Encyclopedia of fire safety

Myrtle care at home pruning transplant and reproduction. Such a diverse myrtle: species, varieties, varieties

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant, sung in myths. It conquers with the aroma of flowers, shiny green leaves and the ability to create a bush, tree or bonsai from it at home. In a closed circuit of greenhouses, apartments, offices, the common myrtle flower is grown. It is believed that this is a paradise tree that has taken root on earth.

What conquered the myrtle of indoor flower growers

In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, not for nothing that the name is translated as a balm. Indoor myrtle ordinary retained useful properties. Only growth became lower, more than a meter in height in room conditions does not rise. But obedient branches can be directed according to the designer's idea and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Common myrtle, a flower, you can look at photos of its compositions endlessly.

Many years will pass, jewelry work will be required before the master creates such a miracle from a bush. This is art. But it is not easy to grow a simple fragrant bush of myrtle. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her tree from a very young age. When she got married, the flower became the talisman of a young family. The more beautiful the bride had myrtle, the more family happiness was predicted for this family. Such an understanding could also be a subtext. If a girl has already found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.

Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient Greece. It is a symbol of marital fidelity, peace and tranquility in the house and now. Wedding wreaths of myrtle and rose ropes symbolize the fidelity of the spouses.

Myrtle brings health to the house. The leaves of the culture emit a pleasant smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of a flower on all the inhabitants of the room has a calming effect - pacifies!

For colds, steam inhalations with ordinary myrtle leaves are useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pinkish flowers, it is impossible to look away from it. Its dried berries are a spice.

Myrtle ordinary, caring for him at home

It is not easy to create conditions under which a plant thrives, sharing a home with a person. Myrtle is a special plant. He requires love and care more than other window sill dwellers.

The main task for the development of a flower is the ability to provide it with a cold wintering. In a city apartment with central heating, there is hardly a bright corner with a temperature of about 10 degrees. A closed loggia or balcony can save the situation, where in winter you can keep an ordinary myrtle plant.

Let's start with the fact that we bought a flower in a store, grown in distant Holland. A beautiful tree conquered with its bright foliage, healthy appearance.

But a little time passed, and it became clear that the leaves were beginning to dry out and fall off. And although there are a lot of them, the bush is still fluffy, but the urgent need to see what's with the roots made me carefully remove it from the container. There, among the tangle of tangled roots, there was almost no earth. An incomprehensible composition, similar to household waste and granules of some substance, probably fertilizer, which the plant feeds on. It is necessary to transplant the myrtle, this is a common practice for all purchased flowers, transplanted after a two-week quarantine.

Common myrtle care includes the following:

  • transfer;
  • pruning;
  • content temperature;
  • mode of watering, wetting of leaves, fertilizer;
  • elimination of problems.

Plant transplantation is carried out in a pot with a good drainage hole. The pot is taken larger than the one in which the plant is settled. The roots are freed from the substrate and planted in a new land desired composition. Do not bury the trunk. Create a drainage layer of at least 5 cm. Half of the soil composition consists of soddy soil, the second half represents equal shares of peat, sand and humus. In the future, a flower transplant should be done by transshipment if the myrtle does not dry out and the roots are healthy.

Pruning or pinching the growing crown is necessary so that the branches do not stretch and the plant is compact. After spring pruning, the plant quickly releases young foliage and begins to bloom.

Cut off tops can be rooted, getting young myrtles. The cuttings are germinated in water, then placed in light soil under a cap until new leaves begin to be released.

The room where ordinary myrtle is kept should be bright, with good air exchange. The direct rays of the sun will dry the foliage and it will begin to fall off. In summer, the plant likes to be outdoors. In winter, the room should also be bright, cool, with high humidity.

Water the plant sparingly, but often, so that the ground is constantly moist, but not wet. Water should not contain chlorine and hardness salts. It is better if it is filtered in a jug with carbon cartridges. Regular spraying, a tray of moss will help keep the right moisture around the myrtle.

Myrtle ordinary should not be allocated a place in the bedroom. Its essential oils are stimulating, and restful sleep will be disturbed. For the same reason, drugs from myrtle should not be taken at night.

Twice a month during the period of warm keeping, from March, fertilizing watering should be done. If a green tree is grown or a bonsai is formed, fertilizers are taken for ornamental houseplants. For a flowering bush, you need to take a different composition, with a predominance of phosphorus salt.

The plant rebels and sheds foliage if the following conditions are created for it:

  • the sun's rays burning the crown;
  • non-compliance with the water regime and microclimate;
  • warm wintering;
  • lack of light in summer and winter;

He regards all this as a lack of love and drops the leaves.

Is it possible to revive a dying plant

As soon as drying, falling leaves become noticeable, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. Perhaps a spider mite has wound up on your flower. The first sign will be yellowing of individual leaves. It can settle if the leaves are rarely moistened, and the air in the room is dry. If the yellowing of the leaves is massive, then the reason may be overflow and rotting of the roots.

If there are live branches, the plant must be reanimated. First of all, revise the roots, remove all damaged ones. Sprinkle the places of cuts with crushed coal, then with Kornevin. Free the ground part from the leaves, perform a deep pruning. Leave only live branches. Take the land for planting light so that it does not hold water. Do frequent watering with water with microdoses of Kornevin. And wait, perhaps the plant will come to life. It is better not to bring the flower to such a state.

