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Cedar husk tile. Apply cedar shell. Use in folk medicine

Kedroplast is called a new, natural, having a health effect, material. Today, there are no analogues in the world this material. It does not contain artificial components capable of harming human health, it restores, strengthens and maintains the biological field and the activity of the body. The unique, elite material has biological energy, which is similar to the energy of human cells, organs and the entire body system. This elite material is able to transfer their entire atmosphere, the healing properties and smell of a person. That is why he is so popular.

What is cedroplast - presentation

About the healing qualities of the cedar is known to everyone. Therefore, cedroplast represents not only a stunning facing material, but also a storage room healing properties. Due to this, the decorative tile is able to withstand various diseases. This material includes a cedar shell and cedar cone shell, which herself fell from the tree. Those bumps that independently fall on the ground have the maximum number of properties that have positively affecting human health. The tile is covered with varnish produced from a cedar resin. Often, a layer of wax is applied to protect products.

Cedroplast production

IN modern world, there is a huge selection of this unique characteristics, luxury material, including a separate tile, decorative panel, facing material for office furniture and residential premises. Roskecedre offers every wishes to acquire a wonderful tile, which will complement the interior of residential, office space And, at the same time, will provide a lot of positive effects.

Galileo program about cedroplast

Such products are very often used as a decent interior object, such as: a beautiful stove on the wall. Also, cedroplast is used to absorb, negatively affecting the human radiation human body, which comes from household appliances. If you use this material as a facing of the walls of the room, you can see a significant increase in human performance, improving the mood, reducing fatigue, functional disorders and the other. Doctors strongly recommend using cedroplast tiles in different types premises.

Kedroplast can be applied in hospitals, wellness institutions, in children's rooms, in working offices with different types fatigues, irritability, functional disorders of organs and systems, asthma problems, different allergenic symptoms.

Cedroplast tile

The invention relates to the field of production of decorative extruded products from trees waste. Method of receipt decorative Products From the waste of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with shutter speed and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature. The pressing is performed when heated 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / cm 2. Fixing surfaces are carried out under load of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 30 days. The invention allows to obtain decorative products with improving effect and high strength characteristics.

The invention relates to the field of production of decorative products from tree waste, and can be used in the manufacture of facing tiles for cedroplast cabins, for manufacture art panels and other decorative products of various geometric shapes.

There is a method of obtaining decorative products from sew waste coniferous trees (Patent of the Russian Federation №2235023, B44C 1/24, publ. 08/27/2004), providing for the preliminary stabilization of moisture waste at 5-6%, the introduction of a polymer binder - polyvinyl acetate dispersion in an amount of 12-15% of the dry mass of the foundation. The resulting mixture is dried at 80-90 ° C for 30 minutes and pressing with heating 140-150 ° C under a pressure of 80-100 kg / cm 2. To disadvantages this method It is possible to include the need for pretreatment of waste before pressing and the introduction of polyvinyl acetate dispersion into their composition as a binder. The use of chemical ingredients in the composition of the product worsens beneficial features Facing tiles created by natural product.

There is a method of obtaining decorative products from seashes of coniferous trees; C under a pressure of 30-50 kg / cm 2 with an exposure under pressure 8-12 min. After pressing, fixation is carried out without the pressure of the facial and back surfaces of the product and is kept for 20-24 hours at room temperature.

The disadvantage of this method is to obtain finished products with low operational qualities, such as strength, water resistance, durability, because The structure of products is obtained by loose, with air inclusions, and finished products are subject to deformation and rather fast destruction.

There is a method of obtaining decorative products from seashes of coniferous trees (patent of the Russian Federation №2229389, B44C 1/24, publ. 05/27/2004), in which the waste of coniferous trees is treated with a hardener, which is used as an aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives in concentration 10 wt.% in relation to the mass of raw materials. The resulting mass after drying is falling asleep into the metal matrix and is pressed when heated 150-170 ° C under a pressure of 20-40 kg / cm 2 with a pressure of 1.1-1.7 min / mm thickness of the product. Further, products are kept for 12 hours under the load of 100-150 kg / m 2 at room temperature. The method allows you to get products with high strength and water resistance.

The main disadvantage of this technology is to achieve the strength properties of the products obtained due to the use as a hardener of polymer compounds - polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives, the treatment of natural raw materials and their presence in the composition of the products adversely affect the wellness properties of the cedar cones - cedroplast.

