Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to cover USB. Is OSB slab afraid of rain? What is better to buy: plywood or OSB. Is it possible to paint OSB boards with facade paint?

It is unlikely that anyone would think of lining the façade of a brick or block house. But this solution is perfect for frame or half-timbered houses, because with the help of oriented strand boards a kind of sandwich is created with a layer of insulation in the middle. Question exterior finishing is very relevant for such panels. You can, of course, cover the house with siding or veneer it with ceramics, but such options are too expensive in terms of money and labor. It is much cheaper and easier to solve the problem by painting. But how and with what to paint the OSB board on the facade of the house still needs to be carefully considered.

Why is painting of slabs necessary?

OSB boards are quite light, warm, and easy to cut wall material, which is suitable for the construction of external structures, for interior walls, partitions. Panels differ in brands, for outside denser products are used, marked with the numbers 3 or 4. Since the panels are made by pressing from wood chips and glue, the products are considered breathable, environmentally friendly, but sensitive to atmospheric influences.

The name itself encodes the essence of the product. When forming slabs, wood shavings and chips are oriented longitudinally in the outer planes, and across the fibers in the middle of the product. Mainly due to this, the main strength and thermal insulation properties of OSB boards are created. The surface of the panels is very pleasant and warm to the touch, but has a controversial appearance. This is one of the reasons why they need to be painted. Essential, but not the main one. The main task of this action is to use paint to protect both the material itself and the house as a whole from destruction, penetration of moisture, mold, fungi, and other troubles from the outside. The products themselves are considered moisture resistant, but their joints are very vulnerable. Therefore, facades made of OSB boards are necessarily subject to external painting. Before finishing They must be cleaned of dust, puttied and coated with a primer.

Very important between different production stages painting works do endurance. After puttying, the drying process should last at least 12 hours, the same time is needed to completely dry the primer.

Types of paints for painting OSB boards on facades

The modern building materials market offers many types of paint and varnish products. But not every paint can be suitable for painting an OSB board on a facade. What and how to paint correctly should be decided after a thorough acquaintance with the properties of paints and your financial capabilities. When choosing paints, you need to remember that oriented strand panels are 90 percent wood. This means that you should pay attention to the area of ​​application and their properties first of all. Let's take a closer look at some types of paint and varnish products.


Alkyd paints for painting facades are most loved by finishers and home-grown builders. Such paints are perfectly absorbed into wood and dry quickly due to the water component. But this is associated with a small disadvantage of this paint. It needs to be stored only at above-zero temperatures, although in a hardened state it can withstand frost up to 30 degrees. TO negative traits Low resistance to fire and alkalis can also be attributed. But despite this, paints of this class are popular due to:

  • absence unpleasant odor, harmful secretions;
  • quick drying, retaining color for a long time, that is, they do not fade;
  • excellent hiding power or the ability to create an even, smooth surface no drips;
  • long service life without changes in quality;
  • relatively loyal price.


Acrylic facade paints for exterior use are no less popular than alkyd paints. They consist of a polymer component, color and water. The most important property important for outdoor service is the ability of paint to create a durable film on the surface being painted. At the same time, acrylics are endowed with good adhesion to WWS. These two qualities significantly influence the demand for these paints for facade finishing. Manufacturers have learned to create acrylic mixtures not only of beautiful, rich colors in the widest range, but with different physical characteristics. Surfaces treated with acrylic paints can be matte or glossy, transparent or dull. In addition they:

  • dry quickly and have sufficient strength;
  • suitable for covering porous, loose surfaces, such paints do not spread;
  • have excellent water and vapor resistance;
  • paints withstand sudden temperature changes well and withstand weather problems well.


Paints on oil based belong to the category of traditional and oldest. But, in comparison with modern coatings, they are certainly losing their position, since, despite all their fame, they have some harmful qualities, such as:

  • increased toxicity - it is recommended to work with oil dyes only in protective equipment even on the street;
  • required long term for drying, since the basis for the manufacture of such paints is drying oil;
  • experience is needed to apply the coating evenly because drips often form when painting;
  • low resistance to weathering, which means short service life, annual updates.

TO positive aspects This includes good absorption into the surface to be painted and unpretentiousness to storage conditions. Thickened paint is easily thinned with drying oil.


Latex-based paints perform well on wood materials. To produce such paints, ordinary water, acrylic resin, and latex polymer liquid substance are used. It is this that transforms ordinary acrylic enamel into a coloring mixture with additional properties. For this purpose, polyvinyl, silicone, and other additives are added to the main composition in order to improve performance characteristics. Facade latex paints are produced to produce OSV textured or dense, shiny, semi-gloss or matte.


