Encyclopedia of fire safety

Indirect heating boiler: the principle of operation and the rules for self-connection. Which water heating boiler to choose for an apartment and a house Advantages of portable heaters

Two DHW schemes for a country private house - which one to choose?

What needs to be done so that hot water flows immediately after opening the tap?

Depending on the method of heating water hot water supply systems (DHW) for private country house subdivided into:

  • DHW with instantaneous water heater.
  • DHW with a storage water heater (boiler).

Hot water supply scheme with instantaneous water heater

As an instantaneous water heater, you can use:

  • geyser hot water supply;
  • DHW heating circuit of a double-circuit heating boiler;
  • electric water heater.
  • plate heat exchanger connected to the heating circuit.

Flow water heater starts to heat the water at the moment the water is being parsed when the hot water faucet is opened.

All the energy spent on heating is transferred from the heater to the water almost instantly, for very a short time movement of water through the heater. In order to obtain water of the required temperature in a short period of time, the design of an instantaneous water heater provides for limiting the flow rate of water. The water temperature at the outlet of the instantaneous heater is very dependent on the water flow the amount of hot water flowing from the faucet.

For a normal supply hot water only one horn in the shower, the power of the instantaneous water heater must be at least 10 kW. You can fill the bathroom in a reasonable time from a heater with a capacity of more than 18 kW. And if, when filling the bath or operating the shower, you also open the hot water tap in the kitchen, then for comfortable use of hot water, you will need an instantaneous heater power of at least 28 kW.

For heating an economy class house, a boiler of lower power is usually sufficient. That's why, the power of the double-circuit boiler is chosen based on hot water demand.

The DHW scheme with an instantaneous water heater cannot provide comfortable and economical use of hot water in the house for the following reasons:

    The temperature and pressure of water in the pipes are very dependent on the amount of water flow. For this reason when another tap is opened, the water temperature and pressure in the DHW system change very much. It is not very comfortable to use water even in two places at the same time.

  • With low hot water consumption instantaneous water heater does not turn on at all and does not heat water. To obtain water of the required temperature, it is often necessary to spend more water than necessary.
  • Each time the tap is opened, the instantaneous water heater restarts. Constantly turning on and off reduces the resource of its work. Each time hot water appears with a delay, only after the heating mode has stabilized. Frequent heater restart reduces efficiency and increases energy consumption. Part of the water goes uselessly down the drain.
  • It is impossible to recirculate the water in the house wiring pipes. Hot water from the tap appears with some delay. The waiting time increases as the length of the pipes from the water heater to the point of water analysis increases. Part of the water at the very beginning has to be uselessly drained into the sewer. Moreover, this is water that has already been heated, but managed to cool down in the pipes.
  • Scale deposits build up quickly on a small surface inside the heating chamber of an instantaneous water heater. Hard water will require frequent descaling.

Ultimately, the use of an instantaneous water heater in the DHW system leads to an unreasonable increase in water consumption and volume of sewage, to an increase in energy consumption for heating, as well as to insufficiently comfortable use of hot water in the house.

A DHW system with an instantaneous water heater is used, despite its shortcomings, due to relatively low cost and small size of equipment.

The system works better if install a separate individual instantaneous water heater near each point of water analysis.

In this case, it is convenient to install electric flow heaters. However, such heaters during the analysis of water at the same time in several places can consume significant power from the mains (up to 20 - 30 kW). Usually, the power grid of a private house is not designed for this, and the cost of electricity is high.

How to choose an instantaneous water heater

The main parameter for choosing an instantaneous water heater is the amount of water flow that it can heat.

  • from the tap of a sink or washbasin 4.2 l/min (0,07 l/s);
  • from a bathtub or shower faucet 9 l/min (0,15 l/s).

For example.

Three points of analysis are connected to one instantaneous water heater - a sink in the kitchen, a washbasin and a bath (shower). To fill only the bath, you must select a heater that is capable of delivering at least 9 l/min. water with a temperature of 55 about C. Such a water heater will also ensure the use of hot water simultaneously from two taps - in the sink and washbasin.

Using hot water at the same time in the shower and washbasin will be comfortable if the heater performance is already at least 9 l/min+4,2 l/min=13,2 l/min

Manufacturers in technical specifications usually indicate maximum performance instantaneous water heater, based on water heating for a certain temperature difference, dT, e.g. 25 about C, 35 about C or 45 about C. This means that if the temperature of the water in the water supply is +10 about C, then at maximum performance, water with a temperature of +35 about C, 45 about C or +55 about C.

Be careful. Some sellers in advertising indicate the maximum performance of the device, but "forget" to write for what temperature difference it is determined. You can buy a geyser with a capacity of 10 l/min., but it turns out that at this flow rate it will only heat the water by 25 about C., i.e. up to 35 about C. Using hot water with such a column may not be very comfortable.

Suitable for our example geyser or double-circuit boiler with a maximum capacity of at least 13.2 l/min at d T=45 about C. The power of the gas apparatus with these hot water parameters will be about 32 kW.

When choosing an instantaneous water heater, pay attention to one more parameter - minimum performance, consumption l/min at which the heating is turned on.

If the water flow in the pipe is less than the value specified in the technical characteristics of the device, the water heater will not turn on. For this reason, often use more water than is necessary. Try to choose a device with the lowest possible minimum performance, for example, no more than 1.1 l/min.

Electric instantaneous water heaters designed for domestic use have a maximum heater power of about 5.5 - 6.5 kW. At maximum performance 3.1 - 3.7 l/min heat water by d T=25 about C. One such water heater is installed to service one water point - a shower, a washbasin or a sink.

DHW scheme with a storage heater (boiler) and water circulation

A storage water heater (boiler) is a heat-insulated metal tank of a rather large volume.

In the lower part of the water heater tank, two heaters are most often built in at once - an electric heating element and a tubular heat exchanger connected to a heating boiler (). The water in the tank is heated most of the time by the boiler.

The electric heater is switched on as needed, during the shutdown of the boiler. Such a boiler is often called boiler indirect heating.

Hot water in an indirect heating boiler is consumed from the top of the tank. In its place, cold water from the water supply immediately enters the lower part of the tank, is heated by a heat exchanger and rises.

In the countries of the European Union DHW systems in new houses without fail equipped with a solar heater - collector. To connect the solar collector another heat exchanger is installed in the lower part of the indirect heating boiler.

DHW scheme with a layered heating boiler

Last time the hot water system with a layered heating boiler is gaining popularity, the water in which is heated by an instantaneous water heater. In such a boiler there is no heat exchanger, which reduces its cost.

Hot water is drawn from the top of the tank. In its place, cold water from the water supply immediately flows into the lower part of the tank. The pump pumps water from the tank through the flow heater, and is supplied immediately to the upper part of the tank. Thereby, hot water at the consumer appears very quickly- no need to wait until almost the entire volume of water warms up, as happens in an indirect heating boiler.

Rapid heating of the top layer of water, allows you to install a smaller boiler in the house, as well as reduce the power of the instantaneous heater, without sacrificing comfort.

Galmet SG (S) Fusion 100 L layered heating boiler is connected to DHW circuit double-circuit boiler or to a gas column. The boiler has a built-in three-speed circulation pump. Boiler height 90 cm, diameter 60 cm.

Manufacturers produce double-circuit boilers with a built-in or remote layered heating boiler. As a result,the cost and dimensions of the equipment of the DHW system are somewhat less,than with an indirect heating boiler.

The water in the boiler is heated in advance, whether it is spent or not. The supply of hot water in the tank allows you to use hot water in the house for several hours.

Due to this, the water in the tank can be heated for quite a long time, gradually accumulating thermal energy in hot water. Hence another name for the boiler - accumulative water heater.

Long duration of water heating allows use a heater of relatively low power.

