Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to make a warm greenhouse yourself. Infrared heating of a winter greenhouse. Make heating yourself or order ready-made

The bulk of greenhouses built on summer cottages, intended for growing early vegetables and seedlings. These greenhouses are tidied up in early spring, and after the last harvest in the fall, they remain idle until the next spring.

Today we will talk about greenhouses that allow you to grow vegetables not only in the autumn-spring period, but also in the winter months. These are the so-called winter greenhouses. Their main difference is a more capital structure and the presence of a heating system. The winter greenhouse (pictured below) will also help grow vegetables in the more severe climate of the northern regions of the country and in Siberia, or arrange a real winter Garden.

Despite the apparent complexity, the construction of a winter greenhouse is within the power of any summer resident. The reward for your efforts will be fresh organic vegetables that will be present on your table at any time of the year.

To do this, several layers of organic debris are laid under the beds for growing vegetables: leaves, tops, branches.

  1. It is necessary to lay first the coarser material, the smaller one.
  2. From above, the garden bed is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of fertile soil.

Such a device, due to the processes of decay and the heat released, will help to ensure additional heating v winter period.

  • Greenhouse thermos

There is also a known method of building a polycarbonate greenhouse, which allows you to keep the temperature inside the greenhouse at +20 even in very severe frosts in Siberia. This is the so-called thermos greenhouse (in the next photo).

When building such a greenhouse, its walls are deepened down to the freezing line, and the roof is made of two layers of polycarbonate. Heating of such a design will require much lower energy costs.

After the heating of the greenhouse is ready, you can start arranging the beds.

In winter, additional lighting will also be needed, so a winter greenhouse must be equipped with lamps.

The final stage of arranging the greenhouse is planting plants for their further cultivation.

Recently, winter greenhouses have gained popularity, in which they do not grow vegetables, but exotic plants and flowers.

Winter garden - an extension to the house

It can be a wonderful place to relax in the cold season and delight with greenery and flowers when everything is covered with snow.

In the arrangement of the greenhouse and the winter garden there are some differences.

So, the winter garden is usually built in the form of an extension to the house (pictured), so that in the cold season you can simply move from one room to another.

  • Heating of an extension in winter is usually carried out from the same system that heats the house. Since the garden is intended for relaxation, it is necessary to provide a place for furniture.
  • To build a winter garden, glass and double-glazed windows are mainly used, since this design has a more presentable appearance.
  • The winter garden does not consist of beds, but of shelves with plants, pots, tubs, which can be taken outside during the warm season.

It should be noted that a winter garden is a more expensive building, and it will cost much more than a do-it-yourself winter greenhouse.

One of the most simple devices for heating the greenhouse with wood, the author of the following video tells:

To receive you need to good harvest and protect it from negative impact high humidity and fog, you need to take care of the arrangement of a winter greenhouse. Often, when constructing greenhouses or greenhouses, summer residents use plastic wrap, but it needs to be replaced annually, which entails certain costs. In this article, we will tell you how to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, present photos and videos of installation instructions, and also demonstrate drawings, diagrams and types of polycarbonate greenhouses and profiles.

What is polycarbonate?

This building material is produced in the form of two-layer plastic sheets with various thicknesses. Most often, when building winter greenhouses made of polycarbonate with their own hands, they use sheets with size 6x2.1 m with a thickness of 4.4 mm.

Polycarbonate has a number of distinct advantages, in contrast to plastic film and glass:

  • The material completely protects the crop in the greenhouse from the negative effects of UV rays.
  • Polycarbonate is characterized by high strength and is not damaged by mild impacts (strength is approximately 250 times higher, in contrast to plain glass).
  • The material scatters the sunlight passing through it, that is, the combustion of plants is excluded.
  • Withstands temperatures of -45 / + 65C.
  • It is very easy to process and easy to drill and cut.
  • The two-layer plastic has high thermal insulation.
  • The surface of the polycarbonate is dust-repellent, and the resulting dirt can be removed with plain water.
  • Polycarbonate weight less glass, which greatly facilitates its transportation and installation.
  • Its price is similar to that of plain glass.
  • Polycarbonate does not burn, but it melts when in contact with fire.

