling non-solid layers, a clay solution is used as a flushing fluid. If clay soil layers are found at the beginning of the section, then such a solution can be obtained in a natural way by pumping plain water. In addition to extracting the crushed rock, the clay solution simultaneously strengthens the walls and prevents them from collapsing.

When drilling a well in solid layers, for example, in limestone, process water. It also has another purpose: while the aquifer is being drilled, water absorption occurs; this means that the water begins to simply go into the ground. The depth of drilling is determined by the degree of water loss: when the water flow reaches its maximum values, drilling is completed.

The technology of drilling wells for water requires sequential casing of the well with pipes. When the well is drilled to a certain depth, metal casing pipes are installed in it. After that, the soil is crushed with a thinner chisel, and, if necessary, cased with plastic pipes. This is the easiest way to create a well under water, if there are no geological complications, there is no need to drill to a great depth, there is a good aquifer, etc.

The final stage of drilling a well is pumping to clear water. In addition, at this stage, the flow rate, static and dynamic levels are measured for the selection and installation of water lifting equipment.


This video shows a schematic of the process described above.

The most efficient and economical design for mining groundwater is a borehole. it great alternative centralized water supply for agricultural, horticultural or country house.

It is possible to build a well for water different ways. Consider the main drilling technologies and focus on general recommendations to create their own autonomous source of drinking water.

Choosing the type of well for water

Drilling a well for water is a rather laborious process that requires certain knowledge and skills from the performer. Depending on the geological features of the soil and the expected water needs, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of well and the technology for its arrangement.

Trunks for wells are of several types:

  1. filterless (artesian);
  2. filter (sand wells);
  3. wells.

Drilling artesian wells the water is carried out to porous limestone, the depth of which is more than 150 meters. An artesian well can provide several country houses uninterrupted water supply all year round(in such faces, water does not freeze). The period of operation of a filterless artesian well reaches 50 years.

Water well drilling depth filter type(on sand) is - 15-30 meters. The device of a sand well is a buried pipe, at the end of which there is a filter that screens out large fractions of sand. Such a well is enough for a small country house or suburban area.

The advantages of sand wells include:

  • ease of drilling;
  • low cost of well construction.

Disadvantages of filter wells for sand:

  • low productivity (about 1 m3 per hour);
  • service life - up to 10 years;
  • high probability of silting;
  • ingress of surface and groundwater into the face.

Tubular (Abyssinian) well has a depth of 8-12 meters, is constructed using concrete factory rings. If there is a good spring on the site, the well quickly fills up and accumulates water (average capacity is 2 m3 of water).

When choosing a wellbore design, it is necessary to take into account the expected water needs and the regularity of its consumption. For a summer cottage with a seasonal stay, a filter shaft is suitable, and to provide water to a large private house, it is necessary to equip an artesian well - the most reliable option autonomous water supply.

Drilling wells for water: reviews and tips for choosing the type of well

Water well drilling methods: technology, advantages and disadvantages of the method

Drilling methods can be classified according to two main criteria.

  1. According to the mechanisms used:
    • manual drilling;
    • mechanical drilling.
  2. According to the principle of operation of the drilling tool:
    • shock method;
    • rotational method;
    • shock-rotary.

Consider the most popular methods of drilling wells for water.

Manual well drilling

You can drill a well manually, the depth of which will not exceed 25 meters. Drilling is carried out until a water-resistant layer is reached.

For manual drilling water wells use the following equipment:

If the depth of the well is small, then the drill string can be controlled manually. Drill rods can be made from pipes by connecting them with threads or veneer. The drill head is attached to the end of the lower rod.

Whole technological process manual drilling of a well can be divided into several stages:

For complete water purification, it is usually enough to pump out 2-3 buckets of dirty ground water. You can use a submersible pump for this.

Manual drilling has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the method include:

  • low cost of work;
  • immutability of the structure of the passable soil.

The disadvantages of the method:

  • limited drilling depth;
  • small debit of the well, due to the small diameter of the structure;
  • the service life of a “manual” well is from 2 to 10 years (depending on operating conditions).

Rotary method: backwash and forward flush

Rotary (rotary) drilling method is the most common way of arranging deep wells for water.

