Encyclopedia of fire safety

Water well drilling theory. Drilling wells for water. When performing liquidation plugging, one should be guided by the approved instructions or rules for performing this type of work in force in the given region. About the performance of the face

A well for water is the most affordable and easiest way to establish an autonomous water supply. With the current high cost of drinking water, the cost of independent drilling and well construction pay off in 1.5-2 seasons. There is nothing complicated in the technology of drilling a well with your own hands, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions given in the article.

Briefly about aquifers

When starting to drill a well for water with your own hands, it is important to decide for what purposes it is intended.


The topmost layer that will be encountered when drilling a well is the top water. Depending on the terrain, it can lie at a depth of 1-10 meters. The upper waters are, in principle, suitable for drinking. But only if the samples taken match sanitary standards and after deep processing, for example: filtration through shungite or banal boiling.

In most cases, perch water is used for technical purposes. But it should be borne in mind that the debit of such wells is small and unstable.

It is best to drill a well for water with your own hands to the level of occurrence of interstratal waters located at a depth of 5-20 meters. An unconfined formation usually lies on a clay bed with sand. Therefore, the hydraulic structures being built in its place are called sand wells.

Drinking water extracted from interstratal layers. Her debit more than covers daily needs within 2 cubic meters. Its only drawback is the lack of pressure. This tightens the requirements not only for the choice pumping equipment, but also the laying of a water supply system, as well as the need to filter out sand, which somewhat complicates the design of a hydraulic structure.

Pressure beds

Pressure beds are located a little deeper - from 7 to 50 meters. The basis of aquifers is made up of fractured dense rocks, such as limestone or loam, or loose pebble-gravel deposits.

The best quality water is extracted from limestones. Already the first samples taken from these layers are being analyzed with a bang. And the average daily debit of limestone wells is 5 cubic meters.

The arrangement of wells for limestone is simplified by the fact that there is no need to use expensive pumping equipment. The own pressure of the layer itself raises the life-giving moisture almost to the surface of the earth. In addition, a sand filter is most often not needed.

artesian waters

Below all, at a depth of 30-50 meters, artesian waters lie. The wells built on them are famous for providing life-giving moisture. best quality, and their reserves last for many decades.

But it will not be possible to drill them on their own, even with a geological map of the area. Independent development of artesian waters, which are a valuable natural resource, is prohibited by law.

Well options

A borehole is a narrow long cavity in the form of a trunk. Inside it is placed a casing of concentric pipes that protect the walls of the barrel from destruction. The lower end of the trunk can have a blind design or end with a bottomhole - a stepped narrowing. At this point, the intake device is placed.

The upper point of the well, called the head, includes equipment for the arrangement and maintenance of a hydraulic structure.

Among the variety of types of water wells for do-it-yourself drilling, the options shown in the figure are most suitable.

Each version of the hydraulic device has its own characteristics:


The design, which is widely used in the arrangement Abyssinian wells. In it, the drilled rod, the projectile and the casing form a single whole.

A well that is effective only on homogeneous loose soils is advantageous in the speed of installation. With shock technology of drilling a well for water, the speed of the process reaches 2-3 m/h of penetration. The maximum immersion depth is 45 m.

For its implementation, rods D120 mm are used, and for further maintenance - submersible pumps with a caliber of 86 mm.

Imperfect and perfect wells

An imperfect well is a hydraulic structure that seems to hang in the reservoir, reaching the lower end of a powerful aquifer. The well is characterized by an open hole, in which the reservoir is not opened to its full extent, but only partially.

Any imperfect well can be upgraded to a perfect one. To do this, you need to choose a radius so that their debits are equal. Therefore, the drilling of such wells requires the experience of a driller and accurate knowledge of the local geology.

Drilling rig construction

Not everyone has the opportunity to rent a mobile unit. Therefore, the easiest way to achieve the desired goal is to build a homemade pile driver.

The pile driver is a structure in the form of a tripod, having the shape of a tetrahedron.

The basis for the manufacture of an equilateral trihedral pyramid are steel pipes or logs 6 m long. When the headframe supports are deepened by 1.5 m, the height of the above-ground part of the tripod is 4.5 m. This height is sufficient to use a knee length of 3 m.

