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The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. Design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev: photo examples and analysis of typical mistakes. What materials to choose

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Houses built since the 1950s of the last century and consisting of several residential series, although they are part of building history Soviet Union, but have not sunk into oblivion. People continue to live and buy apartments in which there is a very small kitchen in Khrushchev. Design, photos, tips for redevelopment - the editors of HomeMуHome.ru offer turnkey solutions to reimagine your kitchen space in a smart way.

The dimensions of the kitchen in Khrushchev are 5-6 m 2, which does not have a free layout, but it allows you to create a rather original compact interior.

If desired, and the presence of a balcony, it is insulated and turned into a dining room, thereby freeing up space for workspace.

The main feature of these apartments comes from the style in which the Khrushchevs were built - functionality. Therefore, in the kitchen, the main thing is to observe the principles of ergonomics.

What you need to repair the kitchen in Khrushchev and what materials are best

People began to share quite often on the Internet photos of repairs in a small kitchen in Khrushchev. We also decided that it would not hurt to peep how the problem of a small area is solved with the help of finishing materials.

When choosing finishing materials, they are guided by the desired style design of the room. And here, too, there are pitfalls.

The parquet looks heavy for such a tiny room, so it's better to buy or. But the porcelain stoneware floor of a suitable shade does not look pretentious or out of place here.Ideal for a kitchen of 5 m 2 floor tiles: and washes without problems, and the humidity of the air is not a hindrance to it.

Walls can be finished not only with tiles, but also plastic panels as well as simple coloring.

Ceilings can completely transform a room: gone are the days when people whitewashed ceilings or glued tiles on them. can visually give extra meters to the room.

What colors to choose for decorating a kitchen in Khrushchev

Color plays such an important role in the perception of the kitchen that there is no point in even proving it. Let's go through other people's kitchens and determine what impression it makes on us in a tiny space.

Do not write off the choice of color only taste preferences: sometimes a change in color by one tone plays an important role, and you can find your ideal kitchen.

Kitchen lighting in Khrushchev

You can just hang a single light bulb from the ceiling and say that the lighting issue has been resolved. But is it resolved? In order for the kitchen to become not only a working and dining place, but a real stronghold of warmth and comfort, you need to work hard on lighting.

The sophistication of such a kitchen is due to the combination of dark gloss, dotted ceiling lights and elegant crystal chandeliers of small size. If you replace them with one chandelier, this effect will no longer be. The lighting above the worktop does not look overly bright - each lighting element is in harmony with each other

Good options for furnishing and choosing appliances for the kitchen in Khrushchev

The solo role in the kitchen in Khrushchev is reserved for furniture. Headsets can be built in favorably and give free movement in space, or make it uncomfortable.

You should immediately decide what exactly the owner expects from the kitchen: not all manufacturers offer the best options. Someone sells beautiful headsets that are not particularly comfortable to use. Our task is to choose not only ergonomic furniture, but also comfortable to use.

It is better to give preference to built-in appliances: in any catalog of manufacturers there are well-thought-out solutions. So, you don’t have to puzzle over where to find a place for a microwave if there is already a toaster or bread machine here.

Kitchen decor in Khrushchev

The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev deserves the same attention as the palace premises, simply because people live here too. But if you can put some element of decor in a large kitchen, and it will not cause disharmony of style, then this number will not work in a small room. All decor details must be designed in the chosen style and have a strictly designated place for them.

Textiles for kitchen decoration in Khrushchev

On the modern kitchens textiles may not exist at all: leather, wood, plastic, metal. It all depends on style direction: if a Provence kitchenette needs floral curtains and a tablecloth, then all this is not needed.

Minus textiles in the kitchen in soiledness: splashes of fat, food, high humidity do not contribute to the preservation of the original appearance of either curtains or upholstered furniture, no tablecloth.

Options for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev with a photo of interiors

If you decide that it's time to go to a brighter future, but you can't leave Khrushchev yet, then you need to bring this very future into your home. You can do this with repair. We offer ready-made solutions for the alteration of the kitchen interior.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a geyser

It’s easy to enter, but it won’t always look appropriate in Khrushchev. But even for a kitchen of 5 sq.m, they choose an excellent design, so let's look at the photo and find the option that suits us.

Design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

So far, no one has done without a refrigerator in an apartment, and organically putting this large-sized piece of furniture in a tiny room is quite problematic. The photo below shows the design of a kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator.

