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How to reduce appetite - herbs, foods, pills and other effective drugs and remedies that help suppress the feeling of constant hunger and reduce weight at home. Effective ways to reduce appetite in order to lose weight - folk remedies, that

Overeating is not only the cause of the appearance overweight, but can become a prerequisite for the occurrence of a number of serious diseases. We often turn an important physiological process into an incidental activity. Gradually, we eat automatically, we often eat on the go, and sometimes we simply have nothing to do.

To get rid of the psychological component of overeating, drugs that reduce appetite can help. The most common medications Appetite control are Citrimax-containing preparations. Using the extract of garcinia cambogia, you can also slow down the process of fat formation, lower cholesterol, bring back to normal

Appetite suppressants are good because they help you make a gentle transition to a diet. Often, psychological dissatisfaction with the new way of life leads to upsetting breakdowns and nullifies the positive effect. Compared to or scavengers, they have the advantage of being less expensive and having a higher positive effect on the body.

But the abuse of these substances is unacceptable. Their use is recommended in courses of 1 to 3 months. And only after a break is a repetition allowed. Turning to diet food, it should be understood that a low-calorie-fat-free diet should be as balanced and complete as possible.

It should be borne in mind that drugs that reduce appetite often contain substances that affect the satiety center. The effect of hunger suppression occurs against the background of activation of nervous activity. The result of this may be the development of depression, nervousness, possibly insomnia and increased heart rate. The use of such drugs should be carried out as directed and under constant medical supervision.

As a means of taming the appetite, drugs that create a feeling of satiety have become widespread. For these purposes, either substances with similar properties are used (agar-agar, gluten, algae products). False satiety occurs due to their swelling and mechanical filling of the stomach.

Funds for working on this principle were replenished with a number of domestic food conditioners, which are not inferior to the MCC. Minerals and grain bran are used for their production. The product, enriched with vitamins and natural minerals, is in the form of a mixture, but it can be replaced with natural food products. It's grain bread cereals, brown rice.

An overdose of substances based on MCC and the like leads to constipation and the removal of a large amount of useful minerals from the body. All appetite suppressants are effective at the time of their use, the refusal to use them often leads to weight gain.

The topic of ways to reduce appetite would not be disclosed without mentioning folk ways solutions to this problem - with the help of herbs and medicinal plants. Pharmacology based on natural products has become widespread due to the availability and high efficiency. In addition, the effect of weight gain after using such funds does not occur.

As drugs that reduce appetite, you can use hawthorn, nettle, flax, burdock, kelp, alfalfa, fennel and many others. By improving the work of the adrenal glands, hawthorn contributes to the speedy digestion of food. Hawthorn tea stimulates the thyroid gland. Nettle provides the body nutrients at the cellular level and reduces the feeling of hunger. Laminaria has a similar effect. Flax, in addition to its hunger-relieving effect, can be used as a laxative, besides, it is able to bring the level of sugar in the body in order. Burdock promotes the breakdown of fats, its roots are used for brewing. Alfalfa not only has the effect of a fat burner, but also strengthens the circulatory system. Fennel is used as a diuretic and a substance to reduce hunger.

There are many ways to reduce your appetite. Some even use special tablets for this purpose. However, no matter how you look at it, it is a chemistry that can cause many problems in the body. But folk methods, how to reduce appetite, are completely safe, but no less effective.

How to prevent overeating?

It often happens that a person, having waited for a meal, literally pounces on food, absorbing it in huge quantities. In addition to heaviness in the stomach 15-20 minutes after the end of the meal, this is also fraught with the appearance of the ill-fated excess weight. To prevent overeating, just remember a few simple rules:

  • do not put food in too large plates - then even a normal portion will seem small to you, which means there will be an incentive to put something else;
  • food should be eaten slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly;
  • it is not recommended to eat at the TV or while reading a newspaper;
  • try to eliminate from the diet too fatty foods, reduce the number of spices to a minimum;
  • before a meal, drink a glass of plain water or tomato juice;
  • Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

A few words about snacks "between times"

Many people find it difficult to break the habit of snacking between meals. How to reduce appetite and avoid temptation? In general, here you will need your willpower. But if bad habit stronger than you, try to make the snacks themselves less harmful: for example, you can eat a sweet fruit (banana or apple), as an option - eat a slice of black (not milk!) chocolate.

