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How to make your own hanging swing. Do-it-yourself children's swing for giving: photos, diagrams, useful tips. How to make a garden swing with your own hands from metal: instructions with a photo

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How to assemble a children's garden swing

They try to do weaving with a climbing rope. It has increased strength, so it will wear out for a long time. Let's start creating the swing.

  1. We divide the hoop into eight identical sectors. We make markings with a marker. This is necessary in order to correctly place the future rope web.
  2. Measure two hoop diameters and cut desired length ropes with a small margin.
  3. We start weaving the web. Remember that the rope should not be taut. The child should then fit comfortably in the seat and not fall out of it.
  4. All ropes, starting from the center, are intertwined crosswise. In the resulting central node, multilayer stitching is performed with a nylon thread.
  5. In the same way, loops and knots are stitched, which are attached directly to the metal circle.
  6. The workpiece is wrapped with synthetic winterizer and sheathed with a dense moisture-resistant fabric. For convenience, a specially sewn pillow is placed on a woven web.
  7. Sew strong loops to the four edges of the circle. We attach carabiners to them and hook the swing on a strong rope to a crossbar or a tree branch.

It is allowed not to sheathe the structure with fabric. You can simply wrap the hoop with a thick multi-colored tourniquet.

PHOTO: the-furnish.otzovy.ru
On a note! One hoop in a ready-made swing can withstand up to 50 kg. If you need to hold more weight, you will have to take several hoops and twist them together with a tourniquet.

Do-it-yourself outdoor children's swing for a summer residence: production features

If there are two or three children in the house, then you will have to create a variant of a multi-seat or at least a double structure. Such a swing is performed quickly using a metal profile familiar to you.

As improvised materials are: metal, fasteners and welding. It is also necessary to use the project that can be seen in the photo. Otherwise, there is a risk of making mistakes.

PHOTO: youtube.com

How to make a swing in the country with your own hands for two children

Let's start solving the question of how to make a children's swing with your own hands.

IllustrationAction Description
We cut the material required dimensions and weld the parts together. You should get two identical bases
Next, you need to weld them together so that the finished frame takes the form of a triangle
We take a metal tube and connect it with wooden block. Making a hole with a drill for a carabiner
We hang four chains on the carabiners, which will serve as holding elements
We cook the seat according to the intended scheme. Do not forget to create rings through which chains will be threaded.
It remains only to paint and dry the structure. Option for children's entertainment is ready

Try to make swing seats out of. It is treated with moisture-repellent agents and dyed. This will allow the material not to exfoliate over time.

Do-it-yourself country swing for the whole family: popular options

For the manufacture of do-it-yourself swings in the country, metal is most often used.

Interesting swing from a profile pipe with your own hands

To create a swing for giving with your own hands from metal, it is necessary to provide for the presence of the following components:

  • quadrangular frame (it should become a carrier in the finished swing);
  • sidewall A-shape. It is made by welding several crossbars;
  • one long tube. It will become the basis for attaching a swinging bench.

PHOTO: sadovyrai.ru

How to make a swing with your own hands from metal

The process of installing a swing for a garden with your own hands consists of the following steps.

  1. Using a grinder, we cut the material into separate fragments. To do this, you must have a preliminary scheme, according to which, in accordance with the dimensions, make blanks.
  2. We grind the boards using a special machine or manually using sandpaper.
  3. We connect all the necessary parts to each other using special fasteners, bolts or welds.
  4. We dig 4 holes in the ground, install a metal swing for a summer residence and fill it with concrete. Next, paint the design.

PHOTO: krainamaystriv.com

As a result, individual forged swings for summer cottages are obtained. For such a product, it is necessary to have a preliminary diagram indicating all dimensions.

Sofa swing for giving

Country swing sofas enjoy in great demand. If it is not possible to buy them, then they try to make them with their own hands. Metal options are highly durable. And if it is also properly processed, then it will not be afraid of moisture.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

Required for production metal profiles, welding machine and seat material. Usually, a tree is used for such purposes. In addition, you will also need material for the roof. Those who plan to use should be aware that it is quite hot under it in sunny weather, and it is not practical during hail (the material begins to crack). It is ideal to take a stretch awning.

How to make a garden swing with your own hands from metal: instructions with a photo

We proceed to the implementation of the instructions for assembling a garden swing.

