Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Private plan of the leader of the teaching in Go. Plan for conducting a comprehensive site-based civil defense exercise (example)

  • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated April 24, 2013 N 284 “On approval of the Instructions for the preparation and conduct of exercises and training in civil defense, protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies”
  • Application. Instructions for preparing and conducting exercises and training on civil defense, protecting the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated April 24, 2013 N 284
"On approval of the Instructions for the preparation and conduct of exercises and training in civil defense, protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies"

In accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated July 11, 2004 N 868 “Issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of consequences natural Disasters"I order:

Approve the attached Instructions for the preparation and conduct of exercises and training on civil defense, protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies.

V. Puchkov


* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 2882; 2005, N 43, art. 4376; 2008, N 17, art. 1814, N 43, art. 4921; N 47, art. 5431; 2009, N 22, art. 2697, N 51, art. 6285; 2010, N 19, art. 2301, N 20, art. 2435, N 51 (part 3), art. 6903; 2011, N 1, art. 193, 194, N 2, art. 267, N 40, art. 5532; 2012, N 2, art. 243, N 6, art. 643, N 19, art. 2329, N 47, art. 6455.

Registration N 29115

to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
dated April 24, 2013 N 284

on preparation and conduct of exercises and training on civil defense, protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies

1. These Instructions for the preparation and conduct of exercises and training in civil defense, protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) have been developed in accordance with federal laws dated December 21, 1994 N 68-FZ "On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature"*(1), dated December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ "On Fire Safety" *(2), dated August 22, 1995 N 151-FZ "On Emergency Rescue Services and the Status of Rescuers"*(3) , dated February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ "On Civil Defense" * (4), decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 2000 N 841 "On approval of the Regulations on the organization of training of the population in the field of civil defense" * (5) , dated September 4, 2003 N 547 “On training the population in the field of protection against emergencies of a natural and man-made nature” * (6), dated December 30, 2003 N 794 “On a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations” *( 7), dated November 26, 2007 N 804 “On approval of the Regulations on Civil Defense in the Russian Federation” * (8) and determines the procedure for preparation and implementation in federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations complex, command-staff, tactical-special and special exercises, staff and site training in civil defense, protecting the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies (hereinafter referred to as exercises and training).

2. The preparation of control bodies and forces to solve the problems of civil defense and emergency response is carried out through complex exercises (hereinafter - CU).

3. CU lasting up to 2 days are carried out once every 3 years in municipalities and organizations with hazardous production facilities, as well as in medical institutions with more than 600 beds. In other organizations, once every 3 years for up to 8 hours.

4. CG are planned and carried out in order to:

achieving high coherence in the work of heads of organizations, management bodies, formations and services during liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, restoration of life support systems and civil defense;

improving techniques and methods for protecting the population from emergency situations, increasing the sustainable functioning of facilities in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime;

checking the quality of implementation of activities provided for in civil defense plans, actions to prevent and respond to emergency situations, safety data sheets of municipal territories, safety declarations and safety data sheets dangerous objects, assessment of the state of civil defense, municipal and facility units of the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, their actual readiness to solve problems as intended, the reliability of control, communication and warning systems.

5. CG can be combined with the teachings of higher organizations.

6. Training of control bodies and forces to achieve coherence and efficiency in managing the actions of lower control bodies and forces when carrying out measures for civil defense, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations is carried out at command post exercises (hereinafter - CSE) or tactical exercises. special exercises(hereinafter referred to as TSU).

7. CCWs lasting up to 3 days are carried out in federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation once every 2 years, in local governments - once every 3 years, in organizations once a year for up to 1 day.

8. Control and management exercises are organized and conducted to practice issues of organization and management when carrying out measures for civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations.

9. CMS are planned and carried out in order to:

improving the practical skills of managers and officials of organizations in the use of forces and means, their management in solving problems of civil defense and emergency response;

achieving consistency in the work of control bodies and forces in the prevention and response to emergency situations.

10. Emergency situations lasting up to 8 hours are carried out with the participation of emergency rescue services and emergency rescue units of organizations once every 3 years, and with the participation of permanent readiness forces - once a year.

11. The main goals of carrying out technical control are:

improving the practical skills of organizational leaders in managing civil defense forces and the unified state system for preventing and responding to emergency situations when organizing and conducting emergency rescue and other urgent work;

checking the readiness of formations and services to respond to emergency situations, as well as the consequences of enemy use modern means defeats.

