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The most vindictive signs of the zodiac. The most vengeful and dangerous signs of the zodiac. beware

Each person has both their pros and cons. And, according to astrologers, a lot depends on the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born. Depending on the characteristics of each, one can single out the meanest signs of the zodiac. In this article, we will consider - from the most sincere to dishonest liars.

1. Sagittarius

If you think that this is the meanest, you are greatly mistaken. Sagittarians have a lot of negative qualities, but honesty is their credo. They can hurt a person's feelings by telling them the sincere truth, but they don't know how to do otherwise. Of course, in some situations, Sagittarians try to lie so as not to offend a person, but do they succeed? Usually their lies are revealed in a few seconds and then they feel even more embarrassed.

If you often have conflicts with Sagittarius, think about the fact that in fact he does not wish you harm. If he says hurtful words, then he really thinks so. Talk to him, explain that his words will hurt your heart. Sometimes Sagittarians do not notice that they offend a person greatly, and all because they do it not intentionally.

Many of the actions of Sagittarius are taken for meanness, but in reality this is not so. Representatives of this zodiac sign never make cunning plans. They just live and enjoy life. Sometimes Sagittarius can set a person up, for example, by being late for a meeting or not doing something. But he doesn't do all this on purpose. Sagittarius can be irresponsible and frivolous, but in difficult times he will always come to the rescue.

2. Aries

The second most vile sign of the zodiac from the end is this one. Aries are always objective and straightforward. They either talk or they don't. But if Aries decided to speak out, with a high probability he will not lie and embellish reality. He can be too impulsive, harsh and intolerant, but all this has nothing to do with meanness. If the relationship with Aries cracks, he will tell you about it honestly and openly. This is a very militant sign of the zodiac, he is rarely afraid of something, and even more so to do and say what he sees fit.

Aries can lie only when absolutely necessary. But after a while, they still confess. And the point is not that they are afraid that their lies will be revealed, but that the deliberate distortion of the truth is not their forte. They believe that lying is useful only in the most extreme cases. But this does not apply to promises. Aries can promise a lot and not deliver. But they do not do it on purpose, it's just that sometimes their ambitions do not coincide with their actions.

Conflicts with Aries are difficult to win. He is always right, and if he is not, it will be difficult to convince him otherwise. Try to understand him, listen to what he says, because in 99% of cases Aries is not lying.

3. Leo

You can often hear that this is the meanest sign of the zodiac. And all because the behavior of Leo is simply incomprehensible to many people. He is proud, narcissistic, many lies can be heard from his lips. But is it meanness? What can Leo lie about? About your successes at work, about admirers or admirers, or, for example, about your financial situation. But it's hard to say, has something to do with meanness. Leo does this only to look better in the eyes of others. But if you ask this zodiac sign if an outfit suits you, do not doubt that he will tell you the truth, whatever it may be.

Lions are practically not prone to mean deeds, because in fact they are kind and gentle inside. The proud animal is only the mask that the Lion wears. They are not what they seem from the outside. Representatives of this sign are always ready to help their loved ones and relatives. In relation to strangers and unfamiliar people, Lions can be closed and cruel, but they are unlikely to go to meanness.

Of course, representatives of different sexes differ in character. And if you hear that the Leo woman is the meanest sign of the zodiac, then this is not true. It is the ladies who are the most honest and open. They do not see the point in lying, and therefore often tell others the truth, whatever it may be. This also applies to their relationships with men. If your lady is a Leo, then you should be ready to listen to everything that she thinks about you and your union.

4. Cancer

And this is also not according to astrologers. Cancers are sensual and vulnerable. They value sincerity in relationships, it is important for them to know about the real feelings of a partner. For this reason, in love, Cancer tries to be honest. On the other hand, this sign of the zodiac is afraid of many things and, in case of danger, immediately hides in its “shell”. And this means that at this moment he may not say about his sincere feelings. Of course, such an act is more likely not meanness, but simply a way to protect yourself and your heart.

If we talk about friendships, then here Cancer is most often sincere and honest. He's bad at hypocrisy. He can hurt a friend or girlfriend with his honesty and directness. Cancer never tells people what they want to hear. Most often, words sound from a pure heart and should be cherished. Cancer is capable of lying, but only if he believes that it is for the benefit of not only him, but also those around him.

Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign be more courageous and not be afraid to talk about their feelings. Sometimes it is the secretiveness of Cancer that can hurt a partner. Without receiving a positive response for a long time, a loved one can simply leave.

5. Virgo

The fifth place is occupied by this zodiac sign. He is almost in the middle of the rating, and all because he knows how to lie beautifully. It is believed that Virgo women are the meanest sign of the zodiac, but this is not entirely true. Yes, she can lie, but only to smooth things over. Virgos will never tell you that a dress doesn't fit or pants make you look fat. Instead, they may suggest that you go shopping. Subtle hints do not hurt a person, but, on the other hand, push him in the right direction.

In relations with Virgo, too, one should not expect great frankness. Inside it, everything can boil and seethe, but you will never know about it. This is especially true for Virgo Men. They tend to hide their emotions and feelings from strangers and loved ones. From the outside it seems that everything is fine with them, but in reality it can be different. Virgos do not wish harm to others, and sometimes they are even ready for self-sacrifice, and this is another proof that they are not as vile as it might seem at first glance.

