Encyclopedia of fire safety

Types of doors according to the material used, most suitable for the toilet and bath, installation features. Doors for the bathroom and toilet: which is better to choose? What material are bathroom doors made of?

Are you going to put new doors in the bathroom and toilet? The choice of products must be taken very seriously so that you do not have to change them in just a couple of years. Let's find out what designs are suitable for these rooms.

When buying a door to a bathroom or toilet, you need to remember the most important thing - these rooms are characterized by high humidity. The humidity level will always be higher than in other rooms even when a powerful ventilation system is installed.

You can put in the toilet and bathroom glass products. If we are talking about moisture resistance, then such products are considered the best. And all because the glass is not afraid of delamination under the influence of high temperatures. Glass is also a hygienic, environmentally friendly material, characterized by good level heat and sound insulation. At the same time, doors intended for installation in a bathroom or toilet are made of tempered glass, with high level strength. Therefore, it is quite difficult to break them. Other advantages include their stylish and elegant design.

Glass product for bathroom and toilet

The surface of products can be any: tinted, embossed, with a mirror finish. And expensive models are produced with inserts made of natural wood, metal, mosaics. And thanks to the "light" design of the doors, the space in the room visually increases, the bathroom will look wider and brighter. The disadvantage of such products can be called enough high cost and the need to frequently wipe the glass surface to remove fingerprints, dust and other contaminants that are very visible on this material.

The second popular option is plastic doors. Such structures are not afraid of moisture, do not deform as a result of exposure to hot temperatures. They are also characterized by hygiene, ease of use, low weight. PVC products are available in a variety of colors, making it easy to match them to the design of your bathroom or toilet. Despite the fact that in terms of their aesthetic properties, such products lose to glass doors or wood products, they are very popular. And all thanks to the affordable price.

In the bathroom and toilet, you can put a door made of natural wood. Many do not dare to buy structures made of natural wood, which is afraid of moisture, believing that such material is more suitable for. However, modern manufacturers have been able to solve this problem by offering reliable structures made of beech or other wood species.

Before selling, products are treated with powerful antiseptic solutions and varnished, which protects the material from the negative effects of moisture.

Lacquered natural wood door

True, there is one caveat - it is better if the door opening is located away from the steam and water supply devices in order to reduce the risk of deformation. The only disadvantage of such products can be called their high cost. For the bathroom, you can choose laminated structures made of MDF (chipboard). Such products perfectly "live" in a humid environment, are attractive in appearance and are inexpensive. But it is better not to put models made of natural veneer in the bathroom, since the thin material will not be able to withstand contact with moist air for a long time.

Having chosen which door you will install, do not forget about fittings and other elements. So, a very large load is placed on the hinges, the handle and the locking mechanism of the door as a result of the humidity in the room. Therefore, you should not save on fittings by choosing trusted companies, even if it will be more expensive. Products must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound. You can choose from stainless steel hardware.

Before putting the door in the bathroom or bathroom, you need to study some of the installation features. So, the doorway in such rooms should be equipped with a threshold about 5 cm high, which will protect the apartment in case of flooding. Therefore, bathroom doors are always installed higher than other interior doors - the difference can be about 10 cm.

Often, apartment owners purchase the same type of product for all rooms. However, a standard sanitary cubicle usually has a doorway height of about 1.9 meters, the height of the doors is about 2 meters. In this case, you will have to adapt the doorway to install a higher door leaf than calculated. When thinking about which doors to install, do not forget about the thinness of the walls in the bathroom - usually their width is about 5 cm. Therefore, when choosing a design, you need to take into account the width and dimensions of the door frame. It is better if the width of the box exceeds the width of the walls by no more than 2 cm, which are necessary for a layer of cement and tiles.

Bathroom door installation

If the box is wider, you will have only two options:

  • thicken the wall in the bathroom;
  • cut off a couple of centimeters from the box.

True, and here there is one nuance. If you have chosen MDF toilet doors, it is not recommended to cut off the “extra” centimeters from the door frame - this can lead to flaking of the material, due to which the door will simply lose its appearance.

In the interior, an important factor is the method of opening the door. But at the same time, you should not forget about functionality. If you choose the wrong door leaf, you can make the room uncomfortable. In the bathroom and toilet are usually installed swing structures. Their main advantage is that they help to well isolate the rest of the rooms from moisture and excess noise. Such products are considered the most reliable.

Swing door design

Popular in the interior are and. Their main advantage is a significant saving of space in the room. But there are a few "buts" regarding their installation in the bathroom. First of all, such products will not provide 100% insulation of the room, the same applies to humid air. The second caveat is that cheap models of this design begin to “rattle” in a couple of years. Well, it should be noted the difficulties with their installation - you are unlikely to be able to carry out the work yourself.

In the process of performing repair work, one difficult task always arises related to the choice of doors for the bathroom. It is not solved as simply as it might seem, because it is necessary to approach it with skill, since the requirements that apply to the doors of the toilet, bathroom and other rooms in the house are very different. So let's figure out which material is better to give preference to. This article will focus on which door to put in the bathroom.

What requirements must the doors meet?

First of all, you should consider what requirements are placed on the door structures leading to the bathroom. In particular, they focus on the following factors:

  • High humidity level.
  • Temperature regime.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Air exchange.

These characteristics will help to decide finally which doors to put in the bathroom and toilet:

  • In this small room, the conditions are quite harsh, which is why the selected material must be wear-resistant and durable.
  • Inevitably, they are constantly exposed to steam and water, moreover, they get on the door by accident due to the small dimensions of the room. Hot water causes a copious amount of steam, which negatively affects all coatings, and even the deep structures of the doors. Such an environment is ideal for the reproduction of mold, fungus, bacteria. The product must be impregnated with a special antiseptic, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to it and a threat to the health of people living in the apartment.
  • Not in the best way, temperature changes affect natural materials - they can crack, dry out. Artificial ones begin to release harmful substances when heated. Have to search best option.

Important! To reduce the intensity of the manifestation of all of the above factors, it is necessary to provide optimal level ventilation. The doorway is also important here. Gaps remain between the box and the canvas, forming gaps that cause drafts, which is unacceptable for a bath.

