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Personal planets of a woman in the 12th house of a man. Indian horoscope - vedic astrology, jyotish online

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Shukra - Venus

Venus is the planet of love. It is beneficent and improves the qualities of the house where it is located, as well as any planet with which it connects or aspects. Like Jupiter, she brings money, comfort and good fortune when she is strong and well placed. In addition to the fact that she governs such important areas as love and married life, she especially affects the happiness of a person. Therefore, there are almost no other astrological provisions that can spoil the happiness of love, like the struck Venus. Since this is the planet of beauty, sensuality and passion, all those with Venus well placed will be sensual, beautiful, magnetic and attractive to the opposite sex. A person will be artistic, will be a connoisseur of beauty, because Venus is the planet of aesthetic appreciation.

Venus governs the reproductive system, and when badly placed or afflicted with pests, it is often the cause of venereal disease, sexual disorders, or diseases of the reproductive organs.

It should be noted that when Venus is in Virgo, her declining sign, this often entails the abuse of sex or sensual pleasures.

The functions of Venus are almost the same in the systems of astrology of the East and West, except that in India Venus is used to describe the degree of comfort, luxuries, vehicles and happiness. However, the main significance of this planet is that it rules love affairs, spouse and marriage. When Venus is in corner houses(1, 4, 7, 10th), this gives a very kind and forgiving nature.

Venus is feminine and watery and is best placed in the 4th house where she receives dik bala or guiding force. It works best in Pisces - the sign of its exaltation, worst of all in Virgo - the sign of its fall. In her own signs Taurus and Libra she certainly gives nice results. The stone that strengthens afflicted Venus is the diamond.

For a weakened Venus, the silver metal is beneficial. The friends of Venus are Mercury and Saturn. Enemies - the Sun and the Moon, in their signs it is not welcome. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to her.

Venus indicators: marriage, love affairs, romance, comfort, luxury, jewelry, wealth, wealth, prosperity, happiness, beauty, vehicles, transportation, art, dance, music, drama, theater, actors, artists, musicians, reproductive system, seed, medicine , hypnotism, mesmerism, spells, southeast direction, Friday, silver metal, diamonds, diamonds, venereal diseases, diseases of the ovaries and uterus, sensuality, passion, sexual pleasures.

Book material Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Bracha


Venus by nature is also a brahmana, a teacher and quite auspicious. Venus symbolizes activities related to sex, finding a good wife, conveniences such as good house, furniture and transportation, luxury decorations, etc. Venus rules over artists and people who entertain others, as well as people who earn their living in pursuits of sensual pleasure. Venus is described in Sanskrit prayers as having knowledge of both the material and the spiritual. A person with a good position of Venus in the horoscope is charismatic, loves nature, is able to make others happy. Venus rules people engaged in peacekeeping, flowers and other beautiful creatures of nature, dancers and musicians, jewelry and jewelry, vehicles and tropical places, sweets and abundant food, cows, fine fabrics and cosmetics. Horoscopes in which the influence of this planet significantly indicate also excessive hobbies, abuse of something and diseases of the excretory organs. Venusians have a graceful gait and can be talented athletes.


Venus in Aries

For Venus, this is a neutral sign, and the strength of its impact on a person will be average. It's gentle loving people they live in comfort. They get a good marriage partner, but there will also be periods of quarrels when the spouses "face each other." Such people love the arts or entertainment. The astrological texts say that they will have some bad qualities and bring some "disgrace upon their family".

Venus in Tellia

Venus is here in its own sign and thus plays an important and beneficial role in life. this person. He or she will have knowledge in both the material and spiritual fields. They are practical, have an attractive appearance and have been blessed with a wonderful marriage partner. In their life there is some contradiction between the spiritual principle and sensuality. These people are compassionate to those in need, but do not like people with great personal ambition. In most cases, these people will have strong body, beautiful appearance and a peaceful, loving heart.

Venus in Gemini

Here Venus is in a friendly sign; he* brings the joy of education and sex into the lives of these people. Abilities in the arts, good friendships and a tendency to flirt are to be expected. Most of the texts mention wealth and religious devotion.

Venus in Cancer

For Venus, this is a hostile sign, and such a person can expect some emotional hardship at times. These chagrins will show up in the field of sexual relations, as well as because of the abuse of something and because of the soft, weak and timid nature of these people. They make good actors, decorators, or they can earn money through a business related to beauty. They live in comfort, look good, have a good heart.

