Encyclopedia of fire safety

How often do Orthodox Christians need to visit the cemetery? When and how often to visit the cemetery

There have always been many superstitions and signs near the cemetery.

Many films have been made about the nightly atrocities of restless souls and enough books have been written. Even the actions of deeply religious people are sometimes marked by paganism. How and when to visit the cemetery?

What can be done and what is undesirable? Is it possible to go to the cemetery in the evening?

About evening visits to graves

Most questions are related to evening visits to cemeteries. Here are some common concerns about this:

1) After noon, there is nothing to do in the cemetery, since the souls of the deceased are next to the body only until twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Pure superstition. If a person already believes in the soul and its ability to move around the earthly world, then he should know: the soul of the deceased and buried has long gone to another world.

Our relatives and friends hear us from another world. They are not near the body. We can reach out to their souls from anywhere, whether at home or at work. You don't even have to be in a cemetery.

We go there because near the last resting place native person it is easier for us to feel his invisible presence. And caring for the grave is a tribute to memory, evidence that the deceased is still in our hearts.

2) You can’t go to the cemetery in the evening, because the devils will cling to you.

Also superstition. The place for the cemetery is initially consecrated. Then, several times a year, the priest goes around the graves, reads prayers and pours them with holy water. During the funeral, the priest again reads prayers and blesses the grave.

In addition, the cemetery is full of crosses. Can black forces breed in such an environment?

The souls of the dead only rejoice when loved ones come to them. When they are remembered, pray for them. They cannot harm anyone.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery in the evening? There are no restrictions. Walk when you want and when you can. There is only a warning.

It just so happened that food is put on the graves, they put alcohol. Some even bring clothes, toys, cigarettes. All this is superfluous. A similar tradition has come to us since pagan times. However, people continue to do it.

Unreasonable behavior attracts packs of wild dogs and groups of homeless people to the cemetery.

Both those and others are looking for something to eat, profit from. It is dogs and homeless people that pose a real danger to evening visitors. At this time, there are fewer people in the cemetery, and therefore the unfortunate living beings are freely looking for prey.

In the evening, you need to be afraid of the living, not the dead.

There are a lot of questions about the time of visiting the cemetery.

Priests answer all these questions in the same way: go when you see fit. It is important for the soul of a deceased person that they remember and pray about it. That for her sake they give alms and make donations. And it doesn't matter when you come to the cemetery.

Nevertheless, the clergy advise not to stir up the soul of the deceased with tears and lamentations too often. It is better to go to church once again, light a candle and pray, and not cry at the grave.

That is why the church has allotted the days of commemoration of the dead. They are also needed so that the living do not forget about the dead.

Probably, every person has at least one relative or friend who has already been buried. People always pay maximum attention to their loved ones. Even after the death of a person, there is a desire to visit his tomb and take care of his peace. But many do not know how to visit the cemetery correctly. There are days when it is possible, and even necessary, to go to the cemetery. And, on the contrary, when it is better not to visit the dead.

When can you visit the cemetery?

* on the day of the funeral;

*on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after death;

*every year on the day of the death of a person;

*on memorial days - Monday and Tuesday of the week following Paschal;

*Meat-fare Saturday preceding the week of Great Lent;

*2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent;

* Trinity Saturday - the day before the feast of the Holy Trinity;

* Dmitrov Saturday is the first Saturday in November.

When not to go to the cemetery:

* Orthodoxy does not welcome visiting the graves of relatives on such Christian holidays like Easter, Annunciation and Christmas;

*The Trinity is not celebrated at the cemetery either. On Trinity they go to church;

* it is believed that you do not need to go to the churchyard after sunset;

*Women are not advised to visit the place of the dead during pregnancy or menstruation. But this is a personal choice of each of the fair sex.

Some sources report that it would be wrong to go to the tomb on the birthday of the deceased. You can just remember him with a kind word, in the circle of the family and loved ones of the deceased.

