Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Installation of a sewer well on an existing sewer system. Sewer well: structure and installation features. Features of different types of wells


Today we’ll talk about such a sewer network device as well.
inspection well or a chamber is a shaft located above a drainage pipeline, inside which a pipe or collector is replaced by an open tray.
Set up on the sewer network inspection and drop wells.
By using examination rooms wells, the operation of the network is monitored during operation, the network is inspected, and, if necessary, it is cleaned and washed.
Depending on the purpose and location, inspection wells are divided into linear, rotary, nodal and control.
Linear wells, installed on straight sections of the sewer network, are intended for periodic inspection and cleaning of the sewer network.
Rotary wells are provided in case of a change in the direction of the pipeline route, and in order to eliminate large hydraulic resistance, it is necessary that the angle between the connecting and discharge pipes be at least 90, and the turning radius is from 1 to 5 pipe diameters. The tray of such a well is smoothly curved.
Nodal wells are installed at the junction of two or three pipelines. They have a tray assembly connecting no more than three inlet pipes and one outlet pipe. Nodal wells on large sewers are called connection chambers.
Monitoring wells are made at the points where the yard or intra-block network is connected to the street network and are located outside the red line.

An inspection well is being arranged:

1. Where outlets are connected to the external sewer network
2. Where the route turns
3. When changing the slope and diameter of the pipes
4. At the points where branches are connected
5. In case of installation of valves, plungers, outlets and compensators on pressure pipelines.
6. On straight sections at distances depending on the diameter of the pipes: 150 mm - 35 m, 200-450 mm - 50 m, 500-600 mm - 75 m, 700-900 mm - 100 m, 1000-1400 mm - 150 m , 1500 2000 mm – 200 m, over 2000 mm – 250-300 m

Drop wells should be provided:

1. to reduce the depth of pipelines;
2. to avoid exceeding the maximum permissible speed of movement of the wastewater
dy or a sharp change in this speed;
3. when crossing with underground structures;
4. with flooded outlets in the last well before the reservoir

Types of differential wells
By design, drainage drops can be divided into the following main types:
1. Changes with spillway practical profile and a water well in the downstream (Fig., a).
2. Tubular drops, which come in different designs, but with mandatory vertical pipe(Fig., b).
3. Drops with a baffle-weir wall (Fig., c).
4. Mine multi-stage drops various designs. Damping of the incident energy occurs at each stage (Fig., d).
5. Fast currents are short channels with a large slope (Fig., e).

On pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm, differences in height up to 0.5 m can be carried out without installing a differential well - by draining in an inspection well (SNiP 2.04.03-85 clause 4.25-note)

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85, drops of up to 3 m in height on pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm or more are accepted in the form of weirs of a practical profile, and drops up to 6 m in height with diameters up to 500 mm are accepted as tubular drops.

Flushing wells arranged for washing the network in the initial sections of the canalation network where precipitation may occur due to insufficient speeds.
In this capacity, ordinary inspection wells and special structures with shut-off devices and water supply can be used.

Wells or chambers on sewer gravity and pressure pipelines are built, as a rule, according to standard designs from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. With proper justification, for example in the case of a small volume of work, it is allowed to construct wells from brick.
Reinforced concrete elements for round wells with a diameter of 700, 1000, 1250 and 1500 mm are manufactured in accordance with GOST 8020-56, cast iron hatches - in accordance with GOST 3634-91.

Rice. 8.2. Schemes of the tray part of the wells

In Fig. 8.2, a shows diagrams 1, III, УI and УIII of the tray part of round wells, and in Fig. 8.2, b - diagrams II, IU, U, UII and IX of the tray part of rectangular wells.
Inspection wells consist of a base, a tray, a working chamber, a ceiling or transition part, a neck and a hatch with a lid.
Typically, wells are made round in plan.
With particularly large cross-sections of pipes and in some cases in the presence of other engineering communications Rectangular wells can be used.

Rice. 8.3. Round inspection wells with a diameter of 1000 to 2000 mm made of reinforced concrete elements

According to the indicated schemes, with pipe diameters and depths determined by the sewerage design, using the special auxiliary tables included in the standard well design, the dimensions of the wells, the number and type of structural elements in them are determined.
Round wells have a diameter of 700, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 2000 mm, and rectangular wells have a plan size of 1500x2000, 2000x2000; 2000x2500 and 2500x2500 mm.

In Fig. Figure 8.4 shows a rectangular well, the walls of which are made of reinforced concrete panels.

For rectangular wells, as well as round wells with a diameter of 1500 and 2000 mm, both a normal neck made of rings with a diameter of 700 mm with a standard hatch, and a neck with an enlarged cross-section for lowering and lifting large devices used for cleaning the network are designed. In round wells, the enlarged neck of the wine is adopted with a diameter of 1000 mm, and in rectangular wells, a width of 1000 mm and a length equal to the shorter side of the working part of the well.
The depth of the tray in the well should be equal to the diameter of the largest pipe.
Inspection wells of intra-block and yard networks with a tray depth of less than 2 m and a pipeline diameter of less than 250 mm can be installed with a diameter of 700 mm.

