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The baptism of the Lord is believing, traditions and fortune telling. Folk signs and superstitions for the baptism of the Lord. Ritual for desires

January 19 there is baptism, one of the most important orthodox holidays. Catholics, he passes before, January 6th. This event has a few more names and one of them is the Epiphany.

The appearance of the holiday is associated with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the River Jordan. It was on this day that the Son of God appeared before people and took the baptism on earth, and from that moment he began to preach the people of God's Word.

Since that time, it is believed that water is a symbol of purification. In churches and in various reservoirs will holy water. And it is believed that a person who plunged three times into the water in the corner, cleared, and the whole year of the disease will be bypassed.

What can be done on baptism?

On January 18, the service begins in the church, the water is being consecrated after it. Morning should begin with the sacred prayer, asking for the Lord about the health. The house must be sprinkled with holy water. In this particular day, create good, help sick and begging and it will definitely return. It is symbolic January 19 to baptize the kids and get married, they say that it brings happiness. Believers on the eve of the holiday hold the post. Holy Water, scored on this day, is stored throughout the year and is considered healing. It sprinkles the dwelling, drink an empty stomach in diseases and adversity. They gain it into a bottle of small volume, and then diluted and distribute to relatives and relatives. When you gain water, you need to think about something good, everything is stored in it healing properties. Do not take a lot, because it is considered spiritual food, greed here is nothing.

On the day of the Epiphany, many people plunge into the hole, which the father will pre-housing, this ritual is considered the key to excellent health for the entire coming year. It is impossible to use alcohol before and after the ritual, the sacred rite is broken by this action. Before plunging, you should come and confess.

What can not be done on baptism?

In this solemn day, it is impossible to work and do household responsibilities that cannot be postponed for later. For example, it is not worth the wash, ironing underwear, remove the dwelling, as well as do the needlework. Despite the fact that in the period of the density, many love to guess, the church does not welcome this. Naturally, the baptism is forbidden to guess. Do not gossip and slander even on your enemies.

Orthodox holiday Baptism The Lord is celebrated on January 19. Why is this holiday extremely important for Christians? The thing is that on this day, Christians recall the event recorded in the Gospel - the baptism of Christ. It happened in the waters of the Jordan River, where at that time the Jews are baptized by John Forerun or a Baptist.

history of the holiday

Orthodox holiday Baptism The Lord is also called the Epiphany as a reminder of the miracle that happened: the Holy Spirit came from the sky and touched Jesus Christ right away, as he left the water after diving and the loud voice said: "Be there is a son of my beloved" (Matt. 3:13 -17).

Thus, during this event, the Holy Trinity appeared to people and was witnessed that Jesus was a Messiah. That is why this holiday is also called the Epiphany, which refers to the two-month, i.e. Those celebrations that the doctrine of the Church are marked as events associated with the life of Christ.

The Orthodox Church is always baptized on January 19 julian calendarAnd the holiday itself is divided into:

  • 4 days of ability - before the Epiphany, which in the temples are already the liturgy, dedicated to the upcoming event;
  • 8 days of the cost - days after the Great Event.

The first celebration of the Epiphany began in the first century in the Propoostol Church. main idea This holiday is the memory and glorification of the event in which the Son of God appeared in the flesh. However, there is another goal of the celebration. As is known, in the first century many sects appeared, which differed in dogmatic principles from the true church. And heretics also celebrated baptism, but they explained this event otherwise:

  • evionites: as a joint of a Jesus man with Divine Christ;
  • doctok: did not consider Christ received and spoke only about his divine essence;
  • vasilidian: It was not believed that Christ was a demigod receiving and taught that the dove had been God's mindwhich entered the simple person.

The teachings of Gnostics that had only half-lifted in their teachings were very attracted by Christians and their large number passed into heresy. To stop it, Christians decided to celebrate baptism, simply explaining in detail what this holiday was and what happened at this time. Church called this holiday by the Epiphany, confirming the dogma that then Christ revealed himself to God, being originally God, one with the Trinity of Holy.

To finally destroy the heresy of Gnostics about baptism, the church joined baptism and Christmas to a single holiday. It is for this reason that before the IV century these two holidays were celebrated by believers in one day - January 6, under common title Epiphany.