How to care for polycarbonate?

In order for a polycarbonate winter greenhouse to be durable, it is necessary follow certain rules:

After learning all the features and benefits, you can start building a greenhouse do it yourself.

Polycarbonate greenhouse device

It is advisable to make a drawing or project of the greenhouse, as well as mark on the site the place in which it will be located. A greenhouse will need a lot of free space away from structures and trees to ensure a large number of warmth and light and good ventilation.

In the project, you need to display what kind of greenhouse the greenhouse will have. In this case a number of options are offered:

  • the most common is an arched roof, especially when it is made of polycarbonate, but there are also difficulties in construction arched roof... The arch is made from metal pipes and corners, and for this you will need a pipe bender or you will have to buy ready-made arched structures;
  • in shape, greenhouses are with a two- or one-pitched roof;
  • in order to save heat and save materials, they sometimes build a wall-mounted greenhouse with a garter to an existing building.

If you have chosen the shape, dimensions, location, and there are the necessary drawings, then you can begin to build the foundation. For a greenhouse, the foundation is very important, and the strength of the greenhouse depends on how high-quality the foundation is.

Winter greenhouse construction technology

The best use for polycarbonate is to cover winter greenhouses with plastic, metal or wooden frame.

In any case, for cultivation, it is necessary to provide ventilation holes in the form of door and window openings... It is advisable to make the roof in the form of an arch, thereby increasing the air volume in the structure. A built-in lever system allows the transom integrated into the roof to be opened.

Important! All transoms must be at least a quarter of the total roof area. Additional ventilation will be provided by doors located in the end walls of the structure.

Foundation construction

The first step in the construction of a winter greenhouse is the construction of the foundation, at the same time with which the barriers are made for the beds. For the frame, it is desirable to use square metal corners or pipes. First, they make the strapping, and then fix it on the foundation.

Types and structure of the foundation:

  • brick;
  • bar;
  • tape;
  • stone.

Timber foundation. In terms of costs, it is relatively inexpensive, but it does not last long, about 4 years, despite the impregnation with an antiseptic. After a while, the tree will start to rot. If you need to make a temporary greenhouse, then this foundation is the best. The construction of a timber foundation is done in this way:

  1. Perimeter overall design metal corners are driven in;
  2. Wooden supports are fixed to the corners and hammered into the ground;
  3. Pre-prepared wooden blocks with a section of 10x10 cm fit along the perimeter of the base of the greenhouse.

Brick base differs in terms and quality of operation. If you correctly build this foundation, then it will serve you for a very long time, but for its construction it will take quite a lot of bricks in order to withstand the weight of the entire structure. First, a waterproofing cushion is built to protect against the action of wet ground. When constructing brick foundation ordinary cement mortar is used.

The stone foundation is perfect option for the construction of a polycarbonate greenhouse, since this base is durable and can withstand any weight loads.

During manufacture, this base is particularly complex. It should be borne in mind that masonry natural stone different shapes needs certain skills, and do stone foundation with your own hands is a rather difficult task. For the solution, it is best to use clay-sand mixture in a ratio of 1: 1... This solution will promote heat conservation. To prevent the clay from washing off the foundation with water, it is necessary to plaster it, and if it came out uneven, then install the formwork and fill it with mortar around the edges.

In the manufacture of greenhouses, a strip foundation is most often used. The main advantage of this foundation is that the time, money and effort spent are relatively small, but the result is simply excellent. Since this type of foundation differs from the rest in reliability and durability. For its construction you will need:

  • a pillow that protects the base from subsidence;
  • timber formwork;
  • concrete solution.

Construction strip foundation it happens like this:

  • The pillow is made of sand or gravel;
  • After that, the formwork is attached according to the shape of the structure, and it is poured with concrete to a width of 35-45 cm, the depth is about half a meter.

This technology will provide reliable strength to this foundation.

