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Which garden is better to plant for business? Apple orchard business on apples. Intensive technology for apple business

Is it possible to make money in gardening? And how! Intensive gardening does not require long-term investment. It can pay for itself in 2-3 years. Let’s say that in the fall of 2002 you stick seedlings into the ground, a year later you remove 10-15 apples from each tree, in 2004 the harvest will already reach 20-25 t/ha, and in the third year each hectare of a new garden can bring 40-50 t apples The same can be said about pears. The yield of other fruits (plums, apricots) is somewhat lower, but the prices for these fruits and berries are higher than for apples. True, they are not capricious like an apple; they require special storage and transportation conditions.

The cost of planting one hectare of garden, including all technological methods and improvements (during the entire period before entering the fruiting period), averages 35-45 thousand UAH. This includes the costs of all agrotechnical procedures for three to four years - from applying fertilizers to harvesting the first harvest.

The profitability of the garden is scary to say! - can reach hundreds of percent. Consider for yourself: per year, maintaining 1 hectare of an “intensive” garden (staff salaries, pesticides, fertilizers, equipment rental, etc.) can cost up to 2-3 thousand UAH; this hectare can bring up to 40-50 tons ( see above). Even spoiled fruits can be sold for industrial processing for 0.08-0.1 UAH. for 1 kg and get 4-5 thousand UAH for them. And the apples good quality You can sell fruit at the height of the season for 1-1.5 UAH. for 1 kg (50-75 thousand UAH/ha). And if you don’t be greedy and put several tens of tons in a warehouse and “push” these fruits under New Year or even later for 3-6 UAH. for 1 kg? The calculator jams... (This, of course, is not a calculation, but an estimate, but it is also very indicative. - Ed.)

With the most successful set of circumstances and a reasonable marketing policy of the gardener, his garden can pay for itself in the second year of operation.

If things go wrong (not counting forty-degree frosts, floods, fires and other force majeure) and a weak sales policy, the “sadistic” businessman will get his money back in the third year.

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Where to start

It is best to register your own horticultural enterprise in the form of a private agricultural enterprise.
The procedure for creating such an enterprise is the simplest and most painless.
In addition, of the existing 38 taxes and fees that businesses typically pay, a private agricultural firm pays only 27.
Of the eleven “exempt” taxes, the most significant are income tax, contributions to the Pension Fund, reserved VAT, which is subsequently directed to the development of the economy (i.e., owners do not pay VAT to the treasury, but accumulate the corresponding amount in their own account and report for intended use of this amount).

If you take some time, you can save not only on taxes, but also on the initial investment. The state collects from everyone's sales alcoholic drinks and beer tax in the amount of 1% of revenue and directs these funds to the development of gardening, viticulture and hop growing (how correct this is is a separate question. - Ed.). Of course, this help is not given to just anyone, and especially to beginners. And even non-newbies are not delighted with its distribution - see BUSINESS No. 16 of April 16, 2001, pp. 30-32.

Nevertheless, you can try. Possible options:
enlist the support of some experienced gardener and contact one of the horticultural associations (Ukrinsad corporation, Ukrsadvinprom state concern), if this most experienced gardener (or you yourself) is a member of one of them;
contact the Ministry of Agrarian Policy directly;
Don’t go “high” like that, but poke your nose into the department of agriculture at the local city, district, and regional state administration.

Of the 38 taxes and fees, an agricultural company pays only 27.

It includes reimbursement of expenses for the cost of design and estimate documentation, the cost of seedlings, the cost of pesticides, mineral and organic fertilizers, the cost of caring for young plantings before entering the fruiting stage.

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Whom to jail

Now in Ukraine, apple and pear trees bloom on approximately 500 thousand hectares. 300 thousand hectares of gardens are maintained by former collective and state farms, and about 180 thousand hectares are cultivated by private owners.

Of the 300 thousand collective farm hectares, according to the President of the Ukrainian Corporation of Intensive Horticulture and Nursery Growing (Ukrinsad) Peter Bely, 220 hectares are long overdue to be uprooted. These old gardens are planted with tall (correctly vigorous) trees “tall” 4-5 m with a voluminous crown (10 m in diameter) according to the scheme 8x8, 10x10 m. Such giants, even at the most lush time of their fruiting, can no longer compete with the trees of new varieties.

In general, trees are divided into vigorous, medium-sized, low-growing, and dwarf. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages.

The root system of vigorous-growing plants is a deep, slightly branched root that drills into the ground up to 5 meters deep.

Such trees are often not afraid of frost or drought. They can withstand a drop in soil temperature to minus 15°C and even in the driest steppe they can reach some unpaved river. True, such advantages pale in comparison with the significant disadvantages of vigorous plants. They enter the fruiting period already 7-9 years after planting (that is, all this time they do not bring money, but only demand).

Of the 300 thousand hectares of post-collective farm gardens, 220 hectares are long overdue for uprooting.

Due to the extensive and dense foliage, the fruits grow mainly on the outer part of the crown; a kind of “dead” space is formed inside. And from the very top the fruits are more difficult to collect - some of them remain on the branches, and this is a loss.

And further. Experts have calculated that 300-350 square centimeters of leaf work for 1 kg of fruit, and 700 square centimeters of leaf for 1 kg of wood. Since the root system and the trunk itself are very large, it turns out that the leaves only work for wood.

