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The process of writing a business plan for a construction company. Business plan for a low-cost construction company: an example

In any period of time, construction will be a demanded service, the demand for which is growing every day. As in all other investment projects, there will be their own peculiarities and nuances, so initial stage important task there will be a competent business plan for a construction company. We will study the main points that will help you understand the essence of the issue and understand whether it is worth opening such a business. Also, let's say how many Money required to open a small construction company.

The first thing to note is that this line of business is characterized by very high competition. You need to remember that the slightest mistake can cost the construction company large financial losses. This market is quite tough, it requires a lot of money both in terms of finances and in terms of time.

The construction business can rightfully be called the most rated activity. This direction will be really profitable and promising, but for success you will have to make an effort. At the initial stage, you will need to decide on the category of construction:

  • civil Engineering;
  • industrial engineering;
  • road construction.

In order to choose a suitable direction of construction, it is necessary to carefully analyze the market. It is important to understand that the second two areas of competition will be much lower. However, by carrying out civil construction, a businessman gets the opportunity to provide himself with large profits.

Considering the civil engineering market, we can say that recently there has been real trend to a decrease in the level of demand for apartments in high-rise buildings. At the same time, the popularity of private houses is growing. In most cases, these are small cottages that can be classified as economy class and middle class.

Today's young people prefer not to buy finished houses and build it yourself. This allows them to satisfy their tastes and requirements as much as possible. Orders for the construction of houses are transferred to private construction companies. In this regard, very topical idea will be low-rise construction of private houses as a business. Will this business be profitable? Both large and small construction businesses are highly profitable. Of course, sometimes there are periods of reduced demand for services, however, with proper management, the business owner will not face a problem in a flock.

Low-rise construction is less risky than large civil construction. This is a great starter option. entrepreneurial activity. Starting his activity with low-rise construction, the love of a businessman can expand the business and cover other areas. The only nuance that you will have to face is the seasonal factor. IN winter period time, the number of orders for low-rise construction is decreasing.

Main advantage construction business- this is its profitability, which is in the range of 50-70%. This means that investments in an investment project will pay off in a very short time, during the year they will increase significantly. It's really profitable and profitable business, however, it is important to understand that possible problems and pitfalls await you.

Speaking of possible problems, it is necessary to correlate the capabilities and desires of a businessman. Get ready for the fact that the business in the construction direction will require significant investment investments at the start, especially if you want to open a serious construction company. When opening your own construction company, it is not recommended to immediately cover a large part of the market, that is, work in several areas. Make a step-by-step plan for the implementation of activities and strictly follow it. It is better not to take on many orders at once if you know that you will not be able to fulfill them with the production facilities that you have at your disposal.

Construction has always been, is and will be the most promising and profitable type of entrepreneurial activity. That is why at present the idea of ​​​​creating your own construction company comes to the mind of so many businessmen.

Our article will tell you how to competently draw up a business plan for this.

Market analysis, selection of a specific field of activity

The construction industry is characterized by dynamic development, the emergence innovative technologies And modern ways performance of work. Together with that this area is characterized by high competition and saturation of the entire segment, starting from finishing works and ending with the construction of a turnkey building.

Those who seek to join the construction niche and succeed in this industry need to draw up a clear and competent strategy for the enterprise. At the same time, many nuances should be taken into account, among which, first of all, it is worth highlighting the competitiveness of the organization, the use modern technologies and innovative equipment, as well as the specifics and demand for certain construction works in the respective market.

A construction company that is preparing to enter the market and remain competitive throughout its existence must offer a wide range of services in this industry, ranging from the creation individual projects and ending full range finishing works.

You can, of course, focus on a specific type of construction activity, but the entrepreneur must understand that this will significantly narrow the circle of his potential customers. That is why the best option is to create a multidisciplinary organization, which can specialize in several areas:

  • Development and implementation of standard and individual projects;
  • Adaptation of typical solutions;
  • Construction of commercial buildings, cottages, residential buildings and other facilities;
  • Repair country houses, apartments, offices and other premises.

In any case, before starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to carefully analyze the existing market for construction services in a particular region. It makes sense to study supply and demand, the average prices of the work performed, and also approximately calculate the payback of the project, so as not to subsequently face the bankruptcy of a construction organization.

Cost calculation

Any business requires start-up capital, which will be needed to implement the project. It is important to take into account all aspects in order to avoid subsequently unplanned costs. So, the initial investment may include the following items of expenditure:

  • Rent of premises for office and construction equipment;
  • or ;
  • Acquisition construction equipment and inventory (here you can consider such an option as leasing);
  • Advertisement for a construction company and salaries for workers.

