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Drying menu for a month. Drying the body for girls: menu for the week and month

Not every girl visiting Gym, is going to compete, but, probably, everyone will one day want to sit down and see their body with a minimum percentage of fat. The fat burning period should be carried out if a certain muscle mass has already been gained and there is a permanent experience calculated in months (at least six months), otherwise there will simply be nothing to “dry”. It is also important to understand that proper drying is not just weight loss, it is a reduction in body fat while maintaining maximum muscle mass.

Drying for girls at home and for competitions is not much different, as well as the daily menu, since in both cases the main task is to acquire a beautiful embossed body. The only difference is that in last days competitions, a stricter diet is used: water intake is limited and carbohydrates are completely excluded, and the day or a few hours before entering the stage, the athlete consumes carbohydrates and gets a full muscle body.

But this is all very individual, and such actions are best carried out under the supervision of a personal trainer. If drying is required for life, then no schemes with carbohydrates and water are needed. Let's find out what the drying of the body for girls should be like. We will write out the menu for a month by day for the first 7 days, and indicate the principles of manipulating nutrients at subsequent stages.

How to start drying girls

On average, a fat burning diet lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the existing fat layer. It is better to set realistic goals and not expect to dry out in one week. The entrance to drying should always be smooth and gradual, so it is much easier to endure food restrictions, and the result is a better shape than when you are in a hurry and do everything at an accelerated pace.

Nutrition during drying should be fractional, in small portions - 5-7 times a day and nothing more. Carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning, or before training - 1-2 hours before. Immediately after training, it is recommended to drink whey protein isolate, and after half an hour or an hour to fully eat vegetables and protein.

Be sure to include in the menu when drying the body of any girl polyunsaturated fats, which are contained in (especially a lot of red - salmon, trout, pink salmon), nuts, avocados and linseed oil. Fat deficiency is extremely harmful to the female body, which can cause the absence of menstruation, deterioration of the hair and skin, so do not be afraid of the right fats.

What should be excluded from the menu immediately:

  • sugar
  • cakes and any bakery products
  • products containing animal fats - butter, sour cream, milk, fatty meats - pork, lamb, fatty parts of chicken and beef

Can be consumed in moderation:

  • fruits with a high glycemic index - pear, banana, peach no more than 1 piece per day and only in the first week, sour berries and low GI fruits can be consumed throughout the drying, but in moderation
  • sometimes you can eat starchy vegetables - corn, beets, pumpkin, potatoes (of course, boiled or baked without oil and only in the first or second week)
  • egg yolks, but no more than 2 per day

What can girls eat on drying:

  • boiled or baked chicken breasts, skinless turkey fillet, egg whites, any fish, including red, seafood
  • fat-free cottage cheese, but not more than once a day
  • fresh greens and vegetables with a high fiber content - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, salads of any kind, celery, parsley

Non-starchy vegetables can be eaten as much as you want, they are not taken into account when calculating the caloric content of the diet, since there are practically no calories in them. It is also important to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

How and how much to eat carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are probably the most difficult thing for girls who adhere to the drying menu. Their excess can slow down the process of fat burning, and the lack of them will significantly worsen the psychological and physical condition. If you feel constant lethargy, fatigue and apathy while drying at home, you are ready to break loose and eat a huge cake, then you should increase the amount of complex (not simple!) Carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that serious restrictions await you, and you will always experience a slight feeling of hunger, but if you feel like a vegetable and are not able to do anything, then this is wrong! Therefore, it is worth focusing not only on averages, but also on your own feelings, body characteristics, if necessary, increasing or decreasing complex carbohydrates.

For example, let's take a girl weighing 55-60 kg and 165-168 cm tall. In the first week of drying, she will need 100 grams of carbohydrates every day, that is, 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Every week they will decrease, in the second it should be reduced to 60-50 grams per day, in the third, consume no more than 50 grams, but follow your feelings. The fourth week - we reduce the consumption of coals to a minimum, if weight loss is going badly, then we alternate 50 grams - for two days, that is, one day without carbohydrates at all, the second day - 50 grams for breakfast.

All carbohydrates are calculated in dry form, since porridge swells when cooked, and, accordingly, the weight increases. Where to get - from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, whole grain bread, brown rice.

Number of proteins

On drying, you need at least 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight, that is, a girl weighing 50-55 will need at least 100 grams. However, if a girl has a decent muscle mass, and her weight is 60-65 kg due to muscles, then she needs to increase the amount of proteins in her menu to 150-200 grams per day. Mostly you should consume protein from animal foods - meat, fish, eggs and protein, vegetable protein is consumed in an amount of no more than 10-20%.

In the first two weeks of drying, the amount of proteins is 50-70%, fats - 10-15%, carbohydrates - the rest, in the third or fourth week of proteins - 70-80%, fats - 10%, carbohydrates - the rest, in the last week proteins are reduced to a maximum, and carbohydrates to a minimum, fats remain, you yourself can determine the ideal ratio depending on your own shape and well-being.

Photos of girls before and after drying

The female body is considered harmonious if it has the correct and beautiful proportions, disharmony is provided by extra pounds. In order to always stay in the first state, nutritionists recommend monitoring nutrition, so if you need to “dry” your body, you should follow a competent menu, compiled specifically for each girl and designed for at least a month.

