Encyclopedia of fire safety

The solution to the age-old problem: how to easily clear the blockage in the bathroom and sink. How to clean the sink in the kitchen: ways that work

There are many factors that influence clogging. One of the most common is food pieces falling from dishes into the drain. Therefore, before you put the plate in the sink, do not be lazy to thoroughly clean it from the remnants of food. It is recommended to wash the dishes with warm or hot water, because the cold is not able to dissolve fat. It settles on the walls of the drain pipe, gradually growing and clogging the lumen.

One of the most common causes of clogging is food pieces falling from dishes into the drain.

A siphon that is too narrow or curved can trap food debris and debris, which also becomes a drain plug over time. Poor quality water with various impurities is another reason for the formation of plaque on pipes, which grows layer by layer. All? Not! There is still rust on old pipes, which also gradually narrows the gap of the drain. And, of course, hair that got into the drain, pieces of a sponge for washing dishes, cotton wool, bread crumbs, paper or leftover dough after making pies - all this water does not dissolve, which means that it accumulates in the siphon and makes it difficult for the outflow of water.

As you can see, the list of reasons for clogging the drain is quite large. The choice of how to eliminate blockage directly depends on the cause. Having found out the latter, you can begin to eliminate the blockage. There are several ways to get rid of dirt in the drain. The fastest is to use mechanical devices such as a plunger or a plumbing cable. These are very effective tools in the fight against garbage in the sewer, however, their operation may require some skill.

If there is no desire to learn the basics of the plumbing profession, you can use the achievements chemical industry. In any store there is a wide selection of all kinds of products designed for cleaning pipes. The main thing to remember about safety precautions: use rubber gloves, protect your eyes, after finishing work, ventilate the apartment.

The main thing to remember is safety: use rubber gloves, protect your eyes

Well, for those who care about the environment and prefer not to use chemistry for no particular reason, there are folk remedies, and the necessary components will certainly be easily found in every home. The main disadvantage of such tools is that they will not be able to remove a large, dense and old cork. But they will perfectly cope with small blockages and are ideal for preventing their occurrence.

How to clean a sink or drain? As already mentioned, first of all, a plunger. This is a dome-shaped rubber pump, sometimes equipped with a handle for ease of use. The device is sold at any hardware store and is inexpensive, given its high efficiency.

The action of the plunger is based on the vacuum effect. To remove dirt from the drain, the sink is filled with hot water. The plunger is placed on the drain hole and pressed tightly to remove air. When pressing on the cap, it is necessary to make several sharp and strong shocks, and then remove the plunger. If the water starts to go away, then everything worked out.

When pressing on the cap, it is necessary to make several sharp and strong shocks, and then remove the plunger

Sometimes the blockage is so strong and dense that the plunger may not be able to cope. In this case, a plumbing cable will come to the rescue. It is a long metal cord with a handle at the end with a kind of brush. If the house has plastic pipes it is recommended to choose a device with a plastic or rubber braid. So the possibility of damage to the sewer will be prevented or minimized.

The cable is inserted into the drain hole and gently pushed through. When he hits an obstacle, he is pulled towards himself, and then pushed again. If the cable still does not pass, then a blockage has been detected.

This is not a reason for sadness, but for active action. You need to start with reciprocating movements, while scrolling the cable handle. Hot water will help enhance the effect. It is poured into the drain in parallel with the actions taken.

The elimination of blockage is evidenced by the patency of the cable into deeper and more distant sections of the pipe. To complete the procedure, it is necessary to turn on hot water, which will wash away the remaining dirt. The last dirty business is washing the cable, which is subsequently dried and reeled up in order to clean away and for longer before the next blockage forms.

How to clean the pipes in the kitchen in the absence of a plunger and a cable? With help wrench and screwdrivers! What to do? Unscrew the siphon, carefully remove it and wash thoroughly. After installing the siphon, check the fasteners, which must be well tightened so that water does not seep out.

If the house has a vacuum cleaner with an air blowing function, it can also come in handy in the fight for the cleanliness of the drain. Course of action:

  • the hose is attached to the drain hole;
  • if necessary, the vacuum cleaner hose is wrapped with a cloth or polyethylene, which allows it to fit snugly and leave no gap;
  • turning on the vacuum cleaner at minimum power, which increases to a maximum during the procedure;
  • checking the drain by turning on the water.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner with an air blower function.

It is possible that this simple manipulation will help to remove the blockage in the pipes.

In situations requiring the removal of not only debris, but also bad smell from the sewer, as well as microbes, household chemicals will help. There are a lot of pipe cleaning products for every taste and budget. The principle of their action is based on the content of special substances that dissolve dirt and grease and thus clean the drain.

Such products are very aggressive, so before use, you should carefully read the instructions so as not to damage the water supply. For example, alkaline reagents cannot be used if there are aluminum elements in the sink structure. As a rule, the label contains all the information necessary for use.

Chemicals are very aggressive, so you should carefully read the instructions before use.

Clog removers are available as a gel, liquid, powder, or foam. You can choose any, it is important to remember that powder cleaners do not dissolve completely, so the problem can only get worse. Gels are very popular, which is due to ease of use. The substance is poured into the drain, wait the time indicated on the etiquette, and then turn on the strong pressure hot water. Done: the cork is dissolved, and the remains of the chemistry are washed away.

