Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Shrub with lush white flowers. Shrubs for the garden (38 photos): types. Beautiful flowering, fruit and ornamental garden shrubs. Flowering ornamental shrubs

Today, many summer residents plant trees and shrubs in the garden not only for the sake of future harvests, but also simply for beauty. And nature has endowed many of its creations with beauty. And they not only delight our eyes and help us relax, but also fill the garden with a wonderful aroma during flowering, and also attract bees and other beneficial insects to our site.

For example, it is not without reason that it is called “God’s gift” (translated from Persian). It is beautiful, fragrant, and also healthy. All over the world, people brew jasmine tea, and jasmine oil is used to relieve stress and as an aphrodisiac.

Louisiana appeared in the gardens of our summer residents relatively recently, but is already gaining popularity. The plant, strewn with soft pink flowers, is called “northern sakura”, because it blooms no less beautifully than its Japanese relative, but gets along well in our Central Russian climate. We wrote in detail about this plant

Forsythia and Kerria - two early flowering shrubs, strewn with yellow flowers. After a long and dark winter, their blossoming is real color therapy. Shrub gardeners often use landscape designers to create interesting garden arrangements.

Kalmiya- an unusual and bright shrub with pink, crimson or white flowers (depending on the variety) begins to delight its owners in late spring. The shrub appeared in Russia not so long ago, but in Canada, no less cold than our country, it has been grown by many connoisseurs of ornamental shrubs for many years.

Closer to summer, the favorite of many summer residents blooms. Let’s not waste words, not only articles have been written about her, but also poems and even songs!

Daphne will delight not only with spring flowering, but also with an abundance of bright red berries that attract attention to the bush. Be careful, the berries are not edible! And not only are they not edible, but they are also very dangerous, because... contain deadly poisons. We do not recommend planting the plant in the garden if there are small children in the family.

And here euonymus will manifest itself closer to autumn. In spring and until mid-summer it is a fairly standard lush shrub with bright green foliage. The plant blooms with small, rather inconspicuous flowers. But closer to the end of summer, when the fruits ripen on it, Euonymus suddenly becomes a “blooming” miracle. The very unusual fruits (bright colors depending on the type) look like flowers. In autumn, it turns into the most gorgeous bright red fire in the garden and attracts absolutely all attention! They wrote about him

Autumn heather is also gorgeous in the garden. It is not very common in Russian gardens, but in its homeland, Scotland, the plant is revered. And not for nothing, because there it is used for cleaning the house (brooms and brooms are made from the plant), and for dyeing fabrics (including the famous “tartan”) and in brewing (Scottish heather ale is made from heather).

Even more beautiful bushes for your garden we have collected in our video:

Was handsome all year round, plants are selected that are different in height, timing of flowering or fruiting, and resistance to climatic conditions. In this article we will talk about the most popular of them.

The best blooming ones (with photos)

A tall shrub, grows up to three meters, with a spreading crown. About one hundred varieties and forms of the plant are known. Flowering time, depending on the species, is from mid-summer to frost.

Paniculate inflorescences are more like clusters, reach 45 cm in length, there are different shades: white, pink, orange, purple, colors. The flowers are small with tubular petals, similar to or, with four lobes.

When grown, it prefers places that are closed from drafts, but open to the sun, and is unpretentious. Care consists of fertilizer.

Propagated by seeds, which are formed in the box after flowering, and by cuttings: green and woody.

Care consists of regular watering, weeding, etc. In winter, if there is no snow, it is better to cover the crop. Cassiopeia propagates by cuttings.

Frost-resistant species

A product of selection by Canadian scientists, grown for northern latitudes. These flowers can withstand 45-degree frosts.

If their foliage freezes due to sudden temperature changes, it quickly recovers without damage to the plant. Roses bloom profusely bright colors various shades, are not afraid of shadows, .

The shrub has curly, juicy green foliage and strong, thin shoots. Roses are easy to care for.

Frequent visitor to gardens and parks. The branched, lush shrub grows quickly and lends itself well to pruning.

Thanks to the dense, oval foliage, the shrub makes an almost continuous hedge. Common lilac tolerates shade well; in too bright sun its delicate inflorescences can get burned and turn brown.

It blooms early in April - May with beautiful bright clusters of white, cream, pink and lilac inflorescences. Lilac feels great on any type of soil, but prefers loose soils.

Decorative fruit bushes for the garden

A bush about a meter high, with thin shoots arched. The foliage is green, glossy, some species have thorns.

Lush flowering begins in May, the flowers are simple and double. Most often there are varieties with orange inflorescences, but there are also pink and white ones.

The plant bears yellowish fruit, similar to. Quince is drought-resistant and grows in almost any soil.

Important! Transplantation is carried out extremely carefully due to the long tap root, which is easily damaged.

