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Alexandra the meaning of the female name character and fate. Alexander's name. Persistence as a weakness. Alexander and Anastasia

The meaning of the name Alexander for a boy, a guy and a man. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Alexander in this article!

Full name: Alexander

Meaning: from ancient Greek name Alexandros: alex - "protect" and andros - "man", "man"

Similar names: Alejandro, Alastar, Oleksandr, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexandros

Church name: Alexander

Middle name: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna

What does the name Alexander mean?

The harmonious name Alexander is perhaps the most common in the world. Even from the mere pronunciation of this name comes energy, subconsciously causing respect for its owner. You will not lose by naming the born son by the name Alexander, because he has many heavenly defenders who will surround his ward with reliable protection on the path of life. Having learned about the meaning of the name Alexander and its influence on a person’s character, you can take into account all the nuances in raising a child.

origin of the name Alexander

The name Alexander is of Greek origin. It harmoniously merged two Greek words: "Alex", which means - to protect and "andros" - a man. Born from a combination of words beautiful name-Alexander, meaning "courageous defender", "male defender", which has become the personification of victory and intercession. Complete and church name- Alexander.

The diminutive name is pronounced in Russia as: Alex, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashulya.

In different countries, the name is transformed and pronounced:

  • in Greece, Alexandros;
  • in England - Xander;
  • in Belarus - Aliaksandr and Ales:
  • in Ukraine - Oleksandr, Oles, Les;
  • in Hungary - Sandor;
  • in Spain - Alejandro, Sanchez;
  • in Italy - Alesandro;
  • in Germany, Poland - Alexander;
  • in Romania - Alexandru;
  • in France - Alexandrine, Alejandro;
  • in Finland - Aleksanteri.

It is best to name a baby named Alexander, born on dates close to the days of the angel: August 25, June 5, September 12, December 6.

The name Alexander, under the heavenly patronage of Venus, personifying love and pleasure, endows a person from childhood with the ability to love and deeply feel beauty. Venus endowed Alexander with charm and attractiveness. The combination of the sounds of the name charges the owner with strong energy, making him confident, assertive, feeling his superiority over others. Let's trace the meaning of the name in different periods of life.

Name Alexander in different languages ​​of the world

In the Arabic language: الكسندر and الإسكندر

Armenian: Ալեքսանդր

In Belarusian: Alexander and Ales

Bulgarian: Alexander

Hungarian: Sandor

Greek: Αλέξανδρος

In Georgian: ალექსანდრე

Spanish: Alejandro

Italian: Alessandro

In Chinese: 亞歷山大

German: Alexander

Polish: Aleksander

Romanian: Alexandru

Ukrainian: Oleksandr

Finnish: Aleksanteri

French: Alexandre

Swedish: Alexander

Japanese: アレクサンダ

Characteristics and astrology named after Alexander

Favorable day: Friday

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Ruler Planet: Venus

Talisman Stone: Alexandrite

Blue color

plant: gladiolus

Animal: lion

What does the name Alexander mean for a boy, a guy and a man?

Since childhood, Sasha has been a charming and agile child, distinguished by curiosity. Until the age of 5, parents should continue to hide objects dangerous to the child that attract his attention. Sasha's head is a piggy bank of various knowledge that develops his imagination, fantasy and the ability to see something amazing and beautiful in an ordinary object. Sasha has an early tendency to creativity, which needs the support of his parents. In childhood, the boy usually grows thin and sickly, which does not prevent him from an early age from showing leadership qualities among his peers.

At school, Sasha has little interest in studying, although school curriculum he handles it easily. The boy strives for active and creative activity. In school years, he can get carried away with drawing, classes in a drama club, dancing or sports. In his teenage years, Alexander will avoid age complexes, bad companies and will be calm about criticism. Big influence his father can help him. If the relationship with the father does not work out, the teenager may withdraw into himself for a long time.

Alexander - the young man turns into a purposeful person, showing determination and perseverance. During these years, parents should give him more independence. The young man becomes the soul of the company, ready to help and give good advice comrades. However, his friends remain those who went with him through "fire, water and copper pipes". If someone in the company wants to encroach on his leadership, he immediately enters into verbal and even physical combat with him.

Cheerful Alex is sometimes prone to mood swings, closes in on his problems and thoughts, but eventually overcomes psychological difficulties. Sport will help him to give self-confidence, strengthen nerves and health.

The guy takes relationships with girls seriously. Falling in love, can immediately propose. Youthful love often develops into a long-term relationship or marriage. Looking for his place in life, he chooses professions that allow him to realize himself and gain a decent income.

The portrait of an adult Alexander is characterized by self-confidence, love of love and sociability. The external manifestation of success often conflicts with his internal state: dissatisfaction with himself, inability to adapt to life and inner loneliness.

It is easy to communicate with him on friendly terms, but it is difficult to build business relations, since Alexander is convinced that everyone should reckon with his opinion. Distinguished by diligence at work, in his career he will not reach great heights due to excessive straightforwardness and unwillingness to obey his superiors.

An empty idea to convince him of something and force him to do what he does not want. Fortune is favorable to Alexander in entrepreneurship, especially in the area where his creative individuality. Relationships with women are not easy. Not striving to be a leader in a couple, he does not tolerate attempts by his lover or wife to limit his freedom, change his habits and behavior.