Related article:

: photos and features of the organization of work, the nuances of planning in square and narrow rooms, rational use of color and lighting; the choice of materials for interior decoration, the manufacture of facades and other parts of furniture, examples of design in various styles.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 and 6 squares with photo examples

There is little space in the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq. meters? It's all about good design!

Conclusion: if you do not rush and think through every centimeter of space, you can get a chic option.

Straight and U-shaped kitchens in Khrushchev

The direct arrangement of furniture is much more successful than the U-shaped. But each solution has its fans. If a person lives alone, then there is no reason to refuse the arrangement of furniture in the form of the letter P.

Design of corner kitchens in Khrushchev with photos of interiors

Corner kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. m is the best option. You can’t find extra meters here, so you have to look for a way out due to the arrangement of furniture with the letter G.


So, in this article we will show the best options for repairing and redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev, tips on design, decor and many photos on the topic.


The kitchens of the then built have a couple of very significant disadvantages and these are:

  • Very modest area (only 5-6 squares)
  • Low ceiling (2.2 meters)
  • The presence of a gas column (why this is a minus - we will describe below)

But, in contrast to these disadvantages, there are significant advantages, in comparison with block houses, and these are:

  • Does not happen in Khrushchev bearing walls(that is, you can destroy and break at least everything in a row)
  • It is very easy to expand the area in them due to adjoining rooms, and this applies not only to the living room

When you see the photos presented in the relevant blocks, you will understand that Khrushchev is not a sentence! True, with the proper approach, it is quite possible to make very stylish design rooms, and the kitchen will look miniature, but not cheap.

What are the most common repair options?

Few of the owners of Khrushchevs leave the layout in its original form. A lot of ways to modernize such a room have already been tested, therefore, we will not open America to you in this article.

Only - we recall the most good decisions and provide illustrative examples.

In short, the most the best option in this case - a small redevelopment, with a displacement of the walls. Otherwise, however, there is practically nowhere to turn around and there can be no talk of any originality.

Therefore, we will describe to you the best redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev, and also tell you about the furniture modules that are best suited in this case.

What is the best way to equip a kitchen with a gas water heater?

Geysers in Khrushchev are not always installed in the kitchen. Sometimes they are in the bathroom, which on the one hand is very convenient. Why is that? But because you have no safety restrictions and you can safely demolish the partition separating the kitchen from the living room.

In other cases, if the column is still in the kitchen, you should not choose this particular type of redevelopment. It is much more reasonable to expand the room due to the pantry adjacent to the kitchen, for example, since the door should be in any case.

No, of course, you can spit on the laws, but one day there is a risk of regretting it. For example, when selling an apartment, you will be required to provide a document that confirms the legality of redevelopment. And where will you get it if the gas workers do not agree with this state of affairs?

Yes, you can dodge and somehow give a bribe. But do you need it? Moreover, hand on heart, not such a chic option.

This is good in one case: if you live alone in an apartment. And when there are two of you, or even more, such a layout will add inconvenience. It's not even about the smell that will spread throughout the apartment.

The main thing here is the discomfort from visiting the kitchen by family members at the moment when someone is sleeping in the living room. And for small Khrushchev this is a very common situation. The hall usually performs many functions, including replacing the bedroom.

So, if you have a column in the kitchen, build on this, the key point.

In the photo below you can see the options for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev, with a column. Does it really look great? And do not say that the area is very small.

What color scheme is better to prefer with a small area?

We think you already understand that the best option is a light range. But, of course, you want something bright, interesting ... What can we offer you?

The most important thing here is the color of the walls. It is they who "make" the visual volume. That is, if you paint the walls white, you definitely will not lose.

When doing this, be very careful with the work surface. You should not choose something very colorful and bright, because the walls are white. Due to the fact that the area is small, this small segment, visually, will occupy a significant part of the room.

Then, the color of the floor is very important. If you make it dark, then even if there is light walls he "narrows" the room. Therefore, try to make the floor in bright colors.

What materials to choose?

Furniture with monograms and carvings is not for such a room! Forms should be as simple and straightforward as possible.

Do not even look in the direction of marble, natural onyx and other things that are great "play" only on large areas in a classical style interior.

Curtains should also not be pompous, otherwise it will all look ridiculous, cramped and out of place.

It is best to stay on, like "minimalism" or, if you want something more homely, on the "Scandinavian" style. There, the priority is the tree of natural colors and white tones. For Khrushchev, this is the very thing.

