Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

We repair the leaking roof of a garage building. Do-it-yourself garage roof repair – the coating will be as good as new! How to replace a roof on a garage

Car owners, whether they are amateurs or experienced drivers, spend most of their free time in the garage. A truly masculine atmosphere reigns here, where you can spend hours changing spare parts, oils, chatting in the company of auto repairmen, and just spend your day off profitably. The whole idyll can be spoiled by a leak in the roof, which must be eliminated as quickly as possible, otherwise it can increase several times in a short time.

When is garage repair required?

The first sign that a garage is unsuitable for further use in most cases is the appearance of moisture in the room itself after rain or melting snow. Even a minor leak can cause damage to the car, the appearance of dampness, and fungal growths. Any deformed area of ​​the roof needs timely repair.

The reason for garage roof repair may be:

  • adverse effects of weather conditions;
  • bad ecology;
  • non-compliance with stages roofing works;
  • improper preparation of the premises;
  • poor quality of materials used;
  • lack of timely repairs minor defects roofs;
  • violation of waterproofing due to destruction of the bitumen layer;
  • Wetting of the insulation, which leads to swelling under roofing;
  • negative impact ice formed due to melting snow covers.
Only a well-built garage can guarantee the safety of your car.

Types of repair work

Repairing a garage roof is not as difficult as it seems, which is ensured by an acceptable installation work the height of the room and the small size of the roof itself.

It all starts with determining the scale of the upcoming repairs and necessary materials. Depending on the degree of damage old roof The repair can be partial, when individual deformed parts are replaced, or major, when the structure must be completely dismantled. You can cover the roof different materials- metal tiles, slate, corrugated sheets, which have different performance properties and costs.

Depending on the condition of the roof, major or local repairs may be required

Overhaul of a heavily damaged roof structure

It is recommended to plan major repairs during a warm period with minimal precipitation, but in this case there are exceptions. If the situation does not tolerate delays and requires immediate elimination of defects, then repairs are allowed in any weather, but then it is necessary to stretch an awning over the roof, protecting it from rain and snow. Due to the small size of the garage, repairs are usually completed in one day. If installation is delayed, then at least waterproofing should be installed within the first 24 hours.

Most often, the garage roof begins to leak

At major renovation It is important to pay attention to removing the old coating. If the old roofing felt is in good condition and laid in 2-3 layers, then it can be left as waterproofing. In case of significant damage, the coating is carefully removed from the structure. If there is a reinforced concrete base, it is more convenient and faster to remove the material using an ax, with wooden frame you will have to remove the layer with a knife and a grabber.

Work with the roof is carried out only if the temperature indicated on the packaging is observed. If roof repairs are carried out in winter, then the material should first be kept in a warm room (15–20 degrees) for about 4 hours and only then installation should be carried out.

Depending on the area of ​​the roof, the complexity of the work, and the selected materials, an estimate is calculated, which includes the following costs:

  • for transportation of materials;
  • surface preparation;
  • coating deposition;
  • repair of junctions and pipes.

The average cost of 1 m 2 of reliable roofing coverings is 100 rubles, the choice is more cheap option does not guarantee long-term operation of the structure.

A properly repaired roof will last for years.

Current repairs - an opportunity to inexpensively restore the functionality of the roof

Soft roofing is often subject to defects in the form of punctures, tears, leakage of seams and adjacent elements, it swells and even gradually slides. However, the presence of any of the listed flaws does not mean the formation of leaks, but requires elimination.

Current repairs, unlike major repairs, involve work to restore the original functions of the coating to no more than 10% of the total area.

Description of the sequence of repair work

The traditional classification of roofing is represented by 2 types:

  • soft roofing, a well-known example of which is roofing felt;
  • rigid roofing in the form of slate, corrugated sheets, metal tiles.

Depending on the chosen option, a set of tools is selected. For installation soft material you need to prepare the following:

If a hard roof is being laid, the following is required:

  • tape measure for taking measurements;
  • jigsaw or Circular Saw for cutting material the right size;
  • self-tapping screws with a screwdriver;
  • ladder to get to the roof.

Features of slate roof repair

Slate being long-term choice builders, meets all quality requirements at low cost. This material will last for several decades and is resistant to temperature fluctuations and fire. The disadvantages of sheets include the difficulty of transporting them due to heavy weight and fragility.