Drop wells

On pipelines with a diameter of up to 600 mm inclusive, in round differential wells the differential is made with an external riser made of metal pipes, and in rectangular wells - with a vertical channel (see Fig. 6.1).

The diameter of the riser is taken equal to the diameter of the supply pipeline, and the cross-sectional size of the vertical channel along the length is 1.5 times the diameter of the pipeline and the width of the pipeline. On pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm, the height of the difference should be no more than 4 m, on pipelines with a diameter from 250 to 400 mm - no more than 3 m and on pipelines with a diameter from 400 to 600 mm - no more than 2 m. In differential wells with vertical channels and With risers in the well tray, a water pit or elbow is arranged (with a riser diameter of up to 300 mm). The riser elbow shell with a diameter of up to 200 mm is located at the level of the outlet pipe shelya. On vertical channels the bottom of the partition is placed

On pipelines with a diameter of over 600 mm, differences are arranged in the form of weirs of a practical profile (see Fig. 6.2) with a water cushion or rapid flows in one or several stages.

On sewer networks, draining water that contains or releases explosive substances (or gases), install wells with hydraulic seals that prevent the spread of fire in the event of a fire (Fig. 8.7)

Rice. 8.7. Well with hydraulic seal

The installation of hatches must be provided: at the same level with the surface of the roadway with an improved surface; 50–70 mm above the ground surface in the green zone and 200 mm above the ground surface in undeveloped areas. If necessary, hatches with locking devices should be provided.
If there is groundwater above the bottom of the well, waterproofing should be provided 0.5 m above its level.
In an aggressive environment, appropriate measures must be taken to protect well structures from corrosion.
Wells on gravity sewage networks for acidic wastewater should be designed from clinker, bitumenized or acid-resistant bricks with an acid-resistant mortar. It is also possible to construct wells made of acid-resistant concrete.
When removing acidic Wastewater and in the absence of aggressive gases in them, the well can be made of concrete rings coated inner surface acid-resistant paint or plaster.
Well trays for acidic wastewater should be designed from asphalt concrete, acid-resistant concrete or brick with acid-resistant mortar. The surface of the tray and the lower part of the walls of the well should be plastered with acid-resistant materials.
The bases of wells for acidic wastewater should be made of asphalt concrete over compacted crushed stone from acid-resistant rocks with a thickness of at least 150 mm. In slightly aggressive waters, concrete foundations are allowed.
For manholes and well covers on networks transporting acidic wastewater, insulation with acid-resistant coatings should be provided.
When constructing wells in macroporous subsidence soils of low subsidence, wells designed for non-subsidence soils can be used, but the following should be done:
a) grout the seams and internal surfaces of the walls of the wells with a cement mortar of composition 1:3
b) take the width of the blind area to be 1500 mm.
When constructing wells on macroporous subsidence soils of high subsidence, in addition to the above, additional measures are provided, namely:
a) processing soil base tar or bitumen materials within a layer with a thickness of at least 0.2 m, followed by compaction;
b) installation of a continuous reinforced concrete bottom;
c) careful sealing of pipes and installation of a waterproof lock on the outside made of crumpled clay or homogeneous loam mixed with bituminous or tar materials;
d) coating the inner surface of the well with hot bitumen 2 times over a primer or covering them with fluate, i.e. treating them with an aqueous solution of magnesium fluoride or hydrofluorosilicic acid with the formation of insoluble compounds on the surface;
e) layer-by-layer filling of the sinuses behind the walls of the wells with compaction with mechanical rammers.

1.Handbook for designers of industrial, residential and public buildings and structures. Sewage of populated areas and industrial enterprises.
Ed. G.M. Fedorovsky Moscow, 1963
2. SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures.
3. Network educational, methodological and information complex. "Water drainage networks and structures" http://viv.vstu.edu.ru/liter/e-doc/sewbook/sewbook.html

Material prepared by: Sukhomlin O.I.
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No sewage system can function for long without constant monitoring and maintenance. For such purposes, special hydraulic structures are used - sewer wells. There are several types of such structures, each of which is designed to solve specific problems. Below we will consider the design of sewer wells of the main types, as well as the requirements for their installation in accordance with SNiP.

  • differential;
  • examination rooms;
  • accumulative;
  • filtration.

Worth paying attention. For many people, such devices are mainly associated with city sewerage. However, if the autonomous network has complex design, then their use becomes relevant for a private home.


In areas with difficult terrain, laying the pipeline may be difficult due to the impossibility of maintaining the correct slope of the pipeline. If the height of the difference exceeds 30 cm, then it is necessary to use a differential sewer well, the design of which allows you to normalize the speed of movement of wastewater.