The main words that need to be learned are rigor and discipline.

In order for weight loss to have a positive result, you must strictly adhere to the following principles:

Drying the body is a real challenge for the body, so it is important for girls to stay motivated all month. In order to stick to the menu and not break loose, it is allowed to replace one meal once a week with your favorite food or drink: pizza, bun, beer.

Habitual sweets can be replaced with protein bars and smoothies that do not contain carbohydrates and fats. Besides, photos taken before the diet will help maintain motivation, because it will be so nice to compare the result in a month.

Expected results: photos before and after drying

There are 3 main products:

  • egg whites- a quick and affordable product that does not contain fats and cholesterol;
  • oatmeal- charges with the necessary energy, in addition, it is rich in fiber and has a low sugar content;
  • green vegetables- help to get enough, dull the feeling of hunger, are rich in substances necessary for the body during weight loss: amino acids, vitamins, trace elements.

Among the proteins you can use:

  • chicken fillet, white fish(tilapia, pollock),
  • squid fillet, cottage cheese (5%).

Allowed carbohydrates:

  • buckwheat,
  • Brown rice,
  • beans (peas, lentils, chickpeas),
  • whole grain pasta,
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears), berries.

Unsaturated fats:

  • fish (trout, salmon) and fish oil,
  • linseed or olive oil.

Nutritionists draw attention to the fact that the following products must be completely excluded from the diet:


Any diet is stressful for the body, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting it.

In general, drying the body is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • in the presence of a deficiency of muscle mass;
  • during times of stress.

Body drying menu for girls for a month

Drying the body is usually calculated for a month: for girls, this is a great opportunity to prepare for an important event. The menu is signed for weeks and days in advance, this will make it more diverse and include all the necessary products. The following is a sample diet that can be used after consultation with a nutritionist.

First week

The first week is considered the most difficult, as the body needs to adjust to the new kind nutrition.

During this period, carbohydrate intake should not exceed 2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight., therefore, the menu should contain cereals (rice, buckwheat), vegetables and fruits, fish and chicken meat (turkey), dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, sometimes cheese), fresh herbs, citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit).

Second week

In the second week of the monthly drying of the body, the menu undergoes the following change: 1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight girls . It is recommended to consume them before the evening meal. For dinner, only protein foods are suitable - fermented milk products.

Third week

The third week is characterized by the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight, fruits are completely removed from the diet.

Fourth week

The fourth week is complete rejection of carbohydrates.

All that's left is protein
in addition, carrots are removed from the diet.

Training during the drying period

Drying the body for girls (the menu for the month is presented above) involves mandatory physical training. This is necessary in order not to lose muscle mass.

The gym is recommended to visit 3 times a week. At the same time, once a week they prefer power loads that will help build muscle mass. Such exercises are performed with dumbbells or a barbell. In the remaining 2 days, you need to do cardio, aerobics, exercises with several approaches.

The body drying program for girls, in addition to following the diet scheduled in the monthly menu, includes classes in the gym with a predominance of strength exercises.

The workout should include running / walking on a treadmill, jumping rope, swinging legs in various positions. Training can also be done at home, here they are suitable: shuttle running, cycling, jumping rope, swimming.

During training, all muscle groups should be occupied:

  1. For arms and shoulders. Lifting the bar for biceps, bench press, swings and curls with dumbbells, exercises in a block simulator.
  2. For chest. Bench press / dumbbell lying, push-ups, exercises in a block simulator.
  3. For the back. Pull-ups on the crossbar, vertical and horizontal traction, pullover from the upper block with a rope handle.
  4. For the press. All kinds of vacuums, crunches, bike, leg raises.
  5. For legs and buttocks. Barbell/dumbbell squats, lunges, Romanian deadlifts, adductions and leg raises.

Expected results

The diet in question, subject to its exact implementation, allows you to lose up to 2.5 kg per week. In general, the loss of 1 - 1.5 kg per week is considered the norm. You need to fix the results 1 time per week, while it is recommended to weigh yourself at the same time without clothes.

If after 7 days there is no positive dynamics, then it is necessary to work on the errors. First of all, nutritionists recommend increasing cardio load: perform exercises 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. The next step is to drastically reduce carbohydrates from 2g to 1g (0.5g).

If after such changes the weight does not go away, you should contact a nutritionist.

"Exit" from fat burning mode

It's important to know that it is impossible to abruptly resume the usual diet, as the weight will rapidly return, from the diet you need to go smoothly. If after 30 days the desired result is achieved, then to consolidate it, you need to start moving in the opposite direction: from the last week to the first, while training can be reduced to 2 times a week.

If there is no desired result, then in the future, nutritionists recommend sticking to the menu for 4 weeks and continuing to train as usual. After passing a monthly course of drying the body and completely leaving the diet, to maintain beautiful figure girls should follow the following recommendations when compiling the menu:

  • cook an omelette with whole grain bread for breakfast;
  • replace the usual dinner with sour-milk products;
  • instead of sweets, use protein bars and shakes;
  • reduce the amount of bad fats.

A properly organized weight loss process will help not only get rid of extra pounds but also improve overall well-being. Drying the body allows you to get back to normal in just a month, while it does not require great sacrifices, the main thing is to adhere to its basic rules.