Virgo women are good girlfriends. They know how to support at the right time and are ready to help. But in any situation, Virgo will take the side of a person close to her, even if he is wrong. She will do this because she values ​​relationships. On the one hand, it's good when there is a person who will always confirm that you are right. On the other hand, sometimes friends need to open their eyes to their misdeeds, but Virgo will not do this.

6. Taurus

What is the meanest zodiac sign? This question worries many. As for Taurus, it is in the very middle of the rating for a reason. This zodiac sign does not like conflicts and quarrels, and therefore tries to avoid them by any means, even if it harms someone. Not the meanest signs of the zodiac - the previous five, but the sixth is already able to blatantly lie in its own interests. And it's not always a harmless hoax. Sometimes it can seriously injure a person. For example, a Taurus girl does not want to communicate with a person, but she will not openly tell him this. She will come up with a hundred excuses why she can’t meet, but at the same time she will assure the interlocutor that he is very good and sweet and she likes her madly. And he, in turn, of course, will cherish the hope that everything really is so.

In friendly relations, Taurus can also often lie. And this is not because he cares about the feelings of a friend, but because he simply avoids conflicts. You can hear a lot of flattering compliments from him, but in reality, Taurus may think differently.

7. Scorpio

These are the meanest girlfriends according to the sign of the zodiac. Scorpio is quite selfish, in any relationship he is looking for benefits. As a rule, this zodiac sign always puts himself above others, which greatly offends the people around him. Scorpios can be caustic, vindictive, and cruel. In any case, it is better not to come into conflict with this zodiac sign. Scorpios have a huge potential of energy and can use it both for good and for harm. In addition, they are excellent manipulators, and often use people for their own purposes. And isn't that vile?

In the love sphere, this sign can be very cunning and thoughtful. But if Scorpio really loves, he is not capable of meanness. AT love relationships representatives of this sign are very sensual and romantic. They seem to fascinate the opposite sex, it is difficult to leave them. Astrologers advise not to offend Scorpio in love, because they have an excellent memory and a rather dangerous sting.

8. Capricorn

Continuing to consider the five meanest signs of the zodiac, it is impossible not to mention this. Capricorns are very goal oriented people. By all means, they always achieve what they planned. What if you have to go over your head to do it? For them, this is not a problem. There is a certain circle of loved ones whom they will never harm, but in relation to others they can be merciless.

Of course, Capricorns are not mean to their soul mates. But for them, personal goals always come first. They are practically incapable of self-sacrifice, do not like intrigues and scandals. If Capricorn does mean things, then at the same time he pursues only personal interests and does not do it on purpose to harm someone.

This zodiac sign is practically incapable of revenge and betrayal. All these characteristics are below Capricorns. But if someone stands in the way of achieving the goal, the representatives of this sign will step over them without hesitation.

9. Aquarius

It is believed that this is a very kind and positive sign of the zodiac. In any case, that is the impression he makes on others. But in fact, Aquarius is the meanest sign of the zodiac, especially in relation to people close to him. Yes, indeed, with strangers he is kind, generous and the best. But native person it can bring a lot of pain. The whole point lies in the fact that Aquarius loves to lie. He tells incredible stories and always exaggerates reality. Lying for this zodiac sign is a common thing. Only now Aquarius rarely thinks that sometimes it can harm other people.

Of course, this zodiac sign has a lot of advantages. This is very kind people and they may lie to help someone. Quite often, the interests of strangers to them are closer to them than their own family. They can lie that they will be late at work, and at this time they will take an unfamiliar person to the other end of the city. Aquarians are not able to come up with a plan of betrayal, but they can do it by themselves.

10. Pisces

There is not a day that the representatives of this zodiac sign do not lie. But if Aquarius do this without malicious intent, but simply because of a violent fantasy, then everything is different with Pisces. Since the element of this sign is Water, it has excellent logic and intuition. In one minute, a plan will ripen in his head, how to win the heart of a neighbor girl or take revenge worst enemy. Pisces is the meanest zodiac sign in many ways.

They can be gentle, romantic and so sincere, but it's hard to determine if it's a lie or not. Pisces themselves do not know what they want and why they constantly lie. This is the last sign of the zodiac, which has absorbed the shortcomings of the entire zodiac circle, and meanness is no exception.

Pisces can be great conversationalists. They will always listen and give advice. But most often they say what others want to hear. They believe that in this way they smooth out conflicts, but in fact, their behavior often hurts the people around them.

Pisces is an ambiguous zodiac sign. They often lie and betray, but they don't always do it out of malice. If your partner was born under this sign, try to find as much as possible in him. positive qualities. Indeed, Pisces can be sensitive, receptive, kind. They try to look into the very depths of the soul of another person and see exactly the essence, and not the appearance.