The rotational method involves the use of special installations. Drilling wells for water is carried out using equipment:

Drilling rigs are equipped with a special pipe, in the cavities of which there is a rotating shaft with a chisel. Due to the hydraulic installation, an impact is created on the bit. The soil is washed out of the well with drilling mud.

There are two technologies for drilling wells with water:

direct flush. Fluid is fed down the wellbore from top to bottom. The solution, washing out the rock, exits through the annulus to the outside.

The advantages of the rotary direct flushing method include:

  • universality of the method (you can create a well of any depth);
  • large flow rate of the well, due to the large diameter of drilling.

The disadvantage of direct flushing is the erosion of the aquifer.

Backwash. The drilling fluid flows by gravity into the annulus. Subsequently, the solution is pumped out using a pump.

The advantage of drilling a well with water pressure with backwashing is that the maximum opening of the aquifer ensures the maximum flow rate of the well.

Main disadvantage this method- its cost. For work it is necessary to attract sophisticated equipment and qualified specialists.

Well drilling with water: video

Percussion drilling

With the shock-rope method of drilling a well for water, the breakdown of the soil is achieved by dropping a heavy tool (driven glass) from the tower.

At self drilling you can use a homemade drilling rig and additional tools (downhole glass, rope, soil extraction equipment).

Sequence of percussion drilling:

For drilling deep wells by the shock-rope method, it is necessary to involve special installations: UKS-22M2, UGB-1VS, UGB-50.

Screw method of well construction

The main working tool for auger drilling is the classic Archimedean screw (auger). Blades are welded to the drill rod, which carry the rock to the surface with rotational movements.

The auger method is suitable for drilling shallow wells (no more than 10 meters)

To implement this method, small-sized, easily transportable drilling rigs are used.

Advantages of auger drilling method:

  • cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the method when drilling small wells (up to 50 meters) on sandy-clay soils;
  • accessibility of the method;
  • soil layers are not eroded.

Disadvantages of the screw method for arranging water wells:

  • only suitable for sandy soil;
  • if during the work the auger rests against a stone, then the process will have to be stopped and drilling started elsewhere.

Core drilling method

The core method is rarely used for drilling water wells. More often it is used as a method of engineering-geological and hydrogeological research.

When drilling, equipment (ZiF 650, ZiF 1200) with an annular carbide or diamond crown is used. In the process of drilling, through the cavity of the crown, it is possible to extract a column of rock and determine the presence of certain natural resources.

When drilling by the core method, ring destruction occurs and the subsequent washing out of the soil

Advantages of the column method:

  • high speed of well construction;
  • the ability to drill very hard rocks of the soil;
  • drilling rigs are compact and can be used in hard-to-reach places.

Disadvantages of the column method:

  • quick grinding of the working crown;
  • a small cross section (about 150 mm) does not allow the use of powerful submersible pumps.

Regardless of the drilling method, a water well must meet certain requirements:

  • the aquifer must be opened qualitatively with a minimum resistance of the filter zones;
  • the content of metal elements in the structure is minimal;
  • if different aquifers are not operated jointly, then they must be isolated from each other;
  • the possibility of carrying out repairs;
  • well reliability.

Drilling a well for water is a complex technological process, the competent implementation of which will guarantee the uninterrupted supply of high-quality water throughout the life of the well.

Drilling wells with water is also called hydrodrilling. This method resembles conventional rotary wire drilling. During operation, the soil on the site is eroded under the pressure of water. This method is not used for every case, so only loose soil, sandy loam, sandy soils can be drilled. For drilling in hard and rock formations, you will have to turn to traditional complicated ways. The technology of drilling wells with water is completely unsuitable when it is required to pass layers of clay. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to conduct a hydrogeological study, which will show how applicable this method is for this area.

The process of drilling wells with water is simple. For work, you need to prepare in advance the equipment and the casing pipe, which will be lowered into the well. Water is also needed for drilling. Hydrochloric acid is added to it, the concentration of which will be 1:20000. This avoids possible contamination of the soil during drilling and the aquifer.

It takes a little time to drill wells with water, but it is important to prepare and calculate everything in advance. The maximum depth of the well, which is obtained as a result of using this method, is 15 m. The diameter can be from 50 mm to 300 mm. After all casing pipes are mounted, it is necessary to cement outer part wells to a depth of 3 m.