To prevent the "driving" of the supports, the legs of the copra are additionally fastened with crossbars. The central point of the pile driver is equipped with:

  • lift in the form of a rocking lever,
  • block with a firmly fixed hook;
  • a drill equipped with a ring for attaching a rope;
  • long cargo.

To fix the rope on the hook of the block and the ring of the drill, an anchor or cargo knot is used. The scheme of its creation is shown below.

Pit clogging

After the pile driver is installed, the hook with the load in the form of the same sledgehammer is lowered to the ground level. The point of contact will act as the starting point when drilling the wellbore. A pit is hammered around the intended point. It is a structure measuring 150x150x150 cm. In a recessed structure, a starting point is marked and drilling is started.

The first 3-4 meters are passed with the help of an auger, not forgetting to measure the verticality every 50 cm. The next 5-7 meters are produced by drilling using a conductor. It is a design in the form of a pipe of a larger diameter than the size of the annulus of the wellbore. The mounted conductor is carefully aligned with respect to the vertical plane and only after that it is concreted.

Important point! When considering the dimensions of casing pipes, it is important to focus on the caliber of the involved submersible pump. Ideally, the gap between the body and the wall of the hydraulic structure should be at least 10 mm.


Do-it-yourself drilling of water wells is performed using one of three technologies:

  • Rotary (rotational) - involves "biting" into the rock of a projectile that makes rotational movements.
  • Rope-shock - carried out with the help of a heavy hollow projectile, which is successively lowered / raised, taking the rock as it moves.
  • Percussion-rotational - is implemented using a rod and a drilling tool. It is first lifted above the ground and lowered with force, and then rotated, taking loosened rock as it moves into the cavity of the rod.

The choice of tool depends on the type of soil with which you have to work. For homogeneous soils of normal density, an auger two-way auger is suitable.

Some craftsmen try to get by with a simple garden drill. But this is far from the best option, because when using such a tool, there is a high probability that the asymmetry of the soil resistance force will cause the drill to move to the side.

For viscous and highly sticky soil types, it is convenient to use a Spitz drilling tool. The rod, which has the form of a glass, is used in cable-percussion drilling.

If you have to work with loose and loose soils that simply do not hold either in the glass or on the turns of the auger, a spoon drill is used. This tool is effective for rotary percussion drilling.

Regardless of the type of tool used, the cutting edges must be made of strong steel.

Casing installation

The final stage of the technology when drilling a well for water is the assembly of the column. The drill string itself is mounted from steel pipes with a wall thickness of 4 mm with a total diameter of products from 80 mm. They are interconnected with bayonet couplings.

Casing installation can be done using one of two methods:

  • In the first case, a design is used in which the drill itself is of a smaller diameter, the casing pipe located below it is larger. This pipe is equipped with a cutting crown with branched sharpened teeth. As 1 cycle progresses, the drill is removed to the surface, and the pipe is upset, allowing the bit to cut off excess soil. The method is effective because it facilitates gravel backfilling, but is laborious.
  • The second installation option involves drilling a "bare" rod without casing. For its implementation, a drill of a larger diameter is chosen than casing pipes so that they can easily fit into the holes made. The method is effective on dense, both non-flowing and sticky soils when drilling to a depth of 10 meters.

It is most convenient to use as casing pipes plastic products. They are durable, easily withstand pressure during upsetting and ground pressure in case of movement.

As the casing pipes deepen, the annular space is filled with a backfill of fine gravel. Such a layer will accelerate the buildup of the well and extend its life.

The state of the extracted soil will indicate the moment of reaching the aquifer. To determine if you need to go further, use a submersible centrifugal pump hone 20-30 liters of liquid.

If, after pumping out several buckets, the water continues to remain cloudy, you need to go deeper for at least 1-2 more drilling cycles, which is about 50-100 cm.

Important point! At the time of stopping drilling, the rod with the drill must be pulled to the surface each time so that it is not pulled into the hole.

The procedure with the buildup is repeated again. If the actions did not bring the desired result, and the water is still cloudy, you will have to put up with a longer buildup, which can take up to several days. To facilitate the buildup, the first step is to remove the sludge with a bailer, and only after that the submersible centrifugal pump is started.

