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Landscape design of vegetable garden and garden. Flowers in garden landscape design. Photos of landscape design of garden plots from top-ranking architects

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A tiny pond, green hedges, a lawn, a flower bed - this whole bright picture is gradually replacing greenhouses, beds and other agricultural trends in the thoughts of many summer residents. This is not surprising if earlier landscaping summer cottage dealt exclusively with specialists, the inexhaustible source of information allows us today to formulate a sophisticated and Beautiful design garden with your own hands. How should beginners behave correctly in order to avoid encountering pitfalls as much as possible?

We assess the potential of the land plot

Of course, for many summer residents, their own meters of land are the best and most expensive. However, if we are talking about landscape design, as in the photo, you should evaluate your possessions a little critically.

Pay attention to the age, number and condition of trees, the degree of infestation of the site with wild plants, the presence of slopes, hills and rockiness, the remoteness of natural and underground water sources, fall assessment sunlight on different areas garden

On initial stage It is worth considering that any feature of the site must be turned into your ally. For example, the same overgrown bush can be decorated in a green shield that can hide the area from prying eyes; areas with old trees can be decorated in country style; in addition, bright illustrations and photos of the design will allow you to decorate the garden with your own hands.

Making a plan

It's time to arm yourself with pencils and paper. You need to indicate your ideas and plans on the sheet; perhaps visualizing your ideas will allow you to slightly adjust your plans. Specialists do the same thing, only their capabilities include 3D effects. Already at this stage you should indicate the arrangement of plants and furniture in the garden. Such a schematic plan will allow you to avoid some mistakes, for example, planting several seedlings in a seemingly empty corner of the garden.

Agree, in a few years this corner risks turning into impenetrable thickets. You can avoid many other mistakes in garden design with your own hands by watching the video on the website, where expert advice will come in handy.

Marking functional areas

Even the most small garden, the improvement of which you are currently engaged in, in the future should be not only beautiful, but also functional, as in the photo. It’s so wonderful to sit in the garden gazebo and enjoy starry sky, and where the owners will be repairing their car, there should also be a place for barbecue. Developing interesting ideas When designing a garden or vegetable garden with your own hands, it is important to clearly understand what functionality you will add to your plot. All family members should participate in this activity, because even small children will want to own their own corner for playing with a ball.

Implementation of ideas

So, if you decide to design a garden with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists, then you should start with large-scale work - leveling, lighting, installation drainage system, increasing the fertile layer of the site, digging a pit for a future pond, laying a lawn, etc. And only after these “foundational” works have been completed can we talk about starting to plant plants, design a recreation area, etc.

Even with their own efforts, everyone can turn their plot into paradise- the main thing is to awaken in yourself the desire to turn your home into a fairy tale, and interesting ideas for transforming the garden will emerge in your imagination, and if not, then you can see them in the photographs presented on the site. All that remains is to implement this whole thing and create an exceptionally beautiful garden design with your own hands.

A beautiful garden design will help you make your garden not only more attractive and convenient, but also more productive. Modern tendencies landscape designers argue that vegetables are as beautiful as flowers and deserve the right to become the star of our garden. As a result, vegetables grow right next to their decorative relatives - and even displace them to take over the functions of the main actor in landscape design of the site.

Vegetable garden design - old idea, which is now experiencing a new birth. The vegetable garden has always been part decorative design plot in traditional cottage and French gardens. And now in the best gardens throughout the world you will always find vegetable gardens that harmoniously combine vegetables, berries and flowers.

Want to learn how to make a beautiful vegetable garden design? Simple 8 tricks will help you make it a luxurious decoration of your beautiful garden, filled with warmth and beauty.

1. We are planning a place for a vegetable garden.

Smart vegetable garden design begins with thoughtful planning. You must decide what size your garden will be, what vegetables you will grow in it, where your beds will be located.

Your vegetable garden will not always be large; more and more summer residents are leaning towards a small vegetable garden, which takes its rightful place in the overall landscape design of the garden.

2. Vegetable Garden Design – Let your vegetable garden be beautiful.

When most people hear the word “garden,” they think of long, boring beds of vegetables. But this shouldn't be your only garden design option.

You can make your garden so that it is as beautiful as your flower beds.

