Encyclopedia of fire safety

Monitoring of fires and their consequences with the help of dz. Fire monitoring using satellite data

The daily received space information is widely used for operational monitoring natural fires. At the same time, modern GIS technologies are used to combine heterogeneous information with space data.

Space monitoring capabilities forest fires are determined by the speed of shooting, the spatial resolution and the availability of images. TERRA and AQUA meteorological satellites with a MODIS camera are mainly used for monitoring fires, which have a high frequency of surveying the territory (due to a wide capture band of 2.5 - 3 thousand km, two meteorological satellites provide 3-4 images per day for any region of Russia) and high efficiency transfer of information. To clarify information from weather satellites, obtain the final contours of burnt-out territories, as well as register active fires medium-resolution Landsat and SPOT images are used.

Information about the MODIS scanner is available on the websites:

The data of the thermal channels of the radiometer are processed according to a special automatic algorithm MOD-14, which reveals areas of the surface that have an elevated temperature - the so-called "hot spots". The resolution of the thermal channels of the radiometer is 1 km, but in practice it is possible to detect combustion in a smaller area. Sometimes the algorithm can give "false positives", for example, from a heated iron roof, a torch in oil fields, etc., while small fires, on the contrary, cannot be detected. For each "hot spot" there is a confidence parameter of its registration - confidence. However, hotspot data on this moment are an accessible, operational source of data on wildfires over large areas.

At present, there is no single source of information in Russia that would provide objective information about forest fires. Each of the existing sources has its advantages and disadvantages, and a complete objective picture of the situation with forest fires can be obtained only in one case - if you use several independent sources of information at once.

Satellite data sources

Fire Information System SFMS .

SFMS (ScanEx Fire Monitoring Service) is a publicly available forest fire monitoring system based on Terra, Aqua, LANDSAT 5 and SPOT4/5 satellite images, developed by the ScanEx Engineering and Technology Center (Moscow).

The system allows obtaining information about the location of large and medium-sized forest fires in Russia for the previous few days (from 4 to 14) with the possibility of splitting fires by date in the Google Earth format. Similar in many respects to the FIRMS fire information system, but by default (for an unregistered user) higher thresholds for the probability of classifying a "hot spot" as fires are used, so small / starting fires are not visible. Contains several additional features and opportunities for customization (including setting the probability threshold). The big advantage over FIRMS is the faster display of data on "hot spots", as well as the possibility of using medium-detailed optical images for "hot spots" verification. The system went live in June 2010; by the beginning of the 2011 fire season, it is planned to improve the service, including with the possibility of prompt retargeting of Spot 4/5 cameras.

A project is being implemented based on the SFMS and FIRMS system ,within the framework of the project, a daily text summary of fires in the Ramsar sites and protected areas of federal significance is posted on the Transparent World website, and on the cartographic web servicehttp://oopt.kosmosnimki.ru/information is visualized. The resource contains the boundaries of valuable natural areas, information about fires and high-resolution images of a number of problem areas. The site provides information not only on fires, but also on other threats to protected areas.

In the summer of 2010, data on fires was also posted by Yandex.Maps

Fire Information System FIRMS

FIRMS (Fire Information for Resource Management System) is a fire information system for natural resource management purposes.

Terra, Aqua, a publicly available wildfire monitoring system based on Terra, Aqua images, was developed by a team of specialists from the University of Maryland in collaboration with the US National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA). The system covers the whole world and allows you to receive information about the location of large and medium-sized forest fires for the previous 24 or 48 hours (user choice), in Google Earth format or in a browser window. Allows you to receive information about large forest and medium-sized fires.

"Fire" part of the information system for remote monitoring ISDM-Rosleskhoz

The ISDM-Rosleskhoz system in terms of monitoring forest fires is based on satellite images of Terra, Aqua, NOAA and is close to information systems FIRMS and SFMS. Unlike them, it is not fully public (free access to all information is provided only to forest management authorities, and other organizations can get full access on a commercial basis).