Slate is both durable and fragile material

Preparation of the structure for laying any roof is the same:

  1. Initially, a sheathing and a lining layer of roofing material are installed to insulate against moisture leakage.
  2. Sheets of slate are attached in rows so that each subsequent one partially overlaps the already finished one.
  3. To fix the material, special nails with a sealing gasket are used.

Video: how to properly repair a slate roof

How to properly repair a metal garage roof

The most common material to choose is corrugated sheeting or metal tiles.

Profiled sheets are well suited for pitched roof structures, as they are resistant to mechanical loads and provide good waterproofing, does not require adjustment to the pattern and will last at least half a century. Among the disadvantages of this coating are a strong knocking sound during rain or hail, and the damaged polymer layer is susceptible to corrosion.

You can seal the leak with mastic

To replace the corrugated sheet covering:

  1. Remove damaged material and conduct an inspection load-bearing structures.
  2. If a leak occurs, place new waterproofing and the sheathing is changed, after which overlapping metal sheets are mounted from bottom to top.
  3. The covering is attached to self-tapping screws along the bottom and upper edges sheet through one wave, the rest of the sheet is fixed in a checkerboard pattern.

A budget option for replacing a garage roof is metal tiles, which come in a variety of color scheme and durability, will last 30–50 years. She is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and minor mechanical damage. The only disadvantage of such repairs is the cost of the product.

Initially, the coating is mounted on the sheathing and a layer of vapor and waterproofing, and subsequent repairs are carried out using self-tapping screws with a special gasket. The material is fastened at the top and bottom of the sheet.

Video: repairing a metal garage roof

Concrete roof: reasons for repair, stages of work

If a leak is detected in a concrete roof, we can talk about non-compliance with the installation technology of the structure or a very long period of operation. In this case, complete dismantling and replacement of the entire layer of thermal and waterproofing cannot be avoided. If only the top layer of material is damaged, then you can fill them with liquid rubber.

The concrete roof of the garage begins to leak if the installation technology is not followed.

Despite the complexity and duration repair work, the result will please you for many years. Concrete structure does not deform under high pressure snow masses, has impeccable waterproofing.

Repair concrete roof garage is carried out in stages:

As a roofing covering for a concrete roof, you can use roofing material or waterproofing. In great demand as alternative material uses liquid rubber.

Liquid rubber is an excellent waterproofing material

Roof repair made from soft roofing materials

Before you start repairing the garage roof, it is important to prepare not only roofing felt and bitumen mastic, but also a set of tools:

  • sharp ax with knife;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • gas burner with gas cylinder;
  • a broom or broom for cleaning the roof surface;
  • trash container.

Standard garage cooperatives are built in rows, so to completely replace their roof, the owner will have to negotiate with the owners of other garages to repair the entire roof at once. If you start work without warning your neighbors, you can significantly damage your relationship with them, because when repairing your part, you will inevitably have to deform nearby coverings.

Soft roof the garage requires repairs most often

Sequence of work:

Other materials can be used for routine repairs:

  1. Bitumen. Its main advantage is non-flammability. Also, bitumen retains heat well, so it can be used as thermal insulation material, and provides a sufficient level of noise insulation. Most often, this material is used due to its increased resistance to precipitation, especially where it rains very often.
  2. Roofing mastic. This material ideal for small local repairs. Mastic is also used as a fastening material for partial replacement. Its peculiarity is that before use it must be heated to a temperature of 160 degrees. As the mastic cools, it hardens. This material perfectly protects the roof from mold when high humidity. Can be used to repair roofs made of any material.
  3. Membrane roofing. This material tolerates both heat and cold and is resistant to moisture and corrosion. The main advantage is that it can remove steam and heat from the garage.

Step-by-step description of replacing the old coating:

Elimination of bloating

It's very easy to do this:

  1. The gravel topping is removed from the material, after which you can open the bubble that appears with a knife.
  2. Inner surface cut material is covered with cold mastic on both sides, after which it is attached to wooden base nails with a pitch of 15 mm.
  3. A patch of roofing material is placed over the cut, each side of which is larger than 50 mm of the damaged area. The new element is glued onto the same mastic and nailed into place. A layer of mastic is applied over the fastener heads and along the edges.