The incoming pipe is located at the top and the outgoing pipe at the bottom of the structure. The falling flow of water is extinguished by the bottom of the structure and is directed further through the system. If the drop is too high, additional damping stages can be used to more effectively reduce the wastewater velocity.

Design of a differential sewer well


The longer the line, the more difficult it is to control its operation and carry out repairs. To simplify system maintenance, inspection structures are used that are installed along the entire length of the pipeline. The interval between them depends on the diameter of the pipe:

  • for Ø150 mm – 35 m;
  • for Ø200 mm – 50 m;
  • for Ø2000 mm – 300 m.

The inspection well consists of a rectangular or round shaft, the bottom of which is equipped with a special tray open type for the flow of waste from one pipe to another. An open tray allows you to monitor the movement of wastewater and clean the pipe.

For your information. A type of inspection structure is a rotary well, which is installed in places where the highway changes its direction. It is at such points that the likelihood of blockages is highest.

The design of a sewer inspection well depends on the characteristics of the main line. It can be installed on a straight pipe or have one outlet and multiple inlets, simplifying system planning and installation.

Types of inspection structures for sewerage


As an end point autonomous sewerage there is a storage well designed to collect all wastewater from the drainage, storm or domestic sewer system. The sealed container is gradually filled with water, which is subsequently removed using pumping equipment or a sewer truck.

In case of accumulation of domestic wastewater, such a structure is located near the roadway to ensure convenience for sewage work. If such a well design is part of storm sewer or drainage system, then the water can be pumped out using a conventional pump and used to water the area.

Wastewater storage tank


One of the options for removing wastewater from sewers is to drain water into the ground. To do this, it must undergo additional cleaning using a filtration well. Most often, such an element is installed after the septic tank or is the end point of the drainage and storm system.

Important. Water is drained into the ground only when the groundwater level is low. If The groundwater are located less than one and a half meters from the bottom of the well, then a storage tank is used.

Typical design a filtration well for sewerage consists of the following elements:

  • manhole cover;
  • ventilation outlet;
  • entrance sewer pipe;
  • perforation at the bottom of the tank;
  • bottom gravel-sand filter.

Construction of a filtration well

What can a sewer well be made from?

Regardless of how the sewer well is constructed and what it is made of, it can be made from different materials. The most popular options are reinforced concrete rings, brick and plastic.

Reinforced concrete rings

The use of reinforced concrete rings is considered a fairly popular method of sewerage installation. The number of elements depends on the depth of the pipeline and the purpose of the structure. For inspection wells, one ring may be sufficient, but for storage wells, as a rule, 3 to 5 rings are used.

Installation of the structure is carried out in several stages:

  1. A hole or trench is being prepared.
  2. The bottom is leveled, covered with a layer of crushed stone and filled with concrete.
  3. Reinforced concrete rings with pre-punched holes for pipes are installed on the frozen base.
  4. The joints are sealed with bitumen mastic or other waterproofing material.
  5. A reinforced concrete slab with a hole for a hatch is laid on top.

The construction of a sewer well made of precast reinforced concrete requires the use of lifting equipment


Instead of reinforced concrete rings, you can use more available material- brick. Of course, the laying process takes longer, but in this case there is no need additional equipment. In addition, for construction you can use old brick, which will allow you to save even more.

A brick well comes in both rectangular and round shapes. The bottom and top floor are arranged in exactly the same way as when installing concrete rings. The inside of the surface is plastered and the outside is insulated with water-resistant material.

Brick well - affordable solution for a private home


Every day, finished plastic products are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of autonomous sewer systems. Their installation is carried out very quickly: the structure is lowered into the prepared trench and connected to the supplied pipes.

Interesting to know. Previously, the use of plastic for constructing sewer wells was limited due to the low frost resistance of the material. However, thanks to recent developments, this problem has been solved, and now plastic products able to withstand temperatures down to -50°C.

Plastic structures are easy to install and maintain

Basic requirements for constructing wells

According to SNiP, the construction of sewer wells must meet the following requirements:

There must be at least one inspection well in the area between the outlet of the internal sewer and the entrance to the septic tank. Also, such structures are placed when turning the system, in places of branches and when changing the diameter of the pipeline.

The size of the structure depends on the diameter of the pipeline and is regulated as follows:

  • with a pipe diameter of up to 17 cm - at least 70 cm;
  • from 17 cm to 60 cm – 100 cm;
  • from 60 cm to 70 cm – 125 cm;
  • from 70 cm to 100 cm – 150 cm;
  • from 120 cm and more – 200 cm.
  • The materials used for manufacturing can be: monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, rubble stone and polymers (PVC, PP, PE). A combination of these materials is also possible.
  • Mines should not be located near sources drinking water And plumbing systems.
  • All joints and entry/exit points of the pipeline must be reliably sealed.