For the first time they were divided into two different celebrations only in the first half of the 5th century by clergy under the leadership of Pope Julia. Christmas began to be celebrated on January 25 in the Western Church, so that the pagans would be dismissed from the celebration of the Birth of the Sun (there was such a pagan celebration in honor of the God of the Sun) and became pinned to the Church. And baptism began to be celebrated a few days after, but since Orthodox Church Names Christmas according to a new style - January 6, the baptism is celebrated on 19 numbers.

Important! The meaning of the Epiphany remained the same - this is the phenomenon of Christ as God to His people and reunification with the Trinity.

Icon "Baptism of the Lord"


The feast of the baptism is timed to the events that are set out in the 13th chapter of the Gospel from Matthew - the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River, as was written from the prophet Isaiah.

John the Baptist taught the people about the coming Messiah, who will baptize them into the fire, and also baptized those who wish to the Jordan River, which symbolized the update of them from the old law into a new one who would bring Jesus Christ. He spoke of the necessary repentance and ablution in Jordan (that the Jews did before) became the prototype of baptism, although John did not suspect about it then.

Jesus Christ at that time began his ministry, he turned 30 years old, and he came to Jordan to fulfill the words of the prophet and declare everyone about the beginning of his ministry. He asked John to paint and his, what the prophet, very surprised, replied that he was not enough and remove the shoes from Christ, but he was asking him to baptize him. John the Baptist already knew that the Messiah himself was standing before him. Jesus Christ answered that they should be done by law in order not to embarrass people.

During the immersion of Christ in the water of the river, the sky opened, and the white pigeon dropped to Christ, and everyone had a heard voice "Be there is a son my beloved." Thus, the people appeared to the Holy Trinity in the form of the Holy Spirit (Pigeon), Jesus Christ and the Lord God.

After that, the first apostles followed Jesus, and Christ himself went to the desert to fight temptations.

Traditions in the holiday

The baptism service is very similar to Christmas, because when the church adheres to strict post to the very consecration of water. In addition, a special liturgy serves.

Other church traditions are observed - the consecration of water, the procession to the water reservoir, as Palestinian Christians did, who were similar to the baptism of the Jordan River.

Liturgy on the day of the Epiphany

As in any other, an important Christian holiday, a festive liturgy serves in the temple, during which the clergy goes into festive white rises. The main feature The ministry becomes the consecration of water that occurs after the service.

The Christmas Eve is a Liturgy of St. Vasily the Great, after which the fonts in the temple is consecrated. And the Liturgy of St. John of Zlatoust is served on baptism, after which the sacrament and again consecrate the water and the procession to the nearest reservoir for consecration.

About other significant Orthodox holidays:

The paths that are read are told about the separation of Jordan to the Prophet Elijah and about the baptism of Jesus Christ, everything in the same river, and also indicate the fact that believers are spiritually updated in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Places from Scripture about the greatness of Christ (act, the gospel of Matthew), the power and power of the Lord (28 and 41, 50, 90 psalms), as well as about spiritual revival by baptism (Prophet Isaiah).

Bishops' service On the baptism of the Lord

Folk traditions

Today, Orthodoxy resembles the mixture of two rivers with clean and muddy water: clean is a doctrinal Orthodoxy, and the muddy is a national, in which extremely many impurities of completely non-church traditions and rites. It happens because rich culture The Russian people who are mixed with theology of the Church, and in the end, two lines of traditions are church and folk.

Important! It is worth knowing the folk traditions, because they can be separated from true, church, and then to know the culture of their people - just necessarily for everyone.

The baptism of folk traditions had the end of the shield - at this time the girls stopped the fortune telling. Scripture prohibits divination and any witchcraft, so saty fortune telling Only a historical fact.

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve was sanctified in the temple, and the 19 numbers were sanctified the reservoirs. After the church service, the people with a congestion went to the corruption and after prayer plunged into it to wash off all sins. After sanctifying the hole, people were gaining water from it in the tank to carry off the sanctified water, and then dipped themselves.

Swimming in the hole is purely folk traditionunconfirmed by the doctrinal teaching of the Orthodox Church.

What to put on a festive table

Believers will not stand for baptism, but they do it in advance - in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the eve of the holiday. It is in the Epiphany Christmas Eve who needs to keep a strict post and eat only lean dishes.