The content of the myrtle of an ordinary house - video

Myrtle is an evergreen plant known to mankind for many millennia. He was given special meaning even in ancient times and was considered a companion of the gods. The myrtle tree is a valuable source of essential oil. The name of this plant in other languages ​​sounds like this:

  • Deutsch– Braut-Myrte, Gemeine Myrte, Korsischer Pfeffer;
  • English- myrtle, Greek myrtle;
  • French- myrte, vrai myrte.


Myrtle is a low shrub (the maximum height of some subspecies is 5 meters). The leaves are dark green, rounded, pointed at the end. The inflorescences are white, round and fluffy. The fruits are blue-black berries with a diameter of about 1 cm.


There are two types of myrtle tree:

  • ordinary - differs in small foliage and beige or slightly reddish inflorescences;
  • Saharan - is an endangered species, grows in the highlands of southern Algeria and the Republic of Chad.

Where does it grow?

The homeland of the myrtle ordinary is the Mediterranean. Today it is especially common in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as in Europe. In Russia, a small number of myrtle trees grow in the Crimea.


Myrtle tree leaves are best suited for making spices at the age of 3 or 4 years. Collection is carried out from mid to late autumn. The collected foliage is dried in a dry, well-ventilated area. When the leaves are dry, they should be laid out in canvas bags and stored in a cool, dark place.


  • dark green color;
  • bitter-spicy taste;
  • rich herbal, slightly bitter aroma.

Chemical composition

  • essential oil
  • camphor
  • aldehydes
  • proteins
  • tannins
  • resin
  • polyphenols
  • flavonoids
  • saponins
  • mirtilin
  • pinene
  • limonene
  • cineole
  • linalool
  • terpineol
  • myrtenol

Myrtle, rich in essential oils, helps to get rid of headaches and relieves hangovers

Beneficial features

  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • tones;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps to normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is a good expectorant;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Myrtle is a powerful natural antibiotic


  • It is believed that if you put a pot of myrtle tree in the bedroom, you will experience a severe headache in the morning.
  • Taking infusions and decoctions based on myrtle at bedtime, especially in large quantities, can lead to sleep disturbances.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance;
  • elderly age.


The essential oil is obtained from the young shoots and foliage of the myrtle tree by steam distillation. Myrtle oil has a pleasant, complex aroma, so it is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes. It also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. In addition, regular use of myrtle essential oil significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair structure.


In cooking

  • in Italy, a liqueur called "myrto" is made from the fruits of the myrtle tree;
  • in France, jam is made from the berries of the world;
  • dried fruits of myrtle are used in the production of certain types of sausages;
  • myrtle leaves are added to pickles and marinades;
  • grilled meat and fish, using the bark and branches of the myrtle tree, acquire a unique aroma;
  • Myrtle gives bitterness to dishes, so it should be added to food in very small quantities.

Braised fish

Cut the carcass of any lean fish into pieces of the desired size. Cut 2 carrots into slices, 1 onion into large rings. Put the fish and vegetables in a thick-walled pot or in a cauldron, add a few leaves of the myrtle tree, salt and pepper to taste. Pour half a glass of water and simmer until tender.

Prepare 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into medium-sized cubes. Cut onion, 2 carrots, small zucchini, cauliflower, tomato and bell pepper. Take a deep pan or brazier and lay out the products in layers; onion, poultry, carrot, zucchini, pepper, tomato, cabbage. Lay out one leaf of myrtle tree on each layer. Add some water and simmer until done.

In medicine

Medicines prepared on the basis of myrtle are used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • herpetic infection;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • getting sick of the ENT organs;
  • flu;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis.

Used for allergies to antibiotics in the treatment and prevention of influenza, tuberculosis and herpes virus

Folk recipes

  • With a cold You can strengthen the immune system and cope with the disease faster if you chew a few leaves of the myrtle tree every time after eating.
  • With purulent inflammation on the skin, Lotions with a decoction of myrtle will help. Pour 10 grams of dried leaves with a liter cold water and boil for 10 minutes. Moisten a piece of sterile bandage in a decoction and apply to the affected area for several minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2 or times a day.
  • With bronchitis, prepare a mixture of medicinal herbs: 10 grams of primrose roots, 15 grams of lemon balm, 20 grams of myrtle, 20 grams of eucalyptus. Pour 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take one glass 3 times a day.
  • With kidney infection an infusion should be prepared from the dried leaves of the myrtle tree. To do this, fill 10 grams of leaves with a liter hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink one glass 2 times a day.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, mainly the essential oil of the myrtle tree is used. It is characterized by the following useful properties:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • evens skin color and gives it a healthy look;
  • restores local immunity of the skin;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • is a good remedy against acne and acne;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • improves hair structure.


A myrtle tree can also be a houseplant. Keeping it at home is not at all difficult, but there are several important points to consider:

  • Fresh air is very important for the myrtle tree, so the most suitable place for it is on the windowsill (it is best to choose the west or east side), and in summer - on open balcony or in the backyard.
  • A few hours a day, the plant must be in direct sunlight.
  • During the winter months, myrtle needs in large numbers sunlight.
  • It is necessary to move the pot with a myrtle tree to a new place gradually, moving it 10-20 cm every day.
  • The most optimal temperature for myrtle is room temperature. Coolness is preferable to him than heat. In winter, if possible, you should put the plant in a cold place where the temperature does not exceed +8 degrees. Otherwise, the myrtle may shed its leaves.
  • At any time of the year, the earth in a pot should be constantly wet. Watering requires warm, soft water.
  • In the summer months, the plant should be sprayed every day, and in winter spraying is not required.
  • In spring, summer and autumn, the myrtle tree should be fed weekly with the selected fertilizer.
  • The desired shape of the myrtle tree can be given by cutting off the branches from different sides. If you want your myrtle to grow into a low bush, cut it off from the top, and if you prefer a miniature tree, then you need to cut off the side branches.