The choice of sewer cleaning products is truly great, but how to choose the right one, and most importantly, the effective one? First of all, paying attention to the material from which the pipes are made. If they are plastic, you can safely choose cleaners from alkaline and acidic chemicals. By the way, in plastic pipes, blockages form less often than in cast iron ones. This is due to their smooth inner surface: dirt and grease do not cling to the walls. For such pipes, almost all commercially available products are suitable.

If the house is laid cast iron pipes, label chemical drug should be given maximum attention. The fact is that some types of acids that are used to make such funds may damage cast iron. It is better to play it safe once again so that you do not have to deal with unplanned repairs.

The choice of means for cleaning the sewer depends on the material from which the pipes are made.

The most popular sewer cleaning products are Tiret, Mole, Bagi Potkhan, Sanoks, Chirton. Of course, this is not the whole list, but it is these gels and powders that you can easily find in the nearest store. They differ in price and concentration of solvents in the composition.

If the blockage is strong, it is necessary to choose a product in which the percentage of sodium hydroxide is close to 60%, and surfactants - to 10%. The high concentration of solvents allows you to quickly and efficiently get rid of clogging. Such means include Mole, Bagi Potkhan, Tiret, Chirton.

If you need a remedy for preventive measures and the removal of small contaminants, you should pay attention to milder preparations - Sanoks and Sanfor.

Sanox and Sanfor - soft preparations

Despite the high efficiency, the listed products of the chemical industry have a number of significant disadvantages. First of all, it is a harmful composition that drains into the sewer and pollutes the environment. Highly important point! Vessels with reagents should be stored out of the reach of children and pets, as they are very dangerous to health and even life.

The disadvantages can be attributed to enough high cost. You should always remember about safety precautions, do not allow reagents to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, and thoroughly ventilate the room after completion of work.

How to clean the sink from clogging or break through the pipe in the bathroom if it is clogged when the house does not have any special ammunition in the form of a plunger and a cable, or household chemicals? Cleaning with any improvised means, called - folk.

You can use an improvised tool called - folk

By asking your grandmother at home, you can probably learn a lot of interesting things about such common products as soda, salt, vinegar and boiling water.

The most popular and simple folk cleaning method is based on the use of soda. The powder is mixed in equal proportions with water and poured into the sink. After a while, the sewer is flushed with water. Alternatively, baking soda can be mixed with salt. To do this, add two parts of salt and two parts of water to one part of soda. The mixture is poured into the sink, using a plunger to enhance the effect, and finally washed. Such a solution effectively removes dirt from sinks, which tend to regularly become clogged with fat frozen inside the pipe.

Another effective home helper is vinegar. It leaves no chance for clogged pipes. To influence the agent, water is removed from the drain, if possible. Pour inside a glass of soda, which is poured with vinegar. The mixture will begin to foam, removing the contamination. Washing the drain with boiling water or hot water will help enhance the effect.

If the kitchen artillery of funds is limited and neither soda nor salt was found at home, you can use ordinary aspirin. A few tablets are thrown into the drain and filled with the same vinegar. In doing so, extreme caution must be exercised. The mixture will foam up a lot, so it makes sense to plug the hole in the sink with a sponge or rag.

You can use regular aspirin

In addition to the above methods, you can use citric acid. A bag of powder (40g) is dissolved in three liters of boiling water and poured into the sink. If the thickness of the pipes is in doubt, it is recommended to cool the solution a little. The main thing is not to overdo it, as the water must be very hot in order to dissolve the greasy coating of a clogged pipe.

As you can see, when a sink, drain or pipe becomes clogged, no special skills are required to remove the dirt. The main thing is to approach the issue wisely and in a timely manner. After all, it will not clog where prevention is carried out. Traffic jams are easier to avoid than to remove. Therefore, information about preventive measures is no less important.

The first thing to do in order to prevent problems with the sewer is to make it a rule not to pour cooking oil into it, which is formed during the cooking process. Getting into the pipes, it freezes, after which small rubbish sticks to it, which has nothing to catch on in a clean pipe.

Do not drain cooking oil, which is formed in the process of cooking

Grease attracts debris that builds up, narrowing the pipe opening, making it difficult to drain water. Before you start washing dishes, you need to remove food residues from it. Even tea leaves cannot be poured into the sink.

What should you buy next? A special mesh that is installed in the drain. You can find them in a wide range at any hardware store. Such a device perfectly retains pieces of food and foreign objects that have fallen into the sink.

Poor quality water with a lot of impurities that leave plaque is a reason to install a special water filter. This device will help not only in the prevention of sewer blockages, but also significantly improve the quality of water, which will positively affect the health of households.

Important! Periodic cleaning is required. For this purpose, folk methods, non-aggressive household chemicals, as well as a plunger will fit. By following these simple recommendations, you can save the drain from pollution, and yourself from wasting time and money on removing the garbage plug.

In any house or apartment, sewer pipes can become clogged from time to time. This unpleasant phenomenon occurs when using plumbing equipment: various contaminants accumulate in the pipes, which block the flow of water. To solve this problem, you need to know how to clear the blockage in the sink.

Causes of blockage in the sink

Drain pipes in the kitchen can become clogged for various reasons:

  1. The ingress of foreign objects into the pipes, which, stuck there, cause shells. It can be hair, polyethylene, rags, sponges, thick paper, etc.
  2. The occurrence of inorganic and organic deposits on the inner walls of pipes.
  3. The appearance of significant scratches inside the pipe due to mechanical damage, which prevent the flow of water.
  4. Incorrectly chosen angle of inclination of the drain pipe, as well as an excessive number of its bends resulting from unskilled installation.