Features of the choice of design and color

Choosing which door to put in the bathroom and toilet is exclusively outward signs, keep in mind that in most modern apartments and houses they are very close. That's why:

  • For creating harmonious interior it is better to buy two completely identical models.
  • It is important that they correspond to the general style of the house, combined not only with the decoration of the bathroom, but also with interior items, decor elements.
  • The ideal option is to purchase doors of the same stylistic design, the same color, from the same material for all rooms.
  • Make sure that the door leaf provides maximum privacy, so translucent elements are not appropriate here.
  • It is also recommended to install latch locks so that no one can disturb you while taking a shower.

Important! The most common problem that many people face is the lack of free space. Therefore, give up swing structures that take away every free centimeter.

The most popular bathroom doors

As we have already found out, in these rooms there is always a high level of humidity, even with good ventilation. Therefore, when deciding which doors are best placed in the bathroom, remember that they must certainly be resistant to steam and moisture. After all, it is important for you that they last as long as possible, while retaining their original appearance. In addition, they must have excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating characteristics.

The most acceptable options for installation are such models.

Glass door structures

In terms of moisture resistance, this is really the best option:

  • Glass itself is not subject to deformation, destruction under the influence of high temperatures, moisture, steam.
  • This option is also good because the material is environmentally friendly, hygienic, has good sound insulation performance, and retains heat well.
  • These doors are made of durable glass, which is almost impossible to break.
  • The undoubted advantage of glass models is a wide variety of transparency levels and patterns. Often they are decorated with mosaics, metal, plastic.
  • Glass visually enlarges the space, makes it lighter, makes it easy to fit the door into the interior.

Important! The only negative is the high price.

Plastic doors:

  • The main advantage of plastic is that it does not deform, rot, or become covered with fungus under the influence of moist air.
  • Products are hygienic, lightweight, able to serve for a long time, have good sound insulation and thermal insulation.
  • Due to the special coating, plastic can imitate any coating, so it will easily fit into the interior.
  • The current range of plastic products is incredibly rich in shapes, colors, and a wide range of prices.

Wooden structures

Classic solution. We all know that wood does not tolerate moisture, but if it is treated with a special antiseptic, lacquered, install away from the bathroom, then there will be no problems.

MDF or chipboard

Only designs with a laminated coating on top are suitable here. They have all the necessary characteristics for use in rooms with a high level of humidity. They are inexpensive.

Important! When finally deciding which door is best for the bathroom, consider the following nuances:

  • Try to avoid veneer designs, as they are not able to cope with even minimal exposure to high temperatures.
  • If there is a door of one of the rooms or the kitchen next to the bathroom, then take a closer look at the compartment doors. In this way, you will be able to avoid conflict between the two constructs, that is, they will not interfere with each other.
  • Be sure the door must have a gap at the bottom or a hole for ventilation.
  • When choosing, pay attention not only to the material, but also to the reliability of locking tools, handles, hinges

Features of installing doors for the bathroom and toilet

When answering the question of which door is better to put in the bathroom, one cannot help but touch on the topic of their installation. The installation of such structures has many features:

  • At the installation site of the structure, there must be a small threshold, about 5 cm, which can prevent flooding of the entire apartment. It is recommended to install them 10 cm higher than in other rooms.
  • Do not buy absolutely identical designs in all respects for all rooms, because even they have different openings. Only the same color, style is allowed. If you buy the wrong door, then most likely it will have to be adjusted in size.
  • Since the walls in this room are usually thin, it is necessary to choose a box optimum width. It can be no more than one and a half centimeters thicker than the wall.
  • Its inner edge should be located in the same plane with the facing tiles of the walls. Otherwise, you will have to cut off the excess from the box or do thinner wall. Then the cut line will become too noticeable, but it simply will not be possible to paint it.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 10 minutes

The operating conditions of doors directly depend on the environment. In the bathroom, for example, even if there is a powerful ventilation system, the humidity level will be above the average for the house, or even will “walk”, either rising to maximum values, or falling below normal. It is from this stereotype that people are repelled when choosing doors to the bathroom. In part, this is correct - after a couple of months, who wants to face the problem of an unlocked door or see treacherous traces of rust on gilded hinges.

On the other hand, manufacturers have long foreseen these moments and protected the products so that they function without failures in the most aggressive environment. True, this applies only to quality products. This means that buyers have the opportunity to install door structures with the same design throughout the apartment - deaf or with glass, hinged or sliding, leading to all adjacent rooms, including a bathroom, a bathroom, a dressing room, etc.
The isolated status of the doors to the bathroom still has a place to be, but it does not concern design and price, but other factors. When choosing, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions: depend on the opening, which can be standard or non-standard;
  • door covering;
  • Comfortable constipation;
  • Type of opening, and how suitable it is for your room.

These questions, as well as how to choose a bathroom door according to the material, will be covered in detail in the following paragraphs. This article was written by specialists from the V Dom online store, who will help you choose interior doors for any room.

How to order bathroom doors of the right size and not overpay?

How not to overpay for interior doors to the bathroom, toilet is one of the key issues, because it is these structures, or rather the openings for them, that do not always fit into the standard dimensions.

So, let's go in order - there are 2 scenarios:

  • Doorways conform to common standard sizes;
  • The opening is too narrow and low.

Which opening is considered standard

Size standardization interior doors it would be correct to consider from two sides.

First, the parameters given in normative documents- GOSTs.

Secondly, this is a line of standard sizes installed at a particular manufacturer. When choosing doors, we are interested in this moment, because. if some size is considered non-standard at the factory, then when ordering doors of this size, the overpayment will be from 30 to 50%.

What do GOSTs say?

IN normative documentation standards for interior doors are conventionally divided into 2 categories:

  • For a height of 1900 mm - doors can be 550, 600 mm wide;
  • For a height of 2000 mm - 600-900 mm (in increments of 100 mm).

But at enterprises producing interior doors, the height is 1900 mm. in half of the cases it is considered non-standard, and requires an additional payment.

Attention! If overpaying is not included in your plans - look for your favorite models from those manufacturers who make doors 1900 mm high. without additional payments.

Most modern apartments are equipped with openings according to the second standard size, leaving a height of 2 m.