Myrtle can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. Propagation by cuttings is preferable, as in this case the plant will bloom faster. The most favorable time for cuttings is winter and summer (the procedure should not be repeated more than twice a year). Cuttings are taken from the bottom or from the middle of the trunk. The maximum length of the cutting is 8 cm. The leaves are cut or shortened. Then the cuttings are rooted in a shallow container filled with sand and moss, and covered with a special cap. Periodically, young plants are watered and ventilated. The temperature in the room is maintained no higher than +20 degrees. A month later, the cuttings are planted in separate small pots.

  • The Bible says that the dove sent by Noah during the flood in search of land returned to the ark, carrying a sprig of myrtle tree in its beak.
  • In France, myrtle is a symbol of innocence and a wedding tree. According to tradition, a pot of myrtle tree should accompany the newlyweds throughout the celebration.
  • Myrtle is an evergreen plant that exudes a pleasant aroma due to the essential oil secreted by the foliage. AT indoor floriculture the myrtle tree has gained popularity due to its decorative appearance and ability to purify the air of bacteria and microbes. Numerous flowers that bloom on the plant in the summer give a special attraction. Home perennial care involves not only traditional activities, but also formative crown pruning.

    Origin and botanical description of the plant

    There are several legends describing the origin of the tree. According to one of them, Adam took a sprig of myrtle from the divine garden in order to grow a piece of paradise on sinful earth. In Greek mythology, it is a symbol of hope and happiness. It is customary to decorate the hair of the bride and groom with wreaths of leaves during the wedding.

    Common myrtle is an evergreen plant native to the Mediterranean. There are more than 100 varieties of shrubs and trees of the Myrtle family, growing in a subtropical climate. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 2 m in height, rarely exceeds 60-70 cm indoors.

    The trunk forms a large number of lateral and apical shoots covered with thin bark. Small, oval leaves have a glossy dark green surface. Short petioles are opposite. Flowers are bisexual, white, solitary, formed on thin peduncles. There are many stamens in the center of the petals. Myrtle fruits are blue-black or white berries the size of a pea. Each fruit contains about 15 seeds.

    Main varieties

    The Myrtle family has been cultivated for over 400 years. The natural habitat of the plant is Europe, North Africa, the Azores and the southern states of America. The most popular varieties of evergreen shrubs:

    1. Mirt Communis. One of the most common species in home floriculture. The shoots are densely covered with small leaves of a rich green color. Fragrant flowers are formed by white or cream petals and a large number of thin stamens. Plant height in closed ground is 50-60 cm.
    2. Myrtle Lemon. Named for the pronounced citrus aroma elongated leaves. Under natural conditions, it is found in Australia, America and on the coast of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The fruit of an evergreen shrub is used as a spice. The essential oil is obtained from the leaves. Suitable for home growing.
    3. Myrtle Boethica. The variety is distinguished by the flexibility of the trunk and slow growth. This feature allows you to use the tree to create bonsai. Large, delicate leaves densely cover the winding crown.
    4. Myrtle large-leaved. A variety with larger leaves and flowers than Common myrtle. It is characterized by the highest content of phytoncides, which have a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect.
    5. Myrtle small-leaved. Miniature leaves on short petioles reach a length of no more than 1.5 cm. It is characterized by slow growth. In favorable conditions, it blooms profusely throughout the summer.
    6. Mirt Hymmeney. Indoor evergreen shrub grows up to 1m tall. The oblong leaves have a delicate aroma. In the center of the white petals are long golden stamens. Fruits of a characteristic blue color with a high content of essential oil. The variety is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty.
    7. myrtle chile. The second name of the variety is Mirt Luma. The evergreen shrub is native to South America. Multi-stemmed plants are covered with orange bark. Small leaves cover falling shoots. Flowers are excellent honey plants, fruits are used in cooking. The variety is grown for creating hedges and street gardening.
    8. Myrtle variegated (variegata). An ornamental low variety characterized by leaves covered with pale yellow spots and streaks. Widely distributed in home floriculture. Requires good light to maintain the two-tone color of the oval leaves.
    9. Tarentino. dwarf variety with emerald foliage and snow-white flowers. Differs in fast growth. It grows about 100 cm indoors. It needs to maintain high humidity, it is demanding on lighting.
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    Varieties intended for growing at home are suitable for the formation of a stem tree or shrub with a crown of various geometric shapes.

    Necessary conditions for growing

    An evergreen tree needs a warm and humid microclimate. Growing and caring for myrtle at home involves constant monitoring of these indicators. Most varieties require a lot of diffused sunlight. The flower is also sensitive to fresh air. To achieve a beautiful, even crown and annual flowering, appropriate care should be provided to the perennial.

    Location and lighting

    The flower is placed in the apartment on the south and east windows. During the dormant period, they are transferred to the north or northwest side of the room. During the active growing season, which lasts from mid-spring to late autumn, home myrtle provide illumination throughout the daylight hours.