11. Scales

Among the five meanest signs of the zodiac, you can meet this one. Libra knows how to skillfully lie in order to achieve what they want. Women are capable of deceit and betrayal in order to achieve what they need. Libra always has many friends and acquaintances, but they cannot be called close. They fail to build strong relationships for a long time, as they often lie and neglect people. It is believed that the meanest girlfriends according to the sign of the zodiac can be found among Libra. They can be kind and affectionate if they need something from the interlocutor. And once they get what they want, they quickly change their behavior.

12. Gemini

The lifestyle of representatives of this zodiac sign is a lie. It is almost impossible to find out what is on their mind, and sometimes they themselves do not know it. They are very mobile, energetic and inquisitive. But at the same time, the meanest sign of the zodiac is Gemini. They can be cunning, quirky and unreliable. And this can be easily understood just by looking at the symbol of their zodiac.

Gemini can lie a lot and often for their own benefit, and it’s quite difficult to find out where the lie is and where the truth is. They know how to weave intrigues and intrigues. They do it with extraordinary ease. Gemini-Male is the meanest sign of the zodiac. They skillfully use people, especially in the professional field.

In love relationships, Gemini can also lie a lot and are even capable of betrayal. Men, for example, can date a girl for a long time, tell her about love and affection. But in fact, they are just interested in a partner. As soon as the relationship becomes more stable and boring, or something happens to the girl, for example, she gets sick, the Gemini man will slam the door loudly and leave. At the same time, of course, he is unlikely to bother to explain why he did so. No wonder that greatest compatibility Gemini - with Gemini. Equally quirky and cunning, they will always find a common language and will weave together intrigues against other people.

Summing up, we can say that in each of the 12 zodiac signs, meanness is present to one degree or another. And this can be affected not only by the position of the stars in the sky at the time of birth, but also by the environment in which the person grew up. It is possible to conclude whether a person is capable of meanness or not only by analyzing his behavior and actions, and a horoscope can only help a little with this.

A list for those who have done a dirty deed and want to know how they will be punished for dirty tricks.


In general, Aries are not vindictive by nature., not to say that at all, but the likelihood that he is thinking through insidious plans for destruction at night is extremely small. Most likely he is sleeping peacefully and no longer remembers this little thing. If a conflict has occurred, then response actions should be expected at the same moment, it can break loose and hit, it can simply belittle in response, that is, there will be an immediate reaction, like everyone else. If you didn’t have a chance to give back, for example, the offender is on the other side of the monitor, then in an hour the ram will not want to swear, and the next day the hurt feelings will subside and you can behave as if nothing had happened, he doesn’t care about this story.

That is why if you already get a ram, then in order to react with revenge, you need to furiously bother him for a long time, well, if you really want to quarrel thoroughly. In order to push the Aries to action, it is necessary to bother with a certain frequency, for example, every day to put pressure on him weak spots and declare them publicly in the presence of his close people, for example, his beloved, belittling his authority.

Of course, this will be followed by the response described above, and if its manifestation did not satisfy you, then you can repeat these actions over and over again until you feel outright hostility. After that, you can safely fear for your life until you Aries, if they decide on revenge, then it becomes radical and is aimed at the complete destruction of the object. To exterminate the offender is the main goal, he must disappear from all radars and never appear on the horizon.

Aries will by all means push you to the idea of ​​leaving with the entire family tree to another city, and in most cases he will succeed and it’s definitely not worth working with him in the same organization, just like living in the same area. The representatives of the sign themselves will never recognize their actions as overly aggressive, and they will not consider revenge as revenge, only self-defense, nothing more.

Due to their negligence, they can come up with something even too bloodthirsty, well, a downright insidious plan, and again, without suspecting it themselves, this is their game, in fact it seems to them that you are threatening him, trying to intrigue and in general make you nervous.

The 5 most vengeful zodiac signs: at the bottom of the post!


Taurus is also very calm and it is quite difficult to arouse in them the need for revenge on the offender., by the way, during a quarrel they may not even react, use just a couple of words in their defense and leave. To recognize a person as the last bastard, the calf needs time and grounds for conviction, but if the diagnosis is made and you baked it well, then revenge will become perverted and absorb all the thoughts of a person until he finishes what he started.

The revenge plan itself usually includes a complete shutdown of oxygen to the victim.. Consider an example on the locks, you are in it and there are many taps that can block the flow of air, and the calf will definitely have a control system that can block all these channels. I hope it is clear that this is not about gateways at all, but about your deplorable situation. Taurus by nature are not such leaders, but in their get-together they are the breadwinners who have tamed everyone and understand that they will be immensely grateful.

Thanks to his opinion unlike others, the calf manages to take the place of the founder, to whom everyone listens and imitates. All actions that are performed by others either pass approval or not, no more complications.. So now you won’t get the fertilizer of the angry calf and he will criticize in such a way that the rest will think that it’s true that you are not the best good man, and the taste is not very good, so you can achieve one thing - isolation in all areas.

By the way, if a person appears who starts to stand up for you, then he will also have a hard time, because isolation will affect both and there will be no forgiveness. Of course, you can earn trust again, but here is the main root " serve”, you will be doing this for a very long time and you may be entrusted with a small role as an assistant, a friend, but not a friend at all. If you start to offend in response, then here the turn may be unexpected, from this serious little man you can expect simple whining.