12. Improving the practical skills of government bodies in organizing and managing civil defense measures and protecting the population from emergency situations is carried out during staff training (hereinafter - ST).

13. The main goal of the ShT is to develop among the heads of organizations and management bodies practical skills in managing forces and means during activities in connection with the threat and during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations in wartime, as well as achieving coherence in the work of individual units and management bodies as a whole .

14. Pieces can be joint or separate.

Joint CTs are carried out with the involvement of governing bodies and all structural divisions organizations in order to work out the interaction between them and achieve coherence of actions.

Separate CTs are carried out with each management body or individual structural divisions of the organization.

15. Training of managers, officials and employees of organizations, with the exception of organizations specified in paragraph 3 of this Instruction, in solving problems in the field of civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations is carried out during on-site training (hereinafter - OT) lasting up to 8 hours.

16. The entire range of measures provided for by civil defense plans and action plans for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of organizations (facilities) is worked out at the OT.

17. OT can be carried out under the leadership of the head of the organization (facility) or as part of groups of facilities and are organized according to the territorial production principle according to a single plan.

18. Practical training of management bodies and forces, fire brigades, emergency services, emergency rescue teams and employees of organizations in actions to prevent fires, responsibilities and safety measures in the event of a fire at fire-hazardous facilities, in organizations and educational institutions is carried out at special exercises or fire protection training (hereinafter referred to as FTP).

19. STS on fire protection at fire-hazardous facilities, organizations and educational institutions are carried out once a year for up to 8 hours.

20. The objectives of the STS are:

checking the reality of plans fire protection and assessment of the state of fire protection;

checking readiness to act in the event of a fire threat;

training of employees of organizations (students educational institutions) rules and methods of action, safety measures and rules of behavior in the event of a fire;

increasing fire safety, the readiness of managers of organizations (facilities), employees of organizations (students of educational institutions) to act in the event of a threat and the occurrence of a fire.

21. Depending on the number of employees of organizations (students of educational institutions), STS are carried out simultaneously with all employees of organizations (students of educational institutions) or in separate groups. The duration of each exercise is from 2 to 3 hours.

22. If identified during the STS significant shortcomings, by decision of the relevant managers in the organization, repeated training may be conducted on the topics of identified deficiencies.

23. Conducting exercises and training on civil defense, protecting the population from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies is carried out in conjunction with mobilization preparation activities for the current year.

24. The types and topics of exercises and training are determined taking into account the nature and scale of possible emergency situations in peacetime and wartime.

25. Exercises and training can be planned, test, demonstration, experimental and research.

26. Planned exercises and training are carried out upon completion of the training cycle for heads of organizations, management bodies and forces for special training in order to harmonize them, improve interaction, and practice practical actions for conducting emergency rescue and other urgent work.

27. Test exercises and training are carried out at the direction of a higher management body in order to assess the degree of readiness, level tactical and special training governing bodies and forces.

28. Demonstration exercises and training are carried out in order to develop uniform requirements for the organization of the use of civil defense forces and a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, to develop methods for organizing work in an emergency zone, as well as to demonstrate the most effective techniques and methods of action for organizing and conducting emergency rescue and other urgent work.

29. Experimental and research exercises serve as one of the forms of conducting research and testing methods for resolving problematic problems in the theory and practice of civil defense and actions for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and are carried out in order to study new forms and methods of training control bodies and forces, conducting emergency rescue and other urgent work, as well as the use of standard property and equipment.

30. The procedure for conducting experimental and research exercises and the composition of participants is determined by the head of the organization, by whose order they are conducted.

31. When working with official documents containing information constituting state secrets, during the preparation and conduct of exercises and training, officials are required to observe the secrecy regime established by legislative and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation.

32. Control over the conduct of exercises and training is carried out by relevant officials of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations within the limits of the powers granted to them to manage civil defense, protect the population from emergency situations, ensure fire safety and security people on water bodies.


*(1) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 35, Art. 3648; 2002, N 44, art. 4294; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2006, N 50, art. 5284, N 52 (part 1), art. 5498; 2007, N 45, art. 5418; 2009, N 1, art. 17, N 19, art. 2274, N 48, art. 5717; 2010, N 21, art. 2529, N 31, art. 4192; 2011, N 1, art. 24, 54; 2012, N 14, art. 1549; 2013, N 7, art. 610.