There are also some superstitions and rules of behavior on the churchyard.

How to behave in a cemetery:

If you have planned a trip to the cemetery, do not wear clothes bright colors. Black or white would be best. You can also pick up things from your wardrobe in muted tones. Legs must be covered: wear pants or a long skirt. Shoes must also be closed. It is desirable to cover the head with a headdress or throw on a scarf.

When they go to the cemetery, they behave calmly, without unnecessary emotions. Avoid laughing or crying out loud. Do not swear.

Don't spit or litter. And if you want out of need, find a suitable place for this outside the cemetery.

Upon arrival at the grave, a positive action will be to light a candle, to remember the deceased.

Do not drink or eat near the tombstone. Have a funeral dinner at home.

Do not step on the graves and do not jump over them.

You don’t need to touch other people’s graves, put things in order there, unless the relatives of the person buried there asked you to do so.

In the case when you dropped something on the dead earth, it is better not to pick up this thing. If the fallen item is very important to you, pick it up and put something in return (sweets, cookies, flowers).

Leaving the cemetery, do not turn around, and, moreover, do not return.

When you get home, wash your hands thoroughly (and it’s better to do it at the cemetery), be sure to wash off the cemetery soil from your shoes, and wash the tool that was used to clean the grave.

When to visit the cemetery, each person determines for himself. Of course, going to such places almost every day is not recommended. But don't forget about your loved ones either. Do as your heart tells you.

In a situation where you live far from the graves of your relatives or simply do not have the opportunity to visit them, but there is a desire to pay attention and remember, go to church and light a candle for the repose.

You need to know that such candles are not placed on the days of Holy Week and the days of Bright Week.

Also in the temple there is an opportunity to order a memorial service (prayer for the dead) or lithium (intensified prayer) from the priest. You can also pray yourself: read the Psalter or the rite of lithium performed by a layman.

Under any circumstances, remember your dead loved ones, and when you come to their graves, behave appropriately, because the cemetery is a sacred land, a resting place for the dead.


In the first seven days after the death of a person, do not take out of the houseno things.

On the 9th day after death, relatives go to the temple, order a memorial service, and lay a second memorial table at home.The family of the deceased did not sit at the first memorial table.

Now, on the contrary: a family and nine more people sat down at the table (three who washed the deceased, three who made a coffin, three who dug a hole).

In modern conditions, the number of invitees may vary, because there are various public services, which provide the necessary ritual services: the deceased is dressed in the mortuary, the coffin can be bought at the ritual supplies store, the grave can also be prepared in advance. Therefore, there may be 3 - 6 - 9 invitees, or there may be no one.

On the 40th day after the death of a person, they arrange a third memorial table - “sarakavitsy”, at which the family of the deceased, relatives, relatives, friends, work colleagues are present. The church orders Sorokoust - forty liturgies.

From the day of the funeral until the 40th day, remembering the name of the deceased, we must pronounce the verbal formula-amulet for ourselves and all the living. At the same time, the same words are a symbolic wish for the deceased: "Earth rest in peace", thereby expressing wishes that his soul would be in paradise.

After the 40th day and over the next three years we will say a different formula-wish: "The kingdom of heaven to him." Thus we wish the deceased afterlife in Paradise. These words should be addressed to any deceased, regardless of the circumstances of his life and death. At the same time, they are guided by the biblical commandment "Judge not, lest you be judged."

During the year following the death of a person, none of the family members has the moral right to take part in any festive celebration.

None of the members of the family of the deceased (including the second degree of relationship) could marry or marry during the period of mourning,

If a relative of the 1st or 2nd degree of kinship has died in the family and a year has not yet passed after his death, then such a family does not have the right to paint eggs red for Easter (they must be white or any other color - blue, black, green) and, accordingly, take part in the celebrations of Easter night.