The nature and fate of the name Alexander

Astrologers have long struggled over the riddle of the controversial nature of the name Alexander. Why, with the strong energy of the name, except for the strong-willed positive qualities character in it human weaknesses coexist. In the aura of the name, which manifests itself as a red field in the center, framed by narrow green stripes, the compatibility of contradictions - advantages and disadvantages - is clearly visible.

  • nobility and generosity
  • perseverance and perseverance
  • purposefulness and diligence
  • independence and determination
  • sociability and wit
  • intuition
  • honesty and justice

A man named Alexander has a strong will, leadership qualities and a freedom-loving character. Stubbornly advancing towards the goal, he does not pay attention to others, communicating only with those who recognize his authority. He treats everyone with an open mind, demanding adherence to generally accepted norms. He hates betrayal, lies and injustice. Winter Alexander is ambitious, purposefully striving for leadership.

Born in the spring, representatives of this name have a fighting character, capable of heroic deeds. They are optimists, sociable natures with a sparkling sense of humor. Summer Alexanders are creative people, distinguished by love, romance and courtesy, which raises them high in the eyes of women. Alexander, born in autumn, is a responsible and calm person, able to perceive criticism and correct his mistakes.

  • arrogance and dominance
  • irascibility and sharpness
  • secrecy
  • gambling
  • imbalance and rapid mood swings
  • insecurity and fear of failure

Alexander is not able to perceive instructions and someone else's point of view. He does everything in his own way, even seeing that such actions harm him. Coming out triumphant in hopeless situations, in ordinary life he is sometimes lost, falling below the average. From time to time, Alexander begins to be overcome by indecision in making decisions, an unreasonable fear of failure. Characteristic features of winter Alexandrov are imbalance in a fit of anger and absent-mindedness. They are domineering and tend to exaggerate their dignity, which causes dissatisfaction with their position in society.

Of the negative qualities of spring Alexander, isolation and resentment stand out. He cannot forgive insults unfairly inflicted on him and his friends. Summer Alexander is capricious, selfish, subject to mood swings, which has a bad effect on relationships in the team and family. Autumn names are distinguished by a frivolous nature, leading to stupid deeds. At drunkenness They love to brag and lose control of themselves.

The fate of Alexander

The fate of Alexander usually develops well. His perseverance, intellect, creative thinking and creative abilities allow him to achieve material well-being in life. The job, which he gave many years and effort to, can be changed when moving to another city, which opens up better prospects for the implementation of ambitious projects.

Heavenly patrons generously endowed Alexander with luck and friends who protect him from getting into life-threatening and business situations. A rich inner world brightens up Alexander's busy everyday life, helping to survive the imperfection of the world and human relationships. Bringing people their moral values, he tries to change those around him for the better, which often succeeds by taking the political path. He will not meet old age alone, he will be surrounded by the care and attention of loved ones.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

By setting ambitious goals, Alexander can achieve success in his chosen field of activity with his energy and perseverance. His innate leadership inclinations, competence, fairness and ability to convince, allow him to become a good leader who has authority among his subordinates. However, often he does not strive for career ups, not wanting to obey anyone, to follow other people's instructions with which he does not agree. The main thing for Alexander is not a career, but self-realization, which provides material prosperity. He starts to work early, sparing no effort. Possessing a developed intuition, Alexander makes right choice business partners helping him create profitable projects.

Choosing a profession in his youth, the guy pays attention to courageous specialties that require endurance and physical strength: a military man, a rescuer, a policeman, a professional athlete. Alexanders, capable of exact sciences, become talented programmers, equipment designers, mechanics, and inventors. Prone to humanitarian disciplines and artistic natures achieve success in the acting profession, become famous directors, composers, designers, journalists.

Marriage and family

Alexander, who is in the "seventh heaven" from spiritual and physical intimacy with a girl, can marry early, radically changing his life. A sense of duty to loved ones makes him a caring husband and father. In his younger years, having entered into marriage, he sometimes will not be able to avoid a new hobby, which will probably cause a divorce at the initiative of his wife. Marriage in adulthood will be the foundation of a long and happy life. Feeling responsible for the family, he tries to pay attention and time to his wife, children and parents, taking on the burden of their problems. He makes all decisions quickly, sometimes unconsciously, turning family life into a seething whirlpool.

Alexandra, born in the summer, adore children, the rest treat them with restraint, not showing feelings. The main thing for him family life- turn the house into a full bowl. Continuing to value himself above others, Alexander expects mutual understanding and devotion from his wife. To avoid conflicts, she must make compromises, remembering that there is a big shortage of such caring and decent husbands. The ideal wife for Alexander is a faithful friend, a caring mother and a great lover.

Sex and love

Alexander is a charming and attractive man who loves beautiful intelligent women. He is sure that the ladies are obliged to achieve it themselves. Having reciprocated the attention of the beauty, he presents himself as a charming boyfriend, familiar with all the rules of etiquette - he gives compliments, gives flowers, arranges pleasant surprises. Seriously falling in love, Alexander is ready for any exploits for the sake of his beloved. If she does not reciprocate, it will hit his pride hard.

failures in love and intimacy forever remain a wound on the heart. Possessing increased sensuality and sexuality, he thinks not only about his pleasure from sex, but tries to make his partner enjoy it too. Sharing the concepts of sex and love, Alexander, even being married, does not see anything reprehensible, to have sexual contact on the side. However, fidelity and adoration are expected from a life partner and partner.


