Encyclopedia of fire safety

Painting the walls with textured paint with your own hands. Textured wall paints with effects: varieties for interior work Textured paint black and white

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 5 minutes

Modern repair technologies have long moved away from the use of ordinary paper wallpaper and plain oil-based paints. Achieve original effects various surfaces now possible with a wide range of finishing materials. One of the popular ways of finishing is the use of textured paint in the interior. It is a white viscous liquid to which various components are added as needed, such as fillers and colors. Let's try to figure out how textured wall paint is applied with our own hands and what are its distinguishing features.

Advantages and disadvantages of textured paints

Like any other finishing material, textured wall paints have their own weak sides and benefits.

Cons of using textured paint:

  • Big expense. For one square meter wall is spent from 0.6 to 1.5 kilograms of material.
  • Due to the high consumption of such a composition, no matter what price it has, Finishing work at the final cost, they can turn out to be much more expensive than when using ordinary paint or wallpaper.
  • At the next repair, if you decide to make the walls smooth, use panels or wallpaper, the textured layer will have to be completely peeled off.

But this material has much more advantages:

  • Textured is suitable for both external and internal finishing works.
  • With its help, small irregularities and defects on the surface of the walls are easily masked, so the painted wall often does not require prior puttying.
  • The surface of the wall is homogeneous, without seams and joints.
  • You can work on any material - concrete, brick and even wood. For interior work, it does not have to be additionally covered with protective varnishes.
  • Easy-to-use material - finishing can be done by hand, saving on the services of specialists.
  • Fairly easy to clean up.
  • It has the properties of moisture and steam resistance, thanks to which it is suitable even for walls in the bathroom.
  • The finish is resistant to mechanical stress and weather factors (does not crack in the cold, does not fade in the sun, etc.).
  • The composition does not contain harmful toxic substances, so the material can be safely used for finishing living rooms.

Thus, textured paint is great for decorating walls in apartments and outperforms other finishing materials in many respects.

Types of texture paints

Textured paint for application to walls may differ in composition. Different components are added to each type of material to give certain properties.

White paint can take on a bright or muted hue depending on the amount of color added to it.

In general, there are four types of textured paints:

  1. Misuri. This type of material is different in that it can be used to create both textured and smooth surface walls. In its production, modified starch is used.
  2. Marseille wax. This material can be used in rooms with high humidity, such as in bathrooms or swimming pools. A decorative wax is applied on top of the finish layer, which gives it an additional water-repellent effect. With the help of "Marseilles wax" a beautiful imitation of a stone or cork coating is obtained.
  3. Embossed. The easiest paint to use. It is based on acrylic polymers, to which a variety of natural fillers are added to create original textured effects.
  4. Atacama. This is a type of paint with an acrylic base. Atacama paint has a good reflective effect, which is achieved by adding quartz sand and special metallic pigments to it. With its help, you can create a beautiful imitation of velvet on the walls.

The photo below shows different types texture paint.


Fillers to give additional relief and texture to the walls using a similar paint can be as follows:

  • A crumb of granite or marble.
  • Crushed gas silicate.
  • Sand of quartz.
  • Metallic reflective pigments.
  • Wood sawdust.
  • Fibers of natural or synthetic materials.

Final result also depends on the depth and severity of the relief. These parameters differ depending on the size of the particles added to the paint:

  • Fine-grained filler consists of particles whose size does not exceed 0.5 mm.
  • Medium-grained - from fractions ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 millimeter.
  • Coarse-grained - from particles ranging in size from 1 to 2 millimeters.

In addition to these fillers, special pigments are added to the paint, giving it effects. different surfaces(e.g. silk, velvet or mother-of-pearl), special thickeners and even water.

In order not to make a mistake when creating a relief on the wall, you can first practice on a small piece wooden board. In the next photo, the pattern is created using a special roller.

How to create different texture effects

Decorative textured paint allows you to create various reliefs not only with the help of fillers, but also thanks to various methods of applying it to the wall. There are many options and tools for this:

  • Creating a relief with a hard brush, brush. With their help, you can create patterns from stripes, they can be horizontal, vertical or wavy, depending on your preference.
  • With the help of a comb, you can make more pronounced stripes using the same method.

The photo clearly shows how to create interesting effects using textured material.

  • Creating a stone texture with a spatula. Strokes of material are applied to a thin layer of paint from above with a spatula. different distance apart, then reverse side spatula, they are smoothed to the desired effect. This texture is further emphasized with the help of tint varnish or water-based paint. This method is quite difficult to implement.

An interesting effect can be achieved by applying strokes of a different color to the first layer of paint and shading them.

