Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Bathroom design in a private house. Bathroom in a private house - stylish design and interesting design options (135 photos). Choosing bathroom fixtures

A private country house is a place that you can arrange to your liking without looking at your neighbors. This applies to absolutely all rooms, including the bathroom. There is no need to worry that the inhabitants of the lower floor will have wet spots on the ceiling, and those who live behind the wall will be disturbed by the noise of water in the tank. A bathroom in a private home can be comfortable, multifunctional and, at the same time, beautiful. Some ways of arranging it will be discussed in our article.

How to arrange a bathroom according to standards?

Regardless of whether you are starting to renovate a bathroom in a private home or are building it anew, you need to think about construction and sanitary standards Oh. You are not afraid of harming your neighbors, but your household should feel cozy, comfortable, and warm in the new bathroom.

Standard area

This is precisely why there are standards that establish minimum room sizes. For bathrooms and toilets they are as follows:

  • a bathroom with a separate bathroom must be at least 3.3 square meters. m;
  • At least 1.5 square meters must be allocated for the toilet. m;
  • the width of the toilet should not be less than 0.8 m;
  • the depth must be at least 1.2 m;
  • if the bathroom is combined, the size of the room cannot be less than 3.8 square meters. m.

But regulations install minimum size premises. If you have the opportunity to make your bathroom more spacious, nothing can stop you. Why is this minimum set? It's simple - everything that will be there should fit in the bathroom:

  • bath or shower, and sometimes both;
  • wash basin;
  • toilet with cistern;
  • some amount household appliances;
  • cabinets or shelves for items you use in the sanitary room.

Important! Sometimes household appliances are moved to other rooms, but if you are setting up your own home, why not install washing machine where will it be most convenient to use it? In addition, the bathroom may have a device for heating water - this also requires some space. And all kinds of shampoos, gels, supplies of soap and washing powder, as well as cleaning items, are most conveniently stored where they are needed.

Bathroom height

The design of a bathroom in a private house largely depends on the height of the room. But leaving enough space up to the ceiling is necessary not only for beauty. Minimum height also regulated by building codes:

  • The ceiling must be at least 2.5 m.
  • And if a corridor or something like a dressing room leads to the bathroom, in these rooms the distance from floor to ceiling should be at least 2.1 m.

Like the area, the height can be increased if the homeowner has such a desire and technical capabilities allow.

Other conditions for arranging bathrooms in a private house

The convenience and design of a bathroom in a private house depends on several other conditions:

  • door locations;
  • assignments of adjacent premises;
  • configuration and location of sewer and water pipes.

Doors and corridor

If you are renovating a bathroom in a private house, do not forget to properly arrange the entrance. The bathroom can have double or single doors, or a compartment.

Important! Owners of apartments and rural houses prefer the second option simply because it is more convenient and compact. But in any case, the door, except for the sliding one, should open outward, not inward. This is important not only for the convenience of those who will use the premises, but also for safety.

As for the premises, the bathroom, of course, can be located next to the kitchen (as is almost always done in multi-storey buildings), and with living rooms, but the door should open onto a corridor, even a small one. When renovating a bathroom in a private house, the position of the remaining rooms must be taken into account.

Deciding on water supply

You shouldn’t start designing a bathroom in your home without deciding on the basics. technical specifications. Residents of typical city houses usually do not puzzle over how water flows into their bathroom. Everything is done centrally, and the configuration of pipes in apartments depends mainly on the location of the risers.

Private house individual project- is a completely different matter. And here it is very important to immediately determine which water supply system is more suitable for the bathroom in your private home:

  • common water pipeline with neighbors;
  • well;
  • well.

The design of a bathroom in a private house is not particularly affected by the method of water delivery, but comfort is very much affected. In plumbing stores you will find any equipment for bathrooms and toilets, including those located in private homes, the only question is feasibility and price:

  • If your cottage community is connected to a common water supply, great; in this case, the water supply to your bathroom and kitchen will be the same as in a city high-rise building.
  • In all other cases, you will most likely need your own pumping station. The pumping station can be placed almost anywhere.

Yes, but from a well and a borehole you will only get cold water, unless, of course, there are geysers in your area. The water needs to be heated somehow. However, this will not be a problem either. In private homes the following are most often used:

  • electric heaters;
  • solid fuel heaters;
  • gas heaters.