Alexander's health problems begin in childhood, which is manifested by a tendency to gastrointestinal diseases. Salvation from diseases will be proper nutrition and sports. Despite Sasha's natural stamina, overwork must be avoided, the daily routine and nutrition should be observed. If you don't adhere healthy lifestyle life, with age there may be a predisposition to overweight and heart disease.

Problems in the family and at work can lead to mental and nervous disorders. At this time it is important close person lend your reliable shoulder. To stay healthy, it is important to avoid bad habits- smoking and alcohol, which can cause irresistible addiction.

Interests and hobbies

Alexander devotes his free time to reading interesting books that give food for thought. Communication with nature and fishing soothe nervous system, charging with positive energy. Alexander is essentially an artistic person. Among his interests are visiting theaters, museums, concerts. He is interested in sports, being an avid fan who loves attending sports competitions.

Being carried away by creativity in childhood, becoming an adult and having achieved material prosperity, he can do acting skills, learn to play on musical instrument or dance, having achieved a lot of success in this. Hobbies have a positive effect on Alexander's mood, help to achieve inner harmony.

Alexander name compatibility with female names

Knowing the compatibility of the names of a man and a woman helps to understand how they are suitable for each other in love and marriage, what prospects await them in their life together.

Alexander name compatibility in love

The most important characteristic of the compatibility of people in love is the compatibility of temperaments in intimacy, the acceptance of each other's perception and the coincidence of spiritual interests.

The maximum compatibility of Alexander in love, expressed in sexual and spiritual harmony, will be with Ekaterina, Nadezhda, Natalya, Valentina, Dina.

Compatibility of temperaments in intimacy makes Alexander's life full of vivid emotions with Anna, Veronica, Inna, Angela and Galina.

The sensuality of Larisa, Marina, Oksana, Clara, Lina, Galina and Maria gives Alexander physical pleasure.

Little compatibility in the sensitive perception of intimacy is possible with Elena, Olga, Rosa, Vera.

Alexander name compatibility in marriage

Knowing about compatibility in marriage is important when creating a family in order to avoid fatal mistakes. In addition to compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac, an important role in creating strong family relations given name compatibility.

A solid marriage mutual love, based on intimate compatibility, common views and interests, is possible with Ekaterina, Angela, Veronica, Zinaida, Lada, Lydia, Nina, Nona, Raisa, Tatiana.

The power-hungry and narcissistic Alexander needs a yielding and faithful wife in everything. Therefore, a strong marriage is not destined to develop with self-sufficient and unwilling to obey the will of her husband Ada, Anastasia, Barbara, Vera, Diana, Evdokia, Zoya, Rose, Maria, Polina.

"Alexandra strives for the truth, and strives in the spirit of a man much more than the bearers of many other names."

P. A. Florensky

Origin: The name Alexandra (simple Lexandra) is a feminine form on behalf of Greek origin Alexander means - protector of people, courageous, courageous protection, reliable help, courageous protector.

Meaning: Nice and sleek name. The strong and domineering sound of this name creates the image of a sovereign, solid and independent. It is full of dignity and significance, administrative authority and ideological adherence to principles, based on the invincibility of its potential.

Name day: March 22, April 2, May 6, May 31, July 17, October 13, November 19, December 23

Name zodiac: Aries.

Planet: Mars.

name color: Silver gray, blue, red combined with dark brown.

Talisman stone: Aventurine.

Plant: Hawthorn, cypress, hydrangea.

Animal: Dog, hippo.

Main features: Alexandra is woven from contradictions.

Type: Difficult to define. Lively, restless, tireless, always there. She, like her hawthorn totem, both captivates and pricks at the same time. Acts at random, headlong. Gets into hopeless situations from which it is difficult to get out.

Name and character: Usually the character is similar to that of a man. Her nature is twofold and contradictory. Alexandra pretends all her life that everything in the world is indifferent to her. As if avoiding her "masculine name", she strives to be especially feminine, elegant, mysterious - and she quite succeeds in this. There are few names as charming as this! Alexandra has no fighting qualities: she is accommodating, trying to smooth out any conflict with a smile. She has many friends, or rather, friends. But she keeps her soul intact even from her closest ones. If Sasha is the only child in the family, then she becomes stubborn and capricious. Reluctant to play with other children.

Mind: Experiencing an acute need for extensive contacts with the world. Well developed, but a bit wild imagination. He likes to turn everyone, starting with his parents, into his slaves. She gives the impression of a closed person, but in her soul she is pure and expects the same sincerity and truthfulness from others. She does not forgive the slightest deceit - you can forever lose her trust. Sex in her mind is excluded from the category of higher emotional sensations.

Intuition: Average.

Moral: Unstable. Come what may, just to get what you want.

Health: Good. But often violated life cycles, irregular menstruation, sometimes suffers from insomnia, etc. Weaknesses - the respiratory system, especially the lungs. There are fractures.

Sexuality: Often gives in to stormy impulses: all - or nothing! Only great love can curb her. She experiences physical satisfaction in sex with great intensity, but is not able to enjoy it. In a love game, he does not show any initiative. He does not like to talk about sexual topics, because he cannot convey his feelings in words. After a stormy night, she can act as if nothing happened - not a kind word, not a smile. Alexandra's temperament corresponds to Vladimir, Alexander, Sergey, Oscar, Miron, Boleslav, Alexei and Yaroslav.