- not only decorative, but also. It grows up to five meters high, has thorns on red-brown glossy stems.

Foliage is up to 6 cm long, oval shape with pile on both sides of the sheet. Small shield-shaped inflorescences bloom in May, and red fruits appear in late summer.

Hawthorn grows equally well in dry and marshy areas, in the shade and in the sun, and easily adapts to weather conditions.

Another medicinal and, of course, beautiful plant- viburnum. ordinary- a tall lush bush, with brown bark, dense green foliage, which turns red in the fall.

In May it blooms with white spherical inflorescences, begins to bear fruit in the third year of life, the fruits are bright red. Does not require special care, tolerates shade, is frost-resistant and moisture-loving. Loves well-drained soils.

Good day everyone!

Now almost everyone has their own country cottage area. Some people grow vegetables and berries on it, others are engaged exclusively in floriculture.

But everyone, one way or another, gives their site an aesthetic appearance by planting ornamental shrubs on it.

Now many magazines and the Internet tell you how to do it correctly.

Scientifically this is called landscape design. Our task today, of course, is somewhat different; we will not touch upon this topic much, although we will touch upon this aspect a little. And we will consider what kind of shrubs exist in general, and what they are.

I think this information will help you decide what to plant and what not to plant in your free zone. And to begin with, I would like to give some tips on choosing these plants.

  • When choosing, pay attention to the region in which one or another species can be grown. What climatic conditions are suitable for it?
  • Be sure to pay attention to whether you are purchasing sun-loving seedlings or shade-tolerant ones. Plant according to this. For example, the latter are often planted in the shade of the former. Or they prepare special places for them in accordance with the distribution of light during the day.
  • The size of the plant matters more. So, if the plot is small, then it is not worth planting very spreading, lush plants that require a lot of free space in such plots.
  • If you are planning to make a hedge, then low-growing representatives of this species are perfect for it.
  • IN Lately many stores sell a lot beautiful arches. To decorate them, you should choose climbing plant species.

Perennial, summer-blooming shrubs for summer cottages

Many people try to plant these types of plants on their plots. As a rule, they are quite unpretentious and therefore do not require constant care. And if at the same time they bloom all summer, or most of it, then such a plant will be simply ideal.

Of course, not all of them bloom all season, but by arranging them wisely with those that bloom most of the warm season, you can achieve such an effect that the garden will be beautiful throughout the entire summer season.

Let's look at the most good options for planting in the garden. Let's start with perhaps the most beloved and frequently used ones.


This magnificent plant is planted almost everywhere. The peak of its flowering occurs in May and a little at the beginning of June. Its pleasant spring scent will delight anyone, and a sprig of lilac placed in a vase at home always adds an element of spring mood.

Lilacs are not only purple, but also with white flowers, and there are also varieties such as simple, double and super double.

Even when it has already faded, its leaves are always fresh and beautiful, and it is in great demand for plantings.


Another name for this beautiful and interesting plant- mock orange.

This shrub is loved for its incomparable aroma. During the flowering period, it attracts many insects to the garden - bumblebees, bees... Its sizes are different and depend on the variety and type, and can reach a height and width of one to four meters.

This is mostly a southern plant. Although there are certain varieties that grow in the Urals and Siberia. There are quite a lot of types and varieties of jasmine (about 60). And you can plant several different seedlings on the site. This is due to the fact that they can all bloom at different times.

Basically, of course, jasmine blooms from mid-June to the end of July. One of the most popular varieties is the fluffy mock orange from North America.

However, there are many other popular species, including frost-resistant ones. Let's look at them too.

Common mock orange(has a very fragrant aroma). He comes from Western Europe, but it has taken root well with us. It is distinguished by a fairly high and spreading crown up to 3 - 3.5 meters, abundant flowering. Its flower stalks have a pleasant slightly creamy, more white tint. Able to withstand frosts up to 25 degrees.

Schrenk's mock orange- its homeland is China and Far East. It is also a fairly large plant, capable of growing up to 3 meters in height. The flowers are purely white, beautiful, with an incomparable aroma. It begins to bloom around mid-June, and blooms almost until mid-July, but on average the flowering period is 25 days. It is also quite winter-hardy, and can survive the winter with temperatures as low as -25 degrees.

Mock orange odorless– the name speaks for itself. Alas..., but the flowers have no scent at all, although they are quite beautiful and at the same time collected in tassels. The flowering period is quite long, starting at the end of June and lasting 30 days. This winter-hardy shrub, reaching a height of 3 meters, also came to us from North America.

Chebushnik fluffy- also a native of North America, but slightly lower than his “countryman”, and reaches a height of 2 meters. The flowers have light, almost white inflorescences with a slight cream tint, which, unlike their relatives, have a faint pleasant smell. It blooms at the end of July, that is, later than all representatives of this species.

