Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

The history of the origin and formation of the Russian Guard. History of the formation of the Russian Guard

The Russian Guard is the color and pride of the Russian Armed Forces, the personification of indestructible military power, mass heroism and military valor. Its military traditions serve soldiers as an example of loyalty to military duty and the Fatherland.

“Guard” translated from Italian means security, guards, selected privileged part of the troops. It arose with the emergence of slave states, when special guards (bodyguards) appeared under monarchs and military leaders. For example, in Ancient Greece it was called the “sacred detachment”, in Ancient Persia it was a 10,000-strong corps of “immortals”, in the army of Alexander the Great it was a 6,000-strong corps, which included heavy infantry (gyraspists) and heavy cavalry (hetaerae). IN Ancient Rome Gaius Marius had a cohort of praetorians.
In the Middle Ages, special detachments of selected warriors existed in many armies. The commanders of Byzantium, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan and others had them.
The term "guard" first appeared in the 12th century in Lombardy (Italy). Initially, it designated a selected military detachment guarding the state banner. With the creation of standing armies, the guard was divided into palace (to protect the monarch) and military (elite units of the army). It existed in almost all European countries - France, Italy, Prussia, England and others.
The Russian Guard (Russian Imperial Life Guard) existed from 1721 to March 1917. It was created by Peter I in 1696-1700 on the basis of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky “amusing” regiments. The Russian Guard received its baptism of fire in the Battle of Narva in 1700, where it saved the Russian army from complete destruction. For this feat, the officers of the regiments were awarded a badge with the inscription “1700 November 19.” Peter I ordered the guards to wear red stockings instead of green ones as a sign that they fought knee-deep in blood.
In the 18th century, the Russian Guard participated in all wars Russian Empire. Guards regiments trained officer cadres for the entire army and were staffed almost exclusively by nobles, for whom military service was mandatory. From the mid-30s of the 18th century, the rank and file of the guard began to be replenished with recruits from the tax-paying classes, and after the release of the manifesto on freedom for the nobility in 1762, this method became the main one. The social composition of the guard provided it with great political influence. The support of the guard predetermined the success of all palace coups of that time. As an elite part of the Russian army, the guard enjoyed great privileges. For example, according to the Table of Ranks of 1722, guard officers had seniority over army officers of two ranks. With the formation of the Young Guard in 1813, its officers received seniority of one rank. This order existed before late XIX centuries when Alexander III reduced the privileges of the guard.
In the 19th century, the guard participated in full force in all the wars that Russia waged with Napoleon. She especially distinguished herself in the battles of Austerlitz (1805) and Borodino (1812), in the battles of Kulm (1813) and Gorny Dubnyak (1877).
At the beginning of the 20th century, individual units of the guard took part in the Chinese Campaign (1900) and the Russian-Japanese War (1904 -1905). First world war(1914 - 1918) Guard troops successfully operated in the Battle of Galicia, Warsaw-Ivangorod, and certain operations in Lodz. In the summer of 1916, as part of the Special Army, the guard took part in the Brusilov breakthrough.
During the First World War, significant changes occurred in the organization of the Guard. Due to serious losses in personnel, representatives of the peasantry and working class began to be called upon to replenish it. The soldier masses of the guard bore the hardships of war along with the entire Russian army and ceased to be a stronghold of tsarism. This seriously affected the political mood among the guards. As a result, after the victory of the February Revolution of 1917 and the abdication of the tsar, the guard did not even make an attempt to intervene in the course of events. The Provisional Government retained it, abolishing the prefix “lab” and the name “Imperial”. After the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty in 1918 and the demobilization of the old tsarist army the guard was disbanded.
During the revolution of 1917, many major cities The Red Guard appeared in Russia. It was staffed by voluntary workers on a territorial basis (by factories) and was the main force of the Land of Soviets. On the basis of the Red Guard detachments, at the beginning of 1918, the first units and formations of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were formed, many of whose fighters and commanders later became; prominent Soviet military leaders. After the introduction of compulsory military service on July 10, 1918, the Red Guard was gradually abolished as a form of organization of the armed forces.
The military uniform of the guards has always been a symbol of honor, dignity, discipline, and the expression “uniform honor” was identical to the concept of “honor earned on the battlefield.” After all, they, the guardsmen, were the only ones in the Russian army who were granted not only red stockings, but also white piping. It was considered the property of sailors and reminded the guards infantry of their valiant participation in the naval battles of Peter I. In memory of the Narva Victoria of 1704, officers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments wore special plaques.
It should be noted that when new types of weapons were introduced into the army, they first entered the guard. So, during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 -1878. The guards regiments were already armed with the improved Berdan rifle No. 2, while the army units were armed with older rifles.
The guards sacredly cherished the honor of their regiment and its ancient traditions. The name of the regiment appeared on the battle banner and was a source of special pride for all personnel. The assignment of a name to a regiment in memory of military merits was considered an outstanding event. The first duty of every guardsman was to protect the military banner of the regiment. These and other glorious traditions of the Russian Guard were continued by the Soviet Guard.