Marriage: From childhood, Shura communicates a lot with boys, and with age he feels better in a male society. She marries late and becomes not only an excellent housewife, but also good friend husband. She has many children and is a caring mother. A family can do a lot. Decorate the room with literally nothing, cook some unthinkable dish, build a stunning outfit out of nothing.

Favorable alliances: with Anatoly, Andrey, Viktor, Ivan, Peter, Semyon, Yuri.

Unfavorable alliances: Valentin, Valery, Eugene, George, Nikolai, Stepan.

Hobbies: Likes to travel, spend time outside the city. Together with her husband, she likes to watch football or hockey. Having good health, he goes in for sports, at the same time shows purposefulness and achieves significant success. Loves to read. Household chores do not attract her.

Field of work: He is engaged in everything related to travel, as well as medicine. He adapts very well to the situation. Subject to other people's influence. Alexandra strives to get a higher education in order to feel confident in life. Can become a doctor, accountant, teacher, director, secretary, car driver.

Business: Life path: tomboy - businesswoman. She is so active in society and in the family that she does not always have enough strength for tenderness. He achieves success through his hard work.

Celebrities: Zakharova, Kollontai, Marinina, Pakhmutova, Yablochkina.

From the history: Alexandra Nikolaevna Jacobi was a rare beauty. She was called the "Northern Venus". "Beautiful Alexandrina" was friends with Giuseppe Garibaldi, supported him spiritually and financially. Her fiery nature and strict beauty inspired many artists (Vereshchagin, Jacobi and others).

What does the name Alexandra mean?

Alexandra is a majestic name. Hearing it, something courageous, bold, powerful appears. The name has Greek roots and translates as "protector of people."

Origin of the name Alexandra:

The name Alexandra comes from the male Greek name Alexander.

The nature and interpretation of the name Alexander:

Little Sasha is a very lively girl, fidget and fidget. Often receives minor injuries, in the form of abrasions and bruises. But it does not stop her aspirations to explore and climb all around. Having played, he can forget about food and sleep. If Alexandra is greatly pampered and indulged in everything, then there is a high probability that she will grow up capricious and stubborn. Sasha prefers leisure on fresh air. He does not like to play with other children, he prefers to be in the company of adults more.

At school, usually, she studies "excellently" in all disciplines, is engaged in socially useful affairs, she is often chosen as the head of the class. Achieves great success in sports. Teachers appreciate Sasha for her determination and active life position. She does not like housework, and tries in every possible way to avoid it, to the point that she is ready to play a sentimental scene about how she suddenly became very ill. Often people around think that Alexandra is very closed. But this is only apparent isolation, in fact, she is a sincere and open person. School mates appreciate Sasha for insight and justice in actions. She does not accept even the most insignificant deceit. If Alexandra finds out that she was deceived, she may forever lose confidence in the person who lied to her. She will constantly try to show others that no matter what happens - she is extremely indifferent to it. This habit remains with Alexandra for life.

Her optimism, the desire to achieve the ideal in everything, sometimes does not suit her. Trying to master many different skills, you may not succeed in any one. Alexandra will make a good economist, accountant, teacher or doctor. She prefers to be friends with men. He drives a car perfectly, loves trips to nature, travel.

Alexandra has a unique intuition, the ability to generalize the necessary facts, and an excellent memory. However, she is often overly emotional - she gives in to an internal impulse, reacts violently to an event that “hooked” her.

Alexandra simply infects with her sensuality. Able to stun many members of the opposite sex with her actions, in an attempt to attract someone's attention. As a partner, he chooses a person who is bright, interesting, not like the others. If the relationship is not fixed by a marriage stamp, it can have several partners at the same time.

However, in marriage, she will never cheat on her husband and will not tolerate betrayal on his part. Alexander is getting married already in adulthood, having taken place in a career and occupying a certain position in society. She will be a faithful friend and assistant to her husband in all his affairs - whether it's watching a hockey game or going fishing. She will strive for the birth of a large number of children, whom she will take care of all her life.

Alexanders born in winter are very self-confident, in autumn they are overly picky. Extremely quick-tempered and capricious summer and spring Alexandra.

During a quarrel, when the situation reaches the point that it can harm Sasha herself, she can suddenly attack her opponent with her fists.

Alexander's name in different languages:

  • Alexander's name in English: Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Alexander's name in Chinese: 阿里山德拉 (A-le-shan-de-la)
  • Alexander's name in Japanese: アレクサンドラ (Arekusandora)
  • Alexander's name in Spanish: Alejandra (Alejandra)
  • Alexander's name in German: Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Alexandra's name in Polish: Aleksandra (Alexandra)
  • Alexander's name in Ukrainian: Oleksandra (Oleksandra)

Forms and variants of the name Alexander Sandra, Sanda, Lesya, Leka, Xana, Sandy, Sana, Sunny, Anda, Andra, Alek, Lexa, Lexi, Xandra, Alya, Eli, Alexa, Alesya, Shura, Shunechka, Sasha.

