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What can you exercise in the morning. Why morning exercises are beneficial

Our lethargy in the morning is explained by only one thing - the body, despite awakening, for some time remains in a calm and sleepy state. In order to finally wake up, you need about 2-3 hours... Morning washing will help to cheer up, allowing you to send a certain impulse to the central nervous system. But without bringing the muscles and joints to work, it will not be possible to wake up completely. It is for this that a person needs morning exercises. Before starting the process of carrying out it, you need to figure out what is the usefulness of a set of such exercises.

Any physical training require 3 or 4 visits to the gym per week and a solid load on the muscles. Then, as classes in the morning carry only a health-improving kind of meaning. The maximum benefit from morning workouts will be only when, in the process of execution, the set of exercises is improved and complicated. Charging is recommended in a well-ventilated area with clothing that does not restrict movement. It is best to finish classes with a contrast shower.

Evidence of the benefits of morning exercises is as follows:

  • The mood rises;
  • Vitality rises;
  • The level of drowsiness decreases;
  • Lethargy and fatigue disappear;
  • The syndrome, which is pronounced in an irritable attitude towards the outside world (hypokinesia), disappears.

Since exercise has a very different purpose, it doesn't need to be turned into a regular workout routine. After all, the name itself says that these activities are designed to charge the human body with energy for the whole day. Unlike exercise, exercise aims to tense muscles, exhausting the body. At the end of it, the body always wants to rest, since a lot of strength and energy has been spent. Without some preparation for training, you can cause irreparable harm to the body.

There are people who, along with their morning jog, prefer to carry out all sorts of strength exercises for various muscle groups, arms and abs. This complex takes longer than regular charging, about 40-50 minutes. Therefore, it is wrong to call such loads charging. After all charger Is a set of physical exercises that are designed to knead joints and muscle tissue.

This complex is often combined with some power loads, but at the same time, their number, as well as the type and duration of performance, largely depends on physical fitness, desire and availability of free time. What are the best hours to spend sports activities? The most optimal time for exertion of a forceful nature on the body is after lunch, but exercises are best done in the morning.

Correct morning exercises

The gradual awakening of the body immediately after sleep does not accept any strong loads that force the heart to switch to active work, causing irreparable harm to the heart muscle.

There are exercises that can be easily performed in bed. These include such warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. At the same time, remember that they are not enough for vigorous and active well-being throughout the day. You will need to walk a little, take a shower or just wash your face, drink a glass of water and only after all this do basic exercises.

Morning exercises are carried out to music, which is selected for everyone individually. The presence in the complex of exercises of an intense nature makes you choose such music, the tempo of which will be about 140 or 170 beats per minute. A lot of the compositions of our time have just such a tempo. When charging at a calmer rhythm, slower songs are selected. For correct organization movements of the body and the coordination of your breathing with them, it is recommended to select songs of a rhythmic nature.

That morning exercise, which gives courage and a surge of strength is considered the best. The main mistake in charging is excessive loads. Many people forget that the main purpose of exercise is to tone up. Her idea is not a build-up muscle mass. In the best way determining the degree of stress on the body is how a person feels. There should be no feeling of tiredness or excessive fatigue in the body. With these symptoms necessary measure load reduction should become.

A set of exercises

There are several options for exercises performed in the process of morning exercises, but there are also basic ones among them.

A set of classes for the cervical spine

  • Making head turns to the left and right sides;
  • Inclined movements of the head to the left and to the right, back and forth;
  • Circular rotation of the head at a slow pace.

You should not close your eyes if you have problems with the vestibular system.

Morning warm-up for hands

A set of exercises for the body

Warm up legs

Additional set of exercises

To the above exercises in the morning, you can add the following strength training:

  • swing of the press,
  • rotational exercises of the gymnastic hoop,
  • use of dumbbells in exercises with low or medium weight.

The effect of morning exercises

All the sets of exercises presented above will help you improve the condition of the whole body and get into the work mode much faster.