As for household appliances: match it to the tone. In this case, it is not so conspicuous and, as it were, visually, does not “eat up” the space. And, here it is interesting that it is the white technique that looks more cumbersome.

Give preference to either silver or completely dark. It is very important that there is no "discord". For example, next to a white refrigerator, a silver stove looks very messy.

Also, not to mention the ceilings. Since they are extremely low in Khrushchevs, tension ones come in handy here glossy ceilings. Moreover, you should also choose them in white. Any bright ceiling, even with reflective properties, reduces the room.

Due to the fact that the room will be visible in them, the ceiling will seem much higher, and, as a result, the room itself is more spacious. Taking care of them is a pleasure, therefore, we safely recommend this option.

Well, now, let's look at specific options and ideas.

Kitchen-living room

Main article:. To implement such an undertaking, you only need to demolish the wall. To make a similar project in Khrushchev is not difficult, since there is no concrete.

After the partition is gone, you need to think about what you will finish the walls and floor with.

In general, according to the laws of the genre, it is supposed to make floors of different structures or colors, thereby setting the line. But, in the case of a very modest cubic capacity, it is better to lay exactly the same floor in the living room and kitchen.

The same goes for the ceiling. You do not need any tiers, boxes and arches. It is best if the kitchen and living room are a completely unified ensemble.

Curtains, too, should be the same, not different. Only in this case, the interior will look truly harmonious.

U-shaped kitchens with a bar counter in Khrushchev

That's pretty interesting solution for Khrushchev. U-shaped furniture provides great convenience in terms of comfort, however, it occupies as many as three walls!

It would be extremely unreasonable if you had a separate kitchen, with a door. But, if you have a kitchen-living room, then the problem disappears by itself.

You can arrange a dining area right in the living room by setting up a table with chairs there, or you can make a bar counter that stands in place of the wall.

In terms of appearance- it's decent and pretty, but as for convenience, you need to think carefully.

Still, the bar counter is a place for a quick bite. You definitely can’t accommodate guests there, just as you can’t dine together with the whole family. And, if you make a bar counter, then in most cases you will have to give up a full-fledged table.

It is best to put it between the kitchen and the living room, by the window, in the place where the wall was. But you can’t put it up anymore, since there will be a bar counter.

Enlargement of the kitchen in Khrushchev due to the bathroom

Surely, many will be surprised by this option, since the baths in Khrushchev are already so miniature that it doesn’t fit in your head, what can be cut there.

But, people have found a rather interesting solution: to replace the bath itself with a shower cabin and “drown” the refrigerator into the resulting square. Of course, for this you need to knock out part of the wall from the side of the kitchen.

In principle, the idea is quite good if you do not use the bathroom under any circumstances and do not need it. For example, there are overweight people for whom cabins are many times more comfortable.

But, if you still use it, it is better not to expand the area by depriving yourself of such benefits. No shower will warm you up after a cold as well as a hot bath. Yes, and in terms of functionality, it is very necessary: ​​to wash something, to wash ...

Therefore, you should not get excited. Just take note of this.

In conclusion, I would like to say: go for it, everything is in your hands! Try to stick to these basic rules and you will succeed.

How to make the layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev comfortable and functional - this question worries many owners of small apartments. A few decades ago, Khrushchev's buildings provided citizens big country separate housing. It has a small room up to 6 square meters. m combined the functions of a dining room, household room and a place of friendly communication, evening tea drinking.

The modern kitchen differs from the kitchens of the 80s in a large number of household appliances and fixtures. Competent planning helps to place them in a cramped room, make cooking easy and convenient.

The arrangement of furniture or the layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev should take into account the features of a small interior, use every centimeter of space to good use in order to occupy a minimum area and provide maximum free space.

Features of the interior of the Khrushchev kitchen

Khrushchev kitchen layoutrequires careful thought. A scrupulous selection of furniture, the rejection of unnecessary items, the use of folding structures and the combination of functions make it possible to conveniently plan even a very small room without redevelopment and transfer of walls. What features need to be considered for competent planning small kitchen?