IllustrationAction Description
We weld the frame. You can take your sizes. It all depends on how much material you have. As a result, you should get such a base, as in the photo.
We weld the frame for the swing, to which the sofa will be attached. Next, we bend the arcs from the metal profile. They will play the role of armrests
We hang the finished part on carabiners. Next, we prepare the tree
The finished version should look like this. The swing unfolds into a sofa. The upper part of the frame is attached to the frame with strong chains. All metal parts must be primed and then painted

To make the bed soft, it can be sheathed with a special fabric or periodically laid on top of a mattress and pillows for relaxation.

Dear readers, if you have not figured out enough about how to make a garden swing with your own hands, do not hesitate to ask questions and share your opinion. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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It is difficult to imagine a person who at least once did not ride on a swing as a child. Even as adults, many still like to relax and swing in the garden in the country, not to mention children. Many install structures bought in a store on their site, and some create country masterpieces on their own. The editors of the site bring to your attention an overview from which you will learn how to create a fairly popular attraction - a garden swing with your own hands: photos and drawings will be a good help in this.

Read in the article

Types of garden swings with photos of models

Swings are divided according to the material of manufacture, type of construction and purpose. So, for example, designs are for adults, children and the whole family. Let's look at some features various designs depending on their purpose.

Adult swing

Swings for adults are characterized by simplicity and increased structural strength. They can be stationary or portable. Swings for summer cottages are made from the most different materials and must withstand a load of more than 120 kg. Structures can take a variety of forms.

Garden swing

Attraction for children

outdoor children's swing

Designs for the whole family

Attractions designed for the whole family are large, stable structures with a wide one that can accommodate several adults at the same time. For greater comfort, the swing is equipped with a wide awning that will protect against scorching sun and rain. The designs have the most various sizes, are made of different materials and can be both stationary and mobile.

Garden swing design and materials used

Swings can have A-, P- and L-shaped supports. They are also hanging on chains, cables and balancers familiar to everyone since childhood. Depending on the type of swing, in the manufacture of an attraction for adults and children, both corners and logs, plastic and improvised materials are used.

Comfortable swing seat

As a seat for a swing, an ordinary (the easiest option), an old car tire, or a bench with a back, sofas can be used. Designs intended for a child must be equipped with special seat belts.

Hanging chairs

Mounting the hanger to the supporting structure

The fastening of the seat to the support can be rigid and flexible. The first option uses wooden beam, metal corner or pipe. Cables, chains and ropes are used for flexible suspension.

Swing seat with chains and ropes

A flexible suspension allows you to build a swing from improvised materials and install them very quickly. The easiest option is a board and two pieces of rope that are attached to a thick tree branch on a plot or veranda. With the help of chains, ropes and cables, the seat can be attached to both fixed and mobile support structures. It is not recommended to use flexible suspensions for riding small children, since such designs are not stable, and unsafe twisting of cables, chains or ropes is possible. To equip the swing, it is better to use chains or metal cables, since hemp ropes can stretch and sag, which will affect the reliability of the structure.

Wooden swing from soft sofa and awning

Rigid hangers made of metal and wood

Use for suspension of seats to supporting structure wooden beams, metal corners or pipes has its advantages. This option is more reliable and allows you to withstand more weight. A rigid suspension is best suited for children's swings.

How to make a swing "nest" with your own hands

"Nest" is suspended structure with a round wicker seat. This swing model is also called a "basket" or "cobweb". Swing "nest" can fit 2-3 children or one adult. However, for the suspension of this attraction, it is necessary to use strong ropes.

To create such an attraction, you will need the following materials:

  • climbing safety rope, hemp or synthetic cord with Ø 5-6 mm for the seat device;
  • durable fabric and felt for exterior finish seats;
  • steel water pipe for the device of the supporting structure;
  • gymnastic hoop Ø 900 mm for the manufacture of the seat frame.

Playgarden Hanging swing "Nest"

Scheme and step-by-step instructions for creating a do-it-yourself street swing for a summer residence

The creation of a nest swing begins with the manufacture of a wicker or textile seat. If the attraction is intended only for children, then gymnastic hoops will be needed. The adult structure is made of a steel tube with Ø 16 mm and a length of 1500 mm, which is shaped into a circle on a tube bender. The joint is welded. Cables are attached to the frame, and the hoop is braided using the "dream catcher" or macrame technique. The cords for the seat are pulled tight so that there is no sagging. The hoop is finished with foam rubber and textiles or tarpaulin.