Blockage in the sink in the kitchen - what to do?

Since it is sometimes not so easy to eliminate a blockage in the sink, you should know that there are several ways in which you can deal with such a problem:

  1. Mechanical involves the elimination of blockage with the help of force.
  2. Chemical uses a variety of household chemicals.
  3. Folk helps to cope with the blockage with the help of simple improvised means.

How to clear a blockage in the sink?

It is possible that your sink is not too clogged. Then you can unscrew the siphon with a screwdriver and a wrench, having previously placed a bowl or bucket under the drain to collect dirty water. Remove dirt with a long-handled brush. Rinse the siphon thoroughly from grease residues. Reinstall this part, run hot water to clean the pipes. If this did not help, and this method did not work to eliminate the blockage in the sink in the kitchen, then you can choose any of the following effective methods:

How to clean a blockage in the sink with home remedies?

Some housewives who are faced with such a problem want to know how to clear a blockage in the sink with soda and what other folk remedies are used for. The most popular and affordable ways are:

  1. Salt solution. Stir a few tablespoons of table salt in a glass of water and pour the resulting liquid into the drain hole. After 5 min. clean it with a plunger and flush it with water.
  2. Baking soda. Prepare a solution of 5 tbsp. spoons of soda and a glass of water. Pour it into the sink and leave for 5-10 minutes. To clear the blockage, pour hot water down the sink.
  3. Vinegar and soda. Pour 5 tbsp into the drain hole. tablespoons of soda and pour a glass of table vinegar. In the process chemical reaction between these substances, the blockage dissolves.
  4. A mixture of vinegar and soda with washing powder. To the previous components we add 5 tbsp. spoons of powder, pour everything into the sink and pour vinegar. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse well with hot water.

Sink clog remover

Let's find out how to clear a blockage in the sink using household chemicals. They are released in different forms: gel, liquid, granular, powder. Experts recommend to give preference liquid formulations, since other species may not completely dissolve in the pipes. To clean metal pipes, you can use a sink cleaner such as Mole. Domestos, Mr. Muscle, Tiret have a good effect.

Net on the sink from clogging

Since a blockage in the kitchen sink is easier to prevent than to fix, it is necessary to protect the drain hole with a filter screen. It will trap solid particles, preventing them from clogging the pipes. In addition, many models of kitchen sinks have in their kit special glasses that are inserted into the drain and trap food waste.

It is unlikely that there will be an adult who has never had to clear blockages in the sinks. Such troubles happen to almost everyone, and usually at the wrong time - at times when there is no way to call a specialist, and you need to use the device urgently.

Let's figure out how to clear a blockage in the sink with minimal cost time and how to deal with plumbing so that such problems do not arise again.

A blockage is a mechanical obstruction that prevents water from flowing normally into the sewer system. Usually such an obstruction occurs due to the accumulation of debris (dirt, hair, grease) that forms in the siphon or pipe. It is very simple to determine that the sink is clogged: water slowly drains into the sewer, and over time it appears in the room. bad smell.

Blockages can form if the elements sewer system mounted incorrectly. When the angle of inclination of the pipes is insufficient, solid particles remain in them. Gradually, they accumulate, mix with grease and detergent residues, stick to the inner surfaces of the walls of sewer pipes, narrowing their diameter.

Water can linger in the sink not only due to blockage, but also in the event of a shift in the drain hole in the pipeline of a gravity sewer system. This is due to the change in its slope.

If the siphon does not have a drain filter installed, solid particles, debris, hair, sand and even small objects get into it along with water. Gradually the siphon clogs up. Sooner or later, a plug of dirt forms, which practically blocks the pipe, reduces the clearance and retains water.

Frequent blockages are a “disease” of a cast-iron sewer. The inner surface of the pipes is rough, which contributes to the adhesion of grease and dirt. Gradually, a thick layer of deposits forms, which becomes the cause of blockages. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out regular preventive maintenance.

To determine exactly where the blockage has formed - in the siphon or pipes, it is advisable to immediately disassemble, clean and wash the siphon if necessary. If everything is in order with him, you need to pour water into the sewer pipe and check how fast it passes

Blockages do not appear instantly. This is usually a lengthy process, and determining the cause of problems is not always easy. The first thing to do is to remove the plug, but if the sewer is often clogged, you still have to diagnose the system and take measures to prevent malfunctions in its operation.

TOP-5 tools for mechanical cleaning

All sewer cleaning methods can be divided into two types - mechanical and chemical. The first ones involve the destruction of the cork with the help of special devices or improvised means. Methods of the second type are based on the use of household chemicals or "folk recipes".

The most popular tools for mechanical cleaning sewer pipes - a cable, a flexible shaft, a metal tape or just a long rigid wire

Both types of products have their own characteristics, and they should be considered when choosing how to clear a blockage in a pipe or sink.

Tool #1: Sink Plunger

If in doubt how and what is better to break through the blockage in the sink, choose a plunger. It is one of the safest and most reliable drain cleaning tools available. It is an elastic hemisphere made of rubber or silicone attached to the handle.

When buying a tool, it is important to choose a fixture with a nozzle that will completely cover the drain hole of the sink. The larger the nozzle, the greater the compression effect it will have on the blockage, which means it will break through it faster and more efficiently.