How the greenhouse is attached:

Polycarbonate profile

A very important role is played by properly constructed frame from quality materials, one of them is a profile. We will not dwell in detail on the factory profiled structures, since in the purchased kit you can find detailed instructions for the construction of the frame. Let's dwell on the most economical frame method - a frame made of a drywall profile. A structure with rounded shapes will not work, but the frame will be quite reliable to contain wind and snow loads... Consider main advantages of using of this material for the construction of the frame:

  • It is convenient to fix polycarbonate sheets.
  • The profile is galvanized, therefore it is not afraid of moisture.
  • Low price.
  • The construction is quite lightweight.
  • The ability to make a frame with your own hands, without the involvement of assistants.

Important: If the greenhouse is quite large, then it is advisable to buy a wall profile, since it is more durable.

First, you need to make a drawing or draw a sketch of the future greenhouse, taking into account the dimensions. Then, using this data, cut the blanks. Then it is necessary to attach a profile to the foundation with anchors, which and will be the base of the construction... Then you can start installing the frame.

As for the assembly of the frame, everyone chooses for himself how it is convenient for him to do. We advise you to assemble arches on a flat horizontal surface, and then install and make cladding, as well as heating.

Frame made of pipes

The frame for a winter greenhouse can be made from several types of pipes. If the frame is made of metal, then it is advisable to use shaped pipes by welding them with electric welding. Arched structure experiences less snow loads, but a pipe bender is required to give the pipe the required shape. If there is no desire to buy finished arches or bending pipes, then you can make the shape of a greenhouse the same as from metal profilewith sloping roof.

The racks are fixed to the walls and corners of the strapping by welding. At the same time, door openings are installed. Over door structures and racks are being constructed top rail where the arches are fixed. Then proceed with the installation of the arched transoms on the roof and fastening the hinges to the ridge. Make a lever system to open the transom, then start painting the frame. The arched structure made of polycarbonate and pipes is ready.

Easier and faster to build regular frame from polypropylene pipes... Again, you will need to complete the drawing and cut the blanks. A soldering iron will be needed to assemble the structure, and required number of fittings and pipes will need to be purchased in accordance with the selected type of greenhouse.

One of the clear advantages of a frame made of polypropylene pipes is an excellent combination of flexibility and strength. of this material... Flexibility makes it possible to give the frame the required shape, and strength makes it possible to withstand heavy loads.

As for the door, it is made of the same material as the greenhouse. For convenience, you can build a ventilation window here. Then, when the frame is assembled and attached, it can be overlaid with polycarbonate.

Heating and heating a winter greenhouse

It is also important to take care of the heating and heating system of the winter greenhouse. Today, technologies include the installation of bubble or transparent plastic to heat the structure from the outside and from the inside. The benefit of this solution is that this material looks decent and does not absorb sunlight.

Winter greenhouse heating options:

Heating in a greenhouse may not be very cost effective, but, so to speak, the goal, in our case raise rich winter harvest , and not save on heating.

At this stage, all technological nuances are completed, and now you have a do-it-yourself polycarbonate winter greenhouse. This design will enable you to get big harvest and keep it from the adverse effects of precipitation, fog and ultraviolet radiation. The high strength of the material will allow the structure to survive heavy rainfall in the form of hail and snow without any damage.

High-quality winter greenhouses are not only a building and a place where you can successfully grow vegetables and fruits, but also the status of a gardener, an indicator of his skill and a quality mark of a true gardener. But the construction of a winter greenhouse is a rather complicated matter.

The construction of a greenhouse requires a deliberate approach, certain knowledge and skills. Below will be presented methods of making a winter greenhouse with your own hands, classification of structures, a drawing and a photo.

To know how to build a winter greenhouse, you need to figure out features of each type.