Furniture selection

What needs to be put in the kitchen? The basis of the kitchen is a stove, sink and refrigerator. Additional amenities - two tables, one - for lunch, the second - for cooking. A complete set of furniture is completed by cabinets, shelves and shelves for storing food, dishes and other utensils. Let's list the gentleman's set kitchen furniture for Khrushchev:

  • Refrigerator - the presence of food stocks at hand reduces the movement of the hostess during cooking;
  • Dining table (better if it is folding);
  • Chairs (also folding or folding structures);
  • Sink and cabinet under the sink;
  • Stove and hood above it;
  • Work table or countertop. In small kitchens, the countertop is placed on top. kitchen cabinet. Thus, it turns out Kitchen Cabinet for frying pans, pots, preservation and heavy kitchen appliances (juicer or microwave oven). At the top of the cabinet is a convenient table for cooking;
  • A place to store dishes, bulk products, towels and small household appliances - these can be hanging shelves, corner cupboard-pencil case. A large sideboard will not fit in the Khrushchev kitchen. It needs to be replaced with small comfortable shelves.

Features of furniture for the kitchen-Khrushchev

The situation of the Khrushchev kitchen is limited as far as possible. What can be dispensed with is removed. The layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev uses only the most necessary pieces of furniture and home appliances.

Several furniture functions are combined in one item. For example, the top of a kitchen cabinet is used as a work table. Or the window sill is expanded and covered with a table top (it turns out a table for cooking).

If possible, make the furniture built-in. This saves kitchen space. For example:

  • Shelves for kitchen utensils and various utensils in a niche under the windowsill;
  • Wardrobe built into the wall. In the partition between the kitchen and the bathroom, a light window is expanded, covered from the side of the bathroom with a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood and a built-in wardrobe is obtained. On the narrow shelves such a cabinet conveniently accommodates small dishes (cups, bottles), jars with spices, drinks;

If possible, choose folding and mobile furniture:

  • folding dinner table and chairs;
  • reclining shelves (they become a work table);
  • a small table-shelf on wheels (with one movement of the hand, it moves to the right place or is removed from the kitchen into the corridor).

Arrangement of furniture: we draw up a kitchen plan in Khrushchev

For a beautiful and functional arrangement of furniture in the kitchen, they draw on separate sheet plan with the dimensions of the kitchen. In Khrushchev or in a more spacious kitchen, this modeling technique allows you to arrange furniture in the most convenient way.

The plan is drawn to scale, indicate where the window is located and where the door is. After that, rectangles are cut out of paper according to the scale size of kitchen furniture (bedside tables, tables, household appliances). moving rectangular shapes furniture according to the plan, find the most convenient location her in the kitchen.

In the planning of Khrushchev, furniture is located along kitchen walls. Of the possible layouts (linear L, angular G, U-shaped, island) in Khrushchev kitchens, the following furniture arrangement schemes are used:

  • Linear - all furniture is located along one wall. At the same time, the wall space is completely occupied by furniture - from floor to ceiling. In the lower row of furniture there are kitchen cabinets, a sink, an oven. The top row consists of hanging cabinets and shelves, end shelves. Often the entire bottom row of furniture is covered with one tabletop. It turns out a beautiful, spacious and very functional surface for cooking;
  • Corner layout - furniture is located along two walls and in the corner between these walls. Corner scheme has a large capacity. In the bottom row in the corner, you can place a sink and cabinet under the sink. In the top row is a hanging corner cabinet. The corner space is occupied by the most bulky pieces of furniture. The countertop along two walls provides space for several household appliances (juicers, coffee makers, multicookers) and fruit bowls.

Khrushchev kitchens are not suitable for island and U-shaped layouts (furniture along three kitchen walls). These layouts take up space, make aisles narrow, and make a small kitchen cramped and uncomfortable.

In Khrushchev kitchens, hanging wall shelves and cabinets. They occupy unclaimed space in the upper corners of the room and therefore significantly save space in a small kitchen. In order not to create the impression of clutter, upper cabinets should be narrower than the lower pedestals by 15-20 cm (from the wall).

Household appliances on the plan of the Khrushchev kitchen

AT modern layout The kitchen uses at least a few household appliances. Their choice is determined by the preferences of the people living in the apartment: put a juicer or juicer, allocate space for washing machine or oven. Such issues are resolved by the owners of the kitchen at their discretion. Something else to keep in mind: dimensions devices (even among washing machines there are “Babies”).

Therefore, for a Khrushchev-type kitchen, compact multicookers and small ovens are purchased. Khrushchev almost never install household appliances that occupy a separate place on the plan (bulky dishwashers, automatic washing machines, separate freezers).

In Khrushchev, those household appliances that can be put on the shelf of a kitchen cabinet or a hanging cabinet are in demand: multi- and juice cookers, blenders, yogurt makers, bread makers, mixers.