The width of the doors is usually selected in accordance with the purpose of the room:

  • In rooms - 80 mm;
  • To the kitchen - 70 mm;
  • In the bathroom, bathroom - 60 mm.

That is, for bathrooms and toilets in some types of typical houses, a minimum opening is left. This option is no longer considered inconvenient for buyers today. For most manufacturers, each series of interior doors is available in the entire existing line of sizes that fit within the standards. This means that you can order 3-4 or more doors of the same design in one place at once to be installed in the hallway at the exits to the bathroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen and other rooms (in accordance with the layout).

Conclusion: you are lucky if all doorways, including for utility rooms, you have the same height and approximately the same width. Before you - a huge range of models from all existing materials, at a price of 2 to 50 or more thousand rubles, any color and style.

If the opening does not fit into the established standards - what to do?

Doors to the bathroom in 137 series houses often do not fit into any standards at all. In special cases, the issue is such that it is no longer a matter of price. We need to find a factory that can even make doors of this size.

Factories that manufacture too high (low) or wide (narrow) canvases can be found on the Internet if you type “interior doors to order in non-standard openings” into the search box, and the city in which you live. Of course, such products are not put into circulation, they are not among finished structures so get ready for:

  • Doors will be made to order, from 2 weeks to 2 months;
  • The price for 1 position will increase by 30-50%;
  • The installation cost will also increase.

The production of standard doors in factories has been put on stream. Accordingly, the equipment is configured for a certain standard size. To obtain a design with larger or smaller parameters, it will be necessary to change the settings of the machines, and possibly the technology, which will lead to even greater labor costs and an increase in cost.

What to do if doors of non-standard sizes are required for the bathroom and toilet, and there is no way to overpay?

  1. Search for manufacturers who produce models the right sizes, and then, among the selected names, select factories where the price for not standard sizes will be with a minimum overpayment.
  2. At the repair stage, you can expand the opening, if the project allows. This is the best option, because it will solve the problem of choosing doors once and for all, will allow you to bring in overall furniture and plumbing without any problems, and will provide a lot of options for choosing a design.
  3. Cut the door leaf to height. The method is not suitable for film-coated models, and for solid wood doors it is considered a reasonable solution if a professional does the work.

What materials can doors be installed in the bathroom, and which ones should not be used?

Why did we decide to highlight the problem of choosing bathroom doors? Of course, it's not just a few drops of water that can accidentally fall on the canvas: the drip option just doesn't do as much harm as the cyclically changing atmosphere. Even with a powerful supply and exhaust ventilation keeping the humidity and temperature in the bathroom at the same level is almost impossible.

What doors are installed in the bathroom?

In general, interior doors differ from each other in three key features:

  • base material;
  • coated;
  • By design.

The moisture resistance of the canvas depends on each of them. That is, some models are categorically not recommended for installation in places with a changing atmosphere, while others, on the contrary, are able to withstand direct water ingress for a long time and the constant presence of condensate.

Of the three factors listed, it is the base material that has the least effect on moisture resistance. Great importance is given to the choice of coating - it creates protection and prevents the penetration of moisture into the inner layers. A lot also depends on the quality of assembly and the type of construction, because if a microgap remains at the junctions of the panels and the base or at the edges, it will thus become a “moisture bridge” and over time, from a small defect, it will turn into a huge gap in the form of a swollen non-closing canvas.

However, the door to the bathroom is not always PVC or eco-veneer. Modern materials and processing technologies allow the use of solid wood structures for this purpose. Which models are able to constantly withstand the onslaught of high humidity - let's discuss in detail:

Inexpensive film doors

  • Laminated with an inexpensive smooth cellulose film with a wood pattern;
  • Covered with a thin eco-veneer 0.1-0.3 mm thick based on paper, imitating the texture and pattern of the array.

Their main advantage is low price. Nevertheless, if there is some cash reserve, we do not recommend installing such models in the bathroom, especially in a small one, where humidity manifests itself in two ways - in the form of steam and with direct droplets. Even very high-quality protection weakens over time, the paper gets wet, moisture penetrates to MDF, which, although it is considered moisture resistant, will begin to swell after a year or two. The door will change in size and you will have difficulty closing. Yes, and the appearance of the model will suffer. Therefore, if it is a laminate, then it is worth refusing, or it will not last long.

Film doors of the middle price segment

  • High-quality, durable PVC films;
  • Polypropylene coatings, including high-class eco-veneer with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm.

Films protect the internal contents by 100% if they were applied using efficient technologies and there is not the slightest defect on the surface. The strength of synthetic materials is sufficient to repel impacts and small scratches. And this is important, because in the case of interior doors made of PVC and eco-veneer, you should pay attention to the level of their performance. Water can hit them if there is a loophole for it.

Film doors are divided into 2 groups by design:

  • Panel boards - from a single piece of fabric, possibly with a decor applied by milling;
  • Prefabricated - paneled and tsargovye, consisting of a base (frame) and inserts from MDF, glass.

Paneled bathroom doors with quality assembly are the right choice.

These are canvases made from a single sheet of MDF or milled. The second ones look like paneled ones (when the inserts go separately from the frame), yet this is their imitation, which is performed for the purpose of decoration.

Coating panel doors films is carried out in stages. First, the material as a whole sheet (PVC films and eco-veneer are sold in the form of rolls) is applied to the facades. After that, narrow sidewalls (edges) are glued. As a result, a seam is formed at the junction. This is the first weak point of panel structures. The susceptibility of the door to moisture will depend on how well the connection is made, how tightly the overlap is made.

Milled doors are covered with a film using the same technology.

There is a third version of panel models - with glass inserts. In places where they are installed, cut out MDF board, inside lay a bar for fixing glass. The joint where the wood board meets the glass is the second weak point of the structure.

When choosing a panel film door to the bathroom, carefully inspect the edges and the junction of the glass. You can take them only if there are no defects on the surface - even the smallest ones.

Paneled and tsargovye pvc doors, eco-veneer in the bathroom - 100% your option!

In this case, too, all attention is on the quality of the product. In fact, such a door is a prefabricated constructor. The advantage lies in the technology of coating with protective materials: not the entire finished door is wrapped with rolled films, but each element separately. At the same time, the joints at the panels are left on the side that will be hidden inside the groove of the frame.

