Encyclopedia of fire safety

What interior doors are the best in quality. Choosing interior doors to an apartment: nuances, criteria, expert advice. Other types of coatings - laminate, laminatin and varnish

As a rule, the choice of interior doors is left at the very end of the repair, when cosmetic work has already been completed, and the furniture has been assembled, and they do it without too much thought. However, not right choice interior doors can ruin the entire interior. To avoid stylistic dissonance and further usage problems, we have put together a few tips for you to help you make the right choice. And interior designer Maria Solovieva-Sosnovik will give us comments.

Opening method

First you need to decide what type of doors you would like to see in your apartment: swing doors (the most popular option that we are used to; its minus is that these doors require a place to open), pendulum doors (they never close tightly and are more typical for public spaces), sliding sliding doors or accordion doors (not the most aesthetic option, but very space-saving).

It makes no sense to show you classic swing doors, so let's talk about other options. Several times during the reporting we saw sliding doors. So, the owners made wooden doors to order. The disadvantage of this model is poor sound insulation. The main thing when choosing good mechanism, which will allow the door to slide easily and at the same time fix the position.

In the Scandinavian style, sliding white doors with glass inserts are the most expensive element in the apartment, but they create the mood in the house, according to the owners themselves.

We happened to see accordion doors only once - in a two-room apartment. The hostess Irina installed such doors due to the fact that there is very little space in the apartment, and she did not want to lose the precious meters that form when opening classic doors. Although we know 9 ways to make it functional.

Durability and functionality

Appearance and the method of opening the door are, of course, very important, but do not forget that we use the doors every day, and how they will look and work after a year or more is a fundamentally important issue. The most wear-resistant doors are made of hardwood (oak, beech, cherry). Coniferous species require replacement of the varnish coating after some time.

“If the door is a single panel, choose an MDF base: it retains its shape during operation. Do you want a door by all means natural wood? In this case, it should consist of strapping and panels to avoid deformation under the influence of heat / cold, humidity / dryness.

Door selection rules from Maria Solovieva-Sosnovik:

  • Doors must be of the same type and height throughout the apartment, with the same handles. It's good to make a panel on front door, coinciding with interior doors - the space takes on a complete and complete look.
  • The creative concept may also include multi-colored doors with different handles. Then the doors should be the same shape, so that it is clear that this is exactly the concept.
  • The secret of an expensive outfit is good shoes or a bag; secret good repair- quality doors. Provide a separate budget line for doors and handles. Even when repainting the walls or replacing the wallpaper, as with a change of outfit, the doors will last a long time and will keep a great look.
  • It is better to order the installation of doors in the company where you get them. In this case, the seller's guarantee will apply and it will be possible to avoid conflicts on the topic: “No, these are your doors that are crooked! “No, it’s your hands that are crooked.”

What else is worth knowing and considering when choosing:

  • It is better not to install doors with glass inserts in the bedroom or in the nursery: the light from the corridor can interfere with sleep.
  • It is better not to choose doors with mirror or glass inserts that go straight to the floor: they often get dirty at the bottom, and chipping is common (especially if you have small children who may well lead their toy tanks to ram the door).
  • Doors should match the style of the interior. In such cases, eclecticism should be approached very carefully: barn doors are unlikely to look good in a classic interior.
  • The switch on the wrong side of the door is sad mistake during repair. In order not to run into a situation in which you have to go into dark room and bypass the door in order to turn on the light, remember: the switch must be on the side of the handle of the closed door.
  • Doors for painting, merging in color with the walls, visually expand the space.

Showroom developer A101

Odnushka on Dubrovka

Action sequences

And finally small cheat sheet according to the sequence of actions when selecting and purchasing new doors:

  1. First you need to understand the possible budget (designate the cost more than which you are not ready to spend on all doors, and then divide it by right amount). The installation fee must also be included in the purchase amount, unless, of course, you decide to install the doors yourself.
  2. Measurements need to be taken. You can do this yourself or call a specialist from the company if you are not sure of your accuracy ( wrong size doors are a common problem!).
  3. Next, you need to decide which door design will suit your interior.
  4. You can first pick up the doors on the Internet (this will help you better navigate the prices and offers on the market), and then go to the store and see how they look in reality.
  5. Order doors and their installation in one place - this will save you from unnecessary stress.