When the seat is ready, you can begin to create a supporting structure. To do this, you can use a profile pipe or a thick wooden beam. The support for the suspension of the seat is made as follows.

  1. We assemble two side A-shaped structures.
  2. If the swing is stationary, then the sidewalls are dug into the ground. The distance between the supports should be equal to the height of the structure.
  3. The sides are connected at the top steel pipe to which the seat will be attached.
  4. Cables, ropes or suspension chains are attached to the crossbar. To prevent abrasion of the cables from contact with the pipe, a polyester gasket is placed under them.
  5. The seat is attached to cables, ropes or chains with four carabiners.

After the design is ready, it needs to be tested for strength. To do this, it is necessary to place a load on the seat with a total weight of about 120-150 kg. This will allow you to check the tension of the cables, the braid of the hoop, and also adjust optimal distance between seat and ground.

How to make a metal swing with your own hands in the country

Metal swings for summer cottages are stationary, with a rigid structure, and collapsible. The first option is preferable because it provides greater stability, security and reliability. However, in this case, welding skills are required. A collapsible design is less reliable, since loosening of the joints can occur during operation.

Do-it-yourself drawings of a garden swing made of metal

Here is one of the options for solving the device of a garden swing.

We offer you to watch a video - how to make a metal swing with your own hands.

How to make a swing from a profile pipe with your own hands

Profile pipe - best option for the manufacture of metal swings, especially collapsible portable structures. This is due to the fact that in this case it is possible to do without welded joints. The swing can be easily assembled with the help of nuts. As we said before bolted connection less reliable than welded due to loosening during operation, but this problem can be solved by regularly checking the attachment points and, if necessary, eliminating the resulting backlash.

Consider the option of creating a metal swing for a summer residence from profile pipe using welding.

Do-it-yourself drawings for making a country swing

Detailed manufacturing instructions

For the manufacture of a metal swing from a profile pipe, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • electric drill;
  • square and tape measure;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • metal brush;
  • paint brush or roller;
  • 40 × 40 × 2000 mm - 5 pcs.;
  • pipe 20 × 20 × 1000 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • profile 20 × 40 × 1000 mm - 3 pcs.;
  • board 20 × 90 × 1500 mm - 7 pcs.
Illustration Action Description

To begin with, we take two pipes and at an angle of 45 °. We check the corners: internal - 45 °, and outside turn - 90 °

We take a piece of pipe for the cross member, measure 700 mm from the bottom edge and mark the corners. We cut off the excess with a grinder with a cutting wheel. Using welding, we connect together all the parts of the A-shaped sidewall. The distance between the lower ends of the side post should be about 1,600 mm

In the same way we make the second sidewall of the swing

We install the sidewalls, and on them we put the upper crossbar, on which the swing seat will be attached. We check the angles between the vertical posts and the crossbar: they should be exactly 90 °

We additionally strengthen the structure with two sections of a profile pipe, with which we connect the sidewalls. Two "ears" must be welded to the upper cross member for attaching the seat suspensions

Now let's start making the swing seat itself. To do this, you need to take three pieces of a profile pipe with a cross section of 20 × 40 mm and grab them together by welding. Step back from the edge 100 mm and put the first mark. Next, apply risks at a distance of about 120 mm from each other

At the marks, use a grinder to make V-shaped cuts. The most extreme cuts should be made with reverse side. After all the pipes are cut, you need to bend the structure to the desired shape

All joints in each pipe must be boiled, and the excess cut off

Separate the pipes, boil and clean all the seams with a grinder and paint

We fasten the pipes to the cut boards. To do this, we drill holes Ø 4 mm in them. We fix the boards with self-tapping screws

It turns out this is the seat

Good, fit general style landscape wooden swing on suburban area is a joy for children and adults. Purchased public models usually do not differ in quality and variety. It is much more interesting and useful to approach the process on your own and make a country swing, giving your site a unique flavor. After all, there is nothing particularly difficult in this.

Wooden swings are divided into three main types:

Frame swing

    • hanging on ropes or cables, such as "bungee";

Suspended swing, "bungee"

  • swing-"scales" or balancing. This type of swing is for two.