Important! The most popular gas boilers, but, again, it all depends on the specific conditions.

Many owners of private houses now prefer dual-circuit heating systems, because in this way they can solve two important problems at once:

  • provide the bathroom and kitchen with hot water;
  • rationally organize the heating system.

At the same time, you can choose not only effective, but also stylish equipment that will help you make spectacular design bathroom in a private house.

Water disposal

Have you already thought about designing a bathroom in your private home? It’s too early to think about this yet. You need to take care of where the dirty water from the bathtub, sinks and toilet goes. There aren't many options:

  • public sewerage, if any;
  • drain hole;
  • septic tank

Public sewerage

If communications in the cottage village have already been laid, there are no problems. Just call the builders who will connect your pipes according to the design to general sewerage, and that's it. Then your wastewater goes to the general wastewater treatment plant, and then returns to nature. Nothing depends on you anymore.

Cesspool and septic tank

It is a pit, which is lined with bricks from the inside. It is quite popular and relatively cheap way removal of sewage from toilets and bathrooms in private houses, but it has disadvantages:

  • the pit must be cleaned periodically;
  • Unpleasant odors may enter the house.

Important! There are situations when a fecal pit is the only way to remove wastewater from home. But a septic tank is in many ways more convenient, although it will cost more. The water is purified using filters and then goes into the ground.

Let's think about ventilation

A do-it-yourself bathroom in a private house cannot do without ventilation - as, indeed, almost any room. But if in living rooms ah, you can limit yourself natural circulation air through windows and doors, then this will not work in the bathroom:

  • there is high humidity in this room;
  • The temperature changes quite often;
  • Compared to other rooms, the size of the room is small.

Important! If you neglect ventilation, you will not get rid of mold and mildew later, so wet air must be removed from this room.

There are two types of bathroom ventilation:

  • natural;
  • forced.

Natural ventilation

If you are arranging a bathroom in a private house with your own hands, the easiest way is to do natural ventilation, which consists of two holes in the ceiling. However, the easy way out is not always the best. In autumn and winter, such skylights can cause too much cooling of the air in a room that should remain warm at all times of the year. It is possible to cope with the problem. To do this, a damper is installed, the position of which is adjustable.

Forced ventilation

This is a more promising, although more expensive, option to provide a bathroom in a private home fresh air and remove the pairs. A fan is installed in one of the channels. But in this way you can regulate the air exchange not only in the bathroom, but also in other rooms, so extra costs will pay off with interest.

Important! It’s very good if you can cut a window in the bathroom.

Where will the bathroom be?

Having understood the methods of water supply, drainage and ventilation, you can begin to plan. Where is the best place to place your bathroom in a private home?

  • The ideal option is next to the bedrooms (but always through a small corridor).
  • What should the owners do? two-story houses? So that household members do not have to constantly run from one floor to another, the best solution will equip two bathrooms or even several. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to install a complete set of plumbing fixtures everywhere. For example, there may be a toilet and washbasin downstairs, and a hygiene room with all the plumbing at the top.

Important! If there is only one bathroom and it is not on the ground floor, you need to try to ensure that there are no living rooms underneath it. A great option is to arrange a bathroom somewhere next to the common ventilation shaft, if available, and ensures air circulation in the kitchen, pantries or garage.

It is very useful to take into account a few more considerations:

  1. A do-it-yourself bathtub in a private house should not face the main facade.
  2. The dimensions depend not only on sanitary standards, but also on how exactly you are going to use the bathroom and what equipment you plan to place there.
  3. The equipment must not be attached to interior partitions, separating the living rooms.
  4. The heated towel rail should be located near the bathroom - at arm's length;
  5. The standard height for installing a sink is 80 cm, but this also depends on the height of your household.
  6. There should be a gap of at least 10 cm between the sink and objects located on the sides of it.
  7. If there are two sinks in the bathroom, they should be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  8. The distance from the wall to the edge of the toilet should be at least 40 cm, and the same space should remain on its other sides.