Accumulative gas water heater - boiler

Storage boilers, in which the water is heated by a gas burner, are less popular in domestic hot water systems. The device in the house of heating and hot water systems with two gas appliances - a gas boiler and a gas boiler, turns out to be much more expensive.

Accumulative gas water heater - boiler

It can be beneficial to install gas boilers in apartments with central heating or in private houses with heating solid fuel boiler and heating water in the DHW system with liquefied gas.

Gas water heaters, as well as boilers, are produced with an open combustion chamber and with a closed one, with forced removal of flue gases and with natural draft in the chimney.

On sale there are storage gas boilers that does not require connection to the chimney. (Household gas stoves they also work without a chimney.) The power of gas burners of such devices is small.

Gas boilers up to 100 liters are designed for wall mounting. Large volume water heaters are installed on the floor.

Used in water heaters different ways ignition gas- with an on-duty wick, battery-powered electronic or hydrodynamic ignition.

In devices with standby wick a small flame burns constantly, which is first ignited by hand. Some amount of gas burns uselessly in this torch.

Electronic ignition Runs on mains power or batteries.

Hydrodynamic ignition It is started from the rotation of the impeller, which is driven by the flow of water when the tap is opened.

How to choose the volume of the storage water heater - boiler

The larger the volume of the storage water heater, the higher the comfort of using hot water in the house. But on the other hand, the larger the boiler, the more expensive it is, the higher the cost of its repair and maintenance, the more space it takes.

The size of the boiler is chosen based on the following considerations.

Increased comfort will be provided by a boiler, the volume of which is selected at the rate of 30 - 60 liters per user of water.

A high level of comfort will be provided by a water heater with a volume of 60-100 liters per person living in the house.

To fill the bath, you need to use almost all the water from a boiler with a volume of 80 - 100 liters.

How to choose the boiler power for a hot water boiler

When choosing a boiler, you need to pay attention to the power heating element which is installed in it. For example, to heat 100 liters of water to a temperature of 55 about C in 15 minutes, a heater (heat exchanger for the boiler, built-in gas burner or heating element) with a capacity of about 20 kW.

Under real operating conditions, the temperature of the water in the boiler is equal to the temperature of the water in the water supply only when the heating is turned on for the first time. In the future, in the boiler there is almost always water already heated to a certain temperature. To heat water to the required temperature in a reasonable time, heating devices of lower power are used.

But still, it is better to check how long it will take to heat the water in the boiler. This can be done using the formula:

t = m cw (t2 – t1)/Q, wherein:
t– water heating time, seconds ( With);
m- the mass of water in the boiler, kg (the mass of water in kilograms is equal to the volume of the boiler in liters);
cwspecific heat water equal to 4.2 kJ/(kg K);
t2- the temperature to which the water must be heated;
t1– initial water temperature in the boiler;
Q– boiler power, kW.

Water heating time by a boiler with a capacity of 15 kW in a 200-liter boiler from a temperature of 10 °C(we assume that the water entering the boiler has this temperature) up to 50 °C will be:
200 x 4.2 x (50 – 10)/15 = 2240 With, that is, about 37 min.

DHW scheme with water recirculation in the system

The use of a storage water heater in the DHW system allows you to organize the recirculation of hot water in pipelines. All hot water taps are connected to a ring pipeline through which hot water is constantly circulating.

The length of the pipe section from each point of hot water consumption to the ring pipeline should not exceed 2 meters.

The circulation pump of the DHW hot water recirculation system is small in size and has low power

Recirculation of water in the DHW system is provided by a circulation pump. The power of the pump is small, a few tens of watts.

DHW pumps, unlike heating pumps, must have a maximum operating pressure of at least 10 bar. Heating pumps are often designed for a maximum pressure of no more than 6 bar. Another difference is that the DHW pump must have a hygiene certificate that allows it to be used in drinking water systems.

Water in DHW systems is constantly updated and the oxygen content in it remains high enough. Corrosive activity of hot water is high. In addition, hot water must comply sanitary requirements to drinking water. Therefore, for the manufacture of DHW pumps, corrosion-resistant non-ferrous metals or stainless steel are used. For these reasons, DHW circulation pumps are noticeably more expensive than those for heating systems.

In some designs of DHW pipelines, it is possible to create a natural recirculation of water, without a pump.

As a result of the circulation of water in the DHW system hot water is supplied to the points of selection constantly.

In a DHW system with a storage heater and water recirculation, the water supply mode is more stable:

  • Hot water is always present at the points of selection.
  • Water sampling is possible simultaneously in several places. The temperature and pressure of water change slightly with a change in flow.
  • From the tap, you can take any, arbitrarily small, amount of hot water.

The recirculation circuit allows not only to increase the comfort of water supply at remote points of the house, but also gives the ability to connect to it the contours of underfloor heating in separate rooms. For example, in the bathroom, a water-heated floor will be comfortable all year round.

A DHW system with water recirculation constantly consumes energy for the operation of the circulation pump, as well as to compensate for heat losses in the boiler itself and in pipes with circulating water. To reduce energy consumption, it is recommended to install a circulation pump with a built-in programmable timer that turns off water circulation during hours when it is not needed. The boiler and hot water pipes are insulated.

Disadvantages of a DHW system with a double-circuit gas boiler or water heater

Cycling a double-circuit boiler in heating mode

As you know, a double-circuit gas boiler can provide a house with hot water and be a source of heat in the heating system. Preparation of hot water is carried out in the flow heat exchanger of the boiler. Read about the general disadvantages of a DHW system with a flow heater at the beginning of this article. But gas appliances there is another problem with a flow heater - this is the difficulty of choosing the maximum power of a double-circuit boiler or a hot water geyser.

Most often it turns out that required power boiler for the preparation of hot water, much more power needed to heat all the rooms in the house.

As mentioned in the article above, in order to obtain hot water of the required temperature and its maximum consumption, double-circuit gas boilers and hot water geysers have a sufficiently large maximum power, about 24 kW . or more. Boilers and columns are equipped with automation, which can reduce their power to a minimum, equal to approximately 30% of the maximum, by modulating the burner flame. Minimum dual circuit power gas boiler or column is usually equal to about 8 kW. or more. This is the minimum power of the boiler, both in DHW and heating mode.

The gas burner of a double-circuit boiler or column, due to design features, cannot work stably with a power less than the minimum (less than 8 kW.). At the same time, to work with the heating system of a private house or autonomous heating apartments, the boiler in heating mode should very often give out a power of less than 8 kW.

For example, power 8 kW. enough to provide heat to the premises of a house or apartment with an area of ​​​​80 - 110 m 2, and in the coldest five-day period heating season. During warmer periods, the performance of the boiler should be significantly less.

Due to the fact that the boiler cannot work with a power below the minimum, there are problems with the adaptation (coordination) of the double-circuit boiler and the heating system.

In small facilities with low heat consumption for heating, the boiler produces more heat than the heating system can take. As a result of inconsistency between the parameters of the boiler and the system, the double-circuit boiler starts to operate in a pulsed mode, "clock"- as people say.

Work in the "clocking" mode significantly reduces the service life of boiler parts, significantly reduces efficiency.

Clocking a gas boiler or column in DHW mode

Diagram of heating tap water by a double-circuit gas boiler or water heater depending on temperature ( T about C) and consumption ( Q l/min) hot water. The thick line shows the borders of the Working area. Gray zone, pos.1 - clock zone boiler or column (switching between ON/OFF).

For normal water heating by a boiler or column, on the diagram, the point of intersection of the temperature and hot water flow lines (working point) must always be inside working area, the boundaries of which are shown in the diagram with a thick line. If the hot water consumption mode is selected so that the operating point will be in the gray zone, pos. 1 on the diagram, then the boiler, the column will clock. In this zone, with a small flow of water, the power of the boiler, column turns out to be excessive, the boiler, the column turns off from overheating, and then turns on again. From the tap comes either hot or cold water.