Alexander name color: silver

Alexander flower: cypress

Alexander's stone: aventurine

Nicky for the name Alexander / Sasha: Shura, Shurik, Lace, Sanya, Alexa, Alex, Lex, Sandra, Braveheart, Lessandro, Xandra, Klyaksa

Alexander name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Alexander mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Alexander, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Alexander - Taurus
  • Planet - Venus
  • The color of the name Alexander is blue
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Cherished plant of Alexander - gladiolus
  • The patron saint named Alexander is a bull
  • Alexander's talisman stone - alexandrite

What does the name Alexander mean?: protector of people (name Alexander of Greek origin).

Short meaning of the name Alexander: Sanya, Sanka, Sasha, Sasha, Sashunya, Shura, Shurka, Shurik, Alex, Alexyusha.

Patronymic name Alexander: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna; unfold Aleksanich, Sanych.

Angel Alexander Day: The name Alexander celebrates name days several times a year:

  • March 8 (February 23) - Reverend Alexander(V century) was at first a warrior, then he became a monk, founded nine monasteries and was the first to establish in them the rank of "unsleeping", that is, the constant, day and night, worship.
  • 25 (12) August - St. the Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, by God's direction, was elected a bishop from coal sellers; pleasing God with humility and good deeds; died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.
  • December 6 (November 23) - the memory of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Yaroslav II. With victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle on the Ice, 1241), he secured western borders Rus'. Skillful policy weakened the hardships of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Signs of the name Alexander: On the night of August 25, various ghosts walk on the graves of Alexander the Martyr; whistles, howls and songs are heard; a white horse runs; whoever dares to saddle him, the horse will carry him to the cemetery - and at the first cock's cry, it will not be a horse, but a tombstone under the rider at the first cock's cry.

Positive traits of the name Alexander: Heroism, perseverance in achieving his goal, independence, although Alexander seeks to find a haven, "care, peace and support in a strong partner, mother or wife. He is honest, even noble, almost always a cheerful and sincere person.

Negative traits of the name Alexander: Authority, conflict, instability of mood, resentment, the desire to prove one's superiority at all costs. A man named Alexander is capable of dubious acts. He is very unstable psychologically, although he rarely resorts to violence. Alexander justifies his actions in advance, fearing condemnation. Luck helps him get out of unpleasant situations.

The nature of the name Alexander: Alexander is so deep in himself that he strives to escape from reality, hiding in the depths of his subconscious. Or, if he has the courage, he will try to remake this reality, adjust it for himself; And he won't stop until he breaks firewood. A man named Alexander is artistic, always, as it were, playing a certain life role, looking forward to the moment when he can become himself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always brings Alexander to the rapids of life! He tends to dream of love rather than love. It is not easy for women with him!

The nature of the name Alexander is unstable. He is imaginative, determined, intelligent, witty and sociable. Alexander can be persistent, but there is anxiety in persistence. Often deepened in himself, capable of dubious deeds. It can be harsh, not even respect the boundaries of decency. Feels fear, fears failures, most often unreasonably. If something really happened, then leading and a lucky break help a man named Alexander to cope with unpleasant situations.

In the soul, the meaning of the name considers himself a leader, but in life this is not always realized. Alexander can really become the head of the team: he is energetic, truthful and fair, very inquisitive. The name Alexander is a talented director, artist, writer, journalist.

Alexander is independent, but loves female warmth, friends, needs care and peace. He expects something special from friendship, he dreams of love more than he acts decisively. He does not know unrequited love, but it is not easy for women with him. Alexander loves children very much, not only his own, but also strangers.

A man named Alexander is an active artistic person, he cannot work within the strict framework of the working day. This name was worn by the most a large number of famous people. The character of Alexander's personality was analyzed most deeply by Pavel Florensky: “This name corresponds, basically, to a sanguine temperament, with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, though not superficiality. The signs of the name Alexander also include cordiality and kindness. In relation to women - courtesy, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: this is a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and it has an internal measure to stay within a light flirtation that ends as readily as it starts. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not blow up the inner life with the plow; if they cannot be said of as sliding on the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: as two adjoining shafts conscientiously rotate each other, not suffering from this temporary contact, but also longing when the contact comes to an end. With gearing, each of the wheels must rotate in rhythm with the other or move away so as not to be broken; and when sliding “shafts, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and it is almost indifferent to each of the shafts how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about Alexandrov's life relationships, but the same is about mental contacts. Here the same mobility and readiness, as well as the same indifference, or rather the same non-admission of thoughts under the skin. Alexandrov's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this mind is self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and, naturally, can upset the established balance. Therefore, this mind is rather broad, but self-protective from the pathos of universality, strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; rightly weighing a lot, but not plunging into the depths - not so much because he cannot, as out of self-protection from shocks.

Alexanders can be very torovaty, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without looking back. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this, when close to them, creates a barrier to very close communication and vice versa, hence the feeling of their detachment, as well as with them. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they feed a trickle of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite the universal recognition, they are not satisfied: everything is missing something, the main thing.

As a result: the name Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most proportional within itself.

Choosing a profession by name: An excellent organizer, leader in any profession. A man with the name Alexander can stand at the head of the team, skillfully manage it and be responsible to other people. The name Alexander has a sharp, penetrating mind, he has diplomatic and creativity. The life path of the name Alexander will be marked by obstacles, but patience and perseverance will help to overcome them on their own, without outside help.