  • Fur or foam. The rough texture on the wall is formed by running an ordinary roller over the paint.
  • Creation of patterns and relief using a figured roller. Special raised patterns on such a roller are imprinted on a freshly applied finish. It is important to run them along the wall from the ceiling to the floor so that the pattern does not interrupt.
  • A large-pore sponge, crumpled paper or cloth will also help create interesting relief on a painted wall. The pattern is made with stamping movements. The photo clearly shows how, using different techniques in working with textured finishing material, you can revive your interior.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Plastering walls using special equipment

When interior decoration of the premises in the house, you can create not just smooth painted walls, but a beautiful relief surface using textured paint. This view will greatly transform the interior, add original details to it. Next, the varieties of textured paint for walls, the features of its choice and application will be considered.

What it is?

Textured paint is a thick viscous mass of high density based on acrylic and polymer components. Substances are often added to the composition, which, when applied, seem to scratch the layer and form a beautiful relief surface. It can be quartz sand, granite or marble chips of the finest grain size, crushed gas silicate, polymer fibers. To give greater density, modified starch is added to the textured paint.

Various types of textured paint are used for exterior and interior works, for facade cladding, finishing walls and ceilings. In fact, this finishing material combines two functions at once - paint and decorative putty. Therefore, repairs are reduced by at least half. Most brands have ingredients that allow a thick coat to dry quickly 1-2 hours after application, so you won't have to wait long.

Besides, quality species textured paint has the following advantages:

  • do not contain acetone and other solvents, so during the work there is no persistent pungent odor;
  • created on the basis of harmless components, safe, do not corrode the skin if it gets on hands;
  • sufficiently resistant to damage and durable;
  • when applied, fill small cracks and crevices, leveling the surface;
  • resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, the effects of fungus and bacteria;
  • vapor-permeable, so air circulation will occur in the room after repair;
  • these materials are fireproof.

Before deciding to finish the walls in the room with textured paint, it is worth remembering some of its shortcomings:

  • thick layers require a large consumption of material;
  • if you want to repaint a section of the wall, then old layer must be removed.

Despite these disadvantages, this paint is very practical and very popular in modern repairs. Its main advantage for beginners is the ease of application. The process is clear and easy, does not require complex building tools. Many are satisfied with the advantage that the walls do not need to be putty before painting.

Main characteristics

Textured paint is applied to the wall, it is intended for interior and facade works, differs in a dense consistence and high density.

Textured finishing allows you to reduce the time of work. Roughness and other minor flaws are not visible on the relief surface. The material performs the functions of putty and decorative layer. Before starting work, it is enough to eliminate major defects.

Main characteristics of structural wall paint:

  • service life up to 20 years;
  • preservation of properties at temperatures from −40 to +40 °С;
  • resistance to direct sunlight;
  • low exposure to moisture;
  • ensuring the vapor permeability of the walls;
  • high adhesion with concrete, drywall, brick, plaster;
  • antistatic properties (does not accumulate dust);
  • environmental friendliness and safety for the environment.

What is the difference

Textured wall paint is thicker than oil or enamel paints. To carry out the work, additional tools are required: rollers, brushes, sponges.

The use of traditional types of cladding involves careful preparation of the walls. Textured paint allows you to get a relief surface and hide existing defects.

Texture paints contain insoluble elements of various sizes: natural substances (sand, marble or granite chips) and synthetic (polymer fibers).
Types of texture paint

Depending on the type of filler included in the composition, there are several types of texture paints. When choosing a material, the effect to be obtained is taken into account.

Kinds structural paints for walls by composition:

  • Acrylic. Created on water based and are plastic. Odorless, no harm environment. Suitable for processing facades and interiors.
  • Vinyl. Suitable for facade work, as they have increased resistance to external factors.
  • silicate. They include liquid glass. When textured walls are painted, they form a durable protective layer, they are used for cladding the facades of buildings. The main disadvantage is a significant expense.
  • Mineral. Moisture-resistant coating based on cement, well passes steam, but unstable to temperature fluctuations. Used for decorating rooms.
  • Silicone. Produced on the basis of silicone emulsion. Suitable for processing concrete structures. Paint and varnish bulk material, odorless.

The main varieties according to the type of surface created:

  • "Relief". Creates an uneven surface due to the presence of sawdust and quartz chips in the composition. The degree of relief depends on the concentration and size of impurities.
  • "Wet silk". Consists of pigments, cotton or cellulose fibers. Cladding option for interior decoration walls imitating silk or velor.
  • "Marseille wax". Produced on the basis of synthetic wax fillers, imitates stone lining, is not affected by moisture.
  • "Atacama". The main filler is quartz sand. After its application, the walls acquire a metallic sheen.
  • "Mizuri". The composition includes starch and acrylic impurities. With its help create relief or flat surfaces. For "Mizuri" is characterized by the presence of a glossy sheen.

What are the types of textured paint for wall decoration

For wall decoration, a wide variety of textures are used, which differ in composition, types of textures and color.

Varieties of textured paint for interior decoration

The main criterion for choosing textured paint is its basis, in connection with this, finishing materials for interior work are classified into the following varieties.