Greenhouses for winter cultivation differ in such indicators:

  1. Functionality. A winter greenhouse is a planting platform not only vegetable crops, fruits, berries, flower beds and mushrooms, but also overseas plants, citrus fruits, grapes, etc. The choice of structure also depends on what the gardener is going to grow in a winter greenhouse.
  2. Finding relative to the soil level. There are three types of winter greenhouse with heating: a winter greenhouse in a garage or shed, a greenhouse below ground level and a greenhouse above ground level.
  3. Constructive performance. A variety of options for winter greenhouses have been developed here. The choice is wide: arched models, horizontal type, one-, two-, three-slope and combined. Types of structures for every taste. Here the choice is completely dependent on taste preferences the gardener, his possibilities in terms of money and on the size of the personal plot and the future design.
  4. Building material. You can make a winter greenhouse with your own hands from polycarbonate, glass, with a brick or wood base, with PVC and metal frame etc. You can often find combined greenhouses for the winter.
  5. Heating of the structure. The types of heating are also numerous. Heating of winter greenhouses can be carried out using biofuel, helium or technical devices: gas, electric, water, stove.
  6. Vegetation planting technique. Sowing can be carried out on the beds or in prepared hanging boxes.

Territory selection

Competently and correctly choosing a place for a winter garden is very important stage... The installation location of the winter greenhouse structure depends on three factors:

  1. Lighting. The winter garden should receive the optimal percentage sunlight, only in this case the harvest will be good. Therefore, you need to correctly build a winter garden in length from east to west. This factor cannot be ignored, especially if the greenhouse is equipped with helium heating.
  2. Taking into account the prevailing winds. If the site is located in Siberia or in another area where strong cold winds prevail, then a protection, a special screen, must be built. Thanks to the correct design, it will be possible to significantly save on heating.
  3. Convenience of approach to the structure. The place for the winter garden should not be cramped and uncomfortable, this will facilitate both construction and future operation.

If it is decided to build a protective shield, then it is necessary to make the device so that the wall does not adjoin the greenhouse.

The distance should be at least 5-7 m. If we neglect this, then the result will be a zone of turbulence and the greenhouse will give off a large amount of heat in winter. Good protection- this is a fence 17-20 m from the greenhouse.

Manufacturing of a gable structure

You can start making a good greenhouse for the winter, since you have received the necessary advice and knowledge. This simple winter greenhouse project is versatile and suitable for both the central territory and the climatic conditions of Siberia. DIY winter greenhouses made by this drawing, enable the growth of not only garden crops, but also garden crops.

This good greenhouse is not cheap to set up, but well worth it. Such structures are reliable, safe and durable. What do large farm greenhouses look like? DIY winter greenhouses of this type consist of two rooms - a vestibule and a greenhouse.

The tambour room includes a heating boiler device; equipment for irrigation, ventilation, lighting can be installed there. The best option the size of the vestibule is 2-2.5 m. Among other things, the vestibule room is effectively used for placing gardening equipment, making soil mixtures.

The walls of the vestibule must be made of bricks. Insulation can be made of polystyrene or mineral wool... We make the roof from an opaque material. Roofing metal, corrugated board or other reliable material is suitable as it.

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouses must have a partition, which can be made of glass on a metal-plastic or plastic profile, of course, there must be a door.

If a greenhouse is being built in the winter of an in-depth type, then it is necessary to select the soil in the pit according to the level of the freezing layer. Usually this depth is 90 cm.

The same rule should be used when the greenhouse is set up on a concrete base in winter. If the soil is loose, then the foundation should be poured to a depth of about 50 cm. The main walls are built in one brick. The wall must be at least 25 cm thick.

Frames for future windows should be made 55 cm above the ground. The gaps between the frames are at least 70 cm. This is somewhere between 2-3 bricks. This is done so that the plants can receive natural light.

  1. Drive out the plinth up to 120 cm high.
  2. Mount a frame made of metal, wood or combined.
  3. Sheathe the frame with polycarbonate sheets.

Builders recommend taking polycarbonate, the thickness of which is 8-10 mm. Frames must have vents so that the greenhouse can be ventilated in winter. Alternative option installation can become ventilation valves.

Gable roof enables free flow of precipitation, rainwater, snow. The angle of inclination should be 25 °. The harness should be placed on the bottom of the roofing board. It is good to attach the ridge beam using paired rafters. The greenhouse roof is traditionally made of double-layer glass, the thickness of which is 4 mm. Glazing is carried out along the crossbars. Do not forget about installing condensate drainage gutters.