The Soviet Guard was not born in a thunder of fireworks and honors. The first guards formations arose during the Battle of Smolensk in 1941 - at a time of mortal danger for the Fatherland, at the most difficult, most difficult stage of the Great Patriotic War, when our army, in unfavorable conditions for itself, stubbornly, at the cost of incredible efforts and great sacrifices, restrained the sudden, treacherous, gradually prepared invasion of the enemy. There, near Yelnya, as a result of a counterattack by the Western and Reserve Fronts, a large enemy group was defeated for the first time, and the city was liberated.
On September 18, 1941, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued order No. 308, which noted the special military valor of the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st rifle divisions, which showed mass heroism, examples of courage, bravery in the battles for the Motherland, discipline, organization, high military skill of the personnel. By this order, the formations that distinguished themselves, commanded respectively by Major General I.N. Russiyanov, Colonels A.Z. Akimenko, N.A. Gagen, P.F. Moskvitin, were renamed the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards Rifle Divisions. At the same time, by decision of the Supreme Command Headquarters, the formation of guards mortar units began.
One of the first in the Red Army on November 18, 1941, the legendary 316th Rifle Division under the command of Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov received the title of 8th Guards, which courageously fought against the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of Moscow in the Volokolamsk direction. 28 Panfilov heroes accomplished an unprecedented feat at the Dubosekovo crossing, stopping the advance of 50 enemy tanks. And the words of political instructor V.G. Klochkova: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us!” have become synonymous with courage, heroism and resilience.
The Soviet Guard irresistibly grew stronger and matured in all branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the military. The name “Guards” was given to units, ships, formations and associations that distinguished themselves in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, as well as those newly formed in special states. During the four years of the Great Patriotic War, 11 combined arms and 6 tank armies, dozens of rifle, cavalry, tank, mechanized, aviation corps, divisions and individual parts, 18 warships.
The Guard of the Great Patriotic War is a galaxy of heroes whose names will never fade. Among them is Yuri Vasilyevich Smirnov, a junior commander of the Red Army, who performed a heroic feat as part of the 77th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 26th Guards Rifle Division, and is forever included in his lists. On the night of June 24, 1944, while part of a tank landing force breaking through enemy defenses in the Orsha direction in the battle for the village of Shalashino, he was captured by the enemy, seriously wounded. During interrogation, despite cruel torture, the courageous warrior did not reveal military secrets to the enemy. The embittered Nazis crucified him on the wall of the dugout, and stabbed his body with bayonets. For his courage, loyalty to soldier's duty, military oath and heroism, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The guardsmen were full holders of the Order of Glory, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Guard Senior Lieutenant Ivan Grigoryevich Drachenko and Guard Sergeant Major Pavel Khristoforovich Dubinda. I.G. Drachenko, a talented air attack fighter, named Air Admiral Nelson after the loss of one eye, fought as part of the 140th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment of the 8th Guards Assault Aviation Division. P.H. Dubinda fought after escaping from captivity, first as a squad commander, then as a platoon commander of the 293rd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 96th Guards Rifle Division on the 1st and 3rd Belorussian Fronts.
All of them revived and increased the best military traditions of the Russian Guard. In the military exploits of their ancestors, our guards set high examples of perseverance and fearlessness, loyalty to their people. For successful actions, many guards units (ships), formations, associations were repeatedly noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, were awarded state awards, and were given honorary titles for the capture of cities and crossing of rivers.
In May 1942, the “Guard” badge was established for military personnel of the Guards units. IN Navy until 1943, they were served by a rectangular plate (gold-plated for commanding officers and silver-plated for privates) with a moire ribbon orange color, with black longitudinal stripes. Sailors and foremen of guard ships wore a moire ribbon on their caps. For all military personnel of the guards units, ships and formations, distinctive military ranks, which were formed by adding the word “guard” before the corresponding military rank, they were assigned an increased salary.
On June 11, 1943, a model of the Guards Red Banner was established, which became the unit’s combat insignia. The Regulations on the Guards Red Banners stated: “The Guards Red Banner obliges all personnel of the Guards armies and corps to be a model for all other units and formations of the Red Army.” The ceremony for presenting the Guards Banners included a new tradition - the oath of personnel to the Guards Banner. Without knowing fear, the guards fought heroically under their banners.
The creation of the Soviet Guard became one of the important events in the field of military development. It played a huge role in strengthening the combat capability of the army and navy. Guards regiments, ships, divisions, corps and armies inflicted crushing blows on the enemy, serving as an example of selfless devotion to the Motherland, unshakable will to win, perseverance and perseverance. The Soviet Guard was sent to the most difficult sectors of the front and carried out with honor everywhere combat missions. No wonder they said during the war: “Where the guard advances, the enemy cannot resist. Where the guard is defending, the enemy cannot penetrate.”
People of high duty - such were the front-line guards. Those who are entrusted to serve in the guard today strive to be like this. With their military labor, they continue the glorious traditions of previous generations of guardsmen and make a worthy contribution to strengthening the power of the Russian Armed Forces.
In peacetime, military units and formations are not converted into guards units. In order to preserve military traditions, the guards ranks of units, ships, formations and formations are transferred to new ones during reorganization military units with direct succession of personnel.
Thus, in October 1986, the Order-Bearing Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, in which Hero of the Soviet Union Senior Lieutenant N.M. served as a company commander, returned to his homeland, having exemplarily fulfilled his international duty in Afghanistan. Akramov. During the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of the regiment as part of the famous 13th Guards Rifle Division, commanded by General A.I. Rodimtsev, fought to the death in Stalingrad, participated in Battle of Kursk, crossing the Dnieper, distinguished themselves during the liberation of the Polish city of Czestochowa and celebrated Victory Day in Prague.
The children and grandchildren of front-line soldiers had the opportunity to provide international assistance to the Afghan people. The military work of the young guards was not easy. During their stay in the Republic of Afghanistan, soldiers of the regiment, guarding columns transporting fuel and food to cities and villages, removed and destroyed more than two thousand Dushman mines and landmines. Many soldiers, sergeants and officers of the unit were awarded Soviet and Afghan orders and medals.
The guardsmen showed examples of courage and heroism while performing their international duty in Afghanistan. At a critical moment, they consciously sacrificed themselves to save the subordinates entrusted to them. So, saving the lives of the company soldiers, guard senior sergeant Alexander Grigorievich Mironenko and two of his subordinates entered into battle with the dushmans. The moment came when the cartridges ran out. Twice wounded, Alexander lay with a grenade in his hand behind a stone. He waited for the dushmans to come closer. With the last grenade he blew himself up and his enemies. For this feat, accomplished on February 29, 1980, the deputy platoon commander of the reconnaissance company of the Guards Parachute Regiment A.G. Mironenko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is forever included in the lists of the guards military unit.
Will we ever forget about the feat of our contemporaries - the 6th company of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment near Ulus-Kert? He is inscribed with a golden line in the modern history of the Russian Armed Forces, in the centuries-old chronicle of its guard.
In the battles for the freedom and independence of the Motherland, guards combat traditions have developed, which for decades have been helping commanders raise courageous and skillful fighters, and the Guard of the Armed Forces Russian Federation is the successor and continuer of the fighting traditions of his predecessors.
Guards units and ships are genuine laboratories of combat experience: creative daring, a tireless search for new combat techniques, and the effective use of weapons - this is what always distinguishes the guardsmen. Serving under the banners of the Russian Guard is both a high honor and a great responsibility.
The traditions of the Russian Guard, its unfading glory are the inheritance and heritage of every soldier, all our units and ships. To serve in the Guards today means to have the highest combat qualifications and to masterfully use equipment and weapons. The covenant of the front-line guardsmen - to keep their gunpowder dry, to be ready to go into battle at any moment and heroically fight for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland - should be the main one for the current defenders of the Fatherland.