Type of texture Description
Vinyl It has excellent protection against external factors.
Acrylic Water-based, has good plasticity, but is unstable to ultraviolet.
silicate The composition includes liquid glass, which protects from external influences. Of the minuses, a large consumption of material should be noted.
Silicone It has excellent plasticity and resistance to mechanical stress.
Mineral As part of cement, it has excellent vapor permeability and moisture resistance. For use in outdoor decoration additional additives are required.

Before choosing a texture, you should study its properties.

Characteristics of textured paint for outdoor use

Textured paints are often used for finishing exterior surfaces; when choosing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations on the package. They must have:

  • water resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Since the texture layer is thicker, it will take longer to dry, so you need to choose textures that include special additives that speed up these processes.

The use of textured compositions for outdoor decoration has its advantages: a relief coating does not require an ideal base, in addition, it will hide small irregularities

All the pros and cons of textured wall paints

Textured paint is very popular, and there are a number of explanations for this:

  • long service life without loss of original characteristics. With proper care, it will last at least 10 years;
  • if necessary, you can update the coating, while the old one does not need to be removed;
  • hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness;
  • you can create a monolithic surface;
  • easy care, wet cleaning of the washable surface is allowed;
  • versatility - suitable for both living rooms and kitchens.

Before choosing an invoice, you should also familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages:

  • texture consumption is 1,000 g/m², when applying several layers, the cost of the coating will be high. It is necessary to calculate the painting budget in advance;
  • to obtain a high-quality result, leveling of the base is required;
  • To create an unusual effect, certain skills in applying plaster are needed.

Textured paint for interior decoration: features of use

To decorate the interior of living rooms, you can use any textured paint intended for interior decoration. Most often, preference is given to acrylic and silicone compounds. However, the use of mineral compositions is also possible.

When decorating the interior, not only the walls or the entire ceiling can be designed, but also individual zones. With the help of these compositions, columns, pilasters or beams are formed. We offer you to see interesting solutions that were used in the design various premises:

Textured exterior paint

For facade decoration, manufacturers offer a wide range of products. When choosing a suitable option for outdoor work, you should pay attention to the compositions, the basis of which is:

  • vinyl. Plastic or vinyl filler acts as a binder. Such material is relevant only when performing outdoor work. The formed coating demonstrates low permeability, but at the same time has high adhesion. It can be applied to any bases, protecting them from negative external influences. The composition is difficult to work with;
  • acrylic. Large range of colors. Ease of application. The possibility of forming intricate reliefs. The coating is exposed to ultraviolet radiation;
  • silicone. Modern textured paint is used to form a durable vapor-permeable coating that allows you to protect the base from moisture and other negative factors. Helps to mask defects;
  • polymers or silicates. Liquid glass is the main component used in the formation of a paintwork on the facade. With high vapor permeability, it shows good adhesion to the substrate. Repels pollution, protects from external factors;
  • mineral components. The basis is cement. Due to the low resistance to temperature fluctuations after winter, cracks may appear on the surface, which limits the use in the design of facades.

Self-adding fillers

The specificity of mixtures not only allows, but also implies experiments with the composition. By adding certain ingredients, you can adjust the structure of the relief and its density, change the tactile sensations from the finished surface, or functionally adapt it to a particular room.

Handmade textured paint provides full scope for creativity. Possible additives:

  • sand;
  • stone chips;
  • fabric fibers;
  • reflective elements, broken glass;
  • seashells;
  • sawdust and more.

With the help of special additives, it is possible to achieve effects in which the coating will look like fabric, cork, silk or metal. And from the photo, the textured paint will be completely unrecognizable.

However, you need to understand that if you overdo it with additives, this will give the desired appearance, but not for the better will affect the quality and durability of the result.

Ways to manually emboss

In the matter of obtaining a unique pattern, an alternative or addition is the method of applying textured paint to the surface. With the help of ordinary tools and improvised means, without special artistic abilities, you can get results that, with a clear conscience, will be called works of art.

A simple spatula allows you to simulate a rocky surface, it is enough to adapt with clear, quick movements to cover the wall with cross layers. For most people who know the basics of repair, this effect turns out by itself, without intent.

But sponges and rollers are designed to obtain a more conscious and solid, but uncomplicated "torn" coating, which can often be seen on the facades of old Soviet buildings of the Stalin era.

And do not be embarrassed by the flaking of such buildings, they have already outlived their own, moreover, the use of modern silicate solutions will avoid such a fate.

The original texture will be provided by a simple rough fabric, although in this case it will be necessary to correctly select color scheme, otherwise the idea will be noticeable only upon closer examination.

Will be useful for lovers of creativity and brushes with hard bristles, crumpled paper, as well as ropes that can be wound on a roller and see a semblance of bamboo thickets on the wall.

The use of stencils and household items stands apart. Or even your own hands and feet. For example, textured paint on the ceiling, designed in this way, is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Manufacturers Overview

Manufacturer amourcolor produces textured paints of high quality, resistant to wear. Customers are provided with 3 product options: Tactite with a suede or mosaic surface, Perlata with a pearl sheen and Escenta with a variety of halftones. All paints are water-based and environmentally friendly.

domestic manufacturer "Lacra" offers paints with various textures: embossed, Mizuri, wet silk and others. All products of high quality can be purchased at a bargain price.