Venus in Leo

This sign is hostile to Venus, and this placement indicates some pride, passion and debauchery. These are secular, artistic people who love communication, entertainment and "on a friendly footing" with celebrities. They are romantic, idealistic, but also practical. Astrological texts speak of "an attractive marriage partner, money coming through the opposite sex, and a small number of children."

Venus in Virgo

This is the weakest sign of Venus, the place of its weakening, and as a result of which various problems can arise. They may have quarrels with a marriage partner, a sudden loss of property, poverty or promiscuity in their means of income, distress related to the genitals or excretory system. They may be learned and religious; may be indifferent to things related to the material. They can help the devotees of God.

Venus in Libra

Venus is in its own sign here, and therefore powerful. This disposition is a sign of sense gratification, friendship with wealthy people, good looks, skillful money-making, attraction to beautiful worldly things such as cars, palaces, arts, flowers, etc. These people are poetic, travel, can have a very successful marriage.

Venus in Scorpio

These people may have a strong or large body, and may be courageous in matters of sense gratification. They suffer from disappointments in love, they accumulate property by suspicious means, they are poetic, artistic and prone to mysticism. They are picky or get involved in litigation. Such qualities of Scorpio as vindictiveness, intuition, secrecy, etc. manifest themselves in these people themselves and in their relationships with others. They love picturesque places, are talkative, emotional and capable of committing some shameful acts.

Venus in Sagittarius

Here Venus is in a neutral sign with respect to it; this disposition gives a person both material success and an interest in philosophy. They are usually tall, handsome, and wear jewelry. They are respected, live in comfort, have a good education. Classical texts say that such people are respectable, happy in family life rich, occupy an influential position in society. In their lives there is a conflict between the tendencies to self-denial and enrichment,

Venus in Capricorn

It is generally believed that such an arrangement indicates an outwardly attractive person who has a weak body, serves others, or is under the influence of an older spouse. Such people have a somewhat dubious morality, but they are educated in the higher sciences. They may be boastful or ostentatious and may engage in questionable acts for material gain. They will have the opportunity to travel to the tropics, gain considerable popularity, there may be suffering due to heart disease and due to financial dependence on others.

Venus in Aquarius

soft and nice person educated in the mystical sciences, tied to opposite sex; unclean habits can also be expected. Such a person will manifest an independent and freedom-loving character. Such people are sociable, love games and entertainment. Various texts describe them as "chaste, shy and convinced people".

Venus in Pisces

Here Venus is exalted, Pisces is her best sign. This will be a loving, gentle person, capable of sacrifice, having good, friendly relations, capable of achieving material success, receiving good opportunities enjoy sex and entertainment. They own cars and houses, have knowledge in the material and spiritual fields. They can be diplomatic and skillful when doing their job. They can carry out a peacekeeping mission and know how to inspire others.


Venus in 1st house

Ego is a sign of a person of a charismatic warehouse, with a "God's spark", a beautiful appearance and an attractive personality. They are great with others and become leaders and teachers. They have a penchant for the arts and can be skilled in music or dancing. Pleasure and luck accompany them in matters related to houses, cars and the opposite sex. Their health suffers as a result of excessive passion, abuse of something.

Venus in 2nd house

This is again a beautiful placement of Venus, which is a sign of a person with an attractive face, not lacking money, with a friendly manner of speech and a capacity for poetry. They own property, are happy in family life. They have jewelry, they speak diplomatically, they have a romantic or erotic nature, they like to eat well, and they get the opportunity to make speeches in front of a large number listeners.

Venus in 3rd house

This is a reasonable person with the ability to arts, writing or other forms of self-expression, as well as to trade. They will have good brothers, they will receive gifts from their relatives. They usually have few children, a moderate financial situation; in their character there is a trait of stinginess.

Venus in 4th house

It indicates the possession of a variety of property, parental happiness, happiness in home life, friendship with people of art and strong romantic desires in the heart. These people can get a good education, an inheritance, have good transportation, and live in picturesque delightful places. They have religious inclinations, they can make good mothers, teachers, gardeners, decorators. They have a pure heart, it is easy to be around them.

Venus in 5th house

These people are usually wealthy and prudent. They have good children or students. They are good advisers in all areas of life; they have opportunities in the entertainment industry, they make good investments, their mentality is usually inclined towards prayer. They are dreamy or idealistic; live in comfort.