Morning exercises makes our hearing, vestibular, visual and other devices more active, helps to tune the central organ nervous system to a working mood and bring the body out of the inhibited state, which is present in the first hours after waking up. If the classes are of a regular nature, then the person notices positive physical changes: improved blood circulation, correct work heart, accelerated venous blood flow. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the lungs as well. During exercise, the level of oxygen in the blood rises, and this, in turn, leads to active acid-reduction processes in the body, strengthens muscle tissues and strengthens joints.

Performing a set of exercises every day in the morning will prepare your body for all the physical, mental and emotional stresses that you will face during the day. And remember that only a properly selected set of exercises can cheer you up and make you feel all the charm of an active life.

Good day! Today we will talk about how to start the day correctly in order to feel refreshed and full of energy. And for this you need to know how to do exercises correctly in the morning. Yes, the very exercise that many of us did not like back in school, and in adulthood constantly did not have time for it.

However, it is the uncomplicated physical exercises in the morning they help to feel vigorous, to get a burst of energy for the whole day. And today I will tell you how to do it correctly so that the benefits are noticeable in a few days!

Benefits of morning exercise

Why is morning exercise good for you? First of all, it helps the body to wake up and tune in to productive work. It will invigorate and add energy. Do not confuse it with exercising in the gym - from the latter you feel pleasant, but, nevertheless, fatigue.

In addition, it has the following advantages:

  • makes you physically more resilient;
  • strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • takes a little time;
  • does not require any special skills or equipment.

It is especially useful to do exercises for those who are busy with sedentary work. This will not only prepare you for a productive day, but it will also help your body get more physical activity, which is necessary for its health.

When and how to do it - make a schedule

Surely you have heard the phrase "only the telephone is engaged in morning exercises in our house." In this joke, it is worth paying attention to the parallel that can be easily drawn between recharging the device and morning exercises - in both cases, energy is recharged. Only if the gadget receives it from the network, then we are from a complex of simple movements. That is why you only need to warm up in the morning - to get a reserve of strength for the whole day.

The maximum time you need is half an hour. At first, beginners can devote 10 minutes to the case. The main thing is to observe the following rules:

  • you need to do exercises before breakfast, after drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • starting with the most simple exercises moving on to more complex ones;
  • after that it is best to take a contrast shower;
  • you can have breakfast in half an hour after completion.

As you can see, you will need to wake up earlier - especially if you are used to getting ready in a hurry for half an hour. For morning exercises, you will need at least an hour between waking up and actually leaving the house.

Personal motivation

Without the right motivation, you will not just be too lazy to wake up earlier - you will start to skip workouts under an excuse like "it's just for today." But then - you just get off the schedule and forget about the exercises.

Decide what exactly you are doing it for - not for show, not because it is fashionable to train. You are doing only for yourself and your health. And training the body is impossible without training the spirit - so do not indulge your own weaknesses. Train your willpower too - this quality will help you succeed not only in “charging”, but also in other equally important matters.

A set of exercises

Be sure to draw up a plan for your workout - write down in which order and what exactly you will do. Exercise should be chosen so that all the muscles in the body are involved. Your task is to help him "wake up", to activate all processes.

Traditionally, exercise for both men and women, and for children, "begins" from the top of the body - that is, from the neck. Gradually you need to "go down", doing exercises on the shoulders, arms, trunk, pelvis, knees, etc.

Warm up before starting - warm up your joints. Make turns with your head, bends, swing your arms in shoulder joint, circular rotations in the elbow, circular rotations in the pelvis, etc. You must prepare your body for physical activity.

Additional loads

If you get used to doing the selected complex and feel the strength to complicate it a little, then you can add a couple of the following exercises to the complex:

  1. Push-ups - at first they can be done while standing with an emphasis on the wall, then - from the floor, kneeling. Later, you can gradually move on to the classic push-ups.
  2. Abs workout - leg raises and crunches.
  3. Weighted Leg Lunges - This exercise works well for large muscle groups. And this is especially useful for losing weight.