After the death of the husband, the wife is forbidden for a year to wash anything on the day of the week on which the trouble happened.

For a year after death, everything in the house where the deceased lived remains in a state of rest or permanence: repairs cannot be made, furniture rearranged, nothing is given away or sold from the things of the deceased until the soul of the deceased reaches eternal rest.

During this year and all subsequent years, you can go to the cemetery only on Saturdays (except for 9, 40 days after death and church holidays of honoring ancestors, such as Radunitsa or Autumn Grandfathers). it recognized by the church days of commemoration of the dead. Try to convince your relatives that you should not constantly come to the grave to the deceased, thereby harming their health.

Whichever way you come to the cemetery, come back the same way.

Visit the cemetery before 12 noon.

Days of special commemoration of the departed throughout the year:

Meatless Saturday- Saturday in the ninth week before Easter;

- Saturday in the second week of Great Lent;

Universal Parent Saturday- Saturday in the third week of Great Lent;

Universal Parent Saturday- Saturday in the fourth week of Great Lent;

Radunitsa- Tuesday in the second week after Easter;

Trinity Saturday- Saturday in the seventh week after Easter;

Dmitrievskaya Saturday- Saturday in the third week after the Intercession (14.10).

Exactly one year later after death, the family of the deceased celebrates a memorial meal (“please”) - the 4th, final memorial family and birth table. It must be remembered that the living cannot be congratulated on their birthday in advance, and the final memorial table should be arranged either exactly one year later, or 1-3 days earlier.

On this day, you need to go to the temple and order a memorial service for the deceased, go to the cemetery - visit the grave.

As soon as the last memorial meal is over, the family is again included in the traditional scheme of festive regulations of the folk calendar, becomes a full member of the community, has the right to take part in any tribal celebrations, including weddings.

A monument on the grave can be erected only after a year after the death of a person. And it is necessary to remember Golden Rule folk culture: "Do not chapay the land pasture Pakravou da Radaunshchy." This means that if the year of the deceased fell at the end of October, i.e. after the Intercession (and for the entire subsequent period up to Radunitsa), then the monument can only be erected in the spring, after Radunitsa.

After the installation of the monument, the cross (usually wooden) is placed next to the grave for another year, and then thrown away. It can also be buried under a flower garden or under a gravestone.

get married (get married) after the death of one of the spouses,in a year. If a woman married a second time, then the full owner-owner new husband became only after seven years.

If the spouses were married, then after the death of the husband, his wife took his ring, and if she no longer remarried, then both wedding rings were placed in her coffin.

If the husband buried his wife, then her wedding ring remained with him, and after his death, both rings were placed in his coffin, so that, having met in the Kingdom of Heaven, they would say: “I brought our rings, with which the Lord God crowned us.

For three years celebrate the birthday of the deceased and the day of his death. After this period, only the day of death and all annual church holidays commemoration of ancestors.

Not all of us know how to pray, much less know prayers for the dead. Learn a few prayers that may help you find peace in your soul after an irreparable loss.

It is about a sacred place where the bodies of the dead rest until the future Resurrection. Even paganism considers tombs sacred and inviolable places. And as for Christianity, from ancient times there is a custom to mark the burial place with a mound and the victorious banner of our salvation - the Holy Life-Giving Cross.

It is drawn on a tombstone, erected over a tombstone.

Cross on the grave Orthodox Christian- a symbol of immortality and resurrection. On the grave, it is installed at the feet of the deceased, so that the face of the deceased is turned towards the crucifix. It is necessary to ensure that the Cross does not squint, keep it clean and paint it in time.

In Orthodoxy, dead Christians are called the deceased - "gone to rest" or the deceased - "asleep" until the Great Hour of the Resurrection, when they rise from the tomb, "resurrect." The grave is a temporary shelter, a tomb and a place for future resurrection, the rebirth of a new life. Therefore, the grave, like the Cross, should be kept clean and tidy. The cross, whether made of metal or wood, is more befitting of the resting place of an Orthodox Christian than expensive monuments and marble tombstones. But the solution to this very delicate issue is a personal matter and is decided by each family individually. And it is not entirely moral and ethical to blame relatives for an unpretentious tombstone made of metal, or even for the absence of one at all, as well as for “provocatively immodest” monuments.