Alexander's business and career: In financial matters, a man named Alexander is economical, prudent, can successfully invest in a business and take advantage of an opportunity to reap benefits and benefits.

Love and marriage of Alexander: Alexander's sexuality is rather speculative. He tends to dream of love instead of living it. In dealing with women, Alexander is gallant, he gives compliments. Alexandra born in the summer love their children, born at a different time in relations with children hold back emotions. A successful marriage named Alexander with Anna, Valentina, Vera, Veronica, Daria, Elizabeth, Zoya, Inna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalya, Oksana, Tamara. A complex name relationship can be with Blue, Catherine, Elena, Zinaida, Lydia, Svetlana.

Health and talents named after Alexander: Often born weak, in childhood he gets sick a lot, but regular sports harden him physically, and a strong and strong man grows out of a sickly boy. A man named Alexander knows his own worth, stubbornly goes to the intended goal. Not devoid of vanity and lust for power. Alexander is able to successfully manage even a large team, relying on capable subordinates.

Alexander is strict but fair. He cannot stand criticism, he can flare up, it is always difficult for him to publicly admit that he is wrong, but he will certainly try to correct his mistakes. If you find the name Alexander the right approach and do not step on his "sick corns", he will be the most devoted friend.

From the outside, it may seem that the name Alexander is not emotional enough, in fact, he is often simply afraid of "losing face." Not averse to drinking and quickly loses control of himself. Alexander loves women. In love, he is passionate, capable of losing his head, but he chooses his life partner carefully. A wife named Alexander usually finds herself in the position of a queen who reigns, but does not rule - in his family he makes all decisions himself.

Alexander, born in the summer, loves children very much, including strangers; born in other seasons in relations with children is more restrained. He has a sober mind, slightly ironic, his feature is a detachment from real life. Alexander carefully protects himself from shocks. He can be generous and generous, but he is not inclined to sacrifice himself.

Name Alexander in other countries: The translation of the name Alexander in different languages ​​has a similar sound. Translated in English as Alexandr, in Italian: Alessandr, in German: Alexandr, in French: Alexandr, in Czech: Alexandr.

The fate of the name Alexander in history:

  1. Alexander the Great became the king of Macedonia (a state located in northern Greece) in 336 BC. He was then only twenty years old. And after thirteen years, he became the most powerful ruler in the world! Leading an army of thirty-five thousand Macedonians, he utterly defeated the one hundred and fifty thousandth army of the Persian king Darius and burned Persepolis, the capital of his kingdom. In 323 BC Alexander's empire was the largest in the world. He wanted to unite all the conquered countries into a single state. However, after the death of Alexander, the military leaders divided among themselves his empire, which after one hundred and fifty years ceased to exist.
  2. Alexander Peresvet is a Russian monk who fought in the army of Dmitry Donskoy, a famous hero. According to custom, every battle had to begin with a duel between the two most powerful warriors. Chelubey left for the Kulikovo field from the Tatars, Alexander Peresvet from the Russians. They collided with spears with such force that both fell dead to the ground ...
  3. Alexander Samoilovich Figner (1787-1813) - a famous partisan Patriotic War 1812 Brought up in the 2nd cadet corps; in 1805 he was appointed to the troops of the Anglo-Russian expedition in the Mediterranean. Once in this case in Italy, Figner perfectly learned Italian which was very useful to him later. With the opening of the 1810 campaign against Turkey, Figner entered our Moldavian army and distinguished himself at the siege of Ruschuk. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, Figner was a staff captain of artillery.
  4. The name Alexander was borne by many Russian princes, kings, tsars, emperors, including three Russian autocrats of the 19th century. That was the name of the great commander Suvorov; great poets - Pushkin and Blok; "father" of "Three Musketeers", French writer Dumas and many other remarkable people.
  5. Alexander Tvardovsky - Soviet poet and public figure.
  6. Alexander Bryullov is a Russian architect and artist.
  7. Alexander Glazunov is a Russian composer, conductor, musical and public figure.
  8. Alexander Demyanenko - Soviet actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  9. Alexander Popov - Russian physicist and electrical engineer, one of the inventors of radio.
  10. Alexander Vertinsky is a Russian artist, singer and composer.
  11. Alexander Suvorov - Russian commander, generalissimo.
  12. Alexander Ostuzhev - Russian and Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  13. Alexander Herzen is a Russian public figure and writer-publicist.
  14. Alexander Pirogov - opera singer-bass, People's Artist of the USSR.
  15. Alexander Varlamov is a Russian composer who wrote romances.
  16. Alexander Borodin is a Russian composer and chemist.
  17. Alexander Kerensky is a Russian political and public figure.
  18. Alexander Mitta is a film director and screenwriter.

Girl Alexandra - the meaning of the name?

Tell me, why, when the question arises about the meaning of the name, most Russian people begin to look for an explanation or translation of the name .. from Greek, from Latin and other languages? Do you think that the roots of names lie in foreign languages? - 2 years ago


Actually, it's a male name. Consists of two Greek words: "aleksos" and "andros". In translation, it means "man-protector". But since this name has long been adapted as also feminine, it can be translated as "protector of men."

I don't know exact value of this name, well, I know five females with the name Alexander and they are all very strong, stubborn personalities, one might say with a masculine character and even a manner of communication. No wonder it's a male name.