Articles about the Orthodox kitchen:

Any dishes can be put on baptism on the table, and the Christmas Eve is only lean, and the presence of cochiva is mandatory - a dish of wheat rapter grains, mixed with honey and dried fruits (raisins, Kuragya, etc.).

Lean pastries are also baked, and they wash it all with a nodier - compote from dried fruits.

Water on baptism

Water has a special meaning during the holiday of baptism. People believe that it becomes pure consecrated and saint. The church says that water is an integral part of the holiday, but it can be consecrated by a prayer anywhere. Consecrated clergymen twice:

  • in the Epiphany Christmas Mike in the Temple;
  • brought by people water to temples and reservoirs.

In the tropar of the Epiphany, the necessary consecration of holy water housing is recorded (there is also a church candle for this), but the swimming in the hole is a purely popular tradition, optional to execute. Consecrate and drink water can whole year, the main thing is to store it in glass containers so that it does not bloom and have not spoiled.

According to legend, all the water on the night of baptism is sanctified and as if acquires the essence of Jordan's waters, in which Jesus Christ was baptized. All the water is being consecrated by the Holy Spirit and it is considered to be saint at that moment.

Tip! It is recommended to use water during communion along with wine and scoring, as well as drink a few sips daily and especially in the days of the disease. It should be remembered that, like any other item, it is consecrated in the temple and requires respectful relationship.

Holy Water for baptism

The clergymen respond to this question ambiguously.

Consecrated water brought to the temples or in water bodies before bathing for the legends of the elders is consecrated. Traditions say that this night water becomes like water, which flowed in Jordan at that moment when Christ was baptized there. As Scripture says, the Holy Spirit breathes where he wants, so there is an opinion that the Holy Water is everywhere, where the Lord pray, and not only in the place where the priest made a service.

The process of sanctification of water is a church celebration, speaking people On the presence of God on Earth.


Swimming in the hole

Previously, in the territory of the Slavic countries, the Epiphany was called (and continues to be called) "Planting" or "Jordan". Jordan is called a hole, which is chopped by a cross in the ice of the reservoir and which the clergyman was consecrated for baptism.

Since ancient times, a tradition existed - immediately after the consecration of the holes to swim in it, because people believed that in this way all sins could be washed off. But this refers to worldly traditions,

Important! Scripture teaches us that our sins are washes by the blood of Christ on the cross and take salvation can only through repentance, and swimming in the ice reservoir is only a folk tradition.

This is not a sin, but there is no spiritual meaning in this action. And the bathing is only a tradition and it needs to be appropriate:

  • this is not necessary to execute;
  • but the execution can be reversible, because the water was consecrated.

Thus, you can swim in the hole, but it is necessary to do it with a prayer and after a festive worship in the church. After all, the main sanctification occurs through the repentance of the sinner, and not through swimming, so do not forget about personal relationships with the Lord and visiting the temple.

Check video about the feast of baptism

Baptism of the Lord - Tradition, Customs, Rites, Signs, Congratulations

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox notes the baptism of the Lord ( Holy Epiphany). What should be done on baptism? How to celebrate the holiday? What rites need to do? What signs need to pay attention to? How to congratulate relatives and loved ones?

Baptism is one of the main christian holidays. The holiday of baptism ends Christmas shints on January 7 to 19.

This holiday is established in the memory of the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, when he was 30 years old. From the Gospel, it is known that John the Baptist, calling the people to repent, baptized people in the waters of Jordan. The Savior, being sinister initially, did not have any need for repentance in John the baptism of repentance, but for humility, he accepted his baptism of water, and the consecration of water.

The holiday of baptism is also called the feast of the Epiphany, because when baptized, the Lord appeared to the world Most Holy Trinity: "God Father verbal from heaven about his son, the son was baptized from the Holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit went on the son in the form of a dove".

Epiphany. Holy Epiphany

On the eve of baptism, January 18, believers will fast "Do not eat anything until the evening, and in the evening they celebrate the second holy evening or" hungry kutu ". For dinner, lean dishes are served - fried fish, dumplings with cabbage, buckwheat pancakes on oil, Kutu and Uzbar.

The whole family, as before Christmas, is going at the table to which only lean dishes are served, Casca (sochily) is prepared from rice, honey and raisins..