It turns out that vigorous trees are more suitable for half-poor and lazy gardeners who do not have money for a drip irrigation system, who are “not interested” in covering trees for the winter, and who, in fact, do not care what the harvest will be. The root system of low-growing plants is branched, the depth of the roots is no more than 60-80 cm.

Such trees take root easily. This tree does not grow tall: 2-2.5 meters. It begins to bear fruit in the second or third year. The productivity of low-growing plants is 40-50 t/ha. Therefore, all our calculations were made for an intensive garden planted with small trees.

Moral: even when buying not land, but a garden, it is better to “replant” it.

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Point of view

President of the Ukrainian Corporation of Intensive Horticulture and Nursery Growing (Ukrinsad) Petro WHITE:
- A hectare of orchard with intensive cultivation brings 40-50 tons. How much does a kilogram of good apples cost us? On the wholesale market, gardeners sell it for 2-3 UAH. You don’t need 2 or 3, just 1 UAH. I asked the guys how they sell. One made an agreement with the Billa supermarket and handed over three tons there for 1 UAH every day. for 1 kg, and they paid him every day.
No other type of agricultural activity provides as much profit as gardening.

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Before planting a garden, you need to do soil analysis. It is necessary to find out how suitable the land is for planting a garden and what agricultural techniques need to be carried out in order to optimally prepare the soil for planting seedlings. In general, a fair amount of design and preparatory work will be required.

You can, of course, find seven spans in your forehead and try to pull it all off on your own. But you won’t regret 7-8 thousand UAH. and order a set of design and estimate documentation to any research, scientific and design horticultural institute. In Ukraine it is "UKRNIIPROSAD" or one of its branches. There are also private companies that can do such a project.

Briefly about the content of design and estimate documentation. In particular, it should contain the results of soil research and the recommended selection of species and varieties of certain fruit plants. This recommendation list is based on the amount effective temperatures of this region(the sum of all temperatures above plus ten during the growing season), precipitation, soil chemical composition, etc.

Without design and estimate documentation, you can’t count on government support.

It is also important in which direction the prevailing winds blow in that region, what is the exposure (or slope in one direction or another) of a given piece of land. It is most advantageous to locate the garden on a southern or southwestern exposure (in other words, on the southern or southwestern slope of a hill). If the garden is planted on a plain, then the exposure does not matter; here it is more important where the wind blows from. It is important that the wind blows along the row. (It is clear that in the actual documentation everything will be even more detailed, but we present these technical details, so that when communicating with a candidate designer, you can distinguish a complete “freeloader” from someone who knows the business. - Ed.).

At the end of the study, the design agency makes economic justification and issues cost estimates. Then a signature is placed on the document, then it goes for examination to the Pomological Inspectorate (pomology is the science of plant varieties, and the inspection itself is located in Kyiv) and is approved by the Food Department (formerly the State Food Industry Committee). You can, of course, lay out a garden at random and guess with exposure, winds and soil. In this case, extra paperwork is simply not needed. But there is one caveat. Without a package of design and estimate documentation, you can’t count on “one percent” money (see the chapter “Where to start”). As they say, “beer is for union members only.”

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Point of view

A representative of the Billa supermarket, who wished to remain anonymous:
- Last year we worked with Ukrainian gardeners and were pleased with the cooperation. The main parameters that the fruits and vegetables we purchase must meet are high quality and reasonable prices. Ukrainian gardeners are already able to offer us such a product.
I believe that domestic fruits will in due time be able to supplant elite Dutch and other products without any problems. Of course, buyers who, for one reason or another (personally unclear to me) will prefer imported fruits, will remain, but today there are fewer and fewer such people.

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Gardens have a bad habit of creeping into the most remote corners of the country from markets.
Kyiv can safely be considered the most active such market (although it is hardly worth limiting oneself to it); the most suitable for gardening are the southern and western regions.
Consequently, transport “ends” will most likely exceed 500 km.

“In terms of money,” one trip will cost $200-300. Typically, long-distance transport companies charge $0.2-0.3 per kilometer, but the distance is measured in both directions: 500x2x$0.2 = $200.
Apparently, it is more profitable to export a batch of fruit to the market for semi-wholesale sale - about 10-15 tons. But there is one small nuance. You cannot sell such a batch in half a day (unless, of course, it is a targeted delivery); usually you have to stand with the goods for 1.5-2 weeks.

During this time, nothing may happen to the apple. But 2-3 days of inactivity (especially in the heat), for example, can ruin apricots and cherries. Usually, these fruits are delivered directly from the field to markets in batches of 1-2 tons, or they are placed in an equipped warehouse somewhere near the sales sites, and the goods are gradually delivered from there (see the “Sales” chapter).

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Read this as a revelation: you can either eat apples, or squeeze juice out of them, cook jam, etc. Consequently, they can be grown both for fresh sale and for industrial processing. There are so-called raw material gardens, where fruits are grown exclusively for processing. Of course, there is some sense in this, especially if you take into account the high demand in Europe for concentrated juice from Ukrainian apples. But big money Cultivation of raw materials will not bring. To produce 1 ton of concentrated juice, you need to “lime” 8 tons of fruit. For 1 ton of concentrate, a Ukrainian producer can earn DM1.5 thousand on average, so neither the juicer nor the gardener can get much. However, it is possible to grow the same varieties both for sale and for processing: apples that have an excellent presentation can be sold to the public, while damaged and wormy apples can be “sold for juice.”