*(2) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 35, Art. 3649; 1995, N 35, art. 3503; 1996, N 17, art. 1911; 1998, N 4, art. 430; 2000, N 46, art. 4537; 2001, N 1, art. 2, N 33, art. 3413; 2002, N 1 (part 1), art. 2, N 30, art. 3033; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2004, N 19 (part 1), art. 1839, N 27, art. 2711, N 35, art. 3607; 2005, N 14, art. 1212, N 19, art. 1752; 2006, N 6, art. 636, N 44, art. 4537, N 50, art. 5279, N 52 (part 1), art. 5498; 2007, N 18, art. 2117, N 43, art. 5084; 2008, N 30, art. 3593; 2009, N 29, art. 3635, N 45, art. 5265, N 48, art. 5717; 2010, N 30, art. 4004, N 40, art. 4969; 2011, N 1, art. 54, N 30 (part 1), art. 4590, art. 4591, art. 4596, N 46, art. 6407, N 49 (part 1), art. 7023; 2012, N 53 (part 1), art. 7608.

*(3) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 35, Art. 3503; 2000, N 32, art. 3341, N 33, art. 3348; N 46, art. 4537; 2003, N 46 (part 1), art. 4435; 2004, N 35, art. 3607, N 45, art. 4377, N 49, art. 4840; 2005, N 1 (part 1), art. 15, N 19, art. 1752; 2008, N 18, art. 1938; 2009, N 19, art. 2274, N 48, art. 5717; 2012, N 41, art. 5525.

*(4) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 7, Art. 799; 2002, N 41, art. 3970; 2004, N 25, art. 2482, N 35, art. 3607; 2007, N 26, art. 3076; 2009, N 48, art. 5717; 2010, N 31, art. 4192, N 52 (part 1), art. 6992.

*(5) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 45, art. 4490; 2006, N 34, art. 3689; 2008, N 43, art. 4948.

*(6) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 37, art. 3585; 2005, N 7, art. 560; 2009, N 25, art. 3064; 2010, N 38, art. 4825.

*(7) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 2, art. 121; 2005, N 23, art. 2269; 2006, N 41, art. 4256; 2008, N 47, art. 5481; 2009, N 12, art. 1429, N 29, art. 3688; 2010, N 37, art. 4675, N 38, art. 4825; 2011, N 7, art. 979, 981, N 14, art. 1950; 2012, N 1, art. 145, N 17, art. 2009, N 37, art. 5002, N 44, art. 6026, N 46, art. 6339, N 48, art. 6687.

*(8) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 49, art. 6165; 2013, N 9, art. 963.

Department of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod City Administration

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"School No. 79 named after Nikolai Alekseevich Zaitsev"

On approval of the plan and conduct of a comprehensive civil defense and emergency exercise

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2003 No. 547 “On preparing the population in the field of protection from natural and man-made emergencies”, guided by the letter of the first deputy head of the administration of the Sormovsky district of N. Novgorod S.G. Pavlova dated November 14, 2016 No. 177 for the purpose of preparing the exercise and organizing it

I order

1. Conduct on the basis of MAOU “School No. 79 named after. N.A. Zaitsev" in the 2016-2017 academic year, a comprehensive exercise of civil defense and emergency situations on the topic: "Organization and implementation of measures to maintain sustainable functioning and protect students and staff in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature and the conduct of civil defense."


Director M.V. Bannikov - head of the exercise;

heads of structural divisions:

Deputy director T.V. Nefedov – chief of staff of the exercise;

Deputy Director Metelev E.G. – head of logistics;

Doctor Bernyukov M.A. – head of medical service;

Teacher Trofimova V.A. – head of the communications and warning service;

attract to the training:

Members of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Sormovsky district;

Personal teaching staff, according to the teaching plan;

3. To the chief of the exercise management staff, develop and submit a plan for conducting the exercise (Appendix 1 on 2 sheets to this order).

4. Heads of structural units organize training of personnel for the exercise (according to the plan).

5. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Director M.V.Bannikova

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Annex 1

to order dated November 22, 2016 No. 734-O

Plan for conducting a comprehensive civil defense and emergency exercise

on the basis of MAOU “School No. 79 named after. N.A. Zaitseva" for 2016-2017 academic year

Subject: Organization and implementation of measures to maintain sustainable functioning and protect students and staff in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature and conduct civil defense.

Learning objectives:

    check the reality of the “Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations” and the “Civil Defense Plan” of the facility;

    improve the skills of management staff and structural units in the implementation of civil defense activities, emergency prevention and response;

    consolidate the knowledge and skills of staff and residents of residential buildings adjacent to the school in protection during peacetime and wartime emergencies;

    practice skills in responding to warning signals and during evacuation;

    determine the effectiveness of measures to transfer the facility to work in wartime conditions and maintain its sustainable functioning.