You can also do the plank in the morning - a static exercise that only seems simple. Its daily implementation with a gradual increase in the time for the "bar" helps to lose extra pounds in the abdomen, as well as strengthen almost all muscle groups.

If you have the time and energy, you can go for a run. However, this option is more suitable for "larks" who feel more vigorous in the morning. It is better for "owls" to postpone such a load for the evening.

What effect can you expect

In the matter of losing weight, of course, you cannot count on a quick effect, but otherwise, literally in a couple of days you will notice that in the morning you feel more alert and collected.

This is because training has the following positive influence on the body:

  • mobilizes the work of the nervous system;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • activates recovery processes;
  • improves the condition of joints and internal organs;
  • activates the brain.

Thus, morning exercise not only helps the body wake up, but also improves its general condition.

Key mistakes

The first mistake beginners often make is neglecting the warm-up. Warming up the body after sleep - important condition not just good exercise, but also preventing the risk of muscle soreness. By exercising on "unheated" muscles and joints, you put yourself at risk of injury. Therefore, a warm-up is a must.

Also, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Concentration on one muscle group. The task is to awaken the whole body, prepare it for vigorous activity. Therefore, you should have time to work out all the muscles.
  2. Turning exercise into a hard workout - your task is to tone the body, and not exhaust it with exercises. At the end, you should feel a surge of energy, and not wild fatigue.
  3. Expectation of a quick effect - a morning workout is not able to make your body slim in two weeks. But since this is additional physical activity, you will nevertheless notice changes in the body. Especially if you combine charging with proper nutrition.

It is also a mistake to want to do as much exercise as possible. More is not always better. Let it be a few exercises - but you do it without haste, right.

It will not be superfluous to watch a video of the exercises that you want to do. This is necessary to exclude errors during execution. There are many videos on the Web, so choose the one where all the nuances are most accessible and understandable. This is especially true for more difficult exercises with strength loading.

For today, that's all I wanted to tell you! Share the article on social networks with your friends, and do not be lazy to start every day right!

Everyone knows that exercise is very beneficial for the human body. Physical activity is generally associated with a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle, in turn, begins with morning exercises. What is this ritual? What are its advantages and disadvantages? These and other questions will be discussed in this article.

The main purpose of morning exercises

Immediately after lifting, our body is inhibited because it is still at rest. Full awakening occurs only after three hours. Washing with cool water and a cup of invigorating coffee slightly helps the body to wake up, but while the joints are not working, the body is in a sleepy state, half asleep. Exercise in the morning is aimed at awakening muscles and joints.

Do not turn exercise into a full-fledged strength training, its purpose is different. It is so called because it should energize the body for the whole day ahead, and not exhaust it. Strength training takes a lot of energy, after which you want to rest. And this is not at all what you want in the morning, right?

What does gymnastics give in the morning?

The main purpose of the exercises, as already mentioned, is awakening. In a dream, our body rests, at this time the pulse slows down, the blood thickens, and blood pressure decreases. After we woke up, the body needs time to restore all its functions and go into wakefulness. Exercising helps the body to invigorate faster, accelerate blood circulation, restore breathing and pressure. In this way, we will physically prepare for the day ahead.

For slimming people, exercise in the morning is mandatory, as it speeds up the metabolism, therefore, the number of calories burned increases. And as you know, if more calories are burned than consumed, then the weight decreases. Over time, the body gets used to the regime of weight loss: it prepares in advance for the upcoming loads, so it will become easier to wake up.

Features of morning exercises

If you choose to run instead of exercising to exercise in the morning, you should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Avoid cardio immediately after waking up. The body at this time has not yet recovered from sleep, a sharp increase in pulse and pressure will negatively affect the work of the heart.
  • Running on empty stomach increases the likelihood of catching an infection. This is due to the fact that in the morning in the human body, the resistance of the immune system is lowered. It is best to have breakfast, and after two or three hours, run for a distance of 3 kilometers. This will be enough to get a boost of vivacity.