The most stable wholesale buyer may be a supermarket or restaurant.

For implementation finished products You will have to strain yourself a little, take your legs in your hands and have a good run around supermarkets and stores where you can sell the “fruit” in small wholesale. Selling the entire harvest at once is quite problematic, because wholesale market fruit production in Ukraine is completely undeveloped. The main sales channel is collective farm semi-wholesale markets. But there, as you understand, the competition is not weak, and in some places there is its own mafia. The most stable partner may be a supermarket or restaurant. You can negotiate with him on regular deliveries and clear prices. And there are more and more supermarkets in the country every year.

Prices for fruits vary depending on the variety. Summer and autumn varieties are in less demand, since they ripen just during the period of a massive influx of fruit to markets and are subsequently stored for a short time. They “go away” for a maximum of 1.5-2 UAH. for 1 kg.

Winter varieties can be sold for 2-4 UAH. for 1 kg. Well, if you remove a good warehouse on winter period and wait a few months, you can turn your apples into gold: in winter their value will jump two or more times. One gardener, who did not give his name, claimed that in the fall of 2001 he was offered to rent a similar warehouse near Kiev and asked for $2 per 1 ton of produce stored for three months. Consider: 100 tons of apples, which in October will sell for 2-2.5 UAH. for 1 kg, you can hold it for three months, spending some $200 on it, and then sell it for 5-6 UAH. for 1 kg.

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The price of fertility

The main technological preparation procedure is raising the planting. Planting is plowing to a depth of at least 60-70 cm. Before plowing, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied as necessary for the soil. On average, per 1 hectare you need to pour up to 20 centners of mineral fertilizers, more precisely, a fertilizing mass, where the mineral fertilizers themselves do not exceed 20%, and the rest is filler (sand, for example). In addition, it would be useful to “swell” 100-150 tons per hectare organic fertilizers.

Before planting, it is necessary to plan, level, and sand the soil (“cut off” small mounds, fill in small beams). Raising the planting can cost 3-7 thousand UAH. for one hectare. There is no great need to purchase equipment for this. In any of the nearby farms you can rent tractors, harrows, and other necessary equipment.

But when starting an “intensive” garden, you can do without planting. What is needed for this? In the summer, a kind of driller passes through a shallowly plowed area reserved for the future garden and makes holes with a diameter and depth of about 1 m. Then these holes are filled with a mixture of soil and fertilizers - mineral and organic. These filled holes need to be marked somehow, and in the fall, holes 15-20 cm deep must be drilled in the same places, where trees should be planted. The root system of low-growing trees usually does not develop beyond this meter-long cylinder. Consequently, by fertilizing the entire hectare, the owner takes more care of the weeds than the trees. And so each tree will receive all the feeding it is due. It will only be fertilized effective area. And unfertilized row spaces can be planted with some short grass, which will suppress weeds and hold the soil together, which will make it possible for people and equipment to get into the garden even in the most chilly slush.

And finally, this procedure that replaces planting reduces the cost of soil preparation by half. Nevertheless, planting is still widely used, which is explained not by the advantages of this technology, but rather by the inertia of agricultural managers (perhaps also due to the presence necessary equipment and the ability to use it. - Ed.).

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

A very important place in agriculture is occupied by the cultivation fruit trees. The fruits serve as food for people, are used in many industries and are used to feed livestock. But to grow fruit trees, you need to be patient, because trees begin to bear fruit only after several years of their life. Thus, you cannot count on making a profit in the first months of work; growing fruit trees involves engaging in some other management or business. Therefore, it is best when an already experienced farmer who grows many plants decides to receive additional income and plant a garden of certain trees. In a few years it will be good source income, but in order for things to go smoothly, you should decide on the crops from the very beginning and organize the cultivation of fruits on your own plot. As is clear, you can grow fruit trees on your own plot or, in the most extreme case, on a plot taken under a lease agreement for a very long period and with permission from the owner of the plot to plant trees.

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Therefore, it is assumed that there is a plot of one hectare in size, which is free from crops of grain, melons and other crops and can be entirely allocated for a garden. The cost of land can vary greatly depending on the region and distance from settlements. But it is quite possible to find an inexpensive plot (within 500 thousand rubles), which will be located, if not in a small village, then at least in close proximity to it. Although, of course, it is those who have already built their own house and have experience in farming who take care of the garden.

To legalize your activities, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, in this case the form is also suitable legal entity, And individual entrepreneur, but most preferably - peasant farming. According to the law, this form is actually equivalent to individual entrepreneurs; it also has the ability to make tax deductions according to simplified system taxation, but at the same time the peasant farm still involves the association of several persons. It is optimal to indicate the code (OKPD 2) 01.25 Fruits of other fruit trees, bushes and nuts; it is universal for all fruit trees, except grapes. Thus, it is possible to grow any fruit trees without the need for additional reporting or changing registration documents in the event of a slight re-profiling of the farm (changing one crop for another). But when contacting the phytosanitary surveillance service (Rosselkhoznadzor), you need to find out all the requirements for fruit tree farmers. Depending on the culture and region, there may be some restrictions or special features from a legal point of view, and it is better to take all this into account so that there are no problems with a sudden inspection by a government agency.