Low efficiency of double-circuit gas boilers and columns

Double-circuit gas boilers, when operating at maximum power, have an efficiency of more than 93%, and less than 80% when operating at minimum power. Imagine how the efficiency will decrease even more if such a boiler has to operate in a pulsed mode, with constant re-ignition of the gas burner.

Please note that a double-circuit boiler operates at minimum power most of the time during the year. At least 1/4 of the consumed gas will literally fly uselessly into the pipe. Add to this the cost of replacing prematurely worn parts of the boiler. This will be a retribution for installing cheap equipment for heating and hot water in the house.

What do you want - choose

If the power of a double-circuit gas boiler is more than 20 kW., selected based on the heating of the maximum required hot water flow, then the boiler cannot provide economical and comfortable operation in mode low power heating and when heating water with a small flow rate. The same can be said about the operation of the hot water column.

Most often, in the house there is no need to prepare large streams of hot water. For many people, it is much more important to provide comfortable and economical use of hot water at a low consumption.

For such economical hosts, many manufacturers produce double-circuit gas boilers and columns with a maximum power of about 12 kW. and the minimum is less than 4 kW. Such boilers, columns will provide more economical and comfortable heating and use of hot water in an amount sufficient for taking a shower or washing dishes.

Before buying a double-circuit boiler or column, the owners need to decide which mode of hot water consumption is more profitable and comfortable - with a large flow of water or with a small one. Based on this decision, choose the power of the boiler or column. If you want both, then you will have to choose a hot water system with a boiler.

For lovers of the shower, for preparing hot water and heating houses and apartments with a heated area of ​​up to 140 m 2, with one bathroom capacity 12 kW. They the best way meet the needs of heating and hot water systems of small private houses and apartments.

For those who like to take a bath, as well as for houses and apartments of large sizes, with an area of ​​​​more than 140 m 2, I strongly advise you to use a single-circuit boiler.

Many manufacturers heating equipment they produce special kits, a boiler plus a built-in or remote boiler, just for such cases. Such a set of equipment will cost more, but will provide an increased service life of the equipment, gas savings and more comfortable use of hot water.

Scheme of hot water supply with a heat recuperator of sewage effluents

In Western Europe and in the world, various ways to save energy when operating a private house are popular.

Hot water from the house after use flows into the sewer and carries away with it a significant part of the thermal energy that was spent on its heating.

Scheme for the recovery of thermal energy from sewage effluents to the DHW system

To reduce energy losses in the house, a heat recovery (return) scheme is used from sewer drains to the hot water supply system of a private house.

Cold water passes through a heat exchanger before entering the DHW boiler. Effluent from sanitary appliances is sent to the heat exchanger.

In the heat exchanger, two streams, cold water from the mains and hot water from the drains, meet but do not mix. Part of the heat from hot water is transferred to cold water. Preheated water enters the DHW boiler.

In the diagram shown in the figure, only those sanitary appliances that work with a hot water flow are directed to the heat exchanger. It is advantageous to use such a recovery scheme for any method of water heating - both with a boiler and with a flow heater.

To recover heat from plumbing drains that first store hot water and then drain it into the sewer (bath, pool, washing and dishwasher), apply a more complex scheme with water circulation between the boiler and the heat exchanger during the emptying of these devices.

For houses and apartments with permanent residence, I highly recommend using DHW system with a stratified heating boiler and a double-circuit boiler, or with an indirect heating boiler and single boiler. The volume of the boiler is not less than 100 liters. The system will provide good comfort of using hot water, economical consumption of gas and water, as well as a smaller amount of wastewater to the sewer. The only disadvantage of such a system is that high price equipment.

With a limited construction budget in small suburban country houses For seasonal residence you can install a DHW system with a flow heater.

It is advisable to use a hot water supply scheme with a flow heater in houses with a kitchen and one bathroom, where the heating source and hot water taps are located compactly, at a short distance from each other. It is recommended to connect no more than three water taps to one instantaneous water heater.

The cost of such a system is relatively low. and the shortcomings of operation in this case are less pronounced. A double-circuit gas boiler or gas water heater takes up little space. Almost all the necessary equipment is mounted in the body of the device. For installation of a boiler with a capacity of up to 30 kW or geyser does not require a separate room.

For the preparation of hot water and heating houses and apartments with a heated area up to 140 m 2, with one shower in the bathroom, I recommend installing double-circuit gas boilers with a maximum capacity 12 kW.

In a hot water system with a geyser or a double-circuit boiler the stability of the water supply mode will increase significantly if the scheme install a buffer tank between the heater and the water taps- a conventional storage electric water heater. It is especially recommended to install such a buffer storage electric water heater near disassembly points remote from the gas appliance.

Read more:

In a buffer tank scheme, hot water from a geyser or a double-circuit boiler first enters the tank of an electric boiler - water heater. Thus, the tank always contains a supply of hot water. The electric heater in the tank only compensates for heat losses and maintains the required temperature of hot water during the period when there is no water draw. An electric water heater with a tank of small capacity is enough - even 30 liters, and using hot water will become much more comfortable.

Domestic hot water system with instantaneous water heater and built into the boiler or a remote boiler of layered heating will be somewhat more expensive. But here it will not be necessary to spend expensive electricity to maintain the temperature of the water, and the comfort of using water will be the same as with an indirect heating boiler.

In houses with branched DHW network implement a scheme with a storage water heater (boiler) and water recirculation. Only such a scheme will provide the necessary comfort and economical operation of the DHW system. True, the initial costs for its creation are the largest.

It is recommended to buy boilers that are sold complete with a boiler. In this case, the parameters of the boiler and boiler are already correctly selected by the manufacturer, and most of the additional equipment is built into the boiler body.

If the heating in the house is carried out by a solid fuel boiler, then it is advantageous to install, to which and connect the DHW system with water circulation.

Otherwise, for heating water in the house, attached to a solid fuel boilerindirect heating boiler, additionally equipped with an electric heater.

It is advantageous to use an electric hot water boiler in a house with a solid fuel boiler

Often, only electricity is used to heat water in a house with a solid fuel boiler. For hot water supply in the house, near the points of water analysis, an accumulative electric boiler- water heater. The hot water circulation system is not made in this embodiment. Near remote points of water analysis, it is more profitable to install your own storage heater. In this case, electricity for heating water is spent more economically.

When water is heated above 54 about C hardness salts are released from the water. To reduce scale formation If possible, heat the water to a temperature lower than indicated.

Instantaneous water heaters are especially sensitive to scale formation. If the water is hard, contains more than 140 mg CaCO 3 in 1 liter, then the use of instantaneous water heaters for heating water, including those with stratified heating boilers, is not recommended. Even small deposits of scale clog the channels in the instantaneous heater, which leads to a cessation of the flow of water through it.

It is recommended to supply water to the instantaneous water heater through an anti-scale filter, which reduces water hardness. The filter has a replaceable cartridge that will have to be changed regularly.

For heating hard water, it is better to choose a DHW storage system with an indirect heating boiler. Salt deposits on the heating element of the boiler do not interfere with the flow of water, but only reduce the performance of the boiler. The boiler is easier to clean from scale.

It should be remembered that prolonged heating of water to a temperature of less than 60 ° C can lead to the appearance of Legionella bacteria harmful to human health in the storage tank (boiler) with hot water. Recommended periodically perform thermal disinfection of the DHW system, raising the temperature of the water to 70 ° C for some time.

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Every summer, city dwellers face the same problem: lack of hot water due to planned repairs to the city's water supply. Sometimes this process drags on for a couple of months, and you rush about with basins and saucepans from the kitchen to the bathroom and back, cursing city services and complaining about life. But getting rid of this inconvenience is very easy: just buy a boiler to heat water. Our material will discuss how to choose a water heater, how to install and what to remember during operation.