A plunger can be useful for blockages in siphons and pipes. The main advantage of the tool is that it does not damage sewers and plumbing fixtures.

In addition to the usual plungers, there are also pneumatic ones. They look like bicycle pumps. These tools are easy to use, convenient and reliable. Their only drawback is the high price, so most often they are bought by professional plumbers.

Tool #2: Plumbing Cable

This is a metal (usually steel) cable with a handle for which you can rotate the tool, pushing it into the sewer pipe. The tool is ideal for clearing blockages, but care must be taken when using it, as can be easily damaged plastic elements systems.

You can buy cable at a hardware store or make your own. If the tool is handled with care, it can last for several decades. All that is needed is to rinse it after use, wipe and lubricate with machine oil. The folded tool takes up a minimum of space, the main thing is not to store it in damp rooms.

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If for some reason it is difficult to unscrew the fasteners of the siphon, or if a blockage has formed in it, but it cannot be cleaned, a home-made plastic cable from a bottle can become a way out of the situation. It will not damage the vulnerable parts of the sewer system and will perfectly cope with a small blockage. Such a tool is easy to make yourself.

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When using rope from a bottle, be careful and rotate very carefully so that the tape does not break. Otherwise, it may get stuck in the sewer pipe, and the situation will only worsen.

After application, do not throw away the homemade cable. It is washed, dried, folded and placed in storage. He can still help out more than once.

Tool #3: flexible shaft

A flexible shaft is an improved analogue of a cable. It is thicker and longer, suitable for cleaning wide pipes. The tool is made of a thick cable with a diameter of at least 9 mm, wound along the entire length with a spiral spring about 5 mm thick. The total diameter of the tool can reach 20-28 mm, and its length is 60 m.

At the end of the tool there is a spiral nozzle with which you can remove accumulated dirt from the pipe. The cable is suitable for breaking bulky and old traffic jams.

The device is used to deal with complex blockages, if the plug has formed in the turn of the pipe, where plumbing tools of a more “modest” length do not reach.

Tool #4: Cleaning Wire

The blockage can be eliminated with a special wire with a nozzle. It is used in the same way as a cable. The features of the tool are in a smaller thickness and the possibility of completing with various nozzles. The device is universal, suitable both for cleaning sinks and for extracting objects that have fallen into a well or well.

A wire with a nozzle is inserted into the drain hole of the sink. When it reaches the blockage, it is rotated, pushing further. It is important not to apply excessive force so as not to spoil the fixture.

The main disadvantage of wire is that it deforms when used. Due to the rotation, the straight tool gradually acquires a helical shape, which makes it difficult to use it later. Therefore, metal wire is considered a less reliable and durable tool than a cable or flexible shaft.

Tool #5: Metal Tape

Another useful tool for cleaning blockages - steel tape. The fixture is designed for long pipes. It is a flat strip of metal 2.5-3 cm wide, at the end of which a small “peak” is attached.

The advantages of the device are convenience and durability. There are tapes for sale different lengths(from 7 to 30 m), and each owner of an apartment or house can choose a tool suitable for his sewer system.

For convenience of use of the tool the comfortable handle which well lays down in a palm is provided. Tape is easy to hold

The list of mechanical tools that can be used to clean the blockage in the sink is extensive. The devices described are considered the most convenient, but there are other options. You can always find exactly the tool that will be most suitable for a particular system. It is definitely worth buying and storing at home in case of problems with the sewer.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Household chemicals for sewerage make life easier for people who do not have the opportunity to use tools for mechanical cleaning. Advantages of funds industrial production are undeniable: they act quickly, effectively, and for their application it is not necessary to apply special efforts. Household chemicals are used not only to eliminate, but also to prevent blockages.

At chemical compositions there are disadvantages compared to mechanical tools. Too aggressive products can damage plastic sewerage. Another disadvantage is that they are harmful to environment. These are good reasons to consider their feasibility.

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The principle of action of chemical compounds is simple: they dissolve organic substances. Fat, hair that has fallen into the sewer soften and are easily washed off with hot water. After applying the funds for internal surfaces pipes do not leave deposits that make it difficult to use the sewer. The walls become smooth and pass wastewater well.

The composition of sewer household chemicals may contain acids or alkalis. The former are excellent at removing grease and are better suited for kitchen sinks, while the latter should be used in bathrooms and toilets, because. they dissolve hair, residues of detergents and cleaning products that have settled on the pipes.

When choosing chemicals, pay attention to their composition and purpose. Some drugs are too aggressive, and their constant use may result in the replacement of sewer pipes

Funds differ in the form of release. They can be liquid, free-flowing or gel-like. It is believed that powders and granules are most effective, but if used incorrectly, they can damage plastic pipes. The action of liquid products is the mildest, but they are not concentrated enough.

Generally accepted ideas about the effectiveness of various forms of products are not always confirmed in practice, so it is reasonable to select chemistry according to the brand name and description on the package. When using, be sure to read the manufacturer's information and strictly follow the instructions.

Neglect of safety measures when using chemical cleaning agents is unacceptable. Allergy sufferers and people with respiratory disease without protection may feel ill

There are a few general rules, which should be observed when cleaning the sink with chemical compounds:

  • Be sure to open windows and doors to increase the flow of air. It is advisable to cover the mouth and nose with a mask. If not, then at least try not to inhale caustic fumes.
  • Hands should be protected with gloves. If the composition gets on the skin, it must be immediately washed off under a powerful jet. cold water. hot water and detergents use is undesirable.
  • The chemical agent is left exactly for the period specified in the instructions. During this period, do not drain the water into the sink.