After all legal issues have been resolved, you can begin growing fruits. For some, it is more convenient to deal with only one crop, focusing entirely on it and giving it maximum strength, while for other farmers it is much more pleasant to see a garden filled with various types plants. The main obstacle in making a farmer's dream come true is the possibility of a particular plant growing in the climatic conditions of the region. It is important not only to provide all the conditions for the tree to take root, but also for it to begin to bear fruit well. There are also a huge number of factors that influence which plants can be cultivated.

Apple tree. The most famous fruit tree, the cultivated species is Mālus domestica, which is called the domestic apple tree. There are a huge number of varieties of apples, so they are grown everywhere throughout almost the entire country, except in very cold regions. The fruit of an apple tree is an apple, which is not only the name of a fruit specific to this plant, but also the name of a type of false fruit. That is, from a botanical point of view, an apple can only be called a fruit conditionally. Apple tree varieties can produce crops at almost different times of the year ( different varieties bear fruit from summer to late autumn), but in order to get fruits in winter, you need to set up greenhouses, which is quite difficult to do for trees. Some varieties of apple trees begin to bear fruit within a year after planting, which significantly reduces the payback period of the entire project.

Apples can almost always be sold; Small and outwardly unattractive apples are sold at a low price in large quantities either to livestock farms or to companies producing juices and purees, that is, processing these fruits. Large and marketable apples can be sold independently at the market or you can find wholesale buyers who will resell the apples to stores. You can also start looking for retail outlets where apples will be sold at retail; this will allow you to remove one middleman and earn a little more money.

Apple trees grow well after predecessors such as sugar beets, corn, and grain crops. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to prepare the soil for growing apples two years in advance. Up to 300 small trees can be placed on one hectare, but it is important to properly plan the area so that the trees do not subsequently interfere with each other. The cost of one apple tree seedling is 500 rubles, so for the garden you will need 150 thousand rubles. The average yield of an apple tree per hectare is 15 tons, and can vary greatly depending on courtship conditions and weather conditions. Depending on the variety, a kilogram of apples can cost 10 or 100 rubles, so if we take the average price of 30 rubles, then one harvest will bring 450 thousand rubles. This is a very, very good indicator, which only experienced agronomists can achieve. Apples are perhaps the most common and easiest to sell fruit crop; it is relatively easy to cultivate due to the large number of varieties bred specifically for each region and local conditions.

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Pear. Like the apple, it is part of the Rosace family and is its closest relative. A genus of plants that is edible and cultivated by people – Pýrus. Pears are slightly less popular among people than apples, but are still consumed in large quantities. There are also many varieties of them, which makes it possible to cultivate pears in relatively cold regions of the country. However, they are practically no longer grown in the northern regions. Depending on the variety, it can be either a strong, full-fledged tree, or (which is most common) a low tree, more like a shrub with spreading branches strewn with fruits. This is what a cultivated pear looks like. Since the type of fruit of a pear and an apple is almost the same, people use these crops for almost the same needs, there are no special implementation features in the case of a pear. You just need to count on a little less demand.

The cost of seedlings is also about 500 rubles per future tree. There may even be a little more seedlings themselves if dwarf plants are chosen, but in general you should count on the same amount of 150 thousand rubles to purchase seedlings. The average pear yield is about 3 tons per hectare, and the price for these heavy fruits averages about 50 rubles per kilogram. Thus, based on the results of the sale, you can earn about 150 thousand rubles, which in the first year will not even cover all the costs of organizing a pear orchard. You might think that it is not so profitable to deal with pears, but you need to remember about fluctuations in demand, and sometimes pear fruits can be in price. Elite varieties of pears can also exceed the price tag of one hundred rubles per kilogram; In general, pears are somewhat more expensive than apples. Therefore, you can allocate some area for a pear orchard, since this plant is relatively easy to grow, and there are a lot of varieties.

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Cherry plum. Together with the blackthorn, it is the progenitor of the common plum. Cherry plum was traditionally cultivated in the regions Caucasus Mountains, but in the twentieth century varieties were developed that can grow in more northern latitudes. Home view for cultivation - Prúnus cerasiféra, this plant is very capable of adapting to many types of soils, but is very sensitive to low temperatures. For the northern regions, varieties of winter cherry plum have been developed that preserve all positive properties of this plant (high yield, early fruiting) combined with good frost resistance.

The cost of one cherry plum seedling is also 500 rubles on average, but much more can fit on one hectare more plants than is the case with pears or apples. Thus, some experiments among gardening farms have shown the possibility of growing 8 thousand small trees on one hectare. However, there is no point in planting more than 500 trees per hectare, because anything more is intensive gardening with the expectation of short-term profit. Thus, seedlings will require 250 thousand rubles.

Cherry plum can be a very productive crop, giving up to 300 kilograms of fruit from one tree, that is, ideally you can collect about 150 tons of crop from one hectare of plantings. But usually the yield is much lower and amounts to 25 tons per hectare. Cherry plum can be sold wholesale for about 20 rubles per kilogram, so the sale of 25 tons will bring the gardener 500 thousand rubles in income. You just need to take into account that cherry plums are not bought with the same enthusiasm as the same apples, so in the case of retail sales there is a possibility that a significant part of the crop will not be sold, and therefore it is much easier to cooperate with resellers.