Today is Russian Guard Day. This holiday appeared only in 2000, but the history of the Russian guards has already exceeded the fourth hundred years. What are they?

The Russian Guard grew out of the “military amusements” of Peter I. In 1683, he organized the “amusing troops” of the foreign system. The first soldier to enlist in this new army is Sergei Bukhvostov. His distant descendant, Captain 1st Rank Nikolai Bukhvostov, died in the Battle of Tsushima in 1905, commanding the guards crew of the battleship Emperor Alexander III.

“War games of the amusing troops of Peter I near the village of Kozhukhovo”, A. Kivshenko

In 1691, two regiments were created in the “amusing troops” - Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky.

The “amusement” quickly disappeared from these real military formations, the officer corps of which became a reliable support for the reformer tsar.

On September 2, 1700, both of these regiments received the honorary name “Life Guards”. This day is considered the birthday of the Russian Guard.

In the same 1700, the guards underwent a baptism of fire near Narva, against the Swedes. The battle was unsuccessful for the Russian troops, but both regiments did not flinch and stood firm against the Swedish army.

Narva became a legend of the Russian guard, born “knee-deep in blood.”

“Battle of Narva”, A. Kotzebue, 19th century

At first, the guard did not have any advantages over army units. But since 1722, in the Table of Ranks, guards officers received two ranks of seniority ahead of army officers. For example, a junior guard officer (ensign) was considered equal in seniority to an army lieutenant (third officer rank).

In Peter’s times, it was mainly noblemen who were even enrolled in the guard as privates, but later transfers from the army and direct recruitment of recruits of non-noble origin began to be allowed.

“Russian Guard in Tsarskoe Selo in 1832”, F. Kruger, 1841

Very tall people were selected for the guard.

So, under Catherine I. I. the lower height threshold was 182.5 cm. Now these figures don’t look very good, but remember that food in those years was much worse than now, and the average (!) height of an ordinary infantry recruit in the 18th century was about 160 −162 cm! It is no wonder that the guards were constantly called “giants” or “heroes”.

They were also selected “by suit”. The Preobrazhentsy and the Guards Fleet crew were the first to take the healthiest “buhai” for themselves.

Semenovtsy took blue-eyed blonds. Izmailovtsy are dark-haired.

Guards huntsmen selected people of “elegant build” for themselves. The Moscow regiment collected redheads.

“Group of officers and soldiers of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment”, A. I. Gebens, 1853

The Guard was distinguished not only by its appearance, but also by its excellent training and courage in battle. Almost not a single major general battle of the Russian army in Europe was completed without the participation of the guards.

Such battles as Kunersdorf, Austerlitz, Borodino were included in the service record of the Russian Guard.

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the Russian guard was noted not only for its exploits on the battlefield, but also became famous in palace coups.

With the direct participation of guards officers, Catherine I, Anna Ioannovna, Anna Leopoldovna, Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine I. I. came to power.

The guards also took part in the assassination of Emperor Paul I. Among the Decembrists there were many guard officers.

In this sense, the Russian Guard was a stronghold of the nobility: the overwhelming majority of the officers came from this stratum, while among army officers by the end of the 19th century no more than 40% were nobles.

The term “Young Guard” did not appear in the 20th century, but in 1813, when, as a result of the Patriotic War, the composition of the guard expanded: it additionally included two grenadier and one cuirassier regiments.

The new regiments began to be called the “Young Guard”, distinguishing it from the “Old”, which was more privileged (it had an advantage in seniority over the army by two ranks, and the young ones only by one). Subsequently, some of the “young” regiments received transfer to the “old” ones for military distinction.

Semyonovtsy on the Kulm field. Photo: Elena Klimenko, club of military-historical reconstruction “Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment”

In 1918 Soviet authority disbanded the imperial guard, among other “relics”. The notorious “Red Guard” did not stay long either: the nascent Red Army was distinguished by its democratic spirit, and was disgusted by the very idea of ​​“special” troops.

The Soviet Guard was born again in the autumn of the first year of the Great Patriotic War.

On September 18, 1941, four rifle divisions that demonstrated outstanding steadfastness and courage in the Battle of Smolensk received the honorary name “Guards.” The war was already ended by 17 guards armies and 215 guards divisions, as well as 18 naval ships.

Initially, the “guards” included mortar units equipped with rocket artillery - “Katyushas”.

In Russian ground forces there are several guard formations. The most famous are the Kantemirovskaya Tank and Tamanskaya Motorized Rifle Divisions, whose deployment near Moscow back in Soviet times gave them the unofficial nickname of “courtiers.” But the guard serves everywhere, and on Far East Same.

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Symbols of courage and perseverance: history and traditions of the Russian guard. Revival of guards units during the Great Patriotic War

Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Samosvat

Throughout the entire military history of Russia, the Russian Guard has been the color and pride of the Russian Armed Forces, the personification of indestructible military power, mass heroism and military valor. Its military traditions serve soldiers as an example of loyalty to military duty and the Fatherland.