Some housewives neglect the instructions and leave household chemicals in the sink sink all night, believing that this improves the result. If you have plastic pipes, such experiments are dangerous, because. caustic compounds damage materials. Sewerage can leak, and then you have to seal it or even replace the pipe section.

Baking soda is used to clean drains, either on its own or in combination with vinegar. It disinfects pipes well, eliminates blockages and odors.

For people who are worried about the state of the environment and do not want to use aggressive chemicals, alternative ("folk") remedies are available - lemon acid, soda and vinegar. These substances do not clear blockages so quickly and efficiently, but they are safe and great for preventive measures. You can see how to use them in the video below.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Blockages are different. Some are easy to get rid of by simply flushing the drain with hot water, and there are cases where dirt plugs become a real problem. There are many ways to get rid of them. We offer a short video review to help you choose better ways and funds.

How and how to eliminate a blockage in the sink is described in the video below:

Frequent blockages are a good reason to seek help from a professional plumber. The problem may appear due to the displacement or depressurization of the elements of the sewer system. If the sink is clogged infrequently, then choose any of the proposed methods for solving the problem and use it. Cleaning the sewer with your own hands is not difficult, and you will succeed.

If the sink in the kitchen is clogged, what should be done so that the activity in this most important room is not paralyzed before the arrival of the plumbing team? Not a single hostess is immune from such an emergency, and in this regard, it is necessary to know several ways to eliminate this problem and be able to apply them. And, there is not always a special solution in the kitchen that can cope with this task, therefore, knowing the methods using improvised means, you can always get out of the situation by using them in practice.

In the sewerage pipe system, there is one most problematic place where sediment collects. In some designs, this is a siphon tank, and in others, a curved section of the pipe that performs its role (otherwise this element is called a water seal). In this place of the sewer drain of the sink, dirty water usually lingers, and, naturally, the dirt settles on the walls of the lower part of the siphon, where in most cases a blockage forms.

Various types of siphons - in the vast majority of cases, blockages occur here

If such emergency situation after all, it has developed, then you should not immediately call a plumber, since you can save money on this process by doing the work yourself.

There are many ways to clean the kitchen sink drain from accumulated dirt. Some of them have been tested over the years of use by many generations of owners, while others have been invented by craftsmen quite recently, and they use tools that, it would seem, are absolutely far from plumbing.

Sink clogs can be of three types:

  • Operational, resulting from accumulated greasy and mud deposits.
  • Mechanical, which appeared due to hitting a hundred to torubbish, which interferes with the free movement of water.
  • Technical blockages that may occur due to an incorrectly assembled siphon design or due to manufacturing defects. This option can sometimes be corrected solely by replacing the siphon drain block.

In any case, you need to try to fix the problem with your own hands, especially since replacing the corrugated pipe in combination with the siphon also does not apply to tasks of increased complexity. However, before purchasing a new kit, you should try different cleaning methods.

Cleaning the sink with a plunger

The method of cleaning the sink with a plunger is considered traditional and quite effective. Therefore, this plumbing accessory should be in any household, especially since it is inexpensive and can be used for decades.

A plumbing fixture known to almost everyone - a plunger

First way

The plunger consists of a comfortable wooden or polymer handle and a thick rubber cap. This simple device works on the principle of creating in drain pipe small water hammer. Under its influence, the accumulated caked dirt moves from its place and rises from the siphon to the level of the outlet pipe, and the water then carries it into the sewer.

In order to manipulate the plunger, you need to take hold of its handle with both hands and press the cap against the drain hole of the sink. The rubber part of the plunger works like a suction cup, and when pressed, it is well fixed on a smooth ceramic or metal surface.

Then, it is necessary, by applying force, to perform several forward pressing movements down and up. At this time, fluid movement occurs inside the pipe, which is transmitted to all accumulations in the blockage. They lag behind the walls and can freely move along with the incoming water into the sewer.

The principle of operation of the plunger - the water hammer it creates removes the blockage from its place

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, and the water still leaves poorly or does not leave at all, then manipulations with the plunger should be repeated until a positive result is obtained. If, when removing the cap from the drain point, dirt and plaque elements come out into the sink with it, then they must be removed immediately in order to avoid re-clogging of the pipe.

It is very important - if a branch pipe is connected to the drain pipe from the overflow hole, then this hole must be closed, for example, by making a gag from a wet rag. Otherwise, attempts are doomed to failure - the water will take the path of least resistance, and will begin to exit the overflow hole without transmitting water hammer to accumulations of dirt.

Second way

If it was not possible to cope with the blockage only with the help of a plunger, then this tool can be used in combination with a mixture, the ingredients of which are in any kitchen - this is soda and salt.

For the cleaning process, you need to take a glass of salt and the same amount of soda, then mix them together and carefully pour them into the drain. After that, a glass of boiling water is poured there. The mixture should sink into the glass of the siphon, so a large amount of water should not be poured. After this simple process, the sink must be left alone for 10-15 minutes. Then the plunger again comes into operation, which again should carry out the manipulation already described above, remove the dirt that has risen, and rinse the pipes with an intense stream of water.