Waterproofing the pipe and external surface with bitumen

Despite the fairly simple construction of sewer wells, installation technology can raise a number of questions for inexperienced craftsmen. If you try to save money on professional services, you may end up spending more money on redesigning and optimizing the system. Therefore, in the absence of relevant knowledge in this area, it is better to turn to specialists.

One of the main elements modern system drainage - sewer well. We often come across the hatches of these structures, even if we are just walking along the city streets. But the autonomous sewer system, which a private owner installs on his property, also uses wells.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the classification of wells for sewage systems presented by us. They were divided into types according to functional purpose and the material used in production. The article will help you understand the varieties and choose the appropriate option.

Proposed by us detailed information about the types and operational features of wells, which are an essential component of the sewerage system, is supplemented with diagrams, videos and photos for visual perception.

Sewage is one of the essential attributes of civilized life. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about the life of a large industrial city or an individual family living in country cottage. Through this communication, waste is drained, the disposal of which in its absence would be a big problem.

Sewage systems, like any other structures, require maintenance. Their condition must be monitored: maintain operational functions by periodically performing routine repairs.

If the system becomes clogged, emergency intervention may be necessary. To ensure all these processes are needed.

Despite all the variety of functions assigned to sewer wells, all of them, one way or another, are designed to maintain the sewerage network in working order

If it seems to you that the hatches, by which we determine the presence of a well on the street, are located chaotically, then this is not so. There is SNiP “Sewerage. External networks and structures”, which defines standards regarding the number and location of wells, their types, construction technology, as well as requirements for the maintenance of sewer systems.

Wells are installed in all types of sewer systems that drain domestic, storm and industrial wastewater

Classification of wells for sewerage

Structures related to technical terminology to sewer wells, are divided into several varieties.

The division is made depending on what classifying features we will use. For example, you can divide wells by material of manufacture, by purpose or by the method of their construction.

The type of structure to which a particular sewer well can be classified depends on the type of classification characteristic applied to it

The following classification characteristics and the corresponding types of modern sewer wells are distinguished. The first is produced by the medium, which is transported by the sewer system.

The drainage networks on which sewer wells are installed are designed to move wastewater of different composition and degree of aggressiveness, these are:

  • Household. These include waters that have changed their composition as a result of mixing with waste and garbage. Depending on the contaminants they contain, they are divided into household and fecal.
  • Industrial. These include waters that have changed the mechanical and chemical composition as a result of pollution from industrial waste.
  • Atmospheric. These include water formed as a result of the active melting of winter precipitation, flood and rain water.

In addition to the listed types of wastewater, the sewerage system accepts flows collected drainage system, whose task is to drain the territory or drain groundwater from underground building structures.

Wells of sewer systems are divided according to the material of manufacture into:

  • Brick. Brick was once a commonly used material for making wells, but over time there are fewer and fewer brick structures.
  • Concrete. Concrete structures are today the traditional material option for a sewer well.
  • Plastic. It is obvious that compositions with a polymer base are the material of the future; it will one day replace both brick and concrete.

Plastic or composite ready-made well structures are attractive because they are lightweight and easy to install. They are pleased with their resistance to chemical influences during prolonged contact with aggressive environments. They tolerate sharp and smooth temperature fluctuations well and do not allow or absorb water at all.

Of course, on a city scale there is no longer any point in making sewer wells out of brick, but in an autonomous sewerage network such structures are still found

Sewage systems are divided into floating and export. The former move wastewater to treatment plants, facilities or discharge fields. The latter only collect wastewater for subsequent pumping and removal. The wells included in both types of systems perform both identical and different functions.

By functional responsibilities they are divided into:

  • Cumulative. They are used to accumulate wastewater for subsequent extraction and removal. Naturally, they are constructed in sewerage systems.
  • Collector. Designed to collect wastewater from several sewer branches and direct it to storage tank, to treatment plants or to unloading fields. They are installed in both floating and export branched networks.
  • Filtering. They are used to dispose of the liquid fraction of wastewater naturally. They play the role of compact treatment facilities that transport pollutant-free media into the ground or into water bodies. They accompany exclusively the floatable type of sewerage.
  • Observations. They are constructed on collector sections longer than 50 m, as well as at all turning points and junction points of highways. Necessary for monitoring the operation of the sewer system, for periodic cleaning and repair activities. They are installed in both types of sewers.
  • Variable. They are located in areas with sharp changes in altitude. The reasons for the construction include ensuring a buried discharge into the reservoir and the need to slow down the flow on sections of the pipeline with a large slope. They may be present in both exhaust and floating sewers.

The classification of manholes is much more complex. We'll talk about this a little later, but now we'll look at different types wells in more detail.

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Storage and filter type

A storage well is a large sewer well into which all sewage from a private home flows. The required size of this structure is determined by the number of people living in the house and the volume of water they use.