Video about drying the body for girls: menu for the day, week, results for the month

Drying the body for girls: what is it, basic principles, contraindications:

Drying for girls: menu for the day:

Drying results for the month:

Perfect body - cherished desire almost every girl on earth. And in this sense, all means are good: diets, fasting, exhausting physical activity, counting calories per day, etc. To one of the methods effective weight loss includes drying the body for girls, which implies both a certain diet (diet) and sports training with an emphasis on certain exercises. What is drying the body, how long does it last, how to carry it out correctly, you will learn in more detail in the article.

What is body drying and how long does it take?

The concept of body drying is more related to sports: when professional bodybuilders are preparing for various competitions, they need to dry their body so that the relief of all pumped muscles is better drawn. With the help of a special diet, they achieve results by eliminating carbohydrate foods, reducing calories consumed. In this way they dry the body and get rid of subcutaneous fat, reducing it to almost nothing by not losing a single gram of muscle mass.

This method of losing weight has recently become popular among ordinary girls who do not like to run their body. However, it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because correct methods body drying is studied for years. Drying properly means actively losing fat, not liquid, and also managing to make sure that the fat layer is transformed into muscles.

Drying for girls is based on, due to this, muscle growth occurs, and thanks to a certain regimen, the rejection of carbohydrates and sports, active fat burning will occur. The duration of drying the body should not exceed more than five weeks, because. vitamins and essential substances contained in carbohydrates are necessary for our body. Therefore, over time, you will have to return them back to the diet.

Drying is important for the body, in which you will always adhere to. Yes, it happens that sometimes you want something so “harmful”, but it’s one thing when you allow yourself liberties in food very rarely, and another when you constantly eat harmful food. However, even with the worst nutritional scenarios, after drying the body, the weight will begin to return much later than after other diets, because the basis for losing weight and drying is not the loss of body fluid.

Rules for drying the body at home

The most important thing in drying the body for girls is a smooth transition to a protein diet with a gradual restriction of carbohydrates and their subsequent exclusion. Drying the body is a very strict diet. When athletes do this, they are helped by trainers who make up an individual diet, focus on certain physical exercises. Given the above, in order for drying to occur correctly at home, girls need to follow certain recommendations:

  1. The basis is taken, in which the following foods are eaten: sea fish, cottage cheese, boiled chicken meat, egg white, veal. You can eat them without restrictions, because only protein will allow you to lose weight, not lose muscle mass, and gain relief (dry).
  2. In order to balance the nutrition with the minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body, it is important not to completely exclude fats during drying. It won't hurt a large number of additives, pharmacy vitamins for effective drying.
  3. During the drying of the body for girls, it is important to carefully monitor the amount of carbohydrate food eaten so as not to go beyond the allowable maximum. Write down the menu, calculate with a calculator and your allowable minimum.
  4. Carry the meal, which includes carbohydrates, to the first half of the day. At this time, the body is at the peak of activity and is able to digest them into the necessary energy. Give the second half of the day of your menu exclusively to protein foods.
  5. If you are doing body drying at home, it is unacceptable to take long breaks between meals. The best option is to eat every three to four hours. Breakfast must be included in the menu of your every day during drying.
  6. For the effectiveness of the diet, physical activity is necessary. Use fitness, your favorite types of training, because sport is the first and indispensable assistant V efficient drying for girls.
  7. You can not abruptly leave the diet. If yesterday you ate strictly on a diet, and your course ends tomorrow, it is unacceptable to start eating everything. This is fraught with serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.
  8. This diet is contraindicated for girls who have diabetes, problems with the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, pregnant and lactating.

Special diets and diet

There are special diets for drying the body for girls and a strict diet. In addition to the protein diet, a carbohydrate-free diet is used during the drying period,. Consumed food products are taken strictly in a certain amount and on schedule. It will not hurt you to get acquainted in more detail with the mentioned nutrition programs, to understand whether it is worth sparing yourself or whether it is necessary to strictly distinguish between products that are harmful and useful when drying the body. It is also worth consulting with your doctor.

Intermittent fasting

Many girls do not welcome fasting. However, if you do everything right, follow the recommendations, fasting will not only not cause harm, it will help your body faster, properly dry the body. Moreover, you won’t have to starve for a long time: for the whole day, refusing food takes 16 hours in total, and in the remaining eight you will eat. It will look like this:

  • Waking up at eight in the morning, you do not have breakfast.
  • The first time you have a meal is two in the afternoon.
  • The next time is eight o'clock.

Strictly calculate the time: for example, if you got up at ten, then you need to eat the first time of the day at four in the afternoon, and the second at ten in the evening. You can eat anything from the variety offered by the protein diet. Also include in the diet, for example, buckwheat, oatmeal.

"Carb-Free" Diet

A carbohydrate-free diet is a tough stage for drying the body for girls, which requires an absolute rejection of even small joys, such as chocolate. However, beginners need to smoothly approach such a diet using protein nutrition with a smart combination of some carbohydrate foods initially, for example:

  1. The first thing you do is completely eradicate all sweets, fast foods, starchy foods. These are all so-called, which instantly appear in the form of fat deposits on the hips, abdomen, etc. It is permissible to eat cereals, rye pasta. You are allowed to eat carbohydrates daily up to 3 grams for every kilogram of your body. So we live exactly one week.
  2. Then you complicate your task and gradually begin to remove carbohydrates: this time, exclude flour from consumption for now, but leave cereals. You follow such a nutrition program for two weeks, on the last of which you eat carbohydrates slowly and only until lunch. The calculation of carbohydrates per day is two grams for every kilogram of your weight.
  3. The third stage will last a whole month and the consumption of carbohydrates during this period is reduced to one gram per kilogram, and by the end it will be reduced to nothing at all. Eat daily food with fewer calories than your norm requires.