Nowadays, it is often used as a coating cellular polycarbonate... The material has shown itself to be reliable, durable and safe. The best materials for the roof - this is a strapping, it is advisable to take a bar on the ridge and rafters.

When glazing, it is necessary to lay the glass along the folds on the putty. Natural elastic mixtures should be used as a covering agent. Glass must be attached to the spros with a glazing bead on metal pins. Putty is applied to the surface between glass and glazing bead.

To protect the walls, it is imperative to provide a zinc visor, which is located 8 cm from the walls. Condensate and water drainage must be provided.

The choice of material must be treated extremely responsibly. The covering material must have important qualities: strength, reliability, environmental friendliness. Any material must comply with the rules and regulations prescribed in special documents, have the ability to retain heat inside the greenhouse, perfectly transmit sunlight and not create a lens effect.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the cost of materials. It is clear that a quality product cannot be too cheap. However, the price is not always an indicator of quality. Before building, it is necessary to consider what should be drawn up detailed diagram with photo, drawing. Everything should be detailed and shown, then there will be fewer questions about how to build a greenhouse in Siberia or another corner of Russia and the structure will be erected with success.

How to choose good heating

It is necessary to select heating depending on what useful area occupies the premises. A heating stove is perfect for a small winter greenhouse located in Siberia or another region of the country. If the building is large, then you can choose one of the following heating options:

  1. Water heating.
  2. Electric heating.
  3. Heating with biofuel.

Water heating - this is the use of a water heater, a special boiler, pipes or an expansion tank. The pipes must be placed either in the soil or under boxes with earth.

Cable can be compared to the "Warm floor" device. Air heating of the greenhouse is carried out using special fans. IR heating is done using devices with infrared lamps.

The most economical heating option is biofuel heating. As it, you can take manure, overripe bark, straw, sawdust. Biological fuel must be laid under a fertile layer of earth. Agronomists recommend paying attention to the pH level when choosing biofuels. It is optimal to take pH 6-7 for manure, pH 5 for bark and sawdust. Biofuel is also good because, in addition to heating, it additionally nourishes the soil, enriches it with useful microelements.

Drawings of winter greenhouses

Greenhouse interfilm space blowing system (video)

An economical option for a winter greenhouse

The drawing of how to make a non-capital type winter greenhouse is simple and affordable. There is no need to despair if there is no way to build a solid expensive structure. By cunning and approaching business with ingenuity, you can make a good greenhouse without spending big money.

  • If the future greenhouse is planned to be used for commercial purposes, and not only for the growth of vegetable products and fruits for yourself, then you need to make a structure of at least 60 square meters. m.
  • If you follow this advice, then the harvest will quickly recoup the spent finances. Experts say that farm greenhouses for medium-sized businesses should be at least 100 square meters in size. m.

With a little preparation and knowledge and skills, you can independently build a good, durable winter greenhouse that will delight useful harvest all year round.

All greenhouses and greenhouses are clearly divided into two groups: those intended for growing vegetables and flowers in severe frosts, and those that are disassembled and hiding in the barn already in the fall. And winter greenhouses are much more complicated both in design and in functionality than summer greenhouses, and therefore it is not easy to build them. Although everything is possible if there is reliable, understandable information - as in this article, where it is described in detail and in detail how a winter greenhouse is built with your own hands: detailed tips will help you figure everything out.

Typical technology for the construction of such a building

So, how to build a winter greenhouse and what to look for during work? Just like the summer one - except that the foundation will be needed. And then, as soon as the installation of the greenhouse is completed, you can proceed to. So, the most reliable in this regard are polycarbonate greenhouses with biofuel - this is the most ideal option for a summer residence. After all, technical heating has its limits, and it does not cost so cheaply. But for a structure that stands right next to the house, it is quite suitable, because it can be connected to a communal heating system. So, in order to determine the correct heating wiring, it is necessary to take into account the following formula: the amount of heat demand = the temperature difference between the thermal conductivity coefficient and the glazing area. And calculating this value is just the first step.

Now you need to choose heating devices... Some of the best are aluminum convectors, which distribute heat evenly throughout the greenhouse.

