Encyclopedia fireproof

Slavic runes and their meaning. Building a formula for the outermost boundary of the circle. Similarities of Slavic Runes, Descriptions, Interpretations and Values \u200b\u200bwith Scandinavian Futarc

I took these rune formulas from the "Aphrodite" site.

removal of love

Do you think your favorite started behaving, how strange? Looking back home, does not look at you? And how much does someone try to shock?

Try it a simple, but very effective combination of runes for removing the lift. Draw a sign on a piece of paper. Put a photo or a beloved thing on the runes. Then put the candlestick on this sheet and burn the candle. Candle is necessary to activate the runes.

Usually one candle is enough to remove a love spell. In particularly difficult cases, burn candles on this runemade several days in a row.

(This combination removes love spells only with men and it must be activated by a woman)

A complex sign with a complex configuration. It activates creative channels, enhances the energy, gives durability and crystal clarity in thinking.

Thanks to this sign, you can find optimal solutions In the most difficult situations. And if you decide to change your life, start a new thing, then this Roong combination will help to show creativity in your own life and make dreams to reality

Sometimes it happens that the negative experience of the past prevents us from going on. Was the negative memories are tormented by negative memories? Are you worried about past events? Draw this sign and meditate on it from time to time. This Runic Combination Cleans Your life Pathwill help to cope with complexes and fears. (Cleans karma)

Sunny Bridge

This is a very older talisman, which I am public with the permission of a person who shown it. He says that it is time to come, those who have to come, and therefore the seal of secrets is removed from many things.

With the help of this sign, I made my first endless journey. The "Sunny Bridge" opens the straight road to Kbogam Slavic-Aryan Pantheon. Of course, not everyone can go through this bridge, but I think that most visitors of my site will work out.

In working with this ancient sign, someone will gain knowledge and experience, who is tone to the decisions of their problems, and someone will be able to change their lives, having enlisted the support of the Slavic gods.

It is necessary to work with the "Sunny Bridge":

Relax and concentrate your attention on the sign. Soon the bridge will start forward from the bottom of the sign. The top of the sign will be as if the sun move over the bridge by opening you the road. Do not be afraid to mentally go along the bridge ahead. You are waiting for an amazing adventure.

(Sometimes a transparent tunnel or road appears instead of the bridge)

Draw this sign on paper in the days of the growing moon and put it on a prominent place. You can hang on the wall. Next you will need to be two or three times a week to meditate on this talisman. Just look at it within 5-10 minutes and that's it. And very soon in your life will come great real love.

Consider Slavic runes: them, description and interpretation. We'll figure it out how to choose a symbol by date of birth. The magic of ancient symbols can significantly improve the quality of your life, if used correctly.

The meaning of Slavic runes

Each Slavic Rune has its own "mirror" - a symbol with the opposite value. In runutavas, they complement each other and make up complex formulas that are undesirable to use beginners.

The value of each rune:

  1. Belobogo is a symbol of the founding of the world, divine forces. The defendant and the power of the higher forces gives the owner with such a sign, helps to receive their patronage and help, enlist support. This is very strong signwho need to use neatly
  2. Chernobogo - a symbol of destruction, termination of one life step and transition to a new one. It helps to let go of the past and not cling to it. Use also needed with caution so as not to harm yourself and not to bring trouble
  3. - Rune of harmony and happiness. This is the balance between good and evil, a symbol of stability and a quiet life. It is used to keep what you already have on the way to new achievements.
  4. Rainbow - achieving goals. Helps choose the right path, the right direction in which you need to go through life. This is a rune search for destiny, loved one. With it, you can find the meaning and find calm
  5. The need is a symbol of restriction and coercion. Indicates some prohibitions and frames, incomplete. In magical rites, it is used to limit some person in his actions
  6. The edge is a powerful energy rune. Allows you to look a fresh look at the usual things, find a way out in any situation, even something impossible to make something. Patron of people who seek to first
  7. Treba - the rune of the fulfillment of desires helps to get what I want. But in return, a person should be ready to give something different, no less valuable, bring the victim to keep the balance
  8. Power - symbol of winners, warriors. Develops masculinity, dedication, responsibility. Gives a huge force and fills vital energy. Can be quite dangerous in careless hands
  9. There is - a symbol of the union of nature with a man. Opens the source of the highest mind, helps to get answers to any questions, enlist the help and energy of the four elements
  10. Wind - rune of creativity. Reveals the potential of the personality, helps to detect talents and develop them. Gives inspiration positive emotions, joy and harmony. Helps in overcoming depression, dismisses from the period of creative stagnation
  11. Bereginina is the patroness of women, mothers. It develops femininity, makes more attractive, helps to preserve beauty and youth, to conceive, endure and give birth to healthy children. Awakens sexual energy and sensuality
  12. Ud is a male symbol, fills the energy of success and conquest. Helps to achieve material well-being, strengthens his health, gives faith in itself and its strength, protects against the loss of proven property
  13. Lelia is a symbol of awakening from sleep, spring, heyday. It is best suited for use by young girls, helps them understand themselves and reveal. Develops intuition, teaches to feel and express their emotions correctly
  14. Support - allows you to get out of the crisis and gain peace. Gives a feeling of support, help, protection. Helps to feel their connection with the highest forces and always feel their invisible presence
  15. Dazhibogog is a symbol of abundance and joy. It helps to solve life problems, fills the energy of success. Sends people to human favorable opportunities to achieve goals
  16. Perun - used in cases where a person begins some new business. Gives the success and feeling of self-confidence. It helps to solve even those problems in which you do not see the exit. Literally shifts unpromising affairs from the dead point
  17. Source - helps to cope with stress, fears and phobias, balances psycho-emotional state. Soothes, gives a feeling of harmony, happiness, protection, allows you to feel safe

Check out the video about Slavic runes:

How to know your rune by date of birth

Each person has a "his own" rune, which he can use as an overlap. But it is important to choose exactly the character that suits you.

What should be done:

  • Fold the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on October 16, 1991: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 28
  • If the value turned out more than 17, continue addition: 2 + 8 \u003d 10

The resulting number is the number of your sign. In our example, the figure 10 corresponds to the wind. This means that in man there is a huge creative potential that needs to be used. Waper with the wind will help to find talents in itself and use them for good, develop and strengthen.

Application Runes

Use methods slavic symbols There are many. The most common of them:

  1. Production of faiths out natural materials. Such talismans need to be done, and then activate with the help of the energy of four elements
  2. Use in magic rituals and rituals. Runes are used both in black and in white magic for love spells, obtasses, healing, assistance in the performance of desires and other
  3. . To repay, you need to make a ruffic set of all characters. There are special layouts with which you can find out the future

It is very important before you begin to use the runes in your life, study the theoretical base. You must experience the meaning and value of each sign, to understand what situations which symbol can be used. Especially carefully study, in what cases the use of runes can harm.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Slavic runes and idols with them - so either differently during their own lives you heard these words and, maybe at least once thought to protect ourselves with the help of the magic of our Protsets. From the disgusting gaze, from the evil eye, from the naval of unkind people, from the bad events in the life and all those incidents that no adequate person will be concluded. How to do this with runes?

Slavic runes - idols and their importance in the life of our protz

Should be kept in my head that mysticism is science. Having your causal relationships, laws of work. It does not allow liberty and negligent appeal. Any magic rite is based on a hundred and millennial history of their own land. Each ritual, any practice, spell or manual, older than all long-livers. Thanks to the sacral experience of our Protsets, we can realize the world better, understand the hidden meaning of our own actions, to realize why the commission of this ritual is specifically. People seeking to seize mystics should be kept in the head: without the knowledge of the historical and mythological roots of practice, it does not acquire strength.

As we know, from ancient times, people used pictographic signs to our days, hanging their special meaning and strength. In various countries, in various eras, sorcerers, shamans, priests, magicians, masters of occult sciences and even priests used signs to protect against evil spell, to attract fortune to themselves, protect the mind from someone else's impact. Even christian cross Less than a sign that has gigantic power thanks to faith billion people around the world.

Our Slavic forefans were also not far from similar practices. Even before Cyril and Methodius, Slavs had their own written alphabet, which was used everywhere. The protective signs and signs of their own kind were embroidered on the clothes, wearing an idols from a tree, bones, semiprecious pebbles and metals, minted things with runes and squeezed special signs on the clay sides of home utensils. Even house doors were covered with runes to prevent penetration unclean power in housing.