Quartblog Digest

We will tell you how to restore and paint old door with your own hands to make it look more original and newer.

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Photos: Elena Vanyantseva, zillow.com

Interior doors - important element any repair. Different curtains and arches could not become a replacement. Their choice should be taken seriously. Read reviews on the Internet, if possible, see live. Pictures on the screen do not fully convey the color and texture. Most approach the issue of choosing interior doors according to the residual principle, after the ceiling and walls are ready and if there is money left for them.

The main thing that they are guided by when buying is appearance. This approach to choosing good doors fundamentally wrong and threatening big problems further. The quality of the materials not only determines the appearance, but also the durability. After all, who wants to buy interior doors after 2 years, when they lose their good appearance and begin to crumble.

Selection features

Before buying, you need to know the dimensions doorway, 80–95 cm - standard size . If the opening is 110 cm or more, swing and sliding ones are suitable here.

When laying the estimate for repairs, immediately determine the amount for good interior doors. You can’t save here, quality things are expensive. If you expect to buy gradually, as the necessary funds accumulate, then you will encounter a situation that the desired model is no longer produced by the manufacturer. To remain in demand, firms update lineups often. Prices on Construction Materials constantly growing and if you found a good option, you need to take it, tomorrow it definitely won’t be cheaper.

Criterias of choice

door opening measurements

  1. After measuring the height and width, check the diagonals from one corner to the other. A discrepancy greater than 1 mm indicates an error.
  2. Properly dried wood, smooth on the front side.

Glass check

  1. If the glass in the door rattles when lightly shaken, then it is not properly fixed. And speaks of low quality.
  2. Good frosted glass clean, no streaks or stains. Detergents and you can't remove them in any other way. The defect is eliminated by replacing the glass with a new one.
  3. The higher the cost of glass, the better its characteristics and quality.
  4. Seal, an important part of the door, which fixes the glass. Ask the seller what is used as a sealant.


The price of doors is affected by the material from which they are made. There are 3 main types:

  • Veneered.
  • Laminated.

The bases for the doors (except for the array) are composite materials- Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, OSB. They are used for cladding or foundation.

Solid wood interior doors are a sign of luxury. For production use - an ash-tree, an alder, an oak. Oak is considered the most durable. Such doors will decorate your interior. doors from conifers, the cheapest, from 5000 rubles. Exclusive option will cost 50,000 rubles. Common models cost 15,000-30,000 rubles.

Solid wood door is composite construction, made of guides, panels, transverse jumpers. This design allows designers to radically change the look and give any shape. The exterior finish is very diverse - mother-of-pearl, gilding, lacquer tinting. Standard glasses are replaced with stained-glass windows with crystals and stones, which gives the doors extra luxury and exclusivity.

The quality and durability of solid wood doors is influenced by the technology of wood processing and drying. If the wood was not completely dried and covered with a layer of varnish, the seasonal change in moisture in environment will damage the paintwork. This disadvantage affects door frames and doors with knots.

In a cheap niche, from 5000 rubles, the market is held by Belarusian manufacturers and even Chinese factories cannot give out such a price-quality ratio. Belarusian forests are rich in different tree species, and the cost of production and labor is cheaper than in Russia. Before buying interior doors from Belarusian manufacturers, look at the reviews, there are handicraft fakes.

When buying from 35,000 rubles, you can look away Italian manufacturers. You will get high quality and no problems with swollen varnish and failed fittings. Years of experience and advanced technology, guarantee. The only negative is the long waiting time and the inability to buy the finished product, only on order.