The second point is the edges: for paneled structures, the frames are completely wrapped, without creating joints on the sidewalls, so they are completely devoid of those weak points that panel sheets have. But for both, the upper and lower ends remain open - as a rule, they are not covered with films, because they are not visible.

Veneered doors

This refers to doors covered with natural veneer. The same wood that is known to be very hygroscopic (especially some varieties). Moisture resistance depends on the quality and type of protection. For veneered doors, this role is played by varnish - they carefully cover all surfaces, except for the upper and lower ends. If glass panels are used, then they are mounted together with seals, achieving a tight and reliable connection.

Enamel doors

In the rating of materials for protecting canvases from water and moisture, this is the undisputed leader. Enamel lays evenly on all parts of the structure. The glass installation method is similar to that described above. Weak spots- ends top and bottom.

Is it possible to install solid wood doors in the bathroom

Segment of the most durable, reliable and expensive interior doors. Given the tendency of wood to absorb moisture, is it worth it to spend a lot of money on a product that may not be suitable for use in the bathroom. Or did the producers cope with this task?

In the production of doors go different varieties wood. The most common are 5 types (in decreasing order of cost):

  • Ash;
  • Alder;
  • Pine.

How the finished product will react to increased humidity depends on the type of wood and on the protection option. We will deal with the varieties of the array and the level of their hygroscopicity a little later. First about protective coatings- they are of two types:

  • Breathable - paint, wax, impregnation;
  • Non-breathable - primers, enamels, varnishes.

The first to produce a deeper processing of the array. Substances - stronger or weaker - penetrate into the inner layers, leaving open pores, thanks to which the tree "breathes" and ensures normal air exchange in the room. Materials from the second category clog pores, thereby providing a more reliable natural protection of wood from moisture.

Now - about the moisture resistance of wood species.


Its advantages are low price, beautiful pattern, high thermal insulation, a huge amount of resins in wood, which make it relatively resistant to moisture. It is for this reason that doors made of untreated pine are often found. But living material with open pores will react to moisture. Given the friability of wood, it will expand or contract strongly. To close the pores and give additional water-repellent properties, it is impregnated with wax. Often it is tinted and varnished. It is not recommended to paint with enamel, because. due to the high expansion coefficient, it may crack.


Alder is slightly denser than pine, but without resins. Therefore, it absorbs moisture much more strongly. As coatings, it is necessary to choose denser compositions: primer, enamel, varnish. The breed is often used for surface finishing in saunas. Wood does not overheat, thereby preventing burns. People are also attracted by its beautiful reddish hue and pleasant smell, similar to the aroma of cognac.


Suitable breed for the manufacture of doors to the bathroom. It behaves well in conditions of high humidity, provided that the wood is well dried and securely coated with the right compositions. Oak absorbs moisture well, but does not change much in size due to the density of the wood. It is not necessary to cover it with dense opaque coatings. Great for paint or varnish.


Ash is similar to oak, but if the latter becomes strong like metal under water (remember bog oak), then the ash begins to rot. Therefore, ash trees are not placed outdoors. In damp areas, antiseptic treatment is required, but this is normal for natural wood. In general, when used in apartments and houses, it is no different from oak and the outer coatings are generally identical.


As strong as oak, but unlike the latter, it is very hygroscopic, much like alder. If we talk about pure untreated wood, then it is not recommended to use it even under normal conditions, not to mention high humidity. Solid beech doors should be finished with as dense coatings as possible. In the bathroom it is better to install doors in enamel.

Fittings for bathroom doors - hinges, handles, wraps

Bathroom, bathroom - the most visited places in an apartment or house. Doors to these rooms are under increased stress, especially in large families or communal apartments. It turns out that when choosing fittings, attention should be paid not only to its moisture resistance and corrosion protection, but also to the reliability of the opening and locking mechanisms.


  • Plumbing wrap;
  • Handle-knob with built-in wrapping;
  • Latch or latch.

Plumbing wrapping is considered the most convenient. It is a standard mortise lock. In contrast to the mechanisms installed in entrance doors, It has simple design and one tongue that flies into the groove and is locked with a latch. The advantage of this design is reliability, although installation requires more effort than installing a simple latch, and the service is relatively expensive.

Plumbing locks are so called because they do not have special secrecy, but perform a single mission - they prevent accidental opening of the room when it is occupied. In some mechanisms, a small hole is provided. It is necessary for an adult to be able to open the door with a hairpin if a child who has played too much suddenly locks the door.

The knob is a mechanism with a ball-shaped handle, in the center of which there is a small rotating latch. It is worth installing it perpendicularly, and the mechanism is blocked, it becomes impossible to open it from the outside. Installation is carried out in 2 holes - one through is drilled in the canvas, the second is right there, but from the end.

Latch or latch - why not? Such devices are inexpensive, for installation it is not necessary to drill holes. The downside is that if the child is locked inside, the door will have to be broken.


They have a triple load - from high humidity, frequent opening and the weight of the structure.

To ensure that the hinges do not corrode, choose components from of stainless steel or brass, but nickel-plated or chrome-plated.

Of all the types of hinge designs, one should not stop at the butterfly models. Suitable here:

  • Card;
  • Mortise;
  • Hidden.

Card loops are the cheapest. If you focus on strength, take brass ones - they are stronger and able to withstand a lot of weight. They look like 2 metal plates connected to each other by a pin inside the cylinder. Installation is made on self-tapping screws.

Mortise models are similar to card models, but for their installation at the ends, at the attachment points, a recess is cut out the size of a loop bar. The fittings are inserted into the resulting niche and fastened to the screws.

Hidden hinges are the most expensive and difficult to install. They create a more aesthetic appearance, because they remain invisible in any position of the canvas.

Do you need a threshold?

Threshold on the door to the bathroom is not necessary. A small gap at the bottom performs the function natural ventilation. Some argue that the threshold in the bathroom is necessary so that in the event of a flood, it holds water for some time and does not allow it to pour into the living area. Experts say that for these purposes, the bathroom provides a low laying of the floor. Indeed, the level of flooring in the bathroom is lower than in the rooms, which means that the threshold, as a restraining element, is not needed.