Russian company VGT produces paint and varnish products since 1992. It is possible to purchase different kinds paints with texture: facade and interior, water-based, crack-resistant.

The products are ideal for our climate. It has a lot of positive reviews. In the video below you can watch a master class from the manufacturer "VGT" on applying textured paint with the "Travertine" effect.

Manufacturer from France blancolor supplies many types of resistant materials for decorative finishes walls. Among them are Essuyables translucent paint, Tradimurs silk based on cellulose fibers, Effets Platre Cires with the effect of waxed plaster and many other types.

Paints with texture from the manufacturer Clavel have a variety of colors, perfectly imitate silk, brocade, velvet on the walls. There are different types of design - from antique to modern. The composition uses environmentally friendly components.

What to consider when choosing?

In a bedroom, living room or hall, it would be good to choose a textured paint for velvet or silk, the choice depends on the rest of the interior details and the preferences of the owners. For the ceiling of a living room in an apartment, it is worth using not too embossed views, preferably light colors.

In rooms with high humidity, it is worth choosing a waterproof or water-dispersion paint for the bathroom. In the kitchen, where the likelihood of contamination is high, a washable variety of such coatings will be relevant.

For facade work, you need to buy the appropriate brands with resistance to adverse weather conditions. Acrylic that fades in the sun should not be used, but it is better to choose vinyl varieties.

Features of the choice of washable textured paint for the walls of the kitchen, corridor and bathroom

For bathrooms, you should choose coatings that have increased moisture resistance. In the kitchen and in the hallway, there is a high probability of contamination, so the main criterion is the possibility wet cleaning. Having studied all the compositions, we can say that preference should be given to acrylic paint - it has excellent characteristics and a rich palette of shades. With the help of interesting application techniques, you can achieve a unique visual effect.

What texture paint is suitable for living rooms

Silicate textured paint is suitable for ceilings in living rooms, provided that the surface is well leveled beforehand. The coating has a translucent structure and will emphasize all defects. It should be applied in an even layer without additional relief, it is advisable to choose light shades. And for the walls, you can choose a texture with an unusual effect, for example, velvet or wet silk.

Textured exterior paint

For exterior decoration of buildings, you should choose textured paint, which includes special additives that increase the resistance of the coating to temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity. Acrylic compositions fade in the sun, so it is better to refuse them, but vinyl mixtures are just right for painting facades. In addition, silicone and silicate textures can be used.

Textured wall paints with unusual effects

In addition to the standard coating, textured wall paints allow you to create a layer with various effects. Compositions with the effect of mother-of-pearl or silk look spectacular. This type relevant for small rooms that you want to fill with light. Silk plaster is predominantly light colors. The direction of the light flux changes the shade of these coatings, due to which they are sometimes called "chameleons".

Attention! Externally, the coating looks like a stretched silk fabric with a characteristic pearl sheen created by pigment additives.

When creating an exclusive interior of a room, textured wall painting is an excellent solution. Such a finish does not require special skills or sophisticated equipment, all work is carried out exclusively by hand, which allows you to show imagination and realize design solutions. For painting, special textural and decorative mixtures or traditional compositions applied in a certain way are used.

For painting, any traditional types of compositions can be used, but best result achieved by choosing special options, which are divided into decorative and textural.

Decorative varieties include:

  • Mother-of-pearl. Imitate silk fabrics.
  • Mosaic. Due to the application with a spray gun, an interesting texture is formed.
  • Velor. The inclusion of hard particles gives the coating depth and softness.

Combined decor gives good results

But special attention deserve texture paints, which make it possible to obtain a relief surface. This category includes the following options:

  • Marseille wax. Allows you to create amazing custom structures.
  • Misuri. The resulting layer may have a well-defined relief.
  • Atacama. The necessary texture is achieved due to sand and metal particles in the composition.
  • Mixes with natural fillers. It can be sawdust or quartz chips.

Each type of composition gives its own texture.

To enhance the effect, varnish or wax is used.

On a note! In addition to creating decorative relief, this method of painting allows you to hide minor defects walls.

Options for obtaining the desired invoice

To obtain an unusual relief, there are various ways that use a variety of different instruments and fixtures.

In general, any suitable materials and tools can be used for the job. Even with your hands you can create an interesting relief.

If desired, with simple tools, you can create genuine masterpieces on the walls.

Advice! All created effects it is recommended to test on a small area of ​​plywood or cardboard, this will give an idea of ​​​​the final result.

How to apply paint

To get it right, the process is broken down into three standard sequential steps: preparation, grounding, and painting.


Action algorithm:

The surface must be smooth and without defects. If you want to enhance the visual effect, then the base is given the desired geometry in advance. An example is a small wall slope from top to bottom, which will be an excellent addition to horizontal straight or wavy stripes.