Well, they are not used to the fact that they are answered with even more dirty tricks, that they are generally trying to defend themselves, and if he notices his impotence, then it will come to tears.


Essentially the twins' aggression and great desire it is very easy to call for revenge, they flare up like a match, one has only to pronounce the “right” words. These people are so eager to earn universal recognition that they go to any tricks, though they rarely succeed, but it hones their ingenuity.

So you can expect a stream of rumors, gossip and dirt, which they will water with a fair amount of frequency, inciting others to do so. Male twins may really want to measure their strength, even if you are clearly stronger than him, so offend the poor thing and he can hide in a corner, cry and at the same time come up with a revenge plan. Do you know what a fight is on the shoulder of this sign? Computer, of course, he will clearly master such a war game, he can even send a caustic letter with a virus, well, or fight in the comments. In fact, he may change his mind, deciding that you are still beneficial to him and you can conclude a profitable non-aggression pact and deal with the neutralization of another, already common enemy.

Not to say that revenge from a twin is harmless, because he can also have quite valuable information about your personality, having received it even from the most unexpected source. He will get to your school enemy, who knows that you are afraid of cockroaches (this is an example) and will slip these insects everywhere on you, he will also persuade everyone, and dirty tricks are usually contagious. So it’s more expensive to conflict with talkers and inventors, it will take a long time to launder, because everyone willingly believes gossip too.

As for protection from these whiners, you should not offend and provoke them again. Try to make friends again good location from more strong people will be regarded as the opposite. new opportunity assert himself, but you shouldn’t take him as an ally, he will betray and embellish.

Cancers by nature love to play offended victims. who will run away in tears from the offender in the pouring rain and cold, proving by her act that he was offended and is trying to make it “everyone is bad” and he doesn’t give a damn that these children’s shoots don’t affect anyone.

He will also want to break off any relationship with you, in all areas, and even if it will be at his loss, this is how he will begin to avoid you, directly demonstrating that you are an empty place.

And he will not help you, you will drown, call for help and sob, he will not even look and leave to be content with his victory. Forgiveness is generally extremely difficult to achieve, pleas and requests are indispensable here, you will have to prove it with actions. But if you managed to hurt Cancer right to the quick, then problems cannot be avoided. This sign has little strength and he himself knows this very well, so he will invent such a special operation, applying everything possible weapon. Or he will come up with a cunning cunning plan, how he will steal your bag and will happily drown it in the nearest river, such a harmless revenge, but he will think about it for a long time. More serious ones are ready to beat the offender in a dark alley.

An Angry Cancer Is Pretty Dangerous, his impulses are difficult to contain and it is possible that he will grab standing next to stool and wants to hit your aggressive head. But crayfish are generally not good at revenge, their imagination is not so perverted, but they know how to be offended.

They will begin to press and appeal to your conscience with all the fibers of your soul, and even if it didn’t exist before, the cancer will get to the bottom of it, painfully pressing with its compassionate eyes. It can be compared with a child who was offended and does not make amends, and no one will make amends, he does not have confidence in you.

The Most Vengeful Zodiac Signs!

Leo will very willingly begin to come up with a revenge plan if he is simply deceived.. It will be decided to deceive and it is generally easier to implement it, the question is the consequences. Lions take revenge in a big way, even without special opportunities. If their simplest plan is deadly, then if it gets to the boiling point, it will flare up with such ideas that it will remain to run to hell.

The most common thing a lion begins his plan with is the recognition of a person as a complete nonentity, who does not even deserve to live in the same city with other people.

Then he will want to demonstrate his own coolness, they say, he has a better job, and more money, and he knows how to relax to the fullest. Even if you succeed in a business that the lion never had the strength to figure out, now he will decisively destroy these boundaries, take it and become more successful, demonstrating this to others. When the stage is completed and you take second place, you can move on to humiliation, moreover, publicly and with the most vile accusations.

He will quickly win the attention of the public, which will gladly listen to his opinion, albeit embellished, but leading, because they have a privileged position. In general simple program revenge is over and you seem to be not interested in him, but if a fierce battle is ahead, then the performance is just beginning. This is where your streak of bad luck will begin, Leo always has a bunch of acquaintances, everywhere and everywhere, so you should not be surprised if suddenly you are denied permission to travel abroad or fail in exams, your enemy may be involved here.

He is ready to play a whole show, just to scare you, and to feel his power. Such revenge can lead to schizophrenia and the lion will seem to you everywhere, even pouring expired milk into your cup. Be prepared that pity is not characteristic of lions at all, it is a pleasure for them to watch your attempts to resist, they will either have to scoff in response no less subtly, or surrender to the enemy.


Virgos by nature are very, well, very balanced, they are not interested in your these worldly intrigues, they have their own kingdom in their head, which they leave for minimal interaction with others as necessary. That is why they are somehow not interested in coming up with a plan of revenge, but if you do something serious, then you will not find a more insidious enemy.

Thoughts are spinning in their head immeasurably, and they will also remember the story from the life of Chikatilo and include it in the basis of the plan, decorating it with new stories.