In addition to the basic costs, it is worth understanding that the construction company also requires variable costs that relate to payment. utilities, rent and purchase of consumables building materials.

The salary costs for employees will amount to about 50,000 rubles per person per month, while for the implementation of specific projects, narrow-profile specialists can be involved, with whom you can work on a contractual basis. This will allow you to clearly regulate the ratio of work performed and wages employees. The main staff, as a rule, works remotely, which means that the office must have a manager and a specialist who is responsible for communicating with clients, which allows you to rent a small room.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help to form everything for free Required documents: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant in your enterprise and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Required documents, licenses, permits

The process of creating your own construction company can be divided into three stages:

  1. Registration legal entity and execution of all necessary documents.
  2. Obtaining conclusions and permits.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.

At the first stage, the future entrepreneur must determine the form of private ownership, within which the construction organization will operate. The best option- This individual entrepreneur(IP) or Limited Liability Company (LLC). At the same time, individual printing and standard forms should be ordered. Do not forget about a commercial account and registration with the tax authorities.

Entrepreneurs often assume that in order to carry out business activities in construction industry it is necessary to obtain a special permit from SROs (self-regulatory organizations). However, this is not always necessary. The following permits and licenses are required to operate a construction company:

  • Self-Regulatory Organizations is not a permit, not a license, and not even a permit. This is the status of a construction company, on the basis of which permission can be obtained to provide certain types of construction work, usually associated with an increased risk. SRO may be required for the construction of the following structures:
    • Buildings and constructions, total area which does not exceed 1500 sq. m.
    • Housing construction objects intended for the residence of one family.
    • Residential block houses, in which the number of blocks does not exceed 10.
    • 3 storey buildings.
  • Building permit. Without this document, it is impossible to start any kind of construction work. You can get it in local governments with the participation of the head municipality and chief architect of the city or district. It is worth noting that this document is inexpensive.
  • License for the design of buildings and structures. This permit document is required for those entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have a legal education intended for the implementation of design services.
  • Permission for engineering surveys under construction. This document is for all types of engineering work at all stages of construction.

In order to collect all the necessary documents as quickly as possible and receive state registration, it is enough to contact a specialized company that deals with the registration of legal entities. You can save money and deal with bureaucracy on your own.

For information on how to open your own construction organization, see the following video:

Required personnel

Proper and competent selection of personnel is of fundamental importance, because it is these people who determine the competitiveness and profitability of the entire enterprise. The speed and quality of the work performed depends on the qualifications of employees, which is why the selection of personnel should be approached with particular scrupulousness.

The construction company should establish cooperation with specialists from the following industries:

  • Architecture and design;
  • Construction, repair and finishing works;
  • Programming and design;
  • Jurisprudence, Accounting and taxation.

Permanent employees are able to select specialists in their field and control the work they perform. During times of seasonal unemployment, they can develop standard projects and engage in their implementation.

In order to save money, it is allowed to hire highly specialized specialists on a contractual basis, thereby reducing the cost of regular wages. Such specific industries include geodetic, geological and design work, as well as the delivery and lifting of oversized cargo. It would be advisable to take a certain amount of workers who specialize in a wide area: electrician, plumber, plasterer and painter. It is important to have a foreman who will control the actions and quality of the work performed.

Among other employees whose presence in a construction organization is mandatory, it is worth highlighting a manager who will specialize in working with clients, an accountant and a legal specialist, as well as an enterprise director and an architect.

For the implementation of any type of construction work, you should choose responsible and trusted specialists who perform their duties with high quality and in good faith. Special attention should be given the necessary configuration of construction tools and inventory.

Marketing plan

Creating a client base and its constant expansion is the main task facing a developing construction company. It should be understood that customers can be not only individuals. Municipal and state bodies, law firms, trade organizations etc. - all of them can act as potential clients of construction companies.

Before covering the main categories of construction marketing, it is worth determining what small and large enterprises have significant differences in the field of advertising campaigns.

So, for a small enterprise specializing in the field of construction, it is enough:

  • Creation of standard ads in print media, online publications, advertising via the Internet, as well as leaflets and business cards;
  • Distribution of booklets among specialized partner companies;
  • Presentation of the company at conferences.