Deciding on the content

Bathroom design in country house you can easily do it using a special computer program - an online designer. But first you need to decide what will be in your bathroom. Minimum Required you know approximately, but since conditions allow, it makes sense to think about a few more questions:

  1. Will you have only a bathtub, only a shower stall, or both?
  2. Are you going to use a soaking tub, a sit-tub or a corner bathtub?
  3. How many washbasins do you expect to install?
  4. Do you want to place only a washing machine in the hygiene room or a dryer too?
  5. Is it possible to arrange something like a laundry room separately, or at least allocate a corner for it?

Even if you put all the household appliances in the house in the bathroom, you must comply with certain conditions, otherwise it will be impossible to use the plumbing:

  • There must be at least 70 cm of free space in front of the bathtub or shower;
  • There should be a section at least 0.6 cm long in front of the toilet.

Home bathroom design

Design ideas for bathrooms and toilets can be the most unexpected. Decisions depend entirely on the taste of the owners. The room can be designed in any of the popular styles:

  • Classic;
  • Retro;
  • Provence;
  • Antique;
  • High tech;
  • Minimalism;
  • Loft.

Important! You shouldn’t limit yourself in making certain stylistic decisions. The main thing is that you like your hygiene room, it is clean and comfortable. The smartest thing is to first choose plumbing equipment, and only then select Decoration Materials that will harmonize with it.

Choose an option

Regardless of the size of the room and the style in which it is decorated, there is a certain procedure that will make your task of decorating a bathroom simpler and clearer:

  1. Choose a color palette - you can use a color wheel. And if you use for design computer programs, then they initially contain different variants color combinations.
  2. Choose specific shades – you can decorate your bathroom in one color by selecting items and finishes different saturation, but it is better to use a combination of 2-3 colors.
  3. Browse catalogs plumbing equipment— are there any bathtubs or toilets in the color you have chosen?
  4. Match the color of the equipment to the color of the walls and ceiling.
  5. Choose a floor shade.
  6. Choose decorations - these can be wall panels, original lamps, including floor lamps.

Two words about color and size

Choosing color combinations and the type of tile, consider a few more points:

  1. Dark finishing materials can visually reduce the size of a room.
  2. Light materials, on the contrary, increase volume.
  3. Some shades have a calming effect - for example, green.
  4. Warm colors create the feeling that the temperature in the room is slightly higher than it actually is, while cold colors do the opposite.
  5. Large tiles are suitable for large premises, for small bathrooms it is better to choose smaller squares.

Combined or separate?

Gone are the days when everyone wanted to buy an apartment with separate bathroom. Even the owners of city apartments appreciated the advantages of a combined bathroom, since there is a certain gain in space. For a private house, a toilet and a bathroom in one room is generally an excellent option, especially if the house has several floors, each of which has a small sanitary room.

There are other advantages:

  • less finishing materials are used;
  • only one door is needed, not two;
  • ventilation may be general.

Important! You can zone a combined bathroom using lighting or screens.

Let's talk about materials

The design of bathrooms in private homes depends very much on what materials you use. Regardless of the style you choose, what you use to decorate the walls must meet a number of conditions:

  • they must be resistant to moisture;
  • should not deteriorate due to temperature changes;
  • mold should not appear on them;
  • Walls, floors and everything else should be easy to maintain.

Bathroom ceiling in a private house

Have you already done the design, laid the pipes, made the subfloor and installed the plumbing? Great, time to move on to finishing. Let's start with the ceiling. In the bathroom it can be:

  • tension;
  • painted;
  • covered with plastic tiles;
  • finished with tiles or mirror tiles.

Recently they have gained great popularity stretch ceiling. They are also produced for bathrooms and have excellent qualities:

  • they practically do not react to temperature changes;
  • they are very easy to wash;
  • it is easy to install modern lamps on them - from ordinary pendant chandeliers to LED strips.

Important! Painting is gradually going out of fashion, and this is easy to explain. Large labor costs during repairs, difficulty in maintenance, lack of hygiene - in a word, bathroom ceilings are now painted almost exclusively by Retro style enthusiasts.

A great way to decorate a ceiling is to cover it with tiles. It doesn't matter whether it's plastic panels or mirror elements. U plastic panels, however, there is one significant drawback- if they are not white, they fade very quickly, so that instead of pink or green, the ceiling becomes checkered.

Important! Mirror tiles are available in all possible sizes and a variety of configurations. Additional reflective surfaces give the room a particularly sophisticated look and also expand the space.