How to accustom the body to morning exercises

  • First of all, you need to understand with your head that morning exercises are needed to improve your health, and in no case should you force yourself to exercise.
  • Sleep for 7-9 hours, then the awakening will be easy.
  • Stop being lazy. The minutes you sleep after turning off the alarm can be used to exercise.
  • A good mood is the key to success.
  • Start exercising right in bed, doing various stretching, gradually add regular exercises.

The benefits of being physically active in the morning

Consider the pros of charging:

  • Exercising helps the body to recover from sleep and invigorate. Blood circulation improves, the body receives a powerful stimulus to work.
  • Morning exercises have a beneficial effect on muscle growth. This is due to the fact that during light exercise, the muscles are filled with blood and active ingredients.
  • Many fitness instructors agree that morning workouts are more active in helping to fight extra pounds. In the morning before eating, the body does not have enough nutrients... Therefore, in order to withstand exercise, he will take the missing energy from his fats.
  • V winter time morning physical activity is extremely beneficial. In the mornings, the streets are full of wrapped up and sleepy people, and if you do a few exercises and drink a cup of invigorating coffee, then you will go out into the street in high spirits and vigorous state. Exercising gives a rush of blood to the muscle tissue. A person warms up faster, and he is not afraid of any frost.

Lack of physical activity in the morning

Charging, unfortunately, is not for everyone. Let's figure out why:

  • Exercise has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. At night, the body is at rest, the heart beats in a slow rhythm. Exercise will dramatically increase your blood pressure and heart rate. It can become difficult for the heart to pump a large volume of blood, which can lead to a heart attack.
  • Exercising on an empty stomach is bad for your organs.
  • After exercising on an empty stomach, you will most likely feel desire eat. This can further provoke overeating.

We can conclude that exercise in the morning is not suitable for everyone, but only for people with excellent health.

Fundamental rules

To charge effectively, follow these guidelines:

  • Exercise will require more oxygen from the body, so exercise with open window or outdoors.
  • Dress for the weather. It's warm indoors or outdoors - shorts, a T-shirt or a T-shirt will do. If it's cool - a jersey and sweatpants.
  • Choose exercises that suit your fitness level. You should not sit on the twine, if before that you sat down at the age of six.
  • The level of exertion from day to day should be about the same.
  • Start exercising 15-20 minutes after waking up so that the body has time to move from sleep.

Exercises for gymnastics

Surely everyone thinks that he knows how to do exercises in the morning. But not everyone knows that jumping up, doing the exercises and then running about your business is wrong. The entire workout should consist of several blocks: warm-up and cool down for 2-3 minutes and basic exercises. In the warm-up, you can include smooth stretching and torso tilts, head turns, rotational movements of the arms, lifting on toes.

There are many exercises that can be included in the morning exercises. The complex (approximate) might look like this:

  • Starting position standing. Raise your hands, clasp them into the lock with your palms outward, reach up for your hands. Perform 2-3 minutes.
  • Perform circular movements with your head, trying to touch the shoulder. Rotate your head only in the front semicircle to avoid injury.
  • Rise on tiptoes, first on two legs at the same time, then alternately.
  • Tilts of the body to the sides. As you do this exercise, you will feel the tension in your oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Bend your right leg and pull it towards you. Hold it in this position for a few seconds. Then repeat the same with the left leg.

All kinds of circular rotations of the joints, bends, swings are well suited. Stretch after you finish exercising.