Diet menu for girls and women

Any girl or woman will definitely need to make a menu if she decides to use this method of losing weight. Therefore, below, study an approximate three-day diet that will help in effective drying or serve good example in drawing up your individual diet for the purpose of drying the body. It takes into account all the previous recommendations about the use of slow carbohydrates, the maximum use of protein products:

1 option:

  • For breakfast, prepare a small portion of oatmeal, eat a banana, drink green tea.
  • For lunch, cook vegetable cream soup, boil 200 grams of veal.
  • For dinner, boil or steam a two-hundred-gram piece of red fish, eat with vegetables.

Option 2:

  • For breakfast, prepare a protein omelet, eat grapefruit, drink green tea.
  • For lunch, eat a portion of boiled chicken meat, cook buckwheat for a side dish, and yogurt for dessert.
  • For dinner, make a vegetable salad, eat 100 grams of cottage cheese (low-fat).

3 option:

  • Breakfast with oatmeal with two boiled eggs, drink green tea with honey.
  • Dine on buckwheat with boiled turkey, eat later a small portion of fat-free cottage cheese (up to 100 g).
  • For dinner, stew a portion of white fish (200 g), eat with vegetables, then drink a glass of kefir.

List of allowed products

The list of products shown below will help you in compiling an individual one, facilitate the process of scheduling the days and hours of meals, and diversify your diet as much as possible. You will understand that cutting the body is not as difficult as other diets, because it includes a large number of permitted and tasty foods. The list itself is approximate, you will learn to vary it in the course of the diet. So, it has:

  • Meat of dietary grades (chicken, beef).
  • Sea fish and seafood.
  • Protein chicken egg. This is preferable to the whole egg.
  • Low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, hard cheese with reduced fat content.
  • Apples in any form, berries, fruits.
  • Kashi of three types (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • Vegetables, mushrooms.
  • Legumes.

Video: Body Drying Recipes

Don't worry about the common misconception that diet-cooked food won't taste good and you'll literally gag for the next five weeks. There are a huge number of excellent recipes that are successfully used not only in the diet of girls during the drying of the body, but also in the restaurant industry. Our video will help you to adopt several delicious recipes ideal for drying the body for girls.

The term "body drying" is more often encountered by professional athletes. Bodybuilders before competitions are forced to make extra efforts to emphasize the beauty of inflated muscles. The destruction of the subcutaneous layer of fat helps to make the forms more prominent without losing muscle mass. Drying the body for girls at home is also popular - after these manipulations, the figure looks fit, athletic.

Certain physical exercises and proper food are the “two pillars” that underlie the fight against subcutaneous fat. Technically, nothing complicated. You can do without going to the gym by organizing classes in own apartment. You also need to carefully consider the schedule of meals. When drying, fractional nutrition is recommended with an increase in the proportion of proteins (due to carbohydrates and fats).

Preparing to "drain" fat: what you need to know BEFORE dieting?

The first step is to recognize the fact that drying is not a program for fast weight loss. It helps to "start" metabolic processes, which is beneficial in the fight against excess weight, but the loss of muscle mass and dehydration of the body are unacceptable. Fashionable gadgets (like special shorts or electronic stimulators) should be put aside. Forget about diuretic and carminative teas, simultaneously increasing the amount of fluid received from two to three liters per day.

The main thing is to keep a strict record of the daily calories swallowed and burned. The balance must be negative, which means that you need to spend more than you receive. For the calculation, you will need an individual nutrition diary and, according to which the daily diet is to be compiled. It is also advisable to acquire electronic scales that will help control the amount of food received.

If such mathematics is not to your liking (or beyond your strength), you can use the services of professionals in the field of sports nutrition. There is special food for athletes, which is selected directly to the needs of a person - to build or maintain muscle mass, lose weight, optimize metabolic processes, and dry the body. Ready-made diets are made taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, you can choose a vegetarian menu or therapeutic nutrition for chronic diseases.

Attention! During drying, athletes use special cocktails with a high content of amino acids and proteins, but at home, you should refrain from their uncontrolled use.

General principles of nutrition when drying the body at home

The transition to the protein menu should be smooth. Sharply abandoning fats and carbohydrates, you can significantly harm the body. So the first step is preparation for drying. Within a month, you should reduce the consumption of flour and sweets, gradually coming to the complete exclusion from the menu of sugar, jam-cookies and other "harmful" desserts.

By the beginning of drying, the diet will also need to be “freed” from:

  • animal fats (butter, lard), replacing them with vegetable ones;
  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages and all kinds of fast food;
  • fried potatoes (the product is allowed only occasionally, for example, in the form of a couple of spoons of mashed potatoes);
  • sweets, jams, cakes;
  • pickles, marinades, spices - in large quantities.
  • soda (primarily sweet).