Veneered interior doors are a good option for a lower price compared to solid wood. They are very durable and are not affected by moisture. Options exterior finish lots of. Price depends on veneer The more expensive the wood, the higher the price. The quality does not change from this. Most cheap option finished with artificial veneer.

Veneer coating of the canvas is divided into full and fragmentary. In the first case, the lining is applied to the entire surface. After that, there is processing on a milling machine, to a fully finished look. With fragmentary veneering, individual elements processed separately and then assembled.

Average price of a good veneered door 10000-15000 rub, depending on the manufacturer. There are quite a lot of Russian manufacturers in this niche, but according to customer reviews, 3 leaders stand out - Volkhovets, Alexander Doors, Framir.

"Volkhovets" produces interior doors costing from 12,000 rubles. According to customer reviews, the manufacturer's price is fully justified. Veneer good quality, cute appearance. By production "Volkhovodets" uses an interline interval of an ash-tree, the Canadian oak, mahogany.

"Alexander doors" is a well-known brand, among manufacturers, the price starts from 15,000 rubles. But is the higher cost justified? In this case, completely. The company does not produce hollow doors, only glued solid wood. This adds durability and you don't have to worry about accidentally punching through the veneer. The lineup very extensive, there are such design trends - classic, rococo, empire, modern. There is none on the internet bad review at Alexander's Doors.

St. Petersburg company "Framir" competes in the low price category, from 7300 rubles. As one reviewer wrote: "For the price, I'm willing to take the risk." The basis is pine honeycombs. The quality of the exterior finish high level, quality veneer, waterproof varnish. When placing an order, specify everything in the smallest detail. This happens with all manufacturers in the lower price category, they save on everything.


Laminated interior doors, the cheapest option. They have a good appearance, a service life of up to 10 years, but they do not tolerate moisture well. Before installation, you need to open with several layers of varnish and let stand for a week. FROM outside covered with acrylic, melamine, polyvinyl chloride film, with wood texture. well done laminated door cover, in appearance is indistinguishable from veneer. Lamination is used both when finishing a canvas with a frame made of solid wood, and with a honeycomb filler. Surface irregularities are smoothed out with a layer of MDF. In a cheaper version, MDF is replaced with resin-impregnated melamine paper.

Stages of manufacturing laminated interior doors

  • Assembly of a framework from a tree of coniferous breeds.
  • The voids of the frame are filled with MDF, fiberboard, chipboard.
  • Pasting the MDF blank.
  • Application of decorative laminated film.

An additional bar is inserted in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future castle for fastening. In lightweight ones, the frame is cardboard, made in the form of honeycombs. The resulting cake is glued together with a press. And after drying, the door becomes strong and durable.

Doors made using this technology cost little and have a good appearance. Medium variant of laminated doors together with a box will cost 5000 rubles. The service life is much inferior to solid wood doors, but the low price and appearance made them popular. The production technology is constantly being improved.

The Chelyabinsk company "Krasnoderevshchik" produces doors from 5500 rubles. Production is carried out on European equipment, as well as accessories. The design of interior doors is concise. The novelty of this season is frameless glazing. The assortment is divided into groups, which reduces the time when choosing. If you have doorway non-standard size, it's okay, the scope of delivery includes telescopic architraves.

"Sophia" - well-known manufacturer actively advertised on television. The price starts from 11500 rubles. The cost corresponds to the quality of the goods. Customer reviews are only positive. The foundation - pine frame covered with MDF. decorative coating- polypropylene film. Which gives protection from moisture, mechanical damage and meets environmental standards. Glasses are used shatterproof, when broken, blunt pieces are obtained.

Remember that a door is not just one canvas, but also a box, platbands, a threshold, and accessories. At building exhibitions, firms attract buyers low prices. But then it turns out that only the door leaf is included in the price, without the rest. The cost of a complete set will cost 2 times more. And if we add the installation here, then the final amount will exceed the exhibition one. In order not to get confused when buying, multiply the cost of the door leaf by 2. The door and its component (frame, thresholds, trim) must be made of the same material.