Eat cereal!

80% of the food a person consumes is for breakfast and lunch. If you add wheat sprouts to your diet, you will provide your body with a constant supply of fiber and vitamin B. In addition, cereals prevent the appearance of fat deposits in the body, and are absorbed long enough, that is, the feeling of hunger will not appear soon.

Give up alcohol

If you are looking for ways to reduce your appetite, you will have to completely give up alcohol. Just like spices, it can exacerbate the feeling of hunger.

To not eat at night

Of course, many people are drawn to the refrigerator at night. But if you drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed, you will be able to fall asleep much faster, and the nightly "kitchen raid" will not be required.

Give up mayonnaise and sour cream

If you eat salads, it is best to fill them with vegetable fats. If you refuse sour cream and mayonnaise at all, replace them with fat-free kefir.

Some folk secrets to reduce appetite

  • Pour a glass of water and dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (natural, not synthetic!) in it. Drink water before meals.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over a few teaspoons of parsley broth. The broth should be boiled for about 15 minutes over low heat, and then several times a day, drink half a cup of the drink.
  • Speaking of appetite suppressants, we must not forget about the stigmas of corn. For 200 milliliters cold water 10 grams will be enough. In a water bath, the stigmas need to be brewed for 20 minutes. Take one tablespoon before meals.
  • Pound medium cloves of garlic (3 pieces) and pour a glass of boiled cold water. It should also be taken before meals (no more than a tablespoon at a time!).
  • Another option on how to reduce appetite with folk remedies is to drink 20 milliliters of flaxseed oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Modern women dream of eating whatever they want, but not getting better at the same time, so instead of switching to proper nutrition and physical exercise looking for easy ways to lose weight. In the struggle for harmony, ladies even resort to such drastic measures as taking pills to reduce appetite, which have multiple side effects and contraindications.

What pills are suitable for reducing appetite

It is impossible to unequivocally name a particular drug as the most effective, because the pharmaceutical market offers huge selection appetite suppressants. But even expensive drugs will not help you lose weight if you do not change your habits and lifestyle, because the body does not ask for anything without a reason.

Factors of increased appetite are the following:

  • psychological shocks, stresses;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of sleep;
  • to give up smoking;
  • prolonged depression.

Before switching to pills that suppress appetite without harm and provoke fat burning, go to the doctor's office, you may need medication that removes psychological problems. But if you decide to lose weight with pills, then you need to choose them individually. There are three groups of drugs for weight loss: anoretics, calorie blockers, fat burners. To reduce appetite, anoretic drugs are used, which do not work with the problem ( excess fat), but with the cause (overeating). Pills that discourage appetite for food are sold in a large assortment, and they differ in dosage, composition, price, side effects and the speed of achieving results.

The mechanism of action of incretin drugs

Recently, incretin drugs (for diabetes) have become popular to reduce appetite. The effectiveness of these drugs is to reduce appetite and control overeating. People who take weight loss and appetite medications designed for diabetics find it easier to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. However, such weight loss is not medically approved, as clinical trials for healthy people were not carried out.

Incretin tablets slow down gastric emptying after meals, which reduces appetite. Medications reduce glucose production by increasing liver uptake muscle mass which impairs the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines. Thanks to drugs for diabetics, you will reduce cravings for sweets, improve appetite control, and stop tormenting the feeling of hunger. However, incretin drugs have many contraindications, so it’s better to start by paying attention to less powerful pills that completely discourage appetite.

Review of pills that reduce appetite and burn fat

But how to reduce appetite to lose weight? There is a whole list of dietary supplements to reduce appetite. They act on the brain's satiety centers, increasing the concentration of adrenaline in the blood to slow down hunger. The most effective pills for weight loss are drugs that burn fat. The principle of action of drugs is to block enzymes and bind fats. let's consider concrete examples: which pills reduce appetite and burn fat.