In no case should carbohydrates be completely destroyed, but their source should be cereals, occasionally pasta (preferably from durum wheat). Experts also recommend carbohydrate foods to consume in the first half of the day. You should start the day with a glass of mineral water without gas - this will help push the metabolism in the right direction.

Further meals are organized by the hour, preferably at exactly the same time. Compliance with the schedule is important to speed up metabolic processes. If you drank water at 8-00, then the first breakfast will be at 9-00, the second breakfast at 11-00, lunch at about 14-00. And so on, every two to three hours, a small portion of food - enough to not experience excruciating hunger until the next snack.

What products can and should be used for nutrition during drying?

  • Meat. You can’t do without it with a protein diet, but you need to choose low-fat varieties - chicken, beef, rabbit, lean veal. In boiled or steam form.
  • Fish - dryish, such as cod or pollock. It can be in the form of cutlets (without adding fat), hodgepodges baked in foil.
  • Seafood in small quantities - shrimp, squid.
  • Low-fat varieties of cottage cheese and kefir, homemade yogurt without added sweetness and preservatives.
  • Eggs (mainly egg white) - boiled or as part of ready-made dishes.
  • Cereals, beans.
  • Fresh berries and fruits (with a low calorie content), almost any vegetables.
  • Green tea - as a substitute for morning coffee.

In general, you have to calculate your diet in such a way that its total calorie content per day does not exceed 1800 Kcal. At the same time, protein (fish, meat) should be received about 120-130g. This is a fairly large portion that can be divided into two or three meals (of course, in combination with a side dish).

Such manipulations have contraindications - pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cardiovascular system, diabetes. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting. The duration of drying does not exceed 2-4 weeks, the increase in terms is a big burden for the body. This can lead to negative health effects.

Approximate drying menu for girls for two weeks

Having survived the period of gradual restriction of carbohydrates, we proceed directly to drying. For some, seven days will be enough for the muscle relief to become clearly visible. For some it will take two or three weeks. It all depends on the size of the subcutaneous fat layer.

We remind you: you will have to eat on drying more often than usual, but little by little. The proposed sample menu can be easily adjusted to suit your own taste preferences using the list of allowed products. The first "meal" by default is the same - a glass of water immediately after waking up.

Day 1, Monday

  • Breakfast (8 am) - two toasts with chicken breast slices.
  • Second breakfast (10 am) – buckwheat, seasoned with olive oil, scrambled eggs from 1 whole egg and 2 proteins.

Between the second breakfast and lunch, it is advisable to conduct a workout. Eating - half an hour after the end of sports activities.

  • Lunch (13-14 hours) - mashed potatoes, fish cake, coleslaw and tomato salad with butter.
  • Afternoon snack (4 p.m.) - banana, a piece of cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner (18 hours) - vegetable stew with beef.
  • The second dinner (20 hours) - kefir.

When drying, the last meal should be an hour before bedtime. Accordingly, if the “lights out” is scheduled for 22-00, then the second dinner can be moved an hour later.

Day 2, Tuesday

  • Black bread toast, two boiled eggs.
  • Oatmeal in meat broth, fresh apple.
  • Pasta, beef or veal stroganoff, radish salad with green onions and dill.
  • A handful of dried fruits, yogurt.
  • Two peppers stuffed with meat and carrots.
  • A glass of ryazhenka.

Day 3, Wednesday

  • Borodino bread sandwich with cucumber and salted salmon.
  • Syrniki.
  • Wheat porridge, rabbit stew with stewed cabbage.
  • Fresh pear, some almonds.
  • Squid meatballs, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Yogurt.

Day 4, Thursday

  • Oatmeal casserole with apple.
  • Cereal with yogurt.
  • Lenten mushroom borscht, some crackers.
  • Curd with greens.
  • Veal chop in onion sauce, buckwheat.
  • Vegetable smoothie.

Day 5, Friday

  • Omelet with tomatoes.
  • Buckwheat with milk.
  • Braised veal in tomato sauce, spaghetti.
  • Yogurt.
  • Chicken with beans and mushrooms.
  • Fruit puree.

Day 6, Saturday

  • Low fat cheese sandwich.
  • Pumpkin porridge with rice.
  • Codfish casserole with vegetables, mashed potatoes.
  • Yogurt.
  • Meat cutlet, tomato and cucumber salad.
  • Apple.

Day 7, Sunday

  • Boiled chicken toast, green peas.
  • Salad with potatoes, herbs and chicken breast.
  • Solyanka from fresh cabbage with veal.
  • Two bananas.
  • Chicken meatballs, broccoli.
  • Kefir.

Day 8, Monday

  • Semolina.
  • Boiled egg salad with corn and crab sticks.
  • Kharcho soup with beef.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Cod baked with vegetables.
  • Cottage cheese.

Day 9, Tuesday

  • Sandwich with sprats and cucumber.
  • Rice casserole with banana.
  • Green borscht with egg.
  • Kefir.
  • Veal ragout with mushrooms and cabbage.
  • Fruit smoothie.

Day 10, Wednesday

  • Oatmeal with yogurt.
  • Boiled meat, a slice of black bread, fresh tomato.
  • Squid stuffed with rice and egg.
  • Yogurt.
  • Beans stewed with beef.
  • Vegetable smoothie.

Day 11, Thursday

  • Rice with jelly.
  • Fish baked in foil with onion and lemon.
  • Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • Eggplants in the oven with rabbit meat.
  • Apple.