Venus in 6th house

In their service to others, they are reliable. They have few enemies or make a strong impression on everyone. Their marriage partner may be weak or sickly. They should not expect a luxurious or rich life. They have a chance to travel to the tropics, abroad, or take a trip for educational purposes. They will have few children and high house and car expenses.

Venus in 7th house

These people have the ability to commercial activities or work well as part of a group. Happiness in marriage may be small or distant for some time. One can expect strong sexual passions or, on the contrary, their complete rejection. These are enthusiasts, beautiful in appearance, having a good education. Friendly relations can be expected famous people, frequent travel.

Venus in 8th house

Long life and peaceful death are the usual consequences of Venus in this house. The marriage will take place after some delay, or this person will be married twice, or he will be married to a person of unusual character. Some disappointed hopes in the realm of art are to be expected. These people own property and are usually interested in spiritualism.

Venus in 9th house

These are rich people who come from a wealthy family, travel the world, own jewelry and a large number of modern amenities. They have love for God and do charitable deeds. They have attractive marriage partners, make a living shipping goods, and have an aptitude or at least an interest in the arts. They can marry citizens of other countries. By nature, they are generous and courteous people.

Venus in 10th house

This is a person of influence, born in a good family, having a good house and car; he may be married to famous person. These people are compassionate and help those in need. They have abilities in the fields of art, games or sports, in creativity, in business related to health, beauty, entertainment. They are educated, well-known, have contacts with high strata of society.

Venus in 11th house

This place is favorable for Venus; such an arrangement gives good children, money without special efforts, a good marriage partner and a friendly, compassionate nature. These people are doing work that affects the masses of people. They love to travel. They are conservative; they are successful in joint business and in influencing public opinion.

Venus in 12th house

These people enjoy luxury and sex excessively. They may be misled by members of the opposite sex; may survive the sudden loss of a marriage partner or lose their social position. They have an interest in charity, but are not stable in their religious principles. They love the mysterious and what is under a secret, sometimes they are inclined to lie; but they believe in the next life and create good karma for the sake of their future births.

The material of the book is Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Venus (Shukra) in Vedic Astrology



With Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope, the person will face extreme poverty. When Venus is conjoined with a malefic planet, the horoscope holder will become prone to indulging his sexual desires. If Venus is connected with a benefic planet, the lord of the horoscope will be very rich, will receive all sexual pleasures and go to heaven after death. He will go to lower worlds if Venus is in conjunction with a malefic planet.


The 12th house is the house of loss and deceit, and Venus, as a kalatra karaka, being in this house, can indicate the sudden death of a marriage partner, as well as deceit by members of the opposite sex.

Being the significator of the 12th house and being in it, Venus gives the desire for excessive enjoyment of sex and luxury, extravagance, extravagance and deceit. If Venus experiences Negative influence, the owner of the horoscope, may face loss of reputation, scandal, shame or dishonor.

Their positive traits Venus will manifest in the pursuit of charity, in making donations, in an interest in occult, mystical knowledge and spiritual practices. This position of Venus does not give stability in religious beliefs. The Vedic tradition says that with charity, positive karma is accumulated, and with a donation to a temple or church, karma is burned. This explains the words of Bhrigu Muni about "heaven after death" in the case of good location Venus in the 12th house.

Other opinions:

Brihat Jataka- wealth.

"Phaladeepika"- Wealth and many sexual relationships.

"Saravali"- the owner of the horoscope will be lazy and self-satisfied. He will show a predisposition to fullness. His character will be low, vile and dishonest. He will become proficient in sex, and women will have great power over him.

"Chamatkar-chintamani"- a person whose Venus is located in the 12th house of the horoscope will become rich. He will destroy his reputation and lose good qualities, will be hostile towards his friends and other people.


Except "Saravali", all sources express the opinion that Venus in the 12th house will bring wealth to the owner of the horoscope. According to the Bhrigu Sutra, a person with this position of Venus in the horoscope will face extreme poverty, but will be very rich if Venus is associated with a benefic planet. Our practical experience confirms the opinion of the sutras. As an indicator of finances, being in the most unfavorable house, which, moreover, is her own, Venus will not be able to show good qualities without the support received by conjunction with a benefic planet. In addition, the position in the Dusthana will also cause the manifestation of the negative characteristics of the houses, whose mistress will be Venus.

Horoscope, not the most favorable astrological indication, since this house is considered evil.