That evening, returned from the church with a prayer service, people put the crosses over all windows and doors with a chalk or soot.

After dinner, all spoons are collected in one bowl, and the bread is put on top - "so that the bread is born." The girls were ghadowed by these spoons: they went out on the threshold and stuck them, while somewhere he does not lie down - the girl and marry will go to the same way.

The main tradition of the festival of the Baptism of the Lord is the consecration of water.

In the morning of January 19, water will be holy - or in the church, or, where possible, near the lake, river or stream. It is believed that on baptism, from midnight to midnight, water acquires healing properties and retains them throughout the year. She is given to drink seriously, temples, houses and animals consecrate it. For science, the fact that baptic water does not deteriorate does not smell and can be stored for a year and longer.

In the olden, on the eve of Yordan, the Big Cross ("Yordan") was cut into ice and installed it vertically next to the hole. The icy cross was decorated with Barvinka and pine branches or poured beet kvass, from which he became red.

Water is consecrated in sources, and where there is no such possibility - in the courtyard of the temple. Sanctifying water, the priest lowers the cross in a special bachership disconnect, called "Jordan", consecrated water It is called "Great Aguyma", that is, the great shrine.

It's believed that epiphany water has the same miraculous force as Jordan's water, in which Jesus Christ came.

On the day of baptism, after prayer, patients swim in the hole - to cure the disease, and the dressed in masks under New Year - To cleanse from sin.

On the day of the holiday and on the day of the Epiphany Christmas Eve a great water binding is committed. In the courtyards of the temples stretch long line for holy water.

If a person for any serious reasons cannot go to the service, he can resort to the healing power of simple water taken from the usual reservoir in the Epiphany night. It is believed that Epiphany water is gaining particular strength and hestructal. Epiphany is treated by wounds, sprinkle every corner of its housing - there will be an order and peace in the house.

To this day preserved tradition dipped to baptism in the hole "The one who looked at it believed that healing baptic water would give him health for the whole year. And today there are coup, which even in a strong frost jump into the icy water. All wishing to join them should be remembered that it is necessary to dip in the baptismic hole, not seeking to "make a feat", and remembering the religious sense of this action - it is best to take a blessing from the priest. It is also necessary to know that the ablution in baptismic water does not clear from all sins "automatically".

After the celebration of the baptism begins the new wedding seasonwhich continues to the Great Post. In the old days it was the time of fun and leisure. Young people gathered at the evening, families arranged fashion and went to visit each other.

Epiphany holy water

In the Epiphany Epiphany can be drinking all day. But then it should be used on an empty stomach or for particular need (for example, with a sudden illness). In addition, on the day of the holiday, we are a Kropim holy water all the dwelling, including the seizure of the place, and the premises where our pets live. You can sprinkle and the office and place of study, and the car.

And if you see that the water has not been so much, as I would like, - you can dilute its simple clean waterAnd the whole it will also be full of grace, as before, and will not spoil.

Therefore, it is not necessary to dare, having taken from the temple on this day a canister on a dozen-other liters. It is enough to take a small bottle - and the water is enough until the next baptism you and your loved ones.

But the wonderful preservation of bachership water is not guaranteed to a person who will not treat her reverent.

It is better to pour water from plastic dishes In glass, and store it next to icons. Also drink this water with prayerSo that this gift of the Lord is to us in the health of the soul and body.

Epiphany water Maybe the years stand and not deteriorate.

Fortune telling on baptism

In the baptismic evening, the girl should get out of the house and go down the street. If she to meet on his path of the first young and cute man, is the likelihood that this year she will marry. If passerby is old, then marriage is not soon.

For baptism, except for traditional New Year and Christmas ghostas, ancient times practiced a special fortune telling - with Buck.

Its essence was that the fortune holders, capturing in a cup of hot junctions and screaming her under apron or a handkerchief, fled to the street and the first man who fell into the face of the Bute, asking his name.

An even more original type of special Epiphany divination: on Christmas Eve, after sunset, the girls Nagishm went out on the street, "Pololi" snow, threw him over his shoulder and then listened - in which the side would hear something, in the other side and married.

Epiphany signs

♦ If the trees are covered in the baptism of the trees, in the spring it is necessary to sow winter wheat on the same day of the week - the crop will be rich.