Which of the existing options for closing doors optimally solve all 4 designated tasks. Recall that there are 5 varieties in total:

  • Swing.
  • Sliding - on a roller mechanism installed along the wall.
  • Sliding - in a pencil case.
  • Folding (books).
  • Rotodveri.

Swing doors to the bathroom - the best solution

The classic version of the door, which is used in large-scale and individual construction. The swing door is more suitable for use in the bathroom than other designs. The main thing is to choose the right material, fittings and opening side (left, right), assessing the situation around in advance. For example, if the bathroom and the bathroom are nearby, and the entrance to the kitchen is located on an adjacent wall (a traditional option for many standard projects), you should consider the location method so that the doors are in open form did not interfere with each other.

Benefits of swing doors:

  • Relatively low price due to a simple and understandable hanging mechanism;
  • Simple, fast installation;
  • High degree of tightness (if installed correctly): achieved through high-quality seals;
  • Soundproofing: outside you can not hear the sound of a water jet knocking on the bottom of a steel bath;
  • Reliability and maintainability of fittings, which are also easy to replace.

Sliding systems - pros and cons

General advantages of all types of sliding doors:

  • Easy opening of the sash - no effort is required even for a child;
  • Space saving;
  • External attractiveness, stylish design;
  • There is no threshold;
  • The ability to install automation systems to fix the web in a certain position;
  • The kit includes stoppers, limiters that prevent automatic closing.


  • The high cost of fittings, locks;
  • Minimum soundproofing;
  • Difficult installation, especially "pencil case" systems;
  • Special requirements for adjacent walls - they must be free so that nothing prevents the canvas from moving.

Both types of sliding structures are installed in the bathroom - ordinary (along the wall) and “in a pencil case”.

Sliding along the wall

The most simple system from existing sliding options. Top and bottom guides are mounted. The overlay cloth on rollers moves to the left/to the right. The design is not suitable for installation in very cramped hallways, where the entrance to the bathroom and the bathroom are located on the same wall at a distance of several centimeters and are separated from each other by a thin partition.

The second point - nothing can be put or hung on the wall: a table, a picture, a vase - everything will prevent opening.

The third disadvantage is that it is impossible to achieve tight closure. The lack of tightness in our case is not an unimportant factor. Water vapor in the form of condensate will accumulate on the walls and ceiling of the adjacent room. This can render the finish unusable if wallpaper is used in the design.

Yet compared to alternative sliding models, this one is the cheapest and easiest. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy a new canvas - you can simply remove the old one from the hinges and install it on the rails: the fittings are available and inexpensive.

Sliding in a pencil case

Not suitable for all rooms, because it requires even more space around the opening for installation. As a rule, it is necessary to leave at least 1 m on the left and right sides, and also provide for a distance from above where the cornice will be installed.

Installation options:

  • Break the wall, expand the opening by about 2 times;
  • Install the "pencil case" in the opening, where there was previously a double-leaf swing door;
  • Build a false wall to make a "pencil case" out of a swing door.

Please note that the mechanism that ensures the movement of the web will be built into the wall and operated in high humidity conditions. Pay attention to its quality, because if the hardware breaks, you will have to break the wall to repair or replace it.

Folding doors

2 models available:

  • Book;
  • Harmonic.


  • Saving usable space;
  • Not demanding on adjacent walls, because they do not move to the side;
  • They allow the door to be opened to the desired distance - it is not necessary to open the entire canvas if it is not necessary.

The structures are equipped with seals to achieve hermetic closure. Disadvantages - complex installation and expensive mechanism.


The rotor system is a synthesis of swing and sliding design. Opening inward and outward is allowed, as in pendulum options. When the canvas is opened, it rotates around an axis installed in the center, and also shifts to the side. That is, being open, the door remains in the opening, but one half is in the bathroom, the other is in the hallway or bedroom.

Disadvantages - minimal tightness and humidity, constantly affecting the expensive mechanism. If we consider such systems for the bathroom, then with great care, in the presence of good ventilation and a large area where the sink and shower are at a decent distance from the entrance.

Conclusion! Which door to choose in the bathroom - today practically does not depend on the material. Manufacturers have long removed this issue from the agenda and provided customers with an unlimited range of designs, colors and prices. Only one thing depends on us - to control how well the assembly is done and decorative coating, as well as what accessories are attached to the product and whether it corresponds to your ideas about beauty and comfort. The main point that hinders the free choice of doors is the issue of non-standard sizes. If you have any questions or need help in choosing, please contact us, the specialists of the door store "V Dom" will answer all your questions.

The choice of doors to the apartment is an important and integral stage of repair. If, when buying interior floors, they rely mainly on external attractiveness, originality of the color scheme and decorative finishes, your own taste and wallet, then when choosing a door for a bathroom and toilet, operational properties become the most important criterion. This is due to the fact that in addition to external beauty, compliance with the overall design of the room, the quality of the canvas, the door to the bathroom must be moisture resistant, withstand temperature extremes and condensation. In addition, the product must maintain the privacy of the room.

Material selection

Regardless of whether you choose an interior door or a bathroom ceiling, the types of products differ in the material from which they are made.

  • Wooden array;
  • Veneer;

  • Ecoshopon;
  • Laminatin;
  • Plastic (PVC);
  • Glass.

A popular type of material for the production of doors is MDF panels. They are universal: suitable for any room, available in a huge variety color options, can be decorated with glass or mirror inserts. The advantage is an acceptable average price and high resistance to external influences. Among the shortcomings, the tendency of MDF to accumulate moisture is often called, however, the presence of sufficient ventilation in the bathroom will not allow the floor to be deformed because of this. For the bathroom and toilet, they usually select the facade of the product with a concise finish that does not distract attention from the main design of the room (tiles, plumbing, furniture).

Doors are environmentally friendly from solid wood. Despite the rather high cost, such models are very popular: they are durable, reliable, outwardly attractive, do not require additional finishing and fancy decorations. For use in the bathroom, larch, oak, beech will go. Pine is excluded: due to low resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations, such a canvas will quickly swell, deform and become unusable.

The above types of wood, coated with wax or varnish, acquire water-repellent properties and are quite suitable as a ceiling for the bathroom and toilet. To maintain the visual appeal and increase the life of the door, it must be carefully looked after.