Gordon's Chebushnik- the tallest of all, his height is at good conditions content can reach 5 and even 6 meters. It begins to bloom in the second half of July, the flowers are delicate, white, with a slight pleasant smell.

Tree peony

Almost every gardener has a peony growing on their property. But this one herbaceous plant there is a shrubby relative called tree peony.

This beautiful plant is not much different from its herbaceous relative. Blooms a little earlier. Reaches sizes up to 1.5 meters.

There are a lot of varieties of it and they differ in the color of their peduncles: there are burgundy, yellow, and pink. And all of them are chic and incredibly beautiful.


If you are a rose lover, then you will definitely like this plant as its flowers are somewhat similar to rose flowers. If you care for it properly, it will not skimp on flowering and will delight its owners for a long time with its appearance.

By the way, camellia also feels good as a potted plant in the house.

The bush, of course, does not grow as huge as in the garden, but the flowers are just as pleasing, as is the camellia itself as a whole.


This is another plant that gardeners love to plant in their garden. They love him not only for his beauty abundant flowering, but also because these flowers subsequently produce abundant harvests of useful fruits.

In fact, this made viburnum an almost permanent “tenant” in dachas.


This plant has a very good pleasant aroma. In addition to decorative properties, this shrub also has medicinal properties, which makes it necessary to plant it in the countryside.

Elderberry has one most useful quality– mosquitoes and flies don’t like its smell. Therefore, by planting it under the window, you will protect yourself from uninvited guests.

The only thing is that many people do not like to grow this plant because of its high growth. The height can even reach 10 meters. However, if you trim it correctly, you can not only give it a beautiful decorative shape, but also adjust its height.

Flowering begins in May, sometimes in June, depending on the weather. Please note that the fruits come in red and black, but only the black ones are edible.

Black elderberry juice is beneficial for maintaining health and is widely used in folk medicine. The range of applications is quite wide - it is a general strengthening, antipyretic, expectorant, antiviral and antifungal agent.


This plant has recently become very popular and beloved among gardeners and summer residents. This one is beautiful perennial shrub with curving branches, completely strewn with flowers. At the same time, one plant can have only one white flowers, or there can be both white and pink.

It all depends on the type of seedling.

Unlike tall elderberry, the most tall spirea can only reach a height of up to two meters. And there are low-growing varieties which many people prefer.

According to the nature of flowering, spirea can be spring-flowering and summer. Therefore, it is best to plant various varieties so that its flowering is constant.

She also has different shapes- this must be taken into account when planting, choosing for it permanent place. There are creeping and weeping forms; both are beautiful.

Varieties with decorative foliage are also very beautiful. These look very impressive even without color.


This perennial, which not only blooms beautifully, but also produces the first delicious berries. Of course, they have a somewhat specific taste, but they have a lot of useful properties.

This shrub comes in both upright and climbing forms, making it decorative use more diverse.

For example, climbing forms can be grown on arches. It looks simply amazing.

Honeysuckle berry is very useful. It is good both in its natural form and in compotes and jams.


The shrub is thorny, and therefore it is good to use as a green fence. It is often planted not only on the site, but also outside it. When you need to fence something off.

Unlike other shrubs, hawthorn must be trimmed periodically to give it the desired shape. It looks more beautiful this way.

Hawthorn berry is also very useful and is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Rose hip

We know this plant as the most common one, which can grow in the forest and wherever it wants. However, in planting and landscaping, it also has its own special decorative purpose.

Its importance is difficult to overestimate - it is beautiful when it blooms, useful when it bears fruit. And also simply good, like a beautiful living hedge.

It is more thorny than hawthorn, and therefore a rosehip fence against uninvited guests will be much more effective.

And as you know, rosehip is a wild rose, and who doesn’t love them?! That's why garden shrub roses were bred.

Shrub rose

This plant can be found in almost any summer cottage. It can be planted both as a hedge and simply in flower beds; both separately and in complex plantings. And they are also very beautiful on special arches.

For example, this wonderful hedge was created by planting different varieties of roses. It's hard to take your eyes off such beauty.

It looks great both in the garden and just decorating a wall outside.

These were popular and widespread plants. But there are also species that you may have only heard of.

However, they are very beautiful, bloom well and will decorate any garden.


There are many types and varieties of hibiscus. There are also annuals - these are solitary flowering plants, and perennials are beautiful shrubs.

Among all types, the Duc de Brabant variety is popular. It blooms very profusely and beautifully.

While young, hibiscus is a tall bush. As it matures, it takes on a woody form.

By the way, another name for it is Chinese rose.


This plant is very popular in China, and it comes from there. It is very beautiful, and when flowering it has quite large flowers.

Magnolia begins to bloom in early spring when the first leaves had not even appeared. And it always looks simply magnificent, you want to look and look at this miracle of nature.

The color of magnolia flowers can be pink, white, or yellow. If you want something exotic, then magnolia is just what you need!