    AT winter period the flower needs a decrease in temperature. The optimal microclimate for the dormant period is 8-12 ° C and the absence of bright sun rays. In this case, the myrtle tree will be able to accumulate strength for flowering and foliage growth in the next season.

    Air humidity

    subtropical climate in the homeland of the perennial is characterized by high humidity. If dry air is concentrated in the room, home myrtle sheds foliage. For supporting optimal level moisture, it is recommended to spray the crown daily warm water or install a container with wet expanded clay next to the bowl. During dormancy, the flower is placed away from heating appliances, in which case spraying is not required.

    Soil Requirements

    The soil in which it is grown home flower should be pH neutral, loose and fertile. The soil for myrtle is prepared based on the following proportions:

    • 1/3 sod land;
    • 1/3 peat;
    • 1/3 large river sand;
    • drainage from expanded clay or small stones.

    Peat loosens the soil and helps retain moisture between waterings. The fertile layer garden soil serves as a source nutrients. If desired, self-prepared soil is replaced with purchased soil for flowering houseplants.

    Features of care

    Home myrtle should be cared for in different ways throughout the year. In spring and summer, the tree needs close attention, since even minor care errors provoke leaf drop, pest damage and flowering cessation. During dormancy, the plant requires less effort on the part of the grower.

    Need for watering

    Drying out of the soil has a detrimental effect on the state of the home perennial. Watering the soil during active vegetation is recommended before the top layer dries completely. Excess liquid is immediately drained from the pan so as not to provoke decay of thin root processes. In winter, when the myrtle is resting, watering is reduced to 2 times a month. tap water pre-defend during the day.

    top dressing

    Abundant flowering and a lush crown is provided by regular feeding of a home tree. Complex mineral fertilizer for myrtle is applied from March to October, once every 3 weeks. Top dressing with a high phosphorus content helps to form a large number of flowers. Green mass needs nitrogen.

    crown formation

    If you do not form the shoots of a home tree, it will take on a pyramidal shape. Regular pruning myrtle allows you to give the crown decorative look according to personal preference. from dwarf and undersized varieties you can create a bonsai. Most flower growers prefer to form a rounded shape.

    Regardless of the final goal, it is necessary to properly cut and pinch the young shoots of home myrtle:

    • formative pruning is carried out in the spring, after the tree has begun to grow new shoots;
    • you can pinch the shoots during the entire growing season;
    • to give the shape of a bole, the lower branches are cut; for a branchy shrub, pinch the tops of the shoots;
    • bonsai begin to be created from plants that have reached the age of 3;
    • pinching the tops reduces the number of flowers;
    • in winter, home myrtle is not pruned.

    The formation of a decorative crown depends on the lighting of the flower. In order for the shoots to grow evenly from all sides, the bowl with the tree is gradually rotated around the axis. In this case, the leaves receive the same amount of sunlight.

    Pests and diseases

    The most common diseases and pests of home perennials are recognized by outward signs:

    • brown convex dots on leaves with a sticky coating appear when attacked by scale insects. The affected shoots are wiped with a soapy sponge and sprayed with Aklektik's solution;
    • mealybug appears on the myrtle in the form of sticky fluff. The leaves are treated with an insecticide, the yellowed ones are removed;
    • spider mites leave whitish cocoons on the back of the foliage. Without spraying the affected tree with an insecticide, most of the green shoots will turn yellow and fall off in 1-2 weeks;
    • root rot appears when the soil is waterlogged, especially during the dormant period. Black areas become visible at the tips of the leaves. Damaged roots are removed, the cut points are sprinkled with charcoal and the myrtle is planted in new soil.

    Compliance with the watering regimen and maintaining a high level of humidity helps protect the home flower from pests and rot. Regular inspection of the crown allows you to identify the problem at an early stage.

    Terms and technology of transplantation

    Home myrtle needs an annual change of soil and bowls only for the first 3-4 years. Young trees are transferred together with an earthy clod into a new pot every spring. Adult specimens grow in one container for at least 3 years. After the purchase, the myrtle is transplanted within 2 weeks, immediately after it adapts to the new microclimate. General rules perennial plantings are as follows:

    • the diameter of the bowl is half the diameter of the crown;
    • expanded clay or brick chips are placed at the bottom of the myrtle pot with a layer of 2-3 cm;
    • the roots of a healthy plant do not free from the earth;
    • the root neck is left above the soil surface
    • you can not transplant myrtle during flowering.

    If you plant a tree in a bowl that exceeds the recommended size, then flowers will begin to form only after the root system completely fills the soil.

    Reproduction methods

    At home, you can get a new plant in 2 ways: grow myrtle from seeds or propagate by cuttings. In the first case, the following technology is observed:

    • seeds are placed in a moistened substrate of peat and sand;
    • sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, sprayed with water and covered clear glass;
    • provide temperature at the level of 18-22 °C;
    • 1-2 weeks after germination, the shelter is removed and watered as the soil dries out;
    • dive in the phase of 2 leaves into small seedling cassettes;
    • as soon as the roots fill the container, they are transplanted into a bowl.

    Myrtle grown from seeds at home begins to bloom in 4-5 years. With the help of propagation by cuttings, you can get a new tree faster.