List of participants: management of the school, commission for emergency situations and fire safety, civil defense department, civil defense services, site evacuation commission, personnel of structural units, formations: combined group, rescue team, reconnaissance group, communications group, RHZ group, fire extinguishing team, public order group, emergency technical group, sanitary squad.

Legend of the teaching:

Measures to protect school personnel and students and eliminate the consequences of peacetime emergencies are carried out in the event of an accident at nearby enterprises of the Sormovsky district, CJSC Nefteprodukt (Kominternat St., 27), OJSC ZKPD-4-Invest (Zaitseva St., 31), JSC "Zhelezobetonstroy No. 5" (Fedoseenko St., 44a) with the release of petroleum products and pollutants into environment. A set of measures for transferring a school to work in wartime conditions is worked out with the management staff in full, and practical measures - partially. The organization of the withdrawal of students to a safe zone and the evacuation of school staff are practiced in reality, and their implementation is partial.

Study stages and study questions:

Stage I. Organization of personnel protection in case of accidents at oil refineries and carrying out emergency response during liquidation of its consequences.

1. Alerting control bodies and formations.Notifying members of the CoES and OPB, NASF and school staff in the event of an emergency spill of petroleum products.Organization of personnel protection in case of accidents at oil refineries.

2. Gathering of members of the CoES and OPB, NASF.Actions of governing bodies, formations, employees in conditions of pollution with petroleum products and during the elimination of its consequences.

Stage II. Transferring an enterprise to work in wartime conditions

1. Organization and implementation of events to transfer schools to work in wartime conditions.Development of proposals for the decision of the Chairman of the CoES and the Fire Protection Bureau for the elimination of emergencies caused by the spill of petroleum products.

2. Evacuation of students, staff and family members.

Stage III. Organization and conduct of civil defense in war conditions using conventional weapons.

1. Actions of personnel on warning signals.

2. Organization and management of AS and DNR in the affected areas.

Training location: N. Novgorod, territory of MAOU “School No. 79 named after. N.A. Zaitseva"

Calendar plan

preparation of a comprehensive exercise

2. Conducting reconnaissance of the exercise area

November 2016

3. Setting tasks for the command and control personnel to develop documents for the preparation and conduct of the exercise.

November 2016

4. Conducting staff training (instructional session)

December 2016

2. Developments for the exercise

1. Exercise plan

January 2017

Nefedova T.V. – deputy Director-Chief of the Exercise Management Staff

2. Logistics plan

January 2017

Meteleva E.G. – deputy Director of ACh

3. Medical plan

January 2017

Bernyukova M.A. - doctor

4. Communication diagram during the exercise

January 2017

Trofimov V.A. – Head of Communications and Alert Service

5. Instructions for safety measures during exercises

January 2017

OT Engineer

3. Preparation of formations

1. Studying issues with command and control personnel

February 2017

Nefedova T.V. – deputy Director-Chief of the Exercise Management Staff

2. Study of special training issues to be practiced during the exercise.

According to the class schedule

Head of Civil Defense and Emergency Department

3. Study the instructions for the measures

4. Training of school staff

1. Study of issues to be worked out during the exercise

According to the class schedule

Heads of study groups

2. Study the instructions on safety measures.

According to the class schedule

5. Measures for logistics and medical support.

1. Unit equipment

Heads of structural divisions

Heads of structural divisions

2. Providing participants with medical care and medications.

PLAN Conducting a Integrated Site-Based Civil Defense Exercise inCrimean Agrotechnological University April 14-15, 2004.

SUBJECT: Actions of government bodies and civil defense forces to prevent and respond to man-made emergencies.”


1. For the management staff of the civil defense facility

Check the reality of implementing the activities of the civil defense plan of the facility in the event of an emergency;

Improve skills in organizing and conducting measures to protect all categories of university officials and students in emergency situations.

2. For the command and control personnel of the civil defense facility

Provide practice to command and control personnel in managing their subordinates during liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations.

3. For personnel of civil defense formations:

Conduct training for personnel of formations in the practical implementation of measures to protect and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

4. For workers and employees of the facility:

Practically practice protection measures in emergency situations.

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS: Management staff, emergency commission, non-military forces of the facility, all employees of the facility.