The bedroom can be small and cozy, the bathroom small and cramped, but the living room and kitchen should be bright and spacious. It is in these rooms that friends and family gather, common dinners and festive feasts take place.

The restriction in the choice of furniture and its arrangement in the Khrushchev kitchen often pushes the owners to think about cardinal changes. In order to ensure kitchen comfort, additional square meters are needed. You can get them by rearranging the walls or redevelopment.

Redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev gives a few meters of additional space. To carry out the redevelopment, it is necessary to coordinate with the housing office and permission to partially demolish or move the walls. According to sanitary standards, move or partially remove only non-bearing walls and partitions. You can completely disassemble one of the walls of the kitchen, if it is not capital. Or make an arch, expand the opening, move the wall further one or two meters.

You can replace a blank wall with metal shelving racks. They will perform several functions: carry the load ceiling, decorate the interior with the shine of a polished surface, provide shelves for various items (books, CDs, toys, beautiful dishes, kitchen small things).

Redevelopment belongs to the category of construction (not repair) operations. During the dismantling of the old pier, a a large number of dust, dirt, debris. Wall transfer design and execution requires construction skills and professional knowledge.

Competentredevelopmentgives an excellent result - free space. Does not limit in terms of decor and interior design. Allows not to solve the issues of optimization and selection of furniture. It is only necessary to take into account the amount of costs and (sometimes) the impossibility of transferring the wall according to building codes and regulations.

Redevelopment of the kitchen: we move the walls

Kitchen remodeling can be done with the complete demolition of the wall or the removal of only part of the wall between the kitchen and the room or the kitchen and the corridor. In addition, when rescheduling, you can expand front door or make an arch. Such an entrance also allows you to visually expand the space and partially connect two adjacent rooms.

More often than others, the kitchen is connected to one of the rooms. This technique allows you to get a spacious dining room, where on the territory former room have a dining table, a seating area for relaxing and socializing, a small TV, bookshelf, aquarium. Work zone a spacious kitchen is preserved in the same place (water supply, drain, gas and other necessary communications are connected there).

Another redevelopment option - the kitchen is combined with a corridor. This way you get a very spacious living room where you can not only sit at the table, but also have a party.

It is impossible to connect the kitchen and the entrance corridor in most Khrushchev houses. In terms of the apartment, a toilet and a bathroom are located between these rooms, and the transfer of household rooms is prohibited. That is, according to the current legislation, you cannot place your bathroom or toilet above the living room of the neighbors below.

Transfer of communications

When remodeling the kitchen, you can move the faucet and drain. The gas oven must not be moved, but it can be replaced electric stove and oven, and install them in the corner of the room where it is needed.

The ideal scheme of the kitchen is a work table (or countertop), on the sides of which there are stoves and a sink. You can place such a table not only along the wall, but also near the window (continue the window sill and expand it, install a kitchen sink in it and extend the water supply and drain).

People love change. Despite the financial costs, redevelopment of the walls and rearrangement of the kitchen promise convenience and comfort, create beauty and aesthetics of the interior.

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The kitchen is considered an important room, the repair of which must be given special attention. Khrushchevs are distinguished by the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room. Therefore, it is important to maximize the use of square meters. think carefullyyou can radically change it.

The kitchen in Khrushchev is only 5-6 square meters areas with low ceilings.

When designing this room, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Choose in advance Decoration Materials and color palette.
  2. Develop a project for the arrangement of furniture and household appliances. It should be convenient to use them, but they should not create obstacles for moving around the territory.
  3. Decide on the type and placement of lighting, choose decor.

Good light, bright enough for comfortable cooking is one of the main requirements.

When the territory is small, it is important to rely not only on beauty, but also on practicality. kitchen design in Khrushchev.

Redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev

Redevelopment helps to increase the area, change the purpose or configuration of the room. Most often, the kitchen is connected to the living room. This can be done in different ways.

  1. If the separating wall is not load bearing, it is simply demolished.
  2. Make an arch to create a passage between rooms.

The brighter the kitchen in Khrushchev, the more spacious it seems.

If the rooms were connected, then it is necessary to form several zones, including working and dining. For zoning, you should use a screen, install a bar counter or separate all the finishing materials.

The kitchen can be connected to a balcony. It is preliminary recommended to think about the withdrawal of the heating system and insulate the windows. Be sure to carefully consider all the details before implementation.

All surfaces must be working. The more efficiently they are used, the more space in the kitchen.

Interior style for the "Khrushchev" kitchen

There are several options for decorating this room. They are marked in the table.