When we talk about a storage well, it means that the place of its use will be a suburban area, and not an urban or even rural network

Typically, a storage well is placed in the lowest part of the site. This ensures the required angle of inclination, allowing the drains to move spontaneously under the influence of gravity along.

This structure is often made of plastered reinforced concrete rings. For the same purpose you can use plastic container factory made.

The plastic well is convenient both in installation and in operation. Of course, when installing it, you also need to have some knowledge and skills, but still its installation is simpler than working with its concrete counterpart. A concrete structure should not have gaps or cracks, otherwise liquid waste may seep through unsealed joints, spreading an unpleasant odor.

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Another point for receiving and partially recycling wastewater is. Effluent also flows into it by gravity, but it does not linger in a sealed tank until removal, but moves to the underlying soil, undergoing a kind of filtration along the way.

Filtration wells are constructed without a bottom in the usual sense. At its base there is a multi-layer, multi-stage natural filter made of sand and gravel of various fractions.

They are also most often used for the manufacture of filter structures. brickwork or concrete rings, but their diameter is usually smaller. The design of this well is different in that it does not have a bottom. The structure itself is filled with either coarse sand or crushed stone.

The idea of ​​such savings on cleaning a storage well is not bad if the wastewater actually undergoes high-quality filtration and does not poison the soil

Functions and features of inspection wells

In order to monitor the condition of the sewer system and promptly eliminate problems that arise in it, it is necessary. That’s why they are placed in places where system failure is most likely.

They should be present in the following places:

  • where the slope of the pipeline or its diameter changes, which determines the speed of movement of wastewater and the width of the flow;
  • where the flow changes its direction;
  • where to main pipeline side branches are connected;
  • where it is necessary to monitor, despite the fact that there are no special preconditions for breakdowns.

Inspection structures are usually placed in a straight line, maintaining a distance of 15 meters between wells. If we are talking about a private house, then the first inspection well should be located at a distance of no less than 3 m, but no further than 12 meters from the house.

The main function of these wells is not to eliminate the blockage that has arisen, but to prevent it. When the sewer becomes clogged, backflow may occur. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend providing in the first observation structure check valve, which in case of clogging will close the outlet pipe.

Inspection wells are also divided into several subtypes.

Changing the direction of flow:

  • Nodal. They are installed above the node, that is, in the place where the side branches are connected to the main pipeline. In this case, the structure tray cannot have more than one incoming and three outgoing pipes.
  • Rotary. Such structures are located above the place where the pipeline turns. There is a rule that the rotation angle should not be less than 90 degrees.

The turn should be performed with a smooth rounding, the radius of which can be from one to five diameters of the incoming pipe.

Rotary models can be very diverse, but there is also a limitation in their design: the angle of rotation cannot be less than straight

Direct-flow structures in places where there is no change in flow direction and branches:

  • Tests. These wells are installed in places where treated water is discharged into the sewer system. With their help, the quality of the cleaning performed is monitored.
  • Flushing. They are placed at the beginning of the network to wash it.
  • Linear. Used for periodic preventive examination networks and for their cleaning.

Sometimes, with the help of one structure, not one, but several problems can be solved at once. Despite the abundance of functions assigned to these structures, all inspection wells are designed approximately the same.

This means that the dimensions of the wells may not be adjusted to the parameters of an adult man. You can replace a bulky structure with a compact device up to 300 mm in diameter. Another advantage of polymer products is their low weight. The size of such a well can be precisely adjusted to the needs of a specific sewer network.

Modern ones can be classified according to different criteria. Well shafts may differ in the material from which they are made. They can be smooth, corrugated and combined.

In turn, smooth and corrugated shafts can be single-walled or double-walled. Moreover, the design of the well itself can be telescopic, that is, retractable.

Initially, polymer models were made of two parts: a neck and a tray. The tray part was equipped with a pipeline layout corresponding to the purpose of the well. Currently, trayless models are also available for direct-flow structures.

A huge advantage of polymer products is the complete waterproofing of their shaft. This gives such structures an unconditional advantage, which over time will provide them with priority in the construction products market.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video material clearly presents the advantages of models made from modern polymers over reinforced concrete products.

Modern plastic wells not only look more attractive than their reinforced concrete counterparts, they weigh less and are better waterproofed. The future is definitely theirs.

Without a sewer system it is impossible to imagine the life of a civilized society. And without wells of various types, not a single sewer system can carry out its work. Now you have an idea of ​​what these structures are like, how they are designed and what materials they are made from.

Since sewer systems have been created and used for thousands of years, the technology of their equipment has been worked out to the smallest detail. This article describes correct device sewer well, as required by building regulations.

The locations and types of wells, their sizes and the requirements for these structures are regulated here.

In the case of private households with local treatment facilities(septic tank) in the area between the outlet of the internal sewage system from the building and the receiving chamber of the device must be equipped with an inspection well. Also, one of the options for recycling wastewater after a septic tank is.