1. History and traditions of the Russian Guard

The Russian Guard (Russian Imperial Life Guard) existed from 1721 to March 1917. It was created by Peter I on the basis of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky “amusing” regiments. The Russian Guard received its baptism of fire in the Battle of Narva in 1700, where it saved the Russian army from complete destruction. For this feat, the officers of the regiments were awarded a badge with the inscription “1700 November 19.” Peter I ordered the guards to wear red stockings instead of green ones as a sign that they fought knee-deep in blood.

IN XVIII-XIX centuries The Russian Guard participated in all wars of the Russian Empire. She especially distinguished herself in the battles of Austerlitz and Borodino, in the battles of Kulm and Gorny Dubnyak. At the beginning of the 20th century, individual units of the guard took part in the Chinese campaign and the Russian-Japanese war. During the First World War, the Guard troops successfully operated in the Battle of Galicia, in the Warsaw-Ivangorod and Lodz operations. In the summer of 1916, as part of the Special Army, the guard took part in the Brusilov breakthrough.

Over the more than two-century history of the Russian Guard, its organizational structure has changed several times while maintaining a steady trend towards growth in numbers, composition and combat capabilities. If in 1700 the guard had only 2 regiments with a total number of 3 thousand people, then in 1812 there were 12 regiments, an artillery brigade and several other units with a total number of 18 thousand people. In 1914, the guard already included 7 large formations (about 50 units, over 90 thousand people).

Most fast growth the combat strength of the guard dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. The deployment of the guard was carried out through the formation of new units or the transformation of army units into guards units for their combat distinctions. During the First World War, significant changes occurred in the organization of the Guard. Due to serious losses in personnel, representatives of the peasantry and working class began to be called upon to replenish the guard. By the beginning of the First World War, the Russian Guard had 13 infantry, 4 rifle and 14 cavalry regiments, 4 artillery brigades and other units. There were also spare guards units. In the Navy, in addition to the guards crew, the cruiser "Oleg", 2 destroyers and the imperial yacht were assigned to the guard.

After the victory of the February Revolution of 1917 and the abdication of the Tsar, the Guard did not even attempt to intervene in the course of events. The Provisional Government retained the guard, abolishing the prefix “lab” and the name “Imperial”. After the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty in 1918 and the demobilization of the old tsarist army, the guard was disbanded.

The Red Guard arose during the 1917 revolution in many large cities of Russia. It was staffed by voluntary workers on a territorial basis (factories) and was the main force of the country of the Soviets. On the basis of the Red Guard detachments, at the beginning of 1918, the first units and formations of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were formed, many of whose fighters and commanders subsequently became prominent Soviet military leaders. After the introduction of compulsory military service on July 10, 1918, the Red Guard was gradually abolished as a form of organization of the armed forces.

In the years Civil War a significant part of the command staff former guard fought in the ranks of the white armies. Attempts by the leaders of the White movement to recreate the guard due to limited sources of recruitment were generally unsuccessful. Several guards units were formed only in the armed forces of the South of Russia.

As an elite part of the Russian army, the guard enjoyed great privileges. For example, according to the Table of Ranks of 1722, guard officers had seniority over army officers of two ranks. With the formation of the Young Guard in 1813, its officers received seniority of one rank. This order existed until the end of the 19th century, when Alexander III curtailed the privileges of the guard.

Since the creation of the guard military uniform guardsmen was a symbol of honor, dignity, discipline, and the expression “uniform honor” was identical to the concept of “honor earned on the battlefield.” Almost all guards units had their own distinctive insignia.

The guards sacredly cherished the honor of their regiment and its ancient traditions. The name of the regiment appeared on the battle banner and was a source of special pride for all personnel. The assignment of a name to a regiment in memory of military merits was considered an outstanding event. The first duty of every guardsman was to protect the military banner of the regiment. These and other glorious traditions of the Russian Guard were continued by the Soviet Guard.

2. History, traditions and distinctive symbols of the Soviet and Russian guards

The Soviet Guard was born during the hardest defensive battles of the summer and autumn of 1941 near Smolensk. Order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 308 of September 18 stated: “In numerous battles for our Soviet Motherland against the Nazi hordes fascist Germany The 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161st rifle divisions showed examples of courage, bravery, discipline and organization. In difficult conditions of struggle, these divisions repeatedly inflicted brutal defeats on the Nazi troops, put them to flight, and terrified them.”

With this order, the formations that distinguished themselves in battles with the enemy, commanded respectively by Major General I.N. Russiyanov, Colonels A.Z. Akimenko, N.A. Gagen, P.F. Moskvitin, were renamed the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards Rifle Divisions. They were presented with special guards banners with a portrait of V.I. Lenin.

This was the beginning of the Soviet Guard, which inherited the best traditions Russian guard.

The former platoon commander of the 153rd (3rd Guards) Rifle Division, retired Major General N. Kosmodemyansky, recalled: “...For us veterans, the heavy battles of 1941 are especially memorable. Near Vitebsk, where the Ural warriors received a baptism of fire, repelling the onslaught of an enemy many times superior in strength. Near Yelnya, where they learned not only to defend themselves, but also to successfully attack.

Yes, the victory at Yelnya came at a high price. In those battles, many of our comrades died the death of the brave. They did not have to wear the “Guard” sign on their chests. But they rightfully deserved the title of guardsmen.”

Somewhat later, in November 1941, the first Guards tank unit was the 4th Tank Brigade under the command of Colonel M.E. Katukova. At the end of November, the first guards cavalry formations appeared - the 1st Corps under the command of Major General P.A. Belov and the 2nd Corps under the command of Major General L.M. Dovatora. In the Air Force, the 29th Fighter Aviation Regiment was the first to receive the Guards rank in December 1941, which became the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. In the Navy, the cruiser "Red Caucasus" was awarded the title of Guards in April 1942.