The walls of your bathroom

Plastic panels and tiles are used to decorate not only the ceiling, but also the walls. Perhaps tile remains the most popular material. But there are other options:

  1. If the bathroom is spacious enough, you can cover it with waterproof wallpaper.
  2. Marble or other panels are also popular now a natural stone– they are especially loved by fans of antique style.
  3. Painted walls have not disappeared from everyday life either - oil paint or water-based: this type of finish is popular among those who love wall painting.
  4. Can be used for finishing bathrooms and wooden panels, but always with antifungal impregnation.

Important! There are materials that should not be used in bathrooms. There is hardly any point in covering the walls paper wallpaper. Silk plaster is beautiful, but does not handle moisture very well.


The recognized leader among flooring for bathrooms is ceramic tiles. The selection in stores is quite large, so you can always find something interesting and suitable for your home. Universal material– special tiles for bathrooms. Its main advantage is that it does not slip.

Important! Popular view flooringstone slabs. True, they do not look very good in small hygienic rooms. But if the bathroom is large enough, then why not?

Video material

The main difference between a bathroom in a high-rise building and a private house is, of course, the layout.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a DIY bathroom in a private house will turn out to be much more interesting, and the owners themselves will be able to get much more from the room than city residents. Let's figure out what kind of private housing that requires the arrangement of a full bathroom we can talk about.

Firstly, this:

  1. houses of old construction (at least 40 years old), which initially did not have a separate room for the bathroom;
  2. houses whose age ranges from 30 to 10 years;
  3. modern houses (cottages, townhouses).

Secondly, let's clarify which rooms are intended for the location of the bathroom in the houses we indicated:

  1. in old houses this is:
    • storerooms;
    • part of the corridor or kitchen;
    • veranda;
    • places under the stairs to the second floor
    • attic space;
  1. in younger houses:
    • place on ground floor, including a built-in garage;
    • expandable bathroom space by connecting neighboring rooms(corridor, hallway, veranda);
    • major renovation of an existing bathroom;
    • second floor and attic;
  1. in modern houses:
    • creating comfortable conditions in a dedicated bathroom area;
    • moving the bathroom to another room.

Thirdly, you need to understand what materials the house is made of, because the use of this or that technology depends on this:

  1. brick;
  2. tree;
  3. combination of various materials (foam block + brick, wood + brick, shell rock + concrete, steel + concrete, etc.).

For private houses, what is more important is not the secrecy of communications, but reliable protection from freezing. Therefore, pay more attention to insulation and protective devices for mains with water supply.

These are just a few of the factors that you should know before planning a bathroom in a private home. As can be seen from the list, in most cases we are talking about initially unsuitable places in which a bathroom will be created with your own hands in a private house.

What you need to focus on

In addition to the work itself on the functional arrangement of the bathroom, the owners will need to carry out additional measures related to:

  • arrangement of water supply and sewerage;
  • equipment;
  • carrying out waterproofing works;
  • decorative finishing of floors, walls, etc.


Many city dwellers, having experience in renovating city apartments, mistakenly believe that a bathroom in a private house will be just as predictable in terms of construction operations.

But this is fundamentally wrong, since the plumbing rooms of apartments are fully adapted to connecting utilities, unlike individual houses.

Let's find out what is needed for a full-fledged bathroom from the point of view of building regulations:

  1. availability of hot and cold water sources in the bathroom;
  2. equipping the premises with a water drainage system (sewer drain);
  3. Availability ;
  4. equipping with lighting devices;
  5. availability of comfortable plumbing.

As you can see, in comparison with city apartments, private houses least meet the primary requirements, which means that all these concerns about arranging the premises fall entirely on the shoulders of their owners.

Of course, if a bathroom in a private house is being renovated, then the issues of water supply and sewerage have already been resolved. In such a situation, it is more important to conduct an audit of the technical condition utility networks, and pay more attention to redevelopment or installation new plumbing, as well as finishing walls and ceilings in accordance with the tastes of the owners.

Development of new places in a private house

We welcome modern approach regarding the fact that in a private house the bathroom can be anywhere. A best place for her, the proximity to the master bedroom is considered.

If it is located on the 1st floor, then the bathroom should also be here, if on the second, then all communications should be laid on the 2nd floor.