The next step is preparing the soil. Its optimal composition is a layer of sand + a layer of sod earth + a layer of humus. To cultivate such soil, you need to prepare a mixture of a teaspoon of urea and one teaspoon of superphosphate - so all pests will be destroyed in winter.

So, as soon as all the elements of the heat accumulator are laid on the bottom of the pit and the pipes for its ventilation are installed, everything needs to be covered with PVC film on top. This is necessary so that the soil does not get into the heat accumulator and does not clog it as a result. On the other hand, such a coating helps to create good conditions for the accumulation of humus in the greenhouse.

Option # 2 - gable winter building

A solid gable winter greenhouse can also be built without any problems with your own hands. It can be fenced with greenhouse frames or glazed. Even a small vestibule with a working room can be made literally from improvised means and in a relatively short time.

So, optimal project a winter greenhouse of this profile looks like this:

  1. The foundation should be 40x40 cm in cross section.
  2. The walls need to be laid out in one brick - 25 cm, and on them beams of 15x15 cm in cross-section should already be placed, with obligatory grooves for greenhouse frames.
  3. The rafter part is made of bars with a section of 10x10 cm.The rafters themselves should be connected with longitudinal beams that are laid on the walls, together with ridge bar... The latter must be done with a cross section of 12x12 cm.
  4. Sew up all gaps between frames after work better with slats, and it will not hurt to install a galvanized profile on the visor.

Such a polycarbonate winter greenhouse with a glazed roof and heating will, of course, cost more, but it is more durable and much more convenient during operation. More expensive - because you will definitely have to install heating in it. Therefore, if you want to grow vegetables not at the price of gold, then it is better to immediately invest more so that you lose less. What are we talking about? About modern heating cable which is used to heat the floor.

Here detailed instructions how to build this wonderful greenhouse:

  • Step 1. Dig a trench under the foundation and place 8 mm of reinforcement in it.
  • Step 2. On the inside of the trench, lay about 50mm EPS.
  • Step 3. Place the greenhouse frame on the foundation and fill the foundation with concrete.
  • Step 4. Lay the foam at the bottom of the greenhouse, consider a small drainage of the branch if desired excess moisture from watering.
  • Step 5. At this stage, you can paint the frame and pour the first layer of the floor.
  • Step 6. Next, lay the warm floor according to the manufacturer's technology (see the attached instructions).
  • Step 7. To prevent the floor from cracking in winter, now, at this stage, pull everything together with a road net.
  • Step 8. Make the final screed and attach the polycarbonate to the frame.

This completes the installation. This is how it looks:

Option # 3 - budget double-coated greenhouse

Here are some good advice regarding the construction of a double-film winter greenhouse.

We cover the roof of the greenhouse with a triple air bubble film, and we make the walls with a double ordinary one. Why is it different on the roof? The fact is that with a double ordinary film, condensation will constantly accumulate there, and it is quite difficult to remove it. Therefore, take the hydrophilic film upstairs - no drops will drip from it. And sunlight will still be enough for you.

For the winter in such a greenhouse, you need to fill all the windows with planks, except for one, and, starting in February, you can open one at a time. For a winter greenhouse, underground heating is very important: it can be pipes laid in the ground, electric heating or " ". And from strong frosts it is better to use it additionally.

The most a big problem any winter greenhouse is not the temperature of the air or even tons of snow from all sides. This is deep freezing of the soil. For example, in Siberia, this value can reach 2.3 meters! Naturally, freezing still gets to the greenhouse, and the soil inside must be protected from it. First of all, many use foam blocks or adobe blocks as a foundation, which, with cement mortar and polymer mastic from moisture replace themselves at 40 cm thickness 70 cm brickwork... It is also advisable to insulate the greenhouse inside the greenhouse near the ground - better with styrofoam well wrapped in thick polyethylene. Well, at least 40 cm of sand for additional moisture and heat protection.