On the sacred idols were runes, meaning the names and forces of these gods. Each man devoted to some God, gave himself under their highest patronage. Waries from the prince's squad and the prince himself prayed to the thumbnail of Perun, merchants and denunciators, people whose activities were connected with the means - Veles, ladies and girls considered their intercessors of Makos, patron homemade focus And the donatel of fate, and the Lada, the goddess of maiden beauty.

The values \u200b\u200bof the runes are even more than that of writing symbols, since the history of the rune alphabet leaves the roots in the bronze age. With the help of these signs, our forefathers called on the natural elements: a rain on the fields weak from the heat, dry earth fuel. These are powerful energy conductors that need to be used very carefully, so as not to harm yourself. So still you should know about these signs, so as not to burn and do not harm it?

Slavic runes - idols, their meaning and runic formulas

First, it should be kept in my head that any rune has its own couple-opposite. Positive and creative rune "Peace (Belobog)" corresponds to the destructive rune "Chernobog". rune "Bereginy" Inverse sign "UD". The opposite does not mean that they cannot be in the same Runic formula, but it says about the difficulty of their joint implementation. New in a magical case, who wants to make an idol or amulet without the help of others, should not be taken for complex signs.

The 1st rune of the Slavic alphabet is the world or Belobog. It has great strength, because it means the world tree and the progenitor of all Slavic gods. Wearing it presents himself to the patronage of Belobogo, perceives responsibility for his actions and even thoughts. One bad thing can damage the entire protective energy of the runes and send it against the owner.

Chernobogogo is the rune of the destruction of an old, rune change. It is only suitable for those people that they want to get rid of the past and are not afraid to lose it. In case of incorrect use, it is capable of damaging the life of a person and even lead it to physical death.

Alatyr - center of the world, harmony of good and evil, chaos and order. Symbolizes stability. This is a symbol of people who do not seek the feats and conquering new vertices, but are ready to maintain the existing one.

Rainbow - Rune path to Alatyry, a symbol for people who seek to achieve stability in their own life, know their goal. In one formula with Ruhnu, Alatyr acquires the "path and goal" value. For her creation and wearing, you need to think correctly what you want.

The need is a restriction, constraint, bonds, imposition of an incoming ban. It limits the forces, does not allow to move further. Even a fierce sign, as it is used to sow a person and not allow him to disclose one hundred percent.

Its antisimal - the edge, the symbol of energy and the commission of even what seems impracticable. This rune is great for a person aimed at committing a huge case. Wearing it acquires great strength.

Treba - she gives a man wanting, but she takes something equal. Without giving you can not take, as it is a sign of sacrifice. Rune, not easy in appeal and not suitable for everyone.

Strength is power and power, inflexibility in achieving their own goal. Sign of real warriors, favorites. She is very hard in spell and wearing, as it undertakes to a lot and not every person can wear it.

There is - a symbol of nature, unity with the world, the exchange of forces. It is practically intended to be needed to restore relevant energy. Also comes up in need of the patronage of the elements.

Wind - sign creative people, meaning unrestrained gust, inspiration, easy as fluff. It does not allow to roll in the abyss of stagnation and fall into the spirit. Releases thoughts and awakens the flight of fantasy.

Bereginina is only a female rune, maternal. It is a female energy, the beginning of life, an idol for all ladies, from teenage girls to the old lady. In women, he wakes up emotionality and sexy energy.

UD is a male rune dedicated to the fiery yarillo, God fertility. Does not weaken male energy, protects against destruction. Also empowers health.

Lelia is a rune associated with current water, in spring, joy. Increases intuitive capabilities, puts the fortune. In particular, the young girls are well suited.

Support is help, support, protection. This rune allows you to get on your feet hard, find confidence inside yourself. Is an the most advantageous guarddefending against needs, falling spirit and helplessness.

Dazhbog - the rune of the Slavic god of joy and abundance. Attuts Fortune in all spheres of life, helps its own owner in all endeavors. The main tasks are the recreation of funds, saving home Well Balay, Winning the health of family members.

Perun - start sign. The power of the rune of Perun will help move a completely hopeless point in the dead. Loves changes, new, reliable people, changes the person himself.

The source is the rune of the end or stagnation. Slows down the circulation of energy leads to soothe. With this sign, they organize their thoughts, they acquire the sobriety of the brain and the clarity of the gaze. Also become more balanced by the temper.