If we are talking about large enterprises in the construction industry, it is worth considering participation in tenders. How it works? Some large organization N, with certain organizational skills, takes part in the tender and wins it. Then she hires various firms to cooperate in the construction of this or that object, while one firm is engaged in the foundation, the second specializes in geological and geodetic works, the third performs all types of finishing work, etc.

In any case, to find potential customers, you can use everything possible ways, ranging from printed publications and ending with participation in the tender. In the future, the quality of the work performed and their reasonable price will work for the company, providing more and more new customers.

Enterprise profitability and payback period

The profitability of an average construction company is calculated based on the following indicators:

  • Monthly costs for salaries of permanent employees and utilities;
  • Office space rental;
  • Business services (taxes and other deductions).

When working with outside organizations, the construction company must indicate its percentage of the proceeds that it will receive as a result of the work performed. Subject to competent business conduct and the optimal number of permanent staff, it can be argued that a construction company is a cost-effective production. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs tend to believe that the creation own business in the construction industry pays off within one year, which is a very positive factor for future businessmen.

Do not forget that at present there are a lot of proposals for the implementation of a ready-made construction business. Of course, this is an expensive pleasure, but a competent approach and timely optimization of production will soon recoup all costs and reach the company's net profit. In addition, already ready business, as a rule, consists of an organization strategy and a competent marketing campaign, which greatly simplifies the task of the entrepreneur.

The market for the provision of services for the construction of buildings and structures does not lose its popularity. This segment of the market is developing dynamically, thanks to the development of technologies, new methods of construction work appear and are actively introduced. Those wishing to start their own business in this area can be stopped by the relatively high competition in this industry. However, with proper prioritization of doing business, and knowledge of the relevant nuances of entrepreneurship in this area, you can achieve confident business success and a stable income. To achieve such goals, first of all, a business plan must be drawn up, where all the economic indicators of the project will be calculated. After all, it is precisely their values ​​that the investor first of all pays attention to when he is presented with a business plan for consideration. According to the business planning methodology based on the work of a construction company, this project has much in common with, since the data are essentially different, business projects have much in common in terms of the equipment used, professional qualities personnel and more. Returning to the project of a construction organization, it can be noted that such a business can be launched by successively going through three main steps. These steps consist of:

  1. Passing the registration procedure as a legal entity, and providing business necessary seals and forms.
  2. Obtaining permits.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.

1. At the first stage associated with the registration procedure, the entrepreneur should decide on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity. Most suitable option are sole proprietorships or LLCs. Next, you need to complete round stamp organization and purchase its forms. You also need to open a bank account. 2. Since the licensing of construction activities has been canceled since 2010, the receipt of the relevant document has been abolished. For the organization, it is only necessary to provide access to the SRO (self-regulatory organization). 3. Drawing up a business plan has key value not only for the successful work of the organization in the future, but also for the favorable presentation of the project to investors. The business plan is detailed description opening business with calculated economic indicators of the project. It should give detailed description the planned construction organization, name the chosen organizational and legal form, and list the types of services provided. in number standard services construction company includes:

  • geodetic and survey work at the sites of the proposed construction;
  • finishing and repair works of any complexity;
  • construction works of any complexity (including low-rise buildings and facilities).

A positive assessment of the investor will be caused by a remark about the possible expansion of the services provided. An assessment of the economic situation in this market segment should be given, which also allows you to understand whether it is appropriate to this region opening the chosen type of business, and how successful such a business will be.


The choice of future employees must be approached very responsibly, since the formation of the image of the company and the further demand for its services from clients directly depend on their ability to perform their professional duties in a quality manner. However, it is not necessary to hire employees on a permanent basis to perform the entire range of construction work, as this is fraught with significant costs for the payroll. For a number of labor-intensive jobs requiring the use of a special construction equipment workers may be hired on a temporary basis. These types of work include:

  • geodetic;
  • geological;
  • design work;
  • delivery and lifting of oversized cargo, etc.

All other types of work must be performed by permanent employees of the firm. Minimum work crew should consist of:

  1. plumber;
  2. plasterer;
  3. painter;
  4. electrician.

It is desirable that these positions are not combined by one person, and each specialized part of the work is performed by a separate worker. Also in the state should be a foreman who controls the entire construction part of the work directly, an architect, as well as an office manager who will receive calls from customers and answer their questions.

Premises and equipment

For a construction company, it is necessary to rent a room in which its office will be located. Such a room can be located in a residential building and be an apartment converted into an office. Therefore, in addition to standard pieces of furniture - a table and chairs for clients, The office must have:

  • telephone;
  • computer;
  • printer/scanner.