A little advice. It makes sense to test it in the first year new uniform vegetable garden, invented on paper. Life can make its own adjustments to the shape of the beds and their number.

3. Record your garden design on paper.

Even a small vegetable garden requires careful planning.

Having a pre-designed garden design on paper will help you analyze the effectiveness of your design for the current season and plan new plant combinations and new beds for future seasons.

4. Make comfortable beds.

Be sure to clearly demarcate each area of ​​your garden. This will not only give it a neater look, but will also help you plan your plantings for the next step.

The clear geometric contours of the garden bed, even in a small space, create a visual accent in the landscape design, while creating a feeling of order and cleanliness.

If the soil on your site is not ideal, raised beds are the most in a simple way solutions to this problem. Vegetables do surprisingly well in this modern setting.

Raised beds require an investment of time and effort, but it will all come back a hundredfold when you realize that your back no longer hurts after the next weeding. Of course, it is not necessary to raise the entire garden above the ground.

Save raised beds for the kitchen herb garden and those crops that require the most care. This way your energy will be spent with maximum efficiency.

Avoid making the beds wide. You must have good access to process them.

But long ones are welcome. The main thing is that you can freely reach the middle while standing on the path.

5. Unusual garden design options.

If you don't have much space on your yard or aren't planning a full-scale vegetable garden, you can create unusual beds almost anywhere in your garden. Try replacing a small flowerbed with a bed with various types of greens and tomatoes.

And this miniature vegetable garden looks very impressive due to its location.

And this one helps you grow more crops per square meter.

5. Choosing plants for the garden.

There is no clear answer to the question of placement different cultures in the garden. Too many factors play an important role here and, first of all, your climate zone and soil composition. But there are simple general rules to keep in mind when planning your plantings.

Consider the position and orientation of your site. Plant tall plants so that they do not shade their short neighbors.

Consider the lighting and watering conditions of the individual crop. You should not dictate your terms to plants and grow your favorite plants where you have space, without taking into account their preferences.

You can always adjust your planting plans taking into account the specific conditions of your site. Believe me, there are many plants that will happily grow in your conditions.

Do not forget to take into account the watering regime for each bed, so that it does not turn out that plants requiring more frequent watering are located in the most inconvenient place for this.

Do not plant the same crop two years in a row in the same place. This depletes the soil, increases the likelihood of plant disease and reduces yields.

6. Modern vegetable garden design

The main principle of modern garden design is combination. By abandoning the idea of ​​ordinary flat beds of only cabbage, next to which are placed boring beds of only cucumbers, you can turn your garden into a work of art.

How often do we pay attention to the beauty of the tops of carrots and beets, or how the dotted inclusions of unpretentious marigolds add beautiful bright accent into the general green space of the garden?

Flowers located among the greenery of the garden create sparks of light. They are also a great way to attract beneficial insects. By learning to “paint” with the texture, color and shape of plants in your garden, you can create a real vegetable bed.

And, as in an ordinary flowerbed, in the design of your garden you can fully express your imagination, acquire new experience and rejoice at your successful finds.

Even small space The beds can be filled with a mixture of vegetables and flowers, which complement each other and serve as an advantageous backdrop for plants of the most vibrant colors.

7. How to combine plants in the garden.

But, of course, you can’t just take and plant everything in a row in the garden. Some crops go well together, and some combinations should be avoided.

In addition, proper proximity helps prevent damage various diseases and repel some pests. The compatibility table will help you figure this out.

8. Design of a decorative vegetable garden.

You can combine not only garden crops between themselves. Fashionable design decorative garden successfully combines vegetables with flowers.

A traditional rural garden always delights with a riot of color and texture, which comfortably combines flower beds and beds. While many vegetables such as tomatoes and Bell pepper, decorative in themselves, adding one or two types of flowers to other types of vegetables can provide the necessary presence of bright colors.

If you like to cook on the grill in the garden, then why not plant the necessary seasonings nearby. This vibrant mix of vegetables and ornamental grasses will liven up your patio or gazebo.

And the proximity of vegetables to flowers will make your beds especially attractive and will not harm your harvest at all. This way you can create entire compositions of tasty, healthy and beautiful things.

Vegetable garden design is a living process of interaction with the beauty of nature. Experiment! Some things depend on your imagination and your desire, and some things will be told to you by the plants themselves.