Plum. Famous fruit of blue color, although plums can have other shades. The cultivated species, Prúnus doméstica, grows in many regions of this country. It copes with winter a little better, so it is grown further north than cherry plum. Plum fruits are usually slightly larger. Plum is a honey plant, so it can be grown if you have your own apiary. The plant is somewhat more demanding than cherry plum, but with proper care it can also produce good performance productivity. In terms of the cost of seedlings, yield, and the number of tree plantations, it is completely close to cherry plum, only plum fruits are a little more expensive. Everything, of course, depends on the variety, but the average price here is about 40 rubles per kilogram. It turns out that for 25 tons of harvest you can already get 1 million rubles, however, this is possible in really good years.

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Quince. It is a fruit tree grown primarily in the Caucasus. In Russia, it is cultivated in the southwestern regions of the country. Only one species, Cydonia oblōnga, is bred by humans. Quince is not a very popular crop among the population, since its fruits are rarely eaten due to their very mediocre taste. But at the same time, a lot of different sweets are made from quince, and this fruit is used in many food industries. Some farmers specially dry quince and sell it in this form. Due to their lower popularity than other crops, quince seedlings can be bought for only 200 rubles per piece. There can be about 400 trees of this plant in the garden, and each mature tree can produce up to 50 kilograms of harvest. And the average yield per hectare is 20 tons. Thus, with an average price of 30 rubles per kilogram, the income obtained from the sale of all fruits is 600 thousand rubles. And this is provided that the seedlings will cost only 80 thousand rubles. But in Russia it is possible to cultivate this crop only in some regions; in the rest of the territory the trees either will not take root or will not produce a good harvest.

But in order to achieve a good harvest, you need to carefully study all the information about the type of plants you choose and the varieties that will be grown. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that fruit trees do not always begin to bear fruit immediately. The minimum period is one to two years; for this purpose, special varieties are bred, which are classified as early-fruiting. But an ordinary tree begins to bear fruit only 8-9 years after planting, which makes the fruit tree growing business a long-term business. As already mentioned, it is good to practice it in multidisciplinary farms and where cultivation has already been established annual plants- they become good predecessors for trees.

It’s also a good idea to have your own apiary, since many fruit trees, although self-pollinating, significantly increase their yield in the presence of pollinating insects. For an apiary, fruit trees are good because they allow you to increase the amount of honey by 10-20 kilograms per hectare of tree plantings. To get a large number of fruits from each tree, you need to choose the right fertilizers and plant foods, especially for young seedlings. All this is selected directly for each crop separately; there cannot be any universal fertilizer here.

The garden itself is designed to last for several decades, so the lifespan of an apple or pear tree is about 50 years, but plums and cherry plums live almost 2 times less. The tree bears fruit best from the 10th to the 15th year of life; later its yield decreases. Dead trees can be used for timber, having first prepared a replacement for them in the form of young seedlings. Pear wood is especially valuable; all other types of wood from the above are not so often used on the farm. Therefore, old trees can be sold for timber, receiving additional profit from the dead plant.

In order to sell the harvested crop, you need to purchase transport equipment. It may be suitable for this passenger car with a trailer, a small van or even a tractor and trailer for transporting large quantities of fruit. All equipment can be purchased on lease under relatively good conditions, which are offered to farmers. If you cannot harvest the crop on your own, you can attract people from nearby small settlements, although many fruit trees are harvested as the fruits ripen, and one family can sometimes cope with this. But, of course, the fruit should not fall from the tree, and then it would be more expedient to involve an outside force. It is also important to improve the garden, first of all to install a system automatic watering trees, because such huge areas can hardly always be processed by yourself in one day. In case of drought, this may be necessary.

To sum it up, growing fruit trees is an agricultural business with enough for a long time payback period – up to 10 years. It all depends on the type of tree, and in other cases it is possible to collect so many fruits the next year after planting that their sale will cover the costs, but this rarely happens. It is best to engage in multidisciplinary farming; even a garden can be divided into parts with different plants. In the case of plums and cherry plums, it’s a good idea to plant several varieties - they will be cross-pollinated, which will allow you to get unique and good fruits. The profitability of such an undertaking strongly depends on the yield itself, which forces the farmer to take care of his plants and in every possible way support their growth and fruitfulness.

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Intensive apple orchard home business on apples.

Growing apples can become your family business; an apple orchard using intensive technology can produce yields of more than 5 tons from 10 acres of orchard. The demand for imported apples is gradually falling; consumers increasingly prefer organic fruits from domestic producers. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs should also consider the idea of ​​a business growing apples.

Of course, a gardener’s profit is highly dependent on weather conditions, but with the use of modern technologies, the risk of loss of plantings and crops can be significantly reduced.

Methods of growing apple trees.

There are several ways to grow apple trees:

Extensive method– apple tree seedlings are grown on seed rootstocks, in fact, this is conventional cultivation fruit trees in the garden.

The extensive method is used by most gardeners, as it does not require special tree care.

The main disadvantage of this method is late fruiting; the active phase of fruiting of apple trees begins no earlier than 7–8 years after planting the seedlings.

Intensive way– growing tall varieties on dwarf rootstocks with crown pruning like a spindle or super spindle.

The method allows you to significantly increase the density of tree planting while maintaining high yield apple trees The disadvantage of this method is the low frost resistance of the root system of dwarf rootstocks.

Intensive method for semi-dwarfs(medium-growing) rootstocks.

Growing apple trees on medium-sized rootstocks also allows you to increase the density of planting trees in the garden; medium-sized rootstocks are more resistant to freezing than dwarf ones.