Features of morning charging for children

Light exercise for little ones plays an important role in the formation of the immune system and the musculoskeletal system. Performing them to music, kids will be energized and good mood all day. There are recommendations, following which, you can increase the effectiveness of gymnastics:

  1. The room must be well ventilated. In the summer, exercise is best done outdoors.
  2. You should start exercising after washing your face and brushing your teeth, but before breakfast.
  3. The duration should not exceed 10-15 minutes. During this time, the baby will not get tired and will get the maximum benefit from the lessons.
  4. Classes are recommended to be conducted with children's songs or while reading a poem, so that it is not boring.
  5. Mom or dad should definitely control the breathing of their child. Inhalation should be through the nose, exhalation through the mouth.

Try to do all exercises in a playful way. You can imagine that you - fairy tale characters or animals. Here are some examples of how you can beat boring exercises:

  • "Sun". Starting position standing. Raise the handles up and reach for the sun. You can greet the clouds at the top.
  • "Bunny". Jump as if you are this eared animal. For a change, you can show where his paws, eyes, and so on.
  • "Heron". Raise your knees high and stroll like a heron. Then you can stand on one leg.
  • "Bike". Starting position - lying on your back. Raise your legs up and make them movements that imitate cycling. This exercise is one of the favorite exercises for children.

The end of the charge is followed by a breathing cycle.

Exercise in the morning for men

Male gymnastics is not only a way to keep your physical health at a level, but also to maintain good health throughout the day. Plus, exercise can help keep your muscles toned. To do this, it is enough to buy dumbbells and allocate 15-20 minutes in the morning.

The benefits of charging are undeniable:

  • Strengthening the muscle corset.
  • Decrease in the percentage of body fat.
  • Improving physique.
  • Increased productivity throughout the day.

As you can see, you can get a beautiful silhouette at home by doing balanced exercises in the morning. A set of exercises for men should consist of exercises aimed at working out different muscle groups. Here's a rough block of what will suit any guy:

  • Deep squats (3 sets of 20 reps).
  • French bench press - 20 times.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells - 20 times.
  • Push-ups from the floor - 30 times.
  • Exercise plank.

Complete the exercise with several breathing cycles, after which take a contrast shower.

Effective charging rules for men

In order not to harm health, males should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Start preparing in the evening. Decide which muscle groups you will train, which exercises are suitable for this.
  • To avoid injury, be sure to warm up at the beginning and cool down at the end of your workout.
  • Do not hammer on one muscle several times in a row. So it will "be hammered".
  • Take a different dumbbell weight for each exercise.
  • Exercise in the morning at home at a calm pace, do not overload your heart.
  • Consider the load level according to age. For an adult, it is recommended to reduce the load by 15%.

As you can see, gymnastics is suitable for almost everyone. A healthy lifestyle is not only about physical activity... Balanced diet, healthy sleep, hardening and refusal bad habits are also an integral part of it. If you started introducing a healthy lifestyle with physical activity, then remember that the best exercise in the morning is one that is done of your own free will.

Ecology of life. Fitness and Sports: So, armed with confidence and decisiveness, keeping in mind the saying: "As you start the day, so you will spend it", you decided to do exercises in the morning ...

"Get ready to execute gymnastic exercises", - these words uttered by Nikolai Gordeev under musical accompaniment Valentina Rodina, the famous Soviet morning exercise on the radio began. It was done by adults and children, they brushed their teeth under it, had breakfast, got ready for work and school.

Today, despite the propaganda and fashion for healthy image life, there are practically no such programs on TV and radio. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyles, morning exercises are estimated rather skeptically.

In this article, we will focus on sets of exercises for adults and children, consider some practical and theoretical aspects related to physical activity in the morning.

Arguments "for" or why you need to do exercises in the morning

G. Landry, fitness trainer and author of high-intensity weight loss programs, claims to be one of the important elements when playing sports is morning exercises... Regular exercise helps, in his opinion, to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body.