Forms of the name Alexander

Common name variants: Sandra, Sanda, Lesya, Leka, Xana, Sandy, Sana, Sunny, Anda, Andra, Alek, Lexa, Lexi, Xandra, Alya, Eli, Alexa, Alesya, Shura, Shunechka, Sasha.

Alexander's name in different languages

  • Alexander's name in English: Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Alexander's name in Chinese: 阿里山德拉 (A-le-shan-de-la)
  • Alexander's name in Japanese: アレクサンドラ (Arekusandora)
  • Alexander's name in Spanish: Alejandra (Alejandra)
  • Alexander's name in German: Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Alexandra's name in Polish: Aleksandra (Alexandra)
  • Alexander's name in Ukrainian: Oleksandra (Oleksandra)

origin of the name Alexandra

The name Alexandra is a feminine version of the given name. It goes back to two Greek words - "alexo" and "andros" and means "protector (protector) of people." According to another version, Alexander is a distorted Turkic name Iskander, which means "winner". Scientists are still arguing about the origin and relationship of these two names.

Alexandra's character

The character is changeable. She doesn't care. Often gives in to violent passions and impulses. And only great love can hold it and curb it. Often stuns others with another incredible trick. It is difficult to live with her, but without her life is pale, because she is always ahead, she does not know fatigue.

Alexandra's health is good from birth, but deviations may appear with age: menstrual irregularities. In her youth, she has weak respiratory organs, especially the lungs. Susceptible to injury due to excessive mobility and negligence.

"Winter" Alexandra is self-confident, overly ambitious.

"Autumn" - fastidious, grouchy. Can be a doctor, cashier, salesman. The name is suitable for patronymics: Savelievna, Filippovna, Alekseevna, Grigorievna, Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Makarovna.

"Summer" - quick-tempered, loves to weave intrigues, gossip.

"Spring" - capricious, narcissistic, she likes young men. Can work as a cutter, hairdresser, actress in the theater, will succeed in the service sector.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Alexander

The name is suitable for patronymics: Adamovna, Yulievna, Yurievna, Oskarovna, Naumovna, Mironovna.

Alexandra name incompatibility

The name Alexander comes from the ancient Greek name Alexandros, which means "strong man", "protector of people", " great person» . It became especially popular after the glorification of the famous commander Alexander the Great. Today the name is also popular and widely used in Russian-speaking and European countries.

Influenced different languages it took on a slightly different sound. So, in Spain the name sounds like Alejandro, in Scotland - Alastair, in Ukraine - Oleksandr, in Romania - Alexander. In English, Alexander sounds like Alex (Alex) or Alexander (Alexander). It is also worth noting that the name Alex is an independent name that comes from the names Alexander and Alexei.

In Russia, the name Sasha is more often used, it is an abbreviated, diminutive form and has the same meaning as its full form.

Astrological symbolism

Totem animal - Bull.
Zodiac sign - Taurus.
The plant is Gladiolus and Chestnut.
The planet is Venus.

The meaning of the name Alexander for a boy

What does the name Alexander mean to little boy? From early childhood, he grows up determined, purposeful, inquisitive, arrogant and self-confident. This is a very sociable child who feels confident in any team. Even if one of his friends or buddies is better at something, Sasha will never show that he is upset by this.

The boy Sasha is very sociable and perfectly mastered in any team.

Also, the boy has leadership qualities and often becomes a leader in the company of his peers. However, with adults, he also behaves with dignity and is never shy about it.

This boy is difficult enough to piss off and force him to obey the established rules. He will never commit a bad deed out of self-interest.

Sasha is doing well with studies, but there is one minus - laziness. To succeed, he will have to fight with her all his life. In this regard, he is very similar to a boy.

Character and personality traits

The meaning of the name Alexander, like any other name, has a certain influence on the character and fate of a person. Let's see what the name Alexander or Sasha means for a man named like that.

First of all, it is necessary to note his justice, integrity and good nature.. It is very easy to be friends with this man, but at the same time he believes that everything should be the way he wants. This person will never accept the fact that someone will command him. In this regard, he himself strives to be a leader in any situation.

A man who is influenced by the meaning of this name loves to impress others. Also he likes to manipulate people and always gets what he wants. He is very vain and proud, but prefers to hide these qualities of his character. He does not take criticism well and never admits he was wrong. It is also worth noting that for those around him he often seems magnanimous and generous, but he will never sacrifice himself to help others.

Alexander is very proud and cannot stand criticism

The secret of the name Alexander consistsin that he can quickly enough change his mind to the opposite and flare up violently. He always behaves within the generally accepted limits of decency, but if someone starts talking to him from a position of strength, Sasha will immediately fight back. It has a similar effect on its representative.


As a child, a boy can be sickly and weak, but if he starts playing sports or doing at least minimal physical activity, he will get stronger very quickly and grow up to be a strong man.

People named so are advised to pay attention to the state of the gastrointestinal tract. In adult men, it is with him that health problems are most often associated. They are advised to follow a diet for life to visit doctors for preventive examinations.

Marriage and family

In the personal life of the representatives of this name, everything is not very clear.. He has a strong sense of responsibility towards family and friends. This person always treats his parents, sisters and brothers with respect. In personal life, things are more complicated. He chooses his soul mate for a very long time.

In his youth, Alexander will make many love victories.