Bathroom with windows on the first floor

Deciding to refurbish your bathroom is a bold step, but not yet an action. The fact that your bathroom in a private house will be different from its counterparts in a city high-rise is very cool, but you should add a lot of patience to this when carrying out repair and construction work.

Moreover, all the disadvantages of open communications in a private home can easily be turned into advantages. For example, room equipment exhaust ventilation it is not necessary to carry out terrible-looking corrugated ventilation ducts. Today there are many elegant solutions, one of which is shown in the photo below.

Or the cold and hot water– why hide them in the walls when you can make them part of the design. The result will be a minimum of work associated with cutting channels in the walls, which will significantly speed up the arrangement of the bathroom.

Having laid on open area copper pipes to the washbasin and bathtub, you will get a unique design.

If you don’t like to look at pipes, fittings and any other plumbing fittings, then it’s easy to build a portal under the bathroom, inside which everyone will hide engineering Communication. Do the same with ventilation - plasterboard ceiling will also hide the air ducts.

Let's summarize.

Bathroom in own home- This:

  1. unique layout;
  2. higher functionality;
  3. demonstrating the virtues of open communication;
  4. the ability to create closed portals, podiums, etc.


When setting up a country house in which they plan to live permanently, it is unlikely that anyone will agree to be left without amenities. Now any housing in mandatory equipped with a bathroom.

When planning your future home, you should pay attention to the following question: how to make a bathroom in the house? At the same time, it is important to properly plan, equip and design this room, based on the dimensions allocated for it.

How to make a bathroom in a private house comfortable and functional?

When building a private home, you can make the bathroom large, where a sauna or bathhouse or SPA area can be freely located. Large space will allow the owner country house get a variety of design options, placement of plumbing equipment and household appliances. For clues, they can turn to photos of the bathroom in the house, which are quite easy to find on the Internet.

But first, you should think about where to place the bathroom. If the building is large, you can equip a bathroom on each floor, which is convenient for large families. Typically, designers suggest placing this room next to a kitchen that has ventilation.

You should not place a bathroom on the upper floors above a regular apartment. It is more convenient when such rooms are located one above the other. After all, in each of them it is necessary to install sewerage and water pipes, which are convenient to assemble in whole risers.

It is beautiful and functional when the plumbing room has a window. Then the owners save on electricity and receive additional ventilation. Naturally, such a window should overlook the courtyard.

In order to determine the size, you need to clearly know what kind of plumbing fixtures you want to see here, plus comply with the necessary requirements and standards that apply to the construction of residential buildings.

To equip a hygienic room in a private house, as opposed to an apartment in the city, it is necessary to provide communications: water supply and sewerage, electricity and ventilation.

If you have the necessary qualifications in these matters, then you can do a bathroom in a private house with your own hands; otherwise, you should turn to specialists.

Building materials for the bathroom

This room is characterized by high humidity, so it is worth choosing materials based on this. Ceramic tiles are often used here. It is not afraid of water, lasts a long time and has a wide variety of designs. It can be combined with waterproof paints and used together decorative plaster, panels made of plastic and wood, stone, giving the bathroom an unusually attractive look.

A budget option is PVC panels. They are practical, cheap, offered completely different colors, are easily replaced if damaged.

If the walls are perfectly smooth, you can use paint after priming them. To make the walls more original, you can use different shades and stencils.

Construction organizations can offer the use of glass and vinyl wallpaper, wood panels and lining. The latter should be treated with special compounds that protect against moisture.

Plumbing equipment and furnishings

To create a standard hygiene room, choose a bath or shower stall, if it is combined, add a toilet and a bidet. The furniture is functional - these are various bedside tables, cabinets, shelves.

If the room is large enough, it can be divided into differently designed zones: shower, bath, sauna. It’s worth making a plan in advance so as not to overload the space and ensure a free approach to plumbing and household appliances.

Design ideas for the bathroom of a private house under construction are very diverse, because here you can provide niches and built-in wardrobes.


Flooring in a room with high humidity must have special characteristics.

The most expensive coating is porcelain stoneware; it is beautiful, moisture-resistant and long-lasting.

The varnished adhesive plug repels water, does not rot, its surface is warm and pleasant to the touch.

The most popular tiles are with large selection colors and sizes.