Primer application

Priming is an important procedure that ensures reliable adhesion of the applied composition. Solution deep penetration is laid with a roller, it is necessary to process all areas. The number of layers varies from 2 to 3, before applying the next coating, wait for the previous one to dry completely.

The application of primer is a mandatory procedure for any artistic finish.

It is better to choose the composition of a well-known and trusted manufacturer, this will guarantee a good result.


To get beautiful textured walls exclusively with your own hands, you need to follow some rules, especially when using special texture compositions:

  • Preparation of the solution is carried out exclusively according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to dilute such mixtures, only if necessary, but the amount of thinner should not exceed 1-2% of the total paint volume.
  • The surface is divided into conditional sections. Due to the rapid setting of the composition (15 minutes), the mixture should be applied to an area of ​​​​no more than 2–3 m 2. This will create the desired relief.
  • The design is thought out in advance and the necessary texture is selected.

If any pattern is provided, then marking is performed before applying the compositions

General painting technology:

  1. The base coat is applied first. For this, a water-based acrylic composition is suitable. The need for such a layer is determined individually.
  2. Then the base is laid. The right tool the desired relief is formed.
  3. After drying, the surface is covered with wax or varnish.

There are 4 basic ways to apply texture to the wall

You can simplify the work by inviting a partner who will be responsible for the texture or application of the composition.

Should know! Lighting is an important detail. You should paint with exposed light sources, this will allow you to evaluate the resulting texture and, if necessary, make adjustments.

To get an excellent result, staining should be carried out in good light.

Methods for applying textured paint

There are various methods that allow you to realize the ideas of decorating a house or apartment.

This technology includes two methods:

With a regular comb, you can apply a very original pattern.

In both cases, at the final stage, the surface is treated with a transparent or matt varnish.

stone effect

This finish allows you to get a textured coating that imitates stone cladding. Scheme of work:

Each method must be adapted to a specific situation, this will allow not only to realize the idea you like, but also to achieve individuality.

VIDEO: how to apply textured paint on the walls with your own hands

When standard coloring was already starting to become boring, and sophisticated consumers wanted something new, they had to think about creating a new type of paint that would be different from their counterparts. And the point is not only in the characteristics and color, but also in appearance. Through experiments, a textured paint for the walls was created, which is also embossed.

It has many distinctive features in comparison with its counterparts. The end result exceeds all expectations. It is impossible to say right away what it is: just paint, decorative plaster or bas-relief. However, the use of relief paints requires skill and careful preparation.

Description of paintwork material and composition

A feature of textured paint in the composition, thanks to which a relief and three-dimensional pattern is created on the wall. This is no longer just a colored surface, but a work of art. Such paints and varnishes are made on polymer base. They are used for interior decoration, as well as for processing the facade.

By appearance textured coatings resemble an aqueous emulsion, only in addition to the usual substances, other fillers are present in the composition. It:

  • gas silicate chips;
  • sand;
  • particles with a reflective metal surface;
  • synthetic or natural fibers;
  • crumb of natural marble or granite;
  • wood shavings.

The relief and depth of the patterns depends on the fraction of the filler:

  • fine-grained, the diameter of which is not more than 0.5 mm;
  • medium-grained, with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 mm;
  • coarse-grained, containing fractions with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm.

It is thanks to the inclusion of these components in the composition of paints and varnishes, as well as by uneven application, that a relief surface can be formed. But, in order to preserve the structure, textured paint is made more viscous and thick.

Note! If for painting with ordinary paint you have to align the walls to the ideal, spend time and money on eliminating all defects, then textured compositions allow you to avoid all this. They themselves will hide all the imperfections of the surface.

Decorative textured paint is usually sold in white. This is a base that can be tinted into one of the selected options. There are also ready-made color options for paints and varnishes, with a pigment added to the composition in advance. Depending on the main component, there are several types of textured paints and varnishes.

Types of texture paints

Textured coatings are made from the following materials:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • mineral filler;
  • silicates.

Lineups on acrylic base form on the surface of a reliable decorative layer wear resistant. The coating turns out to be slightly matte and has excellent adhesion properties to any surface: concrete, aerated concrete, plaster, drywall, brick.

Acrylic itself is afraid of temperature changes and high humidity. To offset these shortcomings, liquid latex polymers are added to the composition. They improve water-repellent properties and make the textured coating elastic.

As for the silicone compositions for the walls in the apartment, they have a large scope of use. Can be applied to metal plastic, enamel, glass and ceramic surfaces. They are not afraid of temperature changes, as the composition is elastic and durable. Textured paint will not fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays, does not deteriorate with alkalis and is moisture resistant. The best option- for kitchen walls, as after application a strong vapor-tight film is formed.

Attention! It is logical that the cost of silicone-based paints and varnishes is much higher, but the quality is excellent. These paints can be used both outside and inside.

Mineral coatings are the cheapest and are sold in powder form (it is dry). Made from cement and lime. These compounds are used for external works. They often process a change house, a barn, warehouses and similar non-residential buildings.