In addition to the paints described above, water based There are also types of water-based paints that are successfully used in finishing external walls from OSB panels and more. These paints can also be used to paint concrete and stone materials, which must be treated with putty and primers before finishing. Water-based painting emulsions are:

  • silicate paints, the main component of which is liquid potassium glass; such paints are endowed with the highest possible resistance to steam;
  • silicone paints, which are based on silicone resin and fungicidal additives; after drying, they do not allow water to pass through and repel street dust and dirt.

Features of coloring

Oriented strand products are a special material, so their finishing also needs to be approached in a non-standard way. Its main working surface is flat, it can be absolutely smooth or slightly rough. But before starting finishing work, the edges must be processed with a special tool to make them somewhat rounded. In addition, these very edges have a more porous structure, so the pigment on them will be absorbed in large quantities and will turn out to be a different color from the main coating. Putty for exterior work will help eliminate this problem. If you carefully seal all the joints and seams using serpyanka, and then treat it with a primer, then the surface to be painted will be even and smooth.

Leveling the surface
The slabs should be primed before painting.

To be fair, it is worth saying that it is necessary to cover all external walls with a primer, and not just the joints. It will help better adhesion of the dye to the OSB panels and serve as an antiseptic, that is, it will protect the walls and the entire house from all kinds of harmful effects from weather and air. If during installation any defects or unevenness in the cladding are suddenly discovered. Or there is simply a suspicion that shavings can be seen through the coating, then the entire façade must also be puttyed. For exterior work, paint must be applied to wood surfaces at least twice.

To obtain a better visual result and a more durable surface, external walls should be painted in three to four layers, waiting for the paint to dry completely on each layer.

Seams are sealed using sealant
Painting OSB boards

Color options and application features

Some features of external walls made of OSB panels have already been mentioned above. Now we need to discuss what is the best way to paint the façade treated with putty. In general, there are three main methods for painting any surfaces and any coloring compositions:

  • using spray guns or spray guns. The method is quite effective for obtaining an absolutely smooth and durable coating. The dyeing process with such equipment does not take much time, but it increases the consumption of the dye composition compared to the standard. In addition, the mechanisms are not cheap; it is unreasonable to buy them for painting one house. Another disadvantage is the fact that the spray gun can only be used outdoors in the absence of wind, in very calm weather, only with a respirator;
  • used as the main tool paint brushes flat and round different sizes. This method is the most trivial, but very labor-intensive and time-consuming;
  • The third and, perhaps, the most optimal method of painting the outside walls of a house is the use of paint rollers. To speed up the process, it is better to use wide rollers. This tool allows you to quickly and efficiently paint large surfaces without losing paint compositions. Suitable for any type of mixture.
  • Electric spray gun

    Nuances of work

    To begin with, we will talk about the joints of OSB boards. Treating these places with putty brings a positive effect, but only for a short time, because during the process of shrinking the house, the slabs can “play” and the putty can crack and fall out of the seams. This will certainly negatively affect the appearance of the facade. There is another way to decorate bottlenecks - the use of special decorative overlays. They are used to cover the seams after dyeing. These covers serve as both seam protection and a design element.

    It is more convenient to start painting work from the top of the wall so that the paint does not drip onto the finished, drying circle. Weather conditions must also be taken into account. Finishing work It is most convenient to perform it at a positive outside temperature.

    To avoid wide seams, you should choose OSB boards with machined ends

    It should also be mentioned that the painted facade made of OSB boards is unpretentious during operation, but still requires some maintenance. Usually, facade materials very resistant to external influences. Therefore, external walls should be washed periodically using ordinary detergents, unless otherwise recommended by the paint manufacturer. It is not advisable to use brushes with hard bristles, so as not to damage the finish.


    We invite you to familiarize yourself with various types decorating OSB boards.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is a versatile construction material, which is used for facade finishing, installation internal partitions and flooring. Thanks to this product it is possible to fill large areas a smooth, durable surface with your own hands and at minimal cost.

After installation, the OSB needs finishing coating, which will add aesthetics to the appearance. Painting is one of the most rational, practical and available ways decorative cladding. We will consider the features of such a process in this article.

Choosing the right paint

How to paint OSB outside? To answer this question correctly, you should remember that the product in question consists of 90% wood. Thus, in most cases you can safely use the same compositions that are suitable for processing solid wooden surfaces. Let's sort it out possible options.


The main element of this paint is alkyd resin, made by boiling vegetable oils with acids. During the drying process, a thin, durable film is formed that reliably protects the surface from moisture penetration.