Let us dwell in more detail on the intensive method of growing apple trees.

To establish an intensive garden, apple tree seedlings are used on dwarf rootstocks of the type M-9 or semi-dwarf MM-106.

Most popular varieties tall apple trees grown on dwarf rootstocks: Champion, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Gloster, Idared, Florina, Eliza, Rosavka, Pinova.

Apple intensive orchard.

The establishment of an intensive garden begins with a soil analysis; based on the analysis, the required amount of mineral and organic fertilizers is calculated. On average, for every 10 acres of garden you will need to add at least 5 tons of humus or compost.

For planting seedlings, holes of 0.6 x 0.6 m are dug, fertilizers are applied, after planting the seedlings are immediately cut to a height of 0.8 - 0.9 m.

Since the root system of dwarf rootstocks is located in the upper layers of the soil, frequent watering will be required, best option drip irrigation.

System drip irrigation allows you to use water rationally, saving water by 5 times compared to conventional irrigation.

As the seedlings grow, they require pruning and crown formation so that when the apple trees are densely planted, the crowns do not shade neighboring apple trees; a spindle-shaped crown shape is used.

At proper care behind intensive garden Already in the 3rd year after planting the seedlings, you can get the first harvest of apples.

The business of growing apples using intensive technology is successfully used in countries such as Holland, Poland, Turkey; in our country, the majority are extensive orchards. Using intensive technology, you can significantly increase garden productivity and reduce the risk of crop loss during drought and spring frosts.

The article examines the basics of compiling business plan. Apples are a product of mass consumption; they are relevant and in demand at any time of the year. Thanks to modern technologies you will no longer have to wait a long time until the trees begin to bear fruit, receive big harvest possible as early as next year.

In this regard, to study the features of creating intensive apple orchard and an assessment of the effectiveness of investments is created business plan. It not only describes the concept of the future company, but also determines the need for resources and predicts the values ​​of key performance indicators.

A business plan for starting an apple orchard is also suitable for submitting to a bank or for attracting investment.

Key Features business plan for an intensive apple orchard

The procedure for drawing up a business plan for an apple orchard

Before going into detail about the concept intensive apple orchard, V business plan it is necessary to conduct a market analysis and identify:

  • Volume of demand for products;
  • Consumer preferences;
  • Main competitors;
  • Pricing policy;
  • Factors influencing the development of the industry;
  • Technologies used.

The data obtained should be reflected in the justification of the chosen model of the company's functioning.



There is a greater variety of apple varieties, the most popular among consumers are:

  • Golden and Red Delicious;
  • Idared;
  • Stayman;
  • Lagol;
  • Jonared and Jonagold.

These varieties are also the most prolific. You can concentrate on growing one variety or create a diverse range.

The main focus is business plan while creating apple orchard is done for wholesale buyers, which include:

  • Vegetable and fruit bases;
  • Large hypermarkets;
  • Networks of retail stores.

It is also possible to envisage organizing the export of products to countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Volume of investment for launching an intensive apple orchard

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of an intensive apple orchard

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of an intensive apple orchard

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for an intensive apple orchard is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business planmushroom farm for growing champignon mushrooms

We received a loan of 70 million rubles from Sberbank for the development of a mushroom farm for growing champignons . Thanks to Plan-Pro for a high-quality business plan. A good marketing research was carried out, the break-even point was calculated, and the expected income and expenses of the company were reasonably calculated.

Igor Nikolaevich, Tambov

Feedback on the business plan for an industrial year-round winter greenhouse for growing vegetables

The greenhouse business plan developed by the Plan-Pro team allowed us to attract private investment in the amount of 30 million rubles. During the work, the company's consultant demonstrated deep professionalism and understanding of the specifics of our project. The investors agreed to work with us, so thank you very much.

Alena Podkaminskaya, Commercial Director, Yaroslavl

Feedback on a business plan for growing strawberries in open ground

A business plan for growing strawberries was downloaded from the website: simple circuits and formulas, a comprehensive assessment of the project's payback. Thanks to this plan, they were able to obtain a loan of 20 million rubles from Rosselkhozbank for the development of a project for growing strawberries in open ground.

Natalya M.V., Krasnodar region

Feedback on a crop farming business plan for growing wheat and other grain crops

We managed to attract a private investor and receive financing in the amount of 140 million rubles. The business plan for growing grains was developed according to the UNIDO standard. The document turned out to be clear, all our wishes and the specifics of the industry were taken into account.

Lyubov Andreevna, farmer, Voronezh region

Feedback on a business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

We needed a high-quality business plan to plan a strategy for the further operation of a hydroponic greenhouse; and contacted Plan-Pro. Ready business plan we liked it. The descriptions and calculations are extremely clear and logical; there is no need to think about where each figure comes from. Easy to make changes and edits. The financial model and the product itself are at a good level.

Dmitry Korolenko, Naberezhnye Chelny

Feedback on the business plan for an intensive apple orchard

We were satisfied with the quality of the finished product apple orchard business plan, which we downloaded to Plan-Pro. The information is well structured, beautiful design, all calculations have been made. In our current activities, we especially actively use a financial model that allows us to calculate a forecast. You can change the values ​​in it. With the help of a business plan, we received a loan from Sberbank in the amount of 50 million rubles.

Prusova Diana Dmitrievna, Moscow.