IN adolescence the young man is so loving and active in relationships that friends often call him a "womanizer". He is always very popular with women.
In adulthood, he becomes more serious and chooses a devoted wife who will always support him. Often these men become good husbands and fathers.

Career and hobbies

The meaning of this name in a special way affects Sasha's career. He has good intuition and intelligence.. If he needs to sort out any issue, he will check all possible sources of information and interview colleagues until he finds the answer. He is always fair and honest with others, but, if the situation requires it, he is ready to go to the trick.

Alexander excels in leadership positions

Often, the owners of this name become wonderful leaders who know how to organize work in a team. He likes to subjugate, not to obey. It is this trait of his character that will help him achieve the greatest success. It is also worth noting that this man should do what he loves. If he forces himself to work, nothing good will come of it.

Alexander's name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Alexander celebrates his name day:

Alexander Pushkin (great Russian poet, founder of the modern Russian language)

  • January - 8, 14, 17;
  • February - 17, 20;
  • March - 8, 14, 22, 26, 30;
  • April - 9, 27, 30;
  • May - 4, 26, 29;
  • June - 1, 8, 11, 23, 27;
  • July - 1, 10, 16, 21, 23;
  • August - 2, 7, 14, 20, 25, 29;
  • September - 4, 12, 20, 26;
  • October - 3, 12, 14, 16, 30;
  • November - 4, 12, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27;
  • December -2, 6, 8, 17, 23, 26, 28, 30.

Famous name bearers

  • Alexander the Great - at the age of twenty he became the king of Macedonia. During the years of his reign, the Macedonian Empire became the largest in the world. Its main goal was to unite all the conquered states into a single world power. However, after his death, the empire collapsed, and after one hundred and fifty years it completely ceased to exist.
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet, writer and playwright. Considered as the founder of the modern Russian language.
  • Alexandre Dumas is a famous French writer, journalist and playwright. He is the author of the world-famous novels The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo.

Alexandre Dumas (French writer and journalist, author of world famous novels)

  • Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky - the great Novgorod, Kiev and Vladimir prince, the famous commander.
  • Alexander Blok is a famous Russian poet, writer and literary critic.
  • Alexander Vertinsky is a Soviet and Russian pop artist, singer, composer, poet and film actor.
  • Alexander Abdulov is a famous Russian actor, film director and TV presenter.

Alexander Abdulov (Russian theater and film actor, film director)

  • Alexander Morozov is a Russian composer and singer. People's Artist of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia.
  • Alexander Bryullov is a Russian architect and artist. He is the elder brother of Karl Bryullov.

Tell us in the comments if the described meaning of the name matches your character. Write down what works and what doesn't.

The female name Alexandra is derived from the male name Alexander and, like its masculine counterpart, means “protector of the people.”

Characteristics of the name Alexander

This name is now quite common, despite the fact that psychologists do not advise parents to choose “male” names for girls. In the case of Alexandra, the reason for such advice is very clear, because the owners of this name throughout their lives are distinguished by a special duality, which gives the impression that the masculine and feminine are always fighting in it.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Who would suit such a difficult name? First of all, it must be said that it is best not to call Alexandra a girl born in winter or summer, because the “winter” Alexandra will be too “male” in character, and the “summer” ones will be subject to pride and stubbornness. Spring babies, as a rule, are characterized by a soft, calm disposition, which will minimize the manifestation of duality in Alexandra's character, and help her femininity and softness to manifest. If the parents are not embarrassed by the manifestations of the “male” character of Alexandra, then it would be better to give this name to the “autumn” girl, who will have a cold mind and determination, combined with sexuality and a wonderful sense of humor.

Pros and cons of the name Alexander

What are the pros and cons of the decision to name your daughter Alexandra? On the one hand, this beautiful and not very common name in our country can become a highlight of a girl, but on the other hand, it must be borne in mind that none of the relatives and friends, most likely, will call the baby full name, which will lead to the fact that the melodious name of Alexander will turn into a rather rude Malchuk address “Sasha”. The advantage of this name is that it easily and harmoniously combines with most of the surnames and patronymics common in Russia, in addition, you can pick up a huge number of diminutive forms for it (for example, Shura, Alexya, Alya, Sandra), one of which is the owner this name can be chosen as an alternative to the abbreviation Sasha, which is rather ugly for a girl.


Parents who are interested in the opportunity to name their daughter Alexandra will be interested to know that the owners of this name, as a rule, are distinguished by iron health and high physical activity. Alexandra's only weak point is the need to always live according to a schedule, because if she once allows herself to lack sleep or overeat, then it will be difficult for her to return to good health and she will be in a sticky state for several days.

Love and family relationships

As for family relationships, then, having found her life partner, Alexandra is simply transformed! Where does her pricklyness and stubbornness go: Alexandra learns to cook with pleasure, spends a lot of time at home, takes care of her husband, becomes a strict but fair mother of several children.

Professional area

Over time, the family replaces Alexandra with friends and the pleasure of work, to which the owner of this name paid a lot of attention before. This does not mean that Alexandra will completely lose interest in work with age, it’s just that before marriage, she, as a rule, is interested in very active professions related to travel and business trips, after which she becomes less energetic, but still executive.

name day

Alexandra's name day is celebrated on April 2, May 6, May 31 and November 19, and according to the Catholic calendar - March 20 and May 18.

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