The virgins will be so puzzled that for the sake of your person they will even postpone the plan to take over the world and all in order to prove to themselves that he is stronger. They also love to stay away from what is happening and watch your torment and impotence, they will even try to “help” and smile sweetly, meanwhile pulling the strings. Virgos are usually smart and their brain is able to stick to any little thing, and then because of some insignificant piece of paper that they slipped into you with a ready-made mistake, your whole life will go down the drain.

It is not in vain that a documentary example is given, because the virgins know what it is to achieve something in life, and they have faced losses, so they will act in this way, forcing you to lose everything more money and time. In general, they can play on the nerves more sophisticatedly, ingratiate themselves with you and even with your loved ones and act with psychological techniques that destroy your personality entirely. Will they forgive you? Never.


Representatives of the Libra sign are quite touchy, but they do not know how to build special plans for revenge. Everything here is no less childish, like crayfish, only it doesn’t reach the shoots. They do not really imagine how to take revenge on a grand scale, this is not their level. In general, they will respond in the same way that you offended them. You may not even notice their ingenuity and cunning at first, although your opponent is already exhausted and his ideas are running out. After all the forces have been spent, there will be the last stage - using all the possibilities to harm you in business.

They will most likely lose control over the situation, they may even forget about the plan, and for you their increased attention may even turn into something beneficial.

The extreme act for the representatives of this benevolent sign is talk. Not in the way that everyone is accustomed to arguing with raised voices, but to quietly sort out what happened. Rest assured, they will give you all your opinion, analyze every detail of behavior and you will have to answer for it. As a rule, it is very easy for other, more often more resourceful people to come up with an excuse and they can even be easily believed, because Libra is used to honesty in relationships.

But for special occasions, this sign also has one trump card hidden, because they are excellent interlocutors and easily find contact with people, literally “infecting” them with their thoughts and ideas, so do not be surprised if someone close to you suddenly grows cold, the opportunity has been tried here Scales. It is not so difficult for them to create a bad reputation, which then will pursue.

They can also, in spite of everyone and everything, not even from the motives of their own success, achieve such heights from which you can watch you from top to bottom. And if he turns out to be your leader, then this will be a cultural way of bullying, he will not want to let go without retribution for what he did, even if in fact a trifle happened. So if you take the scales out of yourself, then the consequences are not the most pleasant.


Scorpions have an interest in everything, they want not only to know everything, but also to control. It may seem that these are the most bitchy people, which you have only ever met, but it’s just that you haven’t come across fish, they will be worse. A person with such an interest tends to defend these interests, and with his wide range of interests, it is very easy to hurt them, then he will feel that not everything is on his hook and will attack with all his might.

Scorpions, possessing a large amount of poison, really want not to destroy the enemy, but to poison him little by little. He needs to act in every way to harass you, inflict deep injuries, even physical ones, if necessary. He is not interested in whether you leave his horizon or not, he will finish off every day and will not calm down. Especially often relatives fall under the poisonous stream of scorpions, it is very convenient for them to harass that person whose weaknesses have long been known. They will reproach and humiliate you in every way and preferably in public, remembering those cases for which you are wildly ashamed.

So when you do dirty tricks to a scorpion, remember that everything is already written down, taken into account, and the compromising evidence is stored in the daddy “on demand”.

They will not finish you off as aggressively as others. This morning they were talking nasty things about you, and by the evening they will try to recover and improve relations. And tomorrow, the same thing again, and so on until you start begging for forgiveness, by the way, it’s not so difficult to earn it, only again, in an uncomfortable situation for you, jokes about some kind of punctures will go.

Only the twins can laugh at this, they don’t care so much about these dirty tricks that they themselves will smile cordially in the face of a scorpion. They do not pay attention to these torments of the soul, do not react to poison, they simply perceive everything as a game, who remembers each other more. In fact, this is the ideal tactic of behavior in the war with scorpions, they really do not like criticism and ridicule in their address, so after a couple of painful jokes they will simply start to bypass, bleeding poison.


This is the most boring avenger, they think everything over like a Virgo, only they don’t know how to take revenge. If a fantasy immediately plays out for those, then for these everything is limited to endless reasoning, which can go on for so long that you can already forget about the conflict. But no, they will savor this story for a long time, preferably with a crowd of people, in their thoughts, of course, they have already cut you into pieces and fed the hungry dogs.

In general, there is a share of bloodthirstiness in their head, as well as the struggle for the triumph of justice, but they will not want to start it, at least one on one, it does not seem to amuse them, it's boring. But to gather a crowd, persuade and laugh until the pain in the stomach, periodically beating with rods. And without the people, he will not even be interested in clarifying the relationship.

Archers have a special love for dirty tricks, they may not even occupy high positions, but if you need even a trifle with his participation, then here the scenario will be painted with a great desire to mock. It may even be the issuance of a petty certificate with a couple of seals, but it will have to be obtained with blood and sweat. Suddenly you even write an application for extradition in illegible handwriting and the application is rejected, and then only a month later they will say about it, then a new application and it will be considered for months.