If your garage roof is swollen, a patch is needed.

Video: Do-it-yourself garage roof leak repair

Replacing a large piece of roofing

Repairs are carried out using the same algorithm as for swelling, but in this case all layers of the coating are cut out to the base. There will be as many patches as the number of layers of old material that were removed. Each part is attached to the base using mastic, and after the finishing element is glued, it is necessary to nail the thickness of the entire rectangle.

At current repairs it is possible to correct minor damage in several places, but major repairs imply complete replacement waterproofing layer, sealing all seams and joints. In some cases, additional systems are installed, for example, ventilation, installation of insulation, or changing the angle of the roof.

Sometimes the garage cover requires partial replacement

Video: partial garage roof repair

What manufacturers of building materials offer for roofing repair work

In addition to the materials traditionally used for garage roof construction, there are many options that are not inferior in quality and ease of installation.

Flexible roofing from Technonikol for garage renovation

TechnoNIKOL is a supplier of various types of building materials, including finishing coat for the roof. This roof has a unique structure - it is made of a layer of fiberglass or polyester, coated on all sides with a bitumen composition. To enhance resistance to mechanical, atmospheric and other factors, the coating is covered with basalt chips on top. The Technonikol sheets have a self-adhesive surface on the bottom, which is protected by film.

The ability to choose any color adds a bonus in favor of choosing a product from this manufacturer. A garage decorated with such material will not only be well protected from precipitation, but will also attract attention.

TechnoNIKOL has many advantages

You can use any TechnoNIKOL roofing to install the roof:

Despite the small range of roofing products, Technonikol is becoming popular among car owners quite quickly. It not only replicates the properties of traditional materials used for roof repairs, but also improves them many times over. This finishing coating is suitable for both partial replacement of deformed areas and major dismantling.

Why do people choose TechnoNIKOL, leaving behind years-proven installation methods? Its main advantages:

  1. Ability to withstand high and low temperatures. The roof can withstand exposure to both +50 degrees and -60 degrees.
  2. The impeccability of the waterproofing layer - even the longest rainfalls or abundant melting of the snow cover will not break the tightness of the structure.
  3. No corrosion processes. The composition does not rot, rust, or oxidize, regardless of the level of humidity.
  4. High resistance to wind and mechanical loads. Such a roof will last for strong hurricane, large city and falling trees, branches.
  5. Easy to use and installation. To repair a garage, all you need is a desire and a minimum set of tools, no additional equipment and no special skills are required.
  6. Orientation pricing policy for people with any budget. For those who want to save money without sacrificing quality and for those who like to get something more than just a roofing covering by paying a little extra for it, a suitable brand will be selected.

Roofing from Technonikol has waterproofing properties

Like any material, TechnoNIKOL is not without its drawbacks. In this case, there is only one - laying the roofing layer is allowed only on top solid base. To fulfill this requirement, you will have to spend a little money - collect pitched roof and purchase plywood for its entire area.

Laying process

Installation of the finishing layer is carried out depending on what material will be used. It can be laid by fusing the coating or attaching it to fasteners. In the first case, the work is carried out on a flat roof, when the rolls are rolled out over the entire surface of the garage, heated with a burner and glued due to the melted structure. If we are talking about inclined structures, That in a suitable way the material will be fastened with screws, nails and even staples construction stapler.

Any type of installation requires careful preparation of the base. So, the surface must be smooth, clean and dry.

The manufacturer warns that any repair work using Technonikol is allowed only in dry weather. If there is rain or fog outside, the material will soon begin to bubble. Favorable temperatures range from +7 to +26 degrees, that is, installation is best done in spring or early autumn.

Difficulties during installation soft covering“TechnoNIKOL”, as a rule, does not exist, but all work requires a clear sequence and the use of only recommended additional elements.

As a vapor barrier layer responsible for maintaining the temperature balance and humidity level in the room, it is recommended to use a special TechnoNIKOL film with a three-layer structure. The ease of use of this high-strength fabric also lies in the fact that it fits perfectly on any base, including untreated surfaces. Pitched structures it is advisable to cover with a membrane, and flat roof- perforated or non-perforated film.

Soft roofing consists of several layers

Since tiles from different packages may have slight color differences, it is better to mix the sheets together in advance to ensure uniformity of the palette. The protective film on the bottom of the covering must remain intact until the element is laid.