With the meaning of Slavic runes in fortune, you can find in a separate article of our website.

The action of Slavic rune faiths and their manufacture

As experienced magic practices say, Slavic runes are more efficient on our land, if Scandinavian. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we have a common energy field, historical roots and spiritual energy. Slavic people are much more easier to interpret the Slavic Runic alignment than Scandinavian. Understanding, when you make an extensive practice, you can learn to be aware of the value of all runes. But, everyone decides to herself for what is more in his heart - to his native, extremely our symbols, or to someone else who came to us from behind the sea.

More advanced people, no longer new, and not experienced sorcerers, combine meditation and runes. They make up their own runic formulahaving meaning prayers-appeals. And use it to enhance the energy call. The combination of meditation, which is used in the East to purify the mind, and the runic signs gives excellent effect, allows you to achieve impressive results.

In order for the runes to serve for you for a long time, sorcerers recommend choosing strong and long-term materials: wood, stone, metal. It is easiest to process a tree, because most of the runes are made specifically from it. The chosen plate of a certain, attractive breed for you is cut into small pieces, the ideal of the whole rounded shape, handle and cause runes. After that, every rune needs to be covered with varnish for its best conservation. Metal and stone are much more difficult in processing, and besides, these materials are difficult to do in home criteria.

With all this it is believed that the runes of the stone are of great strength than from the metal, and the runes from the metal are stronger than woody. It may be possible to clarify the disinfecting effect of silver and the durability of the stone. You can order the manufacture of a set of runes in the workshop, but the ideal to apply signs to your hand - so they gain comparability with your energy on the source steps of their own creation.

Store your set is needed in a soft bag of natural fabric, cotton or linen. And activate the rune can simple method: Holding it in her hand, with all this closing her eyes and thinking about good, own desires and goals. As a result, this is eliminated by probable bad effects that arise if the runes were made by another person.

Remember: Before you start practicing, fortunate on the runes, the creation of managers and amulets, for you you need to painstakingly explore the theory. Not knowing specifically the meaning of each sign, you can harm yourself either around people who will receive your idols. Even several positive signs in an incorrectly composed formula can give a strong negative effect.

I believe that it is better to use our Slavic runes for idol, and not Scandinavian. For those peoples their own land, their own energy, because their runes can influence us completely differently. Finally found the values \u200b\u200bof the rune and such a detailed description in this article, on this moment Not enough who knows and remember exactly their meaning and strength. I did not know that the runes can be done and charged by itself, I will certainly do. If they helped our forefathers, meaning can help us. Maybe therefore, we have consistent with the stress and lack of energy, because they cut off the roots, we do not have supports and do not feed energy from nature and culture. But the support of the kind and protozes is very fundamental, as well as knowledge of its own sources, it gives force.

Mitaused by such an idol from Slavic Runes in one of his own acquaintance and very interested. Web found a lot of information about it, but nothing sensible. In this article I found what i was looking for Rune. Soon I'm going to make a tattoo with the image of the runes, because it is also considered to be your own kind of charm, which will always be with me.

The origin of the Slavic (Venenned) runes.

There are many opinions on the origin of Slavic runes.

The founders of Slavic runes, in particular, are written in one famous book:

"Andrei Ionin asked Andrei, his student: Rabbi! What nations bear the good news about the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus replied to him: go to the nations oriental, to the peoples Western and the nations southern, where the sons of the house of Israel are living. Do not go to the pagans of the North, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel "

(Gospel from Andrei, Gl.5, Art. 1-3).

Slavic runes were created by the "Gentiles of the North".

In antiquity, there were many systems of Slavic runes, among them they call: Velezov Runes, Boyana-Runes, runes of the genus, runes Makoshi, runes Mary and others.

Slavic runes were named, based on the names of the Slavic tribe "Venedov", which the Scandinavian tribes called the Scandinavian tribes.

There were the Runic Systems of Slavic Magicians transmitted by the generic line, and, understandable only in the framework of the genus.

It strengthened their generic forces and magical possibilities.

Any rune system is tightly connected with the mystical worldview of people, Runic writing has always been considered sacred.

Slavic runes were used ordinary people, warriors and swallows.

The greatest distribution, currently, among Slavic runes received Venenen runes, which are described in detail in the books of Anton Platov and Oleg Xinko.