Folk cleaning methods

Sometimes you can clean the sink without using a plunger, for example, if there is an operational blockage, that is, water does not pass due to a thick layer of fatty deposits on the pipe walls. This process will also require substances that are always in the kitchen, and the main one is again soda, since it is she who is able to dissolve the fatty components in the deposited layers. It is better to use technical soda for these events, which is often used to soften water in washing machines, but its food version is also quite suitable.

First way

This method is the simplest of all existing ones. The technology is simple - 3 ÷ 5 tablespoons of soda and about 250 ÷ 300 ml of boiling water are poured into the drain hole, and after 10 ÷ 15 minutes the drain is poured with hot water.

Second way

Soda is taken again, the same amount as in the first method, and poured into the drain. Then, a glass of vinegar is poured there, and all this is left for 10–15 minutes, since a chemical reaction between these two ingredients must occur in a contaminated siphon. It is in the process of violent reaction that the mixture will contribute to the dissolution and exfoliation of dirt from the walls of the siphon and pipes. When using ingredients that react with each other, the drain hole must be closed with a stopper from above so that the foam and evolved gases remain inside drain system.

Baking soda and vinegar are great for removing clogs.

After the specified time, the waste system is spilled with hot water.

If concentrated acetic acid is used for cleaning, then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 9, otherwise plastic pipes may not withstand the process of an excessively violent exothermic reaction, melt and leak.

Third option

In this case, the following are used: soda and washing powder, 3 ÷ 5 large spoons each, a glass of vinegar. Soda and powder are poured into the drain, which is then poured with vinegar from above and left for 15–20 minutes. After that, the pipes and siphon are thoroughly washed with hot water.

Video: soda and vinegar "on guard" of the cleanliness of the sink drain

Fourth option

With this method of cleaning, instead of soda, a drug used to relieve a hangover syndrome, Alka-Seltser, is used. 2 ÷ 3 tablets of this remedy must be thrown into the drain hole, and then pour a glass of vinegar into it. This ingredient, just like soda, will give a very violent reaction when interacting with vinegar, in which the fat will dissolve, and the dirt will split and actively move away from the walls of the siphon and pipes. After 8÷10 minutes waste system should be rinsed with hot water.

Alka-Seltser, in addition to its primary purpose, can also help in the fight against drain blockage

The advantage of using "Alka-Seltser" over soda is that in addition to cleaning pipes, it effectively removes an unpleasant odor from the accumulated mass. However, it should be noted right away that this cleaning method is only suitable for eliminating operational gaps.

Cleaning with specialized chemicals

All of the above folk compositions are used to clean the drain in our time, usually in extreme cases, since in the hardware store you can find a large number of chemicals designed specifically for this process. And, it should be noted that the price for them can lie in a fairly wide range - from expensive to very affordable for everyone.

The range of special chemical compositions for the elimination of blockages and their prevention is very wide.

Household chemicals intended for cleaning are divided into those produced in liquid form or dry, in the form of powder or granules. All preparations are made on an alkaline or acid basis.

Cleaning agents must be selected depending on what material the pipes of the outlet sewer pipeline are made of. Basically, all products are suitable for both plastic and metal pipes, but still before buying it is worth reading the instructions from the manufacturer. Otherwise, such a situation may arise that you will have to not only do urgent cleaning in the kitchen, but also buy new system plum.

Acid compounds are considered to be universal means, which are able to dissolve operational blockages and free pipes from large debris.

Most often, a cleanser of the "Mole" type is selected from this type of composition. Work with these reagents is carried out in the following order:

  • Steep boiling water is poured into the drain and left for about 20 minutes.
  • After that, a cleaning solution is added to the hole and aged for several hours. At this time, the sink cannot be used, so it is better to carry out all manipulations late in the evening - an aggressive cleanser will do its job overnight.
  • In the morning, the pipes must be well shed with cold water.

It should be noted that the "Mole" and similar products are able to free the system not only from fat deposits, but also from rust if metal pipes are installed.

Since any preparation intended for cleaning pipes is an aggressive environment, it must be handled very carefully, taking necessary measures precautions. Be sure to put on rubber gloves on your hands, make sure that drops or dry composition of the substance do not get on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Before starting work, it is imperative to study the manufacturer's instructions in detail.

Mechanical cleaning methods

There are several options for mechanical cleaning methods - this is the use of a plumbing cable, a special plastic household hook, or even a vacuum cleaner.

Such methods can be called cardinal, and they are used only in cases where none of the above methods has worked with due efficiency.

First way

For self-cleaning the drain mechanically, you can use a special hook made of flexible plastic. Although this device is called a hook, it looks more like a narrow bar with small peculiar "spikes" on the sides. This rail has a handle on top, which makes cleaning the sink more convenient.

Such a hook is used to remove mechanical blockages from the pipe and siphon, that is, elements that do not dissolve with the help of chemicals and folk remedies e.g. hair or fibers from textiles.

Work with this device as follows:

  • The plastic hook is lowered into the drain hole, carefully, bypassing the existing jumpers.
  • With the help of a handle, it is scrolled in the pipe and siphon.
  • When scrolling on the side "spikes", the accumulated dirt is hooked and wrapped.
  • After that, the bar is carefully pulled out of the drain along with the dirt, which is immediately removed into the trash can.
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Second way

This cleaning method is available to those who have a powerful vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. A similar operation can be carried out using an electric mini-sink.