♦ If the baptism is shovel snow - to a good crop.

♦ If the baptism is clear and cold - to the crumbling, arid summer.

♦ If the Star Night is baptized - good harvest Nuts and berries.

♦ If a lot of fish can be visible on baptism - there will be a bee well.

♦ If after baptism in the sky full month - the spring is possible flood.

♦ If the dogs are latted a lot - to large quantity Beasts and game in the forest.

♦ To find out how warm it will be the rest of the winter, in the night of Christmas Eve before baptism, you just need to look at the sky. If the stars are shining bright, then summer will be dry and hot, and spring will begin early. Moreover, autumn will also be warm and protracted. Also, bright stars in the sky in baptism say that the year will be calm, without political or economic shockers.

♦ If there is a full moon in the night of baptism, then in the spring it is necessary to fear the strong spill of the rivers.

♦ Not very good, if the baptism is warm: the signs say that there will be health problems in the coming year. On the contrary, if a lot of snow is to baptism - this is to strong health.

♦ If you are baptized in baptism, you will hear dog dogs - it promises a good financial condition in the coming year. It is believed that dogs are called hunting, which promises excellent prey.

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

♦ Let frosts for baptism
Bring a blessness
Warmth, comfort, your home -
Let it be filled with Dobro.
Thoughts, feelings and hearts.
Let the relatives gather.
Let him get into the house fun
On this holiday on baptism.

♦ Let bachers frost
Will take trouble and tears
And add fun
Happiness, joy, lucky!
Be to the holiday ready -
Very merry, healthy,
To swim in the hole
And healthy stay!

♦ Let the Epiphany Frosts
My sadness will go away.
Let only happiness be tears,
Let them lead that they will come.
I want more often you laughed
And never be sad!
For love admired
And they were always happy!

♦ For the people to baptism
There is an update.
Jumped into the hole with his head -
Life becomes different.
And then step on the ice,
Turn to the sunrise.
Hands at the top raise boldly,
So that your soul is singing.

♦ I want to wish in baptism
Poems more, less in prose life,
Let life be so not to suffer
Love is the strongest Epiphany frost.
Hope, beauty and kindness,
And, of course, the sea positive,
Strive for the height of your dreams
For life eternal motifs.

♦ With the Holy Empty
Congratulations, friends!
You will lean all the doubts
Be happy, loving!
Do not be afraid of different dishonor
And the holy water will happen!
Go to love ...
Holiday comes again!

♦ With baptism you have a hurry to congratulate
And wish you cleanliness
All thoughts and all aspirations
Health, happiness and love!
Let the angels guard you
And erase your strong sleep
Let the grief do not know
And there will be a side of the Lord!

♦ In the bright day of the Lord's baptism
I wish you all terrestrial generotes.
Let the soul and body cleaning
On this day, you will decline from the sky.
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
Let the Lord protect you.
Let everything in life easily
And let baptic water
That today from everywhere is poured,
Wives all the bad forever!

♦ Let the Holy Water
Sin your mocking any
Let any trouble
Will be part of.
Let him open
Clean light and love,
And the soul of your temple
Rereamed again.

♦ Happy Baptism of the Lord
Congratulations to you today!
The house is not at creed,
The world will become kinder for you.
Help will be noticeable
Your happiness will not fade.
Love love and support
Let them become stronger over the years!

Having achieved 30 years of age, Jesus Christ took the baptism in the Jordan River. At that moment, from the heavens of God, who called Jesus his son. Holy Spirit in the form of doves, hence another name of the baptism - the Epiphany. According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three faces: God Father - in his voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove.

Also, our ancestors believed that on this day, from midnight to midnight, water acquires healing properties that are preserved during the year and treat diseases both bodily and spiritual. Miracles occur at midnight: the wind pokes, full of full Silence and open the heavens. At this time, you can find out your future, express cherished desirewhich will surely come true. And you can also hear how cattle tells the human language. Water in all reservoirs acquires special strength: the flow stops, the water begins to worry, becomes healing, turns into wine. In it sincerely believed our ancestors and traditions were holy adhered.

The Holy Epiphany, the baptism of Jesus Christ the cycle of winter holidays is completed. On the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, January 18, the last, Last Casta was made. From this there are folk titles of the holiday - hungry or placing Cute, as well as Jordan, Water Engineering, Baptism.