Any model is played up in such a way that all the neighbors will envy, and the household will choose their favorite corner of the garden or yard.

Where to place?

If the choice is made in favor of the classic "bungee", we hang it on the nearest tree, which inspires confidence in terms of strength. When choosing a place for other types of structures, it is reasonable to consider the following factors:

  • sufficient distance from walls, fences, trees, wires, thorny bushes and pointed objects;
  • illumination. It is desirable that the sun hit the site until the evening. So wooden material insured against dampness;
  • it is better to immediately pick up a smooth surface relief so that you do not have to carry out additional work;
  • the place should not be "blown through with all the winds." Drafts are fraught with quick colds.

It is good if there is sand or a soft lawn under the swing. This will help in the event of a fall not to get serious injury on a stone or rebar.


You can do without it. But if intended serious project with a claim to durable service, then it is better to prepare a swing drawing for reasons of material savings. Designing a homemade swing is not difficult.

General provisions that reflect the drawings of a garden swing made of logs:

  • frame structure;
  • dimensions. For a swing, this is the height and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base;
  • places of fastenings and reinforcing elements should be marked;
  • number of seats and their type;
  • the length of the suspensions and their type.

An example of a drawing of a wooden swing

Material selection

It is important to focus on the quality of the material from which the swing will be made. High-quality wood will not only ensure the durability of the structure, but also guarantee the safety of use.

Species such as cedar, oak and larch will not deceive expectations. Spruce, pine and birch are also strong enough.

Lumber must be chosen dry, without traces of mold or foci of decay. There should be no falling knots, crevices, holes made by pests. A large volume is not required for a wooden swing, so you can check every board and beam.


To make a wooden swing you will need:

A strong branch

  • mix for concrete mortar;
  • nails, self-tapping screws, bolts, corners (in accordance with the project);
  • tape measure and plumb;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • antiseptic for processing wooden parts;
  • grinder (or drill with a nozzle);
  • screwdriver

This is the main arsenal. When everything is ready (material, drawings and tools), we begin to make garden swings from logs.

Caring for a wooden swing

  1. Annual treatment with a special compound or painting will save the product from decay and pests.
  2. From the end to the beginning of the season, it is necessary to cover the swing with waterproof material.
  3. Avoid rust on metal parts.
  4. Do not give disproportionate loads.

Such a swing will delight more than one generation, subject to these simple and understandable rules.

And if they fit better into the design of your garden, then it will be more difficult to make them. But they will last you longer.

Do-it-yourself garden swing in the country can be made from improvised materials using a photo or diagrams from the internet. Construction will require time and skills from the master, but the result will delight children, family and guests. In addition, ready-made factory swings will cost three times more. When starting to choose a model for a future design, listen to the wishes of the household and involve them in the creation process.

Where to start?

Builders are advised to start the construction of the structure from the choice of its location. In the country, it is installed in a place of rest, so that it does not interfere and has enough space for swinging. In the case when there is not enough space for installation in the summer cottage, the improvement of the street area is considered. If you plan to install a stationary structure, then you will need concrete foundation. If the rocking chair is portable, then reliable fasteners will be needed. Use pins that drive into the ground and attach legs to them. Mobile swings can be on hanging hooks, in which case they are easy to carry from home to garden, fixing them on a suitable support.

How to determine size?

The size of the building depends on the category for which it is intended. Depending on your preferences and family conditions, the swing can be for adults. They are made in the form of a comfortable bench or rocking sofa, equipped with a canopy, decorated with soft pillows. Guests of the older generation, swaying slightly in a comfortable sofa, will be happy to have a conversation over a cup of tea.

Children's swings are made small, strengthened with straps, providing for a large swing amplitude. In this case, the main thing is safety. Therefore, during construction, sharp corners are removed, the surface is made as smooth as possible. For child model important element is the color scheme and seating comfort. It is painted in different colors involving the child in this activity.

The building for the whole family is large in size. It is designed for mom, baby and dad to ride at the same time. Its weight is calculated at 250 kg and above. The supports are made solid, dug into the ground and poured with concrete. The structure is intended for year-round use, so it is painted, equipped with a roof and not decorated with textile elements. Small pads or a blanket are laid immediately before use.