So for specialized work, special equipment can be involved on a temporary basis, then there is no need to purchase such installations. For the successful operation of a construction company, it is enough to purchase freight car for the transportation of building materials to the place of their direct use. In addition, workers need to be provided next tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. perforator;
  4. laser level;
  5. tile cutter;
  6. drill;
  7. hammers;
  8. tool kits and more.

Advertising strategy

  • opening of the company's own website;
  • advertisements in the media;
  • distribution of leaflets and booklets on the streets and near public transport stops.

Creating your own website is one of the most successful ways to attract additional clients, since you can post samples of work performed on the Internet resource, approximate cost services, tell potential customers about new construction projects and services and so on.


An obligatory stage in the preparation of a business plan is the calculation financial plan project and related economic indicators. Expenditure part such a plan includes:

  1. Purchase of special equipment - 10,000,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of construction equipment and tools - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Office rent - 250,000 rubles per year.
  4. Implementation of the advertising strategy, transportation and hospitality costs - 220,000 rubles per year.

When calculating the costs, it turns out that start-up capital to open a construction company is 11,270,000 rubles. The future income of the company as part of its construction work is more than 1,500,000 rubles per month. With this level of monthly income, the business will pay off in less than 12 months of operation.

For 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. In the public domain, on the Internet, it is not.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

The presented video gives some advice to those wishing to open a business related to the construction industry.


The construction industry does not lose its popularity with the consumer, which is why the opening of a construction company can become a successful business project, subject to the nuances of managing in this area and drawing up a competent business plan.

Readers of the page can download for free and use in the future when compiling their own business project.

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Business plan of the installation organization

Construction is one of the most promising sectors of the economy, so the growth rate in this industry is truly impressive. Direct construction of residential buildings, industrial buildings etc. many firms are now involved, but there is a market sector that is still far from saturation, and it is precisely construction and installation organizations that occupy it. Those who seek to take the first step into a serious business often begin their journey to the heights of success precisely with the creation of such a company.

Distinctive features of installation organizations

Of course, in order for the business plan of the installation organization to be the most complete and exhaustive, it is necessary to have a holistic view of what such a company does. The scope of activity of construction and installation organizations covers the following areas:

Thus, we see that, unlike building trusts, whose role is limited to high-quality construction and finishing of structures, employees of installation organizations specialize in performing a much larger amount of work. Therefore, the head of the future company is obliged, not yet at the initial stage of its creation, to take care of the development of a high-quality business plan for the installation organization, otherwise its activities will become somewhat chaotic, and this will inevitably entail serious losses. In addition, the installation organization can be multidisciplinary or specialize in a certain type of work (for example, installation of drilling rigs in the oil industry, etc.).

Benefits of this type of business

Recently, installation organizations have arisen quite often, which is fully explained by the following factors:

  • The cost of their services is very high, so subject to the availability of quite a large number orders, all initial investments, although they are needed in significant volumes, will pay off in just a year or two;
  • If the company belongs to the category of diversified, in order to provide employees with work for a long period of time, it may be enough to receive one large order (for example, a major reconstruction of the plant is required, the addition of new workshops, the installation of new conveyor lines, etc.), which means certain stability and confidence in the future;
  • Features of installation organizations make it easy to reorient them to another type of activity in the event of a crisis in the industry, for example, from conventional construction to the installation of new equipment in industry, etc.;
  • Great demand for the services offered, as new enterprises are being intensively built and old ones are being modernized.

The nuances of a business plan

Usually, the business plan of the installation organization is described in as much detail as possible, which is associated with the diversity of the company's activities. Its main features are:

  • It is necessary to carefully study the market for construction services and try to predict which of them may be in greatest demand, and competition in this area is quite small. So, many enterprises purchase very sophisticated equipment, the installation of which can only be entrusted to professionals in their field. If the specialists of the installation organization can do it qualitatively, this will significantly strengthen the reputation of the company. Therefore, the estimate must include the costs of training and retraining of employees;
  • The next step is the construction or rental of real estate, which will be occupied by the installation company. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with one room here: in addition to the office, in which communication with clients will take place, special workshops and warehouses are also needed, where equipment will be stored and produced. necessary work to order.
  • The largest funds in the case of an installation organization must be invested in equipment. It should be the most diverse, especially if it is assumed that the company will take orders from a wide variety of industries and agriculture. Acquire necessary tools, machines, units, etc. should only be from trusted manufacturers, while all of them must be provided with appropriate quality certificates.
  • It is difficult to imagine that a novice entrepreneur may have the funds necessary to create such an organization: their amount can be thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars. Therefore, it becomes especially relevant in this situation to attract investors interested in promoting the business. In this case, a well-written business plan can make a good impression on them.
  • It is not worth saving on staff recruitment, because Almost all works performed by the installation organization have an increased level of complexity. Therefore, at first it is better to hire specialists with experience, the quality of which will not be satisfactory.
  • Certain means should be allocated to the registration of the enterprise itself (the procedure may vary slightly depending on the form of ownership), as well as the maintenance of a variety of documentation and costs necessary to comply with applicable laws. this moment safety regulations.