The objective of the invention is to obtain decorative products with a wellness effect with high strength and operational characteristics.

The task is solved by the fact that when performing a method for producing decorative products from the waste of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with shutter speed and fixation of the front and back surfaces, the product is proposed at room temperature to perform when heated 120-130 ° C under pressure of 100-125 kg / m 2 and fixing surfaces to carry out under load of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 30 days.

As noted by specialists (for example, Patent of the Russian Federation №2235023), the content of the natural resin (zhivitsa) in the waste of conifer conifers - a difficultly adjustable parameter, which "eliminates the possibility of optimizing the quantitative relationship of a binder with respect to dry-based". Those. The task of finding conditions under which the natural binder would be enough to obtain quality productsis quite complicated and non-obvious.

The technology according to the proposed method solves this task.

The essential difference of the method is to obtain decorative products - plates or cedroplast tiles - with a wellness effect that the analogues of the proposed technology are possessed.

The technology allows the material to produce "cedroplast", in which only cedar components include a cedar cone husk, cedar shell shell, cones, pressed in the cedar resin - zhivice. All these elements of the composition emit expressed fragrance of the Siberian cedar. Kedroplast products create an increased concentration of phytoncides, flavonides, bourneilly acetate and other aromatic oils and resins, which are beneficial affecting human health.

To achieve the required qualities of the products obtained, the pressing is carried out at lower temperatures and increased pressure sufficient to highlight the required number of binding - the gils.

The proposed pressing mode when heated 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / m 2 is optimal to achieve the desired quality of products. Low temperature (120-130 ° C) The impact on the raw material is sufficient for its molding and at the same time does not have a hard effect, worsening the protective and wellness properties of the cedar, i.e. Does not destroy the ability to identify in a significant concentration of phytoncides, flavonids, and others. Aromatic substances that create a wellness effect. At a smaller temperature and pressure, the structure is obtained by loose, not strong enough, with increased water absorption during operation. The use of higher temperatures and pressure may adversely affect the saving natural properties cedar.

Also, to preserve the natural properties of the cedar and increase the strength characteristics, a long fixation of the surface surfaces is carried out - for about one month under a pressure of 10-20 kg / m 2, during which the structure of the product is finally streamlined and the desired surface shape is fixed.

In addition, to remove the internal stresses in the product, with pressing, form in the form of a cellular structure, for example, by placing a grid on the metal matrix with a pattern in the form of honeycombs on which the product is pressed. Without the use of such a grid in the product, the formation of bulges and bends, which reduce its quality.

To increase moisture resistance and improve the appearance of products, they are covered with wax or varnish, which is made of cedar resin by dissolving in a steam bath to liquid state At a temperature of 50 ° C for 2 hours, mixing with alcohol in a ratio of 3: 1 and adding rosin in an amount of about 5% for crystallization and gloss. Fracture or varnish coating of products protects them from moisture and other external influences, improves appearance and operational properties.

Decorative quality products are improved due to performing on the front surface of products of drawings or ornaments using different materials From cedar, such as chips, pieces of wood, shells of nuts and others, which are applied to the surface by the methods of appliqués, inlay, relief pattern.

For the manufacture of facing tiles rectangular shape The size of 200 × 250 × 10 mm was used as the starting materials to the shelter of cones and cedar shells in the amount of 300-350 g. The sifted mass of raw materials fall asleep into the metal matrix in which it is placed metal grid with a cellular pattern. Thermopressing is carried out at 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / m 2 with a small exposure under pressure - 3-5 minutes. To remove the emerging stresses after pressing, the product is kept under the yoke of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 1 month. Finished products are covered with rolling varnish or wax. Get tiles with a smooth shiny surface brown color There are various shades that consist only of cedar components that give the product the healing properties of the cedar. Tiles are easy to succumb mechanical processing And they can be used for facing recreation cedroplast cabins and other interiors. Similarly, decorative tiles for manufacture wall panels, products of various geometric shapes, such as pyramids, caskets, etc.

The method of obtaining decorative products from the wastes of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with a shutter speed and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature, characterized in that the pressing is performed with a heating of 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / cm 2 and the fixation of surfaces spend Under the load of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 30 days.