Multifunctional furniture that changes its purpose according to your desire is right choice for small kitchens in Khrushchev.

Style Description
Modern Differs in laconicism. Maximum practicality of the elements, all lines are clear. Kitchen appliances must be built in. Discard the standard stove, replacing it with a hob. The countertop can be continued by a window sill. Lighting do point. The interior is full of metal, glass and bright hues.
Classic Reflects luxury, the owner of the house has good taste. The main details is the use of headset from natural wood with milky enamel. The use of gypsum stucco, soft chairs with a high back.
Provence A distinctive feature is the use of pastel colors, textiles made from natural fabrics, lace inserts, prints in the form of flowers and patterns. A small kitchen will be filled with a light and fresh atmosphere.
Scandinavian Differs in an abundance of light shades. You can add other tones, but a little and not too bright. Like kitchen interior in Khrushchev helps to make it visually more spacious.

Color solutions for the kitchen in Khrushchev

An important step in the repair is the choice of palette. It depends on how the kitchen will look in the final version. It is necessary that it does not look dark and cramped. The following tones are suitable.

  • White. He is great at reflecting light. Suitable for combination with almost any scale, creating a contrast. Do not use on the floor, the area close to the sink and countertops.

It is better to stay on the walls, ceiling, headset.

  • Natural wood tone. Even if the furniture is not made of natural wood, color imitation will create comfort in the work area.

Helps to add to the atmosphere of comfort.

  • Yellow. It is relevant for rooms where there is very little natural light. It will help fill the kitchen with warmth and add Have a good mood, get rid of dullness.

Used as a juicy accent or general background.

  • Green. Great for small room. You can use it as the main color or choose details from a similar palette.

It goes well with gray, pink and orange.

  • Red. Differs in saturation, due to which it is able to attract everyone's attention. It is believed to increase appetite. Can take up a lot of space due to its brightness. Therefore, in a small kitchen it is important to use dosed.

It's best not to use red as the background.

  • Pastel range. When combined with white, you can achieve tenderness and lightness. For a small area, it fits perfectly, allowing it to look airy. As a supplement, it is recommended to choose saturated tones, but not flashy, bright.

Pastel palette gives peace, harmony.

Finishing and materials for the kitchen in Khrushchev

The final design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev depends on the chosen finishing materials. Each area in the room has its own recommendations to achieve beauty and practicality.

Furniture for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Among the main pieces of furniture required for the kitchen, it is worth noting the following.

  • Headset. It can be made of natural wood or imitate it. Be sure the product is varnished to protect it from moisture. May have elements made of metal, glass or plastic. Choose a dark matte shade if the kitchen is spacious. Glossy light colors will become ideal option when the area is limited. To optimize space, you should purchase built-in appliances, then order a headset.

This will help to accurately manufacture it, in accordance with the dimensions of each device.

  • Lunch segment. If the kitchen is small, then it will become a real problem to place a full table in it. For a studio apartment, a bar counter is usually installed that performs several functions at once. If space is limited, it is recommended to use folding products. A folding table allows you to have a dining area and not take up much space.

If the window sill is wide, it can become a tabletop for eating.

  • Storage system. Before buying a headset, it is important to think carefully about where all the necessary things will be located, such as dishes, kitchen utensils. You can save space and correctly place everything by increasing the height of the cabinets. Be sure to use the corners in the room.

Thinking through the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev may be exacerbated by the characteristic small size premises. The room reserved for cooking and eating is often so small that it is difficult to fit even the necessary attributes in it. It is possible to solve such problems if you organize everything correctly. It is important to set the light correctly. It can hide the flaws of space and show only the merits.

Add mirror surfaces, light colors to make the kitchen visually larger and fresher.

What are Khrushchevs?

Khrushchev houses differ by the year when the construction was carried out, by the number of floors. May vary in size and other parameters.

Often there are several main types of Khrushchev.

  1. Buildings with 5 or 6 floors, erected in the late 50s. The ceiling in such a dwelling has a height of 2.5 m. The dimensions of the kitchen are reduced to 7.6 sq.m.
  2. Houses built between 1960 and 1965. The buildings are made of bricks. The ceiling height is identical to the first view. The dimensions of the kitchen are somewhat smaller and come down to 6.2 - 6.5 sq.m.
  3. Buildings erected between 1965 and 1968. These are panel dwellings. The dimensions of the kitchen space remained unchanged. Additionally, there were problems associated with thermal insulation. Presumably, the kitchen in such houses was supposed to be a place only for cooking. Other rooms were allocated for eating.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a geyser

If a small kitchen is equipped with a geyser, optimal solution will build it into a hanging closet. It must match general style design. The locker helps to remove the unit from common eyes, which can only spoil the overall look.