The stages of roof installation are as follows:

Following the advice of professionals, you can lay rows from the middle of the pitched structure.

Depending on how inclined the flat roof is, the number of layers of material to be laid is determined. For significant slopes, a two-layer application is sufficient; small corners require more reinforcement.

There are several ways to install roll coverings

Installation is carried out in stages:

The material must be protected from exposure high temperatures, since the melting process may begin protective film, and it is almost impossible to peel it off from the material.

Video: laying the TechnoNIKOL roof

Impeccable waterproofing of the garage roof using Bikrost

Thanks to a unique composition based on fiberglass and binders with adhesive bitumen, Bikrost flawlessly copes with the waterproofing of roofing structures.

The material is laid according to the following scheme:

  1. The roof is cleared of leaves, branches and other debris and primed well.
  2. The rolled sheet is gradually rolled out and heated by a burner. Vulnerable areas - corners and edges - should be thoroughly heated. The canvas should be immediately pressed tightly to the base.
  3. For a high-quality connection, the material is overlapped by 7–10 cm.

You need to install Bikrost carefully but quickly, since its bitumen base can set in a few minutes. In general, the process is similar to laying roofing felt, but there is no need to waste time heating the resin and rubbing it on the roof.

Bikrost is a popular roofing material

When using "Bikrost" as the main roofing material, it is important to consider a number of factors:

  1. It does an excellent job of protecting the roof if the structure has a slight slope. If the angle of inclination is 15 degrees or less, then it is recommended to roll out the sheets perpendicular to the slope; if the roof slope is greater than the indicated parameters, then parallel installation would be advisable.
  2. When covering a roof for the first time, a two-layer application is required, with the first layer being a material with a double-sided polymer film coating, for example, the KhPP brand, and the second is a roll treated on top with large grains of topping (KhKP brand).
  3. The ideal option would be to fuse the material using a torch, but if this tool is not available, you can use bitumen mastic.

Is it possible to repair a garage roof in winter and how to do it correctly

In winter, due to weather changes, extreme conditions are created for any external work, therefore repair of old roofing is carried out only in exceptional cases. Heated bitumen compositions, suitable for the warm period, are replaced with cold mastic, more suitable for severe frosts. It is offered in liquid form in containers of various sizes, does not require any preparatory manipulations and is immediately ready for use. To some extent, cold weather simplifies the process, since there is no need to heat the bitumen or resin mass over a fire.

In winter, repair work is carried out only as a last resort.

The master's primary task is to apply maximum amount efforts to secure the new coating over the old one. So, in places of damage, you should thoroughly clean the dirt, remove debris, and dry the surface with a hairdryer. All swelling, folds and other defects are cut crosswise with a knife. The old mastic should be removed from under the layer of material and everything should be dried. The treated elements are lubricated with fresh mass and pressed against the roof with force. A patch of a material of a similar composition with a preliminary coating of mastic is applied over the slot.

In this way, all imperfect areas of the roof surface are repaired. In places where the roof is torn, mastic is poured over the entire damaged part, followed by a new piece of roofing layer.

The formation of roof leaks some time after rain indicates the absence of specific damage, this means that the roof is completely covered with cracks, which gradually allow moisture to pass through. Then patching equipment will not help; a major replacement of the roof is necessary.

Detailed description repairing the garage roof will make the work much easier, but if serious difficulties arise, you should not experiment, but rather contact specialists, which will help you avoid extra costs when Low quality coverings.

A bucket of hot bitumen should only be handled with gloves.

What you will need:

  • gas-burner;
  • bitumen;
  • pieces of roofing felt;
  • sharp knife, axe;
  • bucket.

Fixing the leak:

  • We clean the leak area from rotten leaves and other debris;
  • if there is moisture, thoroughly dry it;
  • we cut off the damaged layers or cut them out with an ax - as a rule, roofing felt is laid in several layers;
  • Place solid pieces of bitumen in a bucket, light a gas burner and heat the bitumen until it boils;
  • fill the hole with hot bitumen;
  • after the liquid mass has cooled, we glue a patch of roofing felt inside the hole, equal in size to the cut hole;
  • coat it with another layer of bitumen on top;
  • final stage: glue on another patch - now you need the size of its circumference to be 15-20 cm larger than the size of the damaged area;
  • coat the joints with bitumen.