An inspection well is also provided before the entrance of the local sewerage system to the intra-block network or central sewer, outside the red building line (the conventional boundary separating the area for placing buildings from streets, driveways, etc.).

Important information! According to SNiP, sewer wells (inspection wells) with pipe sizes external sewerage up to 150 mm should be arranged every 35 m, at 200 - every 50 m on straight sections of pipelines, as well as:

  • When turning the system
  • When changing pipe diameter or slope
  • At the entry points of branches

The requirements for sewer wells and their components are set out: for reinforced concrete products - in GOST 2080-90, for polymer wells - in GOST-R No. 0260760.

For plastic devices many manufacturers also develop their own specifications ( technical specifications).

Stone wells for sewerage can be made from prefabricated and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete, brick, and filter wells are also made of rubble stone.

When constructing sewer manholes from polymers, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), or polyethylene (PE) is used.

In addition, some models are made by combining some of the listed materials.

SNiP designates the dimensions that sewer wells should have as follows:

  • On pipelines with a diameter of up to 150 mm - at least 70 mm
  • Up to 600 mm – 1000 mm
  • 700 mm – 1250 mm
  • 800-1000 mm – 1500 mm
  • 1200 and more -2000 mm
  • At least 1500 mm for any diameter and depth of 3 m and above

In this case, the volume of the sewer well is not separately regulated, but, based on the given depth and diameter, it is not difficult to calculate it.

Any construction of sewer wells begins with earthworks– excerpts of a pit and trench. Before this, a set of preparatory work is carried out.

It includes:

  • Layout (marking) of the area where the well will be located
  • Removal of trees, bushes and other vegetation at the work site
  • Demolition/relocation of buildings that interfere with construction
  • Construction of a temporary road/ramp to the construction site

When constructing a pit for sewer wells standard project provides the following procedure:

  • An excerpt is being held
  • The bottom is cleaned
  • The ground level and slope angles of the walls are checked against the design
  • For stone structures: a device at the bottom of the waterproofing (usually using bitumen mastic) layer 20 cm, densely compacted

Stone wells

After this, for a concrete or reinforced concrete well, following works:

  • Preparing the base. Laying a slab or installing a concrete pad 100 mm thick from M-50 concrete
  • Construction of a tray of the desired shape made of M-100 concrete with steel mesh reinforcement
  • Sealing pipe ends with concrete and bitumen
  • Insulation of the inner surface of concrete rings with bitumen
  • Rings of sewer wells are installed (carried out after the concrete tray has gained strength, 2-3 days after installation) and a floor slab with M-50 mortar
  • Grout cement mortar seams between prefabricated well parts
  • Waterproofing joints with bitumen
  • Tray finishing cement plaster, followed by ironing
  • Installation of a clay castle at the entry points of pipes with a width of 300 mm and a height of 600 mm larger than the outer diameter of the pipes
  • Testing the well (carried out during the day by filling it with water until top edge, with installation of temporary plugs on the pipes). Considered successful if no visible leaks are detected.
  • External backfilling of well walls followed by compaction
  • Device concrete blind area 1.5 m wide around the well neck
  • Insulation of all remaining joints with hot bitumen

The installation of brick sewer wells is carried out in a similar way, but here, instead of installing prefabricated elements, masonry is used.

Waterproofing is done in exactly the same way.

Thus, the installation of wells made of stone materials is carried out for all types of sewerage: domestic, storm or drainage.

However, in the case of a stormwater well, lattice hatches can be installed on the well, which simultaneously serve as a catchment area.

For drainage, the well itself can be a drainage element through special holes in the walls, but this design requires special calculations.

At the same time there are slight differences in the components that the series defines: sewer wells KFK and KDK - for domestic wastewater, KLV and KLK - for storm water, KDV and KDN - for drainage.

The table of sewer wells by size is as follows:

The process for drop wells looks a little more complicated due to their more complex configuration.

Here, depending on the specific design, in addition to the tray design, in some cases it is necessary:

  • Riser installation
  • Water jet equipment
  • Installation of a water barrier wall
  • Creating a practice profile
  • Pit device

The installation of the shaft body, base and ceiling itself is carried out according to the same rules.

The only exception concerns a drop well with a riser - a metal slab must be laid at its base to prevent the destruction of the concrete part of the structure.

It looks like this:

  1. Riser
  2. Water pillow
  3. Metal plate at the base of the pillow
  4. Receiving funnel riser

The receiving funnel is designed to compensate for the vacuum that can be created in the riser due to the rapid movement of wastewater.

It is necessary to create differential sewer wells with your own hands using a practical profile only in exceptional cases - such a design is provided for pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm and a differential height of up to 3 m.

Similar pipe diameters in individual systems drainage systems are not used. But other types of wells can be successfully used in local sewerage.