It can be said that, to a greater extent, here the achievement of developers of this Runic System: Anton Platov and Oleg Xinko.

The advantages of Slavic runes:

Give a spiritual connection with their native gods;

Work as chambers;

Work as amulets (protection, attack);

Awaken the generic memory;

Attach strength, wisdom and much more.

In addition, the Vendian gives a realization that "darkness" and "light" work in harmony, and, a person should be used correctly.

In antiquity, Magi studied both sides.

In the future, they adhered to a different path, to a greater extent.

In the Cossacks, the combat dark magic system was once distributed.

Cossacks and characteristics (in fact, you can call them dark swallows) used their opportunities to destroy the living force of the enemy.

Light Magheva worshiped the genus from which all the gods occurred, and dark and bright.

In addition, they worshiped and appealed to the gods, depending on the destination, if the victory was required in the battle - to Perun, if the acquisition magic Forces - To Velez, but this division was conditional.

Usually, the appeal was to the circle of the gods.

Dark Volkhivi (Shuyny Magi), to a greater extent, read the darkness (Maru), among them the doctrine was spread that the genus himself occurred from Darkness.

By the way, one of the founders of Western psychology Karl. Jung wrote: "Darkness is your mother; She is deeply respectful, since Mother is dangerous ... Silence and peace go on you when you start to comprehend the darkness. "

So, the Runa system of Veneda, Slavic runes contains 18 runes, which mainly consist of "light runes".

There is no clearly dedicated Futark in this system as in Scandinavian runes.

Runes consider "dark runes": Viy, the need, Chernobog.

The joint use of these three runes indicates the desire for destruction and destruction.

Sometimes the rune source is added to them.

For example, in the chapter "Nava", the section "source" find: "At the beginning there was only a great one - the great absolute is the source of all things. A pra-egg was resting deep in her depths, inside which he expected his wake-up genuine. And there was nothing except the egg - the first carrier of the matter and the thoroughly of it that filling everything around. And there was an eternity. "

Source: Naviray Shlyakh - M.: Institute of Normalitarian Research, 2001. - with. 7.

In the work of Tadeusch Volansky ("Letters about Slavic Ancientifications", 2010. Publisher: St. Petersburg, "Poted", "API" - 162 p.) Awarded the author on slavic gov.

The tint of the perception of Slavs by the Western historian in the book is traced, but this does not reduce its value, on the contrary, only gives interest and distinguishes its uniqueness.

This is a fundamental work on the history of Slavic peoples.

Also, the story of this work itself is very interesting: the book was forbidden and burned.

He writes about the Slavic God in detail, I will give only some page links:

Perun: s. 42.

Conference: s. 98.

Redegast: s. 102.

Tour Tor God (Belobog): s. 104.

Triglav: s. 108.

The work also sounds the names of the gods that are now not voiced, for example, a strong born.

The gods for Slavs were ideals, imitation images, combined with the forces of nature.

In other words, it can be said that the ancient Runic Slavic systems numbered hundreds, thousands of runes.

But even with their given quantity and combined application, huge opportunities are given.

Today it is difficult to meet Rineascripts on the Slavic Venenensky runes, which is mainly due to the fact that they were originally considered as an analogue of the Scandinavian runes.

Those. When developing, the idea was laid that one Slavic West Rune corresponds to one Scandinavian rune.

Oleg Xinko writes about this direct accordance, the author's thought is clear.

But, there are criticism, for example, such.

I will quote, in a soft form:

The story, he outlined right, but about the runes themselves ... This is expressed in the following:

1) the number of runes - 18, although in earlier works ... these runes are always 23;

2) The names of the runes are invented ... Some runes are called simply by some words (for example: the need, source), and others by the names of the gods (Lelia, Chernobog, etc.).

Runes are always referred to as ordinary words, the names of the gods never serve the names of the runes - instead different Gods correlate with runes and write about it in interpretations.

3) There are errors in reading the runes.

4) the interpretation of each rune is given, based on the correlation with Futarc ... Wendes are not the Germans, Wendes - Slavs, their system should be different! ...

Vendian runes express the forces hidden inside us.

If you see somewhere this nonsense somewhere ... With the inscription "VenDan runes" or "Slavic runes" - know that the author is one of two:

1) stupid copyopaster;

2) Charlatan ...