Metal roof

Rigid roofing is usually provided separately standing garages. It could be , or .

Where are the “problem” areas of a hard roof located? This is the area of ​​the ridge and the joints of the sheets.

Profiled steel sheet due to its advantages it is very popular, in addition, both installation and repair metal roof pretty simple.

Let's consider the process of restoring the tightness of a corrugated roof.

What you will need:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • jigsaw;
  • profiled sheets.

Let's eliminate the problem:

  • remove the damaged sheet or sheets and inspect the rafters. If the sheathing also rots, then they need to be replaced - accordingly, a new one needs to be laid;
  • if the wooden structural elements are in order, then we replace the unusable sheets;
  • we lay adjacent sheets with an overlap in one wave;
  • fix the corrugated sheet with self-tapping screws;
  • We treat the joints with sealant.

Helpful advice: to increase durability, it is better to use painted corrugated sheeting as a roofing covering - it is more resistant to corrosion.

Asbestos cement sheets

For small-scale damage, we restore it using special compounds.

Heavily damaged sheets must be replaced.

What you will need:

  • special slate nails;
  • asbestos cement sheets;
  • roofing felt;
  • nail puller;
  • hammer.

Restoring the waterproofness of the roof:

  • remove the damaged slate slab, having previously pulled out the nails;
  • on top wooden rafters laying roofing felt;
  • we lay asbestos-cement slabs: we overlap the slate sheets in the direction of the wind;
  • we step back from the edge and fix the material with nails, driving them into the wave.

Slate leaks cause the sheathing to rot. Often, along with replacing the sheet, it is necessary to update both the substrate and the wooden elements of the rafter system.

Helpful advice: the weak spot of slate is where the sheets are fastened with nails. To increase the tightness, you need to use rubber pads under the caps.

How to cover a garage roof?

If you decide to repair the garage roof, you need to decide on the materials. There are two types of them: soft and hard roofing. Each of them has its own merits. Here short description all commonly used types.

  • Ruberoid.

Its main advantage is its relatively low price. But it also serves, as already mentioned, up to 10 years. In addition, it is very plastic and protects well from moisture. Best used for covering flat roofs.

With roofing felt it may be difficult to determine required quantity. If the roof of the building is flat, then three or even four layers are necessary, since it will need to protect the roof from water that stagnates on its surface. If the slope is significant, fewer layers are needed.

For a longer service life of roofing felt, it is advisable to install it in sunny weather.

  • Profiled sheeting.

This material is very easy to work with and installation is quick. However, it is characterized by good strength and low cost. It will last long enough.

If the material used for roof restoration does not need to withstand strong and frequent temperature changes and a lot of precipitation, it is advisable to use corrugated sheeting. Thanks to the sheets different sizes It won't take much time to cover.

But you should work with corrugated sheets very carefully, because damage polymer coating will inevitably lead to corrosion, which will negatively affect the service life of the entire structure.

The corrugated sheeting is installed on the sheathing, which is made of boards or beams, and a layer of waterproofing is laid under it. Thanks to this system, the building will be reliably protected from leaks.

  • Slate.

It is the most common material and is very popular, because it combines excellent quality for little money.

Coating a roof with a code is very similar to working with corrugated sheeting: here it is also necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing under the sheathing of beams. Besides this, it also has waves.

A special feature of working with slate is the need to prepare holes for roofing nails in advance, since the fragile material can crack if you start screwing self-tapping screws into it.

Major and minor repairs

To understand whether there is a need for repair, you need to inspect the surface. Anyone can carry out the manipulation, just climb to the top of the garage. Repairs can be minor or major.

Minor garage roof repairs are needed when minor damage is detected, usually leaks, they appear due to hail, corrosion of the object’s material and sheets torn off by the wind.

You can correct the situation yourself by using mastic to seal the holes or by replacing some elements with new ones. But if you realized it too late and the area with defects is too large, then in this case a major overhaul is necessary.

Major repairs of garages are carried out quite rarely when more than 40% of the roof area is damaged, and the better the work is done, the longer you can not remember about such problems.

Roof repair is a labor-intensive process that requires specialist knowledge and skills, choosing our Moscow masters to carry out all repair steps, you provide reliability and a guarantee for the services received.