This will allow you to choose the right size cabinet. It should be not only beautiful, but also safe. Requires a certain width and many holes for good ventilation.

What can be done with your own hands?

In addition to making furniture to order, you can put your hand in creating design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev . The following tips are recommended.

The key challenge will be visual magnification area of ​​the room.

  • Furniture choose light colors. It will be successfully combined with wall coverings in the same range.
  • Installing the rack to the ceiling helps to visually increase the height.
  • Avoid small pieces of furniture. It will only clutter up the overall situation. It is recommended to give preference to a few large items rather than many small ones.
  • For the dining segment, choose a round or oval table. Avoid sharp corners.
  • For windows, choose blinds or Roman blinds.
  • Hang the cornice almost to the ceiling. Textiles should be pastel colors, which will add comfort and softness.
  • Remove large, bulky items.

It is better to add a few small elements placed randomly.

What built-in equipment is needed?

Built-in appliances are necessary for the correct and practical use of all available space. This allows you to connect multiple tasks, including no waste additional meters, but retaining functionality. Among the necessary equipment, one can note an oven, hob, dishwasher, extractor hood.

Do not choose large items.

The hob can have only 2 burners, this will be enough. Even if the kitchen is tiny, you can not refuse the hood. There are compact models. When installing, it is worth considering that it will subsequently be put forward.

For dishwasher a site close to the sink is perfect.

Functionality in design

A small room should be as functional as possible. To do this, use the following recommendations.

In some cases, you can do without overhaul, it is enough to reconsider the approach to the organization of the workspace and optimize it.

  • Remove the dining area from the kitchen. If there are no problems, you can simply move the place of eating to another room. Then in the kitchen you will only need to cook food. This will greatly facilitate the process of selecting and placing the required attributes. Be sure to install a refrigerator, sink and stove. The remaining items are worth buying if there is enough space and need.
  • You can purchase a horizontal model of the refrigerator. Then its surface can be additionally used as a working one. Which increases functionality.
  • Remove excess furniture from the room. You can install modular models. Cabinets choose with the possibility of transformation.
  • If the window sill is large, make it an additional work surface.

These tips will help rationally and usefully use the available square meters.

VIDEO: Kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. m.

50 design options for the kitchen in Khrushchev:

For the Soviet man own apartment, albeit a very small size, was a dream. But massively built since the late 50s apartment buildings- Khrushchev houses, originally conceived as temporary housing, have existed to this day. For a modern person, such housing no longer meets all the criteria for comfort: the kitchen in Khrushchev has an area of ​​\u200b\u200bonly 5-7 square meters, you need to hide the gas water heater and pipes, the ceilings are low.

Kitchen design 7 square meters in Khrushchev

Considering that Khrushchevs occupy a considerable share in the total urban housing stock and have typical layouts, find stylish and good option designing even such a small kitchen is not difficult.

Bright kitchen without a partition (combined with the living room)

From professional designers and ordinary people enough experience. And we have collected for you here only the best ideas and solutions for repairs with photos of real interiors and tips for arranging.

Decide on the design and draw the project with dimensions

If you do not pre-plan the design before the smallest details you are unlikely to be completely satisfied with the result. Detail drawing with the layout of communications, a schematic arrangement of furniture will help not only save time, but also money for repairs. You can run the project in a simple .

Project in Khrushchev 6 sq.
After project renovation

Before you start planning your kitchen design in Khrushchev, consider a few important points.

Choose a style

Modern styles (Scandinavian, high-tech, eco, loft, etc.) are ideal for design small kitchen in Khrushchev.

AT scandinavian style

Luxurious traditional styles with stucco, voluminous decor and massive furniture will not work. But it is quite possible to implement modern classics on 5-7 sq.m. Choose a set with paneled, frame facades, but compact and in bright colors.

Another of the most popular styles today is Provence.

Minimalism is always relevant for a small space. It is characterized by furniture with smooth facades without handles, a minimum of decor, and the absence of curtains on the windows.

The design can be done in the Art Deco style. Glass and appropriate decor will help with this. Gloss and mirror surfaces in this case, they will do an excellent job of visual extension small space.