Already drawn, cut out and even gang runes are made from the payments of the non-working version!

And all this for the sake of money, just to be lying suckers! "

Citation Source: http://poved.ru/profanatsiya-slavyanskih-run.html

As practice shows, the theory of direct comparison of the runes does not justify itself.

Who works with Slavic Wenneda runes understand that what they give and give does not correspond to the direct interpretation of the Scandinavian runes.

Often in practice it turns out a complex or a number of runes.

Those. One Slavic Wennaya Rune can be interpreted as a few Scandinavian runes, and at the same time this interpretation is rather too, will be approximate.

But, I repeat, it comes in practice.

This system has another plus, it squeezes out in space, and, most importantly, in time, boredrals.

Attempts by bonellist explanations to the formation of the "Slavic Egregar" only at the illusory perception, in fact, as well as "swelling" to count the history of the world only from the Sumerian Pantheon, Sumerian failed genetic, later Egyptian genetic experiments.

Safety in practical application.

Often, people who visiting church-religious institutions are interested in occult knowledge, which develops into a practical scope of use.

As a result, they receive for their money, much less frequently without money, some kind of market cabling product.

It may not even be a bolel itself, rather her some forms, separate elements: fortune telling on tarot, numerology, psychic, bioenergetics, office yoga, etc.

In addition, the specifics of the feed practical application Scandinavian runes can provide them with linking them with a sephyrot tree that "the same yes" maybe.

Therefore, a seeker coming along different ways, the market is still carefully heading for boredlist.

You can go beyond the framework with the help of Slavic runes.

Slavic Venenen runes from the Scandinavian counterpart transformed into their own independent system.

Simple list of rules.

1. You can not play with the runes.

2. Through the runes, contact the ancient Slavic pagan gods that no one can limit.

3. If you follow the Judo-Christian tradition and at the same time apply Slavic runes an internal psychological conflict will arise, you will need to make a choice. It is usually not compatible. But if you go along the path of Radomir, there is an exception.

4. The activation of the blood of Slavic Venenensky runes is not used.

Actually, what is most often taught - pricking fingers with needles, spit on the runes, splashing the runes to runes - it is a passion from the branches of bonellirs that the relationship to the Slavs does not have.

5. Paradoxes. You can activate the runes with breathing, fire, burning, visualization, intention. You can not activate how it is neither paradoxically, in practice you feel that it works and how it works. The same with the titles. You can apply a reservation, you can not negotiate.

In general, it works here that intuitively comfortable.

6. Requires the knowledge of the draws of the runes and understanding their meaning, for this it is better to read the literature.

7. Working with runes in the lunar cycle, as in the boredlist, is not taken into account here. It is applied regardless of the moon.

8. Work with runes requires the preliminary Slavic gods or appeal to them.

For example, in the conditions of hostilities, it will be necessary to appeal to the gods and the deposition of runes.

9. Working with a cigarette in the teeth, a glass of vodka with runes is not allowed.

10. Set the goal: make a formula, determine the result, then forget.

11. Try to feel the runes, i.e. How every rune works, that she brings you. Feel every rune.

12. Do not make tattoos runes. Runes are dynamic, in their essence. If you made a tattoo, even if only a row, transferred the dynamics in statics.

13. Hide all your achievements.

14. Actively apply for "Taka-yes" and / or their any institutions.

A couple of differences:

1. Scandinavian formulas are often written with bindings, the author does activation by breathing, saliva, blood.

There are no bindings in the use of Slavic Venenensky runes, because they are used in combinations with cuts, chips, kovpochrats, secrets, ornaments, etc.

2. Scandinavian formulas are often written with subsequent spruels.

Usually for cabaretic branches required: throw something at the intersections, throw the coins in the same place, run around cemeteries, etc.

In the application of Slavic Venenensky runes there are no depuses, you can thank you, bring the demands to the gods.

Practical interpretation for the use of runes.

Rune source.

The rune concentration of force is aimed at the conservation of forces, states, phenomena or objects.

Runa Perun.

Gives protection from evil, negative, is a heavy manual weapon.

Rune Dazhibog.

Gives acquiring any gift: material or psychological, attracts positive.

Works on the time interval.

Runa support.

Gives a blessing, support, patronage in life circumstances.

Rune Rock.