    • cut semi-cured shoots from the lower part of the trunk;
    • on a handle 5-8 cm long, a few upper leaves are left;
    • treated with a root formation stimulator;
    • buried in a moistened substrate of peat, sand and sod land;
    • leave to take root under the film in a dark place at a temperature of 15-20 ° C;
    • when new leaves appear, they are rolled into small bowls.

    Unlike the seed method of propagation, myrtle grown from cuttings bloom for 3-4 years.

    Possible difficulties in growing

    Home myrtle, as a rule, reacts sharply to the lack of moisture in the air and soil. Leaves turn yellow and dry up short time. If a problem is found, water the flower abundantly, get rid of excess water in the pan and increase the number of sprays. In case of waterlogging of the soil, myrtle also gets rid of foliage. You can reanimate a “drenched” bush by removing rotten roots and transplanting into new soil.

    If the leaves curl and crumble, this indicates excessive lighting. The flower should be protected from bright sunlight and sprayed regularly with a spray bottle. The reason why the leaves turn pale and grow small lies in the lack of lighting.

    Thanks to medicinal properties, fragrant leaves and flowers, the evergreen perennial settled in many apartments and houses. Growing an ornamental tree requires some effort, which pays off not only for the beautiful appearance of the plant, but also for its ability to purify the air in the room.

    Myrtle is an ideal home plant for lovers of peace, silence, connoisseurs of harmony. The shrub is compact, evergreen, very decorative and, moreover, has healing properties. We will learn how to properly care for myrtle at home, find out all the subtleties and nuances of the content of this wonderful plant.

    Myrtle is an evergreen shrub of small size, originally from a large Myrtle family. The homeland of the plant is the warm regions of the Mediterranean, myrtle is also found in tropical and subtropical zones.

    In our country, the plant can also be cultivated in open ground - but only in the south, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. In most of the territory of Russia, it is better to grow heat-loving myrtle at home, in a pot on the windowsill.

    In greenhouse conditions, the bush grows especially strongly, sometimes reaching a height of two meters. In a pot, of course, it is unlikely to reach such sizes.

    External characteristic

    In myrtle, both leaves and flowers are decorative. Its foliage is rather small, but plentiful. Individual leaves are ovate elongated shape, intense dark green hue and glossy sheen

    The flowers are located either in the axils of the leaves one by one, or are collected in small brushes. There are always an even number of petals: either four or six. More often, myrtle has the usual structure of flowers, but hybrid varieties are also terry. Most of the flowers grow at the top, as the lighting there is the best. Flowers are either white or pink. In addition, the myrtle has fruits - and they are edible. Black berries are formed when the buds fade.

    The aroma emanating from the leaves and flowers of the plant has calming properties, helps to relax, unwind. Aromatic glands are located on the leaves of the flower - they can be seen even with the naked eye.

    Note that myrtle is a poisonous plant, but to a small extent. In sensitive and allergic people, prolonged inhalation of the aroma of its leaves can cause headaches and nausea.

    Species, varieties

    Let's get acquainted with the most common species and varieties of myrtle in indoor cultivation.


    The most common variety in our country, in literal translation is called Communis. This type of myrtle grows up to half a meter in height, but when grown in open ground and in a greenhouse, it can reach large sizes. The plant is evergreen, has small leathery foliage, shiny and decorative.


    The foliage of this plant is more decorative due to its variegation, spotting. On the surface of the leaves you can see stripes, spots, dots of an interesting amber hue.

    The flowers of variegated myrtle are also beautiful: although they are small, they have a wonderful beige-white hue, decorative golden stamens. In addition, the flowers also smell very pleasant. Perfect option for home cultivation.


    This species is distinguished by particularly pronounced healing and antibacterial properties. In the fight against colds, sore throats, flu, SARS, large-leaved myrtle can provide invaluable assistance. In addition, the plant is able to disinfect the air in the room, kill the pathogenic microbes and sticks that are in it.

    In height, this myrtle reaches 3-4 meters, that is, it is not cultivated at home. The leaves are large, pointed, the flowers are snow-white with pronounced golden stamens.

    Growing conditions

    We will find out in what conditions myrtle should be grown at home.

    Location and lighting

    It is better to grow myrtle under the condition of abundant bright lighting. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight, but in summer, with especially scorching heat, it is still better to shade. In the shade, the plant, although it can survive, will not bloom. Thus, the window sill on the south or west side of the house will be the best choice for this plant.

    Temperature and drafts

    Myrtle grows well in cool conditions, despite its southern origin. Moderate air temperature is what you need: a range from +18 to +23 degrees is suitable. But in winter, you need to keep the plant in a cold room, at a temperature not higher than + 6-8 degrees. This measure will ensure that myrtle blooms luxuriantly next season.

    mature plant not afraid of drafts and cool breaths of air. On the contrary, frequent airing will benefit the myrtle, and besides, it will help spread the healing phytoncides emitted by the plant throughout the house. In summer, you can take the plant to the balcony, to the garden: wet, fresh air will only benefit the plant.

    Soil composition

    The following soil composition is optimal for growing myrtle:

    • sod land;
    • peat;
    • humus;
    • river sand.

    All listed components are taken in equal proportions.

    Features of home care

    We will find out what kind of care myrtle needs at home.


    The plant needs timely watering in sufficient volume. Myrtle loves moisture very much and will not last long without it. During the growing season, keep the potting soil constantly moist.