In August 1942, the first guards association was formed - the 1st Guards Army, and in February-March 1943 - the first guards tank army.

In offensive operations 1943 - 1945. guards associations and formations, as a rule, acted on decisive directions- where the fate of the battle and battle was decided. At the same time, in the offensive, guards tank armies were used to rapidly develop operational success in the depths of the enemy’s defense, and in defense - for decisive counterattacks. For successful actions, many guards units (ships), formations, associations were repeatedly noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, were awarded state awards, and were given honorary titles for the capture of cities and crossing of rivers.

The state and military leadership of the country, taking into account the special status of the guard, created additional preferential conditions for the guard units in providing the latest, more mobile weapons, and allocated funds for higher pay compared to other units. Guards units and formations had their own organizational structure, different from others.

In total, during the Great Patriotic War, the title of guards was awarded to: 11 combined arms and 6 tank armies; horse-mechanized group; 40 rifle, 7 cavalry, 12 tank, 9 mechanized and 14 aviation corps; 117 rifle, 9 airborne, 17 cavalry, 6 artillery, 53 aviation and 6 anti-aircraft artillery divisions, 7 rocket artillery divisions (all rocket artillery units and formations received the name Guards from the moment of formation, which emphasized their importance as a new powerful weapon), many dozens of brigades and regiments. The Navy had 18 surface guard ships, 16 submarines, 13 divisions of combat boats, 2 air divisions, 1 brigade Marine Corps and 1 naval railway artillery brigade.

On May 21, 1943, the “Guard” badge was established for military personnel of guards units and formations. This sign was also placed on the guards banners assigned to armies and corps on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 2, 1943. The difference was that on the banner of the Guards Army the sign was depicted in a wreath of oak branches, and on the banner of the Guards Corps - without a wreath.

Veteran of the 1st Guards Rifle Division, retired Colonel P. Rebenok, recalls the honor and respect these badges enjoyed among front-line soldiers: “One day in the summer of 1942, it became known that the division headquarters had received a batch of “Guard” badges.” . There were very few of them. The question arose: who should I give it to? Someone suggested starting with commanders. But our division commander Ivan Nikitich Russiyanov ordered that badges be awarded primarily to soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle, regardless of rank and position. And he even established a kind of “qualification” - at least three destroyed Nazis (with written confirmation from two colleagues).

I, at that time the assistant chief of staff of the regiment, had the opportunity to hold in my hands quite a few such confirmations, written on scraps of newspaper (it was difficult with paper), often not very well, but always objective.

In our 2nd Guards Regiment, the first to be awarded - namely, awarded the "Guard" badge - was Red Army soldier Ivan Sokolovsky. During the battle near the village of Terbuny, he doubled the standard established by the division commander. Among the officers, the first to receive this honor were Captain A. Zubkov and company political instructor Rylenko. Personally, although by that time I already bore the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, I received the Guards badge only a month later. The division commander himself presented badges to distinguished soldiers in a solemn atmosphere.”

For the personnel of the Navy, the guards breastplate was a rectangular plate covered with an orange moire ribbon with black longitudinal stripes (traditional colors of the Russian naval guard). The metal edging of the frame was golden for the officers of the ships (units) and silver for the petty officers (sergeants) and sailors. After the war, the guards badge became unified. The Naval Guards flag was established on July 19, 1942.

There is a known case in the history of the Russian Navy when one ship became a Guards ship twice. The officers and sailors of the imperial yacht "Standard", launched in 1895, were included in the guards crew. After October 1917, the Shtandart was mothballed for a long time. But in 1934, the ship, which had excellent sea characteristics, was converted into a minelayer and received a new name - “Marty”. The ship is responsible for destroying a fascist submarine and shooting down enemy planes. On April 3, 1942, “Marty” was awarded the rank of guards, and its sailors for the second time in the ship’s history received the right to wear honorary black and orange ribbons on their visors.

On February 5, 1944, in connection with the approval of new models of combat banners of the Soviet Army and Navy, the design of the guards army and naval banners was slightly changed.

The creation of the Soviet Guard became one of the important events in the field of military development. It played a huge role in strengthening the combat capability of the army and navy. Guards regiments, ships, divisions, corps and armies inflicted crushing blows on the enemy, serving as an example of selfless devotion to the Motherland, unshakable will to win, perseverance and perseverance. The Soviet Guard was sent to the most difficult sectors of the front and carried out combat missions with honor everywhere. No wonder they said during the war: “Where the guard advances, the enemy cannot resist. Where the guard is defending, the enemy cannot penetrate.”

Guards formations and units that became part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation retained their previous honorary titles and awards. The further development of the Guard of the Russian Federation follows the path of professionalization by changing the principles of manning, improving the organizational structure, and equipping guardsmen with more advanced weapons and military equipment. Important is given to increasing the training of guardsmen, instilling patriotism, and improving the furnishings and uniforms of soldiers and officers of guards units.

Serving under the banners of the Russian Guard is both a high honor and a great responsibility. Therefore, a recruit soldier, coming to serve in a guards unit, with great pride accepts the “Guard” badge from the hands of the commander and vows not to disgrace the memory of his fathers and grandfathers.

The guardsmen of the late 20th century are faithful to the traditions of the guard, developed and consolidated by their predecessors. Is it possible to forget about the feat of our contemporaries - the 6th company of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment near the Chechen settlement of Ulus-Kert? The paratroopers took on a fierce battle with vastly superior forces of mercenary fighters. The guards did not flinch or retreat. They fulfilled their military duty to the end and at the cost of their lives blocked the enemy’s path. This feat is inscribed in gold in the modern history of the Russian Armed Forces, in the centuries-old chronicle of its guards and inspires those who today carry out difficult military service.