Important! Gravel filling, gradually settling as the buildup, must be replenished.

The buildup is considered complete when the transparency of the water reaches 70 cm. This is determined empirically. Pumped out water is collected in an opaque container and an enamelled lid from a saucepan or a D15 cm ceramic saucer is immersed in it. The mark below which the edges of the disk begin to blur is considered the starting point for exact opacity. For more accurate results, follow the disk should be strictly at a right angle.

Having pumped the well until the water acquires the required transparency parameter, sample samples should be sent for laboratory research. If they comply with the standards, the annulus is closed with clay or concreted.

If you are planning to equip your Vacation home autonomous water supply and acquire a well, then you need to familiarize yourself with the drilling technology. This will save a lot of time when looking for drillers and funds during the drilling process itself.

Types of drilling technologies

When installing a water supply system in a private house, as a rule, one of three drilling technologies is used:

  • Rotary;
  • screw;
  • Shock-rope.

The difference between these technologies lies in the methods of destruction of the rock inside the well, as well as in the methods of extracting the soil to the surface. Naturally, depending on the technology, the set of necessary equipment also depends.

Why does the customer need to know these technologies? This will give an understanding of how the well will be drilled, what equipment will be used for this and how long it will take. In addition, the price of work, as well as the quality of the final result, depends on the type of technology.

In the photo - auger drilling

screw method

The cheapest and simple option is auger drilling. Therefore, most of the small-sized drilling rigs are based on this technology. It is based on the usual Archimedean screw (auger), which is used to extract soil to the surface.

To make it easier to imagine this method, you should remember how fishermen drill a hole in the ice. In this way, you can drill wells with a depth not exceeding 10 meters.

A feature of this method is the possibility of making a hole only in relatively dry and soft soils. If hard rocks or quicksand are at a depth, then it is impossible to perform further work using the auger method.

I must say that the technology of drilling wells under water with an auger is usually used by private "drillers" who have small installations. As a rule, it is not difficult to find organizations that provide such services.

To perform a well, it is not enough just to drill a hole in the ground.
It is also necessary to protect the aquifer well from perched water, as required by the instructions.
Therefore, despite the fact that the process itself is not difficult, the qualifications of the performers are very important.

rotary method

The technology of drilling a well under water in a rotary way, today, is the most common. To make a hole in the ground in this way, a drill pipe is used, inside of which there is a rotating shaft with a chisel at the end.

The load on the tip is transferred by a hydraulic installation. This method attractive in that it allows drilling to almost any depth, regardless of the type of rock.

The soil is washed out by constantly flushing the well with drilling mud.

The solution can be supplied in two ways:

  • The pump inside the drill pipe, in this case, the soil with the solution goes by gravity into the annulus.
  • By gravity into the annulus, while the solution with the rock is pumped out of the drill pipe forcibly.

I must say that the second method, which is called backwashing, is better to open the aquifer, so that the well will have a greater debit. However, this method is more laborious and requires more sophisticated equipment, and, accordingly, is much more expensive.

Therefore, the choice of technology depends, in this case, on your budget and the required amount of water. As a rule, if it is necessary to provide water to one household, then drilling with direct flushing is quite sufficient.

Now consider this technology step by step:

  • First of all, the chisel penetrates into the ground large diameter.
  • The bit is then rotated by the impact of the rotor, which is driven by the motor.
  • Weighted pipes are installed between the drill pipes and the bit, which add additional load.
  • During operation, the soil is removed by the pressure of the fluid from the mud pump.
  • Having completed the drilling of the first section of the soil, a casing pipe is inserted into the well so that the upper layers of the soil do not fall inside the well.
  • For stability, the space between the soil and the first casing is filled with mortar.
  • Drilling then continues with a smaller bit, after which a narrower casing is inserted.

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Shock-rope method

This water well drilling technology is the oldest, slowest and most labor intensive. However, the quality of such work is the highest. Its essence lies in the fact that the rock is destroyed by crushing with a powerful heavy projectile, which first rises to a certain height, after which it drops sharply.