Satellite data on the current fire situation on the official website of FGU "Avialesookhrana"

The previous version of this system (which continues to work, but allows you to get only minimal information about fires) is still posted on the specialized service of the website of the Federal State Institution "Avialesookhrana"


Partially open system, provides access to "hot spots" vector masks in .shp format and satellite imagery. general information about fires with an approximate ignition location is available free of charge, more detailed data are available for a fee.

European Forest Fire Monitoring System

An English-language information portal that reflects the current level of danger of forest fires and the forecast for the next five days (based on a set of meteorological and other data). The forecast covers the countries of the European Union and adjacent territories, including the most western regions of Russia, to the east approximately to Arkhangelsk. The forecast is usually quite high quality, as well as the analysis of the current level fire hazard.

Forum section dedicated to the problem of forest fires. News related to forest fires also moves here.

Help map for victims of forest fires

The site accepts messages about new fires, about those who need help, and about those who want to help. In addition, through the "Map" you can report and receive information about the problems of the forest and its restoration in your region, since the state of the forest is one of the significant factors that can determine the extent of possible fires.

World Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) )

Surveys of natural fires by country. An English-language information portal that provides information on the current situation with forest fires in major countries and regions of the world. The data is based mainly on Terra, Aqua satellite imagery. The main information partner of GFMC in Russia is the Forest Institute. Sukachev (Krasnoyarsk). Data on the area of ​​forest fires almost always differ by several times from the "official" data of the Federal Forestry Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Summary emergencies on the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

See the calendar on the right side of the screen with the subtitle "Emergency summary" - you need to select the desired date.

Data is updated daily, including weekends and holidays. The data is based on the reporting of the forest management authorities, processed in some way that is not entirely clear. The quality of the data is "official". Additional information can be obtained on the websites of the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for specific subjects Russian Federation.

Information portal "Forest fires"

An information portal containing the main news and review and analytical materials related to forest fires in Russia. News and analytical materials are updated regularly, but there is no up-to-date statistical information on fires.

Operational information on forest fires of the Federal Forestry Agency

The data is updated daily (during the fire hazard period), except for weekends and holidays. A comparison with similar indicators of the previous year is given. The data are based on official industry reporting and do not reflect fires in those forests that are officially (according to the new forest legislation) not considered forests - for example, in forests and forest belts on agricultural land. The quality of the data is quite "official", ie. about "like the news on TV."

Fires can cause enormous damage to nature and, in order to avoid its consequences, forest fires are monitored. The methods are different: there are time-tested visual inspections, they also practice observation using satellites and modern technology. Effectively use forest fire monitoring systems in the complex. In the Russian Federation, there are specialized services and institutions for the collection, analysis and structuring of data.

visual inspection

In some forests you can find special towers. These buildings act as observation posts. Their construction is usually carried out by forestry enterprises. The towers are equipped with means of communication, there is an azimuth circle at the observation post. It is needed to determine the direction of the fire.

The forest is divided into territories according to the viewing radius from such a tower - 5-7 km. Towers are built of wood, but recently many elements of their construction have been replaced with metal ones. The lifespan of buildings with observation posts made of wood is less than 10 years.

Inspection of forest areas is carried out by a special person. When a fire is detected, it determines its direction, possible danger and transmits information to the control room via radio or telephone. The problem with this method of monitoring is the small number of observation towers and workers. Previously, there were an order of magnitude more foresters, now their number has decreased several times.

Video cameras are installed on some observation towers. This does not solve the main problem, because the filming must be observed by a person in an equipped point. If the video surveillance system is automated, then the task is simplified, but in most cases the cameras require manual control. In addition, the shooting is carried out in one direction, so you need to install several cameras. Towers cellular communication also used for monitoring. Thermal imagers and video cameras are installed on them.

Satellite research

One of the cheapest ways is satellite monitoring. Satellites use scanners to take pictures in the infrared spectrum. This allows you to know the temperature difference and determine where forest fires are going. Data and images are processed on the spacecraft, where distortions are corrected, referenced to geographical points. The last stage of processing, which includes digital analysis, visual interpretation and interpretation of images, is carried out automatically or interactively.

Information about forest fires can be seen on special sites, for example. Created federal systems forest fire monitoring. They build the big picture using visual inspection data, satellite imagery and other monitoring methods.