In the battles for the freedom and independence of the Motherland, the guard forged combat traditions that have been helping commanders raise courageous and skillful fighters for decades, and the guard of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the successor and continuer of the combat traditions of their predecessors.

tradition Russian guard symbols

1 The Russian Guard is 300 years old. // Homeland. - 2000. -№11.

2 Samosvat D., Kurshev A. Russian Guard. History of the formation and traditions of the Russian Guard // Landmark. - 2009. - No. 9.

3 Kuzmichev A. Soviet Guard. - M., 1969.

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Guards regiments, divisions, brigades, battalions and crews are the pride of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, an example of what our army and navy should be. A guardsman is a brave serviceman who does not stop there. His will to win is indomitable, his offensive spirit is inexhaustible.

1. History of the origin and formation of the Russian Guard

The Guard (translated from Italian as “security, protection”) has existed since the times when humanity began to wage war. Of the athletes awarded with honorary wreaths at folk games, - it recruited the strongest and most resilient young men in ancient Sparta. A selected privileged part of the troops existed in Ancient Greece (sacred squad), in Ancient Persia (“corps of immortals”), in Ancient Rome (Praetorians). And everywhere during military operations they performed the most complex and responsible tasks.

In Russia, the Guard (Life Guards) was created by Peter I from amusing troops as part of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, which officially received the name Guards in 1700. The prefix “life” (from the German “body”) in the names of the first and all subsequent Russian guards units and formations until 1917 meant: the unit has as its chief a member of the Imperial House.

The Russian Guard received its first baptism of fire in the Northern War of 1700 - 1721. On the morning of November 19, 1700, in the Battle of Narva, Swedish troops attacked Russian regiments that had no combat experience and forced them to retreat to the bridge over the Narva River. But the bridge collapsed, and the troops lost the crossing. The Life Guards Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments, operating on the flanks of the army, formed a wall in front of the advancing Swedes and for three hours, suffering losses, repelled their attacks. Thanks to the courage and dedication of the guards, part of the army was saved. For this feat, the officers of the regiments were awarded a badge with the inscription “1700 November 19.” After this battle, Peter I ordered the guards to wear red stockings instead of green ones as a sign that they were fighting at the crossing knee-deep in blood.

Later, guards regiments took part in other victorious battles. In 1702, Noteburg (Oreshek) was taken by the guards; the following year the Swedes were defeated by Russian guards near the village of Kalinkina, in; 1704 - near Narva. The guards also distinguished themselves near Poltava in 1709.

Along with its active participation in hostilities, the Guard, before the formation of military educational institutions, was in fact the only school for the training and education of officers. Nobles served here as ordinary soldiers, who later received the rank of officer. Subsequently they were sent to various regiments. Peter I himself also wore the Preobrazhensky uniform - soldier, bombardier, officer, depending on his ascent up the ladder of military ranks. The closest comrades of Peter I - Menshikov, Bruce, and a certain person - also emerged from the ranks of the first guards regiments.

But not only those who went through combat school in the regimental ranks could call themselves guardsmen. There was such an award in Russia for special merits: to distinguished generals high rank the sovereign awarded the honorary rank of lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment, while he himself was listed as a colonel in this regiment. Such an award, for example, was awarded to A.V. Izmail in 1790 for the capture of the fortress. Suvorov.

Until 1722, the guard did not have any advantages in rank. However, after the approval of the Table of Ranks, officers of the guards regiments received seniority of two ranks compared to the army.

The guards, enjoying the special trust of the highest persons and most influential persons in the state, represented a serious political force.

During the reign of Paul I, the number of guards increased significantly. Life Guards Artillery and Jaeger battalions were formed, as well as regiments: Life Guards Hussar, Life Guards Cossack and Cavalry Guards. Of the lower ranks incapable of field service, they formed a garrison battalion of the Life Guards.

In 1813, the Young Guard was established alongside the Old Guard. This name was originally assigned to two grenadier and one cuirassier regiments for military distinction in the Patriotic War of 1812. The officers of these regiments had an advantage in one rank over the army. In 1829, the Finnish Rifle Battalion was assigned to the Young Guard. Soon he, like the Grenadier and Pavlovsky regiments of the Life Guards, was granted the rights of the Old Guard for his differences in the war with Poland.

In subsequent years, the number of guards units continued to increase. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Life Guards consisted of 12 infantry, 4 rifle and 13 cavalry regiments, 3 artillery brigades, an engineer battalion, a naval crew and several ships. Guardsmen took direct part in almost all military events of the Russian State. With their perseverance and courage they earned fame not only in their Fatherland.

The Guard troops especially distinguished themselves during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 - 1878. When Plevna was captured, the first assaults were unsuccessful. The Russian army was forced to switch to a systematic siege. For a complete blockade of this strategically important city, it was necessary to capture a nearby settlements. This task was assigned to the Guards Corps. The Second Guards Division, the Guards Rifle Brigade and the Guards Sapper Battalion attacked Gorny Dubnyak, while the First Guards Division and the Guards Cavalry covered the attack from Plevna. 30 soldiers of the Finnish regiment managed to break into the small redoubt and held it until reinforcements arrived. Then a company of the Rifle Guards Regiment rushed to occupy the Turkish fortifications in front of the ditch, covering the enemy’s large redoubt, and at dusk captured them in a bayonet attack. The guards continued to heroically fight for the liberation of the Bulgarian people from centuries-old Turkish slavery, showing examples of bravery and bravery. So, in December 1877, the guards rangers, covering the passage through the mountains, lost 511 people in battles in just two weeks, but did not retreat a single step.

The First World War became a serious test for the Russian Guard, which the Guardsmen withstood with honor. Here is what the famous military historian Anton Kersnovsky wrote about them: “The exploits of the guard in past wars were surpassed by their grandfathers in the world war. Tarnavka, Krasnostav and Tresten eclipsed not only Gorny Dubnyak, Warsaw and Varna, but also surpassed even Frynland, Borodino and Kulm...” Thus, in severe trials, the military traditions of the Russian guard were born.