How much does a business plan cost? How much does the financial model cost? Find out in our video.

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In this material:

The business plan of a construction company, an example of which can be seen in Appendix No. 1, does not provide big investments. Fixed assets at the start will be required to purchase a Gazelle car or similar vehicle. The development of such a document involves making the main focus on the organization and promotion of the project without large investments.

An approach that saves millions

A sample of the second business plan provides for investments of 5-6 million rubles, which are supposed to be received as investments. The disadvantage of this approach is that just investments can not be expected. Enterprises that specialize in the provision of construction services appear constantly.

You can invest a lot of money in the purchase of some specialized equipment, which:

  • facilitates the process of providing services;
  • automates the process, reduces the role of manual labor;
  • can generate additional income through rent.

But construction company can provide services without having such equipment on its balance sheet, because it can be rented or leased. You can even rent construction tools, so the only obligatory expenses will be the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, which will cost 400-800 rubles.

The main asset of the enterprise is qualified personnel. An entrepreneur needs to focus their efforts on 2 main points:

  • search for clients;
  • hiring professionals.

In addition to registering as an individual entrepreneur, in some cases it will be necessary to issue permits for the performance of certain works. These include:

  • building permit;
  • a license that gives the right to design buildings and structures;
  • a license giving the right to carry out engineering surveys during construction work.

Local authorities issue a building permit, without which it is forbidden to build anything. This resolution is inexpensive. The remaining permits correspond to their name and are intended for the provision of design services, engineering work during construction and at the design stage.

There are also SROs or Self-Regulatory Organizations. This is the status of an enterprise that carries out construction work, giving the right to carry out work and provide services that involve great risks. But this status is not necessary for those companies that are engaged in such construction as:

  • houses up to 3 floors;
  • if they have no more than 10 residential blocks;
  • building area less than 1.5 thousand m 2;
  • if the building being built is designed to accommodate 1 family.

Therefore, if the planned construction business is aimed at providing services for the construction of private houses, carrying out internal and external repairs in them, such a permit will not be needed.

What can a construction company rent

It was noted above that there is no need to spend large sums at the start on the purchase of special equipment or equipment. All this, even tools, can be rented or leased. This approach allows you to start from scratch the activities of a construction company anywhere, fulfilling an order of any complexity. The main asset is the professionalism and qualifications of the staff. It is more difficult to find employees who know how to work on special equipment, and you can also rent an excavator with a crane.

No construction company can provide itself with all the necessary equipment. This makes the initial start expensive, besides, this approach does not greatly affect the profitability of the services provided. As a result, the payback period of the enterprise is stretched for many years. But if you focus immediately on the fact that all expensive equipment will be rented, the company can recoup all initial costs in the first month.

It is better to take equipment and special equipment in leasing, which is rent by use. This has certain advantages. Fixed assets taken in the form of leasing reduce the tax burden of the company.

If there are certain funds to start, it is better to spend them on equipment that will be used regularly. Investing in an excavator and a crane, which will be needed several times a year, does not make sense. Firstly, from the fact that the equipment is idle, it wears out and loses its value. Secondly, for the place where this equipment will be stored, you need to constantly pay money. Finally, you need to keep an excavator and a crane operator on hand, who need to be paid money so that they do not go to work on the equipment involved in the construction. Good specialists will not sit and wait for a job to appear.

So it turns out that at the start of a construction company you need:

  • register an enterprise;
  • find staff and clients;
  • rent a small office up to 20 m2;
  • buy, borrow or lease, rent a vehicle;
  • purchase the most minimal set of necessary tools;
  • create a company website through which to attract customers.