  • Low price. Manufacturing process does not involve the use of expensive raw materials.
  • Creation of a moisture-proofing layer.
  • radiation.
  • Ability to tolerate low temperatures, reaching -30 degrees.
  • Short curing period, about ten hours.
  • No toxicity.


  • Tendency to fire.
  • Low resistance to alkaline attack.
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor during application and drying.

Advice: the alkyd composition can only be applied to a completely dry surface.
Otherwise, you will experience blisters and peeling.



  • Simple instructions for use.
  • Wide range of shades thanks to the ease of mixing different colors.

  • Affordable price.
  • High resistance to high humidity, frost and exposure sun rays.
  • Good fire resistance due to water base.

Advice: in achieving more fire safety will help fire retardant paints for metal Polistil.
Their use is not limited only to iron, but in case of open flame they secrete a large number of coked foam, which prevents further spread of fire.

  • Environmentally friendly material and absence of unpleasant odors.
  • Long service life. With quality care it can reach ten years.

Advice: after purchase and before use, you should not store the water emulsion at subzero temperatures.
The presence of water in the composition in this case plays a bad role and renders the paint unusable.


It is made on the basis of drying oil. It was used for a long time before the emergence of more practical and high-quality analogues.

Nowadays it is rare due to the abundance of negative qualities:

  • Toxicity. When using it, be sure to open the windows for ventilation and get a respirator.

  • High price due to the high cost of raw materials.
  • Formation of smudges during operation.
  • Long drying time, at least a day.
  • Fragility. Under harmful effects environment oil paint begins to peel and crumble.


This is a water-based paint in which latex acts as a binder.

The cost of such a composition is decent, but every penny pays off with interest, thanks to its unique technical characteristics:

  • Unique elasticity. Deformation of the base will not lead to destruction finishing coating, it will only stretch, remaining quite attractive in appearance.

  • High strength to mechanical stress.
  • Complete moisture insulation. Qualitatively seals the surface of OSB.
  • Resistance to atmospheric agents.
  • Durability. At least ten years warranty.
  • Opportunity wet cleaning using household chemicals.
  • Environmental safety, no unpleasant odors.

Application Features

Painting OSB on the outside has some nuances that differ from applying paint to the surfaces of other materials, including wood.

And in order for the finishing to be of high quality, it is necessary to take them into account:

  1. Sharp corners cause any paint to bleed. Therefore, before starting work, they should be slightly rounded by grinding.
  2. The edges are more porous than the rest of the surface and require pre-sealing.
  3. Be sure to prime the slab to increase the adhesion of its coating and reduce moisture-absorbing properties. (See also article.)

  1. The solution must be applied in several thin layers. Moreover, each subsequent one only after the previous one has completely hardened.

Some nuances of work

  • Water-based compositions can cause the slabs to swell, so treatment must be done on both sides to maintain symmetry. In some cases, sanding may be necessary.
  • If you use transparent mixtures for facing work, make sure that they contain inhibitors that prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The joining seams need to be puttied so that the final finish looks like a monolithic surface.
  • The metal caps of the fixing elements are reliably protected from corrosion by Zinga electrically conductive paint, which creates a thin-film layer of zinc.


OSB boards are very convenient and practical to use. They will allow in short time create a flat, durable surface both inside and outside the building. But then there is the question of finishing. And one of the most rational and aesthetic options is painting. The market today is replete with many suitable colors, and choosing the most optimal one is not so easy.

To better navigate, we have looked at the most common options:

  • Oil suspensions are already quite outdated so that they cannot compete with their more modern counterparts. They cannot compete with them in terms of price and quality.
  • Alkyds will do the job well, but they are highly flammable and have bad smell, which makes you think about their use.
  • Acrylic compositions satisfy all requirements and are the most popular in this area. The main thing is not to store them at sub-zero temperatures.
  • Latex paints are a more expensive and even more durable type of water-based paint. Her specifications allow you to significantly increase the service life of the treated surface.

The video in this article will provide you with Additional information on the topic under consideration.

Make your choice correctly, and the result will delight you for many years.

OSB boards are usually used for cladding frame or half-timbered houses. That is why the question of finishing the facade arises. You can choose siding or ceramic cladding, but these options are expensive and labor-intensive. Painting will be much cheaper. Various means can be used for this. on the street? This is discussed in the article.

Why do you need to paint slabs?

To understand whether OSB boards are painted, you should familiarize yourself with their composition and appearance. They are easy warm material, which is used in the construction of external structures, internal walls and partitions. The panels may differ in brand; for the outer part, dense products are used, the markings of which have the numbers 3 or 4. Since the material is created by pressing wood chips and glue, it is breathable, environmentally friendly, but it is sensitive to atmospheric influences.