Water heater - a guarantee of hot water in the house

From a purely technical point of view, a boiler is a device for heating water and keeping it warm for use. It consists of a volumetric container with high-quality thermal insulation and a heating element. Adjustment of the temperature regime of the device is provided. You can buy a water heater at any hardware store. The range of devices with this purpose is quite large, and our task is to understand all this diversity and make the best choice.

Where are hot water boilers used?

A water heating boiler can completely replace centralized hot water supply. It is used in private houses and apartments, in catering establishments, kindergartens and schools.

It should be noted that the quality of water from a water heater and from a centralized main canal is still different, no matter how some argue the opposite. Judge for yourself: for centralized water supply, water is heated in boiler rooms and sent through a separate pipeline. constantly exposed to high temperature. They are destroyed, adding substances unusual for it to the water.

But if you have a boiler in your apartment, then the water will be much best quality. You direct clean cold water from the tap into it and at the exit you instantly get the result, without sediment, rust and other “gifts”.

It's all about sanitary water. But there are also boilers for drinking water, they are used for other purposes. In canteens, cafes, bars and restaurants, special boilers for tea are installed. They may have different design. Some are arranged on the simple principle of a boiler. Usually these are large containers of 10-90 liters. They can be filled or have a continuous supply of water for making drinks. There is a second option - geyser-type heaters.

Such a device allows you to make up for the lack of hot water in case of interruptions in the main line. The device consists of a heat-insulated housing and a tank with a spiral heat exchanger. The design maintains the temperature of the liquid for a long time. The coolant circulates through the coil and warms the liquid. The movement of the coolant is provided by a pump, which is switched off by a thermostat when the required temperature is reached. Before making a choice in favor of such a device, study the capabilities of your heating system and determine whether it can handle the heating of water in the right quantities and still perform its main task normally.

The advantage of indirect type water heaters is that you can maintain the temperature in a large volume of liquid without spending extra money on electricity. From such a boiler, you can simultaneously supply water to the kitchen for washing dishes and to the bathroom for washing. But it should be noted that the cost of the tank and the price of its installation "bite". So before you save on the energy source, you will have to shell out a tidy sum for the arrangement of the system. Water in indirect boilers warms up slowly.

What is the difference between a direct heating boiler

Gas boilers of direct heating differ in that they have a tank in which the water coming from the water supply is heated using a burner or heating element, if this electrical appliance. After the selection of hot water, the container is filled again, and the process continues continuously.

Boilers of direct heating can be floor or wall-mounted. Usually they are compact and can be placed not only in the boiler room, but also in the kitchen or bathroom. The rate of water heating in such devices depends on the energy source they use. If the device uses gas fuel or has a solid fuel principle of operation, it must be equipped. The main advantage of such devices is the rapid heating of water, and the main disadvantage is energy costs.

Drive type

According to the type of storage water heaters are divided into flow and storage (capacitive). Consider their characteristics.

Operation of flow-through boilers for heating water

Devices with flow system can be used in a private house and in an apartment. In such a device, water is heated almost instantly thanks to super-powerful heating elements. The more intensively water is consumed, the more heating elements are connected. This mechanism allows you to save energy. The device is protected from overheating by a special system that does not allow water to boil and burn your hands.

All the necessary information about the operation of the device is placed on the electronic display. It shows the water temperature, the number of connected heating elements and the flow rate per minute. If the temperature in the tap exceeds the allowable values, the device will give a signal.

Key Benefits flow heaters the absence of restrictions on the volume of hot water and the compact dimensions of the device are considered. It may just look like a tap on a faucet. The main argument of opponents of such systems is that a separate wiring with a powerful cable is required to connect the device. But if we are talking about a device with low power, up to two kilowatts, it is quite possible to use an ordinary outlet.

Capacitive (accumulative) boilers for heating water

The storage water heater has a very simple design. Water enters the tank, heats up in it and is stored in a heated form. The thermostat in the installation monitors the constant temperature in the tank, heat is retained due to high-quality thermal insulation.

When buying storage water heaters for summer cottages, you should pay attention to safety devices. The kit should include a water sensor, a safety valve and a draft indicator.

Important! The outlet for connecting the water heater must be equipped with a ground.

Several taps can operate simultaneously from the DHW tank. But in order to ensure full heating of bathing water, you will have to install a capacity of at least 80 liters, and for it you will need to find a place in the house. To maintain the temperature of the contents of the tank, the device constantly turns on the heaters, this affects the amount of electricity bills. Among other things, capacitive devices require periodic maintenance: descaling and replacement of anodes.

Power type

You can get thermal energy for the boiler from various sources. The most primitive devices can be fired with wood or diesel fuel, most houses have gas or electric water heaters, devices using solar energy are gaining more and more popularity.

A lot has already been said about the advantages of gas, but solar-powered heaters are the future. Free heat quickly pays for all the costs of equipment. On the network you can find many recommendations on how to make such a device with your own hands from improvised materials. Here is an example of such a video:

Advantages of electric water heaters

If we analyze the sales of boilers with different sources of thermal energy, then electrical appliances will confidently take the first place. Electric water heaters have a lot of positive qualities. They are easy to install, energy efficient and have a high efficiency. It is not always possible to connect to the mains gas, but there is electricity in every home - and this is another undoubted advantage of these devices.

Electric water heaters for the apartment are controlled by remote control. This is very convenient in the conditions of constant haste of the townspeople.Modern electric water heating tanks are equipped with an electronic liquid crystal display. You can easily control the heating temperature and monitor the operation of the device. An electric boiler for heating water can also be hydraulically controlled. This is a more primitive version, based on adjusting the filling of the tank with a tap.

With all the undoubted advantages of this type of heating, electric tanks also have disadvantages. And the most important of them is the price of electricity. No matter how you save, the operation of such a tank will cost you more than a gas boiler.

Benefits of using gas water heaters

The main advantage of gas boilers for water is saving your money. So far, gas in our country is a more profitable fuel than electricity. So heating systems, and appliances for cooking and heating water on gas - all this will cost you less than electric ones.

To install a gas water heater, you do not need to "conjure" with electrical wiring. The maximum that may be required is to connect the pump if the tank is equipped with it, but there are not many such models. And even if it is not possible to connect to the main gas, you can get out of the situation by connecting the storage gas boiler to cylinders with liquefied blue fuel.

The main drawback in this system is that it cannot be installed and connected by hand. For installation, the help of certified specialists will be required, otherwise the gas industry will not give the go-ahead for the operation of the device.

Exploitation gas appliances requires increased security measures. Water heaters are installed in rooms with a reliable and chimney.

How to choose a boiler and not make a mistake

By what criteria should a water heater be selected? There are several important parameters to pay attention to:

  • power of heating elements;
  • tank dimensions;
  • tank material and its coating;
  • completeness of security systems;
  • warranty period of operation;
  • price.

It is clear that the larger the tank, the better. It makes no sense to buy a small container for big family and vice versa, put a huge tank if there are only two of you. There are approximate standards on how to choose a boiler for a house by the number of residents:

  • 1 person - 10 liter tank;
  • a family of 2 people - 30-50 liters;
  • family of 4 - 100 liters.
Advice! Before you buy a large tank, consider whether the wall you plan to mount it on can withstand the load.

The greater the declared power, the faster the water heats up and the more energy is consumed. Learn it. There are huge tanks with low power, they will heat up for hours, you will get tired of waiting for a bath until the water heats up.

We have already talked about the materials of the tank, but it is worth recalling that stainless steel is an expensive material with a long service life. Divide the cost of such a boiler by 15 and compare it with the cost of a porcelain coated tank divided by a three year warranty.