A magnificent well-kept garden, in which only vegetables grow or vegetables in combination with flowers and ornamental herbs, makes any dacha worthy of our admiration. Have you tried experimenting with vegetable garden designs in your garden? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

A dacha is not only about working in the garden, but also about relaxing in picturesque garden. Any novice gardener can create a flower garden, but it is important that the flowers really decorated the area, and did not make it overly motley and tasteless. Flowers not only need to be planted - they need to be cared for throughout the entire summer season. We choose the most successful types of plants and learn to create flower arrangements in the country.

Designing a flower garden

Before planting plants, you need to decide on the features landscape design of the site, choose a place for flower beds, select flower garden components that are in harmony with each other.

Lawn-type flower garden. Create a flowering carpet on your site - sow a certain section of the lawn with wildflowers. In such a clearing you can have wonderful picnics, and besides, such a flower garden does not even need to be watered. Suitable flowers include daisies, cornflowers, clover, poppies and others.

Flower garden discount. This is a narrow (0.2-1.5 m) strip of flowers that looks great if placed along garden path or around terraces. Several types of low-growing annual flowers are planted in horizontal stripes, alternating colors. You can make a simple ornament or add medium-sized plants.


Flowerbeds can be various shapes- traditional round, solid square, elegant diamond-shaped or even complex curly. In addition to standard low flower beds, you can make raised ones - 10-15 cm, decorating them around the perimeter with a plastic border, wood, brick, stone.


Regular wooden arch or a modest gazebo can be decorated and enlivened with the help of vines. Choose virgin grapes, clematis, tree-like Kampsis, climbing rose or climbing annuals - decorative beans or peas.


This is a wide (up to 4 m) strip of flowers where plants are used different heights. For such a flower garden you need a background, it will look good mixborder near brick wall or a board fence. The appearance of such a flower garden changes throughout the season - first some plants bloom, then they fade and are replaced by others. Such a flower garden can consist of perennials, annual plants or combinations thereof.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Advice! Creating a balanced and thoughtful mixborder takes a lot of time, so the use of perennial flowers in this case is quite rational. Perennials can also be successfully chosen as filling flower beds or garden beds.

Tall. Pay attention to the stock rose - this is a plant about 1.5 meters tall with inflorescences resembling peonies. Their color ranges from soft pink to deep burgundy. Tricyrtis Purpul Beauty is similar to a lily or orchid and blooms from early July to mid-autumn. The spotted sapling is interesting in that it changes the shade of its purple flowers throughout the season. No less spectacular can be basilisk, willow sunflower, hybrid helenium, and longleaf speedwell.

Medium height. These are plants with a height of 30-80 cm, which are suitable for many types of flower beds. Daylily varieties are easy to care for and incredibly tender, and yarrow will delight you lush flowering throughout the entire summer season. Rhodiola rosea is an original plant with succulent leaves that will become the highlight of your garden. Use late-flowering varieties of peony, paniculata phlox, astilbe, cornflower, double monarda.

short. They can complement a mixborder or create an elegant flowerbed. pansies- an unpretentious, charming plant. Dwarf forms of phlox, gentian, soft mantle, large-flowered flax, gypsophila paniculata, oak sage, geranium, bloodroot are bright and beautiful perennial flowers that can be safely planted in the country.

Caring for garden flowers

Growing garden flowers is not a difficult task, but it is still worth reading a few basic tips.

  • Remove wilted plants and plant parts regularly. When watering or weeding a flower bed, pull out and cut off everything that has already faded. Wilted flowers turn into buds or fruits that require strength to ripen, which slows down the appearance of other flowers on the plant. And externally, your flower garden will look more aesthetically pleasing without “dead” flowers.

For owners of dachas always important aspect was personal plot, or rather, a vegetable garden from which you want to harvest as much as possible. Just 10-20 years ago, hardly anyone was interested in exactly what their garden would look like, or whether it was beautiful enough. Today landscape design more popular than ever among owners country cottages, and among the owners of more modest houses in the village. Put aside the prejudices that garden design and a private house in the village are incompatible, take a look at the photo below.

Previously, hardly anyone would have thought that a vegetable garden in a village could or should be beautifully decorated. The main idea of ​​the owners was aimed at collecting a high-quality harvest. Today, trends are changing direction.