This shrub is quite unpretentious, and can often be found not only on garden plot, but also on the street and in the park area. It is often planted there as a hedge.

It blooms beautifully and profusely, and by autumn produces numerous colorful berries, which also makes it quite attractive.

There are quite a lot of types and varieties of cotoneaster, so it can be planted on an area in different zones in accordance with the task.

By creating hedges and trimming them in a timely manner, you can get such a wonderful appearance.

Such hedges can be used to create a classic design.


This spreading plant with reddish branches can reach a height of one and a half meters, while its thorny branches can occupy quite a large space.

Flowering is abundant, begins in summer, and can last for quite a long time. And by autumn, red, not very large fruits appear on the branches.

It looks very good next to other plants, especially conifers. Therefore, this is taken into account when planning plantings.

It can be trimmed, creating quite acceptable shapes and sizes.

In this chapter we looked at different types of shrubs, but unfortunately, not all of them can take root in cold climates. Therefore, we will specifically focus on plants that are not afraid of cold weather and survive any winter well.

Decorative frost-resistant shrubs for the garden plot

In the last chapter we already looked at plants such as spirea and barberry. They are not afraid of frost, and winter well, so they like to be planted in cold regions. But here are some more plants that are worth paying attention to.

Derain white

An interesting frost-resistant plant that grows well and looks beautiful, pleasing to the eye.

The plant is characterized by bright red bark. To maintain this color, the bush must be pruned every year so that there are only small stumps above the soil.

At the same time, it also produces wide thickets.

Derain is not picky about growing conditions; it grows in different soils, both in the shade and in the sun. This unpretentious plant can be grown separately or in joint plantings with other shrubs, and also as a hedge.

The red shoots of this plant look best in winter.

Agree that for a gloomy, gray-white winter, this color looks quite positive, and may well lift your spirits simply by contemplating it.


This plant has a rich geography. Some of its varieties come from Japan, others from China, and still others are even brought from North America. And perhaps only the latter will be able to survive the cold winters.

Therefore, no matter how much you want to plant southern beauties on your plot, do not give in and purchase the necessary seedlings that are not afraid of cold wintering.

Hydrangeas bloom very abundantly, starting around mid-summer. With timely feeding, the inflorescences turn out to be large, consisting of many individual flowers.

The bush has a rather voluminous beautiful appearance, this is due to the dense and lush foliage and of course big flowers.

Hydrangea requires abundant watering, develops and grows well in the sun, but can also exist well in the shade.

It can be planted either as a separate bush or in the vicinity of other plants, including flowers.

This plant is simply fabulous! It can have a completely different color of flowers - both white and blue. and reds and all their shades. And if you plant them next to conifers, it always looks amazing.

Bladderwort viburnum

This is a rather large, tall and spreading shrub. It may have golden or purple leaves, which divides it into two different types.

Flowering begins around mid-summer, the flowers are small and can range in color from white to pink.

A remarkable feature of cultivation is that the plant is completely unpretentious, grows well in the shade, and also tolerates dry summers remarkably well, without the need for special watering.

It is often grown in a shady area where nothing else grows. However, it is worth knowing that it can also be used to create hedges.

As you can see, it looks quite decent and quite beautiful.

Cinquefoil shrub

This plant is better known as herbaceous, although there are also species that belong to the category of shrubs. The most famous among them are five-leaf tea and Kuril tea.

Bush varieties of cinquefoil can reach a fairly decent height of one and a half meters. And they especially love it for its flowering; although the flowers are not very large, there are always quite a lot of them, and the cinquefoil is simply strewn with yellow petals, collected in a simple inflorescence.

Blooms from summer until autumn.

It is worth noting that this is a light-loving plant, and if you plant it in the shade, it probably will not want to grow there. However, it tolerates drought very well, which is a plus.

If it is not possible to plant it simply as a separate seedling, then you can use the plant as a border, separating it from the garden path.

We have looked at some plant varieties, but there is another category. which you don’t want to deprive of attention are the berry representatives of this species.


This is a bush up to 3 meters high with erect shoots. Sometimes they think that this is a tree, but in fact it is not one of those.

Blooms from late spring, blooming very beautiful flowers. It is a valuable honey plant and always gathers many bees around it.

With the onset of autumn, the irga is painted in multi-colored shades, which makes it very picturesque.

Flowering and foliage are not all this plant has. It also bears fruit abundantly. The berries have a remarkable, incomparable taste. Moreover, they are not only tasty, but also healthy.


The height of the plant can reach 3 meters, although it grows quite slowly.

Magnificent red flowers, collected in buds, bloom in the 3rd year of life. During this period she is incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is light-loving and drought-resistant.

The only thing is that quince prefers specially prepared soil. Preparation for winter includes hilling and bending the lower branches.