And two more important aspects in the question of which electric boilers are better to choose - prices and firms. There is only one advice here - trust manufacturers with experience and reputation among buyers. Do not try to buy the cheapest device, as they say, the mean pays twice.

Manufacturers you can trust

Before you buy an electric boiler for heating water, study the range of manufacturers that have the largest number positive feedback from buyers.

We can conditionally identify five favorites in the race for the consumer:

BoschThe products of this company are traditionally considered reliable and easy to use. The devices of this company are assembled in several countries, experts advise choosing Bulgarian-assembled water heaters.
ARISTONHousehold appliances of this manufacturer are one of the best-selling in our country. The cost of devices is in the middle price category, but Ariston water heaters are famous for their long service life.
GORENJEBoilers of this manufacturer are an ideal value for money. They use dry heating elements, they do not scale and serve for a long time. Users note the excellent thermal insulation of the tanks. The temperature in them can last up to two days.
THERMEXThermex heaters are different attractive design and exceptional reliability. The manufacturer gives a confident warranty period of 10 years, but in practice, the devices can last twice as long. The heating elements in the water heaters of this company are coated with a silver alloy, which makes them almost eternal.
ELECTROLUXA wide range of water heaters from this company will allow you to choose a device suitable for the specific conditions of your home. There are flow and capacitive models on sale, which are compact, attractive in appearance and reliable.

Water heating boilers: price and best models

Volume of the tankBosch
Model / price, rub.
Boilers for heating water 30 liters, priceTronic 1000T ES30-5/ABS BLU R 30V Slim/FTG 30 SM B6/Hit H30-O/

4910 rub.

EWH 30 Royal/

6800 rub.

Boilers for heating water 50 liters, priceTronic 1000T ES50-5/ABS PRO ECO PW 50V/OTG 50 SLSIMB6/Round Plus IS 50V/EWH 50 Royal Silver/
Boilers for heating water 80 liters, priceTronic 2000T ES80-5/ABS PRO R INOX 80V/OTG 80 SL B6/Flat Plus IF 80V/EWH 80 AXIOmatic/
Boilers for heating water 100 liters, priceTronic 2000T ES100-5/ABS PRO R INOX 100V/TGU 100NG B6/Round Plus IR 100V/EWH 100 Royal/

Water heater installation

After you have made a difficult choice, it remains only to install a water heater. Do not rush, you should carefully prepare. First of all, decide on the installation location. Please note that the tank will have to be descaled from time to time, so there must be an approach to it. The wall on which you plan to hang the boiler must be strong enough, because it will have to cope not only with the tank, but also with the weight of its contents. Connecting a storage water heater requires analysis and preparation

A solar water heater is a water heating system using solar energy. This type of collector is a heat exchanger that converts solar energy into thermal energy. This method of energy storage allows you to get hot water with minimal financial costs.

If we consider the device of this equipment, then the collector itself is its main part. This part of the water heater is a kind of radiator, which consists of a system of thin tubes. They circulate the coolant, in this case water, and absorb solar energy.

There is also a reservoir that contains water. This kind of storage performs the function of an expansion tank, and in some versions also the role of a heat exchanger.

Standard version of the water heater operation:

  1. From the storage tank, by means of natural gravity, the coolant passes into the lower part of the collector.
  2. During heating, water gradually rises up through special tubes, and the free part is again filled with coolant.
  3. After the water has passed the collector, it refills the receiving tank. We get a closed cycle.
  4. The heated water from the tank is supplied to the consumer through the heating and water supply system, or again passes into the heat exchanger.

This is a classic and simplified scheme of operation, which can be complicated depending on the type of heater.

Types of solar water heaters and their characteristics

There are several basic classifications:

By type of circulation

  1. Natural- in this case, the circulation proceeds due to the physical properties of water. A heated liquid, as is known, has a lower density, but increases in volume. Based on this, it moves through the tubes to the very top. A new portion of water enters the vacated place.
  2. Forced- in order for natural circulation to occur, the tank must be placed above the collector. But such a mounting scheme is not always appropriate, and it can be implemented, especially if the tank is large.

In the case of a solar water heater with natural circulation, the collector is placed on the roof slope and the tank is immediately installed. If the latter has a large volume, then such a load for the roof can become critical. The solution would be to place the tank in the basement of the building, then in this case, forced circulation is used with special pumps.

With this method of circulation, oils can be used as a heat carrier. They have practically no ability for natural circulation, but they do an excellent job with the coolant function.

By collector type

  1. Panel- the simplest implementation. The collector tubes are coated with black paint and installed in a panel housing, which is covered with glass or transparent plastic. Although the design is very simple, the efficiency is also low, since the coolant loses part of the heat while in the collector. Loss of stored heat can be significant because the design of the collector is identical to the radiator. This type of solar collector is suitable for areas where solar illumination is regular or the resulting heated water will be used as auxiliary.
  2. Vacuum- there is a coolant in the tube. The tube itself is placed inside a vacuum flask, which is capable of transmitting solar heat.

This design almost completely eliminates heat loss, while the water coolant is heated to the boiling point, and the oil coolant is heated to 200-300 degrees, which makes it possible to use the resulting heat to heat the building. It is natural that such a collector is more expensive than a panel one, but the result will justify the costs.

By type of circulation circuit

  1. Open- It is used to provide hot water to residential premises. The heat carrier in this case is water, which is used for various domestic needs and, accordingly, it no longer enters the circuit.
  2. Single loop system- used for heating the house. The coolant heated in this way is used as an additive to the coolant, which is heated traditional method. In this case, the heated coolant passes into the heating system, after which it is again transferred to the receiving tank and to the collector.
  3. double circuit heating system- the most versatile. It is possible to use it for heating in winter or for water supply.

You can also choose one of the possible coolants - water, oil or antifreeze. After the collector, the coolant passes through a heat exchanger, in which heat is transferred to the second circuit. The second coolant used is already used for its intended purpose - for heating or water supply.

What can be used for?

With the help of such water heaters, it is possible to solve the issue not only of regular hot water supply, but also to provide heat to the house.

Water heaters will help to solve such problems:

  1. Providing hot water all year round.
  2. Maintenance of the heating system.
  3. Water heating for swimming pools.
  4. Water heating for various industrial and agricultural needs.


Since the equipment is powered by solar energy, then, accordingly, the installation of the heater will be carried out on outdoors. Installation is recommended to be carried out on the roofs of buildings, on balconies or other architectural ledges.

The water heater shield must face south. The installation is carried out at a certain angle to the horizon, which is equivalent to the geographic latitude of the area.

The water heater constantly absorbs energy and, for obvious reasons, the energy source cannot be turned off, therefore, in the case of low water consumption, the stagnation temperature can reach up to 300 ° C.

For this reason, zinc-coated plastic and steel pipes are not allowed. Optimum in operation will be pipelines made of copper or of stainless steel.

The hot circuit of the solar water heater must be insulated to avoid burns and fires. The temperature regime of the equipment should be taken into account when choosing thermal insulation and fasteners.

Manufacturers of solar water heaters indicate the exact stagnation temperature on the body of their products.
Manifold panels must be in an open area so that there is open access to sunshine. It is necessary to exclude the presence of possible obstacles.

Most often, the slope of the collector will be the slope of the roof slope. In order to bring the efficiency of the water heater closer to the maximum, it is better to follow the recommendations and use a special rack on which the collector will be mounted.

Those. guarantee of correct and effective work equipment are just a few rules:

  • south direction;
  • correct angle of inclination;
  • unhindered access to sunlight;

Incorrect installation will reduce the quality of the water heater, and the investment will not be justified. The type of heater can also play a role in how it is installed. When installing, take into account the type of equipment used.

There are such systems:


It implies the self-perpetuating absorption and accumulation of energy. Solar energy enters the heating object without control of this process, i.e. there are no mechanisms and control elements. This is a simple system that does not require special costs. However, the disadvantages are that the water heater works unevenly and not at full capacity.