On January 19, the water will be holy in churches, which is considered peculiar salvation from all ailments. The big mystery is the inability of water to deteriorate.

There are signs: the Baptism is clear the day - bread remain clean, and if the cloudy - will be in bread full "head"; Fluffy snow is on the crop.

Before the baptism, the women tried not to rinse in water linen, because "there are devils sit and can climb." But the girls in the dedicated water put Kalina or corals and wash their cheeks to be ruddy and the face is beautiful. In general, before the baptism of all holidays, women did not go for water, it should only make men.

Modern believing on baptism go to church to sanctify the water, breakfast starts from it. Like ancestors, we sincerely believe in the healing properties of the holy water, so they store it and use.

How to use baptic water.

* Epiphany water can be drunk all day. Consecrated, and even water water, Offer every morning on an empty stomach.
* After any day, you can sprinkle your home precious water, and if you wish, even an office or car.
* If the baptismic water seemed to you little - you can dilute it with ordinary water. They promise that she will be the same full of grace and will never deteriorate. That is why there is no need to pull from the temple or from the hole of the Epiphany water.
* Refer to the water to baptism you need respectful. Better not to keep it in plastic bottle And where will have. And you need to drink with prayer and sincere faith. Then she will definitely help.
* Some few believers argue that their healing properties of Baptism receives through the Silver Cross, which the priest immerses water. But in fact, priests can immerse a wooden or golden cross into the water.

As noted by the baptism of Orthodox.

In ancient times, the rite of water construction began to prepare from the evening. Then the river or lake did a hole in the form of a cross or a circle. Altar arranged the hole, put a cross with a white dove - a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
In some places, the hole was closed with a lid. Orthodox font water was put in the middle of the temple. On the day of baptism, a procession was sent to the corruption, accompanied by all parishioners. The priests were prayer, during which the cross was lowered in a hole three times, inviting the blessing of God to water.
Then all those present poured each other with water, and the wilderness dipped into water. It was believed that water had special properties.

Fortune telling for baptism.

Saty fortune telling in Russia has long been traditional, although the church does not support them, seeing the echoes of pagan customs in them. The shints are completed by the Baptism Celebration, when Orthodox notes the baptism of Christ in the waters of the Jordan River. It is believed that it was in the Epiphany evening that fortune telling the most faithful and can accurately predict the future.

That evening, the girl usually guess on the narrowed.

Epiphany gadas existed many. In various locations, they preferred some kind of their own, centuries of fortune telling, but were also those used everywhere. Perhaps the most common fortune telling at the mirror; fortune telling on the shoes, which was thrown over the threshold or per gate; fortune telling via molten wax, which dripped into the water; divination by shadows from flame candles, rauchin or furnace; divination by overheard conversations; fortune telling on a rooster, the kernel of grain; fortune telling on ice; fortune telling on trusting this night dreams, etc. But fortune telling playing cards It was rarely used in the baptismian evening. Before fortunate, the icons usually walked and filmed a native cross.

Naturally, not only girls guess, but also older people. But they were interested in other everyday problems - the future harvest and weather, wealth in the family and the health of relatives, success in the affairs and fate of children.
Divination continues with our practical times. True, now they have been added to them and new, inspired modern realities - fortune telling from the book from the book, for the first phrase that sounded from the included television or radio, even on New Year's fireworks.
If you are going to learn your future in the baptismic evening, it is worth considering that the fortune telling should be specially prepared. Tune in to positive, that fortune telling will predict you a lot of good and joyful. In this case, you and interpret the results of divination will be appropriately.
Let all the good that you remind yourself of Epiphany, will surely come true!

The main heroine of this day is water!
What we know about her and what should be known.

Before drinking a glass of water, the appeal to her is good word - this is a "live substance", from which the health and youth of man depends.
Water - only at first glance is ordinary and conventional substance. If you think about it, then it is extremely mysterious and far from not moving substance. Even the church uses water to achieve their sacraments.