An alternative to wooden doors are veneered canvases. Veneer is a thin sheet of wood glued to a fiberboard canvas, while preserving the natural color and structure of the tree, the structure itself becomes lighter, and the price is lower. Due to its natural origin, veneer is very sensitive to moisture and temperature changes. Most manufacturers of veneered doors do not recommend the use of such structures in rooms with a humidity of more than 60% and a maximum temperature above 35 degrees Celsius.

Ecoveneer, unlike its natural counterpart, is an artificial material that only imitates the pattern and relief of a tree. In fact, it is a multilayer plastic, characterized by wear resistance, impact resistance, and moisture resistance. This material is perfect for the bathroom. The eco-veneer door does not require complex maintenance, it withstands temperature and humidity fluctuations. In addition, a clear advantage over natural veneer will be a lower cost.

Not all laminated doors are suitable for the bathroom, but only those in the production of which a special durable PVC film with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm or a two-dimensional laminate was used.

Such canvases are inexpensive, easy to install, not pretentious in care. Cheaper products are coated with cellulose and impregnated with resins, which is not environmentally friendly, short-lived and absolutely not moisture resistant.

A great choice for a bathroom plastic door or a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) door. It is light, durable, non-flammable, due to the substances included in the plastic, it is resistant to the appearance of mold and fungus. Among other things, it does not absorb moisture, is resistant to condensation. To increase the elasticity of the material and prevent deformation, plastic doors are equipped with an aluminum profile. It is a mistake to believe that the color range of plastic products is limited: today the range is quite wide, options with glass inserts are also possible.

A stylish element of the interior can be glass doors. Despite the high cost, their advantages are obvious: they are elegant in appearance, have high rates of environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, wear resistance. Can be used as a frame for a door structure aluminum profile, which has rigidity, does not allow deformation, is resistant to corrosion. When choosing such a door, you should pay attention to the outer surface coating, which would protect against condensation. If there are children in the family, the glass door must be reinforced with an armor film.

The glass door is perfect for the shower niche in the bathroom. As a rule, they are made of heat-treated glass. A special charm to a glass product will help to give various color pigments used in the manufacture of canvas, decorative textured film or varying degrees of haze, translucency.

Not only a designer, but also just a craftsman in an ordinary apartment will be able to create a unique and at the same time practical and comfortable interior with a glass door without much difficulty.


Doors to the bathroom and toilet differ in their design features. It is necessary to dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of various models.

  • Swing. The well-known classic swing structures have a number of positive qualities: standard dimensions, easy installation, huge selection finishing options, affordable price. Separately, there is the issue of using a threshold, which increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the door. A significant disadvantage there may be a shortage of free space. If saving space in the apartment is a priority, you should look at other options for interior floors.

  • Sliding and coupe. Sliding doors and compartment doors are essentially similar: when opened, they move to the side. The difference is that the coupe has one canvas, and the sliding structure consists of two halves. Retractable systems on rollers will stylishly and originally complement the interior of the room, saving space near the bathroom. But when installing doors of this type it is necessary to provide for the absence of sockets, shelves or hooks along the wall. In addition, the impossibility of installing a threshold for such structures is a critical drawback, because it reduces heat permeability and sound insulation.

  • Folding. A folding door will help to organize a narrow space near the bathroom ergonomically. They are available in two versions: "accordion" (3 or more parts) or "book" (two parts). Such a design solution does not require free space either near the door or near the wall, however, when folded, the structure leaves a rather narrow space inside the doorway for entry and exit from the room. This includes poor sound insulation and the rare presence of high-quality models of such doors in retail outlets.

Do not forget about the decorative qualities of the doors to the bathroom. To ensure a harmonious combination with the interior of an apartment or house, you can use mirror or glass inserts to finish the door leaf. The bathroom is not complete without a mirror, and if you place one on the door, you can visually expand the usually cramped bathroom.

When choosing a full glass door, it is logical to use a matte or tinted canvas to ensure the privacy of the room. Matte folding doors also look original.


It is a mistake to believe that the dimensions of the doorway to the bathroom do not really matter. Undoubtedly, the bathroom refers to rooms with complex operational characteristics. Constant temperature fluctuations, high humidity, accumulation of condensate and steam, as well as a number of other negative factors adversely affect Decoration Materials, including the door frame. The protection of residential premises from the spread of dampness, microorganisms, mold depends on its quality, therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to the competent selection of the size of the interior ceiling to ensure high-quality housing care. In accordance with accepted standards, dimensions interior openings must be the same size. The height of the product is 2 m, and the width can be different: 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, 90 cm. Wider doorways are non-standard according to GOST.

Narrow openings (60 cm) are typical for typical Soviet buildings of the "Khrushchev" type. In new buildings, most often the width of the doorway is 70-80cm, taking into account the needs of residents in the installation of household appliances, plumbing, metal and decorative elements that simply cannot “pass” into narrower openings. Installing a modern plumbing equipment, such as a shower or jacuzzi, often requires a wider door (80-90 cm).

The use of a canvas wider than 90 cm is justified only in exceptional cases of design ideas in large spacious houses. In a standard apartment, such a wide door overlap violates the comfort and general harmony small bathroom.


For compiling harmonious design living space, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the color of the door panels. It is generally accepted to install all interior floors in an apartment of the same color. This approach is classic: plain doors will not disturb the aesthetics of the room, will succinctly fit into the overall style and will not attract undue attention. It is allowed to use two shades of doors in the interior, but in any case, the same colors should be selected for the toilet and bathroom.

  • For many years of use in the design of bathrooms, white doors have performed well. They are universal for any size room: in small apartments or spacious houses, snow-white doors will create an atmosphere of cleanliness, freshness and accuracy, in harmony with the color of plumbing. Due to the fact that White color does not form clear contours and, as it were, radiates light, a feeling of comfort is created in any area.

  • Coated doors are among the most attractive and in high demand. amber oak. Among the huge range of door designs, they have an elegant aristocratic design and will fit into various style solutions.
  • Ideal for modern interior door dark color. Against the general light background of the bathroom finish, the wenge shade door will become an expressive accent. Attractive models with glass or mirror inserts will add a touch of luxury to even the most neutral design. A solid door leaf in black or dark brown shades will help streamline the space, making it more geometric and concise.