And when creating slabs, the chips are oriented longitudinally in the outer parts, and across the fibers in the middle. Because of this, the strength and thermal insulation properties of OSB boards are created. Is it necessary to paint OSB boards outdoors? The surface of the material is pleasant and warm to the touch, but does not have an entirely attractive appearance. That's why it needs to be painted.

Another reason for coverage special means protection of the material, and therefore the house, from destruction, moisture, mold, and fungi is considered. Although the products are moisture resistant, the connection areas are vulnerable. Therefore, such facades must be painted. Only before this, it is necessary to clean off dust, as well as putty and primer. It is important that there is a delay between procedures. After puttying, you need to allow at least 12 hours to dry. The same period is provided for complete drying of the primer.


Nowadays many types of paints and varnishes are sold. But not every one of them is suitable for this OSB board on the street; it must be determined after studying the paint properties and possibilities. When purchasing, keep in mind that the panels contain 90% wood. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the scope of application of the paint and varnish.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors to get a high-quality result? Alkyd paint great for these purposes. It is perfectly absorbed into wood and dries quickly due to its water component. But this fact is associated with a lack of funds.

The paint can be stored at positive temperatures, but when hardened it can withstand frost up to 30 degrees. The disadvantages include a low level of resistance to fire and alkalis. Alkyd paint is in demand due to:

  1. No unpleasant odor or harmful formations.
  2. Quick drying, long lasting color retention.
  3. Excellent hiding power or the ability to get flat surface no drips.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Affordable price.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors to protect the material from various influences? One that has a polymer component, colors and water is suitable. The main property required for outdoor service is the ability to create a reliable film.

Acrids have good adhesion and OCB. These properties influence the demand for paints for facade finishing. Manufacturers produce mixtures not only of rich shades, but also with different physical characteristics. Surface from acrylic paint It can be matte and glossy, transparent and dull. Such mixtures:

  1. Dries quickly and is very durable.
  2. Used for processing porous, loose surfaces.
  3. They are water- and vapor-tight.
  4. Tolerates significant temperature changes.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors so that the material does not deteriorate from various influences? Oil paint is classic. Compared to modern mixtures, it is less in demand because it has some harmful properties:

  1. High toxicity. During operation you need to use
  2. It takes a long time to dry, since drying oil becomes the basis for obtaining paints.
  3. It takes experience to apply the product evenly.
  4. Due to its low durability, the surface needs to be renewed frequently.

The advantages include excellent absorption into the surface and ease of storage. Thick paint can be thinned with drying oil.


Which OSB boards are suitable for high-quality home protection? Latex paints suitable for wood are used. To create mixtures, ordinary water is used, acrylic resin, latex polymer liquid substance. It is with it that ordinary acrylic enamel becomes a coloring composition.

The composition is based on polyvinyl, silicone, and other additives to improve performance. Facade paints are created to produce OSV with texture and density.


If you are interested in what is the best way to paint an OSB board, then you should pay attention to water-based paint. It is used for finishing external walls. The product is suitable for renewing concrete and stone materials, which must first be treated with putty and primer. Aqueous emulsions are divided into:

  1. Silicate. The base includes liquid potassium glass. Steam resistant paints.
  2. Silicone. They contain silicone resin and fungicidal additives. After drying, they do not allow water to pass through and repel dust and dirt.

The best way to paint an OSB board on the outside is up to each owner to decide for himself. The above products are ideal for this job.


These products are considered special, so their processing is carried out non-standardly. Working surface smooth, may be smooth and somewhat rough. Before finishing, the surface should be treated with a special tool.

The edges may be porous, so they absorb more pigment, resulting in uneven color. The defect can be eliminated using putty for exterior use. It will remove joints and seams, after which primer treatment is required. The procedure will improve the adhesion of the dye to the OSB panels. It also protects from harmful influences.

If defects or unevenness appear during installation, then the entire façade needs to be puttied. At outdoor work The paint is applied at least 2 times. A better visual result and a more durable surface is provided by painting in 3-4 layers.

Color options

How to paint an OSB board outside? This work can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Spray gun or spray gun. This method is effective for an even, durable coating. Painting with such a device is quick, but it increases paint consumption. In addition, the mechanisms are expensive. This method can only be used in calm weather using a respirator.
  2. Paint brushes. This option is labor-intensive and time-consuming.
  3. Rollers are used to speed up the process. With this tool you can quickly and efficiently update large areas. Used for different mixtures.


The internal surfaces of OSB boards are sprayed. You can also take a roller to paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion. In hard-to-reach areas, apply the product with a brush. When applying the first layer, you need to control the uniformity. If you use water-based varnish, you need to monitor whether the slabs are damaged by moisture. Strokes should be done in one direction.