Since the creation of the guard, the military uniform of the guards has been a symbol of honor, dignity, discipline, and the expression “uniform honor” was identical to the concept of “honor earned on the battlefield.” The guardsmen, the only ones in the Russian army, were granted not only red stockings, but also white piping. It was considered the property of sailors and reminded the guards infantry of their valiant participation in the naval battles of Peter I. In memory of the Narva Victoria, officers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments wore special plaques.

The guards sacredly cherished the honor of their regiment and its ancient traditions. The name of the regiment appeared on the battle flag and was a subject of special pride for all personnel, and the assignment of a name to it in memory of military merits was considered an outstanding event. The first duty of every guardsman was to protect the shield. that military banner of the regiment. These and other glorious traditions of the Russian guard were continued by the Soviet and Russian guards.

guard soviet army battle

2. Soviet and Russian guards

The Soviet Guard was born during the Great Patriotic War during the Battle of Smolensk near Yelnya on September 18, 1941. There, as a result of a counterattack by the Western and Reserve Fronts, a large enemy group was defeated for the first time, and the city was liberated. Four motorized rifle divisions - 100-, 127-, 153- and 161st (division commanders: Major General I. Russiyanov, Colonels A. Akimenko, N. Gagen, P. Moskvitin) “... for military exploits, organization, discipline, and exemplary order" by order of the USSR NCO No. 308 were renamed into guards.

Their military history is significant. For example, the 100th Rifle Division is one of the oldest in the Red Army. Its fighting traditions were established on the fronts of the Civil War. In 1940, the division's soldiers crushed the Mannerheim Line on the Karelian Isthmus, and its Battle Banner was decorated with the Order of Lenin. Entering into battle on June 26, 1941, it defeated two enemy regiments in two days: a tank and an infantry. The decisive test for the title of Guards for the division was the battles on the Yelninsky ledge, which lasted about a month. The soldiers boldly went into battle with one thought - to win. They gave the enemy no rest day or night. The wounded, as a rule, did not leave the battlefield as long as they could stay on their feet. And the future guardsmen did what was required of them: in cooperation with their neighbors, they pinned down large enemy forces, cleared part of the Soviet territory from the enemy, and contributed to the liberation of Yelnya - the first Soviet city that the Nazis were forced to abandon.

The former platoon commander of the 153rd (3rd Guards) Rifle Division, retired Major General N. Kosmodemyansky, recalled: “...For us veterans, the heavy battles of 1941 are especially memorable. Near Vitebsk, where the Ural warriors received a baptism of fire, repelling the onslaught of an enemy many times superior in strength. Near Yelnya, where they learned not only to defend themselves, but also to successfully attack.

Yes, the victory at Yelnya came at a high price. In those battles, many of our comrades died the death of the brave. They did not have to wear the “Guard” sign on their chests. But they rightfully deserved the title of guardsmen.”

At the same time, by decision of the Supreme Command Headquarters, guards mortar units were formed. The order of the People's Commissar of Defense dated November 11, 1941 for the first time summarized the combat experience of the guardsmen: “... the tank crews of the brigade, having met Guderian’s tank group in the Mtsensk region, acted extremely skillfully, showed combat caution, hit the enemy’s tanks and manpower...” In a word, they fought in a way that no one had managed before, they burned 133 tanks, preserving their material and combat effectiveness.

The Guard of the Great Patriotic War is a galaxy of heroes whose names will never fade. These include B.C. Petrov, who commanded the 248th Guards Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment and after losing both arms. He received the second Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union as a guard major. All three Stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the famous pilot A.I. Pokryshkin received it as part of the 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. The last one was during the performance of the position of commander. Another famous World War II ace, three-time Hero of the Soviet Union I.N., fought with the enemy as deputy commander of the 176th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. Kozhedub. In the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, Guard Senior Lieutenant A.P. accomplished a feat, conducting air battles using prosthetic legs instead of legs. Maresyev, deputy squadron commander. Guard private forever entered the history of A.M. Sailors, who covered the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest and was forever enrolled in his native 244th Guards Rifle Regiment.

All of them resurrected and multiplied the best military traditions of the Russian Guard. The military exploits of their ancestors helped the guardsmen find high examples of perseverance and fearlessness, loyalty to their people. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, over 4.5 thousand units, ships, formations, and associations were given the guards name. They were awarded special guards banners, and naval formations were awarded the guards naval flag.

In May 1942, a badge was established for military personnel of the guards units. In the Navy, until 1943, it was a rectangular plate (gold-plated for commanding officers and silver-plated for privates) with an orange moire ribbon with black longitudinal stripes. Sailors and foremen of guard ships wore a moire ribbon on their caps. Distinctive military ranks were established for all military personnel of guards units, ships and formations. In addition, they were given an increased salary. The assignment of guards ranks and the presentation of banners was carried out in a solemn atmosphere at rallies, where the soldiers swore not to disgrace the guards unit and to observe the laws of the guard.

In the post-war years, the Soviet guard continued the glorious traditions of previous generations of guards. And although in peacetime the formations were not converted into guards, in order to preserve military traditions, the guards ranks of units, ships, formations and associations were transferred to new military formations during reorganization with direct succession in personnel. Thus, the 4th Kantemirovskaya Tank Division was created on the basis of the famous 4th Kantemirovsky Guards Corps. She retained her honorary title and was given the corps guards banner. The same thing happened with the 5th Guards Mechanized Division, whose soldiers subsequently fulfilled their military duty in Afghanistan with dignity. Similar reorganizations took place in the Air Force, Airborne Forces and Navy. Newly formed units and formations of the Missile Forces strategic purpose, anti-aircraft missile units and formations of the Troops air defense countries were awarded the titles of artillery and mortar formations that distinguished themselves during the Great Patriotic War.