The garage roof is most often a flat or low-slope single-pitched roofing structure, which often suffers from leaks, stagnation of water and disruption of the waterproofing coating by gusts of wind. Therefore, it needs regular maintenance and periodic restoration. It seems to an inexperienced craftsman that only a professional can do this task, however, using modern roofing materials, it is quite possible to repair the garage roof yourself. In this article we will tell you how to inexpensively restore the tightness of the roof by using roofing felt, mastic or corrugated sheeting.

Garage roofing has special properties due to the small slope of the slopes, due to which it is more susceptible to leaks and damage than steep slopes gable structures. Standard materials for the construction of outbuildings - roofing felt, corrugated sheets, slate, that is, products that are inexpensive but have a long service life. Garage roof repair is necessary if the following defects are found on its surface:

  • Cracks. Ruberoid, mastic and membrane roofing After several repetitions of freezing and thawing cycles, they become covered with cracks through which moisture and cold air can leak.
  • Roofing sheet failures. As a result of strong wind loads, roofing materials can be torn off the roof sheathing, exposing rafter system structures, as a result of which the insulation and wooden frame elements become wet.
  • Mechanical damage. Impact from branches, stones, debris, impact snow load lead to damage to the integrity of the garage roof. This entails leaks and deformation of the structure.

Important! The roof structure serves as the first protective barrier between a person’s home and the external environment, which sometimes behaves aggressively. Roofing felt, corrugated sheets, slate and bitumen mastic are reliable, but not eternal materials, so garage roof repairs are carried out once every 2-3 seasons.

Types of repairs

If the roof structure has lost its tightness, you need to repair the garage roof yourself. Typically, this operation is performed once a season after a regular autumn inspection of the condition of the stingrays. After conducting a detailed inspection of the roof, you can assess the condition of the roof. waterproofing materials, and choose what type of restoration is required:

  1. Spot. If small cracks, pockets of rust and other isolated damage are found on the surface of the garage roof, then it requires spot repairs. Roofing felt can be patched up with patches, and cracks can be covered with mastic.
  2. Partial. If the damage is more extensive, the roof is restored using partial repairs. Damaged top layers roofing pie are removed and new waterproofing materials are installed in their place - roofing felt, roofing membranes, corrugated sheets or ondulin.
  3. Full. If the garage roof is in poor condition, then only a complete reconstruction can restore its tightness. To do this, the roof covering is completely dismantled and the frame is covered with a new roofing pie.

Many don't experienced craftsmen wondering how to repair a garage roof on your own at a minimum cost. However, experienced roofers claim that spot and partial renovation It is advisable if the area of ​​damage does not exceed 15-25% of the roof area.

Repair sequence

Modern roofing materials, which are light in weight and have high waterproofing ability, make it possible to repair a garage roof without dismantling the old coating. But to restore the waterproofing layer, it is important that the roof rafter frame maintains its integrity and high load-bearing capacity. To ensure that the results of garage roof repairs are satisfactory and have a lasting effect, reconstruction roofing structure performed in the following sequence:

  • Need to check condition rafter frame. On wooden elements The structure should be free of mold and rot. If defects are found, they need to be eliminated: broken rafters replaced, deformed areas strengthened. It will not be superfluous to treat the frame with an antiseptic composition.
  • Then the roof covering should be removed partially or completely. If roofing material was used to cover the garage roof, then only the top layers can be removed. If there are no swellings or bubbles on the roof surface, then the old coating can be left as a lining, and a new waterproofing material can be laid on it.
  • The roof surface must be cleaned of debris, dust and dirt. To improve adhesion between the old and new coatings, you need to degrease the roofing.
  • After all manipulations, the roof must be thoroughly dried. This requires 24-18 hours; you can speed up the procedure using an industrial hair dryer.

Note! Careful preparation of the surface for work is the key to the effectiveness and sustainability of the results of the repair. We remind you that it is possible to reconstruct the roof using roofing felt or roofing membrane without dismantling the old covering only if there are no bulges, bubbles or other severe damage on it.