The person likes privacy. It is difficult for him to enjoy simple earthly joys: communication with others, meetings, acquaintances, dates, holidays and celebrations. The tastes and preferences of such a person are not always shared by others. For example, he may like quiet church music, which will seem strange to other people.

And yet it is a good planet that symbolizes creativity and harmony. Being alone, a person can experience high feelings and inspiration. The native has a rich imagination. The results of his labors can be beautiful poems, musical works, paintings and much more.

Features of the character and behavior of a person. His abilities and hobbies

The owner of Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope is dreamy, romantic and sensitive. Often such people are secretly in love with someone, but are embarrassed to admit their feelings. The object of love is endowed with ideal qualities, and if a closer acquaintance occurs, then the native is sometimes disappointed. Meanwhile, wonderful feelings inspire the owner of the horoscope for creativity. He sings and praises positive sides character, outstanding virtues and talents of a loved one.

The subject loves harmony, silence and nature. Often the owners of Venus in the 12th field move to live outside the city. They feel good and peaceful, living in the country and doing household chores.

The owner is interested in religious, philosophical and esoteric issues. He is attracted to everything secret, mystical and inaccessible to the understanding of most people. Such people may be characterized by intelligence and high spirituality. Among the owners of Venus in the 12th house there are many humanists, pacifists, philanthropists and believers.

The study of religious doctrines gives them inner balance. Making pilgrimages and doing charity work help you look at the world from a different angle and make you feel needed.

Venus and some signs of the zodiac

The 12th house is called the house of diseases and unfavorable circumstances. And yet, if Venus is essentially strong, then she helps the native cope with difficult situations.

In his life, periods of emigration, isolation, long stays in hospitals and closed institutions are possible. , in and in makes conditions in places of solitude, treatment and restriction of freedom more or less comfortable. A person reconsiders his life values, gains new strength and energy, changes physically and spiritually, which favorably affects his future life.

Venus in 12th house man

Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope indicates a not entirely successful marriage for a man. There can be a lot of incomprehensible and secret things in a relationship. A harmonious and strong union interferes with building illusions and unwillingness to accept a partner as he is. In this position of the star, a fictitious marriage is likely.

If Venus is seriously affected and weak in quality, then the wife may have poor health and an unstable psyche.

Often, acquaintance with the future wife takes place outside the city, on vacation, during treatment, travel and long trips. Relationships are best developed with a merciful, kind, sympathetic and art-loving woman.

Venus in woman's 12th house

It is difficult for the owner of Venus in the 12th house to show their initiatives and show their talents to others. Often, fateful decisions are made by people around her, and she only has to obey someone else's will and go with the flow.

And yet, such a woman can realize herself well in creativity, medicine and charitable activities.

Contrary to stereotypes existing in astrology, Venus in the 12th house may not mean secret love affairs, as is often written in books on astrology. Of course, if you have Venus in the 12th house, it is possible that the relationship between your parents was not easy; but it is equally possible that one of them had an artistic ability to which he did not attach importance.

What does Venus in the 12th house mean?

I remember one mother who started painting for company with her adult daughter- "just". My daughter had Venus in the 12th house. Now the mother earns her living by painting. Her life sparkled with new colors, and her work is magnificent.

The ways of manifestation of the horoscope factors are so diverse that it is impossible to try them all. There is always something unresolved in the unconscious. Sometimes it is deliberately held back, and sometimes it is postponed for later because of the hustle and bustle. Everyday life. How many people found themselves in a situation where, in the midst of worries about their own careers, they still had to help a young family!

Among other things, this period is also different in that certain mental factors, problems and talents have to be pushed aside. This is an absolutely normal state of affairs, and there is no one to blame. The fact that the parent is overwhelmed with guilt does not solve anything, because this feeling will inevitably be passed on to the child.

Venus in the 12th house of the children's horoscope

Many, many years ago, I loved to play music and draw, wrote poetry. But there were so many other things to do - I had to work and at the same time take care of my family, that nothing came of my hobbies.

After all, I thought, one person can't do everything, and I put these forms of creativity out of my head. I still loved listening to music, but I stopped playing altogether. And so my daughter was born - with Venus squared to the ruler of the 12th house.

She has an exceptional ear for music, she loves to sing, dance and cheerfully leads me into the world of music, which I abandoned as unnecessary, as it seemed to me.

My daughter always begs me to play a song on the piano so that we can sing together, and loves to dance around me. And that makes me happy. She showed me that part of me that I was too hasty to reject, and now I understand what I was missing so much.