Before applying the next layer, you need to take breaks to dry the surface. To do this, you need to wait 6-8 hours, the time is determined by the type of paint. Drying should be natural at a stable temperature. Drafts should not be allowed.

The outer part of the house is exposed to negative factors, so you need to choose quality paint. You need to pay special attention to the ends. Sharp edges of the slabs should be rounded with a radius of about 4 mm. Then the surface is cleaned of dust and a primer is applied.

When choosing paint for the final finish, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of clear varnishes. Many people do not tolerate sunlight well. Water-based paints often deform slabs. Organosoluble, alkyd, oil products will be the most suitable. The principle of operation is the same as indoors. But at least 3 layers are applied to the facade.


First you should touch the joints of the OSB boards. The treatment of these areas will be positive, but not for long, since during the installation of the house the slabs “play” and the putty cracks and falls out of the seams. This will negatively affect the appearance of the facade. There is another option for decorating narrow areas - using decorative overlays. They cover the seams after painting. They are needed as protection and a design element.

The painting activity is carried out from the top of the wall so that the paint does not flow onto the drying area. You also need to take the weather into account. It is preferable to do finishing at positive air temperatures.

It should be remembered that a painted facade is considered unpretentious during operation, but maintenance is still required. The materials are usually impact resistant. Walls must be washed regularly detergents, unless the manufacturer recommends something else. Do not use stiff bristled brushes as this will damage the finish.

Thus, OSB boards must be processed. Paint will be available and effective option. The house will be reliably protected from various adverse factors.

OSB is the most cheap option coating, the price of which does not correspond to the lowest quality.

However, OSB consists of resins and shavings, so it absorbs moisture. To prevent this from happening, the OSB boards must be covered with a layer of something solid to prevent moisture from getting inside.

Also in the article you will see practical advice, how and where it is better to install OSB board.

Where are OSB boards used?

OSB boards are very cheap and at the same time reliable, so they can also be seen on trucks and trailers.

However, problems arise only when installing floor and wall coverings. Including cladding work in frame houses.

OSB surface finishing for flooring

If you want a flat floor, OSB boards are the most the best choice. To prevent the floor from sagging later, it is better to use OSB-3.

Such slabs are very thick and therefore can withstand heavy loads. They can be placed on wooden joists or concrete screed.

As with any type of coating, it is better to apply many thin layers than one thick one.

When applying, make sure that each layer has time to dry well and does not stick to your fingers. The plates themselves must be polished.

However, polished slabs are often not available in stores or they are expensive. To get out of this situation, sand the surface yourself or cover it with wood primer.

Linoleum or carpet

If the slabs are covered with linoleum or carpet, they may fog up.

To avoid this, seal the gaps with resin or glue. To avoid gaps, use slabs as thin as possible.


When attaching tiles to OSB, choose one that is capable of holding ceramics and wood together as a fastening material.


If the base of the laminate is OSB boards, this is the best option.

This is not only the best bonding of materials, but also the most even installation.

Finishing of internal partitions

Various resins and adhesives are used in the manufacture of boards.

At certain temperatures and other influences, substances holding the material together may appear on the surface.

For example, if you cover the slabs with wallpaper, this wallpaper will become covered with small and large greasy stains.

To prevent this from happening, use a primer before applying any coatings.

Be careful: If the manufacturer has coated the surface with wax, the primer must contain quartz sand.

The varnish should be applied in a large number of thin layers.

If you use paint, it should be made for wood. If it contains water, it will make the wall breathable. But when applied water-based paint The plate may become twisted. Therefore, it is worth considering the conditions in which the stove will be located.

The wallpaper is glued using regular wallpaper glue with the addition of PVA.

External finishing of OSB boards

In direct contact with external environment The stove is constantly at risk of curling due to dampness. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to apply protective layer paints. When painting osb boards, ordinary paint for facade work is used.

You need to keep an eye on the cracks. All of them must be filled with acrylic sealant.

To ensure better paint application, it is better to round off all sharp edges. In this case, the radius of the circle must be at least 3 mm.

All surfaces are primed and sealed.

After applying the primer, if it contains water, the surface must be sanded.

If you choose a transparent dye, keep in mind that it should not allow direct sunlight to pass through. Otherwise, the plane will dry out and become deformed because of this.

We can summarize that such a slab is very cheap to purchase, but just as reliable as a solid one. Moreover, you can use the same coating that is used when processing regular boards.

The only negative is vulnerability to moisture, which can be compensated for with varnishes, primers and paints on the surface itself and resin and glue at the joints.

Finishing OSB panels - Video

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