Many owners of a private house in the village want to perceive the garden not only as a place where they need to work every day, but also as an area that they want to admire and capture its design in a photo. After all, you see, working in a well-kept garden, where each vegetable has its own separate place and everything seems to be “laid out on shelves,” is much more pleasant.

Of course, we can say that for such purposes it is necessary to hire specialists who will transform the garden, requiring a significant fee. However, this is not at all true. Read our article to the end and you will learn how to turn your vegetable garden into a work of art in just 6 steps without paying a landscape designer.

If you decide to redesign the design of your vegetable garden, then first you need to decide on its plan.

It is best to draw in detail: what size garden is preferable, what the beds will look like, what vegetables will be located and where they will be located.

Pay attention in the photo to how well the design of the garden of the owners of a private house in the village was built.

Step #2. Don't be afraid to make your garden beautiful

If you ask any summer resident what he associates with a vegetable garden, the answer will be simple: “a lot of beds, a lot of work.” However, everything can be changed, and necessarily in better side. Don't be afraid to experiment, create interesting beds of the most different forms, let them be as beautiful as flower beds.

Step #3. Layout on paper

It would be more appropriate to classify this step as the first, since it involves recording the garden plan on paper. But we highlight it separately to show how useful this plan will be. It will not only help to plant vegetables correctly, but will also be useful when changing the design of the garden, and will help to foresee where adjustments can be made.

Step #4. Convenient beds

The basis of the beauty of your vegetable garden will lie in the beds. Each area for each type of vegetable should be clearly limited, which will give an aesthetic appearance and ease of use.

Neat and clear beds will give your garden not only beauty, but also a sense of order and cleanliness. Take a look at the photo to see how neat beds have transformed the design of the vegetable garden, even considering that this is a private house in the village, and not a cottage.

Don't forget about the condition of the soil. If your site cannot boast of good land, then the best option There will be high beds where vegetables will feel comfortable and delight you with a rich harvest. In addition, high beds are very convenient to use, because you no longer need to be in a bent position for a long time during the next weeding.

Please note that for convenience it is better not to make wide beds. As for the length, here - as much as you like.

Step #5. Experiment with design

It should be noted that not all owners of summer cottages are eager to create a large vegetable garden. For some it is not entirely interesting, but for others there is simply no time to deal with land matters. In this case good option will be the transformation of a small flowerbed into a garden bed, where instead of the usual flowers you can plant different kinds greens and tomatoes.

It will look interesting and different types cabbage or lettuce.

Step No. 6. What to plant?

It is up to you to decide which vegetables or fruits to plant. Focus on the soil composition, climate and, of course, your own preferences.

However, there are several general rules which it is still recommended to adhere to:

  • when planting plants with tall stems, keep in mind that in the future they should not darken lower growing ones;
  • Before planting, study the plant itself. What kind of light does it prefer, does it like an abundance of water, what plants does it not tolerate being in the vicinity;
  • Each plant has its own watering regime. Some need water every day, while others do much better with drier soil. Do not forget to take into account such nuances, and in this case, plant vegetables in different beds.

Fashionable vegetable garden: principles of creation

If you decide to make your garden not only productive, but also beautiful and fashionable, then abandon the standard planting of crops.

In this case, it is better to resort to a combination. Don't be afraid to combine what at first glance seems impossible. For example, you can plant carrots and beets in the same bed, alternate varieties of cabbage or salads.

Try planting pansies or marigolds among the “kitchen” greenery. They will not only add unusualness to your garden plot, but will also attract beneficial insects to pollinate your plants. Don’t think that a beautiful garden design is only appropriate for photos in magazines or if you have an expensive cottage; it will perfectly transform a small private house in the village.

Even a small flowerbed can be interestingly filled with a mixture of different plants that will please the eye. So, try planting some types of tomatoes together: cherry, yellow, red, black tomato varieties. You'll see how they sparkle with colors and add incredible variety to your garden bed.

Decorative garden: design rules

No matter how strange it may sound, you can combine not only vegetables in your garden plot. It is quite acceptable to combine them with different varieties colors.

Try combining some types of cabbage and lettuce, and plant between them bright flowers, for example, calendula. Its sunny color will not only transform the garden bed, but will also lift your spirits every time.