This remote method is included in the list of environmental monitoring functions. With the help of satellites, meteorological characteristics, data on the technogenic situation, river floods, snow cover dynamics, and thermal emissions are also obtained. Each application area corresponds to a specific channel, it is indicated by a color.

The map of fires in Russia is available to all interested users.

Information is updated on average 4 times a day. This complicates the identification of fires and reduces the efficiency of assistance. fire department. The frequency of updates depends on the time of flight of the satellites in orbit. Basic data is provided by a series of American NOAA satellites. Private satellites also work, their images are accurate and detailed, but they are more expensive than public ones. Therefore, along with satellite images, visual inspection data are used. On the map of fires indicate the points of fires and possible reasons their occurrence. There is an Indian satellite monitoring system.

Many factors affect the accuracy of satellite imagery. For example, high cloudiness interferes with both the detection of forest fires and the determination of their size. The fires on the maps may not coincide with the real ones, but their approximate coordinates are outlined by the boundaries. That is, the map shows the area where there is a hearth. Several fires on the map are usually combined into a single cluster. In this case, the accuracy is also not reliable. Based on these data, the area of ​​the fire and the rate of its spread in the forests are determined. It is possible to receive alerts about the detection of forest fires if you subscribe to the corresponding service.

Alternative Methods

Aerial surveys of territories are also called as auxiliary methods for monitoring forest fires. Observation is carried out from helicopters, airplanes. AT last years unmanned aerial vehicles have found application in this direction aircrafts who make videos.

All of these methods are expensive. Because of this, it is impossible to organize continuous monitoring in the forest zone. However, with the possibility and sufficient funding, aircraft provide accurate information in real time. In addition, aviation is able to extinguish fires when they are detected.

In Russia, to extinguish and monitor forest fires with the help of helicopters, the federal institution "Avialesookhrana" was created. The aircraft crew includes a pilot, a paratrooper-firefighter and a paratrooper-firefighter who have undergone special training.


In addition to filling the interactive map of forest fires, their statistics are kept. It is not only informational. Based on the data obtained, the causes of fires, the speed of their spread are analyzed. This is necessary to prevent repeated forest fires, make forecasts, and organize effective extinguishing. The economic damage is determined by fire hazard. Statistical data and mapping make it possible to distinguish fires from man-made heat sources, which can be production facilities.

The first records of forest fires in chronicles date back to 1724. Even then there were calls to save the land from fire. In the days of Tsarist Russia, the data was already streamlined. Today, information about forest fires is tabulated. Statistics are kept by departments and services.

The map of forest fires developed by Scanex displays fires in real time both in Russia (ScanEx layer) and around the world (FIRMS layer).

In the distance, circles are visible, showing the approximate strength and scale of fires for each area.

The larger the circle, the more foci in it.

​When the map is enlarged, fires (or hot spots) are displayed as red squares:

On top of regular satellite images, daily photographs taken by the TERRA and AQUA satellites can be superimposed.

Shot outlines:

The pictures themselves:

One point can be captured by several different photographs taken at different times, at different angles, and with different cloudiness. Therefore, to switch to switch between images, you can click on them with the mouse.

When you click on any picture, it “falls to the very bottom”. It's not intuitive or convenient, but you can get used to it. In any case, looking at a particular fire, you can make several clicks in a row to find the best shot.

The burnt areas are visible in daily shots as dark brown spots.

For example, here you can see not only the “scars” from this year’s summer fires, but also last year’s, which have already begun to heal (light brown with a green tint):

snapshot from August 17, 2014

A few more spots, each of which is over 40 kilometers long. To understand the scale of the disaster, let's make a comparison: each spot is larger than St. Petersburg in area

snapshot from August 17, 2014

But in daily pictures there are also strange things - reservoirs (lakes and rivers) are painted bright red (like fires). Presumably, this effect occurs due to the fact that satellites shoot in multispectral modes, and most likely the water reflects those parts of the spectrum that the satellite (or software that processes images) interprets as "hot".

In the photo - the Black Sea

And here is an animated map of fires around the world for 2012 (by months). You can see how the intensity and number of fires change depending on the time of year.

The following animation shows how fast a fire can spread in the steppe with a strong wind.

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