Features of hydrodrilling a well with water pressure

Used for drilling water wells simple technology. First you need to equip the receivers, into which water for drilling will flow. They should be located approximately 1-1.5 m from the future well.

A drilling rig is mounted closer to the mouth, which will provide water supply under pressure. Additionally, a small pit-filter is being built, which communicates with the rest by means of a trench.

The water supply pump is placed near the mouth, one hose is lowered into the pit, and the second is located at the drilling rig, it will be lowered into the shaft. Communication between the tip and the swivel is carried out by a rod.

In order not to waste extra time, you should pre-order a hydrogeological study. It will show if there is an aquifer in the area, at what depth it lies.

Need to make sure it fits this technology for the type of soil that is on the site.

For work, a fairly simple drilling rig is used. It consists of a supply pump, hoses for the supply and removal of drilling fluid, a swivel. Around the well, several pits will have to be made, which act as filters and removal of waste solutions.

In order not to pollute the soil, a special solution is used that does not cause any harm not only to the soil, but also to the aquifer. The water remains clean and drinkable. It must be remembered that the maximum depth of the source will be 15 m, i.e. the well is obtained on sand. All this requires constant care of the source.

Drilling technology

Used for drilling water wells specific technology. The following work steps are followed:

  1. First you need to properly assemble the drill bit, prepare a mixture for washing, a clay solution.
  2. Water is used to erode the soil. And the clay solution is a substance that will help strengthen the walls after the well is ready. The drilling fluid itself must be selected depending on what kind of soil is in the area. Specialists who will conduct a preliminary study for the presence of an aquifer on the site can help.
  3. If a preparatory work finished (casing pipe, mortar and clay are prepared), you can start assembling the drilling rig.
  4. Through the pump, the solution is supplied to the hoses, then a swivel is taken, which ensures the supply of water to the tip. Under strong pressure, water destroys the soil, begins to wash the rock up.
  5. The spent solution is sent to the pit, where the destroyed soil immediately settles to the bottom, and the solution itself enters the earthen bowl, goes into the soil, after which it reaches the tip of the drilling rig.
  6. The drilling of the well with pressure continues, more and more rock is gradually being carried out. It is important to ensure that clay and boulders do not come across along the path. In this case, drilling should be carried out using traditional method, i.e. borax.
  7. As the wellbore passes, it is necessary to lower the casing string into it. It strengthens the walls, prevents shedding of the soil.
  8. When the required depth is reached and water flows from the aquifer, it is necessary to stop the drilling process.

When the well is ready, cementing is performed at the top 3 m deep.

It serves as a fortification. A caisson should be installed at the top, if necessary, automation and a hydraulic accumulator are immediately mounted.

Well repair

When using wells and boreholes, it often happens that water quality deteriorates or productivity drops to a level that makes it difficult to use the source. In this case, repairs are required, you can do it yourself.

There are many reasons for well failure, among them it should be noted:

  1. The installed filters are clogged. Repair is required only when the pollution has become too strong, and the water stops flowing upstairs. If you do not forget about regular inspections of equipment and maintenance, then clogging will occur much less frequently. The filter can also fail due to sand compaction if the well is used only in summer.
  2. If you do not carry out regular cleaning and care of the sources, then the water can become dirty, not suitable for drinking. The reasons are the pollution of pipes, the aquifer. To determine the exact cause, it is necessary to call in specialists who will determine exactly what measures are required for cleaning.
  3. If the barrel turned out to be heavily contaminated, then it is necessary to carry out work on flushing it. To do this, pump water under pressure into the well to wash all the dirt up. It is important to immediately provide for the removal of dirty water away from the source so as not to pollute it again.
  4. Cleaning can also be done with air, which is also supplied under pressure. To provide such pressure, the use of special equipment, a compressor, will be required.
  5. The simplest and most profitable method is to pump water in and then pump it out using a small and specially designed pump. The method is simple, water is pumped under pressure and then brought out.

Water drilling is a method that is good for loose or sandy soil. Almost anyone can make such a well, it does not take much time and effort.

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