He identifies 10 reasons why you need to do morning exercises:

1. More than 90% of people exercising in the morning improve their performance in sports.

2. Morning exercises contribute to a "jump" in metabolism, as a result of which the body burns more calories per day.

3. By doing exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

4. Many people say that exercise in the morning helps them regulate their appetite during the day.

5. Morning exercise helps to awaken the body. Over time, the circadian rhythm adjusts to this pattern, and the person feels better.

6. By doing the exercises, we become more disciplined.

7. Studies have shown that physical activity stimulates mental activity.

8. Doing a 10-minute exercise in the morning can keep your body in shape.

9. As a result of training, the physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

10. Just try exercising in the morning and you will see how great it is.

Promoted by films jogging in the morning It is perceived by many as the best alternative to charging. What is more useful and better - exercise or morning jogging, we will leave everyone to decide for themselves, there is enough material on the Internet on this topic. Undoubtedly, competent sports are useful in any form, but not everyone will be able to readjust and start running in the morning, because it requires a lot of effort, willpower and time.

In addition, discussions are underway as to when it is best to run, whether morning jogging is harmful. But if you are determined to run in the morning, here are some facts and recommendations:

  • There is an opinion that the air is cleaner in the morning, which means that running at this time is more useful.
  • Thanks to running, the body is saturated with oxygen, muscles and joints are toned, metabolic processes are more active.
  • Those who run in the morning are at times less likely to suffer from insomnia. The positive effect of running on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems has been proven. During a run, almost all the muscles of a person are involved.
  • Running helps to strengthen the immune system. With sweat, toxins accumulated in the body are also released.
  • Running is a serious exercise, and an untrained person can be injured. If there are any medical contraindications, it is best to consult your doctor first. Also, always do a warm-up.
  • Running is great for those looking to lose excess weight... So, during an hour's run at a speed of 10 km / h, a man weighing 80 kg "burns" more than 800 kcal.
  • The route and equipment are of great importance. You need to run where there are trees - in a forest plantation, in a park. Clothing should be comfortable and free of movement. Shoes - in size and with soft soles.

Many useful information and answers to the questions of those who have just decided to start running, in this report:

A set of exercises for morning exercises

So, armed with confidence and decisiveness, remembering the saying: "As you start the day, so you will spend it," you decided to do exercises in the morning. There are many exercises, you can combine them and perform in any order. Let's dwell on individual important aspects to find out before starting the exercise.

1. Do not exercise immediately after waking up. Get up, drink a glass of water, wash your face, do a stretch, and then start exercising.

2. The body in the morning is not yet ready for heavy loads. The exercises performed should be smooth and not contain sudden movements. Try to breathe evenly and calmly during exercise.

3. It is also better not to resort to power loads. It is optimal to do aerobic and bodyweight exercises in the morning.

4. Perform each exercise 8-10 times. Try to exercise daily.

Also interesting:


For the head: turns left and right; tilts back and forth.

For shoulders and arms: rotational movements of the shoulders alternately and together; rotation with straight arms, describing a circle; alternate hand swings - one hand from above, the second from below; rotation with arms bent at the elbows in different sides.

For the torso: feet shoulder-width apart, perform smooth bends forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms; with arms bent at the elbows, holding on to the belt, rotate the pelvis with slight forward bends in both directions.

For legs: alternate swinging legs back and forth; squats without lifting the heels off the floor; lifts on the toes. published

So the day has come when you decided: "Today I am starting to do morning exercises!" Where to begin? "" Will help you figure out: what is morning exercises, how to do it correctly, so that it is as effective and useful as possible for us. And, of course, he will offer a complex of morning exercises.

Morning exercise improves the general condition of the body: it improves blood circulation, which means it supplies oxygen to all organs, normalizes metabolism, increases muscle tone and elasticity. When driving, adrenaline is burned - one of the culprits of the increase blood pressure and the hormone endorphin is produced - the hormone of pleasure and joy.

What is morning exercise?

These are general developmental exercises that are done both at home and on the street: walking, on apparatus, running on the street. It has become very popular now, instead of the usual exercise, to independently engage in oriental practices such as qigong and yoga.