Look at the design idea of ​​​​a cozy kitchen 5.4 sq. modern classics in a detailed review:


A bright kitchen visually seems larger and more spacious. In this case, white, all shades of beige, pastel and muted tones of any color are ideal for wall decoration.

With dark colors, you should be careful. They can be used in small quantities, for example, in design dining area, in decor, in decoration lighting fixtures. You can make a two-tone headset with a dark bottom row, or vice versa.

Bright colors can only act as accents (15-20 percent in the overall design).

Before you start planning and renovating, consider a few important points:

  • If the apartment is gasified, decide in advance how you will beat the column and pipes in the interior. If the equipment is old, then it is better to replace it. Modern geysers can fit perfectly into the interior without special disguise.

A U-shaped layout is also possible if the wall separating the kitchen and living room is demolished. Then one of the sections of the headset can become a bar counter.

  • Double row.

This option is also functional, but does not leave room for a normal dining room for a medium and large family.

A kitchen with a U-shaped or two-row layout can serve as a garage for appliances. If the family is large, then you will need a large 4-burner stove, oven, large and roomy refrigerator. You can also put a washing machine here, freeing up space in the bathroom. With this approach, the kitchen turns into a functional place with a purely economic purpose.

The room accommodates all necessary equipment but there is no room for dining. It is organized in the living room.
  • No top cabinets.

Replacing top cabinets today open shelves is one of the fashion trends in design. But this is not always practical: it requires private dusting, it becomes fewer seats storage. But it will greatly facilitate the atmosphere of a small kitchen. The idea is for an amateur and has a place to be.

Loft-style kitchen in Khrushchev

You can visually lighten the kitchen space in Khrushchev if you place the upper cabinets only along one wall.

Advice! Now many manufacturers produce upper cabinets with great height under the ceiling. In a small kitchen, they will be a great solution to increase the amount of storage space for dishes and kitchen utensils.

Where to put the refrigerator?

There are three location options:

  • standing separately;
  • built-in;
  • free-standing, built-in headset in a niche under the cabinets.

Freestanding can be installed by the window to make it easier to pass into the kitchen.

In a room where the distance from the window to the wall is not enough to accommodate equipment, the only place for him there is a corner opposite or against the wall near the exit (see photo below).

The location at the entrance is one of the most common. In this case (provided that the kitchen is not gasified), either install a compact accordion door or a sliding door.

Attention! It is impossible to leave a gasified kitchen without a door at all.

If there was no place for a refrigerator, then it can be installed in the corridor or in the living room.

Another option is to abandon the usual overall model and buy separately freezer, a separate refrigerator and build them under the countertop. And if the family is small, then the compact low version "2 in 1" (refrigerator + freezer) is enough. Of course, there will be inconveniences here too. But the owners of the kitchen in Khrushchev, whatever one may say, will have to sacrifice ease of use for the sake of more free space, or vice versa.

If the kitchen has an electric stove, then you can arrange an entrance without a door in the form of an arch.

The refrigerator can match the color of the walls or furniture perfectly. For example, white cabinets and a white refrigerator.

Separately standing refrigerator may also play the role of bright accent in the interior, if it has a contrasting color.

The built-in refrigerator will fit perfectly into the design in any style. It does not violate the stylistic unity and the entire furniture ensemble.

An excellent solution would be a refrigerator built into a niche between cabinets.

Dinner Zone

With a corner or linear set, you can allocate space for a dining table for 2-4 people.

The round table accommodates more people and at the same time saves space.

Lightweight and weightless look glass tables. Such lunch groups Made from impact resistant tempered glass.

You can purchase the same translucent chairs made of durable plastic, which visually make a small kitchen freer and more spacious.

A transforming table is the best solution for a small kitchen. These can be designs with a folding tabletop or retractable.

To organize the dining area, you can use the windowsill.

The tabletop can be made on the same level with the tabletop kitchen set or cut separately to any shape.

The dining area can be made in the form of a compact bar counter on one leg.

It can be placed against a wall or near a window. Depending on the height, you can purchase ordinary stools or high bar stools for it.

It is much easier to organize a dining room if you completely or partially (by expanding the entrance) demolish the wall between the kitchen and the living room. In this case, the dining table can be placed in the transition between the kitchen and the living room.

Design of a kitchen-studio in Khrushchev after redevelopment

Today, when repairing in Khrushchev, such redevelopments are not uncommon. Because the wall is not load-bearing, then the probability that the application will be approved is quite high.

Attention! Before starting redevelopment, be sure to coordinate your actions with the authorized bodies.

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