Most good example- this is a darkened tank, which is located above the summer shower. In this passive mode, single-circuit systems operate in which the natural circulation process is used. For the full operation of the system, the receiving tank is placed above the collector, but this installation method is not always convenient. You can solve the problem using another way of operating the system.


Deprived of the disadvantages of a passive system. Its operation is based on Sun rays thanks to special devices, they are converted into thermal energy, which is systematically transferred to the heating tank and the consumer. The operation of such a heater is achieved due to forced circulation, which can be maintained in single- and double-circuit systems. They also use and additionally install motors that turn panels and pumps, measuring equipment, as well as devices for monitoring and controlling the operation of the system.

Overview of solar water heaters on the market: manufacturers and models

The widespread use in practice of such water heaters is observed in many European countries: Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China, etc. Since the distribution of this type of product is actively increasing, the number of companies that manufacture solar water heaters and provide services for their installation and maintenance increases accordingly.

Below is a list of top manufacturers that have entered the global market:

  1. Sunrain Solar Energy Co., Ltd.- China, has a full cycle of production of this equipment and its components.
  2. Viessmann- Germany, produces two models of heaters: Vitosol 200 and Vitosol 300. The difference lies in the different structure of the heating unit.
  3. Buderus– Germany. The lineup It is presented in three possible versions - SKR6, SKR12, SKR21.
  4. Ariston– Italy. The model of the KAIROS VT vacuum manifold is available in two types - for 15 or 20 tubes.
  5. Ferroli– Italy. The Ecotube collector is presented in one model.
  6. Vaillant– Germany. Models of their production are available in 6 or 12 tubes, which can be formed into blocks to increase productivity.

By purchasing products from world-famous manufacturers, you can be sure of the quality of the goods and the guarantees that are given for the equipment itself and its further maintenance. The price, respectively, will also be at the level.

In any case, when choosing a solar water heater, it is necessary to pay attention to the following technical parameters:

  • optical efficiency;
  • heat loss coefficients;
  • collector area;

Using these indicators, you can evaluate the energy efficiency of the water heater. If such information is not available, then it is impossible to evaluate the operation of the purchased equipment, and all the pitfalls will be discovered already directly during operation and after certain investments, which may simply be unjustified.

Price overview

In addition to the world name, the cost of a heater can be influenced by:

  • build quality;
  • absorber and housing material;
  • thickness and option of laying insulation;
  • glass thickness, etc.;

Since there are many design differences that can affect the cost of equipment, prices fluctuate depending on large range. For example, a Russian-made collector will cost around 21 thousand rubles. (Sokol-Effect), vacuum manifold 30HP - $ 795 (TM "Atmosfera" China), water heater VFK 150V - 690 euros (Vaillant, Germany), Solar 7000TF - 875 euros (Bosch, Germany).

German manufacturers include original fasteners in the kit, which are often made of stainless steel or aluminum, and this also affects the price. To the final the cost will go in payment for holding installation work, purchase of the necessary consumables and auxiliary materials.

Have problems with hot water? The situation will be saved by a nozzle on a tap for heating water - a device that is built into a kitchen or bathroom faucet and provides residents of a country house or apartment with water of the required temperature. A compact tap water heater is recommended for use in cottages that are located far from the central water supply network. You do not need to purchase a nozzle and a faucet separately. In specialized plumbing stores, you can already buy a flow mixer with a water heater for the kitchen or bathroom. It is also suitable for apartment buildings.

It is advantageous to install it in apartments where hot water is turned off for the summer period or its temperature in the system does not meet the standard values. In such cases, contemporaries usually install a water heater, but a faucet nozzle, which you can buy in virtually any plumbing store, will cost 7 times cheaper. Rescues a mixer with a heater and in emergency situations. The scope of plumbing equipment is extensive. You can install a tap for hot water, the price of which can range from 2,900 to 5,200 rubles, in:

  • beauty salons and entertainment centers;
  • medical institutions;
  • country houses;
  • HoReCa institutions and so on.

A faucet with instantaneous water heater installed in a house or apartment will operate from the mains. The heating of the substance takes 5-7 seconds from the moment the tap is opened. Depending on the model and manufacturer, the nozzle on the tap for heating water can heat the substance up to 60-800C. Each type of mixer provides for adjusting the temperature of the liquid. Therefore, a device for heating tap water can be used in apartments and houses where small children grow up. Tests have shown that plumbing equipment of this class is as reliable and safe as possible. This is what a Chinese manufacturer's device for a washbasin looks like.

Advantages of portable heaters

  • Versatility.

In most cases, an electric water faucet, the price of which depends on the manufacturer, is bought for country houses. Users consider in this case the installation of such a device as a profitable solution. In other cases, electric water taps are considered overkill. This opinion is not entirely correct. It is also profitable to buy a portable electric water heater mixer in case of interruptions / shutdowns in an apartment with hot water. It can be installed for a "problem period", then dismantled and connected to a conventional mixer.

An electric faucet that heats water itself, the price is affordable and is installed horizontal way. The principle and technology of installation is similar to the classic mixer. The only nuance of installation is that the water heater on the faucet in the bathroom or kitchen is connected only to the cold water pipe and additionally to the network. Installation is carried out on the side of the sink or sink, bathtub in the holes provided. The portable electric hot water faucet attachment can be installed without the help of a plumber.

  • Affordable cost.

The purchase of a boiler, its installation and maintenance will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than a nozzle on a tap for heating water, the price of which will pay off, according to recall users, in 6-8 months.

  • Rapid and uniform heating of the liquid.

Hot liquid from the mixer will flow within 5 seconds after turning on the tap. In this regard, a mixer with water heating, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a boiler, is a more practical device.

  • Saving time.

Heating water on a stove or using a boiler will take from 40 minutes to 1.5-2 hours. In order not to waste time, it is more profitable to buy a water heater for a bathroom or kitchen faucet, which will supply hot liquid at a given constant temperature throughout the entire period of operation of the device. Based on this, many consumers consider the device for heating tap water to be the most practical option - hot liquid does not finish at the wrong time, there is no need to reheat.

  • Saving money.

When heating a liquid on a stove or using a boiler, consumers consume gas / electricity for a long time. In this case, the boiler heats up the liquid every 15-25 minutes. And the electric water heater for the bathroom faucet, which you can buy with a guarantee of up to 3-5 years, actually functions. When a hot liquid is needed, then the user gets it. The rest of the time, the nozzle for heating water on the tap, the price of which depends on the type of mixer, does not consume electricity. Portable faucet with electric water heater consumes 3 kWh of electricity.

  • Compact dimensions.

Due to the design features, the water heater faucet, which can be bought from several reliable Chinese manufacturers, has an enlarged body. Dimensions are determined by a nozzle on a faucet for heating water, which can be bought separately from the mixer (if repairs are needed). But no matter what size the water heater or nozzle on the tap has, and the dimensions of the plumbing electrical device will be much smaller than the boiler. As well as the area of ​​localization. The innovative electric kitchen or bath faucet takes up as much space on the sink or sink, plumbing fixtures as a standard spout.

  • Saving water consumption.

The compact portable electric water faucet is always supplemented with a special nozzle to save water consumption. It is an aerator that prevents splashing of the substance. Using a flowing electric water heater on the faucet, consumers can supplement the mixer with a special aerator, which enhances the jet, reducing the volume of the supplied substance. Modern faucet the water heater has a water flow rate of 6-8 liters per minute.

  • High decorative qualities.