At a good interior door there is technical certificate , which describes in detail how the door was made, in compliance with what norms and rules. Reputable firms provide such papers on all their doors. You should not know what these GOSTs and rules mean. The presence of passports for products reduces the risk of getting a low-quality door. Handicraft manufacturers do not do this, attracting a buyer with a low price and hoping that greed blinds their eyes.

I'll tell you my case. After overhaul there was almost no money left on the door. In the construction market, I chose Verdu doors. When compared to the more expensive option, I didn't see any visual difference.. I decided to order directly from the manufacturer, as it turned out, he is not far away. When ordering the door, I was told about 2 types of trim. To my question: "What is the difference between each other." They answered me: "But nothing, only the size." In fact, it turned out that cheap platbands need to be cut out on their own, but in expensive ones everything has already been done. Immediately after settling in, the outer film on the casing peeled off. And after 2 years of operation, the rhombus on the glass peeled off. Do not chase cheapness or be prepared for refinement.

Max, Eagle

In my new apartment I chose the door for a long time, I looked through many options and settled on Profile Dors. When ordering, it turned out that the price on the site was 5000 rubles, only for the canvas. And the box, handles, hinges, thresholds, is bought separately. Together cost 11,000 rubles. And I found a cheaper option. In the first place, I got 16,000 rubles. As a result, I ordered doors in the online store.

After the delivery of the door, I attended to its installation. And then a shock awaited me, the price of installing a door was 2 times higher than its cost. But nowhere to go had to order. Do not repeat my mistake and order the installation of the door directly from the seller. I can’t say anything bad about the door, a little time has passed.

Alina, Smolensk

I ordered mine online, 5 pieces. I chose veneer, light oak, without glass. The cost of the canvas is 5000 rubles. With work and everything else, it cost 12,000 rubles for one. The installation was carried out by not very professional people, they reinstalled it 2 times. Even during installation, they managed to chip off a corner of the veneer on one side. After my remarks, they offered a discount of 1000 rubles. The doors were delivered in a large box with a passport. After the opening, it turned out that the manufacturer saved on the materials of the casing. In general, I was satisfied with the purchase. But I will pay attention to the moment with the casing next time.

Andrey, Moscow

I will share my experience, maybe my review will help someone. I took care of this even before the start of the repair. Looked a lot on the Internet, read reviews. At first I wanted to take from the company "Sofya". But I read the reviews and doubts crept in, but for such a price they should not be. In one of the stores I was advised by a local manufacturer "Rumax". I looked at the model's website and contacted the store. There they answered me: "But there is no such model, we order only the most popular."

I had to look for the model I needed all over the city. One of the stores agreed to bring under the order. There are no reviews for this model on the Internet at all, it was scary to order a pig in a poke. But everything ended well, safely delivered and installed. I did not notice any shortcomings in the assembly. Appearance - white oak with two stripes on the sides. Without glass inserts, looks very stylish. The only thing I didn't like thickness, slightly thin. But there's nothing you can do about it, buying online has its drawbacks.

Alexey, Rostov

And the door leaf should be the same. It is possible to use contrasting shades. It is also a common misconception that color solution doors and furniture must match. There are no design rules for this. You can use a neutral shade of the door that will blend into the interior, you can use bright, saturated colors and support them. window frames and plinths. There is another option - to install in windows and doors of the same color. There are many solutions, and the most correct will tell you the taste, understanding of beauty and fantasy.

Focus primarily on general style, and then consider the style of a separate room. Don't forget that the doors open into common areas(halls, corridors), and their integrity must not be violated. Therefore, it is desirable to install the same doors throughout the apartment. This task becomes more difficult when all the rooms are decorated differently, but even in this case, you can find a solution: for example, use neutral shades of light wood that fit well into any interior.

If the whole apartment is decorated in the same style, you have more opportunities for experimentation. Suitable for classic, ethnic or country design warm colors with a hint of red. Dark wood will give the house coziness, cold tones are suitable for minimalist rooms. In apartments modern styles doors made of wenge wood or painted with glossy enamel look great.