When deciding how best to cover a garage roof, experienced craftsmen pay attention to inexpensive but proven waterproofing materials that have a long service life. Ruberoid, corrugated sheets, slate, and various roofing membranes are perfect for garage roofing. The lighter and stronger the coating, the longer it will retain its performance. Most often used for repairs:

Please note that the choice of roofing depends on the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, the number of slopes, as well as climatic conditions in the construction zone. Single-pitched and flat roofs are covered with roofing felt or roofing membranes, single-slope - ondulin, double-slope - .

Video instruction

Repairing a garage roof with your own hands is not so difficult if you use high-quality material and carry out the work strictly following the technology. Over time, the garage roof, like any other, becomes unusable, and therefore repairs have to be made. It should begin with determining the level of wear of the entire structure and coating. However, first it should be noted that roofing can be of two types: hard and soft. The financial costs of repairing a garage roof will directly depend on your wishes and the type of roof you choose. Let's look at the technology for carrying out repair work for the most popular types of roofing materials.

Covering with roll roofing materials

Repair soft roof garages are usually made in several layers. This covering is called roofing. Its top layer consists of a covering material that has a refractory bitumen layer with a special coating. This topping can be fine-grained, coarse-grained (scaly) or dusty.

All roll roofing materials are divided into basic and non-basic. Baseless roll materials are produced by rolling a mixture that consists of a binder organic matter, various additives and fillers. The base of the roof is always treated with bitumen, tar or a mixture of both.

The main property of the rolled material is water resistance. In addition, it is also quite tensile strength, heat resistant and flexible. A garage roof made of rolled material, as a rule, should have five layers. This also includes glassine and roofing felt. All layers using bitumen mastic stick to the surface.

Quite often, roofing material is fused onto the roof using a gas burner. A roof covered with a binder bitumen component provides a service guarantee of at least 7 years. Such a short period is primarily associated with the fragility of the bitumen layer when low temperatures and increased aging under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Roll material often used to cover flat roofs or roofs with a small slope angle. It is also used to cover the roofs of high-rise buildings.

Many garage owners have a question: how to repair it if it leaks? Roof repair is quite simple and is carried out by fusing a small layer of waterproofing. This layer is usually laid on moisture-proof plywood or OSB board. To cover a garage roof with your own hands you won’t need much:

For a piece quality repairs garage roof should:

  • cut places that fill with water with an “envelope”, i.e. cut and unfold corners;
  • completely remove water, dry the defect area, and clean it from dirt;
  • completely cover the surface with mastic, and put the corners of the envelope back and press tightly;
  • a piece of material prepared in advance is placed as a patch inside the hole;
  • Apply a patch on top, and apply a layer of mastic on top with a hard brush, smooth and level the material;
  • the edges of the old roofing material are folded back and then pressed tightly to the surface with lubricated mastic;
  • For reliability, the top of the patch is lubricated with an additional layer of mastic.

Very often, when repairing a garage roof, you have to work with hot materials, and therefore it is important to observe fire safety.

Organization of laying works

Carrying out repair work on the roof of a garage requires the use of only high-quality roofing felt, which does not have any flaws in its structure. However, if these are already present on the purchased material, then the defective part will need to be cut off and smaller strips laid on the roof.

In order for the garage roof to last longer, you should not only purchase good material, but also properly construct the base for it and strictly follow the installation technology. Maintenance and repair of soft roofs is recommended every 4-5 years.

Laying fresh roofing felt

Before laying the roofing material, it is given time to rest during which it will straighten out, this is approximately about a day. For such roofing material you will need resin, which is prepared in a tin bucket. It is melted over the fire until it becomes thick sour cream. After the roof is filled with resin, the first sheet is laid and compacted, the next one is laid overlapping. The first layer of roofing felt should dry for 12 hours, then proceed to laying the next layer. In this case, the joints of adjacent layers should not coincide, this will make it possible to prevent moisture from getting between the layers. You should pay very close attention to places where there is an abutment to neighboring structures.

The number of layers of roofing felt often depends on the angle of the roof. If the slope is 15 degrees or more, then 4 layers are laid, but if the slope is 16 degrees or more, at least two layers are laid.

Repairs to soft garage roofs should be carried out on a warm, dry day. Roof burner if necessary, can be replaced with a regular one blowtorch. From all that has been said above, one simple conclusion can be drawn - repairing a garage roof is a responsible undertaking. Since the area of ​​such a structure as a garage is small, you can carry out roof repair work yourself.

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