  • Help create a mood colorful door. It is appropriate to bring a touch of dynamism and brightness to the design of the bathroom, because it is here that the mood for the whole day in the morning and moments of relaxation in the evening take place. A bright element will help cheer up, cheer up. The strict design of the bathroom allows you to experiment: sea ​​wave, bright raspberry, turquoise- the shade chosen to your taste can be successfully entered into the overall idea. double door - perfect choice if you are confused by the question of how a rich door will look in the corridor. On the one hand, the facade complements the interior of the bathroom, and on the other, the corridor.


After choosing a color, you can think about additional decor for the doors. In the decoration, inserts made of wood, plastic, metal, glass or in the form of a mosaic and with a sandblasted pattern can be used. Each door to the bathroom and toilet can be unique and unrepeatable in its own way. At right choice they will add a sense of elegance and sophistication to the space.

Connoisseurs non-standard solutions in the decoration of the apartment will be interested in the use case hidden doors, with which you can divert attention or even hide from prying eyes any room, including a bathroom. Invisibility is achieved due to the ability to process the front side for any texture, style and color of the walls of the room. On such doors, you can easily apply plain paint or part of the landscape, paste them over with wallpaper (rolled, washable, paintable, photo wallpaper).

A tile finish is possible if the entrance to the bathroom is located from the side of the tiled kitchen. A similar solution applies to veneer and other decorative materials. A secret door will harmoniously fit into a minimalist style room, because it does not stand out against the background of the walls or looks like only a decorative element.

For creative housewives who always want something special, you can offer to decorate the door to the bathroom on their own using the decoupage technique. This is the best option for those who like needlework, while not wanting to overpay for expensive decor. From paper, most often from napkins, interesting pictures or patterns are cut out, forming a panel, which is then glued onto the surface to be decorated. The resulting picture can be supplemented with improvised materials such as beads, beads and the like. With a certain amount of imagination, perseverance and skill, you can create a real masterpiece that will surprise and delight guests and household members with its originality.

Which is better to choose?

Given the characteristics of the premises, to prevent the formation of condensate, fungus and mold, it is worth thinking about ventilation. If natural ventilation is not enough, it is possible to provide for the presence of special grilles in the door leaf itself, or (less desirable) install them after. Additionally, an extractor hood is often installed in the bathroom, providing air exchange: warm air comes out, its place is taken by a cold one.

When choosing which door to put in the bathroom, you need to know that the correct opening and closing is guaranteed only when buying a product complete with a box. If you tend to choose a hinged door, which is characterized by the complete absence of a lower rail, remember the need for high-quality fittings, because the comfort and safety of using the structure directly depends on it.

Remember that the undoubted plus in the form of ease of installation of this type of sliding door may not be so valuable, given the fragility of the system as a whole. If you use standard interior doors for the bathroom, supposedly simplifying your task of choosing, you can overpay after 3-4 years, when an illiterate canvas that does not meet the characteristics of the room becomes unusable and will have to be changed again.

Adherents of stylish unique interiors who choose mirrored doors for the bathroom will be reminded that they can be not only flat, but also have a rounded shape. You can emphasize the uniqueness of the design of the room, using the design according to the geometric features of the doorway of the bathroom.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

There are many manufacturers, domestic and foreign, on the market for interior floors. Among Russian firms, the following stand out:


A well-known factory that has been manufacturing doors for over 20 years, has a large number of awards, and is one of the recognized leaders in its industry. The production uses modern high-tech equipment, allowing to produce quality doors in line with high international standards. Judging by the reviews, buyers agree that despite the high cost, buying Sophia doors is still worth it, because it’s not a pity to pay for excellent quality, durability, beauty.


High-quality and inexpensive doors, produced in Penza for more than 20 years, have won their niche among the leading companies. As manufacturers full cycle(from logging to door installation), the company also offers warranty and post-warranty service for manufactured products. Due to the low cost of good quality interior floors of the company "Dera" are popular, and have earned positive feedback from buyers. Beautiful design, a wide choice is also noted by customers, however, the production time is often disrupted and delayed.

"Alexandria Doors"

Manufacturability and innovative approach is the main principle of this company. Products manufactured at the factory in Ulyanovsk meet European quality standards. Door leafs are made from natural and high-quality materials. Impeccable quality, sound insulation, compliance with the terms of the contract - such advantages are noted by the buyers of these doors.

However, it is not always disappointing. competent work installers, sometimes negligent attitude towards customers.


door according to your individual project can be made at the Volkhovets factory. Production is located in Veliky Novgorod. Quality, the widest range with adequate pricing policy contributes to the popularization among buyers of the doors of this company. The attitude towards customers, the quality of installation, but in general, there are no complaints about the doors themselves are not always pleasing to the buyers of the Volkhovets company. Choose a reliable dealer - and the pleasure of buying will be complete.

Foreign companies offer avant-garde developments and, thanks to the use of innovative technologies in production, are in demand among buyers.


An Italian factory that produces doors of exceptional quality and unique design. The highest class glass doors from Italy will add zest to luxurious interior premises, becoming its main attraction. Craftsmanship and unsurpassed quality in working with glass doors and partitions pleases the company's customers. Striking stylistic possibilities of forms and drawings, staggering the imagination, attract the happy owners of Italian doors.

Via Plast

Manufacturer from Ukraine, specializing in the manufacture metal-plastic structures. Plastic doors, produced in accordance with high European quality requirements, have a unique style and design. The company offers products of various models, sizes, shapes and shades. Organization production process The company keeps pace with leading European manufacturers. There are not so many reviews about the doors of this manufacturer, in general, customers who are dissatisfied with the service write about the company more often, who, in fact, do not make claims about the quality of the products.


The largest German company, for which the production of doors is one of the areas of development. For the manufacture of high-quality products, our own high-tech developments are used. Rehau doors are presented in both classic and modern design, high-quality and reliable, they will serve you for a long time and provide comfort and ease of use. The most famous company is not distinguished by a lack of reviews, the quality of its products long years valued by buyers.