But the plant can be trimmed only once every five years.

It grows quite widely, so it requires free space. Keep this in mind when planting.


Despite its toxicity, this plant is the height of garden fantasy. landscape architecture. Just look at these photos.

It is by trimming boxwood that you can create various figures and entire compositions. You can also use it as a hedge.

The plant is extremely shade-loving. This evergreen wintering under the snow. It is preferable to plant it in spring.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for growing in your summer cottage, so choose not only what you like, but also those plants that will grow best in your climate.

Features of planting plants on the site

Planting shrubs at the dacha involves their placement according to a specific plan. But the main thing is plant compatibility.

That is, it is better to plant plants nearby that get along well with each other. The compatibility of some garden representatives is shown in the table below.

Green and white colors - plants are compatible, red - not compatible.

The placement of shrubs, beds and other things on the site is now called landscape design. Although people have always engaged in such actions.

When purchasing a plot, we first begin to plan what will be built and planted where.

Even fruit and berry plants simply planted in a certain order and vegetable crops, will already give your site a very attractive appearance.

And the placement of paths, a recreation area in the form of a gazebo, a swimming pool or a mini pond will give the site a more residential look.

When planting shrubs, two methods are used: geometric and landscape.

When using a geometric or regular method, plants are placed in the form of symmetrical shapes, such as squares or rectangles.

Alleys are also made, with paths between them. Staggered placement works very well.

Landscape style is also called natural. In this option, plants are planted as they grow in nature, i.e. somewhat chaotic, without a specific, clearly defined plan.

This style is ideal for those areas that, in terms of relief, are not entirely level.

The main thing is to draw a site plan, which indicates what will be planted and where. You can, of course, do without a plan, but then you can just get confused.

When planning a plot, first decide whether you only have a vegetable garden, or whether you want to dedicate at least part of the territory to a recreation area.

Then, on such an area you need to place either all or part of the listed elements: a gazebo, or other recreation area, a pond, a swimming pool, a barbecue area or barbecue area, and maybe a summer kitchen.

One of the concerns of any property owner is the fence, namely, what it should be like. Some are blocked by various building materials, others choose a hedge.

This is also worth thinking about when planting all your green pets.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. Here you need more imagination and desire, and everything will work out. And of course, landscape design is a whole science. This is a very interesting topic that requires knowledge, imagination and desire to do it.

Video about how to form plantings on your summer cottage

And if you are interested in this, then finally short video on country landscape design.

Take a look, maybe you can get some ideas for your own vegetable garden. After all, all this is incredibly interesting and exciting!

And this is where I end our story for today. It turned out to be not small, but I hope it is useful and interesting. After reading about shrubs and looking at numerous photographs of them, you can easily find plants that will please your eyes.

Do you know that in garden plots you can avoid planting flowers at all, but get by with planting only ornamental shrubs. If you select them correctly according to growth and flowering time, then you will have a constantly blooming and original garden. What will you get in the end? Minimum hassle and maximum relaxation. Of course, I have never seen anyone have such a garden, because it is impossible to refuse annual and perennial flowers.

However, shrubs occupy a separate niche in gardening. Let's figure out together which ornamental shrubs for gardening are the most popular and how to grow them.

Beauty under the windows. I immediately wanted to go to the dacha...

Classification of ornamental shrubs

I cannot give a definite answer as to whether it is easy or difficult to care for shrubs. It all depends on the specific species. I personally I give preference exclusively to unpretentious ones: I planted, watered, trimmed and admired it. The lack of free time will not give me the opportunity to cover pampered shrubs before winter or constantly water and fertilize them.

I tried to divide all the plants into groups. I consider only deciduous ones, without touching on coniferous ones (they also belong to shrubs).

  • In terms of decorativeness - deciduous and flowering. The decorative properties of leaves, for example, can be noted in dogwood, euonymus, spirea and silver oleagin. Among those blooming, some of the most beautiful are jasmine (mock orange, lilac, forsythia). Flowering shrubs focus the eye on themselves and contribute to the spatial perception of the garden as a single composition.
  • Short and tall. Miniature ones - as a rule, are planted in small gardens, on our 6 acres. They fit perfectly in small landscape compositions(spirea, cinquefoil,). How else to use them? As a border or together with large plants. At the same time, they should be planted at the foot of large trees and bushes to smooth out sharp transitions.
  • With creeping roots- for example, silver sucker and fieldfare. You must also be prepared for such a turn, otherwise these “creepers” will fill the garden worse than weeds.
  • Fruit bearing. This is a special type of shrub that not only decorates the garden, but also bears fruit (chokeberry, honeysuckle, serviceberry, barberry, sea buckthorn, etc.).

Blooming chokeberry.

  • Frost-resistant(hawthorn, viburnum, barberry) and thermophilic(forsythia).

Heat-loving forsythia.