To use compression and push the stagnation further along the pipe, and then into the sewer riser, you need to remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner, wrap it around the perimeter thin cloth for tight entry into the drain hole. Then it is lowered into the hole as deep as possible, and turn on the blow-out vacuum cleaner. A strong stream of air will become a pipe cleaner from blockage.

The washing vacuum cleaner needs to be used differently. The principle of its operation is diametrically opposed - in this case, the vacuum cleaner is used to draw dirt out of the siphon. To do this, a special suction cup is put on the end of the pipe - you can use a plunger cap instead, if it is made of elastic rubber.

The nozzle installed on the vacuum cleaner is pressed against the drain hole as tightly as possible so that it fits tightly to the bottom of the sink, and then the device is turned on for retraction. Dirt from a pipe or siphon drawn through the pipe will enter a special chamber for dirty water. Thus, the sink drain will be cleared.

Third way

If the hook is not gets before clogging, and the vacuum cleaner did not cope due to the fact that the plug in the drain was too dense, you can try using a special plumbing cable, which has a comfortable handle on one side and a ruff or spiral nozzle on the other. This cleaning tool is made of flexible steel and has an external plastic coating for easy cleaning after use.

Special plumbing cable with a "ruff" at the end

The working end of the cable with a "ruff" is gradually immersed in the drain hole, and using the handle, according to the screwing principle, the cable is advanced through the siphon into the pipe.

In the process of scrolling rsh it removes all the plaque that has collected on them from the walls and pushes the mud stagnation towards the sewer main pipe. To enhance the cleaning effect, you need to periodically turn on hot water, which will immediately carry away mud deposits into the sewer.

This method of cleaning pipes is well suited if the drainage system is made of metal, since it rsh cn is special to clean off not only dirty, but also rusty deposits. If it is used for plastic system, then you must act very carefully so as not to damage the walls of the siphon and pipe.

If there is no such cable on the farm, you can make a similar cleaning device from an elastic wire or a plastic hanger - “hangers”. So, the longest one is cut out of the hanger. part - crossbar, on which a small hook is left at the end.

If the cable is made of wire, then it is first straightened, and then a small hook is bent at one of the ends. However, this type of cleaning is less effective, since even a bent wire is not able to collect all the formed on internal walls dirt.

Fourth way

Method number four is an extreme measure in cleaning the sink, and even if it does not help, then it means that the cause should not be sought in the drainage system, but already in the sewer pipe. And in this case, most likely, only a specialist can help.

However, it is still worth trying to solve the problem yourself. The method consists in cardinal cleaning of the siphon.

The process can be carried out in two ways - this is the complete disassembly of the entire drain system, or the unwinding of only the siphon cup, if its design allows it.

It should be noted that this process is not pleasant, but if there is a desire to save money on calling a plumber and quickly clean the sink drain, then the work done will be fully justified.

Since the main cause of the blockage lies precisely in the siphon, it is worth starting with it. In the event that it turns out to be clean, then it is already possible to take on the removal and disassembly of the entire drain system.

The plastic siphon consists of two parts, which are twisted together with threaded connection. To clean, this assembly must be disassembled. Before you start work, you should be well prepared so as not to further complicate the matter with cleaning. It is necessary to put a suitable basin or bucket under the sink, since when the siphon is untwisted, dirty water will surely flow out of it.

Having unscrewed the lower part of the siphon, it must be washed and debris removed from there that interfered with the drainage of water. If serious blockages are not found in it, it is necessary to inspect another problem area - the connection of the siphon with corrugated pipe, since sometimes dirt, rising from the bottom of the siphon, gets stuck in this particular area.

Having disassembled the siphon, you need to carefully remove and rinse or even replace all the rubber or plastic gaskets in it, since they will need to be properly installed during assembly. Very often, after disassembly, it is clear that the gaskets are deformed, pinched, have tears and cannot be reused - you will have to purchase new ones. True, they are quite inexpensive.

All dirt is removed from the siphon and pipe, they are thoroughly washed, and after that all elements of the system can be assembled and installed in place.

The sink container should not be removed until the drainage system has been tested for leaks. To check the quality of the assembly and the tightness of all connections, it is necessary to turn on the water under strong pressure and spill the pipes abundantly. At this time, you need to monitor all connections - they must remain absolutely dry. If a leak is detected, the connection should be tightened, but if this does not help, then a poor-quality gasket has been installed.

When tightening the connecting nodes, “fanaticism” is not needed - it is not at all difficult to deform the plastic thread, and thereby render the part unusable. Here, however, quality cuffs or gaskets play a more important role.

Video: cleaning the sink drain with disassembly of the siphon

Prevention of blockages in the kitchen sink

In order not to resort to the above methods of cleaning the drain as long as possible, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive actions, which will allow you to operate the kitchen sink for a long time without the occurrence of emergencies.

  • Greasey dishes should only be washed with hot water using household detergents that break down grease.
  • All utensils must be thoroughly cleaned of food residues before being placed in the sink.
  • An additional removable mesh with small cells must be installed on the drain hole, which will allow only water to pass into the drain, filtering out large inclusions
  • Every week, it is advisable to carry out preventive flushing of the drain system using boiling water and soda.


The formation of blockage in the kitchen sink occurs in every housewife. To do this, it is enough to miss a small piece of potato peel or a sprig of greens into the drain. As a result, you have to decide how to clean the sink at home faster, since it is needed for cooking and washing dishes.

In order not to have to remove the blockage in emergency order and invite plumbers to help, you must adhere to the rules for using plumbing and purchase a high-quality sink and accessories for it.