Comfortable, reliable, practical - the main characteristics of German designs.

Successful examples and options

A new and unusual door material (composite) is unique in its characteristics. It can also be used as a ceiling for the bathroom, because the material for the manufacture of the frame of the product is a durable, dense and moisture-resistant polymer. Currently, it is more often used for the manufacture of entrance doors.

  • Competently approaching the repair of the bathroom in the "Khrushchev" you can create a cozy harmonious room that meets your needs and individual taste.
  • white door in the bathroom in combination with white furniture and sanitary ware will give the room a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

  • A stylish frosted glass door will add individuality and chic to both a small room and a spacious bathroom.

Doors for the bathroom and toilet are different from those that are installed for other rooms. They should be practical, and at the same time fit into the whole house. Before buying doors, read the tips on how to choose the right one.

Criteria for choosing a bathroom and toilet door

Regardless of whether or separate, you need to carefully consider the issue of buying doors for the bathroom and toilet. How to choose so that you do not have to change after a few years? To begin with, you should take into account the specifics of the rooms. Doors for them must be resistant to moisture, dampness and steam. Because of this feature, the fittings (hinges, handles, latches) must be more durable than in other interior structures.

Doors for the bathroom are more difficult to choose than for other rooms. After all, such doors must be durable, soundproof and resistant to moisture.

If there is an extractor hood in the room, and it works properly, there should be no problems with humidity. However, take into account how often and how long you plan to use the bathroom. It largely depends on the number of family members. Also, when choosing a door structure, consider the size of the rooms and how the plumbing is located in them. It is important that the doors are well insulated from sounds and retain heat.

What material to prefer

Most manufacturers of interior doors use:

  • wood (including MDF, chipboard and veneer);
  • glass;
  • plastic.

Sliding doors made of natural wood


The peculiarity of wood doors is that they can “breathe”: absorb and release moisture. In the bathroom, this process can be especially noticeable - the doors swell. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly paint them or open them with varnish. Antiseptic treatment will not be superfluous. Wood breaks down when splashed with water. Therefore, such doors are not suitable for small rooms.

Advice. So that the door frame does not squint over time, it should initially be securely fixed. Use for this anchor bolts and mounting foam.

The advantages of wood doors include:

  • look noble and create comfort in the apartment;
  • made of high quality material (usually oak or beech);
  • at proper care, with the use of an antiseptic and varnish, can serve for a long time.

Doors made of natural wood, although expensive, are very beautiful and durable.

Cons of wood products:

  • are very expensive;
  • due to high humidity, they are often covered with cracks, which forces the owners to periodically restore them;
  • caring for them is very expensive.

Chipboard, MDF, veneer and laminate.

The first two materials are pressed wood boards, and veneer is a thin sheet of wood cut in a special way. They are very common in the production of doors. But nevertheless, experts warn about the fragility of such structures when it comes to installing them in a toilet or bathroom. According to the reviews of the owners, doors made of these materials swell quite quickly and stop closing normally, in addition, they are unstable to strong impacts.

Laminated doors

The advantages of wood-based panels include their low cost. They fit well into the interior of the entire room. However, instability to high humidity is the main disadvantage of installation in the bathroom. The same applies to natural veneer doors. They look like real wood, but they serve much less.

The budget options "under the tree" include laminated doors. These are the same MDF structures, but covered with a laminate - a special film. It protects the door from moisture, is easy to clean, inexpensive, has a wide variety of patterns.

Laminated doors fail quite quickly

However, there are many disadvantages of such a door:

  • low level of sound insulation;
  • the impossibility of restoration (in case of serious damage, it will need to be replaced);
  • external unpresentability (look very simple).

Attention! Doors made of MDF, chipboard and veneer contain formaldehyde, which can cause individual allergic reactions.


For doors to the bathroom and toilet, manufacturers use especially durable material which is hard to break.

Glass doors, despite the external fragility, are quite durable.

Other advantages of these structures are:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • good sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ability to keep warm;
  • variety of models;
  • external attractiveness;
  • Thanks to the glass, the room visually enlarges.

Glass doors are very beautiful, but require careful maintenance.

Disadvantages of glass doors for a bathroom:

  • settling of condensate, which leaves streaks on the glass;
  • frequent care (it is necessary to wipe the glass regularly to give it a neat appearance);
  • high price.

Advice. Despite the strength of bathroom glass, in a house with small children it is better to additionally cover it with an impact-resistant film.

Various types of plastic

This material is well suited for wet rooms. A plastic door is cheaper than a glass one, but it also has many advantages:

  • not afraid of exposure to water and steam;
  • lasts long enough;
  • retains heat well and isolates noise;
  • has many finishes;
  • is hygienic;
  • easy to care for.

Plastic doors

The disadvantages include the rapid deformation of such doors in the event of a large load on them. With this in mind, manufacturers produce more durable structures. They are equipped with special tabs that reinforce the product (increase strength), or are made on an aluminum basis. Such metal-plastic doors are more expensive than usual ones.

The main types of door designs

Door design for toilet and bathroom

Choosing door structure for a bathroom, you need to pay attention to how harmoniously it will fit into the interior. For example, laminate doors are almost identical in pattern. This can be handy if you plan to put them in all rooms. Often manufacturers decorate such structures under stone or wood.

Wide variety of palettes plastic products. This allows you to choose the desired color of the door, combining it with the rest of the elements of the apartment or house. However, perhaps most of all designers pay attention to glass. Doors from it are made opaque, decorating them:

Diverse door design for bathroom and toilet

  • stained glass paints or multi-colored glass;
  • gold and silver paints, creating a coating;
  • sandblasting materials, etc.

Besides, glass doors happen opaque, mirror, relief. Often they are complemented by inserts made of wood, metal or plastic.

  1. Often, toilet and bathroom doors are smaller than other designs. This is due to the fact that a low threshold is usually placed at the entrance to the bathroom. It is useful to take careful measurements before buying.
  2. in wood or plastic door for the bathroom, you can install a ventilation grill. This solution is suitable for rooms that do not have natural ventilation.
  3. Installing sliding doors, additionally use insulating pads.

Sliding door fixing system

How to choose doors to the bathroom and toilet: video

Doors for bathroom and toilet: photo

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