  • Shade-tolerant(hydrangea) and photophilous(, fieldfare).
  • Spring, summer and autumn flowering shrubs. Correct selection according to the timing of flowering, it will provide decorativeness to your garden throughout the season. Let's start with May forsythia, which has festive bright yellow flowers strewn across its branches. Unfortunately, all my efforts to raise her were unsuccessful: she froze to death. She's too thermophilic. By the end of May the lilac will show in all its glory. In June you can enjoy the flowers of spirea, viburnum, jasmine, barberry, Japanese quince, and from July hydrangea will enter its blooming season, the flowering of which will continue until autumn.

Crown formation

When forming landscape design garden plot with the help of decorative shrub plants It is worth paying special attention to their height and width. Plants have the ability to grow greatly under favorable conditions. But this is not a problem - the parameters of the bushes can be easily adjusted using garden hedge trimmers, secateurs and scissors.

I try to do everything carefully!

This is a very exciting activity. I always try to form a beautiful crown, including that of shrubs. I use a ball to trim dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

How to use ornamental shrubs in your dacha

Depending on the role you define for the ornamental shrub, you need them plant in different ways:

  • single landing;
  • hedge;
  • background for garden compositions;
  • group plantings.

Single boarding will require you to select a seat optimal view bush. Areas near the house, near the gate, opposite the window are suitable for this. hedge, for example from spirea, can be used instead of a fence. Shrubs with decorative leaves can become either a background for flower arrangements, or become an integral part of the flower garden yourself. Group plantings of shrubs are excellent for fencing off some functional areas in the garden plot, which will create a special coziness.

Young shrubs along the new fence: jasmine, elderberry, dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

The most unpretentious shrubs - my choice


My favorite shrub, I would say, the garden's favorite jewel. What are its advantages over other ornamental shrubs? I chose it for its long flowering, durability, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, resistance to diseases and pests and minimal care. By the way, it can also grow in acidic soils, which is completely uncharacteristic for many plants. I grow it as a single plant, but it looks great as a hedge.

The hydrangea bush right next to the gate deserves special attention.

Available for sale a large number of beautiful views. I note, however, that not every one of them is adapted to middle lane Russia. Through mistakes in choosing a variety (many of those I bought did not winter well) I settled on broadleaf and paniculata hydrangea.

Broadleaf hydrangea can be called the most common among summer residents.

The broadleaf hydrangea inflorescence is impeccable.

It grows very quickly and reaches 1-2 meters. It’s hard to believe, but in the subtropics it is 4 m high. Its spherical inflorescences delight me with their beautiful shape and large in size - 20 cm. It blooms in July for about a month.

Hydrangea paniculata is very frost-resistant and every year it becomes more magnificent and beautiful.

And this is how paniculata hydrangea blooms.

It blooms for a very long time - in August and September. I probably can’t name a single shrub that would bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangeas are very easy to propagate. I do this by retracting the lower branch. I dig a small trench, bend the branch, secure it with wire and sprinkle it with soil. I water it periodically. Roots form very quickly. Then it will be enough to cut the branch and plant young plant to a permanent place.

Silver goof

In my opinion, a very attractive shrub with silvery leaves. Looks great against the background. Its small yellow flowers are completely unattractive. However, they emit a very pleasant smell. As my mother said: “Smells like French perfume.” There are no problems with its cultivation - it grows well in well-lit areas and.

Silver goof.

I would note 2 of its shortcomings, which are easy to get rid of. First - rapid growth of the crown, which sticks out ugly in different sides. I shape it by cutting. Second - creeping roots. The sucker periodically pops up in different parts of my garden. I either cut it off or dig up the rooted shoot and distribute it to anyone who wants it.

Who is it that stands out so much with its silver?
It is he!

Jasmine, or mock orange

No recommendations needed: The flowers bloom abundantly, the aroma of the flowers is wonderful, frost-resistant, and does not cause any illness. I would note only one feature of caring for it: every 4-5 years it is necessary to cut out old branches, and at the end of each summer, slightly clear it of thickened branches.

Not everyone may have heard about mock orange, but everyone has probably heard the smell of jasmine.


There are short and tall ones. My low-growing Japanese spirea has very beautiful yellowish leaves with lilac flowers, and my tall one has snow-white inflorescences. I form the low one into a ball, and I also don’t let the big one grow too much. Spiraea excellent honey plants, attracting bees.

Spirea - a piece of Japan on a summer cottage.

I can classify this plant as completely unpretentious. It does not impose any requirements on soils, lighting, or fertilizers. A gardener's dream.


It is called so because the leaves are similar to rowan. But that's where his similarities to her end. His beauty is not only in the leaves, but also in the panicle flowers.

Fieldfare - beauty in the panicles.