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, sewer drop-off wells are installed:

  • If necessary, reduce the depth of the pipeline
  • At intersections with other underground utilities
  • To regulate the flow rate
  • In the last flooded well before the wastewater is discharged into the reservoir

Typical cases when the installation of a differential well on suburban area advisable:

The meaning of this difference is that due to the creation of a large slope in a short section of the system, the drains begin to move much faster, without having time to cling to the inner walls of the pipe.

Installation of pipeline inlets into wells

Depending on the specific soil conditions, the entry of pipes into the well can be done in different ways.

For dry soil it is easier to do. Only two types of materials are used here: cement, indicated in the figure by number 1, and asbestos-cement mixture, indicated by number 2.

For wet soil, resin strand 3 and a waterproofing layer 4 are also added to the above materials.

Both methods are designed for non-subsidence soils.

In regions where ground movement is possible, the connection is made movable, using a pipe winding with a plastic waterproofing packing.

Sometimes a metal sleeve is inserted into the hole in the hatch wall, and the packing is placed inside it.

Plastic wells - a modern alternative

A reasonable and practical replacement for stone inspection chambers are polymer analogues.

Moreover, plastic wells can significantly reduce the volume of excavation work; constructing sewer wells from these materials speeds up and simplifies the process of installing drainage systems.

There are rumors about the compressive strength of plastic wells - but they are not confirmed by facts. This is especially true for the simplest wells for intra-yard networks.

As a rule, there are no loads that can damage the plastic.

Among other things, concrete well with a diameter of a meter can replace a plastic well, starting from 30 cm in diameter, despite the fact that, despite the difference in size, maintenance of sewer wells made of polymers will be even simpler than their giant concrete counterparts.

After all, they are produced with outlets that clearly comply with the standards of pipes made of any material - plastic, cement, asbestos.

Therefore, immediately after installation, such shafts can be connected to any one within minutes. If they are used plastic pipes– then the process will be even faster.

Therefore, before building a sewer well, it is worth weighing the pros and cons; the apparent cheapness of some solutions is deceptive. For a private plot where one, two, or maximum three wells are installed, it will be much cheaper to install plastic wells than to try to save money by using concrete rings. The enormous weight and the need to order heavy equipment will negate the apparent cheapness of old solutions. And the modest diameter of the plastic well and the speed of installation are not the last arguments.

The technology for arranging sewer wells has been worked out to the smallest detail and documented. Construction regulations prescribe a basic series of regulations that the work carried out must comply with. In particular, SNiP has number 2.04.03-85 and is called “Sewerage. External networks and structures.” The document regulates placements different types structures, dimensions and requirements for erected structures.

Regardless of the purpose, private or public use, the installation of sewer wells must be carried out in accordance with the rules and requirements. For example, an observation object must be placed in front of the entrance local sewer into a centralized collector, outside the red building line.

It is especially important to know that according to SNiP, inspection wells for pipelines with a pipeline size of up to 150 mm are installed every 35 m, and for 200 - every 50 m of direct-flow pipeline sections. In addition, installation of structures is indicated when:

  • Rotary changes in the water drainage system;
  • When the diameter of the pipeline changes or there is a slope;
  • Where additional branches enter.

Documents regulating the requirements: for reinforced concrete products - GOST 2080-90, for polymer structures - GOST-R No. 0260760. Manufacturers offer specifications for plastic structures, supplementing existing regulations.

Stone structures can be made from prefabricated, monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete mixtures, and bricks. The filter structures are made of rubble stone. For the manufacture of polymer structures, it is permissible to use polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene of the required density (PE).

Important! Models can be made from a combination of materials.

Dimensional rulers, work on arrangement of wells

According to SNiP, sewer wells must have the following dimensions:

  • Pipelines with a diameter of up to 150 mm - at least 70 mm;
  • Diameter up to 600 mm – from 1000 mm;
  • Diameter size up to 700 mm – from 1250 mm;
  • Diameter 800-100 mm – from 1500 mm;
  • With a diameter of 1500 mm and above and a depth of 3 m and above are subject to individual consideration.

Volumes are not separately regulated; everything must be calculated from the depths and diameters specified on the diagrams. As for the work, the general cycle includes preparatory actions, installation and completion.

  1. Layout or marking of the territory, according to construction rules;
  2. Clearing the area of ​​bushes and vegetation;
  3. Demolition/relocation of interfering buildings. The impossibility of action is stipulated by special standards;
  4. Preparation and arrangement of the entrance and road to the construction site.

Arrangement and installation of a standard sewerage structure preparatory work according to SNiP:

  1. Excerpt from the pit;
  2. Cleaning the bottom;
  3. Reconciliation with the project in terms of ground level, wall slope angles;
  4. For stone structures, arrangement of a waterproofing bottom layer, as shown in the diagram or plan (layer of at least 20 cm), subsequent compaction.