Day 12, Friday

  • Curd with prunes.
  • Toast with chicken fillet and lettuce.
  • Baked mushrooms stuffed with chicken and green onions, buckwheat porridge.
  • Pear or avocado.
  • Grilled vegetables, steamed pink salmon.
  • Yogurt.

Day 13, Saturday

  • Syrniki.
  • Omelet with greens.
  • Pollock under carrot-onion marinade, boiled rice.
  • Pumpkin casserole.
  • Salad of squid, carrots and seaweed.
  • Apple.

Day 14, Sunday

  • Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms.
  • Yogurt, apple.
  • Pea soup, rye croutons.
  • Omelet with greens.
  • Rice with egg and shrimps, radish salad with cucumbers.
  • Kefir.

The estimated portion of the carbohydrate side dish (pasta, porridge, mashed potatoes) is 40-50 g. Also, 200 ml of yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, smoothies are used for one meal. Cottage cheese - 150 g, meat or fish - 100-120 g. Salt - a minimum. It is advisable to refuse sugar altogether, seasoning cereals with a drop of honey or sweet fruits. Salads are best dressed with cold-pressed olive oil.

Daily weighing during drying is mandatory, but the result of the first week will be indicative. If, with a sufficient amount of water drunk, the total weight loss exceeds 1 kg, it can be assumed that not only fat, but also muscle tissue “melts”. Perhaps you are not getting enough carbohydrates - slightly increase their proportion.

Weight loss during drying should range from 500-900 g dropped per week. This result says - you are doing everything right, you can continue in the same vein. If the scales say that only 200-300 g is lost (or the weight has not changed at all), carbohydrates in the diet should be cut even more. Plus - carefully recalculate the calorie content of your food with a calculator.

Physical exercises day by day - a half-month schedule

It is best to allocate a fixed time for enhanced sports loads. For example, an hour before lunch. It is not recommended to exercise on a full stomach, it is unproductive and harmful. It is necessary, if possible, to alternate power and aerobic loads.

The course schedule is as follows:

  • three times a week (for example, on Monday-Thursday-Saturday) circular training is performed for all muscle groups;
  • twice (for example, on Tuesday and Friday) instead of exercises, it is recommended to run for 40-50 minutes at a moderate pace, go in for walking, visit the pool, go skating or rollerblading;
  • the remaining two days a week - take a break from additional loads.

Attention! When drying, you can not abuse the intensity of exercise, coupled with a change in diet, this can lead to a deterioration in well-being. The desire to see an instant result at the cost of exhaustion and loss of tone will give not a beautiful, toned body, but a bunch of diseases.

What should circuit training be like? We suggest using a set of exercises that are repeated several times during the "sports hour". These are the “circles”, between which two-minute pauses should be made for rest and relaxation. Separate exercises should also be diluted with small breaks (40-60 seconds each) to restore breathing.

First week - 6 exercises, four circles

Exercise 1 - squats (on each circle - 20 repetitions)

The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel to each other. Performing a deep squat, the arms should be placed outstretched in front of the chest (fingers can be woven into the castle). Do not bend your back, keep it straight.

Exercise 2 - push-ups (10 in a circle)

An exercise familiar from school years. The key to his success is correct technique. Bending your elbows at about 90 degrees, you should touch the floor with your chest, not your stomach. The back is straight from the shoulders to the heels, tense, stretched out in line. The buttocks cannot be raised.

Exercise 3 - hyperextensions (20 times in each circle)

Lie on your stomach on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows, bring your fingers behind your head. Legs - emphasis on socks. Raise the upper part of the body, tearing it off the horizontal surface as far as possible. Hold for a couple of seconds, slowly return to the starting position. During the exercise, the legs cannot be raised, the deflection in the lower back is the maximum possible.

Exercise 4 - burpee (5 repetitions in a circle)

Starting position - standing, legs wider than shoulders. Bending down, touch the floor with your palms. With a jump, we take an emphasis lying down, perform push-ups, completely laying the torso in a horizontal position. Raising the body, we return to the “tilt, hands on the floor” position. We leave this rack with a jump, making a clap with our hands above our heads. We count claps.

Exercise 5 - sit-ups (25 reps)

Starting position: lie on the floor with your arms straight up behind your head. Bend your knees, feet wide apart. Due to the muscles of the press, raise the body to a sitting position, touch the floor between the legs with the hands and forearms. Then gently lower your torso back to the starting position. Perform the exercise calmly, without jerking, do not move or lift the feet.

Exercise 6 - plank (1 minute)

Forearm support bent arms and the tips of the feet. The brushes are open, lying on the floor. The back is absolutely straight, without deflections, sagging. The press is tense. Breathing is free, rhythmic.

After completing the first round, rest for two minutes. Then we repeat all the exercises a second, third and fourth time.

These exercises can be done three times a week. If desired, bring the number of circles to 5-6. Strengthen the effect by jumping rope. And so continue throughout the drying. Or choose a reinforced option, changing the exercise in circles, making strength training more regular. If you want to give it your all, then the second week we start with new circles.

Second week - by day of the week

Monday - 5 circles of 4 exercises

  • No. 1 - push-ups (15 repetitions in a row).
  • No. 2 - squats with jumping (20 times).