The connection between Venus and the 12th house is a family one. My maternal grandfather was an excellent painter, but he never took his gift seriously. In my mother's chart, the ruler of the 12th house is in the 2, a position that often indicates (hereditary) artistic ability.

Currently, she is actively developing her musical and artistic talents and makes things of amazing beauty. But by the time I was born, her talents were still only implied. In my horoscope, the ruler of the 12th house is square to Venus!

Venus in the 12th house in the horoscopes of children. In this sense, the experience of our children can be extremely positive and valuable for us. But what if in their behavior someone recognizes not their most attractive qualities, which so far have been able to force out of consciousness?

This, of course, is not very pleasant. The consequences depend on the degree of readiness for an open meeting with the problem. If the child's behavior actualizes something that the adult fears and fails to respond to it properly, the child is likely to share his fear with him, which will reflect on him in an unfavorable way.

A father with Neptune in the 12th house, who, to his horror, had paranormal abilities, had a child with the same position of Neptune in the chart - a child who almost read his mind! His father forbade him to engage in extrasensory perception, and then he could not understand why the child developed many fears and phobias. This is a less pleasant manifestation of Neptune in the 12th house.

How to Raise a Child with Venus in the 12th House

According to the horoscope, it is impossible to say what kind of influence of the 12th house a person will experience - mostly constructive or mostly destructive. AT astrologically this house contains both positive and negative potentials.

And helping the child in this area of ​​experience is one of the most serious duties of parents. What they are and what they do can teach a child to deal with the factors of the 12th house, avoiding many fears, stresses and fights. And at the same time, parents will be able to learn a lot about themselves.

When, over time, parents finally open their eyes to their problems and their consequences and try to solve them, it certainly affects the child, regardless of his age at that time. One way or another, we all keep in touch with our parents.

It happens that the work of parents on themselves turns out to be decisive, as in the example that Francis Weeks cites in her book “The Inner World of a Child.” A desperate mother came to her for a consultation, from whom her son had left.

She devoted her whole life to him, did everything in her power for him, and never lived for herself. The mother was on the verge of suicide, and only a faint hope that her son might return and would need her help kept her from taking decisive action.

She turned to a psychoanalyst, and after a difficult period for her, during which she worked a lot with her dreams, in one of the sessions there came a moment when she suddenly changed.

Overnight, it became clear to her that she could and should live her own life. She said, “I'm starting over, even if I never see him again. My grief will remain with me, but the life that I begin from this moment is my life.

The session was drawing to a close and the clock struck 12. Three days later, the woman received a letter dated the day of her decision. It said, “Dear Mother, I am sitting on a hill three thousand miles from you now. I had just heard the clock strike nine, and the fear that had always haunted me was suddenly dispelled. I am going back home". His nine hours in his mother's time zone were twelve.

An example of the influence of Venus in the 12th house in the horoscopes of children

A child always has something from his parents. Therefore, when parents work on themselves, it benefits him. But the child also has his own character, and one way or another he will make decisions on his own.

Subsequently, he himself will decide whether to take on the solution of a particular problem or postpone it until later. Therefore, if the child does not succeed too much in life, this should not be considered a failure of parental pedagogy.

On several occasions I have spoken to parents who, with absolute honesty, tried to cope with their problems and did not stop fighting with themselves, despite the accompanying fear and insecurity.

They lamented, "It feels like our child will have to deal with this problem from the start, as if nothing in us has really changed." Meanwhile, the parents have changed significantly.

Now, as parents, we should not deprive our children of the right to make mistakes. We must give them the opportunity to go through life in their own way. If the child's problem is closely related to the parent's, then he will probably have to work it out from beginning to end.

But 12th house - closed house We can't see what's going on in it. If you, as a parent, find the right approach to a problem, then somewhere in the space of the 12th house, you thereby open the door to your child, or someone else who is hurt by this problem. The results may not be obvious, but the seed has been planted and something will grow from it. Even in the case when parents fail in their work on themselves, the child can be freed from the problems of the older generation, he does not need to carry this burden on himself forever.

Neither the horoscopes of the parents nor the horoscope of the child make it possible to judge how constructively the parents will treat their lives. This means that a child with a strongly affected 12th house may have wonderful parents who are energetically working on themselves, while a child with a harmoniously aspected 12th house may have parents who are no less pretty, but prefer to rely on external manifestations, which means nothing. do not decide.