    In addition to direct watering of the soil, the leaves of the plant also need to be moistened: they must be sprayed periodically. Shower procedures can be arranged from time to time. Showers and sprays are needed mainly in the heat of summer. In winter, these procedures are not required, and even harmful.

    When the temperature drops by autumn, the amount and frequency of watering should be reduced. But in any case, it is important not to allow the earthen clod to dry out: in the dried soil, the myrtle will throw off all the foliage, and it may dry out itself. The transition to the “reduced rate” should be gradual, starting in the fall.

    The other extreme is also undesirable - waterlogging. This can lead to rotting of the roots, so make sure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the pot. Use soft and warm water.

    top dressing

    The introduction of additional nutrition is necessary for myrtle for a prosperous existence. During the growing season, top dressing is applied once every couple of weeks; in winter, the plant does not need additional nutrition. You can use complex minerals intended for flowers.

    If you want to enjoy lush bloom myrtle, use mainly phosphorus top dressing. And to get an evergreen bonsai, use nitrogen compounds.


    In our country, ordinary myrtle is most often grown at home - and unlike some other varieties, it tolerates pruning remarkably. Even from a non-flowering plant, with the right pruning, it is quite possible to get a neat tree like a bonsai.

    When cutting off the top of the myrtle, keep in mind that it will acquire a classic fan-shaped bush. And by cutting exactly the side shoots, you can end up with a lush, graceful tree.

    When pruning, the trunk of the plant should not be exposed much, it is necessary to leave more side shoots on it. And for flowering, not too strong pruning is important: if you get carried away, you can radically remove flower buds.


    Since the myrtle does not grow too fast, it can be kept in one pot for one year. He does not need an annual transplant, unlike many other plants. However, sooner or later, the old pot "outgrows" the myrtle and needs a new "home". We add that young plants for the first three to five years are still transplanted annually.

    It is recommended to transplant in early spring - before sap flow begins after winter. Use a standard substrate of soddy soil, peat and humus and do not forget about the obligatory drainage layer. The pot must be selected only a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one.


    At home, myrtle can be propagated both by seeds and cuttings. The first method is long, but if there are no cuttings, it is indispensable. If there is a choice, then propagation by cuttings is preferable: it is simpler, more efficient and faster. More on both methods below.


    In this case, the loss of varietal characteristics of the plant is possible, since sometimes the seeds are collected from hybrid bushes. It is necessary to understand this risk when deciding on seed propagation. Note that myrtle reproduces well only on condition of fresh seeds - they have the best germination.

    Before planting, inspect the seeds and select the strongest of them, devoid of damage and rot. Free planting material from the pericarp, then washing for disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate. Be sure to dry the seeds before dropping them into the ground.

    Pour light nutrient soil into shallow containers. Seeds are planted to a depth of half a centimeter. From above, the container is covered with a film or glass, after which shoots should be expected in a warm, well-lit place. Protect the container from direct sunlight.

    Seeds need daily airing, but on limited time. It is recommended to moisten the soil by spraying, avoiding either waterlogging or overdrying of the soil.

    After one and a half to two months, shoots appear. After that, the film should be removed and a little seedlings should be grown. When two leaves appear on the shoots, they dive into separate pots. When the shoots reach 15-20 cm in height, pinch their tops for greater branching of the shrub. Myrtle grown from seeds will begin to bloom in the fifth year of its life.


    This method is much simpler and more convenient than the previous one. Myrtle cuttings take root easily, and you won't have to wait long for a young plant to bloom. In addition, varietal characteristics in this case are transmitted completely.

    It is recommended to plant cuttings of myrtle either in January-February or June-July. These periods are most suitable for the rooting of the shoot and its further development and growth. Most often, however, flower growers choose winter time.

    The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

    1. Cut off a shoot from an adult plant in early summer. The shoot must be taken from the top of the myrtle and must not bloom. On the resulting cutting, there must be 3-4 pairs of leaves.
    2. The length of the cut off shoot should be from five to eight centimeters. It is recommended to cut off the leaves from below.
    3. Place the lower part of the cutting (by 1 cm) in the Phytohormone solution, thus keeping it for two hours. After the root stimulator, rinse the cutting with clean water.
    4. Landing is carried out in a peat-sand substrate. The cutting is deepened by three knots and placed in the ground at an angle of 45-50 degrees.
    5. For more efficient and faster rooting, the cutting needs to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, it is covered with a film on top or plastic bottle with cut neck.
    6. The cutting for rooting should be placed in a warm place, without access to sunlight. Regularly, the escape must be freed from shelter and aired.
    7. A month later, the plant usually takes root. After that, the shelter is removed and the myrtle is placed on a well-lit windowsill.
    8. Further care is standard, as for an adult flower. Propagation by cuttings leads to the flowering of a young shrub in 2-3 years.


    When seed propagation myrtle blooms in the fifth year, and with cuttings - in the second or third. However, it is important to consider that in order to obtain flowers in spring, the myrtle should not be heavily cut. Pruning removes flower buds, so you can not wait for the buds in the current season. If you want to enjoy flowering myrtle, we recommend that you postpone pruning until autumn.

    Myrtle blooms in June-July. To get healthy and beautiful flowers, necessary:

    • properly care for the shrub;
    • regularly ventilate the room or take the pot out to the balcony, to the garden.

    If the myrtle is not properly cared for or kept in inappropriate conditions, the plant may well get sick, which will reduce the likelihood of flowering to a minimum. In addition, the shrub rarely blooms when kept in a poorly ventilated room with stagnant air.