On a note. The canopy protects not only those who ride from rain or the scorching sun, but also protects the structure from fading and corrosion.

Common types of country swings

You can adapt for skiing materials that have already been in use, but still quite durable. For example, car tire, construction pallets, canvas, old skate or wooden box. For them, they buy chains and fasteners, carabiners or hooks and hang them in the garden on a strong branch. Using building and improvised materials, these types of swings are made:

Singles consist of a seat and suspensions that are mounted on a support. Their weight and size is designed for children.

Hammocks are portable. They are a convenient hammock, which is suspended by one or two suspensions to any crossbar. It is in the spirit of lovers to read on fresh air. For manufacturing, strong fabrics and strong ropes, as well as carbines are selected. A durable hammock can withstand the weight of an adult male.

Sun loungers- these are frame models, shaped like a sunbed floating in the air. Used as supports metal carcass. In execution, such a model is complex, it is easier to buy it in a store and assemble it on the spot.

Suspended There are different modifications, widths and lengths. A common feature is a seat with chains attached to the side.

Advice. For homemade country swing it is not necessary to build strong supports. Most often they are hung on a suitable branch. garden tree. But it is safer to install poles with a fixed crossbar.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a suspended wooden model

To make a swing for a large company, use the design scheme in the form of a hanging bench with a back. The main material is high-quality inexpensive wood. To create a model, boards and bars are purchased in hardware store, it also takes bolts, hooks and chains for attaching the bench to the support. The master selects the dimensions at his discretion, selecting comfortable height backrest, seat width, bench length.

Required Tools

For work, a standard set of tools for wood processing is useful:

  • jigsaw and a circular saw for sawing boards;
  • drill for preparing holes at the joints of parts;
  • screwdriver for tightening fasteners;
  • planer and Sander to remove irregularities on the surface of the tree;
  • marker (a slate pencil will do);
  • building corner or long ruler;
  • building level for even installation of supports.

Basic materials

Main construction material- soft but durable wood. For example, spruce or pine. Excellent quality characteristics birch lumber has, it is durable and inexpensive. For construction, you will need 15 bars 2.5 m long (25 mm by 100 mm), 1 crossbar 2.5 m long (50 mm by 150 mm), glued slats 1.5 - 2 m long.

Additional materials:

  • Galvanized screws (with rings for fastenings) 2 pairs;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood No. 3.5 and No. 5 - 200 pcs;
  • Chain from 5 m (length is selected according to the dimensions of the structure)
  • Fastening carabiners - 6 pcs;
  • Lacquer, wax, stain for applying a protective layer 3 l;
  • Flat brushes for coloring - 2 pcs.


First, make a bench for sitting. Having determined its length (from one and a half meters), boards are harvested right size and drill holes in them for fasteners. According to the scheme, the frame is assembled and the slats are attached to it, equipping the back and seat. If you have sufficient carpentry skills, make a seat with a figured back by cutting out the details according to the template. Armrests are attached to the finished seat (one side to the back, the other to the seat). All details are cut out clearly in size, give them a curly shape and grind. The finished rocking chair is varnished in several layers, allowing each to dry. After that, screws with rings are attached to the underside of the armrest on the left and right and chains with carabiners at the ends are inserted into them. A cozy bench for friends is ready. It is hung from a strong tree century and rolled around.

Instructions for creating a metal model

The metal construction is strong and reliable. To create it, you will need special skills in working with welding, cutting metal, kneading concrete. The metal model has long term operation, meets safety requirements and can withstand weight up to 250 kg. In order to assemble it, you will need the following materials:

  • metal hollow pipe with a diameter of 50 m with a total length of 12.5 m;
  • rod reinforcement with a diameter of 18 mm and a length of 8 m;
  • pine board 5 m (50 mm by 20 mm);
  • metal screws, bolts, nuts,
  • concrete (water, cement, sand and gravel);
  • paint enamel 3 l and flat brushes.

To cut, weld and strengthen pipes, you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • file and sandpaper;
  • welding machine;
  • bath for mixing concrete;
  • spade shovel and bayonet.


Metal swings are made stationary. Therefore, a place is carefully selected for them. By cutting the pipes for the support according to the selected drawing (for example, side posts and a crossbar of 2 m each and pipes for the base right size), they are welded and the joints are ground.