Garcinia Forte

Among the variety of effective pills for reducing appetite and weight, the drug "Garcinia Forte" occupies a special place. The effect of the drug has already been appreciated by many women, since with the help of them it is easy to get rid of excess weight, while maintaining excellent health. Capsules "Garcinia Forte" have a medical certification, so this product is officially approved for use and can be freely bought in pharmacies.

The main component of the best diet pills is the well-known extract from the peel of the garcinia tree, which grew in Asia. Its fruits have a unique chemical composition:

  • Hydroxycitric acid, which promotes a feeling of satiety. The substance gives the brain a signal at the moment when the body no longer needs calories.
  • Pectin, also giving satiety. When water enters the body, pectin in the stomach turns into a gel, filling it.
  • Laminaria, which affects the functioning of the pancreas, which can malfunction when overweight.

Garcinia Forte is a dietary supplement that is taken with food. To reduce appetite, it is better to choose a diet in combination with this drug, consume less alcohol and starchy foods, completely abandon fatty and fried foods. In this case, "Garcinia Forte" will be a reliable ally in the fight against extra pounds.


Another popular drug in Russia to reduce appetite is Ankir-B. The active substance of this biological supplement is microcrystalline cellulose, which is not broken down in the body by enzymes, but passes through the intestines in transit and exits unchanged. If you do not know how to reduce your appetite, then "Ankir-B" is an ideal tool for losing weight. The dietary supplement “washes” the intestinal mucosa from the inside, clearing it of cementing slags that inhibit all functions. Tablets reduce the level of bad cholesterol, help speed up metabolism and eliminate processed food through the gastrointestinal tract.

"Ankir-B" is widely used for weight loss, because the action of the tablets is directed against appetite. This dietary supplement is tasteless, odorless and contraindicated. In the package "Ankir-B" you will find 100 tablets, and the daily dose to reduce appetite, according to the instructions, is from 9 to 15 pieces. Manufacturers recommend a weight loss course with this dietary supplement for 4 to 8 weeks to achieve a real result.


"" - These are also strong pills that block appetite, with which obesity is treated. The main component of the drug is sibutramine, which is able to regulate hunger by activating the secretion of serotonin. One of the effects of sibutramine for weight loss is to control the incoming food in the stomach. When taking Reduxin, the feeling of satiety lasts a long time and the body does not need additional snacks between meals.

In addition to this action, "Reduxin" improves metabolism, promotes fat burning and brings a general healing effect, normalizing blood sugar levels. According to the instructions, taking pills should last from 3 months in order to achieve stable weight loss. According to the reviews of losing weight, for 3 months, weight loss is up to 15 kg.


The drug for relieving appetite "Turboslim" is also a dietary supplement that breaks down fat, removes toxins, improves fat metabolism and fluid circulation. The effect of reducing appetite is due to papaya and guarana extracts, citrus bioflavonoids, algae extracts and vitamins B3 and C, which are part of the tablets. "Turboslim", taken at night, provides sleep due to lemon balm extract, normalizes bowel function, stimulates calorie burning. To block appetite, one Turboslim capsule should be taken with meals.

Manufacturers advise taking the drug for one month, then take a couple of weeks off and continue if necessary. In addition to tablets, Turboslim coffee is produced for coffee lovers with the addition of horsetail, burdock, and turmeric extracts. The drug reduces appetite and produces a choleretic, diuretic effect, the elimination of toxins and the removal of edema. For tea lovers, manufacturers produce the Turboslim tea drink - a mixture of green tea with extracts of the Alexandrian leaf, cherry stalk, corn stigmas, which also help to remove excess fluid from the body.

MCC tablets

Microcrystalline cellulose resembles plant fiber in its properties. It fills the space of the stomach when it swells under the influence of liquid. Due to this, a person's appetite decreases and the amount of food that he consumes decreases. are prescribed for weight loss - they cleanse the body of harmful substances. Manufacturers produce microcrystalline cellulose enriched with various minerals and vitamins, so it is also taken as a tonic, tonic drug.