For the rest, follow these tips:

Council number 1. Pay close attention to soil temperature. The fact is that the higher it is, the better plants assimilate micro and macro elements. But there is a limit here: about 16-18 ° C, after which plants release less oxygen and the process of photosynthesis is much worse. That's why warm beds from biowaste in a winter greenhouse is not always needed, especially when the entire heating system is designed for a different mode. But this good old technology is often used to stop the freezing of the soil, and not to warm the roots of plants. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. In the fall, after harvesting, select a soil 1.5 meters deep.
  2. Place a compost layer of grass and horse dung in it.
  3. Add chopped straw and grain husks to loosen the soil.
  4. After that, you can safely lay metal-plastic pipes for heating - they will not freeze even when strong humidity soil in winter.

All the laid biomass will warm the soil well in winter and will serve as some fertilizer at the same time.

Council number 2. in such a greenhouse it is better to do it with a sprinkler system, and - attention! - only warm water... The drip can end in failure if you have not protected the soil from freezing in any way, so do not risk it.

Council number 3. It is advisable to make a small vestibule in such a greenhouse - this is not only a place to store the necessary tools, but also an excellent "thermal pocket" that will protect the plants from the harsh cold.

Council number 4. Take polycarbonate for a winter greenhouse at least 10-16 mm thick, and if you have already purchased a thin one, then put it in a thermos in two layers. Pay also close attention for sealing.

Council number 5. Sharp transitions from day to night temperatures are especially dangerous in winter. And therefore, in spite of thoughtful heating, always use containers with water for this purpose - during the day they will accumulate solar energy, and at night they will give it back a little, thus smoothing out abrupt transitions in the evenings and mornings.

And finally, do not be afraid to build a tall winter greenhouse - it is not much more expensive to heat it, but the advantages are worth it: an excellent microclimate, optimal humidity and ease of use.

The construction of a winter greenhouse on a personal plot is a certain milestone in the practice of a gardener, when knowledge and experience in growing a variety of crops allows harvesting not only in summer time of the year. However, you need to understand that the construction of a winter greenhouse is an event that requires knowledge, skills in work, careful preparation of materials and a place for the future structure. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with some options for projects of winter greenhouses and useful tips from specialists who make such a difficult but very exciting activity as easy as possible.

Determining the type of building

To date, such a number of the most variety of options construction of winter greenhouses, that in order to carefully describe the features and benefits of each of them, it would be necessary to write a multivolume essay. Therefore, to to an ordinary person it was easier to understand the features of the construction of winter greenhouses, we note the most important differences between the main types of these structures.

The classic version of the construction of winter greenhouses have the following differences.

Functional features

In greenhouses winter type grow a wide variety of crops. It can be not only traditional vegetables, fruits, flowers and mushrooms. It will be quite interesting to harvest exotic fruits and citrus crops in winter. It is from what is planned to be grown in the greenhouse that the sequence during construction and arrangement will depend interior space greenhouse.

Location of the building

The construction of winter heated greenhouses is divided into three types: built into the soil, built on the ground level, mounted on specially equipped elevations (for example, the roof of a garage or barn).

Selection of building materials

Depending on the type of building materials used. All winter greenhouses can be divided into several groups:

  • built of bricks;
  • built of wood;
  • mounted from a metal or PVC profile;
  • glazed or sheathed with polycarbonate;
  • combined options.

Features of planting

The construction of a winter greenhouse should take place in such a place that the future construction would be under straight lines for most of the day. sunbeams... After all, it is they that are so necessary for the normal growth and development of plants. Also, a good location for the construction of a greenhouse will help to save a fairly large amount. Money that would need to be spent on additional lighting. The best location for the construction of a greenhouse - from west to east. This is the approach to maximize the use of beneficial features so scarce in the bright light of the winter sun.

Advice ! It is not necessary to locate future greenhouses in lowlands with a sufficiently high level groundwater... In such greenhouses, as a rule, it keeps high level humidity, which can be detrimental to a large number of plants.

Choosing the type of heating

Correctly selected and correctly installed heating in a winter greenhouse is the key to creating a favorable microclimate for the successful growth and development of plants. Installation of a heating system is a rather time-consuming and complex procedure, therefore, its implementation must be approached with knowledge of the matter.