Linoleum is a budget covering. It is characterized by ease of installation and waterproofing properties. It is not durable, but since it is cheap, it can be replaced frequently.

Bathroom lighting

Bathrooms require basic bright lighting. You can hang lamps next to the mirror convenient design allowing you to change the direction of light. They provide additional lighting to illuminate certain areas.

It's nice to have natural light coming from the street window. On the top floor with a sloping roof, you can make a skylight.

Correct room layout color palette, finishing materials, high-quality selected plumbing fixtures will make the bathroom warm, cozy and functional.

Photo of a bathroom in a house

The bathroom in a country house is a separate topic that requires detailed study. Unlike an apartment, there is enough free space here to implement even the most bold ideas. To competently create an interior in such a bathroom, it is important to take into account the features of the room and other nuances, which we will talk about in this article.

Bathroom design

Like any other room before renovation, a bathroom in a private house requires careful design. The advantage of a private house is the fact that the owner himself has the right to determine the dimensions of the future bathroom and, based on them, make a sketch of the interior.

Typically, country properties are not limited to one bathroom. Their number can be calculated, but taking into account the following factors:

  • number of storeys of the house;
  • number of inhabitants;
  • the need to accommodate guests for some time.

If the family is small, then one spacious bathroom will be enough to fit everything you need. If the owners of the house often receive guests, then they will have to think about the equipment of the guest bathroom.

As a rule, the bathroom is always located next to the bedroom. For convenience, it is equipped with two exits, one of which leads to the corridor, the second to the bedroom. For a house with several floors, you will have to consider the presence of a bathroom on each of them for comfortable use and to avoid searching for this room throughout the house.

The area of ​​the bathroom always depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the house, but cannot be less than the figures prescribed in SNiP. The minimum dimensions of a bathroom are: length - 0.8 m and depth - 1.2 m. When planning, it is worth taking into account the dimensions of the equipment that will be installed in such a bathroom.

A large bathroom requires zoning. This can be done by installing partitions, screens, podiums, as well as visually various materials finishing and lighting design.

Location of communications in the bathroom

In the bathroom, various communications play an important role, for example, sewer pipes, wiring, water supply. The sources of water for the bathroom are various wells and wells, the water from which enters the house using pumping station. Both ordinary household boilers and full-fledged boilers are responsible for heating water.

Important! To prevent the design of the bathroom from being spoiled, all communications are hidden using installation or behind decorative overlays.

The pipes are hidden under drywall, screed or recessed into the walls, and meters and connections must be on the surface, since they need easy access. Electric wires placed in special, pre-prepared grooves in the walls and covered with mortar. You can lay them in the seams between the tiles and cover them tile adhesive. Such installation will not only make the room aesthetically attractive, but also protect the wires from moisture, which is inevitable in the bathroom.

Surface decoration

In order for the bathroom interior to be seamless, you need to choose the right material for finishing. In a country house you can use Various types finishing, so we will present each separately.


Wood is used in bathrooms designed in chalet, Scandinavian, Provence or country styles. It is important to understand that you can only use material that has been impregnated with special compounds before installation to avoid damage from exposure to moisture and temperature changes. Most often, lining, solid wood, timber, and wood are used to decorate surfaces in the bathroom. decorative panels, laminate, parquet board.

Modern moisture resistant wooden materials capable of imitating natural wood with a noble texture. For example, the walls and ceiling of a bathroom are covered with veneer, and the floor is laid out parquet board or laminate. This creates a unique, eco-friendly bathroom design. Houses made of rounded logs are unique buildings where the finishing in the bathroom can be left in its original form. Only in this case the wood is treated with antiseptic and moisture-resistant solutions. No less popular combined finishing, when areas affected by moisture are decorated ceramic tiles.


This solution is traditional for the bathroom both in an apartment and in a private house. In this case, porcelain stoneware is used for the floor; it is convenient if it is equipped with grooves for water drainage.

Important! Only unglazed tiles are chosen to cover the floor so that the surface is not slippery.

The walls, in turn, are covered with a glazed material that has a water-repellent layer. Thanks to the wide variety of tiles, you can create any bathroom design without much effort.

For a small bathroom, it is recommended to use only light shades, diluted with bright inclusions. This design will visually increase the space. The same effect differs mirror tiles. Panels in the form of paintings made from ceramic tiles look original.