Silicate products are the most expensive, as textured paint is practical and has many advantages. It is not afraid of moisture, external factors, easy to use and maintain, able to repel dirt and dust.

Textured painting applied to previously primed surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages of textured paints

Before you do the textured painting of the walls with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the products. This will allow you to effectively use them for your own purposes.

Let's start with the cons, since there are very few of them:

  1. Foundation preparation required. Although it is not as grandiose as with ordinary paints, it is.
  2. The complexity of working with textured compositions.
  3. The high cost of finishing. Even if the textured wall paint is made by hand, this will not help reduce the consumption, which is 1 kg / m2.

These are all obvious cons. Pluses, the use of textured paint, much more:

  1. Long service life. On average, it can last 10 years. Even quality wallpaper cannot produce such results.
  2. If the old layer began to deteriorate, it is enough to update it. A new layer of paintwork material is applied, without removing the previous one.
  3. Such compounds are safe and environmentally friendly. They can be used in the children's room.
  4. Textured coatings are able to mask small wall defects, cracks and irregularities.
  5. They are highly resistant to mechanical stress and do not fade in the sun. Prevents the formation of mold on the surface of the walls.
  6. A high-quality monolithic coating is created.
  7. Ease of care, as the painted surface can be washed. The paint has dirt-repellent properties, which is appropriate for corners and areas near sockets and switches.
  8. Huge opportunities for creating a variety of textures, colors and shades, patterns, etc. The coating is original and unique.
  9. There is an opportunity to experiment and implement the most different ideas. For work, rollers with a pattern, sponges and other improvised tools are used. It all depends on the desired result.
  10. Versatility. The paintwork material is suitable for decorating kitchens, bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms and bathrooms. Even the corridor and facade can be painted.
  11. Depending on the composition, the layer turns out to be vapor-permeable, the air calmly passes through the walls, creating an optimal microclimate in the room.

Now it's clear why textured paint is so popular.

Use of relief paints

Decorative plaster is thicker and needs to be applied in a thick layer. With textured paint, the opposite is true. It is liquid and thin enough to create a textured surface. Therefore, the work is not so difficult and is completed faster.

Adhesion of the paint material on high level so it can be used on any surface. This and wooden panels, and metal, and concrete, and plaster. Therefore, the scope of use is simply huge. With the help of textured paints, both facades and walls inside are processed.

Facade painting

The facade suffers from external factors, such as: temperature changes, the influence of UV rays, wind load, precipitation, high humidity, mechanical stress. This means that not every textured paint is suitable for coloring, because it is presented with special requirements. List of main ones:

  1. High strength.
  2. Abrasion resistance.
  3. Resistance to mechanical influence.
  4. Immunity to moisture and temperature extremes.

It is silicone water dispersions that meet all these requirements. Textured wall painting water-based paint It will not be cheap, but the result will be excellent. The facade is reliably protected, has an attractive and original appearance.

Advice! To save money, you can add latex to the acrylic composition. It will give the substance the necessary characteristics for outdoor use.

Much depends on the company that produces paintwork materials. Good reviews have textured paint Dufa, Lacra, Latek, Conor, Feidal Fassadenfarbe Relief and VGT. And if you finish the finish using acrylic lacquer, then the walls will be protected from scratches and water. LKM will become resistant to cracks.

In the interior

All surfaces inside (walls and ceiling) are treated with a decorative relief mixture. It doesn't matter what room it is. It is possible to highlight certain elements in the interior, for example, paint only columns, arches, beams, pilasters, or just make one of the walls.

The requirements for coatings used in the interior are lower, and therefore the price is more affordable. However, bathrooms and kitchens need water-resistant, textured paints that can be washed to remove dirt and stains.

If we talk about the manufacturer, then Lacra again occupies the leading position here, as well as Alpina. The first option is domestic, the second - German production. There is no doubt about their quality. Used for offices, halls and landings.

Do-it-yourself textured paint

Save a little, allow the creation of the coloring matter yourself. The job is easy if you follow the instructions. Before you make textured paint with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following components:

  1. Paint base. Silicone compounds are suitable for outdoor work, and acrylic or water-based ones are suitable for indoor work.
  2. Coloring pigment or color. You can get different shades just by mixing white paint with color.
  3. Filler of any faction. We listed them earlier.

The relief depends on the proportions. Here everything is mixed by eye, taking into account the desired result. The only point is to add filler wisely. If there is a lot of it, the textured paint will peel off the surface and crumble.

The coloring pigment is injected directly into the jar with paintwork material. The more color, the brighter and richer the color will be. After the components are mixed manually or mechanical method. It is impossible to allow foaming of the composition, making pauses.

The filler is also poured into a bucket or can of paint. To make it rough, it is enough to add from 5 to 10% of pure sand. Everything is mixed until done. After that, textured paint can be applied to the surface.

Variants of possible reliefs

After application, textured paint may manifest itself in different ways. There are some popular effects used for indoor decoration.