As a result, the projectile destroys the soil with its weight, which is multiplied by the coefficient free fall. The destroyed rock is removed from the trunk with the help of a bailer. If the ground is soft, then, as a rule, the bailer and chisel are combined into one projectile.

The main advantage of such drilling is that it does not require the use of drilling fluid or water. Thanks to this, it is possible to open the aquifer more accurately and thereby ensure the longest possible life of the well and the maximum possible flow rate. As a rule, wells made in this way serve more than 50 years.

The main disadvantage of this technology, for the customer, is high price services. In addition to the fact that this method is laborious in itself, in the process of work it becomes necessary to isolate all the upstream aquifers. In other words, how many aquifers and quicksands are in the well, so much casing pipes must be used, and these are additional costs for material and work of specialists.

Which technology to prioritize

In reality, the choice of the customer is not so much, especially if the conditions on the site do not allow the use of an auger. The impact-contact method has been almost completely replaced from the market by rotary drilling, which, most likely, will have to be used.

However, it is necessary to take an interest in technology at least in order to determine the adequacy of the cost of services. If the soil conditions are suitable and the aquifer is not deep, then it is much more profitable to use the auger method.

Is it possible to drill a well yourself

It is quite possible to break a well with your own hands, the only question is how much time and effort it will take you, and also how well it will be possible to isolate the trunk from the upper aquifers.

Often, developers underestimate the complexity of the work, as a result of which either “water from a puddle” is obtained from a great depth, or specialists finish the work. At the same time, drillers have to pay almost the full cost, as if they were doing the work from scratch.

Therefore, before deciding on self-fulfillment work, you need:

  • To study drilling technology in detail;
  • Understand what equipment you need expendable materials;
  • Make sure that your area can be drilled with a small-sized drilling rig.

Small-sized installations are of two types:

  • Screw type - as a rule, these installations are self-made.
  • Shock-rope type - installations can have an electric motor or an internal combustion power unit. This is important if there is no electricity on the site.

Less demanding on the ground and simpler is the installation for drilling with a shock-rope method.
With its help, you can drill a well in almost any soil.


All existing well drilling technologies are fundamentally different from each other, however, if professionals are involved in the work, then each of them allows you to achieve the desired result. At the same time, one or another technology should be preferred in accordance with one's own financial capabilities, soil conditions and the depth of the aquifer.

For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.

Water wells have existed since time immemorial, and in different areas and in different times they drilled in their own way. The methods of drilling wells for water are very different, and at the same time they bring excellent results, but all are justified to one degree or another.

The simplest options

There were far from always heavy machines capable of quickly and efficiently making a well in the ground, so people did it with their own hands.

Shock-rope drilling of wells is the simplest in theory of all, because. does not require any technical expertise. It takes a few physical strong man, supporting structure, 1-2 blocks for convenience, rope, guide and work tube. Such a simple device can be built at home quite quickly, and besides, it can be slightly improved so that the cable is not pulled by hand, but wound on a reel.

The task of the masters is to first make a pit, into which a large diameter guide pipe (usually 1-1.5 inches wider than the working one) is installed, after which it is carefully fixed. The following steps are fairly similar:

  1. The working tube rises to the maximum permitted height.
  2. The cable is loosened to a state of free fall so that the pipe enters the ground as deeply as possible.
  3. The procedure is repeated 2-4 more times.
  4. The pipe is pulled out and, using an ordinary hammer, is tapped from all sides to extract the collected soil.
  5. Everything starts again.

This method is quite slow, noisy and laborious, but it allows you to get to a depth of 25-30 m, even with fairly strong points of resistance. The convenience of this method is that it does not require the use of water or clay mortar, due to which there is no pollution of the arteries.

Auger drilling of wells (rotary method) is carried out manually and without noise, although much more effort will have to be applied. Type-setting drills with 2 blades or a spiral along the entire length are usually used. If there are only 2 blades, then drilling will be carried out at a shallow depth, because there is no auger column, along which the soil rises to the outside.

Working with a stacked screw column is much more difficult due to the fact that a fairly massive installation has to be rotated manually. Even 1 person can handle work up to 10 m, but then you will have to use support. The work process usually ends at 30-35m, although sometimes you can see 40m.