Such petty, but dirty deceit is very characteristic of the representatives of the Sagittarius sign. They are interested in pressure on the psyche and recognition of you as a schizophrenic. While there is no opportunity to take revenge, they can be kind, even be friends, but as soon as there is a suitable situation, wait for a set-up, maybe not the most painful, but right in the back.


Capricorns are calm and indifferent, well, they don’t care about your dirty tricks, try, don’t try, and it’s almost impossible to break through his armor. But if your ingenuity and perseverance allowed you to do something catchy, then you need to be afraid not of deceit, but of a war for territory.

This war will play out especially brightly if you have affected the interests of not only Capricorn himself, but his beloved (wow), here they can boil. His character does not allow him to seem weak, but it is also not their style to go on the offensive. But survival is a favorite thing. He will seize all the territories that are available to him only in order to push you straight out of there, and also leave you with nothing. Your habitual habitats may suddenly be occupied and he will almost kick you out with sticks, more and more gaining the authority of others.

If you managed to achieve complete antipathy from Capricorn, then that's it, your end has come. Although they are vengeful like virgins, but if the virgins are more interested in their own person and they don’t want to get dirty for a long time, then Capricorn needs to wait for the moment of truth, when you scream in agony for help, then they will think what I’m doing, but they won’t help, do not expect. They will decide that the case has already been started anyway and there is no point in interrupting, well, you can at least watch.

He will not lag behind until he reaches the end and begins to change plans, now you are in his head. Perhaps it is better to run until the passions subside, you will be healthier, then you can try to return.

Capricorn could have already forgotten about you, he has his own life and now he will enjoy only the fact that you look so fearfully and worry if there is a catch somewhere.


If you decide to start bringing Aquarius to a boiling point, then there is little chance at all. It's not that they don't care, but rather they just don't even know how to intimidate you. They are not inventive, and they don’t want to think about it at all, they are often depressed and don’t want to get out of their shell at all.

There are also representatives who trace the initial stages mental illness, here they will not give rest, wanting to frame or humiliate, but not out of revenge, these are just options for self-affirmation, especially at the expense of loved ones.

They are very fond of making fun of any attempts to mock them, it seems like you climb to him from idleness, presenting yourself as some kind of fool. In public, he will be able to hurt you more than you do him, but it’s not like revenge, but just a defensive reaction. Aquarians are by nature strange personalities, it happens that they will hurt you without knowing it.

That oil will accidentally spill, and while the rag is coming off you are already lying unconscious, it will want to sharply open the door in front of your face. In general, he will rake you up and will apologize a lot, even help, but this help will also be no less specific. So for the sake of health, you should be more careful.


It’s quite easy to make an avenger out of fish, as well as to anger. When the offense is small and there is no point in harassing them, they limit themselves to a small prank, not wanting to continue the war. Soon this good-natured man will forget that there were disagreements at all. This is good, then you managed to avoid participating in the most cunning intrigues and insidious gossip. And if they baked it, then get it, sign it, the fish have a spontaneous fantasy, they will compose something that you have enough strength to unravel.

It is not necessary that revenge will immediately be so terrible, an offended fish at first, like a child, will groom with a snotty offended look and wait for your public apologies, and moreover, it is in public, because he already managed to tell the whole environment what a bastard and scoundrel you are, who treated the poor thing harshly. By the way, they often deserve sympathy among people, and all these compassionate people also do not like you. They play the insult of the fish naturally, this incites the development of new rumors, especially since they do not finish the most interesting, and the rest are already thinking out on their own.

Fish do not always pretend to be offended, because they can be friends, smile, even help, but at the same time they try to suppress psychologically. If you have a difficult situation, you need help or advice, then they will help you so much that you will rake up the rubble of consequences from solving problems using the fish method for half your life. It is difficult to show him that this is his vile undertaking in the fall, he will rely on what he warned about the possible consequences.

The fish can even begin to push intellectually, without even having bass knowledge in many areas, so they will have to be fought with. The struggle can be very, very long, because the fish have a lot of strength, they don’t want to just go into retreat, all the more so, they can’t belittle their own authority in any way.

The 5 Most Vengeful Zodiac Signs!

Beware of angering them, otherwise it will cost you dearly. Here are some signs that can be the meanest and most insidious: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. And this is a fact. What signs of the zodiac are considered the most ferocious and inventive in terms of their vindictiveness and desire to repay the offenders in full? You have been warned! So be careful not to inadvertently hurt them.

1. Scorpio

Of course, the most ferocious sign is Scorpio. If you offend him or cross his path, urgently move to another city, retire from all social networks, change your name and hire bodyguards. An angry Scorpio is the deadliest person on the planet. Even if he does not open the hunting season on you to scalp you with his own hands, he will still fantasize about what he will do to you if you catch his eye.

2. Pisces

Imagine, these quiet and sensitive Pisces may seem like the most innocence, but their exceptional vulnerability is something you need to be very careful about. Pisces can really endure and forgive for a very long time, but if you go beyond all limits, you are doomed. This sign will harbor malice endlessly and constantly weave a web of gossip and hatred around you in order to plunge you into an abyss of pain. You can wake up one morning and realize that the reason you have no job, no money, no friends, and your beloved dog has run away is because, once upon a time, you hurt the gentle Pisces very badly.