A fairly large number of methods for heating a winter greenhouse are known. Each has both positive and negative characteristics. When choosing a heating system for your greenhouse, be sure to consider technological features concrete structure, climatic conditions the area in which the greenhouse is located, as well as the amount of cash available.

Let's consider in more detail the most common heating options in greenhouses:

The choice of material for the construction of a winter greenhouse

Greenhouse coating materials are selected according to the following criteria:

  • individual design features of a winter greenhouse;
  • good transmission of sunlight;
  • resistance to atmospheric phenomena;
  • the ability to maintain structure and integrity even with frequent temperature changes;
  • ease and simplicity of installation;
  • low cost;
  • duration of operation.

Let's consider in more detail the most common options for the construction of winter greenhouses.


This material was previously used as the main type of greenhouse cover. Glass goes well with wood and metal. Glass surfaces have good light transmission and thermal insulation properties... However, today, glass as a covering for greenhouses is losing its relevance. A large number of more modern, lightweight, resistant to mechanical damage and, most importantly, inexpensive materials have appeared.

Polymer materials

This material is lightweight and has good sunlight transmission. However, polymer panels very quickly lose their original appearance and in the absence of ventilation indoors, excess moisture forms on the surface of the greenhouse.

Cellular polycarbonate

This material is the best today for covering the structure of a winter greenhouse. He managed to combine in himself best qualities glass and films.

We design a greenhouse

After the materials for construction have been selected and the dimensions of the structure are indicated, you can begin to develop a project for a future greenhouse. The easiest way to solve the question is using ready plan adjust it according to personal preferences and construction conditions.

If you decide to draw up a plan for the future greenhouse yourself, you should adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

  • schematically designate the site plan and determine the location of the future structure;
  • we calculate the size of the winter greenhouse.
  • we develop a scheme for laying engineering communications;
  • separately designate the type and dimensions of the foundation on the plan;
  • we calculate the required amount of materials for the construction of the roof of a winter greenhouse;
  • we think over the ways of fastening all structural elements together.

We build a polycarbonate greenhouse

Polycarbonate is the best material for the construction of winter greenhouses.

The list of advantages is quite wide:

  • provides good throughput and the diffusion of sunlight;
  • has high rates of heat preservation inside the room;
  • the lightness, flexibility and strength of the material allows you to very quickly build a greenhouse that is capable of performing its main functions for a long time.

It is quite possible to build a winter polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands. Location future construction is determined according to the basic rules for arranging greenhouses.

Laying the foundation

In order to lay the foundation for the future greenhouse, you can use the most diverse construction material: timber, stone, brick. As practice shows, for winter greenhouses the best view the foundation is tape.

The sequence of works for laying the foundation:

  1. It is necessary to designate the parameters of the future building on the ground.
  2. Dig a trench according to the markings. The depth of the ditch should not exceed 50 cm, and the width -20 cm.
  3. On the side walls of the trench, timber-panel formwork is mounted.
  4. The bottom of the trench is lined with sand, the layer of which does not exceed 30 cm.
  5. The prepared concrete mixture is poured.

Advice ! To strengthen the structure, it is necessary to reinforce the concrete screed.

We build a frame

After the foundation is completely frozen, the stage of construction of the frame begins.

Along the perimeter of the foundation, profiles are vertically attached, which, to strengthen the structure, are connected by ribs of cruelty.

The finished frame of the winter greenhouse is sheathed with polycarbonate sheets. They are very easy to cut with a saw or jigsaw. The panels are attached to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Important ! In order not to violate the thermal insulation and the tightness of the structure, all joints and joints of materials must be treated with perforated self-adhesive tape.

To create a healthy microclimate inside the greenhouse and prevent the formation of condensation, do not forget to equip vents, windows and doors.


Building a winter greenhouse with your own hands is a difficult task, but it is quite real for someone who approaches business responsibly and seriously. It is enough to make some effort and spend a certain amount of time to have fresh vegetables and fruits on your table all year round.

How to build a stove for heating a winter greenhouse, we will find out in the next video

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