MCC tablets do not have any contraindications, but if the dosage is exceeded, they can provoke constipation. Cellulose is not a miracle drug that breaks down body fat, and you can lose weight with it only in combination with a large amount of fluid intake and a low-calorie diet. The course of taking MCC tablets should not exceed 4 weeks. Cellulose should be taken no more than 5 tablets per day half an hour before meals.

Contraindications and side effects

Taking pills to reduce appetite should be taken seriously, because many have a large number of side effects and contraindications. Doctors do not recommend taking appetite suppressant medications for people who suffer from or are prone to cardiovascular disease. It is definitely forbidden to drink diet pills for the category of people with the following pathologies:

  1. Kidney diseases.
  2. defeats nervous system.
  3. Headaches and migraines.
  4. Increased pressure.
  5. Regular fainting.

DIZOPIMON (Desopimon)

Synonyms: Chlorfenterphine hydrochloride, Aderan, Apsedon, Avikol, Avipron, Lucofen, Rebal, Theramin, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. By chemical structure and pharmacological properties is similar to phenamine and fepranone. Like fepranone, it has an anorexigenic (appetite-depressing) effect, without causing pronounced excitation of the central nervous system and only slightly increasing blood pressure.

Indications for use. As an anorexigenic agent, mainly for exogenous alimentary obesity (obesity associated with overeating); can also be used for adiposogenital dystrophy (obesity associated with metabolic disorders) (in combination with hormone therapy), hypothyroidism (thyroid disease) (in combination with thyroidin) and other forms of obesity. Treatment is carried out in combination with a low-calorie diet, if necessary - with fasting days.

Method of application and dose. Assign inside in tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) 1-2-3 times a day with meals in combination with a low-calorie diet.

Side effects and contraindications. Possible Complications, precautions and contraindications are the same as when using fepranone.

Release form. Tablets of 0.025 g

Storage conditions. List A. In a dry place.

IZOLIPAN (Isolipan)

Synonyms: Dexafenfluramine.

Pharmachologic effect. Anorexigenic (appetite suppressant), serotonin mimetic (causes inhibition of reuptake and increased release of serotonin). Unlike amphetamine anorexigenic drugs, it does not have a psychostimulating effect, does not cause an increase blood pressure.

Indications for use. Obesity, including resistant (resistant) to treatment with other drugs.

Method of application and dose. Inside, morning and evening, 1 capsule, preferably with meals, for 3 months.

Side effect. Dry mouth, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, frequent urination, dizziness, headache, asthenia (weakness), mood disturbances, reactive depression (depressed, sad state in response to mental trauma), drowsiness or insomnia, irritability.

Contraindications. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), depression (a state of depression), and psychogenic anorexia (loss of appetite caused by mental illness) even in history (previously), pharmacomania (painful craving "to take medicinal product), alcoholism. The drug should be avoided during the first 3 months. pregnancy. Use with caution in patients with disorders

heart rate, liver and kidney failure.

Incompatible with anorexigenic agents of central action (see Desopimon, Mazindol, Mirapront, Fepranon) and MAO inhibitors. Potentiates (enhances) the effect of sedative (calming) and hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) drugs, the hypotensive effect of tricyclic antidepressants and the hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) effect of sulfonamides.

Release form. Capsules containing 15 mg of dexafenfluramine, in a package of 60 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry place.

MAZINDOL (Mazindol)

Synonyms: Terenak, Teronak, Afilan, Dimagrir, Magrilan, Samonter, Sanorex.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an anorexigenic (appetite-depressing) effect. Facilitates adherence to a low-calorie diet.

The main factors in the mechanism of the anorexigenic action of mazindol are an increase in the activity of the satiety center in the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) and a decrease in stimuli for the need for food, which is associated with the effect of the drug on the adrenergic systems of the brain.

Indications for use. Applied in complex therapy obesity in adults and children over 12 years of age.