3. Taurus

Like Scorpio, Taurus also has a peculiar reputation that can make people nervous. Who wouldn't be intimidated by a ferocious bull slowly advancing on you? Well, now think about what can happen when you piss off this bull to such an extent that he wants to take revenge? You will simply have a blood enemy, eager to make you unhappy. Taurus will not sting you like Scorpio, or hold a grudge against you even after your death, like Pisces. He will simply turn your life into torture until he wants to forgive you. And it is very difficult for stubborn people to forgive offenders.

4. Virgo

Virgo is perhaps the least vengeful on this list, but she can easily make your life a nightmare, although at first you may not even immediately understand that you have angered her with something. Virgo's form of revenge comes in the form of passive-aggressive comments and actions. Sometimes, when communicating with this sign, you simply feel with your skin how waves of negativity emanate from it in your direction. Virgo's attention to detail, especially in revenge, is not just a sophisticated torture, but a real psychological attack that is difficult to endure.

Resentful people under ordinary living conditions can display rare, noble human qualities. But if they are hurt to the quick, these touchy personalities will do anything in order to subtly take revenge on their offenders. Who are they, the most vindictive signs of the zodiac, with whom you definitely shouldn’t spoil your relationship?


About how sophisticated Virgo can take revenge, only the fact that Japan is under this sign speaks. The Japanese are able to simply cut off your head, and slowly tear off a piece of both body and soul from you

In the honorable third place of the zodiac rating are Virgos. And there is no need to be surprised that they are on the list of the most substitutive astrological symbols. Yes, representatives of this earthly sign are quite peaceful natures, standing up for justice and preferring restraint and order in everything. Nevertheless, it is very easy to upset the Devs, because they know how to make an elephant out of a fly like no other. Perhaps it is the touchiness of the Virgins themselves that often serves as the root cause of their malevolent impulses and insidious plans for retribution.

The most banal example is domestic revenge. As a rule, Virgos who hold a grudge “turn on” the mode of protest and excessive indifference: married woman stops cooking and cleaning, deprives the beloved of intimate joys and at the same time does not express his indignation aloud. And the Virgo man seems to forget about the purchases he promised or joint plans with his chosen one. Such manifestations can hardly be called the most sophisticated methods of revenge. But if we take into account the fact that the Virgos will be silent to the last and behave in this way for a very, very long time, everything becomes obvious.

It is actually difficult to bring the earthly representatives of the zodiac circle to true bitterness and malice. But if you happened to cross the road of these quiet people, write wasted, they will repay silently and slowly until they bring you to nervous exhaustion. Virgos are serious about the official sphere of life: securities, property and financial issues are not an empty phrase for them, and it is in these areas that they manage to build cunning, and sometimes cruel intrigues.


Taurus will go for revenge only after scrupulous collection of statistical information about the harm done or the loss suffered. If the figure reaches a critical point, expect big trouble

And silver in our ranking of the most memorable and capable of fierce revenge signs of the zodiac get Taurus. According to astrologers, the representatives of this earthly sign are by nature not characterized by a thirst for revenge, they are not distinguished by cruelty at all. However, with all this, Taurus is incredibly stubborn, they never put up with lies and betrayal, so they are more than capable of starting a real vendetta for their offender. In addition, it is innate stubbornness that does not allow them to forget about someone's mistake and let go of the situation. Unfortunately, here the inner core and perseverance play against them.

Before contacting a Taurus, think carefully. These people have a high position in society, the absolute majority listens to their opinion, they are stable, organized and attract others around them in some magical way. An angry person of this sign will not scatter big words, refuse to sort things out, all this is not his forte. But you can be deleted from your environment. Moreover, the authority of Taurus is so great that any person who supports your position will be forced to leave the usual social circle after you.

If you have already managed to annoy Taurus with something, do not rush to apologize - it is useless: if you are forgiven, then not at all soon, and maybe never at all.

Scorpio is the most vengeful sign of the zodiac

Pissed off a Scorpio? Urgently move to another city, remove yourself from all social networks, change your name and get personal protection

On the top line of our list of avengers, of course, are the Scorpios. These representatives of the water element are distinguished by astrologers as the most touchy, vindictive, incomprehensible, unpredictable and dangerous personalities that can poison anyone's life. Scorpios are conflicting natures. They are vindictive primarily due to the fact that their spiritual world is significantly different from the outer shell: these unshakable and independent individuals often feel extremely vulnerable and unprotected. And self-confidence, which is based on internal disharmony and complexes, is a terrible thing.

Those born under the constellation of Scorpio often show such qualities as bitchiness, jealousy and ferocity. Traitors and traitors will never be forgiven by them, The best way to avoid scorpion retribution - under no circumstances to catch his eye. But even then, people of this poisonous sign will scroll in their heads various ways vengeance, and suddenly they still manage to get even with you.