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The expression "we walk on gold" in relation to our region. Once again, the inventor from Moscow Anatoly Vladimirovich Chromov and the local entrepreneur Nikolai Pavlovich Yurchenko were proved. In the onguday district they managed to establish the petrolery production of cedroplast - unique material From the husks of the cedar nut, that is, from the fact that the bins usually throw out on the landfill. Unfortunately, we could not meet with the metropolitan inventor, he is currently in the Crimea - brought the seedlings of the Altai Cedar to land them on the peninsula. Nevertheless, an interesting conversation about the new product took place with N.P. Yurchenko.

- I will explain the readers that cedroplast is a decorative finishing material with a health effect.
This composite wood material, which includes cedar shell, cedar cone and cedar resin as a binding element. No bump is suitable for production, we use only the one that has fallen from the tree, as well as a dealer, a barbling cedar and its dry.
- What is the technology of making cedroplast?
- She is quite simple. After the peeling of the cedar walnut remains the husk of the cone, which is pressed under the influence of temperature. It turns out a tile that retains all the healing properties of the Siberian cedar. The main production is established at the seminal pass. In Onguda, there are processing of plates to a commodity view - we are grinding them and decorated into the frames that are made from the cedar trees. The finished tiles of cedroplast are covered with varnish, made in our same recipe, which is based on cedar zhivitsa, beeswax, propolis, while no chemistry.
The product for a long time retains a smell with healing properties. Tile can not only become the decoration of the interior of any home, but also be an indispensable tool in aromatherapy.
- What is so useful to cedroplast?
- Once again I note: the material is made of natural raw materials. Its smell normalizes sleep, soothes, effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
For example, when cladding such a tile of dry walls, without high humidityThe premises in humans increase efficiency, the well-being, general tone is improved, decreases the functional disorders of the body and fatigue. In addition, the number of harmful bacteria is reduced in the surrounding air.
In addition, cedroplast underlies the manufacture of medical and preventive cabs. We recently installed one of them in Onguday high School, Pupils themselves helped for her tile.
- Are there scientific substantiation of the effectiveness of cedroplast?
- Yes of course. Anatoly Vladimirovich Chromov registered a patent for the invention of this unique material. Before starting mass production, a number of studies were conducted in various specialized research institutes, which in their scientific conclusions indicated that this material has a healing effect.
- How do you implement your products?
- Unfortunately, our products have not yet found their consumer among the local population, we sell most part to tourists who have already appreciated all the advantages of cedroplast.
- How to distinguish a real tile from the fake?
- Indeed, recently analogues of our material appear on the market, or, more correctly, fake. By appearance They are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the real cedroplast produced by us. But, first, our material is made without the use of chemical compounds - only the husk of cedar cones and resin, so acquiring such goods, first of all, smell it. From him should be a kerchy, the smells of chemical impurities should not be felt. Secondly, our products have a certain size - 24 per 24 centimeters; Alers - with a diameter of six centimeters, and at the tile of hexagon shape, the length of each face is 10 centimeters. Even if you want to purchase a decorative panel, the main size of the parts of the product is 24 centimeters. Well, thirdly, acquiring goods, ask the seller from where he was brought, at least he should call the Seminal Pass or the village of Ongudai, where the production workshop is located.

My birthday gave me a picture of cedar. On the painting handmade From the fallen bumps of cedar - beautiful two swans. And the picture itself exudes a pleasant fragrance of freshness of forests. I have never given such a gift, I really liked him. Unbearable desire to learn more forced me on the Internet to gain in the Kedroplast search engine to find out at least what it is and with what it is eaten. I did not expect this miracle picture so good to health.

After all, cedar is growing throughout the 6-8 centuries ... And all the age-old wisdom of space, the world he keeps in itself and gives humanity, translating negative phenomena, poor energy. And throughout so many centuries, the cedar serves a man, peace.

A little story ...

Residents of the Urals, Siberia, the European North knew about the healing properties of the cedar and the time of time, used it for the treatment of many pigeons and ailments. From the needles, a vitamin drink was prepared, the wounds were treated with wounds and meadows, from cedar nuts received the most valuable vegetable oil, In addition to nutritional properties, has a number of healing qualities. Cedar milk cooked from nuclear nuclei was used to treat tuberculosis of lungs, kidney diseases, nervous disorders.

The first information about the cedar is lost in the depths of the centuries. Egyptians were buried in Pharaoh's cedar sarcophages. Great demand Enjoyed cedar in Assyrians, ancient Romans, Greeks and other peoples. The Fleet from the cedar built and King Solomon, in his own exceeding the famous temple in Jerusalem was erected - the first house named after the Lord, who was covered inside with cedar boards. On the healing properties of Kedra, the Lord paid attention to the Bible. So, in the third book of Moses, Levites, the cedar tree is mentioned several times as healing and cleansing.