All preparatory work has been completed and next stage- installation.

Stone wells

The steps and actions are:

  • Preparation of the base involves laying a slab or arranging a cushion of M-50 concrete 100 mm thick;
  • Arrangement of a concrete tray reinforced with steel mesh (M-100) of the required shape;
  • Sealing the end holes of the pipeline with concrete and bitumen;
  • Creation of an insulating layer of the internal cavity of the rings of the structure;
  • Installation of the rings occurs only after the tray has gained strength (2-3 days), then the floor slab is laid. The solution used for work is M-50;
  • Sealing joints with cement mixture;
  • Waterproofing with bitumen;
  • Mandatory plastering of the tray with cement, followed by ironing;
  • Installation of clay lock connections at the entry point of a pipe/pipes with a width of at least 300 mm and a height of 600 mm greater than the diameter of the pipeline.

Subsequent testing work takes place within 24 hours and includes complete filling of the structure with water with the pipeline being blocked with temporary plugs. If no leaks are detected, the well walls are backfilled, a blind area measuring 1.5 m is installed, the joints are insulated with a hot bitumen mixture - the work according to SNiP is completed, the system can be put into operation.

Installation diagrams brick structures They practically repeat the concrete ones, but instead of combining the rings, they are laid out with stone. Waterproofing works completely identical. In this way, stone wells of any type of sewerage system are installed: domestic, industrial, stormwater or drainage. But each design has its own nuances:

  • The storm drain is equipped with lattice hatches that have a drainage function;
  • Drainage wells themselves are drainage systems, so installation does not require special calculations.

Differences in configuration are determined by the series:

  • KFK/KDK - domestic wastewater;
  • KLV/KLK – storm drain;
  • KDV/KDN – drainage wells.

The size table gives a complete picture:

Drop wells

A more complex configuration determines the volumes and SNiP requirements for differential wells. In addition to arranging the tray, you need to do the following:

  • Installation of risers;
  • Have water pumping equipment;
  • Install a water wall;
  • Create a practical profile;
  • Set up a pit.

Otherwise, with regard to the installation of the shaft, base, floors - the rules are the same as the previous ones.

Important! The exception is a riser drop well - installation in the base is required metal pipe, which will prevent the destruction of the concrete structure.

The diagram looks like this:

  • Riser pipe;
  • Waterproof pillow;
  • Metal base (plate);
  • Receiving funnel (riser).

A funnel is required for compensatory discharge processes formed in the riser due to the rapid movement of flows. Do-it-yourself creation of differential wells in private areas is not recommended, unless it is a pipeline with a diameter of 60 cm and a level difference of up to 3 m, but such pipes are practically not used in individual systems, and are successfully replaced by other types of wells.

SNiP requirements for differential wells are simple; installation is recommended in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to significantly reduce the depth of the pipeline;
  • If there are intersections with other underground utilities;
  • Adjustment of wastewater flow rate is necessary;
  • In the case where the well is the last one before the direct release of wastewater into a river or lake.

The same reasons can serve as a reasonable justification for installing a drop well on your own property.

Arrangement of pipeline inlets into the well

Depending on the conditions of a particular location and soil, the entrance parts to the well are designed differently. Installation on dry ground is easier, since it regulates only two types of materials: cement and asbestos-cement mixture. For wet ground, installation requires resin strands and waterproofing materials. But both methods are designed only for soils without subsidence.

On moving soils, SNiP installed movable connections: winding pipes using flexible plastic insulating packing. If you deviate from the rules, you can insert a metal sleeve into the hole in the hatch and install a packing of waterproofing material inside.

Polymer wells

Being a fairly new alternative replacement for stone wells, plastic structures are successfully used to create structures, although so far only in private households.

Installation is not regulated by SNiP, but only in accordance with specifications, therefore functional features no installation required. Important difference the simplest wells for yard networks - simplicity, large volume of water flow and strength of the material. In addition to other advantages, polymer structures can reduce their size, for example, a concrete well of 1 m can be replaced with a plastic well with a diameter of only 30 cm. Despite the small volumes, maintenance will be even much easier than a stone well.

There are also plenty of other advantages:

  1. Easy installation;
  2. Low costs for digging ditches and pits - smaller sizes do not require large excavations;
  3. The outlets and tray design are clearly defined by standards, are factory cast, and therefore there is no need for additional equipment or manufacturing;
  4. The materials for making wells are indicated above; polymer structures can be combined with any pipes made of plastic, cement, or asbestos.

That is why you should once again pay attention to the choice before starting the installation of a sewer hatch. All installation schemes are simple, SNiP clearly indicates installation requirements, tray sizes, recommended volumes. But at the same time, the owner will be able to save on related work, the purchase of equipment and time costs.

Summer cottages, where there is no need to equip many wells and build a tray for each, are more practical to equip with polymer structures. Modest in size, they do not lose their functionality and practicality.

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