How to behave at the grave

Arriving at the grave Orthodox custom you need to light a candle and read a prayer suitable for the occasion. Then the burial place must be cleaned up - pull out the weeds, remove the fallen leaves, if necessary, refresh the paint on the fence, fix the cross. After the order is put in place, it is worth being silent, remembering the deceased. Sometimes you have to hear quiet speeches addressed to someone who lies underground - if your soul so desires, this is quite acceptable.

But as for the drinking of alcoholic beverages at the grave, - Christian church it is strictly prohibited! The memory of the deceased is especially severely offended if vodka is poured on the grave. No need to leave food there, it is better to give it to those in need. A glass of vodka with a piece of bread installed on the grave is also considered a relic of paganism.

It is customary to visit burial places on certain days when the Church commemorates all Orthodox Christians who have passed away from time immemorial.

Days of special visits to the cemetery

  • Saturday- eight days before the start of Lent, on the eve of the Week of the Last Judgment.
  • Saturdays- on the second, third and fourth weeks of Lent.
  • Troitskaya parent saturday - on the eve of the day of the Holy Trinity, on the ninth day after the Ascension.
  • Radonitsa (Radunitsa)- Easter commemoration of the dead, Tuesday in the second week after Easter.
  • Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday- the day of prayer for all the soldiers, the Saturday preceding November 8 - the day of memory of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica.
  • Commemoration of the dead warriors- May 9 (April 26 old style).

By by and large, the deceased does not need a coffin or tombstones, this is just a pious observance of age-old traditions, an expression of respect for the deceased. Prayer for the soul of the deceased is the most significant and most important thing that we can do for loved ones who have gone to another world.

14.10.2013 | 20:29

Today we will talk about how to behave in a cemetery - how to behave in a cemetery. What does right mean? This means that there are special laws that everyone must follow. Failure to comply with these laws leads to sad consequences for those who make a mistake. As the saying goes, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

There are certain rules of behavior in the cemetery. There is nothing tricky and complicated in them, these are very simple and obvious things for many. However, as a practicing magician, I meet people who have problems precisely because of the violation of these rules of behavior in the cemetery. Therefore, I decided to write this article.

There will be no special rituals or practices in it - the article is designed for ordinary people far from practicing magic.

I will answer questions about how to properly care for the dead, what can and cannot be done at the cemetery, what to bring with you to the dead and what you can take away from him, how to care for the grave, and so on. In general, these are ordinary things, about which, having read once, you will never be mistaken in the future.

So, how to behave in a cemetery. you come to your dead relatives and acquaintances at the cemetery in order to honor their memory. Usually these are pre-planned trips, so you can prepare well for such a trip.

Cemetery Code of Conduct #1 - Properly Prepare for a Cemetery Trip

First of all, pay attention to your clothes. Maybe short skirts and trendy coral color suit you, but! You are not going to show yourself, but to honor the dead. The colors of the cemetery are black and white. Black is preferable, as it is also considered a mourning color. If you find it difficult to find suitable clothes in these colors, then just do not dress brightly. The dead don't like bright colors.

Choose from the clothes in your wardrobe in muted colors. In addition (and this is especially important!) your legs should be completely covered - pants or a long skirt to the floor will be the most appropriate clothing. This is not a fashion, this is the rule of conduct in a cemetery. This is exactly the moment that for many is fatal. So I repeat - your legs must be completely covered!

Never wear open shoes for trips to the cemetery. Always choose only closed shoes, even if it's hot outside. In extreme cases, take a changeable closed pair of shoes with you, which you put on before entering the cemetery and take it off immediately when you leave it.