Not much equipment is needed here, and with skillful handling and pliable soil, you can move up to 20 m in a working day, although you usually have to be content with 10-12 m. .

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Complicated ways

Both described options are adapted for use by means of modern trucks, and it is these methods of drilling water wells that are used in most cases.

Most of the methods are based on the rotational principle, since this allows you to achieve greater results with less loss. The only negative is the need for massive high installations that cannot be driven everywhere.

The jet-turbine method differs from the auger one in that the bit is set in motion under the pressure of the flushing fluid, but instead of 1 turbodrill, you need to use 2 at once. This method is quite expensive, but allows you to work several times faster, because. Boers not only do not extinguish each other, but also complement each other, mutually increasing the efficiency.

Drilling with forward and reverse flushing. Used here pure water or clay particles that allow you to carry the cut soil up. Both of these options are used quite often, because. they allow you to increase the speed of work in relation to the conventional screw method. Very handy is the fact that the consumption of casing pipes is significantly reduced.

Any homestead, whether country cottage or a private house must be provided with water. Without life-giving moisture, they cannot grow, pleasing to the eye. exuberant bloom, and fully bear fruit no cultivated plants. A do-it-yourself well for water, despite the seeming grandiosity of the process, is a very real possibility of extracting water, which can be done independently without the use of heavy drilling equipment. There are several drilling methods that are quite simple to perform and do not involve the use of expensive equipment and considerable effort.

Water can be extracted by using different technologies. The main types of water wells used for the extraction of life-giving moisture:

  • Arrangement of a well, which, in the presence of a good spring, quickly fills up and, being an excellent reservoir of water, can hold up to 2 cubic meters of water;
  • Filter well for sand, which is a pipe d = 100 mm, immersed with an auger to a depth of 20-30 meters. At the buried end of the pipe, a stainless steel mesh is fixed, which acts as a filter, being immersed in coarse sand. The depth of the well is 10-50 meters, the service life is 5-15 years.
  • A non-filtered artesian well used to extract water from porous limestone formations. The depth of the well is 20-100 meters, the service life is about 50 years.

The exact depth of a water well cannot be determined in advance. Tentatively, this will be the depth, as with a similar well drilled in neighboring areas, or a well located nearby. Since deviations are possible due to the uneven occurrence of soil layers, casing pipes should be purchased based on the parameters of the water supply sources already equipped on the site, but with a slight adjustment.

The design of the well for water is a kind of narrow well

The service life of wells directly depends on the intensity of use: the more often a structure is used, the longer it will last.

Drilling a well by hand

To perform the work, the drill itself, the drilling derrick, the winch, rods and casing pipes are required. The drilling tower is necessary when digging a deep well, with the help of this design, the drill with rods is immersed and lifted.

The easiest way to drill a well for water is rotary, which is carried out by rotating the drill

When drilling shallow wells, the drill string can be removed manually, without the use of a derrick at all. Drill rods can be made of pipes, products are connected with dowels or threads. The lowermost rod is additionally equipped with a drill.

The cutting attachments are made from 3 mm sheet steel. When sharpening the edges of the nozzles, it should be noted that when the drill mechanism is rotated, they must cut into the soil clockwise.

Drilling technology familiar to most owners personal plots, applicable for the construction of a well under water

The tower is installed above the drilling site, its height must exceed the height of the drill rod in order to facilitate the removal of the rod when lifting. Then, a guide recess for the drill is dug on two bayonets of the shovel. The first turns of rotation of the drill can be performed by one person, but as the pipe sinks, additional help will be required. If the drill does not come out the first time, turn it counterclockwise and try again.

As the drill goes deeper, the rotation of the pipe becomes more difficult. Softening the soil with water will help facilitate the work. In the course of moving the drill down every half meter, the drilling structure should be brought to the surface and freed from the soil. The drilling cycle is repeated again. At the stage when the tool handle is level with the ground, the structure is built up with an additional knee.

Since it takes a significant part of the time to lift and clean the drill, you should make the most of the design, capturing and extracting the maximum possible portion of the soil layer to the surface.