Everything in cedar - needles, resin, wood has high phytoncium. During the day, the hectare of the forest allocates more than 30 kg of volatile organic substances that have huge bactericidal power. It has very high bactericidal healing properties cedar zivitsa. During the Great Patriotic War The tampons impregnated with cedar balsam stopped the beginning gangrene, preventing wounds from infection and suppuration. Folk medicine in their centuries-old practice has always applied a cedar resin. Unlike the resins of others coniferous rocks Zhivitsa cedar is not crystallized for a long time and does not lose its bactericidal qualities. Fat cedar nuts differs from other fats with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic. Proteins predominate from nitrogen substances - they constitute almost 90%. Proteins of cedar nuts are characterized by a high content of amino acids, and arginine prevails among them - up to 20%.

Wood cedar dense, pleasant pink colour, with a beautiful texture and a subtle balsamic aroma. It perfectly gives up more than in the cedar wood: so they say specialists in bioenergy. The Siberian Inventor Nugget Anatoly Chromov proposed to use the raw materials saturated with bioenergy and developed the technology of manufacturing a diverse material " Kedroplast".

Kedroplast can be applied in hospitals, wellness institutions, in children's rooms, in working offices in various types of fatigues, irritability, functional disorders of organs and systems, asthma problems, different allergenic symptoms.

"Kedroplast"- Composite wood material, which includes: a cedar walnut shell, a cedar cone shell, the one that the tree has dropped itself (otherwise the healing properties of the cedar are not preserved), and the cedar resin as a binding element." Kedroplast"- Environmentally friendly material, the only binding element of which is a cedar resin. In this, its uniqueness and most importantly, the difference from the walp and chipboard flooded, from which almost everything is done, and ending with furniture, including children, and ending wall panels. ABOUT dear exposure on all living formaldehyde resins, in large quantities contained in the chipboard and fiberboard, today it is not necessary to speak anyone.

    Profitability increases, the clarity of consciousness improves.

    Functional disorders of the body and fatigue decrease.

    In the surrounding air, the number of harmful bacteria decreases.

    The smell from the "cedroplast" removes aggression and irritability.

    Astmatic and allergic syndromes are facilitated.

    There is a restoration of strength due to the natural correction of the human biofield.

When installing the tile from the head of the bed:

    Sleep time is reduced by rapid recovery Energy and sleeping person.

    The discomfort of the morning awakening is removed by increasing clarity of consciousness.

    Tile applying to the patient places removes pain syndrome.

When installing one tile on the desktop:

    Almost completely blocked computer radiation.

    Decreases harmful effects Any radiating technology up to devices with microwave radiation.

The healing properties of Kedroplast plates are confirmed by numerous studies of the Russian Federation. In the scientific center of information medicine "Treatment" "Informatics" "Diagnostics" "Learning" (NSIM "L.I.D. O."), with the help of a special computer hardware complex, the spectrum of radio emission of biological objects and objects ambientthan and used in experiments with "Cedroplast".

  • A 10-minute contact with the plate leads to a significant improvement in the process of lipid peroxidation (floor)--headed cell adaptation process. Dorganization and breaking of the layers is removed cell membrane (availability of the inner layer to overcoat). However, immunodeficiency, increased enzymatic activity and unbalancement of biochemical processes remain unchanged.
  • In the in vitro conditions, the plate is also even more efficient than in vivo, improves the state of cell adaptation.
  • The identical effect of the in vitro and in vivo plates leads to the conclusion that the plate "works" at the level of the cell membrane.
  • The mechanism of action of the plate is based on the energy purification of cells from other gross vibrations.
  • The plate has active positive natural vibrations (they can be called the "cedar spirit" or "spirit of cedar forest"), which can neutralize negative vibrations from people and spaces (strong negative pollution of the Earth in the infrared region of the spectrum).
  • Clearing from coarse negative vibrations, the plate contributes to an increase in the functional state of cells, organs and the body as a whole, improves well-being.
  • The plate is able to remove informational cancer viruses, SHU, AIDS, reduce the activity of trichomonade, toxoplasm, trypanos, but not chlamydia and other small pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The plate is active only when contacting a person, it does not contain high information, is able to influence a person through a photo.
  • Recommended contact plate with man: at least 5-10 minutes 1-3 times a day.