The most extreme option for spontaneous trips to the cemetery when you are in sandals is to put ordinary shoe covers or plastic bags over your shoes. This is also true in wet weather, when you are wearing shoes that get wet.

Why are closed legs and feet an indisputable rule of behavior in a cemetery? This is a property of the world, a property of dead energy, which many have heard about, but many do not use. "The dead pulls the living."

This means that the dead earth, dust from the dead earth, settling on your body, leads to the imposition of dead energy on your living one. The property of the world lies in the fact that the living sooner or later becomes dead, but not dead - alive. Therefore, this energy will influence according to its own natural property.

Usually such an imposition of dead energy on a living person leads to diseases of the latter. Which one exactly? Most often, the legs suffer - heaviness, fatigue, congestion (in the circulation of blood and lymph in the legs).

But speaking in general, dead energy is deposited due to its gravity in the three lower energy centers(chakras), and the symptoms may correspond to disturbances in the work of each of them. I'm talking about this first because it's the most common mistake due to ignorance of the rules of how to behave in the cemetery.

Looking ahead, I will immediately outline one more rule of behavior in the cemetery. Rather, after visiting the cemetery. Do not bring the graveyard soil home with your unwashed shoes after the cemetery!

This mechanism is often used for damage (" What is spoilage"), so take off your shoes before front door, wash the shoes thoroughly from the dead earth, and then bring the shoes home. It is not difficult to do this, but by doing this you will protect yourself and your loved ones from damage in the house due to the fact that you simply did not know that you cannot behave like this with a cemetery.

How to behave in a cemetery - the rule of behavior in a cemetery number 2

Pay Special attention on your hair. In ancient times, it was customary to cover your head, tie your hair with a scarf to go to the cemetery. This is also not a tribute to fashion, but an action that has a reasonable explanation. There is a special kind of damage when a person's biological material (hair, nails, feces, etc.) was brought and left in the cemetery.

What does this have to do with tying a handkerchief in your hair? Direct! Hair tends to fall, especially if it is constantly corrected by hand due to the fact that it is blown by the wind, or combed.

Let's say you don't know about such a rule of behavior in a cemetery, and your hair falls from your head to the grave. What will happen? A certain mechanism is launched (the same one that magicians use for the above damage).

The consequences are that the dead, on whose grave a hair has fallen, has access to your head, to your consciousness, your mind. And now he can influence your thoughts, “whisper” something to you and so on; the saddest consequence of what can be "earned" in this way is the corresponding psychiatric diagnosis with all the consequences that come from it.

In addition, there is damage, for which the hair of the victim is placed on the grave in a cross shape. This leads to the fact that the fate of the victim changes in a negative direction. Therefore, be careful, because when combing, more than one hair may fall out, and suddenly these two hairs, according to the law of meanness, will fall on the grave just like that.

The same security measures apply to any other biological material - do not spit on dead earth, and you can not go to the toilet in the cemetery. If, sorry, "impatient", go outside the cemetery to relieve yourself.

I am also talking about those toilets that are located on the territory of the cemetery - you should not go there either. Toilets should be behind the cemetery fence and nothing else; if the toilet is inside, then it is always the case that the living is in contact with the dead.

In addition, they often conjure in such toilets - they throw off, for example, a trifle. This little thing is thrown off for a reason. The one who takes this trifle for himself, takes away with it any illness or poverty from the one who threw it off. Once on your stool, it will work out of your will, and you will have no idea where this fell on you from.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule number 3

Walk along specially made paths to the cemetery or paths, do not step on the graves, do not step over or jump over them - this is very disliked by the dead. Not just dislike. It is also impossible to behave this way in a cemetery because a particularly aggressive and restless dead person can “follow the trail” you left on his grave. This will not do you any good, so be careful, especially when making your way through the cemetery in snowy weather.