    Diseases, pests and other problems

    Consider what problems arise when growing myrtle and how these problems can be dealt with.

    root rot

    Myrtle often gets sick due to improper watering. It is important to prevent waterlogging of the soil and stagnant phenomena in it, while maintaining the substrate moderately moist. From an excess of water, the roots of the plant rot, as a result of which the flower sometimes dies.

    fall leaves

    Dry air with insufficient watering leads to falling and twisting of the foliage. But this problem is easy to deal with: you just need to start regular spraying of the plant and resume watering it.

    Leaves can also wither when water stagnates in the ground. But in this case, they will not dry out, but will acquire a wet, sluggish structure.

    Poor growth or no growth

    The causes of the problem can be different: most often these are lack of care or improper maintenance of the plant. However, it should be noted that myrtle, in principle, grows slowly, so you should not panic ahead of time.

    spider mite

    Sometimes the myrtle is attacked by a spider mite. This pest can be recognized by the small white cobwebs that stand out against the background of the leaves. If found, wash the foliage with warm soapy water, you can also use tobacco infusion. If the mite has multiplied significantly, it is better to use insecticides: but only by taking the pot out into the open air.


    This pest can also attack myrtle: they will serve as a symptom dark spots on foliage. Insecticides are ineffective against scale insects, since the solid shield shell protects the insect well. Get rid of the pest by washing the foliage with a tobacco-soap caustic solution. If you can see the insects well, you can also remove them mechanically - with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.


    This pest can quickly lead to drying and curling of foliage, and then to the complete loss of myrtle of its decorative effect. Aphids settle on the leaves from below, feeding on the juice of the flower. This pest will have to be controlled with insecticides, since folk methods are ineffective here. Yes, and the aphids multiply too quickly.

    We learned how to grow myrtle at home. The plant is famous for its beauty and medicinal properties: you won't regret it if you get it. Well, the tips from the article will help you more competently approach the cultivation of this wonderful homemade evergreen shrub.

    The myrtle plant in most people evokes associations with ancient Greek legends and the hot southern sun. Indeed, the name of this shrub has Greek origin and means "incense" in translation. According to Greek myths, this tree is the embodiment of a nymph named Mirsina. The goddess Aphrodite herself wore a wreath of myrtle branches.

    Nowadays, some varieties of this evergreen plant are grown in pots. These are small-leaved myrtle (Myrtus microphylla) and common myrtle (Myrtus communis). In nature, there are many types. Biologists have more than a hundred varieties of this tropical culture.

    Description and properties

    Many parts of the plant - young shoots, leaves, fruits - are rich in essential oils and antibacterial components. From mature myrtle leaves a medicinal product was prepared - an alcohol tincture. Modern and ethnoscience unanimously confirms the healing properties of myrtle in the treatment of the following diseases:

    1. Diabetes.
    2. Chronic bronchitis and pneumonia of various etiologies.
    3. Tuberculosis infection resistant to most antibiotics.
    4. Purulent otitis.
    5. Severe smoker's bronchitis.

    This plant is powerful biostimulant, which increases the body's resistance to significant mental and physical stress. This drug has no side effects, so you can use it even for children of the first year of life. Experts advise keeping the plant in a pot in the rooms where children sleep - this makes the indoor air cleaner and healthier. One potted plant is enough to purify the air in a room with an area of ​​​​20 square meters. meters.

    Esotericists consider the myrtle tree very strong amulet. In many European countries, there is a belief that peace and mutual understanding always reign in a house where myrtle grows. If the myrtle tree dies, happiness and well-being also leave this house along with the dead plant.

    Myrtus communis is absolutely not suitable for growing in offices - he needs a house and only the mistress of this house should grow him. In the Muslim tradition, it is believed that this plant dooms young people to loneliness, so they try not to keep it at home.

    Home care

    Caring for ordinary myrtle at home is not so difficult, but it is necessary follow some rules:

    1. Plant pots should be placed on well-lit window sills. The south side is best suited for these purposes. Of course, you can grow myrtle on other windows, but it will begin to bloom only with a lot of light.
    2. Since myrtle is a subtropical plant, it needs high humidity and enough heat. To ensure sufficient moisture, you can use regular spraying. Watering and spraying is best done with soft settled water.
    3. This tree does not tolerate even the slightest drying of the soil and can turn yellow very quickly. To prevent this, the pot can be immersed for a while in a container of water. However, the water in the pan should not be allowed to stagnate.
    4. The composition of the soil in which myrtle grows should be close to that in natural conditions. To prepare the substrate, you will need 3 parts of turf, 3 parts of peat soil, 2 parts of river sand and 2 parts of humus. More simple solution can be buying a ready-made mixture in a store.
    5. Top dressing should be carried out using complex preparations for flowering plants.
    6. Mirt is very fond of Fresh air and absolutely not afraid of drafts. It can be placed in a room that is constantly ventilated. The plant will feel very good on the windowsill in the kitchen. Under such conditions, it will release even more phytoncides and improve the atmosphere of the room.

    There are some differences in how the myrtle plant is cared for at home in winter and summer.

    Seasonal content

    In the warm season, myrtle needs moderate temperature air and soil. Optimum temperature indoor air temperature is +22 - +24 ºC. In summer, it is better to keep the plant on a well-lit windowsill, creating some shade. You can install a small curtain or screen above the plant to protect against scorching sun rays.