Market analysis in a business plan for planting an apple orchard

When conducting market analysis, special attention should be paid to studying competitors and identifying competitive advantages. Competition in this industry is high in the form of not only Russian agricultural holdings, but also foreign representatives. The majority of the market is occupied by companies from Turkey.

Competition increases in the summer, when private farmers who grow produce in their summer cottages enter the market.

When forming the concept of the future apple orchard within business plan a competitive advantage should be provided, which could be:

  • Low cost;
  • High quality products;
  • Possibility of purchasing a small batch;
  • Variety of assortment;
  • No chemicals are used in the growing process;
  • Timely delivery, etc.

Features of the intensive type of apple orchard

The essence of intensive technology is the use of tall varieties on dwarf rootstocks, which helps to increase planting density.

This fact does not interfere with the trees receiving light, since it involves a special way of pruning branches.

The use of intensive planting allows you to accelerate the process of obtaining fruits and, accordingly, profits.

However, this method of creating apple orchard has its drawbacks that must be taken into account when forming the concept in business plan

  • Withstands minimum temperatures only down to -11 o C, tree roots are not resistant to frost;
  • Requires a special watering system;
  • A specific tree crown pruning system.

It is successfully used by most Western countries.

Algorithm for creating an intensive apple orchard as provided for in the business plan

IN business plan intensive apple orchard The following stages for launching the project are provided:

  1. Selection land plot and construction/rental of warehouse and office;
  2. Selection of varieties and purchase of seedlings;
  3. Registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, tax registration;
  4. Recruitment and hiring of personnel;
  5. Purchase of necessary equipment;
  6. Planting trees.

Let us remind you that even with intensive technology, the first fruits will appear no earlier than a year after planting.

Initial investment in an apple orchard as provided for in the business plan

To implement the project to create intensive apple orchard You will need an initial investment in the amount of 30 to 200 million rubles. within business plan. Investments are made according to the following main items:

  • Business registration – xxx rub.;
  • Rent – ​​xxx;
  • Purchase and installation of equipment – ​​xxx;
  • Purchase of fertilizer and seedlings – xxx;
  • Stock Money- xxx.

You can use your own funds or receive additional financing in the form of bank loans, investments or subsidies from the state. In all cases, you will need a professionally written business plan. We created ready-made business plan for an intensive apple orchard, where we structured all the information and made calculations. It is available for download from the link below.

Apple growing technology in a business plan

Creation apple orchard within business plan involves going through the following main stages:

  1. Prepare the soil by clearing the area, loosening the soil and applying fertilizer.
  2. Late autumn or in early spring plant seedlings. Here you will need to dig a hole and install dwarf rootstocks.
  3. Install a drip irrigation system to organize access of water to the roots.
  4. After this, during the growing process it is applied special technology crown trimming, the crown is formed by installing supports.
  5. Trees are treated with special preparations against pests and insects.
  6. The harvest is harvested by hand and sent to a warehouse for subsequent sale.

Purchase of equipment provided for in the business plan for an apple orchard

IN business plan expenses are provided for the purchase of the following equipment for apple orchard:

  • Mounted drill;
  • Drip irrigation system;
  • Tractor;
  • Truck for transportation;
  • Sprayer;
  • Stolbostav;
  • Mower;
  • Computers and office furniture;
  • Alarm system, ventilation and video surveillance for a warehouse.

Special equipment for storing fruits is not required, but it is necessary to select a room so that the temperature in it is maintained at 0 o C.

You would need a similar level of investment to start a walnut orchard. will allow you to evaluate this idea too. Nuts are currently mainly imported, but the climate allows many types of nuts to be grown in the Russian Federation.

Income and expenses of an apple orchard in a business plan

Financial model in business plan formed on the basis of forecasts of income, revenue and profit apple orchard. All this forms a financial plan.

Costs of creating an intensive apple orchard within the framework of a business plan

To ensure normal conditions for growing apples in business plan The following items of current expenses are provided:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.;
  • Payment utilities– xxx;
  • Purchase of fertilizers and chemicals – xxx;
  • Equipment repair – xxx;
  • Salary to employees – xxx;
  • Tax payments – xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising – xxx.

Total from xxx rub. monthly.

Profitability of organizing an apple orchard in a business plan

Revenue apple growing enterprise receives mainly from the wholesale sale of goods. IN business plan it is predicted at the level of xxx rub.

You can increase it by selling seedlings up to xxx rubles. per month.

Then the profit, calculated as the difference between revenue and costs, will be from xxx rub. monthly.

Personnel for the apple orchard provided for in the business plan

Within business plan It is planned to hire the following employees for intensive apple orchard:

  • Director;
  • Accountant;
  • Agronomist;
  • Purchasing Manager;
  • Account Manager;
  • Driver;
  • Worker.

In general, from 10 people. The selection of people for all positions will be required only when the trees begin to bear fruit - no earlier than a year after planting.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we review dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, industry portals, interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such systematic data analysis provides a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Download a ready-made business plan for an intensive apple orchard with calculations and an Excel financial model

Possibility of growing apples in almost any location natural conditions, as well as the presence of constant demand for these products, attracts the attention of a large number of entrepreneurs to this business.

That's why this industry is different high level competition. In this case, a well-developed business plan is needed. Ready business plan for an intensive apple orchard with fully structured information you can download from the link below. This document will be a decisive factor in negotiations with creditors and investors and will demonstrate your professional approach to the point. At your request, we can draw up an individual turnkey business plan.