Method of application and dose. Assign inside during meals, first l / i tablets (0.5 mg) per day (in the first 4-5 days), then 1 tablet 1 or 2 times a day (during breakfast and lunch). The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. The course of treatment usually lasts from 4 to 12 weeks.

Side effect. When taking the drug, dry mouth, nausea, headache, sleep disorders, urinary retention, sweating, allergic skin rash, increased arterial pressure. The dose of the drug in these cases is reduced or discontinued. In the course of treatment (on the 8-10th week), some addiction to the drug and a decrease in its anorexigenic effect may develop.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), renal, hepatic and heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, increased excitability. Do not prescribe mazindol simultaneously with MAO inhibitors (see Nialamide).

Release form. Tablets of 1 mg in a package of 20 and 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. List A. In a dry place.

MIRAPRONT (Mirapront)

Pharmachologic effect. Affects the centers of the hypothalamic region (a part of the brain) that regulate the feeling of satiety. Suppresses excessive appetite; action lasts 10-12 hours.

Indications for use. Exogenous (alimentary - associated with overeating) obesity.

Method of application and dose. Assign 1 capsule after breakfast.

Side effect. Dry mouth, sweating, irritability, insomnia.

Release form. Capsules of 15 mg.

Storage conditions.

PONDERAL (Ponderal)

Pharmachologic effect. Reduces lipogenesis (the process of fat formation) by increasing peripheral glucose uptake; increases the breakdown of fats. The result of the treatment is a progressive decrease in reserve fat deposits in the subcutaneous fat. It has the ability to reduce appetite without stimulating the central nervous system.

Indications for use. Obesity in adults and children; obesity against the background of hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure) and diseases of the cardiovascular system, mental illness; obesity, difficult to treat; obesity during menopause (the phase of menopause that occurs after the last menstrual bleeding) and diabetes mellitus.

Method of application and dose. For obesity of the I degree, adults are prescribed 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening; with obesity of the II degree - 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening; with III degree obesity - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Children from 6 to 10 years old are prescribed 1 tablet per day; from 10 to 12 years - 2 tablets per day. The dose for children may be increased to 3 tablets per day if there is significant obesity. The decrease in body weight as a result of treatment usually occurs from the 2-3rd week from the start of treatment.

Side effect. Dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders), dizziness.

Contraindications. First 3 months pregnancy. The drug should not be prescribed together with MAO inhibitors, as well as patients with depressive syndrome (in a state of depression).

Release form. Tablets of 20 mg.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry, dark place.

Fenfluramine (Fenfluramine)

Synonyms: Miniphage.

Pharmachologic effect. Anorexigenic (appetite suppressant), serotonergic agent.

Indications for use. Obesity.

Method of application and dose. Take orally 1 capsule per day; after 3-4 weeks - up to 2 capsules at a time. The course of treatment is from 6 weeks to 3-9 months.

Side effect. Dizziness, headache, asthenia (weakness), depression (a state of depression), irritability, insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, frequent urination.

Contraindications. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), mental anorexia (loss of appetite caused by mental illness), depressive states (states of depression), pharmacomania (painful craving for taking a drug), alcoholism. It is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Incompatible with neuroleptics, antidepressants; potentiates (enhances) the hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) effect of sulfonamides.

Release form. Capsules retard ( long-acting), containing 60 mg of fenfluramine hydrochloride, in a package of 30 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry place.

FEPRANON (Phepranonum)

Synonyms: Amfepramone, Abulemin, Anorex "Ortho", Danulen, Diethylpropion, Dobesin, Keramm, Natorexic, Parabolin, Regenon, Tenuat, Tepanil, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. The drug has anorexigenic (appetite-depressing) activity.

Indications for use. The indication for the use of fepranone is mainly alimentary obesity (obesity associated with transmission); it can also be used in adiposogenital dystrophy (obesity associated with metabolic disorders) - in combination with hormone therapy, in hypothyroidism (thyroid disease) - in combination with thyroidin and other forms of obesity. Treatment is carried out in combination with a low-calorie diet, if necessary - with fasting days.