The finished structure is dug into the ground by at least 70 cm. To do this, 4 holes are dug, the legs of the swing are placed there and poured with concrete. For its manufacture, cement and sand are mixed one to two, adding one part of crushed stone. Having stirred the composition well, water is poured into it and the mixture of sour cream density is kneaded. After pouring a homogeneous mixture into the pits, it is allowed to harden for 7 days. When the support becomes stable, hooks are welded to the crossbar for which the seat will be attached. It is assembled from rebar. Weld the frame for the base convenient sizes by attaching two handrails to it. Their ends are bent in the form of rings and hung on the hooks of the upper beam. For sitting, prepare boards according to the size of the base and attach them with self-tapping screws.

On a note: the edges of the boards should be free of knots and torn edges. They are sanded and coated. protective layer varnish or paint.


Installing a swing at their summer cottage, they select a convenient and safe place for them. Nearby there should be no debris, broken glass, wire sticking out of the ground. The structure itself and the area under it are made comfortable for skiing, and the possibility of falling is taken into account. That is, if the child jumps inaccurately, he will rest his feet on the green lawn or sand, and not on concrete screed. The safety of the child comes first and decorative look facilities and its sports and gaming direction on the second. If you have free space in your summer cottage for the location of gaming or sports equipment, it is installed next to the swing. It is also made by hand and painted in a bright color.

Swings for adults are equipped with an approach path and an equipped playground. Often, a brazier is placed next to them for a pleasant pastime with friends. In this case, consider lighting the site in the evening.

48 photos of garden swing ideas:

Bird trills delight the soul, and a slight swaying soothes. Garden swings at their summer cottage are needed not only for children, but also for adults. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to buy the same type of model, covered with fabric. It is much more interesting to create an original designer thing on your own. How to make a garden swing with your own hands? What is better to choose for the frame, metal or wood? Tips from experienced craftsmen, drawings, a selection of photos and video instructions - in this review.

Homemade swing and their classification

As a child, it seems that the "winged swing" is able to reach the sun. Growing up, we remember this wonderful feeling of carelessness. And subconsciously we want to repeat it. This is quite possible, because the swing is not only for children:

  • family. They look like a bench with a high back, suspended on strong supports by chains;
  • mobile swing, if necessary, can be moved to another place;
  • the hammock is the ultimate champion for relaxation;
  • gazebo swing. Suitable for several people;
  • balancer or pendulum. floor structure in the form of a log, which is thrown to one side or the other, depending on the weight of the players;
  • swings - sofas. Soft design with the ability to embody the most daring design decisions;
  • swing - "boats".

According to the manufacturing method, the swing is divided into:

  • frame;
  • frameless.

By installation method:

  • stationary;
  • portable - easy to remove and put away.

The frame can be made from a number of materials and their combinations:

  • plastic and fabric;
  • tires and chains or ropes;
  • wood and chains;
  • rounded and non-rounded bars;
  • metal.

Choosing the Right Option

Before proceeding with the construction, it is necessary to determine the purpose of use and the material of manufacture. If a baby needs a swing up to 3 years old, then a purchased or home-made stationary, stable option is suitable. For children from 5 years old - light plastic or wooden hanging swing. They can be attached to a canopy beam in front of the house or to a powerful tree branch. A noisy children's company will appreciate the entertainment in the form of a balancer (pendulum).

Attention! The most durable are products made of processed wood and metal. For "wintering" it is enough to cover them with polyethylene. Purchased swing with a plastic base, upholstered in fabric– it is necessary to disassemble for the winter and store in a dry, warm room.

If you want the garden swing to serve not only as a place of rest, but also as an accent piece landscape design, then you can prefer noble forging or woody eco-design.

For the older generation, durable benches with a high back and a canopy are ideal. For noisy youth - swinging sofas with a lot of colorful pillows or hammocks for relaxing with a book.

Original tire design

A swing that any beginner can make from improvised materials. Required for manufacturing car tire, strong rope and the ability to knit sea knots.

Installation steps:

  1. Drill four holes in the tire. 2 on each side.
  2. Insert the rope into the two holes next to it and tie it firmly below, under the tire.
  3. On the second side, repeat the same steps.
  4. Choose a suitable tree branch or any other crossbar. Hang an impromptu swing on the bar. The main thing is strong knots that ensure the safety of rocking.