EQUIPMENT AND PROPERTY: vehicles, engineering equipment, property, personal protective equipment according to the state.

COSTS OF MOTOR RESOURCES: _____ kilometers - per car, _____ engine hours - per unit of engineering equipment, fuel and lubricants– according to appropriate calculations for each unit of equipment.


First stage: Implementation of civil defense measures in the event of the threat and occurrence of man-made emergencies.

Study questions:

1. Notifying management and command staff, workers and employees about the threat of an emergency.

2. Gathering of management staff and setting tasks to implement measures to reduce the impact of emergencies on the planning process.

3. Organization and conduct of civil defense activities in the event of a threat of emergency.

Second phase: Organization and implementation of work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

Study questions:

1. Notifying management, command and control personnel, and facility employees about the occurrence of an emergency.

2. Carrying out fire fighting, search and rescue operations and measures to protect people at the site.



Depreciation of the material base of objects, non-compliance with safety measures when handling flammable substances, violation of rules for handling electrical appliances, negligence of officials in matters of ensuring fire safety lead to major fires, injuries and deaths.

Over 11 months in Ukraine, 2,808 people died in fires, including 105 children. Material damage amounted to 250 million hryvnia.

On post-Soviet space fires often occurred in government institutions, including universities. At the University of Peoples' Friendship (Moscow), 2 fires occurred on July 12, and on the night of November 24-25, 2003. During the second fire, 38 people died and 150 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. These facts indicate the absence effective system Civil defense of the facility and underestimation of its role in emergency prevention issues.

Analysis of statistical material on fires shows a decisive dependence of the number of victims on the degree of effectiveness of the civil defense system of objects and the effectiveness of the preventive work of the Emergency Commissions.


Due to untimely elimination of deficiencies in electrical supply issues, when electrical equipment is turned on, the possibility of short circuits cannot be excluded, as a result of which the premises of the educational building (laboratories, classrooms) may catch fire. Fire fighting equipment is missing, and this creates the precondition for a fire in neighboring rooms.

Safety measures are not observed on the territory of the vehicle park; open fires are lit near nearby vehicles. Under these conditions, the possibility of a car fire cannot be ruled out. There is no fire-fighting equipment, vehicle fleet workers are not trained fire safety. The car park does not have instructions on what to do in case of fire on the territory and premises of the park.

In the students' palace during the mass events, to enhance the entertainment value of the performances, it is proposed to use candles and sparklers. There is not enough fire-fighting equipment, and options for evacuating spectators and staff of the student palace have not been worked out. This private situation had developed by 08.00 on April 14, 2004.


Study questions


Actions of the training leader, deputies, assistants



First stage : Carrying out civil defense measures in the event of a threat of emergency.

8.30-9.00 April 24 - hold a meeting on issues of rapid response to emergencies.

Hand over to the guard on duty

Introductory No. 1

Introductory No. 1.

(open at 09.10)

At 9 o'clock 10 minutes

On April 14, 2004, a telephone signal was received about a fire on the second floor of the main building, at the university ticket office.

. Check:

· signal reception procedure;

· preliminary actions of the Chairman of the Emergency Commission (promptness and effectiveness of actions, communication with higher services and other organizations);

Hand over to the guard on duty

Introductory No. 2

Introductory No. 2.

(open at 09.35)

At 9:35 am

On April 14, 2004, the Chairman of the Emergency Commission received a message from the security guard on duty about a fire in the library, reading room No. 1.


· order and efficiency of fire signal reception;

· setting tasks for members of the Emergency Commission;

· practical guide The commission in responding to the signal;

· effectiveness of organizing the protection of people and material assets.

· fire safety documentation of the facility.

Hand over to the guard on duty

Introductory No. 3

Introductory No. 3.

(open at 10.15)

At 10:15

On April 14, 2004, the Chairman of the Emergency Situations Commission received a message from the security guard on duty about a fire in the auditorium of the students' palace.


· the procedure and efficiency of receiving signals about fires at remote sites;

· preliminary actions of the Chairman of the Emergency Commission (promptness and effectiveness of actions, communication with higher fire services and other organizations);

· setting tasks for members of the Emergency Commission;

· practical guidance of the Commission in responding to the signal;

· the effectiveness of organizing the protection of people and material assets;

· fire protection system at the main facilities of the university.

Second phase : Organization and implementation of work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

12.00 Giving the signal “Attention to all” – the organized exit of employees and students from the buildings.

Present to the commanders of the sanitary squads

Introductory No. 4

Introductory No. 4.