How to search for orders

It is good to look for orders on large-scale construction projects. For example, a business plan for the construction of a business center involves the involvement of one or more large contractors who have extensive experience in such work. Tenders for construction work in such projects are won by large construction organizations. But even they are unable to cover the entire range of works, and are forced to involve smaller construction companies in order to fulfill their obligations on time.

Therefore, you need to look for customers among these construction companies by sending them your own commercial offers.

It is better to provide your proposal in personal negotiations with a representative of such a company.

There is a risk that a letter sent by mail will remain unanswered. The same fate will befall the email. Trying to reach out to those who write or order a business plan for building a business center seems like a bad idea, unless your company has become large.

Private customers who need to build a small house or carry out work inside or outside this house need to be attracted via the Internet using a website and a business page on a social network.

Place special offers on them and use low-cost contextual or targeted advertising to direct potential customers to pages with special offers. To set up advertising, use the services of professionals.

Order a business plan

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Investments: Investments 450,000 - 600,000 ₽

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Investments: Investments 2,300,000 - 3,500,000 rubles.

Construction and production franchise "Stroymatik" invites you to engage in a truly innovative business. Earn money on the installation of reinforced concrete piles for low-rise construction using the unique compact piling rig "Stroymatik SGK-200". The idea of ​​forming a franchise was born in 2015, after the opening of the first branch in Cherepovets, the city where Stroymatik production is located on the local industrial site. The know-how of the company is a compact mini-plant, created on the basis of…

Investments: Lump sum from 99,000 to 249,000 rubles + start-up costs from 30,000 rubles

The unified service for ordering special equipment STROYTAXI was established in May 2013. At the time of its formation, it was the only dispatching service for the order of construction and special equipment that could be called a company, there were 3 people on the staff. For a year and a half of work in the market, we have experienced many ups and downs. Fortunately, there were more ups and downs on our way, so…

Investments: From 1,000,000 rubles. up to 3,000,000 rubles

New buildings are growing like mushrooms after rain, but how do you find out about the quality of housing, ceilings and quickly find the right layout for yourself? Of course, contact the Union of Developers, where the best real estate experts work and give free consultations to the population. About the company The Union of Developers is a kind of intermediary between end users and construction companies. The employees of this company make…

Investments: from 250,000 rubles.

The company "Stroymundir" is a manufacturer of high-quality overalls for various areas of production, security, industrial enterprises and recreation. As a manufacturer, Stroymundir can provide an unlimited range of finished products and a wide range of fabrics. And also to develop a design according to your desire and apply a logo of any complexity, which will give an advantage and individuality to your customer. Stroymundir uses unique technologies that strictly comply with the State Standards of the Russian Federation,…

Investments: 500,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

Stroy Artel was founded in 2000. Its founders were enterprising and creatively thinking people with significant experience in various sectors of the economy. Even at the first stage of the company's development, a simple principle was adopted as a strategic setting - life means action. From the very beginning, the management of Stroy Artel was determined to act, and to act in a balanced, thoughtful way ...

Investments: Investments from 460,000 rubles.

Polyglots is a federal network of Children's Language Centers where children from 1 to 12 years old study foreign languages. The methodological center of the company has developed a unique program, thanks to which children begin to speak and think in a foreign language. We care about the comprehensive development of our little Polyglots, and offer additional classes in mathematics, creativity, literature, natural sciences, ...

Investments: Investments 3 350 000 - 5 500 000 ₽

New Chicken is a new project of the BCA restaurant holding, which has the experience of opening more than 150 establishments in 8 countries of the world. The company is actively growing, developing new directions and knows what the consumer needs tomorrow. The company promotes a network of establishments on a franchising model. Description of the franchise The franchise package includes: production / trade / assembly equipment, furniture The New Chicken franchise has…

Investments: Investments 6 500 000 - 10 000 000 ₽

The idea of ​​​​creating a wine bar with a quality assortment and pleasant prices was born by Evgenia Kachalova in 2013, after some time, which took the consciousness of a holistic concept, the search for a suitable place and team, the first Wine Bazaar appeared in Moscow! In May 2014, the Bazaar on Komsomolsky Prospekt opened its doors and immediately fell in love with the guest. Everyone came to…

Investments: Investments 550,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

COMPANY DESCRIPTION The network of laser hair removal studios Laser Love was founded in 2018 in Novosibirsk. The group of companies has a distribution company responsible for the supply of equipment directly from the manufacturer. The company has all quality certificates for equipment - a certificate of conformity and the European Union. Own line of equipment under the DF-Laser brand guarantees the quality of the procedure from the first visit. Own marketing agency in…

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