Scientists have proven: if they act on the water by any physical fields - electric, sound, etc., it reacts immediately to it. Now the Russian-speaking translation of the book of Japanese scientists has appeared on sale, which experimentally proved: the shape of the snowflake depends on whether it is formed from the water. They once again demonstrated that the water very much does not like bad, swiss words. This means that if I poured a glass of water and looked at her "bad", or also bad words He spoke or thought, it is better not to drink it, but to pour. Today we are completely not controlling what we are talking. First, let's say, and then we think it was necessary. The thought is material. And her water also feels. Do I speak good words to water, it will strengthen its effectiveness. For it is a living structure. Perhaps it sounds mystically, but in reality everything is confirmed by scientific research. Informationally pollutes water and rock music and other excess sound noises and transmits this negative to those who consume it.

Better corresponds to the inner structure of the water of the human body and melting water. It can be prepared at home. To do this, it is necessary to fill the kettle or a pot of filtered water and bring it almost to a boil. But do not boil, otherwise its structure will break. After cool and fill it with a 1.5-2-liter bottle (plastic). Put it in the freezer. After a half or two days, when the contents of the bottle turn into an ice of a uniform structure (without bubbles), it must be removed and left in the room for thawing overnight. You will have several cups of clean, energy, healing for the body of water. From it you can cook "drink of youth":

In Talu water, you need to put crushed vegetables or fruits and squeeze juice from them. I want to emphasize that the juice must be squeezed not separately, then mixing with melt water, namely in it. Because the cells of the carrot juice, beets, apples or other fruits should be broken in water. This drink, as well as Tluoo water, can not be warm, it loses its properties.
For several years I studied the Epiphany Water and even collaborated with priests during this work, having received permission from Patriarch Filaret. The church claims that on this day, God's grace descends on the ground and the whole water challenge comes to life.
I came to the conclusion that on January 19, a phenomenal phenomenon occurs. Therefore, on this day, water can be gained from any environmentally friendly reservoir and stocking with energy water for a whole year. I call it a cosmic phenomenon, a church - divine phenomenon.

Water changes before structurally. It becomes similar to the associated water contained in the human body. Therefore, there is such a healing and purified person as energy doping.
Priests argue that with the help of holy water you can shoot with a person and bad energy. This is true!

If a person feels an influence of someone else's influence negative energythat she, as they speak in the people, "damage", you need to at least wash the bachersky water. And she lines the distorted energy of the body with its energy. Therefore, I advise this water to have in every home. The one who for some reason could not gain the Epiphany Water on January 19, can take the holy water in the church. It also has very strong characteristics. Prayers and rituals with which water is sanctified, make their job. Therefore, although it is a little weaker than Epiphany, still very powerful.

Director of the Institute of Human Ecology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Kurik.

On January 18, all Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany Christmas Eve, and on January 19, the Baptism of the Lord. These two days are very strong in their energy, so it is so important to adhere to certain rules.

From a long time, on this day, it is customary to gain water, stock up for a year. It is believed that Epiphany Water washes off sins and helps to be cleaned, acquires special healing properties and helps cope with various ailments and diseases.

It needs to be consecrated every corner of his home to ensure the order and peace in the house. It is worth noting that medical properties Water may lose, if, dialing or taking it, you swear with someone or you are visited by bad thoughts. It is believed that the baptism necessarily need to have a holy water to be healthy all year.

What can be done on the baptism of the Lord:
On the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the whole family is going at the table, only lean dishes are served on the table. But on January 19, a magnificent table with various tastes is already satisfied with the Holy Epiphany of the Lord.
sprinkle all corners of the holy water house so that harmony and understanding in the family;
You can follow January 18-19 post.
Dive into a hole if health allows. Epiphany water flushes sins and helps to be cleaned.
What can not be done on the baptism of the Lord:
In no case should not touch the scissors on this day (in order not to make your fate) - do a manicure, pedicure, as well as haircuts. And even if you go to the beauty salon, that is, you will make the beauty of other people's hands, you still make negative events in your destiny - illness, grief, fears
quarrel, swear, leave home in anger;