At 13.00, an acetylene generator exploded in the basement of building No. 1, and there were casualties.


· preliminary actions of the commander of the sanitary squad (promptness and effectiveness of actions, communication with headquarters and higher services and other organizations);

· plan for bringing the sanitary squad to readiness;

· practical guidance of the sanitary squad in responding to a signal;

· effectiveness of organizing the protection of people.

· documentation of the sanitary squad.


Collection, receipt of tasks;

Obtaining the necessary property and funds;

Providing necessary assistance to victims.

1.Check the documentation of formation commanders;

2.Check the capabilities of responding to fire-related emergencies.

Introductory intermediaries.


· preliminary actions of the commander of an illegal armed formation (promptness and effectiveness of actions, communication with headquarters and higher services and other organizations);

· the procedure for putting illegal armed groups on alert;

· practical guidance for illegal armed groups in responding to a signal;

· the effectiveness of organizing the protection of people and saving material assets;

· efficiency of the SNAVR organization.

The personnel of the illegal armed formation act according to the situation and on the instructions of the commander of the illegal armed formation.

Analysis of COU.


An analysis is carried out, positive and negative aspects in the organization and actions of managers and personnel during the exercise are indicated.

Chief of Staff of Civil Defense

Plan for conducting a comprehensive site-based civil defense exercise (example) - 4.0 out of 5 based on 5 votes

Continuation of the table. 2.1

Kinds Duration Periodicity
Special training with personnel of the formations 15 hours annually
Classes with workers and employees 12 hours annually
Training sessions in universities on public health in emergencies 50 hours annually
Command and staff exercises (CSE): 1. In federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 1. In local governments. 2. In organizations. 3 days 3 days 1 day 1 time every 2 years 1 time every 3 years 1 time a year
Tactical and special exercises: - with formations; - with formations of constant readiness. Up to 8 hours Up to 8 hours Once every 3 years Once a year
Comprehensive exercises in municipalities and organizations with hazardous production facilities Up to 2 days Once every 3 years
Object training in other organizations (and universities) Up to 8 hours Once every 3 years
Workouts in educational institutions with pupils and students Up to 1 day annually
Training on notification and gathering of managers and personnel with NF At least 2 days annually
Training and methodological gatherings (managerial staff, CSC and RSChS specialists) 1-2 days annually
Civil defense courses (district, city, regional) for CNS formations 1-3 weeks Once every 3 years

Continuation of the table. 2.1

In addition, regarding civil defense and civil protection, higher authorities of civil defense or the Ministry of Emergency Situations conduct instructor-demonstration classes, verification, control, comprehensive or tactical-special exercises (trainings).

Tactical and special training pursue the following goals:

1. Prepare the personnel of the formations for the decision specific tasks, as well as putting together formations to operate in full force.

2. Improve the skills of unit commanders in managing the actions of subordinates.

The classes include two stages:

Stage I. Preparation of the lesson. Consists of the following elements:

1. Personal preparation of the manager.

2. Selection and preparation of a place or area of ​​study.

3. Drawing up a summary plan or lesson plan.

4. Preparation of material support.

5. Training of trainees.

Stage II. Conducting a lesson that consists of the following elements:

1. Checking the readiness of the formation for the lesson.

2. Statement of the task (in the form of an order or instruction).

3. Actions of formation in the lesion (affected area).

4. Analysis of incorrect actions of students during classes.

5. Analysis of the lesson.

In a special tactical lesson, poorly mastered training questions can be re-worked by students

Tactical-special exercises (TSU)- This is the main and most effective form of training personnel in civil defense. This also includes complex exercises or object training, the requirements for which are similar to the TSU.

The essence of TSU lies in the fact that during its course the leadership, civil defense services, and personnel of civil defense formations practically carry out tasks as intended against the backdrop of a general continuously evolving tactical situation.

TSU have the following goals:

1. Improving the practical skills of management and command staff in managing rescue and other emergency operations.

2. Putting together non-paramilitary civil defense formations, both for independent and joint actions with other formations to carry out rescue and other urgent work.

3. Checking the readiness of civil defense formations.

4. Development of moral, combat and psychological qualities among personnel.

5. Checking and studying the new organizational structure of civil defense units.

6. Verification of compliance with the requirements of charters, regulations and instructions.

7. Demonstration of the organization and methodology of conducting civil defense exercises.

Planned technical training is carried out in accordance with the Program and training plan for civil defense formations once every three years, with permanent readiness formations once a year. The duration of the planned TSU is up to 8 hours.