List of basic reliefs:

Much depends on the tools used. Even with ordinary textured paint, an original effect is created on the surface if you choose the right tool.

Application options

What tools should be used to work with relief paintwork? List:

This is the main list of tools, but if you show imagination, you can make the wall original using other improvised means.

Technology for applying textured paints

It consists of surface preparation and application itself. The preparation includes:

  1. Inspection, tapping with a hammer. If the plaster does not hold well, fix it.
  2. Large cracks are puttied.
  3. Primer application to improve adhesion and reduce consumption.

Important! To achieve maximum quality, the applied composition and base must be at room temperature.

Immediately before application, the composition is mixed. After that, you can get to work. However, there are some rules:

  1. To give the desired texture, you need to apply a thick layer of coloring matter.
  2. Treat the entire surface at once so that joints do not form. You can't take long breaks.
  3. The working tool is prepared in advance.
  4. After the coating has dried, the surface can be varnished or additionally painted with acrylic paint.

If everything is done correctly, then the quality of the treated surface will be at a high level. Textured paint is a modern finishing material, thanks to which you can diversify the interior of the house. At the base is a filler that forms a pattern on the surface. And using different tools and application techniques, a very different relief is created on the wall. Although such coloring will not be cheap, it will surprise guests and family members with its beauty, originality and luxury.

When interior decoration of the premises in the house, you can create not just smooth painted walls, but a beautiful relief surface using textured paint. This view will greatly transform the interior, add original details to it. Next, the varieties of textured paint for walls, the features of its choice and application will be considered.

What it is?

Textured paint is a thick viscous mass of high density based on acrylic and polymer components. Substances are often added to the composition, which, when applied, seem to scratch the layer and form a beautiful relief surface. It can be quartz sand, granite or marble chips of the finest grain size, crushed gas silicate, polymer fibers. To give greater density, modified starch is added to the textured paint.

Various types of textured paint are used for exterior and interior work, for facade cladding, finishing walls and ceilings. In fact, this finishing material combines two functions at once - paint and decorative putty. Therefore, repairs are reduced by at least half. Most brands have ingredients that allow a thick coat to dry quickly 1-2 hours after application, so you won't have to wait long.

In addition, high-quality types of textured paint have the following advantages:

  • do not contain acetone and other solvents, so during the work there is no persistent pungent odor;
  • created on the basis of harmless components, safe, do not corrode the skin if it gets on hands;
  • sufficiently resistant to damage and durable;
  • when applied, fill small cracks and crevices, leveling the surface;
  • resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, the effects of fungus and bacteria;
  • vapor-permeable, so air circulation will occur in the room after repair;
  • these materials are fireproof.

Before deciding to finish the walls in the room with textured paint, it is worth remembering some of its shortcomings:

  • thick layers require a large consumption of material;
  • if you want to repaint a section of the wall, then the old layer must be removed.

Despite these disadvantages, this paint is very practical and very popular in modern repairs. Its main advantage for beginners is the ease of application. The process is clear and easy, not requiring complex construction tools. Many are satisfied with the advantage that the walls do not need to be putty before painting.

What is the difference?

By its consistency, textured paint is much thicker than the usual types used for exterior and interior decoration: enamel, oil, acrylic. Therefore, when working with it, you will have to use slightly different tools and methods of application. The structural component is also different: if the main task of traditional types of paints is to make the wall even, then with the help of textured, on the contrary, they achieve a relief surface.

The composition of textured paints, unlike other types, may include fine-grained insoluble elements, which, when applied, give waves, roughness or other volumetric effect. The components of these brands are extremely diverse - from natural sand to complex polymers.

Unlike other types of coloring materials, textured paint does not require leveling the surface with base and finishing putty before application. Ideally smooth, zero-drawn walls are not needed, and this also simplifies the work.

To apply different types of textured paint, not only a roller or brush is required, other tools may be needed.

Types and characteristics

For interior wall decoration, several dozen types of textured paint are used. They differ in ingredients, purpose, shades and types of textures.

First, consider the most common textures of these materials:

  • "Mizuri"- is made on the basis of modified starch and acrylic fillers. It can be used to create smooth or texture surfaces with smooth curved waves. Thanks to the pigments, various shades can be obtained; when dried, the surface has a characteristic glossy sheen. A distinctive feature of this paint is that it is applied mainly by hand.

  • "Marseille wax"- paint based on artificial wax fillers. After drying, it looks like an aged stone with dark and light areas, the surface becomes shiny. This variety is a good protection against moisture and fumes. It is used for various rooms, the stone effect can add sophistication and nobility to the interior.
  • decorative paint "wet silk" contains cellulose or cotton fibers and coloring polymer pigments, giving different shades. The painted surface will not have such a three-dimensional relief as the Mizuri, but its appearance will be very impressive. Various brands of "wet silk" with the effect of velvet or velor will bring a chic atmosphere to the interior, under the influence of light the patterns will shimmer like silk threads, changing their shade from different angles.