I apologize to those for whom this article evokes emotions of rejection by its primitiveness of the described rules. I'm not writing this because it's a pleasant topic to talk about. Some people really don’t know how to behave in a cemetery - it’s just that no one explained it to them, and then I meet such people at consultations about magical negativity and looking for the cause of their illness or life problems. Therefore, I consider it necessary to directly describe in detail how to behave correctly in a cemetery and point out the most general rules behavior in the cemetery - even such primitive information can warn against many, already significant, problems. So, let's continue reading about how to behave in a cemetery.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule number 4

Coming to the cemetery, among other things, people look after the graves of their loved ones, clean them, and keep them clean. Please pay attention to such a moment - the dead do not like it when their things or what belongs to them are taken away.

Therefore, even cutting off the yellow grass on the grave or removing garbage, explain to your deceased relative that you are doing this in order to maintain cleanliness, nothing more. And be sure, if you take something, put something in return. When cleaning, you will leave the brought treat. When picking up a broken vase, be sure to replace it with a new one, and so on.

There is another point that is important to consider in order to behave correctly in the cemetery. It happens that car keys or a pack of cigarettes fall out of the hands in the cemetery. That is, you just dropped some thing you need on the dead earth.

According to the laws of the cemetery, this fallen thing is no longer yours. Therefore, if you are not sorry to refuse a fallen pack of cigarettes, leave it there, do not pick it up. If it's a phone, car keys or something else you need, then taking this thing back, put something in return. It is better if it is sweets or some other treat.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule number 5

Usually people bring rags with them to the cemetery to wipe the monument from dirt and dust. Dear, these rags should not be your personal old and now unnecessary things for you !!! Do not wash the monuments with your underpants or the socks of your living relatives! I'm not joking - I know that such things happen out of ignorance. Why you can’t behave like that in a cemetery, I wrote above. I also note: knowing this rule of conduct in a cemetery, you should not use it maliciously to induce damage, because for damage of this kind there are certain conventions and safety rules, without knowing which you can share the fate with your victim.

This rule of conduct in the cemetery also applies to other things brought from home. Do not take a broom for cleaning the territory from home, as old and unnecessary. Do not spare the money, buy specifically for the cemetery new broom and leave it there. In general, do not take things for the cemetery from home - the same flower vases, junk rags, dishes for the deceased. Buy a new one. It is allowed to bring to the deceased those things from the house that only he used. For example, a cup from which only the deceased drank and no one else can be brought to the cemetery, especially if he loved this cup very much.

Please remember and next rule behavior in the cemetery - take all the things that you brought with you from the cemetery back with you. If these are used wipes and similar garbage, throw it into a special elevator at the cemetery, but do not leave items containing your biological material on dead ground, do not litter. This is the case when it is simply necessary to be cultured for your own good.

True and reverse rule behavior in the cemetery - things from the cemetery should not be taken home. Removed garbage from the grave, leave it in the cemetery dump. If you take something for some special reason, leave something in return; otherwise, it will cost more.

It often happens that the cemetery has its own sources of water - wells or taps. Use this water to clean the grave, water the flowers and plants in the cemetery. You should not drink such water or wash yourself with it; for these purposes, bring water with you from home.

How to behave in a cemetery.

Now directly about how to behave in a cemetery - how to behave in a cemetery. The short answer is respectful and moderate. Respectful towards the dead and moderate in terms of their own emotions. Dear, the dead do not like violent manifestations of emotions. Your crying or laughter is perceived by them in a different way, in a completely different way. The dead lose their own emotions very quickly, even if they were extremely emotional in life.

Literally a year later, from the emotions of the deceased, only memories of them remain, but not the experiences or feelings themselves. It's hard to understand, so I advise you to just take this information into service. I repeat - you should behave in a cemetery in moderation in terms of emotions, avoid laughing or crying.