At the direction of senior superiors, verification, demonstration and instructive technical control systems can be carried out. The head of the TSU is usually a superior officer in relation to the formation involved in the TSU. For example:

To conduct exercises with teams and groups, well-trained employees of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations department can be appointed as leaders;

It is advisable to conduct exercises with rescue and combined teams by the head of the organization’s civil defense or his deputy;

As a rule, exercises with formations of civil defense services are conducted by service chiefs.

Deputies and assistants are appointed to assist the manager. To carry out technical control, a leadership headquarters is created with detachments, and a management group is created with teams and groups.

Preparation for carrying out TSU consists of performing a whole range of activities.

1. Organizational events:

Determining the topic, educational goals, educational questions, time and duration of the TSU;

Selection and reconnaissance of the TSU area;

Appointment of TSU management (head, deputies, assistants, intermediaries);

Determination of TSU participants (what needs to be done first);

Clarification of measures for material and technical support of TSU.

2. Development of documents for carrying out technical training:

Calendar plan for the preparation of technical equipment, indicating the names of specific activities, deadlines and responsible persons;

Organizational measures (in the form of an order to conduct technical control);

A TSU plan, which specifies the topic, training objectives, time and place of the TSU, the composition of participants, training issues and timing, tactical situation and the course of the TSU;

Private plans for deputies, assistant exercise directors, and intermediaries;

Safety instructions;

Plan for simulating a tactical situation;

Plans for providing technical and technical support (material and technical, communications, commandant service, etc.);

Scheme of organization and management of the exercise;

Maps of the exercise area, schedules, calculations and other necessary documents.

3. Preparation of the TSU area:

A training campus or natural site is being prepared for carrying out TSU. Moreover, the site for carrying out rescue and other urgent work (AS and DPR) should be selected in such a way that it is economically profitable to conduct the exercise. For example: repair of heating mains, communication lines, cutting of scrap metal, completion of a building, demolition of an emergency building, etc.

The area for gathering formations and the routes for their advance to the area where the AS and DPR are being held are outlined;

Various signs and indicators are being prepared.

4. Training of TSU managers.

Classes on studying documents and manuals are preliminarily organized with the management team, and instructor-methodological classes can be conducted. Group exercises and meetings are carried out, in which deputies, assistant managers, and intermediaries act as trainees (in their direction in the TSU), in order to develop common views and expected decisions of the TSU participants.

5. Training of TSU participants.

A study is organized with TSU participants guidance documents, training for warning and gathering personnel of formations. Civil defense formations are supplemented with personnel, equipment, and property. Practical training is conducted to develop established standards for civil defense and tactical and special training on the most important issues.

Safety measures during practical work are studied with the personnel involved in the TSU. Personal protective equipment, equipment and property are put on alert. During this period, a review of a non-paramilitary civil defense formation may be held. The command and control personnel of civil defense formations take part in instructor and methodological classes, staff training and educational and methodological gatherings.

Methodology for conducting special tactical exercises.

To conduct exercises, it is advisable to adhere to the following methodological sequence:

In starting position Before the start of the exercise, the leader, his assistants and intermediaries check the readiness of the personnel participating in the exercise to conduct nuclear weapons and DPR (equipment by individual means protection, tools, equipment, etc.). Then the head of the exercise introduces the command and command staff of the formations into the situation that has developed in the affected area and, in the role of a senior commander, sets tasks for the formations and gives a verbal order to conduct the AS and DPR.

During the exercise The leader and his assistants are building up a situation that will require the commanding officers of the formations to quickly make decisions to save people, to carry out rescue and other urgent work on utility and energy networks, to provide first aid to the injured, and to maneuver forces and means. During the exercise, the commander (chief) of the detachment (group commander) gives the necessary orders on the basis of personal reconnaissance and situational data received from reconnaissance units and formations (teams, groups, units) conducting nuclear forces and DPR in the affected area.

The exercise should be completed changing formations working in the affected area (or assigning a task to a shift), followed by special processing of equipment and sanitization of people.

The final part of the teaching is analysis.

The leader should prepare for the debriefing in advance, even before the start of the exercise. It can be carried out in the following sequence:

The leader reminds the teaching topic and teaching questions;

Reminiscent of a tactical environment;

Analyzes the actions of personnel during the exercise;

Determines the extent to which training goals have been achieved, announces assessments of the work of exercise participants with mandatory brief description manifestations of initiative and resourcefulness, and also indicates what needs to be paid attention to in order to eliminate shortcomings in further training sessions.