Many users find that the hot water faucet attachment spoils appearance plumbing device and makes its design typical. This opinion is wrong. From some manufacturers, you can purchase a mini flow-through water heater on a faucet with a unique color solution. At the same time, the style of the mixer itself may be different. According to the designers, a flow-through water heater on a faucet not only does not spoil the appearance of the device, but also makes it unusual and unique. On the market, you can purchase an electric hot water faucet with different body colors - red, granite, gray, milky white, yellow, matte effect and so on. From leading manufacturers, you can buy a heater for a water faucet with a unique spout shape, levers or valves of non-standard geometry.

The innovative hot water faucet has another advantage - it is safe. The device is grounded, equipped with control mechanisms that do not heat up during operation of the water heater on the tap, and a lever for adjusting the water temperature.

Design features and principle of operation

The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple. As mentioned above, an electric flow-through water heater on a tap is connected only to a cold water pipe. When the mixer is turned on, the liquid is supplied to a special tank in which the heating element is placed. Within 3-5 seconds, the substance is heated and enters the spout. In order for the electric mixer to be able to safely perform its functions, it is equipped with the following components:

  • Corps. It houses a water heater on the faucet, the price of which depends on performance characteristics of this particular element, and electronic components. The body can be made of thermoplastic or metal. In 87% of cases, the water heater nozzle on the mixer is sewn into a heat-resistant case. This ensures the safety of the device.
  • Spout. The shape and dimensions depend on the type of tap for water supply. If you need a water heater for a bathroom faucet, the price of which will depend on external data, then the spout will be shortened, like typical faucets. Kitchen options for devices are equipped with high and arched spouts. A device for heating water can be installed on the faucet in the bath. There are beautiful models of sanitary equipment equipped with hygienic shower. In this class of devices, you can buy a water heater for a faucet with a shower and a long / short spout. There are many options for plumbing fixtures.
  • Control lever. This element of the water heater faucet is installed in only three positions. If the user needs to turn on cold water, turn the lever to the right. If you want the tap water heater to start functioning, turn the control to the left. If the lever is set straight, the mixer will stop functioning. There is no other way to turn the lever of the mixer with the water heater, which guarantees safe use device - incorrect use of the spout and burns are excluded (the liquid is not heated instantly).
  • Flexible eyeliner.
  • Ceramic cartridge.
  • Thermocouple and pressure valve.
  • Heating indicator.

Since the water heater in the mixer is an electrical appliance, it must be isolated from contact with running water. For these purposes, high-quality faucets use waterproof protective membranes. They isolate electrical components. In addition, the electric hot water faucet has an RCD - a device that automatically turns off the heating element if a power failure occurs. The RCD prevents accidents (electric shocks to users) and protects the hot water heater on the faucet from burning out.

The pressure valve used in the design of the mixer also performs protective function. If the nozzle for heating water to the mixer is working and the water pressure in the pipes at this moment drops to 0.4 atm. or the substance ceases to yield, the heating element will automatically turn off. Automation and at a water pressure of 7 atm. turn off the flowing water heater to the faucet, which you can buy for kitchen equipment in a house where small children grow up.

So that the flow-through water heater mixer does not fail due to water hammer, a silicone damper is provided in the design. It is also worth remembering that the nozzle on the hot water faucet does not heat the liquid above the established norm, so burns are excluded. In stores, consumers can buy a device capable of heating the substance strictly to a temperature of 60 and 700C. Compliance with this indicator is monitored by a sensor built into the mixer body. When the nozzle for a tap for heating water, the cost of which depends on the technical data of the device, heated the liquid to the norm, the sensor automatically turns off the heating element.

Are there any downsides to a faucet nozzle?

Yes, I have. Users noted that the water heater for the mixer, the price of which is significantly lower than that of other electrical appliances for heating a large volume of liquid, supplies water at a lower temperature during prolonged operation. What does it mean? This means that if the mixer that heats the water operates continuously for 45 minutes - an hour, then the heating element ceases to have time to heat the flowing substance up to desired temperature. In this case, a cheaply bought nozzle on a faucet for heating water will heat the liquid up to 45-500C. If you give the device a break, it will again begin to heat the liquid in the specified mode.

Experts also note that a water heater for a tap, the price of which is significantly lower than the cost of a boiler, requires checking the electrical wiring before installation. You should be wary of overloading the electrical network along the branch and short circuit. In addition, it is recommended to install coarse filters, otherwise a mixer with a heating element, which today can only be bought from foreign manufacturers, will fail after 3-5 years of operation.

The water heater on the mixer did not show any other shortcomings. Users of appliances for hot water on the tap in their reviews speak positively about the devices. Their main recommendation is to purchase a flowing electric water heater for a mixer from reliable manufacturers or suppliers who guarantee the originality of the device.

Which manufacturers offer high quality faucet nozzles?

So: you have decided to buy a water heating faucet, assessed the market and indicated the price category of devices, but you don’t know which model to choose? Let's figure it out. The most reliable water heater mixers are offered by only a few manufacturers.

A budget faucet for heating water is offered by TM Aquaterm. It is as simple as possible to install, it is guaranteed to work without failures for up to 5 years (this is confirmed by reviews from users of devices from this company) and heats the liquid up to 600C. If you need an inexpensive and high-quality nozzle for a faucet for heating water, you can buy it from Aquatherm. The mixer has a maximum degree of protection: RCD, membrane insulation, pressure sensor and ground wire. But the most important device on the faucet for heating water can be supplemented with a shower head and must have a filter for cleaning the water substance. The design of the heating tap for water of this brand can be anything.

Aquatherm mixer faucet water heater is available in various color variations. You can choose a plumbing fixture for any interior solutions. Expert opinion: an affordable flow-through water heater for the Aquaterm faucet - perfect solution For country cottages in which live year-round and apartments. The innovative mixer heater is inexpensive and shows good performance.

Good response about the company Kruss (China). The manufacturer offers an improved classic. Its models have a minimal and streamlined design, so the devices fit perfectly into interior solutions. It has a tap for heating running water and design differences - a nickel-plated lever, blue indicator light and a reinforced flexible hose. The maximum water heating temperature is 600C. The main advantage is that the Krussov electric mixer, the price of which will not be much higher than the devices of the previous manufacturer, is equipped with a thermostat. The consumer himself can set the desired water temperature.

Delimano today offers the most advanced devices. From the manufacturer, you can purchase an inexpensive electric water-heating mixer with a display that shows the current water temperature. Plumbing equipment looks stylish and bright, heats the liquid up to 600C. In this case, the nozzle on the mixer for heating water is built into plastic case, which seemed impractical to some users - poor resistance to stress, scratches. A Delimanov mixer with a built-in water heater will be able to function without interruption if the water pressure is in the range from 0.5 to 0.6 atm. Users noted that the devices of this TM have an elongated electric cord - up to 1 m. At the same time, the flow mixer allows you to change the pressure of the jet. Often in plumbing equipment This manufacturer uses aerators to save water - the jet is saturated with air.

The above are manufacturers whose water heating taps are close in price and have maximum functionality, quality and safety. But the market can also offer devices from other manufacturers: Aquastream (minimum dimensions of the device, a convenient energy saving system), Corraveni (ceramic valve, chrome surfaces, built-in water temperature control system) and RAPID (multilevel overheating protection). These manufacturers have higher prices for tap water heaters - you can buy them from official suppliers of plumbing equipment.

Experts recommend choosing a faucet for heating running water according to its safety characteristics. It is worth paying attention to the method of installation. Do not choose models with short flexible hoses - typical 60 cm. Also check with the supplier what materials the body is made of. The quality of the cartridge is also important. Ceramic appliances will be more durable and practical. For the rest of the parameters, a faucet with heated water is chosen in the same way as a classic plumbing fixture.

Hot water in an apartment or house has always been an integral part of comfort, without which a modern person cannot imagine his life. It is not uncommon for hot water to be turned off in apartments, and in the private sector the owner himself must take care of its availability. Water heaters can help with this. The boiler device for heating water can be very different, but the main distinguishing feature it from flow heaters - the presence of a storage tank in which there is always a supply of heated, ready-to-use water.