Mosaic will add originality to the design of a bathroom in a private house. Moreover, it can be not only ceramic, as many are accustomed to thinking, but also glass, metal and even stone.

It is very convenient that now manufacturers offer ready-made elements made of tiles; you don’t even have to bother yourself with creating an ornament from small parts. With help mosaic tiles In the bathroom of a private house you can create not only simple geometric images, but also other paintings. It goes perfectly with regular ceramic tiles, so this combination is often used in design.


For a private home, you can easily afford to decorate the bathroom walls with marble. Such cladding, of course, looks impressive, but is quite expensive, so it is available only to a limited number of country property owners. For greater savings, marble in the bathroom can be combined with other types of finishes.


Wallpaper for the bathroom is a specific finishing option. Here we are talking, of course, not about paper, but about water-repellent and washable wallpaper. It is best to use them in combination with marble or tiles, which are laid opposite the washbasin and bathtub.

A universal option - wallpaper in restrained colors, pastel shades. If the furniture in the bathroom is light, then you can decorate the room with bright canvases. For especially original interiors For bathrooms, wallpaper with a 3D effect is suitable.

Important! Decorating a bathroom with wallpaper is a non-trivial approach that will definitely surprise guests at home.


It would seem that this type of finishing has long been outdated and it’s time to forget it. But now there is a huge variety of different paint and varnish materials, with which you can easily decorate your bathroom and make it look modern. The only difficulty here is the need to level all surfaces before painting.

Decorating a bathroom with paint allows you to bring any idea to life. When choosing paint for a bathroom, it is imperative to give preference only to trusted companies that guarantee the high quality of their products.

Bathroom furnishings

For this room in the house it is important to choose not only beautiful furniture, which is best suited in style, but also functional combined with practicality. Furniture items should not be afraid of moisture; they should be easy to clean not only from dirt, but also from water stains.

For a spacious bathroom you will need the following set of furniture:

  • vanity unit;
  • vertical pencil case for storing everything you need;
  • hanging shelves in the required quantity;
  • dresser;
  • mirror.

If a relaxation area is meant in the bathroom of a private house, then it usually contains an armchair or a comfortable chair and Coffee table. For a small bathroom, some of the items listed may need to be removed, but it is important to leave only the essentials.

Wooden bathroom furniture in a private home will emphasize the closeness to nature and environmental friendliness. Such furniture can be painted in any color, but designers recommend choosing those items that have natural pattern and shade.

Metal furniture, no matter how strange it may seem, will also be appropriate in the bathroom, but only if it fits organically into the overall design. Nowadays they produce furniture made of metal, which can be used not only in modern directions, but also in any others, it is enough to beat it correctly.

Glass surfaces of furniture pieces are ideal for the bathroom, and there is no difference frosted glass or transparent - this solution looks ideal. However, glass furniture is more difficult to maintain, especially in the bathroom.

Plastic furniture is the most practical for the bathroom. Such products are not afraid of exposure to moisture and temperature changes, and they are very easy to care for. And the cost of such furniture is affordable. The main thing is to choose high-quality sets that will not look cheap against the background of the bathroom interior.

Interior style

Any room, including the bathroom in a private house, must be designed in a certain style. It is important that all interior elements are in harmony with each other and support each other. Almost any interior style can be created in the bathroom of a private home, since there are no restrictions here. We will look at the most popular of them.


This direction emphasizes the sophistication and presentability of the interior. Distinctive feature Such designs are universal and out of fashion. Even after many years, such a bathroom will look relevant. In design, as a rule, preference is given to natural materials, emphasizing the status of the owner and the uniqueness of the premises.


This style is designed to combine the incompatible. For brave individuals, it is perfect and will convey positive mood. It is based on bright colors and original solutions. Fusion style involves a combination of different textures and materials, creating unique eye-catching combinations in the bathroom of a private home.


A simple home style that will be relevant specifically for a wooden private house, in which it is much easier to decorate a bathroom this way. Despite its rustic nature, this style is very popular among metropolitan residents for the calm atmosphere it gives.

The main materials for it are: wood, forged metal and natural stone. Brass elements are chosen as bathroom fixtures to highlight the design.