Method of application and dose. Assign inside in the form of tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) 2-3 times a day for half an hour or an hour before meals (breakfast and lunch). With good tolerance and insufficient effect, you can increase the dose to 4 tablets per day. The course of treatment is 1.5-2.5 months. If necessary, conduct repeated courses with breaks of 3 months.

Side effect. Fepranone is usually well tolerated. However, people with hypersensitivity and overdose may experience irritability, insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, and other side effects. When prescribing the drug to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and with hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease), caution is necessary.

Treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a physician.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, advanced forms of hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), severe disorders of cerebral and coronary (cardiac) circulation, myocardial infarction, thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease), glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), tumors of the pituitary and adrenal glands, sugar diabetes, increased nervous excitability, epilepsy, psychosis, severe sleep disturbances. Do not prescribe the drug to patients taking MAO inhibitors (see Nialamide).

Release form. Tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. List A. In a dry, dark place.

Increased appetite can signal diabetes mellitus, neurosis, lack of chromium, worms, and is the cause of unacceptable obesity. All newfangled diets for weight loss do not help, because they do not solve the problem of appetite. This problem is solved by old, more gentle methods for the body than those offered by official medicine.

It is necessary to start the fight against your own appetite by seeking to exclude foods with flavor enhancers from the diet. It's chips, alcohol, soda, crab sticks, cheap sausages, smoked meat products. It is necessary to change the composition of your diet and dramatically increase the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed.

How to reduce appetite folk remedies? Among the people, there are many ways to reduce appetite that are not harmful to health. If a person has a feeling of hunger in the form of cramps from lack of food, this phenomenon is easily eliminated by increasing the diet of plant foods and other foods containing fiber. To combat hypoglycemic hunger, which occurs when glucose levels in the body fall, the treatment recommended for diabetes. This is a dangerous phenomenon, accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and traditional medicine is completely insufficient to combat it.

Much attention in this direction ethnoscience gives apple cider vinegar. The easiest recipe is to add 2 tablespoons to a glass of water and drink before dinner. A complex recipe for using apple cider vinegar is more effective. First you need to prepare an aqueous decoction of a mixture of chopped herbs: dry leaves of green beans, raspberry leaves, nettles, mixed in equal proportions. 10 grams of this mixture is poured with half a liter of water, brought to a boil and brewed for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, add 10 grams. The resulting herbal solution of apple cider vinegar is drunk throughout the day, in equal shares.

Apple cider vinegar is a great appetite suppressant.

It is not enough to use only appetite suppressants, it is necessary to fight the love of sweets. There is a recipe for an herbal mixture to reduce sugar cravings that is easy to prepare. All its components are sold in pharmacies. You need to prepare a mixture of equal parts of blueberry leaves, nettle, and half a share of corn stigmas. 20 grams of herbs are boiled in 500 grams of water. Take one fifth of the decoction with meals. This composition of the herbal mixture is characterized by the fact that plants are selected that contain a high content of chromium, which is involved in the metabolic processes of glucose.

In summer, you can reduce your appetite with a decoction of dill. You need a lot of fresh dill, only dill grown on garden plot. In dill purchased on the market or in a store, there are a lot of nitrates and such dill therapeutic action will not. 100 grams of fresh, well-washed dill should be chopped and poured into a dark bowl with a bottle of high-quality dry white wine. Store the wine mixture without access to light for 15 days. Shake daily. Drain and squeeze out the residue before use. Keep the resulting infusion in the refrigerator. Take 30 ml before meals.

A recipe using a decoction of dill is considered quite effective tool appetite suppressant

Ginger preparations are very popular now. Here is a recipe for reducing appetite with it. In a glass or enamel bowl, you need to prepare a water decoction of ginger. To do this, in half a liter of cold water you need to place a ginger root of about a hundred grams in weight and bring to a boil, keep the broth on fire for 7 minutes. Sweeten warm ginger broth with 20 grams of natural honey. Drink a quarter cup before meals.

These simple and harmless recipes help to cope with the desire to eat a lot, as well as lose weight without harm to the body.

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