So tense aspects in a child's chart do not necessarily mean that the child or his parents are not all right. All aspects of the 12th house, both harmonious and disharmonious, are related to our earliest experience. Harmonious ones do not always show unmanifested talents, and disharmonic ones, of course, are not always evidence of parental problems.

Among my clients there were many who, despite the harmonious aspects, experienced difficulties in this area, not to mention the feeling of insecurity typical of such a situation.

Thus, first of all, you need to look at what factors are associated with the 12th house. These planets are often seen as a source of trouble and discomfort, but it is in our power to use them to create another kind of inner comfort.

In almost every book on astrology you will read that anyplanet in 12th houseoverwhelmed, unable to express themselves and act freely. After all, the last sector of the map is often associated with blocks, restrictions and secrets. But what if you have almost all the planets in the 12th house? How to deal with this difficult situation? We will analyze in detail in this article.

Why have you forgotten yourself?

symbolically, that is hidden from the eyes of a person, for any kind of restrictions, ranging from prison to internal vices, destructive programs that do not allow the native to live freely.

However, this interpretation is only the tip of the iceberg. The twelfth house is closely associated with wildlife, forests, solitude, the world of the unconscious, images and dreams.

Back in the 20th century, Carl Gustav Jung wrote that the global problem of today's man is a radical separation from nature, his own nature. We have almost completely lost touch with our instincts, the inner world, replacing it with consciousness, logos. Today we know very little about ourselves. And the society does not lag behind, ramming the personality with common faceless stamps and templates from the series: the right way, the right way.

How to bring a planet in the 12th house to a high level?

Therefore, for a person who does not hear himself, lives in someone else's opinion, afraid to once again express his opinion, the last sector of the map will be a big pest.

Today we are afraid to once again express our opinion, but for some reason we are not afraid to live someone else's life. We do not trust ourselves, but we really believe in TV, the advice of friends.

Planet in 12th housemay appear on one of the following levels:

  • Charity, faith, intuition;
  • Mysticism, esotericism;
  • Subtle world, dreams, images;
  • Migration;
  • Illusion, deception;
  • Secrets, secrets, secrecy;
  • Unconscious;
  • Isolation, restriction, loneliness;
  • Wildlife, instincts;
  • Self-destruction, vices, losses.

Any planet in 12th housewill definitely show up at one of these levels. For example, Mercury in XII - they gossip around you, deceive, hide information from you. On high - you write about science fiction, esotericism, subtle matters.

Find out how to correct

Now let's take a closer look at the meaning of each planet in the 12th house.

Sun (I + mystery)

It is difficult to express and show my self. Psychologically a loner. It's hard to open up, show your inner world. It is well implemented wherever you need to help, do charity work. For example, caring for sick people, helping homeless, abandoned animals.

By in the 12th house the native cannot show himself. The advice is to create an alias or image through which you interact with the world.

Mercury (my words + mystery, fantasy)

As soon as the native begins to openly express his thoughts, says what he thinks, the words begin to turn against the person. There are gossips and envious people. The standard method is to hide your thoughts, manipulate and embellish reality. high variant- write and speak on the topic of fantasy, esotericism, subtle energies.

Venus (beauty, eros + mystery, secrets)

On a low manifestation: problems in love, secrets, betrayals, loneliness. Difficulty getting what you like. As if space does not allow you to enjoy life. If the native is engaged in drawing, photography, keeps his relationship secret, does not tell anyone about the personal front, then Venus will not give a negative, but, on the contrary, will make the relationship deep and rich.

Mars (action, activity + stealth, bluff)

It is difficult to act, especially in groups, together with someone. Anger and aggression may not manifest itself in any way outside, but they can destroy the personality from the inside, creating obsessive states. Working out: act covertly, do not tell anyone about your plans. Or vice versa, create a super Martian image, as Arnold Schwarzenegger did.

Jupiter (expansion + dream world, unconscious)

Mystical events and phenomena can constantly occur around a person. One of the instructions for migration. It is realized through travel, psychoanalysis, work with the subconscious, the study of magical techniques.

Saturn (limitation, order + loneliness, internal programs)

A difficult situation, which often says that the native has a strong psychological trauma, received either before birth (during the mother's pregnancy), or in the first years of life. It can create oppressive loneliness, a feeling of total isolation. It is worked out through psychoanalysis, analysis of internal programs, meditation in the forest or in nature.

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