There are cases when the dead are literally “killed” - they go to the grave every day, shed tears, they cannot forget at home for a minute and constantly lament about the death of this person (“why did you leave me”, “who did you throw me at”, etc.) .p.) With all due respect to the grief of such people, hear me, you can’t behave like that in a cemetery, you can’t do that at all!

Control yourself, find a way to curb your emotions, gather all your will into a fist, and let go of your deceased loved one let him go. Understand that your tears and groans hold him back (and sometimes not only his spirit (energy shell), but also his soul, if it has not rested).

Suffering and moaning are unacceptable behavior in the cemetery also because these emotions can cause the dead to take the living with them in the literal sense of this expression. It must also be borne in mind that evil spirits can come to such emotions, which can take on the appearance of the deceased.

Previously, such cases were enough, but now it is a rarity. Therefore, we will only indicate that something good cannot be expected from such parishes - evil spirits most often come with the aim of stealing your energy (it feeds on it), but it can also exploit it for its own purposes or even kill it.

It was general information about how to behave in the cemetery. Unfortunately, the article on how to behave in the cemetery turned out to be very voluminous, but I have not yet touched on the issues of caring for the dead, how to remember what to bring with you to the cemetery. Also left unconsidered were other important rules behavior in the cemetery – >>

They were sacred places, and any disturbance of the peace, not to mention the destruction of graves, was considered blasphemy, desecration of the memory of the buried and disrespect for their ancestors. Such rules of conduct have survived to this day.

According to Christian customs, the place of burial of a person is marked by a small mound, on which a cross is installed. This religious symbol can be inscribed on a tombstone, or it can be placed above a monument.

The Church does not call the deceased “dead”, but prefers to use the word “departed”, implying that the time will come when the Almighty will revive the believers, and the grave will become the place of resurrection. For this reason, it must be kept clean and tidy.

When visiting the burial place of a loved one, you should light a candle and make a lithium - that is, it is meaningful to be silent for a while. At this time, your good thoughts and memories of the departed will be much better than any words. If you want to perform the rite of lithium, then you can invite a priest.

You yourself can read an akathist for the repose of the dead or an ordinary prayer. Many priests say that prayer is better than tears and sobs for the dead. After that, put the grave in order: clean the monument, trim the flower bushes. In no case do not set the table and do not drink at the grave of a loved one - this will offend his memory. The custom of leaving food in the cemetery is pagan - it is much better if you give it to those in need.

Before you go to the cemetery, you need to visit the temple in order to submit a note with the name of the deceased loved one - then not only you, but the whole church will ask higher power for someone dear to you. It is good if you can not only attend the service, but also take communion.

What days do you need to go to the cemetery?

There are certain days when the Church commemorates all the dead. These days include universal parental Saturdays. name the exact date these days are not allowed, since they are calculated based on the Easter cycle. Here are the most significant of them:

  1. Eight days before the onset of Great Lent, Orthodox believers celebrate Meat-Feast Sabbath.
  2. The second, third and fourth Saturdays during Lent are called parental.
  3. Trinity parent Saturday - the ninth day after the Ascension, before the day of the Holy Trinity.

Before each of these days church churches there are memorial all-night vigils that you can attend. However, these are not all the days established by the Russian Orthodox Church. It is customary to go to the cemetery and commemorate your ancestors on the following days:

  1. Radunitsa is celebrated on the Tuesday after Easter.
  2. Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. Initially, this day was established in memory of the Battle of Kulikovo, but now all the dead soldiers are commemorated this Saturday. Dmitrievskaya is considered the Saturday before the eighth of November.
  3. May 9 - commemoration of the deceased soldiers.

These days, in addition to prayer, it is useful to donate to the church and to those in need. Remember that you can go to the cemetery and commemorate deceased loved ones not only on the above days, but also on their birthdays, deaths and name days. You can also visit the cemetery when you yourself want to communicate with a loved one, bring him flowers or pray at the burial site.

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