Boiler device for heating water - photo

Modern storage water heaters may be direct or indirect. Direct fired boilers can use either electricity or natural gas as the energy source. In indirect heating systems, heat exchange takes place from the heating system of the house or from other sources of thermal energy (for example, solar water heaters).

Consider various schemes for the device of modern boilers.

In such systems, the transfer of thermal energy goes directly to the water heated for further domestic use. They can be electric or gas.

The layout, location, placement of inlet and outlet pipes, the control and automation system from manufacturer to manufacturer can vary significantly, but the concept is the same. The figure shows its general simplified view:

Electric direct heating boiler - diagram

  • The whole structure is assembled in a metal case (1), which has one or another external decorative design. Inside there is a water tank (2), and the space between it and the outer casing is filled with thermal insulation material (3), most often polyurethane foam.
  • Cold water is supplied through the intake pipe (4), on which a non-return valve and a safety valve are installed, which actuate when the pressure inside the boiler is exceeded. The supply pipe (10) is usually equipped with a mesh atomizer to avoid the formation of turbulent water flows.
  • Alternating current is supplied to the heating element - heating element (9) through the power cord (5). The device must be equipped with a temperature control system and a thermostat that allows you to set the required level of water heating and automatically turn off the power supply when the required temperature is reached.
  • The branch pipe (6) is connected to the hot water supply system - through it, the heated water through the tube (8) from the top of the boiler enters the points of consumption. Required pressure maintained by a constantly open supply of cold water - it replenishes the tank as it is consumed, and it always remains filled.
  • The air valve (7) is used to bleed air during the initial filling of the boiler with water - it prevents the formation of an air cushion.

To prevent galvanic corrosion in the water tank, an anode made of magnesium is placed in it. Its electrical potential is less than that of the tank body or the surface of the heating element, so destructive corrosion processes will affect it. Periodically, as corrosion and overgrowth occur, the anode is replaced with a new one.

Such a scheme is simple, and is the most widespread among household boilers. Such devices are usually inexpensive, which makes them popular with consumers. The main disadvantage is that the heating element works directly in the heated running water, which leads to a fairly rapid overgrowth of mineral deposits dissolved in it.

Direct fired gas boiler

The gas boiler is quite simple in terms of the principle of its operation and has the following general layout:

  • A water tank is located in a metal case (most often stainless steel), which has reliable thermal insulation.
  • Cold water is supplied through the pipe (1) to the bottom of the tank. A branch pipe is welded in the upper part of the tank for the intake of heated water with its subsequent distribution to consumption points.
  • The gas burner is located under the bottom of the tank (4), it is closed from water by a semicircular panel that plays the role of a heat exchanger.
  • The second heat exchanger is a pipe for removing combustion products - it passes through a container with water. Gases are removed through a conventional chimney or a coaxial type system (depending on the model of the boiler - with an open or closed combustion chamber).
  • The magnesium anode (5) serves to collect scale - it must be changed regularly, as it overgrows.
  • The boiler is necessarily equipped with an automatic control system - a thermostat (3) to monitor the temperature level, a valve to shut off the gas supply when the set water heating level is reached, a piezo ignition device - to automatically start gas burners when the liquid cools as it is consumed.

A gas-fired boiler has a high performance, it is much more economical than an electric one. However, he also has significant shortcomings- it requires a mandatory chimney, and its installation is associated with the process of coordinating the project with the supervisory authorities of technical supervision. In addition, such direct heating boilers are much more expensive than electric ones.

Indirect heating boilers

The main fundamental difference is heated for domestic needs ( so-called, sanitary) water does not have direct contact with electrical or gas appliances heating. Heat is transferred by connecting to the house heating system (or other sources of hot boiler water).

Such a boiler is most often installed in combination with a single-circuit heating boiler. This type of boiler can have a volume measured in tens or hundreds of liters, and which one to choose will depend on the number of households. Floor models are produced, or they are mounted to the wall horizontally or vertically on special brackets.

According to the organization of heat transfer, they can have a completely different layout:

Boiler with spiral heat exchanger

This boiler is designed as follows:

Indirect heating boiler with a heat exchanger - a coil (sectional photo)

  • Inside the thermally insulated housing there is a volumetric tank for sanitary water. A heat exchanger (2) in the form of a coil is installed in its cavity.
  • Through nozzles 3 and 4, the coolant is circulated - hot technical water received from single-circuit boiler. Heat is transferred to sanitary water, which enters the lower part of the tank through the inlet pipe (1).
  • The discharge of heated sanitary water is carried out from the upper part of the tank through the branch pipe (5).

The coil in some models is located closer to the bottom of the tank, where cold water falls, while in others it is evenly distributed throughout the tank, which allows you to quickly heat the entire volume of liquid.

Boilers are produced, the design of which includes two heat exchanger tubes. The coolant heated by the boiler passes through one circuit, and from other possible heat sources, for example, from solar water heaters, through the second circuit.

Scheme "tank in the tank"

Another version of the indirect heating boiler does not have coils with a coolant inside, but is arranged somewhat differently. It consists of two containers that are installed one inside the other. Naturally, the tank, which is located inside, has a smaller volume - it is an accumulator of heated sanitary water.

Indirect heating according to the tank-in-tank principle

The diagram clearly shows internal structure this model.

  • Through pipe 1, cold sanitary water is supplied to the internal tank.
  • Branch pipes 2 and 4 are connected to the heating system - boiler hot water circulates through them.
  • The inner tank (3) is made of stainless steel.
  • Through pipe 5 is the intake of heated water for domestic consumption.

Positive qualities of indirect heating boilers:

  • Good performance of the device if the heat exchanger has sufficient area and the boiler is connected to a high power boiler.
  • Energy savings and no load on the power grid.
  • The coolant does not come into contact with sanitary water. Specially prepared water passes through the heat exchanger, which contains a minimum of salts.
  • The ability to switch the boiler to different energy sources, for example, in winter it can be powered by a heating boiler, and in summer it can be powered by a solar battery.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • When water is heated in the boiler, the temperature in the heating system decreases.
  • This is quite expensive equipment compared to a direct heating boiler.
  • The whole complex takes up a lot of space, i.e. it is better to allocate a separate room for him, which is not always possible.

You can learn more about the device of a boiler for heating indirect water by watching the video attached to the article:

Video - an overview of the capabilities of an indirect heating boiler

Combined action boilers

Boilers that combine both principles are a good option. They are connected to the heating circuit, but their design also implies the presence of their own heating element. For example, a diagram of the SMART heating boiler device from ACV:

  • A steel outer tank (8) made of hoist sheet with reliable polyurethane foam thermal insulation (3) is installed in an impact-resistant polypropylene casing (10). It serves to circulate water from the heating system supplied from the boiler through the pipes (11).
  • Inside it is a stainless steel tank for sanitary water (9). It provides for the inlet of water from the DHW (14) and its discharge to the points of consumption through the tube (2).
  • In the upper part there is a cover (7) with a manual air outlet (1) - for the initial filling of the system.
  • A heating element with a power of 2 to 6 kW (5) is placed inside the external tank - it will turn on at the command of the automatic controller if the thermostat (4) detects insufficient heating through the external heat exchange system. In the summer, when the heating system is turned off, the heating element will be the main source of heat energy.
  • The control panel is equipped with the necessary adjustment devices - the temperature of the heating of sanitary water, the timer for turning on the heating element (for example, for its use at a reduced night rate).

This boiler design is the most versatile, and combines positive traits all the systems mentioned above. Perhaps the only drawback of such a water heater is the rather high price.

When choosing a water heater, consider the pros and cons of each option by looking at the characteristics of each. It is also important to pay attention to the size of the selected device and consider the place it should take.

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