I like

Every owner of a garden or summer cottage always uses it to grow vegetables for further consumption. However, in modern times, this obsessive goal for the soul has become not enough. Many summer residents and gardeners embody garden design, delighting their neighbors and many lovers of fantastic natural originality, which makes their eyes run wild.

Photos of original landscape design options for a garden at the dacha

The vegetable bed fits beautifully into the garden lawn, delighting with the richness of the grown spicy crops, cabbage, parsley in combination with flower plantings.

An ordinary designed greenhouse, which will eventually turn into a hill of beautiful clubs, at the base of which low-growing plants will grow flower plants, and vegetable seedlings will form into the green top of a flower garden with beautiful ripe fruits.

Original arrangement solution vegetable beds within the lawn using the most beautiful wooden design created vegetable beds that are very easy to care for. This option involves growing onions, celery, herbs, lettuce, dill, parsley and even beets - a summer bright green attractive vegetable oasis near the house.

Cultivated garden plot using decor from paving slabs, implying constancy. In such a curly, interesting landscape format, you can annually change the positions of growing vegetables, giving the created flowerbed a completely different look.

A similar composition can be created using building bricks.

This is a surprisingly comfortable option for arranging a large garden plot; several created wooden flower beds are planted annually with a varied number of vegetables, the order of which can be alternated, ensuring effective crop rotation and soil fertilization. The aesthetic arrangement of seedlings will ultimately give a beautiful result before harvesting.

A garden plot is not necessarily flat and flat; often slopes are also suitable for cultivation and cultivation. Here clear example successful execution of original planting of vegetables with a combination color range developing foliage of plants, creating amazing garden beauty that evokes a beastly appetite.

And this is another clear example of how vegetable crops look great in combination with flowers in decorative flower beds.

Vegetable beds can be successfully decorated with both flowers and shrubs, creating neat curly green fences from them.

A vegetable garden is an area where you can grow everything - trees, shrubs, vegetables and flowers, which in one single tandem create a real green, blooming fairy tale. Timely care of all grown plants throughout the growing season gives the land an attractive, rich appearance.

Landscape design of a vegetable garden is a real art, depending directly on the imagination of the owner of the land, who, thanks to his ingenuity and agrotechnical knowledge in matters of cultivation vegetable crops is able to transform his work into a real creative process.

Bold ideas come to life in gardens and garden plots thanks to skillful hands and the desire to create a unique cozy corner, warming the soul with its attractive appearance. When creating custom garden landscape projects, you want them to be durable and retain their original appearance. For this purpose, to improve the planned areas, it is necessary to carefully select a material that will not be too bulky, will easily withstand the effects of external climatic factors and will delight you with its quality for a long time.

The main materials with which you can create are gravel, paving slabs, wooden logs, pegs, plastic bottles, natural stone.

Where to start and how to design a vegetable garden with your own hands?

  1. Firstly, to translate ideas into reality, you should draw up a paper project for placing the entire set of crops in certain areas of the garden or personal plot.
  2. Secondly, give these areas the desired shape, that is, the boundaries within which they will pass throughout the entire growing season of development. These can be completely different squares, rhombuses, petals of various dimensional characteristics, as well as their original combination.
  3. Thirdly, you need to think about how to provide access to these areas for the purpose of caring for beds, watering and using the crop. It's not always on the street sunny weather, allowing you to get to the garden bed without getting covered in mud. An excellent option to delimit the beds are wooden paths, paths made of paving slabs or natural stone or brick.
  4. Fourthly, you need to take care of drawing up an estimate for the purchase of all the necessary available tools and materials to begin work on landscaping your garden plot.

When all four stages have been completed, you can safely begin work. An excellent time of year to start work is early spring; it is the spring period that will allow you to plant vegetable seedlings in ready-made plots and already in the first months of summer enjoy the most beautiful landscape design of your garden, made by yourself.

Design features of a garden at the dacha

Designing a small vegetable garden is much easier to complete compared to a large plot of land. A small area is in perfect harmony with all kinds of homemade figurines, fences, vines, crafts that can be made from clay, stones,

There are a huge number of examples of landscape design for a garden in a country house. But, arranging your land plot, each owner always adds his own individual flair to its design. There are no limits to human imagination, create with pleasure, because only work you enjoy brings true pleasure in life.

Design of a vegetable garden at the dacha video

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