    With the onset of heat, you can move the tree to fresh air - to open veranda, balcony or terrace. And even if the pot with the tree remains indoors, it is necessary to ensure thorough ventilation and a constant flow fresh air. Watering in the warm season should be moderate, but regular. You can feed 1 time per week.

    The winter period for this southern tree is a dormant period. At this time, watering should be limited, but the land should not be allowed to dry out. Watering once a week will suffice. Spraying is necessary only in cases where the plant hibernates in a warm room. Top dressing in winter will be enough 1 time per month.

    It is best to move the tree to a room with a temperature of +8 - +10 ºC for the winter. If the air temperature is too high, the plant will drop leaves. However, do not be upset: even if in winter it loses some of its foliage, in spring the tree will fully restore its strength and will delight with its lush crown.

    Myrtle transplant

    Myrtle has a rather slow growth, so do not repot it too often. Young specimens should be transplanted once a year. With each transplant, a pot of a larger diameter is taken. An adult plant will be enough to transplant 1 time in 3-4 years. This is best done in winter when the plant is dormant.

    The transfer process is as follows:

    1. A few days before the proposed transplant, you should stop watering the plant. This will dry the earthen ball a little and make it easier to extract the roots from the pot.
    2. The pot with the plant should be carefully turned over, then the plant is removed, gently holding the base of the trunk.
    3. To make the myrtle tree take root better, its roots can be treated with a stimulant solution.
    4. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the new pot - you can use expanded clay or crushed bricks.
    5. Next, a substrate is prepared from turf, peat, sand and humus. You can cook it yourself or buy it in a specialized store. The finished substrate is poured into a pot.
    6. The plant is carefully placed in a new pot, the roots are sprinkled with soil, which is slightly compacted and leveled.
    7. After transplanting, the tree should be watered abundantly so that water seeps into the drainage holes.

    After moving to a new pot, the plant is placed in a cool shaded place.

    Reproduction methods

    Myrtle can be propagated using cuttings and seeds. A prerequisite proper reproduction the soil temperature is not less than +25 degrees.

    For propagation, apical cuttings 7–8 cm long are used.

    1. Cuttings should be cut from side shoots. You can also use shorter cuttings (5-6 cm), but in this case they are cut from the main shoot, provided that it does not bloom.
    2. The lower leaves on the cutting are removed.
    3. The formed cut is processed by means "Kornevin".
    4. Cuttings should be planted in a mixture of peat and sand. From above, the planted shoots are covered with a film.
    5. Rooting should take place at room temperature.

    After 2-3 weeks, the first roots appear, and the plant can be transplanted into a separate container.

    Another breeding option is with the help of seeds. However, this method has a significant drawback. It takes much longer to germinate from seed than to propagate from cuttings. Nevertheless, many flower growers prefer this way of breeding myrtle at home.

    1. In order for the seeds to germinate, a substrate of a mixture of sand and peat is required. From above it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
    2. After sowing, the container is covered with plastic wrap.
    3. Germinating seeds need diffused lighting and an air temperature of about 21 degrees.
    4. An important condition for growing with the help of seeds is the formation of a crown. To do this, pinch the sprout at a low height.

    With this method of reproduction, the young tree will begin to bloom in the second or third year.

    Features of flowering

    To get beautiful at home flowering plant, it should not be cut in the spring. Pruning is best postponed until the end of flowering.

    The time when the plant blooms takes the beginning and middle of summer. To get the most beautiful flowers, you must follow some rules:

    1. The plant needs to be properly cared for and maintained.
    2. It is equally important to provide a constant supply of fresh air.
    3. Don't expect good flowering indoors with dry, stagnant air.

    Flowers in myrtle can be located singly in the axils of the leaves or grow in the form of brushes. Each flower can have 4-6 petals. There are simple and double flowers. Most of the flowers grow on the top of the tree. This is due to the best illumination of the upper part of the crown.

    Trimming Rules

    Caring for a myrtle tree also includes the formation of a beautiful crown. You can form a crown different ways- it all depends on the purpose of breeding this indoor plant. Most flower growers are indifferent to the shape of the crown, the main thing is that the plant blooms. In these cases, the crown is formed in the form of a stem tree.

    Do not resort to excessive pinching and pruning of lateral shoots in a young plant. However, one should take into account the fact that the crown of a mature plant is restored very easily and quickly. Thus, you can always change your intentions regarding appearance crowns. The most important condition is to carry out the formation of the crown in early spring or after the end of flowering.

    Diseases and pests

    Myrtle has several pests that can damage the health of a tree:

    1. Whitefly.
    2. Mealybug.
    3. Shchitovka.
    4. Thrips.
    5. Spider mite.

    Very often, flower growers wonder what to do if the myrtle began to dry out. It would be correct to put the question in a different way: how to prevent the green pet from drying out. To do this, it is enough to provide him with the right care.

    If the plant began to turn yellow and fall off the leaves, most likely, the rules of care described above were violated.

    Unfavorable factors can be:

    1. Insufficient air humidity.
    2. The air temperature is above 18 ºC.
    3. Keeping a flower in a room where central heating radiators work.
    4. Insufficient watering of the plant.

    If you know how to care for myrtle at home, water and spray the tree in a timely manner, ensure normal temperature and timely feeding, the plant will delight with its beauty and healing properties for a long time.

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