To date, there are no analogues of this material in the world. It does not contain artificial components that can harm human health, it restores, strengthens and maintains the biological field and the activity of the body. The unique, elite material has biological energy, which is similar to the energy of human cells, organs and the entire body system. This elite material is able to transfer their entire atmosphere, the healing properties and smell of a person. That is why he is so popular.

If you use this material as a facing of the walls of the room, you can see a significant increase in human performance, improving the mood, reducing fatigue, functional disorders and the other. Doctors strongly recommend using cedroplast tiles in various types of rooms.

National manufacturer and supplier the company "Golden Walnut" offers to buy cedroplast wholesale, which has a number of unique properties. Want to cope with diseases, improve the quality of life and lay the foundation of active longevity? The unique properties of the cedar can easily be able to strengthen your health and health of your loved ones if you purchase a cedroplast made in compliance with all modern technological requirements.

When they want to wish a health man, often clarify - Siberian. Icestari for Siberians will hear the Solver about their heroes and strong health. What is the basis of this allegation? In the endless taiga forests of Siberia grows a miracle - a tree called siberian cedar Or, as his scientists call - Botany, Siberian cedar pine (Lat.pínus Sibírica). On the healing properties of cedar people are known since time immemorial, so they widespread the gifts of a natural pharmacy. Cedar oil, nuts, cake, bark, wood, Zhivitsa - All this carries a powerful charge of energy, strength and longevity.

To order

License and strict control of all production steps allow us to implement cedroplast in bulk with compliance with European quality standards. Decorative facing tile The wellness effect is made of cedar cones, cedar shells compressed by cedar resin - with special technologies. It is relatively different from other similar products in that it absolutely does not contain any artificial materials And therefore it is very useful for health.

We provide you with the opportunity to order a cedroplast wholesale from which cabins are produced having a powerful wellness effect. They create an increased concentration of phytoncides, flavonids and other healing components of the Siberian cedar.

Healing properties of cedroplast:

  • Increased stress resistance
  • Treatment of allergic diseases
  • Reducing asthmatic manifestations
  • Treatment of respiratory and cardiovascular system
  • Reducing fatigue, aggressiveness
  • Improvability
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Contributes to the concentration of attention, clarity of consciousness
  • Destroys the pathogenic microorganisms

Where to buy cedroplast wholesale in Moscow and regions?

This unique one natural material It is becoming increasingly popular, both in Russia and abroad. We export goods to the USA, Germany, Saudi Arabia, France and Holland.

Cedar tiles are widely used when designing:

  • rest rooms in offices and residential premises
  • health centers
  • medical institutions
  • boarding houses
  • sanatoriums and profilators.

We offer:

Cedroplast Tile "Branch"

One side "Branch", the other side of the "honeycomb".

The size: 200x250x6 mm.

Price 1m. sq .: 4 320 rub. without VAT

  • shell of cedar walnut

Cedroplast Tile "Autumn-2"

One side "Autumn-2", the other side of the "honeycomb".

The size: 200x250x6 mm.

Price 1m. quarter: 5280 rub. without VAT

"Kedroplast" - composite wood material, which includes:

  • shell of cedar walnut
  • silver of Far Eastern Out
  • the husk of the cedar cones, which the tree dropped itself (to preserve the healing properties)
  • cedar resin as a binding element.

Cedroplast tile "Autumn"

One side "Autumn", the other side of the "honeycomb".

The size: 200x250x6 mm.

Price 1m. quarter: 5280 rub. without VAT

"Kedroplast" - composite wood material, which includes:

  • shell of cedar walnut
  • esters of shishki
  • the husk of the cedar cones, which the tree dropped itself (to preserve the healing properties)
  • cedar resin as a binding element.

Cedroplast Tile Taiga

One side "Taiga", the other side of the "honeycomb".

The size: 200x250x6 mm.

Price 1m. sq .: 4 320 rub. without VAT

"Kedroplast" - composite wood material, which includes:

  • shell of cedar walnut
  • the husk of the cedar cones, which the tree dropped itself (to preserve the healing properties)
  • cedar resin as a binding element.

If you decide to buy cedroplast in Moscow and regions, company specialists LLC "Golden Walnut" Provide you exhaustive information on the terms of delivery, payment.

We offer Certified High Quality Products!

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