If every morning you run to a pond, to a forest or just to a stadium to exercise, then there can be a double benefit: not only vigor is acquired, but the body is also hardened. If you decide to run along the road, then I think there will be no benefit from such a "recovery". Car exhaust fumes are to blame.

You need to understand that morning exercises are not a workout and not a way to build muscle or get rid of extra pounds. The morning exercise complex is aimed at preparing the body for an active working day. Such exercises are done with pleasure, without undue stress. The principle "leave the table with the feeling: I would have eaten another bite" is applicable to morning exercises. Yes, yes, I have not completely spent my physical strength, but I am ready to move on, warm up, act.

How long does it take to do morning exercises?

The time for doing morning exercises should not exceed more than fifty minutes. Even if it seems to you that you could still work out longer, check your heart rate, it should be in the region of 120-140 beats per minute.

Get ready to charge!

  1. As soon as you woke up, without getting out of bed properly, stretch yourself, turn over in bed, stretch yourself again and now just get up.
  2. Put on some fun music, go to the kitchen and have a glass of water. Go back to your room and start exercising in the morning.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

  • Breathing is arbitrary.
  • Duration no more than 20 minutes. For beginners: from 5-7 minutes and then gradually bring up to 20 minutes.
  • The number of repetitions is from 6-12 times in each direction, if, of course, the exercises are symmetrical.


  1. Starting position: stand, put your hands on your belt, feet about the width of your shoulders. Tilt your head slowly, first to the right, then to the left, forward and, if you can, back. Do not close your eyes while doing this.
  2. Starting position: place your hands along the body, put your heels together, and your socks apart. We stretch, raising our hands up, and stand on our toes. In this position, you need to make a short delay.
  3. Starting position, as in the first exercise. We make the body bends to the left and right for every two counts. Tilt to the right: one and two. Tilt to the left: three and four. A few days after the beginning of the exercise, you can strengthen this exercise by raising your arms, when bending to the right, raise and stretch with your left hand and vice versa.
  4. Exercise at the waist. Starting position: take the hands in front of the chest, as they say, "lock", while the elbows are at shoulder level, put your legs wide. Alternately at the expense: once or twice we perform the exercise in different directions. To increase the amplitude, you can straighten your arms, clench your fists, and place them parallel to the rug you are standing on.
  5. Sit on the rug: we make bends to right leg, in the middle, to the left leg alternately on the account; one-right, two-in the middle, three-left, four-straighten up. If it is difficult to bend down, there is not enough stretch, then make the inclines as low as you can. Stretching will be better and more accurate every day.
  6. We perform a complex exercise to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Starting position: stand, hands along your body, put your feet shoulder-width apart. In four counts: We raise our hands up, bending slightly backward, two- bend forward, trying to touch the floor with both hands, three- sit on both feet and at the same time try to keep your back straight, four- return to the starting position.
  7. Exercise for the press. We lie on our backs on the mat. Put your hands behind your head, and bend your legs at the knees and rest them on the floor. Raise and lower the body (ass :)) from the floor.
  8. Push-ups from the floor. Each time, increasing the number of push-ups one more.
  9. We restore breathing. Stand in the starting position: inhale - slowly raise your hands, exhale - slowly lower them.

The entire set of morning exercises is completed: you are not tired, but at the same time you are energized. Now water treatments... Don't forget about the contrast shower. Then a full breakfast. And now you are ready for all the solutions to the challenges of the new day.

We are all different: someone with a smile refers to morning exercises, because they regularly work out in the fitness room, run or play sports. But there are people who, due to their physical illness, cannot simply get out of bed without a preliminary warm-up. And they succeed, applying strength and courage. There are those who cannot imagine their day without a morning exercise complex. But there is also a large number of just lazy people who pity and justify themselves. Choose who you are and who you are with. Be healthy and happy!

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