The same as regular squats, only you should return to the starting position not smoothly, but in a jump, trying to tear your feet off the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows, brought together in front of the chest.

  • No. 3 - jumping jack (50 repetitions).

Starting position - standing on the floor, legs together, arms lowered along the body. Jump to spread your legs to the sides (as wide as possible), slightly bending your knees. At this point, raise your arms, and clap above your head. Jump back to starting position.

  • No. 4 - "climber" (50 repetitions).

Starting position - emphasis on the floor on the toes and hands of straightened arms (as before starting push-ups). The shoulder girdle is immobile. Legs in turn bend at the knees, pull up to the chest. The body can be turned slightly towards the fly leg.

Tuesday - 2-part exercises (3 circles of 3 exercises + 5 circles of 2 exercises)

First part:

  • No. 1 - burpee (10).
  • No. 2 - sitaps (30).
  • No. 3 - squats (20).

Then a two-minute rest and the second part:

  • No. 1 - push-ups (15).
  • No. 2 - bar (in each circle for 30 seconds).

Wednesday - 5 circles of 3 exercises + 6 circles of 2 exercises

First part:

  • No. 1 - jumping jack (20).
  • No. 2 - burpee (10).
  • No. 3 - jump squats (10).

The second part (after a minute of rest) - the circles themselves and the exercises go without interruption:

  • No. 1 - plank (30 seconds).
  • No. 2 - high chair (30 seconds).

You can do it against the wall. To do this, you need to snuggle up to a flat vertical surface back. Then, bending your knees to an angle of 90 degrees, slide down the wall as if you were sitting down on a chair. Do not tear off the shoulder blades from the support, do not lift the feet. Stay in this position for required time. With sufficient training, the “high chair” can be done without support.

Thursday - one part, consisting of 5 circles of 5 exercises

  • No. 1 - push-ups (15).
  • No. 2 - squats (15).
  • No. 3 - push-ups for triceps (10).

Starting position - with your back to a stable chair, hands wound back, firmly holding on to the seat. Emphasis on the heels of the legs, hips on weight. Bending your elbows at a right angle, lower your buttocks as close to the floor as possible - and return to the starting position.

  • No. 4 - sitaps (20).
  • No. 5 - "climbers" (50).

Friday - 5 rounds of 2 exercises, then 2 minutes of rest + 5 circles of 2 exercises + burpees (30 times)

First part:

  • No. 1 - jumping jack (40).
  • No. 2 - plank (half a minute).

Second part:

  • No. 1 - squats (20).
  • No. 2 - "climber" (40).

The third part:

  • No. 1 - burpee (30).

Saturday - two exercises for time

  • No. 1 - sit for a minute in a chair.
  • #2 - Do burpees for two minutes non-stop.

Sunday is a day off

Similarly, you can make a schedule for the third and fourth week - if the drying is still ongoing. The principle does not change: on average, there are two parts per day, each consists of 4-6 circles, and they, in turn, consist of 2-4 exercises that you have already used before. With each week, the intensity of training increases at least 1-2 times in seven days.

Attention! During exercise, the heart rate should be monitored. The optimal heart rate during physical exertion is within 120 beats per minute. At the same time, there should be no pain behind the sternum, severe shortness of breath, bouts of nausea, fainting.

Crazy drying exercises for the fastest effect

With an average sports training, aerobic training in combination with circular complexes will be quite enough. Girls who are in great physical form, can make drying more efficient with additional loads. They represent the daily performance of one exercise for a specific muscle group with a large number of repetitions. For example:

  • Monday - 700 squats.
  • Tuesday - 300 pushups.
  • Wednesday - 600 lunges with a change of legs in a jump.

With this exercise, the starting position is the left leg is extended as far forward as possible, bent at the knee, the second is also bent, but the knee looks towards the floor. Performing a low jump, you should change the position of the legs so that the right knee is in front.

  • Thursday - 200 burpees.
  • Friday - 1000 climbing movements.
  • Saturday - burpee for a minute and a half without stopping, as quickly as possible, more often, with maximum impact.
  • Sunday is rest.

An important point. Before starting strength training, it is imperative (in order to avoid injury) to perform a general warm-up. It may include walking in place with a high rise in the hips, swinging arms, bending over, turning the head and body in circles. It is necessary to stretch and tone all muscle groups - from the neck to the toes.

Girls who take care of their figure and are professionally involved in sports, in order to achieve a beautiful relief, regularly do special exercises. And these systematic exercises are called “drying”.

To achieve this effect, emphasis must be placed on proper nutrition. Almost all carbohydrates are removed from the diet, due to which the accumulated, internal fat deposits are intensively burned. However, not all so simple. A carefully balanced diet and properly selected physical exercises are not enough to achieve a truly amazing sculpted body. It is necessary to adhere to some rules, as well as take into account contraindications. After all, not every girl, due to her individual state of health, can resort to drying her figure.

Drying is used when the muscular system is well developed, but at the same time there is not the same desired relief. Many people confuse this process with the removal of excess fluid from the body. This is wrong. Drying means increased burning of subcutaneous fat. The duration of such a process can take up to five weeks, but no more.

The very first two weeks can be considered the initial stage, and they are called input. During this period, the body seems to get used to a new diet and to a changed diet. physical activity. But the last two weeks are considered days off. They help to return to the previous menu again so that the body does not experience stress and does not provoke a re-gain of lost kilograms. It turns out that the third week becomes the most difficult, when the girl is faced with the maximum load.