  • Textured paint type "Atacama" contains quartz sand in its composition, which gives the effect of a rough surface. Special fillers give a cold metallic sheen, it seems that the wall is covered with an old mirror or steel sheet, the look is very original and spectacular.
  • Texture "shagreen" imitates the unevenness of the coating on concrete, metal or plaster. She looks like orange peel or sandpaper. Depending on the components, the "craters" on the surface can be from hundredths to several millimeters wide.

  • Type of textures "relief" with solid particles can have a variety of effects: cracking, smudges, waves, bark beetle and others. To create the desired texture for paint, use certain application methods. "Relief" can be monophonic or have several shades.
  • Silk plaster or liquid wallpaper- This is an interior decoration material. The composition contains cellulose fibers and polymers, giving a special velvet effect on the wall. Mostly light shades are used.

Textured paints can also be used for outdoor work: for the facade of a building and small architectural forms. They must be waterproof and frost resistant. To do this, you should look at the packaging in advance, water-dispersion and facade brands are suitable. In addition, there universal types suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.

Depending on the basis, textured paints can be as follows:

  • acrylic types have high plasticity, are made on a water basis without solvents. Their advantage is harmlessness, lack of odors, the ability to use both at home and on the street. The disadvantages include poor protection from sunlight.
  • vinyl paints, having protection from external influences, are widely used for facade work. Due to their high plasticity, it is difficult to obtain a three-dimensional texture from them. Adheres well to any surface.

  • silicate species contain liquid glass, due to which, when dried, they form protective film. Therefore, they are widely used in outdoor decoration. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high consumption.
  • silicone paints used for outdoor and indoor work. Very plastic and resistant.
  • Mineral textured paints based on cement, moisture resistant and vapor permeable, but sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, they are not recommended for outdoor use.

Any type of the described varieties for interior or exterior decoration has many texture options and a varied palette, the choice depends only on the tastes of the owner.

Color palette

Relief types and "Mizuri" have a large set of basic shades - from white to maroon. "Marseilles wax" can be beige, brown, wood-like. The texture of the surface treated with Atacama paint may have a noble metallic sheen of gold or silver. Textures "shagreen" are silvery black or light. Wet silk paint has a rich palette of colors: green, burgundy, dark blue, brown and others.

Manufacturers Overview

Manufacturer amourcolor produces textured paints of high quality, resistant to wear. Customers are provided with 3 product options: Tactite with a suede or mosaic surface, Perlata with a pearl sheen and Escenta with a variety of halftones. All paints are water-based and environmentally friendly.

domestic manufacturer "Lacra" offers paints with various textures: embossed, Mizuri, wet silk and others. All products of high quality can be purchased at a bargain price.

Russian company VGT produces paint and varnish products since 1992. It is possible to purchase various types of textured paints: facade and interior, water-based, crack-resistant.

The products are ideal for our climate. It has a lot of positive reviews. In the video below you can watch a master class from the manufacturer "VGT" on applying textured paint with the "Travertine" effect.

Manufacturer from France blancolor supplies many types of resistant materials for decorative wall decoration. Among them are Essuyables translucent paint, Tradimurs silk based on cellulose fibers, Effets Platre Cires with the effect of waxed plaster and many other types.

Paints with texture from the manufacturer Clavel have a variety of colors, perfectly imitate silk, brocade, velvet on the walls. There are different types of design - from antique to modern. The composition uses environmentally friendly components.

What to consider when choosing?

In a bedroom, living room or hall, it would be good to choose a textured paint for velvet or silk, the choice depends on the rest of the interior details and the preferences of the owners. For the ceiling of a living room in an apartment, it is worth using not too embossed views, preferably light colors.

In rooms with high humidity, it is worth choosing a waterproof or water-dispersion paint for the bathroom. In the kitchen, where the likelihood of contamination is high, a washable variety of such coatings will be relevant.

For facade work, you need to buy the appropriate brands with resistance to adverse weather conditions. Acrylic that fades in the sun should not be used, but it is better to choose vinyl varieties.

Subtleties of application

Do it right with your own hands with the help of this material won't be too difficult. This work can be done even by beginners in the construction business. A wall that needs to be covered with textured paint does not need an ideal finishing putty, but large irregularities and cracks will have to be eliminated. For this you can use cement mortar or epoxy putty. After that, the surface is cleaned of dust and primed with a deep penetration acrylic primer.

It is best to work in rubber or rubberized gloves. Despite the fact that most textured paints do not have a harmful effect on the skin, it will not be superfluous to protect your hands. Before painting, it is necessary to protect floors and furniture from contamination, for example, cover them with plastic wrap.

Interior paint for interiors is applied to walls in several ways.

A thick pile terry roller is the most common tool for ordinary paints, it is also convenient for applying textured, not too thick compositions.

For the convenience of work, in order not to build a ladder, you can put it on a long fishing rod, which is sold in construction stores. It is quite enough for the height of a standard city apartment.

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