The rune is often interpreted as the designation of the mysterious, higher and unknowable.

Used to establish communication with the gods.

In antiquity they applied to stones, trees to enhance communication with them.

Quite often associated with the goddess of the living, life itself.

Rune Lelia.

Runes of attracting, gaining love, charming, desire and acquisition of mutual feelings.

Rune Ud.

It is applied in health purposes, as well as diseases or after diseases, for therapy.

It also works in the sexual sphere and sphere of fertility.

Runa Beregin (Rune Makoshi).

The rune of fate, the rune of practicality is applied to correct the situation, achieving well-being.

Runa Wind (Rune Veles).

The rune is used for magical work, for dedication to secret knowledge, creative rune.

Runa is.

The beneficial rune is applied to health, to revive, obtain strength and endurance.

In addition, it is discussed on the effects as an analogue of the rune faughter (according to O. Xinko).

Rune force (Runa Peruska).

Used to get strength to achieve victory and enhance personal will.

Rune Treka.

The rune, raising spiritual development, besides this, is well used when you need to overcome the vital difficulties, obstacles, barriers.

Used to ask the necessary.

This is a rune, which includes and enhances the work of the remaining runes of a series, runescripter.

Runa need (Rune Viya).

This is a rune - limiter, a wide range from building obstacles to disasters for those against whom it works.

Rune Krand.

Runa fire and enlightenment, insight, gaining power, as well as purification.

It is used, in particular, to speed up the execution of desire.

Rune Alatyr.

The rune of the center of all things, the first and most important rune.

If briefly, it may reflect that the desire that you want to get.

It is used in a very wide range: obtaining a solution, knowledge, protection and much more.

Good links "dark" and "bright" runes in the runescript.

Rune Rainbow.

Runa good luck and a good path.

It works in a situation where you need advice, you need to find your way in life, the fastest and optimal achievement of the goal.

Rune Chernobogo.

Rune removal of negative, damage, etc. Rune impact on another person or other people.

It works as a protective rune and the rune of the attack.

It is perfectly combined with both "bright runes" and with runes: the need (Ruju Viya), the source, the rune wind (Rune Veles).

Rune Belobog.

According to O. Xinko analogue of the rune Algiz in the Scandinavian runes.

Brings peace, calm, peace, gives protection against negative.

It affects both the operator itself and other people.

Fig. 1. Slavic (Veneden) runes.

Friedrich Marby, the famous occultist of the XX century, put forward one of the hypotheses of the origin of the runes. In his opinion, they were the language of the highly developed prehistoric civilization of the Atlanta. It was 33 running symbols in his system. He became the founder of the League of Runic Studies and invented a peculiar "Runic Yoga".

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Formulas of Slavic runes

Old Scandinavian symbols for all hearing. Many people appeal to their help and solve their problems. But do similar formulas of Slavic runes exist, based on the strength of the ancient gods of our people? Northerners are known as features made up of several separate cuts. Yes, such formulas exist, and we will share them with you in this article.

Terms of Use

  • 1. Carefully learn your problem: if it can be solved without help higher Forces - do it. You should not disturb the ancient gods on trifles, select their strength for more important things.
  • 2. Clean your mind from extraneous thoughts: Focus on the required result and only after that the draws of the runes.
  • 3. Do not write signs that are not familiar: their action may be unpredictable, or inverse desired result.
  • 4. Get rid of pride and disbelief: do not draw ancient signs, if you do not believe in their action.

To attract money

The first formula is aimed at success in business sphere. To attract good luck, you need to draw runes:

  • Yarilo, Perun and Lelia.

For search decent work Use force:

  • Avsena, strides and Svaroga.

For good luck in risky business operations, use runes:

Makos, Beloboga and strides.

For love

To return a loved one, take advantage of the formula from the following Slavic runes:

  • Belobog, Yarilo and Lelia.

Each of the magic signs has its impact and enhances each other.

Before looking for a satellite of life, you need to put yourself in order. Beautiful body, the young face and magnificent posture contribute to improving the chances of success. Signs will help you:

  • Trojan, Leli and alive.

Get rid of excess cargo

In the life of each person there is a huge luggage of unnecessary thoughts. They like a girome hindering forward. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this shipment yourself, but with the help of runic characters you can count on a positive result. To do this, it is enough to draw a formula with a combination.

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