In order for the drying to go right and at the same time the girl gets the desired result, some recommendations must be followed. You will have to change both nutrition and the usual set of exercises. The diet will mainly consist of protein products. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced gradually so as not to provoke a stressful situation for the whole organism.

In doing so, the following principles should be taken into account:

  1. When performing exercises, strength training should prevail. This will not allow the muscles to decrease in volume. But for enhanced burning of subcutaneous fat, you will have to connect aerobic exercises.
  2. by the most the best option will be cardio training, taking place three times a week. Each of them should have a duration of half an hour, but over time, the specified time should be gradually increased to 60 minutes.
  3. During drying, you should not completely exclude fats from your diet. In this case, it is imperative to take a mineral or vitamin complex in order to ensure the intake of important microelements into the body. Otherwise, health problems may begin later.
  4. While drying the body, girls should focus on protein nutrition. But you don’t need to avoid carbohydrates with fear either. Their number should be minimal, but they can be present in the diet. At the same time, they should be consumed in the morning, so that the body has time to process them into energy. And do not forget that carbohydrates are fast and slow. The latter should be given preference.

Drying exercises

A set of exercises for those who are just starting to "dry" their body should consist of cardio training. To carry them out, you will need the following devices:

  • dumbbells for strength training;
  • horizontal bar;
  • jump rope.

The maximum amount of subcutaneous fat is consumed during circuit training. Class time should be 45 minutes a day. Circular home workouts should be alternated with running and days of passive rest.

  • The first, fourth, sixth day - circuit training.
  • On Tuesday and Friday you need to run in slow pace 45 minutes. The best time to go for a run is in the morning before breakfast. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water 20 minutes before jogging.
  • Wednesday, as well as Sunday are days for complete relaxation and rest.

home program exercise is the following set:

Each training circle can be completed with a short break lasting half a minute. But between the exercises themselves, a pause is not recommended. And in the following weeks of drying, the number of training circles should be gradually increased.


  • First week
  • Second week
  • Third week
  • Fourth week

During the first week, it is preferable to consume whole grain cereals. At the same time, such a dish should be prepared without the use of oil and without the addition of spices and salt. As a protein food ideal option will be chicken breast (only boiled), white fish that can be baked in the oven. You can also eat egg white and squid. In addition to protein and carbohydrates, fats should also be present in the menu, but not more than 20% of the total volume of other substances.

Breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal boiled only in water, one hard-boiled egg and tea without sugar.
Snack: dried fruits (one handful) and in this case it is better to focus on dried apricots, prunes or figs.
Dinner: 100 g of buckwheat porridge and two chicken egg whites.
Afternoon snack: you can eat 40 g of nuts and two medium bananas.
Dinner: 100 g boiled shrimp, salad with white cabbage, cucumbers and herbs, seasoned with a moderate amount of olive or corn oil.
Before bedtime: 150 g of zero-fat cottage cheese, to which 50 g of blueberries are added.

The entire first week consists of a similar diet. At the same time, do not forget about sufficient fluid intake.

From the second week, carbohydrates are reduced, and their total volume should not exceed one gram per kilogram of a person's weight. But the amount of complete protein, on the contrary, in the diet should be increased to 80%. At the same time, the loads themselves increase. The menu should consist of low-fat dairy products and meat, lean products, fish and fresh vegetables, as well as enough greens. Salt and fruits with a high sugar content are excluded from the menu during the second week.
Breakfast: omelette made with four eggs and 125 ml skimmed milk.
Snack: a slice of tofu, two slices of bran bread and unsweetened tea.
Dinner: boil 150 g of turkey (it is better to choose lean pieces), broccoli, tomatoes and cauliflower baked in foil.
Afternoon snack: 100 g chicken fillet and two slices of whole grain bread.
Dinner: salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and cabbage, as well as 150 g of pink salmon.
Before bedtime: three whites of boiled eggs.

It is considered the most severe week in the drying period. The proportion of carbohydrates is immediately reduced to 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight. Almost the entire diet consists of low-fat milk and dairy products, egg white and boiled chicken breast. Bran can be added to this list. The amount of water drunk per day should not exceed 1.5 liters.

Breakfast: two pancakes stuffed with trout fillet (salmon).
Snack: three chicken proteins and two bananas.
Dinner: 50 g of durum wheat pasta, 150 g of boiled beef and a plate of fresh vegetables.
Afternoon snack: after class, you should drink a protein shake and eat one apple and one banana.
Dinner: 100 g stewed squid and baked pumpkin.
Before bedtime: 150 g of cottage cheese or fat-free kefir, and another 50 g of blueberries.

For better job organism in such a period it is recommended to drink a complex of multivitamins.

During this period, you should follow the diet of the second week.

Breakfast: 100 g oatmeal, filled with two glasses of milk, candied fruit.
Snack: three chicken proteins, 50 g of canned peas and the same amount of canned corn.
Dinner: 150 g turkey fillet and salad ( bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce).
Afternoon snack: a jar of natural yogurt without fruit additives.
Dinner: 150 g chicken fillet, stewed vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, pepper, cauliflower).
Before bedtime: a little fat-free cottage cheese.

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