Its significant drawback is the root shoots, which constantly crawl to the neighbors. You have to fight it with pruning shears. As for the rest, it is absolutely unpretentious. True, it does not tolerate transplantation quite well.


His can only be described with positive epithets- spreading, beautiful, with leaves that change color throughout the season, unpretentious and undemanding to soil.

Watercolor paints of barberry.

His miniature forms can decorate flower beds, and more tall plants They look great both as tapeworms and in group plantings and hedges. Barberry has a slight drawback when planting - it is prickly.

I recommend buying ornamental shrubs at garden centers. If I take seedlings from friends, I know exactly what it looks like as an adult and how it was grown. So, all my hydrangeas, fieldfare and silver eagles are gifts from friends, grown from cuttings. I bought the rest of the shrubs from nurseries.

In the background is a fieldfare.
Flowers in the center - .
On the front there are conifers - .

I love all my plants very much: both with decorative leaves and especially flowering ones. It seems to me that they are not only decorate my favorite garden, but also create a feeling of celebration in it, make the dacha plot very attractive.

Ornamental shrubs are one of the main elements of decorating the design of modern gardens and summer cottages. This article will discuss various varieties of shrubs, the flowering period of which continues throughout most of the summer, as well as their more detailed classification.

Top 10 Flowering Shrubs

Below are the top flowering shrubs that many consider experienced flower growers, are the most preferred:

  1. Budleya- has an external resemblance to lilac; it is a very spreading shrub that can grow up to 3 meters in height. The flowering period lasts all summer, the color can be from lavender and pink to white. The inflorescences begin to disappear only with the arrival of the first severe frosts, indicating the approach of winter.
  2. - is an inconspicuous plant with unattractive leaves, but it is virtually impossible to do without it when decorating borders. This is due to the fact that in other plants and shrubs the flowering period begins one by one, after which it stops, but cinquefoil continues to delight with its small but numerous inflorescences throughout the summer. Its popularity can also be explained by the following positive qualities, as an increased level of frost resistance, unpretentiousness to the soil and undemanding amount of sunny color.
  3. English rose is a shrub that not only blooms throughout the summer, but also withstands even the harshest winters without much difficulty. This variety is recommended for beginners, since given their unpretentiousness, they can be grown without any problems, gradually learning the skills of caring for representatives of the rose family. Depending on the chosen type, the height will be 1-2.5 m.
  4. climbing rose- is a variety that requires more complex care; it is very often used for decorative design gazebo arches. In other cases, before planting, installation of additional supporting structures which she will wrap around. In the autumn, climbing roses definitely require pruning and the organization of an insulating shelter for the winter.
  5. Rose hip stands out not only for its beauty, but also for its practicality. It can be grown for ornamental purposes, to create a living fence, or to produce vitamin-rich fruits.
  6. Calicant- is a shrub brought from North America; it is a rather rare, unusual and beautiful plant. It is especially noteworthy for its inflorescences, which have an interesting bright aroma and the shape of water lilies that persist throughout the summer. In the northern regions, late flowering may occur, which begins no earlier than July, but in the middle zone and southern regions The first inflorescences on Calicanthus appear at the very beginning of June.
  7. Karyopteris– has cluster-shaped inflorescences, blooms throughout the summer months and adds interesting lilac-bluish shades to the garden. Thanks to their rounded shape, the crowns are ideal for decorative decoration at the front of borders. Among its other advantages are unpretentiousness to the quality and degree of soil fertility, as well as high frost resistance.
  8. Cistus- has inflorescences that are similar to poppy flowers or some varieties of roses, but at the same time they have a very high rate of wilting. It begins to bloom in early June and continues until the very end of summer; new buds are formed almost every day. When growing cistus, you will need to provide it with a sufficient amount sunlight and heat, and also choose a planting site with a non-clayey soil structure.
  9. Cletra alder is a shrub that is recommended to be grown only if there is suitable places with sufficiently moist soil. However further care does not cause any difficulties, since it consists in the implementation of a single procedure: the cletra must be cut off annually. This requirement is due to the fact that new buds are formed only on young branches.
  10. Rhododendrons– these are popular garden shrubs, but they are very demanding to care for. It will be necessary to protect them from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and overheating, but with the onset of frost, their love for warmth manifests itself and at this stage it is necessary to provide additional insulation. The flowering period usually begins in May and color may vary depending on the variety chosen.

Evergreen flowering shrubs

Evergreen varieties are usually used to create hedges or form garden sculptures, this will require a fairly complex technique for pruning them.