The vengeful manifestations of Scorpions in the sphere of partnership are especially terrible. We are talking about personal life and business interaction. They know how to grope for the weak points of others, so they will rush to hit you on the most sick person. In business and career, these wayward madmen will not disdain to use all sorts of frauds and scams, because for them all means are good, if only revenge is successful. And when parting with former lovers, they can go for blackmail, they will actively use the methods of psychological pressure and will not even hesitate to leave their missus with empty pockets.

Forewarned is forearmed. Now you are aware of the dark sides of Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. True, you should not judge a person solely by his zodiac sign. Moreover, all the signs of the zodiacal pantheon, without exception, are capable of harboring grievances and repaying the same. The astrological opinion about the most vengeful signs of the zodiac has the right to exist, but is not an undeniable judgment. Try not to offend others, and then the fierce revenge will not touch you.

“Life is too short, and you should not spend it on cherishing enmity in your soul or remembering grievances,” she said. Easy to say, harder to do. For some, this is a completely impossible task. ELLE is about the most touchy zodiac signs.

12th place - Sagittarius

A normal, balanced sign in this matter. Sagittarians are not very touchy, they rarely go on and quickly move away - if you really sincerely tell them that you regret what you said or did. The problem is that Sagittarians - however, like all people - have restricted areas. Or weaknesses, call it what you will. And if these territories are affected, the representative of this sign will rise for real. And all over the universe at once.

11th place - Scorpio

For Scorpios, the reaction to offense also works interestingly, but God forbid to get under the distribution. This sign does not collect negativity, it produces it - paradoxically, for its own benefit, like fuel. What is extremely important to Scorpions, one might say, vital, is revenge. If you offended him, know that sooner or later the offense will return to you. And here it is not so much a matter of principle as of pleasure - Scorpio must see that the offender will experience the same thing. Balance in everything is the main life thesis of the representatives of this sign.

10th place - Libra

9th place - Virgo

To offend Virgo, you need to try very hard: representatives of this sign adequately assess situations and people around them. If they were really hurt, they will not show their minds, most likely. But - they will remember and add to the blacklist. And it will be problematic to achieve a change in attitude towards yourself on the part of the Virgo.

8th place - Leo

For Leo, it is important to be an object, if not admiration, then respect. It is important for this sign to feel appreciated. At the same time, Leo himself will insistently demand from you an assessment of his work or actions. And here you step on fragile ice. However, having offended Leo, you will not kill him - he quickly cools down. But if he is truly offended, he will not take revenge, he will simply delete you from his life. Which is also annoying, of course.

7th place - Gemini

Whether business Twins. Representatives of this sign will definitely let you know that they are offended. Moreover, they will make it clear loudly, after which they will try to strike back at you, incommensurable with yours. Sometimes one gets the impression that do not feed the Gemini with bread, let them be offended - in order to, under the pretext of revenge.

6th place - Aries

It cannot be said that Aries suffers from hypersensitivity, and it is rather difficult to offend him. However, when Aries is offended, as they say, shout guard. Representatives of this sign react instantly, very noisily, sharply, and it seems that the blast wave will blow everything around. But Aries, having expressed what he thinks about the offender, cools down as quickly as he ignites. Half an hour will pass - and no one, including Aries, will remember what the fuss was about.

5th place - Pisces

With Pisces everything is complicated. And even more difficult for the Pisces themselves. They will forgive the offender, which will only make things worse for themselves. They will not tell anyone about this, but they will continue to accumulate resentment and reflect. What to do in such cases? The first rule is not to offend Pisces. Rule two - do not offend Pisces.

4th place - Aquarius

Aquarius in terms of resentment is as simple as an Ikea stool. Do you think that his ideas are unrealizable? Tell him about it and you will see what will happen. Aquarius will not stoop to outwardly react to such an insult, but will simply forget your name and who you are. And if you think that you can easily get off by retracting your words or apologizing, you are mistaken. You can at least bow to beat, Aquarius has already made a decision and looks at you as an empty place.

3rd place - Capricorn

Like Leo, it is important for Capricorn to know that he is valued, carried on his hands and blown off dust particles (or even better, they secretly forge a gold medal, an Oscar or a Nobel Prize). If you want to plunge Capricorn into deep sadness, inspire him with disgust for our mediocre world (joke) - criticize his impeccable deeds, question his phenomenal talent. And if you want the earth to go from under Capricorn's feet, allow yourself irony in his address. The result is obvious: Capricorn will pout and pester passers-by, demanding recognition of his obvious genius.

2nd place - Cancer

Crayfish are very reverent, one careless word, and they are out. But the main problem is not in this, but in how you will solve the problem. If you really offended Cancer, carefully choose the expressions for an apology. One careless word - and they are out again. So our advice to you: if you are not sure that you can settle everything, it is better to keep silent. Cancer puffs up, puffs up, then cools down, and you will apologize to a cold head.

1st place - Taurus

Taurus is better not to hurt, even in small things - this is a very touchy nature. Any opinion voiced directly to Taurus can hurt him, deprive him of peace, plunging him into heavy thoughts. The representatives of this sign are very rich imagination, they can wind themselves up so that a trifle, which has become the cause of reflection, will turn into a huge insult in their eyes. They will not challenge you to a duel and will not take revenge - they will sit in a corner and waste themselves on bitter thoughts.

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