When the drain gets clogged, it gives the hostess a lot of problems that can be quickly solved if you know how to clean the sink with soda or others. accessible way.

Why is the sink clogged

Before proceeding with measures to eliminate blockage, it is necessary to deal with the siphon device. Usually, after cleaning it, it is possible to eliminate the obstruction of waste water through the drain. As a rule, bottle siphons are installed, which are made with a diameter of 32 or 40 millimeters. What these products look like can be seen in the photo. Practice shows that siphons of 32 mm diameter become clogged faster.

All siphons used in residential buildings and apartments can be divided into several types:

  • bottle - such products have a removable part that looks like the bottom of a bottle. To unscrew it, no special tools are needed. It is not difficult to eliminate a blockage in such a siphon (more details: "");
  • pipe - these products are curved tubes;
  • corrugated - these siphons can be bent in different ways, so they are installed in the most non-standard places. Especially often they are mounted in apartments with a small area;
  • hidden - they are placed in a box;
  • with overflow - this siphon requires a special sink, which has a hole for draining excess water;
  • with a double or tee - such products are in great demand, since they are intended for connecting several household appliances at the same time, for example, washing and dishwashers;
  • flat - they are mounted when they are going to place a large-sized apparatus under the sink, which can be, for example, a mini washing machine. And although these siphons are rarely installed, they are convenient, as they take up little space.

How to clean the sink at home

There are many ways to clean the sink at home:
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • folk.

You can use one of them, or several at once.

Chemical methods. How to clean the siphon in the sink and pipes using a chemical method? To do this, you need to purchase special drugs that are available in trading network– acids, alkalis, powders, gels and liquids. For example, Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret - they contain sodium hydroxide. First you should read the instructions on the label of the drug. The product is usually poured into the drain of the sink for about 30 minutes and then washed off with a large volume of hot water.

During the chemical reaction, a large amount of heat can be released, which can damage cheap plumbing and aluminum products. In no case should you bend down to the drain hole if gurgling sounds are heard from it, as this is extremely dangerous.

Mechanical methods. The simplest of them is the one that is performed using a plunger. This tool is so common that it is available in almost every household. It allows you to clean all simple blockages, if they are formed from fat deposits, small particles of dirt or debris.

To fix a fluid drain problem:

  • the kitchen sink is about a third filled with hot water;
  • vigorously use the plunger to create the desired pressure. The principle of performing movements is similar to how air is pumped with a tire pump.
True, the plunger is unable to cope with a strong blockage. In the event of the formation of serious pollution, a plumbing cable with a length of 3 meters can help out the owners. At one end there is a handle, and at the other end there is a pointed nozzle, with the help of which the cork is gradually destroyed and broken. If the pipes in the house are more than a dozen years old, then you should act carefully so as not to damage them. You can not use a cable if the siphon is plastic, chrome or brass.

Folk ways . In practice, the following methods of dealing with blockages in sinks, which have been used for decades, have proven themselves well:

  • the use of a strong saline solution - it is poured into the drain and thereby eliminates the fatty plug. After the composition is filled, use the plunger as described earlier. To make it fit snugly against the hole, it is advisable to grease its edges with cream;
  • dirt can be blown out using the appropriate function of a powerful vacuum cleaner. But this method will only help simple case;
  • baking soda also helps. Due to its alkaline reaction, it cleans drains well. The solution is prepared from 150 grams of soda and 200 milliliters of water. First, for 15 minutes, the soda is calcined for cast iron pan and let cool. Then add a glass of water and stir;
  • You can also clean the sink with baking soda and vinegar. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. After completion of the chemical reaction, the drain is washed with a large amount of well-heated water.

Knowing how to clean the sink with soda and vinegar, saline or soda solution helps to get rid of fatty deposits in sewer pipes in the kitchen (read: ""). Cleaning is considered complete if the water goes into the drain with noise and a funnel forms.

Blockage Prevention Measures

To reduce the likelihood of sink clogs, dishes should be thoroughly cleaned of food debris before they are placed in the kitchen sink. You can also install a plastic or metal mesh catcher on the hole. Many sinks made of metal are sold already equipped with protective products.
There is a relatively new mechanical way how to clean the sink without a plunger and a plumbing cable is the constant use of a grinder. This device operates on the principle of grinding food waste that accidentally fell into the kitchen sink.

After the remains of the products washed off with water enter the grinder, they are ground into the smallest fractions without knives and blades and merge into sewer network. For clearing blockages in kitchen sinks, a device such as a grinder is indispensable for effective solution this problem at home.

Using this grinder provides a number of advantages:
  1. A food waste recycling device helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. Cleaning of pipes and siphons is required much less frequently.
  2. The grinder is reliable and universal device, capable of grinding not only the remains of vegetables and fruits, but also, for example, chicken bones.
  3. During operation, the device does not make noise.
  4. Saves time spent on cleaning the sink from the peel, food debris and bones that have gathered in it.
  5. Maintenance and care of the grinder consists in rinsing the device with cold water.
  6. The siphon does not clog.
  7. The hygiene of the device is achieved by eliminating the source of germs and bacteria that live in the collected garbage.
  8. Takes up little space under the sink.
Among the disadvantages can be called a limitation on the diameter of the drain hole. The fact is that the chopper is not suitable for all kitchen sinks.

The best solution The problem with clearing blockages is preventing them from forming.

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