Consider the color of the flooring. If there is a laminate or parquet of the same color on the floor of all rooms, it is not difficult to choose doors - you can take the same shade or a few shades lighter. But with different floor coverings, disagreements can arise. In this case support door color other design elements - decorative things, furniture.

You can not take into account the color of the floor, but rely mainly on furniture. If the apartment is dominated by furniture in dark shades, choose doors 4-5 tones lighter. So that they do not look gloomy, install canvases with glass inserts. Light furniture requires the same door design.

Furniture in different rooms and even in one room it can vary, but the walls, as a rule, are almost the same everywhere. Therefore, try to match the door to the color of the wallpaper or paint. Do not use the same colors: either change the shade, or choose a contrasting or harmonious tone.

by the most best solution for an apartment with different styles interior are veneered doors: outer side they have the same, and the inner has individual design, which can be selected for each room. So you keep harmony in all rooms.

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Useful advice

Doors in the interior are like cufflinks, a tie clip in a men's suit, or a brooch, hat, gloves in a women's outfit. They draw attention to themselves, speak about the taste of the owner, emphasize the style or kill even its rudiments. Of course, such an extravagant accessory will not suit any interior. But it looks appropriate if, for example, the owner of the apartment wants to create a creative atmosphere, emphasize his belonging to contemporary art.


  • The combination of doors and interior
  • how to choose the right door

Interroom door - this is one of the main parts of the interior. Therefore, choosing interior , must be taken into accountcombination of quality, economy and design.

In order to choose exactly the product that suits your home and will match taste preferences we suggest using the following useful tips which will help you to be fully equipped.

Types of interior doors

swing doors

The most popular and common doors - swing. They are right or left. As a rule, this type of interior doors is made of plastic or wood. Doors can be faced with plastic or veneer, and they are also glued.

Benefits of swing doors:

  • Give design conservatism (traditionality)
  • Variety of forms and designs
  • Various price categories
  • Reliable
  • durable
  • Huge selection colors
  • Huge selection of materials.

Drawbacks of swing doors:

  • Take up extra space in the room
  • Wooden doors over time, they "swell" and lose their shape
  • They require care for the hinges, which eventually begin to creak.

Sliding doors

Less popular interior doors are sliding, which can be "hidden" in the wall, or such doors move along the wall. Such designs are more effective for use in small rooms. Sliding doors are made fiberglass or wood.

Sliding doors are wonderfully used in studio apartments, for example, if you need to temporarily separate the dining room from the kitchen, and then, if desired, combine them again.

Sliding door advantages:

  • Increase usable area
  • Add space to the room
  • Give originality to the room
  • Increase the possibilities of design solutions.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:

  • Let the light through
  • Pass odors
  • Poor soundproofing
  • High price
  • Weak design.

Folding doors

The next type of interior doors is folding doors. They are very comfortable compared to hinged door. The folding door consists of sections-leaves moving along the guide. These doors are suitable for bathrooms, dressing rooms and other rooms with a small opening for doors.

Benefits of folding doors:

  • Save space
  • strong
  • Reliable
  • Functional
  • Mobile
  • Convenient to transport.

Disadvantage of folding doors is that they can only be installed in small openings, otherwise the structure will not function normally.

Criteria for choosing interior doors

1. The first criterion for choosing interior doors is manufacturing material. It must be environmentally friendly, natural material such as natural veneer or solid wood. Not less important paintwork door, which should be harmless to health. Highly quality coating are usually expensive.

The last layer on the door should be varnish. Its quality can be checked in a simple way: press the lacquer surface with your fingernail, and if a trace remains, then this is a poor quality lacquer.

Note! Lacquer coating - This is one of the expensive components of interior doors, so manufacturers often save on this material.

2. Study carefully door surface condition which must be flawless. Run your palm over the door and make sure there are no rough edges, bumps, or chips.

3. Study carefully door color, which must be clean and uniform. Your interior door should not have stains or inclusions of a different color.