When working on loose soils, casing pipes should be additionally installed in the well, which prevent soil from shedding from the walls of the hole and blocking the well

Drilling continues until it enters the aquifer, which is easily determined by the state of the excavated land. Passing the aquifer, the drill plunges even deeper until it reaches the next aquifer - the impervious layer. Immersion to the level of the water-resistant layer will ensure the maximum inflow of water into the well. It is important to note that manual drilling is applicable only for diving to the first aquifer, the depth of which does not exceed 10-20 meters.

For pumping dirty water, you can use hand pump or submersible pump. After two or three buckets of dirty water, the aquifer is washed and clean water usually appears. If this does not happen, the well should be deepened by another 1-2 meters.

You can also apply manual way drilling based on usage conventional drill and hydropumps:

Rope percussion technology

The essence of this method, how to make a water well with your own hands, is that the rock is broken using a driving glass - a heavy tool falling from the height of an equipped tower.

To perform the work, a home-made drilling rig is required, as well as tools for using the shock-rope method and extracting soil from the well.

The well tower, which looks like an ordinary tripod, can be made of both steel pipes and ordinary wooden logs. The dimensions of the structure must be proportional to the dimensions of the downhole tool.

The optimal ratio is the height of the tower, which exceeds the length of the bottomhole glass by one and a half meters

The process consists in alternately lowering the driving glass, which breaks and captures the rock, and lifting to the surface with the trapped drilling tool blade.

To equip the drilling rig, you can use a steel pipe, the end of which is equipped with a cutting device. Cutting edge reminiscent of appearance half a turn of the auger, will be in direct contact with the bottom. A hole must be made in the steel pipe half a meter from the edge, through which the mined soil can be removed, emptying the drill glass. A cable is attached to the top of the glass, with the help of which the glass will be lowered and its contents will be retrieved to the surface. The glass should be freed from the ground as the structure is deepened for every half meter.

Here is a video example of exploration drilling in this way:

The nuances of installing casing pipes

A do-it-yourself dug well under water requires additional casing, which can be made both from a single asbestos-cement pipe, and from individual cuts of asbestos pipes. When working with cuts Special attention is given equal pipe diameter in order to ensure subsequent unhindered immersion of the entire structure. Each pipe link is kept from slipping and secured with staples, which are then hidden under stainless steel strips.

A do-it-yourself water well can also be “cased” with steel or plastic pipes

"Casting" of the pipe is necessary:

  • to prevent shedding of the walls during drilling;
  • to prevent clogging of the well during operation;
  • to cover the upper aquifers with bad water.

A pipe is lowered to the bottom of the well with a filter made of a fine mesh that does not allow grains of sand to pass through and provides water filtration. The pipe lowered to the required depth is fixed with a clamp. This will prevent spontaneous subsidence.

With a competent arrangement of a well for water, the above-ground part of the structure is covered with a caisson - a head that protects the source from pollution.

The head is a tank with a closing hatch with a hole diameter that allows you to freely access the water well

Over time, the effect of a slight "squeezing" of the pipe out of the soil can be observed. The natural process of spontaneous lifting of the pipe to the soil surface does not require additional deepening measures.

A well for water production is a rather complex structure. Many today are interested in drilling wells for water: process technology, tools and equipment for performing work. The quality of water from a well or well depends on their design. The service life depends on the quality of the work performed.

How to drill a water well

Before drilling a well for water, it is necessary to choose a place for it. This should be a piece of land with an approximate size of 4x12 m. If the house has not yet been built, then it is better to choose a place in the future basement. If the house has already been built, then it is better to drill closer to the foundation. To the place of work, it is necessary to ensure the passage of the drilling rig and the water carrier. At a distance of approximately 2 m from the location of the drill, there should be no electrical wires. Such measures are required general rules drilling wells under water.

There are several drilling methods. But for any of them, the following operations must be performed:

  • rock grinding;
  • excavation of crushed earth outside;
  • strengthening of the walls of the well.

How is rock crushing done? This is done with the help of special rock cutting devices. It can be explosive energy, electrical or thermal. But all these types are used quite rarely. Much more often they use others: augers, glasses, hand drills.

The soil is taken out in the following ways:

  • hydraulic;
  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • combined.