Among the most common types are:

  1. Holly- is frost-resistant shrub, the height is usually about a meter or a little more. The only drawback is the abundance of sharp thorns, which turn seasonal pruning into an incredibly difficult procedure.
  2. Yew- represents another evergreen shrub with dark needles, characterized by very slow growth. Very often, yew is used to create hedges; it is unpretentious to environmental conditions, but care must be taken to ensure that excess water does not accumulate near it, especially in winter period.
  3. Boxwood– used mainly to form low hedges that are part of large flower beds. It does not require annual pruning and can grow even in shady places, so caring for it does not cause problems even for novice gardeners.
  4. Kalmiya– has external resemblance with rhododendron, but in late spring or early June it begins to bloom and the main differences become noticeable. The buds of this shrub resemble Chinese lanterns, and have a corrugated structure at the edges, which adds to their attractiveness.

Shade-loving flowering shrubs for the garden

It is not always possible to find places in the garden that are supplied with a large amount of sunlight, which many plants need for development and natural growth.

  1. cotoneaster- is not only a flowering, but also a fruiting variety, which has an extensive classification and unites various varieties. Buds, thanks to the gentle pink shade, themselves have a very attractive appearance, and at the end of spring or very beginning of summer they open into flowers white. The fruits ripen in the fall, and they actually never arouse interest among birds, so you don’t have to be afraid of attracting uninvited guests to your plot.
  2. Jasmine– has a complex classification; for growing in the shade it is recommended to choose garden variety. The specific timing of flowering depends on the chosen period, but it must be borne in mind that when planting in a heavily shaded place, it may not be so abundant.
  3. Privet– is one of the most unpretentious varieties of garden shrubs. She will have enough soil with a moderate degree of fertility and shady place, the plant grows successfully even in very poor environmental conditions. For this reason, privet is often grown along fences and fences that are located near highways. The only drawback is its low frost resistance; the bush annually requires mandatory installation of a warm shelter for the entire winter period.

Fast growing shrubs

Fast-growing varieties are also very often used to create hedges, especially in situations where they need to be obtained in a short time. Among the shrubs of this type are:

  1. Honeysuckle Not only does it grow very quickly and bloom all summer, but it also bears fruit. It is not particularly popular among gardeners, although caring for it is quite simple: the first 5-7 years require annual pruning for sanitary purposes, and then only the formation of the crown required sizes and shapes.
  2. Turn also belongs to the fruit-bearing variety, and its berries are very often used in folk medicine. The only drawback is the increased degree of pricklyness; care consists only of pruning, which is carried out only if such a need arises.
  3. Bladderwort viburnum It has a very impressive appearance, which made it popular. It is mainly grown for its extensive crown, which has a round shape, which makes this shrub a worthy addition to any garden. It is unpretentious to growing conditions and does not require special care.

Low growing shrubs

Varieties whose maximum height does not exceed a meter are usually considered low-growing. They are usually used for decorative borders or small flower beds.

The most popular types are listed below:

  1. Barberry Thunberg is one of the most attractive shrubs of small height. Flowering begins late spring, and in the fall the fruits ripen and the foliage turns red seasonally, so this type barberry delights gardeners with its appearance throughout most of the season. Has its own classification and includes different varieties with some differences.
  2. Heather ordinary is both a low-growing and evergreen variety, the flowering period of which lasts throughout the entire summer period.
  3. Quince, when choosing which you need to pay special attention, since only the Japanese low variety has insignificant height. It blooms throughout the summer, often in late spring or early autumn. The inflorescences are usually yellow or orange in color, the fruits have the same color and can also perform decorative functions.

Frost-resistant shrubs

In some regions and areas of the country, which are characterized by long and at the same time very harsh winters, it can be difficult to choose plants or bushes for decorating the garden, since not all species can withstand a significant drop in temperature.

Below are some options that have an increased level of frost resistance:

  1. Barberry Thunberg, which has already been discussed in more detail above.
  2. Silver goof, despite the long flowering period, is grown only for its foliage, which many gardeners find quite interesting and attractive. The inflorescences have a very strong and pleasant aroma, but are unattractive in appearance.
  3. Red elderberry has no drawbacks in appearance: its foliage itself is a worthy decoration of any garden from spring to autumn; by summer, pretty inflorescences bloom, and then they are replaced by no less attractive fruits.
  4. Hawthorn blood red is a multifunctional seedling because it can be grown as a separate shrub, small tree, flowerbed element or to create a hedge. It is one of the most unpretentious varieties, since it is not afraid of harsh winters, prolonged exposure to sunlight, swampy places, low soil fertility or lack of lighting.

  1. Initially, it is necessary to clarify how suitable a particular variety is for growing in climatic conditions specific region.
  2. Some species are distinguished by such increased thermophilicity that even the organization of warm shelters cannot save them from freezing and death in winter. Peculiarities appearance in winter.
  3. There are deciduous or evergreen varieties, and also capable of maintaining their decorative properties throughout the year, if this is relevant. Height is an important criterion by which it is necessary to evaluate the selected variety, because different types
  4. this figure can vary from 50 cm to 3 m. The crown can be spherical or column-shaped, wide or narrow, horizontal or vertical.

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