Regardless of the layer of paint on the door, the natural structure must be visible. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers try to hide door defects with tinting. This product is definitely not worth buying.

4. The next criterion is evenness of the canvas. Carefully examine the doors for existing differences and irregularities. Interior doors must be perfectly level.

5. If the door is with glass, then pay attention to seal quality and silicone sealants at the joints.

6. At quality door must be sealant.

7. Pay attention to the box, platbands and trim of the interior door - it should be the same color and quality.

8. Also pay attention to complete set. Serious manufacturing companies that value their reputation additionally complete their interior doors with a box and platbands.

9. Take a close look sealant, which should be in door frame. If the seal is soft, then it is of good quality, and if it is hard, it will not adhere well to the surface.

10. Presence of a vestibule also testifies to the high quality of the product. The vestibule serves for sound insulation and thermal insulation.

11. You ask: "What is the key to the durability of the interior door? We answer: these are solid massive tree species (oak, wood, beech, cherry).

But! Doors made of hardwood need to be varnished periodically.

12. Class fire safety doors are also important. The higher it is, the safer the product will be. You can ask the seller about this property in more detail.

What interior doors to choose? measurements

1. Before you go shopping for an interior door, be sure to take a tape measure with you, which can also help determine the quality of this product.

Measure your favorite door diagonally with a tape measure(from corner to corner). You should get two measurements, and the difference between them should not exceed 1 mm. If the difference in measurements exceeds the norm, then this means that the door is of poor quality.

2. View the door leaf from all ends. If you see a characteristic “eight” instead of a flat edge, it means that the wood that was used in the manufacture of the interior door was not dried correctly. It is better not to buy such a product.

It can be added to the above that only factories with modern equipment can produce high-quality interior doors that meet international standards.

What glazing is better to choose for interior doors

1. Now let's check glazing quality interior door. Take the door in your hands and lightly shake it. If you hear a rattling, then this indicates poor glass fastening, which in turn may indicate a low quality of the product as a whole.

2. If there is frosted glass on the door, then inspect it for the presence of cloudy or oily spots. If there are such spots, you should not purchase such a door, because such a defect can be removed only with the help of special equipment.

3. Be sure to ask the seller about origin of glass. It is better that it be shockproof. But in order to save money, you can pay attention to strained glass, which, when broken, bursts into small pieces, thereby preventing a person from injuring himself.

I would also like to add that the diversity door panels with glass inserts (panels) allows you to match them to almost any room design.

After all different kinds glass (stained, corrugated, colored, frosted), which are presented on the interior door market, impresses with its design. And even fish, flowers, insects are placed inside synthetic glass, which looks very impressive.

4. Product price- an important factor influencing the choice of a particular door.

Today, Italian interior doors, like all Italian furniture, are considered the best in the world right for many centuries. As an additional proof of this statement, one can mention the fact that there are such old wooden Italian doors that it is not possible to determine their age.

Representatives of the best Italian furniture factories seek out and collect wood around the world, then restoring and painting it with paints by hand according to ancient technologies. Undoubtedly, these are unique wooden canvases, but also Their prices are also impressive.

An alternative to interior doors with artistic painting are doors made of aged wood obtained in an artificial way.

In addition, domestic manufacturers can also offer no less interesting, but at the same time affordable models with glazing.

Buying an interior door

  • Think about how much Money You are ready to spend (minimum and maximum) on a new door. If you want to hire a specialist to install an interior door, then you need to include these costs in the price. If you wish, you can install an interior door yourself by reading this article.
  • Then you should measure your doorway in order to know exactly which doors will fit there.
  • Visit the store, take a photo of the doors and fittings you like (latches for double doors, screws, hinges, locks), in order to decide at home whether all this is suitable for your interior.
  • Do not forget to measure the thickness of the walls, because if it is larger than the door frame, then you should purchase additional extensions.
  • Be sure to communicate with the sellers on all issues of interest, including warranty obligations.

How to choose an interior door (video)

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