Guards units and formations were located primarily at the forefront in groups of troops and border districts, and divisions and ships, whose exploits received special recognition, were stationed in large cities and capitals of the union republics. A recruit soldier, coming to serve in a guards unit, with great pride accepted the “Guard” badge from the hands of the commander and vowed not to disgrace the memory of his fathers and grandfathers.

The Guard of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the successor and continuer of the military traditions of its predecessors. Guards motorized rifle Taman, Guards tank Kantemirovskaya, Guards motorized rifle Carpathian-Berlin divisions; Guards separate motorized rifle brigade; guard formations of the Airborne Forces; Guards Motorized Rifle Piotrakuvsky Regiment, Guards Motorized Rifle Tatsinsky Regiment... These names still inspire and oblige to selflessly serve the Fatherland.

The guardsmen of the late 20th - early 21st centuries are faithful to the laws of the guard, developed and enshrined by their predecessors. Will we ever forget about the feat of our contemporaries - the 6th company of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment near Ulus-Kert, which is inscribed with a golden line in the modern history of the Russian Armed Forces, in the centuries-old chronicle of its guards? He inspires to good deeds those who today carry out difficult military service under the guards banners, helps to instill in soldiers a sense of pride in their army, their Fatherland.

Today, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Guard is the successor and continuer of the military traditions of its predecessors. Guards units, ships and formations that became part of the RF Armed Forces retained their previous honorary names and awards. The further development of the Guard of the Russian Federation follows the path of professionalization by changing the principles of manning, improving the organizational structure, equipping more modern types weapons and military equipment. Great importance is attached to increasing combat training, instilling patriotism, and improving the furnishings and uniforms of military personnel of the guards units.

An integral feature of a guardsman is ideological conviction, patriotism, and loyalty to the military oath. At all times, he is distinguished by selfless love for his unit, the ship.

The traditions of the Guard, its unfading glory are the inheritance and heritage of every Russian soldier, all our units and ships. To serve in the Guards today means to have the highest combat qualifications, to masterfully wield equipment and weapons, to serve vigilantly, and to tirelessly strengthen the combat readiness of the army and navy.

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Guards regiments, brigades, divisions, crews and battalions are our pride Armed Forces Russia, a model for the entire army and navy. A guardsman is a brave warrior with an indomitable fighting spirit and an indestructible will to win.

The emergence and development of the Guard

The Russian Guard was created by Peter I in 1700, and it received its baptism of fire at the beginning of the Northern War, in the Battle of Narva on November 19, 1700. Then Peter's Guard distinguished itself in 1702 and 1704, as well as near Poltava in 1709.

Before the advent of military educational institutions, the guard was the only school for officer cadres. But not only those who underwent this combat training were called guardsmen: for special services, distinguished generals received honorary title Lieutenant Colonel of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Thanks to the special trust of the most influential persons of the state, the guards were significant political force. According to the Table of Ranks, its officers had an advantage over the army by two ranks.

During the reign of Paul I, the number of the guard increased significantly: five new battalions were formed. Then in 1813, along with the Old Guard, the Young Guard was formed - a cuirassier and two grenadier regiments, which distinguished themselves in the War of 1812. Subsequently, the number of the guard continued to grow. At the beginning of the 20th century, it included 12 infantry, 13 cavalry and 4 rifle regiments, 3 artillery brigades, a naval crew and a sapper battalion.

Guardsmen were involved in almost all wars in which Russia took part. Since the formation of the guard, its military uniform has been considered a symbol of honor and discipline. Every detail of this uniform was reminiscent of the victories won, and the regiments received their names in memory of military merits and were proudly worn on military banners, the protection of which was the primary duty of every guardsman.

The Soviet and current Russian Guard became a worthy successor to the traditions of the Russian Guard.

Russian and Soviet Guards

The Soviet Guard was created during the Great Patriotic War. Four motorized rifle divisions that distinguished themselves during the Smolensk battle near Yelnya, September 18, 1941, were called guards for their military exploits. At the same time, the Supreme Command Headquarters decided to organize guards mortar units.

The Guard of the Great Patriotic War are heroes whose names will never be forgotten: V.S. Petrov, A.I. Pokryshkin, I.N. Kozhedub, A.P. Maresyev, A.M. Sailors. Finding examples of fearlessness, perseverance and loyalty to the Motherland in the famous exploits of their ancestors, they multiplied the military merits of previous generations of guardsmen.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 4.5 thousand units, formations, associations and ships received the Guards name and special Guards banners. In May 1942, a badge was introduced for military personnel of the guards units.

Classes with young recruits in the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps on the eve of the Belgrade operation. In the background is a T-34-85 tank. Romanian-Yugoslav border

Soldiers of the 13th Guards Rifle Division in Stalingrad during rest hours

The command and technical personnel of the 20th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment at the Yak-9 fighter. Summer 1945. Third from left in the third row is the regiment commander, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel P.S. Kutakhov

After the end of the war, the Soviet Guard maintained the historical traditions of the Russian Guard. In peacetime, the formations were not transformed into guards, but with continuity in personnel, this rank was transferred to new military formations to preserve traditions. Guards formations and units, as a rule, were located at the forefront in border districts and groups of troops, and ships and divisions that performed especially recognized feats were located in the capitals of the union republics or in large cities. Each recruit who began serving in the Guards unit received the “Guard” badge and took an oath that he would not disgrace the memory of his fathers and grandfathers.

At the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries, the guard is still faithful to its laws, developed and consolidated by past generations of guardsmen. The modern guard has retained the previous awards and honorary titles. Her further development– this is professionalization, new principles of manning, improving the organizational structure, equipping with the most modern types of military equipment and weapons. Much attention is paid to combat training, and the life of military personnel is being improved. Patriotism, ideological conviction and loyalty to the oath are traits that are inherent in every guardsman.

The great glory of the Guard is the inheritance and heritage of all of Russia. To be a guardsman today means to have the highest combat qualifications, masterfully wield

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