complain, gossip, slander;
Clean, wash, knit and sew. Any work these days is better to stop;
After baptism, it is impossible to guess, otherwise you go to fate for the worse.
On this day, you should not borrow money, you will ask for a debt all year. And that is unpleasant - it will constantly grow.
Signs and superstitions for baptism of the Lord 2018:
People, baptized on January 19, according to beliefs, will be all life happy.
For young baptism was the best day to agree on the wedding: "Epiphany Hands - to a happy family."
If the wind will blow from the south on January 19 - the summer will be thunderstorm.
On January 19, January was judged about what the weather would be expecting in December.
Cold and clear on baptism - to arid summer, fresh and cloudy - to a rich crop.
It is not accepted for baptism to feed the chickens so that the gardens do not have to dig.
And three days after baptism is not a clutch.
If the dogs will bark a lot on baptism - there will be many animals and game.
If snow goes, especially when they enter the water, the next year will be chopped.
Epiphany fortune telling
In the old days, the fortune telling on baptism was popular entertainment. Nevertheless, fortune telling is not a religious custom at all. To true Christianity and to the very holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, the fortune telling does not have a relationship, but goes back to paganism.
Girls on baptism were guessing on the narrowed: different rings were put in a bag with grain and, in turn, getting them, determined fate. The copper ring promised the poor groom, silver - from a middle-weight family, a ring with gem - the groom is noble, and the golden is from the merchants.
Another common fortune-out was to come out in the evening for the gate and click the narrowed. It was considered a good one to meet a young guy, and the old man is bad.
Dreams in the night of baptism were considered things, and the girls made to see in a dream of the future spouse.
On the baptism of Mom bake a biscuit in the form of crosses. For each household, the hostess especially marks his cookies. When baking is removed from the furnace, they determine the liver, how will the year for family members. If the cross is a lush, ruddy and well passed, therefore, who he relied, is waiting for success and well-being. If baking burned, then the year will be unsuccessful. If the cross turned out with cracks and irregularities, this family member awaits serious problems. Most often, the burners and failed crosses are not shown to anyone, they are best to rain the birds.

Prayer for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany)
"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God's only beef, from the Father, before all the century born, light from the world, Enlighten everyone, in the last summer from the Blend of the Virgin Mary Neshnigar, and in this world to save our reached! You didn't suffer from video from the dialer's torch of the genus of a human goiter and this for the sake of the first-day day of your emulsion of your emotion to Jordan to the sinner and the Mytail were baptized from John, smashed, yes, let's follow all the truth and let it take in the waters of the Jordan sins of the whole world, Yako Lamb God, in the whole thing I will incur on myself and redeemed the baptism of the godfather, and the blood of the blood is preching. I plunge into the waters in the waters in the waters, they rejected you by Adam Prisoner and the Holy Spirit on the Holy Spirit in the form of a blueberry, enlightenment and babies wearing our nature, and your famous Father will take you to the heavenly voice of His favor and the sins of them And myself has already been trapped on my miscarriage, the river itself: "Something loves my father, I suppose, Yako Az soul I suppose, yes Paki Yu", and Tako in the All-West Day of this, you, Lord, put an ESI start to redeem our sin Praoditelskogo. Now for the sake of all the strength of heavenly rejoice and the whole creature is having fun, there is a freedom of free from the work of the existence, verbally: the attainment of the enlightenment, grace ahead, deliverance to Nasta, the world enlightened and people joy.

Yes, the smoke now heaven and the earth and the world all playing; rivers yes splash; Sources and lakes, the abyss and the sea are peaceful, I can be consecrated by Divine baptism to consecrate their nature. Yes, they are rejoiced and the people of Sobati are rejoiced, and the nature of their possession of now Paki to the first welfare, and VSI with joy and sing: Epiphany time. Take a mentally to Jordan, the vision of the knowledge of it is usual: Christ is coming to baptism. Christ to Jordan comes. Christ is our in the water bit sins. Christ Ovcha stoleno and misfortunely comes to seek and gain in paradise. Of this divine sacrament the memoil is celebrating, diligently praying for you, humoring the lord: You have been able to attach to you to you, the source of the water of the water, and we have screamed the grace of your grace and leaving our sins and and have a rejected wickedness and worldly liness; chastely and deviously, and righteously and piously live in the current Either, waiting for the blessed of the hope and the phenomenon of the glory, Velikago God and the Savior of our Savior, and not from the cases of our sponsings, but by your mercy and to update the Holy Spirit of Your Banya Abundant to have overpriced, yes, I justified the grace of His, the heiress will be the eternal life in your kingdom, an idea with all the holy saints to us glorify all Your name With the original father and with the Most Holy and Fallen and Life-giving Spirit now and are also confeded by both centuries. Amen".

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