High tech

A modern trend, characterized by high functionality. In such a bathroom there is a place for glossy surfaces, an abundance of glass and metal. Only modern plumbing with many functions is used. Various lighting, including floor lighting.


A unique style suitable for those homes where a bathroom is reserved large room With high ceilings. The decoration here is minimal. If the house is brick or concrete, then in principle it may not exist, since brick and concrete are the main elements emphasizing the industrial design.

If you correctly design such a bathroom in a private house, then it is quite possible to get stylish room with minimal costs.


A style characterized by slight negligence, which does not create a feeling of sloppiness or old age of things and objects. Thanks to slightly cracked plaster, worn furniture and simple textiles, the bathroom in a private house gives the atmosphere of romance characteristic of the French province.

Owning a private home has the advantage of being able to create your own world on your property. Here you can fully express your “I”.

This concerns the arrangement local area, house interior. No amount of space will hinder self-expression. It is possible to apply any technologies, styles, design principles.

Particular attention should be paid to the bathroom in a private house, because here it is necessary not only to show imagination in decoration, but also to take care of the reliability of the repair activities carried out.

Preparatory work

Living in a private house is not only about the absence of neighbors behind the wall, comfort, and privacy. It can take a lot of time to put into operation all the communications necessary for living, equip and renovate the premises.

Before designing a bathroom in a private house, you need to take care of the supply system, water, sewerage, ventilation, electrification, lighting, and pre-finishing work.

Summing up communications

The work of preparing for accommodation can take a long time and also take a lot of effort and money. Unforeseen difficulties arise when a private house is located separately. All communications will have to be done independently and exclusively at your own expense.

When there are houses in the neighborhood that have already been put into operation, the matter becomes somewhat simpler.

To begin with, you need to create rough plan necessary measures and try to follow it. It is necessary to think in a special way about the supply, drainage of water, and ventilation in the bathroom in a private house.

The presence of a well or borehole will greatly simplify the task of collecting water. It’s worse if you need to install a pumping station.

The sewer can be a specially equipped pit into which sewage will flow after septic treatment.

You should especially think about the ventilation system. A bathroom with a special humid microclimate needs good air circulation. Even a bathroom with a window in a private house requires an additional system.

It is possible to build a natural or artificial hood in the bathroom of a private house.

Repair work

Before you start finishing works in a bathroom in a private house, it is necessary to perform the necessary rough preparatory steps. These include:

  • Screeding and sealing of floors, lower ends of walls, joint surfaces;
  • Distribution of electricity with mandatory grounding;
  • Insulation of corner walls;
  • Installation of a heated floor system;
  • Installation of heated towel rails and heating systems if necessary.

Installation of a heated floor system in a bathroom in a private house is simply a prerequisite. Most likely, additional heating and insulation of the walls will also not be superfluous. Especially if natural ventilation is equipped.

Wall insulation is carried out as with inside buildings, and from the outside.

It is also not possible to make a bathroom in a private house without electricity. Big square premises involves the active use of electrical appliances and units. Grounding is mandatory in this case.

Sealing should also be done. Although there is no danger of flooding neighbors in a private house, excess moisture No need for any surfaces.

Finishing and design

Designing a bathroom in a private home is incredibly enjoyable. You can fully express your imagination and not be afraid to miss the mark with the placement of interior items.

There is also no need to worry about visual expansion premises. Therefore, it is better to immerse yourself in plans and dreams and calmly implement what is planned.

The emphasis in design is most often placed on respectability. The photo of bathrooms in a private house clearly shows how designers like to emphasize the aristocratic style.

Absolutely unique interiors are obtained using expensive materials, luxurious finishes, interesting decorative techniques. Looking at a photo of a bathroom in a private house, you can notice how alluring are the shine and gilding of the intricate shapes.

A pompous classic would look great in a private home. Chic frames with gilding, crystal, intricate forging, noble dark tones. A window in the bathroom will add respectable mystery to the interior.

Modern styles are also perfect for implementation in the spacious area of ​​a private home. You can create an incredibly alluring futuristic hi-tech or an extraordinary loft.

A bathroom in a private home is designed to be stylish and inviting. Decorating an unconstrained room will bring a lot of pleasure. But the preliminary efforts can drag on and be somewhat upsetting.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house

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