The hydraulic method is carried out with water, clay solution or other technical fluid. Mechanical - with the use of special drills, screws, bailers. With the pneumatic method, the crushed rock is removed by a strong jet of compressed air. At combined method use several of these methods.

The technology recommends fastening the walls of the well to water with metal casing pipes. Most often, these are seamless pipes on a threaded or welded joint. Occasionally, other options are also used. But it is not recommended to use stainless steel(very expensive!) and galvanized metal.

When drilling a well for water, flushing is often used. This is a method in which water is supplied to the well using pumps. She then, together with the crushed rock, rises and settles in a special sump. According to the settled rock, drillers determine the section of the site. The water then makes a new circle. The rising clay solution strengthens the walls and prevents them from collapsing.

The process of drilling a well involves its sequential casing with pipes. The drilling of wells for water is completed by pumping them, which is carried out until a completely transparent liquid flows.

Water drilling methods

The technology of drilling a well under water allows you to work in several ways:

  • auger;
  • rotary;
  • shock-rope;
  • manual.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Auger drilling is the most common and affordable way. The auger in the form of a screw enters the soil and loosens it. Only dry and soft ground can be drilled. Augers are completely unsuitable for quicksand. This tool destroys the rock and lifts it into the wellhead. Screws are available in diameters from 60 to 800 mm. They can be drilled to a depth of 60 m, sometimes up to 100 m. Auger drilling is impossible on rocky soils.

The rotary method is the continuous action of a tool called a rotor. It is constantly spinning. The rock is washed out with a clay solution. This method is relatively cheap and fast enough. But in cold weather, it requires insulation of the system through which water circulates. Drilling is carried out using machines:

  • URB-2A2;
  • MBU-2M;
  • URB-2.5;
  • URB-3AM.

URB-2A2 is capable of drilling soil up to a depth of 55 m, URB-2.5 - up to 300 m, and URB-3AM - up to 500 m.

The shock-rope method is the most labor-intensive. But it should not be forgotten, as it is of the highest quality. The rock is destroyed after hitting a heavy object. This is a specially shaped pointed glass made of steel pipe. It falls from a height, hits the ground, picks up the destroyed soil and rises. At the top, the glass is cleaned and thrown down again.

The drilling rig itself can be made by hand from pipes or from logs in the form of a triangular cone. This cone is equipped with a cable winch. The technology of drilling wells for water does not require the use of mud. But the installation of casing pipes must be carried out in a timely manner. Such an installation can drill a diameter of 10-30 cm. But the depth cannot exceed 10 m. For drilling, you can use the UKS-22M2, UGB-50, UGB-1VS installations.

The manual method is used quite often. With it, driven pipes or augers are used. The pipes are cut into pieces about 2-3 m long. At the ends they are cut external thread. A tip is welded onto the lower end of the pipe. It has the form of a cone, the diameter of which is 1 cm larger diameter pipes. Above the tip of 60-100 cm, the pipes are drilled through 5 cm with a drill with a diameter of 6 mm. It will be a kind of filter. As the pipe deepens, it lengthens with the help of couplings. But it's easier to do it the other way. You need to prepare for work:

  • various drills;
  • rods;
  • casing pipes;
  • winch;
  • drilling rig.

If the well is not very deep, there is no need for a tower. The work process is quite simple. You need to dig a hole about 50 cm deep, install a drill and start rotating it. It's better to work together. Every 50 cm, the drill is taken out of the ground and cleaned. This method is cheaper than the others, but has limitations in depth.


The technology of drilling wells for water involves the destruction of rock, cleaning the shaft, strengthening the walls and final equipment of the well with pipes, filters, pumps and cranes for sampling drinking water. The process of drilling a well can be different. Deep pits are performed using rotary drilling technology. Often use auger drilling: its technology is quite simple and is used in personal areas. With a screw speed of 250 rpm, the whole process is quite fast.

With any drilling technology, special pipes are used to protect the walls from collapse and from the penetration of dirty water from the upper aquifers.

Shallow wells can be obtained by the shock-rope method. Works well manual method. Any drilling ends with the closing of the top of the aquifer with a special tip. The necessary wires, hoses and pipes are passed through it to deliver water to the house.

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