In the RSChS system, any manager, his deputy or persons working in this system must conduct classes with any category of the population on the topic of safety and protection in emergencies. To do this, the leader of the lesson must be able to draw up a plan for conducting such classes.

The outline helps the leader more consistently and methodically correctly convey the material on this topic to the students.

The outline must include:

Ø topic of the lesson;

Ø location of the lesson;

Ø time allocated for this lesson;

Ø method and form of conducting the lesson;

Ø educational purpose of the lesson;

Ø material support for the lesson;

Ø the sequence of working out educational questions and the distribution of time for their presentation.

Based on the structure of the lesson, the outline should include:

Introductory part. It reflects the issues of checking the readiness of the group for classes, the availability of material support, checking previously completed material, announcement new topic, questions and purpose of the lesson.

Main part. It reflects the content of educational questions.

Final part. It reflects the conclusions or draws a conclusion and indicates the task for self-preparation.

In the upper left corner there must be a signature of the person approving the outline and the date of its approval.

The leader takes the topic of the lesson from the program (thematic plan).

The leader determines the educational goal himself, if it is not defined by the program or thematic plan.

The time is determined by the program.

The lesson method, if not determined by the program, is chosen by the lesson leader independently, but it should be noted that the lesson method is chosen depending on the didactic or general educational goals. If it is necessary to convey new knowledge and achieve its in-depth assimilation, other methods are chosen. For example, if it is necessary to develop skills and abilities in students, these are exercises, training, demonstration, explanation. If it is necessary to consolidate knowledge and improve skills - self-study, exercise, training, excursion, watching films (strips).

The leader determines which method should be leading in this lesson.

The location is determined by the class schedule.

In the material support, the leader indicates only what is available and can be used during the lesson ( technical means training, samples of the equipment being studied or instruments, layouts, diagrams, posters).

Educational questions, if they are not defined by the thematic plan, are formulated by the leader himself, taking into account that their development fully reveals the content of this topic. The time allotted for working on each educational question depends on its importance and the total time of the lesson.

Since the outline plan is a reporting document (like a journal of class attendance and academic performance), it must be signed by the leader of the class indicating the date the outline was compiled.



In Russia, the potential danger of natural disasters and man-made disasters is high. This is due to the huge size of its territory, the presence of various climatic zones, uneven technological levels production processes at enterprises of industry, transport, fuel and energy complex, and in last years and economic difficulties.

The dynamics of growth in the number of disasters and catastrophes, their negative consequences require vigorous government measures to ensure the protection of citizens and material assets.

The Russian government has drawn the right conclusions from the lessons Chernobyl disaster, the Spitak earthquake and other major disasters and catastrophes, forming the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations in 1994. Its main tasks, as well as the entire created unified state system for emergency situations, are: emergency prevention; protection of the population, territories, industrial and social facilities from various damaging factors; coordination of actions of other ministries, departments, municipal authorities in the fight against the consequences of disasters; providing humanitarian assistance to countries and regions affected by disasters and social conflicts.

In the field of protecting the population and territories, we have concrete positive results, the main of which are the following:

s emergency rescue units and facilities, command and control bodies, military civil defense units and non-military formations have been created, such as:

Central airmobile rescue squad;

National Emergency Response Corps;

Disaster medicine – field hospitals to provide emergency medical care to the wounded and injured;

Departmental search and rescue services and formations;

Territorial (subject and municipal) and facility CoES, services and rescue teams.

s Fire Department and all its structural emergency rescue units were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the subordination of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

s Airliners (with a capacity of 42 tons of water) were purchased, which were used to extinguish fires in ammunition depots on Far East and in Armenia, they fought fires in forests in Siberia and the Moscow region, in the North Caucasus.

s The Ministry of Emergency Situations is armed with more than 50 helicopters, which, with rescuers on board, carry out different regions in our country, many operations take victims out of emergency zones and provide them with medical care, extinguish fires in forests and cities, evacuate people from mountain peaks and the upper floors of burning buildings, lift shipwreck victims and “woe-fishermen” from the water, drop cargo, carry out search and installation work, degassing and decontamination of contaminated areas.

The set of measures to protect the population from emergencies, carried out by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, has not only national, but also international significance. In recent years, humanitarian assistance has been provided to 21 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. 100 thousand tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to Yugoslavia alone, which helped almost 200 thousand civilians in Bosnia and Herzegovina survive.

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