Such installation will not take much time, but will bring a lot of joy to children.

Children's entertainment from a board and a rope

The easiest swing to make, which does not require special skills and materials, is a beam suspended on a rope.

Attention! A wooden swing without a back is unstable, so it is recommended to build them for children from 7 years old. If you want a swing with a back, then you can cut the legs off wooden chair and attach it with a rope to the base and back.

For installation you will need:

  • edged or unedged board thickness from 3-4 cm and width 15-20 cm;
  • strong rope;
  • antiseptic, varnish;
  • hacksaw or saw.


  1. Saw off a piece of board to the desired length.
  2. Sand to smoothness.
  3. Cover with antiseptic and varnish.
  4. Cut 2 grooves along the long sides of the board closer to the corners.
  5. Make 2 more dranks on both sidewalls about 3 cm from the corners.
  6. Pass the rope from groove to groove with three "stitches".
  7. Attach the rope to any cross bar.

The fastening feature guarantees the strength of the structure. At the bottom, the rope will not untie and will not fray.

Making a family swing from wood and metal

Evening conversation on a bench swaying steadily promotes mutual understanding. What if you decorate wooden frame cute pillows, comfortable rest guaranteed!

Advice. The thickness of the planks for the seat of the swing bench should be greater than for the back.

Before construction, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • 15 pine or spruce boards 10x25x2500 mm;
  • 1 board 150x50x2500 mm;
  • a chain equal to the length of the swing;
  • 40 self-tapping screws 80x4.5 in size;
  • 200 self-tapping screws 51x3.5;
  • 6 carbines;
  • 2 screws with rings 12x100;
  • 2 screws with rings 12x80;
  • drill, jigsaw, circular saw, hammer, planer.

Action plan:

  1. Cut boards 1.5 m long.
  2. Cut out 6 curly parts for the base of the bench from the thickest board.
  3. Having placed 6 parts in 1 row, attach to them wooden planks self-tapping screws. The bar should be fixed first from the ends, then in the middle. The seat will take 17 boards, the back - 15.
  4. Make two armrests and the remaining wood.
  5. Attach a screw with a ring to the bottom of the armrest.
  6. Attach the finished swing to any crossbar. If it is not there, then you can dig 2 beams into the ground, concrete them and connect them with a transverse board.
  7. On the upper crossbar strengthen 2 more rings.
  8. Stretch the chain and hang the swing.

A properly built structure will be solid and reliable, and will last for several seasons.

Strong base for any kind of seat

You may want to hang a swing bench or a pair of children's plank rails on chains. The main thing is to mount solid foundation, which will withstand both a small load and several adults.

For construction works the following elements are required:

  • bars 100x100 mm;
  • boards for the construction of the base and canopy;
  • concrete;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer, hacksaw, drill, tape measure.

Advice. The part of the bars intended for digging into the ground should be treated with bituminous varnish or resin.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Determine the location for the swing. This step is important because design is not portable.
  2. Dig 4 holes 1 m deep each.
  3. Set the bars in the pits so that they cross at the top, resembling the letter "L".
  4. Fill the base with concrete.
  5. Fasten the bars with self-tapping screws at the intersections at the top.
  6. Knock down wooden flooring from half of the slats.
  7. From the second half - a canopy with a horizontal crossbar and jibs that strengthen the structure.
  8. Varnish the finished frame.

Any kind of swing can be attached to such a base using rings, a carabiner and a chain.

What to choose, chain or rope?

The safety of the swing directly depends on the type of suspension. Rope is a fairly strong option, especially if it is secured with a marine knot. But over time, it can stretch or fray. Therefore, such a suspension is recommended only for children's swings that are not subject to heavy loads.

Attention! The optimal rope is kapron with a cross lay from 24 mm.

The chain is a more durable option that can withstand heavy loads.

Advantages of using a metal chain:

  • strong;
  • the weakening of the ring is immediately visible;
  • optimal for weak buildup.
  • when mounted on bearings, it swings very strongly. This means that it is necessary to install a swing speed limiter;
  • in large rings, babies can pinch their fingers.

Garden swings are not just a place of rest, but also an original "highlight" of any site. A rational choice of design, construction taking into account all the nuances and careful maintenance will provide the swing with a “long life”.

DIY garden swing - video

DIY garden swing - photo

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