The main task of an entrepreneur when creating an intensive apple orchard is to select suitable climatic conditions variety region and developing multiple distribution channels.

Food is a product that will always be purchased, regardless of any circumstances. Therefore, a business in agriculture, with proper planning and prudent attitude, can be very profitable. One of the opportunities to start your own business is to grow an apple orchard.

Previously, to start making money on apples, you had to wait 5-7 years. However, using advanced methods of planting and growing apples gives you the opportunity to have a harvest next year. This article will walk you through the necessary investments and the basics of planting and caring for an apple orchard.

Starting a business in this area should begin with registering SNT. Documents should be submitted to the tax office and within 8 days it will be registered. In this case, you must pay a state fee.

We use advanced technologies

The decisive factor for the development of the apple business is its location and the type of trees grown. But thanks to the annual development of technology, the growing period can be reduced. If you follow our recommendations, you can get:

  1. After one year - 15 t/ha.
  2. After four years - 35 t/ha.
  3. After six years - 50 t/ha.

It is worth noting that the success of this technology largely depends on the correct pruning of the crowns and how tall varieties will be planted. The most popular tall varieties are:

  • Golden Delicious
  • Jonared
  • Idored
  • Starking
  • Stayman
  • Royal Delicious
  • Red Delicious

Before choosing a variety, make sure it is suitable for your climate region.

This business plan is designed for an area of ​​1 hectare. Trees must be planted in such a way that their number is in the range of 2-5 thousand. It is recommended to use one of international standards - dwarf rootstock M9. By grafting trees onto it, you will reduce the fruiting period to one year. It is worth noting that this technology has significant drawback: The roots are too close to the surface of the earth, so the frost resistance of the trees is -11 degrees Celsius. In order to adapt the roots of the apple tree to low temperatures, you need to sprinkle them with soil.

Getting ready to plant trees

It is best to prepare the land in the fall and plant trees in the spring. This process needs to be carefully considered, because apple trees should not cast shadows on each other. If creating a diagram is difficult for you, it is recommended to consult with professionals.

Taking care of the garden

Your well-being directly depends on the condition of the garden, so you need to constantly care for it. Here are some rules:

  • Keep the soil around the tree free of weeds
  • It is prohibited to cultivate the soil using a garden tiller. It is recommended to use dry needles for this. coniferous species or herbicides (simazine, kerb, fosulen and others). It is worth noting that processing can only be done in calm weather.
  • Protect apple trees from insects using insecticides such as benzophosphate or oleocuprite.

The seedling must be watered with 3-4 buckets of water. Then you can water through a well (pump) or a drip irrigation system. By the way, using such a system saves water, labor and time.

As for pruning the seedling, you need to leave 6 buds, starting from the height of the stamp. Mow the grass between rows. Moreover, if you use a mower, the cut grass can be used to cover the soil or for food for pets.

Supports are a prerequisite for good tree growth. For example, you can use concrete pillars 1-2 meters high, installed with tensioned wire at a distance of 25 meters. Another option is pine colas treated with an antiseptic.

We sell apples

There are several options for selling the product:

  1. If not large quantities The main ways of selling products are markets, wholesale customers and culinary shops.
  2. If there is a large harvest, clients may include supermarkets, wine and cider producers.

Apple trees should be planted according to their variety. Since apples are very valuable among wholesale and regular buyers, if possible, build a warehouse. It is worth noting that you will receive a particularly large profit from selling goods in winter.

Briefly about the numbers

Thanks to the use of intensive development technologies, your business will become industrial within 3-4 years, and every year you will receive a stable profit. The price of one seedling starts from 180 rubles.

Thus, one-time costs for arranging a garden are:

  1. Registration of SNT - 12,000 rubles.
  2. Seedlings - 360-900 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost of designing a garden is 3,000 rubles.
  4. 3,700 rubles will be needed to prepare the soil.
  5. Planting seedlings will take 300 thousand rubles out of your pocket.
  6. Organizing irrigation will cost 4,000 rubles.
  7. Installation of supports costs 320 thousand rubles.
  8. The cost of special equipment is 3.08 million rubles.

As a result, one-time costs amount (at maximum costs) to 4.6 million rubles.

In addition, there are annual costs:

  1. Herbicides and fertilizers - 15.5 thousand rubles.
  2. Watering - 85 thousand rubles.
  3. Garden security - 20 thousand per month (for one employee).
  4. Seasonal workers - 20 thousand per month (for one employee).

A couple of subtleties:

  1. Security needs to be hired only when the fruits are ripe.
  2. Seasonal workers will only be needed during harvesting.
  3. As for the rest, it is recommended to reduce the number of employees as much as possible. If possible, try it yourself or get your family involved.

The initial financial investment will pay off in about 3-4 years. During the season, the cost of apples is 50 rubles/kg, and in winter it will increase 3-4 times. If you find spoiled fruits, you can sell them for 20 rubles.

In the first year, you will receive 750 thousand rubles “net” - that is, each tree will give you 8 kg of harvest. This figure will grow every year.

Over time, in apple orchard, or nearby, it makes sense to place an apiary. This one is quite cost-effective and you have space and sufficient quantity for it. flowering plants. You can do it yourself or hire an experienced beekeeper.

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